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Group Dynamics Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Group Dynamics" presents a multifaceted challenge that goes
beyond the conventional boundaries of essay writing. The intricacies involved in dissecting the
nuances of group interactions, interpersonal relationships, and the underlying psychological
aspects demand a thorough understanding of the subject matter. The complexity lies not only in
unraveling the theoretical frameworks and academic perspectives but also in integrating real-
world examples and case studies to provide a comprehensive analysis.
Furthermore, delving into the dynamics of groups involves navigating through a plethora of
interdisciplinary concepts, such as sociology, psychology, and organizational behavior. The need
to synthesize information from various sources, ranging from scholarly articles to empirical
studies, adds another layer of intricacy. One must seamlessly weave together these diverse
threads of knowledge to construct a coherent and insightful narrative.
Addressing the dynamics within a group requires a keen observational eye and an ability to
interpret subtle cues that may influence collective behavior. The essay should not merely scratch
the surface but should delve deep into the underlying factors that shape group dynamics, be it
leadership styles, communication patterns, or conflict resolution strategies. This demands an
analytical mindset and critical thinking skills to draw meaningful conclusions from the available
Moreover, articulating these intricate ideas in a clear and concise manner poses yet another
challenge. Balancing the need for depth and breadth while adhering to the constraints of word
count necessitates careful thought and strategic planning. The writer must strike a delicate
equilibrium between providing sufficient context and avoiding unnecessary verbosity.
In essence, writing an essay on "Group Dynamics" requires not only a strong academic
foundation but also a holistic approach to understanding and interpreting human behavior within
the context of groups. It is an intellectual journey that demands time, effort, and a dedication to
presenting a well-rounded perspective on a topic that is as dynamic and evolving as the groups it
seeks to analyze.
For those seeking assistance with such intricate academic endeavors, there are platforms like where similar essays and a wealth of other academic content can be ordered to
streamline the writing process and ensure a high-quality outcome.
Group Dynamics Essay Group Dynamics Essay
The Correlation Between Sex Tourism And Prostitution
Tourism has been a major contributor to the economic, social and human
development of Morocco. Its social and economic impacts such as the reduction of
unemployment and poverty are clearly evident in today s society. With a growth of
6.0% in its tourism compared to the world average growth rate of 1.6%, the success
of the Moroccan tourism sector is without any doubts astonishing. In fact, tourism has
become one of the most important sectors for Morocco. It is said that the reasons
behind this success are mainly due to the development and implementation of new
policies under the reign of the monarch, King Mohammed IV, and the development of
certain industries such as agriculture and textile. In this paper, however, I argue that
there are other factors behind Morocco s rapid development in the tourism industry
that are ignored due to social and religious reasons. In order to demonstrate this point,
I will examine the predominance of sex tourism and prostitution in Morocco and how
they play a major role in the development and success of tourism. Finally, I contend
that the tourism sector is not sustainable as its social and economic impacts have
already started affecting negatively the social life of the Moroccan population. Unless
an alternative of sustainable tourism is put in place, this growth in the tourism
industry will disappear leading to unprecedented and unwanted consequences. Before
examining the sex tourism in Morocco, let us first look at its starting point. The
Civil Liberty Definition
Choose one civil liberty and one civil right that you feel is most often violated or
most unequally applied for or against a particular group in the United States today.
Give examples (general and more specific/current examples from the media) and
explain what you think allows for the violation to occur more frequently?
One example of civil liberty is the right to practice whatever religion. One example of
civil right is the right to vote. In 2016, North Carolina and some other states tried to
implement new voting restrictions. The Supreme Court stricken some of the new
restrictions. It was a means of voter suppression rather than voter s fraud . This will
in fact affect the elderly, the young, the poor, and minorities. The right to practice
whatever religion is a civil liberty that Muslims in US often violated. For example,
discrimination and attacks on existing and potential Islamic centers. I believe the new
voting restrictions occur because of the election that was about to take place. For
example, in North Carolina, the state legislature passed voting restrictions in 2013.
The state eliminated reduced early voting period, eliminated pre registration for 16
and 17 years old, instituted a strict photo requirement, and other numerous
restrictions. However, the ... Show more content on ...
There are some countries that does not allow you to practice your religion unless it
is the state s religion. Everyone has the right to freedom of religion. Universal
Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948. However,
with the help of tv and social media, we all know that individuals are torture due to
their religion. However, there are countries that are adhering the law and little is done
about it. For example, Pakistan is one of the many countries that still show violence
other religious groups. These laws are put in place by the United Nations to protect
the human rights around the
Corning Case Study
CORNING (WENY) Corning Community College could be expanding its campus to
downtown Corning if awarded financial assistance from the Regional Economic
Development Council.
This past week, the Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council looked
at 33 projects for a potential $30 million in funding. Amoung that list includes
Corning Community College. The local community college has submitted an
application to build a state of the art facility to house a heath and education center.
The proposal to build the $3 to $6 million dollar facility looks to collaborate with
officals of the former Guthrie Corning Hospital site. The President of Corning
Community College, Katherine Douglas says they are looking to build the health and
Ebenezer Scrooge In Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol has been a staple story relating to Christmas
since the 1840 s. Due to this, it has inspired others to make movies similar to this
beloved tale. Namely, A Muppets Christmas from 1992 and A Christmas Carol from
2009. These two recreations may have similarities to the original story, but they share
quite many differences. One major contrast is that they are not all similar in telling
the tale: Charles Dickensoriginal story was a book, while the other two were movies
from not long ago. First off, the three tales all share equality in many ways. One
method is that they all explain the approach of Ebenezer Scrooge taking atone to his
actions and changing the man he once was by the means of three ChristmasSpirits:
Ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Future. Another topic they share is that in the
end, after Scrooge begs... Show more content on ...
Even though they all share this similarity, they portray it in different ways. The
literature version of A Christmas Caroldescribes Scrooge in the churchyard,
pleading with the spirit to change is fate, who which dwindles down to the posts
of Scrooge s own bed. In the film adaptation of the same story, Scrooge is sent via
portal to the churchyard, which the phantom shows him his grave. Instead of
waking up by begging, Scrooge falls into the grave, only to wake up hanging from
his bed curtains. In A Muppets Christmas , much like the book, Scrooge, once
again, starts in the churchyard, the ghost beside him. However, unlike the book,
Scrooge tries to grab hold of the spirit to persuade it that he was indeed a changed
man, for him in the end to wake up, holding close to his bed sheets, relieved and
Stephen Berkoff s The Things I Know To Be True
4) How did the work of established and recognised theatre practitioners, and/or the
work of live theatre, influence the way in which your devised response developed?
The most prominent influence on our production were Frantic Assembly, whose
2015 play The Things I Know To Be True provided a groundwork for our production.
The play handles serious issues in a realistic but also very gentle way; showing
shades of light in a dark world. It also uses movement as an extension of acting, an
idea we drew upon several times.
The first element of this production which influenced our piece was in terms of
structure. Within both our play and Frantic s a phone call is used as the opening
scene. A character hears upsetting news but the audiencedo not; they only see the
character reacting. Later on, the phone call happens again and the information is
revealed. Rearranging scenes in this way (so a dramatic scene precedes the setting
of the story) created a hook for the audience. This intensified the second phone call,
as the audience knew what Sierra s mum was about to find out. It made the ... Show
more content on ...
In this piece Berkoff decided to use frames as the sole piece of set; one for each
member of the ensemble. We also used frames, again one for each member of the
ensemble, alongside other pieces of set. These came into their own in the second
half of the play. For example, in the final scene we created a courtroom using just
frames, and built this on stage during Sierra s speech. We felt that this was a
compelling use of set, as Sierra s moment of calm thoughtfulness is cut short by her
rapist building a witness box around her. The crudeness of this image is an homage
to the heightened politicised tableaux of Brecht; it is an example of gestus, and how
the simple moving of a frame represents victims who are never able to escape the
influence of their
The Discovery Of The Apollo
When it comes to exploring new horizons there is always an inherent danger that
comes with it. Whether it was Christopher Columbus and his venture to the new
world, Lewis and Clark and there exploration of the American west, or the
Astronauts who were the first to travel where no man had gone before. All of these
people accepted the risk that comes with the adventure they were embarking on.
The Apollo program was the world s most ambitious project ever taken on. When
John F. Kennedy proposed the idea of placing a man moon by the end of the 1960 s
this was an extremely bold ultimatum too all of those involved in the space program.
As we all know NASA achieved the goal when Apollo 11landed on the moon in
1969. After America had accomplished this goal and beat the Soviet Union to the
moon and then repeated the result on Apollo 12, Americans began to question why
there tax dollars were being used to fund something after the goal had already been
accomplished. And then came the near disaster of Apollo 13that re ignited American
interest in space travel. Apollo 13 was a successful failure, while it did not achieve
its goal of landing on the moon, it showed how good NASA s people as well as
their space crafts were, in that they were able to return the crew safely after such a
catastrophic failure on the space craft, which was the NASA s finest hour.
Pre Launch
Apollo 13 was set to launch on April 11, 1970 at 1:13 pm or 13:13 in military time.
The mission was to land and explore
Concert Artist And Booking Agent Analysis
I am writing with the hope that we may establish a mutually beneficial relationship
between concert artist and booking agent. I seek a booking agent with whom I can
establish a good working relationship and who can assist me in increasing my
volume of solo classical guitar concerts and, possibly, chamber concerts as well. So
you know a little about me, I teach classical guitarat Georgia State University and
Emory University in Atlanta. I have made my living solely from performing and
teaching the classical guitar for 15 years. Over the past few years I have played
numerous concert halls and concert series primarily in Georgia. Now, it is time for
me to branch out and increase the number of concerts that I give each year and
broaden my geographical
Social Class Influence on the Individual
Social Class Influence on the Individual
Poor as a church mouse vs. born with a silver spoon in your mouth are contrasting
themes in this book of hardships and life trials. In Great Expectations by Charles
Dickens, the main character Pip interacts with characters of various social groups.
These groups directly or indirectly, help Pip understand his own opportunities and
purpose in life. From these interactions, it becomes clear that social class influences
how people interact and view one another as well as their opportunities in life.
Some people do not have the same opportunity as others of getting education. This
contrast is shown in the life circumstances of two characters of different social
classes. Joe (uncle to Pip) had ... Show more content on ...
Not only in Pip s day, but for centuries, people have treated one another according to
their wealth. Early in the history of the United States voting rights were limited by
gender, race, and wealth. Only white males with property had voting rights. It was
said that, ...The American class system has persisted since the nation s birth. The
notion of social equality was so restricted in the late eighteenth century that neither
the term nor even the concept of equality appeared in the Constitution or Bill of
Rights. (Martin Jr. and Sullivan). Social class discrimination was a big part of this
time period in Great Britain as well. Pip felt this discrimination before he had money
and after he lost his money.
Today, as in Pips time period, people are categorized into social classes using
various criteria. Wealth is just one of the characteristics that influence someone s
placement in a social class. Social class is defined as, ...a group of people who
share a common status or position in society. Social classes represent differences in
wealth, power, employment, family background, and other qualities. (Cohen). In the
past, wealth was most likely to be the biggest factor for placement in social class.
Today other criteria as well would impact social class placement. For Pip, his change
of income landed him in various social classes.
It is difficult but not impossible to move up in social class. Both Pip and his friend
Herbert moved up in social class with the help of
The Personnel Plan And Hours
One thing that differentiates us from other Internet cafГ©s is the fact that we will
be staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. In order to be able to
provide this type of service to our guests, we will charge $10.00 per month. This
monthly surcharge will allow our guests to access the facility between the hours of
10:00 pm and 7:00 am.
In order to be able to provide our guests with this type of access, Iced TeaHot Coffee
will have a staff consisting of three part time employees working thirty hours a
week at $8.50 per hour and three full time employees working 40 hours a week at
$9.25 per hour. In addition, there will be one full time technician (who is more
technologically oriented to handle minor terminal repairs/inquiries) who will work
forty hours a week at $12.00 per hour. The private investors, James Watnem,
Alexander Rodriguez, Talley Perine, MyraCeta Duchateau, and Khyntarian Williams
will not be included in management decisions. This simple structure provides a
great deal of flexibility and allows communication to disperse quickly and directly.
It will also limit the coordination issues that face larger chains and will allow Iced
Tea Hot Coffee to react quickly to market changes.
With more Baby Boomers still in the workforce, Iced Tea Hot Coffee has the
privilege of being the first, of what I am sure will be many, Internet cafГ©s in this
area. Since hanging out at cafГ©s, while
Culture and Worldviews
Culture and Worldviews Culture is a way of life. It can be defined as a group of
people linked by geographical location, ethnicity, gender or age. Culture can be
reflected through language, clothing, food, behavior, spirituality and traditions. The
behavioral patterns developed through culture are difficult to change. Cultures are
formed from the human need for preservation and significance. According to unit 4 s
lecture on western thought worldviews and culture culture is emergent and
developmental: cultures are learned or invented through internal and external
changes (western Thought Worldview and culture, 2013, para 3). An example of
cultural traditions made up through internal and external changes is the
Thanksgiving Holiday. The Thanksgiving holiday is a national holiday that
primarily is celebrated in North America. The original purpose of this holiday was
to celebrate the harvest of the previous year and give thanks. Throughout the years
the Thanksgiving holiday has transformed to celebrate food, love and family
(western Thought Worldview and culture, 2013). Cultural knowledge has an impact
on the way people within the culture view the world, interact with each other and
make decisions. It is a collection of values and beliefs that hold a culture together.
World views are not independent from culture. Worldviews are a set of primary
viewpoints concerning reality. The fundamentals of a person s worldview include
beliefs about knowledge, the existence of God,
Immigration and Interprovincial Migration Within
Immigration is very important to Canada and the Canadian government, and there are
many people that Immigrate to Canada each year. There are many reasons for why
people want to move to Canada, because this country offers multiple services and
programs for people who need them, and give them rights other countries don t.
A very important right is personal safety. In Canada, crime rates are low compared to
many other countries in the world. This is very important for people who come
from countries where there is war, and safety ended for them outside a room. In
Canada, people are free to go wherever they please without having to worry if they
are being followed or not.
Another reason people move to Canada are for social ... Show more content on ...
There were at least 50,000 foreign born students in school in 2012, and about 25%
of students in large cities were immigrants who came to Canada specifically for
education (according to Statistics Canada). An example of when people moved to
Canada for religious and cultural freedom was at the time of the Underground
Railroad. Before the American Civil War, African Americans were kept as slaves
and treated terribly in America. To find freedom, these people moved to Canada
using the Underground Railroad to start a new life and practice their own culture
instead of working for others. There were approximately 30,000 slaves who came to
Canada at that time.
Just as immigrants come from many different places in the world, they settle in
different places in Canada. Most Immigrants tend to settle in cities, either in
Ontario or British Columbia. The simple reason why people settle in cities is
because it is easier. Support systems available in cities help immigrants settle in and
adapt more comfortably to their new home. For example, there are English and
French classes offered to the people who cannot speak Canada s official languages,
so they feel more comfortable when interacting with other people. Another reason
why people move to these provinces is because of economy. Ontario and British
Columbia both have good economies and a variety of companies that people can
work for. This helps immigrants to support their families (something most people
Jeremy Vs China
In T. Coraghessan Boyle s story The Love of My Life, it centers around the teenage
relationship of Jeremy and China who claim to be in love with each other. Their
relationship; however, is centered around what a relationship is like in movies and
based off of physical attraction to each other as well as being naive to what real love
is. The relationship between the two is great until they encounter their first real
obstacle in the relationship when China becomes pregnant. The egocentric nature of
both characters takes over and there begins to be cracks within the relationship. Now
they face the reality of becoming parents and they blame each other for the mistake
instead of accepting their role in the situation. The love between the two... Show more
content on ...
