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IELTS Writing Tips. ‪
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Mildred Pierce Patriarchy
The films Mildred Pierce (Michael Curtiz, 1945) and Thirteen (Catherine Hardwicke, 2003) portray
the Freudian myth that examines the view of feminine subservience apropos a patriarchy infused
society. Hence, the conflict at the crux of the Maternal Melodrama that relates to the classical conflict
(Chaos vs. Order) underlying most Hollywood genres is Autonomy vs. Control. In Mildred Pierce, the
female characters representing Autonomy are posited against male Control. This Maternal Melodrama
conflates with Film Noir so as it reflects the prevailing social context; women were breadwinners in
the 40s, however, in the postwar era, hegemonic masculinity reasserted itself by divesting women of
any power they had gained while the patriarchal order was suspended during WWII. Consequently,
classical Hollywood narratives portrayed the impending chaos as women resisted patriarchy; such
conflict was subtly present in the post feminist era. Accordingly, in Thirteen, Tracy ... Show more
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Kay, who also resisted patriarchy as a tomboy, faces death and Veda is prosecuted. In the end, Mildred
walking with Bert into a bright dawn signifies her submission to and restoration of patriarchal order.
Contrarily, maternal abjection in Thirteen does not reduce the symbolic signification of the female.
Eventually, Melanie succeeds in subduing Tracy, who feebly resists her restraining if loving embrace.
This act of containment counters the symbolic castration and legitimizes women s potency. As Tracy
wakes up next to Melanie, the sun beaming down on them suggests that order has been established.
This is further emphasized with her spinning as if out of her chaotic life on a merry go round and
releasing the repressed pain in screaming. Hence, unlike in Mildred Pierce whereby, female Autonomy
leads to Chaos and male Control brings Order, the former defies the latter in
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The Lower-Class Struggle In F. Scott s Lower Class
Scott died when his horse was spooked and threw him off of itself onto the back of his head causing
him to die. People of the lower class usually have these types of jobs where they work outside or in
the field. Because of Scott s lower class status he had a higher chance of being killed than someone of
the upper class who worked in an office would have. In the lower class there is a struggle to find a job
and there is a struggle to stay alive. Michel Pêcheux says It is also to recognize, under the primacy of
class struggle, how the status of Marxist theory is determined by the ideological and political struggle
of the proletariat. (Pêcheux) which means that Marxist theory is influenced by these struggles the
lower class face first with their ideology and then with the lack of power they have in the political
system. Repeatedly being forced down and never getting a chance to rise up in power because the
people already at the top want to stay at the top which contributes to conflict theory. ... Show more
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According to this theory society will always have conflict in it because of said competition for
resources. In this theory the wealthy attempt to keep the lower class under control and not let them rise
to their level by suppressing them by any means possible. Coincidently this theory was also thought of
by Karl Marx which explains its similar nature to
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The Effect of Technology On Society Essay
Every day the world is changing and things are done differently. Technology has also affected the way
students are taught and in which they learn. It has changed the classroom. Technology saves us time
and allows us to access material in only minutes. The Internet and online subscription databases, even
as a supplement to the printed works in the library, allow students to see, and force them to consider or
reject, points of view that they might never have encountered in decades past (Gow 4).With all the
time technology produces, it also has downsides and it also may have created a less intelligent society.
Some look at technology as if has dumbed downed society but if we take a look at the past we see that
it has helped to ... Show more content on ...
There are tools that we use that make task tedious easier and saves times. Instead of going and filing
taxes we can go online and do it there instead, and allows us to be more productive (Darlin). Today we
have the world of Google and over hundreds of cellphones, iTouchs, e books and millions of websites
at our disposal (Loertscher 2). These types of tools bring success to wide range of learners who face
physical, development al, language or personal problems (Loertscher 3). Even though this tools can
help different students with different types of learning styles and problems. Linking into Google and
overflowing learners with information does not make products better or allows students to learn more.
Technology has no real value if it is used for entertainment value or to use up time (Loertscher 3).
Internet, mobility, and multimedia are important technology tools that are used in education industry
(Hameed 372).Although the internet is an important tool in the classroom and out, it does have
downsides. Websites have become more commercialized, and this has made searching through
websites difficult since not all websites are reliable. In the Journal done by Shihab Hameed he says
that statistics show that teenagers use the internet more than adults, they use the internet to play
games, listen to music and meet new people. Hameed also mentions that it reduces student activity.
Students are able to get solutions to homework and as result
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Athens And Sparta
Athens and Sparta, two great cities of Greece having a great historical value. The first, with a
population of 140,000 people and the second with a population of 100,000 people. The climate of
Athens is a Mediterranean climate, while the Sparta one is rather temperate but very dry. Due to soil
erosion and not much vegetation, water was a rare commodity in Sparta. Both populations depended
on agriculture. Athens with a democratic government, while Sparta had a dictatorial government or
military service was compulsory.
Life in Athens and Sparta was very different. Because of their different conception of the structure of
their government. Athens was open while Sparta was closing on himself, concentrating on his army.
Sparta considered himself
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The Impact of the Vietnam War on Veterans Essay
How did a Vietnam soldier s life change during and after the war. Society had a lot of different views
regarding the soldiers and the war. When coming home veterans faced many distinct challenges. The
Vietnam Veterans Memorial helped to heal the nation. The Vietnam War had a major impact on the
United States and the soldiers who fought in it. The Vietnam War was a violent and costly war that
needed many men to fight for its cause. These men are now known as the Vietnam veterans.
Numerous veterans who fought in the war were injured or lost a comrade during battle. These soldiers
fought to protect the United States and its people while risking their own lives. A lot of these brave
men were either killed or injured and did not gain the ... Show more content on ...
Diseases, drugs, alcohol, and the harsh living conditions often left soldiers longing for home. Veterans
coming home had to face many different situations. Most veterans who came home did not receive the
welcome they had deserved. Some veterans were homeless and unemployed after coming home. An
organization called the Vietnam Veterans against the War or the VVAW tried to help the soldiers
coming home. The organization allowed veterans to talk about their experiences to them and also tried
to get the veterans to talk to the public (Rivers 646 648). The VVAW helped the veterans throughout
the war. Many veterans who came home had emotional trauma or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD). The United States citizens did not want to remember the war or the brave men who fought in
it (Rivers 646 647). Very few people cared about Vietnam or the soldiers during the war because of the
negative views toward the soldiers and the war. There were two main views toward the soldiers in
Vietnam; a negative view and a positive view. The negative view seemed to be the most popular
attitude towards them. The negative outlook portrayed the soldiers as the reason for the United States
involvement in the war and the reason to why the U.S. was losing. Many soldiers came back to the
U.S. and felt like a criminal (Rivers 647). The positive view saw the soldiers as heroes. This
perspective depicts the soldiers as heroic and fighting for the United States. Post traumatic stress
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Fahrenheit 451 Quotes
In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury depicts an anti intellectual society, set five centuries from now, where
firemen set books that people have been hoarding or reading illegally on fire. In this dystopian society,
literature is banned for the fear that it will incite people to think and question the status quo of their
society: happiness and freedom from the elimination of controversy (Sisario 201). Throughout the
novel, Bradbury uses several direct quotations from different works of literature in order to add a
subtle depth to the ideas conveyed in the novel. Quotations are often used as demonstrations with the
intent of depicting the aspects of a referent used to distinguish the intended referent from other
possible referents (Clark 768). Bradbury ... Show more content on ...
As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of
kindness there is at least one which makes the heart run over (Bradbury 67). James Boswell wrote this
passage after meeting his lifelong friend Samuel Johnson, Life of Dr. Johnson, in which he wrote
about the several encounters he had with Johnson. When they met, Bowell was twenty three years old
while Johnson was fifty three years old, starting an unusual friendship that lasted until Johnson s
death. This is a very important allusion because as Montag reads the passage he is reminded of an
encounter with an elderly man named Faber who used to be a English Professor. Since Montag wants
to learn how to understand books it is no surprise that he decides to call Faber and ask him for his help
therefore, alluding to the start of a lifelong friendship between
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Difference Between The House And The Senate
There are many differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate. For one the House
of Representatives is bigger than the Senate. There is not a lot of media coverage in the House as it is
in the Senate, members in the Senate are elected every six years as for the House are elected every two
years. The House has a reputation of being much more contentious and impulsive when it comes to
legislation ( When it comes to electing a House Rep its by district, so winning that seat is
a lot easier than the Senate, for simple fact you are going for a congressional district vote, and not a
state wide vote. Another important difference is that money related or monetary bills must be made in
the House. It is like this because
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Franz Haydn Essay
Franz Joseph Haydn
Joseph Haydn is regarded as one of the greatest composers of the classical period. He is often called
the father of both the symphony and the string quartet, and he founded what is known as the Viennese
classical school, which consisted of himself, his friend, Wolfgang Mozart, and his pupil, Ludwig van
Beethoven. During his lifetime, he produced a mind boggling amount of music. He lived from the end
of the baroque period to the beginning of the romantic period, and presided over the transition
between them.
Franz Joseph Haydn was born in Rohrau, Austria, on April 1, 1732, to Mathias and Anna Maria Koller
Haydn. Joseph Haydn s parents had twelve children, but, sadly, six of them died during infancy. His
surviving ... Show more content on ...
He retreated into his music, while she found consolation by spending a great deal of time in church.
In 1761, Count Morzin was forced to disband his orchestra due to financial problems. It wasn t long,
however, before Haydn was offered another job, this time in Eisenstadt, Austria, as assistant
Kapellmeister for Prince Paul Anton Esterhazy, who was greatly impressed by the music that Haydn
performed while he was with the Morzin orchestra.
Paul Anton died in 1762 and was succeeded by his brother Nicholas, who was also a music lover and
played the baryton (a brass wind instrument). Thus, Haydn composed more than a hundred trios for
baryton, viola, and bass during the next thirteen years. Haydn also composed several short operas and
a full length opera, named Acide.
Upon the death of Gregor Werner in 1766, Joseph Haydn was promoted to Kapellmeister (musical
director). Prior to his death, Werner earned slightly over half of the wage paid to his highly talented,
younger assistant. The orchestra was expanded, and Haydn composed four to five symphonies a year.
He also continued to compose operas.
In 1768, Haydn and the Esterhazy orchestra moved to Eszterhaza, a beautiful new palace built by
Prince Nicholas. During this time, Haydn did not maintain his usual volume of symphony production,
as he composed less than ten between 1766 and 1770. However, Haydn experienced a renewed
interest in writing string quartets. He composed three
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Brand Relationship Between Brands And Consumers
According to Veloutso Moutinho (2009, p.315) Brand relationship is defined as the continual
exchanges between a specified brand and an established customer, where relationship characteristics
of love, association, interdependence and loyalty are developed with the brand. However, Keller
(2014, p.365) revealed that consumer brand relationships are the quality of relationship between
brands and consumers. As a result, there are many influences that formulate consumer brand
relationship. Basically, brand loyalty , brand equity and trust Escalas and Bettman, (2005, p. 379) are
the underpinning factors that generates brand relationships. Furthermore, this developing customer
brand relationship constitutes a sum of long term experiences with the brand where the brand is the
entirety of the customers experiences with the brand. However, supplementing the long term customer
brand relationship, brand communications is the major catalyst in relation to enticing both customer
and seller in the long term relationship, hence attaining a brand emotional connection. This brand
relationship does not only lodge an essential position in the mental period of a brand connection,
rather it stimulates greater sales due to customer retention, less price Vulnerability, superior customer
loyalty and advanced profit margin.
In addition, developing brand relationship requires the company to build brand equity Keller (2014,
pp. 365), generating value to the brand name through employing perceived
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Employability Skills At Heaton Manor
Employability Skills at Heaton Manor
Employability Skills can be defined as the transferable skills needed by an individual to make them
employable . Along with good technical understanding and subject knowledge, employers often
outline a set of skills that they want from an employee.
Suitable Qualifications
At Heaton Manor it required to have more specific skills, such as NVQ qualifications with GCSE
qualifications, with ALEVELS or BTEC National. It is important that you have the correct level of
qualifications and in the right subjects.
At an undergraduate degree awarded by a UK higher education provider, or a recognised equivalent
qualification. Furthermore, if the person applying for the job hasn t achieved the required GCSEs,
there are options to study the qualifications through local colleges or at home through organisations
like NEC (National Extension College).
A DCSF recognised and relevant teaching qualification. Enhanced Certificate of Disclosure from the
Disclosure and Barring Service. Additional criminal record checks if applicant has lived outside the
UK. Barred List Check Qualified teacher Status with professional registration with the General
Teaching Council for England. Medical clearance. A good attendance record. This is important as
those wanting to become a teacher need to have specific qualifications as stated and Heaton Manor
will use these skills to see whether the person is suitable for the job.
Experience in a similar role
If you
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A Career As A Career In The Music Industry
The process to become a professional singer would have to start when you re young, because it takes
time to actually learn music and to build your voice. Most cited researches I have looked up reported
that many professional singers today usually have begin their training of practicing who they are at a
young age. Singing opportunities can come from anywhere, such as being in a play at school. It s
important for singers to develop a variety of styles. It s good to know more than one type of music
now and days for a better position in the music industry. For instance both popular and classical styles
should be considered because employment opportunities exist in each. To get better results for your
outcome most people would consider enrolling in a formal training program. Once you ve reached
your unique voice, continue the process and look for professional singing opportunities. To get taken
seriously you should build up your professional representation and perform as much as possible.
Musicians typically advance in their careers by seeking an audience for their craft. While performance
opportunities may be offered all over the country, it s noted that many musicians relocate to hub cities
for the entertainment industry like New York, Los Angeles, Nashville or Chicago. These states are
typically where you would find a famous singer or musicians that you can reflect on and learn from in
your experience of making your career a success. For me after this step would be to go to either
University of Houston or Juilliard. Colleges and universities may offer numerous performing
opportunities. In addition to choral ensembles and formal recitals and shows, performing in placing
that will allow you to sing or local singing opportunities may be beneficial for a beginner. Singers can
audition for concerts and theatrical performances to build their vocal skills. Make sure to take
advantage of school opportunities as while. Many schools with music and vocal degree programs have
resources such as studios, practice rooms or reference libraries that will allow you to exercise and
practice on your craft of music. When looking for a music or vocal performance degree program
usually you will need to audition get excepted. While
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How Did Ethan Arnold Capture Fort Ticonderoga
Swiftly and stealthy the Green Mountain Boys, under the command of Ethan Allen and Benedict
Arnold, captured Fort Ticonderoga from the British on May 10, 1775. This decisive victory and
plundering of the fort gave the colonial troops much needed supplies and control of a British strategic
position. The capturing of Fort Ticonderoga played a key role in stopping supply lines, cutting British
communications, plundering artillery and munition, and capturing other forts and ships around Lake
On the night of May 9th 200 Green Mountain Boys assembled under Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold
to capture Fort Ticonderoga. However only a small portion of the men could cross the lake to capture
the fort as there weren t enough boats for all the men. Fearful of losing the element of surprise Allen
and Arnold decided to attack with their small force. With only one sentry on duty the colonists
stormed the fort waking the men at gunpoint and disarming them. The captain was roused from his
chambers and surrendered his sword peacefully, with nobody dying during the assault. ... Show more
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The British used this route to send supplies and men to New York from Quebec. The colonists sieging
Boston were concerned with reinforcements coming from Quebec to attack their exposed rear. This
was the first reason the idea of capturing the fort would prove useful. After the forts capture, colonial
forces were in control of a water highway that led directly into the heart of Quebec. The fort proved to
be an important staging ground for the subsequent battles that were to rally Quebec for colonial
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Use Of Utilitarianism
Utilitarianism is a theory that was founded by Jeremy Bentham and was later revised by John Stuart
Mill. This theory is based on producing the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of
people and all self aware beings on Earth. Utilitarianism factors in the amount of bad and good that
will be produced by an act. It uses this whether it is during the act or after the act has been done. A
utilitarianist believes in one ultimate goal: living a life without pain and a life with many enjoyments.
Pain and enjoyments are different to everyone so they are hard to judge sometimes. Mill stated that
overall happiness is key and that we as a society should try to maximize quality and quantity of
overall happiness.
