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How To Write A Medical Paper For Publication - Ou How To Write A Medical Paper For Publication - Ou
Essay The Thought Process of Shakespeare s Hamlet
The Thought Process of Shakespeare s Hamlet
If Hamlet from himself be ta en away,
And when he s not himself does wrong Laertes,
Then Hamlet does it not, Hamlet denies it.
Who does it then? His madness. If t be so,
Hamlet is of the faction that is wrong d;
His madness is poor Hamlet s enemy.
(V.ii.230 235)
Hamlet s self description in his apology to Laertes, delivered in the appropriately distanced and
divided third person, explicitly fingers the greatest antagonist of the play‹consciousness. The
obligatory cultural baggage that comes along with Hamlet heeds little attention to the incestuous
Claudius while focusing entirely on the gloomy Dane s legendary melancholia and his resulting
revenge delays. As Laurence ... Show more content on ...
The chief definition of thought revolves around the basic concept of the mental process: The action or
process of thinking; mental action or activity in general, esp. that of the intellect; exercise of the
mental faculty; formation and arrangement of ideas in the mind (OED, 1a). A further subset of
definitions can be catalogued into a Manichean vision of positives and negatives and which equally
apply to Hamlet s central consideration of consciousness as a blessing or a curse. There is a stress on
thought s potentiality which fits with Hamlet s obsession with the infinitude of man: Conception,
imagination, fancy (OED, 4c). But following this comes the negative view of thought as quasi action,
a direct link to Hamlet s stall tactics: The entertaining of some project in the mind; the idea or notion
of doing something, as contemplated or entertained in the mind; hence, intention, purpose, design; esp.
an imperfect or half formed intention; with negative expressed or implied = not the least intention or
notion of doing something (OED, 4d). Similarly, the past neutral sense of Remembrance, Œmind
(OED, 5e) is countered by the negative anticipatory connotation of: Anxiety or distress of mind;
solicitude; grief, sorrow, trouble, care, vexation (OED, 5a). This current of duality is important to keep
in mind as we explore its
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Case Study Of South Africa
2.1. South Africa
The following case study examines South Africa s Debts, its legality and development, and
consequently the repercussions.
2.1.1. Facts and figures
South Africa external debt as at the time of independence was $21.671 billion and according to WB,
this amount was largely the debt incurred by the apartheid regime. The interest rate that is charged was
about 15.6%, making the loan swell at a very fast rate . As of 2000, the country s external debt had
reached $25.435 billion that unfortunately was largely because of the huge apartheid debt that was
forced on the newly independent state. In 2010 and 2013, the debt amounted to $107.131 billion and
$139,845 billion respectively . ... Show more content on ...
He went ahead, used the term immoral debt , and is quoted to say, Must we starve our children to pay
our debts
2.1.2. Recognition of South Africa as a Special Case
In some nations, such as Nigeria, odious debts have been partly caused by the African leaders and
public servants who embezzle borrowed funds and huge overspending budgets. But this is not the case
for the apartheid debt; it is unique in the sense that the monies were used to subjugate the people who
are expected to pay the debt .
Another reason why the South Africa odious debt is of importance is the fact that the apartheid regime
did not affect South Africa only, the other neighboring nations in the south incurred huge debt burden
because of the regime .
2.1.3. The Creditors
Apartheid main creditor, supporters and beneficiaries were the US, Switzerland, Germany and UK
who accounted for about 90% of the long term loans. Apartheid debts, in the narrow sense, are those
debts that the newly elected democratic government inherited from the former apartheid regime in
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Juvenile And Juvenile Justice System
The juvenile justice system and criminal justice system also known as the adult justice system is two
different systems. The juvenile justice system is children who are under the age of 18 years old. After
the age of 18, it is considered to be an adult it will enter through the adult justice system. There ate
states that allows youth to stay in the juvenile justice system from age 18 until 21. The main
differences between the juvenile justice system and criminal justice system is rehabilitation and
parole. The juvenile justice system main focus is rehabilitation than adult justice system. The juvenile
court judges look for the best option that will protect the community and treatment that youth needs.
The juvenile court hearings are ... Show more content on ...
The parole consist of monitoring the children s behavior and actions he or she does. Another hand,
when a adult is being monitor is to focus on they behavior so it will not lead to re incarceration. The
main focus for adult criminals is to not re offend again during the present or future. There is more
chance that adults will re offend again after they are released from prison. My opinion, adults who
have been charged for sexual harassment are more likely to re offend because of the desire of pressure,
mental ill, and power. There are differences between the juvenile and adult justice system that have to
do in the criminal justice. One differences is that juveniles are prosecute to delinquent acts, but it can
be tried to the adult system. The second differences is juveniles does not have the right to a public trial
by jury. If juvenile is charged for a crime he or she committed the case involves a judge hearing
evidence and ruling whether is a big issue or small. The third differences is the adult justice system
focus more on punishing and for juvenile justice system is to rehabilitate. the fourth differences is
adults are found guilty of a crime they committed and court try to find the best punishment, but the
court tries to impose a penalty so the individual to re offend in the future. Some similarities between
the juvenile and adult justice system that has in common between the two systems. The first
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Metropolis Movie Essay
Joseph Spencer is the observer of the movie. Metropolis is directed by Fritz Lang; Metropolis mostly
fits under the science fiction and drama genres. Metropolis was released in 1927 (IMDb). Metropolis
reveals to the observer that features a dystopian and contradictory world. The script is based on a
novel by Thea Von Harbou, and the screenplay was written by her as well. (IMDb). Metropolis is
controlled by Joh Fredersen acted by Alfred Abel (IMDb), a capitalist whose son, Freder played by
Gustav Fröhlich (IMDb), takes an idyllic life, enjoying the wonderful gardens. One day Freder meets
Maria played by Brigitte Helm (IMDb), the spiritual leader of the workers, who take care of the
children of slaves. Freder talks to his father, Fredersen ... Show more content on ...
Maria, a woman in the lower town, tries to promote the understanding between classes and takes the
children of workers to visit the high city. Maria and the children are quickly taken away. Although
Maria and the children were removed from the universe of the rich, Freder falls in love with her and
submerge to the city of workers. Freder is in the machine rooms and watches with shock when one the
machines explode, causing several injuries and deaths. After one of its operators falls from exhaustion,
Freder runs to tell his father. The pace imposed by machines being too high, a violent explosion
occurred on the M machine, killing dozens of workers. In the smoke, Freder sees the machine turning
into Moloch, a monstrous God to which unfortunate workers are sacrificed. (Metropolis)
The future is distant and the world is under the command of the powerful, who have isolated the
poorest underground as if they were their slaves, to work for them. Grot played by Heinrich George
(IMDb), one of the foremen, arrives shortly after to provide maps that have been found with the dead
workers. The group is being deterred by law enforcement, but Fredersen, Freder went to his father,
Fredersen, to make him aware of the extremely difficult conditions in which workers work and asked
him to improve this. Seeing that Fredersen cannot convince Freder of the benefits of this society,
Fredersen has him followed by a spy. Freder returned to the lower town where seeing a worker on the
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Slavery and the Life of Harriet Jacobs Essays
Slavery and the Life of Harriet Jacobs
It is well known that slavery was a horrible event in the history of the United States. However, what
isn t as well known is the actual severity of slavery. The experiences of slave women presented by
Angela Davis and the theories of black women presented by Patricia Hill Collins are evident in the life
of Harriet Jacobs and show the severity of slavery for black women.
The history of slave women offered by Davis suggests that compulsory labor overshadowed every
other aspect of women s existence (Davis 5). This is quite apparent through examination of the life of
Harriet Jacobs. All slaves were forced to do hard labor and were subject to cruel remarks by whites, in
this sense they were ... Show more content on ...
The life of slave women as breeders was real and very cruel. The life of slave women as breeders
shows the severity of life for slave women and just one obstacle that made slave life more difficult for
black women as opposed to black men.
Collins points out that the relative security that often accompanied motherhood served to reinforce its
importance (Collins 51). This can also be seen in the life of Harriet Jacobs. The treatment she received
was relentless, unavoidable and in most cases unpredictable. She had to sleep in fear of what her
jealous mistress would do the next day and what her abusive master had planned for the day to come.
Harriet Jacobs did not feel safe with her master and avoided all sexual encounters with him. Then, her
master was going to have a house built for her to serve as a sexual haven for them. Harriet Jacobs
vowed before [her] Maker that [she] would never enter [the house] (Jacobs 53) and [she] would do
anything, everything, for the sake of defeating [her master] (Jacobs 53) in his attempts to use her
sexually. Then, Harriet Jacobs becomes desperate to escape her master and chooses to have a child
with a white man, Mr. Sands, for the same security that Collins says : accompanied motherhood [and]
served to reinforce its importance (Collins 51). She did like Mr. Sands but admits that sexual relations
with him would be inspired by revenge, calculations of interest... and sincere gratitude for
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The Great Awakening And Second Great Awakening
Many colonists came to America in order to escape the constraints of the Church of England, but
continued to establish colonies that were built on Biblical principles. Due in part to the strictness and
intolerance of the Puritan religion and differing beliefs among other religions, church membership
began to dwindle and many people in later generations were either excluded from or decided against,
joining the church. The Great Awakening and Second Great Awakening, as described by Butler,
Wacker, and Stout (2003), were religious movements that emphasized Biblical teachings and the
importance of a life changing experience through belief in Jesus Christ as well as the importance of
spreading that message to others. Through large camp meetings like the Cane Ridge Revival,
charismatic preachers brought the good news of salvation through Christ to a multitude of people,
many of whom were disillusioned with the social and political climate of the times. This message of
hope and morality is needed even more so today, in a world filled with hopelessness, crime, hate and
drugs. Of course caution has to be taken to ensure that the emotionalism of present day religion is
based on the model of Jesus, who taught sinners in a spirit of love, and not in the method of the
religious leaders of Biblical times, who were self righteous and condemning.
Revivals in America, known as the Great Awakening and Second Great Awakening, began with
George Whitefield in the 1730 s and continued on and
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Comparing Transformers And Alice Through The Looking Glass
Transformers and Alice Through The Looking Glass are two different and similar types of actions.
There are many different and similar details in Alice Through The Looking Glass and Transformers.
One of the similarities and differences between those two movies is characters. Another difference and
similarity between them is their problem. The final difference and similarity between them is their
different types of adventure . These are the many differences and similarities between Transformers
and Alice Through The Looking Glass. There are many main characters in the movies Transformers
and Alice Through The Looking Glass. The main characters of Transformers are Sam, Optimus Prime,
Bumblebee, Ratchet, Megatron, Starscream, IronHide, Barricade,
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Links Between Organisational Objectives And Personal...
Personal development objectives are affected by organisations goals, as companies will want to steer
their employees in a direction that should meet their corporate strategy and link into the mission
statement. However, personal objectives and organisational objectives should tie in together and have
a common goal, which should meet the needs of both participants (Dransfield, 2000). Although
organisational objectives can hold a negative attribute to employee s personal development, if the
company invests time into employees PDP and employees can see that there is a plan in place for job
promotion, then they re more likely to keep their staff (Cotton, 2011). A future plan will add value to
the business as it will improve employee s skills and personal development strengths which will give a
positive effect on the company performance. A.C.1.1 Identify the links between organisational
objectives and personal development objectives Employees should make their goals aligned within the
organisation strategy Achieve a common goal within a given time frame Work within employee
strengths Acknowledge weakness of individuals Provide support for individuals taking on intense/
lengthy assignments Every individual should know their role within the business and how it is tied to
the company performance My personal objective Is to develop my knowledge on
sustainable/environmental factors that affect my role. Example Tarmac mission is to be the UK s
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The Five most Important Events in U.S History
Five Most Important Events in U.S. History
To me, the most important events that left their mark on America were; Osama Bin Laden s death, the
American Revolution, September 11, 2001, Apollo 11, and Lincoln s assassination. I am going to be
arguing the reason why I believe all of these events to be the most significant, and important in the
United States.
Osama Bin Laden
Hitler and Laden were good friends throughout all of these attacks and damage caused. Laden had
plenty of supporters, but still nobody could take all of his serious, awful acts, seriously. People say and
have said that because of his death, we are now free at last. Bin Laden was such a terrible person
because of all of the attacks, deaths, and damage he caused. Laden would go out of his way to get at
the Americans by hijacking planes, destroying major land marks, and killing lots of people. Americans
now feel safe because of his death.
The American Revolution
The establishment of America was because of this event. George Washington was the leader of the
continental army. During this the Americans faced very hard obstacles. A majority of Americans had
opposed to war in the early 1775 year. Only about a third of Americans supported this war. This meant
independence. U. S. History all started with this. The surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown is
what marked the end of the War. It was the last war of the American Revolution. These battles were all
very stunning, intense, unexpected events
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New Year s Eve Dialectical Journal
Journal 4 The celebration of New Year s Eve was supposed to be an exciting one. Everyone was
lighting up fireworks, having fun until the real show begun. The fireworks became the ammunition of
the battle between the masters of the neighborhood. The usually kind and nice boys turned violent and
obscene. They were cheerful, aggressive dark figures (lines 16 and 17). It s ironic how the festivities
of New Year s Eve are in theory, happy and joyous, but ends up terrifying some of the characters and
triggering Lila s dissolving of margins. Lila begun to feel horror (line 30), and a sense of repulsion
took over her (line 35). She began to see breaking down of innocence. Furthermore, Rino, the person
Lila loves the most, also began to repulse
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What Motivates Society
Many things motivate the main character Equality. Thinking of this, some may wonder what is his
primary motivation. His primary motivation is to prove everyone and everything he has ever known to
be wrong. He was always told to be exactly the same as everyone else, but he wanted to be different.