According to Leonard Pitts, author of the article Kids who commit violent crimes:
Are they..spoiled?, blames Amy Grossberg, the real life China for the death of her
child, but does not blame Brian Peterson, the real life Jeremy. The biased view that
Pitts takes does not seem to realize that it took two people to have a child and
commit the violent crime they committed. Pitts says he struggles to understand
how individuals can do this to a child, yet he only blames the woman. Brian
Peterson had a role in the crime whether Pitts wants to accept that fact or not. Brian
Peterson, although he advised Amy to seek medical treatment still played a role in
murdering the life of an innocent baby. Pitts argues that the high class, wealthy
upbringing has led to Grossberg not wanting a child and saying that she does not
deserve to have the child. Grossberg is correct that she does not deserve to have a
child if this is how she will treat it, but at the same time the innocent child did not
deserve her as a parent, and did not deserve to lose its life. Pitts article seems to agree
with the notion that the characters high upbringing has implanted the idea that teen
pregnancy is horrible and society will look down upon the one pregnant. He writes
that the pregnancy was an embarrassment and an intrusion in her perfect life. China
is extremely unprepared to deal with the news of a child and fears the rejection of
the society she belongs
Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
CHAPTER 17 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
Personal Selling and Sales Promotion Chapter Objectives
1 Describe the role of today s 4 Identify and briefly 7 Identify the role of ethical
salesperson. behavior in personal describe the three basic selling. sales tasks. 2
Describe the four sales 5 Outline the seven steps in 8 Describe the role of sales
channels. promotion in the the sales process. 3 Describe the major trends
promotional mix, and in personal selling. 6 Identify the seven basic identify the
different functions of a sales types of sales promotions. manager.
Personal selling Interpersonal influence process involving a seller s promotional
presentation conducted on a person to person basis with the ... Show more content on ...
Missionary selling Indirect type of selling in which specialized salespeople promote
the firm s goodwill among indirect customers, often by helping customers use
products. Example: Pharmaceutical companies that use free samples, educational
seminars to court doctors. May involve both field selling and telemarketing.
CHAPTER 17 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
CHAPTER 17 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
Steps follow the AIDA concept.
Prospecting identifying potential customers. Qualifying determining that the prospect
really is a potential customer.
Initial contact with prospective customer. Use precall planning research to identify
how your products might best meet customer s needs.
Conveying marketing message to the customer. Features benefits framework focuses
on the good or service in terms that are meaningful to the buyer.
CHAPTER 17 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
CHAPTER 17 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
Buyer has a chance to try a product or see how it works.
Sales managers mix sales and management skills to manage the overall direction and
control of the personal selling effort.
Expressions of resistance, such as stalling or indecision, by the prospect are an
Spinal Cord Protective Structures
Protective Structures of the Brain and Spinal Cord
The brain and spinal cord are surrounded and protected by three different sets of
1.Bony skull (cranial cavity) and vertebral column (vertebral canal)
2.Meninges connective tissue coverings dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater
3.Cerebrospinal fluid filled cavity subarachnoid space, cisterns and ventricles of brain
and central canal of spinal cord.
The outermost coverings are the bony skull (cranium) and the vertebral column;
within the cranial cavity and vertebral canal of which are located the brain and spinal
cord, respectively. Within these, the brain and spinal cord are surrounded by three
connective tissue membranes or coverings dura mater, arachnoid ... Show more
content on ...
It also holds venous sinuses between its two layers to drain the venous blood out of
the cranial cavity and brain.
The middle arachnoid mater (meaning spider web membrane) is thin and has an
underlying meshwork of subarachnoid space containing major blood vessels, their
branches and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The arachnoid membrane forms protrusions
called arachnoid villi/ granulations that project into the dural venous sinuses for
drainage of the CSF. The CSF forms a watery cushion that provides additional
protection, allows buoyancy of the brain making it lighter in weight and acts as
lymph for volumetric balance, metabolic and excretory functions.
The inner pia mater (meaning soft mother), is also a very thin vascular layer that is
firmly connected with the neuroglial tissue in the brain and spinal cord. It conveys
the blood vessels and hence nutrition and oxygen into the substance of the brain and
spinal cord. The arachnoid and piamater are together also referred to as
leptomeninges (lepto means thin and delicate) (Table
The Problem Of Global Health
Global health is a field of focus for many nations worldwide but there are many
colonies that are still struggling with health. Many nations struggle with the
development of strategies to prevent disease, outbreak, other struggle with the
development of new medications, and vaccinations but together these struggles create
global health issues worldwide. Canadais considered to be one of the most
developed countries in the world and many other less developed nations rely on
Canada for solutions to certain problems. A big concern for less developed countries
and debatably one of the most difficult things to resolve is level of health. Although
Canada is a developed countrythe government is not able to resolve problems that
less developed... Show more content on ...
This fungal pathogen greatly affected the health of individual Canadians (Rekart et
el., 2003, 258). Due to the spread of this disease, Canada had to prioritize and find
treatments for the Canadian population before assisting other nations worldwide.
A serious epidemic called SARS developed in China and transmitted internationally
to Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area because of the lenient travel restrictions
that Canada has in effect(Rekart et el., 2003, 258). There were many negative
effects of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome including an average health
decline for Canadians overall and major economic losses for Canada as a country.
Between the years of 2002 and 2004, the Canadian tourism sector took loses of 350
million dollars, there was expected to be a one billion dollar decline in Toronto s
economy and non retail sales dropped by 380 million dollars due to the SARS
epidemic (CBC, 2003). Another outbreak that greatly affected Canada and its
residents is the tuberculosis outbreak in British Columbia. In a recent study, it was
estimated that about two thirds of tuberculosis cases was developed from
immigrants(Rekart et el., 2003, 258). That being said, Canada should focus on
implementing more strict travel restrictions to eliminate the outbreak of unknown
diseases before focusing on helping other nations with health issues.
There are many issues that still exist with the
Comparison Between Macbeth And Into The Wild
Wanting for dreams to come true don t do that themselves, it depends on what
choices we do and don t make that help us strive towards our longings. Unless, we
are all controlled by fate, playing out the part in our lives that had been pre
organized for us. The unit selections Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, a biographical
novel, and Macbethby William Shakespeare, a drama, both focus on things we can
and can t control in our lives, but Into the Wilddoes a better job answering the
question in the prompt because rules are meant to be broken, Chris McCandless
just took it to the next level. He was able to leave his life behind, making decisions
most of us couldn t even imagine making. He sets an example of what we can
achieve in life. We... Show more content on ...
/For it is thine. ВЁ King Duncan had noticed the loyalty Macbeth displayed to his
home by serving the country, and since the King knew of the traitorous Thane of
Cawdor, King Duncan had awarded Macbeth the next Thane of Cawdor, just as
how the witches predictions. As Macbeth keeps dwelling on the sister witches
prophecies we can infer, Macbeth wants this fortunes to come true, so the news
brought by the two men must sound exciting to Macbeth. Macbeth knew he would
be the Thane of Glamis and Cawdor now but power tends to go straight to people s
head and now he wants to be king, the evident through lines 149 and 160 Cannot be
ill, cannot be good: if ill, / Why hath it given me earnest of success, / Commencing
in a truth? I am thane of Cawdor: If good, why do I yield to that suggestion / Whose
horrid image doth unfix my hair / And make my seated heart knock at my ribs,
/ Against the use of nature? Present fears / Are less than horrible imaginings: / My
thought, whose
The Importance Of Setting In Frankenstein
In writing, there are several ways to disclose the information about the story and the
character instead of listing it out. The familiar way is through events and dialogue,
but Mary Shelly also uses the setting of each situation to do this. Settings like town to
city , the weather like the terrible storm that takes place continuously and the
inspirational nature in the novel, Frankenstein. By using these methods the story
seems more intense and stays in the reader s mind. Mary Shelly s comprehensive
description of the scenes of the story makes the story unforgettable and it also helps
the reader understand events, and helps to identify the character s personalities and
about the future events in the story. one of the example from the book... Show more
content on ...
While victor is trying to overcome the murders of his friends and family and his
own illness, he often seeks nature for peace. After all of his struggle in the life, he
goes out in the forest and mountains to find his peace and quietness. We passed a
fortnight in these perambulations: my health and spirits had long been restored, and
they gained additional strength from the salubrious air I breathed, the natural
incidents of our progress . . . the air is not only necessary for life but for Victor, it
gives him his strength. Nature is more important to Victor s health. While Victor is
shocked and horrified with his creation, the monster, murdering his friends and
family, he constantly seems to be drawn by the nature for support instead of his
friends and family. Even after Elizabeth s murder, Victor is attracted to nature. He
enjoys the nature and the different instincts of it, makes him happy. Another
character that finds peace in nature is Victor s creator, The Monster. While the
monster is surrounded by the tress and the noise of the birds, he really enjoys his
life, he likes staying there but as soon as he gets around people he starts regretting his
existence and hates his
Types Of Memory And Memory Essay
Have you ever had an eventful story of your childhood that you seem to always
retell every time you meet someone new? That is because you are able to access the
memory of the event in your mind that was stored in your long term memory. There
are three different types of memory each one having a different purpose. First being
the long term memorywhich stores memory s for long periods of time. Next is short
term memory also known as working memorywhich only last for an estimated 15 30
seconds. Finally is sensory memory which is the ability to remember sensory
information. Throughout time it has been constantly said that women have better
memory than men. In order to gain a better understanding between the difference of
genderand memory multiple tests have been conducted. With regard to memory this
study is focused primarily but not limited to short term memory. Short term memory
meaning the capacity to store a minimal amount of information for a short period of
time. Conductive to this study the research covers a large array of different tests in
order to determine which gender has the superior memory. These multiple test
includes but isn t limited to test discerning faces of people of different and same
races, telling apart different shapes, words, and figures, as well as determine object
location through memory. Each group was tested based off of their memory and
their ability to recall what they were shown. Thus given the results of these multiple
studies we are able to
Green Cemetery Persuasive Speech
Thank you for your question and your commitment towards green burials. One of the
big needs in Minnesota is to have more green cemeteries that are committed to our
ecology and to help promote the green burial concept.
On a high level, a green funeral and burial is:
So, basically, to create a green cemetery you need to follow these steps::
Establish a cemetery, following the local rules and regulations for creating a cemetery.
Make the cemetery green in accordance with green burial regulations and certification
And, for an extra measure, get your green cemetery certified.
Create a cemetery
A green cemetery needs to abide by the laws and regulations of traditional cemeteries.
Towards that, the Start Up Tips for Green Burial... Show more content on ...
You will only find laws that are clearly what you cannot do, or are so vague as to
make you think you cannot do something.
And, in line with that advice, note that there are no specific laws for green
cemeteries in Minnesota. The few green burial laws for Minnesota are:
The body does not need to be embalmed to be buried. However, Minnesota laws
require that a non embalmed body must be buried or cremated within 72 hours of
release from the place of death or from the coroner or the medical examiner.
A body must be buried in a legally recognized
Evolution of Managed Care
Evolution of Managed Care HCS/235
Evolution of Managed Care Managed care is a type of system that was formed to
help control the costs and quality to health care services; this will give access to
services to specific groups of covered patients. The system was created to help the
patients (customers) to receive services without having the full financial burden
(University of Washington, 1998). The managed careservices goal is to be able to
help individuals and their families by providing health care services that is
affordable. This type of managed care will help employees or individuals by
requiring a set fee to be paid to the physician for visits, a co pay and monthly
premium to be paid to the insurance company. This will... Show more content on ...
The managed care programs is a staff model HMO, using the model there is an
individual practice associations (IPAs) and the network model HMO s (Davis,
Collins, Morris, 2006). The IPA model and the HMO service will allow a physician
to set a fee for service for patients and be able to contract with other plans to provide
services to the people enrolled in their offices (Davis, Collins, Morris, 2006). The
IPA providers will be reimbursed for their services a various number of ways from
fee schedules to captivated payments (Davis, Collins, Morris, 2006). The network
model HMO plan will work with multispecialty practices they have no connections
with the HMO and then are reimbursed by capitation and fixed monthly payments
(Davis, Collins, Morris, 2006). There was an expansion in 1973 on the industry to
better control the cost and provide more comprehensive coverage (Davis, Collins,
Morris, 2006). From 1973 to 1982 grants and loans were provided to develop HMO
s. They required employees of large corporations to extend the coverage to all the
employees if in the areas that coverage was available. The expansion of the
managed care plans soon multiplied into new forms, since few precautionary
measures were taken to measure and record the data of the growing success, it
caused three major changes in the last couple of years. Changes in Managed Care In
the past
The Space Race Essay
The Space Race; a period in time, more than a two decades of space exploration. Its
competitors, USA vs USSR. Its length consisting of no more than 12 years yet
giving increased knowledge of flight and the sky and space above it. It consisted of
more than thirty overall successful launches and through each abysmal failure
brought new success. The launches increased the overall knowledge of space and
brought new ideas and questions into peoples minds. Sci Fi sprung up from the ideas
that the events brought. It gave humans new ideas, new thoughts. The purpose of this
paper is to increase the remembrance of that period of space exploration.
My paper will consist of some amount of sections; each explaining certain event(s).
The first section ... Show more content on ...
Sputnik 2 s success was amazing it launched the first living being into space. The
animal was a Part Husky Part Terrier stray off the streets of Moscow. Sputnik 2 had
a cone like top connected to a large spherical cockpit. The cockpit had a small bed
as well as a feeding tube and a water tube. Laika was strapped down in the small bed
for the journey with seven days supply of food. Computers monitored Laika s heart
rate and oxygen purifiers kept the dog alive. Sadly the mission had no return launch.
Meaning Laika is now floating lost in space.
Laika was Sputnik 2 s passenger the dog was a Part Husky Terrier mix. Laika was the
first animal in space. Explorer 1 was the first American Launch. It was a man sized
cylinder shaped satellite with four antennas for broadcasting information. It held
inside many scientific tools which helped this US rocket make the first space
discovery; The Van Allen Radiation Belt. The Van Allen Radiation belt had two
layers of energetic particles caught in the Earths gravitational pull. The belt is located
in the exosphere layer of the atmosphere.Explorer 2 bore a striking resemblance to
Explorer 1 yet it contained different Scientific equipment to further explorer the
atmosphere and space around earth. However it was destroyed when the launch
containing the satellite failed to liftoff. The failed liftoff consisted of the shuttle
splitting in two and exploding thereby destroying the probe. This probe
Social Institutions Essay examples
The Military Social Institution is one of the three Primary Social Institutions. The
military was initially established to help protect, as well as unify a country, but since
it s development, it s done so plus more. The Military as a social institution has led to
domination and conquering of sorts, while trying to balance morals and justifications.
Since the military is run by the government, it can be assumed that not only does this
institutiontry to control and rationalize, but also continue to boil over into much of
the other institutions.
The Economic Social Institution is another one of the three Primary Institutions. The
hold that the economy plays on a societies life is overwhelming to say the least. With
the Economy being ... Show more content on ...