Utilitarianism has three
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Examples Of Ethnic Cleansing In The Rohingya
Introduction To the Myanmar government, the Rohingya are the enemy. Since the 1970 s, the military
has raped, murdered, tortured, and burned alive Rohingya people living in the Rakhine State (Ekin,
2017). In 1982, the Burma Citizenship Law proclaimed the Rohingya as stateless, which, in the words
of human rights consultant and research associate in the Centre for Asian Legal Studies Katherine
Southwick, has been used to rationalize various forms of marginalization and the denial of rights,
services, and identity (2015, p. 142). With years worth of accounts of Rohingya persecution, the crisis
in Myanmar demands condemnation and interference. Only on September 11, 2017, did the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra ad ... Show more content on
expressed in the plaintive, for how long will you make us eaten by insects? (2011, p. 233). The view
of Rohingya as concomitant to insects is a clear representation of the dehumanization they suffer
through on a daily basis. In consequence of the Myanmar ethnic cleansing, the dehumanization has
worsened to the point of denying the Rohingya s existence altogether, as of that by the Burmese
government, who refuses to acknowledge them as a separate ethnic group and insists on their
identification as Bengalis. To exemplify, one officer for the security ministry of the Rakhine State, U
Kyaw San Hla, told New York Times reporter Hannah Beech There is no such thing as Rohingya...It is
fake news (2017). Members of the government, however, are not the only Myanmarese citizens to
deny Rohingya existence; Beech additionally found that In the bazaar [in Sittwe] recently, every
Rakhine resident [she] talked to claimed, falsely, that no Muslims had ever owned shops there (2017).
In analyzing the effects of oppressive commentary about the Rohingya, it is evident that the more the
existence of the Rohingya is denied and the more they are dehumanized, the less their human rights
are respected.
Military Violence The tarnished status of the Rohingya a cause of their dehumanization has allowed
for military troops to carry out unbridled, vicious acts against the stateless ethnic group. Because the
Rohingya are viewed as a disgraced people, they have been left without an
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Analysis Of The Movie Brent Staples
Don t judge Others
It has been said, Judging a person does not define who they are...but defines who you are. Being
judged is discrimination toward a person s character. Discrimination is a practice to judge others based
on their person beliefs. There are many areas in which people are judge others such as appearance,
beliefs, race and religion. People discriminate against others because they base their judgment off
appearance. We all are human and we all should be treated equal. In this case, Brent Staples, Susan
Boyle, Travon Martin and myself are people who know what it means to be judge base on their
appearance. You can t judge people based on their appearance.
First, Brent Staples is a black man who is judged based on physical appearance by the public. Brent
Staple address his experiences of being discriminated by the public and mistakenly accused of being a
burglar at his job. Brent Staples first victim was a white woman that was in her late twenties (520). As
a graduate student, Staples took a late night walk on the avenue. Brent was walking behind a woman,
but notice there seem to be a discreet of inflammatory distance between them (520). Suddenly the
woman casted back with a fearful glance at Brent. When woman the observe Brent Staples appearance
for being a black man a broad six feet two inches with a beard and billow hair, both hands shoved into
the pockets of a bulky military jacket (520). The woman judged based on his physical features that
Brent was harmful
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Why The Decline Of The Motion Picture Industry
During the postwar era, the Hollywood loses its audience in movie goers. Weekly motion picture
attendance hit an average of 85 million during the war. Attendance fell off dramatically thereafter,
sinking to 60 million per week in 1950 and then to 46 million in 1953 (Belton 22). Many historians
assumed that the decline in motion picture attendance was due to the advent of television. Television
provided audience with entertainment that was both free and readily available for them in their home.
Although television is without question the major reason for the decline in the relative importance of
the motion picture industry as a mass medium, other factors should not be overlooked. (Encyclopedia
n.p) After the war, more families moved to the suburbs, and the birthrate was very high, leaving it hard
for them to get to the movie theaters.
At first the film makers ignored the threat of television and even mocked it, but the audience numbers
kept declining. Their response to the threat was to make fewer, but more expensive films. Film makers
felt they had to produce an experience that you couldn t get from television. To try to win the audience
back from TV, the film industry started ... Show more content on ...
During this time, remember TVs were black and white and very small. One thing film makers tried
was wide screen formats. Cinerama (1952) is a widescreen process that used three cameras mounted
alongside of and set at 48 degree angles to one another to film panoramic vistas. When these three
screens were synchronized, they engulfed audiences, producing a powerful illusion of depth by filling
the audiences view. Cinerama required a four track stereo sound, leaving the audience feeling they are
at the center of the action. The first film using the three strip Cinerama process was This is Cinerama
(1952), a travelogue of the world s vacation spots, with a thrilling roller coaster ride. (Dirks
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Vera Wang An Influential Person
Influential Person Paper Vera Wang is the face behind the most exquisite bridal wear every girl desires
to have. She creates beautiful designs with elegant grace and is arguably the most prominent designer
of bridal wear in America (Biography 2014). Wang first started off as a senior fashion editor at Vogue
and then a design director for Ralph Lauren (Biography 2014). Later on, she started her own line that
became the most elegant and sophisticated clothing line in the bridal wear industry. Even the most
high profile celebrities want her clothing such as Uma Thurman, Khloé and Kim Kardashian, and
Michelle Obama (Biography 2014)!
It started when Vera Ellen Wang was first born on June 27, 1949, in New York City. She was lucky
enough to ... Show more content on ...
In Gossip Girl , there was a scene showing Blair Waldorf gushing over Vera Wang being her favorite
designer. Blair was also shown prancing around in her Vera Wang wedding dress. Her bridesmaids
were shown wearing Vera Wang dresses, which is now displayed in David s bridal for purchase. In
Totally Spies! , there was a villain named Wera Vann, which was a parody of Vera Wang, who wanted
revenge on people who rejected her wedding dress designs. There was also an episode of Ugly Betty
where Vera actually made a cameo herself, designing a dress for a character. All of the television
shows that included Vera Wang or her name said all good things, boasting about her amazing designs
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Substance Abuse Case Study Essay
1. Well, it is more than obvious that Jen has some issues in her life that she tries to suppress with
alcohol or that she tried to overcome with marijuana usage. Moreover, it is important to look at all
aspects of her problems. Smoking marijuana in order to reduce stress (more likely to forget about her
abuse as a kid) through her high school time doesn t look like a big issue, but it might left a pattern
that Jen picked up later in her life in order to deal with her problems. She obviously learned that
facing problems through substance usage is her way to go and to deal with the same, which is
completely wrong. In my opinion, as I stated, smoking marijuana does not present a substance abuse
problem, but rather a core for something that became substance abuse later in Jen s life. She states that
she can go couple of days without alcohol, but also that she uses it in order to reduce her stress.
Furthermore, Jen feels anxious about the times when she does not use the alcohol. ... Show more
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Biblical perspective about drugs and alcohol is interesting. It is well known that the Bible doesn t
mention anything about marijuana, cocaine, LSD, or any other drugs that people are consuming today.
That is the reason why many people do not see it as a sin. However, really the application to drugs is
obvious: all the substances that compromise our bodies and minds are out of bounds! It is the same
with alcohol. Scripture instructs us to avoid being high and buzzed. For example, Paul writes: Do not
get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). The
principle behind the passage is simply this: Stay away from stuff that will confuse your thoughts,
weaken your inhibitions and make you more vulnerable to sin. If we follow this pattern it is more than
obviouse to see the sin in Jen s life. Besides her own sins, we can that it has been sinned against Jen
through her family, from her sexual abuse to substance abuse that she was exposed
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Biography of Janis Siegel
Janis Siegel, who has won nine Grammy s and has been nominated for another seventeen Grammy s is
most famous for her diverse musical talent. Janis Siegel was born on July 23rd, 1952 in Brooklyn,
New York. She began learning about music at an early age and she began singing with a trio girl group
at the age of twelve. The group was called The Young Generation. By the time she had graduated high
school, she and her band had already released two singles both produced by Richard Perry. Janis
Siegel says, At that time, I was exclusively listening to pop and folk music. When Motown became
popular, I fell head over heels for it [ ]. In high school and college though, she said John Coltrane was
her musical idol for jazz. After the band The Young Generation had graduated high school, they
transitioned to becoming an acoustic folk type of band. They then renamed themselves as Laurel
Sanyon. Then as Janis Siegel attended college for a couple of years, she studied nursing. But she quit
and decided to keep all her attention on the band Laurel Sanyon. At a party one time, Tim Hauser who
was a taxi driver, met Janis and asked her to sing some of his demos. He had musical ambitions to
which then he invited her to join a singing group that he d been trying to create called The Manhattan
Transfer. Once she joined, they went on to make an album called The Manhattan Transfer and made
their debut in 1975. As time went on, Janis Siegel s voice became the most easily identifiable feature
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Rikers Island Civil Rights Violation Paper
New York City s Rikers Island has been called on of the worst prisons in the country. Throughout its
history, it has been filled with multiple human rights issues that deal with abuse, sexual assaults, lack
of officer involvement and control, and general human right violations. The prison was opened in
1932, as a 413 acre complex on the East River. Notable prisoners were David Berkowitz, Son of Sam,
who was convicted of eight fatal shootings that took place in the summer of 1976, Tupac Shakur a
rapper, Sex Pistols musician Sid Vicious who murdered his girlfriend, and Mark David Chapman,
convicted in the murder of the Beatles John Lennon. The prison was named one of the ten worst
prisons by Mother Jones magazine in 2013, and has continued to have many civil right infractions. ...
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The population of adolescents imprisoned in the jail is about 500 inmates. Out of the population, 51%
were diagnosed with mental illness in 2013. In 2012, there were reports that 44% of teens were found
to be under subject of force by the staff. There were roughly 126 cases of inmates of all ages that were
injured during in 2013. Officers struck adolescences at alarming rates in the head and face. Even if
inmates did nothing wrong, they would be taken into isolated areas for beatings to avoid video
cameras. Radios, walls, and batons and broomsticks were used to beat inmates. One case was a
student fell asleep in class and was taken and beaten so hard that the teacher could hear him cry and
pleading for his mother. A police investigation was conducted. The officers were not identified
(Weiser 2014). The criticism of the civil right injustice at the prison continues after the suicide of
Kalief Browder in June 2015. Browder spent three years in the prison after allegedly stealing a
backpack, and never stood trail or was found guilty. Browder fell through the cracks of the system
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Phenomenology used in Qualitative Research
Phenomenology used in Qualitative Research Many phenomenological methodologies have been
developed and used by qualitative researchers to review individuals experiences. Phenomenology for
organizational research, descriptive phenomenological method, hermeneutic phenomenology,
interpretive phenomenology, and interpretative phenomenological analysis are the five popular
phenomenological methodologies in qualitative inquiry. Phenomenology for organizational research.
Phenomenology for organizational research was presented by Patricia Sanders in 1982. It is one of the
most popular phenomenological approaches to organize quality research. Sanders (1982) pointed out
that phenomenology for organizational research was a research technique that sought to make explicit
the implicit structure and meaning of human experiences (p. 354). Kram and Isabella (1985) used
phenomenology for organizational research in their pioneering research: Mentoring Alternatives: The
Role of Peer Relationships in Career Development to inform their data analysis. Descriptive
phenomenological method. As a thoroughly developed phenomenology, the descriptive
phenomenological method was first presented by Amedeo Giorgi in 1985. On the basis of Husserl s
phenomenological philosophy, Giorgi (1997) created the descriptive phenomenological method, which
is a psychological phenomenology to provide rigorous guidelines for quality research. To found a
particular psychological phenomenon was the aim of
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Personal Injury In The Workplace
You may think that your work place is pretty safe with numerous regulations designed to protect you
from harm, but the fact still remains that people endure on the job injuries and slip and falls all the
time. According to Toronto Sun, in 2013, there were 41,5000 employment related injuries reported.
You may think that something so devastating couldn t happen to you and your family, but you are not
exempt. It s best to be prepared and know how to recover compensation for your slip and fall or other
The first thing you need to do if you are injured is get proper medical treatment. After you have
received treatment, report the injury to your supervisor or to management. Your employer then will
need to follow proper procedures in accordance with Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. All on the
job injury claims then go through the WSIB,(Workplace Safety and Insurance Board). You can find
more information about WSIB here Remember to report every injury, no
matter how miniscule it may seem. A seemingly small injury could develop into a major problems for
you down the line. If left unreported at the initial injury, you can look forward to receiving no
compensation and a lifetime a health ... Show more content on ...
You will need to secure a personal injury lawyer. You can find more information about personal injury
here It doesn t matter how much you think you
know about law or filing for on the job injury compensation, insurance companies always know more
and have more resources. The last thing you need after being injured is to lose your case for filing the
wrong paperwork or some other technicality. Remember, the insurance companies are looking out for
themselves and what benefits them. You will want someone to represent you who understands, not
only how insurance companies think and work, but also how much you as a person are worth han how
much the injury has cost
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Rappaccini s Daughter Comparative Essay
In the passages Ralph 124C 41+ and Rappaccini`s Daughter , the protagonists have analogous
interests and goals, while the themes match as well. Both stories are of life, death, love, and nature. In
the two passages, the authors use love, specifically to create motives for the protagonists, and also to
use the themes of nature and death. Throughout the passages, Ralph 124c 41+, and Rappaccini`s
Daughter , the authors use love to create themes of death and nature. According to Rappacini`s
Daughter , To Beatrice so radically had her earthly part been wrought upon by Rappacini`s skill as
poison had been life, so the powerful antidote was death. And thus the poor victim of man`s ingenuity
and of thwarted nature, and of the fatality that attends all such efforts of perverted wisdom perished
there, at the feet of ... Show more content on ...
Rappaccini! And is this the upshot of your experiment? (Hawthorne, 192.) Giovanni, her lover, had
tried to interfere with a combination of nature and man, and ended up with a death at his feet. His
affection was what caused him to try to save her, but it was far too late. In Ralph 124C 41+ , the same
is true. Ralph 124C 41+ , says, It was the last trench in his desperate combat with Nature. It was the
supreme effort. It was the last throw of the dice in the game between Science and Death, with a girl as
the stakes. (Gernsback, 247.) Ralph wanted to save his love from inevitable death, but he was losing
the battle, but because of the risk he took, and his perseverance, his love survived. Both stories involve
a risk of some kind. For example, in Rappaccini`s daughter, Giovanni risked giving her the antidote to
save her, but it failed, and nature claimed her life. On the other hand, Ralph was magnanimous in
saving Alice, his wife, from Death and Nature. The two stories relate in theme, and objective of their
respective protagonists. All in all, the stories are similar and comparable in many ways, but have slight
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Joe Paterno s Legacy Summary
The Penn State child abuse scandal in 2011 left students, alumni, and even fans in a disarray of
thoughts. Not only were Sandusky s actions brutality and betrayal, but also those Penn State
employees who failed to take further action when they knew about molesting, including Joe Paterno.
There was coverage for days about this occurrence, even now,four years later, they are still
broadcasting new information. In Frank Deford s Joe Paterno s Legacy: Protect the Players at all
Costs, the sport columnist and radio broadcaster elaborates a fans point of view of the scandal. In Penn
State s Patriarchal Pastimes the liberal feminist, Katha Pollitt, examines the bigger picture with harsh
tone with child abuse in mind.
Both of the writers, Frank ... Show more content on ...
Both write in a way to capture an audience. Frank Deford works as a public sports host, which helps
predict that his article appeals to sports fans. Most fans at the time were only worried about one thing,
what will happen to the saint Paterno? How he sugar coats the scandal only makes sense for the fact
that he s broadcasting his article over the radio. It gives him leigh way for some criticized things.
When he used the word pedophilla (Deford 1) to describe rape, readers understand the softer word
choice of his picking. Pollitt s audience consists of liberal feminism. She pushes the I am right, you
are wrong attitude within the whole article, and in her case it strengthens her article and makes it more
appealing to the audience. Her audience then becomes for feminist when she converses about
masculine privilege (Pollitt 2). Within the two different audience, even though they are both about the
Penn State scandal, different feelings develop from the different
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Silent Movies In The 1920 s
In cinema s early days, the film industry was based in New York, the nation s theatrical center. Most
movies were being filmed in New York, New Jersey, Chicago, and Florida. However, by the 1920 s,
southern California had become the leading film capital due to its cheap land and labor. Films gained
their popularity after Vaudeville actors striked in 1901. This left theaters scrambling for acts and films
became the main event. Silent films were widely popular in the early 1920 s and were usually
accompanied by live piano or organ music. Talking pictures were first introduced in 1923, but did not
become popular until 1927. The first Nickelodeon was introduced in 1905 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
Nickelodeons, named after their cost and the Greek word for theater, soon spread across the country.