Equality knew his invention could benefit mankind and that s why defied all odds and proves
everyone wrong. This motivates him because he s always been told he wasn t able to be smarter or
stronger but to be equal to all of his brothers. He was always told he couldn t be anything more than
an average human being, in his period of time. This is exactly what motivates him, he was told he
could have no affection to another person, no enhancements from the average person. But he knew the
invention he made could help his people, but nobody cared or didn t know because he wanted to show
everyone a street cleaner could have a purpose too. Though the council rigged the system and made
Equality a street sweeper because they were afraid of his enchantment over the people in the society ...
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Equality is smarter than the average human in his society, so he is to going to think differently.
Proving everyone wrong is his primary motivation because he knew he knew the difference between
wrong and right, and he knew he wasn t supposed to be a street sweeper. He wanted to prove that
anyone can do anything they want even if their a street cleaner. In this book, Anthem, Equality makes
a friend and tells him about what he had been working on, his friend wants nothing to do with it
because he doesn t want to be in trouble. Equality used this as motivation to finish his device too, to
make people regret not helping him and to prove them wrong about
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Genetic Screening Persuasive Essay
Prevention is the greatest protection A few years ago, my neighbor got married and was ready to have
a baby. Unfortunately, he and his wife s pre pregnancy check showed that they had a thalassemia gene,
and if they gave birth to a child, the child was likely to die because of severe thalassemia. Although
they want to have a child belonging to themselves, they finally chose to adopt a child. Thalassemia is
a common genetic disease in my province, the local government calls on all couples to accept genetic
screening before pregnancy to avoid newborns with severe thalassemia and avoid the original burden
on the whole society and individuals families. Genetic screening is a major advance in human medical
technology, which enables humans to improve their genes in this species. Hence, genetic screening
should become a mandatory item for prenatal inspection. ... Show more content on ...
The opponents of genetic screening claim that genetic screening brings negative effect to the
individual. For instance, Kelly Nicole and her teammates who focus on medical field point out, A
report showed that over 19 million people had their medical information breached since 2009. Fear of
discrimination and lack of confidentiality is especially a concern when one considers the inconsistent
regulations of dried blood spots storage and use (236). The data from Kelly shows that genetic
screening may leak personal information, increasing the personal social pressure. Although the
information preservation system of genetic screening is not perfect. The benefit of genetic screening to
the society is huge greater than the harmful
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How Cloud And Its Effects On The Future Model
Abstract: Introduction: Distributed Computing has developed as an issue prevailing ideal model,
generally embraced by ventures. Mists give on demand access to processing utilities, a deliberation of
boundless registering assets, what s more backing for on interest scale up, scale down, what s more
scale out. Cloud administrations are additionally quickly joining different foundations (for instance,
matrices, groups, what s more elite registering) as reasonable stages for investigative investigation and
revelation, and in addition instruction. In this way, its discriminating to get it application definitions
and use modes that are serious in such a mixture framework, alongside basic applied and innovative
difficulties and ways that ... Show more content on ...
As an issue for the Internet, the cloud is a recognizable prosaism, yet when joined with figuring, the
importance gets greater and fuzzier. A few investigators and sellers characterize distributed computing
barely as a redesigned adaptation of utility processing: fundamentally virtual servers accessible over
the Internet. Others go extremely wide, contending anything you expend outside the firewall is in the
cloud, including ordinary outsourcing. Cloud figuring comes into concentrate just when you ponder
what IT generally needs: an approach to build limit or include capacities the fly without putting
resources into new base, preparing new work force, or permitting new programming. Distributed
computing envelops any membership based or pay for every utilization benefit that, continuously over
the Internet, develops IT s current capacities. Distributed computing is at an early stage, with a diverse
group of suppliers expansive and little conveying a large number of cloud based administrations, from
all out applications to capacity administrations to spam separating. Yes, utility style base suppliers are
a piece of the mix, yet so are Saas (programming as an issue) suppliers, for example,
Today, generally, IT must attachment into cloud based administrations independently, however
distributed computing aggregators and integrators are now developing. Infoworld conversed with
many sellers, investigators, and IT clients to tease out the
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Interpretation Of Love In Songs Of Solomon By William...
Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all: What hast thou then more than thou hadst before? No
love, my love, that thou mayst true love call All mine was thine before thou hadst this more. The
preceding poem, written by William Shakespeare, tells of a lover wanting to give all their love to their
lover. Similarly, the writer of Songs of Solomon tells of giving all the love to their lover. Through this
writing, different aspects of the Songs will be addressed, along with the defense of the various forms
of the Songs. Finality will show how the Songs fit with the church of today.
Song of Solomon Brief list of the different ways the Song is Interpreted
Kathryn Harding, Biblical Interpretation, I sought him but I did not find him : The Elusive Lover in
the Song of Songs, sources several scholars regarding the Songs of Solomon. These sources give an
insight into their interpretation of the Songs. One source focuses on the male lead of the Song and the
aspect of power from Cheryl Exum who discussed, the male protagonist s concerns about the power
dynamics between himself and his lover in the Song; in her totality he finds her overwhelming, even
intimidating, and so he fragments her, considers her little by little, piece by piece, in his waṣfs.
Subsequently, another source emphasizes how can one have sexual intimacy if they are apart from one
another. This is referenced from the writing by Edward Burne Jones who states:
After all, like
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Mice In Attic Research Paper
Finding mice in attic is a headache no homeowner wants to deal with. Not only are they a nuisance,
but your home will need a thorough cleaning to get your attic back in shape. Mice in attic are dirty and
potentially dangerous, with true pest behaviour that requires tried and true methods to get them out for
good. They ll quickly lower your house value. Here s how. Contamination Fur, urine, droppings, and
saliva are all different ways mice in attic contaminate homes. Mice spread diseases like hantavirus,
salmonella, and listeria. Food prep surfaces, such as counters, could now host diseases. As these pesky
critters dirty more food than they eat, you ll find nibbled cardboard boxes, loose papers, and other
material quickly contaminated. Other fun sights accompanying chewed material are droppings on
pantry ... Show more content on ...
New homeowners don t want to live in a place ruined by rodents. A mouse s oily fur is filled with
bacteria and diseases, where brushing up along walls and corners leaves behind germs and residue.
This means spending extra money sanitizing the home and ridding it of mice presence. Destruction
The destruction mice in attic cause in the home isn t only expensive to fix, it s a safety hazard. Mice
are unstoppable. They ll chew through rigid foam and fiberglass insulation, and they ll gnaw at wood
in the home, from furniture and trim to cabinets and door structure. Bare wires resulting from constant
nibbling by mice who have gained access to the home s wiring system can lead to house fires. When it
comes time to sell, this kind of damage is often a big deal breaker for potential buyers. An unsafe and
unstable home does nothing to increase its value. When new buyers realize the extent of pest damage
in the home, they ll often ask for significant reductions in asking price due to problems they ll have to
fix. Thousands of dollars in repairs is a problem nobody
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of E Governance
Best Practices of E Governance in India: Opportunities and Limitations
E governance or electronic governance is about the use of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) by government at all level to provide services to the public, communication and
information exchange between all the organisation/agencies of government. It s become an important
part of government system to achieve the economic and the quality of life. Major goals of e
governance are to provide better service delivery to the citizens, transparency and accountability,
improved efficiency within government, empowering the peoples through information, saving time
through the provision of a single window. The main focus to improve public services in an efficient ...
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It helps in improving the quality of services. It gives citizens the choice of when to interact with the
government (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week), from where to interact with the government
(service centre) and how to interact with the government (internet, fax, e mail, telephone). The
primary work of the G2C is make government and citizens friendly to each other.
2. G2B (Government to Business):
In G2B, various e governance tools are used to help the business community which aims to provides
goods and services and to internet with the internet. The main purpose is to cut red tape, save time,
reduce cost end to create more clear business environment when dealing with the government. The
initiatives of the G2B can be exchange such as licensing, permits, but Goods and revenue collection.
They can be promotional and facilitative such as trade, tourism and investment. These measures are
taken to provide pleasant environment to businesses to promote them to perform more effectively.
3. G2G (Government to
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Shouldice Hospital
CASE 1 – Shouldice Hospital
Introduction Shouldice Hospital, set up in 1945 by Dr. Earl Shouldice, is located near Toronto. It
follows the business model of focus on a single standardised service for a narrow target of consumers,
rather than to provide customised solution (as in a general clinic or hospital). It focuses on providing
quick, convenient, and reliable cure for external types of abdominal hernias. The Hospital uses its own
technique, called the Shouldice Method. It is famous for a relatively short post operative recovery
1. Shouldice Hospital provides low cost medical service in its area of specialization. Use of the
Shouldice Method allows patients to recuperate fast ... Show more content on ...
Free Service to clergy and family members
13. Out of town patients were diagnosed online using the medical information questionnaire, saving
$200 $400
14. Recovery time for patients is 1 4 weeks, as compared to 2 8 weeks in other hospitals
Process Flow Diagram
Process Analysis using Cost and Capacity
A: Cost Analysis
Budget for the Hospital: $ 2.8 million
Budget for the clinic: $2 million
Therefore, Total Budget = Budget for the Hospital+ Budget for the clinic = $2.8 million + $2 million =
$ 4.8 million
Number of operations per year = 6850 (considering the same as for the year, 1982)
Therefore average cost per operation = $4.8 million/6850 = $701
Total charge to the patient = Hospital stay + Surgical fee + Assistant surgeon fee + Anesthetic fee =
111*4 + 450 + 60 +75 = $1029
Net profit per patient = $(1029 701) = $328
B: Capacity Analysis
The critical resources in this case are:
• Number of operation theatres
• Number of hospital beds
• Number of staff (including surgeons, assistant surgeons and nurses)
These resources are tabulated as under:
Resource name Availability Max. capacity per week
Operation Theatre 5 185
Number of beds 117 152
Number of surgeons 12 357
For details of calculation of the maximum capacity, please refer to points 1, 2 and 3 below.
1. Average number of operations per day = 27(See Appendix A above)
Number of critical operations performed = 18% of total
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Examples Of Gods And Myths Of Northern Europe
Gods and Myths of Northern Europe , by Hilda R.E. Davidson.
Gods and Myths of Northern Europe tries to explain the richness of the myths from Northern Europe.
It tries to show us how their gods and goddesses, the Norsemen, and the Germanic people before
them, were related. I don t share all of her conclusions, but I think that this book is an interesting and
valuable read to everyone interested in learning about this wonderful world and their people. I think
that the best way to learn about the ones that were living in that times is to know their myths and their
relationship to their gods and goddesses. Reading this could help you understand how they saw their
world and their lives, and the most important thing, how they really live back ... Show more content
on ...
She makes a brief account about what is said in the myths and what physical evidences (like names of
places, offerings and other stuff) we have to know Bragi, his wife Idunn, Mimir, Hoenir, The Twin
Gods called The Alcis, Forseti, Heimdallr, Loki and Balder and his wife Nanna. For some of them, we
have very little evidence but the name and some kind of attributions; some of them seem some kind of
borrow from neighbour people, or some posterior invention. By the way, the author tells us that any of
those theories can t be completely proved in any way.
In the eight chapter, The Beginning and the End , we find a presentation of the myths related with the
creation and the destruction of the worlds, and a little study about the World Tree and its importance in
the myths. Hilda Davidson tells us about different traditions realted with a World Tree in other
European and Asiatic places, all of them really similar, showing the vast recognition of a tree as the
center of the
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Andrew Jackson Bibliography
Internet Bibliography I chose Andrew Jackson as my topic for my internet bibliography. I chose this
topic because I ve heard some intriguing facts about Andrew Jackson before, and I wanted to learn the
details of them. Also, I wanted to learn more about our 7th President. I ve always heard that he was an
avid duelist, and that Andrew Jackson used his own cane to beat a man, who tried to assassinate him. I
wanted to know the details about both of these events, so I decided to dig deeper into Andrew Jackson
s life. My first site that I used for my internet bibliography was on the external links. I decided to use
the The Hermitage: Andrew Jackson link as my starting point. The layout and organization of this site
was phenomenal. ... Show more content on ...
After some slight scrolling, I came across the headline Andrew Jackson: A lunatic that became
President. Without any delay, I clicked on the link to the site and was brought to a green webpage. At
my first glance, I noticed the site had a cluttered feeling to me. The ads on the top of the page and
along the right side were annoying at times, when scrolling on the site. I did find the photo shopped
bottles of Jack Daniels, that were in Jackson s hands in each photo hysterical. I found myself unable to
keep a straight face as I read the author s spin on Andrew Jackson s life. Some of the information was
facts I ve read other places, but other information was hard to separate between fact and fiction. Hands
down, my favorite part had to be when the author gave his take on John C. Calhoun. I belly laughed
for a good ten minutes. I m ecstatic that I came across this website, but I wouldn t say this is the best
site from which to retrieve information. Although, it was well worth the
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Computer Communication
Section 1 Introduction
Computer communications is the process of sharing data, programs, and information between two or
more computers. We have discussed numerous applications that depend on communication systems,
including: E mail Provides a fast, efficient alternative to traditional mail by sending and receiving
electronic documents. Instant messaging Supports direct, live electronic communication between two
or more friends or buddies. Internet telephone provides a very low cost alternative to long distance
telephone calls using electronic voice delivery. Electronic commerce buying and selling goods
In this chapter, we will focus on the communication systems ... Show more content on
LANs are widely used by colleges, universities and other types of organizations to link
microcomputers and to share printers and other resources.
The LAN represented is a typical arrangement and provides two benefits are
Economy and flexibility. People can share costly equipment. For instance, the four micro computers
share the laser printer and the file server, which are expensive pieces of hardware, Other equipment or
nods may also be added to the LAN for instance, more microcomputers a mainframe computer or
optical disk storage devices. Additional t he network gateway is a device that allows one LAN to be
linked to other LANs or to a larger network. For example, the LAN of one office group may be
connected to the LAN of another office group.
