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Good Sample College Essays
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Good Sample College Essays" can prove to be a challenging
endeavor for various reasons. First and foremost, the subject itself requires a nuanced
understanding of what makes an essay effective and compelling, especially in the context of
college applications. It demands not only a grasp of writing techniques but also a keen
awareness of the expectations and criteria set by college admissions committees.
One of the challenges lies in striking the right balance between showcasing personal experiences,
achievements, and character traits without veering into the realm of self-indulgence or clichГ©s.
Finding a unique angle or perspective that sets the essay apart from the multitude of other
application essays can be a daunting task. The pressure to be authentic while presenting a curated
version of oneself further complicates the writing process.
Moreover, the task involves navigating the fine line between self-promotion and humility.
Crafting an essay that highlights strengths without appearing boastful and addresses weaknesses
without undermining one's candidacy requires a delicate touch. The challenge intensifies when
considering the limited word count often imposed by college essay prompts, necessitating the
ability to convey a significant and impactful message within a constrained space.
In addition to the inherent difficulty of the topic, external factors such as time constraints and
the stress associated with the college application process can further complicate the writing
process. Many students find themselves grappling with self-doubt and anxiety as they attempt to
encapsulate their essence in a few paragraphs.
While the difficulty of composing an essay on this topic is undeniable, it's important to recognize
that resources are available to provide guidance and support. Professional services, such as those
offered by, can assist students in navigating the complexities of essay writing.
These platforms offer expert assistance in developing well-crafted, personalized essays that
effectively communicate a student's unique qualities and experiences. Through such services,
individuals can access a wealth of knowledge and expertise to enhance their chances of creating
standout college application essays.
Good Sample College Essays Good Sample College Essays
Rocky Horror Picture Show Essay
The Rocky Horror Picture Show starts off with Brad and Janet (originally casted as
Jarrod Emick and Alice Ripley), a newly engaged conventional couple are on a road
trip from
Denton, Ohio to visit their old high school science teacher, Dr. Scott (originally
casted as Lea
DeLaria) to tell him the great news. On the way, their car breaks down, and they
stumble upon
Frank N Furter s (originally casted as Tom Hewitt), where he s holding a convention
of people from his home planet, Transexual Transylvania. During the night of their
visit, Frank N Furter, who is also guilty of killing Dr. Scott s uncle, Eddie, reveals to
his guests, including Brad and
Janet, that he s been creating an artificial man named Rocky (Originally played by
LaCause) ... Show more content on ...
The musical opened on June 16, 1973, at The Royal Court Theatre Upstairs in
England. The musical which was originally a just for kicks show was intended to
run only a couple of weeks, but took broadway by storm and became a huge success.
The musical then moved from the 60seat
Theatre Upstairs to a series of larger theatres such as the Classic
Cinema. The Rocky Horror Picture Show made the cinema it s home from Aug. 14,
1973 to
Oct. 20, 1973, then moving to King s Road from Nov. 3, 1973 to March 31, 1979,
and finally the
Comedy Theatre in the West End from April 6, 1979 until September 13, 1980
marking the end of the shows initial run in the UK. The show played in London for a
total of 2,960 performances.
About ten months into the run, Lou Adler saw the musical and brought it to the
United States with the show s first preview on March 19, 1974. The Rocky Horror
Picture Show then spread all throughout the world with the Australian premiere also
in 1974 and Japan in 1975. The musical was made into a feature film 1975 shot at
Oakley Court in Windsor, England. In an attempt as a promotion for the movie, the
musical was brought back to the broadway stage on
March 10, 1975, but failed to capture audiences, with a total of only 3 previews and
History Of Vanilloids
What is the drug ? Transient receptor potential cation better known as the capsaicin
receptor and vanilloid receptor.It is a protein that is in humans which is encoded by
the gene.This type of protein is a member of TRPV.It was the first member of the
transient receptor potential and vailliod receptor.Aslo they are compounds which
process through a vanillyl group.This drug is responable for the pungency of
capsicums.Also for the burning sensation experienced after eatting spicy
peppers.What is the history? Perspectives opened from cloning capsaicin
receptor.They are outlines ,long lasting functional ,ultrastructural and nerve terminal
effects.It affects the transient receptor potential vanilloid.Which invloves in sensing
heart, warmth and most... Show more content on ...
It was the first determined by E.K Nelson in 1919.From Chili peppers by the
Japanese who named it capsaicinoids.Vanilloids is the main capsaicinoid in chili
peppers.What is good about this drug ?The only thing that is good about this drug
is that, it is a good appetite.Some members from the transient receptor potential
vanilloid ion channel family are expressed in a wide variety cells and sometimes
function as sensors of mechanical stress.Capsaicin works by when we eat, and the
molecule binds to a type of vanilliod receptor in our mouth.But some receptors aren
t meant to be detect spiciness.The main thing that is great about this medication is
that, it is a decent appetite.Some individuals from the transient receptor potential
vanilloid particle divert family are communicated in a wide assortment cells and
now and again work as sensors of mechanical stress.Capsaicin works by when we
eat, and the atom ties to a sort of vanilloid receptor in our mouth.But a few
receptors aren t intended to be recognize heat.What is bad about the drug ?The drug
may rise your high blood pressure .May also cause inflammation can burning
sensation.Transient receptor potential cation also called the capsaicin receptor and
vanilloid receptor.It is a protein that is in people which is encoded by the gene.This
sort of protein is an individual from TRPV.It was the main individual from the
transient receptor potential and vailliod receptor.Aslo they are mixes which prepare
through a vanillyl group.This medication is responable for the sharpness of
capsicums.The medication may ascend your hypertension .May likewise bring about
irritation can smoldering sensation.Transient receptor potential cation additionally
called the capsaicin receptor and vanilloid receptor.It is a protein that is in
individuals which is encoded by the gene.This kind of protein is a person from
TRPV.It was the principle individual from the transient receptor potential and vailliod
receptor.Aslo they are
It Project Management vs Construction Project
This document serves the purpose of critically analysing the differences that exist
between managing construction projects and I.T Projects
Over the past few years, project managers and Project management has shown
tremendous growth. Project management has evolved over the past several years
from an activity in an organization to a discipline in its own right. Many professional
bodies exist today to represent project management as a discipline, Some of which
include, PMI, Prince2 Foundation, PM Bok.
According to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOKВ®
Guide), Third Edition,
Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, ... Show more content on ...
Key outputs in this phase are the Projects Requirements definition, the capability and
capacity assessment, project delivery strategy and the Project Management plan. The
role of the construction/ project manager in this phase is, once project authorized, it
is the project manager s responsibility to implement the project. In terms of the
Project Requirements Definition the, the project manager refines and details the
project authorization and details what the project is required to accomplish in terms
of the products/services the project will deliver and the scope of work that needs to
be done. The project manager must provide project team members, corporate
sponsors, and other stakeholders with a common understanding of what the project is
all about, and is the authoritative reference document that defines the project.
The Project/ Construction manager is also responsible for a capability and capacity
assessment, in which the project manager assesses the levels of resource
capabilities and capacities needed to accomplish the project defined by the Project
Requirements Definition. Capability is a measure of a resource s skill levels,
experience, and ability to perform. Capacity is a measure of the quantity of the
resources. The project manager may need to consult with peers or consultants who
have prior experience with similar projects to accurately determine the necessary
resources. After the capability and capacity assessment is completed another key
Zimbardo Stanford Prison Experiment
In 1971, Stanford professor and psychologist Philip Zimbardo, arranged and
conducted an experiment with the intention of gaining a better understanding of the
development of norms and the effects of roles, labels, and social expectations in a
simulated prison environment. However, what professor Zimbardo was not
expecting, was just how much insight this study would provide into the psychologyof
individuals and social groups, as well as, the aggressiveness of human nature.
Participants in the study had responded to newspaper advertisements in the Palo Alto
Times and the Stanford Daily, which offered $15/day to male college students for a
study on the psychology of imprisonment. It is important to note that all volunteers in
the experimentwere... Show more content on ...
This humiliation and minimization of individuality then continued with the issuing
of a smock and stocking cap, as well as chained feet, for a uniform. The prison
environment was recreated with no clocks, no view of the outside world, and
minimal sensory stimulation, also adding to the feelings of anxiety and confusion.
Guards were given no specific instruction in how to behave and were instead told
they were free, within limits, to do anything necessary to maintain order. All guards
were dressed in identical uniforms and carried a whistle around their neck, a billy
club borrowed from the police, and mirrored sunglasses. This prevented anyone from
seeing their eyes or reading their emotions, and thus helped to further promote their
anonymity, as well as creating a strongly unified and defined authority. The situation
quickly escalated as the guards began to quickly assert this authority over the
prisoners and the prisoners easily joined together against their common enemy to
rebel. Once the guards again maintained order, all prisoners were stripped naked and
lost their
Middle School Speech
Middle school is great. I guess you have to learn to love it because it will be with you
for years. My friends are amazing, and the teachers are nice. When I look back to
the first few days of middle school, though, I think, how did everything work out so
Being the new kids in a huge school is difficult. Therefore, knowing one friend was
helpful. Her name is Rachel. Other than that, I knew five kids who I ve said about
two words to. I actually got lucky having Rachel in my team class, except her
homeroom was the other teacher. On the first day of school, I got lost. It wasn t the
best start to the day, so when I walked in the room and saw a familiar face, I smiled.
I found my seat on the opposite side of the room. Everyone at my table was talking ...
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Suddenly the two people I knew best were gone. All the way on the other side of
the huge cafeteria. I sat still. I knew I couldn t just sit every single lunch like what I
had been doing, so I tried to talk to some people.
How was your summer Cait? I ask. I don t think she heard me. I got more nervous. It
felt like Rachel and Anna were gone for hours.
When they came back, it looked like they arguing, but in a funny way. Hey, Anna
says. I kind of jumped. I couldn t believe she was talking to me. Did Rachel go to
Hawaii this summer?
Not that I know of, I respond. I found the chance to start a conversation, so I added,
Well she was just telling me about her amazing vacation to Hawaii, and how she
almost got bit by a shark. I don t believe it, Anna says. Rachel s cheeks start to puff
up. She has a thing for telling little lies just for fun. As if that was a cue, we all burst
into laughter.
Finally, my nerves went away, and everything really did feel normal. I was happy
the rest of the year wasn t going to be that hard.
I m glad Rachel and I are still best friends. If it wasn t for her bringing me in, I would
probably be sitting by myself at
Modern And Contemporary Arts Of Africa
Tessa Giller 619194
Modern and Contemporary Arts of Africa
Word count:
African art and the politics of identity in the twenty first century.
Identity is never an a priori, nor a finished product; it is only ever the problematic
process of access to an image of totality H. Bhahba (1994:50)
The second half of the twentieth century saw the liberation of the African continent
from colonial rule, a time that occasioned the rise of new pride in and new searches
for definitions of identities released from the colonial confines. In the twentieth
century the politics of identity became salient in discourses, political, social, and
cultural, on Africa. The idea of the diaspora was central to new conceptions on African
art, often leading to the exclusion of artist residing in Africa in preference of those
living in the nomadic condition. The forefront of Africa in modernity was thus not
seen as residing in Africa itself but in those that found themselves in the realms of the
hegemonic modernity of the West. Nevertheless independence from colonial rule saw
a surge in self defining nationalisms based on an ideal form of African nation and
identity. Ways of being and producing African art were prescribed to artists, though
this does not mean that individual agency was lost. As Atkinson states on post
Apartheid South Africa: it is clear that the stakes have shifted, and the country s
reintegration into international art , culture, and politics, has
My Monument Research Paper
Monuments of all shapes and sizes, from all different eras are made to commemorate
important people, events, towns are other significant aspects of history. A monument
creates an everlasting the image or memory of what it is representing. I designed a
monument for my self that represents my life and accomplishments in 150 years.
Every singly accomplishment I have ever acquired won t be an aspect of my
monument, although my most important accomplishments for example being a
doctor and a mother and wife will be incorporated in the design. My monument will
represent me as a proud mother who takes importance in family, hard work, and
helping the community. The entire monument is a glass replica of the house I live in
now and it is in the exact location of my house right know in Northville... Show more
content on ...
The stone mountains represent the mountains of despair that MLK had to over come.
People have to walk through these stone hedges to see the other aspect of the
memorial, in a way walking them through MLK s experience. When you walk in the
first thing someone sees in seven trees, one for each important member of my
family. These are family trees and each is a small monument of each member of my
family. Also trees and plants have been used for natural healing in the past, and the
how I tried to heel people naturally, without charge, by opening a free clinic. Moving
on the visitors go up the colorful stairs, where each color symbolism s an important
value. Yellow represents happiness, purple for a sense of self and spirit, blue
indicates peace and harmony, and lastly illustrates nature. The stairs also represent
starting from the bottom and reaching the top.The stairs lead to a statue that
represents my life and my accomplishments. The statue is a portrayal of me holding a
child in one hand representing how I value family and a scapul in another hand
representing my accomplishments as a
Essay On Safety Training Center
Thank you for taking the time on being interested in this plan. The goal is to open a
new Maritime Training Center in Las Vegas, Nevada and become an established
Safety Training Center in the maritime industry to various commercial enterprises
and most importantly Military Sealift Command, the largest operator of civilian
manned logistic support vessels for the U.S. Navy. Before we get into wanteveryone
wants to know, let me start off with a bit about my background and myself.
I m Captain Edward Santillan, and a current employer with Military Sealift
Command. I have been working with MSC for the last 20 years, started as an entry
level position in the Supply Department and worked by way up to Master Unlimited
Tonnage. I m and ... Show more content on ...
This is something Las Vegas can capitalize on as there is no training site available.
There are a good percentage of sailors that live in the area, as most sailors desire to
live in a tax free state. I am one of them!
There are 8 maritime academies that are pumping out 800 Third Officers and Third
Assistant Engineers every year. These new junior officers that end up sailing will
eventually require attending the courses we will be providing. Now, they are creating
Junior Supply Officer(s), which I intend to create courses to support advancement in
this rate.
There are various Gun Ranges to support Small Arms Training, which is a high
demand course requirement in Military Sealift Command, even with the Unions who
are contracted by Military Sealift Command. This course alone would pay for the
overhead cost at the training center. However, this business plan is not about one
course; it s about two dozen courses we can start without having to invest in high
price training aids like a simulator. However, once we get established the goal will
become a full service Maritime Center with a Simulator.
The proposed training center will be only 5 hours away from the Military Sealift
Command CSU W pool in San Diego, where CIVMARs are backlogged sometime
waiting weeks for openings on their required training. We will provide transportation
to and from the San Diego
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Petitioner V....
Gyuhwan Park
February 11, 2016
Professor. Jonathan Martin
Legal Environment of Business
Brief Summary
Case Name: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Petitioner v. Abercrombie
Fitch Stores, Inc., No. 14 86 (2015)
Factual History: Ms. Samantha Elauf is a woman who is a practicing Muslim
applied for a job at Abercrombie Fitch Co., which is a national chain of clothing
stores. Elauf was interviewed by the store s assistant manager Heather Cooke, and
her interview so went well that it appeared to Elauf that she was going to get the
job. Heather Cooke, the store manager who interviewed Samantha liked her and
recommended that she be hired. Cooke gave Elauf a rating, which qualified her to
be hired, however, she was concerned that her headscarf would conflict with
Abercrombie s employee dress policy. The headscarf that she wore according to
her religious obligations conflicted with the store s look policy . Cooke turned to
Randall Johnson, the district manager, and informed Johnson that she believed
Elauf wore her headscarf because of her faith. She wanted to determine whether or
not the headscarf was in violation of this policy. Randall Johnson informed Cooke
that Elauf s wearing headscarf would violate the look policy , and therefore that
Elauf should not be hired. As a result, Elauf didn t get hired by Abercrombie Fitch Co.
Procedural History: The EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) sued
Abercrombie on the behalf of Elauf, claiming that Abercrombie s
Summary Of God s Holiness And Illustration Of Holy
Towards a Definition of God s Holiness Illustration of Holy Justice
Erika Dickerson
PM101B: Spiritual Life
September 5, 2014
Throughout biblical narratives, God reveals a host of attributes, which I call
perfections, about His divine nature, character, and function. At the center of Gods
distinct, wholly unified qualities is holiness: the fundamental tenant underscored in
other perfections like justice and grace. The etymological derivation of the Hebrew
word (Ч§Ч“Ч ) meaning, to be holy is qud, or to cut or separate. Anderson
proposes that God s holiness is revealed to us in Genesis 1:1 2 where He is distinct
from the unshaped, chaotic earth but hovers over the surface of waters. The text
reveals a positional understanding of God in relation to His creation; God is separate
from nature and (wo)mankind. As Dyrness suggests, this separation disproves Near
Eastern notions that holiness was entwined with nature since holiness existed before
humans ever experienced it and is primarily linked to God and bursts forth into the
earth, conveyed through people and places secondarily and only by His authority.