The Family Social Institution is a Secondary Institution. Because of Family Life
being much a part of today s society and also a way of living, it can be said that this
type of lifestyle is undoubtedly a reason for planning right. Society created a norm
when dealing with adult life. It is considered normal to have a family and a home
when you arrive at a particular stage in your life. Much of what we live for is that
very lifestyle, and much of our dedication is to have a Family . That is why in our
society, we see billboards advertising vacations with The Family , or certain cars that
the whole Family will enjoy. The Families place within the social structure is there
due to involvement in our everyday life, and the experiences we sometimes take for
The Educational Social Institution is a Secondary Social Institution. Education in our
society is mandatory in order for growth and understanding. When looking at
education and society from a distance, you can see the correlation between the two.
As a particular society grows, you will notice the intellect grow, or vice versa. Society
is always in need of wealth and maturity, but without the education through learning
and teaching, there would be a standstill or decline in both the two. We seem to forget
how much we (society) can build upon ourselves, by educating each other. Every
institution relies on each other; therefore the
The Major Driving Forces For European Imperialism In
Africa was filled with a phenomenal and immense amount of natural resources.
Many European countries were in a race to get these resources and to gain land. The
only problem was that a race for this beautiful land and these natural resources
deemed as economy boosters could cause an all out war between the European
nations. European countries never were concerned for land in Africanor their
resources. That was until the late 1880s when King Leopold II of Belgium started
sort of a trend by acquiring a private country of 900,000 square miles in Africa. This
country was dubbed the Congo Free State and it was 95 times the size of Belgium.
Leopold was making a gargantuan amount of money by taking out ivory and rubber.
Many European countries started to notice what Leopold was doing and wanted to
join in on finding these natural resources and gaining land. Otto Von Bismarckof
Germany proposed a conference for European countries to divide up Africa so that
there wouldn t be any wars over land or resources. Technological advancements,
cultural causes, and national pride are all important Driving Forces to European
imperialism, but the main reason was economical.
There were seven different European nations that had colonies in Europe according to
Document B, page 269, produced by The DBQ Project in 2013. The seven different
European nations which were Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, and
Spain according to Document A, page 263, produced by The DBQ Project
The Life of Carl Friedrich Gauss
Mathematicians have always formed a very important role in history. From the
Greeks to the modern era, mathematicians have made spectacular discoveries and
critical contributions to the world of mathematics. Because of great mathematicians,
the human race is exploring and discovering unknown boundaries of space and
technology. The life of Carl Friedrich Gausswas full of phenomenal adventures and
discoveries. He was born in Brunswick, Germany on April 30th, 1777 to poor
working class parents. Gauss father was known as a hard worker and an honest
man but heavily discouraged Gauss from attending school to follow a family
trade. On the other hand, Gauss mother and uncle recognized his remarkable
intelligence at an early age. Gauss intelligence was so powerful that one day at the
age ten solved the problem that his arithmetic instructor gave him with one
number, 5,050. The simple math problem for Gauss was to write all whole
numbers between one and 100 and add up their sum. Furthermore, he first went to
college at the age of fourteen and was financially sustained by Carl Wilhelm
Ferdinand who was the Duke of Brunswick. While studying language at Caroline
College, he discovered that a regular polygon with seventeen sides could be drawn
with a compass and a straight edge. He was so impressed with his discovery that he
turned to study mathematics. Mathematics composed a vital part of the life of
Friedrich Gauss. All of his contributions and advancements were so
Reflection About Groupthink
Growing up in a new country can be hard for an elementary school kid, not only do
they have to deal with catching up in their studies and adjusting to the new
environment but also the social hierarchy of the playground. By applying the
symbolic interaction theory, my participation in Groupthink shows just how easy
an individual conforms to the norms of the group in order to fit in and how those
actions eventually shape that individual closer to their true self (Brym Lie 2017).
My experience with groupthink can not be narrowed down to one event. It is
more like my whole 4th grade year. In 2007, I had just arrived in Canada from the
Philippines. Being a newcomer, I tried my best to fit in, make new friends, and did
what any Canadian kids my age did. There was this girl that for some reason
everyone avoided. To fit in, my instinct told me to avoid her as well. So, every time
she came close I would run away, anything she touched, I would not dare touch,
and speaking to her would be the worst possible thing anyone could do. Back then I
did not understand why we would do such things. All I knew is that I had to do
them to be considered cool . For the better part of my elementary school career I did
my best to abide by these unwritten rules, without knowing the real reason as to why
they exist in the first place. I remember one afternoon, I met up with my teammates
and coach in the girl s classroom. As I sit down at a random desk, my friends thought
it would be funny to
Essay Est Task 2
Task 2: Ethics Program for Vencill Management Consulting
Sarah Vencill
Western Governors University
It is the responsibility of each and every Vencill Management Consulting employee to
understand and demonstrate integrity in the work that is done every day. How
employees work within the ethical framework of various and diverse professional
fields is also important. To this end, Vencill Management Consultinghas adopted the
following professional Code of Conduct and procedures related to interactions with
our clients in the non profit sector. In addition to employees, Vencill Management
Consulting s Code of Conduct extends to its contractors, agents and suppliers.
Standards and Procedures
Vencill Management Consulting... Show more content on ...
If a Vencill Management Consulting employee breaks the law, they also may be
personally liable.
Vencill Management Consulting s management team is responsible for maintaining
an ethical climate by: Explaining to their employees why it s important to comply
with the Code of Conduct. Encouraging discussion of the Code and situations.
Responding promptly and properly to concerns raised by employees. Protecting
employees against reprisals when they report, in good faith, actions they feel violate
the law or these standards.
Vencill Management Consulting s management team is responsible for reviewing and
evaluating the company s policies and practices to ensure that they are consistent with
Vencill Management Consulting s social responsibilityto act with integrity to
employees, customers and society. As part of that responsibility, the management
team oversees Vencill Management Consulting s Code of Conduct.
Vencill Management Consulting s management team is responsible for the
coordination, oversight and enforcement of Vencill Management Consulting s
compliance programs and activities and helps to promote an organizational culture
that encourages compliance with laws and regulations and ethical conduct for all
Vencill Management Consulting employees. Also, the the management team is
responsible for communicating Vencill Management Consulting s ethicsand
compliance standards, providing guidance and
The For Iran s Economic And Political Future
Statement of Purpose: This paper will describe a series of three time periods during
which educated, western oriented Iranians left Iran in ever greater numbers. Then the
paper will explore the impact of these waves of emigration on the socioeconomic
status of Iran. Also, the paper will assert that the immigrants coming to Irando not
solve the problems created by the waves of emigration. Next, this paper will describe
the benefits of this Iranian diaspora to other countries, especially in Europe and
North America. Finally, the paper will assess what these events foretell for Iran s
economic and political future.
Attention Getter: Let me give you a scenario. You re a smart kid, right? Imagine you
re living in Iran as a very ... Show more content on ...
Iran has been very isolated from much of the outside world since the Islamic
Revolution of 1978 1979, but its borders have not been closed (Hakimzadeh). To the
contrary, the country has produced and hosted abundant flows of emigration and
immigration, a steady coming and going mainly driven by key political events
(Hakimzadeh). In its recent history, Iran has had the most spectacular brain drain in
the world while simultaneously topping the list as a magnet for refugees, mainly
from Afghanistan and Iraq. These refugees from troubled countries put a large strain
on the Iranian economy, because their circumstances are very extreme.
More than 30 years since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, the United States has
become home to the largest and most prosperous population of Iranians outside of the
homeland. Since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 and the overthrow of the Shah, there
have been a countless number of educated people leaving Iran. This is likely the
result of the maltreatment of citizens under the cruel regime. The lack of human
rights in Iran has affected the desire for Iranians to leave. This vast emigration had
affected the socio economic status of the once prosperous nation. Today, unofficial
estimates show that the United States is home to more than one million Iranians.
According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, they are one of the most highly
educated minority populations in the country.
Toilet Training Research Paper
Toilet Training for Individuals with Disabilities
Being toilet trained is an extremely necessary skill to make it through our day to
day lives. It is something that seems so natural to us that we have forgotten that at
one point in our lives we did not have this skill. Someone had to teach it to us.
Unfortunately there is a large population of people with disabilities that have not
mastered this skill and require the constant aid of others to go to the bathroom.
Being independent in the bathroom is a major skill that can affect a child s entire
outlook on their lives. While being toilet trained may not seem like a big deal, having
to constantly rely on someone else to do every movement necessary to use the
bathroom can become extremely frustrating ... Show more content on
There have been many studies conducted on the effects of using this model and
modified versions of this model to teach children with developmental disabilities to be
toilet trained. However as stated in the previous literature there are not many studies
on the prerequisite skills needed to engage in going to the bathroom or the
effectiveness of these interventions with children diagnosed with autism. Further
research is needed in this subject. My research question for this topic is to see if
combining Azrin and Foxx (1971, 1974) intensive toilet training model with teaching
the prerequisite skills for using the bathroom (i.e., unbuttoning pants, pulling up and
down pants and underwear, etc.) would be effective in teaching a child with autism to
be toilet
Deoxyribonucleic Acid Analysis
Deoxyribonucleic Acid analysis has become a significant instrument for the ID of
historical individuals. False outcomes might happen if the historical sample turn out
to be adulterated. Both historic archaeologists and Deoxyribonucleic Acid academics
are provided here with particular procedural tips in order to obtain dependable
Deoxyribonucleic Acid results: historical bone samples must be clean collected for
Deoxyribonucleic Acid analysis then the short overlapping mitochondrial
Deoxyribonucleic Acid fragments must be used for the historical bone samples, even
though Deoxyribonucleic Acid fragments ought to be targeted for the assumed living
families as well as the hair or else cheek swab samples from the assumed families
ought to be gathered... Show more content on ...
Over some years archaeologists have become more enthusiastically encompassed
in unlike kinds of investigations comprising the diggings of mass burials of
sufferers of contemporary wars and the recording and retrieval of mass casualty
events. The search for proof begins when an article or info leads investigators to
believe that a crime or distrustful demise has happened. A forensic archaeologist is
typically called when human remains are establish sprinkled on the ground surface
and remains are alleged to be buried. Deoxyribonucleic Acid is the 1st extricated
from a piece of proof. A method known as real time polymerase chain reaction is
then used to detect and measure the quantity of Deoxyribonucleic Acid available.
Precise copies are made of particular parts of the Deoxyribonucleic Acid using a
procedure called elaboration. Additional method called gel electrophoresis divides
the unlike Deoxyribonucleic Acid parts based on dimensions. The sample is rifled
for special areas of Deoxyribonucleic Acid that recurrence themselves. Even though
human being share over 99 percent of their Deoxyribonucleic Acid these specific
sections are called Short Tandem Repeats and differ amongst individuals. Facial
approximation is also known as facial reconstruction technique that tries to
Sem 4 Assignment 2
Assignment 2
Question 1 1. The maintenance of capital doctrine is developed to prohibit a
company from reducing its share capital because a reduction in capital would
reduce the pool of funds available to the company to pay its creditors. Section
254T provides that dividends are only payable out of profits. This provision
ensures that capital is not return to shareholders in the form of dividend. The term
profit is not defined in the Corporation Act. In Re Spanish Prospecting Co Ltd
(1911), it was stated profits implies a comparison between the states of a business at
2 specific dates usually by an interval of a year which means the gain made by the
business during the year. Section 259A prohibits a company directly acquiring its own
... Show more content on ...
Adler was a non executive director of Adler Corporation Ltd. HIHC is controlled by
Adler through Adler Corporation Ltd which is a substantial shareholder of HIH.
After the loan, PEE became trustee of Australian Equities Unit Trust (AEUT)
which was controlled by Adler Corporation Ltd. HIHC s $10 million loan to PEE
was then applied to HIHC s subscription for $10 million worth of AEUT units.
Adler was entitled to 10 per cent of the trust s income even though the $10 million
was contributed by HIH. It was held that Adler breached his duties as an officer of
HIH and HIHC under s 181. The s 181 duty may be breached where the interests of
the company are put at risk by contraventions of other statutory provisions such as
those dealing with related party transactions (s 208) and the financial assistance
prohibition (s 260A). A contravention does not require the director to gain a benefit
from the conduct. It is sufficient to establish that the conduct was carried out in
order to gain an advantage. In Stoke Limited s case, Buggy has breached s 181 as he
did not act in good faith and in the best interest of the company as he arranged
$200,000 to transfer into his personal accounts and use it to provide unsecured loans
to a small business owned and controlled by him. Although the documentation
Aerobic Lab
Jacob Dekker | Heart Rate, Breathing Rate and Exercise | Oct. 30th
Teacher: Mrs. Pankerican
Pre lab questions:
Anaerobic: A short exercise but very high intensity. Aerobic: A long exercise at a
lower level of intensity.
For muscles to work adenosine triphosphate (ATP) must be created. But because
ATP is not stored in large amounts, as soon as you start to work your muscles need
to produce more ATP. The fuels you need are nutrients and you also produce
metabolic waste.
When you exercise your muscles break down and this allows them to grow back
stronger than they were before. When you exercise your body uses your skeletal,
muscular and respiratory system.
My resting heart rate is around 70. My breathing rate is around 15 20.
Hypothesis: ... Show more content on ...
This ends up causing a disruption to internal hemostasis. You have special nerves
(known as chemoreceptors) which will send a message to your brain when you
have a lower pH level than you should. This causes your brain to send messages to
your heart to increase the contractions. This also happens in your lungs. When these
two things happen together it will cause your body to get rid of the CO2(which will
take a longer amount of time if you are in bad shape, and a shorter time if you are in
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Autobiography
For as long as I can remember, my brother would fall down often. I never really
thought much of it while growing up, he was just my clumsy older brother. I
noticed he was different from my friend s older brothers but I never really cared
because I always loved the way he was.
In 1997, my brother was four years old and my parents started to notice he was not
physically capable of doing what other kids his age could do, so they decided to
ask a doctor what could be wrong. Many blood tests and muscle biopsies later, my
parents were told that my brother has mild autism and Duchenne Muscular
Dystrophy. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy means that his muscles will
progressively degenerate and weaken over time. This news made my parents upset
for a long time. Halloween of 1997, my mom found out she was going to have me ...
Show more content on ...
Someone who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy has weak muscles, but that also
means they have slow reflexes and brittle bones. When my brother was about 16,
he slipped in some water and didn t catch himself and fell. The next morning, my
parents took him to the ER to find out he had broken both of his legs and would
have to undergo surgery. After his surgery, he was in a wheelchair for a few months
so his legs would heal. That summer, my family took a trip to Huntington Beach and
my brother could almost completely walk without the wheelchair by this time. The
first day, my brother, my dad, and I were walking down the hall to our room and
my dad was pushing the chair behind my brother so when his legs got tired he could
sit. About ten steps down the hall, my brother fell and my dad rushed around to help
him up. My
Essay about Reagan and Gorbachev
Reagan and Gorbachev
During his first term, Reagan denounced the pre Gorbachev Soviet Union as an evil
The Cold War took place between the United States (US) and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics (USSR) from the mid 1940 s to the early 1990s. It was a cold
war in the sense that there was never any military engagement between the US and
the USSR, but during the Cold War both superpowers invested in many different
weapons. The Cold War finally started to wind down in the late 1980 s due to
Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev s cooperation.
In 1971, Mikhail Gorbachev had been chosen to the Key Panel, which was comprised
of chosen international team members that produced selections for that Party as well
as have been in ... Show more content on ...
To the immense big amaze of each gent s agents, the 2 agreed in theory in order to
be able for you to help getting rid of INF methods through Europe and to equivalent
worldwide restrictions associated with A hundred INF rocket payloads.