There are a variety of different standards or ways in which nodes can be connected to one another and
ways in which their communications are controlled in a LAN. The most common standard is known as
Ethernet. LANs using this standard are sometimes referred to as Ethernet LANs
While LANs have been widely used within organizations for years, they are now being commonly
used by individuals in their homes and apartments. These LANs called home networks allow different
computers to share resources including a common Internet connection. Computers can be connected in
a variety of ways including electrical wiring, telephone wiring and special cables. One of the simplest
ways however is
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Pro Abortion Research Paper
Topic: Pro Abortion Names of All Coalition Members: LaCresha Blair, Jessica Bradford, Garrett
Thompson, , , Kaitlin Piekarsky, Richard White, Patrick Cronin, Abigail Zenman and Loryn
Ensminger, Autumn Minter Coalition Policy White Paper GOVT 2306, Fall 2015 I. Introduction:
Abortion the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28
weeks of pregnancy. Abortion is still legal in the United States because there are huge discrepancies
on what constitutes human life, although in Texas Anti choice politicians are trying to outlaw abortion
at 20 weeks or earlier, making it more and more difficult for women seeking abortion to find a safe
clinic. This is interesting because the Roe v. Wade case of 1973 ... Show more content on ...
( Texas Abortion Laws and How They Compare Nationally ) While it is very important to have safety
measures and precautions in place, some of those requirements as stated in the HB2 are unnecessary
and could cause desperate women to turn to more dangerous methods to abort their child. ( 5 Ugly
Facts About the New Texas Abortion Bill ) One such policy is abortion clinics must be located within
30 miles of a hospital, which can cause clinics that may have been conveniently located or most easily
accessible to be more difficult to access for those who live in less urban areas. ( 5 Ugly Facts About
the New Texas Abortion Bill ) Furthermore, the process has now been made lengthier, taking three
days which, coupled with a greater travel distance creates a long, inconvenient, and costly procedure
which is why there is a greater chance of women attempting abortion themselves through harmful
methods that may end up harming the baby without successfully terminating the pregnancy. ( 5 Ugly
Facts About the New Texas Abortion Bill ) The shorter window of opportunity, from the previous 24
week limit to the now 20 week limit can also prevent the early termination of an unhealthy or
abnormal fetus due to the fact that many of the tests run to check the health of the baby are
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More Than Just A Game
More Than Just A Game
The atmosphere warming up was silent, you could hear a pin drop. The field was a perfect shade of
green with a hint of dew on the tips of each piece of grass. Yesterday, my team AC Sandhills was
defeated 7 0 in our first game of the 2012 Mother s Day Tournament. There was no energy in anyone
at the moment, including myself. We thought the next game would just be like the first, another
blowout. We thought we were done in this tournament, but little did I know this would be the game
where everything would change. My coach JR noticed that we were not ourselves in our warmup. So
right before kickoff he gave us a speech about how to bounce back after a horrendous defeat. When I
was in college, we lost our first game of the season off of an own goal 1 0. You know what happened
in the next game? We won, 4 0. Do you know how we won? Because we moved on. We focused on
what we had to do in the next game and we forgot about the last one. That s what I want you guys to
do. His motivational words filled me and the rest of my team with a hunger for victory.
We walked out onto the field with a ton of energy but right as the whistle blew you could tell we were
not playing at all as a team. We were getting dominated all over the field. Pass after pass from the
other team, touching the ball was a gift for our team. Then, about 10 minutes into the game, a player
on the opposing team received a pass and dribbled through our defense like it was non existent. He
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Medical Health Promotion And Disease Prevention Plan
NUR 609 : Application of Theory Guidelines
Yi Duan Low
SUNY Upstate Medical University
NURS 609 Family Psychiatric and Mental health Theory
Professor: Prof. Patricia Powers
The nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan, Healthy People 2020, recognizes that
mental health promotion and mental health reduction as one of the most significant health objectives.
Statistic indicated that mental health disorders are the leading cause of disability in United States and
Canada, while suicide is the 11th leading cause of death that killed approximately 30,000 American
each year ( Mental Health and Mental Disorders , n.d.). The United States Preventive Services Task
Force (USPSTF) has commended series of guideline once patients are identified with mental health
According to the flow chart, the treatment plan for major depressive disorder include provide
pharmacological consult, address psychosocial problems, and afford psychotherapy interventions.
Psychotherapy is one of the major components in mental health treatment. It is noted as talk therapy
that consists of counseling, interpersonal persuasion, psychosocial education, and personal coaching
(Prochaska Norcross, 2010). Psychotherapy also carries the objectives of helping people to make
therapeutic change and also to reach mutually agreed upon goal at the same time.
Part 1 2: Psychotherapy Theories
Theory provides a structured framework, filters relevant data, and assists clinician
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Iran Nuclear Deal Pros And Cons
I am writing to you in reference to the current national debate regarding the safety of the Iran Nuclear
Deal. Since the conclusion of World War II, a primary goal of US foreign policy has been nuclear
deterrence. However, the inevitability of technological advancement, has resulted in the production
and perfection of a powerful nuclear armament by nine different nations. The US and our allies, have
worked tirelessly to prevent the continued proliferation of nuclear weapons primarily attempting to
prevent countries such as Iran from procuring this technology. Under the Obama administration, the
US engaged in extensive negotiations, which culminated with the ratification of the Iran Nuclear Deal
in the summer of 2015. In short, this Deal lifts ... Show more content on ...
At this point, the US had few options in which to prevent the continued advancement of the Iranian
nuclear program. However, the deal reached by the Obama administration, whose support extends to
the world s leading powers, significantly extends the time Iran would need to develop a nuclear
weapon and ensures that we have ample time to counteract any attempt at restarting the Nuclear
program. In addition, the US has made it clear that if Iran does violate the terms of the deal, sanctions
will be reimposed and more aggressive options could be taken. This deal is far from perfect and there
are legitimate concerns raised by its many critics. That being said, without this deal, Iran could
quickly double its capacity to enrich uranium and move towards producing a bomb. One of the
greatest criticism raised, is that the deal and provisions will expire. While some are only in place for
10 25 years, the fundamental principle of the deal to preserve the peaceful nature of its nuclear
program are permanent. Unfortunately, neither military action, sanctions or this deal for that matter
can guarantee that Iran will never have in their possession a weapon of mass destruction. However,
this deal is
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Pam Grier Research Paper
Lataya Lattany
6th Period
April 24, 2017
She s A Whole Lotta Woman.
Pam Grier
I do a movie once every four years and they call it a comeback.
Pamela Suzette Grier is an American actress. She was born on May 26, 1949 and she is currently 67
years old. She is known for being in movies such as The Big Bird Cage, Coffy, Foxy Brown, and
Sheba Baby.
Early Life
Pam was born in Winston Salem, North Carolina. Her mom was a nurse and her dad was an Air Force
mechanic. She also had three siblings.
Due to her father being in the military, she moved around a lot. She eventually settled in Denver and
went to East High School. She was seen in stage productions and she participated in beauty contests to
earn money for college. After she graduated ... Show more content on ...
This marked the start of her acting career.
Over time, Pam starred in movies such as Jackie Brown, The Big Doll House, and Above the Law. She
also was in movies such as Ghost in Mars and Bones in the early 2000s.
Because of her roles in movies, she was nominated for and won many awards. She was mainly in
blaxploitation movies which geared towards black audiences and showcased their stereotypes.
Pam s Global Impact
Millions of people have watched Pam Grier movies. She is a big inspiration to the black community
and women. She has also inspired men who have been incarcerated. They have watched her movies in
prison and have respected women more due to her leading roles in action movies.
Fun Facts
Pam was nominated for 16 awards after playing in the 1997 Jackie Brown movie.
She wanted to be a doctor when she grew up.
She found out her boyfriend lived in the same house that she grew up in in Denver after her and her
family moved out.
She was a cheerleader for the Denver Broncos.
She earned two doctorates in 2011. One is a Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters and the other is a
Honorary Doctorate of
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The Effect Of Atmospheric Pressure On A Cloud
This experiment will be highlighting the significance of atmospheric pressure in a cloud`s formation.
Clouds form when warm, moist air rises in the atmosphere. On its way up, it cools so that the water
vapor condenses into small particles such as airborne dust, thereby forming water droplets. This is
exactly what a cloud is, a large collection of very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals. This process is
known as cloud formation and is affected by temperature since clouds are occasionally produced by
the mixing of warmer and cooler air currents. This process is part of the water cycle which is the
transfer of water from air, sea land and water in a cycle. Overall, this paper will be explaining the
materials and methods that will end up ... Show more content on ...
If a cloud is water vapor, and vapor has weight, why does it float in the air? Well, according to
columnist Adams, a modest size cloud, has a mass equivalent to one B 747 jumbo jet, but the cloud`s
mass is spread over a big volume of space which causes the density of it to be relatively low.
Furthermore, the process of condensation is essential to the water cycle since it is responsible for the
formation of a cloud which creates precipitation that allows water to return to the planet`s surface,
thus letting the cycle to continue. In order to form a cloud, there are three requirements which,
according to Oklahoma Project, are essential. First, water vapor must be present in large amounts.
Secondly, cloud condensation nuclei such as dust or salt particles must be present in order to provide a
basement for water to condense. Lastly, a cooling mechanism must be present to cool the air
temperature to a certain point, allowing clouds to form.
Based on all these information, my specific question that I hope this experiment answers is: What role
does air pressure as well as temperature plays on the biological process known as cloud condensation?
My hypothesis consists of understanding these factors. If water vapor attaches to particles such as
smoke, together with a specific temperature, then the process of condensation will allow a cloud to be
Materials and Methods For this experiment, all the materials
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Hennessey Venom Swot Analysis
A car to a normal person will get you from point A to point B and not think anything different. To
other individuals, a car is actually a part of its owner. They treat it as part of the family. These
individuals will take their pride and joy and manipulate their automobile to get the most out of it. This
could be just for looks or for performance. One of the most important things to a car junkie looks for
is speed. Since the day the automobile was created, individuals kept pushing the limits of how fast
they could go. The Model T when it was invented had a top speed between 40 45 MPH back in 1919.
These days, individuals have been able to slightly improve upon those numbers. In 2014, a Hennessey
Venom GT, a combination of a Lotus Elise chassis and 1,244 hp 7.0 liter twin turbocharged V8, was
recorded as exceeding 270.49 mph. ... Show more content on ...
The Hennessey Venom GT also only made one pass, while to actually secure the top speed record you
most make a pass back and forth as to take wind into account and average the time. Since the
Hennessey Venom GT only made one run, the Guinness Book of World Records would not validate its
speed as the world s fastest car. While everyone loves to drive fast, only a few are able to say they
have driven the fastest ever. It will only be a matter of time before we have automobiles that could
well top 300 MPH. The more science and computers play into the area of creating the fastest
automobile, the records, we feel, will be breaking over and over again for a long time to
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Analysis Of Plato s Republic And The Letter Of The City...
Assignment 1
Within Plato s Republic, are various theories and ideas about justice and if it something that is just in
itself. This essay is meant to shine light on three of the key concepts (1) He has succeeded in
Thrasymachus s challenge, (2) being just provides more happiness than being unjust, and (3) the letter
of the city is irrelevant and does not help his case.
Thrasymachus s theory is that there is no benefit to being just and that benefit would only com to the
powerful. However, Socrates puts down this theory by proving that it is in every human s interest to be
just and that this is done in order to maintain a balanced soul and ultimate happiness. Also, he extends
his theory and connects the two by showing that the only way to reach balance within oneself is
through actions and desires that are impossible to be unjust
After disproving Thrasymachus, Socrates goes on and also states that being just does bring more
happiness. His proof is of this is help within his analysis of pleasure, and the soul, along with the
portal if the tyrant and that justice itself is a virtue. However, his discussion of the city and letters of
the city is deemed irrelevant since it is based on the ideal state and the ideal city, which is not the care
in reality and it does not matter what would happen in the ideal state since it cannot happen in reality.
As indicated above, Socrates very much disproves Thrasymachus s theory by showing it is in
everyone s interest to be
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South Africa s Location Of The Continent Of Africa
South Africa is a located at the very bottom of the continent of Africa. It is surrounded on three sides
by the Atlantic Ocean by the West and South and the Indian Ocean to the East. To the North it
boarders Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Swaziland. One interesting thing is that
there is a landlocked, surrounded on all sides by land, country of Lesotho. This is evident by Map 1,
shown below, that shows South Africa in the red box and the darker brown country within South
Africa being Lesotho. Which still remains true today, Lesotho is still its own country with an unsettled
relationship with South Africa. Map 1: South Africa s location on Africa (South Africa, 2015) The
country has a very long history from our great ancestors to the extremely wide variety of wild and
unique animals. However, this land has been under quite a bit of bloodshed and insatiability. From its
days of slave trade, British control and the bloody revolutions these people have been through, it has
shaped the country as a whole. The one thing that seems to have impacted the development of the
country has been the issue of disease and the mortality rate of woman and children. One thing that
could be done to greatly reduce these issues would be to invest more in the sanitation of the available
water resources. This issue has been in progress of being improved but is lagging behind due to the
decolonization of the country. During negotiations with the African National Congress, the South
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Persuasive Essay On The Confederate Statue
The violence continues as statues keep coming down in America currently. My goal today is to explain
why the confederate statue should stay or should be taken down everywhere in the United States.