Gentry sums up the ideas of Anderson and Dyrness in explaining that God s holiness
translates to (absolute moral) purity and transcendence but goes further to argue that
the distance between God and creation does not imply inaccessibility, but a call to
consecration and devotion, which makes God s holiness, as Anderson
Food Culture Essay
Factors Influencing Food Habits and Culture Eating food is essential for all of us,
it keep us alive and also gives us enjoyment at the same time. Food can be defined
as any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build
tissue. (ilearn) In ancient time, when people feel hungry, they eat. However, as
human history keep developing and evolving, we have a higher standard on
choosing food that we like to eat nowadays. In this paper, we are going to evaluate
factors that are influencing our food habits and food culture. Those factors can be
divided into two main categories, internal factors (individual preference and values)
and external factors (geographical, religion, social, economic and political). Internal...
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Another example would be Chinese like to eat hot pot in winter to keep them
warm. In the northern part of China, there are more spicy dishes than the southern
part of China. This is because eating spicy food will keep people warm. In costal
region, there is more seafood than the inland region. The reason is because it is
easier to get fresh seafood in costal region than in the inland region. Japan is an
island surrounded by sea, and that is why eating seafood is famous in Japan. Some
locations are better for growing specific food, for example China have the climate
advantage in growing tea, and France have the advantage in growing wine.
Religion is another external factors influencing food habits and food culture.
Different culture has different religion, different religion has different custom and
food is an important part of a religion. Some religion such as Muslims, consider
eating pork as a dirty food, and people should not eat them. Buddhism do not
recommend members to eat meat, because they think that is cruel to kill an animal
and that we should respect them so we should not eat them. Therefore, a lot of
Buddhism followers are vegetarians. Hinduism followers do not eat cow because
they think that cows are scarce. People who believe in a religion will follow the
rules of the religion, so this will influence their food habit. Some religions do not
have rules about food, but they have specific food to eat.
Prelude To The Battle Of Command Essay
Prelude to the Battle When the German Wehrmacht finished mopping up the
remnants of the French and British forces at Dunkirk in early 1940 sealing the fate
of France for the next four years, one could only imagine the overjoy among the
heads of the German high command. Poland was the first to fall, then northern
Europe, and finally, France. The operations went so smoothly, it took Adolf Hitler
his generals less than a year to swipe across Europe from the border with Russia to
the east to the French beaches littered with rotting machines on the English Channel
in the west. Germany s redemption from her humiliation at the end of the Great War
would almost be complete but for the one enemy that was still standing Great Britain.
Hitler... Show more content on ...
In fact the Fighter Command ended the battle with more aircraft in its inventory than
it did at the start of the battle due to the ingenuity and determination of the British
aircraft industry. However on the eve of the battle, the Fighter Command had a
critical shortage of fighter aircraft. During the earlier campaign in France, the British
Expeditionary Force (BEF) sent to help the French against an invading German army,
mounted fierce but futile resistance. The air component of the BEF lost a great
number of aircraft, including half of its Hawker Hurricane fighters, which would
make vital contributions in the victory in the Battle of Britain. Air Chief Marshall
Hugh Dowding, the commander of the RAF Fighter Command, resisted the call for
sending more aircraft into a hopeless battle in France and pulled the remaining
RAF fighters back home to protect Britain. His decision later proved to be a key
factor in the narrow margin by which the RAF won the Battle of Britain. But for
now, Dowding had only thirty six of the fifty three fighter squadrons, which needed
to protect Britain from a Nazi air invasion (Hough Richards,
Traitor Essay
The film Traitor exposes its audience with a protagonist that encounters a
conflicting loyalty as a Sudanese born American agent who is found to be
undercover as an Islamic bomb maker with only one supervisor knowing of his
doings. The so called traitor is Samir and when he is sent to carry out a massive
suicide on 50 buses he faces doubts and turns to his religious views in hopes of
finding the answer.
Samir is ultimately driven by his loyalties to his brothers in islam but faces the
problem of remaining loyal to an American government which views him as a high
priority terrorist ready to get rid of him in any instance possible. The film does show
the truth of the quote an opinion can be argued with ; a conviction is best shot (T.E...
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Omar briefly goes over that fact that violence was the best possible way to get a
message across as it was previously used on them in Sudan. Omar questions whether
the lives of innocent muslims mattered or not to those that invaded and caused
turmoil in their home country. Due to the past history of America and Sudan, Omar
compares America s way of fighting for justice as weapons like missiles and bombs
and claims that he has god on his side. Interestingly, despite difference in political
views one of the driving factors for motivation in the film was the religious aspects
of being chosen to fulfill the will of god with the symbolic act of terrorism. This
brings on the pride felt in many
Although religion was used for justification in the film it was not the sacred values
that were issue but rather it became problematic when it brought out absolutistic
symbols that acted as the terrorism. In the film the mass suicide with 50 buses was
a symbolic act of terror as it was going to be on Thanksgiving day where the act
would be remembered in history. If the plan were to have smoothly in the film it
would have changed America s history
Rhetorical Analysis Of Harriet Ann Jacobs By Harriet
Harriet Ann Jacobs is a girl who is locked away, away in a place that only Dr. Flint
knows. She is a struggling girl who wants to be free and go out and be free,
although, she cannot. She speaks about how much she dislikes where she is living
and she wishes she could be somewhere else, although, she has seen worse things
happen outside. As she talks about her current living status and her memories, she
incorporates or talks about them very well. In this passage or section, she uses
rhetorical strategies to add a different feel and perception of her life. She also speaks
about why sometimes it is worth being stuck or cramped in a tiny place, due to some
of the horrors she has witnessed or seen from the outside world. In paragraph three,
Jacobs uses personification many times to describe how the winter and autumn felt,
and how they affected her. For example, she says that autumn whirls through... Show
more content on ...
From the beginning of the whole excerpt, she starts off with a hateful or
dissatisfied tone about always being locked away. As it progresses, until paragraph
four, her tone and perception changes. For example, in paragraph four, her tone was
more understanding and calmer, she is also is speaking about why she kind of
appreciates being locked away because it keeps her from the other nightmarish things
she sees outside through the small hole she found. This shows the audience that the
little girl, in a way, is mature and has experienced a lot. The audience perceives her
tone in the beginning, as disdain, dissatisfaction, or a hateful tone to show her
unhappiness with her situation, to show that she really wants to travel outside and
view the world freely, although, her change in tone shows that she sometimes
appreciates being able to only stay in one place because she is hidden or away from
the cruel things that happen outside. Which allows the audience to understand and
feel the way she is
What Is The Theme Of The Story
UBuhlaluse Benkosi (The king s Buhlaluse) Proverb: Umona usuka esweni ( jealousy
comes from the eye)
Background: The story takes place somewhere in ancient kwaZulu Natal. It deals with
people living in rural kwaZulu Natal. It also has a tribal structure centred around the
king. Characters: The King, The princess, The attendants /companions, The
Woodcutter, The villagers.
The story
Long time ago, there was a beautiful girl named Buhlaluse. She was the king s
beloved daughter. Her father loved her so much that he hired some maidens to be her
companions / attendants, but her companions were envious of her beauty and her life.
... Show more content on ...
Moreover, we should be careful of digging graves for others because in the end we
might be the ones who end up in those graves. This story is a serious warning not to
get into anti social schemes.
Proverb: Umona usuka esweni (Jealousy comes from the eye / Jealousy displeasure)
Jealousy is the theme of uBuhlaluse beNkosi. In this story Buhlaluse is the victim of
jealousy. She has done nothing wrong, but finds herself in the undesirable position
of not being liked by her companions. All because her they are envious of her beauty
and her royal status as a result, they try to kill her.
Language usage: Folktales were specifially created for teaching, they display the do
s and dont s of Zulu culture. Therefore, the storyteller had to use good language as
well as well chosen words that make the story come alive and linger in the mind of
listeners. Unfortunately some of those words are lost when translating the story from
Zulu to English, for example when the woodcutter first hears Buhlaluse singing, he
says Babeshane! yimihlola..... because there s no equivalent of this expression in
English, it is difficult to tell the story exactly as it was
Research Paper On Vince Carter
Carter grew up in Daytona beach, Florida. Vince carter had a stressful background
because his dad left when he was 7.
He averaged a 3.0 for grades and was accepted by the university of North Carolina.
Carter Jr. was the 5th overall pick in the 1998 NBA draft. He was the 2000 NBA
dunk contest champion.
Life as a child was rough for Vince, his dad left when he was in second grade and he
has never seen his dad since. Life was also fun for Vince, he would always play
ball outside with his buds. His friends gave him a nickname too, it was UFO. Vince
got this nickname because he could do all of Dr. J s moves. But this is just the start
of how he became one of the greatests.
After high school Vince was accepted to the university of North Carolina.
The Implementation of Technologies in Relation to Social...
The Implementation of Technologies in Relation to Social Control Surveillance
Camera and the Big Brother Society. The New Media and the Loss of Privacy.
Media technologies were embraced by people as the means of easing their lives.
However, if one does not know or take measures to use this technology properly,
then one risks his life being abused by technology (Doyle, 2010, p. 4).
Have you noticed that you regularly receive targeted ads as they offer you goods
and services you used to surf for on the Internet? Moreover, be sure that your friends
are also going to receive the relevant advertising. Does your phone welcome you in
any geographical location you travel to? Have you noticed that your Facebook is
eager to autonomously put your ... Show more content on ...
United States, 389 U.S. 347, 1967).
Democratic legislation allows people to adjust browser controls and Google
account in such and decline tracking of your search traffic. It is also possible to
switch off all of the Google Chrome web services for maximum privacy. One can also
block data and file transfer cookie from extraneous web sites. One can choose not
to save web history and prevent web sites, web cam, microphone, and cell phone
from automatically sending information about one s location to host programs and
networks. If one carefully reads documentation conventions on technology
application before clicking to I agree , one can ensure maximum confidentiality and
a reasonable expectation of privacy . These are the ways to protect your privacy
along with saving benefits of contemporary media. This fact proves that we are not
yet part of the totalitarian Big Brother Society (Rothstein, 2014, pp. 333 334).
However, after September 11, state authorities have become more persistent and
empowered to claim access to private lives of their citizens under the aegis of the
war on terror (Wong, 2006, pp. 179 219). During the period from its enactment in
2001 and until the final amendments in 2011, USA Patriot Act (the acronym for
Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to
Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism) has evolved from a security tool into an official
waiver of the citizens right to privacy having sanctioned
Potential Threats
The United States is constantly under threat from man made and natural hazards,
which can occur with or without warning and often involve an impact on some form
of infrastructure. DHS (2013) deemed infrastructure as critical when it involves: the
backbone of our nation s economy, security, and health. We know it as the power we
use in our homes, the water we drink, the transportation that moves us, and the
communication systems we rely on to stay in touch with friends and family. Critical
infrastructureare the assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, so
vital to the United Statesthat their incapacitation or destruction would have a
debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or
safety,... Show more content on ...
What issues at the federal level concern critical infrastructure protection?
2.In the opinions of state and local officials in office today, what are the problems
and issues? The purpose of determining the problems and issues state and local
officials have with protecting critical infrastructure is to mitigate hazards and
prevent collateral and long lasting damage if an event should occur. The reasoning
behind the initial interview of local officials and the following validation of their
opinions is to separate political bias and any other personal influences and find the
problems that are the most valid and important. The safety and security of state and
local areas will ensure the safety of the United States.
Literature Review
Understanding why infrastructures are deemed critical and why such determination
is important to national security requires looking at the history of critical
infrastructure protection. This background review will include the history of CIP and
its development through the roots of the Cold War through the War on Terrorism; it
will also briefly summarize the bills and directives pertaining to the federal
government s overall protection of the identified critical infrastructures until
What Is Maslow s Hierarchy Of Needs
Advertisements speak to society, supposedly reminding its members constantly of
their needs and wants (Barthel 8). How much of this is truly what society desires?
According to Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs, a need encompasses the most
primitive forms of goods and services that are required for survival, such as food,
shelter, clothing and healthcare ( Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs ). On the contrary,
a want is something a person would like to have, to add value to one s life, and
something deemed enjoyable based on one s personal preference. Henceforth, the role
of advertisingplays on the very fact that these basic economic concepts of needs and
wants come into play, and this essay aims to examine if advertising, indeed creates
artificial needs,... Show more content on ...
This causes limitations on creating artificial need. Most people frequent a
particular blog because they trust and value the blogger s opinion on certain issues
or experience. However, this might not be the case for sponsored content. This is
evident in a study conducted by Contently, which found that only 24 per cent of
readers were scrolling down on native ad content on blogs, compared to 71 per
cent of readers who scroll on normal content . 66% of readers have felt betrayed
upon realising that an article or video was sponsored by a brand and more than half
of the readers do not trust sponsored content ( Sponsored Content Has A Trust
The Release Of Frozen Assets
The Release of Frozen Assets
One of the key elements of the Iran Nuclear Deal is the lifting of sanctions against
Iran by America and the European Union. These sanctions have been imposed over
the years following the Iranian Revolution and Iran s pursuit of nuclear weapons.
The amount of assets frozen in foreign banks is approximately $150 billion a large
number will go to preexisting debt. According to Kertscher, 2016, Kerry had told
CNBC s Squawk Box that Iran would get only $55 billion of the $150 billion
referenced, saying the rest is committed to China and other countries (para. 8). Kerry
stated that he believed it a likelihood that some of the funds would be released to the
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or other ... Show more content on
Furthermore, Iran works to destabilize the region by assisting sectarian elements in
Iraq through the use of the Revolutionary Guards and by providing support for
Hezbollah the outcome leading to the Persianisation of the Middle East.
The U.S. has designated Iran along with Syria and Sudan as state sponsors of
terrorism. As early as 1984, the U.S. has accused Iran of numerous acts of terrorism
against the United States and its interest (Iran Nuclear Deal Background, 2015, p.
4). Americans at the Iranian Embassy were taken hostage subject to the 1979
Islamic Revolution. During the 1980 1988 Iran Iraq war, there was limited naval
conflict between the U.S. and Iran (Iran Nuclear Deal Background, 2015, p.4). When
U.S. sailors were detained by the Iran s Revolutionary Guard Corp and later released,
Secretary of State John Kerry announced the resolution was based upon the success of
the newly developed relationship with Iran. In spite of this interpretation, the State
Department has submitted a travel warning for Americans urging them to avoid
travel to Iran. The U.S. government still does not have diplomatic or consular
relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to the DOS:
The Iranian government continues to repress some minority religious and ethnic
groups, including Christians, Baha i, Arabs, Kurds, Azeris, and others....Iranian
What Is The Purpose Of A Nursing Home
The purpose of a nursing home is to keep our fragile elders in a place where they
will feel comfortable and in the hands of a medical team. Elders who are in need of
assistance and care lands in a nursing home and stays there. The purpose of a nursing
home is to live there until the time comes; so the jobs of the nurses, certified nurse
assistance, companions, and the activities people is to make their living and
passing easy and comfortable. What others does not realize is what actually
happens behind the scenes versus what is supposed to happen in a nursing home.
Anyone who has never worked or enter this nursing home would think it is in
asylum with some bland colors and bells ringing nonstop. This resident s home (that
I work in) does not even feel like a nursing home but that of a mad house filled with
sadness and aggravation. To... Show more content on ...
The building considered as the last stop is called Royal Pines. This building consist
of three separate departments. The three departments are rehab, memory care, and
long term. Each of these departments have their own rules and kind of residents who
are grievously injured due to a fall, has extreme Alzheimer s, and are unable to care
for themselves anymore. Nevertheless, the nursing home stated that the residents are
adventurous, interesting, active people (Resident Stories) and claims that the
residents chose to live inside a nursing home. The erroneous statement can be proven
false. This nursing home is filled with residents who either cannot make their own
decision, or are very confused and wants to go home. These residents who has
dementia or have problems remembering or deciding on things do not make the
decision to live in a nursing home. The ones making the decisions for them are the
younger family members. Mostly, the relatives who are closer to the residents, for
instance the son
A Representation Of Opinion Is Given Below
A diagrammatic representation of opinion is given below. Fig.1 Opinion mining
basic flow
Opinion mining has three basic terminologies on which it can be processed. These are,
a.Object: that is the entity or commodity regarding which opinion has to be given.
b.Opinion holder: the one who gives the opinion, also known as the author.
c.Opinion: the particular statement or the corresponding opinion which is expressed
by the opinion holder or the author.
