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Good Narrative Essay Example
Crafting an essay on the topic "Good Narrative Essay Example" presents a unique set of
challenges that require a combination of creativity, storytelling skills, and a keen understanding
of the elements that make a narrative compelling. The difficulty lies in striking a balance between
providing a clear example while also ensuring that the essay itself serves as a noteworthy
illustration of effective narrative writing.
Firstly, the task involves selecting an appropriate example that not only aligns with the theme but
also encompasses the essential elements of a well-crafted narrative. This requires thorough
research and analysis to find a story that is both engaging and capable of serving as a model for
the intended purpose. The challenge is not only in locating a suitable example but also in
understanding the nuances that make it exemplary.
Next, the essay writer must effectively convey the key elements of the chosen narrative example.
This involves translating the storytelling techniques, character development, plot structure, and
thematic elements into a written form that is both insightful and instructive. Striking the right
balance between analysis and description is crucial, as the essay should not only showcase the
narrative but also provide a clear understanding of why it serves as a prime example.
Furthermore, constructing a well-organized and coherent essay is essential to ensure that the
narrative example is presented in a logical and impactful manner. Transitioning between different
aspects of the example while maintaining a smooth flow requires careful planning and attention
to detail. The challenge is to seamlessly weave the analysis with the narrative, creating a
cohesive piece that is both informative and engaging.
Lastly, the essay should reflect the writer's own voice and perspective while remaining focused
on the chosen example. This demands a level of creativity and personal insight that adds depth to
the analysis. Balancing the objective examination of the narrative example with subjective
interpretations can be challenging but is crucial to providing a comprehensive understanding for
the reader.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic "Good Narrative Essay Example" is a complex task
that demands a blend of research, analytical skills, and creative expression. Successfully
navigating through the challenges involved in selecting, analyzing, and presenting a narrative
example requires dedication and a deep appreciation for the art of storytelling.
For assistance with similar essays or a variety of topics, one can explore the resources available on, where a range of writing services and examples can be accessed to facilitate
the essay writing process.
Good Narrative Essay Example Good Narrative Essay Example
Mcdonald s Case Study Analysis
McDonalds Case
McDonalds have dominated the fast food world for years since their humble
beginnings. Over the years they have proved the test of time and been the number
one fast food restaurant in sales. Through dynamic market expansion, new products,
and special promotional strategies they have been able to take over the world of fast
food. McDonald s is a completely global company that has been effective in catering
to each need of a country they enter. In 1993 they opened a McCafe which is a
coffee house inspired McDonalds in Australia and has grown to more than 300 units
in 17 countries. They have brought the idea to America in hopes that I will change
any negative image that consumers already have against them. ... Show more content
on ...
Another problem for McDonalds is that more and more people are looking for
healthier requirements from their meals. The American society is beginning to
become more health conscious about what they ingest into their bodies, which
makes many opt out of eating at McDonalds. Many are moving from eating
hamburgers and replacing it with sandwiches. Subway is leading the industry with
more than 13,000 US outlets. Consumers are requiring cleaner and fresher looking
restaurants and food service for their money and people are willing to pay a couple
dollars more for a better dining experience... said Mitchell Speiser, analyst at
Leman Brothers. McDonalds is now forced to invest more revenue into their
physical stores in order to shed the Cheap and greasy image that has became of
them. All of these problems play a part in the fact that net income has been
declining. From 2000 to 2001 net income shrunk by seventeen percent to $1.64
Billion. This is a major drop in one year and should be a main concern for
McDonalds. Even though McDonald s U.S. market share remained about that of
competitors, it grew slower. Its share was up 2.2 percent in 200 compared to 2.7
percent growth for Burger King Corp. and 2.5 percent of Wendy s International. If
McDonalds fails to address these prevalent problems they may continue to lose more
market share and their customer
The On Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness
In the United States, we really put an emphasis on liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. It is one of our founding principles; however, in some areas, we seem to
want to limit that. For example, in our education system, our society has been
arguing for quite some time about whether or not there should be options or whether
everyone should be required to attend the standard brick and mortar public schools.
While those schools serve a critical purpose in our society, that does not mean that
other types of schools are worthless. Because we are all different, we need to value
and provide options in our education.
Not every person learns in the same way. Our brains process things differently, and
our personalities can be vastly different. Trying to make every student conform to
the same way of learning is like trying to fit a circle in a square peg; it does not
work. According to the National Science Teachers Association, Students actually
learn best through various styles: personal meaning, conceptual learning, how
things work, and self discovery. The article goes on to say that those who learn by
personal meaning process things well using discussion, while those who learn best
by conceptual learning are more solitary. As you can see, the former would
probably do well in group learning; however, the latter may benefit from being at
home or in a solitary environment. Some kids might like to learn with hands on
learning while others like to learn from books.
The Great Gatsby Love Quotes
Saurabh Chawla quotes Never fall in love with anyone or anything you are obsessed
with. Remember, Love is eternal, but Obsession dies out too soon! (Saurabh Chawla)
In the Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald states that Gatsby was truly in love with
Daisy, even though she was already married.
At first Gatsby was poor so Daisy couldn t marry him unless he was rich, but she still
loved him. So then Gatsby becomes rich and lives in the biggest mansion, so now
daisy is so inlove with him and having affairs with him. When Gatsby is with Nick
he tells him, I can t describe to you how surprised I was to find out I loved her, old
sport(p.150) . Gatsby was realizing how much he loved and cared for Daisy. Jay
Gatsby was so shocked to see Daisy he said, If it wasn t for the mist we could see
your home across the bay, said Gatsby. You always have a... Show more content on ...
121 122) . Jay Gatsby and Daisy were in love with each other, they couldn t go a day
without seeing each other. Even Though, Daisy is married, she still had an affair
with Jay Gatsby. When they first saw each other after several years they couldn t
do nothing, but stare at each other and cry. Nick stated I was sure he d start when
he saw the newspapers, just as I was sure there d be a wire from Daisy...(p.165) . If
Daisy really loved Gatsby, she would ve cared a lot, definitely when Gatsby got
killed, but she didn t call. That is why I ask myself did Daisy really love Gatsby or
just obsessed with him. When Gatsby and Daisy saw each other, Their eyes met,
and they stared together at each other, alone in space(p.119) . The love Daisy and
Gatsby have for one another was so real that seeing and being together was like
magic. Because Gatsby was so inlove with her, he couldn t resist of not looking at
Daisy.Jay Gatsby and Daisy were in love with someone they couldn t be with.
Because Daisy was already married. Therefore, they just had affairs with one another
because they loved each other so much and really wanted to get
Victimization in Margaret Atwood s ВЎВ§Rape
Rape Fantasies: Female Victimization
Margaret AtwoodВЎВ¦s ВЎВ§Rape FantasiesВЎВЁ, a monologue of a woman
discus her concern about the topic of rape, demonstrates the power struggle between
men and women and how female are victimized by the society. Furthermore, Atwood
talks about the importance of having ВЎВ§voiceВЎВЁ as a power or solution to
In the story, there is an exploration of female vulnerability, and victimization in the
rape fantasies. Atwood through using the voice of the first person narrator, Estelle, to
show that women have been unconsciously accept the idea, which is created by the
media, that women are inferior and submissive to men. Estelle is critical to the
romantic fantasies of her coworkers as they accept the ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, the imagined rapists fail to rape Estelle as there is sharing and emotional
communication between both sexes. Although the society is changing, female are
still burdened by the social inequalities and rules. They have the right to reject all the
inequalities by speaking out, saying ВЎВ§noВЎВЁ, but most of the female fail to do
that. Likewise, the issue of power is also concerned in ВЎВ§Where are you going?
Where have you been?ВЎВЁ. In the final scene of it, Arnold gains domination in his
talking while Connie only makes short sentences. He uses psychological
manipulation to threat Connie who fails to find any ways to resist that she surrenders
and satisfies the desires of the man. Connie fails to find her ВЎВ§voiceВЎВЁ to
fight the threat. Voice is very important to female. So Atwood emphasizes the idea of
communication in her story to demonstrate that there is an equal share of power
between men and women if both sides talk and listen to each other. Through talking
and listening, men and women can come to understand one another. Thus, crime and
pain can be avoided due to the mutual sympathy.
Women can never fight their humiliating figure under the domination of men with
their physical strength because it is not comparable to man. Voice is the solution to
victimization. If a woman cannot find her voice, she can only end up to be a
stereotyping woman who is being treated
Id And Superego In Regarding Henry
In the film Regarding Henry, Harrison Ford s character, Henry Turner is shot in the
brain while out late at night purchasing cigarettes. This changes the cold, stern,
lawyer into an innocent, caring, gentlemen. This is a prime opportunity to
psychoanalyze Henry Turner s id and superego, and determine which is his natural
state. This can be done through studying specific examples of each. The superego
is primarily displayed during the earlier part of the movie, before he was shot. For
instance, at one point in the movie Henry gets angry with his daughter Rachel for
messing with his piano. Even though he feels dignified in his actions, he still
apologizes to Rachel after his wife Sarah asks him to. Another occasion where Henry
exhibited his
Controversiality In Othello
Controversiality is something that Shakespeare has conquered in all of his plays.
Most of these controversial things have to women and the treatment of them.
Some of the biggest ones are King Lear, Hamlet, and Othello. These plays show
how Shakespeare portrays women. Women are an essential part of everyone s
lives because they are the ones that give birth to the people of this world. In these
three plays especially it is told how women were treated back then. These plays
have a variety of stories, but really they are the same plot line with different
characters. Women are treated in these plays like they were treated in the
Elizabethan Era, which wasn t good. They couldn t talk unless they were talked to
first and they were not able to do anything... Show more content on ...
treating women in many plays is a controversial topic, because it is hard to portray
them as equals to men. Which, sometimes comes across as the women are being
treated badly. In Othello, this miscommunication is not present. This is because the
treatment of women here is pretty neutral. According to a feminist reading of this
play, In the Elizabethian era . . . women were expected to be silent, chaste, and
obedient to their husbands, fathers, brothers, and all men in general . . . As we go
through Othello we find that the women characters are presented according to this
expectation of the Elizabethan society (Feminist). This quote shows that the
treatment of women in this play matches the way that the women were treated in
the Elizabethan Era, which wasn t bad, but wasn t good. They were treated like
they weren t there really. They could only talk if they were talked to and they were
too do everything that the man said. If they didn t do these things then they were to
be punished. The punishment could be anything really, whatever the man decided
to do. In the Elizabethan Era it was also expected that the women were to get
married, this was their sole purpose for being on Earth. This play resembles that
because everyone doesn t take it well when Beatrice says that she is not going to get
married, If they have not a
Oversexualization Of Women In Society
The sexualization of young girls and women in society is a prevalent theme in mass
media. Presently, the sexualization of females is commonly seen in various consumer
items like clothes, dolls, and even in Disney movies, according to The Sexualization
of Girls Is Harmful article. The author says that sexualizationoccurs when a person s
value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behavior; a person is held to a
standard that equates physical attractiveness with being sexy; a person is sexually
objectified made into a thing for others sexual use; and sexualityis inappropriately
imposed upon a person (AboutKidsHealth). Furthermore, the author provides
statistics on how girls are being sexualized by the products they see and use... Show
more content on ...
The development of visual media has introduced the concept of The Male Gaze
Theory. The Male Gaze Theory is defined as how women are depicted in the media
from a male perspective, such as presenting women as sexual objects for men s
pleasure (Loreck). The article, inexplicitly, talks about the male gaze: Up to 81% of
music videos contain sexual imagery, the majority of which sexually objectifies
women by presenting them in revealing clothing, as decorative sexual objects,
dancing sexually, or in ways that emphasize body parts or sexual readiness. The
article talks about how women are sexually presented in the media which is what the
male gaze encompasses the male gaze is a harmful contribution to the sexualization
of girls and is also seen throughout the music video. The beginning of the music
video shows 50 Cent walking into a brothel type mansion where the camera pans to
focusing on the writhing, half naked women in the foyer of the mansion. This
scene is viewed from a male s perspective because the camera focuses on their
sensual movements and physical assets instead of their normal facial expressions
or more appropriate places on their body. Also, since 50 Cent is the only male in the
mansion, the camera is only coming from a male perspective because brothels are
only truly for a male s pleasure. The other women in the video are objectified from
their revealing clothing
Gilles De La Tourette Syndrome
Abstract: Tourette syndrome is a neuropsychiatric condition characterized by both
motor and phonic tics over a period of at least one year with the onset in childhood
or adolescence. Apart from the tics, most of the patients with Tourette syndrome
have associated neuropsychiatric comorbidities consisting of attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, rage attacks, sleep issues,
depression, and migraine. Patients may also have physical complications directly
from violent motor tics which can rarely include cervical myelopathy, arterial
dissection and stroke. The purpose of this article is to review the associated
neuropsychiatric comorbidities of Tourette syndrome with emphasis on recent
research. Key Words: Tourette syndrome (TS); Neuropsychiatric comorbidities;
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD); Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
(OCD); Neurologic complication; Migraine. Introduction: Gilles de la Tourette
Syndrome (TS) is a neuropsychiatric condition characterized by both motor and
phonic tics with the onset in childhood or adolescence. First described by French
physician Georges Gilles de la Tourette in 1885, it is considered to be as one of the
most common childhood movement disorders. As per the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition s (DSM V), TS is diagnosed
clinically by the presence of multiple motor and one or more phonic tics, lasting at
least one year with the onset prior to age 18 (1). TS is
Systems Theory
1. Systems theory and the Ecological perspective
As a social worker, one must understand the impact of systems in the environment.
The interactions between the individual and their multiple systems give social
workers a
visual of how to interpret their consumer s life. System theories is one way to try to
interpret a consumer s life to have somewhat of a general idea of how to help solve the
problems they are facing. The easiest way to view system theories are by creating
ecomaps. These maps give you a visual written in black and white to see the different
systems that the individual interacts with.
To understand this concept in the field, a social worker, must know what a
system even is. A ... Show more content on ...
I of course have stressful
situations and recieve negative input or output, but who doesnt? Feedback is
important for systems and is a type of input. A system can have either positive
(a system recieving info that what they are doing is correct) or negative feedback
(influences the individual to make a change because it interupts homeostasis).
most of my ecomap, I mostly have positive feedback but also have a few negative
Systems tend to move from a simple form to a more complex form. This is known
as differentiation. Life brings in new experiences, relationships, and situations
so each day your life becomes more complex. One day, a subsystem can have a
energy flow and then the very next a negative. It can change by a drop of a hat.
is the tendency of a system to progress toward disorganization, depletion, and death.
(Zastrow, Kirst Ashman p. 6) The saying nothing lasts forever could not be truer.
People age over time and eventually will die. You as an individual are constantly
and will perhaps leave your parents house and start your own family. With time your
children will do the same, and so on and so forth.
Equifinality is a very important concept to understand as well. This simply means
that everyone in the world or in your systems always have an alternative path to
Similarities Between Chinese And Australian Economy
The purpose of this report is to compare both Australian and Chinese economies.
China is one of Australia s closest trade neighbours, often referred to as the Sino
Australian relations. While Australia has a minute population of 23.9 million in
comparison to China s 1.357 billion its economic ranking is just as its population,
lower than China s. Both economies have various similarities and differences in areas
such as economic systems and historical events, economic growth, quality of life,
employment and unemployment, distribution of income, environmental
sustainability and, the role of government in health care, education and social welfare.
The following report will parallel and compare both economies in retrospect to the ...
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The Environmental Performance index (EPI) gave Australia a score of 87.22 and a
rank of 13, whereas China achieved a score of 65.1 and a ranking of 109, this is
most probable as a result of China s environmental crisis due to rapid industrialisation.
Also, Australia s and China s Foreign Direct (FDI) and Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) growth saw huge declines during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). Both
economies, being highly export driven, especially China saw GDP declines from
2007 to 2008. Australia declined by 1.9% and China by 4.6%. Both economies also
experienced a huge fall in FDI Australia s FDI declining 24% from the previous
year and China s declining 36%. The huge economic decline and lack of confidence
in both economies raised the unemployment rate in Australia from 4.6% to 5.4% and
4% to 4.3% in China.
Quality of Life
Quality of life refers to the standard of living within a population. Quality of Life can
be quantified by the Human Development Index (HDI) which measures a country s
social and economic development out of 1.
Human Development Index Score out of 1 and Rankings out of 188.
Australia (2nd)
China (90th)
Bronfenbrenner Ecological Systems Theory
The ecological theory of development that was proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner
(1917 2005), is relevant to state all of our lives. Bronfenbrenner s research
demonstrates how our development is affected by the environment in which we live.
The model consist of five major systems; microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem,
macrosystem, and chronosystem. Ecological systems theoryis an approach to study of
human development that consists of the scientific study of the progressive, mutual
accommodation, throughout the life course, between an active, growing human
being, and the changing properties of the immediate settings in which the developing
person lives, as this process is affected by the relations between these settings, and by
the larger... Show more content on ...
She wanted to be able to advance in her current career and in order for advancement;
a Master s degree is required. Also by obtaining a Master s degree in Human
Behavioral, the student believes it would allow her to better communicate and
understand the clientele she works with.
The third level is the exosystem; it consists of social structures that directly or
indirectly affect a person s life: school, work, mass media, government and various
social networks (Crandell, Crandell, Vander Zanden 2009). For example, if a child
s parent, especially a one income family household, gets laid off and is without
work that may have negative effects on the child if her parents are unable to pay
rent, buy groceries, or provide the necessities. In contrast, if her parent receives a
promotion and a raise at work, this may have a positive effect on the child because
her parents will be better able to give her physical needs. This may have a positive
effect on a child s development and motivate them to work hard and obtain a good
job as an adult. Another example within this system would be the relationship
between a child s school and home, as the rules are often times different for a child
at home and school and being able to keep the two separate can prove challenging
for a child.
This student related the exosystem to her decision because of the economical
recession. With all the rising cost of such things as gas,
Persuasive Essay About Clowns
A recent statement by the World Clown Association puts this issue into perspective, a
portion of which is quoted:
Please understand, just because someone wears a rubber Halloween mask, that does
not make one a clown! The horror movie character, Jason, wears a hockey goalie
mask. But, people would be mistaken if they actually thought he was a hockey player!
We disavow any relationship with these horror characters.
The World ClownAssociation shares laugh and comic relief everywhere for the
positive, wholesome, enjoyment of their audiences. It is true that various horror
clown portrayals work against our goal. We hope our audience realizes that there are
different categories in entertainment. A real clown s mission is to bring joy... Show
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Most clowns today portray the character of an Auguste clowning. The make up is
usually applied around the eyes and mouth and leaving most of the face clean and
they appear friendlier and more approachable.
Auguste clowns traditional play the role of the pranksters in the circus heir colors
and features more comical. Most clowns who go into hospitals or go out in the field
wear little or no makeup at all their colorful costumes and personalities the only thing
that announces to the children that they are in the presence of clowns.