There is three Main points that I m going to states and defend in this Essay and tell you why I believe
in them and there purposes. First why we need to keep them and not take them down. Second they will
help educated the future people for the better. Last of all I think that we should keep the statues all the
way and this is why. Why should we keep the statues you may ask, well there is no right or wrong
answer for this topic but I will do my best to defend my point and belief of why these statues should
not be torn down. The biggest reason I don t want these statues torn down is that it s not just a big
piece of metal sitting there or a regular statue, these are statues that have history behind them over the
years on when the south fought the north for a big turn for American history. People think they are
racist or wrong, but really they show where we are from and what we are about. This Battle goes back
to a massive shooting in 2015, when Dylan Roof shot nine people in a dominant black church in
Charleston, SC. Thus starting of the Statues being taken down across America. How will this help the
future for the better If someone that doesn t know what s going to history wise will most likely go
with the majority and the majority isn t the best bet all the time so it is
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Flexible Working In Australia
A flexible working environment is detrimental to the workforce of today s society. Society exists in an
ever changing, fast and evolving world in which the fluid nature and culture of employees, needs to be
considered. Employers who embrace a flexible working environment for their employees will see
double the returns in productivity, initiative and drive to succeed in achieving company goals.
Today s workforce is a changing workforce due to the economic stance on Australian citizens as well
as the window of opportunity is changing. Entering the workforce are no longer school leavers, the
middle aged and seniors but now we are seeing a trend of inclusion of working mothers, part time
parents, shared care arrangements, semi retirees and a push in paid / unpaid internships. Due to the
rising costs of literally everything in Australia, more and more Australians are being forced to return to
work and in doing so, having to work around other arrangements or commitments as well. ... Show
more content on ...
Benefits arising from embracing a changing workforce would develop a positive impact in turn
developing a changing work culture. Attributes of employees who feel supported by their employer
would be more than likely to deliver more than set KPIs of the business. In allowing flexible hours,
flexible work space and work place, employees attitude to work would change. The freedom for not
only the Businesses in Australia but the freedom of individuals to self develop, implement and self
manage therefore developing the individual in working in a myriad of environments, with a range of
stakeholders would expand the attributes of the individual leading to an increase in innovative ideas
and networking opportunities inside and outside the
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The Legacy Of Napoleon Bonaparte And The French Revolution
Napoleon Bonaparte was a military general and the an emperor of France who is now considered one
of the world s greatest and one of the world s most controversial military leaders. Napoleon
revolutionized military organization, sponsored the Napoleonic Code, and also reorganized education
and established the long lived Napoleon code with the papacy. ( , nov 27, 2016) Napoleon s
many reformations left a lasting mark on the institutions of France and of much of western Europe.
But his driving passion was the military expansion of French dominion, and though at his fall, he left
France only a little larger than it had been at the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789, he was
almost universally admired during his lifetime. ... Show more content on ...
(, dec 2016 ) In 1798, Napoleon decided on a policy to try and isolate Britain through
blockading and attacking its commercial interests. He started the Egyptian campaign in 1798, and won
the Battle of Shubra khit against the Mamelukes in Egypt. However, the British attacked and defeated
the French in the Battle of the Nile, ultimately hastening a retreat from Egypt.. Despite the hardship
faced in Egypt, Napoleon returned back home as a champion, and later elected as the French
Consulate. (, oct 2013 ) In 1803, to raise funds for war, France sold the North American
Louisiana Territory to the United States for $150 million U.S dollars, known as the Louisiana
Purchase. In 1805, The British registered an important naval victory against the combined navies of
France and Spain at the Battle of Trafalgar, which led Napoleon again to scrap plans to invade Britain.
Instead he looked upon Austria and Russia, and beat both militaries in the Battle of Austerlitz. Other
victories quickly cane as well, allowing Napoleon to expand the French empire and pave the way for
loyalists to his government to be settles in other countries and regions. In 1812, Napoleon invaded
Russia. The invasion of Russia turned out to be a failure and the beginning of the end for Napoleon.
Scores of soldiers in Napoleon s Grand Army were killed and even more died of disease and the
effects of the Russian winter during the long retreat
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How Organisms Evolved From a Common Ancestors
One of the most important principles of biology is the main idea of evolution. This theory states, that
all living organisms have evolved from a common ancestor through natural selection acting on
hereditary variation (Reece, 2011). Many people today, know humans have evolved from a common
ancestor; but they do not recognize the importance of it. Everyone should be educated about how
organisms evolved because humans have evolved throughout many centuries. Charles Darwin had
many theories that incorporated the main principle of biology, natural selection and evolution. Darwin
explained natural selection as an evolutionary change where organisms that become more adapted to
their environment will survive better than those who do not ... Show more content on
While Darwin was on his voyage, the Beagle, he noticed that different organisms and things vary in
characteristics and their adaptations to different environments.
While Darwin was studying natural selection, he noticed that different species would have to compete
for survival allowing some species to have different characteristics that help them survive and produce
more offspring. These offspring traits are passed down from their parents, and it will help them
become more successful in their need for survival (College, 2009). Darwin had to prove natural
selection existed and how traits are passed down to offspring. He did this by the process of Pangenesis
(College, 2009). Pangenesis is when each organ in the body has certain particles called gemmules. The
gemmules, contain information of how each organ works; they are eventually released to the
reproductive organs (College, 2009). They are passed down to the offspring from the reproductive
organs. Today, Darwin s theory is well supported because of DNA and fossil records. Charles Darwin
spend most of his life focused on the theory of natural selection and evolution. This theory states that
all living organisms evolved from a common ancestor (Reece, 2011). Many people know
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Aspects of Our Existence in The Canterbury Tales Essay
Aspects of Our Existence in The Canterbury Tales
Through out the history of our own existence men and women alike have pondered and questioned
whether there truly exists a force that controls all aspects of our existence. In order to answer these
questions men have gone on spiritual quest for not only knowledge of god, but to shed light on our
own lives. Men like Geoffrey Chaucer take us on a quest to dig deep within our souls to answer our
own question. In Chaucer s collection of tales entitled, The Canterbury Tales The tales deal with a
group of pilgrims of all social classes in search for forgiveness to the shrine of Thomas a Becket. The
pilgrims all seek knowledge they cannot have but still try and find that knowledge within each ...
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The millers Tale, is a tale of humor that involves four characters who all search for love in the wrong
placer and learn form their mistakes. The tale begins at the house of the carpenter John who is an aged
man. Who marries a young girl named Alison who is only eighteen years old. Chaucer intentionally
does this to show that the age difference is a power to be reckoned with. Chaucer himself describes the
contrast of age when he says, She was a girl of eighteen years of age. Jealous he was and kept her in a
cage, for he was old and she was wild an young; he thought himself quiet likely to be stung. Chaucer
perfectly describes the youth and its effect upon the character. The other character Nicholas the
Galland, is described by Chaucer as, This lad was know as Nicholas the Galland, and making love in
secret was his talent, for he was very close and sly, and took advantage of his meek and girlish look.
Chaucer her foreshadows the relation ship between the two young characters by describing their flaws
such as youth and beauty in Alison and Slyness in Nicholas. The other character Absolon is also a
young ambitious character who wants to get Alison at any cost an is described by Chaucer as, Absalon
was a
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Benedick Foil
Foils are common in any books, whether it s the antagonist bringing out the best in the antagonist or
the protagonist bringing out the worst in the antagonist. Foils are everywhere. In Much Ado About
Nothing written by William Shakespeare, almost all of the characters can foil each other in some way
or another. In the beginning, Claudio is falling for Hero on the day the meet. Hero is Leonato s
Daughter. The people throw a masquerade ball later that night where Claudio is deceived by Don John
that Don Pedro is wooing Hero for himself. Luckily for Claudio this rumor is false, and Claudio and
Hero were going to married in a week. Then Claudio is deceived once again by Don John that Hero is
cheating on him, on the night before the wedding. Then on the wedding day he publicly shames Hero.
In the end though, they realize the truth and end up getting married alongside Benedick and
Beatrice.In Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare, Claudio is a foil to Benedick because
of the way they love, their personalities all together, and the way ... Show more content on ...
While they do end up changing traits as more things happen to them , they foil each other anyways.
After Claudio shames Hero at his wedding he wanders off. Enter Benedick about to challenge him to a
duel. Claudio tells Benedick Draw pleasure to us. (Shakespeare,86). The foil here is Claudio being
particularly mopey after he just shamed his wife at his wedding. Benedick treats Beatrice with respect
and would presumably ask her about it before the wedding and rationalize what s going on. Earlier in
the book Benedick says, I noted her not, but I looked on her. (Shakespeare,6). While this may
contradict what I just said, this is toward the beginning of the book when he only loved himself. At the
same time during this quote Claudio is confessing his love for Hero. To Claudio that could be a little
insulting. Luckily towards the end of the book Benedick becomes a much better
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The Origin Of The Dominican Republic Essay
To understand the way race has been shaped in the Dominican Republic is to take an in depth look at
the contextual influences that help to mold its nation. Their history began to take shape when Spanish
ships of Columbus arrived in 1492. It was the third landfall met by Columbus which named La
Española, but, was known as the island of Hispaniola. Today it is known as the Dominican Republic.
Columbus s arrival launched the complicated story of race, colonization and globalization for the
people who would inherit the land over the next four hundred years. Within fifty years of Columbus
arrival, hundred, if not thousands of indigenous inhabitants had been killed through brutal forced
labor, new diseases introduced from European and suicide (Guest).
The Spanish began to import African slaves in 1520. This make Hispaniola the first colony anywhere
in the region to import slaves to work the sugar plantations. It was for this reason, Torres Saillant
formulated the perception that the Dominican Republic is cradle of blackness in the Americas. As is
well known in modern times Hispaniola id divided; the France took and governed Haiti the western
third of the island, until they were overthrown by slave rebellion in the Haitian Revolution. The
eastern two third was governed by the Spanish, until Dominican nationalist declared independence
from Spain in 1821. Though Dominicans would revere their Spanish decent they are anti imperialistic.
Hispaniola has been a racially troubled
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Bartolome Esteban Murillo St. Francis At Prayer Analysis
Bartolome Esteban Murillo, St. Francis of Assisi at Prayer (1645 1650)
In the painting St. Francis is barefoot purposefully in accordance with his chosen lifestyle. Francis
choice the live in poverty originates from a sermon he heard in 1209 on Mathew 10:9, which states,
Do not take gold or silver or copper for your belts, (New American Bible). Verses 5 15 of Mathew is
the commissioning of the twelve disciples in which Jesus tells them to go, without money or shoes, to
preach about His coming (Catholic Encyclopedia). This inspired Francis to preach the gospel, which
was abnormal because he was not an ordained priest. Regardless, within a year he had eleven
followers or friars that chose to live simply with him. In 1209 he also wrote the Regula primitiva
which means ... Show more content on ...
For neither does circumcision mean anything, nor does uncircumcision, but only a new creation. Peace
and mercy be to all who follow the rule and to the Israel of God. From now on, let no one make
troubles for me; for I bear the marks of Jesus on my body. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
your spirit, brothers and sisters. Amen, (New American Bible). St. Paul indicates the Gospel or Good
News is not just for Jews, but for all people. He then says that he belongs to Christ through the marks
of Jesus on my body in which he refers to physical wounds received from his persecution. This relates
to St Francis of Assisi at Prayer in that Francis is painted with a tear in his robe in which the viewer
can see a wound upon his chest. The knots in the rope around his waist are important as well in that it
represents the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. The skull next to the cross is also of
consequence in that it is a symbol associated with St. Francis and serves to remind of the mortality of
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The Life And Stylings Of Johnny Cash
The Life And Stylings of Johnny Cash
By Cole Halter
9 March 2016
Mrs. Poole
English 11
Dear reader,
Mrs. Poole
English 11
9 March 2016
Johnny Cash: The Research Paper!
First off let me start off by saying Johnny Cash is one of the biggest legends ever. His music has
spanned Decades and has inspired many artist all over the country, and let s be honest, not many
artists can reach these standards. He has made a huge impact on Country, Rock and Roll, blues, and
many more genres of music. But he has also influenced the American culture through the use of his
own works, thus creating both a mixture of controversy and envy in his vast amounts of those who
have heard the tunes that belong to Cash. You may ... Show more content on ...
Despite Cash s heavy Drinking and devastating addiction to amphetamines, this frantic lapse of
behavior led to some of his best hits including many singles and various hits. Cash the Self
proclaimed, Man in black Stood for something, he stood for the less fortunate. Something he took
pride in, something that could be applied to the public s understanding of his Iconic status in America
and just another great reason as to why Cash achieves legendary.
Cash s final years really shined for him. Through the last breath of his creative works he was able to
release an amazing work of art, the album, American Recordings , produced by the also Iconic Rick
Rubin who has worked with various artists including Tom Petty, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, etc. With the
final years he was able to produce such records as Hurt a cover of the Nine Inch Nails hit single, Lead
singer Trent Rayznor stated that after cash had covered the initial hit it really wasn t even his song
anymore. Sadly, shortly after his final works were released Cash passed away at the age of 73 on
September 9th, 2003. Cash displayed a great amount of genius in his final years that really show why
he is still remembered today.
However with the passing of Johnny Cash, A legacy shadowed what was an amazing life of an
american icon. His rebellious image has cast an influence for many artist and has even been payed
tribute by many artist as well. Many things have happened since his death relating to him. One
... Get more on ...
The Wife Of Bath s Tale Essay
The Wife of Bath s tale is a tale about a knight who rapes a woman and has to be punished by the
queen instead of the king. Instead of the queen killing him or jailing him she gives him a chance to go
find out what do women desire the most. So he embarks on his journey and never finds the answer,
until he runs into an old, ugly woman. She gives him the answer, only after he pledges his troth to her.
So, when he tells the queen that most women desire sovereignty and control over their husbands and
relationships he is set free and has to marry the old lady. He is distraught later that night so, the ugly
woman gives him an ultimatum. She could remain ugly and be faithful to the knight, or she could be
pretty and unfaithful. After being torn, he lets her decide, and she decides to be both pretty and
faithful. After that, they live happily ever ... Show more content on ...