These storefront theaters remained the prime outlet for movies among the lower and middle class. The
upper class began to flock to more modern theaters called Picture Palaces. Picture Palaces reached
their peaks in the 1920 s and died out when the Great Depression hit in the 1930 s. These theaters
were much larger than most theaters today and offered a wide range of features such as, extravagant
lobbies, neatly dressed ushers, and live music. During ... Show more content on ...
Occasionally there would be subtitles of dialogue, but they were often short to ensure that audience
would not be distracted. Live music played a large role in silent films and conveying the emotions to
the audience. One ruinous aspect of the transition from silent films to sound films is the actors lack to
transition with them. Important silent film stars such as Clara Bow and Rudolph Valentino faded away
with silent films. However, stars like Charlie Chaplin and Lionel Barrymore were able to make a
successful transition from silent to sound, and continued their strong acting
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Analysis Of Bottled By Helene Johnson
During the Harlem Renaissance, many African Americans were able to reveal and experience their
culture through music, literature, and art. In the poem Bottled , Helene Johnson writes a narrative
about someone experiencing the Harlem Renaissance. Helene Johnson, a poet during the Harlem
Renaissance, appears to have wrote Bottled as an example of African Americans realizing their
heritage and being proud of where they originated. The poem Bottled does tell a story of one seeking
their heritage by observing someone letting loose and embracing their own origins by dancing on the
streets of Harlem. Though at first the narrator seems confused, later he or she discovers the true
meaning of this person s action. The title Bottled itself seems to refer to the roots of many African
Americans that were hidden and could not be expressed. Through Helene Johnson s choice of diction
and target audience, the poem Bottled has a meaning of heritage and finding one s roots. When
reading Bottled , there is no hard vocabulary nor slang that makes it difficult to read; however, there is
a lively language that carries out through the poem. In lines 5 6, the narrator explains, Just like the
kids make pies/ Out of down at the beach to describe the bottle of sand in the library. This comparison
seems to be childish because the narrator is relating it to an activity done by children, yet, it makes it
easier to visualize. African Americans received a small amount of education compared to
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Understanding the Business Environment
Understanding the Business Environment Part A (100w) Company Name: Coca Cola Description: The
Coca Cola Company is the world s largest beverage company and is the leading producer and
marketer of soft drinks. Today, Coca Cola is consumed throughout the world at the rate of more than
600 million times per day and this figure is continuing to rise. However, Coca Cola is not the sort of
company to live on its past glories; instead it looks to the future as a challenge and constantly seeks
new markets and ways of increasing its market share in areas where it currently has a strong presence.
It is the world s largest producer and distributor of syrups and concentrates for soft drinks. Products
developed by the Company are sold through ... Show more content on ...
Financial statements also show the results of the stewardship of management, or the accountability of
management for the resources entrusted to it. Those users who wish to assess the stewardship or
accountability of management do so in order that they may make economic decisions; these decisions
may include, for example, whether to hold or sell their investment in the enterprise or whether to
reappoint or replace the management 1.3 Describe the responsibilities of your chosen organisation and
strategies employed by the company to meet them. (150w) Human Rights Conferences Agendas from
the conferences hosted by TCCC to engage business on Human Rights issues * 2012 Addressing
Human Trafficking in Labor Sourcing * 2011 Implementing Respect for Human Rights * 2010
Addressing Respect for Human Rights * 2009 Addressing Child Labor * 2008 Addressing Forced
Labor Addressing Child Labor We have hosted convenings of experts on the topic of child labor to
seek advice on the most constructive role that we can play in addressing this complex issue. Input
from these discussions has been incorporated into our action plan focused on raising awareness at the
international level and taking concrete actions at the country level in collaboration with our suppliers,
local government and industries to address child labor in sugarcane
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Analyzing Sunrise And Sunset Data
Day 1 Lesson
Eureka Alignment
Sunrise, Sunset
9 11
Lesson 1 of 2
EngageNY Module 2, Lesson 13
By the end of the lesson, student will be able to organize, graph and analyze sunrise/sunset data for
three (3) selected cities in the northern hemisphere to use as input to sinusoidal modeling. While
acquiring this new skill students will practice summarization and their note taking and skills.
Learning Goal(s)
Students will be able to model cyclical phenomena from physical science using trigonometric
functions. Students will collect, organize, graph and model associated data.
1. Sunrise To Sunset Student Materials
2. Printed Astronomical Data (to supplement online data)
3. ... Show more content on ...
Queue introductory Youtube video: Sunrise To Sunset or video of you choosing
UDL Multiple Means of Engagement: Assign student to heterogeneous groups (mixed ability)
UDL Multiple Use of Expression Show a segment of the Sunrise To Sunset
( or your selected YouTube video to introduce the lesson. (Note: the
suggested video is 12 minutes so it is suggested to only play a segment, or play it in the background.)
1. Lead a brief (5 min) discussion on the purpose of the project To investigate modeling astronomical
phenomena in this case, the amount of sunlight on Earth using sinusoidal functions. UDL: Multiple
Use of Representation
2. Review longitudinal (vertical) and latitudinal (horizontal) lines and make analogies with the X/Y
Coordinate Plane (Graphic Organizer). You may choose to show one of these two videos to help
students understand latitude and longitude: (~7min) (~3 min)
a. Latitude, Longitude
b. Address of locations on the earth
c. X Axis: The Equator units are in 150 increments
d. Y Axis: Prime Meridian units are in 150 increments
e. Upper Quadrants of the X/Y Coordinate Plane Northern Hemisphere
Lower Quadrants of the X/Y Coordinate Plane Southern Hemisphere
Microsoft Images:
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Emily Grierson In A Rose For Emily
Emily Grierson is the main character in A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner. She makes an unjust
choice when she gives her father, Mr. Grierson, domination over her. Mr. Grierson kept his daughter
sheltered and away from everyone because he felt the young men in their town weren t good enough
for her. When Mr. Grierson dies, Emily Grierson receives freedom and start what she would call a new
start. She soon gains interest to Homer Barron. She is scared to lose Mr. Barron of her love and
attraction to him that she never shared with no other man, other than her father. She wants to control
Homer Barron like her father did her. Consequently, she makes another unjust decision, which is the
climax of the story, she poisons him. Ms. Grierson poisoning Homer Barron is unwise because she
will never know what future with him will be like. Unfortunately, Homer Baron did not feel the same
attraction that she did for him. As a result, he rejected her proposal. ... Show more content on ...
Faulkner thinks the public s point of view gives the story a weird feeling. It appears as if there is
constantly someone following Miss Emily, patiently waiting outside her house, and taking notice of
who goes in and out her door. This is obvious from the townspeople s opinions about Emily. They
seem to have a lot of information about her life. When she was first seen with Homer Barron, it was
obvious that they would get married. Then, it was finally known that Homer Barron liked men and he
would drink with the younger men in the Elks club. The narration of this story is biased. It is not
possible for the public to really know what is going on in Emily s private life; they are just obsessed
with trying to pick apart everything she does. It is even stated in the beginning of the book that the
women attended her funeral only to see the inside of her old house, which they were
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Benefits Of Talent Management Programs
Introduction Talent management programs are usually designed to improve business performance and
results. Business performance is highly influenced by external factors. These factors include economic
conditions, competitors activities and government legislation. However, it s not just external factors
that influence performance. Internal factors like organizational structure, policies and business
strategies are also main performance influences (Hunt, 2014). Most companies have realized that they
can improve their performances by influencing their employee s behavior. If employees are aligned
with the business s goals and needs through talent management, a company s performance will
improve. This can be achieved by focusing on ... Show more content on ...
Therefore retails need to adopt models that attracts, develop and retain their employees by ensuring
that their needs are met. Macy s which is one of the oldest retail stores has made a lot of effort in
coming up with technologies aiming at talent management in order to achieve their target.
Macy s has recently entered into a partnership with Microsoft to empower their leading employees by
providing them with Microsoft office 365. The aim of providing them with the device was to make the
leaders mobile so that they can be easily walk around. The device through office 365 provides access
to information including tools, reports and applications. The leaders are able to spend more time on
sales floor in order to support and assist customers, associates and they are also able to make any
necessary adjustments. The leaders are more connected to their stores hence the team members are
able to feel the impact of their leadership (Tracy Issel, 2016). Since the devices were introduced,
customers are more satisfied and the Macy s management believes that the company s partnership
with Microsoft will create and leverage the best in employee technology and will make customers
have a great experience across all stores.
In order to increase employee communication, the company got rid of the old practice of staff morning
meetings to be briefed on any announcements. This was after realizing that a new model was required
because not all employees were able to attend the
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Fusion And Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Three model years passed by and I finally got behind the wheel again of a Ford Fusion. Just like the
last time, this model was the Fusion Energi, a plug in hybrid electric vehicle based on Ford s popular
midsize car. Now in its fifth model year, the 2017 Fusion Energi is a close match to the standard
hybrid model as well as to the gasoline version. Besides the electric charging port located just ahead of
the driver s door, the other differences have to do with badging you ll find Fusion Energi markups on
the exterior as well as inside the sedan. And that s a good thing too the Fusion is already an attractive
model and no styling differentiation is warranted. Some manufacturers opt for silly looking grilles or
other embellishments to distinguish gas and hybrid models. On the other hand, it seems Ford decided
that a near uniform look for all Fusion models is entirely sufficient. 2017 Ford Fusion Energi Platinum
The 2017 version welcomes a third trim level, Platinum, joining the SE and Titanium editions. Also
new this year is the grille, exterior LED lighting, and SYNC 3 infotainment system. All models now
come with an 11 speaker audio system and a new rotary transmission selector. What hasn t changed is
the 2.0 liter, four cylinder engine powering this model nor the permanent magnet AC synchronous
electric motor or the lithium ion battery. Also present is an electronically controlled continuously
variable transmission to turn the front wheels. Selling hybrids is a
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The Stereotypes Of Stereotypes And Stereotypes
Breaking Stereotypes
The labeling or stereotyping of different races often define how they are supposed to act, think, and
conduct themselves within society. Stereotyping can have an extremely negative effect on individuals
in a particular ethnic group that have a real potential to become something better than what their labels
define them as. Stereotypes such as all Native Americans are uneducated and lazy, or all Caucasian
people are racists, are assumptions that can cause hatred between races, or stereotype threat; causing
individuals in different ethnic groups to think less of themselves and thus limit their ability to reach
their full potential. Some individuals in minority groups often find themselves having to prove that
such stereotypes do not apply to them and work resiliently to change preconceived ideas about them.
The term stereotype refers to generalizations or frequently generalizations about members of a specific
group. Stereotypes can be associated with characteristics like race, sex, social status or religion. These
generalizations can be positive, but in most cases they are negative and extremely hard to change. For
example in the essay Champion of the world by Maya Angelou the author describes how almost the
entire African American population of the United States, placed their hopes on Joe Luis to retain title
of world champion. A match against a white contender seemed the perfect opportunity to break the
stereotypes and inequalities associated with
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Service Line Development
Sentinel Event:
Sentinel events are a subset of medical adverse events. Events that require immediate attention are
called Sentinel Events. Joint Commission defines a sentinel event as an unexpected occurrence
involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof. Serious injury
specifically includes loss of limb or function. The phrase or the risk thereof includes any process
variation for which a recurrence would carry a significant chance of a serious adverse outcome.
Sentinel Event identified by Joint Commission also include infant abduction or discharge to the wrong
Summary of the Sentinel event in the Case Study:
Sentinel event presented in the case study involves discharge of a minor to ... Show more content on ...
This root cause analysis team is multidisciplinary, the members being members of the relevant
departments, but not involved with the event. A facilitator from the legal office arranges meetings,
keeps minutes and writes up the final report.
The charge of the root cause analysis team is to explore all potential causes of the event, sort and
analyze these causes, identify risk reduction strategies, and implement a correction plan with a
timeframe for completion and monitoring.
The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a process for identifying the basic or causal factors that underlie
variation in performance. It should focus primarily on systems and processes, not on individual
performance. In order to get to the root of the problem, it is important to keep professional skepticism,
which requires a questioning mind. The goal is to identify potential improvements in processes or
systems that would tend to decrease the likelihood of such events in the future.
In carrying out a root cause analysis, it is helpful to re create the event with the staff involved in the
Root cause analysis team formed to investigate the sentinel event presented in the case study included:
1. Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer 2. General Services Vice President of Security 3. General
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Time Management in Nursing
Time Management Acacia Xavier Davidson Everest Nursing | Henderson, NV Fundamentals II
Professor McNeill Day Wednesday, August 29, 2012 Time Management A nursing student s time is
precious. The amount of time that it takes a student to secure a degree varies by college, yet the
process still requires extreme dedication, diligence, mental stamina, and judicious time management.
Once a student has been accepted into a nursing program and begun their education, it soon becomes
apparent the need to adapt and accustom a pattern of readjustment to the field of nursing. Overcoming
what lies in the unknown, assessing one s own stress, discovering ways to reduce stress, and creating
ultimate compensation that is reflected by achieving good ... Show more content on ...
These nursing students who were purposefully chosen utilized the grounded theory method; the
findings indicated the need for the students to have time for extra curricular activities and
responsibilities that were appropriate to their individual ages. When the students failed to manage their
time judiciously to render out of school activities, often they perceived themselves under more stress.
(Mirzaei et al., 2012, Line 14 15) While an additional study that took
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A Brief Note On The Uk Supermarket Industry
This report will be conducted as follow, first a brief introduction of the analysed industry; the UK
supermarket industry with a concise facts about the size of this industry in the UK, then analysing the
macro environment of the UK supermarket industry by using the PEST framework that analyses the
Political, Economical, Social and Technological factors, which has a direct impact on the UK
supermarket industry. After that the micro environment of the UK supermarket industry will be
analysed in depth by using the Porters Five Forces framework, which consist of the following aspects;
Threat of the new entrants, Bargaining power of suppliers, Bargaining power of buyers, Threat of
substitutes and the Existing competitors. Finally, summarising ... Show more content on ...
Figure 1: Market value of the UK supermarket industry from 2007 to 2017
The above graph illustrates the importance and the market value growth of the UK supermarket
industry for a 10 years period starting from 2007 with 133,6 billion pound until the predicted market
value for 2017 with a value of 192,6 billion pound, with a staggering growth percentage of 44,16%
throughout the last 10 years.
2. PEST Analysis
2.1. Political
There are many political factors that can affect not only the supermarket industry in the UK but any
kind of business in the UK, those issues can be summarised in the following factors:
The possibility of UK leaving the European Union
One of the main recent political factors that will have a big impact on the UK supermarket industry is
the possibility of UK leaving the European Union that might becomes a definitive decision after the
June 2016 election. This decision might change the entire UK supermarket industry operations
because of the big number of goods that have been imported from the European Union with a free tax
because of the European Union free zone trade. Therefore, the withdrawal of the UK from the
European Union will cause a big rise in the prices of the imported products and materials from the
European Union, as a result of the increase of the import tax that was zero when the UK used to
follow the European Union regulations. Government regulations and initials
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Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration
The topic of illegal immigration and how best to handle it has always been a controversial topic in the
U.S. The Trump administration is trying to address it by building a wall all the way along the border
of U.S. and Mexico. Trump has always wanted to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico because
he sais that it is needed and will stop illegal immigration into the U.S. However the U.S. Mexico
border wall that Trump is proposing will not only be ineffective but will also be a huge waste of
money and an act of ignorance to the real issues and solutions. One obvious reason for why a border
wall is a bad idea is that it will be insanely expensive for numerous reasons. Trump makes it sound
like building a border wall will be as easy as saying we are going to do it and then poof, it will be
magically done, but that is not the case. Current estimates of the U.S. Mexico border wall are that it
will cost up to $66.9 billion in taxpayer money which is easier said than done (Nazario). Not to
mention the immense cost of hiring people to patrol the wall. In the end the border wall will cost
Americans billions of dollars that they don t have and waste it on something that amounts to nothing
more than America flexing its muscles. People also seem to think that the government is allowed to
just build a wall along the border but this is not true. To begin with most of the border is not even
owned by the federal government, more than 2/3rds is owned by private individuals and Native
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Congenital Condition Of Congenital Heart Defects
Congenital heart defects are problems intrinsic to the heart that present at birth. They develop during
fetal growth in utero mainly due to genetic malformations, environmental factors, and multifactorial
reasons. The environment within which the fetus develops (the uterus) is a very crucial contribution to
normal fetal growth and development. It is common to find disruptions within this microenvironment;
the consequent effect being the disruption of normal growth and organ developments. The timing is,
however, important as well. During the first trimester, organs are being crafted from primitive cells
and tissues. Internal and external factors, therefore, take the opportunity to cause disruption. The most
common congenital anomalies are ... Show more content on ...