Clowns also work as volunteers within their communities and throughout the world
their mission to bring laughter and joy to hurting places. The Gesundheit Institute
started by Patch Adams, MD. (made famous in a film starring Robin Williams) in
1971 travels with volunteer clowns around the world to bring healing. Among his
many trips this year is one that is recruiting Vietnam Veterans go back to Vietnam as
clowns. (no experience required). He believes that laughter, joy and creativity are an
integral part of the healing process (Gesundheit Institute) Clowning is an important
ingredient in his healthcare initiative for wholistic healing. Caring Clowns also in
local hospitals providing trained teams of clowns to not only entertain but it also
provides therapeutic benefits. According to Anita Thies, the role of the clown in
hospitals and nursing homes, is to listen, to bring stimulation and relief the
Red Dog Film Analysis
The world is a funny place, no? Sometimes you pick your dog. Sometimes your dog
picks you. Good morning ladies and gentlemen for the AFC, and the quote you have
just heard is from the Australian film Red dog and is stated to be one of the most
powerful quotes in Australian theatre. Australian film has been around for many
years and of those years there have been many examples of what some might like to
call a masterpiece. Some of these films include the Mad Maxseries, Gallipoli,
Crocodile Dundee but of these films, the filmthat stands out the most to audiences is
the movie Red dog. Red dog is directed by Australian producer Kriv Stenders and
was made in 2011. The story takes place during the 1970 s so one would expect to
view various counts of racism and sexism but there was no evidense of these
themes ever showing as the dialogue had been written for a G rating. It was as if
the whole production has had its mouth washed out with soap by there mother for
cursing. The reason this film was successful to most was because of the message it
portrayed as the movie was based around a young Australian Kelpie named Red dog
and how he united a fractured community while searching for his master. The movie
is highly regarded today as of the best Australian films as it brings all Australian
values to the table. The main reason for the audiences love for this film is because of
its portrayal of a character s loyalty, mateship and the Australian Landscape and this is
what occurs throughout the film.
Mateship is a big part of Australian culture as us as Australians live and breathe the
words of friendship and that is why this film is so successful, because it brought an
un unlikely hero and made the character bond with an entire town. As Australians,
we love a good animal story and due to the bond between the main character John
and his companion Red dog was so strong it was as if the pair were inseparable.
The Australian notion of mateships is portrayed in the film when the character Joko
is talking about the type of man that should have a statue for all to admire as he
states It should be somebody who lives and breathes desolation, somebody that has
red dust stuck up their nose and in their eyes and in their ears
Oroonoko Analysis
Aphra Behn s Oroonoko is arguably one of the most tragic novels in British
Literature. The love story of two enslaved Surinam nobilities, who both meet their
atrocious end, depicts shameful european history in regards of slavery. The words
painted white men as vile creatures who were known to be dishonest and ruthless.
Though one may say Behn s work brought light to a subject so taboo, others argue
that the novelplays into a racial narrative that minorities have struggled for
centuries to break free from.While Behn s explicit use of language expressed her
disapproval of colonists, I believe her work embodied the notion of whitewashing
the text gain approval of a particular group. Considering the fact, that Behn was the
first women to live by her pen, and broke cultural norms, it is unclear if her intention
was enclosing a shock factor, or exercising her ability to challenge societal norms for
the greater good. Oroonokodescribes how individuals are unable to be free people
who grow intellectually and ethically, instead slaveryholds these prisoners captive
leaving them a shell of a person. Living in a european world where ignorance is used
a bondage to restraint individuals from comprehending the severity of slavery, and the
impact these texts have made has shaped ideological forces that shouldn t be
disregarded. When deconstructing the text, I believe Alpha Behn s story of Oroonoko
falls under racisms constrained view and exhibits an unschooled thought in
correlation of
How Climate Change Is Happening All Over And It Has...
Mersadies Butcher
Climate Change Paper
Dr. Sian Ritchie
Opening Sentence:
Climate Change is happening all over and it has extreme consequences. Governor
Inslee s plan is heading in the right direction to solve these problems. To help reduce
these consequences we need to find alternative cleaner resources to use.
Section 1: How climate works Climate change has many factors; albedo is one of
many. Albedo is where the snow and ice reflect sunlight back into space. But as the
Earth s temperature continues to rise the snow and ice are beginning to melt causing
the ground and water to absorb the sunlight heating things up. With the carbon dioxide
levels rising throughout the years the ocean absorbed 30% of it, creating
acidification, which is killing coral reefs. As this occurs it is destroying the shelter
for many types of fish. With the coral reefs dying the fish population is decreasing
significantly this is a major problem for the areas of the world were catching fish to
feed their families is all they have as a food source. (Hewitt et al., 343 351)
The conveyor belt is being affected as well, due to the rise of carbon dioxide levels.
As the snow and ice melt the large amount of fresh water runs into the ocean
making it less salty. When the water becomes less salty it turns out to be less dense
and not able to sink like it should to keep the conveyor belt going, which keeps
Europe from freezing. The level of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have
increased by
Difference Between Drama And Drama
Theater and Drama
Drama means to act or to do from the Greek dran. It means action literally. It is a
composition in prose for enactment intended to portray life or character or to tell a
story by action and dialogue. It is a process geared to the participant and does not
require a formal audience.
Theatre is a building specifically designed for the purpose of presenting dramatic
performances before an audience (Collier, 1995). It includes drama activities which
may lead to formal presentation of a scripted play involving acting, directing,
designing, and other technical aspects.
The Basic Elements of Theatre (Terrin Adair Lynch)
Script/Text, Scenario, Plan
Script is a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; It is used in ...
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It arouses pity and fear in the audience as it witnesses the action. In classical tragedy
we find a protagonist at the center of the drama that is a great person, usually of
upper class birth. Tragedy involves the audience in the action and creates tension and
This genre should have the view of a comic spirit and is physical and energetic. It is
tied up in rebirth and renewal. This is the reason most comedy end in weddings,
which suggest a union of a couple and the expected birth of children. Comedy creates
light feelings. The playwright uses comic devices such as exaggeration, incongruity,
surprise, repetition, wisecracks, and sarcasm.
Melodrama is drama of disaster and differs from tragedy significantly. The
protagonist is usually a victim of circumstance. He is acted upon by the antagonist
or anti hero and suffers without having to accept responsibility and inevitability of
fate. Melodrama has a sense of strict moral judgment. All issues presented in the
plays are resolved in a well defined way. The good characters are rewarded and the
bad characters are punished in a means that fits the
Biomechanical Analysis of Shot Put and Discus
Biomechanical Analysis: Shot Put A biomechanical standpoint, the shot put and has
many different aspects that can be look at upon the affects of many different factors.
Although there are many different factors that are important to success and
performance related to the shot put and discuss. Thus, I am going to look at the
speed, the angle, and the height of release. These factors are particularly important to
performance of the shot put and discus but there are many other important factors
that also contribute, including range of motion, timing, position, internal force, and
external force. The next area that we are going to look at is speed. Results from
studies done by M. Hubbard et al. showed that Achievable release speed... Show more
content on ...
{draw:frame} Many different muscles and joints used in shot putting. The shoulder
muscle and joints around it are very important in performing. As part of the humerus
bone, the acromioclavicular joint and the glenohumeral jointwork together to inhibit
shoulder movement. Specifically, the glenohumeral joint allows complete range of
motion for the shoulder because it is technically the ball and socket. Therefore, the
joints in the humerus part of the muscle help the athlete to have a steady and
controlled throw. In addition, before the shot is released, the arm can helped be
controlled by the joints in the shoulder. Muscles associated with the shoulder that
provides mobility and strength to the shoulder joints are the rotator cuff muscles. The
rotator cuff muscles actually hold the ball in the socket. Without the rotator cuff
muscles, the muscles joints would not function properly. They are important for
providing strength to the shoulder as the athlete performs. When the athlete has the
shot at its initial point, the rotator cuff muscles will move as the athlete prepares to
throw (Shoulder). In addition to shoulder muscles associated with shot putting, elbow
muscles are also associated with it. The two major elbow muscles that are usedin
shot putting are the biceps brachii and the triceps brachii. The biceps brachii
Gender Roles Are The Way People Act
Gender in Baby Daddy TV show, Essay
Gender roles are the way people act, what they do and say, to express being a girl or
a boy, a woman or a man. These characteristics are shaped by society, (Gender Roles)
These roles constitute the standards of the society and they are transmitted from one
generation to another by education. Children learn these standards since their birth.
Parents teach them how to act, to say and to behave according to their sex. Also,
children learn the gender roles from other sources like school, neighborhood and
television. Actually, television is playing a significant role in the education of
people. From different programs presented on television, children acquire many
knowledge about how to live, to speak and to behave according to the roles
attribute to men and women. In the USA, Baby Daddy television show is one of
the program which teaches people about the gender roles. Baby Daddy show
spreads the gender roles by three different ways, first by the way the personal
characters of men and women are described, secondly, by the attitude of men and
women toward the Domestic behaviors, finally, by the way professional occupation
of men and women are presented.
Baby Daddy , is a television show which demonstrates how a boy single parent
assumes the parental responsibilities. In the season one, first, second and third
episodes, Ben discovers a baby in front of his door abandoned by his ex girlfriend.
Ben decides to keep the baby and hopes to
Ambrose Bierce s Influence On War
Most authors write mysteries not live in them, most authors write about war not fight
in it, most authors do not leave theories in their (supposed) death, most authors are
not Ambrose Bierce.
Ambrose Bierce was a unique author/veteran (whichever you prefer). Even now
people still are trying to figure out what happened to him.
Bierce was an author who disappeared with little trace leaving behind many theories.
During the Civil War, Ambrose Bierce joined the military, fought in many battles, and
wrote fiction inspired by his time serving. Ambrose Bierce was part of the Ninth
Regiment in Indiana. He won the rank of major before the end of the war. He also
fought in multiple battles. He wrote books about the civil war like Civil War
Stories and Tales of Soldiers and Civilians . He wrote a few more but not many.
War adventures resulted in the finest, some say the only, fiction to emerge from the
Civil War and all of it remains in print. Swaim 1. Bierce Fought at Chickamauga
during the civil war and wrote a short story called Chickamauga in 1889. This book
was written more than 20 years after the actual battle of Chickamauga which occurred
in 1863.
He fought in many battles and wrote stories about them after the war had ended. He
was a well known author but, in 1913 he ... Show more content on ...
So we went to the corral of the soldiers quarters, and while we were there a soldier
came up to the captain and said: We have him, and everything is ready. With that
the captain dispatched several other soldiers, and everyone headed down toward the
cemetery. There were a lot of other people following, too, and when we got to the
cemetery the soldiers made everyone stand back as far as the stone wall. Then they
stood the man against the wall and shot him. Gander
Objectivity And The Social Responsibility Theory
Part I:Objectivity in journalism is claimed by many media sources yet is one of the
hardest things to find when searching the news. An objective view in journalism
associates itself with the social responsibility theory, in which a person must
provide a variety of views for a piece of information given to the public (Grossber
383). While many journalists may claim they are objective, this type of
communication to the public is difficult to achieve, as a natural biasdevelops within a
person from their socialization. El Nawawy and Iskandar are cited within The Great
American Bubble by Adel Iskandar, Objectivity has come to imply both a media
practice of information collection, processing, and dissemination, and an overarching
attitude (163). As the article also discusses, Fox Newsis an openly right winged news
source for the public, specifically, their show, The O Reilly Factor, displays
conservative views on current news. Fox does not display complete objectivity in
their newsfeeds, yet they are open about it, which could be described as social
responsibilitytheory in a different way. I would argue that objectivity is almost
impossible to achieve, and in that sense news sources should openly explain their
bias, instead of hiding their own agendas in their information, which would give
social responsibility theory and objectivity a new light.
Part II: Iskandar brings up an important point, saying Who judges whether or not a
news story is objective? Is it the audience
Unit 1 Assignment 1 Critical Evaluation
There are ample differences between my first critical evaluation and this one. While
initially writing the evaluation for Quiz 1, I did not truly understand what it meant
to evaluate and analyze an article. However, over the course of this semester, I
progressively acquired the tools to do so. In my first evaluation I had no real
structure and primarily focused on putting together as much evidence as possible to
see if it would support the claim made in the editorial. When coming to the conclusion
that the evidence made sense and was sufficient enough, I accepted the argument that
was made. This lacked the proper structure and additional information needed, such as
diagraming your argument, proposing possible loopholes, and finding possible
fallacies. All of these being essential components in the completion and accuracy of
an acceptable critical evaluation, which I made sure to include in my present updated
assessment. Diagraming is crucial to understanding and assessing an argument.
Unlike in my original evaluation, it allowed me to really analyze all the evidence in
the editorial. It did this by making me search through the article and find what
evidence is actually essential to the primary argument... Show more content on ...
I did mention because this was an editorial, which is opinion based on its nature, it
caused issues of credibility. But because I didn t have past knowledge of fallacies
and the meaning of them, I was not able to truly identify precisely why. Fallacies
helped me realize that an argument should be based on logic and not personal
opinions on people or appeal to emotions, which I applied this time around in my
evaluation. Overall, this class has given me the knowledge of what it means to do a
critical evaluation and the building blocks to understand what elements make up a
proper argument and
Chemical Weapons Convention ( Cwc )
Chemical Weapons Convention
By: Jamie Dainty
John Sununu once said and I quote, When we re talking about technology that
involves weapons of mass destruction, nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, there
has to be an element of preemption . Chemical weapons are being fought by chemical
weapons convention (CWC), but what is CWC? When some people hear chemical
weapons convention they might get the wrong idea in their head. They might think of
something more along the lines of a gathering where they would show their latest
models of their chemical weapon products. But in this case that s not exactly what it
is. Chemical weapons convention is actually an arms control treaty which outlaws the
production, stockpiling, ... Show more content on ...
(Organisation for prohibition of chemical weapons) The purpose/function of a
chemical weapon is to cause physical harm ranging from discomfort to death. (NTI)
The convention is made up of a preamble, twenty four articles and three annexes;
annexes on chemicals, the verification annex and the confidentiality. (Organisation
for the prohibition of chemical weapons) In 1925 after the world war one, the
Geneva Protocol prohibited chemical weapons in warfare (U.N.O.D.A.), which can
be viewed as the first step to the chemical weapons convention. Banning chemical
weapons due to the devastating outcomes of the usage of the weapons, devastating
outcomes such as deaths and mutations, have made the steps to take to chemical
weapons much easier. Yet the chemical weapons convention wasn t started until it
was signed in 1993 by president George H.W. Bush and ratified in 1997, which is
about sixty eight to seventy two years later. (The Reagan Vision) On March sixteenth
1988 a most notorious example of chemical weapons used occurred, when Saddam
Hussein unleashed a mixture of mustard gas and nerve agents on Kurdish civilians in
Halabja, Iraq. (Sounds chemical management) At least five thousand civilians
including women, children and elderly people immediately died, while at least ten
thousand were blinded or harmed. (Sounds chemical management) Henry Waxman
had once said and I quote, Saddam Hussein has systematically violated, over the
course of
The Battle Of Midway During World War II Essay
The Battle of Midway was fought from June 3rd to June 5th, 1942 between the
Japanese and United States during World War II. The end result of this battle was the
destruction of four Japanese carriers, two cruisers, three destroyers, and two hundred
and ninety two aircraft by U.S. fighters and dive bombers. Conversely, the U.S. only
lost a carrier, the USS Yorktown, a destroyer, the USS Hammann, and 145 aircraft.
Unlike previous battles which were fought through traditional tactics, the Battle of
Midwaywas fought with unconventional tactics that resulted in a turning point for
United States Naval power worldwide. Through the development of new tactics,
refined intelligence, the weakness of the Japanese plan, and Japanese over
confidence the Battle of Midway was a turning point for U.S. sea power.
The Battle of Midway was a turning point in the Pacific War not only because the
U.S. was advanced in their new tactical capabilities, but also because they had
crushed a tested and undefeated Japanese Navy that was projected to win. The
U.S. set a new standard for themselves by integrating aircraft carriers into its fleet
and was able to strike at a moment s notice from a much closer range than the land
based aircraft. The effective range of the fleet s strike arm had grown so big that
navies could now engage without ever sighting each other, just as they had in the
Coral Sea. Every element involved in this battle was able to make it the most
impactful naval battle in American
The Tragedy of September 11, 2001
11 September 2001 On September 11 th 2001 on the morning hijacked by 19 Arab
men 4 aircraft were all heading towards California, and used them as suicide
missiles. They flew into the World Trade Center two twin towers, the Pentagon and
after a long struggle with passengers crashed last down on a field. World Trade Center
consisted of seven buildings, three of the buildings collapsed and the four others
were damaged by the other collapsed. It is believed that the 19 Arab men, was led by
the Egyptian Mohammed Atta (1968 2001) 5.
The first plane was hijacked, was a Boeing 767, American Airlines Route 11, which
had 92 passengers on board. The second plane, United
Airlines Route 175 had 65 passengers on board. The third plane, American Airlines
route 77, 64 passengers on board and the fourth plane, United Airlines Route 93 had
45 passengers on board.
2749 people died in accidents, including office workers, managers, chefs, waiters,
cooks, police, fire, and paramedics.
The critical moment
A plane, American Airlines Route 11, with 92 passengers on board, was hijacked by
four Arab men with knives, led by Mohammed Atta. On the ground heard the air
traffic controller them say, Do not something stupid. There will not be put to any. We
have other planes.
A second plane, United Airlines Route 175, with 65 passengers on board, was
hijacked by five Arab men and armed with knives. During the struggle, to take over
the plane, the stack a member of cabin crew down. A female flight
Essay on Historical Timeline of Apple Inc
Apple Case Study
Historical Timeline of Apple Inc.
Apple Incorporated has come a long way over the years, starting more than 3
decades ago in 1976. Apple was founded by Steve jobs, Steve Wonzniak and Ronald
Wayne initially entering a niche market in the production of the first computer, the
Apple I, followed by the Apple II in 1978. Apple began its career as a successful
company based upon strategic innovation, and they remain that way today, but it
wasn t always sunshine and lollipops, they experienced their fair share of struggles
IBM entered the market in 1981 and gave Apple its first real competition. Apple
managed to bounce back and thrived on this competition to abolish complacency and
starting findings new ways to stay ... Show more content on ...
They have the ability to create products that people will buy despite the state of the
economy. Apple is a unique company in the way that there is a very prominent
amount of consumers that will buy everything that Apple puts on the Market. This
type of supporting allows Apple to charge higher prices for their products. In saying
this alongside Apple s consumer loyalty they have created numerous low priced
products. The IPod Shuffle is an excellent example, which can be purchased directly
from the Apple website for just $49.