Opinion mathematically can be expressed as follows:
Opinion is a quintuple(Oj, fjk, hi, tl, SOijkl) where,
Oj¬ is the object which is to be opinionated.
F¬jk¬ is the kth feature of jth object which is opinionated. h¬i¬ is the ith
opinion holder.
SO¬ijkl¬ is the sentiment for the jth object s kth feature, by ith opinion holder, at
time l. tl is the time at which the opinion is created.
Example: a certain person has to comment on a book. Then in this case the person is
the opinion holder, the book the object and this is a good book is the opinion.
Opinions can be of varied types consisting of direct simple sentences as well as
compound sentences. These sentences can include views upfront or via comparisons.
Audi A6 is better than Maruti Suzuki Alto . Here two entities are compared. Also
there are reviewers who like to talk in sarcasm and hence make it extremely
complicated to analyze the hidden or the true meaning of
Adam Anderson Synopsis
A middle aged gay actor with AIDS gets a second chance at life when he wakes up
thirty years younger.
ANDERSON STONE (52) a gay soap opera actor is fired from his job and replaced
by a younger actor. Anderson drowns his sorrows at a bar where he sees ADAM,
who looks like he s 16 year old. Anderson can tell Adam is a hustler. Anderson doesn
t want to have sex with him. Instead, he gives Adam money to survive. He tells
Adam not to let anyone know that he s really a good guy.
Anderson received more bad news; his friend CHUCK is sick and in the hospital.
When Anderson arrives to the hospital, he learns that Chuck died. He had HIV.
Anderson confronts his doctor about his own medications. Anderson wishes he could
go back in time ... Show more content on ...
They both can t figure out what s happening to them. Adam shouldn t even be alive.
Anderson doesn t care about going back. Adam accuses Anderson of being a prick
and storms off.
Anderson has sex at the bathhouse and gets stoned on cocaine. He sleeps in the
bathhouse for days. He later finds Adam waiting for him at his home. Adam has
nowhere to go. Anderson invites Adam to stay with him.
Anderson realizes he has missed two days of work. He s fired. Three men jump
Anderson and rape him. Adam calls Chuck for help. Adam decides to get a job.
Anderson tries to kiss him. Adam admits he s only 17 years old and they need to
wait until he s 18 years old.
Anderson continues to get drunk. Adam notices a bluish purple mark on Anderson.
Anderson knows it s AIDS. Adam doesn t really understand what AIDS is. Adam
doesn t want to wait for sex. They use a condom.
At a Halloween party, Chuck meets PATRICK. Adam finds Anderson having sex in
the sex club back room. Anderson invites Adam to join, but he refuses. Anderson hits
Adam. Adam realizes Anderson has to hit bottom before he can get help.
Anderson visits Dr. KLIENMAN, who tells him that he definitely has AIDS.
Anderson doesn t want to take meds; he would rather
Advantages Of Asynchronous Communication
Another tool of asynchronous communication is the tool of sharing videos and
slideshows through the Internet. This is sharing videos and slideshows over the
Internet with the purpose of teaching and communicating to other people about
language and cultural learning. This mode of asynchronous communication can be
between two or more people and has a time delay between the sending of information
and the receiving of information. Language learners share information between each
other in the form of slideshows/power point presentations and video files. This
allows the participants to learn together as a group and to help each other learn about
the cultures and language structures that might be causing them trouble. A drawback
to this though is that it doesn t really allow for feedback on the topics covered in the
slideshows or video files, and communicating questions regarding the topics covered
can become hard and would require a second form of either synchronous
communicationor asynchronous communication to ensure the any problems or
questions relating to the topic can be rectified and cleared up. Another... Show more
content on ...
One has the freedom to receive the message when it suits oneself best and to then
analyse and interpret the message and to then draw conclusions from the message or
examine it and see a problem, which allows them to fix the problem as soon as it is
seen. However a disadvantage of asynchronous communication is that does not give
an immediate response, which for time sensitive projects can be a major issue. Also it
may arise that you are unaware whether or not the other person has received your
message and may lead to unnecessary worry and stress. Another major disadvantage
to asynchronous communication is that it often loses human touch, everything is
done through computer and often people lose the opportunity to meet new people
face to face and loses a interpersonal
Jones Electric Distribution
Mr. Jones, A recent evaluation of Jones Electrical Distribution has occurred in
request of a loan. An assessment of the company s financial health shows that it is
profitable. The shortage in cash flows regards managerial attention. Since Jones
opened in 1999 the company has seen rapid growth in a highly competitive field.
General contractors and electricians have preferred Jones for their business. The
request for this loan also has occurred at the end of March; past patterns show that
your company is seasonal, with most sales occurring in spring and summer months.
Previously stated facts estimate that sales will gradually increase. If managed
properly Jones has potential to develop, grow, and add additional sites in the future....
Show more content on ...
After accepting a large loan of $350,000, the president of Jones Electrical
Distribution, is going to have to make cut backs and changes in everyday life. One
area that we feel that you could improve in is your purchasing of inventory. There
seems to be a huge influx of additions to your inventory, and based on the decrease in
your inventory turnover ratio, the increase of inventory seems to be a bit
unnecessary. Looking at the financial statements we feel that you could improve
your cash flows by buying the appropriate amount of inventory. Although you are
expected to continually grow, we feel that if you purchased inventory in
proportion to the growth that your company expects, it would improve your
inventory turnover rate. Doing this would help you be more profitable. Another
area of concern for us is your collections policy. We feel that if you enforced a more
strict collections policy that it would improve other areas of your finances. By the
looks of it, it appears that the lack of enforcement has deducted your available cash
which has forced an inhibition of payment during the discount period on your credit
line. We feel that you need to take the necessary steps to collect on your Accounts
Receivables in a timely manner, so that you may take advantage of the discount
period. According to our calculations you are forgoing approximately $67,000 by
capitalizing on the discount period.
The Substitution Mechanisms ( Sn1 And Sn2 ) With
This paper was written in order to relate nucleophilic substitution mechanisms (SN1
and SN2) with reactions that involved converting alcohol containing compounds to
alkyl halides. This experiment was conducted by combining the initial alcohol with
reagents and heating under reflux when necessary. It was determined that mechanistic
pathways of substitution depend principally on the structure of the initial alcohol; that
is, substrate is considered primary, secondary, or tertiary. Synthesis of 1 (46%) was
achieved through SN2 mechanism from a primary alcohol, while syntheses 2 (97%)
and 3 (98%) were completed by SN1 mechanisms from secondary and tertiary
alcohols as determined by the presence of rearranged products. Many mechanistic
reactions are utilized and are interrelated in order to produce the desired product in an
organic synthesis. These mechanisms may be generally categorized2 into the
following classes: addition, elimination, substitution, and rearrangement. Of these,
substitution reactions are of particular significance in halogenation reactions of
alcohol containing compounds, in which the alcohol functional group is replaced by
a halide ion (i.e. Cl or Br ). Alcohols are the most common precursors to alkyl halides
and signify a very substantial reaction in organic synthesis4. Substitution reactions
can occur via two mechanisms2, namely unimolecular nucleophilic substitution(SN1,
a stepwise process) and bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2, a
The Landolt Iodine Clock Reaction
The Landolt iodine clock reaction is a well known experiment characterised by a
notable clear to blue colour change. This experiment is often used to determine the
rate at which reactions take place. This colour change transpires when I2 reacts
with 1% starch and NaHSO3 to form a blue starch and iodine solution. The rate of
reaction is accurately recorded with a stopwatch as soon as the blue colour change
is visible to the human eye. Rates of chemical reactions can be defined as the
amount of a particular reactant consumed in mol/L per second (Anon, 2017) These
rate laws have crucial effects in everyday life. There are five factors that affect a
reaction rate. These are known as temperature, concentration, the presence of a...
Show more content on ...
The second variable that will be tested is temperature. If a liquid is heated the
particles are given more energy and move faster and faster expanding the liquid.
(Jones, 2000) When the particles have more energy they move around more and are
thus more likely to collide which speeds up the rate of the reaction. The opposite
also becomes true when the temperature is lowered. This will be shown in the
experiment by two separate tests. The first will be conducted in a hot water bath at
70в„ѓ and the second in an ice bath of 0в„ѓ. It is commonly thought that the blue
colour change will occur faster at a warmer temperature and very slowly in a
freezing temperature. This experiment studies the kinetic reaction of a potassium
iodate stock solution reacting with sodium bisulfite and water. IO3 1 + 3 HSO3 1
в†’ I1 + 3 SO4 2 + 3 H1+ 6 H1+ + IO3 1 + 8 I1 в†’3 I3 1 + 3 H2O H2O + I3 1 +
HSO3 1 в†’ 3 I1 + SO4 2 + 3 H1+ 2I3 1 + Starch в†’ Starch I5 1 complex (blue) + I 1
(Lyle, 2017) As the rate of reaction is dependent on the concentrations of the
reactants, a rate law for this experiment at 23.5в„ѓ is: Rate = k
[KIO3]^n[NaHSO3]^m. The instantaneous rate is the change in product formation at
a moment in time. The tangential slope on a curved lined graph will give the
instantaneous rate. The slope value is the instantaneous rate at the time indicated at
the point which the tangential line touches the concentration curve. The best
Pet Mental Illnesses
Nearly any type of pet will have a very positive impact on people with mental
illnesses. They are a great source of support, comfort, and motivation for their
owners. In many ways, a pet can help people with anxiety, depression, or bipolar
disorder, live mentally healthier lives.
One of the most common mental illnesses is anxiety, and it affects over 40 million
people around the world. However, simply owning an animal can be life changing for
them. A petcan surprisingly be very powerful, they are capable of greatly reducing
anxiousness in many ways. For example, research shows that when you hold or
stroke an animal such as a cat or a dog, it significantly lowers stress levels,
anxiousness and uneasiness, which helps someone struggling with
Magna Carta Analysis
First, the Magna Carta is a legal document that was written in 1215. It was written to
acknowledge the carelessness of the kings doing in England to abuse his power
while watching the other English people suffer, and to also enforce a set of rules that
everyone, including himself, would have to follow.
Dating back to about 1772 BCE the Amorite King Hammurabi issued a set of laws
after conquering Mesopotamia, by the name of law codes of Hammurabi(source
2.1). It was to place boundaries and penalties on people due to their choice of
action. In source 2.1 of our book it says that, Hammurabi did it in order to cause
justice to prevail in the land and to further the welfare of the people which supports
that idea. Just like the Magna Carta the Hammurabi law codes were put in place so
that people with a higher power could not take advantage of the people that was
not in a high social rank. An example from the Hammurabi s code is, if a man
accuse a man, and charge him with murder, but cannot convict him the accuser
shall be put to death, in other words you cannot falsely accuse someone of a crime
without liable evidence(clause 1). An example from the Magna Carta that
supports this idea is from clause 40 and it states, no one will we sell, to no one
deny or delay right or justice . This means that everybody has a right to a equal and
fair trial without someone being bribed, paid off, or just being held in prison. Each
example from the Hammurabi s law codes and the Magna Carta
Comparing Mccandless And Henry David Thoreau
In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Transcendentalist believes in the openness
of the human mind to a new influx of light and powerНѕ he believes in inspiration,
and in ecstasy.
And so he resists all attempts to palm other rules and measures on the spirit than its
( Defining Transcendentalism ). Transcendentalism, in short, is finding oneself
through nature, and since the Transcendentalist Movement of the 1800s, dozens of
men have explored existential beliefs. Likewise, Into The Wild , by Jon Krakauer,
tells the story of a young man named
Christopher McCandless and his journey into the Alaskan wilderness, which parallels
to Henry
David Thoreau s venture to Walden Pond in 1845. Although Thoreau and
McCandless lived generations apart, the men are connected through their ... Show
more content on ...
A significant part of identity is personality, and McCandless and Thoreau s
personalities intertwined. For instance, McCandless was an independent learner who
did not enjoy following rules. He preferred going about situations in an
unconventional way, or followed his own methods. In college, he earned almost
perfect grades, except in psychics, where he failed because he did not follow the
proper lab format that the teacher orderedНѕ he completed the lab as he pleased
(Krakauer). Similarly, Thoreau attended Harvard, but was not pleased with how he
Badger 2 was being taught, saying he was learning all of the branches and none of
the roots, ( The
Writings of Henry David Thoreau )). Furthermore, both men were talented and could
pick up most trades: McCandless developed a computer programming system for his
father, and Thoreau used his engineering skills to help manufacture pencils ( The
Writings of Henry David Thoreau ).
Continually, both men enjoyed the company of other people, but ultimately preferred
Essay on William the Conqueror
William I became known as William the Conqueror through his will and
determination. William gained power through his father and soon he climbed high
enough to conquer England and become its new king. William was born in 1028 at
Falaise Castle. He was the son of Robert the Duke of Normandy and Herleve, the
daughter of a tanner in Falaise. Robert was said to have caught sight of Herleve
while she was washing her linens in the castle moat. William s father went on a
pilgrimage in 1034 to release his sins. While returning home from his journey, he
died suddenly. Having no other heir, William took his place as Duke of Normandy.
William had a hard time taking control. People constantly rebelled during his rule,
and he would have to learn... Show more content on ...
In the middle of September, England was invaded by Harold Hardrada, King of
Norway. He was accompanied by Tostig, Earl of Northumbria, Harold s unruly and
discontented brother, who had earlier been banished and his earldom confiscated
Harold went north to meet the invaders at Stamford Bridge in Yorkshire, where he
won a victory over the Viking army. The winds William had been waiting for
turned favorable and he set sail with his massive army. News of his landing at
Pevensey was told to Harold, who responded by hurrying south to meet him, giving
his exhausted army no rest. If Harold had rested and reorganized his army, the
outcome of the battle and English history could have been very different. On the
14th of October, the Saxon and Norman forces clashed in the Battle of Hastings.
Harold took up a defensive position on Senlac Ridge. The Norman army was forced
to attack uphill, placing them at a disadvantage. A rumor arose in the Norman ranks
that William was dead, causing panic. Many of the Saxon fyrdd pursued the fleeing
Normans down the hill. William raised his armies morale by loudly announcing that
he was still alive. The Normans with new strength fought hard against the Saxons,
Harold s brothers Gyrth and Leofwine were both slain on the battlefield. The battle
continued for most of the
Cohabitation Before Marriage Essay
INTRODUCTION Love, flowers, food, music, stress, and happiness all combined
into one day a wedding day. While many people may fantasize about that perfect
wedding day with the perfect dress or tux and a decadent cake, most aren t ready to
commit to what comes after. Some call it living in sin, others call it living in bliss,
but these days it s almost expected that a couple will live together without marriage.
Cohabitation, once rare, is now the norm. Filipino family life has changed drastically
as marriage is losing ground and more couples live together without tying the knot.
Instead of using terms such as husband and wife or even spouse, businesses and
advertisers speak of partners and companions . Instead of getting... Show more
content on ...
In Britain, an estimated 80% of couples live together before getting married.
Australia is just behind at 77%. The reason given by many couples who cohabit is
that they believe they will increase the chances of success when they eventually
marry. However, research has shown that this idea is a fallacy. And it flies against
God s intention that men and women be sexually joined together only in marriage.
Here s what some of the research reveals: Although most theories of marital choice
predict that cohabitation would increase the stability of later marriage for those
couples who marry, evidence to date suggests the opposite; couples who cohabit
before marriage seem to end their marriages at significantly higher rates than couples
who never lived together before the wedding (Demography, August 1995, p.438).
Some studies put the divorce rate at 50% higher for couples who cohabit; others put
it as high as 80%. In America roughly 40% of cohabiting couples break up before
marriage. Many couples apparently move in together intending to marry later. One
study revealed that 70% of women moved in with a man with marriage on their minds
(Adams,S. amp; Young,B., The 10 Commandments of Dating, 1999, p.110). Many
people who choose to live together before marriage show that they are reluctant to
commit to a relationship and want to keep their options open. Apparently they value
their autonomy and individuality. However, these
Southwest Airlines Case Analysis Essay
Southwest History
1966: Rollin King marched into Herb Kelleher s law office with a plan to start a low
cost/low fare airline that would shuttle passengers between San Antonio, Dallas, and
Houston. Thought of this idea because businessmen were complaining about the
1967: Kelleher filed papers to incorporate the new airline and submitted an
application to the Texas Aeronautics Commission for the new company to serve
Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio.
4 year legal and regulatory battle from rival airlines
1971 (January): Lamar Muse brought in as the CEO to get operations under way.
Boeing supplied three new 737s, discounted price by $1 million (5 gt;4) and
financed 90% of the $12 million deal.