Cardiac output refers to the amount of blood ejected by the heart per unit time while peripheral
resistance is the resistance to blood flow exerted by arterials in the systemic circulation.
Zidovudine exposure in utero and heart anomalies
Zidovudine is an antiretroviral drug that is part of HIV/AIDS regimen. It is a nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitor; blocks the action of the enzyme used by HIV virus in forming its DNA
template. Studies have linked the use of Zidovudine during pregnancy or exposure by any other means
to the development of congenital heart defects. The article below discusses a research conducted by
physicians in 9 clinical centers.
Title: In utero exposure to zidovudine and heart anomalies in the ANRS EPF French Perinatal Cohort
and the nested PRIMEVA randomized trial.
Authors: Sibiude J, Le Chenadec J, Bonnet D, Tubiana R, Faye A, Dollfus C, Mandelbrot L, Delmas
S, Lelong N, Khoshnood B, Warszawski J, Blanche S.
Publication date: 1st April, 2015
The study was done using a prospective approach. HIV infected women on zidovudine in 10 clinical
centers were examined, and their children followed up thereafter. The follow up was extended to a
period of two years. Control of the study was women on ARV regimen excluding nucleoside reverse
transcriptase inhibitors. From the study, the researchers concluded the following findings; among
those exposed to zidovudine in the first trimester,
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The Nevada Four Were Spiritually And Had Long Term...
Context Statement This case study highlights that the Nevada Four were spiritually and had long term
personal connections to do something good for the Wetlands. Upon being neglecting, these four
bureaucrats took action and got involved with going behind their superior back to see fit to their
beliefs and passion for the Wetlands. The Wetlands future was in the hands of the Department of
Interior, in which the Nevada four felt wasn t making any progression and decided to take action and
attack from the outside. These four guerilla were natural scientists, who became experts in public
relations. The Nevada four seen an opportunity to publicize their concern and get their agenda on the
table when 7.5 million tui chub fish were found DEAD. Their mentioned that the cause of death was
unknown and there could be a possibility that the Bureau of Reclamation could have something to do
with this crisis. The decisive trigger was the angle the Nevada Four was looking to take, they
understood that things had to get bad or at least seem bad, before anyone would do anything. They
were denied once again for funding, so they took action and contacted owner of the inactive water to
donate their water rights. This change the game, and was considered thinking outside the box, which
their felt the Department of Interior would have never approved. The Nevada Four looked to give
credit for success to other, because they were dedicated to a goal, and not to personal aggrandizement.
Task Segment
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My Personal Goals
Persistence is the cornerstone to my character and it fuels my passion towards reaching my goals.
Each time I am presented with a new challenge in life it is my persistence that assures my success.
Everything I have achieved is due to my willingness to press forward. I have always set ambitious
goals for myself because I enjoy the process required to attain them. I have found that hidden in the
arduous process of attaining challenging goals is the key to developing self discipline. I am convinced
that I would not have achieved everything I have now without cultivating my will power. Currently,
one of my short term goals include earing exceptional grades for the Fall 2017 semester. I am one
semester away from beginning my upper division ... Show more content on ...
As well, this curiosity fuels my other long term goal to obtain my graduate degree. I believed that
learning is a lifelong commitment and that it is essential to cultivate an appreciation for the laws that
govern our universe. In addition, to my scholastic goals I have set some personal long term goals for
myself as well. I plan to learn a new language and learn to play an instrument, it my research I have
found that bilingual people and those who play instrument not only live longer but also have an
increased opportunity to benefit their communities.
The most significant obstacle to my academic success has been to free myself from societal illusions.
The environment in which a person is born molds their perceptions of society, and this is not easily
changed. I am an African American male and I was born in Philadelphia and raised by a single father
in Bartram Village, a low income housing project, which is notorious for being a haven for drug and
gang activity. I was fortunate to have a father who taught me that what I received from life would be
based upon the choices I made. That piece of advice has guided me and given me vision for what I
wanted out of life. It was this clarity of vision that led to my decision to serve in the United States
Marine Corps. Despite, it being a time of war I knew that I could expand my horizons by exposing
myself to a new culture. I finished at the top of my military Cyber
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Case Study 1 Fraud Essay
Case Study1: And the Fraud Continues
A business can not work out without an account system, which includes internal. Internal controls are
used by companies to make sure financial information is accurate and valid. Strong internal controls
are signs of a financially healthy company and protect the company s integrity. Strong internal
controls can also increase a company s profitability. There are several types of internal controls that
companies used to protect themselves such as: Segregation of duties, asset purchases, supervisor
review, internal audits and adequate documents and records. This paper will discuss several topics
from a case study about And the Fraud ... Show more content on ...
Placeholder credits this trick was used when customers were contacted regarding their overdue
accounts receivable and MCI was informed that a payment would be sent in. MCI would then credit
their receivables before receiving the cash; this trick was used by Pavlo was manipulation be he know
what the system would all him to do in order to stall tactics, to recognize bad debt and uncollectible
receivables that would have to be expensed on the income statement.
If I suspected fraudulent activity within n organization where I work, I would use a professional
skepticism approach. This can be broken down into there attributes:
1. Recognition 2. Questioning min and a critical assessment of the evidence and 3. Commitment to
persuasive evidence
Professional skepticism practices as neutral but discipline approach to detection and investigation. Per
SAS No. 1 it suggests that an auditor neither assumers that management is dishonest or assumes
unquestionable honesty. Professional skepticism requires fraud examiners to pull on thread in which
means Red flags are warning signal or something that demands attention or provokes an irate reaction.
Red Flag symptoms of fraud may be divided into at least six categories: unexplained accounting
anomalies, exploited internal control weaknesses, identified analytical anomalies where non
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Intimate Partner Violence Case Study
Is there a difference in decision making on parental care between abused and non abused women
attending MCH services in Melbourne.
Project aims and significance
Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been recognised as an issue which needs to be addressed due to its
negative consequences on health of individuals. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) as any act between intimate relations which results into physical,
emotional, sexual trauma or any other form of restriction or isolation from family and friends which
can lead to undesirable health outcomes (Organization, 2012). Violence do exists between intimate
partners with women becoming more victims than men (Hall, Chappell, Parnell, Seed, Bewley, 2014).
In Victoria, it had accounted for 7.9% of overall disease burden among women of reproductive age
(Vos et al., 2006). According to WHO global report on violence, more than 35% of women experience
both physical and sexual abuse by intimate partners which represents a large proportion of all types of
abuse (Organization, 2012). Current studies have acknowledged that controlling woman s ... Show
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Questions for this section were based on Composite Abuse Scale (CAS), which is a well validated and
reliable tool which can be used to measure Intimate Partner Violence for both abused and non abused
populations and can be used in clinical setting as a research tool (Hegarty, Bush, Sheehan, 2005).
Questions which were asked include: 1) Do you think your partner s life has changed very much since
having the baby? 2) Are you happy with the contribution that your partner makes to looking after the
baby? 3) Are you happy with the contribution your partner makes to household tasks? 4) Who makes
the decision about contraceptive use if you are using one? 5) Who decided to have a baby in your
household? 6) Was your recent pregnancy planned? 7) Did you want to have the
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Why Was Richard Nixon Important
Richard Nixon was important because he was a dreamer. Also, he never gave on of being a president.
Since he worked so hard he was one of the most active presidents of all time. That s why he is
fascinated to me because he was one of the youngest presidents. He is important to me because I am a
dreamer to. Did you know that Richard Nixon was born in January 9, 1913 . His parent was Frank and
Hannah Nixon. He was the second of five children that his parents had. When Richard was twelve he
had to find a job so he could help support his family. Richard had to start working at his dad gas
station, and grocery store, when he still was a little boy. When Richard graduated from high school
and enrolled at Whittier College. Then he attended Duke ... Show more content on ...
Nixon was accused of accepting a gift from the wealthy Republicans. Then Eisenhower and Richard
was reelected. But when he ran against John F. Kennedy he lost. Then he also lost the election for the
governor of California.After a period of time was elected to be president of the united states. Secretly
Richard Nixon had bomb the the North Vietnam s supply routes in Cambodia and Laos.Where he
killed many innocent people,and also that was including four students during antiwar protest.When
Nixon announces that he will visit People s Republic of China it stunned many people.Then Nixon
daughter Patricia got married to a man named Edward Cox.When Nixon got back from visiting China
from open relations between the two countries.He became the first U.S. president to visit the Soviet
Union.Richard Nixon had the biggest feast of all presidents.During the time Richard Nixon was the
first person to visit Egypt. Then Richard move to New Jersey .After he moved to New Jersey he wrote
four more books.Richard sold a lot more than 300,000 books. When Pat died Richard Nixon died a
year later.Then they laid him to rest in his birth place in California.. Overall I thought Richard Nixon
was a good person. He did a lot of things that he
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The Supreme Leader And The Authority Of The State
It s the only country in the world with a theocratic government.
The supreme leader is similar to the GB queen but with the difference that the supreme leader sets
overall policies and can nullify an executive decision whereas the Queen role is completely
There is multiple power centers in Iran which is similar to the checks and balance in the U.S
Many policies and rules are sets by unelected specialize bodies considered as state institutions even
though there are not mention in the constitution.
B) Explain why Iran is called a theocratic state explaining the role of key institutions
Iran is a theocratic state because all the laws are grounded in religion and express the will of God and
a clergy exercises of supreme power.
The supreme leader is the highest authority of the state and sets overall policies of the state and
appoint some key figure of the government. The supreme leader is elected by the Assembly of experts
which is every ten years.
The president is the chief executive and appoint members of the cabinet. He also signs bills and laws
once they are approved by the parliament. He is elected by universal suffrage every 4 years and can be
impeached by the parliament and the supreme leader.
The parliament is a unicameral chamber of 290 members who are law makers (to some extends) and
elected by universal suffrage form 4 years terms.
The council of guardian composed of six members of the ulema and six lay Muslims. The leader
appoint the six
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Firearms In The United States
Firearms should not be banned in the United States because it would deny people their rights, deny
citizens a form of self defense, prevent use for sports such as hunting and marksmanship, and give
exclusive firearm access to criminals. Many gun control activists out there think that guns need to be
banned completely from civilian use. While guns may need to be controlled a bit for public safety,
banning them would not help anything. The main reason reason this isn t something to be put into
legislation is because it s completely unconstitutional. The second amendment of the constitution
gives all citizens the individual right to bear firearms. In the Supreme Court case District of Columbia
v. Heller, Justice Antonin Scalia wrote in the majority ... Show more content on ...
As proof of this, between 1982 and 2012 there have been 62 mass shootings. Out of those 62, 49
instances were committed with legally obtained firearms, which means 13 cases included the use of
illegally obtained guns. In total, 143 guns were used in these mass shootings. Approximately 25% of
those guns were obtained through illegal means ( Gun 5). In Chicago, there are bans on gun shops,
shooting ranges, assault weapons, and high capacity mags. Even with these bans in place, there were
2,089 shooting victims in 2014, and 50,000 illegal weapons were recovered by police between 2001
and 2012. These weapons came from all 50 states and over half of them came from outside Illinois (
Gun 5). Laws haven t stopped criminals before, the only thing it will prevent is the protection of
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Wormy 2.0 Lab Report
From this lab, it can be concluded that planarians will regenerate no matter how they were cut. Wormy
and Wormy 2.0, were both trisected transversely and were thought to grow into six new planarians,
three coming from each worm, and one of them possessing two heads. The results observed for
Wormy fully supported the hypothesis, and the three new planarians had a head, midsection, and tail.
However, Wormy 2.0 s hypothesis was not supported by the results at all. For one, the hypothesis and
results for the tail part were incomparable due to the fact it was missing, and the prediction for the
body, or middle part was quite absurd. Through further research, it is possible to have a planarian with
two heads, but a longitudinal cut would have to be used instead of a transversal cut. Planarians are one
of the most simplest organisms out there in the world, and they have a stunning ability, regeneration.
These flatworms are bi directionally regenerating ... Show more content on ...
For instance, the light, even though it was on the lowest power, was too strong for the planarians. The
flatworms would try to move away from the centre of the dish, where they were less sensitive to the
light. This made finding and drawing the planarians very difficult, especially for the faster ones, which
resulted in inaccurate observations. Additionally, it is possible that Wormy 2.0 s tail was disposed of
while changing the pond water. Because of that, the observations for Wormy 2.0 were incomplete, and
therefore the hypothesis was unsupported. As well, there are some factors that contributed to the
experimental error that were uncontrollable. Such as the temperature of the classroom which may
affect how the worm behaves and it s survival, or even organisms that may harm the planarian, that
live in pond water. There are many more errors that definitely happened, but some may have just gone
unnoticed or were simply not taken into
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The Private Memoirs And Confessions Of A Justified Sinner
The history of gothic literature is a discussion of how the classic gothic literature has morphed into
today s contemporary gothic literature. From the beginning days of gothic writing one of the main
focuses has been on the issues that were relevant in the county or world at the time. Most people think
of gothic writings as a scary story of gloom and doom, but there are many aspects that encompass a
gothic writing. The true is that there are many elements to a gothic writing. The writer does not need
to use all of them at the same time, but to use some of them to make it a gothic writing. As technology
and the social atmosphere have evaluated writers have incorporated these elements into their writing.
Gothic literature is said to have ... Show more content on ...
(Ringel) Mary Snodgrass points out, Decades before Sigmund Freud provided a paradigm for the
human psyche, echoes of disturbing behaviors forced readers of gothic literature to interpret subtexts
of prejudice, classism, and abnormality in thought and action: in the motivation for James Hogg s The
Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner. (Snodgrass) Many people of authority in
America believed that the gothic genre was source of outside evil on the new world. This is supported
by Reverend Enos Hitchcock s Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove Family, in which he blames the
corruption of young women in the new nation on foreign writings and foreign manners and prays May
this rising empire cease to import both the one and the other! (Ringel) The 1800 s rang in a new era of
writers and twist on the gothic style. One of the major contributors was Edgar Allan Poe with stories
and poetry that still resonates with high schoolers to this day. Works that are still read or at the very
least spoken of in high school are stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville. Noteworthy
works by
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Compare And Contrast The Compromises Of The United States...
During the late 1700 s and the early 1800 s, the United States were constantly under stress from
tensions within their country. During these years, the nation was experiencing change at a rapid rate.
Increasing industrialization led to a booming growth in population and urbanization. During this time,
there were many things that divided the country. Some of those things were small, others divided the
nation. From 1781 to 1840, the US was divided among themselves with political, economic, and moral
conflicts that divided the country. In 1792, the first party system was established in the United States.
The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, had a loose interpretation of the constitution. These ideals
set them apart from the Republicans, ... Show more content on ...
The fight against slavery started with the Missouri Compromise, which caused the first debate over
slavery within the national government. It was a very heavy topic to be addressed, which is why many
political figures stayed away from it. Slavery was so important because without it, the Southern
Economy would crumble. Since the Southern economy runs on the exportation of cotton and other
plants, if there were no slaves to maintain the field and tend to the crops, the southern way of living
would crumble. With opposition to that argument, we can see that the North has already begun to get
away from slavery and their views are completely different that the South s. Due to the fact that both
the North and South had different opinions, this led to constant tensions between
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The Harlem Renaissance Movement In The Lynching By...
In the 1920 s the Great Migration occured. A lot of African American started arriving at the northern
states as a result of the increased job opportunities, seeking a new beginning in towns such as Detroit,
Chicago or New York City. The Great Migration acted as a domino effect allowing the Harlem
Renaissance to materialize at a similar time. The Harlem Renaissance was an artistic movement which
enabled African Americans to display their artistic talent not only to a black audience but to a white
one as well. It was named after a neighborhood in New York City Harlem since it attracted a lot of
artists. The most important outcome of the Harlem Renaissance was that it empowered African
Americans and led them to focus on their roots. This explosion ... Show more content on ...