Obviously in a technology based industry there is a huge emphasis placed on
technological advancements. As stated earlier, technology can be related to
international business but technologies within Apple s products are the reason why
they continue to leave their competitors in their wake. The combination of the iPod
with iTunes has been a huge success for Apple. On the 1st of September 2010, it
was announced that Apple had sold 275 million iPods, making it the biggest selling
digital music player of all time. Then when technology was advancing toward touch
screen devices, Apple came out with the iPod touch, iPhone and most recently, the
iPad. Apple s ability to constantly stay one step ahead of its competitors is the driving
force behind their success.
Five Forces Analysis 1. Threat of New Entrants Low a. Getting into the industry will
take a large amount of
Panera Case Study
In 1976, Au Bon Pain ( where good bread is ) Bakery was opened as a response to
the request for a conceptional fast casual restaurant. Ronald Shaich and Louis
Kane merged their business, Cookie Jar Bakery and Aub Bon Pain Bakery,
together after a period of debt to create Au Bon Pain Co. Inc. In 1985, the two
decided to add fresh made sandwiches to their menu after noticing that their
customers were buying their fresh baked bread in order to capitalize on their profit.
As of September 25, 2012, they have over 1,600 locations in over 44 states and
Canada. More than 776 of its locations are company operated, while the rest are run
by franchisees. Its locations operate under the names Panera Bread, Saint Louis
Bread Company, and Paradise... Show more content on ...
Their primary marketing objective is to strategize menu development in order to
grow customer base. In the case, it is indicated that Panera manufactures its own
fresh dough; which is not only produced, but also delivered daily all over the
country. Management at Panera views this as a competitive advantage rather than
viewing it as a costly process. Also, due to the rising cost of ingredients due to the
current economy, it is likely that Panera s menu pricing will experience a rise and
possible item substitution or replacement. I have personally already experienced
this. The price of ingredients greatly affects the menu pricing. In order for there to
be an effective analysis of their cost, more information is required on the cost of
producing the items listed on Panera s menu. It would be suggested that Panera
should evaluate ways to offer lower prices on their food without having a major
financial impact on the company s profit margin. Panera s total system wide
revenues rose from $350.8 million in 2000 to over $1,558.5 million in 2012. The
share price has increased from $3.88 a share on December 31, 1999 to $160.17 a
share on January 30, 2012 at 11:41 AM EST. Panera s objectives include, but are not
limited to: high density urban feeding, a welcoming atmosphere of coffee shops with
the quick service of fast food, fresh baked artisan breads, in restaurant experience that
the customers share with
to University Catalog
Calendar year 2012/2013
Kaplan University
Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, Davenport, Des Moines, Lincoln, Mason
City, and Omaha Tuition and Fee Schedule
Effective: 12/4/2012 (for students starting after January 1, 2013)
PROGRAM Medical Billing/Coding Certificate Pathway to Paralegal
Postbaccalaureate Certificate Dental Assistant Diploma Practical Nursing Diploma
Associate of Applied Science in Accounting Associate of Applied Science in
Business Administration Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice Associate
of Applied Science in Fire Science Associate of Applied Science in Human Services
Associate of Applied Science ... Show more content on ...
Science Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies Bachelor of Science in
Psychology Bachelor of Science in Public Administration and Policy $5,109 $25 $20
$5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109
$5,109 $5,109
$25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25
$20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20
$35,763 $35,763 $35,763 $35,763 $35,763 $35,763 $35,763 $35,763 $66,417
$66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417
$5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109
$5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109
$25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25
$20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20
$66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417
$66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417
Page 2 of 4
to University Catalog
Calendar year 2012/2013
PROGRAM Master of Business Administration Master of Business Administration
with specialization Master of Health Care Administration Master of Public
Administration Master of Public Health Master of Science in Criminal Justice Master
of Science in Environmental Policy Master of Science in Finance Master of Science
in Homeland Security and Emergency Management Master of Science in Information
Technology Master of Science in Information Technology (w/
Confidential Psychological Report
San Beda College
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology
Psychological Testing 02
Monday, Wednesday amp; Friday: 12:30pm 1:30pm (34N)
A Confidential Psychological
Case Report of Michael Anthony C. Valdez
In fulfilment of the requirements in the course of
Submitted by:
Mark Anthony F. Tan
3rd yr IRR APS
Submitted to:
Prof. Annabel Quilon
I Pre intake Interview
A. Personal Data
Name: Michael Anthony C. Valdez
Address: Crisolita St. San Andres Bukid, Metro Manila
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Birth date: January 28, 1990
Birth place: Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center, Malate Manila
Social Status: Single
Occupation: Peer Health ... Show more content on ...
He is a hardworking, tough but emotionally drained and withdrawn kind of person.
Sometimes he would try to fake a smile and act numb to put on a facade to everyone.
His struggle to find a family and a home for a normal childhood may have caused him
to have a quiet and mild mannered demeanour which represents repressive anger and
General Home Atmosphere
a. As a Family Member: He is trustworthy, hardworking and always puts the needs
of others first before her own. He never had a home to call his own so much that he
never felt the love and care from a family.
b. The Father: They have a very loving and caring relationship to the point that they
re dependent and reliant to each other. It took a long time for the father to recover
and cope up with the mother s departure and had taken the dual role of a mother and
father to the children. This dark and unfortunate moment in their lives made them
realize that all they have is each other.
c. The Mother: The case client, Mr. Valdez briefly stated that he never knew his
mother and had felt intense pain and anger for a while because of never having a
maternal figure in his life. Time and the lessons he learned taught him to forgive and
forget. If ever God permits him to have the chance to meet his mother, he would
gladly accept it.
d. Among Siblings: According to the client, Mr. Valdez s interview, when he left and
Examining the Timeless Mystery Novels The Hound of the...
Throughout the years the characters and plots of mystery novels have evolved and
have been modernized. However, no matter when or where the novels are written,
they all succeed in having major impacts on the unsuspecting readers. For some
mystery fans, the opening of the book can awaken the butterflies in the pit of their
stomachs. As the stories progress, the reader is drawn further and further into the
novel until it becomes impossible to pry the book from their hands. Mystery novels
written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyleand Charles Dickens are not exceptions and are
overflowing with suspenseful scenes. The mysteries The Hound of the Baskervilles
and The Mystery of Edwin Drood arouse excitement and encourage the reader to
continue to read... Show more content on ...
In Jasper s case, in The Mystery of Edwin Drood, the character development is the
complete opposite. After the disappearance of his nephew, Jasper not only gains self
confidence, but becomes suspicious of everyone and revenge becomes his main
priority. The other characters have also noticed Jasper s transformation as Rosa says
that she, ... [has] not seen him [Jasper] since the fatal night and then he was present
in gloomy watchfulness, as representing his lost nephew and burning to avenge him
(Dickens 168). Therefore, Jasper s presence is felt throughout [the novel] as an
overhanging threat (Cardwell xi).This leads to the mystery changing the main
characters. Whether it is for better or for worse, it is something intriguing that the
reader can ponder as they read.
At first glance, it may appear as though the only people affected by the mystery are
the protagonists, but in fact the majority of the society and the secondary characters
are influenced. In The Hound of the Baskervilles, the fear of the hound causes many
characters to be on edge and fearful of the Moor, which results in the reader
experiencing constant suspense and fearing the mystical hound. More specifically,
Sir Henry Baskerville is always anxious, is always shaking and fearing that his next
breath may be his last. The
Opinion Essay On Suvs
A lot of people today are interested in buying an SUV. When starting to do research
before purchasing, they might wonder what the top 10 small SUVs are or just
what the top 10 best SUVs are. If they only want to look at brands or certain cars in
brands then they might wonder what the top 5 SUV brands or models are. There
are ways that SUVs are rated and people can look and see what the top features are
for today s SUVs. This article serves to help people understand how these SUVs are
are ranked and what features are highest on the list.
First thing to do before learning how these are ranked is to decide if you want to look
up specific information such as top 10 luxury SUVs or best 6 cylinder SUV. Once
you decide exactly what kind of SUV ... Show more content on ...
These are things that most new car buyers are interested in and have at the very top
of their consideration list.
( removed HTML ) Safety ( removed HTML )
When buying a new car, this is one of the biggest aspects that people consider. They
want to make sure their families are going to be safe in the car they purchase and
they aren t going to have to worry about having a vehicle that is going to have a
higher chance of putting their families lives at risk. The way that they give an SUV
a safety rating is by gathering information from top sources that specialize in safety
ratings. Some of those sources are: the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. They try and help
ensure that the SUV is the safest that it can possibly be.
( removed HTML ) Reliability ( removed HTML )
Reliability is one of those things that go along with safety. A person doesn t want
to worry about getting stranded on the side of the rode with their families in the
car. Not only could this be bad depending on weather, but it could be dangerous if it
is on a highway where vehicles go higher speeds. This score comes from the
Predicted Reliability rating. These are always given by J.D. Power and Associates.
The way they get this score is by looking at the historical initial quality and
dependability over the last 3 years. This information comes from studies that have
been conducted by J.D. Power and
The Use of Wind Power Is the Answer for the Future
The use of wind power is the answer for the future. The use of wind power has
developed from when it was first used to power ships in ancient civilizations like
trading botes that sailed the Nail Egypt. Wind power was then captured by wind
mills on farms to produce mechanical energy. This energy was then used to pump
water to irrigate crops so farmers could have a more reliable harvest. Windmills
also powered and to grinders that that crushed up grains. In today s society wind
turbines have been developed that makes wind a feasible source of fuel for
America. Wind Energy is no longer a simple idea of little importance. It has
developed into a major and dependable source of energy. The dependence on fossil
fuels is a big problem in society however, if we take advantage of renewable
technology like wind energy, the economy and the environment will benefit.
Wind turbines offer many positive advantages. They boost the economy, on a local
and national level. Wind power is a clean energy source, and unlike dirty fossil fuels.
Wind power helps protect our planet by reducing pollution and lowering the amount
of harmful emissions that contribute to global warming. Wind is completely
renewable, and is a domestic source which will decrease our dependence on other
Wind turbines are not flawless, they do have some problems. One of the first
problems is the limitation of wind power. Scene the turbines rely on wind to generate
electricity if there is no or vary little wind
Cost of College
Argumentative Essay
Ever since you were little, your parents have been talking about this wonderful
thing called college. They told you that you have to go there to get an education
before you can get a good job. Many kids have dreamed of going to college, and
being able to get the job of their dreams. By putting in hard work and dedication to
good grades in high school, you had high hopes that you would be able to get into
an Ivy League school. The American dream of being able to go to collegeto get a
degree is sliding away from many people due to rising costs. With increasing tuition
prices and job loss, the college dream is slowly and surely slipping away from many
students and their families.
The first step in the college ... Show more content on ...
With lack of financial aid students are not going to be able to afford college on their
own. They are relying on their parents to help them, but is there anything they can do?
In order to get a decent paying job, you have to have a college degree. Many people
will not be able to go to college full time because they have to work part time or full
time to be able to afford college and can not move on to a higher paying job with
out it. Low income students have always struggled with college bills. Financial
and political forces are making it harder than ever to get a college degree, which is
crucial to getting a high paying job (Philadelphia Inquirer, 1). It is extremely
difficult to get a job and go to college full or part time, just to have a higher paying
job. Many students hope to avoid a soaring loan debt. They work long hours; take
courses part time and are commuting to college rather than living on campus. These
compromises greatly reduce chances of earning a college degree in a timely manner
if at all (Philadelphia Inquirer, 1). As a result, students must rely on even larger loan
debt to get through school. Many students have to put off getting their degree and
some never go back to get it.
Graduation rates have dropped because of the size of debt that students acquire while
at school. Students nowadays are expected to pay all of their tuition with no help.
The economy is in horrendous shape and
Marlon Brando Research Paper
Marlon Brando is 5ft 9in (175cm) and Actor,film director,activist Alabama.He helped
to popularize the Stanislavski system of acting, studying with Stella Adler in the
1940s. Brando is most famous for his Academy Award winning performances as
Terry Malloy in On the Waterfront (1954) and Vito Corleone in The Godfather
(1972), as well as performances in A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), Viva Zapata!
(1952), Julius Caesar (1953), The Wild One (1953), Reflections in a Golden Eye
(1967), Last Tango in Paris (1972), and Apocalypse Now (1979). Brando was also
an activist for many causes, notably the African American Civil Rights Movement
and various Native American movements. Godfather (1972), as well as performances
in A Streetcar Named Desire (1951),... Show more content on ...
He received further praise for his performance as Terry Malloy in On the
Waterfront, and his portrayal of the rebel motorcycle gang leader Johnny Strabler
in The Wild One proved to be a lasting image in popular culture.[8] Brando received
Academy Award nominations for playing Emiliano Zapata in Viva Zapata!; Mark
Antony in Joseph L. Mankiewicz s 1953 film adaptation of Shakespeare s Julius
Caesar; and Air Force Major Lloyd Gruver in Sayonara (1957), an adaptation of
James Michener s 1954 novel. Brando was included in a list of Top terry Malloy in
On the Waterfront, and his portrayal of the rebel motorcycle gang leader Johnny
Strabler in The Wild One proved to be a lasting image in popular culture.[8]
Brando received Academy Award nominations for playing Emiliano Zapata in Viva
Zapata!; Mark Antony in Joseph L. Mankiewicz s 1953 film adaptation of
Shakespeare s Julius Caesar; and Air Force Major Lloyd Gruver in Sayonara (1957),
an adaptation of James Michener s 1954 novel. Brando was included in a list of
Top Ten Money Making Stars three times in the 1950s, coming in at number 10 in
1954, number 6 in 1955, and number 4 in 1958.The 1960s proved to be a fallow
decade for Brando. He directed and starred in the cult western film One Eyed
Essay On The Tortilla Curtain
The Tortilla Curtain is a principle novel to compare the United States of America to.
The novel itself discusses environmental destruction, illegal immigration, materialism,
poverty, and xenophobia which parallel the country altogether. Throughout the novel,
the audience learns about the two different lifestyles the Mossbachers and the
RincГіns live. As the novelis continued, a sequence of incidents and a discussion of
these incidents arise about them. Although these incidents, like illegal immigration
and rape, could be considered too difficult to comprehend or too mature to discuss in
a high school classroom, they re important to the development of the novel. The
discussion of these incidents throughout the novel could be informative to... Show
more content on ...
Although the parallel is a clear indication of the unchanging mentalities throughout
the country, The Tortilla Curtain should be taught in high school classrooms
throughout the country because of the potential for change in the generations to
come. The Tortilla Curtain presents a realistic depiction of what the life of illegal
immigrants is like while making the effort to live a normal life and survive. Our
society is identical to the society in a novel published in 1995. In the novel s
society, immigrants are deemed to be less of people and therefore, the white
community of Arroyo Blanco Estates thought to wall the place in (Boyle 189). The
wall is to be placed around Arroyo Blanco Estates because the residents would like to
isolate themselves from the coyotes, or the Mexican immigrants. AmГ©rica and
CГЎndido RincГіn s perspective of the wall presents a perspective an average white
American citizen wouldn t imagine to be immigrant s perspective of the
controversiality. The similarity of the wall being implemented to protect what it s
surrounding is one of the multiple similarities the audience learns about. A discussion
about the mature and sensitive material [stays] on your mind [and gives] a bit more
strength to the difficulties of immigrants in the United States ( Tortilla Curtain
resonates in high
Drug Laws And Laws In The United States
The United States of American is a society built upon principles and laws. These
laws and principles were decided to keep Americans safe and help one another co
exist. In the beginning as laws came into being law makers would play it by ear as
they decided what could remain legal for the public to take part in and what would
be illegal and frowned upon by society. One of the many issues American
government has come face to face with issues about making legal or illegal is drugs.
Drugs since their first discovery has made a major impact in American history. Some
might say that drugs have been destructive to our country, but even so legal or
otherwise, one can say that they have contributed to the growth of our nation s
economy. The government
The Most Spectacular Discovery Of Deinococcus
The most spectacular discovery about Deinococcus radiodurans, the first poly
extremophile bacterium, is that it has developed an incredible amount of
unexplainable resistance to radiation. It has remarkable DNA repair mechanisms
which cannot be explained just by examining the genome and research seemingly
yields no concrete data regarding what infers the resistivity against ionizing radiation.
It can withstand at least a thousand times more radiation than a human can, in
addition to UV radiation, desiccation, cold and acid. It has no known particular
natural habitat as it has been found across a diverse range of environments, including
in the Antarctic dry valleys, an environment on Earth that s thought to closely
resemble that of Mars. The microbe contains 4 10 copies of its genome and although
the radiation causes extensive breaks in the genome, the microbe is able to utilize
unique but poorly understood DNArepair mechanisms that ensure reasonable fidelity.
The genome has been sequenced and a protein has been found within its sequence
that confers radiation resistance, RecA. Researchers are looking to take advantage of
this protein by genetically engineering D. radiodurans to function in environmental
clean up, to speed up the process as well as reduce the costs. Future prospects of this
bacteriainclude additional selective genetic engineering to metabolize a range of
toxic organic compounds and to assess if life is possible in space, specifically on
Mars. This bacterium
Sustainable Fashion Essay
One of the most heavily discussed topics, in this last decade, is the environmental
decay of our planet. Diverse concepts have materialized in order to find solutions for
the problem. Ecology and sustainable growth have been confirmed to be the main
solutions currently. Innovations for sustainable growth include: creation of hybrid
cars, recyclingand minor discharge of carbon dioxide in factories among others
(Christ 23). Environmental awareness was also introduced to the world of fashion,
unfortunately, it wasn t very successful; lately there has been a change of situation
and that is what we are going to attempt to understand.For almost twenty years now,
people have been relying on fast fashion, a fairly new notion, which... Show more
content on ...
The fact that it is possible to treat the clothes for them to simply not be able to
receive dirt is eco friendly on long term because that means we wouldn t need to
wash the clothes as much but then those same clothes cannot be recycled and that is
not eco friendly Is it better to keep clothes as they are and waste more energy or to
treat them but not recycle them after use? It is a dilemma.
Finding an exact definition for the terms sustainable fashion . Green , Eco fashion
to a name a few, is close to impossible. We all have the impression everyone
understands it the same way but it is false, it has different meanings for all of us.
The word sustainability itself implies some sort of length, in the sense that
something can last long, it also. Here are some of the definitions people have of
sustainable fashion: Quality items that stand the test of time it is this concept of
sustainability, symbolized by a timeless handbag that you wear again and again, and
can pass on, that I am always thinking of when I design. Says Frida Gianni
Accessories are a very important part of fashion and should be considered so a good
example for this definition of sustainable would be the Hermes Birkin bag.