1971 (June): ... Show more content on ...
airline to report a profit; record 64.5 million passengers
2001 (June): Kelleher stepped down as CEO but stayed chairman of the Board.
James Parker and another trusted protГ©gГ© became CEO.
2002: Ranks second among companies across all industry groups (first in airlines) on
Fortune s 2002 list of most admired companies. Began changing the look of its planes.
2004: Parker retired unexpectedly. Gary Kelly appointed CEO.
2005: Becomes 2nd largest U.S. airline in terms of passengers carried. First
significant blemish on Southwest s safety record (overshot runway in Chicago).
2006: A record 96.3 million passengers fly Southwest.
2007: Becomes the largest U.S. airline in terms of passengers carried; profitable for
the 35th consecutive year; named to Business Week s first ever Customer Service
Champs list and is voted Overall Best Airline in the U.S. They introduced the
Business Select fare to attract economy minded business travelers. Did an Extreme
Gate Makeover to improve experience. Ticketless travel accounted for more than
95% of all sales. Operation Kick Tail (customer service initiative) launched.
2008: More people were flying Southwest than any other U.S. airline and they were
the only U.S. Air carrier that was consistently profitable and had been since 1973.
Southwest did not choose to use a la carte pricing like other airlines; they stuck with
an all inclusive fare. Mission statement was revised to highlight customer
Analysis Of The Premature Burial By Edgar Allan Poe
In the story, The Premature Burial, Edgar Allan Poe writes about his dramatic
experience with his disease called catalepsy and his greatest fear of being buried
alive. He states catalepsy can go from, for a day only, or even for a shorter period
to weeks even for months . The main theme in this story is that being isolated from
the world is bad and in Poe s case he is afraid of being alone and abandoned and yet
he doesn t want to leave his home due to his premature burial fear. Terror also
affects the mind and gives dwelling and obsessive thoughts, which in this case is
being buried alive. The setting of the story highly contributes to the theme due to the
story being a dream all along. His conditions in the boat with his crewmen were
People V Hall Analysis
People v. Hall (1854), was a notable case that went down in history because it made
discriminating against the Chinese seem perfectly reasonable and ethical. The jury
tried to charge George Hall for the murder of a Chinese man Ling Sing. There were
three Chinese witnesses, who claimed Hall was guilty, but the California Supreme
court, notably Chief Justice Murray established that no black, mixed race or Chinese
could testify against a white man. Hall was effectively freed, and the ruling made it
okay to discriminate against the Chinese. This was followed up by the Statues of
California/Chapter 13 (1858) and the Page Act of 1875, which were one of the first
restraining federal migration rules that banned the entry of specific migrants
considered unwanted. The statues specifically prohibited Chinese and Mongolians
from entering the state except when driven ashore by weather or unavoidable
accident. Furthermore, the 1880 Naturalization Law generated a system of a check
for nationalization and fines for deceitful practices. It notably extended the
naturalization process to people of African descent but refrained from extending it to
people of Asian descent due to anti Chinese sentiment in the western states.
Additionally, a distinctive aspect that sets the Chinese apart from all the other AAPI
groups was the fact that they were the first Asian American group to be exposed to
exclusionary acts such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The Act efficiently
halted Chinese immigration and prohibited Chinese from becoming naturalized
citizens. It was ordained in reaction to widespread economic concerns and fear about
maintaining white purity. The U.S. government did not stop; they successively issued
more discriminatory acts into the law. One such proposal was the Scott Act of 1888,
which banned Chinese workers abroad or who intended future travels from returning
to America. The act expanded on the Chinese Exclusion Act and stranded thousands
of Chinese outside the United States. Furthermore, the Chinese Exclusion Act was
renewed for another decade by the Geary Act (1892). Geary Act by itself established a
central system for all Chinese inhabitants in America. It became
A Brief Note On Kashmir And Historical Perspective
Kashmir in Historical Perspective
No better understanding of the Kashmir issue could be achieved, other than studying
the issue within the context of colonialism and then the eventual process of
decolonization. In the 17th and 18th century, colonialism had reached its zenith and
almost every known territory on planet earth was in some way or the other was
related to a colonial power. The idea of self determination in the modern era is in
fact the product of the concept of political sovereignty as developed after the Treaty
of Westphalia. Then came the Industrial Revolution and during and after the
revolution, the colonies slowly gravitated towards the idea of self determination, as
they became more aware of their rights.
The American Independence Movement during the mid 1770s is considered as the
first assertion of right of self determination. Thomas Jefferson further promoted the
notion that the will of the people was supreme, especially through the authorship of
the United States Declaration of Independence, which inspired Europeans throughout
the 19th century. The French Revolution was another consequence of the growing
realization within the people about their rights.
The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 again testified to the fact that people around the
world were growing impatient with the authoritarian governments. U.S President
Woodrow Wilson was a great proponent of the right of self determination. In a speech
on February 11, 1918 he stated, National aspirations
Quotes For Flowers For Algernon
Flowers for Algernon: Book Report
William Golding, a novelist, playwright, and poet, once said My yesterdays walk
with me. They keep step, they are gray faces that peer over my shoulder. This quote
acknowledges that the past can have a powerful influence on a person later in life.
Both Golding s quote and the theme chosen reflect on the meaning hidden inside
Flowers for Algernon. People in Charlie s life, such as his coworkers and family, treat
him differently than the average human being. The treatment that Charlie receives
from these people in his life is negative for the most part, this means Charlie is often
made fun of or looked down upon due to his intelligence. Throughout his life,
Charlie has always had a difficult time developing emotional connections with
women due to being punished as child for thinking about girls in general. Charlie
also struggles in reconnecting with his family during his childhood as well as during
his adult life because he fears that his family will not be accepting of him. In the
book Flowers for Algernon, Charley learns that the past can negatively affect the
In Daniel Keyes novel, Flowers for Algernon, Charlie Gordon is mentally
challenged. Since Charlie is mentally disabled he is treated unkindly by an
abundance of people in his life. Charlie works at Donner s Bakery as a janitor and
a delivery boy. Charlie s coworkers frequently made the comment, He really pulled
a Charlie Gordon that time (pg.17). Previous to Charlie s operation, he thinks this
comment made by his coworkers is a joke. Charlie thinks his coworkers are being
kind and trying to be his friend. However, after Charlie s operation, he finds out his
coworkers are disrespecting and mocking him on purpose by making these
comments. Charlie is also mistreated by one of the doctors, Professor Nemur, in
charge of the experiment that heightens Charlie s intelligence. Professor Nemur is an
abnormally arrogant and career obsessed man. In Professor Nemur s eyes, Charlie
was more of a laboratory animal than a human being. Professor Nemur proves that his
mentally challenged patient is barely a human being by implying that he had simply
created Charlie and his newfound intelligence. This experiment is
Who Is Responsible For Meriwether Lewis s Death
Meriwether Lewis s Death
Meriwether Lewis s death was caused by a murder by conspiracy. Lewis was
carrying secret messages between him and President Jefferson. General Lewis and
President Jefferson used code in their secret messages, no one in the government
could understand or figure out how to decode the letters and this made everyone
suspicious. Lewis was also holding a fortune which would encourage someone to
murder Lewis even more to get this fortune and have hands on the secret letters
between Lewis and the president.
During the time of Lewis s death on October 11, 1809 there was two guns used to
shoot Meriwether Lewis. One shot was found on the back of the head taking off part
of Lewis s skull and exposing his brain. The bullet did not exist the head which means
the bullet would have been stuck in the brain. The second bullet was found in the
stomach destroying organs, ... Show more content on ...
Also if Lewis was on a mission he would not want to quit his mission. It is very
unlikely that he could ve taken both the shots himself because the shot left him
incapacitated. Each interview of the suspects of Meriwether s death turned out to be
slightly different. For example, James Neely s quote stated that he heard 2 gunshots
at the same time. Gilbert Russell s quote stated that there was one gunshot then a
loud thump to the ground then he heard the words Oh Lord cry out before the
second gunshot was fired. His death could not have been a suicide because he couldn
t have shot himself once then talked because if the first shot was fired in the back
of his head he would be dead instantly from the back of his skull and brain being
blown off. If the first shot was towards the chest then he might be alive for a little
longer but still would be unable to speak. This evidence is from the biopsy of
Meriwether Lewis s
Horace Mann s Rereading America
Unfair Game
Bill Gate, a co founder of Microsoft, used to say, Life is not fair. Get used to it. He
thinks everyone is unique and grows up in different environments, so some will have
more advantage than other, but based on From Report of the Massachusetts Board of
Education, 1848, Horace Mann, a Massachusetts legislature in 1827, he believed
everyone should be equal, and education will be a tool to make it happen. Mann was
born in poverty, but through the hard working, he contributed incredible ideas to
education; however, his concept might not suit in the future as it was coming from
his experience and study in the nineteenth century. For example, the wealth
distribution of his time is different from today, and his education system was ... Show
more content on ...
As Horace Mann worked in Massachusetts State Board Education, he thought if
poor people receive the education as same as rich people, the society will be
balance , which is the revenge of poverty against the rich. (110) His idea was just a
hypothesis at that time because he actually didn t know how the society would
change in next 200 years. For example, nowadays, top 1% of US population control
35% of US wealth, and the 10% controls 73.2%, which means another 90% of US
citizens only make 26.8%. Even though in America, all children are able to go to
school because of program No child left behind in 2001, the wealth of the top 1%
hasn t dropped down for 13 years. Education gives people knowledge, but it doesn t
help them get richer, so education can t balance the society . Students from
different classes will go to different schools and receive different education, so how
the society can be equalized if the education is not balance . According to the book
Public School Administration by Ellwood Cubberley, dean of Stanford University,
Our schools are... factories in which the raw products (children) are to be shaped and
fashioned... And it is the business of the school to build its pupils according to the
specification laid down, (148) which mean education is turning children into the
pupils, so the society is able to
Chinese Exclusion Act Essay
Chinese Exclusion Act While African Americans in the South were struggling with
oppression, violence, and racism, the Chinese on the West Coast were dealing with
the Chinese Exclusion Act, banning them from immigrating. Many came to the US
to support their families back in China or to make a living. They were very humble
and did honest and diligent work, so why would the United Statesagree to pass the
act in the first place? The exclusion act was passed because of the cheap labor the
Chinese offered, as well as being seen as different due to their diverse customs and
appearance. According to Lee Chew, a Chinese immigrant who arrived in the 1870 s ,
Chinese people had minimalistic life styles. They were unpretentious because they
had an... Show more content on ...
The Chinese weren t alone in discrimination; when the first Irish immigrated due to
the Potato Famine in the 1840 s they were suspected of being devoted to the
Catholic pope instead of the president and were portrayed as lazy drunkards in
multiple political cartoons. But they did have many similarities: they spoke English
and practiced a form of Christianity. The Chinese were vastly different from the
Irish; they didn t speak the same language and they looked very different from
Northern Europeans. They also had many diverse customs compared to Western
societies. They worshipped statues that represented a god rather than praying to them
directly. Christians were taught idolatry was a sin and saw it as heathenism, thereby
assuming the Chinese were barbarians without religion . In a testimony regarding a
bill that could ban Chinese immigration, C.W. Cross asks whether the future schools
of this land... [teach] the principles of science and progress... or merely the writings
of Confucius? He was not the only one concerned about preserving the American
image; C.R. Kleine, a German immigrant, also testified before the same Congress and
expressed trepidation about how white females had to resort to prostitution in order to
earn money , which was seen in an particularly negative light and furthermore
tarnishing to the proper image women were expected to
The Red Tent Essay
Midrash is a form of literature of Hebrew theology and philosophy. There are two
types of midrash: midrash aggadah and midrash halakha. Midrash aggadah can best
be described as a form of storytelling that explores ethics and values in biblical texts.
It can take any biblical word or verse and interpret it to answer a question or explain
something in the text. Ariela Pelaia. Whereas midrashaggadah focuses on biblical
characters as they pertain to values and ideas, midrash halakha focuses on Jewish law
and practice. Midrash halakha attempts to take biblical texts that are either too
general or unclear and try to clarify what they ultimately means.
The novel, The Red Tent by Anita Diamant, retell the story of Dinah seen in Genesis,
Chapter 34. In most version of the Bible, all interpretations of Genesis, Chapter 34
infer that Dinah was raped. In the novel Diamant, reinterprets Dinah s rape as a
misunderstood love affair. Some readers categorized the narrative The Red Tent as
being a midrash but the novel goes beyond traditional midrashim. The story is not
considered an ... Show more content on ...
2 When Shechem son of Hamor the Hivite, the ruler of that area, saw her, he took
her and raped her. In addition, the text goes on to say that the sons of Jacob
became furious because Shechem had defiled Dinah, a thing that should not be
done. In comparison, Diamant s The Red Tent states that Dinah travels to
Shechem, to deliver a baby in the King s palace where she comes across Shalem,
the prince of Shechem. They become immediately attracted to each other and a
few days later, she meets Shalem again who (with a hungry look in his eyes) leads
her to a private room with a bed, where they make love, talk, and sleep for several
days. In the end, the biblical text focuses on Dinah being raped whereas The Red
Tent focuses on the idea that it was
Chow Yun-Fat Personality
The reason I chose Chow Yun Fat for my individual assignment is his philanthropy
and humble personality which I adore the most. Chow Yun Fat is an international
film star which was born on Wednesday May 18th 1955, in south west of Lamma
Island, Hong Kong. He first came to the attention of western audiences via his roles
in the action films of maverick HK director John Woo. He has solidified his position
as everyone s favourite movie star. Chow Yun Fatfirst caught the attention of
western audiences with his high octane action roles as the hit man with a heart of
gold in John Woo s The Killer and on equally popular films such as Crouching
Tiger , Hidden Dragon and Pirates of the Caribbean At World s End as Sao Feng.
However, his popularity increased with his appearance as white suited gangster Hui
Man Keung in the highly popular drama TV series Shang Hai tan (1983). He has
won loads of awards with the... Show more content on ...
Chow Yun Fat has moderate level in emotional stability as he is a calm and positive
person. After supporting the pro democracy protest in Hong Kong by the Chinese
government in China, Chow Yun Fat was banned from making movies in the
Chinese market which jeopardize his filming career. However, Chow Yun Fat did not
throw his temper, he just replied the media that he will just make less money then.
Besides, Chow Yun Fat expresses himself very straightforward and genuinely and no
one has to try hard to figure out his true
Biological Criminological Mainstream Theories
Following the Biological Criminology was Sociological Mainstream Theories.
Foremost of these theories is the Anomie Theories of Emile Durkheim (1893), and
Robert Merton (1938). Durkheim said that a moral malaise or normlessness may
occur as a result of one s failure to live according to the norms of the society, failure
to adapt with changing norms, and or in conflict with the norms (Hagan, 2002).
Hagan (2002) also cited that Merton viewed anomie as a condition occurring when
there is a lack of means to achieve societal goals. Merton called this as Strain Theory.
Major concepts in Sociological Mainstream Theories are also attributed to the Social
Process Theories. An offshoot of this is the Chicago School which viewed criminality
and criminal ... Show more content on ...
After the flood, the Bible suggests God s less than favorable opinion regarding
human nature: the imagination of man s heart is evil from his youth (Genesis 8:21).
The Bible ascribes to God the notion that humans are inherently evil from a very
early stage of development. This Biblical notion was shared by some more recent
scholars, albeit on varying theoretical grounds, such as Thomas Hobbes and Sigmund
Freud. Hobbes developed a political theory based on the assumption that human
nature is evil and hostile, while Freud s psychological theory and its cultural
ramifications are rooted in the contention that infant behavior derives, in part, from
innate aggression. With the emergence of Criminology in the Philippines, the four
year degree course was formally offered simultaneous with the opening of the
Philippine College of Criminology in 1954 (PCCR, n.d.). The pioneer Criminology
curriculum however, did not contain biblical studies or biblical bases of
Human Behavior and the Socil Environment
ID: UB16614HSO24331
The general concept of Social Work is defined by human behaviorand the
environment. These two components are the tools that give meaning to the
profession and narrate its functions in the broadest terms. Behavior is a characteristic
of living things which is often identified with life itself. Modern day Social Work
practice dates back to several social movements of the 19th century and beyond and
to two very prominent perspectives on the origin of human problems: those aspects
that viewed the person as the central point for change and those ... Show more content
on ...
Such transformed information is later utilized as the need arises. Bodily functions
that have to do with memory have many features. Stimuli receptions are interpreted
through Sensations and Perceptions by the human body and these are responded to
selectively by the individual based on the manner and nature of the reception.