The Wife of Bath, who was married five times, married all of her husbands for money. The last
husband, Jenkin, was the one she truly loved, but told him about a dream that never happened. She
told him that she dreamt of blood filling her bed, but the blood represented gold. This was a lie. She
also told him that she was enchanted with him, and even though she was, it was for the wrong reason
at that moment. In the Wife of Bath s tale, the old wife tricks the knight into marrying her by making
him pledge troth to her, and does not mention marriage. Also, both women gain control of the
marriages. The Wife of Bath is hit by her husband after she hits him, but after they reconciled she gets
control over the marriage after she cries, and he gives her his estate and riches. The old wife gains
control when she asks him what he wants. When he tells her to decide she gains control of the
relationship when she chooses both beauty and fidelity. By them tricking their men and gaining
control of the relationship, they seem to be
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. How To Write A Medical Paper For Publication - Ou 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write A Medical Paper For Publication - Ou How To Write A Medical Paper For Publication - Ou
  • 2. Essay The Thought Process of Shakespeare s Hamlet The Thought Process of Shakespeare s Hamlet If Hamlet from himself be ta en away, And when he s not himself does wrong Laertes, Then Hamlet does it not, Hamlet denies it. Who does it then? His madness. If t be so, Hamlet is of the faction that is wrong d; His madness is poor Hamlet s enemy. (V.ii.230 235) Hamlet s self description in his apology to Laertes, delivered in the appropriately distanced and divided third person, explicitly fingers the greatest antagonist of the play‹consciousness. The obligatory cultural baggage that comes along with Hamlet heeds little attention to the incestuous Claudius while focusing entirely on the gloomy Dane s legendary melancholia and his resulting revenge delays. As Laurence ... Show more content on ... The chief definition of thought revolves around the basic concept of the mental process: The action or process of thinking; mental action or activity in general, esp. that of the intellect; exercise of the mental faculty; formation and arrangement of ideas in the mind (OED, 1a). A further subset of definitions can be catalogued into a Manichean vision of positives and negatives and which equally apply to Hamlet s central consideration of consciousness as a blessing or a curse. There is a stress on thought s potentiality which fits with Hamlet s obsession with the infinitude of man: Conception, imagination, fancy (OED, 4c). But following this comes the negative view of thought as quasi action, a direct link to Hamlet s stall tactics: The entertaining of some project in the mind; the idea or notion of doing something, as contemplated or entertained in the mind; hence, intention, purpose, design; esp. an imperfect or half formed intention; with negative expressed or implied = not the least intention or notion of doing something (OED, 4d). Similarly, the past neutral sense of Remembrance, Œmind (OED, 5e) is countered by the negative anticipatory connotation of: Anxiety or distress of mind; solicitude; grief, sorrow, trouble, care, vexation (OED, 5a). This current of duality is important to keep in mind as we explore its ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Case Study Of South Africa 2. CHAPTER THREE: EXTENDED CASE STUDIES: SOUTH AFRICA, NIGERIAAND KENYA 2.1. South Africa The following case study examines South Africa s Debts, its legality and development, and consequently the repercussions. 2.1.1. Facts and figures South Africa external debt as at the time of independence was $21.671 billion and according to WB, this amount was largely the debt incurred by the apartheid regime. The interest rate that is charged was about 15.6%, making the loan swell at a very fast rate . As of 2000, the country s external debt had reached $25.435 billion that unfortunately was largely because of the huge apartheid debt that was forced on the newly independent state. In 2010 and 2013, the debt amounted to $107.131 billion and $139,845 billion respectively . ... Show more content on ... He went ahead, used the term immoral debt , and is quoted to say, Must we starve our children to pay our debts 2.1.2. Recognition of South Africa as a Special Case In some nations, such as Nigeria, odious debts have been partly caused by the African leaders and public servants who embezzle borrowed funds and huge overspending budgets. But this is not the case for the apartheid debt; it is unique in the sense that the monies were used to subjugate the people who are expected to pay the debt . Another reason why the South Africa odious debt is of importance is the fact that the apartheid regime did not affect South Africa only, the other neighboring nations in the south incurred huge debt burden because of the regime . 2.1.3. The Creditors Apartheid main creditor, supporters and beneficiaries were the US, Switzerland, Germany and UK who accounted for about 90% of the long term loans. Apartheid debts, in the narrow sense, are those debts that the newly elected democratic government inherited from the former apartheid regime in South ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Juvenile And Juvenile Justice System The juvenile justice system and criminal justice system also known as the adult justice system is two different systems. The juvenile justice system is children who are under the age of 18 years old. After the age of 18, it is considered to be an adult it will enter through the adult justice system. There ate states that allows youth to stay in the juvenile justice system from age 18 until 21. The main differences between the juvenile justice system and criminal justice system is rehabilitation and parole. The juvenile justice system main focus is rehabilitation than adult justice system. The juvenile court judges look for the best option that will protect the community and treatment that youth needs. The juvenile court hearings are ... Show more content on ... The parole consist of monitoring the children s behavior and actions he or she does. Another hand, when a adult is being monitor is to focus on they behavior so it will not lead to re incarceration. The main focus for adult criminals is to not re offend again during the present or future. There is more chance that adults will re offend again after they are released from prison. My opinion, adults who have been charged for sexual harassment are more likely to re offend because of the desire of pressure, mental ill, and power. There are differences between the juvenile and adult justice system that have to do in the criminal justice. One differences is that juveniles are prosecute to delinquent acts, but it can be tried to the adult system. The second differences is juveniles does not have the right to a public trial by jury. If juvenile is charged for a crime he or she committed the case involves a judge hearing evidence and ruling whether is a big issue or small. The third differences is the adult justice system focus more on punishing and for juvenile justice system is to rehabilitate. the fourth differences is adults are found guilty of a crime they committed and court try to find the best punishment, but the court tries to impose a penalty so the individual to re offend in the future. Some similarities between the juvenile and adult justice system that has in common between the two systems. The first ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Metropolis Movie Essay Joseph Spencer is the observer of the movie. Metropolis is directed by Fritz Lang; Metropolis mostly fits under the science fiction and drama genres. Metropolis was released in 1927 (IMDb). Metropolis reveals to the observer that features a dystopian and contradictory world. The script is based on a novel by Thea Von Harbou, and the screenplay was written by her as well. (IMDb). Metropolis is controlled by Joh Fredersen acted by Alfred Abel (IMDb), a capitalist whose son, Freder played by Gustav Fröhlich (IMDb), takes an idyllic life, enjoying the wonderful gardens. One day Freder meets Maria played by Brigitte Helm (IMDb), the spiritual leader of the workers, who take care of the children of slaves. Freder talks to his father, Fredersen ... Show more content on ... Maria, a woman in the lower town, tries to promote the understanding between classes and takes the children of workers to visit the high city. Maria and the children are quickly taken away. Although Maria and the children were removed from the universe of the rich, Freder falls in love with her and submerge to the city of workers. Freder is in the machine rooms and watches with shock when one the machines explode, causing several injuries and deaths. After one of its operators falls from exhaustion, Freder runs to tell his father. The pace imposed by machines being too high, a violent explosion occurred on the M machine, killing dozens of workers. In the smoke, Freder sees the machine turning into Moloch, a monstrous God to which unfortunate workers are sacrificed. (Metropolis) The future is distant and the world is under the command of the powerful, who have isolated the poorest underground as if they were their slaves, to work for them. Grot played by Heinrich George (IMDb), one of the foremen, arrives shortly after to provide maps that have been found with the dead workers. The group is being deterred by law enforcement, but Fredersen, Freder went to his father, Fredersen, to make him aware of the extremely difficult conditions in which workers work and asked him to improve this. Seeing that Fredersen cannot convince Freder of the benefits of this society, Fredersen has him followed by a spy. Freder returned to the lower town where seeing a worker on the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Slavery and the Life of Harriet Jacobs Essays Slavery and the Life of Harriet Jacobs It is well known that slavery was a horrible event in the history of the United States. However, what isn t as well known is the actual severity of slavery. The experiences of slave women presented by Angela Davis and the theories of black women presented by Patricia Hill Collins are evident in the life of Harriet Jacobs and show the severity of slavery for black women. The history of slave women offered by Davis suggests that compulsory labor overshadowed every other aspect of women s existence (Davis 5). This is quite apparent through examination of the life of Harriet Jacobs. All slaves were forced to do hard labor and were subject to cruel remarks by whites, in this sense they were ... Show more content on ... The life of slave women as breeders was real and very cruel. The life of slave women as breeders shows the severity of life for slave women and just one obstacle that made slave life more difficult for black women as opposed to black men. Collins points out that the relative security that often accompanied motherhood served to reinforce its importance (Collins 51). This can also be seen in the life of Harriet Jacobs. The treatment she received was relentless, unavoidable and in most cases unpredictable. She had to sleep in fear of what her jealous mistress would do the next day and what her abusive master had planned for the day to come. Harriet Jacobs did not feel safe with her master and avoided all sexual encounters with him. Then, her master was going to have a house built for her to serve as a sexual haven for them. Harriet Jacobs vowed before [her] Maker that [she] would never enter [the house] (Jacobs 53) and [she] would do anything, everything, for the sake of defeating [her master] (Jacobs 53) in his attempts to use her sexually. Then, Harriet Jacobs becomes desperate to escape her master and chooses to have a child with a white man, Mr. Sands, for the same security that Collins says : accompanied motherhood [and] served to reinforce its importance (Collins 51). She did like Mr. Sands but admits that sexual relations with him would be inspired by revenge, calculations of interest... and sincere gratitude for ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Great Awakening And Second Great Awakening Many colonists came to America in order to escape the constraints of the Church of England, but continued to establish colonies that were built on Biblical principles. Due in part to the strictness and intolerance of the Puritan religion and differing beliefs among other religions, church membership began to dwindle and many people in later generations were either excluded from or decided against, joining the church. The Great Awakening and Second Great Awakening, as described by Butler, Wacker, and Stout (2003), were religious movements that emphasized Biblical teachings and the importance of a life changing experience through belief in Jesus Christ as well as the importance of spreading that message to others. Through large camp meetings like the Cane Ridge Revival, charismatic preachers brought the good news of salvation through Christ to a multitude of people, many of whom were disillusioned with the social and political climate of the times. This message of hope and morality is needed even more so today, in a world filled with hopelessness, crime, hate and drugs. Of course caution has to be taken to ensure that the emotionalism of present day religion is based on the model of Jesus, who taught sinners in a spirit of love, and not in the method of the religious leaders of Biblical times, who were self righteous and condemning. Revivals in America, known as the Great Awakening and Second Great Awakening, began with George Whitefield in the 1730 s and continued on and ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Comparing Transformers And Alice Through The Looking Glass Transformers and Alice Through The Looking Glass are two different and similar types of actions. There are many different and similar details in Alice Through The Looking Glass and Transformers. One of the similarities and differences between those two movies is characters. Another difference and similarity between them is their problem. The final difference and similarity between them is their different types of adventure . These are the many differences and similarities between Transformers and Alice Through The Looking Glass. There are many main characters in the movies Transformers and Alice Through The Looking Glass. The main characters of Transformers are Sam, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Megatron, Starscream, IronHide, Barricade, ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Links Between Organisational Objectives And Personal... Personal development objectives are affected by organisations goals, as companies will want to steer their employees in a direction that should meet their corporate strategy and link into the mission statement. However, personal objectives and organisational objectives should tie in together and have a common goal, which should meet the needs of both participants (Dransfield, 2000). Although organisational objectives can hold a negative attribute to employee s personal development, if the company invests time into employees PDP and employees can see that there is a plan in place for job promotion, then they re more likely to keep their staff (Cotton, 2011). A future plan will add value to the business as it will improve employee s skills and personal development strengths which will give a positive effect on the company performance. A.C.1.1 Identify the links between organisational objectives and personal development objectives Employees should make their goals aligned within the organisation strategy Achieve a common goal within a given time frame Work within employee strengths Acknowledge weakness of individuals Provide support for individuals taking on intense/ lengthy assignments Every individual should know their role within the business and how it is tied to the company performance My personal objective Is to develop my knowledge on sustainable/environmental factors that affect my role. Example Tarmac mission is to be the UK s ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Five most Important Events in U.S History Five Most Important Events in U.S. History To me, the most important events that left their mark on America were; Osama Bin Laden s death, the American Revolution, September 11, 2001, Apollo 11, and Lincoln s assassination. I am going to be arguing the reason why I believe all of these events to be the most significant, and important in the United States. Osama Bin Laden Hitler and Laden were good friends throughout all of these attacks and damage caused. Laden had plenty of supporters, but still nobody could take all of his serious, awful acts, seriously. People say and have said that because of his death, we are now free at last. Bin Laden was such a terrible person because of all of the attacks, deaths, and damage he caused. Laden would go out of his way to get at the Americans by hijacking planes, destroying major land marks, and killing lots of people. Americans now feel safe because of his death. The American Revolution The establishment of America was because of this event. George Washington was the leader of the continental army. During this the Americans faced very hard obstacles. A majority of Americans had opposed to war in the early 1775 year. Only about a third of Americans supported this war. This meant independence. U. S. History all started with this. The surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown is what marked the end of the War. It was the last war of the American Revolution. These battles were all very stunning, intense, unexpected events ... Get more on ...
  • 11. New Year s Eve Dialectical Journal Journal 4 The celebration of New Year s Eve was supposed to be an exciting one. Everyone was lighting up fireworks, having fun until the real show begun. The fireworks became the ammunition of the battle between the masters of the neighborhood. The usually kind and nice boys turned violent and obscene. They were cheerful, aggressive dark figures (lines 16 and 17). It s ironic how the festivities of New Year s Eve are in theory, happy and joyous, but ends up terrifying some of the characters and triggering Lila s dissolving of margins. Lila begun to feel horror (line 30), and a sense of repulsion took over her (line 35). She began to see breaking down of innocence. Furthermore, Rino, the person Lila loves the most, also began to repulse ... Get more on ...