The Birkin bag is a highly exclusive handmade bag from France; it is very
expensive because of its exclusivity but also because of how it is constructed and the
Visited Wynona s House Child Advocacy Center
For this experience, I have visited Wynona s House Child Advocacy Center, often
referred to as Wynona s House. This was the perfect opportunity to go to such an
agency because April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. During my visit, I
interviewed two women that worked at this agency: Ashley Pires, and briefly,
Karen J. Zambrano. Ashley Pires is the Family Advocate and Karen Zambrano is
Wynona House s Forensic Interview Specialist. As the Family Advocate for Wynona
s House, Ashley specializes in the casework of families, leading to forensic video
interviews with their clients. Aside from these responsibilities, Pires also provides the
services that these children and their families may need, which are determined from a
strength and needs... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, Zambrano interviews kids without making them feel interrogated
by using anatomically correct dolls, and having them draw their home environment.
The dolls help understand the children s language and understanding of their bodies,
specifically their genitalia. Zambrano asks the children to draw a house to see who
lives in there and how they describe their relationships with these people. Both of
these women complete different tasks within the agency, while coming together to
further provide aid to their target population: children. Wynona s House serves
children. To go into detail, the agency s mission is to promote justice and provide
healing for child victims of abuse and neglect in Essex County. This agency promotes
better health, psychological, and social growth of these victims. As said in their
mission statement, Wynona s House provides services to these children that have
fallen victim to maltreatment within Essex County, New Jersey. Although Wynona s
House reaches out to children in all of Essex County, majority of their clients are
from Newark, since it is so close by. Wynona s House is a 501(c)3 nonprofit
organization, fortunate enough to receive most of their funding through federal,
local, and state grants. Aside from these grants, donations are accepted. These
donations can be obtained easily through the official website of Wynona s House for
express donations. People that
Larry Kramer s The Normal Heart
As Berkshire now goes onto its second night of performing the Normal Heart one
can see why a school would choses to perform such an incredible, beautiful and
heart wrenching play. There is much to learn from Kramer s work: fear, courage,
family and love. Today the play, which first daybued in 1985 still has meaning and
content that anyone can learn from. While the Normal Heartdoes not have the answer
to how to help oneself or group of friends about discriminations against minorities,
Krammer does teach the most important thing to do is stay as a united front and do
not let any adversities hold you down.
Larry Kramer wrote The Normal Heart as a way to express his feeling for the
discrimination of gay men during the AIDS crisis in the 1980s. ... Show more content
on ...
The characters in his story are real men who either died or fought for those who
did die during the AIDs crisis in 1981. While I struggled with fully connecting with
most of the characters due to the fact that I have never been faced with an issue so
large. An issue so large that in the first year of the outbreak there were 121 reported
deaths among gays. The character I can relate to the most is the main character:
Ned. The reason I found myself being able to stand in Ned s shoes is due to is
undying will to win. Ned gave up everything to fight for a cause that had no cure.
He gave up even his friends who were to scared to fight with him. Even though I
have not found something that I am will to give everything in my life up for;
including my friends. You are on a colossal ego trip we must be curtail. To
manipulate fear, as you have done repeatedly in your merchandising of the epidemic,
is to us a gesture of barbarism... In accordance with our by laws drawn up by Weeks,
Frankel, Levinstein, Mr. Ned Weeks is hereby removed as a director. (Kramer 111
112) Ned is left by his peers who had supported his cause. I understood Ned s role as a
character more than any of the others, because if you are going to support something
you believe in why who wouldn t give up
Technology Plan Design
Introduction: Technology Plan Design A technology plan should set the direction for
the future use of technology as a tool for assisting School District in attaining their
vision, mission, and goals. As noted by Picciano (2011), planning should include a
comprehensive approach to identifying needs, commitment to follow through with
action steps and resource acquisition, collaboration between internal and external
publics. The planshould also be a continuity between change and a connection to the
past that builds toward the futuredetailing objectives, rationale, strategies, and
measurements. This approach to planning assists in developing a technology plan
through minimizing risks by establishing basic evaluation criteria early in the process
(pp 20 25) such as identification of measurable goals and insuring that all
stakeholders are involved throughout the process. Knight (2011) and Senge (2001,
2012) recommend using a systems approach to planning and Picciano (2011) supports
this by describing an implementationmodel that defines, designs, develops and
disseminates technology in small incremental stages until satisfied that the
technology is meeting expected goals on a limited basis before implementing on a
larger scale (p. 25). Using a systems approach, a technology plan must identify
operational feasibility and is often best implemented through a pilot or phased in
process. While a technology plan can look excellent on paper, identifying needs,
Essay On Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise resolved a potentially disastrous power struggle
between the northern free states and the southern slave states. In 1819, the United
States appeared to be split evenly by having 11 free states and 11 slave states. Both
sides vary in separate economic and political ideologies. The Missouri
Compromise is all about the admission of states to the Union, balance of power
within Congress, and of course, compromise. Before statehood, Missouri was
known as the Missouri Territory; which in 1819 requested admission to the Union.
In most cases the governments of organized territories hold referendums if the
sentiment of its population is in favor of statehood. If the referendum ends in favor
of becoming a state, then a request is submitted to Congress to discuss and hold a
vote. Missouri was initially denied statehood because the Senate denied the bill,
because the Committee of the Whole attached an amendment to the bill, which
would allow Missouri to become a slave state, but after the slaves children reached
the age of 25 they would become free men. The Senate disapproved of... Show more
content on ...
The two major political parties at the time, the Federalists and Democratic
Republicans; the latter being in control of the House and Senate, vary in their
political and economic beliefs. The northern states held Federalist strongholds and
shared many ideologies, such as: focus on industrialization, monetarism, and
government centralization. The Democratic Republicans were mainly based and also
most popular in the southern states. Their focus was mostly on agriculture, and their
ideologies included states rights and voting rights. Neither party wanted their power
and influence to be undermined with the admission of new states, such as Missouri,
allowing or outlawing slavery. The complicated dance of constantly balancing power
was to protect the political and economic interests between the northern and southern
Our Adventure to Virginia Beach
When the word vacation is mentioned, everyone instantly thinks of a great time.
There are no classes, no work, no chores, and most importantly, no worries.
However, this isn t always the case, especially with my family. We decided to set out
on an adventure to Virginia Beach this past April. The events that took place were
benign but, the tripitself was a little bitof a struggle due to the chain of unpredictable
events. The vacation started with us deciding to pack the rental car up the night
before we left. Once we were done, the car was replete with all the beach essentials
such as towels, drinks, snacks, swim suits, and of course, sunscreen. My dad,
being an intelligent man, decided that it would be better for us to leave that night
and drive halfway then stop instead of trying to cram in an eleven and a half hour
ride into one day. However, there was a schism that took place when he told us this
because my brothers didn t want to leave just yet. Being supercilious boys, they
didn t think about the benefits of leaving early but were only concerned with
finishing their game on Xbox. My dad concluded that it was an incumbent step to
take in order for our vacation to go as smooth as possible and for us to possibly get
there earlier. As we got in the car, we quickly did a double check to make sure all
the requisite items were in the car. After realizing we forgot the phone chargers and
we had to go back inside, we started on the road. The first few hours of travel
Genetically Modified Crops Are A Hazard Of Human Health
People continuously stir the pot when it comes to Genetically Modified crops,
creating myths and allowing fear to spread across the globe. Some people believe
that genetically modified crops are a hazard to human health, while others see the
advantages of GM farming. There is a great amount of hesitation when people hear
the terms antibiotic resistance and contamination when it involves their food. These
terms are taken out of context and without a proper understanding of their role in
plant genetics, can create fallacies. Genetically modified crops are in fact a negligible
risk when it comes to human health.
Biotechnology, transgenic crops, and genetic modification are words and phrases
being thrown around in the debate on genetically ... Show more content on ...
Genetic modification was even further enhanced in 2000 when it was discovered
that the process could be used to introduce vitamins and nutrients to enrich foods.
There are four main genetically modified crops dominating global agriculture:
corn, canola, soybeans, and cotton. As of 2004, GM crops were being grown by
8.25 million farmers in 17 countries. The United States is one of the leading
proponents for biotechnology, and is often looked to as the big brother of genetic
modifications as it far surpasses global competition. According to the ISAA, The
United States accounts for 59% of all Genetically Modified crops (James). While
modified foods have made their way into the United States food supply, Europe
has experienced quite a bit of backlash. Mixed feelings in regards to GM foods is
mainly due to the debate surrounding biotechnology. Through media and social
sources, the controversy surrounding genetically modified crops has increased
greatly over the last decade. Left wing individuals, the UCS (Union of Concerned
Scientists), and many organic/all natural advocates are the leading cause for the
hesitation when it comes to GMO s. The USC is a nonprofit organization that
includes many private citizens as well as professional scientists that attempt to solve
pressing global problems. Many organic advocates are against GMO because of the
idea that the manipulation of the crops is affecting it s
The Mealtimes In Ramadan
Ramadan has come once again, a time when Muslims engage in spiritual reflection
by fasting from dawn till sunset consuming neither food nor water for a month. In
a fasting state, the body uses up stored carbohydrates first and once that runs out,
fat becomes the next source of energy (British Nutrition Foundation, 2017). During
fasting, a detoxification effect seems to take place as the body dissolves and
removes any toxins stored in the body s fat. After a few days of fasting, certain
hormones such as endorphins appear to be elevated in the blood which results in a
better level of alertness and an overall better mental well being (Mahroof, Syed, El
Sharkawy, Hasan, Ahmed, Hussain, 2007). Throughout Ramadan, mealtimes changes
as Muslims have pre dawn meals (suhoor) and break their fast after sunset (iftar).
While abstaining from food during the day, food and fluids are consumed at varied
amounts after sunset till early dawn. Not only are mealtimes significantly different
per se, the amount and types of food eaten too are different from what is normally
consumed during the other months of the year. Increased consumption of specially
prepared foods rich in fats and protein or sweet... Show more content on ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating at least 400 g or 5
portions of fruits and vegetables per day to reduce the risk of non communicable
diseases (NCDs) while ensuring an adequate intake of daily dietary fiber (World
Health Organization, 2015). Islam instills a sense of responsibility for cultivating a
healthy lifestyle as fasting in the month of Ramadan teaches Muslims to practice
spirituality and not to eat excessively. Furthermore, the consumption of fruits are
often mentioned and encouraged in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah (prophetic
traditions) and this could be incorporated into modern food habits (Mahroof, Syed, El
Sharkawy, Hasan, Ahmed, Hussain,
Pharmaceutical Practices
Obstruction of Generic Pharmaceuticals in the Marketplace
It has been estimated that most of the major pharmaceutical companies have engaged
in some unusual practices to keep generic equivalents of their products from entering
the marketplace. These measures usually have a negative effect on consumers and
health care plan providers, prohibiting them from buying equally effective products at
a discounted rate. The objective of the major pharmaceutical companies in attempting
to prevent generics from entering the market is clearly to provide their shareholders
with exceptional profits. Some would argue that there is a morality argument to be
made against big pharma in these cases of market manipulation. We will explore the
moral ... Show more content on ...
Trying to delay this patent expiration is the most common method of keeping
generics off the street. Every single hour that a generic is kept off of the shelves, it
only means more sale of the original pharmaceutical. Even if the patent lawsuit has
no merit, the delay due to legal filings and court tie ups can buy valuable time for the
original patent holder. Below you will find several examples of brand name
pharmaceuticals that have enjoyed a longer monopolistic life due to some innovative,
yet highly controversial techniques:
пѓ Tamoxifen, which is sold under the brand name Nolvadex, is an example of
company collusion. The generic version only sells for about 5 percent less than that
of Nolvadex, which is made by AstraZeneca. The meager discount is a result of a
private agreement between Barr and Zeneca, made after they left the courtroom.
Under that pact, Zeneca paid Barr $21 million and Barr agreed to sell Zeneca s drug
rather than produce its own version. Zeneca became AstraZeneca in a 1999 merger.
пѓ An often repeated example is the way Eli Lilly prevented the Lupin group from
entering into the generic market for a drug. It got a patent for about 70 different
chemical processes used to make the relevant drug.
пѓ The example of Cephalon has truly become the way that businesses have skirted
the 1984 legislation acts. Instead of defending its patent in court, they paid the
competing generic manufacturers
The Butterfly And The Violin Analysis
The Life of a Butterfly
A butterfly s life starts out as a caterpillar, then a chrysalis, and finally the adult
butterfly. In the novel The Butterfly and the Violin, Adele Von Bron start her life out
as a caterpillar as Austria s sweetheart who very dependent on her family. She then
became like a chrysalis, when she began to help the Jewish family by feeding them
and trying to help them escape. Towards the end of the novel is when she
transformed into a butterfly, because she had suffered with the struggles of the camp
and met Omara which helped her to become a strong and independent woman. In The
Butterfly and the Violin, Kristy Cambron uses the butterfly as a symbol to show the
relation between Adele s life and the life of a butterfly. In the beginning of the
novel Adele s life is most relatable to the caterpillar stage of the butterfly s life. She
relates to a caterpillar at the beginning of the novel, because she is just a teenager
just beginning to start her adult life. By only being a teenager and she still lives
with her parents, Adele is not very independent at the moment. At this point she is
making a lot of mistakes and she is still learning a lot about life . The novel starts
out with Adele s life about her playing in the orchestra and, being known as Austria s
Sweetheart who is dependent upon her parents . In the beginning of the novel Adele
s mother does a lot of things for her that she could do herself . This shows the
dependency that Adele has on her
Empathy In The Medical Field
Though all of the characteristics listed are of great value, empathy is the most
important characteristic to me. To have empathy, one must truly put themselves in the
patient s position. I feel that empathy and love are connected, meaning that you
cannot have one without the other. If a physician has empathyand love for a patient,
he treat the patient as if he is treating himself or his own family. I feel that having
empathy can lead to having each of the characteristics found in successful medical
students. If you have empathy, you will want the best for each patient. That will lead
you to have discipline, integrity, maturity, and intelligence. These attributes will lead
you to study hard and gain intelligence. Intelligence will lead to confidence
The Monster Of Living With Grief
Abby Wigand
Mr. Mitchell
Communication Art IV
30 September 2016
The Monster of Living with Grief
As Keanu Reeves once said, Grief changes shapes, but it never ends ( Tragic ).
When it comes to grief there are usually five shapes or stages that people go through:
denial, anger, bargaining, depression and, finally, acceptance. The book A Monster
Calls, by Patrick Ness, is about a young boy who is struggling with school, bullies,
friends, and family when his mother develops a terminal illness. He is visited by
the monster, a massive yew tree, who comes alive to teach Conor the ways of the
world. He also teaches Conor the truth in order to move past his mother s sickness.
Ness shows how people in both literature and real life tend to go through five stages
of grief while dealing with a loved one who has a terminal illness because of the
overwhelming lamentation it inflicts.
The first stage of grief is as the sharks say in Finding Nemo, DENIAL. In the book,
Conor s grandma told him that his mother s condition would not get better with one
of the new treatments. He denied it by saying, The treatments are making her better...
(42). Even though the treatments had not worked, Conor refused to believe that the
treatments will not work because he needs his mother to get better. The American
Psychological Association says that most people deny the problem because it is
easier to distance oneself from friends or family. Once a person isolates from those
who can help, it can lead to
The Campaign Of Joseph Mccarthy
In 1950, fewer than fifty thousand Americans out of a total one hundred fifty million
were members of the communist party. This was the information Senator Joseph
McCarthy used to receive permission to proceed in exploitive communist hunts.
McCarthy was dishonest in these hunts, leading to damage far beyond repair to the
United Statesand its citizens. Joseph McCarthymislead the United States by instilling
unnecessary fear in the United States citizens, creating unnecessary tension between
the United States and Soviet Union, and compromised the safety of Americans.
Re Election was approaching and Joseph McCarthy s first term was unimpressive.
Edmund Walsh suggested a crusade against communist subversives (Hall). Senator
McCarthy agreed and took advantage of the nation s wave of fanatic terror against
communism. On February 9, 1950, in his speech in Wheeling, West Virginia,
McCarthy proclaimed that he was aware of two hundred five card carrying
members of the communist party who worked for the United States Department of
State ( McCarthyism ). On February 20, 1950, McCarthy addressed the Senate and
made a list of claims and cited eight one cases ( McCarthyism ). The Senate then
called for a full investigation. McCarthy took advantage of the citizens fear of
communism, conveying how he deceived the nation to reach the superiority he
wished to achieve.
After Germany s defeat, the United States sought to help the Soviet Union, however,
they wouldn t accept the Marshall Plan
Sexual Harassment in India
Sexual harassment in India is termed Eve teasing and is described as: unwelcome
sexual gesture or behaviour whether directly or indirectly as sexually coloured
remarks; physical contact and advances; showing pornography; a demand or request
for sexual favours; any other unwelcome physical, verbal/non verbal conduct being
sexual in nature. The critical factor is the unwelcomeness of the behaviour, thereby
making the impact of such actions on the recipient more relevant rather than intent of
the perpetrator. According to India s constitution, sexual harassmentinfringes the
fundamental right of a womanto genderequality under Article 14 of the Constitution
of India and her right to life and live with dignity under Article 21 of the... Show more
content on ...
Jokes, pictures, touching, leering, unwanted requests for a date have all been found
by courts to be sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment in the
workplace can be between people of the same sex. Sexual harassment in the
workplace can be a woman harassing a man.
Who can sue?
Anyone who is offended by a sexually harassing environment may theoretically sue.
However, that employee s offense must be reasonable. An extremely sensitive person
might not be able to maintain a claim, because her feelings of having been offended
were not reasonable.
The reasonableness is evaluated by a standard that is the same as a person in the
victim s circumstances. For example, what a reasonable woman might think is a
hostile environment is not necessarily the same as what a man might think is a
hostile environment. If it s a woman who was harassed, it s the woman s point of
view that counts.
Damages In Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Cases
Victims of sexual harassment in the workplace can recover for their lost wages, future
lost wages, emotional distress, punitive damages, and attorneys fees.
In India, fortunately or unfortunately many women has been misusing this Bill as
also other Women Rights protection Bills to further their own agenda.
I have raised this topic with the veiw that most Companies in India have drafted a
Policy against Sexual Harassment
The Best Of Budget Motorcycle Helmets
Best of Budget Motorcycle Helmets
Introduction: Why You Should Invest in a Helmet
A motorcycle helmet is the protection you want for your head and neck in the event
of a crash. Wearing a helmet cuts down on wind noise and so helps you hear better.
It protects your eyes from the wind and debris so you can see better. And a helmetcan
protect you from the fatigue effect caused by riding through the wind, too, so you
can stay alert. What should you consider in buying a helmet?
First, let s look at the protective elements of a helmet:
The outer shell, the layer that sustains the hard blow of a crash, should be of a good
reinforced composite plastic
The lining should be Expanded Polystyrene Foam (EPS) or styrofoam. EPS comes in
several ... Show more content on ...
With the modular, design, the front flips up for an easy opening to the outside. With
full face, you get maximum protection. Adventure tourers like the flip up feature.
Sportbikers like the full face designs.
The DOT sticker: should you buy only DOT certified?