Hughes stressed the importance of the burden of representation . The term signifies the obligation of
one to not only know and be close to his cultural roots, but also represent one s heritage through one s
art. Langston Hughes clearly states that An artist must be free to choose what he does, certainly, but he
must also never be afraid to do what he must choose. He believes it is a duty of Blacks to be
themselves, write about their culture and not imitate the whites. Claude McKay s poems do not fit the
description of Hughes ideal black poetry in consequence of his English influences. McKay s poems
are sonnets. In order to write a sonnet you need to acquire white knowledge. The contrast is strongly
visible, for Hughes wanted the Black writers not to be influenced by white culture. One could say that
McKay used this way of writing, so that he would be heard and respected by the white audience as
well. But this speculation does not change the fact that McKay did not fulfill the obligation of
representing purely his race according to Hughes beliefs. The Harlem Renaissance movement gave a
chance for Black artist to surface to the American society and be appreciated by mixed crowds. It
brought to light a number of important artists and gave them a chance to
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  • 2. Mildred Pierce Patriarchy The films Mildred Pierce (Michael Curtiz, 1945) and Thirteen (Catherine Hardwicke, 2003) portray the Freudian myth that examines the view of feminine subservience apropos a patriarchy infused society. Hence, the conflict at the crux of the Maternal Melodrama that relates to the classical conflict (Chaos vs. Order) underlying most Hollywood genres is Autonomy vs. Control. In Mildred Pierce, the female characters representing Autonomy are posited against male Control. This Maternal Melodrama conflates with Film Noir so as it reflects the prevailing social context; women were breadwinners in the 40s, however, in the postwar era, hegemonic masculinity reasserted itself by divesting women of any power they had gained while the patriarchal order was suspended during WWII. Consequently, classical Hollywood narratives portrayed the impending chaos as women resisted patriarchy; such conflict was subtly present in the post feminist era. Accordingly, in Thirteen, Tracy ... Show more content on ... Kay, who also resisted patriarchy as a tomboy, faces death and Veda is prosecuted. In the end, Mildred walking with Bert into a bright dawn signifies her submission to and restoration of patriarchal order. Contrarily, maternal abjection in Thirteen does not reduce the symbolic signification of the female. Eventually, Melanie succeeds in subduing Tracy, who feebly resists her restraining if loving embrace. This act of containment counters the symbolic castration and legitimizes women s potency. As Tracy wakes up next to Melanie, the sun beaming down on them suggests that order has been established. This is further emphasized with her spinning as if out of her chaotic life on a merry go round and releasing the repressed pain in screaming. Hence, unlike in Mildred Pierce whereby, female Autonomy leads to Chaos and male Control brings Order, the former defies the latter in ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Lower-Class Struggle In F. Scott s Lower Class Scott died when his horse was spooked and threw him off of itself onto the back of his head causing him to die. People of the lower class usually have these types of jobs where they work outside or in the field. Because of Scott s lower class status he had a higher chance of being killed than someone of the upper class who worked in an office would have. In the lower class there is a struggle to find a job and there is a struggle to stay alive. Michel Pêcheux says It is also to recognize, under the primacy of class struggle, how the status of Marxist theory is determined by the ideological and political struggle of the proletariat. (Pêcheux) which means that Marxist theory is influenced by these struggles the lower class face first with their ideology and then with the lack of power they have in the political system. Repeatedly being forced down and never getting a chance to rise up in power because the people already at the top want to stay at the top which contributes to conflict theory. ... Show more content on ... According to this theory society will always have conflict in it because of said competition for resources. In this theory the wealthy attempt to keep the lower class under control and not let them rise to their level by suppressing them by any means possible. Coincidently this theory was also thought of by Karl Marx which explains its similar nature to ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Effect of Technology On Society Essay Every day the world is changing and things are done differently. Technology has also affected the way students are taught and in which they learn. It has changed the classroom. Technology saves us time and allows us to access material in only minutes. The Internet and online subscription databases, even as a supplement to the printed works in the library, allow students to see, and force them to consider or reject, points of view that they might never have encountered in decades past (Gow 4).With all the time technology produces, it also has downsides and it also may have created a less intelligent society. Some look at technology as if has dumbed downed society but if we take a look at the past we see that it has helped to ... Show more content on ... There are tools that we use that make task tedious easier and saves times. Instead of going and filing taxes we can go online and do it there instead, and allows us to be more productive (Darlin). Today we have the world of Google and over hundreds of cellphones, iTouchs, e books and millions of websites at our disposal (Loertscher 2). These types of tools bring success to wide range of learners who face physical, development al, language or personal problems (Loertscher 3). Even though this tools can help different students with different types of learning styles and problems. Linking into Google and overflowing learners with information does not make products better or allows students to learn more. Technology has no real value if it is used for entertainment value or to use up time (Loertscher 3). Internet, mobility, and multimedia are important technology tools that are used in education industry (Hameed 372).Although the internet is an important tool in the classroom and out, it does have downsides. Websites have become more commercialized, and this has made searching through websites difficult since not all websites are reliable. In the Journal done by Shihab Hameed he says that statistics show that teenagers use the internet more than adults, they use the internet to play games, listen to music and meet new people. Hameed also mentions that it reduces student activity. Students are able to get solutions to homework and as result ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Athens And Sparta Athens and Sparta, two great cities of Greece having a great historical value. The first, with a population of 140,000 people and the second with a population of 100,000 people. The climate of Athens is a Mediterranean climate, while the Sparta one is rather temperate but very dry. Due to soil erosion and not much vegetation, water was a rare commodity in Sparta. Both populations depended on agriculture. Athens with a democratic government, while Sparta had a dictatorial government or military service was compulsory. Life in Athens and Sparta was very different. Because of their different conception of the structure of their government. Athens was open while Sparta was closing on himself, concentrating on his army. Sparta considered himself ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Impact of the Vietnam War on Veterans Essay How did a Vietnam soldier s life change during and after the war. Society had a lot of different views regarding the soldiers and the war. When coming home veterans faced many distinct challenges. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial helped to heal the nation. The Vietnam War had a major impact on the United States and the soldiers who fought in it. The Vietnam War was a violent and costly war that needed many men to fight for its cause. These men are now known as the Vietnam veterans. Numerous veterans who fought in the war were injured or lost a comrade during battle. These soldiers fought to protect the United States and its people while risking their own lives. A lot of these brave men were either killed or injured and did not gain the ... Show more content on ... Diseases, drugs, alcohol, and the harsh living conditions often left soldiers longing for home. Veterans coming home had to face many different situations. Most veterans who came home did not receive the welcome they had deserved. Some veterans were homeless and unemployed after coming home. An organization called the Vietnam Veterans against the War or the VVAW tried to help the soldiers coming home. The organization allowed veterans to talk about their experiences to them and also tried to get the veterans to talk to the public (Rivers 646 648). The VVAW helped the veterans throughout the war. Many veterans who came home had emotional trauma or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The United States citizens did not want to remember the war or the brave men who fought in it (Rivers 646 647). Very few people cared about Vietnam or the soldiers during the war because of the negative views toward the soldiers and the war. There were two main views toward the soldiers in Vietnam; a negative view and a positive view. The negative view seemed to be the most popular attitude towards them. The negative outlook portrayed the soldiers as the reason for the United States involvement in the war and the reason to why the U.S. was losing. Many soldiers came back to the U.S. and felt like a criminal (Rivers 647). The positive view saw the soldiers as heroes. This perspective depicts the soldiers as heroic and fighting for the United States. Post traumatic stress ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Fahrenheit 451 Quotes In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury depicts an anti intellectual society, set five centuries from now, where firemen set books that people have been hoarding or reading illegally on fire. In this dystopian society, literature is banned for the fear that it will incite people to think and question the status quo of their society: happiness and freedom from the elimination of controversy (Sisario 201). Throughout the novel, Bradbury uses several direct quotations from different works of literature in order to add a subtle depth to the ideas conveyed in the novel. Quotations are often used as demonstrations with the intent of depicting the aspects of a referent used to distinguish the intended referent from other possible referents (Clark 768). Bradbury ... Show more content on ... As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindness there is at least one which makes the heart run over (Bradbury 67). James Boswell wrote this passage after meeting his lifelong friend Samuel Johnson, Life of Dr. Johnson, in which he wrote about the several encounters he had with Johnson. When they met, Bowell was twenty three years old while Johnson was fifty three years old, starting an unusual friendship that lasted until Johnson s death. This is a very important allusion because as Montag reads the passage he is reminded of an encounter with an elderly man named Faber who used to be a English Professor. Since Montag wants to learn how to understand books it is no surprise that he decides to call Faber and ask him for his help therefore, alluding to the start of a lifelong friendship between ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Difference Between The House And The Senate There are many differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate. For one the House of Representatives is bigger than the Senate. There is not a lot of media coverage in the House as it is in the Senate, members in the Senate are elected every six years as for the House are elected every two years. The House has a reputation of being much more contentious and impulsive when it comes to legislation ( When it comes to electing a House Rep its by district, so winning that seat is a lot easier than the Senate, for simple fact you are going for a congressional district vote, and not a state wide vote. Another important difference is that money related or monetary bills must be made in the House. It is like this because ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Franz Haydn Essay Franz Joseph Haydn Joseph Haydn is regarded as one of the greatest composers of the classical period. He is often called the father of both the symphony and the string quartet, and he founded what is known as the Viennese classical school, which consisted of himself, his friend, Wolfgang Mozart, and his pupil, Ludwig van Beethoven. During his lifetime, he produced a mind boggling amount of music. He lived from the end of the baroque period to the beginning of the romantic period, and presided over the transition between them. Franz Joseph Haydn was born in Rohrau, Austria, on April 1, 1732, to Mathias and Anna Maria Koller Haydn. Joseph Haydn s parents had twelve children, but, sadly, six of them died during infancy. His surviving ... Show more content on ... He retreated into his music, while she found consolation by spending a great deal of time in church. In 1761, Count Morzin was forced to disband his orchestra due to financial problems. It wasn t long, however, before Haydn was offered another job, this time in Eisenstadt, Austria, as assistant Kapellmeister for Prince Paul Anton Esterhazy, who was greatly impressed by the music that Haydn performed while he was with the Morzin orchestra. Paul Anton died in 1762 and was succeeded by his brother Nicholas, who was also a music lover and played the baryton (a brass wind instrument). Thus, Haydn composed more than a hundred trios for baryton, viola, and bass during the next thirteen years. Haydn also composed several short operas and a full length opera, named Acide. Upon the death of Gregor Werner in 1766, Joseph Haydn was promoted to Kapellmeister (musical director). Prior to his death, Werner earned slightly over half of the wage paid to his highly talented, younger assistant. The orchestra was expanded, and Haydn composed four to five symphonies a year. He also continued to compose operas. In 1768, Haydn and the Esterhazy orchestra moved to Eszterhaza, a beautiful new palace built by Prince Nicholas. During this time, Haydn did not maintain his usual volume of symphony production, as he composed less than ten between 1766 and 1770. However, Haydn experienced a renewed interest in writing string quartets. He composed three ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Brand Relationship Between Brands And Consumers According to Veloutso Moutinho (2009, p.315) Brand relationship is defined as the continual exchanges between a specified brand and an established customer, where relationship characteristics of love, association, interdependence and loyalty are developed with the brand. However, Keller (2014, p.365) revealed that consumer brand relationships are the quality of relationship between brands and consumers. As a result, there are many influences that formulate consumer brand relationship. Basically, brand loyalty , brand equity and trust Escalas and Bettman, (2005, p. 379) are the underpinning factors that generates brand relationships. Furthermore, this developing customer brand relationship constitutes a sum of long term experiences with the brand where the brand is the entirety of the customers experiences with the brand. However, supplementing the long term customer brand relationship, brand communications is the major catalyst in relation to enticing both customer and seller in the long term relationship, hence attaining a brand emotional connection. This brand relationship does not only lodge an essential position in the mental period of a brand connection, rather it stimulates greater sales due to customer retention, less price Vulnerability, superior customer loyalty and advanced profit margin. In addition, developing brand relationship requires the company to build brand equity Keller (2014, pp. 365), generating value to the brand name through employing perceived ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Employability Skills At Heaton Manor Employability Skills at Heaton Manor Employability Skills can be defined as the transferable skills needed by an individual to make them employable . Along with good technical understanding and subject knowledge, employers often outline a set of skills that they want from an employee. Suitable Qualifications At Heaton Manor it required to have more specific skills, such as NVQ qualifications with GCSE qualifications, with ALEVELS or BTEC National. It is important that you have the correct level of qualifications and in the right subjects. At an undergraduate degree awarded by a UK higher education provider, or a recognised equivalent qualification. Furthermore, if the person applying for the job hasn t achieved the required GCSEs, there are options to study the qualifications through local colleges or at home through organisations like NEC (National Extension College). A DCSF recognised and relevant teaching qualification. Enhanced Certificate of Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service. Additional criminal record checks if applicant has lived outside the UK. Barred List Check Qualified teacher Status with professional registration with the General Teaching Council for England. Medical clearance. A good attendance record. This is important as those wanting to become a teacher need to have specific qualifications as stated and Heaton Manor will use these skills to see whether the person is suitable for the job. Experience in a similar role If you ... Get more on ...
  • 12. A Career As A Career In The Music Industry The process to become a professional singer would have to start when you re young, because it takes time to actually learn music and to build your voice. Most cited researches I have looked up reported that many professional singers today usually have begin their training of practicing who they are at a young age. Singing opportunities can come from anywhere, such as being in a play at school. It s important for singers to develop a variety of styles. It s good to know more than one type of music now and days for a better position in the music industry. For instance both popular and classical styles should be considered because employment opportunities exist in each. To get better results for your outcome most people would consider enrolling in a formal training program. Once you ve reached your unique voice, continue the process and look for professional singing opportunities. To get taken seriously you should build up your professional representation and perform as much as possible. Musicians typically advance in their careers by seeking an audience for their craft. While performance opportunities may be offered all over the country, it s noted that many musicians relocate to hub cities for the entertainment industry like New York, Los Angeles, Nashville or Chicago. These states are typically where you would find a famous singer or musicians that you can reflect on and learn from in your experience of making your career a success. For me after this step would be to go to either University of Houston or Juilliard. Colleges and universities may offer numerous performing opportunities. In addition to choral ensembles and formal recitals and shows, performing in placing that will allow you to sing or local singing opportunities may be beneficial for a beginner. Singers can audition for concerts and theatrical performances to build their vocal skills. Make sure to take advantage of school opportunities as while. Many schools with music and vocal degree programs have resources such as studios, practice rooms or reference libraries that will allow you to exercise and practice on your craft of music. When looking for a music or vocal performance degree program usually you will need to audition get excepted. While ... Get more on ...