  • 12. What Motivates Society Many things motivate the main character Equality. Thinking of this, some may wonder what is his primary motivation. His primary motivation is to prove everyone and everything he has ever known to be wrong. He was always told to be exactly the same as everyone else, but he wanted to be different. Equality knew his invention could benefit mankind and that s why defied all odds and proves everyone wrong. This motivates him because he s always been told he wasn t able to be smarter or stronger but to be equal to all of his brothers. He was always told he couldn t be anything more than an average human being, in his period of time. This is exactly what motivates him, he was told he could have no affection to another person, no enhancements from the average person. But he knew the invention he made could help his people, but nobody cared or didn t know because he wanted to show everyone a street cleaner could have a purpose too. Though the council rigged the system and made Equality a street sweeper because they were afraid of his enchantment over the people in the society ... Show more content on ... Equality is smarter than the average human in his society, so he is to going to think differently. Proving everyone wrong is his primary motivation because he knew he knew the difference between wrong and right, and he knew he wasn t supposed to be a street sweeper. He wanted to prove that anyone can do anything they want even if their a street cleaner. In this book, Anthem, Equality makes a friend and tells him about what he had been working on, his friend wants nothing to do with it because he doesn t want to be in trouble. Equality used this as motivation to finish his device too, to make people regret not helping him and to prove them wrong about ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Genetic Screening Persuasive Essay Prevention is the greatest protection A few years ago, my neighbor got married and was ready to have a baby. Unfortunately, he and his wife s pre pregnancy check showed that they had a thalassemia gene, and if they gave birth to a child, the child was likely to die because of severe thalassemia. Although they want to have a child belonging to themselves, they finally chose to adopt a child. Thalassemia is a common genetic disease in my province, the local government calls on all couples to accept genetic screening before pregnancy to avoid newborns with severe thalassemia and avoid the original burden on the whole society and individuals families. Genetic screening is a major advance in human medical technology, which enables humans to improve their genes in this species. Hence, genetic screening should become a mandatory item for prenatal inspection. ... Show more content on ... The opponents of genetic screening claim that genetic screening brings negative effect to the individual. For instance, Kelly Nicole and her teammates who focus on medical field point out, A report showed that over 19 million people had their medical information breached since 2009. Fear of discrimination and lack of confidentiality is especially a concern when one considers the inconsistent regulations of dried blood spots storage and use (236). The data from Kelly shows that genetic screening may leak personal information, increasing the personal social pressure. Although the information preservation system of genetic screening is not perfect. The benefit of genetic screening to the society is huge greater than the harmful ... Get more on ...
  • 14. How Cloud And Its Effects On The Future Model Abstract: Introduction: Distributed Computing has developed as an issue prevailing ideal model, generally embraced by ventures. Mists give on demand access to processing utilities, a deliberation of boundless registering assets, what s more backing for on interest scale up, scale down, what s more scale out. Cloud administrations are additionally quickly joining different foundations (for instance, matrices, groups, what s more elite registering) as reasonable stages for investigative investigation and revelation, and in addition instruction. In this way, its discriminating to get it application definitions and use modes that are serious in such a mixture framework, alongside basic applied and innovative difficulties and ways that ... Show more content on ... As an issue for the Internet, the cloud is a recognizable prosaism, yet when joined with figuring, the importance gets greater and fuzzier. A few investigators and sellers characterize distributed computing barely as a redesigned adaptation of utility processing: fundamentally virtual servers accessible over the Internet. Others go extremely wide, contending anything you expend outside the firewall is in the cloud, including ordinary outsourcing. Cloud figuring comes into concentrate just when you ponder what IT generally needs: an approach to build limit or include capacities the fly without putting resources into new base, preparing new work force, or permitting new programming. Distributed computing envelops any membership based or pay for every utilization benefit that, continuously over the Internet, develops IT s current capacities. Distributed computing is at an early stage, with a diverse group of suppliers expansive and little conveying a large number of cloud based administrations, from all out applications to capacity administrations to spam separating. Yes, utility style base suppliers are a piece of the mix, yet so are Saas (programming as an issue) suppliers, for example, Today, generally, IT must attachment into cloud based administrations independently, however distributed computing aggregators and integrators are now developing. Infoworld conversed with many sellers, investigators, and IT clients to tease out the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Interpretation Of Love In Songs Of Solomon By William... Introduction Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all: What hast thou then more than thou hadst before? No love, my love, that thou mayst true love call All mine was thine before thou hadst this more. The preceding poem, written by William Shakespeare, tells of a lover wanting to give all their love to their lover. Similarly, the writer of Songs of Solomon tells of giving all the love to their lover. Through this writing, different aspects of the Songs will be addressed, along with the defense of the various forms of the Songs. Finality will show how the Songs fit with the church of today. Song of Solomon Brief list of the different ways the Song is Interpreted Kathryn Harding, Biblical Interpretation, I sought him but I did not find him : The Elusive Lover in the Song of Songs, sources several scholars regarding the Songs of Solomon. These sources give an insight into their interpretation of the Songs. One source focuses on the male lead of the Song and the aspect of power from Cheryl Exum who discussed, the male protagonist s concerns about the power dynamics between himself and his lover in the Song; in her totality he finds her overwhelming, even intimidating, and so he fragments her, considers her little by little, piece by piece, in his waṣfs. Subsequently, another source emphasizes how can one have sexual intimacy if they are apart from one another. This is referenced from the writing by Edward Burne Jones who states: After all, like ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Mice In Attic Research Paper Finding mice in attic is a headache no homeowner wants to deal with. Not only are they a nuisance, but your home will need a thorough cleaning to get your attic back in shape. Mice in attic are dirty and potentially dangerous, with true pest behaviour that requires tried and true methods to get them out for good. They ll quickly lower your house value. Here s how. Contamination Fur, urine, droppings, and saliva are all different ways mice in attic contaminate homes. Mice spread diseases like hantavirus, salmonella, and listeria. Food prep surfaces, such as counters, could now host diseases. As these pesky critters dirty more food than they eat, you ll find nibbled cardboard boxes, loose papers, and other material quickly contaminated. Other fun sights accompanying chewed material are droppings on pantry ... Show more content on ... New homeowners don t want to live in a place ruined by rodents. A mouse s oily fur is filled with bacteria and diseases, where brushing up along walls and corners leaves behind germs and residue. This means spending extra money sanitizing the home and ridding it of mice presence. Destruction The destruction mice in attic cause in the home isn t only expensive to fix, it s a safety hazard. Mice are unstoppable. They ll chew through rigid foam and fiberglass insulation, and they ll gnaw at wood in the home, from furniture and trim to cabinets and door structure. Bare wires resulting from constant nibbling by mice who have gained access to the home s wiring system can lead to house fires. When it comes time to sell, this kind of damage is often a big deal breaker for potential buyers. An unsafe and unstable home does nothing to increase its value. When new buyers realize the extent of pest damage in the home, they ll often ask for significant reductions in asking price due to problems they ll have to fix. Thousands of dollars in repairs is a problem nobody ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Advantages And Disadvantages Of E Governance Best Practices of E Governance in India: Opportunities and Limitations Abstract E governance or electronic governance is about the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by government at all level to provide services to the public, communication and information exchange between all the organisation/agencies of government. It s become an important part of government system to achieve the economic and the quality of life. Major goals of e governance are to provide better service delivery to the citizens, transparency and accountability, improved efficiency within government, empowering the peoples through information, saving time through the provision of a single window. The main focus to improve public services in an efficient ... Show more content on ... It helps in improving the quality of services. It gives citizens the choice of when to interact with the government (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week), from where to interact with the government (service centre) and how to interact with the government (internet, fax, e mail, telephone). The primary work of the G2C is make government and citizens friendly to each other. 2. G2B (Government to Business): In G2B, various e governance tools are used to help the business community which aims to provides goods and services and to internet with the internet. The main purpose is to cut red tape, save time, reduce cost end to create more clear business environment when dealing with the government. The initiatives of the G2B can be exchange such as licensing, permits, but Goods and revenue collection. They can be promotional and facilitative such as trade, tourism and investment. These measures are taken to provide pleasant environment to businesses to promote them to perform more effectively. 3. G2G (Government to ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Shouldice Hospital OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT CASE 1 – Shouldice Hospital Introduction Shouldice Hospital, set up in 1945 by Dr. Earl Shouldice, is located near Toronto. It follows the business model of focus on a single standardised service for a narrow target of consumers, rather than to provide customised solution (as in a general clinic or hospital). It focuses on providing quick, convenient, and reliable cure for external types of abdominal hernias. The Hospital uses its own technique, called the Shouldice Method. It is famous for a relatively short post operative recovery period. Description 1. Shouldice Hospital provides low cost medical service in its area of specialization. Use of the Shouldice Method allows patients to recuperate fast ... Show more content on ... Free Service to clergy and family members 13. Out of town patients were diagnosed online using the medical information questionnaire, saving $200 $400 14. Recovery time for patients is 1 4 weeks, as compared to 2 8 weeks in other hospitals Process Flow Diagram Process Analysis using Cost and Capacity A: Cost Analysis Budget for the Hospital: $ 2.8 million Budget for the clinic: $2 million Therefore, Total Budget = Budget for the Hospital+ Budget for the clinic = $2.8 million + $2 million = $ 4.8 million Number of operations per year = 6850 (considering the same as for the year, 1982) Therefore average cost per operation = $4.8 million/6850 = $701 Total charge to the patient = Hospital stay + Surgical fee + Assistant surgeon fee + Anesthetic fee = 111*4 + 450 + 60 +75 = $1029 Net profit per patient = $(1029 701) = $328 B: Capacity Analysis The critical resources in this case are: • Number of operation theatres • Number of hospital beds
  • 19. • Number of staff (including surgeons, assistant surgeons and nurses) These resources are tabulated as under: Resource name Availability Max. capacity per week Operation Theatre 5 185 Number of beds 117 152 Number of surgeons 12 357 For details of calculation of the maximum capacity, please refer to points 1, 2 and 3 below. 1. Average number of operations per day = 27(See Appendix A above) Number of critical operations performed = 18% of total ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Examples Of Gods And Myths Of Northern Europe Gods and Myths of Northern Europe , by Hilda R.E. Davidson. Gods and Myths of Northern Europe tries to explain the richness of the myths from Northern Europe. It tries to show us how their gods and goddesses, the Norsemen, and the Germanic people before them, were related. I don t share all of her conclusions, but I think that this book is an interesting and valuable read to everyone interested in learning about this wonderful world and their people. I think that the best way to learn about the ones that were living in that times is to know their myths and their relationship to their gods and goddesses. Reading this could help you understand how they saw their world and their lives, and the most important thing, how they really live back ... Show more content on ... She makes a brief account about what is said in the myths and what physical evidences (like names of places, offerings and other stuff) we have to know Bragi, his wife Idunn, Mimir, Hoenir, The Twin Gods called The Alcis, Forseti, Heimdallr, Loki and Balder and his wife Nanna. For some of them, we have very little evidence but the name and some kind of attributions; some of them seem some kind of borrow from neighbour people, or some posterior invention. By the way, the author tells us that any of those theories can t be completely proved in any way. In the eight chapter, The Beginning and the End , we find a presentation of the myths related with the creation and the destruction of the worlds, and a little study about the World Tree and its importance in the myths. Hilda Davidson tells us about different traditions realted with a World Tree in other European and Asiatic places, all of them really similar, showing the vast recognition of a tree as the center of the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Andrew Jackson Bibliography Internet Bibliography I chose Andrew Jackson as my topic for my internet bibliography. I chose this topic because I ve heard some intriguing facts about Andrew Jackson before, and I wanted to learn the details of them. Also, I wanted to learn more about our 7th President. I ve always heard that he was an avid duelist, and that Andrew Jackson used his own cane to beat a man, who tried to assassinate him. I wanted to know the details about both of these events, so I decided to dig deeper into Andrew Jackson s life. My first site that I used for my internet bibliography was on the external links. I decided to use the The Hermitage: Andrew Jackson link as my starting point. The layout and organization of this site was phenomenal. ... Show more content on ... After some slight scrolling, I came across the headline Andrew Jackson: A lunatic that became President. Without any delay, I clicked on the link to the site and was brought to a green webpage. At my first glance, I noticed the site had a cluttered feeling to me. The ads on the top of the page and along the right side were annoying at times, when scrolling on the site. I did find the photo shopped bottles of Jack Daniels, that were in Jackson s hands in each photo hysterical. I found myself unable to keep a straight face as I read the author s spin on Andrew Jackson s life. Some of the information was facts I ve read other places, but other information was hard to separate between fact and fiction. Hands down, my favorite part had to be when the author gave his take on John C. Calhoun. I belly laughed for a good ten minutes. I m ecstatic that I came across this website, but I wouldn t say this is the best site from which to retrieve information. Although, it was well worth the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Computer Communication Section 1 Introduction 1.1 COMMUNICATIONS Computer communications is the process of sharing data, programs, and information between two or more computers. We have discussed numerous applications that depend on communication systems, including: E mail Provides a fast, efficient alternative to traditional mail by sending and receiving electronic documents. Instant messaging Supports direct, live electronic communication between two or more friends or buddies. Internet telephone provides a very low cost alternative to long distance telephone calls using electronic voice delivery. Electronic commerce buying and selling goods electronically In this chapter, we will focus on the communication systems ... Show more content on ... LANs are widely used by colleges, universities and other types of organizations to link microcomputers and to share printers and other resources. The LAN represented is a typical arrangement and provides two benefits are Economy and flexibility. People can share costly equipment. For instance, the four micro computers share the laser printer and the file server, which are expensive pieces of hardware, Other equipment or nods may also be added to the LAN for instance, more microcomputers a mainframe computer or optical disk storage devices. Additional t he network gateway is a device that allows one LAN to be linked to other LANs or to a larger network. For example, the LAN of one office group may be connected to the LAN of another office group. There are a variety of different standards or ways in which nodes can be connected to one another and ways in which their communications are controlled in a LAN. The most common standard is known as Ethernet. LANs using this standard are sometimes referred to as Ethernet LANs HOME NETWORKS While LANs have been widely used within organizations for years, they are now being commonly used by individuals in their homes and apartments. These LANs called home networks allow different computers to share resources including a common Internet connection. Computers can be connected in a variety of ways including electrical wiring, telephone wiring and special cables. One of the simplest ways however is ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Pro Abortion Research Paper Topic: Pro Abortion Names of All Coalition Members: LaCresha Blair, Jessica Bradford, Garrett Thompson, , , Kaitlin Piekarsky, Richard White, Patrick Cronin, Abigail Zenman and Loryn Ensminger, Autumn Minter Coalition Policy White Paper GOVT 2306, Fall 2015 I. Introduction: Abortion the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Abortion is still legal in the United States because there are huge discrepancies on what constitutes human life, although in Texas Anti choice politicians are trying to outlaw abortion at 20 weeks or earlier, making it more and more difficult for women seeking abortion to find a safe clinic. This is interesting because the Roe v. Wade case of 1973 ... Show more content on ... ( Texas Abortion Laws and How They Compare Nationally ) While it is very important to have safety measures and precautions in place, some of those requirements as stated in the HB2 are unnecessary and could cause desperate women to turn to more dangerous methods to abort their child. ( 5 Ugly Facts About the New Texas Abortion Bill ) One such policy is abortion clinics must be located within 30 miles of a hospital, which can cause clinics that may have been conveniently located or most easily accessible to be more difficult to access for those who live in less urban areas. ( 5 Ugly Facts About the New Texas Abortion Bill ) Furthermore, the process has now been made lengthier, taking three days which, coupled with a greater travel distance creates a long, inconvenient, and costly procedure which is why there is a greater chance of women attempting abortion themselves through harmful methods that may end up harming the baby without successfully terminating the pregnancy. ( 5 Ugly Facts About the New Texas Abortion Bill ) The shorter window of opportunity, from the previous 24 week limit to the now 20 week limit can also prevent the early termination of an unhealthy or abnormal fetus due to the fact that many of the tests run to check the health of the baby are ... Get more on ...