The DOT sticker means the helmet complies with the safety standards of the US
Department of Transportation.
DOT standards cover: Impact or the shock absorbing capacity of the shell and lining.
Penetration or the ability of the helmet to withstand sharp objects breaking through
the shell.
Retention or the chin strap system for keeping the helmet on in a fall or crash.
Peripheral Vision. DOT specifies that helmetsmust provide a minimum of 105
degree side vision to each side. Human usable peripheral vision is only about 90
degrees to each side.
Is a budget priced helmet good enough?
Consider that high end, expensive helmets are not always safer for the money. A UK
study involving SHARP ratings, (Safety Helmet Assessment and Rating Programme),
concluded that a number of helmets priced from $59.99 to $99.00 i.e. under $100 got
their top 5 star protection score.
What fits well, rides well, and looks good? Let s look.
Tpfocus Unisex Leather Bike Bicycle Motorcycle Helmet Open Face Half Helmet
with Visor Goggles
By Tpfocus
Made of leather / leather coated shell. This unisex, leather helmet sports a minimalist
design. It s worn to experience
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  • 1. Good Narrative Essay Example Crafting an essay on the topic "Good Narrative Essay Example" presents a unique set of challenges that require a combination of creativity, storytelling skills, and a keen understanding of the elements that make a narrative compelling. The difficulty lies in striking a balance between providing a clear example while also ensuring that the essay itself serves as a noteworthy illustration of effective narrative writing. Firstly, the task involves selecting an appropriate example that not only aligns with the theme but also encompasses the essential elements of a well-crafted narrative. This requires thorough research and analysis to find a story that is both engaging and capable of serving as a model for the intended purpose. The challenge is not only in locating a suitable example but also in understanding the nuances that make it exemplary. Next, the essay writer must effectively convey the key elements of the chosen narrative example. This involves translating the storytelling techniques, character development, plot structure, and thematic elements into a written form that is both insightful and instructive. Striking the right balance between analysis and description is crucial, as the essay should not only showcase the narrative but also provide a clear understanding of why it serves as a prime example. Furthermore, constructing a well-organized and coherent essay is essential to ensure that the narrative example is presented in a logical and impactful manner. Transitioning between different aspects of the example while maintaining a smooth flow requires careful planning and attention to detail. The challenge is to seamlessly weave the analysis with the narrative, creating a cohesive piece that is both informative and engaging. Lastly, the essay should reflect the writer's own voice and perspective while remaining focused on the chosen example. This demands a level of creativity and personal insight that adds depth to the analysis. Balancing the objective examination of the narrative example with subjective interpretations can be challenging but is crucial to providing a comprehensive understanding for the reader. In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic "Good Narrative Essay Example" is a complex task that demands a blend of research, analytical skills, and creative expression. Successfully navigating through the challenges involved in selecting, analyzing, and presenting a narrative example requires dedication and a deep appreciation for the art of storytelling. For assistance with similar essays or a variety of topics, one can explore the resources available on, where a range of writing services and examples can be accessed to facilitate the essay writing process. Good Narrative Essay Example Good Narrative Essay Example
  • 2. Mcdonald s Case Study Analysis McDonalds Case Overview: McDonalds have dominated the fast food world for years since their humble beginnings. Over the years they have proved the test of time and been the number one fast food restaurant in sales. Through dynamic market expansion, new products, and special promotional strategies they have been able to take over the world of fast food. McDonald s is a completely global company that has been effective in catering to each need of a country they enter. In 1993 they opened a McCafe which is a coffee house inspired McDonalds in Australia and has grown to more than 300 units in 17 countries. They have brought the idea to America in hopes that I will change any negative image that consumers already have against them. ... Show more content on ... Another problem for McDonalds is that more and more people are looking for healthier requirements from their meals. The American society is beginning to become more health conscious about what they ingest into their bodies, which makes many opt out of eating at McDonalds. Many are moving from eating hamburgers and replacing it with sandwiches. Subway is leading the industry with more than 13,000 US outlets. Consumers are requiring cleaner and fresher looking restaurants and food service for their money and people are willing to pay a couple dollars more for a better dining experience... said Mitchell Speiser, analyst at Leman Brothers. McDonalds is now forced to invest more revenue into their physical stores in order to shed the Cheap and greasy image that has became of them. All of these problems play a part in the fact that net income has been declining. From 2000 to 2001 net income shrunk by seventeen percent to $1.64 Billion. This is a major drop in one year and should be a main concern for McDonalds. Even though McDonald s U.S. market share remained about that of competitors, it grew slower. Its share was up 2.2 percent in 200 compared to 2.7 percent growth for Burger King Corp. and 2.5 percent of Wendy s International. If McDonalds fails to address these prevalent problems they may continue to lose more market share and their customer
  • 3. The On Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness In the United States, we really put an emphasis on liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is one of our founding principles; however, in some areas, we seem to want to limit that. For example, in our education system, our society has been arguing for quite some time about whether or not there should be options or whether everyone should be required to attend the standard brick and mortar public schools. While those schools serve a critical purpose in our society, that does not mean that other types of schools are worthless. Because we are all different, we need to value and provide options in our education. Not every person learns in the same way. Our brains process things differently, and our personalities can be vastly different. Trying to make every student conform to the same way of learning is like trying to fit a circle in a square peg; it does not work. According to the National Science Teachers Association, Students actually learn best through various styles: personal meaning, conceptual learning, how things work, and self discovery. The article goes on to say that those who learn by personal meaning process things well using discussion, while those who learn best by conceptual learning are more solitary. As you can see, the former would probably do well in group learning; however, the latter may benefit from being at home or in a solitary environment. Some kids might like to learn with hands on learning while others like to learn from books.
  • 4. The Great Gatsby Love Quotes Saurabh Chawla quotes Never fall in love with anyone or anything you are obsessed with. Remember, Love is eternal, but Obsession dies out too soon! (Saurabh Chawla) In the Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald states that Gatsby was truly in love with Daisy, even though she was already married. At first Gatsby was poor so Daisy couldn t marry him unless he was rich, but she still loved him. So then Gatsby becomes rich and lives in the biggest mansion, so now daisy is so inlove with him and having affairs with him. When Gatsby is with Nick he tells him, I can t describe to you how surprised I was to find out I loved her, old sport(p.150) . Gatsby was realizing how much he loved and cared for Daisy. Jay Gatsby was so shocked to see Daisy he said, If it wasn t for the mist we could see your home across the bay, said Gatsby. You always have a... Show more content on ... 121 122) . Jay Gatsby and Daisy were in love with each other, they couldn t go a day without seeing each other. Even Though, Daisy is married, she still had an affair with Jay Gatsby. When they first saw each other after several years they couldn t do nothing, but stare at each other and cry. Nick stated I was sure he d start when he saw the newspapers, just as I was sure there d be a wire from Daisy...(p.165) . If Daisy really loved Gatsby, she would ve cared a lot, definitely when Gatsby got killed, but she didn t call. That is why I ask myself did Daisy really love Gatsby or just obsessed with him. When Gatsby and Daisy saw each other, Their eyes met, and they stared together at each other, alone in space(p.119) . The love Daisy and Gatsby have for one another was so real that seeing and being together was like magic. Because Gatsby was so inlove with her, he couldn t resist of not looking at Daisy.Jay Gatsby and Daisy were in love with someone they couldn t be with. Because Daisy was already married. Therefore, they just had affairs with one another because they loved each other so much and really wanted to get
  • 5. Victimization in Margaret Atwood s ВЎВ§Rape FantasiesВЎВЁ Rape Fantasies: Female Victimization Margaret AtwoodВЎВ¦s ВЎВ§Rape FantasiesВЎВЁ, a monologue of a woman discus her concern about the topic of rape, demonstrates the power struggle between men and women and how female are victimized by the society. Furthermore, Atwood talks about the importance of having ВЎВ§voiceВЎВЁ as a power or solution to victimization. In the story, there is an exploration of female vulnerability, and victimization in the rape fantasies. Atwood through using the voice of the first person narrator, Estelle, to show that women have been unconsciously accept the idea, which is created by the media, that women are inferior and submissive to men. Estelle is critical to the romantic fantasies of her coworkers as they accept the ... Show more content on ... Therefore, the imagined rapists fail to rape Estelle as there is sharing and emotional communication between both sexes. Although the society is changing, female are still burdened by the social inequalities and rules. They have the right to reject all the inequalities by speaking out, saying ВЎВ§noВЎВЁ, but most of the female fail to do that. Likewise, the issue of power is also concerned in ВЎВ§Where are you going? Where have you been?ВЎВЁ. In the final scene of it, Arnold gains domination in his talking while Connie only makes short sentences. He uses psychological manipulation to threat Connie who fails to find any ways to resist that she surrenders and satisfies the desires of the man. Connie fails to find her ВЎВ§voiceВЎВЁ to fight the threat. Voice is very important to female. So Atwood emphasizes the idea of communication in her story to demonstrate that there is an equal share of power between men and women if both sides talk and listen to each other. Through talking and listening, men and women can come to understand one another. Thus, crime and pain can be avoided due to the mutual sympathy. Women can never fight their humiliating figure under the domination of men with their physical strength because it is not comparable to man. Voice is the solution to victimization. If a woman cannot find her voice, she can only end up to be a stereotyping woman who is being treated
  • 6. Id And Superego In Regarding Henry In the film Regarding Henry, Harrison Ford s character, Henry Turner is shot in the brain while out late at night purchasing cigarettes. This changes the cold, stern, lawyer into an innocent, caring, gentlemen. This is a prime opportunity to psychoanalyze Henry Turner s id and superego, and determine which is his natural state. This can be done through studying specific examples of each. The superego is primarily displayed during the earlier part of the movie, before he was shot. For instance, at one point in the movie Henry gets angry with his daughter Rachel for messing with his piano. Even though he feels dignified in his actions, he still apologizes to Rachel after his wife Sarah asks him to. Another occasion where Henry exhibited his
  • 7. Controversiality In Othello Controversiality is something that Shakespeare has conquered in all of his plays. Most of these controversial things have to women and the treatment of them. Some of the biggest ones are King Lear, Hamlet, and Othello. These plays show how Shakespeare portrays women. Women are an essential part of everyone s lives because they are the ones that give birth to the people of this world. In these three plays especially it is told how women were treated back then. These plays have a variety of stories, but really they are the same plot line with different characters. Women are treated in these plays like they were treated in the Elizabethan Era, which wasn t good. They couldn t talk unless they were talked to first and they were not able to do anything... Show more content on ... treating women in many plays is a controversial topic, because it is hard to portray them as equals to men. Which, sometimes comes across as the women are being treated badly. In Othello, this miscommunication is not present. This is because the treatment of women here is pretty neutral. According to a feminist reading of this play, In the Elizabethian era . . . women were expected to be silent, chaste, and obedient to their husbands, fathers, brothers, and all men in general . . . As we go through Othello we find that the women characters are presented according to this expectation of the Elizabethan society (Feminist). This quote shows that the treatment of women in this play matches the way that the women were treated in the Elizabethan Era, which wasn t bad, but wasn t good. They were treated like they weren t there really. They could only talk if they were talked to and they were too do everything that the man said. If they didn t do these things then they were to be punished. The punishment could be anything really, whatever the man decided to do. In the Elizabethan Era it was also expected that the women were to get married, this was their sole purpose for being on Earth. This play resembles that because everyone doesn t take it well when Beatrice says that she is not going to get married, If they have not a
  • 8. Oversexualization Of Women In Society The sexualization of young girls and women in society is a prevalent theme in mass media. Presently, the sexualization of females is commonly seen in various consumer items like clothes, dolls, and even in Disney movies, according to The Sexualization of Girls Is Harmful article. The author says that sexualizationoccurs when a person s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behavior; a person is held to a standard that equates physical attractiveness with being sexy; a person is sexually objectified made into a thing for others sexual use; and sexualityis inappropriately imposed upon a person (AboutKidsHealth). Furthermore, the author provides statistics on how girls are being sexualized by the products they see and use... Show more content on ... The development of visual media has introduced the concept of The Male Gaze Theory. The Male Gaze Theory is defined as how women are depicted in the media from a male perspective, such as presenting women as sexual objects for men s pleasure (Loreck). The article, inexplicitly, talks about the male gaze: Up to 81% of music videos contain sexual imagery, the majority of which sexually objectifies women by presenting them in revealing clothing, as decorative sexual objects, dancing sexually, or in ways that emphasize body parts or sexual readiness. The article talks about how women are sexually presented in the media which is what the male gaze encompasses the male gaze is a harmful contribution to the sexualization of girls and is also seen throughout the music video. The beginning of the music video shows 50 Cent walking into a brothel type mansion where the camera pans to focusing on the writhing, half naked women in the foyer of the mansion. This scene is viewed from a male s perspective because the camera focuses on their sensual movements and physical assets instead of their normal facial expressions or more appropriate places on their body. Also, since 50 Cent is the only male in the mansion, the camera is only coming from a male perspective because brothels are only truly for a male s pleasure. The other women in the video are objectified from their revealing clothing
  • 9. Gilles De La Tourette Syndrome Abstract: Tourette syndrome is a neuropsychiatric condition characterized by both motor and phonic tics over a period of at least one year with the onset in childhood or adolescence. Apart from the tics, most of the patients with Tourette syndrome have associated neuropsychiatric comorbidities consisting of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, rage attacks, sleep issues, depression, and migraine. Patients may also have physical complications directly from violent motor tics which can rarely include cervical myelopathy, arterial dissection and stroke. The purpose of this article is to review the associated neuropsychiatric comorbidities of Tourette syndrome with emphasis on recent research. Key Words: Tourette syndrome (TS); Neuropsychiatric comorbidities; Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD); Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD); Neurologic complication; Migraine. Introduction: Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neuropsychiatric condition characterized by both motor and phonic tics with the onset in childhood or adolescence. First described by French physician Georges Gilles de la Tourette in 1885, it is considered to be as one of the most common childhood movement disorders. As per the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition s (DSM V), TS is diagnosed clinically by the presence of multiple motor and one or more phonic tics, lasting at least one year with the onset prior to age 18 (1). TS is
  • 10. Systems Theory 1. Systems theory and the Ecological perspective As a social worker, one must understand the impact of systems in the environment. The interactions between the individual and their multiple systems give social workers a visual of how to interpret their consumer s life. System theories is one way to try to interpret a consumer s life to have somewhat of a general idea of how to help solve the problems they are facing. The easiest way to view system theories are by creating ecomaps. These maps give you a visual written in black and white to see the different systems that the individual interacts with. To understand this concept in the field, a social worker, must know what a system even is. A ... Show more content on ... I of course have stressful situations and recieve negative input or output, but who doesnt? Feedback is extremely important for systems and is a type of input. A system can have either positive feedback (a system recieving info that what they are doing is correct) or negative feedback (influences the individual to make a change because it interupts homeostasis). Throughout most of my ecomap, I mostly have positive feedback but also have a few negative feedbacks. Systems tend to move from a simple form to a more complex form. This is known as differentiation. Life brings in new experiences, relationships, and situations everyday, so each day your life becomes more complex. One day, a subsystem can have a positive
  • 11. energy flow and then the very next a negative. It can change by a drop of a hat. Entropy is the tendency of a system to progress toward disorganization, depletion, and death. (Zastrow, Kirst Ashman p. 6) The saying nothing lasts forever could not be truer. People age over time and eventually will die. You as an individual are constantly aging and will perhaps leave your parents house and start your own family. With time your children will do the same, and so on and so forth. Equifinality is a very important concept to understand as well. This simply means that everyone in the world or in your systems always have an alternative path to
  • 12. Similarities Between Chinese And Australian Economy Introduction The purpose of this report is to compare both Australian and Chinese economies. China is one of Australia s closest trade neighbours, often referred to as the Sino Australian relations. While Australia has a minute population of 23.9 million in comparison to China s 1.357 billion its economic ranking is just as its population, lower than China s. Both economies have various similarities and differences in areas such as economic systems and historical events, economic growth, quality of life, employment and unemployment, distribution of income, environmental sustainability and, the role of government in health care, education and social welfare. The following report will parallel and compare both economies in retrospect to the ... Show more content on ... The Environmental Performance index (EPI) gave Australia a score of 87.22 and a rank of 13, whereas China achieved a score of 65.1 and a ranking of 109, this is most probable as a result of China s environmental crisis due to rapid industrialisation. Also, Australia s and China s Foreign Direct (FDI) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth saw huge declines during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). Both economies, being highly export driven, especially China saw GDP declines from 2007 to 2008. Australia declined by 1.9% and China by 4.6%. Both economies also experienced a huge fall in FDI Australia s FDI declining 24% from the previous year and China s declining 36%. The huge economic decline and lack of confidence in both economies raised the unemployment rate in Australia from 4.6% to 5.4% and 4% to 4.3% in China. Quality of Life Quality of life refers to the standard of living within a population. Quality of Life can be quantified by the Human Development Index (HDI) which measures a country s social and economic development out of 1. Human Development Index Score out of 1 and Rankings out of 188. Australia (2nd) China (90th) HDI
  • 13. Bronfenbrenner Ecological Systems Theory The ecological theory of development that was proposed by Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917 2005), is relevant to state all of our lives. Bronfenbrenner s research demonstrates how our development is affected by the environment in which we live. The model consist of five major systems; microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem. Ecological systems theoryis an approach to study of human development that consists of the scientific study of the progressive, mutual accommodation, throughout the life course, between an active, growing human being, and the changing properties of the immediate settings in which the developing person lives, as this process is affected by the relations between these settings, and by the larger... Show more content on ... She wanted to be able to advance in her current career and in order for advancement; a Master s degree is required. Also by obtaining a Master s degree in Human Behavioral, the student believes it would allow her to better communicate and understand the clientele she works with. The third level is the exosystem; it consists of social structures that directly or indirectly affect a person s life: school, work, mass media, government and various social networks (Crandell, Crandell, Vander Zanden 2009). For example, if a child s parent, especially a one income family household, gets laid off and is without work that may have negative effects on the child if her parents are unable to pay rent, buy groceries, or provide the necessities. In contrast, if her parent receives a promotion and a raise at work, this may have a positive effect on the child because her parents will be better able to give her physical needs. This may have a positive effect on a child s development and motivate them to work hard and obtain a good job as an adult. Another example within this system would be the relationship between a child s school and home, as the rules are often times different for a child at home and school and being able to keep the two separate can prove challenging for a child. This student related the exosystem to her decision because of the economical recession. With all the rising cost of such things as gas,
  • 14. Persuasive Essay About Clowns A recent statement by the World Clown Association puts this issue into perspective, a portion of which is quoted: Please understand, just because someone wears a rubber Halloween mask, that does not make one a clown! The horror movie character, Jason, wears a hockey goalie mask. But, people would be mistaken if they actually thought he was a hockey player! We disavow any relationship with these horror characters. The World ClownAssociation shares laugh and comic relief everywhere for the positive, wholesome, enjoyment of their audiences. It is true that various horror clown portrayals work against our goal. We hope our audience realizes that there are different categories in entertainment. A real clown s mission is to bring joy... Show more content on ... Most clowns today portray the character of an Auguste clowning. The make up is usually applied around the eyes and mouth and leaving most of the face clean and they appear friendlier and more approachable. Auguste clowns traditional play the role of the pranksters in the circus heir colors and features more comical. Most clowns who go into hospitals or go out in the field wear little or no makeup at all their colorful costumes and personalities the only thing that announces to the children that they are in the presence of clowns. Clowns also work as volunteers within their communities and throughout the world their mission to bring laughter and joy to hurting places. The Gesundheit Institute started by Patch Adams, MD. (made famous in a film starring Robin Williams) in 1971 travels with volunteer clowns around the world to bring healing. Among his many trips this year is one that is recruiting Vietnam Veterans go back to Vietnam as clowns. (no experience required). He believes that laughter, joy and creativity are an integral part of the healing process (Gesundheit Institute) Clowning is an important ingredient in his healthcare initiative for wholistic healing. Caring Clowns also in local hospitals providing trained teams of clowns to not only entertain but it also provides therapeutic benefits. According to Anita Thies, the role of the clown in hospitals and nursing homes, is to listen, to bring stimulation and relief the