Additionally they essentially arranged in principle to eliminate just about almost
most nuclear weapons at 10 years (by 1996), rather than through the 2000 such as
Gorbachev s original summarize. Ongoing believe in problems, specifically over
relation and President s Strategic Security Effort (SDI), resulted in the actual peak
is frequently thought to be a failure because of not less than making a concrete
floor contract instantly, or for leading to a staged removal of nuclear guns.
Ultimately, nevertheless, this could climax in the signing from the Intermediate
Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in 1987, following Gorbachev acquired
suggested this particular removal in 22 This summer 1987. Ronald Reagan
recognized the modification toward the actual Soviet management having Mikhail
Gorbachev, as well as now uses diplomacy, having a view in order to be able for
you to help motivate the particular Soviet leader to go after significant arms
contracts. Reagan s personal objective was to attain a global free from atomic power
weapons , that he or this individual regarded as completely unreasonable, completely
inhumane, great for just eliminating, possibly destructive associated
Paper On Transformational Leadership
My lack of experience in a leadership setting will show when I do become a
manager. Transformational leadership is based on experience and development of
leadership qualities. In order to remedy this, I need to actively try to get into a
leadership position, either within my current company or somewhere else. I am also
going to continue to be a source of leadershipfor my current co workers. I always
volunteer for tasks that a manager would do when my team lead is gone. These
tasks include dealing with upset patients, trying to resolve conflicts between
coworkers, developing strong relationships with my coworkers, and being a source
of echo knowledge for the lab when they need it. All of these tasks develop my
transformational leadership skills, even though... Show more content on ...
My goal is to be a charismatic public speaker which will hopefully inspire my
employees to be better, and want to start a career in leadership themselves. One
specific action I plan on taking is doing 2 E and J s (monthly echo conferences)
within the next 6 months (March and May). In order to do this, I will request a
meeting with our research project manager on January 4th at 12 pm, and discuss
my plan. Facilitating these monthly echocardiography meetings will develop my
public speaking skills and get over my fear of being the center of attention. Both of
these characteristics will hinder my development as a transformational leader if
they are not remedied. Another specific action I will take is reading and educating
myself about different public speaking theories. Specifically, I will purchase the
book, Talk Like TED: The Nine Public Speaking Secrets of the World s Top Minds
on December 30th. I plan on reading and finishing the book in January so I can be
prepared to do my talks in the coming months. I hope that reading this book will
inspire me and give me ideas on how to become a better public
Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Object-Oriented...
Object oriented Programming languages Overview In earlier times, before object
oriented was introduced, the languages that used is so uncomfortable and not
familiar to developers. A normal person cannot understand what that was coded. The
language that time used makes lots of errors, bugs, misunderstands... between
developing programs. Disadvantage structured language: for avoiding from these
kind of problems, at that time Object oriented language were introduced to avoid
these. It s more familiar than structured language. History SIMULA was the 1st
object was used to create simulations. Alan Kay headed a group of
Xerox Parc created the first personal computer, its name was DYNABOOK To create
DYNABOOK, they develop Smalltalk... Show more content on ...
Cant override marked final or static methods, must be same or wider access levels,
same or narrow checked exception, Instance methods can be overridden only if
they are inherited by the subclass Difference between interface and abstract classes
Abstract An abstract class is a class. that is declared abstract it may or may not
include abstract methods. abstract class can have both abstract non abstract
methods. Abstract method should be abstract void m(); abstract method should be
only inside a abstract class, not inside a normal class. And concrete methods
shouldn t be inside a abstract class. An abstract method doesn t have a method
body. Can have one or more abstract method inside a abstract class. We can t create
abstract class object, but we can create its sub class object. but we have to override
abstract methods in sub class. Ex: abstract class Car{ void Color(){
System.out.println( red ); } abstract void engine(); } class Audi extends Car{ public
static void main(String
Lost Days Research Paper
Lost Days: [Sad Memories of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery]
Now, more than seventy years have passed since the end of the Asia Pacific War
and the Japanese control of Korea, many people still recalled the painful memory of
the history. This is the most important issue that the Imperial Japanese preferred to
young women as sexual slavery and there was no such thing as the sense of human
dignity. Young women were hard to overcome their miserable plight at that time
because the depressed lives were forced to them. This paper is about the comfort
women who become victimized by Japanese military sexual slavery, and they should
be legally protected their human dignity in society. To explain about the background
of history, the
How Did Goebbels Contribute To Propaganda
Paul Joseph Goebbels was born on the 29th of October in the year 1897. He was a
German politician and he served as the Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi
Germany from the years 1933 to 1945. A large part of Joseph Goebbels s infamy
was that he was very influential and manipulative towards his target population,
proving that influence is obtainable through propaganda and pressure. Goebbels
attended the University of Heidelberg, where he received a Doctor of Philosophy
degree in 1921. Eventually in the summer of 1924 he joined the Nazi Partyof
Germany, where he discovered that he was very effective speaker. He would edit a
weekly Nazi newspaper until he joined Gregor Stresser in the northern branch to
publish a newspaper called the Nationalsozialistischen... Show more content on ...
His new appointment gave him a wide array of advantages. It gave him the
authority to all cultural aspects of the German society as well as power over the
mass media and not just over propaganda. A few months later on September
22,1933, Goebbels regulated the Reichskulturkammer (Reich Chamber of Culture)
which was apportioned into separate chambers organized and dedicated to radio,
press, music, films, literature, theater, etc. Anyone that was denied association
within the professional chambers was in turn prohibited of their profession and
this ensured Goebbels control over the news, the arts, the films, and other forms of
media in Germany. Goebbels was an anti Semitist and his influence over the media
helped him purge the Jews from the media. Also on May of 1933, he planned out a
massive burning of books and other resources of Jewish and Marxists ideals as from
then, all books had to be approved by Goebbels s Ministry of Propaganda before
being published. Many of the books contained Nazi propaganda and anti semitic
books were produced and advocated for. Books in school were also edited to reflect
Network Administrator Has Higher Level Of Control Essay
Contents Page Task 1
3 Task
5 Task
7 Task 1 Types of network LAN stands for Local Area Network. LAN is a type of
network that interconnects computers and devices either wired or wireless and
covers a greater distance. LAN is mainly used in private organisations such as
college or university. More or less everyone uses wireless router at home these
days and the user is able to connect between 5 10 devices wirelessly. The user can
share the broadband or the connection with ADSL by using Ethernet cables.
Smaller LANs can connect at least 2 3 computers using one cable. It also depends
on the size of the organisation. Smaller LANs are easier to manage. The users need
to be careful when using larger LANs and need to make sure that the network
within it is transmitted efficiently. The user can increase the number of computers
connected by using routers and switches. This ensures that the network
administrator has higher level of control over the network. IEEE 802.3 is the
wired Ethernet used by LAN and therefore it is related to LAN. The set up cost for
LAN is relatively cheap. WAN stands for Wide Area Network. It is a type of
network that interconnects the LANs meaning it connects the LANs together over
large distance. WAN is used in school or college or in a joint network
How To Start Boxing Essay
Often people who are either starting boxing or planning to follow a career in the
field may have quite naive ideas about the gear they have to use to train on
professional grounds. Boxing is a sport that requires a lot of coordination and
training of your hands, you will be developing throughout the years how to handle
and balance the power of your hands and special pair of boxing gloves are essential
to reach outstanding results, specially because you will not be training only one kind
of technique or practicing one single exercise, all that requires a flexible set of
equipment to fulfill all your needs, so you have to think about different pair of gloves
for different applications while training.
For solo training, you might face several different sets of punching bags, though the
most simple training exercises may start only with the speed punching bag, which
will work out your skills on speed, hands coordination the movement to switch from
one hand to the other as well as your mental ability to focus on the movements of
the speed bag and hit it in synch. Speed bags are quite lite, so the best boxing gloves
for this kind of training do not require robust and ... Show more content on ...
This kind of gloves are quite cheap less than 20 or 15 dollars so you could make
use of one of these gloves since you won t really need the best kind of protection
while sparring, here the most important actually is the use of head gear with good
protection, this kind of affordable glove might be more than enough for a
coordinated sparring training. On the other hand, heavy weight fighters could make
use of gloves specially designed for sparring because the potency of the strikes may
not be pair to be controlled during this training phase. While mistakes on lower
weight classes can be redeemed with basic protection, a heavy weight mistake might
really hurt, so be
Gold Coast Research Paper
Gold Coast Property
To begin with, Let me tell provide you with some web sites the Gold Coast Property
Market and Gold Coast itself.
Gold Coast is really a city in Queensland, Australia. It s the second most populated
city within the Condition and also the sixth most populated city within the entire
Australia. It features a population well over 550,000 people.
It established fact for it s sunny, subtropical climate, the typical maximum climate is
25. levels centigrade or 77 Fahrenheit. The minimum is 15.3 centigrade and 60
Fahrenheit. This weather causes it to be ideal for viewers and you will find a lot of
popular beaches, not just for viewers, however for individuals who wish to benefit
from the tropical sunshine. Included in this are Southport, Paradise Point and Santa
Barbara along its 57km of shoreline. Not ... Show more content on ...
It s continued to be time lessly exactly the same using the only exception being that it
s still a location to become loved together with all of the modern facilities that wealth
and also the mod cons that have been invented with time.
Within the Hinterlands, you discover rainforests where timber was provided within
the 1800 s and, in 1865, an urban area was began referred to as Nerang that was a
derivation from the Aboriginal word shover nosed shark.
In 1885, Governor Musgrave built a vacation home around the Gold Coast there
started the very first type of tourism towards the region. Following Governor
Musgrave s advent, the region began being noted for its touristic characteristics by
1925 the populace from the Gold Coast began to improve. Everybody desired to
benefit from the sun, surf, balmy climate and warm winters present in this
Human Intelligence And Artificial Intelligence
There is little consensus on what human intelligence is, how it works, and how it is
formed. There are several different theories as to what intelligence is, and there is no
concrete explanation of intelligence. Despite these uncertainties, many have proposed
the idea modeling human intelligence and creating artificial intelligence. Many see
artificial intelligence as a way to bypass human error and to improve jobs by
completing them faster and more accurately. They argue that artificial intelligence
can be based on human intelligence, and thought processes can be translated into
computer programs to create a non human entity that can think. In contrast, many
others do not think it is possible to recreate the human mind and thought... Show more
content on ...
In the article Some Current Trends in Research of Intelligence, Imrich Ruisel
examines three different concepts of intelligence before applying the ideas to
artificial intelligence. As there is not a single set of ideas about intelligence,
multiple theories and concepts need to be looked at in order to try and replicate
intelligence into artificial intelligence. Ruisel breaks down intelligence into three
categories: (one) a general intelligence represented by Spearman s g factor and is
based on biological differences accounting for differences in cognitive performance,
(two) intelligence as it relates to behavior, and (three) intelligence is composed of a
set of abilities and an individual s total knowledge (Ruisel 2007). Each of these three
concepts of intelligence provides different challenges in the task to create artificial
intelligence. However, it is still important to consider different views of intelligence
when looking at artificial intelligence; artificial intelligence cannot be understood or
created unless all of the information about intelligence itself is known. As human
intelligence consists of many different aspects, artificial intelligence must follow this
pattern if it is to be based on human intelligence. In her article On the Approaches of
Classical Artificial Intelligence and Embodied Artificial Intelligence, Elena Nechita
explains classical approaches to artificial intelligence and some of the problems
associated with
Contract Letter Essay
(City, State, Zip)
RE: Suspension Without Pay Due to Mandatory EAP Referral
Dear (Name of Employee):
This letter is to inform you that you are being suspended without pay due to violation
of the company s Substance Abuse Policy by testing positive on a (insert reason for
test) drug test administered on (insert date).
You are being suspended for this violation, rather than being terminated, because you
have agreed to participate in a formal referral to our Employee Assistance Program
(EAP) provider, ComPsych, for substance abuse. Additionally, you have agreed to
sign and return a formal referral Authorization Form AND schedule an evaluation
with the ComPsych referred treatment provider, within seven (7) ... Show more
content on ...
In the event that you exhaust, or have already exhausted, your accrued PTO
/vacation, Air Systems Engineering Inc. will continue to pay the employer portion
of any group health plan(s) that you have elected so long as you continue to pay the
employee portion of the premium as agreed below. To maintain coverage, you will
need to pay your portion of the premium as follows (check one): пѓ°Monthly Pay for
your portion of premiums by check on the 1st of each month following suspension.
Air System Engineering will allow a 30 day payment grace period. o Your
remaining portion of this month s premiums is (amount per week) per week with
(number of pay DATES remaining) pay dates remaining, for a total of (enter total)
due. o The total premium for (month) is (amount per week) per week with (number
of pay DATES remaining) pay dates remaining, for a total of (enter total) due.
пѓ°Upon Return Your benefit premiums deductions will be doubled each week until
all missed deductions are repaid. For example, if you are on unpaid suspension or
leave for four (4) pay dates, your check will have double deductions for four (4) pay
If your group coverage is canceled due to failure to pay your portion of the
premiums, your benefits will be canceled with an
Van Halen s Influence On Renaissance Music
In hindsight, all of these artists were the foundation of what lies on the horizon, a
revolution that would evolve into a dynasty that hasn t been seen since the
Renaissance and one unlikely to be repeated. Just as these artists were influencing me,
they were influencing others в”Ђ others with vastly better skills than I could ever
fathom. On the smaller stages of the Los Angeles club scene, a band was mixing the
sound, style, and showmanship into a cacophonous stew, gently boiling and carefully
molding all the elements and preparing to unleash it on the unsuspecting music
consumer. Although they didn t know it at the time, it would be something which
would change the very face of rock music and the artistic journey of guitar players
everywhere.... Show more content on ...
He proclaimed he was content to stand in the shadows and ride the groove in front of
his speakers having his teeth rattled.
In addition to their musical prowess, the four members of the band forged an
underlying formula of acting and showmanship which wowed their fans.
After the initial shock wore off, detractors were minimizing Ed s techniques. No, he
wasn t the first to tap notes or use pinch harmonics, Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top had
been doing both for years. Also, electric guitars had trem bars since their earliest
incarnations, so he wasn t the first to abuse one. Al Dimeola who successfully
combined virtuosity and unfathomable speed was on his third album. So no, Eddie
wasn t the fastest in the land either.
With these comparisons, interest went backward to either discover or re discover
Al DiMeola and Billy Gibbons. Both are incredible players in their respective genre
s, and both had a subsequent surge of interest after the release. But out of the ensuing
media interviews came a surprise, Ed revealed one of his primary influences leading
us в”Ђ amazingly в”Ђ to jazz guitarist Allan Holdsworth. Wait,
The Importance Of Infection Elimination Solutions
Sometimes a wound may take a while to heal but it s important to never ignore open
wounds, cuts or sores as they can lead to serious health complications. At Infection
Elimination Solutions, we are dedicated to helping patients get back to health and on
with their life. We started Infection Elimination Solutions in order to offer an
affordable, fast and safe solution to help heal wounds faster and more effectively. We
are a group of four passionate health care providers committed to providing you with
the best in healing options. We have worked hard to develop an antiseptic product
that actually increases the speed of healing, cutting the time nearly in half and we
continue to work hard to uncover new opportunities to improve the formula. This
Analysis Of Richard Rodriguez s A Stranger And Strange...
Comparative Analysis
Over the past month, we have been studying the concept of reading and writing in
different communities. To assess this, we have read two different texts. Richard
Rodriguez s the achievement of desire , from his autobiography Hunger of Memory ;
and Lucille McCarthy s A Stranger in Strange Lands: A College Student Writing
across the Curriculum from Research in the Teaching of English . Both answer key
questions regarding what it takes to become a great reader and writer, however,
from the reading that I have done, each one only answers one part of the question.