  • 13. How Did Ethan Arnold Capture Fort Ticonderoga Swiftly and stealthy the Green Mountain Boys, under the command of Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold, captured Fort Ticonderoga from the British on May 10, 1775. This decisive victory and plundering of the fort gave the colonial troops much needed supplies and control of a British strategic position. The capturing of Fort Ticonderoga played a key role in stopping supply lines, cutting British communications, plundering artillery and munition, and capturing other forts and ships around Lake Champlain. On the night of May 9th 200 Green Mountain Boys assembled under Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold to capture Fort Ticonderoga. However only a small portion of the men could cross the lake to capture the fort as there weren t enough boats for all the men. Fearful of losing the element of surprise Allen and Arnold decided to attack with their small force. With only one sentry on duty the colonists stormed the fort waking the men at gunpoint and disarming them. The captain was roused from his chambers and surrendered his sword peacefully, with nobody dying during the assault. ... Show more content on ... The British used this route to send supplies and men to New York from Quebec. The colonists sieging Boston were concerned with reinforcements coming from Quebec to attack their exposed rear. This was the first reason the idea of capturing the fort would prove useful. After the forts capture, colonial forces were in control of a water highway that led directly into the heart of Quebec. The fort proved to be an important staging ground for the subsequent battles that were to rally Quebec for colonial ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Use Of Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is a theory that was founded by Jeremy Bentham and was later revised by John Stuart Mill. This theory is based on producing the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest amount of people and all self aware beings on Earth. Utilitarianism factors in the amount of bad and good that will be produced by an act. It uses this whether it is during the act or after the act has been done. A utilitarianist believes in one ultimate goal: living a life without pain and a life with many enjoyments. Pain and enjoyments are different to everyone so they are hard to judge sometimes. Mill stated that overall happiness is key and that we as a society should try to maximize quality and quantity of overall happiness. Utilitarianism has three ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Examples Of Ethnic Cleansing In The Rohingya Introduction To the Myanmar government, the Rohingya are the enemy. Since the 1970 s, the military has raped, murdered, tortured, and burned alive Rohingya people living in the Rakhine State (Ekin, 2017). In 1982, the Burma Citizenship Law proclaimed the Rohingya as stateless, which, in the words of human rights consultant and research associate in the Centre for Asian Legal Studies Katherine Southwick, has been used to rationalize various forms of marginalization and the denial of rights, services, and identity (2015, p. 142). With years worth of accounts of Rohingya persecution, the crisis in Myanmar demands condemnation and interference. Only on September 11, 2017, did the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra ad ... Show more content on ... expressed in the plaintive, for how long will you make us eaten by insects? (2011, p. 233). The view of Rohingya as concomitant to insects is a clear representation of the dehumanization they suffer through on a daily basis. In consequence of the Myanmar ethnic cleansing, the dehumanization has worsened to the point of denying the Rohingya s existence altogether, as of that by the Burmese government, who refuses to acknowledge them as a separate ethnic group and insists on their identification as Bengalis. To exemplify, one officer for the security ministry of the Rakhine State, U Kyaw San Hla, told New York Times reporter Hannah Beech There is no such thing as Rohingya...It is fake news (2017). Members of the government, however, are not the only Myanmarese citizens to deny Rohingya existence; Beech additionally found that In the bazaar [in Sittwe] recently, every Rakhine resident [she] talked to claimed, falsely, that no Muslims had ever owned shops there (2017). In analyzing the effects of oppressive commentary about the Rohingya, it is evident that the more the existence of the Rohingya is denied and the more they are dehumanized, the less their human rights are respected. Military Violence The tarnished status of the Rohingya a cause of their dehumanization has allowed for military troops to carry out unbridled, vicious acts against the stateless ethnic group. Because the Rohingya are viewed as a disgraced people, they have been left without an ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Analysis Of The Movie Brent Staples Don t judge Others It has been said, Judging a person does not define who they are...but defines who you are. Being judged is discrimination toward a person s character. Discrimination is a practice to judge others based on their person beliefs. There are many areas in which people are judge others such as appearance, beliefs, race and religion. People discriminate against others because they base their judgment off appearance. We all are human and we all should be treated equal. In this case, Brent Staples, Susan Boyle, Travon Martin and myself are people who know what it means to be judge base on their appearance. You can t judge people based on their appearance. First, Brent Staples is a black man who is judged based on physical appearance by the public. Brent Staple address his experiences of being discriminated by the public and mistakenly accused of being a burglar at his job. Brent Staples first victim was a white woman that was in her late twenties (520). As a graduate student, Staples took a late night walk on the avenue. Brent was walking behind a woman, but notice there seem to be a discreet of inflammatory distance between them (520). Suddenly the woman casted back with a fearful glance at Brent. When woman the observe Brent Staples appearance for being a black man a broad six feet two inches with a beard and billow hair, both hands shoved into the pockets of a bulky military jacket (520). The woman judged based on his physical features that Brent was harmful ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Why The Decline Of The Motion Picture Industry During the postwar era, the Hollywood loses its audience in movie goers. Weekly motion picture attendance hit an average of 85 million during the war. Attendance fell off dramatically thereafter, sinking to 60 million per week in 1950 and then to 46 million in 1953 (Belton 22). Many historians assumed that the decline in motion picture attendance was due to the advent of television. Television provided audience with entertainment that was both free and readily available for them in their home. Although television is without question the major reason for the decline in the relative importance of the motion picture industry as a mass medium, other factors should not be overlooked. (Encyclopedia n.p) After the war, more families moved to the suburbs, and the birthrate was very high, leaving it hard for them to get to the movie theaters. At first the film makers ignored the threat of television and even mocked it, but the audience numbers kept declining. Their response to the threat was to make fewer, but more expensive films. Film makers felt they had to produce an experience that you couldn t get from television. To try to win the audience back from TV, the film industry started ... Show more content on ... During this time, remember TVs were black and white and very small. One thing film makers tried was wide screen formats. Cinerama (1952) is a widescreen process that used three cameras mounted alongside of and set at 48 degree angles to one another to film panoramic vistas. When these three screens were synchronized, they engulfed audiences, producing a powerful illusion of depth by filling the audiences view. Cinerama required a four track stereo sound, leaving the audience feeling they are at the center of the action. The first film using the three strip Cinerama process was This is Cinerama (1952), a travelogue of the world s vacation spots, with a thrilling roller coaster ride. (Dirks ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Vera Wang An Influential Person Influential Person Paper Vera Wang is the face behind the most exquisite bridal wear every girl desires to have. She creates beautiful designs with elegant grace and is arguably the most prominent designer of bridal wear in America (Biography 2014). Wang first started off as a senior fashion editor at Vogue and then a design director for Ralph Lauren (Biography 2014). Later on, she started her own line that became the most elegant and sophisticated clothing line in the bridal wear industry. Even the most high profile celebrities want her clothing such as Uma Thurman, Khloé and Kim Kardashian, and Michelle Obama (Biography 2014)! It started when Vera Ellen Wang was first born on June 27, 1949, in New York City. She was lucky enough to ... Show more content on ... In Gossip Girl , there was a scene showing Blair Waldorf gushing over Vera Wang being her favorite designer. Blair was also shown prancing around in her Vera Wang wedding dress. Her bridesmaids were shown wearing Vera Wang dresses, which is now displayed in David s bridal for purchase. In Totally Spies! , there was a villain named Wera Vann, which was a parody of Vera Wang, who wanted revenge on people who rejected her wedding dress designs. There was also an episode of Ugly Betty where Vera actually made a cameo herself, designing a dress for a character. All of the television shows that included Vera Wang or her name said all good things, boasting about her amazing designs (Wellman ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Substance Abuse Case Study Essay 1. Well, it is more than obvious that Jen has some issues in her life that she tries to suppress with alcohol or that she tried to overcome with marijuana usage. Moreover, it is important to look at all aspects of her problems. Smoking marijuana in order to reduce stress (more likely to forget about her abuse as a kid) through her high school time doesn t look like a big issue, but it might left a pattern that Jen picked up later in her life in order to deal with her problems. She obviously learned that facing problems through substance usage is her way to go and to deal with the same, which is completely wrong. In my opinion, as I stated, smoking marijuana does not present a substance abuse problem, but rather a core for something that became substance abuse later in Jen s life. She states that she can go couple of days without alcohol, but also that she uses it in order to reduce her stress. Furthermore, Jen feels anxious about the times when she does not use the alcohol. ... Show more content on ... Biblical perspective about drugs and alcohol is interesting. It is well known that the Bible doesn t mention anything about marijuana, cocaine, LSD, or any other drugs that people are consuming today. That is the reason why many people do not see it as a sin. However, really the application to drugs is obvious: all the substances that compromise our bodies and minds are out of bounds! It is the same with alcohol. Scripture instructs us to avoid being high and buzzed. For example, Paul writes: Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). The principle behind the passage is simply this: Stay away from stuff that will confuse your thoughts, weaken your inhibitions and make you more vulnerable to sin. If we follow this pattern it is more than obviouse to see the sin in Jen s life. Besides her own sins, we can that it has been sinned against Jen through her family, from her sexual abuse to substance abuse that she was exposed ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Biography of Janis Siegel Janis Siegel, who has won nine Grammy s and has been nominated for another seventeen Grammy s is most famous for her diverse musical talent. Janis Siegel was born on July 23rd, 1952 in Brooklyn, New York. She began learning about music at an early age and she began singing with a trio girl group at the age of twelve. The group was called The Young Generation. By the time she had graduated high school, she and her band had already released two singles both produced by Richard Perry. Janis Siegel says, At that time, I was exclusively listening to pop and folk music. When Motown became popular, I fell head over heels for it [ ]. In high school and college though, she said John Coltrane was her musical idol for jazz. After the band The Young Generation had graduated high school, they transitioned to becoming an acoustic folk type of band. They then renamed themselves as Laurel Sanyon. Then as Janis Siegel attended college for a couple of years, she studied nursing. But she quit and decided to keep all her attention on the band Laurel Sanyon. At a party one time, Tim Hauser who was a taxi driver, met Janis and asked her to sing some of his demos. He had musical ambitions to which then he invited her to join a singing group that he d been trying to create called The Manhattan Transfer. Once she joined, they went on to make an album called The Manhattan Transfer and made their debut in 1975. As time went on, Janis Siegel s voice became the most easily identifiable feature of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Rikers Island Civil Rights Violation Paper New York City s Rikers Island has been called on of the worst prisons in the country. Throughout its history, it has been filled with multiple human rights issues that deal with abuse, sexual assaults, lack of officer involvement and control, and general human right violations. The prison was opened in 1932, as a 413 acre complex on the East River. Notable prisoners were David Berkowitz, Son of Sam, who was convicted of eight fatal shootings that took place in the summer of 1976, Tupac Shakur a rapper, Sex Pistols musician Sid Vicious who murdered his girlfriend, and Mark David Chapman, convicted in the murder of the Beatles John Lennon. The prison was named one of the ten worst prisons by Mother Jones magazine in 2013, and has continued to have many civil right infractions. ... Show more content on ... The population of adolescents imprisoned in the jail is about 500 inmates. Out of the population, 51% were diagnosed with mental illness in 2013. In 2012, there were reports that 44% of teens were found to be under subject of force by the staff. There were roughly 126 cases of inmates of all ages that were injured during in 2013. Officers struck adolescences at alarming rates in the head and face. Even if inmates did nothing wrong, they would be taken into isolated areas for beatings to avoid video cameras. Radios, walls, and batons and broomsticks were used to beat inmates. One case was a student fell asleep in class and was taken and beaten so hard that the teacher could hear him cry and pleading for his mother. A police investigation was conducted. The officers were not identified (Weiser 2014). The criticism of the civil right injustice at the prison continues after the suicide of Kalief Browder in June 2015. Browder spent three years in the prison after allegedly stealing a backpack, and never stood trail or was found guilty. Browder fell through the cracks of the system (Eversley ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Phenomenology used in Qualitative Research Phenomenology used in Qualitative Research Many phenomenological methodologies have been developed and used by qualitative researchers to review individuals experiences. Phenomenology for organizational research, descriptive phenomenological method, hermeneutic phenomenology, interpretive phenomenology, and interpretative phenomenological analysis are the five popular phenomenological methodologies in qualitative inquiry. Phenomenology for organizational research. Phenomenology for organizational research was presented by Patricia Sanders in 1982. It is one of the most popular phenomenological approaches to organize quality research. Sanders (1982) pointed out that phenomenology for organizational research was a research technique that sought to make explicit the implicit structure and meaning of human experiences (p. 354). Kram and Isabella (1985) used phenomenology for organizational research in their pioneering research: Mentoring Alternatives: The Role of Peer Relationships in Career Development to inform their data analysis. Descriptive phenomenological method. As a thoroughly developed phenomenology, the descriptive phenomenological method was first presented by Amedeo Giorgi in 1985. On the basis of Husserl s phenomenological philosophy, Giorgi (1997) created the descriptive phenomenological method, which is a psychological phenomenology to provide rigorous guidelines for quality research. To found a particular psychological phenomenon was the aim of ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Personal Injury In The Workplace You may think that your work place is pretty safe with numerous regulations designed to protect you from harm, but the fact still remains that people endure on the job injuries and slip and falls all the time. According to Toronto Sun, in 2013, there were 41,5000 employment related injuries reported. You may think that something so devastating couldn t happen to you and your family, but you are not exempt. It s best to be prepared and know how to recover compensation for your slip and fall or other injuries. The first thing you need to do if you are injured is get proper medical treatment. After you have received treatment, report the injury to your supervisor or to management. Your employer then will need to follow proper procedures in accordance with Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. All on the job injury claims then go through the WSIB,(Workplace Safety and Insurance Board). You can find more information about WSIB here Remember to report every injury, no matter how miniscule it may seem. A seemingly small injury could develop into a major problems for you down the line. If left unreported at the initial injury, you can look forward to receiving no compensation and a lifetime a health ... Show more content on ... You will need to secure a personal injury lawyer. You can find more information about personal injury here It doesn t matter how much you think you know about law or filing for on the job injury compensation, insurance companies always know more and have more resources. The last thing you need after being injured is to lose your case for filing the wrong paperwork or some other technicality. Remember, the insurance companies are looking out for themselves and what benefits them. You will want someone to represent you who understands, not only how insurance companies think and work, but also how much you as a person are worth han how much the injury has cost ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Rappaccini s Daughter Comparative Essay In the passages Ralph 124C 41+ and Rappaccini`s Daughter , the protagonists have analogous interests and goals, while the themes match as well. Both stories are of life, death, love, and nature. In the two passages, the authors use love, specifically to create motives for the protagonists, and also to use the themes of nature and death. Throughout the passages, Ralph 124c 41+, and Rappaccini`s Daughter , the authors use love to create themes of death and nature. According to Rappacini`s Daughter , To Beatrice so radically had her earthly part been wrought upon by Rappacini`s skill as poison had been life, so the powerful antidote was death. And thus the poor victim of man`s ingenuity and of thwarted nature, and of the fatality that attends all such efforts of perverted wisdom perished there, at the feet of ... Show more content on ... Rappaccini! And is this the upshot of your experiment? (Hawthorne, 192.) Giovanni, her lover, had tried to interfere with a combination of nature and man, and ended up with a death at his feet. His affection was what caused him to try to save her, but it was far too late. In Ralph 124C 41+ , the same is true. Ralph 124C 41+ , says, It was the last trench in his desperate combat with Nature. It was the supreme effort. It was the last throw of the dice in the game between Science and Death, with a girl as the stakes. (Gernsback, 247.) Ralph wanted to save his love from inevitable death, but he was losing the battle, but because of the risk he took, and his perseverance, his love survived. Both stories involve a risk of some kind. For example, in Rappaccini`s daughter, Giovanni risked giving her the antidote to save her, but it failed, and nature claimed her life. On the other hand, Ralph was magnanimous in saving Alice, his wife, from Death and Nature. The two stories relate in theme, and objective of their respective protagonists. All in all, the stories are similar and comparable in many ways, but have slight ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Joe Paterno s Legacy Summary The Penn State child abuse scandal in 2011 left students, alumni, and even fans in a disarray of thoughts. Not only were Sandusky s actions brutality and betrayal, but also those Penn State employees who failed to take further action when they knew about molesting, including Joe Paterno. There was coverage for days about this occurrence, even now,four years later, they are still broadcasting new information. In Frank Deford s Joe Paterno s Legacy: Protect the Players at all Costs, the sport columnist and radio broadcaster elaborates a fans point of view of the scandal. In Penn State s Patriarchal Pastimes the liberal feminist, Katha Pollitt, examines the bigger picture with harsh tone with child abuse in mind. Both of the writers, Frank ... Show more content on ... Both write in a way to capture an audience. Frank Deford works as a public sports host, which helps predict that his article appeals to sports fans. Most fans at the time were only worried about one thing, what will happen to the saint Paterno? How he sugar coats the scandal only makes sense for the fact that he s broadcasting his article over the radio. It gives him leigh way for some criticized things. When he used the word pedophilla (Deford 1) to describe rape, readers understand the softer word choice of his picking. Pollitt s audience consists of liberal feminism. She pushes the I am right, you are wrong attitude within the whole article, and in her case it strengthens her article and makes it more appealing to the audience. Her audience then becomes for feminist when she converses about masculine privilege (Pollitt 2). Within the two different audience, even though they are both about the Penn State scandal, different feelings develop from the different ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Silent Movies In The 1920 s In cinema s early days, the film industry was based in New York, the nation s theatrical center. Most movies were being filmed in New York, New Jersey, Chicago, and Florida. However, by the 1920 s, southern California had become the leading film capital due to its cheap land and labor. Films gained their popularity after Vaudeville actors striked in 1901. This left theaters scrambling for acts and films became the main event. Silent films were widely popular in the early 1920 s and were usually accompanied by live piano or organ music. Talking pictures were first introduced in 1923, but did not become popular until 1927. The first Nickelodeon was introduced in 1905 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Nickelodeons, named after their cost and the Greek word for theater, soon spread across the country. These storefront theaters remained the prime outlet for movies among the lower and middle class. The upper class began to flock to more modern theaters called Picture Palaces. Picture Palaces reached their peaks in the 1920 s and died out when the Great Depression hit in the 1930 s. These theaters were much larger than most theaters today and offered a wide range of features such as, extravagant lobbies, neatly dressed ushers, and live music. During ... Show more content on ... Occasionally there would be subtitles of dialogue, but they were often short to ensure that audience would not be distracted. Live music played a large role in silent films and conveying the emotions to the audience. One ruinous aspect of the transition from silent films to