  • 15. Red Dog Film Analysis The world is a funny place, no? Sometimes you pick your dog. Sometimes your dog picks you. Good morning ladies and gentlemen for the AFC, and the quote you have just heard is from the Australian film Red dog and is stated to be one of the most powerful quotes in Australian theatre. Australian film has been around for many years and of those years there have been many examples of what some might like to call a masterpiece. Some of these films include the Mad Maxseries, Gallipoli, Crocodile Dundee but of these films, the filmthat stands out the most to audiences is the movie Red dog. Red dog is directed by Australian producer Kriv Stenders and was made in 2011. The story takes place during the 1970 s so one would expect to view various counts of racism and sexism but there was no evidense of these themes ever showing as the dialogue had been written for a G rating. It was as if the whole production has had its mouth washed out with soap by there mother for cursing. The reason this film was successful to most was because of the message it portrayed as the movie was based around a young Australian Kelpie named Red dog and how he united a fractured community while searching for his master. The movie is highly regarded today as of the best Australian films as it brings all Australian values to the table. The main reason for the audiences love for this film is because of its portrayal of a character s loyalty, mateship and the Australian Landscape and this is what occurs throughout the film. Mateship is a big part of Australian culture as us as Australians live and breathe the words of friendship and that is why this film is so successful, because it brought an un unlikely hero and made the character bond with an entire town. As Australians, we love a good animal story and due to the bond between the main character John and his companion Red dog was so strong it was as if the pair were inseparable. The Australian notion of mateships is portrayed in the film when the character Joko is talking about the type of man that should have a statue for all to admire as he states It should be somebody who lives and breathes desolation, somebody that has red dust stuck up their nose and in their eyes and in their ears
  • 16. Oroonoko Analysis Aphra Behn s Oroonoko is arguably one of the most tragic novels in British Literature. The love story of two enslaved Surinam nobilities, who both meet their atrocious end, depicts shameful european history in regards of slavery. The words painted white men as vile creatures who were known to be dishonest and ruthless. Though one may say Behn s work brought light to a subject so taboo, others argue that the novelplays into a racial narrative that minorities have struggled for centuries to break free from.While Behn s explicit use of language expressed her disapproval of colonists, I believe her work embodied the notion of whitewashing the text gain approval of a particular group. Considering the fact, that Behn was the first women to live by her pen, and broke cultural norms, it is unclear if her intention was enclosing a shock factor, or exercising her ability to challenge societal norms for the greater good. Oroonokodescribes how individuals are unable to be free people who grow intellectually and ethically, instead slaveryholds these prisoners captive leaving them a shell of a person. Living in a european world where ignorance is used a bondage to restraint individuals from comprehending the severity of slavery, and the impact these texts have made has shaped ideological forces that shouldn t be disregarded. When deconstructing the text, I believe Alpha Behn s story of Oroonoko falls under racisms constrained view and exhibits an unschooled thought in correlation of
  • 17. How Climate Change Is Happening All Over And It Has... Mersadies Butcher Climate Change Paper Dr. Sian Ritchie Opening Sentence: Climate Change is happening all over and it has extreme consequences. Governor Inslee s plan is heading in the right direction to solve these problems. To help reduce these consequences we need to find alternative cleaner resources to use. Section 1: How climate works Climate change has many factors; albedo is one of many. Albedo is where the snow and ice reflect sunlight back into space. But as the Earth s temperature continues to rise the snow and ice are beginning to melt causing the ground and water to absorb the sunlight heating things up. With the carbon dioxide levels rising throughout the years the ocean absorbed 30% of it, creating acidification, which is killing coral reefs. As this occurs it is destroying the shelter for many types of fish. With the coral reefs dying the fish population is decreasing significantly this is a major problem for the areas of the world were catching fish to feed their families is all they have as a food source. (Hewitt et al., 343 351) The conveyor belt is being affected as well, due to the rise of carbon dioxide levels. As the snow and ice melt the large amount of fresh water runs into the ocean making it less salty. When the water becomes less salty it turns out to be less dense and not able to sink like it should to keep the conveyor belt going, which keeps Europe from freezing. The level of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have increased by
  • 18. Difference Between Drama And Drama Theater and Drama Drama means to act or to do from the Greek dran. It means action literally. It is a composition in prose for enactment intended to portray life or character or to tell a story by action and dialogue. It is a process geared to the participant and does not require a formal audience. Theatre is a building specifically designed for the purpose of presenting dramatic performances before an audience (Collier, 1995). It includes drama activities which may lead to formal presentation of a scripted play involving acting, directing, designing, and other technical aspects. The Basic Elements of Theatre (Terrin Adair Lynch) Script/Text, Scenario, Plan Script is a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; It is used in ... Show more content on ... It arouses pity and fear in the audience as it witnesses the action. In classical tragedy we find a protagonist at the center of the drama that is a great person, usually of upper class birth. Tragedy involves the audience in the action and creates tension and expectation. Comedy This genre should have the view of a comic spirit and is physical and energetic. It is tied up in rebirth and renewal. This is the reason most comedy end in weddings, which suggest a union of a couple and the expected birth of children. Comedy creates light feelings. The playwright uses comic devices such as exaggeration, incongruity, surprise, repetition, wisecracks, and sarcasm. Melodrama Melodrama is drama of disaster and differs from tragedy significantly. The protagonist is usually a victim of circumstance. He is acted upon by the antagonist or anti hero and suffers without having to accept responsibility and inevitability of fate. Melodrama has a sense of strict moral judgment. All issues presented in the plays are resolved in a well defined way. The good characters are rewarded and the bad characters are punished in a means that fits the
  • 19. Biomechanical Analysis of Shot Put and Discus Biomechanical Analysis: Shot Put A biomechanical standpoint, the shot put and has many different aspects that can be look at upon the affects of many different factors. Although there are many different factors that are important to success and performance related to the shot put and discuss. Thus, I am going to look at the speed, the angle, and the height of release. These factors are particularly important to performance of the shot put and discus but there are many other important factors that also contribute, including range of motion, timing, position, internal force, and external force. The next area that we are going to look at is speed. Results from studies done by M. Hubbard et al. showed that Achievable release speed... Show more content on ... {draw:frame} Many different muscles and joints used in shot putting. The shoulder muscle and joints around it are very important in performing. As part of the humerus bone, the acromioclavicular joint and the glenohumeral jointwork together to inhibit shoulder movement. Specifically, the glenohumeral joint allows complete range of motion for the shoulder because it is technically the ball and socket. Therefore, the joints in the humerus part of the muscle help the athlete to have a steady and controlled throw. In addition, before the shot is released, the arm can helped be controlled by the joints in the shoulder. Muscles associated with the shoulder that provides mobility and strength to the shoulder joints are the rotator cuff muscles. The rotator cuff muscles actually hold the ball in the socket. Without the rotator cuff muscles, the muscles joints would not function properly. They are important for providing strength to the shoulder as the athlete performs. When the athlete has the shot at its initial point, the rotator cuff muscles will move as the athlete prepares to throw (Shoulder). In addition to shoulder muscles associated with shot putting, elbow muscles are also associated with it. The two major elbow muscles that are usedin shot putting are the biceps brachii and the triceps brachii. The biceps brachii
  • 20. Gender Roles Are The Way People Act Gender in Baby Daddy TV show, Essay Gender roles are the way people act, what they do and say, to express being a girl or a boy, a woman or a man. These characteristics are shaped by society, (Gender Roles) These roles constitute the standards of the society and they are transmitted from one generation to another by education. Children learn these standards since their birth. Parents teach them how to act, to say and to behave according to their sex. Also, children learn the gender roles from other sources like school, neighborhood and television. Actually, television is playing a significant role in the education of people. From different programs presented on television, children acquire many knowledge about how to live, to speak and to behave according to the roles attribute to men and women. In the USA, Baby Daddy television show is one of the program which teaches people about the gender roles. Baby Daddy show spreads the gender roles by three different ways, first by the way the personal characters of men and women are described, secondly, by the attitude of men and women toward the Domestic behaviors, finally, by the way professional occupation of men and women are presented. Baby Daddy , is a television show which demonstrates how a boy single parent assumes the parental responsibilities. In the season one, first, second and third episodes, Ben discovers a baby in front of his door abandoned by his ex girlfriend. Ben decides to keep the baby and hopes to
  • 21. Ambrose Bierce s Influence On War Most authors write mysteries not live in them, most authors write about war not fight in it, most authors do not leave theories in their (supposed) death, most authors are not Ambrose Bierce. Ambrose Bierce was a unique author/veteran (whichever you prefer). Even now people still are trying to figure out what happened to him. Bierce was an author who disappeared with little trace leaving behind many theories. During the Civil War, Ambrose Bierce joined the military, fought in many battles, and wrote fiction inspired by his time serving. Ambrose Bierce was part of the Ninth Regiment in Indiana. He won the rank of major before the end of the war. He also fought in multiple battles. He wrote books about the civil war like Civil War Stories and Tales of Soldiers and Civilians . He wrote a few more but not many. War adventures resulted in the finest, some say the only, fiction to emerge from the Civil War and all of it remains in print. Swaim 1. Bierce Fought at Chickamauga during the civil war and wrote a short story called Chickamauga in 1889. This book was written more than 20 years after the actual battle of Chickamauga which occurred in 1863. He fought in many battles and wrote stories about them after the war had ended. He was a well known author but, in 1913 he ... Show more content on ... So we went to the corral of the soldiers quarters, and while we were there a soldier came up to the captain and said: We have him, and everything is ready. With that the captain dispatched several other soldiers, and everyone headed down toward the cemetery. There were a lot of other people following, too, and when we got to the cemetery the soldiers made everyone stand back as far as the stone wall. Then they stood the man against the wall and shot him. Gander
  • 22. Objectivity And The Social Responsibility Theory Part I:Objectivity in journalism is claimed by many media sources yet is one of the hardest things to find when searching the news. An objective view in journalism associates itself with the social responsibility theory, in which a person must provide a variety of views for a piece of information given to the public (Grossber 383). While many journalists may claim they are objective, this type of communication to the public is difficult to achieve, as a natural biasdevelops within a person from their socialization. El Nawawy and Iskandar are cited within The Great American Bubble by Adel Iskandar, Objectivity has come to imply both a media practice of information collection, processing, and dissemination, and an overarching attitude (163). As the article also discusses, Fox Newsis an openly right winged news source for the public, specifically, their show, The O Reilly Factor, displays conservative views on current news. Fox does not display complete objectivity in their newsfeeds, yet they are open about it, which could be described as social responsibilitytheory in a different way. I would argue that objectivity is almost impossible to achieve, and in that sense news sources should openly explain their bias, instead of hiding their own agendas in their information, which would give social responsibility theory and objectivity a new light. Part II: Iskandar brings up an important point, saying Who judges whether or not a news story is objective? Is it the audience
  • 23. Unit 1 Assignment 1 Critical Evaluation There are ample differences between my first critical evaluation and this one. While initially writing the evaluation for Quiz 1, I did not truly understand what it meant to evaluate and analyze an article. However, over the course of this semester, I progressively acquired the tools to do so. In my first evaluation I had no real structure and primarily focused on putting together as much evidence as possible to see if it would support the claim made in the editorial. When coming to the conclusion that the evidence made sense and was sufficient enough, I accepted the argument that was made. This lacked the proper structure and additional information needed, such as diagraming your argument, proposing possible loopholes, and finding possible fallacies. All of these being essential components in the completion and accuracy of an acceptable critical evaluation, which I made sure to include in my present updated assessment. Diagraming is crucial to understanding and assessing an argument. Unlike in my original evaluation, it allowed me to really analyze all the evidence in the editorial. It did this by making me search through the article and find what evidence is actually essential to the primary argument... Show more content on ... I did mention because this was an editorial, which is opinion based on its nature, it caused issues of credibility. But because I didn t have past knowledge of fallacies and the meaning of them, I was not able to truly identify precisely why. Fallacies helped me realize that an argument should be based on logic and not personal opinions on people or appeal to emotions, which I applied this time around in my evaluation. Overall, this class has given me the knowledge of what it means to do a critical evaluation and the building blocks to understand what elements make up a proper argument and
  • 24. Chemical Weapons Convention ( Cwc ) Chemical Weapons Convention By: Jamie Dainty John Sununu once said and I quote, When we re talking about technology that involves weapons of mass destruction, nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, there has to be an element of preemption . Chemical weapons are being fought by chemical weapons convention (CWC), but what is CWC? When some people hear chemical weapons convention they might get the wrong idea in their head. They might think of something more along the lines of a gathering where they would show their latest models of their chemical weapon products. But in this case that s not exactly what it is. Chemical weapons convention is actually an arms control treaty which outlaws the production, stockpiling, ... Show more content on ... (Organisation for prohibition of chemical weapons) The purpose/function of a chemical weapon is to cause physical harm ranging from discomfort to death. (NTI) The convention is made up of a preamble, twenty four articles and three annexes; annexes on chemicals, the verification annex and the confidentiality. (Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons) In 1925 after the world war one, the Geneva Protocol prohibited chemical weapons in warfare (U.N.O.D.A.), which can be viewed as the first step to the chemical weapons convention. Banning chemical weapons due to the devastating outcomes of the usage of the weapons, devastating outcomes such as deaths and mutations, have made the steps to take to chemical weapons much easier. Yet the chemical weapons convention wasn t started until it was signed in 1993 by president George H.W. Bush and ratified in 1997, which is about sixty eight to seventy two years later. (The Reagan Vision) On March sixteenth 1988 a most notorious example of chemical weapons used occurred, when Saddam Hussein unleashed a mixture of mustard gas and nerve agents on Kurdish civilians in Halabja, Iraq. (Sounds chemical management) At least five thousand civilians including women, children and elderly people immediately died, while at least ten thousand were blinded or harmed. (Sounds chemical management) Henry Waxman had once said and I quote, Saddam Hussein has systematically violated, over the course of
  • 25. The Battle Of Midway During World War II Essay The Battle of Midway was fought from June 3rd to June 5th, 1942 between the Japanese and United States during World War II. The end result of this battle was the destruction of four Japanese carriers, two cruisers, three destroyers, and two hundred and ninety two aircraft by U.S. fighters and dive bombers. Conversely, the U.S. only lost a carrier, the USS Yorktown, a destroyer, the USS Hammann, and 145 aircraft. Unlike previous battles which were fought through traditional tactics, the Battle of Midwaywas fought with unconventional tactics that resulted in a turning point for United States Naval power worldwide. Through the development of new tactics, refined intelligence, the weakness of the Japanese plan, and Japanese over confidence the Battle of Midway was a turning point for U.S. sea power. The Battle of Midway was a turning point in the Pacific War not only because the U.S. was advanced in their new tactical capabilities, but also because they had crushed a tested and undefeated Japanese Navy that was projected to win. The U.S. set a new standard for themselves by integrating aircraft carriers into its fleet and was able to strike at a moment s notice from a much closer range than the land based aircraft. The effective range of the fleet s strike arm had grown so big that navies could now engage without ever sighting each other, just as they had in the Coral Sea. Every element involved in this battle was able to make it the most impactful naval battle in American
  • 26. The Tragedy of September 11, 2001 11 September 2001 On September 11 th 2001 on the morning hijacked by 19 Arab men 4 aircraft were all heading towards California, and used them as suicide missiles. They flew into the World Trade Center two twin towers, the Pentagon and after a long struggle with passengers crashed last down on a field. World Trade Center consisted of seven buildings, three of the buildings collapsed and the four others were damaged by the other collapsed. It is believed that the 19 Arab men, was led by the Egyptian Mohammed Atta (1968 2001) 5. The first plane was hijacked, was a Boeing 767, American Airlines Route 11, which had 92 passengers on board. The second plane, United Airlines Route 175 had 65 passengers on board. The third plane, American Airlines route 77, 64 passengers on board and the fourth plane, United Airlines Route 93 had 45 passengers on board. 2749 people died in accidents, including office workers, managers, chefs, waiters, cooks, police, fire, and paramedics. The critical moment A plane, American Airlines Route 11, with 92 passengers on board, was hijacked by four Arab men with knives, led by Mohammed Atta. On the ground heard the air traffic controller them say, Do not something stupid. There will not be put to any. We have other planes. A second plane, United Airlines Route 175, with 65 passengers on board, was hijacked by five Arab men and armed with knives. During the struggle, to take over the plane, the stack a member of cabin crew down. A female flight
  • 27. Essay on Historical Timeline of Apple Inc Apple Case Study Historical Timeline of Apple Inc. Apple Incorporated has come a long way over the years, starting more than 3 decades ago in 1976. Apple was founded by Steve jobs, Steve Wonzniak and Ronald Wayne initially entering a niche market in the production of the first computer, the Apple I, followed by the Apple II in 1978. Apple began its career as a successful company based upon strategic innovation, and they remain that way today, but it wasn t always sunshine and lollipops, they experienced their fair share of struggles too. IBM entered the market in 1981 and gave Apple its first real competition. Apple managed to bounce back and thrived on this competition to abolish complacency and starting findings new ways to stay ... Show more content on ... They have the ability to create products that people will buy despite the state of the economy. Apple is a unique company in the way that there is a very prominent amount of consumers that will buy everything that Apple puts on the Market. This type of supporting allows Apple to charge higher prices for their products. In saying this alongside Apple s consumer loyalty they have created numerous low priced products. The IPod Shuffle is an excellent example, which can be purchased directly from the Apple website for just $49. Obviously in a technology based industry there is a huge emphasis placed on technological advancements. As stated earlier, technology can be related to international business but technologies within Apple s products are the reason why they continue to leave their competitors in their wake. The combination of the iPod with iTunes has been a huge success for Apple. On the 1st of September 2010, it was announced that Apple had sold 275 million iPods, making it the biggest selling digital music player of all time. Then when technology was advancing toward touch screen devices, Apple came out with the iPod touch, iPhone and most recently, the iPad. Apple s ability to constantly stay one step ahead of its competitors is the driving force behind their success. Five Forces Analysis 1. Threat of New Entrants Low a. Getting into the industry will take a large amount of
  • 28. Panera Case Study In 1976, Au Bon Pain ( where good bread is ) Bakery was opened as a response to the request for a conceptional fast casual restaurant. Ronald Shaich and Louis Kane merged their business, Cookie Jar Bakery and Aub Bon Pain Bakery, together after a period of debt to create Au Bon Pain Co. Inc. In 1985, the two decided to add fresh made sandwiches to their menu after noticing that their customers were buying their fresh baked bread in order to capitalize on their profit. As of September 25, 2012, they have over 1,600 locations in over 44 states and Canada. More than 776 of its locations are company operated, while the rest are run by franchisees. Its locations operate under the names Panera Bread, Saint Louis Bread Company, and Paradise... Show more content on ... Their primary marketing objective is to strategize menu development in order to grow customer base. In the case, it is indicated that Panera manufactures its own fresh dough; which is not only produced, but also delivered daily all over the country. Management at Panera views this as a competitive advantage rather than viewing it as a costly process. Also, due to the rising cost of ingredients due to the current economy, it is likely that Panera s menu pricing will experience a rise and possible item substitution or replacement. I have personally already experienced this. The price of ingredients greatly affects the menu pricing. In order for there to be an effective analysis of their cost, more information is required on the cost of producing the items listed on Panera s menu. It would be suggested that Panera should evaluate ways to offer lower prices on their food without having a major financial impact on the company s profit margin. Panera s total system wide revenues rose from $350.8 million in 2000 to over $1,558.5 million in 2012. The share price has increased from $3.88 a share on December 31, 1999 to $160.17 a share on January 30, 2012 at 11:41 AM EST. Panera s objectives include, but are not limited to: high density urban feeding, a welcoming atmosphere of coffee shops with the quick service of fast food, fresh baked artisan breads, in restaurant experience that the customers share with
  • 29. Osdjsods _______________________________________________________________Supplement to University Catalog Calendar year 2012/2013 Kaplan University Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, Davenport, Des Moines, Lincoln, Mason City, and Omaha Tuition and Fee Schedule Effective: 12/4/2012 (for students starting after January 1, 2013) PROGRAM Medical Billing/Coding Certificate Pathway to Paralegal Postbaccalaureate Certificate Dental Assistant Diploma Practical Nursing Diploma Associate of Applied Science in Accounting Associate of Applied Science in Business Administration Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice Associate of Applied Science in Fire Science Associate of Applied Science in Human Services Associate of Applied Science ... Show more content on ... Science Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies Bachelor of Science in Psychology Bachelor of Science in Public Administration and Policy $5,109 $25 $20 $35,763 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $35,763 $35,763 $35,763 $35,763 $35,763 $35,763 $35,763 $35,763 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $5,109 $25 $20 $66,417 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $5,109 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417
  • 30. $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 $66,417 Page 2 of 4 _______________________________________________________________Supplement to University Catalog Calendar year 2012/2013 PROGRAM Master of Business Administration Master of Business Administration with specialization Master of Health Care Administration Master of Public Administration Master of Public Health Master of Science in Criminal Justice Master of Science in Environmental Policy Master of Science in Finance Master of Science in Homeland Security and Emergency Management Master of Science in Information Technology Master of Science in Information Technology (w/
  • 31. Confidential Psychological Report San Beda College College of Arts and Sciences Department of Psychology PSY10A Psychological Testing 02 Monday, Wednesday amp; Friday: 12:30pm 1:30pm (34N) A Confidential Psychological Case Report of Michael Anthony C. Valdez (LONG VERSION) In fulfilment of the requirements in the course of Psychology Submitted by: Mark Anthony F. Tan 3rd yr IRR APS Submitted to: Prof. Annabel Quilon I Pre intake Interview A. Personal Data Name: Michael Anthony C. Valdez Address: Crisolita St. San Andres Bukid, Metro Manila Age: 21 Gender: Male Birth date: January 28, 1990 Birth place: Ospital ng Maynila Medical Center, Malate Manila Social Status: Single Occupation: Peer Health ... Show more content on ... He is a hardworking, tough but emotionally drained and withdrawn kind of person. Sometimes he would try to fake a smile and act numb to put on a facade to everyone.