Behavior is modified with the reception of stimuli thereby altering perception. These
activities have a profound effect on the results of learning experiences and they
contribute to the eventual behavioral response that is the end result. Behavioral
conditioning is the eventual result of the acquired learning process which is used in
determining the information received by the brain that is in turn utilized to bring
about the desired response. Apparently there are two types of behavioral conditioning
Classical and Instrumental conditioning.
Classical Conditioning is the systematic response produced by a neutral stimulus that
is always connected to the acquisition of a reward or the avoidance of punishment
and negative behavior. The occurrence of a stimulus is confirmation that Operant or
Instrumental conditioning is active. Behavior that earns reward has the tendency to
continue, whilst the behavior that results in punishment has the tendency to be
discontinued or stopped immediately. Some behavior is reinforced when certain
conditions exist:

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Good Sample College Essays

  • 1. Good Sample College Essays Crafting an essay on the topic of "Good Sample College Essays" can prove to be a challenging endeavor for various reasons. First and foremost, the subject itself requires a nuanced understanding of what makes an essay effective and compelling, especially in the context of college applications. It demands not only a grasp of writing techniques but also a keen awareness of the expectations and criteria set by college admissions committees. One of the challenges lies in striking the right balance between showcasing personal experiences, achievements, and character traits without veering into the realm of self-indulgence or clichГ©s. Finding a unique angle or perspective that sets the essay apart from the multitude of other application essays can be a daunting task. The pressure to be authentic while presenting a curated version of oneself further complicates the writing process. Moreover, the task involves navigating the fine line between self-promotion and humility. Crafting an essay that highlights strengths without appearing boastful and addresses weaknesses without undermining one's candidacy requires a delicate touch. The challenge intensifies when considering the limited word count often imposed by college essay prompts, necessitating the ability to convey a significant and impactful message within a constrained space. In addition to the inherent difficulty of the topic, external factors such as time constraints and the stress associated with the college application process can further complicate the writing process. Many students find themselves grappling with self-doubt and anxiety as they attempt to encapsulate their essence in a few paragraphs. While the difficulty of composing an essay on this topic is undeniable, it's important to recognize that resources are available to provide guidance and support. Professional services, such as those offered by, can assist students in navigating the complexities of essay writing. These platforms offer expert assistance in developing well-crafted, personalized essays that effectively communicate a student's unique qualities and experiences. Through such services, individuals can access a wealth of knowledge and expertise to enhance their chances of creating standout college application essays. Good Sample College Essays Good Sample College Essays
  • 2. Rocky Horror Picture Show Essay The Rocky Horror Picture Show starts off with Brad and Janet (originally casted as Jarrod Emick and Alice Ripley), a newly engaged conventional couple are on a road trip from Denton, Ohio to visit their old high school science teacher, Dr. Scott (originally casted as Lea DeLaria) to tell him the great news. On the way, their car breaks down, and they stumble upon Frank N Furter s (originally casted as Tom Hewitt), where he s holding a convention of people from his home planet, Transexual Transylvania. During the night of their visit, Frank N Furter, who is also guilty of killing Dr. Scott s uncle, Eddie, reveals to his guests, including Brad and Janet, that he s been creating an artificial man named Rocky (Originally played by Sebastian LaCause) ... Show more content on ... The musical opened on June 16, 1973, at The Royal Court Theatre Upstairs in London, England. The musical which was originally a just for kicks show was intended to run only a couple of weeks, but took broadway by storm and became a huge success. The musical then moved from the 60seat Theatre Upstairs to a series of larger theatres such as the Classic Cinema. The Rocky Horror Picture Show made the cinema it s home from Aug. 14, 1973 to Oct. 20, 1973, then moving to King s Road from Nov. 3, 1973 to March 31, 1979, and finally the Comedy Theatre in the West End from April 6, 1979 until September 13, 1980 marking the end of the shows initial run in the UK. The show played in London for a total of 2,960 performances. About ten months into the run, Lou Adler saw the musical and brought it to the United States with the show s first preview on March 19, 1974. The Rocky Horror Picture Show then spread all throughout the world with the Australian premiere also in 1974 and Japan in 1975. The musical was made into a feature film 1975 shot at Oakley Court in Windsor, England. In an attempt as a promotion for the movie, the musical was brought back to the broadway stage on March 10, 1975, but failed to capture audiences, with a total of only 3 previews and
  • 3. History Of Vanilloids What is the drug ? Transient receptor potential cation better known as the capsaicin receptor and vanilloid receptor.It is a protein that is in humans which is encoded by the gene.This type of protein is a member of TRPV.It was the first member of the transient receptor potential and vailliod receptor.Aslo they are compounds which process through a vanillyl group.This drug is responable for the pungency of capsicums.Also for the burning sensation experienced after eatting spicy peppers.What is the history? Perspectives opened from cloning capsaicin receptor.They are outlines ,long lasting functional ,ultrastructural and nerve terminal effects.It affects the transient receptor potential vanilloid.Which invloves in sensing heart, warmth and most... Show more content on ... It was the first determined by E.K Nelson in 1919.From Chili peppers by the Japanese who named it capsaicinoids.Vanilloids is the main capsaicinoid in chili peppers.What is good about this drug ?The only thing that is good about this drug is that, it is a good appetite.Some members from the transient receptor potential vanilloid ion channel family are expressed in a wide variety cells and sometimes function as sensors of mechanical stress.Capsaicin works by when we eat, and the molecule binds to a type of vanilliod receptor in our mouth.But some receptors aren t meant to be detect spiciness.The main thing that is great about this medication is that, it is a decent appetite.Some individuals from the transient receptor potential vanilloid particle divert family are communicated in a wide assortment cells and now and again work as sensors of mechanical stress.Capsaicin works by when we eat, and the atom ties to a sort of vanilloid receptor in our mouth.But a few receptors aren t intended to be recognize heat.What is bad about the drug ?The drug may rise your high blood pressure .May also cause inflammation can burning sensation.Transient receptor potential cation also called the capsaicin receptor and vanilloid receptor.It is a protein that is in people which is encoded by the gene.This sort of protein is an individual from TRPV.It was the main individual from the transient receptor potential and vailliod receptor.Aslo they are mixes which prepare through a vanillyl group.This medication is responable for the sharpness of capsicums.The medication may ascend your hypertension .May likewise bring about irritation can smoldering sensation.Transient receptor potential cation additionally called the capsaicin receptor and vanilloid receptor.It is a protein that is in individuals which is encoded by the gene.This kind of protein is a person from TRPV.It was the principle individual from the transient receptor potential and vailliod receptor.Aslo they are
  • 4. It Project Management vs Construction Project Management EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document serves the purpose of critically analysing the differences that exist between managing construction projects and I.T Projects INTRODUCTION Over the past few years, project managers and Project management has shown tremendous growth. Project management has evolved over the past several years from an activity in an organization to a discipline in its own right. Many professional bodies exist today to represent project management as a discipline, Some of which include, PMI, Prince2 Foundation, PM Bok. According to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOKВ® Guide), Third Edition, Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, ... Show more content on ... Key outputs in this phase are the Projects Requirements definition, the capability and capacity assessment, project delivery strategy and the Project Management plan. The role of the construction/ project manager in this phase is, once project authorized, it is the project manager s responsibility to implement the project. In terms of the Project Requirements Definition the, the project manager refines and details the project authorization and details what the project is required to accomplish in terms of the products/services the project will deliver and the scope of work that needs to be done. The project manager must provide project team members, corporate sponsors, and other stakeholders with a common understanding of what the project is all about, and is the authoritative reference document that defines the project. The Project/ Construction manager is also responsible for a capability and capacity assessment, in which the project manager assesses the levels of resource capabilities and capacities needed to accomplish the project defined by the Project Requirements Definition. Capability is a measure of a resource s skill levels, experience, and ability to perform. Capacity is a measure of the quantity of the resources. The project manager may need to consult with peers or consultants who have prior experience with similar projects to accurately determine the necessary resources. After the capability and capacity assessment is completed another key
  • 5. Zimbardo Stanford Prison Experiment In 1971, Stanford professor and psychologist Philip Zimbardo, arranged and conducted an experiment with the intention of gaining a better understanding of the development of norms and the effects of roles, labels, and social expectations in a simulated prison environment. However, what professor Zimbardo was not expecting, was just how much insight this study would provide into the psychologyof individuals and social groups, as well as, the aggressiveness of human nature. Participants in the study had responded to newspaper advertisements in the Palo Alto Times and the Stanford Daily, which offered $15/day to male college students for a study on the psychology of imprisonment. It is important to note that all volunteers in the experimentwere... Show more content on ... This humiliation and minimization of individuality then continued with the issuing of a smock and stocking cap, as well as chained feet, for a uniform. The prison environment was recreated with no clocks, no view of the outside world, and minimal sensory stimulation, also adding to the feelings of anxiety and confusion. Guards were given no specific instruction in how to behave and were instead told they were free, within limits, to do anything necessary to maintain order. All guards were dressed in identical uniforms and carried a whistle around their neck, a billy club borrowed from the police, and mirrored sunglasses. This prevented anyone from seeing their eyes or reading their emotions, and thus helped to further promote their anonymity, as well as creating a strongly unified and defined authority. The situation quickly escalated as the guards began to quickly assert this authority over the prisoners and the prisoners easily joined together against their common enemy to rebel. Once the guards again maintained order, all prisoners were stripped naked and lost their
  • 6. Middle School Speech Middle school is great. I guess you have to learn to love it because it will be with you for years. My friends are amazing, and the teachers are nice. When I look back to the first few days of middle school, though, I think, how did everything work out so well? Being the new kids in a huge school is difficult. Therefore, knowing one friend was helpful. Her name is Rachel. Other than that, I knew five kids who I ve said about two words to. I actually got lucky having Rachel in my team class, except her homeroom was the other teacher. On the first day of school, I got lost. It wasn t the best start to the day, so when I walked in the room and saw a familiar face, I smiled. I found my seat on the opposite side of the room. Everyone at my table was talking ... Show more content on ... Suddenly the two people I knew best were gone. All the way on the other side of the huge cafeteria. I sat still. I knew I couldn t just sit every single lunch like what I had been doing, so I tried to talk to some people. How was your summer Cait? I ask. I don t think she heard me. I got more nervous. It felt like Rachel and Anna were gone for hours. When they came back, it looked like they arguing, but in a funny way. Hey, Anna says. I kind of jumped. I couldn t believe she was talking to me. Did Rachel go to Hawaii this summer? Not that I know of, I respond. I found the chance to start a conversation, so I added, Why? Well she was just telling me about her amazing vacation to Hawaii, and how she almost got bit by a shark. I don t believe it, Anna says. Rachel s cheeks start to puff up. She has a thing for telling little lies just for fun. As if that was a cue, we all burst into laughter. Finally, my nerves went away, and everything really did feel normal. I was happy the rest of the year wasn t going to be that hard. I m glad Rachel and I are still best friends. If it wasn t for her bringing me in, I would probably be sitting by myself at
  • 7. Modern And Contemporary Arts Of Africa Tessa Giller 619194 Modern and Contemporary Arts of Africa Essay Word count: African art and the politics of identity in the twenty first century. Identity is never an a priori, nor a finished product; it is only ever the problematic process of access to an image of totality H. Bhahba (1994:50) Introduction. The second half of the twentieth century saw the liberation of the African continent from colonial rule, a time that occasioned the rise of new pride in and new searches for definitions of identities released from the colonial confines. In the twentieth century the politics of identity became salient in discourses, political, social, and cultural, on Africa. The idea of the diaspora was central to new conceptions on African art, often leading to the exclusion of artist residing in Africa in preference of those living in the nomadic condition. The forefront of Africa in modernity was thus not seen as residing in Africa itself but in those that found themselves in the realms of the hegemonic modernity of the West. Nevertheless independence from colonial rule saw a surge in self defining nationalisms based on an ideal form of African nation and identity. Ways of being and producing African art were prescribed to artists, though this does not mean that individual agency was lost. As Atkinson states on post Apartheid South Africa: it is clear that the stakes have shifted, and the country s reintegration into international art , culture, and politics, has
  • 8. My Monument Research Paper Monuments of all shapes and sizes, from all different eras are made to commemorate important people, events, towns are other significant aspects of history. A monument creates an everlasting the image or memory of what it is representing. I designed a monument for my self that represents my life and accomplishments in 150 years. Every singly accomplishment I have ever acquired won t be an aspect of my monument, although my most important accomplishments for example being a doctor and a mother and wife will be incorporated in the design. My monument will represent me as a proud mother who takes importance in family, hard work, and helping the community. The entire monument is a glass replica of the house I live in now and it is in the exact location of my house right know in Northville... Show more content on ... The stone mountains represent the mountains of despair that MLK had to over come. People have to walk through these stone hedges to see the other aspect of the memorial, in a way walking them through MLK s experience. When you walk in the first thing someone sees in seven trees, one for each important member of my family. These are family trees and each is a small monument of each member of my family. Also trees and plants have been used for natural healing in the past, and the how I tried to heel people naturally, without charge, by opening a free clinic. Moving on the visitors go up the colorful stairs, where each color symbolism s an important value. Yellow represents happiness, purple for a sense of self and spirit, blue indicates peace and harmony, and lastly illustrates nature. The stairs also represent starting from the bottom and reaching the top.The stairs lead to a statue that represents my life and my accomplishments. The statue is a portrayal of me holding a child in one hand representing how I value family and a scapul in another hand representing my accomplishments as a
  • 9. Essay On Safety Training Center Thank you for taking the time on being interested in this plan. The goal is to open a new Maritime Training Center in Las Vegas, Nevada and become an established Safety Training Center in the maritime industry to various commercial enterprises and most importantly Military Sealift Command, the largest operator of civilian manned logistic support vessels for the U.S. Navy. Before we get into wanteveryone wants to know, let me start off with a bit about my background and myself. I m Captain Edward Santillan, and a current employer with Military Sealift Command. I have been working with MSC for the last 20 years, started as an entry level position in the Supply Department and worked by way up to Master Unlimited Tonnage. I m and ... Show more content on ... This is something Las Vegas can capitalize on as there is no training site available. There are a good percentage of sailors that live in the area, as most sailors desire to live in a tax free state. I am one of them! There are 8 maritime academies that are pumping out 800 Third Officers and Third Assistant Engineers every year. These new junior officers that end up sailing will eventually require attending the courses we will be providing. Now, they are creating Junior Supply Officer(s), which I intend to create courses to support advancement in this rate. There are various Gun Ranges to support Small Arms Training, which is a high demand course requirement in Military Sealift Command, even with the Unions who are contracted by Military Sealift Command. This course alone would pay for the overhead cost at the training center. However, this business plan is not about one course; it s about two dozen courses we can start without having to invest in high price training aids like a simulator. However, once we get established the goal will become a full service Maritime Center with a Simulator. The proposed training center will be only 5 hours away from the Military Sealift Command CSU W pool in San Diego, where CIVMARs are backlogged sometime waiting weeks for openings on their required training. We will provide transportation to and from the San Diego
  • 10. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Petitioner V.... Gyuhwan Park February 11, 2016 Professor. Jonathan Martin Legal Environment of Business Brief Summary Case Name: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Petitioner v. Abercrombie Fitch Stores, Inc., No. 14 86 (2015) Factual History: Ms. Samantha Elauf is a woman who is a practicing Muslim applied for a job at Abercrombie Fitch Co., which is a national chain of clothing stores. Elauf was interviewed by the store s assistant manager Heather Cooke, and her interview so went well that it appeared to Elauf that she was going to get the job. Heather Cooke, the store manager who interviewed Samantha liked her and recommended that she be hired. Cooke gave Elauf a rating, which qualified her to be hired, however, she was concerned that her headscarf would conflict with Abercrombie s employee dress policy. The headscarf that she wore according to her religious obligations conflicted with the store s look policy . Cooke turned to Randall Johnson, the district manager, and informed Johnson that she believed Elauf wore her headscarf because of her faith. She wanted to determine whether or not the headscarf was in violation of this policy. Randall Johnson informed Cooke that Elauf s wearing headscarf would violate the look policy , and therefore that Elauf should not be hired. As a result, Elauf didn t get hired by Abercrombie Fitch Co. Procedural History: The EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) sued Abercrombie on the behalf of Elauf, claiming that Abercrombie s
  • 11. Summary Of God s Holiness And Illustration Of Holy Justice Towards a Definition of God s Holiness Illustration of Holy Justice Erika Dickerson PM101B: Spiritual Life September 5, 2014 Throughout biblical narratives, God reveals a host of attributes, which I call perfections, about His divine nature, character, and function. At the center of Gods distinct, wholly unified qualities is holiness: the fundamental tenant underscored in other perfections like justice and grace. The etymological derivation of the Hebrew word (Ч§Ч“Ч ) meaning, to be holy is qud, or to cut or separate. Anderson proposes that God s holiness is revealed to us in Genesis 1:1 2 where He is distinct from the unshaped, chaotic earth but hovers over the surface of waters. The text reveals a positional understanding of God in relation to His creation; God is separate from nature and (wo)mankind. As Dyrness suggests, this separation disproves Near Eastern notions that holiness was entwined with nature since holiness existed before humans ever experienced it and is primarily linked to God and bursts forth into the earth, conveyed through people and places secondarily and only by His authority. Gentry sums up the ideas of Anderson and Dyrness in explaining that God s holiness translates to (absolute moral) purity and transcendence but goes further to argue that the distance between God and creation does not imply inaccessibility, but a call to consecration and devotion, which makes God s holiness, as Anderson
  • 12. Food Culture Essay Factors Influencing Food Habits and Culture Eating food is essential for all of us, it keep us alive and also gives us enjoyment at the same time. Food can be defined as any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue. (ilearn) In ancient time, when people feel hungry, they eat. However, as human history keep developing and evolving, we have a higher standard on choosing food that we like to eat nowadays. In this paper, we are going to evaluate factors that are influencing our food habits and food culture. Those factors can be divided into two main categories, internal factors (individual preference and values) and external factors (geographical, religion, social, economic and political). Internal... Show more content on ... Another example would be Chinese like to eat hot pot in winter to keep them warm. In the northern part of China, there are more spicy dishes than the southern part of China. This is because eating spicy food will keep people warm. In costal region, there is more seafood than the inland region. The reason is because it is easier to get fresh seafood in costal region than in the inland region. Japan is an island surrounded by sea, and that is why eating seafood is famous in Japan. Some locations are better for growing specific food, for example China have the climate advantage in growing tea, and France have the advantage in growing wine. Religion is another external factors influencing food habits and food culture. Different culture has different religion, different religion has different custom and food is an important part of a religion. Some religion such as Muslims, consider eating pork as a dirty food, and people should not eat them. Buddhism do not recommend members to eat meat, because they think that is cruel to kill an animal and that we should respect them so we should not eat them. Therefore, a lot of Buddhism followers are vegetarians. Hinduism followers do not eat cow because they think that cows are scarce. People who believe in a religion will follow the rules of the religion, so this will influence their food habit. Some religions do not have rules about food, but they have specific food to eat.