Rodriguez s main focus is in the aspect of reading, whereas McCarthy mainly
focuses on the writing portion. Both do a decent job of analyzing and putting forth
a view of how they believe a person can best perform in these environments. This
then allows us to use their concepts and create our own version, based on their
points of view. But why should we care? Most people at this level of academia will
have developed a system of writing that works for them, and will have a difficult
time breaking from it if they re process doesn t meet the criteria that Rodriguez, and
McCarthy put forth. The reason it s so important is because of implications these
ideas have. Both authors put forth concepts that are indirectly related to one another
and that are highly beneficial to all who will apply them. They will force you to
conform to new environments in order to succeed, this in turn will make you more

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Group Dynamics Essay. Group Dynamics in Social Science Free Essay Example

  • 1. Group Dynamics Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "Group Dynamics" presents a multifaceted challenge that goes beyond the conventional boundaries of essay writing. The intricacies involved in dissecting the nuances of group interactions, interpersonal relationships, and the underlying psychological aspects demand a thorough understanding of the subject matter. The complexity lies not only in unraveling the theoretical frameworks and academic perspectives but also in integrating real- world examples and case studies to provide a comprehensive analysis. Furthermore, delving into the dynamics of groups involves navigating through a plethora of interdisciplinary concepts, such as sociology, psychology, and organizational behavior. The need to synthesize information from various sources, ranging from scholarly articles to empirical studies, adds another layer of intricacy. One must seamlessly weave together these diverse threads of knowledge to construct a coherent and insightful narrative. Addressing the dynamics within a group requires a keen observational eye and an ability to interpret subtle cues that may influence collective behavior. The essay should not merely scratch the surface but should delve deep into the underlying factors that shape group dynamics, be it leadership styles, communication patterns, or conflict resolution strategies. This demands an analytical mindset and critical thinking skills to draw meaningful conclusions from the available data. Moreover, articulating these intricate ideas in a clear and concise manner poses yet another challenge. Balancing the need for depth and breadth while adhering to the constraints of word count necessitates careful thought and strategic planning. The writer must strike a delicate equilibrium between providing sufficient context and avoiding unnecessary verbosity. In essence, writing an essay on "Group Dynamics" requires not only a strong academic foundation but also a holistic approach to understanding and interpreting human behavior within the context of groups. It is an intellectual journey that demands time, effort, and a dedication to presenting a well-rounded perspective on a topic that is as dynamic and evolving as the groups it seeks to analyze. For those seeking assistance with such intricate academic endeavors, there are platforms like where similar essays and a wealth of other academic content can be ordered to streamline the writing process and ensure a high-quality outcome. Group Dynamics Essay Group Dynamics Essay
  • 2. The Correlation Between Sex Tourism And Prostitution Tourism has been a major contributor to the economic, social and human development of Morocco. Its social and economic impacts such as the reduction of unemployment and poverty are clearly evident in today s society. With a growth of 6.0% in its tourism compared to the world average growth rate of 1.6%, the success of the Moroccan tourism sector is without any doubts astonishing. In fact, tourism has become one of the most important sectors for Morocco. It is said that the reasons behind this success are mainly due to the development and implementation of new policies under the reign of the monarch, King Mohammed IV, and the development of certain industries such as agriculture and textile. In this paper, however, I argue that there are other factors behind Morocco s rapid development in the tourism industry that are ignored due to social and religious reasons. In order to demonstrate this point, I will examine the predominance of sex tourism and prostitution in Morocco and how they play a major role in the development and success of tourism. Finally, I contend that the tourism sector is not sustainable as its social and economic impacts have already started affecting negatively the social life of the Moroccan population. Unless an alternative of sustainable tourism is put in place, this growth in the tourism industry will disappear leading to unprecedented and unwanted consequences. Before examining the sex tourism in Morocco, let us first look at its starting point. The
  • 3. Civil Liberty Definition Choose one civil liberty and one civil right that you feel is most often violated or most unequally applied for or against a particular group in the United States today. Give examples (general and more specific/current examples from the media) and explain what you think allows for the violation to occur more frequently? One example of civil liberty is the right to practice whatever religion. One example of civil right is the right to vote. In 2016, North Carolina and some other states tried to implement new voting restrictions. The Supreme Court stricken some of the new restrictions. It was a means of voter suppression rather than voter s fraud . This will in fact affect the elderly, the young, the poor, and minorities. The right to practice whatever religion is a civil liberty that Muslims in US often violated. For example, discrimination and attacks on existing and potential Islamic centers. I believe the new voting restrictions occur because of the election that was about to take place. For example, in North Carolina, the state legislature passed voting restrictions in 2013. The state eliminated reduced early voting period, eliminated pre registration for 16 and 17 years old, instituted a strict photo requirement, and other numerous restrictions. However, the ... Show more content on ... There are some countries that does not allow you to practice your religion unless it is the state s religion. Everyone has the right to freedom of religion. Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948. However, with the help of tv and social media, we all know that individuals are torture due to their religion. However, there are countries that are adhering the law and little is done about it. For example, Pakistan is one of the many countries that still show violence other religious groups. These laws are put in place by the United Nations to protect the human rights around the
  • 4. Corning Case Study CORNING (WENY) Corning Community College could be expanding its campus to downtown Corning if awarded financial assistance from the Regional Economic Development Council. This past week, the Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council looked at 33 projects for a potential $30 million in funding. Amoung that list includes Corning Community College. The local community college has submitted an application to build a state of the art facility to house a heath and education center. The proposal to build the $3 to $6 million dollar facility looks to collaborate with officals of the former Guthrie Corning Hospital site. The President of Corning Community College, Katherine Douglas says they are looking to build the health and education
  • 5. Ebenezer Scrooge In Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol has been a staple story relating to Christmas since the 1840 s. Due to this, it has inspired others to make movies similar to this beloved tale. Namely, A Muppets Christmas from 1992 and A Christmas Carol from 2009. These two recreations may have similarities to the original story, but they share quite many differences. One major contrast is that they are not all similar in telling the tale: Charles Dickensoriginal story was a book, while the other two were movies from not long ago. First off, the three tales all share equality in many ways. One method is that they all explain the approach of Ebenezer Scrooge taking atone to his actions and changing the man he once was by the means of three ChristmasSpirits: Ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Future. Another topic they share is that in the end, after Scrooge begs... Show more content on ... Even though they all share this similarity, they portray it in different ways. The literature version of A Christmas Caroldescribes Scrooge in the churchyard, pleading with the spirit to change is fate, who which dwindles down to the posts of Scrooge s own bed. In the film adaptation of the same story, Scrooge is sent via portal to the churchyard, which the phantom shows him his grave. Instead of waking up by begging, Scrooge falls into the grave, only to wake up hanging from his bed curtains. In A Muppets Christmas , much like the book, Scrooge, once again, starts in the churchyard, the ghost beside him. However, unlike the book, Scrooge tries to grab hold of the spirit to persuade it that he was indeed a changed man, for him in the end to wake up, holding close to his bed sheets, relieved and
  • 6. Stephen Berkoff s The Things I Know To Be True 4) How did the work of established and recognised theatre practitioners, and/or the work of live theatre, influence the way in which your devised response developed? The most prominent influence on our production were Frantic Assembly, whose 2015 play The Things I Know To Be True provided a groundwork for our production. The play handles serious issues in a realistic but also very gentle way; showing shades of light in a dark world. It also uses movement as an extension of acting, an idea we drew upon several times. The first element of this production which influenced our piece was in terms of structure. Within both our play and Frantic s a phone call is used as the opening scene. A character hears upsetting news but the audiencedo not; they only see the character reacting. Later on, the phone call happens again and the information is revealed. Rearranging scenes in this way (so a dramatic scene precedes the setting of the story) created a hook for the audience. This intensified the second phone call, as the audience knew what Sierra s mum was about to find out. It made the ... Show more content on ... In this piece Berkoff decided to use frames as the sole piece of set; one for each member of the ensemble. We also used frames, again one for each member of the ensemble, alongside other pieces of set. These came into their own in the second half of the play. For example, in the final scene we created a courtroom using just frames, and built this on stage during Sierra s speech. We felt that this was a compelling use of set, as Sierra s moment of calm thoughtfulness is cut short by her rapist building a witness box around her. The crudeness of this image is an homage to the heightened politicised tableaux of Brecht; it is an example of gestus, and how the simple moving of a frame represents victims who are never able to escape the influence of their
  • 7. The Discovery Of The Apollo When it comes to exploring new horizons there is always an inherent danger that comes with it. Whether it was Christopher Columbus and his venture to the new world, Lewis and Clark and there exploration of the American west, or the Astronauts who were the first to travel where no man had gone before. All of these people accepted the risk that comes with the adventure they were embarking on. The Apollo program was the world s most ambitious project ever taken on. When John F. Kennedy proposed the idea of placing a man moon by the end of the 1960 s this was an extremely bold ultimatum too all of those involved in the space program. As we all know NASA achieved the goal when Apollo 11landed on the moon in 1969. After America had accomplished this goal and beat the Soviet Union to the moon and then repeated the result on Apollo 12, Americans began to question why there tax dollars were being used to fund something after the goal had already been accomplished. And then came the near disaster of Apollo 13that re ignited American interest in space travel. Apollo 13 was a successful failure, while it did not achieve its goal of landing on the moon, it showed how good NASA s people as well as their space crafts were, in that they were able to return the crew safely after such a catastrophic failure on the space craft, which was the NASA s finest hour. Pre Launch Apollo 13 was set to launch on April 11, 1970 at 1:13 pm or 13:13 in military time. The mission was to land and explore
  • 8. Concert Artist And Booking Agent Analysis I am writing with the hope that we may establish a mutually beneficial relationship between concert artist and booking agent. I seek a booking agent with whom I can establish a good working relationship and who can assist me in increasing my volume of solo classical guitar concerts and, possibly, chamber concerts as well. So you know a little about me, I teach classical guitarat Georgia State University and Emory University in Atlanta. I have made my living solely from performing and teaching the classical guitar for 15 years. Over the past few years I have played numerous concert halls and concert series primarily in Georgia. Now, it is time for me to branch out and increase the number of concerts that I give each year and broaden my geographical
  • 9. Social Class Influence on the Individual Social Class Influence on the Individual Poor as a church mouse vs. born with a silver spoon in your mouth are contrasting themes in this book of hardships and life trials. In Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, the main character Pip interacts with characters of various social groups. These groups directly or indirectly, help Pip understand his own opportunities and purpose in life. From these interactions, it becomes clear that social class influences how people interact and view one another as well as their opportunities in life. Some people do not have the same opportunity as others of getting education. This contrast is shown in the life circumstances of two characters of different social classes. Joe (uncle to Pip) had ... Show more content on ... Not only in Pip s day, but for centuries, people have treated one another according to their wealth. Early in the history of the United States voting rights were limited by gender, race, and wealth. Only white males with property had voting rights. It was said that, ...The American class system has persisted since the nation s birth. The notion of social equality was so restricted in the late eighteenth century that neither the term nor even the concept of equality appeared in the Constitution or Bill of Rights. (Martin Jr. and Sullivan). Social class discrimination was a big part of this time period in Great Britain as well. Pip felt this discrimination before he had money and after he lost his money. Today, as in Pips time period, people are categorized into social classes using various criteria. Wealth is just one of the characteristics that influence someone s placement in a social class. Social class is defined as, ...a group of people who share a common status or position in society. Social classes represent differences in wealth, power, employment, family background, and other qualities. (Cohen). In the past, wealth was most likely to be the biggest factor for placement in social class. Today other criteria as well would impact social class placement. For Pip, his change of income landed him in various social classes. It is difficult but not impossible to move up in social class. Both Pip and his friend Herbert moved up in social class with the help of
  • 10. The Personnel Plan And Hours 2.4PERSONNEL PLAN and HOURS One thing that differentiates us from other Internet cafГ©s is the fact that we will be staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. In order to be able to provide this type of service to our guests, we will charge $10.00 per month. This monthly surcharge will allow our guests to access the facility between the hours of 10:00 pm and 7:00 am. In order to be able to provide our guests with this type of access, Iced TeaHot Coffee will have a staff consisting of three part time employees working thirty hours a week at $8.50 per hour and three full time employees working 40 hours a week at $9.25 per hour. In addition, there will be one full time technician (who is more technologically oriented to handle minor terminal repairs/inquiries) who will work forty hours a week at $12.00 per hour. The private investors, James Watnem, Alexander Rodriguez, Talley Perine, MyraCeta Duchateau, and Khyntarian Williams will not be included in management decisions. This simple structure provides a great deal of flexibility and allows communication to disperse quickly and directly. It will also limit the coordination issues that face larger chains and will allow Iced Tea Hot Coffee to react quickly to market changes. 3MARKETING PLAN 3.1MARKET SUMMARY With more Baby Boomers still in the workforce, Iced Tea Hot Coffee has the privilege of being the first, of what I am sure will be many, Internet cafГ©s in this area. Since hanging out at cafГ©s, while
  • 11. Culture and Worldviews Culture and Worldviews Culture is a way of life. It can be defined as a group of people linked by geographical location, ethnicity, gender or age. Culture can be reflected through language, clothing, food, behavior, spirituality and traditions. The behavioral patterns developed through culture are difficult to change. Cultures are formed from the human need for preservation and significance. According to unit 4 s lecture on western thought worldviews and culture culture is emergent and developmental: cultures are learned or invented through internal and external changes (western Thought Worldview and culture, 2013, para 3). An example of cultural traditions made up through internal and external changes is the Thanksgiving Holiday. The Thanksgiving holiday is a national holiday that primarily is celebrated in North America. The original purpose of this holiday was to celebrate the harvest of the previous year and give thanks. Throughout the years the Thanksgiving holiday has transformed to celebrate food, love and family (western Thought Worldview and culture, 2013). Cultural knowledge has an impact on the way people within the culture view the world, interact with each other and make decisions. It is a collection of values and beliefs that hold a culture together. World views are not independent from culture. Worldviews are a set of primary viewpoints concerning reality. The fundamentals of a person s worldview include beliefs about knowledge, the existence of God,
  • 12. Immigration and Interprovincial Migration Within Canada... Immigration Immigration is very important to Canada and the Canadian government, and there are many people that Immigrate to Canada each year. There are many reasons for why people want to move to Canada, because this country offers multiple services and programs for people who need them, and give them rights other countries don t. A very important right is personal safety. In Canada, crime rates are low compared to many other countries in the world. This is very important for people who come from countries where there is war, and safety ended for them outside a room. In Canada, people are free to go wherever they please without having to worry if they are being followed or not. Another reason people move to Canada are for social ... Show more content on ... There were at least 50,000 foreign born students in school in 2012, and about 25% of students in large cities were immigrants who came to Canada specifically for education (according to Statistics Canada). An example of when people moved to Canada for religious and cultural freedom was at the time of the Underground Railroad. Before the American Civil War, African Americans were kept as slaves and treated terribly in America. To find freedom, these people moved to Canada using the Underground Railroad to start a new life and practice their own culture instead of working for others. There were approximately 30,000 slaves who came to Canada at that time. Just as immigrants come from many different places in the world, they settle in different places in Canada. Most Immigrants tend to settle in cities, either in Ontario or British Columbia. The simple reason why people settle in cities is because it is easier. Support systems available in cities help immigrants settle in and adapt more comfortably to their new home. For example, there are English and French classes offered to the people who cannot speak Canada s official languages, so they feel more comfortable when interacting with other people. Another reason why people move to these provinces is because of economy. Ontario and British Columbia both have good economies and a variety of companies that people can work for. This helps immigrants to support their families (something most people