  • 32. His struggle to find a family and a home for a normal childhood may have caused him to have a quiet and mild mannered demeanour which represents repressive anger and anxieties. General Home Atmosphere a. As a Family Member: He is trustworthy, hardworking and always puts the needs of others first before her own. He never had a home to call his own so much that he never felt the love and care from a family. b. The Father: They have a very loving and caring relationship to the point that they re dependent and reliant to each other. It took a long time for the father to recover and cope up with the mother s departure and had taken the dual role of a mother and father to the children. This dark and unfortunate moment in their lives made them realize that all they have is each other. c. The Mother: The case client, Mr. Valdez briefly stated that he never knew his mother and had felt intense pain and anger for a while because of never having a maternal figure in his life. Time and the lessons he learned taught him to forgive and forget. If ever God permits him to have the chance to meet his mother, he would gladly accept it. d. Among Siblings: According to the client, Mr. Valdez s interview, when he left and got
  • 33. Examining the Timeless Mystery Novels The Hound of the... Throughout the years the characters and plots of mystery novels have evolved and have been modernized. However, no matter when or where the novels are written, they all succeed in having major impacts on the unsuspecting readers. For some mystery fans, the opening of the book can awaken the butterflies in the pit of their stomachs. As the stories progress, the reader is drawn further and further into the novel until it becomes impossible to pry the book from their hands. Mystery novels written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyleand Charles Dickens are not exceptions and are overflowing with suspenseful scenes. The mysteries The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Mystery of Edwin Drood arouse excitement and encourage the reader to continue to read... Show more content on ... In Jasper s case, in The Mystery of Edwin Drood, the character development is the complete opposite. After the disappearance of his nephew, Jasper not only gains self confidence, but becomes suspicious of everyone and revenge becomes his main priority. The other characters have also noticed Jasper s transformation as Rosa says that she, ... [has] not seen him [Jasper] since the fatal night and then he was present in gloomy watchfulness, as representing his lost nephew and burning to avenge him (Dickens 168). Therefore, Jasper s presence is felt throughout [the novel] as an overhanging threat (Cardwell xi).This leads to the mystery changing the main characters. Whether it is for better or for worse, it is something intriguing that the reader can ponder as they read. At first glance, it may appear as though the only people affected by the mystery are the protagonists, but in fact the majority of the society and the secondary characters are influenced. In The Hound of the Baskervilles, the fear of the hound causes many characters to be on edge and fearful of the Moor, which results in the reader experiencing constant suspense and fearing the mystical hound. More specifically, Sir Henry Baskerville is always anxious, is always shaking and fearing that his next breath may be his last. The
  • 34. Opinion Essay On Suvs A lot of people today are interested in buying an SUV. When starting to do research before purchasing, they might wonder what the top 10 small SUVs are or just what the top 10 best SUVs are. If they only want to look at brands or certain cars in brands then they might wonder what the top 5 SUV brands or models are. There are ways that SUVs are rated and people can look and see what the top features are for today s SUVs. This article serves to help people understand how these SUVs are are ranked and what features are highest on the list. First thing to do before learning how these are ranked is to decide if you want to look up specific information such as top 10 luxury SUVs or best 6 cylinder SUV. Once you decide exactly what kind of SUV ... Show more content on ... These are things that most new car buyers are interested in and have at the very top of their consideration list. ( removed HTML ) Safety ( removed HTML ) When buying a new car, this is one of the biggest aspects that people consider. They want to make sure their families are going to be safe in the car they purchase and they aren t going to have to worry about having a vehicle that is going to have a higher chance of putting their families lives at risk. The way that they give an SUV a safety rating is by gathering information from top sources that specialize in safety ratings. Some of those sources are: the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. They try and help ensure that the SUV is the safest that it can possibly be. ( removed HTML ) Reliability ( removed HTML ) Reliability is one of those things that go along with safety. A person doesn t want to worry about getting stranded on the side of the rode with their families in the car. Not only could this be bad depending on weather, but it could be dangerous if it is on a highway where vehicles go higher speeds. This score comes from the Predicted Reliability rating. These are always given by J.D. Power and Associates. The way they get this score is by looking at the historical initial quality and dependability over the last 3 years. This information comes from studies that have been conducted by J.D. Power and
  • 35. The Use of Wind Power Is the Answer for the Future The use of wind power is the answer for the future. The use of wind power has developed from when it was first used to power ships in ancient civilizations like trading botes that sailed the Nail Egypt. Wind power was then captured by wind mills on farms to produce mechanical energy. This energy was then used to pump water to irrigate crops so farmers could have a more reliable harvest. Windmills also powered and to grinders that that crushed up grains. In today s society wind turbines have been developed that makes wind a feasible source of fuel for America. Wind Energy is no longer a simple idea of little importance. It has developed into a major and dependable source of energy. The dependence on fossil fuels is a big problem in society however, if we take advantage of renewable technology like wind energy, the economy and the environment will benefit. Wind turbines offer many positive advantages. They boost the economy, on a local and national level. Wind power is a clean energy source, and unlike dirty fossil fuels. Wind power helps protect our planet by reducing pollution and lowering the amount of harmful emissions that contribute to global warming. Wind is completely renewable, and is a domestic source which will decrease our dependence on other countries. Wind turbines are not flawless, they do have some problems. One of the first problems is the limitation of wind power. Scene the turbines rely on wind to generate electricity if there is no or vary little wind
  • 36. Cost of College Argumentative Essay Ever since you were little, your parents have been talking about this wonderful thing called college. They told you that you have to go there to get an education before you can get a good job. Many kids have dreamed of going to college, and being able to get the job of their dreams. By putting in hard work and dedication to good grades in high school, you had high hopes that you would be able to get into an Ivy League school. The American dream of being able to go to collegeto get a degree is sliding away from many people due to rising costs. With increasing tuition prices and job loss, the college dream is slowly and surely slipping away from many students and their families. The first step in the college ... Show more content on ... With lack of financial aid students are not going to be able to afford college on their own. They are relying on their parents to help them, but is there anything they can do? In order to get a decent paying job, you have to have a college degree. Many people will not be able to go to college full time because they have to work part time or full time to be able to afford college and can not move on to a higher paying job with out it. Low income students have always struggled with college bills. Financial and political forces are making it harder than ever to get a college degree, which is crucial to getting a high paying job (Philadelphia Inquirer, 1). It is extremely difficult to get a job and go to college full or part time, just to have a higher paying job. Many students hope to avoid a soaring loan debt. They work long hours; take courses part time and are commuting to college rather than living on campus. These compromises greatly reduce chances of earning a college degree in a timely manner if at all (Philadelphia Inquirer, 1). As a result, students must rely on even larger loan debt to get through school. Many students have to put off getting their degree and some never go back to get it. Graduation rates have dropped because of the size of debt that students acquire while at school. Students nowadays are expected to pay all of their tuition with no help. The economy is in horrendous shape and
  • 37. Marlon Brando Research Paper Marlon Brando is 5ft 9in (175cm) and Actor,film director,activist Alabama.He helped to popularize the Stanislavski system of acting, studying with Stella Adler in the 1940s. Brando is most famous for his Academy Award winning performances as Terry Malloy in On the Waterfront (1954) and Vito Corleone in The Godfather (1972), as well as performances in A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), Viva Zapata! (1952), Julius Caesar (1953), The Wild One (1953), Reflections in a Golden Eye (1967), Last Tango in Paris (1972), and Apocalypse Now (1979). Brando was also an activist for many causes, notably the African American Civil Rights Movement and various Native American movements. Godfather (1972), as well as performances in A Streetcar Named Desire (1951),... Show more content on ... He received further praise for his performance as Terry Malloy in On the Waterfront, and his portrayal of the rebel motorcycle gang leader Johnny Strabler in The Wild One proved to be a lasting image in popular culture.[8] Brando received Academy Award nominations for playing Emiliano Zapata in Viva Zapata!; Mark Antony in Joseph L. Mankiewicz s 1953 film adaptation of Shakespeare s Julius Caesar; and Air Force Major Lloyd Gruver in Sayonara (1957), an adaptation of James Michener s 1954 novel. Brando was included in a list of Top terry Malloy in On the Waterfront, and his portrayal of the rebel motorcycle gang leader Johnny Strabler in The Wild One proved to be a lasting image in popular culture.[8] Brando received Academy Award nominations for playing Emiliano Zapata in Viva Zapata!; Mark Antony in Joseph L. Mankiewicz s 1953 film adaptation of Shakespeare s Julius Caesar; and Air Force Major Lloyd Gruver in Sayonara (1957), an adaptation of James Michener s 1954 novel. Brando was included in a list of Top Ten Money Making Stars three times in the 1950s, coming in at number 10 in 1954, number 6 in 1955, and number 4 in 1958.The 1960s proved to be a fallow decade for Brando. He directed and starred in the cult western film One Eyed
  • 38. Essay On The Tortilla Curtain The Tortilla Curtain is a principle novel to compare the United States of America to. The novel itself discusses environmental destruction, illegal immigration, materialism, poverty, and xenophobia which parallel the country altogether. Throughout the novel, the audience learns about the two different lifestyles the Mossbachers and the RincГіns live. As the novelis continued, a sequence of incidents and a discussion of these incidents arise about them. Although these incidents, like illegal immigration and rape, could be considered too difficult to comprehend or too mature to discuss in a high school classroom, they re important to the development of the novel. The discussion of these incidents throughout the novel could be informative to... Show more content on ... Although the parallel is a clear indication of the unchanging mentalities throughout the country, The Tortilla Curtain should be taught in high school classrooms throughout the country because of the potential for change in the generations to come. The Tortilla Curtain presents a realistic depiction of what the life of illegal immigrants is like while making the effort to live a normal life and survive. Our society is identical to the society in a novel published in 1995. In the novel s society, immigrants are deemed to be less of people and therefore, the white community of Arroyo Blanco Estates thought to wall the place in (Boyle 189). The wall is to be placed around Arroyo Blanco Estates because the residents would like to isolate themselves from the coyotes, or the Mexican immigrants. AmГ©rica and CГЎndido RincГіn s perspective of the wall presents a perspective an average white American citizen wouldn t imagine to be immigrant s perspective of the controversiality. The similarity of the wall being implemented to protect what it s surrounding is one of the multiple similarities the audience learns about. A discussion about the mature and sensitive material [stays] on your mind [and gives] a bit more strength to the difficulties of immigrants in the United States ( Tortilla Curtain resonates in high
  • 39. Drug Laws And Laws In The United States The United States of American is a society built upon principles and laws. These laws and principles were decided to keep Americans safe and help one another co exist. In the beginning as laws came into being law makers would play it by ear as they decided what could remain legal for the public to take part in and what would be illegal and frowned upon by society. One of the many issues American government has come face to face with issues about making legal or illegal is drugs. Drugs since their first discovery has made a major impact in American history. Some might say that drugs have been destructive to our country, but even so legal or otherwise, one can say that they have contributed to the growth of our nation s economy. The government
  • 40. The Most Spectacular Discovery Of Deinococcus Radiodurans,... The most spectacular discovery about Deinococcus radiodurans, the first poly extremophile bacterium, is that it has developed an incredible amount of unexplainable resistance to radiation. It has remarkable DNA repair mechanisms which cannot be explained just by examining the genome and research seemingly yields no concrete data regarding what infers the resistivity against ionizing radiation. It can withstand at least a thousand times more radiation than a human can, in addition to UV radiation, desiccation, cold and acid. It has no known particular natural habitat as it has been found across a diverse range of environments, including in the Antarctic dry valleys, an environment on Earth that s thought to closely resemble that of Mars. The microbe contains 4 10 copies of its genome and although the radiation causes extensive breaks in the genome, the microbe is able to utilize unique but poorly understood DNArepair mechanisms that ensure reasonable fidelity. The genome has been sequenced and a protein has been found within its sequence that confers radiation resistance, RecA. Researchers are looking to take advantage of this protein by genetically engineering D. radiodurans to function in environmental clean up, to speed up the process as well as reduce the costs. Future prospects of this bacteriainclude additional selective genetic engineering to metabolize a range of toxic organic compounds and to assess if life is possible in space, specifically on Mars. This bacterium
  • 41. Sustainable Fashion Essay One of the most heavily discussed topics, in this last decade, is the environmental decay of our planet. Diverse concepts have materialized in order to find solutions for the problem. Ecology and sustainable growth have been confirmed to be the main solutions currently. Innovations for sustainable growth include: creation of hybrid cars, recyclingand minor discharge of carbon dioxide in factories among others (Christ 23). Environmental awareness was also introduced to the world of fashion, unfortunately, it wasn t very successful; lately there has been a change of situation and that is what we are going to attempt to understand.For almost twenty years now, people have been relying on fast fashion, a fairly new notion, which... Show more content on ... The fact that it is possible to treat the clothes for them to simply not be able to receive dirt is eco friendly on long term because that means we wouldn t need to wash the clothes as much but then those same clothes cannot be recycled and that is not eco friendly Is it better to keep clothes as they are and waste more energy or to treat them but not recycle them after use? It is a dilemma. Finding an exact definition for the terms sustainable fashion . Green , Eco fashion to a name a few, is close to impossible. We all have the impression everyone understands it the same way but it is false, it has different meanings for all of us. The word sustainability itself implies some sort of length, in the sense that something can last long, it also. Here are some of the definitions people have of sustainable fashion: Quality items that stand the test of time it is this concept of sustainability, symbolized by a timeless handbag that you wear again and again, and can pass on, that I am always thinking of when I design. Says Frida Gianni Accessories are a very important part of fashion and should be considered so a good example for this definition of sustainable would be the Hermes Birkin bag. The Birkin bag is a highly exclusive handmade bag from France; it is very expensive because of its exclusivity but also because of how it is constructed and the materials
  • 42. Visited Wynona s House Child Advocacy Center For this experience, I have visited Wynona s House Child Advocacy Center, often referred to as Wynona s House. This was the perfect opportunity to go to such an agency because April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. During my visit, I interviewed two women that worked at this agency: Ashley Pires, and briefly, Karen J. Zambrano. Ashley Pires is the Family Advocate and Karen Zambrano is Wynona House s Forensic Interview Specialist. As the Family Advocate for Wynona s House, Ashley specializes in the casework of families, leading to forensic video interviews with their clients. Aside from these responsibilities, Pires also provides the services that these children and their families may need, which are determined from a strength and needs... Show more content on ... On the other hand, Zambrano interviews kids without making them feel interrogated by using anatomically correct dolls, and having them draw their home environment. The dolls help understand the children s language and understanding of their bodies, specifically their genitalia. Zambrano asks the children to draw a house to see who lives in there and how they describe their relationships with these people. Both of these women complete different tasks within the agency, while coming together to further provide aid to their target population: children. Wynona s House serves children. To go into detail, the agency s mission is to promote justice and provide healing for child victims of abuse and neglect in Essex County. This agency promotes better health, psychological, and social growth of these victims. As said in their mission statement, Wynona s House provides services to these children that have fallen victim to maltreatment within Essex County, New Jersey. Although Wynona s House reaches out to children in all of Essex County, majority of their clients are from Newark, since it is so close by. Wynona s House is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, fortunate enough to receive most of their funding through federal, local, and state grants. Aside from these grants, donations are accepted. These donations can be obtained easily through the official website of Wynona s House for express donations. People that
  • 43. Larry Kramer s The Normal Heart As Berkshire now goes onto its second night of performing the Normal Heart one can see why a school would choses to perform such an incredible, beautiful and heart wrenching play. There is much to learn from Kramer s work: fear, courage, family and love. Today the play, which first daybued in 1985 still has meaning and content that anyone can learn from. While the Normal Heartdoes not have the answer to how to help oneself or group of friends about discriminations against minorities, Krammer does teach the most important thing to do is stay as a united front and do not let any adversities hold you down. Larry Kramer wrote The Normal Heart as a way to express his feeling for the discrimination of gay men during the AIDS crisis in the 1980s. ... Show more content on ... The characters in his story are real men who either died or fought for those who did die during the AIDs crisis in 1981. While I struggled with fully connecting with most of the characters due to the fact that I have never been faced with an issue so large. An issue so large that in the first year of the outbreak there were 121 reported deaths among gays. The character I can relate to the most is the main character: Ned. The reason I found myself being able to stand in Ned s shoes is due to is undying will to win. Ned gave up everything to fight for a cause that had no cure. He gave up even his friends who were to scared to fight with him. Even though I have not found something that I am will to give everything in my life up for; including my friends. You are on a colossal ego trip we must be curtail. To manipulate fear, as you have done repeatedly in your merchandising of the epidemic, is to us a gesture of barbarism... In accordance with our by laws drawn up by Weeks, Frankel, Levinstein, Mr. Ned Weeks is hereby removed as a director. (Kramer 111 112) Ned is left by his peers who had supported his cause. I understood Ned s role as a character more than any of the others, because if you are going to support something you believe in why who wouldn t give up