  • 24. More Than Just A Game More Than Just A Game The atmosphere warming up was silent, you could hear a pin drop. The field was a perfect shade of green with a hint of dew on the tips of each piece of grass. Yesterday, my team AC Sandhills was defeated 7 0 in our first game of the 2012 Mother s Day Tournament. There was no energy in anyone at the moment, including myself. We thought the next game would just be like the first, another blowout. We thought we were done in this tournament, but little did I know this would be the game where everything would change. My coach JR noticed that we were not ourselves in our warmup. So right before kickoff he gave us a speech about how to bounce back after a horrendous defeat. When I was in college, we lost our first game of the season off of an own goal 1 0. You know what happened in the next game? We won, 4 0. Do you know how we won? Because we moved on. We focused on what we had to do in the next game and we forgot about the last one. That s what I want you guys to do. His motivational words filled me and the rest of my team with a hunger for victory. We walked out onto the field with a ton of energy but right as the whistle blew you could tell we were not playing at all as a team. We were getting dominated all over the field. Pass after pass from the other team, touching the ball was a gift for our team. Then, about 10 minutes into the game, a player on the opposing team received a pass and dribbled through our defense like it was non existent. He weaved ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Medical Health Promotion And Disease Prevention Plan NUR 609 : Application of Theory Guidelines Yi Duan Low SUNY Upstate Medical University NURS 609 Family Psychiatric and Mental health Theory Professor: Prof. Patricia Powers Introduction The nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan, Healthy People 2020, recognizes that mental health promotion and mental health reduction as one of the most significant health objectives. Statistic indicated that mental health disorders are the leading cause of disability in United States and Canada, while suicide is the 11th leading cause of death that killed approximately 30,000 American each year ( Mental Health and Mental Disorders , n.d.). The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has commended series of guideline once patients are identified with mental health disorder. According to the flow chart, the treatment plan for major depressive disorder include provide pharmacological consult, address psychosocial problems, and afford psychotherapy interventions. Psychotherapy is one of the major components in mental health treatment. It is noted as talk therapy that consists of counseling, interpersonal persuasion, psychosocial education, and personal coaching (Prochaska Norcross, 2010). Psychotherapy also carries the objectives of helping people to make therapeutic change and also to reach mutually agreed upon goal at the same time. Part 1 2: Psychotherapy Theories Theory provides a structured framework, filters relevant data, and assists clinician ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Iran Nuclear Deal Pros And Cons I am writing to you in reference to the current national debate regarding the safety of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Since the conclusion of World War II, a primary goal of US foreign policy has been nuclear deterrence. However, the inevitability of technological advancement, has resulted in the production and perfection of a powerful nuclear armament by nine different nations. The US and our allies, have worked tirelessly to prevent the continued proliferation of nuclear weapons primarily attempting to prevent countries such as Iran from procuring this technology. Under the Obama administration, the US engaged in extensive negotiations, which culminated with the ratification of the Iran Nuclear Deal in the summer of 2015. In short, this Deal lifts ... Show more content on ... At this point, the US had few options in which to prevent the continued advancement of the Iranian nuclear program. However, the deal reached by the Obama administration, whose support extends to the world s leading powers, significantly extends the time Iran would need to develop a nuclear weapon and ensures that we have ample time to counteract any attempt at restarting the Nuclear program. In addition, the US has made it clear that if Iran does violate the terms of the deal, sanctions will be reimposed and more aggressive options could be taken. This deal is far from perfect and there are legitimate concerns raised by its many critics. That being said, without this deal, Iran could quickly double its capacity to enrich uranium and move towards producing a bomb. One of the greatest criticism raised, is that the deal and provisions will expire. While some are only in place for 10 25 years, the fundamental principle of the deal to preserve the peaceful nature of its nuclear program are permanent. Unfortunately, neither military action, sanctions or this deal for that matter can guarantee that Iran will never have in their possession a weapon of mass destruction. However, this deal is ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Pam Grier Research Paper Lataya Lattany 6th Period April 24, 2017 She s A Whole Lotta Woman. Pam Grier I do a movie once every four years and they call it a comeback. Synopsis Pamela Suzette Grier is an American actress. She was born on May 26, 1949 and she is currently 67 years old. She is known for being in movies such as The Big Bird Cage, Coffy, Foxy Brown, and Sheba Baby. Early Life Pam was born in Winston Salem, North Carolina. Her mom was a nurse and her dad was an Air Force mechanic. She also had three siblings. Due to her father being in the military, she moved around a lot. She eventually settled in Denver and went to East High School. She was seen in stage productions and she participated in beauty contests to earn money for college. After she graduated ... Show more content on ... This marked the start of her acting career. Over time, Pam starred in movies such as Jackie Brown, The Big Doll House, and Above the Law. She also was in movies such as Ghost in Mars and Bones in the early 2000s. Because of her roles in movies, she was nominated for and won many awards. She was mainly in blaxploitation movies which geared towards black audiences and showcased their stereotypes. Pam s Global Impact Millions of people have watched Pam Grier movies. She is a big inspiration to the black community and women. She has also inspired men who have been incarcerated. They have watched her movies in prison and have respected women more due to her leading roles in action movies. Fun Facts Pam was nominated for 16 awards after playing in the 1997 Jackie Brown movie. She wanted to be a doctor when she grew up. She found out her boyfriend lived in the same house that she grew up in in Denver after her and her family moved out.
  • 28. She was a cheerleader for the Denver Broncos. She earned two doctorates in 2011. One is a Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters and the other is a Honorary Doctorate of ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Effect Of Atmospheric Pressure On A Cloud This experiment will be highlighting the significance of atmospheric pressure in a cloud`s formation. Clouds form when warm, moist air rises in the atmosphere. On its way up, it cools so that the water vapor condenses into small particles such as airborne dust, thereby forming water droplets. This is exactly what a cloud is, a large collection of very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals. This process is known as cloud formation and is affected by temperature since clouds are occasionally produced by the mixing of warmer and cooler air currents. This process is part of the water cycle which is the transfer of water from air, sea land and water in a cycle. Overall, this paper will be explaining the materials and methods that will end up ... Show more content on ... If a cloud is water vapor, and vapor has weight, why does it float in the air? Well, according to columnist Adams, a modest size cloud, has a mass equivalent to one B 747 jumbo jet, but the cloud`s mass is spread over a big volume of space which causes the density of it to be relatively low. Furthermore, the process of condensation is essential to the water cycle since it is responsible for the formation of a cloud which creates precipitation that allows water to return to the planet`s surface, thus letting the cycle to continue. In order to form a cloud, there are three requirements which, according to Oklahoma Project, are essential. First, water vapor must be present in large amounts. Secondly, cloud condensation nuclei such as dust or salt particles must be present in order to provide a basement for water to condense. Lastly, a cooling mechanism must be present to cool the air temperature to a certain point, allowing clouds to form. Based on all these information, my specific question that I hope this experiment answers is: What role does air pressure as well as temperature plays on the biological process known as cloud condensation? My hypothesis consists of understanding these factors. If water vapor attaches to particles such as smoke, together with a specific temperature, then the process of condensation will allow a cloud to be formed. Materials and Methods For this experiment, all the materials ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Hennessey Venom Swot Analysis A car to a normal person will get you from point A to point B and not think anything different. To other individuals, a car is actually a part of its owner. They treat it as part of the family. These individuals will take their pride and joy and manipulate their automobile to get the most out of it. This could be just for looks or for performance. One of the most important things to a car junkie looks for is speed. Since the day the automobile was created, individuals kept pushing the limits of how fast they could go. The Model T when it was invented had a top speed between 40 45 MPH back in 1919. These days, individuals have been able to slightly improve upon those numbers. In 2014, a Hennessey Venom GT, a combination of a Lotus Elise chassis and 1,244 hp 7.0 liter twin turbocharged V8, was recorded as exceeding 270.49 mph. ... Show more content on ... The Hennessey Venom GT also only made one pass, while to actually secure the top speed record you most make a pass back and forth as to take wind into account and average the time. Since the Hennessey Venom GT only made one run, the Guinness Book of World Records would not validate its speed as the world s fastest car. While everyone loves to drive fast, only a few are able to say they have driven the fastest ever. It will only be a matter of time before we have automobiles that could well top 300 MPH. The more science and computers play into the area of creating the fastest automobile, the records, we feel, will be breaking over and over again for a long time to ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Analysis Of Plato s Republic And The Letter Of The City... Assignment 1 Within Plato s Republic, are various theories and ideas about justice and if it something that is just in itself. This essay is meant to shine light on three of the key concepts (1) He has succeeded in Thrasymachus s challenge, (2) being just provides more happiness than being unjust, and (3) the letter of the city is irrelevant and does not help his case. Thrasymachus s theory is that there is no benefit to being just and that benefit would only com to the powerful. However, Socrates puts down this theory by proving that it is in every human s interest to be just and that this is done in order to maintain a balanced soul and ultimate happiness. Also, he extends his theory and connects the two by showing that the only way to reach balance within oneself is through actions and desires that are impossible to be unjust After disproving Thrasymachus, Socrates goes on and also states that being just does bring more happiness. His proof is of this is help within his analysis of pleasure, and the soul, along with the portal if the tyrant and that justice itself is a virtue. However, his discussion of the city and letters of the city is deemed irrelevant since it is based on the ideal state and the ideal city, which is not the care in reality and it does not matter what would happen in the ideal state since it cannot happen in reality. As indicated above, Socrates very much disproves Thrasymachus s theory by showing it is in everyone s interest to be ... Get more on ...