  • 13. Prelude To The Battle Of Command Essay Prelude to the Battle When the German Wehrmacht finished mopping up the remnants of the French and British forces at Dunkirk in early 1940 sealing the fate of France for the next four years, one could only imagine the overjoy among the heads of the German high command. Poland was the first to fall, then northern Europe, and finally, France. The operations went so smoothly, it took Adolf Hitler and his generals less than a year to swipe across Europe from the border with Russia to the east to the French beaches littered with rotting machines on the English Channel in the west. Germany s redemption from her humiliation at the end of the Great War would almost be complete but for the one enemy that was still standing Great Britain. Hitler... Show more content on ... In fact the Fighter Command ended the battle with more aircraft in its inventory than it did at the start of the battle due to the ingenuity and determination of the British aircraft industry. However on the eve of the battle, the Fighter Command had a critical shortage of fighter aircraft. During the earlier campaign in France, the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) sent to help the French against an invading German army, mounted fierce but futile resistance. The air component of the BEF lost a great number of aircraft, including half of its Hawker Hurricane fighters, which would make vital contributions in the victory in the Battle of Britain. Air Chief Marshall Hugh Dowding, the commander of the RAF Fighter Command, resisted the call for sending more aircraft into a hopeless battle in France and pulled the remaining RAF fighters back home to protect Britain. His decision later proved to be a key factor in the narrow margin by which the RAF won the Battle of Britain. But for now, Dowding had only thirty six of the fifty three fighter squadrons, which needed to protect Britain from a Nazi air invasion (Hough Richards,
  • 14. Traitor Essay The film Traitor exposes its audience with a protagonist that encounters a conflicting loyalty as a Sudanese born American agent who is found to be undercover as an Islamic bomb maker with only one supervisor knowing of his doings. The so called traitor is Samir and when he is sent to carry out a massive suicide on 50 buses he faces doubts and turns to his religious views in hopes of finding the answer. Samir is ultimately driven by his loyalties to his brothers in islam but faces the problem of remaining loyal to an American government which views him as a high priority terrorist ready to get rid of him in any instance possible. The film does show the truth of the quote an opinion can be argued with ; a conviction is best shot (T.E... Show more content on ... Omar briefly goes over that fact that violence was the best possible way to get a message across as it was previously used on them in Sudan. Omar questions whether the lives of innocent muslims mattered or not to those that invaded and caused turmoil in their home country. Due to the past history of America and Sudan, Omar compares America s way of fighting for justice as weapons like missiles and bombs and claims that he has god on his side. Interestingly, despite difference in political views one of the driving factors for motivation in the film was the religious aspects of being chosen to fulfill the will of god with the symbolic act of terrorism. This brings on the pride felt in many Although religion was used for justification in the film it was not the sacred values that were issue but rather it became problematic when it brought out absolutistic symbols that acted as the terrorism. In the film the mass suicide with 50 buses was a symbolic act of terror as it was going to be on Thanksgiving day where the act would be remembered in history. If the plan were to have smoothly in the film it would have changed America s history
  • 15. Rhetorical Analysis Of Harriet Ann Jacobs By Harriet Jacobs Harriet Ann Jacobs is a girl who is locked away, away in a place that only Dr. Flint knows. She is a struggling girl who wants to be free and go out and be free, although, she cannot. She speaks about how much she dislikes where she is living and she wishes she could be somewhere else, although, she has seen worse things happen outside. As she talks about her current living status and her memories, she incorporates or talks about them very well. In this passage or section, she uses rhetorical strategies to add a different feel and perception of her life. She also speaks about why sometimes it is worth being stuck or cramped in a tiny place, due to some of the horrors she has witnessed or seen from the outside world. In paragraph three, Jacobs uses personification many times to describe how the winter and autumn felt, and how they affected her. For example, she says that autumn whirls through... Show more content on ... From the beginning of the whole excerpt, she starts off with a hateful or dissatisfied tone about always being locked away. As it progresses, until paragraph four, her tone and perception changes. For example, in paragraph four, her tone was more understanding and calmer, she is also is speaking about why she kind of appreciates being locked away because it keeps her from the other nightmarish things she sees outside through the small hole she found. This shows the audience that the little girl, in a way, is mature and has experienced a lot. The audience perceives her tone in the beginning, as disdain, dissatisfaction, or a hateful tone to show her unhappiness with her situation, to show that she really wants to travel outside and view the world freely, although, her change in tone shows that she sometimes appreciates being able to only stay in one place because she is hidden or away from the cruel things that happen outside. Which allows the audience to understand and feel the way she is
  • 16. What Is The Theme Of The Story UBuhlaluse Benkosi (The king s Buhlaluse) Proverb: Umona usuka esweni ( jealousy comes from the eye) Background: The story takes place somewhere in ancient kwaZulu Natal. It deals with people living in rural kwaZulu Natal. It also has a tribal structure centred around the king. Characters: The King, The princess, The attendants /companions, The Woodcutter, The villagers. The story Long time ago, there was a beautiful girl named Buhlaluse. She was the king s beloved daughter. Her father loved her so much that he hired some maidens to be her companions / attendants, but her companions were envious of her beauty and her life. ... Show more content on ... Moreover, we should be careful of digging graves for others because in the end we might be the ones who end up in those graves. This story is a serious warning not to get into anti social schemes. Proverb: Umona usuka esweni (Jealousy comes from the eye / Jealousy displeasure) Jealousy is the theme of uBuhlaluse beNkosi. In this story Buhlaluse is the victim of jealousy. She has done nothing wrong, but finds herself in the undesirable position of not being liked by her companions. All because her they are envious of her beauty and her royal status as a result, they try to kill her. Language usage: Folktales were specifially created for teaching, they display the do s and dont s of Zulu culture. Therefore, the storyteller had to use good language as well as well chosen words that make the story come alive and linger in the mind of listeners. Unfortunately some of those words are lost when translating the story from Zulu to English, for example when the woodcutter first hears Buhlaluse singing, he says Babeshane! yimihlola..... because there s no equivalent of this expression in English, it is difficult to tell the story exactly as it was
  • 17. Research Paper On Vince Carter Carter grew up in Daytona beach, Florida. Vince carter had a stressful background because his dad left when he was 7. He averaged a 3.0 for grades and was accepted by the university of North Carolina. Carter Jr. was the 5th overall pick in the 1998 NBA draft. He was the 2000 NBA dunk contest champion. Life as a child was rough for Vince, his dad left when he was in second grade and he has never seen his dad since. Life was also fun for Vince, he would always play ball outside with his buds. His friends gave him a nickname too, it was UFO. Vince got this nickname because he could do all of Dr. J s moves. But this is just the start of how he became one of the greatests. After high school Vince was accepted to the university of North Carolina.
  • 18. The Implementation of Technologies in Relation to Social... The Implementation of Technologies in Relation to Social Control Surveillance Camera and the Big Brother Society. The New Media and the Loss of Privacy. Media technologies were embraced by people as the means of easing their lives. However, if one does not know or take measures to use this technology properly, then one risks his life being abused by technology (Doyle, 2010, p. 4). Have you noticed that you regularly receive targeted ads as they offer you goods and services you used to surf for on the Internet? Moreover, be sure that your friends are also going to receive the relevant advertising. Does your phone welcome you in any geographical location you travel to? Have you noticed that your Facebook is eager to autonomously put your ... Show more content on ... United States, 389 U.S. 347, 1967). Democratic legislation allows people to adjust browser controls and Google account in such and decline tracking of your search traffic. It is also possible to switch off all of the Google Chrome web services for maximum privacy. One can also block data and file transfer cookie from extraneous web sites. One can choose not to save web history and prevent web sites, web cam, microphone, and cell phone from automatically sending information about one s location to host programs and networks. If one carefully reads documentation conventions on technology application before clicking to I agree , one can ensure maximum confidentiality and a reasonable expectation of privacy . These are the ways to protect your privacy along with saving benefits of contemporary media. This fact proves that we are not yet part of the totalitarian Big Brother Society (Rothstein, 2014, pp. 333 334). However, after September 11, state authorities have become more persistent and empowered to claim access to private lives of their citizens under the aegis of the war on terror (Wong, 2006, pp. 179 219). During the period from its enactment in 2001 and until the final amendments in 2011, USA Patriot Act (the acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism) has evolved from a security tool into an official waiver of the citizens right to privacy having sanctioned
  • 19. Potential Threats The United States is constantly under threat from man made and natural hazards, which can occur with or without warning and often involve an impact on some form of infrastructure. DHS (2013) deemed infrastructure as critical when it involves: the backbone of our nation s economy, security, and health. We know it as the power we use in our homes, the water we drink, the transportation that moves us, and the communication systems we rely on to stay in touch with friends and family. Critical infrastructureare the assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United Statesthat their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or safety,... Show more content on ... What issues at the federal level concern critical infrastructure protection? 2.In the opinions of state and local officials in office today, what are the problems and issues? The purpose of determining the problems and issues state and local officials have with protecting critical infrastructure is to mitigate hazards and prevent collateral and long lasting damage if an event should occur. The reasoning behind the initial interview of local officials and the following validation of their opinions is to separate political bias and any other personal influences and find the problems that are the most valid and important. The safety and security of state and local areas will ensure the safety of the United States. Literature Review Understanding why infrastructures are deemed critical and why such determination is important to national security requires looking at the history of critical infrastructure protection. This background review will include the history of CIP and its development through the roots of the Cold War through the War on Terrorism; it will also briefly summarize the bills and directives pertaining to the federal government s overall protection of the identified critical infrastructures until
  • 20. What Is Maslow s Hierarchy Of Needs Advertisements speak to society, supposedly reminding its members constantly of their needs and wants (Barthel 8). How much of this is truly what society desires? According to Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs, a need encompasses the most primitive forms of goods and services that are required for survival, such as food, shelter, clothing and healthcare ( Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs ). On the contrary, a want is something a person would like to have, to add value to one s life, and something deemed enjoyable based on one s personal preference. Henceforth, the role of advertisingplays on the very fact that these basic economic concepts of needs and wants come into play, and this essay aims to examine if advertising, indeed creates artificial needs,... Show more content on ... This causes limitations on creating artificial need. Most people frequent a particular blog because they trust and value the blogger s opinion on certain issues or experience. However, this might not be the case for sponsored content. This is evident in a study conducted by Contently, which found that only 24 per cent of readers were scrolling down on native ad content on blogs, compared to 71 per cent of readers who scroll on normal content . 66% of readers have felt betrayed upon realising that an article or video was sponsored by a brand and more than half of the readers do not trust sponsored content ( Sponsored Content Has A Trust
  • 21. The Release Of Frozen Assets The Release of Frozen Assets One of the key elements of the Iran Nuclear Deal is the lifting of sanctions against Iran by America and the European Union. These sanctions have been imposed over the years following the Iranian Revolution and Iran s pursuit of nuclear weapons. The amount of assets frozen in foreign banks is approximately $150 billion a large number will go to preexisting debt. According to Kertscher, 2016, Kerry had told CNBC s Squawk Box that Iran would get only $55 billion of the $150 billion referenced, saying the rest is committed to China and other countries (para. 8). Kerry stated that he believed it a likelihood that some of the funds would be released to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or other ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, Iran works to destabilize the region by assisting sectarian elements in Iraq through the use of the Revolutionary Guards and by providing support for Hezbollah the outcome leading to the Persianisation of the Middle East. (CONGRESSMAN PITTENGER: ALLOWING TERRORISM SPONSOR IRAN NUCLEAR WEAPONS IS TOTAL INSANITY , 2015). The U.S. has designated Iran along with Syria and Sudan as state sponsors of terrorism. As early as 1984, the U.S. has accused Iran of numerous acts of terrorism against the United States and its interest (Iran Nuclear Deal Background, 2015, p. 4). Americans at the Iranian Embassy were taken hostage subject to the 1979 Islamic Revolution. During the 1980 1988 Iran Iraq war, there was limited naval conflict between the U.S. and Iran (Iran Nuclear Deal Background, 2015, p.4). When U.S. sailors were detained by the Iran s Revolutionary Guard Corp and later released, Secretary of State John Kerry announced the resolution was based upon the success of the newly developed relationship with Iran. In spite of this interpretation, the State Department has submitted a travel warning for Americans urging them to avoid travel to Iran. The U.S. government still does not have diplomatic or consular relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to the DOS: The Iranian government continues to repress some minority religious and ethnic groups, including Christians, Baha i, Arabs, Kurds, Azeris, and others....Iranian authorities
  • 22. What Is The Purpose Of A Nursing Home The purpose of a nursing home is to keep our fragile elders in a place where they will feel comfortable and in the hands of a medical team. Elders who are in need of assistance and care lands in a nursing home and stays there. The purpose of a nursing home is to live there until the time comes; so the jobs of the nurses, certified nurse assistance, companions, and the activities people is to make their living and passing easy and comfortable. What others does not realize is what actually happens behind the scenes versus what is supposed to happen in a nursing home. Anyone who has never worked or enter this nursing home would think it is in asylum with some bland colors and bells ringing nonstop. This resident s home (that I work in) does not even feel like a nursing home but that of a mad house filled with sadness and aggravation. To... Show more content on ... The building considered as the last stop is called Royal Pines. This building consist of three separate departments. The three departments are rehab, memory care, and long term. Each of these departments have their own rules and kind of residents who are grievously injured due to a fall, has extreme Alzheimer s, and are unable to care for themselves anymore. Nevertheless, the nursing home stated that the residents are adventurous, interesting, active people (Resident Stories) and claims that the residents chose to live inside a nursing home. The erroneous statement can be proven false. This nursing home is filled with residents who either cannot make their own decision, or are very confused and wants to go home. These residents who has dementia or have problems remembering or deciding on things do not make the decision to live in a nursing home. The ones making the decisions for them are the younger family members. Mostly, the relatives who are closer to the residents, for instance the son
  • 23. A Representation Of Opinion Is Given Below A diagrammatic representation of opinion is given below. Fig.1 Opinion mining basic flow Opinion mining has three basic terminologies on which it can be processed. These are, a.Object: that is the entity or commodity regarding which opinion has to be given. b.Opinion holder: the one who gives the opinion, also known as the author. c.Opinion: the particular statement or the corresponding opinion which is expressed by the opinion holder or the author. Opinion mathematically can be expressed as follows: Opinion is a quintuple(Oj, fjk, hi, tl, SOijkl) where, OjВ¬ is the object which is to be opinionated. FВ¬jkВ¬ is the kth feature of jth object which is opinionated. hВ¬iВ¬ is the ith opinion holder. SOВ¬ijklВ¬ is the sentiment for the jth object s kth feature, by ith opinion holder, at time l. tl is the time at which the opinion is created. Example: a certain person has to comment on a book. Then in this case the person is the opinion holder, the book the object and this is a good book is the opinion. II. BASICS OF OPINIONS AND SENTIMENT ANALYSIS Opinions can be of varied types consisting of direct simple sentences as well as compound sentences. These sentences can include views upfront or via comparisons. Example Audi A6 is better than Maruti Suzuki Alto . Here two entities are compared. Also there are reviewers who like to talk in sarcasm and hence make it extremely complicated to analyze the hidden or the true meaning of