  • 13. Jeremy Vs China In T. Coraghessan Boyle s story The Love of My Life, it centers around the teenage relationship of Jeremy and China who claim to be in love with each other. Their relationship; however, is centered around what a relationship is like in movies and based off of physical attraction to each other as well as being naive to what real love is. The relationship between the two is great until they encounter their first real obstacle in the relationship when China becomes pregnant. The egocentric nature of both characters takes over and there begins to be cracks within the relationship. Now they face the reality of becoming parents and they blame each other for the mistake instead of accepting their role in the situation. The love between the two... Show more content on ... According to Leonard Pitts, author of the article Kids who commit violent crimes: Are they..spoiled?, blames Amy Grossberg, the real life China for the death of her child, but does not blame Brian Peterson, the real life Jeremy. The biased view that Pitts takes does not seem to realize that it took two people to have a child and commit the violent crime they committed. Pitts says he struggles to understand how individuals can do this to a child, yet he only blames the woman. Brian Peterson had a role in the crime whether Pitts wants to accept that fact or not. Brian Peterson, although he advised Amy to seek medical treatment still played a role in murdering the life of an innocent baby. Pitts argues that the high class, wealthy upbringing has led to Grossberg not wanting a child and saying that she does not deserve to have the child. Grossberg is correct that she does not deserve to have a child if this is how she will treat it, but at the same time the innocent child did not deserve her as a parent, and did not deserve to lose its life. Pitts article seems to agree with the notion that the characters high upbringing has implanted the idea that teen pregnancy is horrible and society will look down upon the one pregnant. He writes that the pregnancy was an embarrassment and an intrusion in her perfect life. China is extremely unprepared to deal with the news of a child and fears the rejection of the society she belongs
  • 14. Personal Selling and Sales Promotion 17 CHAPTER 17 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion CHAPTER Personal Selling and Sales Promotion Chapter Objectives 1 Describe the role of today s 4 Identify and briefly 7 Identify the role of ethical salesperson. behavior in personal describe the three basic selling. sales tasks. 2 Describe the four sales 5 Outline the seven steps in 8 Describe the role of sales channels. promotion in the the sales process. 3 Describe the major trends promotional mix, and in personal selling. 6 Identify the seven basic identify the different functions of a sales types of sales promotions. manager. Personal selling Interpersonal influence process involving a seller s promotional presentation conducted on a person to person basis with the ... Show more content on ... MISSIONARY SELLING Missionary selling Indirect type of selling in which specialized salespeople promote the firm s goodwill among indirect customers, often by helping customers use products. Example: Pharmaceutical companies that use free samples, educational seminars to court doctors. May involve both field selling and telemarketing. CHAPTER 17 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion CHAPTER 17 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion THE SALES PROCESS Steps follow the AIDA concept. PROSPECTING AND QUALIFYING Prospecting identifying potential customers. Qualifying determining that the prospect really is a potential customer. APPROACH Initial contact with prospective customer. Use precall planning research to identify how your products might best meet customer s needs. PRESENTATION Conveying marketing message to the customer. Features benefits framework focuses on the good or service in terms that are meaningful to the buyer. CHAPTER 17 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion
  • 15. CHAPTER 17 Personal Selling and Sales Promotion DEMONSTRATION Buyer has a chance to try a product or see how it works. MANAGING THE SALES EFFORT Sales managers mix sales and management skills to manage the overall direction and control of the personal selling effort. HANDLING OBJECTIONS Expressions of resistance, such as stalling or indecision, by the prospect are an
  • 16. Spinal Cord Protective Structures Protective Structures of the Brain and Spinal Cord The brain and spinal cord are surrounded and protected by three different sets of structures/tissues. 1.Bony skull (cranial cavity) and vertebral column (vertebral canal) 2.Meninges connective tissue coverings dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater 3.Cerebrospinal fluid filled cavity subarachnoid space, cisterns and ventricles of brain and central canal of spinal cord. The outermost coverings are the bony skull (cranium) and the vertebral column; within the cranial cavity and vertebral canal of which are located the brain and spinal cord, respectively. Within these, the brain and spinal cord are surrounded by three connective tissue membranes or coverings dura mater, arachnoid ... Show more content on ... It also holds venous sinuses between its two layers to drain the venous blood out of the cranial cavity and brain. The middle arachnoid mater (meaning spider web membrane) is thin and has an underlying meshwork of subarachnoid space containing major blood vessels, their branches and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The arachnoid membrane forms protrusions called arachnoid villi/ granulations that project into the dural venous sinuses for drainage of the CSF. The CSF forms a watery cushion that provides additional protection, allows buoyancy of the brain making it lighter in weight and acts as lymph for volumetric balance, metabolic and excretory functions. The inner pia mater (meaning soft mother), is also a very thin vascular layer that is firmly connected with the neuroglial tissue in the brain and spinal cord. It conveys the blood vessels and hence nutrition and oxygen into the substance of the brain and spinal cord. The arachnoid and piamater are together also referred to as leptomeninges (lepto means thin and delicate) (Table
  • 17. The Problem Of Global Health Global health is a field of focus for many nations worldwide but there are many colonies that are still struggling with health. Many nations struggle with the development of strategies to prevent disease, outbreak, other struggle with the development of new medications, and vaccinations but together these struggles create global health issues worldwide. Canadais considered to be one of the most developed countries in the world and many other less developed nations rely on Canada for solutions to certain problems. A big concern for less developed countries and debatably one of the most difficult things to resolve is level of health. Although Canada is a developed countrythe government is not able to resolve problems that less developed... Show more content on ... This fungal pathogen greatly affected the health of individual Canadians (Rekart et el., 2003, 258). Due to the spread of this disease, Canada had to prioritize and find treatments for the Canadian population before assisting other nations worldwide. A serious epidemic called SARS developed in China and transmitted internationally to Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area because of the lenient travel restrictions that Canada has in effect(Rekart et el., 2003, 258). There were many negative effects of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome including an average health decline for Canadians overall and major economic losses for Canada as a country. Between the years of 2002 and 2004, the Canadian tourism sector took loses of 350 million dollars, there was expected to be a one billion dollar decline in Toronto s economy and non retail sales dropped by 380 million dollars due to the SARS epidemic (CBC, 2003). Another outbreak that greatly affected Canada and its residents is the tuberculosis outbreak in British Columbia. In a recent study, it was estimated that about two thirds of tuberculosis cases was developed from immigrants(Rekart et el., 2003, 258). That being said, Canada should focus on implementing more strict travel restrictions to eliminate the outbreak of unknown diseases before focusing on helping other nations with health issues. There are many issues that still exist with the
  • 18. Comparison Between Macbeth And Into The Wild Wanting for dreams to come true don t do that themselves, it depends on what choices we do and don t make that help us strive towards our longings. Unless, we are all controlled by fate, playing out the part in our lives that had been pre organized for us. The unit selections Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, a biographical novel, and Macbethby William Shakespeare, a drama, both focus on things we can and can t control in our lives, but Into the Wilddoes a better job answering the question in the prompt because rules are meant to be broken, Chris McCandless just took it to the next level. He was able to leave his life behind, making decisions most of us couldn t even imagine making. He sets an example of what we can achieve in life. We... Show more content on ... /For it is thine. ВЁ King Duncan had noticed the loyalty Macbeth displayed to his home by serving the country, and since the King knew of the traitorous Thane of Cawdor, King Duncan had awarded Macbeth the next Thane of Cawdor, just as how the witches predictions. As Macbeth keeps dwelling on the sister witches prophecies we can infer, Macbeth wants this fortunes to come true, so the news brought by the two men must sound exciting to Macbeth. Macbeth knew he would be the Thane of Glamis and Cawdor now but power tends to go straight to people s head and now he wants to be king, the evident through lines 149 and 160 Cannot be ill, cannot be good: if ill, / Why hath it given me earnest of success, / Commencing in a truth? I am thane of Cawdor: If good, why do I yield to that suggestion / Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair / And make my seated heart knock at my ribs, / Against the use of nature? Present fears / Are less than horrible imaginings: / My thought, whose
  • 19. The Importance Of Setting In Frankenstein In writing, there are several ways to disclose the information about the story and the character instead of listing it out. The familiar way is through events and dialogue, but Mary Shelly also uses the setting of each situation to do this. Settings like town to city , the weather like the terrible storm that takes place continuously and the inspirational nature in the novel, Frankenstein. By using these methods the story seems more intense and stays in the reader s mind. Mary Shelly s comprehensive description of the scenes of the story makes the story unforgettable and it also helps the reader understand events, and helps to identify the character s personalities and about the future events in the story. one of the example from the book... Show more content on ... While victor is trying to overcome the murders of his friends and family and his own illness, he often seeks nature for peace. After all of his struggle in the life, he goes out in the forest and mountains to find his peace and quietness. We passed a fortnight in these perambulations: my health and spirits had long been restored, and they gained additional strength from the salubrious air I breathed, the natural incidents of our progress . . . the air is not only necessary for life but for Victor, it gives him his strength. Nature is more important to Victor s health. While Victor is shocked and horrified with his creation, the monster, murdering his friends and family, he constantly seems to be drawn by the nature for support instead of his friends and family. Even after Elizabeth s murder, Victor is attracted to nature. He enjoys the nature and the different instincts of it, makes him happy. Another character that finds peace in nature is Victor s creator, The Monster. While the monster is surrounded by the tress and the noise of the birds, he really enjoys his life, he likes staying there but as soon as he gets around people he starts regretting his existence and hates his
  • 20. Types Of Memory And Memory Essay Have you ever had an eventful story of your childhood that you seem to always retell every time you meet someone new? That is because you are able to access the memory of the event in your mind that was stored in your long term memory. There are three different types of memory each one having a different purpose. First being the long term memorywhich stores memory s for long periods of time. Next is short term memory also known as working memorywhich only last for an estimated 15 30 seconds. Finally is sensory memory which is the ability to remember sensory information. Throughout time it has been constantly said that women have better memory than men. In order to gain a better understanding between the difference of genderand memory multiple tests have been conducted. With regard to memory this study is focused primarily but not limited to short term memory. Short term memory meaning the capacity to store a minimal amount of information for a short period of time. Conductive to this study the research covers a large array of different tests in order to determine which gender has the superior memory. These multiple test includes but isn t limited to test discerning faces of people of different and same races, telling apart different shapes, words, and figures, as well as determine object location through memory. Each group was tested based off of their memory and their ability to recall what they were shown. Thus given the results of these multiple studies we are able to
  • 21. Green Cemetery Persuasive Speech Thank you for your question and your commitment towards green burials. One of the big needs in Minnesota is to have more green cemeteries that are committed to our ecology and to help promote the green burial concept. On a high level, a green funeral and burial is: So, basically, to create a green cemetery you need to follow these steps:: Establish a cemetery, following the local rules and regulations for creating a cemetery. Make the cemetery green in accordance with green burial regulations and certification guidelines And, for an extra measure, get your green cemetery certified. Create a cemetery A green cemetery needs to abide by the laws and regulations of traditional cemeteries. Towards that, the Start Up Tips for Green Burial... Show more content on ... You will only find laws that are clearly what you cannot do, or are so vague as to make you think you cannot do something. And, in line with that advice, note that there are no specific laws for green cemeteries in Minnesota. The few green burial laws for Minnesota are: Embalming The body does not need to be embalmed to be buried. However, Minnesota laws require that a non embalmed body must be buried or cremated within 72 hours of release from the place of death or from the coroner or the medical examiner. Burial A body must be buried in a legally recognized
  • 22. Evolution of Managed Care Evolution of Managed Care HCS/235 Evolution of Managed Care Managed care is a type of system that was formed to help control the costs and quality to health care services; this will give access to services to specific groups of covered patients. The system was created to help the patients (customers) to receive services without having the full financial burden (University of Washington, 1998). The managed careservices goal is to be able to help individuals and their families by providing health care services that is affordable. This type of managed care will help employees or individuals by requiring a set fee to be paid to the physician for visits, a co pay and monthly premium to be paid to the insurance company. This will... Show more content on ... The managed care programs is a staff model HMO, using the model there is an individual practice associations (IPAs) and the network model HMO s (Davis, Collins, Morris, 2006). The IPA model and the HMO service will allow a physician to set a fee for service for patients and be able to contract with other plans to provide services to the people enrolled in their offices (Davis, Collins, Morris, 2006). The IPA providers will be reimbursed for their services a various number of ways from fee schedules to captivated payments (Davis, Collins, Morris, 2006). The network model HMO plan will work with multispecialty practices they have no connections with the HMO and then are reimbursed by capitation and fixed monthly payments (Davis, Collins, Morris, 2006). There was an expansion in 1973 on the industry to better control the cost and provide more comprehensive coverage (Davis, Collins, Morris, 2006). From 1973 to 1982 grants and loans were provided to develop HMO s. They required employees of large corporations to extend the coverage to all the employees if in the areas that coverage was available. The expansion of the managed care plans soon multiplied into new forms, since few precautionary measures were taken to measure and record the data of the growing success, it caused three major changes in the last couple of years. Changes in Managed Care In the past
  • 23. The Space Race Essay The Space Race; a period in time, more than a two decades of space exploration. Its competitors, USA vs USSR. Its length consisting of no more than 12 years yet giving increased knowledge of flight and the sky and space above it. It consisted of more than thirty overall successful launches and through each abysmal failure brought new success. The launches increased the overall knowledge of space and brought new ideas and questions into peoples minds. Sci Fi sprung up from the ideas that the events brought. It gave humans new ideas, new thoughts. The purpose of this paper is to increase the remembrance of that period of space exploration. My paper will consist of some amount of sections; each explaining certain event(s). The first section ... Show more content on ... Sputnik 2 s success was amazing it launched the first living being into space. The animal was a Part Husky Part Terrier stray off the streets of Moscow. Sputnik 2 had a cone like top connected to a large spherical cockpit. The cockpit had a small bed as well as a feeding tube and a water tube. Laika was strapped down in the small bed for the journey with seven days supply of food. Computers monitored Laika s heart rate and oxygen purifiers kept the dog alive. Sadly the mission had no return launch. Meaning Laika is now floating lost in space. Laika was Sputnik 2 s passenger the dog was a Part Husky Terrier mix. Laika was the first animal in space. Explorer 1 was the first American Launch. It was a man sized cylinder shaped satellite with four antennas for broadcasting information. It held inside many scientific tools which helped this US rocket make the first space discovery; The Van Allen Radiation Belt. The Van Allen Radiation belt had two layers of energetic particles caught in the Earths gravitational pull. The belt is located in the exosphere layer of the atmosphere.Explorer 2 bore a striking resemblance to Explorer 1 yet it contained different Scientific equipment to further explorer the atmosphere and space around earth. However it was destroyed when the launch containing the satellite failed to liftoff. The failed liftoff consisted of the shuttle splitting in two and exploding thereby destroying the probe. This probe