  • 32. South Africa s Location Of The Continent Of Africa South Africa is a located at the very bottom of the continent of Africa. It is surrounded on three sides by the Atlantic Ocean by the West and South and the Indian Ocean to the East. To the North it boarders Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Swaziland. One interesting thing is that there is a landlocked, surrounded on all sides by land, country of Lesotho. This is evident by Map 1, shown below, that shows South Africa in the red box and the darker brown country within South Africa being Lesotho. Which still remains true today, Lesotho is still its own country with an unsettled relationship with South Africa. Map 1: South Africa s location on Africa (South Africa, 2015) The country has a very long history from our great ancestors to the extremely wide variety of wild and unique animals. However, this land has been under quite a bit of bloodshed and insatiability. From its days of slave trade, British control and the bloody revolutions these people have been through, it has shaped the country as a whole. The one thing that seems to have impacted the development of the country has been the issue of disease and the mortality rate of woman and children. One thing that could be done to greatly reduce these issues would be to invest more in the sanitation of the available water resources. This issue has been in progress of being improved but is lagging behind due to the decolonization of the country. During negotiations with the African National Congress, the South ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Persuasive Essay On The Confederate Statue The violence continues as statues keep coming down in America currently. My goal today is to explain why the confederate statue should stay or should be taken down everywhere in the United States. There is three Main points that I m going to states and defend in this Essay and tell you why I believe in them and there purposes. First why we need to keep them and not take them down. Second they will help educated the future people for the better. Last of all I think that we should keep the statues all the way and this is why. Why should we keep the statues you may ask, well there is no right or wrong answer for this topic but I will do my best to defend my point and belief of why these statues should not be torn down. The biggest reason I don t want these statues torn down is that it s not just a big piece of metal sitting there or a regular statue, these are statues that have history behind them over the years on when the south fought the north for a big turn for American history. People think they are racist or wrong, but really they show where we are from and what we are about. This Battle goes back to a massive shooting in 2015, when Dylan Roof shot nine people in a dominant black church in Charleston, SC. Thus starting of the Statues being taken down across America. How will this help the future for the better If someone that doesn t know what s going to history wise will most likely go with the majority and the majority isn t the best bet all the time so it is ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Flexible Working In Australia A flexible working environment is detrimental to the workforce of today s society. Society exists in an ever changing, fast and evolving world in which the fluid nature and culture of employees, needs to be considered. Employers who embrace a flexible working environment for their employees will see double the returns in productivity, initiative and drive to succeed in achieving company goals. Today s workforce is a changing workforce due to the economic stance on Australian citizens as well as the window of opportunity is changing. Entering the workforce are no longer school leavers, the middle aged and seniors but now we are seeing a trend of inclusion of working mothers, part time parents, shared care arrangements, semi retirees and a push in paid / unpaid internships. Due to the rising costs of literally everything in Australia, more and more Australians are being forced to return to work and in doing so, having to work around other arrangements or commitments as well. ... Show more content on ... Benefits arising from embracing a changing workforce would develop a positive impact in turn developing a changing work culture. Attributes of employees who feel supported by their employer would be more than likely to deliver more than set KPIs of the business. In allowing flexible hours, flexible work space and work place, employees attitude to work would change. The freedom for not only the Businesses in Australia but the freedom of individuals to self develop, implement and self manage therefore developing the individual in working in a myriad of environments, with a range of stakeholders would expand the attributes of the individual leading to an increase in innovative ideas and networking opportunities inside and outside the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Legacy Of Napoleon Bonaparte And The French Revolution Napoleon Bonaparte was a military general and the an emperor of France who is now considered one of the world s greatest and one of the world s most controversial military leaders. Napoleon revolutionized military organization, sponsored the Napoleonic Code, and also reorganized education and established the long lived Napoleon code with the papacy. ( , nov 27, 2016) Napoleon s many reformations left a lasting mark on the institutions of France and of much of western Europe. But his driving passion was the military expansion of French dominion, and though at his fall, he left France only a little larger than it had been at the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789, he was almost universally admired during his lifetime. ... Show more content on ... (, dec 2016 ) In 1798, Napoleon decided on a policy to try and isolate Britain through blockading and attacking its commercial interests. He started the Egyptian campaign in 1798, and won the Battle of Shubra khit against the Mamelukes in Egypt. However, the British attacked and defeated the French in the Battle of the Nile, ultimately hastening a retreat from Egypt.. Despite the hardship faced in Egypt, Napoleon returned back home as a champion, and later elected as the French Consulate. (, oct 2013 ) In 1803, to raise funds for war, France sold the North American Louisiana Territory to the United States for $150 million U.S dollars, known as the Louisiana Purchase. In 1805, The British registered an important naval victory against the combined navies of France and Spain at the Battle of Trafalgar, which led Napoleon again to scrap plans to invade Britain. Instead he looked upon Austria and Russia, and beat both militaries in the Battle of Austerlitz. Other victories quickly cane as well, allowing Napoleon to expand the French empire and pave the way for loyalists to his government to be settles in other countries and regions. In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia. The invasion of Russia turned out to be a failure and the beginning of the end for Napoleon. Scores of soldiers in Napoleon s Grand Army were killed and even more died of disease and the effects of the Russian winter during the long retreat ... Get more on ...
  • 36. How Organisms Evolved From a Common Ancestors One of the most important principles of biology is the main idea of evolution. This theory states, that all living organisms have evolved from a common ancestor through natural selection acting on hereditary variation (Reece, 2011). Many people today, know humans have evolved from a common ancestor; but they do not recognize the importance of it. Everyone should be educated about how organisms evolved because humans have evolved throughout many centuries. Charles Darwin had many theories that incorporated the main principle of biology, natural selection and evolution. Darwin explained natural selection as an evolutionary change where organisms that become more adapted to their environment will survive better than those who do not ... Show more content on ... While Darwin was on his voyage, the Beagle, he noticed that different organisms and things vary in characteristics and their adaptations to different environments. While Darwin was studying natural selection, he noticed that different species would have to compete for survival allowing some species to have different characteristics that help them survive and produce more offspring. These offspring traits are passed down from their parents, and it will help them become more successful in their need for survival (College, 2009). Darwin had to prove natural selection existed and how traits are passed down to offspring. He did this by the process of Pangenesis (College, 2009). Pangenesis is when each organ in the body has certain particles called gemmules. The gemmules, contain information of how each organ works; they are eventually released to the reproductive organs (College, 2009). They are passed down to the offspring from the reproductive organs. Today, Darwin s theory is well supported because of DNA and fossil records. Charles Darwin spend most of his life focused on the theory of natural selection and evolution. This theory states that all living organisms evolved from a common ancestor (Reece, 2011). Many people know ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Aspects of Our Existence in The Canterbury Tales Essay Aspects of Our Existence in The Canterbury Tales Through out the history of our own existence men and women alike have pondered and questioned whether there truly exists a force that controls all aspects of our existence. In order to answer these questions men have gone on spiritual quest for not only knowledge of god, but to shed light on our own lives. Men like Geoffrey Chaucer take us on a quest to dig deep within our souls to answer our own question. In Chaucer s collection of tales entitled, The Canterbury Tales The tales deal with a group of pilgrims of all social classes in search for forgiveness to the shrine of Thomas a Becket. The pilgrims all seek knowledge they cannot have but still try and find that knowledge within each ... Show more content on ... The millers Tale, is a tale of humor that involves four characters who all search for love in the wrong placer and learn form their mistakes. The tale begins at the house of the carpenter John who is an aged man. Who marries a young girl named Alison who is only eighteen years old. Chaucer intentionally does this to show that the age difference is a power to be reckoned with. Chaucer himself describes the contrast of age when he says, She was a girl of eighteen years of age. Jealous he was and kept her in a cage, for he was old and she was wild an young; he thought himself quiet likely to be stung. Chaucer perfectly describes the youth and its effect upon the character. The other character Nicholas the Galland, is described by Chaucer as, This lad was know as Nicholas the Galland, and making love in secret was his talent, for he was very close and sly, and took advantage of his meek and girlish look. Chaucer her foreshadows the relation ship between the two young characters by describing their flaws such as youth and beauty in Alison and Slyness in Nicholas. The other character Absolon is also a young ambitious character who wants to get Alison at any cost an is described by Chaucer as, Absalon was a ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Benedick Foil Foils are common in any books, whether it s the antagonist bringing out the best in the antagonist or the protagonist bringing out the worst in the antagonist. Foils are everywhere. In Much Ado About Nothing written by William Shakespeare, almost all of the characters can foil each other in some way or another. In the beginning, Claudio is falling for Hero on the day the meet. Hero is Leonato s Daughter. The people throw a masquerade ball later that night where Claudio is deceived by Don John that Don Pedro is wooing Hero for himself. Luckily for Claudio this rumor is false, and Claudio and Hero were going to married in a week. Then Claudio is deceived once again by Don John that Hero is cheating on him, on the night before the wedding. Then on the wedding day he publicly shames Hero. In the end though, they realize the truth and end up getting married alongside Benedick and Beatrice.In Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare, Claudio is a foil to Benedick because of the way they love, their personalities all together, and the way ... Show more content on ... While they do end up changing traits as more things happen to them , they foil each other anyways. After Claudio shames Hero at his wedding he wanders off. Enter Benedick about to challenge him to a duel. Claudio tells Benedick Draw pleasure to us. (Shakespeare,86). The foil here is Claudio being particularly mopey after he just shamed his wife at his wedding. Benedick treats Beatrice with respect and would presumably ask her about it before the wedding and rationalize what s going on. Earlier in the book Benedick says, I noted her not, but I looked on her. (Shakespeare,6). While this may contradict what I just said, this is toward the beginning of the book when he only loved himself. At the same time during this quote Claudio is confessing his love for Hero. To Claudio that could be a little insulting. Luckily towards the end of the book Benedick becomes a much better ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Origin Of The Dominican Republic Essay To understand the way race has been shaped in the Dominican Republic is to take an in depth look at the contextual influences that help to mold its nation. Their history began to take shape when Spanish ships of Columbus arrived in 1492. It was the third landfall met by Columbus which named La Española, but, was known as the island of Hispaniola. Today it is known as the Dominican Republic. Columbus s arrival launched the complicated story of race, colonization and globalization for the people who would inherit the land over the next four hundred years. Within fifty years of Columbus arrival, hundred, if not thousands of indigenous inhabitants had been killed through brutal forced labor, new diseases introduced from European and suicide (Guest). The Spanish began to import African slaves in 1520. This make Hispaniola the first colony anywhere in the region to import slaves to work the sugar plantations. It was for this reason, Torres Saillant formulated the perception that the Dominican Republic is cradle of blackness in the Americas. As is well known in modern times Hispaniola id divided; the France took and governed Haiti the western third of the island, until they were overthrown by slave rebellion in the Haitian Revolution. The eastern two third was governed by the Spanish, until Dominican nationalist declared independence from Spain in 1821. Though Dominicans would revere their Spanish decent they are anti imperialistic. Hispaniola has been a racially troubled ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Bartolome Esteban Murillo St. Francis At Prayer Analysis Bartolome Esteban Murillo, St. Francis of Assisi at Prayer (1645 1650) In the painting St. Francis is barefoot purposefully in accordance with his chosen lifestyle. Francis choice the live in poverty originates from a sermon he heard in 1209 on Mathew 10:9, which states, Do not take gold or silver or copper for your belts, (New American Bible). Verses 5 15 of Mathew is the commissioning of the twelve disciples in which Jesus tells them to go, without money or shoes, to preach about His coming (Catholic Encyclopedia). This inspired Francis to preach the gospel, which was abnormal because he was not an ordained priest. Regardless, within a year he had eleven followers or friars that chose to live simply with him. In 1209 he also wrote the Regula primitiva which means ... Show more content on ... For neither does circumcision mean anything, nor does uncircumcision, but only a new creation. Peace and mercy be to all who follow the rule and to the Israel of God. From now on, let no one make troubles for me; for I bear the marks of Jesus on my body. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers and sisters. Amen, (New American Bible). St. Paul indicates the Gospel or Good News is not just for Jews, but for all people. He then says that he belongs to Christ through the marks of Jesus on my body in which he refers to physical wounds received from his persecution. This relates to St Francis of Assisi at Prayer in that Francis is painted with a tear in his robe in which the viewer can see a wound upon his chest. The knots in the rope around his waist are important as well in that it represents the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. The skull next to the cross is also of consequence in that it is a symbol associated with St. Francis and serves to remind of the mortality of ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Life And Stylings Of Johnny Cash The Life And Stylings of Johnny Cash By Cole Halter 9 March 2016 Mrs. Poole English 11 Dear reader, Mrs. Poole English 11 9 March 2016 Johnny Cash: The Research Paper! First off let me start off by saying Johnny Cash is one of the biggest legends ever. His music has spanned Decades and has inspired many artist all over the country, and let s be honest, not many artists can reach these standards. He has made a huge impact on Country, Rock and Roll, blues, and many more genres of music. But he has also influenced the American culture through the use of his own works, thus creating both a mixture of controversy and envy in his vast amounts of those who have heard the tunes that belong to Cash. You may ... Show more content on ... Despite Cash s heavy Drinking and devastating addiction to amphetamines, this frantic lapse of behavior led to some of his best hits including many singles and various hits. Cash the Self proclaimed, Man in black Stood for something, he stood for the less fortunate. Something he took pride in, something that could be applied to the public s understanding of his Iconic status in America and just another great reason as to why Cash achieves legendary. Cash s final years really shined for him. Through the last breath of his creative works he was able to release an amazing work of art, the album, American Recordings , produced by the also Iconic Rick Rubin who has worked with various artists including Tom Petty, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, etc. With the final years he was able to produce such records as Hurt a cover of the Nine Inch Nails hit single, Lead singer Trent Rayznor stated that after cash had covered the initial hit it really wasn t even his song anymore. Sadly, shortly after his final works were released Cash passed away at the age of 73 on September 9th, 2003. Cash displayed a great amount of genius in his final years that really show why he is still remembered today. However with the passing of Johnny Cash, A legacy shadowed what was an amazing life of an american icon. His rebellious image has cast an influence for many artist and has even been payed tribute by many artist as well. Many things have happened since his death relating to him. One ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Wife Of Bath s Tale Essay The Wife of Bath s tale is a tale about a knight who rapes a woman and has to be punished by the queen instead of the king. Instead of the queen killing him or jailing him she gives him a chance to go find out what do women desire the most. So he embarks on his journey and never finds the answer, until he runs into an old, ugly woman. She gives him the answer, only after he pledges his troth to her. So, when he tells the queen that most women desire sovereignty and control over their husbands and relationships he is set free and has to marry the old lady. He is distraught later that night so, the ugly woman gives him an ultimatum. She could remain ugly and be faithful to the knight, or she could be pretty and unfaithful. After being torn, he lets her decide, and she decides to be both pretty and faithful. After that, they live happily ever ... Show more content on ... The Wife of Bath, who was married five times, married all of her husbands for money. The last husband, Jenkin, was the one she truly loved, but told him about a dream that never happened. She told him that she dreamt of blood filling her bed, but the blood represented gold. This was a lie. She also told him that she was enchanted with him, and even though she was, it was for the wrong reason at that moment. In the Wife of Bath s tale, the old wife tricks the knight into marrying her by making him pledge troth to her, and does not mention marriage. Also, both women gain control of the marriages. The Wife of Bath is hit by her husband after she hits him, but after they reconciled she gets control over the marriage after she cries, and he gives her his estate and riches. The old wife gains control when she asks him what he wants. When he tells her to decide she gains control of the relationship when she chooses both beauty and fidelity. By them tricking their men and gaining control of the relationship, they seem to be ... Get more on ...