  • 24. Adam Anderson Synopsis A middle aged gay actor with AIDS gets a second chance at life when he wakes up thirty years younger. BRIEF SYNOPSIS: ANDERSON STONE (52) a gay soap opera actor is fired from his job and replaced by a younger actor. Anderson drowns his sorrows at a bar where he sees ADAM, who looks like he s 16 year old. Anderson can tell Adam is a hustler. Anderson doesn t want to have sex with him. Instead, he gives Adam money to survive. He tells Adam not to let anyone know that he s really a good guy. Anderson received more bad news; his friend CHUCK is sick and in the hospital. When Anderson arrives to the hospital, he learns that Chuck died. He had HIV. Anderson confronts his doctor about his own medications. Anderson wishes he could go back in time ... Show more content on ... They both can t figure out what s happening to them. Adam shouldn t even be alive. Anderson doesn t care about going back. Adam accuses Anderson of being a prick and storms off. Anderson has sex at the bathhouse and gets stoned on cocaine. He sleeps in the bathhouse for days. He later finds Adam waiting for him at his home. Adam has nowhere to go. Anderson invites Adam to stay with him. Anderson realizes he has missed two days of work. He s fired. Three men jump Anderson and rape him. Adam calls Chuck for help. Adam decides to get a job. Anderson tries to kiss him. Adam admits he s only 17 years old and they need to wait until he s 18 years old. Anderson continues to get drunk. Adam notices a bluish purple mark on Anderson. Anderson knows it s AIDS. Adam doesn t really understand what AIDS is. Adam doesn t want to wait for sex. They use a condom. At a Halloween party, Chuck meets PATRICK. Adam finds Anderson having sex in the sex club back room. Anderson invites Adam to join, but he refuses. Anderson hits Adam. Adam realizes Anderson has to hit bottom before he can get help. Anderson visits Dr. KLIENMAN, who tells him that he definitely has AIDS. Anderson doesn t want to take meds; he would rather
  • 25. Advantages Of Asynchronous Communication Another tool of asynchronous communication is the tool of sharing videos and slideshows through the Internet. This is sharing videos and slideshows over the Internet with the purpose of teaching and communicating to other people about language and cultural learning. This mode of asynchronous communication can be between two or more people and has a time delay between the sending of information and the receiving of information. Language learners share information between each other in the form of slideshows/power point presentations and video files. This allows the participants to learn together as a group and to help each other learn about the cultures and language structures that might be causing them trouble. A drawback to this though is that it doesn t really allow for feedback on the topics covered in the slideshows or video files, and communicating questions regarding the topics covered can become hard and would require a second form of either synchronous communicationor asynchronous communication to ensure the any problems or questions relating to the topic can be rectified and cleared up. Another... Show more content on ... One has the freedom to receive the message when it suits oneself best and to then analyse and interpret the message and to then draw conclusions from the message or examine it and see a problem, which allows them to fix the problem as soon as it is seen. However a disadvantage of asynchronous communication is that does not give an immediate response, which for time sensitive projects can be a major issue. Also it may arise that you are unaware whether or not the other person has received your message and may lead to unnecessary worry and stress. Another major disadvantage to asynchronous communication is that it often loses human touch, everything is done through computer and often people lose the opportunity to meet new people face to face and loses a interpersonal
  • 26. Jones Electric Distribution Mr. Jones, A recent evaluation of Jones Electrical Distribution has occurred in request of a loan. An assessment of the company s financial health shows that it is profitable. The shortage in cash flows regards managerial attention. Since Jones opened in 1999 the company has seen rapid growth in a highly competitive field. General contractors and electricians have preferred Jones for their business. The request for this loan also has occurred at the end of March; past patterns show that your company is seasonal, with most sales occurring in spring and summer months. Previously stated facts estimate that sales will gradually increase. If managed properly Jones has potential to develop, grow, and add additional sites in the future.... Show more content on ... After accepting a large loan of $350,000, the president of Jones Electrical Distribution, is going to have to make cut backs and changes in everyday life. One area that we feel that you could improve in is your purchasing of inventory. There seems to be a huge influx of additions to your inventory, and based on the decrease in your inventory turnover ratio, the increase of inventory seems to be a bit unnecessary. Looking at the financial statements we feel that you could improve your cash flows by buying the appropriate amount of inventory. Although you are expected to continually grow, we feel that if you purchased inventory in proportion to the growth that your company expects, it would improve your inventory turnover rate. Doing this would help you be more profitable. Another area of concern for us is your collections policy. We feel that if you enforced a more strict collections policy that it would improve other areas of your finances. By the looks of it, it appears that the lack of enforcement has deducted your available cash which has forced an inhibition of payment during the discount period on your credit line. We feel that you need to take the necessary steps to collect on your Accounts Receivables in a timely manner, so that you may take advantage of the discount period. According to our calculations you are forgoing approximately $67,000 by capitalizing on the discount period.
  • 27. The Substitution Mechanisms ( Sn1 And Sn2 ) With Reactions This paper was written in order to relate nucleophilic substitution mechanisms (SN1 and SN2) with reactions that involved converting alcohol containing compounds to alkyl halides. This experiment was conducted by combining the initial alcohol with reagents and heating under reflux when necessary. It was determined that mechanistic pathways of substitution depend principally on the structure of the initial alcohol; that is, substrate is considered primary, secondary, or tertiary. Synthesis of 1 (46%) was achieved through SN2 mechanism from a primary alcohol, while syntheses 2 (97%) and 3 (98%) were completed by SN1 mechanisms from secondary and tertiary alcohols as determined by the presence of rearranged products. Many mechanistic reactions are utilized and are interrelated in order to produce the desired product in an organic synthesis. These mechanisms may be generally categorized2 into the following classes: addition, elimination, substitution, and rearrangement. Of these, substitution reactions are of particular significance in halogenation reactions of alcohol containing compounds, in which the alcohol functional group is replaced by a halide ion (i.e. Cl or Br ). Alcohols are the most common precursors to alkyl halides and signify a very substantial reaction in organic synthesis4. Substitution reactions can occur via two mechanisms2, namely unimolecular nucleophilic substitution(SN1, a stepwise process) and bimolecular nucleophilic substitution (SN2, a
  • 28. The Landolt Iodine Clock Reaction The Landolt iodine clock reaction is a well known experiment characterised by a notable clear to blue colour change. This experiment is often used to determine the rate at which reactions take place. This colour change transpires when I2 reacts with 1% starch and NaHSO3 to form a blue starch and iodine solution. The rate of reaction is accurately recorded with a stopwatch as soon as the blue colour change is visible to the human eye. Rates of chemical reactions can be defined as the amount of a particular reactant consumed in mol/L per second (Anon, 2017) These rate laws have crucial effects in everyday life. There are five factors that affect a reaction rate. These are known as temperature, concentration, the presence of a... Show more content on ... The second variable that will be tested is temperature. If a liquid is heated the particles are given more energy and move faster and faster expanding the liquid. (Jones, 2000) When the particles have more energy they move around more and are thus more likely to collide which speeds up the rate of the reaction. The opposite also becomes true when the temperature is lowered. This will be shown in the experiment by two separate tests. The first will be conducted in a hot water bath at 70в„ѓ and the second in an ice bath of 0в„ѓ. It is commonly thought that the blue colour change will occur faster at a warmer temperature and very slowly in a freezing temperature. This experiment studies the kinetic reaction of a potassium iodate stock solution reacting with sodium bisulfite and water. IO3 1 + 3 HSO3 1 в†’ I1 + 3 SO4 2 + 3 H1+ 6 H1+ + IO3 1 + 8 I1 в†’3 I3 1 + 3 H2O H2O + I3 1 + HSO3 1 в†’ 3 I1 + SO4 2 + 3 H1+ 2I3 1 + Starch в†’ Starch I5 1 complex (blue) + I 1 (Lyle, 2017) As the rate of reaction is dependent on the concentrations of the reactants, a rate law for this experiment at 23.5в„ѓ is: Rate = k [KIO3]^n[NaHSO3]^m. The instantaneous rate is the change in product formation at a moment in time. The tangential slope on a curved lined graph will give the instantaneous rate. The slope value is the instantaneous rate at the time indicated at the point which the tangential line touches the concentration curve. The best
  • 29. Pet Mental Illnesses Nearly any type of pet will have a very positive impact on people with mental illnesses. They are a great source of support, comfort, and motivation for their owners. In many ways, a pet can help people with anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder, live mentally healthier lives. One of the most common mental illnesses is anxiety, and it affects over 40 million people around the world. However, simply owning an animal can be life changing for them. A petcan surprisingly be very powerful, they are capable of greatly reducing anxiousness in many ways. For example, research shows that when you hold or stroke an animal such as a cat or a dog, it significantly lowers stress levels, anxiousness and uneasiness, which helps someone struggling with
  • 30. Magna Carta Analysis First, the Magna Carta is a legal document that was written in 1215. It was written to acknowledge the carelessness of the kings doing in England to abuse his power while watching the other English people suffer, and to also enforce a set of rules that everyone, including himself, would have to follow. Dating back to about 1772 BCE the Amorite King Hammurabi issued a set of laws after conquering Mesopotamia, by the name of law codes of Hammurabi(source 2.1). It was to place boundaries and penalties on people due to their choice of action. In source 2.1 of our book it says that, Hammurabi did it in order to cause justice to prevail in the land and to further the welfare of the people which supports that idea. Just like the Magna Carta the Hammurabi law codes were put in place so that people with a higher power could not take advantage of the people that was not in a high social rank. An example from the Hammurabi s code is, if a man accuse a man, and charge him with murder, but cannot convict him the accuser shall be put to death, in other words you cannot falsely accuse someone of a crime without liable evidence(clause 1). An example from the Magna Carta that supports this idea is from clause 40 and it states, no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice . This means that everybody has a right to a equal and fair trial without someone being bribed, paid off, or just being held in prison. Each example from the Hammurabi s law codes and the Magna Carta
  • 31. Comparing Mccandless And Henry David Thoreau In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Transcendentalist believes in the openness of the human mind to a new influx of light and powerНѕ he believes in inspiration, and in ecstasy. And so he resists all attempts to palm other rules and measures on the spirit than its own, ( Defining Transcendentalism ). Transcendentalism, in short, is finding oneself through nature, and since the Transcendentalist Movement of the 1800s, dozens of men have explored existential beliefs. Likewise, Into The Wild , by Jon Krakauer, tells the story of a young man named Christopher McCandless and his journey into the Alaskan wilderness, which parallels to Henry David Thoreau s venture to Walden Pond in 1845. Although Thoreau and McCandless lived generations apart, the men are connected through their ... Show more content on ... A significant part of identity is personality, and McCandless and Thoreau s personalities intertwined. For instance, McCandless was an independent learner who did not enjoy following rules. He preferred going about situations in an unconventional way, or followed his own methods. In college, he earned almost perfect grades, except in psychics, where he failed because he did not follow the proper lab format that the teacher orderedНѕ he completed the lab as he pleased (Krakauer). Similarly, Thoreau attended Harvard, but was not pleased with how he Badger 2 was being taught, saying he was learning all of the branches and none of the roots, ( The Writings of Henry David Thoreau )). Furthermore, both men were talented and could pick up most trades: McCandless developed a computer programming system for his father, and Thoreau used his engineering skills to help manufacture pencils ( The Writings of Henry David Thoreau ). Continually, both men enjoyed the company of other people, but ultimately preferred
  • 32. Essay on William the Conqueror William I became known as William the Conqueror through his will and determination. William gained power through his father and soon he climbed high enough to conquer England and become its new king. William was born in 1028 at Falaise Castle. He was the son of Robert the Duke of Normandy and Herleve, the daughter of a tanner in Falaise. Robert was said to have caught sight of Herleve while she was washing her linens in the castle moat. William s father went on a pilgrimage in 1034 to release his sins. While returning home from his journey, he died suddenly. Having no other heir, William took his place as Duke of Normandy. William had a hard time taking control. People constantly rebelled during his rule, and he would have to learn... Show more content on ... In the middle of September, England was invaded by Harold Hardrada, King of Norway. He was accompanied by Tostig, Earl of Northumbria, Harold s unruly and discontented brother, who had earlier been banished and his earldom confiscated Harold went north to meet the invaders at Stamford Bridge in Yorkshire, where he won a victory over the Viking army. The winds William had been waiting for turned favorable and he set sail with his massive army. News of his landing at Pevensey was told to Harold, who responded by hurrying south to meet him, giving his exhausted army no rest. If Harold had rested and reorganized his army, the outcome of the battle and English history could have been very different. On the 14th of October, the Saxon and Norman forces clashed in the Battle of Hastings. Harold took up a defensive position on Senlac Ridge. The Norman army was forced to attack uphill, placing them at a disadvantage. A rumor arose in the Norman ranks that William was dead, causing panic. Many of the Saxon fyrdd pursued the fleeing Normans down the hill. William raised his armies morale by loudly announcing that he was still alive. The Normans with new strength fought hard against the Saxons, Harold s brothers Gyrth and Leofwine were both slain on the battlefield. The battle continued for most of the
  • 33. Cohabitation Before Marriage Essay INTRODUCTION Love, flowers, food, music, stress, and happiness all combined into one day a wedding day. While many people may fantasize about that perfect wedding day with the perfect dress or tux and a decadent cake, most aren t ready to commit to what comes after. Some call it living in sin, others call it living in bliss, but these days it s almost expected that a couple will live together without marriage. Cohabitation, once rare, is now the norm. Filipino family life has changed drastically as marriage is losing ground and more couples live together without tying the knot. Instead of using terms such as husband and wife or even spouse, businesses and advertisers speak of partners and companions . Instead of getting... Show more content on ... In Britain, an estimated 80% of couples live together before getting married. Australia is just behind at 77%. The reason given by many couples who cohabit is that they believe they will increase the chances of success when they eventually marry. However, research has shown that this idea is a fallacy. And it flies against God s intention that men and women be sexually joined together only in marriage. Here s what some of the research reveals: Although most theories of marital choice predict that cohabitation would increase the stability of later marriage for those couples who marry, evidence to date suggests the opposite; couples who cohabit before marriage seem to end their marriages at significantly higher rates than couples who never lived together before the wedding (Demography, August 1995, p.438). Some studies put the divorce rate at 50% higher for couples who cohabit; others put it as high as 80%. In America roughly 40% of cohabiting couples break up before marriage. Many couples apparently move in together intending to marry later. One study revealed that 70% of women moved in with a man with marriage on their minds (Adams,S. amp; Young,B., The 10 Commandments of Dating, 1999, p.110). Many people who choose to live together before marriage show that they are reluctant to commit to a relationship and want to keep their options open. Apparently they value their autonomy and individuality. However, these
  • 34. Southwest Airlines Case Analysis Essay Southwest History 1966: Rollin King marched into Herb Kelleher s law office with a plan to start a low cost/low fare airline that would shuttle passengers between San Antonio, Dallas, and Houston. Thought of this idea because businessmen were complaining about the commute. 1967: Kelleher filed papers to incorporate the new airline and submitted an application to the Texas Aeronautics Commission for the new company to serve Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. 4 year legal and regulatory battle from rival airlines 1971 (January): Lamar Muse brought in as the CEO to get operations under way. Boeing supplied three new 737s, discounted price by $1 million (5 gt;4) and financed 90% of the $12 million deal. 1971 (June): ... Show more content on ... airline to report a profit; record 64.5 million passengers 2001 (June): Kelleher stepped down as CEO but stayed chairman of the Board. James Parker and another trusted protГ©gГ© became CEO. 2002: Ranks second among companies across all industry groups (first in airlines) on Fortune s 2002 list of most admired companies. Began changing the look of its planes. 2004: Parker retired unexpectedly. Gary Kelly appointed CEO. 2005: Becomes 2nd largest U.S. airline in terms of passengers carried. First significant blemish on Southwest s safety record (overshot runway in Chicago). 2006: A record 96.3 million passengers fly Southwest. 2007: Becomes the largest U.S. airline in terms of passengers carried; profitable for the 35th consecutive year; named to Business Week s first ever Customer Service Champs list and is voted Overall Best Airline in the U.S. They introduced the Business Select fare to attract economy minded business travelers. Did an Extreme Gate Makeover to improve experience. Ticketless travel accounted for more than 95% of all sales. Operation Kick Tail (customer service initiative) launched. 2008: More people were flying Southwest than any other U.S. airline and they were the only U.S. Air carrier that was consistently profitable and had been since 1973. Southwest did not choose to use a la carte pricing like other airlines; they stuck with an all inclusive fare. Mission statement was revised to highlight customer