  • 24. Social Institutions Essay examples The Military Social Institution is one of the three Primary Social Institutions. The military was initially established to help protect, as well as unify a country, but since it s development, it s done so plus more. The Military as a social institution has led to domination and conquering of sorts, while trying to balance morals and justifications. Since the military is run by the government, it can be assumed that not only does this institutiontry to control and rationalize, but also continue to boil over into much of the other institutions. The Economic Social Institution is another one of the three Primary Institutions. The hold that the economy plays on a societies life is overwhelming to say the least. With the Economy being ... Show more content on ... The Family Social Institution is a Secondary Institution. Because of Family Life being much a part of today s society and also a way of living, it can be said that this type of lifestyle is undoubtedly a reason for planning right. Society created a norm when dealing with adult life. It is considered normal to have a family and a home when you arrive at a particular stage in your life. Much of what we live for is that very lifestyle, and much of our dedication is to have a Family . That is why in our society, we see billboards advertising vacations with The Family , or certain cars that the whole Family will enjoy. The Families place within the social structure is there due to involvement in our everyday life, and the experiences we sometimes take for granted. The Educational Social Institution is a Secondary Social Institution. Education in our society is mandatory in order for growth and understanding. When looking at education and society from a distance, you can see the correlation between the two. As a particular society grows, you will notice the intellect grow, or vice versa. Society is always in need of wealth and maturity, but without the education through learning and teaching, there would be a standstill or decline in both the two. We seem to forget how much we (society) can build upon ourselves, by educating each other. Every institution relies on each other; therefore the
  • 25. The Major Driving Forces For European Imperialism In Africa Africa was filled with a phenomenal and immense amount of natural resources. Many European countries were in a race to get these resources and to gain land. The only problem was that a race for this beautiful land and these natural resources deemed as economy boosters could cause an all out war between the European nations. European countries never were concerned for land in Africanor their resources. That was until the late 1880s when King Leopold II of Belgium started sort of a trend by acquiring a private country of 900,000 square miles in Africa. This country was dubbed the Congo Free State and it was 95 times the size of Belgium. Leopold was making a gargantuan amount of money by taking out ivory and rubber. Many European countries started to notice what Leopold was doing and wanted to join in on finding these natural resources and gaining land. Otto Von Bismarckof Germany proposed a conference for European countries to divide up Africa so that there wouldn t be any wars over land or resources. Technological advancements, cultural causes, and national pride are all important Driving Forces to European imperialism, but the main reason was economical. There were seven different European nations that had colonies in Europe according to Document B, page 269, produced by The DBQ Project in 2013. The seven different European nations which were Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, and Spain according to Document A, page 263, produced by The DBQ Project
  • 26. The Life of Carl Friedrich Gauss Mathematicians have always formed a very important role in history. From the Greeks to the modern era, mathematicians have made spectacular discoveries and critical contributions to the world of mathematics. Because of great mathematicians, the human race is exploring and discovering unknown boundaries of space and technology. The life of Carl Friedrich Gausswas full of phenomenal adventures and discoveries. He was born in Brunswick, Germany on April 30th, 1777 to poor working class parents. Gauss father was known as a hard worker and an honest man but heavily discouraged Gauss from attending school to follow a family trade. On the other hand, Gauss mother and uncle recognized his remarkable intelligence at an early age. Gauss intelligence was so powerful that one day at the age ten solved the problem that his arithmetic instructor gave him with one number, 5,050. The simple math problem for Gauss was to write all whole numbers between one and 100 and add up their sum. Furthermore, he first went to college at the age of fourteen and was financially sustained by Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand who was the Duke of Brunswick. While studying language at Caroline College, he discovered that a regular polygon with seventeen sides could be drawn with a compass and a straight edge. He was so impressed with his discovery that he turned to study mathematics. Mathematics composed a vital part of the life of Friedrich Gauss. All of his contributions and advancements were so
  • 27. Reflection About Groupthink Growing up in a new country can be hard for an elementary school kid, not only do they have to deal with catching up in their studies and adjusting to the new environment but also the social hierarchy of the playground. By applying the symbolic interaction theory, my participation in Groupthink shows just how easy an individual conforms to the norms of the group in order to fit in and how those actions eventually shape that individual closer to their true self (Brym Lie 2017). My experience with groupthink can not be narrowed down to one event. It is more like my whole 4th grade year. In 2007, I had just arrived in Canada from the Philippines. Being a newcomer, I tried my best to fit in, make new friends, and did what any Canadian kids my age did. There was this girl that for some reason everyone avoided. To fit in, my instinct told me to avoid her as well. So, every time she came close I would run away, anything she touched, I would not dare touch, and speaking to her would be the worst possible thing anyone could do. Back then I did not understand why we would do such things. All I knew is that I had to do them to be considered cool . For the better part of my elementary school career I did my best to abide by these unwritten rules, without knowing the real reason as to why they exist in the first place. I remember one afternoon, I met up with my teammates and coach in the girl s classroom. As I sit down at a random desk, my friends thought it would be funny to
  • 28. Essay Est Task 2 Task 2: Ethics Program for Vencill Management Consulting Sarah Vencill Western Governors University Introduction It is the responsibility of each and every Vencill Management Consulting employee to understand and demonstrate integrity in the work that is done every day. How employees work within the ethical framework of various and diverse professional fields is also important. To this end, Vencill Management Consultinghas adopted the following professional Code of Conduct and procedures related to interactions with our clients in the non profit sector. In addition to employees, Vencill Management Consulting s Code of Conduct extends to its contractors, agents and suppliers. Standards and Procedures Vencill Management Consulting... Show more content on ... If a Vencill Management Consulting employee breaks the law, they also may be personally liable. Vencill Management Consulting s management team is responsible for maintaining an ethical climate by: Explaining to their employees why it s important to comply with the Code of Conduct. Encouraging discussion of the Code and situations. Responding promptly and properly to concerns raised by employees. Protecting employees against reprisals when they report, in good faith, actions they feel violate the law or these standards. Vencill Management Consulting s management team is responsible for reviewing and evaluating the company s policies and practices to ensure that they are consistent with Vencill Management Consulting s social responsibilityto act with integrity to employees, customers and society. As part of that responsibility, the management team oversees Vencill Management Consulting s Code of Conduct. Vencill Management Consulting s management team is responsible for the coordination, oversight and enforcement of Vencill Management Consulting s compliance programs and activities and helps to promote an organizational culture that encourages compliance with laws and regulations and ethical conduct for all Vencill Management Consulting employees. Also, the the management team is responsible for communicating Vencill Management Consulting s ethicsand compliance standards, providing guidance and
  • 29. The For Iran s Economic And Political Future Statement of Purpose: This paper will describe a series of three time periods during which educated, western oriented Iranians left Iran in ever greater numbers. Then the paper will explore the impact of these waves of emigration on the socioeconomic status of Iran. Also, the paper will assert that the immigrants coming to Irando not solve the problems created by the waves of emigration. Next, this paper will describe the benefits of this Iranian diaspora to other countries, especially in Europe and North America. Finally, the paper will assess what these events foretell for Iran s economic and political future. Introduction: Attention Getter: Let me give you a scenario. You re a smart kid, right? Imagine you re living in Iran as a very ... Show more content on ... Iran has been very isolated from much of the outside world since the Islamic Revolution of 1978 1979, but its borders have not been closed (Hakimzadeh). To the contrary, the country has produced and hosted abundant flows of emigration and immigration, a steady coming and going mainly driven by key political events (Hakimzadeh). In its recent history, Iran has had the most spectacular brain drain in the world while simultaneously topping the list as a magnet for refugees, mainly from Afghanistan and Iraq. These refugees from troubled countries put a large strain on the Iranian economy, because their circumstances are very extreme. Background: More than 30 years since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, the United States has become home to the largest and most prosperous population of Iranians outside of the homeland. Since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 and the overthrow of the Shah, there have been a countless number of educated people leaving Iran. This is likely the result of the maltreatment of citizens under the cruel regime. The lack of human rights in Iran has affected the desire for Iranians to leave. This vast emigration had affected the socio economic status of the once prosperous nation. Today, unofficial estimates show that the United States is home to more than one million Iranians. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, they are one of the most highly educated minority populations in the country.
  • 30. Toilet Training Research Paper Toilet Training for Individuals with Disabilities Being toilet trained is an extremely necessary skill to make it through our day to day lives. It is something that seems so natural to us that we have forgotten that at one point in our lives we did not have this skill. Someone had to teach it to us. Unfortunately there is a large population of people with disabilities that have not mastered this skill and require the constant aid of others to go to the bathroom. Being independent in the bathroom is a major skill that can affect a child s entire outlook on their lives. While being toilet trained may not seem like a big deal, having to constantly rely on someone else to do every movement necessary to use the bathroom can become extremely frustrating ... Show more content on ... There have been many studies conducted on the effects of using this model and modified versions of this model to teach children with developmental disabilities to be toilet trained. However as stated in the previous literature there are not many studies on the prerequisite skills needed to engage in going to the bathroom or the effectiveness of these interventions with children diagnosed with autism. Further research is needed in this subject. My research question for this topic is to see if combining Azrin and Foxx (1971, 1974) intensive toilet training model with teaching the prerequisite skills for using the bathroom (i.e., unbuttoning pants, pulling up and down pants and underwear, etc.) would be effective in teaching a child with autism to be toilet
  • 31. Deoxyribonucleic Acid Analysis Deoxyribonucleic Acid analysis has become a significant instrument for the ID of historical individuals. False outcomes might happen if the historical sample turn out to be adulterated. Both historic archaeologists and Deoxyribonucleic Acid academics are provided here with particular procedural tips in order to obtain dependable Deoxyribonucleic Acid results: historical bone samples must be clean collected for Deoxyribonucleic Acid analysis then the short overlapping mitochondrial Deoxyribonucleic Acid fragments must be used for the historical bone samples, even though Deoxyribonucleic Acid fragments ought to be targeted for the assumed living families as well as the hair or else cheek swab samples from the assumed families ought to be gathered... Show more content on ... Over some years archaeologists have become more enthusiastically encompassed in unlike kinds of investigations comprising the diggings of mass burials of sufferers of contemporary wars and the recording and retrieval of mass casualty events. The search for proof begins when an article or info leads investigators to believe that a crime or distrustful demise has happened. A forensic archaeologist is typically called when human remains are establish sprinkled on the ground surface and remains are alleged to be buried. Deoxyribonucleic Acid is the 1st extricated from a piece of proof. A method known as real time polymerase chain reaction is then used to detect and measure the quantity of Deoxyribonucleic Acid available. Precise copies are made of particular parts of the Deoxyribonucleic Acid using a procedure called elaboration. Additional method called gel electrophoresis divides the unlike Deoxyribonucleic Acid parts based on dimensions. The sample is rifled for special areas of Deoxyribonucleic Acid that recurrence themselves. Even though human being share over 99 percent of their Deoxyribonucleic Acid these specific sections are called Short Tandem Repeats and differ amongst individuals. Facial approximation is also known as facial reconstruction technique that tries to
  • 32. Sem 4 Assignment 2 Assignment 2 Question 1 1. The maintenance of capital doctrine is developed to prohibit a company from reducing its share capital because a reduction in capital would reduce the pool of funds available to the company to pay its creditors. Section 254T provides that dividends are only payable out of profits. This provision ensures that capital is not return to shareholders in the form of dividend. The term profit is not defined in the Corporation Act. In Re Spanish Prospecting Co Ltd (1911), it was stated profits implies a comparison between the states of a business at 2 specific dates usually by an interval of a year which means the gain made by the business during the year. Section 259A prohibits a company directly acquiring its own ... Show more content on ... Adler was a non executive director of Adler Corporation Ltd. HIHC is controlled by Adler through Adler Corporation Ltd which is a substantial shareholder of HIH. After the loan, PEE became trustee of Australian Equities Unit Trust (AEUT) which was controlled by Adler Corporation Ltd. HIHC s $10 million loan to PEE was then applied to HIHC s subscription for $10 million worth of AEUT units. Adler was entitled to 10 per cent of the trust s income even though the $10 million was contributed by HIH. It was held that Adler breached his duties as an officer of HIH and HIHC under s 181. The s 181 duty may be breached where the interests of the company are put at risk by contraventions of other statutory provisions such as those dealing with related party transactions (s 208) and the financial assistance prohibition (s 260A). A contravention does not require the director to gain a benefit from the conduct. It is sufficient to establish that the conduct was carried out in order to gain an advantage. In Stoke Limited s case, Buggy has breached s 181 as he did not act in good faith and in the best interest of the company as he arranged $200,000 to transfer into his personal accounts and use it to provide unsecured loans to a small business owned and controlled by him. Although the documentation
  • 33. Aerobic Lab Jacob Dekker | Heart Rate, Breathing Rate and Exercise | Oct. 30th Teacher: Mrs. Pankerican Pre lab questions: Anaerobic: A short exercise but very high intensity. Aerobic: A long exercise at a lower level of intensity. For muscles to work adenosine triphosphate (ATP) must be created. But because ATP is not stored in large amounts, as soon as you start to work your muscles need to produce more ATP. The fuels you need are nutrients and you also produce metabolic waste. When you exercise your muscles break down and this allows them to grow back stronger than they were before. When you exercise your body uses your skeletal, muscular and respiratory system. My resting heart rate is around 70. My breathing rate is around 15 20. Hypothesis: ... Show more content on ... This ends up causing a disruption to internal hemostasis. You have special nerves (known as chemoreceptors) which will send a message to your brain when you have a lower pH level than you should. This causes your brain to send messages to your heart to increase the contractions. This also happens in your lungs. When these two things happen together it will cause your body to get rid of the CO2(which will take a longer amount of time if you are in bad shape, and a shorter time if you are in good
  • 34. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Autobiography For as long as I can remember, my brother would fall down often. I never really thought much of it while growing up, he was just my clumsy older brother. I noticed he was different from my friend s older brothers but I never really cared because I always loved the way he was. In 1997, my brother was four years old and my parents started to notice he was not physically capable of doing what other kids his age could do, so they decided to ask a doctor what could be wrong. Many blood tests and muscle biopsies later, my parents were told that my brother has mild autism and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy means that his muscles will progressively degenerate and weaken over time. This news made my parents upset for a long time. Halloween of 1997, my mom found out she was going to have me ... Show more content on ... Someone who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy has weak muscles, but that also means they have slow reflexes and brittle bones. When my brother was about 16, he slipped in some water and didn t catch himself and fell. The next morning, my parents took him to the ER to find out he had broken both of his legs and would have to undergo surgery. After his surgery, he was in a wheelchair for a few months so his legs would heal. That summer, my family took a trip to Huntington Beach and my brother could almost completely walk without the wheelchair by this time. The first day, my brother, my dad, and I were walking down the hall to our room and my dad was pushing the chair behind my brother so when his legs got tired he could sit. About ten steps down the hall, my brother fell and my dad rushed around to help him up. My
  • 35. Essay about Reagan and Gorbachev Reagan and Gorbachev During his first term, Reagan denounced the pre Gorbachev Soviet Union as an evil empire. The Cold War took place between the United States (US) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from the mid 1940 s to the early 1990s. It was a cold war in the sense that there was never any military engagement between the US and the USSR, but during the Cold War both superpowers invested in many different weapons. The Cold War finally started to wind down in the late 1980 s due to Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev s cooperation. In 1971, Mikhail Gorbachev had been chosen to the Key Panel, which was comprised of chosen international team members that produced selections for that Party as well as have been in ... Show more content on ... To the immense big amaze of each gent s agents, the 2 agreed in theory in order to be able for you to help getting rid of INF methods through Europe and to equivalent worldwide restrictions associated with A hundred INF rocket payloads. Additionally they essentially arranged in principle to eliminate just about almost most nuclear weapons at 10 years (by 1996), rather than through the 2000 such as Gorbachev s original summarize. Ongoing believe in problems, specifically over relation and President s Strategic Security Effort (SDI), resulted in the actual peak is frequently thought to be a failure because of not less than making a concrete floor contract instantly, or for leading to a staged removal of nuclear guns. Ultimately, nevertheless, this could climax in the signing from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in 1987, following Gorbachev acquired suggested this particular removal in 22 This summer 1987. Ronald Reagan recognized the modification toward the actual Soviet management having Mikhail Gorbachev, as well as now uses diplomacy, having a view in order to be able for you to help motivate the particular Soviet leader to go after significant arms contracts. Reagan s personal objective was to attain a global free from atomic power weapons , that he or this individual regarded as completely unreasonable, completely inhumane, great for just eliminating, possibly destructive associated