sound films is the actors lack to transition with them. Important silent film stars such as Clara Bow and Rudolph Valentino faded away with silent films. However, stars like Charlie Chaplin and Lionel Barrymore were able to make a successful transition from silent to sound, and continued their strong acting ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Analysis Of Bottled By Helene Johnson During the Harlem Renaissance, many African Americans were able to reveal and experience their culture through music, literature, and art. In the poem Bottled , Helene Johnson writes a narrative about someone experiencing the Harlem Renaissance. Helene Johnson, a poet during the Harlem Renaissance, appears to have wrote Bottled as an example of African Americans realizing their heritage and being proud of where they originated. The poem Bottled does tell a story of one seeking their heritage by observing someone letting loose and embracing their own origins by dancing on the streets of Harlem. Though at first the narrator seems confused, later he or she discovers the true meaning of this person s action. The title Bottled itself seems to refer to the roots of many African Americans that were hidden and could not be expressed. Through Helene Johnson s choice of diction and target audience, the poem Bottled has a meaning of heritage and finding one s roots. When reading Bottled , there is no hard vocabulary nor slang that makes it difficult to read; however, there is a lively language that carries out through the poem. In lines 5 6, the narrator explains, Just like the kids make pies/ Out of down at the beach to describe the bottle of sand in the library. This comparison seems to be childish because the narrator is relating it to an activity done by children, yet, it makes it easier to visualize. African Americans received a small amount of education compared to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Understanding the Business Environment Understanding the Business Environment Part A (100w) Company Name: Coca Cola Description: The Coca Cola Company is the world s largest beverage company and is the leading producer and marketer of soft drinks. Today, Coca Cola is consumed throughout the world at the rate of more than 600 million times per day and this figure is continuing to rise. However, Coca Cola is not the sort of company to live on its past glories; instead it looks to the future as a challenge and constantly seeks new markets and ways of increasing its market share in areas where it currently has a strong presence. It is the world s largest producer and distributor of syrups and concentrates for soft drinks. Products developed by the Company are sold through ... Show more content on ... Financial statements also show the results of the stewardship of management, or the accountability of management for the resources entrusted to it. Those users who wish to assess the stewardship or accountability of management do so in order that they may make economic decisions; these decisions may include, for example, whether to hold or sell their investment in the enterprise or whether to reappoint or replace the management 1.3 Describe the responsibilities of your chosen organisation and strategies employed by the company to meet them. (150w) Human Rights Conferences Agendas from the conferences hosted by TCCC to engage business on Human Rights issues * 2012 Addressing Human Trafficking in Labor Sourcing * 2011 Implementing Respect for Human Rights * 2010 Addressing Respect for Human Rights * 2009 Addressing Child Labor * 2008 Addressing Forced Labor Addressing Child Labor We have hosted convenings of experts on the topic of child labor to seek advice on the most constructive role that we can play in addressing this complex issue. Input from these discussions has been incorporated into our action plan focused on raising awareness at the international level and taking concrete actions at the country level in collaboration with our suppliers, local government and industries to address child labor in sugarcane ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Analyzing Sunrise And Sunset Data Day 1 Lesson Title Grade Duration Eureka Alignment Sunrise, Sunset 9 11 Lesson 1 of 2 EngageNY Module 2, Lesson 13 Objective By the end of the lesson, student will be able to organize, graph and analyze sunrise/sunset data for three (3) selected cities in the northern hemisphere to use as input to sinusoidal modeling. While acquiring this new skill students will practice summarization and their note taking and skills. Learning Goal(s) Students will be able to model cyclical phenomena from physical science using trigonometric functions. Students will collect, organize, graph and model associated data. Materials Preparation 1. Sunrise To Sunset Student Materials 2. Printed Astronomical Data (to supplement online data) 3. ... Show more content on ... Queue introductory Youtube video: Sunrise To Sunset or video of you choosing UDL Multiple Means of Engagement: Assign student to heterogeneous groups (mixed ability) Engage UDL Multiple Use of Expression Show a segment of the Sunrise To Sunset ( or your selected YouTube video to introduce the lesson. (Note: the suggested video is 12 minutes so it is suggested to only play a segment, or play it in the background.) 1. Lead a brief (5 min) discussion on the purpose of the project To investigate modeling astronomical phenomena in this case, the amount of sunlight on Earth using sinusoidal functions. UDL: Multiple Use of Representation 2. Review longitudinal (vertical) and latitudinal (horizontal) lines and make analogies with the X/Y Coordinate Plane (Graphic Organizer). You may choose to show one of these two videos to help students understand latitude and longitude: (~7min) (~3 min) a. Latitude, Longitude b. Address of locations on the earth
  • 30. c. X Axis: The Equator units are in 150 increments d. Y Axis: Prime Meridian units are in 150 increments e. Upper Quadrants of the X/Y Coordinate Plane Northern Hemisphere f. Lower Quadrants of the X/Y Coordinate Plane Southern Hemisphere Microsoft Images: ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Emily Grierson In A Rose For Emily Emily Grierson is the main character in A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner. She makes an unjust choice when she gives her father, Mr. Grierson, domination over her. Mr. Grierson kept his daughter sheltered and away from everyone because he felt the young men in their town weren t good enough for her. When Mr. Grierson dies, Emily Grierson receives freedom and start what she would call a new start. She soon gains interest to Homer Barron. She is scared to lose Mr. Barron of her love and attraction to him that she never shared with no other man, other than her father. She wants to control Homer Barron like her father did her. Consequently, she makes another unjust decision, which is the climax of the story, she poisons him. Ms. Grierson poisoning Homer Barron is unwise because she will never know what future with him will be like. Unfortunately, Homer Baron did not feel the same attraction that she did for him. As a result, he rejected her proposal. ... Show more content on ... Faulkner thinks the public s point of view gives the story a weird feeling. It appears as if there is constantly someone following Miss Emily, patiently waiting outside her house, and taking notice of who goes in and out her door. This is obvious from the townspeople s opinions about Emily. They seem to have a lot of information about her life. When she was first seen with Homer Barron, it was obvious that they would get married. Then, it was finally known that Homer Barron liked men and he would drink with the younger men in the Elks club. The narration of this story is biased. It is not possible for the public to really know what is going on in Emily s private life; they are just obsessed with trying to pick apart everything she does. It is even stated in the beginning of the book that the women attended her funeral only to see the inside of her old house, which they were ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Benefits Of Talent Management Programs Introduction Talent management programs are usually designed to improve business performance and results. Business performance is highly influenced by external factors. These factors include economic conditions, competitors activities and government legislation. However, it s not just external factors that influence performance. Internal factors like organizational structure, policies and business strategies are also main performance influences (Hunt, 2014). Most companies have realized that they can improve their performances by influencing their employee s behavior. If employees are aligned with the business s goals and needs through talent management, a company s performance will improve. This can be achieved by focusing on ... Show more content on ... Therefore retails need to adopt models that attracts, develop and retain their employees by ensuring that their needs are met. Macy s which is one of the oldest retail stores has made a lot of effort in coming up with technologies aiming at talent management in order to achieve their target. Macy s has recently entered into a partnership with Microsoft to empower their leading employees by providing them with Microsoft office 365. The aim of providing them with the device was to make the leaders mobile so that they can be easily walk around. The device through office 365 provides access to information including tools, reports and applications. The leaders are able to spend more time on sales floor in order to support and assist customers, associates and they are also able to make any necessary adjustments. The leaders are more connected to their stores hence the team members are able to feel the impact of their leadership (Tracy Issel, 2016). Since the devices were introduced, customers are more satisfied and the Macy s management believes that the company s partnership with Microsoft will create and leverage the best in employee technology and will make customers have a great experience across all stores. In order to increase employee communication, the company got rid of the old practice of staff morning meetings to be briefed on any announcements. This was after realizing that a new model was required because not all employees were able to attend the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Fusion And Hybrid Electric Vehicle Three model years passed by and I finally got behind the wheel again of a Ford Fusion. Just like the last time, this model was the Fusion Energi, a plug in hybrid electric vehicle based on Ford s popular midsize car. Now in its fifth model year, the 2017 Fusion Energi is a close match to the standard hybrid model as well as to the gasoline version. Besides the electric charging port located just ahead of the driver s door, the other differences have to do with badging you ll find Fusion Energi markups on the exterior as well as inside the sedan. And that s a good thing too the Fusion is already an attractive model and no styling differentiation is warranted. Some manufacturers opt for silly looking grilles or other embellishments to distinguish gas and hybrid models. On the other hand, it seems Ford decided that a near uniform look for all Fusion models is entirely sufficient. 2017 Ford Fusion Energi Platinum The 2017 version welcomes a third trim level, Platinum, joining the SE and Titanium editions. Also new this year is the grille, exterior LED lighting, and SYNC 3 infotainment system. All models now come with an 11 speaker audio system and a new rotary transmission selector. What hasn t changed is the 2.0 liter, four cylinder engine powering this model nor the permanent magnet AC synchronous electric motor or the lithium ion battery. Also present is an electronically controlled continuously variable transmission to turn the front wheels. Selling hybrids is a ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Stereotypes Of Stereotypes And Stereotypes Breaking Stereotypes The labeling or stereotyping of different races often define how they are supposed to act, think, and conduct themselves within society. Stereotyping can have an extremely negative effect on individuals in a particular ethnic group that have a real potential to become something better than what their labels define them as. Stereotypes such as all Native Americans are uneducated and lazy, or all Caucasian people are racists, are assumptions that can cause hatred between races, or stereotype threat; causing individuals in different ethnic groups to think less of themselves and thus limit their ability to reach their full potential. Some individuals in minority groups often find themselves having to prove that such stereotypes do not apply to them and work resiliently to change preconceived ideas about them. The term stereotype refers to generalizations or frequently generalizations about members of a specific group. Stereotypes can be associated with characteristics like race, sex, social status or religion. These generalizations can be positive, but in most cases they are negative and extremely hard to change. For example in the essay Champion of the world by Maya Angelou the author describes how almost the entire African American population of the United States, placed their hopes on Joe Luis to retain title of world champion. A match against a white contender seemed the perfect opportunity to break the stereotypes and inequalities associated with ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Service Line Development Sentinel Event: Sentinel events are a subset of medical adverse events. Events that require immediate attention are called Sentinel Events. Joint Commission defines a sentinel event as an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof. Serious injury specifically includes loss of limb or function. The phrase or the risk thereof includes any process variation for which a recurrence would carry a significant chance of a serious adverse outcome. Sentinel Event identified by Joint Commission also include infant abduction or discharge to the wrong family. Summary of the Sentinel event in the Case Study: Sentinel event presented in the case study involves discharge of a minor to ... Show more content on ... This root cause analysis team is multidisciplinary, the members being members of the relevant departments, but not involved with the event. A facilitator from the legal office arranges meetings, keeps minutes and writes up the final report. The charge of the root cause analysis team is to explore all potential causes of the event, sort and analyze these causes, identify risk reduction strategies, and implement a correction plan with a timeframe for completion and monitoring. The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a process for identifying the basic or causal factors that underlie variation in performance. It should focus primarily on systems and processes, not on individual performance. In order to get to the root of the problem, it is important to keep professional skepticism, which requires a questioning mind. The goal is to identify potential improvements in processes or systems that would tend to decrease the likelihood of such events in the future. In carrying out a root cause analysis, it is helpful to re create the event with the staff involved in the event. Root cause analysis team formed to investigate the sentinel event presented in the case study included: 1. Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer 2. General Services Vice President of Security 3. General Manager ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Time Management in Nursing Time Management Acacia Xavier Davidson Everest Nursing | Henderson, NV Fundamentals II Professor McNeill Day Wednesday, August 29, 2012 Time Management A nursing student s time is precious. The amount of time that it takes a student to secure a degree varies by college, yet the process still requires extreme dedication, diligence, mental stamina, and judicious time management. Once a student has been accepted into a nursing program and begun their education, it soon becomes apparent the need to adapt and accustom a pattern of readjustment to the field of nursing. Overcoming what lies in the unknown, assessing one s own stress, discovering ways to reduce stress, and creating ultimate compensation that is reflected by achieving good ... Show more content on ... These nursing students who were purposefully chosen utilized the grounded theory method; the findings indicated the need for the students to have time for extra curricular activities and responsibilities that were appropriate to their individual ages. When the students failed to manage their time judiciously to render out of school activities, often they perceived themselves under more stress. (Mirzaei et al., 2012, Line 14 15) While an additional study that took ... Get more on ...
  • 37. A Brief Note On The Uk Supermarket Industry This report will be conducted as follow, first a brief introduction of the analysed industry; the UK supermarket industry with a concise facts about the size of this industry in the UK, then analysing the macro environment of the UK supermarket industry by using the PEST framework that analyses the Political, Economical, Social and Technological factors, which has a direct impact on the UK supermarket industry. After that the micro environment of the UK supermarket industry will be analysed in depth by using the Porters Five Forces framework, which consist of the following aspects; Threat of the new entrants, Bargaining power of suppliers, Bargaining power of buyers, Threat of substitutes and the Existing competitors. Finally, summarising ... Show more content on ... Figure 1: Market value of the UK supermarket industry from 2007 to 2017 The above graph illustrates the importance and the market value growth of the UK supermarket industry for a 10 years period starting from 2007 with 133,6 billion pound until the predicted market value for 2017 with a value of 192,6 billion pound, with a staggering growth percentage of 44,16% throughout the last 10 years. 2. PEST Analysis 2.1. Political There are many political factors that can affect not only the supermarket industry in the UK but any kind of business in the UK, those issues can be summarised in the following factors: The possibility of UK leaving the European Union One of the main recent political factors that will have a big impact on the UK supermarket industry is the possibility of UK leaving the European Union that might becomes a definitive decision after the June 2016 election. This decision might change the entire UK supermarket industry operations because of the big number of goods that have been imported from the European Union with a free tax because of the European Union free zone trade. Therefore, the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union will cause a big rise in the prices of the imported products and materials from the European Union, as a result of the increase of the import tax that was zero when the UK used to follow the European Union regulations. Government regulations and initials ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration The topic of illegal immigration and how best to handle it has always been a controversial topic in the U.S. The Trump administration is trying to address it by building a wall all the way along the border of U.S. and Mexico. Trump has always wanted to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico because he sais that it is needed and will stop illegal immigration into the U.S. However the U.S. Mexico border wall that Trump is proposing will not only be ineffective but will also be a huge waste of money and an act of ignorance to the real issues and solutions. One obvious reason for why a border wall is a bad idea is that it will be insanely expensive for numerous reasons. Trump makes it sound like building a border wall will be as easy as saying we are going to do it and then poof, it will be magically done, but that is not the case. Current estimates of the U.S. Mexico border wall are that it will cost up to $66.9 billion in taxpayer money which is easier said than done (Nazario). Not to mention the immense cost of hiring people to patrol the wall. In the end the border wall will cost Americans billions of dollars that they don t have and waste it on something that amounts to nothing more than America flexing its muscles. People also seem to think that the government is allowed to just build a wall along the border but this is not true. To begin with most of the border is not even owned by the federal government, more than 2/3rds is owned by private individuals and Native ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Congenital Condition Of Congenital Heart Defects Congenital heart defects are problems intrinsic to the heart that present at birth. They develop during fetal growth in utero mainly due to genetic malformations, environmental factors, and multifactorial reasons. The environment within which the fetus develops (the uterus) is a very crucial contribution to normal fetal growth and development. It is common to find disruptions within this microenvironment; the consequent effect being the disruption of normal growth and organ developments. The timing is, however, important as well. During the first trimester, organs are being crafted from primitive cells and tissues. Internal and external factors, therefore, take the opportunity to cause disruption. The most common congenital anomalies are ... Show more content on ... Cardiac output refers to the amount of blood ejected by the heart per unit time while peripheral resistance is the resistance to blood flow exerted by arterials in the systemic circulation. Zidovudine exposure in utero and heart anomalies Zidovudine is an antiretroviral drug that is part of HIV/AIDS regimen. It is a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; blocks the action of the enzyme used by HIV virus in forming its DNA template. Studies have linked the use of Zidovudine during pregnancy or exposure by any other means to the development of congenital heart defects. The article below discusses a research conducted by physicians in 9 clinical centers. Title: In utero exposure to zidovudine and heart anomalies in the ANRS EPF French Perinatal Cohort and the nested PRIMEVA randomized trial. Authors: Sibiude J, Le Chenadec J, Bonnet D, Tubiana R, Faye A, Dollfus C, Mandelbrot L, Delmas S, Lelong N, Khoshnood B, Warszawski J, Blanche S. Publication date: 1st April, 2015 The study was done using a prospective approach. HIV infected women on zidovudine in 10 clinical centers were examined, and their children followed up thereafter. The follow up was extended to a period of two years. Control of the study was women on ARV regimen excluding nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. From the study, the researchers concluded the following findings; among those exposed to zidovudine in the first trimester, ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Nevada Four Were Spiritually And Had Long Term... Context Statement This case study highlights that the Nevada Four were spiritually and had long term personal connections to do something good for the Wetlands. Upon being neglecting, these four bureaucrats took action and got involved with going behind their superior back to see fit to their beliefs and passion for the Wetlands. The Wetlands future was in the hands of the Department of Interior, in which the Nevada four felt wasn t making any progression and decided to take action and attack from the outside. These four guerilla were natural scientists, who became experts in public relations. The Nevada four seen an opportunity to publicize their concern and get their agenda on the table when 7.5 million tui chub fish were found DEAD. Their mentioned that the cause of death was unknown and there could be a possibility that the Bureau of Reclamation could have something to do with this crisis. The decisive trigger was the angle the Nevada Four was looking to take, they understood that things had to get bad or at least seem bad, before anyone would do anything. They were denied once again for funding, so they took action and contacted owner of the inactive water to donate their water rights. This change the game, and was considered thinking outside the box, which their felt the Department of Interior would have never approved. The Nevada Four looked to give credit for success to other, because they were dedicated to a goal, and not to personal aggrandizement. Task Segment ... Get more on ...