  • 44. Technology Plan Design Introduction: Technology Plan Design A technology plan should set the direction for the future use of technology as a tool for assisting School District in attaining their vision, mission, and goals. As noted by Picciano (2011), planning should include a comprehensive approach to identifying needs, commitment to follow through with action steps and resource acquisition, collaboration between internal and external publics. The planshould also be a continuity between change and a connection to the past that builds toward the futuredetailing objectives, rationale, strategies, and measurements. This approach to planning assists in developing a technology plan through minimizing risks by establishing basic evaluation criteria early in the process (pp 20 25) such as identification of measurable goals and insuring that all stakeholders are involved throughout the process. Knight (2011) and Senge (2001, 2012) recommend using a systems approach to planning and Picciano (2011) supports this by describing an implementationmodel that defines, designs, develops and disseminates technology in small incremental stages until satisfied that the technology is meeting expected goals on a limited basis before implementing on a larger scale (p. 25). Using a systems approach, a technology plan must identify operational feasibility and is often best implemented through a pilot or phased in process. While a technology plan can look excellent on paper, identifying needs,
  • 45. Essay On Missouri Compromise The Missouri Compromise resolved a potentially disastrous power struggle between the northern free states and the southern slave states. In 1819, the United States appeared to be split evenly by having 11 free states and 11 slave states. Both sides vary in separate economic and political ideologies. The Missouri Compromise is all about the admission of states to the Union, balance of power within Congress, and of course, compromise. Before statehood, Missouri was known as the Missouri Territory; which in 1819 requested admission to the Union. In most cases the governments of organized territories hold referendums if the sentiment of its population is in favor of statehood. If the referendum ends in favor of becoming a state, then a request is submitted to Congress to discuss and hold a vote. Missouri was initially denied statehood because the Senate denied the bill, because the Committee of the Whole attached an amendment to the bill, which would allow Missouri to become a slave state, but after the slaves children reached the age of 25 they would become free men. The Senate disapproved of... Show more content on ... The two major political parties at the time, the Federalists and Democratic Republicans; the latter being in control of the House and Senate, vary in their political and economic beliefs. The northern states held Federalist strongholds and shared many ideologies, such as: focus on industrialization, monetarism, and government centralization. The Democratic Republicans were mainly based and also most popular in the southern states. Their focus was mostly on agriculture, and their ideologies included states rights and voting rights. Neither party wanted their power and influence to be undermined with the admission of new states, such as Missouri, allowing or outlawing slavery. The complicated dance of constantly balancing power was to protect the political and economic interests between the northern and southern
  • 46. Our Adventure to Virginia Beach When the word vacation is mentioned, everyone instantly thinks of a great time. There are no classes, no work, no chores, and most importantly, no worries. However, this isn t always the case, especially with my family. We decided to set out on an adventure to Virginia Beach this past April. The events that took place were benign but, the tripitself was a little bitof a struggle due to the chain of unpredictable events. The vacation started with us deciding to pack the rental car up the night before we left. Once we were done, the car was replete with all the beach essentials such as towels, drinks, snacks, swim suits, and of course, sunscreen. My dad, being an intelligent man, decided that it would be better for us to leave that night and drive halfway then stop instead of trying to cram in an eleven and a half hour ride into one day. However, there was a schism that took place when he told us this because my brothers didn t want to leave just yet. Being supercilious boys, they didn t think about the benefits of leaving early but were only concerned with finishing their game on Xbox. My dad concluded that it was an incumbent step to take in order for our vacation to go as smooth as possible and for us to possibly get there earlier. As we got in the car, we quickly did a double check to make sure all the requisite items were in the car. After realizing we forgot the phone chargers and we had to go back inside, we started on the road. The first few hours of travel
  • 47. Genetically Modified Crops Are A Hazard Of Human Health People continuously stir the pot when it comes to Genetically Modified crops, creating myths and allowing fear to spread across the globe. Some people believe that genetically modified crops are a hazard to human health, while others see the advantages of GM farming. There is a great amount of hesitation when people hear the terms antibiotic resistance and contamination when it involves their food. These terms are taken out of context and without a proper understanding of their role in plant genetics, can create fallacies. Genetically modified crops are in fact a negligible risk when it comes to human health. Biotechnology, transgenic crops, and genetic modification are words and phrases being thrown around in the debate on genetically ... Show more content on ... Genetic modification was even further enhanced in 2000 when it was discovered that the process could be used to introduce vitamins and nutrients to enrich foods. There are four main genetically modified crops dominating global agriculture: corn, canola, soybeans, and cotton. As of 2004, GM crops were being grown by 8.25 million farmers in 17 countries. The United States is one of the leading proponents for biotechnology, and is often looked to as the big brother of genetic modifications as it far surpasses global competition. According to the ISAA, The United States accounts for 59% of all Genetically Modified crops (James). While modified foods have made their way into the United States food supply, Europe has experienced quite a bit of backlash. Mixed feelings in regards to GM foods is mainly due to the debate surrounding biotechnology. Through media and social sources, the controversy surrounding genetically modified crops has increased greatly over the last decade. Left wing individuals, the UCS (Union of Concerned Scientists), and many organic/all natural advocates are the leading cause for the hesitation when it comes to GMO s. The USC is a nonprofit organization that includes many private citizens as well as professional scientists that attempt to solve pressing global problems. Many organic advocates are against GMO because of the idea that the manipulation of the crops is affecting it s
  • 48. The Mealtimes In Ramadan Ramadan has come once again, a time when Muslims engage in spiritual reflection by fasting from dawn till sunset consuming neither food nor water for a month. In a fasting state, the body uses up stored carbohydrates first and once that runs out, fat becomes the next source of energy (British Nutrition Foundation, 2017). During fasting, a detoxification effect seems to take place as the body dissolves and removes any toxins stored in the body s fat. After a few days of fasting, certain hormones such as endorphins appear to be elevated in the blood which results in a better level of alertness and an overall better mental well being (Mahroof, Syed, El Sharkawy, Hasan, Ahmed, Hussain, 2007). Throughout Ramadan, mealtimes changes as Muslims have pre dawn meals (suhoor) and break their fast after sunset (iftar). While abstaining from food during the day, food and fluids are consumed at varied amounts after sunset till early dawn. Not only are mealtimes significantly different per se, the amount and types of food eaten too are different from what is normally consumed during the other months of the year. Increased consumption of specially prepared foods rich in fats and protein or sweet... Show more content on ... The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating at least 400 g or 5 portions of fruits and vegetables per day to reduce the risk of non communicable diseases (NCDs) while ensuring an adequate intake of daily dietary fiber (World Health Organization, 2015). Islam instills a sense of responsibility for cultivating a healthy lifestyle as fasting in the month of Ramadan teaches Muslims to practice spirituality and not to eat excessively. Furthermore, the consumption of fruits are often mentioned and encouraged in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah (prophetic traditions) and this could be incorporated into modern food habits (Mahroof, Syed, El Sharkawy, Hasan, Ahmed, Hussain,
  • 49. Pharmaceutical Practices Obstruction of Generic Pharmaceuticals in the Marketplace It has been estimated that most of the major pharmaceutical companies have engaged in some unusual practices to keep generic equivalents of their products from entering the marketplace. These measures usually have a negative effect on consumers and health care plan providers, prohibiting them from buying equally effective products at a discounted rate. The objective of the major pharmaceutical companies in attempting to prevent generics from entering the market is clearly to provide their shareholders with exceptional profits. Some would argue that there is a morality argument to be made against big pharma in these cases of market manipulation. We will explore the moral ... Show more content on ... Trying to delay this patent expiration is the most common method of keeping generics off the street. Every single hour that a generic is kept off of the shelves, it only means more sale of the original pharmaceutical. Even if the patent lawsuit has no merit, the delay due to legal filings and court tie ups can buy valuable time for the original patent holder. Below you will find several examples of brand name pharmaceuticals that have enjoyed a longer monopolistic life due to some innovative, yet highly controversial techniques: пѓ Tamoxifen, which is sold under the brand name Nolvadex, is an example of company collusion. The generic version only sells for about 5 percent less than that of Nolvadex, which is made by AstraZeneca. The meager discount is a result of a private agreement between Barr and Zeneca, made after they left the courtroom. Under that pact, Zeneca paid Barr $21 million and Barr agreed to sell Zeneca s drug rather than produce its own version. Zeneca became AstraZeneca in a 1999 merger. пѓ An often repeated example is the way Eli Lilly prevented the Lupin group from entering into the generic market for a drug. It got a patent for about 70 different chemical processes used to make the relevant drug. пѓ The example of Cephalon has truly become the way that businesses have skirted the 1984 legislation acts. Instead of defending its patent in court, they paid the competing generic manufacturers
  • 50. The Butterfly And The Violin Analysis The Life of a Butterfly A butterfly s life starts out as a caterpillar, then a chrysalis, and finally the adult butterfly. In the novel The Butterfly and the Violin, Adele Von Bron start her life out as a caterpillar as Austria s sweetheart who very dependent on her family. She then became like a chrysalis, when she began to help the Jewish family by feeding them and trying to help them escape. Towards the end of the novel is when she transformed into a butterfly, because she had suffered with the struggles of the camp and met Omara which helped her to become a strong and independent woman. In The Butterfly and the Violin, Kristy Cambron uses the butterfly as a symbol to show the relation between Adele s life and the life of a butterfly. In the beginning of the novel Adele s life is most relatable to the caterpillar stage of the butterfly s life. She relates to a caterpillar at the beginning of the novel, because she is just a teenager just beginning to start her adult life. By only being a teenager and she still lives with her parents, Adele is not very independent at the moment. At this point she is making a lot of mistakes and she is still learning a lot about life . The novel starts out with Adele s life about her playing in the orchestra and, being known as Austria s Sweetheart who is dependent upon her parents . In the beginning of the novel Adele s mother does a lot of things for her that she could do herself . This shows the dependency that Adele has on her
  • 51. Empathy In The Medical Field Though all of the characteristics listed are of great value, empathy is the most important characteristic to me. To have empathy, one must truly put themselves in the patient s position. I feel that empathy and love are connected, meaning that you cannot have one without the other. If a physician has empathyand love for a patient, he treat the patient as if he is treating himself or his own family. I feel that having empathy can lead to having each of the characteristics found in successful medical students. If you have empathy, you will want the best for each patient. That will lead you to have discipline, integrity, maturity, and intelligence. These attributes will lead you to study hard and gain intelligence. Intelligence will lead to confidence
  • 52. The Monster Of Living With Grief Abby Wigand Mr. Mitchell Communication Art IV 30 September 2016 The Monster of Living with Grief As Keanu Reeves once said, Grief changes shapes, but it never ends ( Tragic ). When it comes to grief there are usually five shapes or stages that people go through: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and, finally, acceptance. The book A Monster Calls, by Patrick Ness, is about a young boy who is struggling with school, bullies, friends, and family when his mother develops a terminal illness. He is visited by the monster, a massive yew tree, who comes alive to teach Conor the ways of the world. He also teaches Conor the truth in order to move past his mother s sickness. Ness shows how people in both literature and real life tend to go through five stages of grief while dealing with a loved one who has a terminal illness because of the overwhelming lamentation it inflicts. The first stage of grief is as the sharks say in Finding Nemo, DENIAL. In the book, Conor s grandma told him that his mother s condition would not get better with one of the new treatments. He denied it by saying, The treatments are making her better... (42). Even though the treatments had not worked, Conor refused to believe that the treatments will not work because he needs his mother to get better. The American Psychological Association says that most people deny the problem because it is easier to distance oneself from friends or family. Once a person isolates from those who can help, it can lead to
  • 53. The Campaign Of Joseph Mccarthy In 1950, fewer than fifty thousand Americans out of a total one hundred fifty million were members of the communist party. This was the information Senator Joseph McCarthy used to receive permission to proceed in exploitive communist hunts. McCarthy was dishonest in these hunts, leading to damage far beyond repair to the United Statesand its citizens. Joseph McCarthymislead the United States by instilling unnecessary fear in the United States citizens, creating unnecessary tension between the United States and Soviet Union, and compromised the safety of Americans. Re Election was approaching and Joseph McCarthy s first term was unimpressive. Edmund Walsh suggested a crusade against communist subversives (Hall). Senator McCarthy agreed and took advantage of the nation s wave of fanatic terror against communism. On February 9, 1950, in his speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, McCarthy proclaimed that he was aware of two hundred five card carrying members of the communist party who worked for the United States Department of State ( McCarthyism ). On February 20, 1950, McCarthy addressed the Senate and made a list of claims and cited eight one cases ( McCarthyism ). The Senate then called for a full investigation. McCarthy took advantage of the citizens fear of communism, conveying how he deceived the nation to reach the superiority he wished to achieve. After Germany s defeat, the United States sought to help the Soviet Union, however, they wouldn t accept the Marshall Plan
  • 54. Sexual Harassment in India Sexual harassment in India is termed Eve teasing and is described as: unwelcome sexual gesture or behaviour whether directly or indirectly as sexually coloured remarks; physical contact and advances; showing pornography; a demand or request for sexual favours; any other unwelcome physical, verbal/non verbal conduct being sexual in nature. The critical factor is the unwelcomeness of the behaviour, thereby making the impact of such actions on the recipient more relevant rather than intent of the perpetrator. According to India s constitution, sexual harassmentinfringes the fundamental right of a womanto genderequality under Article 14 of the Constitution of India and her right to life and live with dignity under Article 21 of the... Show more content on ... Jokes, pictures, touching, leering, unwanted requests for a date have all been found by courts to be sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment in the workplace can be between people of the same sex. Sexual harassment in the workplace can be a woman harassing a man. Who can sue? Anyone who is offended by a sexually harassing environment may theoretically sue. However, that employee s offense must be reasonable. An extremely sensitive person might not be able to maintain a claim, because her feelings of having been offended were not reasonable. The reasonableness is evaluated by a standard that is the same as a person in the victim s circumstances. For example, what a reasonable woman might think is a hostile environment is not necessarily the same as what a man might think is a hostile environment. If it s a woman who was harassed, it s the woman s point of view that counts. Damages In Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Cases Victims of sexual harassment in the workplace can recover for their lost wages, future lost wages, emotional distress, punitive damages, and attorneys fees. In India, fortunately or unfortunately many women has been misusing this Bill as also other Women Rights protection Bills to further their own agenda. I have raised this topic with the veiw that most Companies in India have drafted a Policy against Sexual Harassment
  • 55. The Best Of Budget Motorcycle Helmets Best of Budget Motorcycle Helmets Introduction: Why You Should Invest in a Helmet A motorcycle helmet is the protection you want for your head and neck in the event of a crash. Wearing a helmet cuts down on wind noise and so helps you hear better. It protects your eyes from the wind and debris so you can see better. And a helmetcan protect you from the fatigue effect caused by riding through the wind, too, so you can stay alert. What should you consider in buying a helmet? First, let s look at the protective elements of a helmet: The outer shell, the layer that sustains the hard blow of a crash, should be of a good reinforced composite plastic The lining should be Expanded Polystyrene Foam (EPS) or styrofoam. EPS comes in several ... Show more content on ... With the modular, design, the front flips up for an easy opening to the outside. With full face, you get maximum protection. Adventure tourers like the flip up feature. Sportbikers like the full face designs. The DOT sticker: should you buy only DOT certified? The DOT sticker means the helmet complies with the safety standards of the US Department of Transportation. DOT standards cover: Impact or the shock absorbing capacity of the shell and lining. Penetration or the ability of the helmet to withstand sharp objects breaking through the shell. Retention or the chin strap system for keeping the helmet on in a fall or crash. Peripheral Vision. DOT specifies that helmetsmust provide a minimum of 105 degree side vision to each side. Human usable peripheral vision is only about 90 degrees to each side. Is a budget priced helmet good enough? Consider that high end, expensive helmets are not always safer for the money. A UK study involving SHARP ratings, (Safety Helmet Assessment and Rating Programme), concluded that a number of helmets priced from $59.99 to $99.00 i.e. under $100 got their top 5 star protection score. What fits well, rides well, and looks good? Let s look. Tpfocus Unisex Leather Bike Bicycle Motorcycle Helmet Open Face Half Helmet
  • 56. with Visor Goggles By Tpfocus Made of leather / leather coated shell. This unisex, leather helmet sports a minimalist design. It s worn to experience