  • 36. Paper On Transformational Leadership My lack of experience in a leadership setting will show when I do become a manager. Transformational leadership is based on experience and development of leadership qualities. In order to remedy this, I need to actively try to get into a leadership position, either within my current company or somewhere else. I am also going to continue to be a source of leadershipfor my current co workers. I always volunteer for tasks that a manager would do when my team lead is gone. These tasks include dealing with upset patients, trying to resolve conflicts between coworkers, developing strong relationships with my coworkers, and being a source of echo knowledge for the lab when they need it. All of these tasks develop my transformational leadership skills, even though... Show more content on ... My goal is to be a charismatic public speaker which will hopefully inspire my employees to be better, and want to start a career in leadership themselves. One specific action I plan on taking is doing 2 E and J s (monthly echo conferences) within the next 6 months (March and May). In order to do this, I will request a meeting with our research project manager on January 4th at 12 pm, and discuss my plan. Facilitating these monthly echocardiography meetings will develop my public speaking skills and get over my fear of being the center of attention. Both of these characteristics will hinder my development as a transformational leader if they are not remedied. Another specific action I will take is reading and educating myself about different public speaking theories. Specifically, I will purchase the book, Talk Like TED: The Nine Public Speaking Secrets of the World s Top Minds on December 30th. I plan on reading and finishing the book in January so I can be prepared to do my talks in the coming months. I hope that reading this book will inspire me and give me ideas on how to become a better public
  • 37. Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Object-Oriented... Object oriented Programming languages Overview In earlier times, before object oriented was introduced, the languages that used is so uncomfortable and not familiar to developers. A normal person cannot understand what that was coded. The language that time used makes lots of errors, bugs, misunderstands... between developing programs. Disadvantage structured language: for avoiding from these kind of problems, at that time Object oriented language were introduced to avoid these. It s more familiar than structured language. History SIMULA was the 1st object was used to create simulations. Alan Kay headed a group of Xerox Parc created the first personal computer, its name was DYNABOOK To create DYNABOOK, they develop Smalltalk... Show more content on ... Cant override marked final or static methods, must be same or wider access levels, same or narrow checked exception, Instance methods can be overridden only if they are inherited by the subclass Difference between interface and abstract classes Abstract An abstract class is a class. that is declared abstract it may or may not include abstract methods. abstract class can have both abstract non abstract methods. Abstract method should be abstract void m(); abstract method should be only inside a abstract class, not inside a normal class. And concrete methods shouldn t be inside a abstract class. An abstract method doesn t have a method body. Can have one or more abstract method inside a abstract class. We can t create abstract class object, but we can create its sub class object. but we have to override abstract methods in sub class. Ex: abstract class Car{ void Color(){ System.out.println( red ); } abstract void engine(); } class Audi extends Car{ public static void main(String
  • 38. Lost Days Research Paper Lost Days: [Sad Memories of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery] Introduction Now, more than seventy years have passed since the end of the Asia Pacific War and the Japanese control of Korea, many people still recalled the painful memory of the history. This is the most important issue that the Imperial Japanese preferred to young women as sexual slavery and there was no such thing as the sense of human dignity. Young women were hard to overcome their miserable plight at that time because the depressed lives were forced to them. This paper is about the comfort women who become victimized by Japanese military sexual slavery, and they should be legally protected their human dignity in society. To explain about the background of history, the
  • 39. How Did Goebbels Contribute To Propaganda Paul Joseph Goebbels was born on the 29th of October in the year 1897. He was a German politician and he served as the Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from the years 1933 to 1945. A large part of Joseph Goebbels s infamy was that he was very influential and manipulative towards his target population, proving that influence is obtainable through propaganda and pressure. Goebbels attended the University of Heidelberg, where he received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1921. Eventually in the summer of 1924 he joined the Nazi Partyof Germany, where he discovered that he was very effective speaker. He would edit a weekly Nazi newspaper until he joined Gregor Stresser in the northern branch to publish a newspaper called the Nationalsozialistischen... Show more content on ... His new appointment gave him a wide array of advantages. It gave him the authority to all cultural aspects of the German society as well as power over the mass media and not just over propaganda. A few months later on September 22,1933, Goebbels regulated the Reichskulturkammer (Reich Chamber of Culture) which was apportioned into separate chambers organized and dedicated to radio, press, music, films, literature, theater, etc. Anyone that was denied association within the professional chambers was in turn prohibited of their profession and this ensured Goebbels control over the news, the arts, the films, and other forms of media in Germany. Goebbels was an anti Semitist and his influence over the media helped him purge the Jews from the media. Also on May of 1933, he planned out a massive burning of books and other resources of Jewish and Marxists ideals as from then, all books had to be approved by Goebbels s Ministry of Propaganda before being published. Many of the books contained Nazi propaganda and anti semitic books were produced and advocated for. Books in school were also edited to reflect Nazi
  • 40. Network Administrator Has Higher Level Of Control Essay Contents Page Task 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Task 2.................................................................................................................................................... 5 Task 3.................................................................................................................................................... 7 Task 1 Types of network LAN stands for Local Area Network. LAN is a type of network that interconnects computers and devices either wired or wireless and covers a greater distance. LAN is mainly used in private organisations such as college or university. More or less everyone uses wireless router at home these days and the user is able to connect between 5 10 devices wirelessly. The user can share the broadband or the connection with ADSL by using Ethernet cables. Smaller LANs can connect at least 2 3 computers using one cable. It also depends on the size of the organisation. Smaller LANs are easier to manage. The users need to be careful when using larger LANs and need to make sure that the network within it is transmitted efficiently. The user can increase the number of computers connected by using routers and switches. This ensures that the network administrator has higher level of control over the network. IEEE 802.3 is the wired Ethernet used by LAN and therefore it is related to LAN. The set up cost for LAN is relatively cheap. WAN stands for Wide Area Network. It is a type of network that interconnects the LANs meaning it connects the LANs together over large distance. WAN is used in school or college or in a joint network
  • 41. How To Start Boxing Essay Often people who are either starting boxing or planning to follow a career in the field may have quite naive ideas about the gear they have to use to train on professional grounds. Boxing is a sport that requires a lot of coordination and training of your hands, you will be developing throughout the years how to handle and balance the power of your hands and special pair of boxing gloves are essential to reach outstanding results, specially because you will not be training only one kind of technique or practicing one single exercise, all that requires a flexible set of equipment to fulfill all your needs, so you have to think about different pair of gloves for different applications while training. For solo training, you might face several different sets of punching bags, though the most simple training exercises may start only with the speed punching bag, which will work out your skills on speed, hands coordination the movement to switch from one hand to the other as well as your mental ability to focus on the movements of the speed bag and hit it in synch. Speed bags are quite lite, so the best boxing gloves for this kind of training do not require robust and ... Show more content on ... This kind of gloves are quite cheap less than 20 or 15 dollars so you could make use of one of these gloves since you won t really need the best kind of protection while sparring, here the most important actually is the use of head gear with good protection, this kind of affordable glove might be more than enough for a coordinated sparring training. On the other hand, heavy weight fighters could make use of gloves specially designed for sparring because the potency of the strikes may not be pair to be controlled during this training phase. While mistakes on lower weight classes can be redeemed with basic protection, a heavy weight mistake might really hurt, so be
  • 42. Gold Coast Research Paper Gold Coast Property To begin with, Let me tell provide you with some web sites the Gold Coast Property Market and Gold Coast itself. Gold Coast is really a city in Queensland, Australia. It s the second most populated city within the Condition and also the sixth most populated city within the entire Australia. It features a population well over 550,000 people. It established fact for it s sunny, subtropical climate, the typical maximum climate is 25. levels centigrade or 77 Fahrenheit. The minimum is 15.3 centigrade and 60 Fahrenheit. This weather causes it to be ideal for viewers and you will find a lot of popular beaches, not just for viewers, however for individuals who wish to benefit from the tropical sunshine. Included in this are Southport, Paradise Point and Santa Barbara along its 57km of shoreline. Not ... Show more content on ... It s continued to be time lessly exactly the same using the only exception being that it s still a location to become loved together with all of the modern facilities that wealth and also the mod cons that have been invented with time. Within the Hinterlands, you discover rainforests where timber was provided within the 1800 s and, in 1865, an urban area was began referred to as Nerang that was a derivation from the Aboriginal word shover nosed shark. In 1885, Governor Musgrave built a vacation home around the Gold Coast there started the very first type of tourism towards the region. Following Governor Musgrave s advent, the region began being noted for its touristic characteristics by 1925 the populace from the Gold Coast began to improve. Everybody desired to benefit from the sun, surf, balmy climate and warm winters present in this
  • 43. Human Intelligence And Artificial Intelligence There is little consensus on what human intelligence is, how it works, and how it is formed. There are several different theories as to what intelligence is, and there is no concrete explanation of intelligence. Despite these uncertainties, many have proposed the idea modeling human intelligence and creating artificial intelligence. Many see artificial intelligence as a way to bypass human error and to improve jobs by completing them faster and more accurately. They argue that artificial intelligence can be based on human intelligence, and thought processes can be translated into computer programs to create a non human entity that can think. In contrast, many others do not think it is possible to recreate the human mind and thought... Show more content on ... In the article Some Current Trends in Research of Intelligence, Imrich Ruisel examines three different concepts of intelligence before applying the ideas to artificial intelligence. As there is not a single set of ideas about intelligence, multiple theories and concepts need to be looked at in order to try and replicate intelligence into artificial intelligence. Ruisel breaks down intelligence into three categories: (one) a general intelligence represented by Spearman s g factor and is based on biological differences accounting for differences in cognitive performance, (two) intelligence as it relates to behavior, and (three) intelligence is composed of a set of abilities and an individual s total knowledge (Ruisel 2007). Each of these three concepts of intelligence provides different challenges in the task to create artificial intelligence. However, it is still important to consider different views of intelligence when looking at artificial intelligence; artificial intelligence cannot be understood or created unless all of the information about intelligence itself is known. As human intelligence consists of many different aspects, artificial intelligence must follow this pattern if it is to be based on human intelligence. In her article On the Approaches of Classical Artificial Intelligence and Embodied Artificial Intelligence, Elena Nechita explains classical approaches to artificial intelligence and some of the problems associated with
  • 44. Contract Letter Essay Date) (Name) (Address) (City, State, Zip) RE: Suspension Without Pay Due to Mandatory EAP Referral Dear (Name of Employee): This letter is to inform you that you are being suspended without pay due to violation of the company s Substance Abuse Policy by testing positive on a (insert reason for test) drug test administered on (insert date). You are being suspended for this violation, rather than being terminated, because you have agreed to participate in a formal referral to our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider, ComPsych, for substance abuse. Additionally, you have agreed to sign and return a formal referral Authorization Form AND schedule an evaluation with the ComPsych referred treatment provider, within seven (7) ... Show more content on ... In the event that you exhaust, or have already exhausted, your accrued PTO /vacation, Air Systems Engineering Inc. will continue to pay the employer portion of any group health plan(s) that you have elected so long as you continue to pay the employee portion of the premium as agreed below. To maintain coverage, you will need to pay your portion of the premium as follows (check one): пѓ°Monthly Pay for your portion of premiums by check on the 1st of each month following suspension. Air System Engineering will allow a 30 day payment grace period. o Your remaining portion of this month s premiums is (amount per week) per week with (number of pay DATES remaining) pay dates remaining, for a total of (enter total) due. o The total premium for (month) is (amount per week) per week with (number of pay DATES remaining) pay dates remaining, for a total of (enter total) due. пѓ°Upon Return Your benefit premiums deductions will be doubled each week until all missed deductions are repaid. For example, if you are on unpaid suspension or leave for four (4) pay dates, your check will have double deductions for four (4) pay dates. If your group coverage is canceled due to failure to pay your portion of the premiums, your benefits will be canceled with an
  • 45. Van Halen s Influence On Renaissance Music In hindsight, all of these artists were the foundation of what lies on the horizon, a revolution that would evolve into a dynasty that hasn t been seen since the Renaissance and one unlikely to be repeated. Just as these artists were influencing me, they were influencing others в”Ђ others with vastly better skills than I could ever fathom. On the smaller stages of the Los Angeles club scene, a band was mixing the sound, style, and showmanship into a cacophonous stew, gently boiling and carefully molding all the elements and preparing to unleash it on the unsuspecting music consumer. Although they didn t know it at the time, it would be something which would change the very face of rock music and the artistic journey of guitar players everywhere.... Show more content on ... He proclaimed he was content to stand in the shadows and ride the groove in front of his speakers having his teeth rattled. In addition to their musical prowess, the four members of the band forged an underlying formula of acting and showmanship which wowed their fans. After the initial shock wore off, detractors were minimizing Ed s techniques. No, he wasn t the first to tap notes or use pinch harmonics, Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top had been doing both for years. Also, electric guitars had trem bars since their earliest incarnations, so he wasn t the first to abuse one. Al Dimeola who successfully combined virtuosity and unfathomable speed was on his third album. So no, Eddie wasn t the fastest in the land either. With these comparisons, interest went backward to either discover or re discover Al DiMeola and Billy Gibbons. Both are incredible players in their respective genre s, and both had a subsequent surge of interest after the release. But out of the ensuing media interviews came a surprise, Ed revealed one of his primary influences leading us в”Ђ amazingly в”Ђ to jazz guitarist Allan Holdsworth. Wait,
  • 46. The Importance Of Infection Elimination Solutions Sometimes a wound may take a while to heal but it s important to never ignore open wounds, cuts or sores as they can lead to serious health complications. At Infection Elimination Solutions, we are dedicated to helping patients get back to health and on with their life. We started Infection Elimination Solutions in order to offer an affordable, fast and safe solution to help heal wounds faster and more effectively. We are a group of four passionate health care providers committed to providing you with the best in healing options. We have worked hard to develop an antiseptic product that actually increases the speed of healing, cutting the time nearly in half and we continue to work hard to uncover new opportunities to improve the formula. This
  • 47. Analysis Of Richard Rodriguez s A Stranger And Strange... Comparative Analysis Over the past month, we have been studying the concept of reading and writing in different communities. To assess this, we have read two different texts. Richard Rodriguez s the achievement of desire , from his autobiography Hunger of Memory ; and Lucille McCarthy s A Stranger in Strange Lands: A College Student Writing across the Curriculum from Research in the Teaching of English . Both answer key questions regarding what it takes to become a great reader and writer, however, from the reading that I have done, each one only answers one part of the question. Rodriguez s main focus is in the aspect of reading, whereas McCarthy mainly focuses on the writing portion. Both do a decent job of analyzing and putting forth a view of how they believe a person can best perform in these environments. This then allows us to use their concepts and create our own version, based on their points of view. But why should we care? Most people at this level of academia will have developed a system of writing that works for them, and will have a difficult time breaking from it if they re process doesn t meet the criteria that Rodriguez, and McCarthy put forth. The reason it s so important is because of implications these ideas have. Both authors put forth concepts that are indirectly related to one another and that are highly beneficial to all who will apply them. They will force you to conform to new environments in order to succeed, this in turn will make you more