  • 41. My Personal Goals Persistence is the cornerstone to my character and it fuels my passion towards reaching my goals. Each time I am presented with a new challenge in life it is my persistence that assures my success. Everything I have achieved is due to my willingness to press forward. I have always set ambitious goals for myself because I enjoy the process required to attain them. I have found that hidden in the arduous process of attaining challenging goals is the key to developing self discipline. I am convinced that I would not have achieved everything I have now without cultivating my will power. Currently, one of my short term goals include earing exceptional grades for the Fall 2017 semester. I am one semester away from beginning my upper division ... Show more content on ... As well, this curiosity fuels my other long term goal to obtain my graduate degree. I believed that learning is a lifelong commitment and that it is essential to cultivate an appreciation for the laws that govern our universe. In addition, to my scholastic goals I have set some personal long term goals for myself as well. I plan to learn a new language and learn to play an instrument, it my research I have found that bilingual people and those who play instrument not only live longer but also have an increased opportunity to benefit their communities. The most significant obstacle to my academic success has been to free myself from societal illusions. The environment in which a person is born molds their perceptions of society, and this is not easily changed. I am an African American male and I was born in Philadelphia and raised by a single father in Bartram Village, a low income housing project, which is notorious for being a haven for drug and gang activity. I was fortunate to have a father who taught me that what I received from life would be based upon the choices I made. That piece of advice has guided me and given me vision for what I wanted out of life. It was this clarity of vision that led to my decision to serve in the United States Marine Corps. Despite, it being a time of war I knew that I could expand my horizons by exposing myself to a new culture. I finished at the top of my military Cyber ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Case Study 1 Fraud Essay Case Study1: And the Fraud Continues A business can not work out without an account system, which includes internal. Internal controls are used by companies to make sure financial information is accurate and valid. Strong internal controls are signs of a financially healthy company and protect the company s integrity. Strong internal controls can also increase a company s profitability. There are several types of internal controls that companies used to protect themselves such as: Segregation of duties, asset purchases, supervisor review, internal audits and adequate documents and records. This paper will discuss several topics from a case study about And the Fraud ... Show more content on ... Placeholder credits this trick was used when customers were contacted regarding their overdue accounts receivable and MCI was informed that a payment would be sent in. MCI would then credit their receivables before receiving the cash; this trick was used by Pavlo was manipulation be he know what the system would all him to do in order to stall tactics, to recognize bad debt and uncollectible receivables that would have to be expensed on the income statement. If I suspected fraudulent activity within n organization where I work, I would use a professional skepticism approach. This can be broken down into there attributes: 1. Recognition 2. Questioning min and a critical assessment of the evidence and 3. Commitment to persuasive evidence Professional skepticism practices as neutral but discipline approach to detection and investigation. Per SAS No. 1 it suggests that an auditor neither assumers that management is dishonest or assumes unquestionable honesty. Professional skepticism requires fraud examiners to pull on thread in which means Red flags are warning signal or something that demands attention or provokes an irate reaction. Red Flag symptoms of fraud may be divided into at least six categories: unexplained accounting anomalies, exploited internal control weaknesses, identified analytical anomalies where non ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Intimate Partner Violence Case Study Is there a difference in decision making on parental care between abused and non abused women attending MCH services in Melbourne. Project aims and significance Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been recognised as an issue which needs to be addressed due to its negative consequences on health of individuals. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) as any act between intimate relations which results into physical, emotional, sexual trauma or any other form of restriction or isolation from family and friends which can lead to undesirable health outcomes (Organization, 2012). Violence do exists between intimate partners with women becoming more victims than men (Hall, Chappell, Parnell, Seed, Bewley, 2014). In Victoria, it had accounted for 7.9% of overall disease burden among women of reproductive age (Vos et al., 2006). According to WHO global report on violence, more than 35% of women experience both physical and sexual abuse by intimate partners which represents a large proportion of all types of abuse (Organization, 2012). Current studies have acknowledged that controlling woman s ... Show more content on ... Questions for this section were based on Composite Abuse Scale (CAS), which is a well validated and reliable tool which can be used to measure Intimate Partner Violence for both abused and non abused populations and can be used in clinical setting as a research tool (Hegarty, Bush, Sheehan, 2005). Questions which were asked include: 1) Do you think your partner s life has changed very much since having the baby? 2) Are you happy with the contribution that your partner makes to looking after the baby? 3) Are you happy with the contribution your partner makes to household tasks? 4) Who makes the decision about contraceptive use if you are using one? 5) Who decided to have a baby in your household? 6) Was your recent pregnancy planned? 7) Did you want to have the ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Why Was Richard Nixon Important Richard Nixon was important because he was a dreamer. Also, he never gave on of being a president. Since he worked so hard he was one of the most active presidents of all time. That s why he is fascinated to me because he was one of the youngest presidents. He is important to me because I am a dreamer to. Did you know that Richard Nixon was born in January 9, 1913 . His parent was Frank and Hannah Nixon. He was the second of five children that his parents had. When Richard was twelve he had to find a job so he could help support his family. Richard had to start working at his dad gas station, and grocery store, when he still was a little boy. When Richard graduated from high school and enrolled at Whittier College. Then he attended Duke ... Show more content on ... Nixon was accused of accepting a gift from the wealthy Republicans. Then Eisenhower and Richard was reelected. But when he ran against John F. Kennedy he lost. Then he also lost the election for the governor of California.After a period of time was elected to be president of the united states. Secretly Richard Nixon had bomb the the North Vietnam s supply routes in Cambodia and Laos.Where he killed many innocent people,and also that was including four students during antiwar protest.When Nixon announces that he will visit People s Republic of China it stunned many people.Then Nixon daughter Patricia got married to a man named Edward Cox.When Nixon got back from visiting China from open relations between the two countries.He became the first U.S. president to visit the Soviet Union.Richard Nixon had the biggest feast of all presidents.During the time Richard Nixon was the first person to visit Egypt. Then Richard move to New Jersey .After he moved to New Jersey he wrote four more books.Richard sold a lot more than 300,000 books. When Pat died Richard Nixon died a year later.Then they laid him to rest in his birth place in California.. Overall I thought Richard Nixon was a good person. He did a lot of things that he ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Supreme Leader And The Authority Of The State It s the only country in the world with a theocratic government. The supreme leader is similar to the GB queen but with the difference that the supreme leader sets overall policies and can nullify an executive decision whereas the Queen role is completely ceremonial. There is multiple power centers in Iran which is similar to the checks and balance in the U.S Many policies and rules are sets by unelected specialize bodies considered as state institutions even though there are not mention in the constitution. B) Explain why Iran is called a theocratic state explaining the role of key institutions Iran is a theocratic state because all the laws are grounded in religion and express the will of God and a clergy exercises of supreme power. The supreme leader is the highest authority of the state and sets overall policies of the state and appoint some key figure of the government. The supreme leader is elected by the Assembly of experts which is every ten years. The president is the chief executive and appoint members of the cabinet. He also signs bills and laws once they are approved by the parliament. He is elected by universal suffrage every 4 years and can be impeached by the parliament and the supreme leader. The parliament is a unicameral chamber of 290 members who are law makers (to some extends) and elected by universal suffrage form 4 years terms. The council of guardian composed of six members of the ulema and six lay Muslims. The leader appoint the six ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Firearms In The United States Firearms should not be banned in the United States because it would deny people their rights, deny citizens a form of self defense, prevent use for sports such as hunting and marksmanship, and give exclusive firearm access to criminals. Many gun control activists out there think that guns need to be banned completely from civilian use. While guns may need to be controlled a bit for public safety, banning them would not help anything. The main reason reason this isn t something to be put into legislation is because it s completely unconstitutional. The second amendment of the constitution gives all citizens the individual right to bear firearms. In the Supreme Court case District of Columbia v. Heller, Justice Antonin Scalia wrote in the majority ... Show more content on ... As proof of this, between 1982 and 2012 there have been 62 mass shootings. Out of those 62, 49 instances were committed with legally obtained firearms, which means 13 cases included the use of illegally obtained guns. In total, 143 guns were used in these mass shootings. Approximately 25% of those guns were obtained through illegal means ( Gun 5). In Chicago, there are bans on gun shops, shooting ranges, assault weapons, and high capacity mags. Even with these bans in place, there were 2,089 shooting victims in 2014, and 50,000 illegal weapons were recovered by police between 2001 and 2012. These weapons came from all 50 states and over half of them came from outside Illinois ( Gun 5). Laws haven t stopped criminals before, the only thing it will prevent is the protection of ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Wormy 2.0 Lab Report From this lab, it can be concluded that planarians will regenerate no matter how they were cut. Wormy and Wormy 2.0, were both trisected transversely and were thought to grow into six new planarians, three coming from each worm, and one of them possessing two heads. The results observed for Wormy fully supported the hypothesis, and the three new planarians had a head, midsection, and tail. However, Wormy 2.0 s hypothesis was not supported by the results at all. For one, the hypothesis and results for the tail part were incomparable due to the fact it was missing, and the prediction for the body, or middle part was quite absurd. Through further research, it is possible to have a planarian with two heads, but a longitudinal cut would have to be used instead of a transversal cut. Planarians are one of the most simplest organisms out there in the world, and they have a stunning ability, regeneration. These flatworms are bi directionally regenerating ... Show more content on ... For instance, the light, even though it was on the lowest power, was too strong for the planarians. The flatworms would try to move away from the centre of the dish, where they were less sensitive to the light. This made finding and drawing the planarians very difficult, especially for the faster ones, which resulted in inaccurate observations. Additionally, it is possible that Wormy 2.0 s tail was disposed of while changing the pond water. Because of that, the observations for Wormy 2.0 were incomplete, and therefore the hypothesis was unsupported. As well, there are some factors that contributed to the experimental error that were uncontrollable. Such as the temperature of the classroom which may affect how the worm behaves and it s survival, or even organisms that may harm the planarian, that live in pond water. There are many more errors that definitely happened, but some may have just gone unnoticed or were simply not taken into ... Get more on ...
  • 48. The Private Memoirs And Confessions Of A Justified Sinner The history of gothic literature is a discussion of how the classic gothic literature has morphed into today s contemporary gothic literature. From the beginning days of gothic writing one of the main focuses has been on the issues that were relevant in the county or world at the time. Most people think of gothic writings as a scary story of gloom and doom, but there are many aspects that encompass a gothic writing. The true is that there are many elements to a gothic writing. The writer does not need to use all of them at the same time, but to use some of them to make it a gothic writing. As technology and the social atmosphere have evaluated writers have incorporated these elements into their writing. Gothic literature is said to have ... Show more content on ... (Ringel) Mary Snodgrass points out, Decades before Sigmund Freud provided a paradigm for the human psyche, echoes of disturbing behaviors forced readers of gothic literature to interpret subtexts of prejudice, classism, and abnormality in thought and action: in the motivation for James Hogg s The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner. (Snodgrass) Many people of authority in America believed that the gothic genre was source of outside evil on the new world. This is supported by Reverend Enos Hitchcock s Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove Family, in which he blames the corruption of young women in the new nation on foreign writings and foreign manners and prays May this rising empire cease to import both the one and the other! (Ringel) The 1800 s rang in a new era of writers and twist on the gothic style. One of the major contributors was Edgar Allan Poe with stories and poetry that still resonates with high schoolers to this day. Works that are still read or at the very least spoken of in high school are stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville. Noteworthy works by ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Compare And Contrast The Compromises Of The United States... During the late 1700 s and the early 1800 s, the United States were constantly under stress from tensions within their country. During these years, the nation was experiencing change at a rapid rate. Increasing industrialization led to a booming growth in population and urbanization. During this time, there were many things that divided the country. Some of those things were small, others divided the nation. From 1781 to 1840, the US was divided among themselves with political, economic, and moral conflicts that divided the country. In 1792, the first party system was established in the United States. The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, had a loose interpretation of the constitution. These ideals set them apart from the Republicans, ... Show more content on ... The fight against slavery started with the Missouri Compromise, which caused the first debate over slavery within the national government. It was a very heavy topic to be addressed, which is why many political figures stayed away from it. Slavery was so important because without it, the Southern Economy would crumble. Since the Southern economy runs on the exportation of cotton and other plants, if there were no slaves to maintain the field and tend to the crops, the southern way of living would crumble. With opposition to that argument, we can see that the North has already begun to get away from slavery and their views are completely different that the South s. Due to the fact that both the North and South had different opinions, this led to constant tensions between ... Get more on ...
  • 50. The Harlem Renaissance Movement In The Lynching By... In the 1920 s the Great Migration occured. A lot of African American started arriving at the northern states as a result of the increased job opportunities, seeking a new beginning in towns such as Detroit, Chicago or New York City. The Great Migration acted as a domino effect allowing the Harlem Renaissance to materialize at a similar time. The Harlem Renaissance was an artistic movement which enabled African Americans to display their artistic talent not only to a black audience but to a white one as well. It was named after a neighborhood in New York City Harlem since it attracted a lot of artists. The most important outcome of the Harlem Renaissance was that it empowered African Americans and led them to focus on their roots. This explosion ... Show more content on ... Hughes stressed the importance of the burden of representation . The term signifies the obligation of one to not only know and be close to his cultural roots, but also represent one s heritage through one s art. Langston Hughes clearly states that An artist must be free to choose what he does, certainly, but he must also never be afraid to do what he must choose. He believes it is a duty of Blacks to be themselves, write about their culture and not imitate the whites. Claude McKay s poems do not fit the description of Hughes ideal black poetry in consequence of his English influences. McKay s poems are sonnets. In order to write a sonnet you need to acquire white knowledge. The contrast is strongly visible, for Hughes wanted the Black writers not to be influenced by white culture. One could say that McKay used this way of writing, so that he would be heard and respected by the white audience as well. But this speculation does not change the fact that McKay did not fulfill the obligation of representing purely his race according to Hughes beliefs. The Harlem Renaissance movement gave a chance for Black artist to surface to the American society and be appreciated by mixed crowds. It brought to light a number of important artists and gave them a chance to ... Get more on ...