  • 35. Analysis Of The Premature Burial By Edgar Allan Poe In the story, The Premature Burial, Edgar Allan Poe writes about his dramatic experience with his disease called catalepsy and his greatest fear of being buried alive. He states catalepsy can go from, for a day only, or even for a shorter period to weeks even for months . The main theme in this story is that being isolated from the world is bad and in Poe s case he is afraid of being alone and abandoned and yet he doesn t want to leave his home due to his premature burial fear. Terror also affects the mind and gives dwelling and obsessive thoughts, which in this case is being buried alive. The setting of the story highly contributes to the theme due to the story being a dream all along. His conditions in the boat with his crewmen were paralleling
  • 36. People V Hall Analysis SOCIAL DISCRIMINATION/EXCLUSION ACTS: People v. Hall (1854), was a notable case that went down in history because it made discriminating against the Chinese seem perfectly reasonable and ethical. The jury tried to charge George Hall for the murder of a Chinese man Ling Sing. There were three Chinese witnesses, who claimed Hall was guilty, but the California Supreme court, notably Chief Justice Murray established that no black, mixed race or Chinese could testify against a white man. Hall was effectively freed, and the ruling made it okay to discriminate against the Chinese. This was followed up by the Statues of California/Chapter 13 (1858) and the Page Act of 1875, which were one of the first restraining federal migration rules that banned the entry of specific migrants considered unwanted. The statues specifically prohibited Chinese and Mongolians from entering the state except when driven ashore by weather or unavoidable accident. Furthermore, the 1880 Naturalization Law generated a system of a check for nationalization and fines for deceitful practices. It notably extended the naturalization process to people of African descent but refrained from extending it to people of Asian descent due to anti Chinese sentiment in the western states. Additionally, a distinctive aspect that sets the Chinese apart from all the other AAPI groups was the fact that they were the first Asian American group to be exposed to exclusionary acts such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The Act efficiently halted Chinese immigration and prohibited Chinese from becoming naturalized citizens. It was ordained in reaction to widespread economic concerns and fear about maintaining white purity. The U.S. government did not stop; they successively issued more discriminatory acts into the law. One such proposal was the Scott Act of 1888, which banned Chinese workers abroad or who intended future travels from returning to America. The act expanded on the Chinese Exclusion Act and stranded thousands of Chinese outside the United States. Furthermore, the Chinese Exclusion Act was renewed for another decade by the Geary Act (1892). Geary Act by itself established a central system for all Chinese inhabitants in America. It became
  • 37. A Brief Note On Kashmir And Historical Perspective Kashmir in Historical Perspective No better understanding of the Kashmir issue could be achieved, other than studying the issue within the context of colonialism and then the eventual process of decolonization. In the 17th and 18th century, colonialism had reached its zenith and almost every known territory on planet earth was in some way or the other was related to a colonial power. The idea of self determination in the modern era is in fact the product of the concept of political sovereignty as developed after the Treaty of Westphalia. Then came the Industrial Revolution and during and after the revolution, the colonies slowly gravitated towards the idea of self determination, as they became more aware of their rights. The American Independence Movement during the mid 1770s is considered as the first assertion of right of self determination. Thomas Jefferson further promoted the notion that the will of the people was supreme, especially through the authorship of the United States Declaration of Independence, which inspired Europeans throughout the 19th century. The French Revolution was another consequence of the growing realization within the people about their rights. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 again testified to the fact that people around the world were growing impatient with the authoritarian governments. U.S President Woodrow Wilson was a great proponent of the right of self determination. In a speech on February 11, 1918 he stated, National aspirations
  • 38. Quotes For Flowers For Algernon Flowers for Algernon: Book Report William Golding, a novelist, playwright, and poet, once said My yesterdays walk with me. They keep step, they are gray faces that peer over my shoulder. This quote acknowledges that the past can have a powerful influence on a person later in life. Both Golding s quote and the theme chosen reflect on the meaning hidden inside Flowers for Algernon. People in Charlie s life, such as his coworkers and family, treat him differently than the average human being. The treatment that Charlie receives from these people in his life is negative for the most part, this means Charlie is often made fun of or looked down upon due to his intelligence. Throughout his life, Charlie has always had a difficult time developing emotional connections with women due to being punished as child for thinking about girls in general. Charlie also struggles in reconnecting with his family during his childhood as well as during his adult life because he fears that his family will not be accepting of him. In the book Flowers for Algernon, Charley learns that the past can negatively affect the future. In Daniel Keyes novel, Flowers for Algernon, Charlie Gordon is mentally challenged. Since Charlie is mentally disabled he is treated unkindly by an abundance of people in his life. Charlie works at Donner s Bakery as a janitor and a delivery boy. Charlie s coworkers frequently made the comment, He really pulled a Charlie Gordon that time (pg.17). Previous to Charlie s operation, he thinks this comment made by his coworkers is a joke. Charlie thinks his coworkers are being kind and trying to be his friend. However, after Charlie s operation, he finds out his coworkers are disrespecting and mocking him on purpose by making these comments. Charlie is also mistreated by one of the doctors, Professor Nemur, in charge of the experiment that heightens Charlie s intelligence. Professor Nemur is an abnormally arrogant and career obsessed man. In Professor Nemur s eyes, Charlie was more of a laboratory animal than a human being. Professor Nemur proves that his mentally challenged patient is barely a human being by implying that he had simply created Charlie and his newfound intelligence. This experiment is
  • 39. Who Is Responsible For Meriwether Lewis s Death Meriwether Lewis s Death Meriwether Lewis s death was caused by a murder by conspiracy. Lewis was carrying secret messages between him and President Jefferson. General Lewis and President Jefferson used code in their secret messages, no one in the government could understand or figure out how to decode the letters and this made everyone suspicious. Lewis was also holding a fortune which would encourage someone to murder Lewis even more to get this fortune and have hands on the secret letters between Lewis and the president. During the time of Lewis s death on October 11, 1809 there was two guns used to shoot Meriwether Lewis. One shot was found on the back of the head taking off part of Lewis s skull and exposing his brain. The bullet did not exist the head which means the bullet would have been stuck in the brain. The second bullet was found in the stomach destroying organs, ... Show more content on ... Also if Lewis was on a mission he would not want to quit his mission. It is very unlikely that he could ve taken both the shots himself because the shot left him incapacitated. Each interview of the suspects of Meriwether s death turned out to be slightly different. For example, James Neely s quote stated that he heard 2 gunshots at the same time. Gilbert Russell s quote stated that there was one gunshot then a loud thump to the ground then he heard the words Oh Lord cry out before the second gunshot was fired. His death could not have been a suicide because he couldn t have shot himself once then talked because if the first shot was fired in the back of his head he would be dead instantly from the back of his skull and brain being blown off. If the first shot was towards the chest then he might be alive for a little longer but still would be unable to speak. This evidence is from the biopsy of Meriwether Lewis s
  • 40. Horace Mann s Rereading America Unfair Game Bill Gate, a co founder of Microsoft, used to say, Life is not fair. Get used to it. He thinks everyone is unique and grows up in different environments, so some will have more advantage than other, but based on From Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education, 1848, Horace Mann, a Massachusetts legislature in 1827, he believed everyone should be equal, and education will be a tool to make it happen. Mann was born in poverty, but through the hard working, he contributed incredible ideas to education; however, his concept might not suit in the future as it was coming from his experience and study in the nineteenth century. For example, the wealth distribution of his time is different from today, and his education system was ... Show more content on ... As Horace Mann worked in Massachusetts State Board Education, he thought if poor people receive the education as same as rich people, the society will be balance , which is the revenge of poverty against the rich. (110) His idea was just a hypothesis at that time because he actually didn t know how the society would change in next 200 years. For example, nowadays, top 1% of US population control 35% of US wealth, and the 10% controls 73.2%, which means another 90% of US citizens only make 26.8%. Even though in America, all children are able to go to school because of program No child left behind in 2001, the wealth of the top 1% hasn t dropped down for 13 years. Education gives people knowledge, but it doesn t help them get richer, so education can t balance the society . Students from different classes will go to different schools and receive different education, so how the society can be equalized if the education is not balance . According to the book Public School Administration by Ellwood Cubberley, dean of Stanford University, Our schools are... factories in which the raw products (children) are to be shaped and fashioned... And it is the business of the school to build its pupils according to the specification laid down, (148) which mean education is turning children into the pupils, so the society is able to
  • 41. Chinese Exclusion Act Essay Chinese Exclusion Act While African Americans in the South were struggling with oppression, violence, and racism, the Chinese on the West Coast were dealing with the Chinese Exclusion Act, banning them from immigrating. Many came to the US to support their families back in China or to make a living. They were very humble and did honest and diligent work, so why would the United Statesagree to pass the act in the first place? The exclusion act was passed because of the cheap labor the Chinese offered, as well as being seen as different due to their diverse customs and appearance. According to Lee Chew, a Chinese immigrant who arrived in the 1870 s , Chinese people had minimalistic life styles. They were unpretentious because they had an... Show more content on ... The Chinese weren t alone in discrimination; when the first Irish immigrated due to the Potato Famine in the 1840 s they were suspected of being devoted to the Catholic pope instead of the president and were portrayed as lazy drunkards in multiple political cartoons. But they did have many similarities: they spoke English and practiced a form of Christianity. The Chinese were vastly different from the Irish; they didn t speak the same language and they looked very different from Northern Europeans. They also had many diverse customs compared to Western societies. They worshipped statues that represented a god rather than praying to them directly. Christians were taught idolatry was a sin and saw it as heathenism, thereby assuming the Chinese were barbarians without religion . In a testimony regarding a bill that could ban Chinese immigration, C.W. Cross asks whether the future schools of this land... [teach] the principles of science and progress... or merely the writings of Confucius? He was not the only one concerned about preserving the American image; C.R. Kleine, a German immigrant, also testified before the same Congress and expressed trepidation about how white females had to resort to prostitution in order to earn money , which was seen in an particularly negative light and furthermore tarnishing to the proper image women were expected to
  • 42. The Red Tent Essay Midrash is a form of literature of Hebrew theology and philosophy. There are two types of midrash: midrash aggadah and midrash halakha. Midrash aggadah can best be described as a form of storytelling that explores ethics and values in biblical texts. It can take any biblical word or verse and interpret it to answer a question or explain something in the text. Ariela Pelaia. Whereas midrashaggadah focuses on biblical characters as they pertain to values and ideas, midrash halakha focuses on Jewish law and practice. Midrash halakha attempts to take biblical texts that are either too general or unclear and try to clarify what they ultimately means. The novel, The Red Tent by Anita Diamant, retell the story of Dinah seen in Genesis, Chapter 34. In most version of the Bible, all interpretations of Genesis, Chapter 34 infer that Dinah was raped. In the novel Diamant, reinterprets Dinah s rape as a misunderstood love affair. Some readers categorized the narrative The Red Tent as being a midrash but the novel goes beyond traditional midrashim. The story is not considered an ... Show more content on ... 2 When Shechem son of Hamor the Hivite, the ruler of that area, saw her, he took her and raped her. In addition, the text goes on to say that the sons of Jacob became furious because Shechem had defiled Dinah, a thing that should not be done. In comparison, Diamant s The Red Tent states that Dinah travels to Shechem, to deliver a baby in the King s palace where she comes across Shalem, the prince of Shechem. They become immediately attracted to each other and a few days later, she meets Shalem again who (with a hungry look in his eyes) leads her to a private room with a bed, where they make love, talk, and sleep for several days. In the end, the biblical text focuses on Dinah being raped whereas The Red Tent focuses on the idea that it was
  • 43. Chow Yun-Fat Personality The reason I chose Chow Yun Fat for my individual assignment is his philanthropy and humble personality which I adore the most. Chow Yun Fat is an international film star which was born on Wednesday May 18th 1955, in south west of Lamma Island, Hong Kong. He first came to the attention of western audiences via his roles in the action films of maverick HK director John Woo. He has solidified his position as everyone s favourite movie star. Chow Yun Fatfirst caught the attention of western audiences with his high octane action roles as the hit man with a heart of gold in John Woo s The Killer and on equally popular films such as Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon and Pirates of the Caribbean At World s End as Sao Feng. However, his popularity increased with his appearance as white suited gangster Hui Man Keung in the highly popular drama TV series Shang Hai tan (1983). He has won loads of awards with the... Show more content on ... Chow Yun Fat has moderate level in emotional stability as he is a calm and positive person. After supporting the pro democracy protest in Hong Kong by the Chinese government in China, Chow Yun Fat was banned from making movies in the Chinese market which jeopardize his filming career. However, Chow Yun Fat did not throw his temper, he just replied the media that he will just make less money then. Besides, Chow Yun Fat expresses himself very straightforward and genuinely and no one has to try hard to figure out his true
  • 44. Biological Criminological Mainstream Theories Following the Biological Criminology was Sociological Mainstream Theories. Foremost of these theories is the Anomie Theories of Emile Durkheim (1893), and Robert Merton (1938). Durkheim said that a moral malaise or normlessness may occur as a result of one s failure to live according to the norms of the society, failure to adapt with changing norms, and or in conflict with the norms (Hagan, 2002). Hagan (2002) also cited that Merton viewed anomie as a condition occurring when there is a lack of means to achieve societal goals. Merton called this as Strain Theory. Major concepts in Sociological Mainstream Theories are also attributed to the Social Process Theories. An offshoot of this is the Chicago School which viewed criminality and criminal ... Show more content on ... After the flood, the Bible suggests God s less than favorable opinion regarding human nature: the imagination of man s heart is evil from his youth (Genesis 8:21). The Bible ascribes to God the notion that humans are inherently evil from a very early stage of development. This Biblical notion was shared by some more recent scholars, albeit on varying theoretical grounds, such as Thomas Hobbes and Sigmund Freud. Hobbes developed a political theory based on the assumption that human nature is evil and hostile, while Freud s psychological theory and its cultural ramifications are rooted in the contention that infant behavior derives, in part, from innate aggression. With the emergence of Criminology in the Philippines, the four year degree course was formally offered simultaneous with the opening of the Philippine College of Criminology in 1954 (PCCR, n.d.). The pioneer Criminology curriculum however, did not contain biblical studies or biblical bases of
  • 45. Human Behavior and the Socil Environment MOHAMED JOSEPH ID: UB16614HSO24331 HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT : INDIVIDUAL FUNCTIONING/GROUP FUNCTIONING ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY HONOLULU, HAWAII WINTER 2012 The general concept of Social Work is defined by human behaviorand the environment. These two components are the tools that give meaning to the profession and narrate its functions in the broadest terms. Behavior is a characteristic of living things which is often identified with life itself. Modern day Social Work practice dates back to several social movements of the 19th century and beyond and to two very prominent perspectives on the origin of human problems: those aspects that viewed the person as the central point for change and those ... Show more content on ... Such transformed information is later utilized as the need arises. Bodily functions that have to do with memory have many features. Stimuli receptions are interpreted through Sensations and Perceptions by the human body and these are responded to selectively by the individual based on the manner and nature of the reception. Behavior is modified with the reception of stimuli thereby altering perception. These activities have a profound effect on the results of learning experiences and they contribute to the eventual behavioral response that is the end result. Behavioral conditioning is the eventual result of the acquired learning process which is used in determining the information received by the brain that is in turn utilized to bring about the desired response. Apparently there are two types of behavioral conditioning Classical and Instrumental conditioning. Classical Conditioning is the systematic response produced by a neutral stimulus that is always connected to the acquisition of a reward or the avoidance of punishment and negative behavior. The occurrence of a stimulus is confirmation that Operant or Instrumental conditioning is active. Behavior that earns reward has the tendency to continue, whilst the behavior that results in punishment has the tendency to be discontinued or stopped immediately. Some behavior is reinforced when certain conditions exist: