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Informative Essay Outline Middle
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Informative Essay Outline Middle School Informative Essay Outline Middle School
Advantages Of Orthodontic Treatment Planning
As they say What we measure shapes what we collectively strive to pursue and what we pursue
determines what we measure . If u can make the diagnosis, the treatment is easy and the damage
can be reserved but making the diagnosis can be tricky. Successful orthodontic treatment is based
on comprehensive diagnosis and treatment planning. Orthodontic treatment planning poses
significant challenges for clinicians with their ability to provide the predictable results for a patient
in effective and safest manner.1. Similarly, orthodontists must objectively address the challenge of
assessing treatment results1. The tooth size specifically the mesiodistal width of the teeth is one of
the basic fundamentals with which the orthodontist has to deal2.
Space analysis is one of the main steps to be considered for successful treatment planning. It is
traditionally ... Show more content on ...
If you can t measure something, you can t understand it. If you can t understand it, you can t
control it. If you can t control it you can t improve it. In orthodontics, dental models measurements
are an integral part of armamentarium used for treatment planning and diagnosis traditionally,
diagnostic measurements has been obtained from plaster dental casts. An orthodontist should be
skilled in measuring mesiodistal teeth width accurately. Any flaws in this measurement may lead
to errors between total tooth material and arch length. Study models provide a three dimensional
view of maxillary and mandibular dental arches in all three planes of space i.e transverse, sagittal
and vertical. The consumer protection act 1987 (United Kingdom) for medico legal purposes,
states that it is necessary to retain all patient records not less than 11 years. The British association
of orthodontics recommends that study models should be kept for 11 years or until the patient is
26 years
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A Split Between People During The World
Division within Pacific Rim During times of crisis, there is still a division. This division is the
idea of a split between people during an apocalypse. This idea is known as Marxism. Marxism is
the analysis between the working class, which is the majority of the population, and the rich
class, which is the minority of the population. Marxism is used to analyze history through social
and economical views to better understand about the differences in the world. A prime example
of Marxism is the movie Pacific Rim. Pacific Rim is a monster story that shows humanity pitting
against monsters known as Kaijus. Humans of this movie united together to make Jaegers in
order to get rid of the Kaijus. Fighting these monsters is shown as an apocalypse, however
during these times, we can still see a split between people. Through the lens of Marxism, Pacific
Rim portrays it through the social hierarchy and lifestyle of people within the community during
an apocalypse. The working class which is the majority of the population must work to make a
living. Without work, they will not be able to stay alive during the apocalypse. Throughout
Pacific Rim, workers must work hard in order to stay alive. At the beginning of the movie,
Raleigh was a pilot for the Jaeger (Pacific Rim). After tragic events, Raleigh was forced to quit
being a pilot and went to work for building the wall (Pacific Rim). Yeah a man in my
position....travels with the wall, chasing shifts to make a living (Pacific Rim).
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Bible Doctrine
THEO 104 Reading Question Answer Sheet
Week 6
I. Christianity is a Practical ReligionStudent Answer Column
Instructions to Student:
Write your answers in this column. They will be in blue.
The cell will expand as you type.
What Christianity is All About (textbook): Chapter 10
1.What is the relationship to works and salvation?Salvation is by grace through faith and good
works are a result of a relationship with Christ. A faith without works is not genuine.
2.Why do Christians do good works?To practically display the love of God.
II. Christianity is a Movement that Transforms Culture
A. What Christianity is All About (textbook): Chapter 11
1.When did Christianity become Rome s national religion?AD 313 ... Show more content on ...
3.What was the lecturer s point concerning Groaninzin s disease?
4.Why does the lecturer suggest that when sharing our faith we should start with the natural and
then go to the spiritual?Start in the natural to create a conversational, safe and friendly
environment. Then go to a Spiritual conversation. Don t shock and offend. Be gentle.
5.According to the lecture what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Charles
Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?They taught grace
6.What does the lecturer suggest NOT to preach in the gospel message?Fire and brimstone
7.What were your overall thoughts on the lecture?It was good. A bit long
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Immeasurable Ramifications Of Infant Neglect
The immeasurable ramifications of infant neglect stems from more than just the neglect itself.
Although, society finds neglect inexcusable there are risk factors that put some infants in greater
danger than others, disparities can start before birth and others are historical predisposition,
learning disorders, socio economic status and lack of knowledge (Bartlett, Raskin, Kotake,
Nearing, Eaterbrooks,2014). The Ecological perspectives theory says that our environment is
crucial in our life experiences. With this given information we have to identify all the risk factors
that could contribute to the well being of an infant. For example, who is caring for the infant, if
that caregiver is using drugs or alcohol, the age of the caregiver,
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Syrian Jets Bombed A Marketplace
Syrian jets bombed a marketplace in Douma, Syria in August of 2015 (Robins Early 5). This was
an attack that occurred in the midst of the Syrian civil war, a war between the government (led by
President Bashar al Assad) and rebel civilians. The current civil war revolves around a conflict
regarding the balance of power within the country, while an immense number of innocent civilians
are being caught in the center of the violenceand instability that the brutal waris causing. Over 4
million people have left the country as refugees, while others have been unable to escape the
horrific violence (Robins Early 1). Amongst those who have been stuck within the country, children
are quitting school to make money to support their families, as... Show more content on ...
According to the United Nations (U.N.), the total number of children deaths has been over
8,500, including 2,000 under the age of 10 (Omer 1). This brutal war has undoubtedly affected
the lives of many Syrian citizens, and while the death toll continues to rise, the lives of Syrian
children are being affected the most, as they are most vulnerable to the damage. Anthony Lake,
the executive director of the United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF), says that Never in
recent memory have so many children been subjected to such unspeakable brutality (Omer 1).
While many children are being affected by crises around the world, UNICEF s executive director
believes that this war that has been going on for half a decade is what has been most cruel towards
children because of the violent nature of the war that takes place amongst them. Wynn Flaten, the
director of World Vision s SyriaCrisis Regional Response team, says that refugee children need
special protection. They need to get into schools. Even when they can get in, often the classrooms
are overflowing with extra students, or they are bullied to such an extent that they no longer even
want to go (Omer 2). The war is affecting the children greatly, as when they try to get the education
they want, they are often rejected by either the school or the bullies within them. Either way, they
are turned away from getting a proper education,
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Essay On German Monarchs
German Monarchs Web Quest
1. The Peace of Augsburg was a treaty that ended the rebellion caused by Martin Luther s ideas.
Lutheranism and Calvinism were granted freedom in this treaty but Protestantism was excluded.
2. Austria and Prussia were the two main power players in Germany.
3. The Hohenzollern and Hapsburg family dynasty held power in the German states.
5. Gustavus Adolphus was the king of Sweden from 1611 to 1632. He was Lutheran and he died in
6. Cardinal Richelieu was in charge of several campaigns against the Huguenots during the Thirty
Years War. He signed the treaty of La Rochelle, but then proceeded to go back on his promise and
killed thousands of Huguenots. Cardinal Mazarin succeeded Cardinal Richelieu and created ... Show
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Maria Theresa reigned for 40 years and Frederick the Great reigned for 46 years. Frederick the
Great was extremely tolerant of other religions, but favored Protestantism while Maria Theresa
was Roman Catholic. Maria Theresa had 16 children and her family was extremely important to
her. Frederick the Great experienced a traumatic childhood because his father abused him.
Frederick the Great was known for his military victories while Maria Theresa was not. She did
however, strengthen the army.
15. Maria Theresa and Frederick the Great were fighting over Silesia in 1740 which was known as
the Seven Years War.
16. Prussian militarism was very similar to Germany s militarism during the world wars. German
military traditions are stated to be based off of Prussia s and both German and Prussian armies were
very strong, uncompromising, and brutal.
17. King Ferdinand II was elected King of Bohemia in 1618 and he did not respect the people s
religious freedom, especially Protestants. This led to the outbreak of the Thirty Years War.
18. Maria Theresa became heir to the throne of Austria and Hungary. It was difficult for her to
inherit the throne because she was a woman and often female leaders were not respected. Also, the
Salic Law, put into place by Charles VI, prevented a woman from inheriting the throne. However,
the Pragmatic Sanction altered that law to allow women to rule. Prussia became her greatest
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Economic Policy Change in Soviet Union From 1941 to 1986...
Economic Policy Change in Soviet Union From 1941 to 1986 The period 1941 1986 saw little
change in the Russian economy, although attempts were made at reform by Khrushchev, for
example, with his Virgin Lands scheme. I believe that economic policy did not change between
the years 1941 1986 but the change was often quickly reversed and change was not carried out to a
great enough extent to have any significant bearing on the development of the Russian economy.
Russia was almost destroyed by the efforts needed to sustain a war. Even though the first, second
and third Five Year Plans had been heavily concentrated on the heavy industries such as coal and
steel, which proved to be... Show more content on ...
The need for labour and troops was intense and between 1941 and 1944 the gulag population
decreased by two fifths. Able bodied men were conscripted from the collectives and women
were left to care for the farms. Grain production fell from 95 million tons in 1940 to 30 million
tons in 1942. This was a huge drop, and famine was common, particularly in the Ukraine and
Siberia, where loss of life was most severe. The more relaxed attitude of Stalin during the wars
years had nurtured a belief that life would be easier and less repressed after the war. However,
this proved not to be the case. The Fourth Five Year Plan was intended to restore Russia s pre war
reputation as an industrial power. Industrial production recovered quickly, mainly through the use
of over 2 million slave labourers. The rigid centralised economy imposed by Stalin was useful in
this instance as it became easier to organise workers and factories. The Fifth Five Year Plan was
concentrated slightly more on the consumer industries, helping to improve living conditions in
Russia. The relaxation of Stalinist policy meant that although rigid central control was retained,
Party power was weakened in the countryside. When Khrushchev came to power in 1953, he
inherited the rigid centralised economy symbolic with the Stalinist era. In 1956
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Car Prowl Patterns
After looking at the patterns of car prowl crimes in the NE Airport way district it is obvious that
is highly packed with theft. There is somewhat of a pattern that occurs during the months of
October and November. The amount of car prowler crimes are slightly above average in these
two months. This could be due to the amount of shopping people do during these months
because of Black Friday and Halloween. Therefore, people are more vulnerable to leave their
belongings in cars. Not just car prowl crimes is high in the NE district but theft as a whole is very
common. Looking at a strategy from the article Motor Vehicle Theft Analysis And Reduction In
Rockaway Township, New Jersey, they used a strategy that would work well in Portland for car
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What Is Dewey And Vygotsky s Model Of Cognitive Development
Dewey (1959) sees experience and education as being dialectically connected. Hence, to Dewey, the
experiences that the teacher designs and creates in the classroom, e.g. tools, activities or the
environment, have an impact on students learning. The experiences must be relevant, authentic and
meaningful to the students for effective learningto take place. Besides individuals experiences,
Dewey gives space for social experiences as well. He believes that students interactions with others
and the environment are crucial factors contributing to their learning. Dewey s belief is further
extended by Vygotsky s (1978) model of Zone of Proximal Development(ZPD). Vygotsky believed
that collaboration with others helps one to complete tasks that one could not have done without
assistance from and collaboration with others. The ZDP is the level at which learning takes place. It
comprises cognitive structures that are still in... Show more content on ...
Social constructivists view the critical importance of interaction with people in cognitive
development. Cognitivists view learning as occurring in the internal structure, of mental processing
of information, independent of the environment.
Learning occurs when learners can socially build, share, co construct and apply
knowledge.Learning occurs when information is transmitted through and processed in a student s
mind (information processor) to memory. Knowledge can be transmitted and students learn by
passively absorbing knowledge.
Expert knowledge is de emphasized. Everyone is entitled to constructing knowledge according to
his/her own experience.The development of an expert requires one to employ optimal learning that
is appropriate for that domain. Experts have extensive knowledge which allows them to perceive
large meaningful patterns, see and represent a problem at a deeper
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Extinction Of Megafauna
Same ecological extinction happened when humans migrated to America 16,000 years ago. When
the northeastern Siberia and northwestern Alaska were connected due to low sea level, Homo
sapiens migrated to Alaska. When the glaciers melted after 2000 years since their arrival in Alaska,
people were able to travel to rest of the United States and eventually to South America. On their path
to South America, humans led to extinction of 34 out of 48 genera of large mammals in North
Americaand 50 out of 60 genera in South America (Harari, 2015). Barnosky et al. (2016) also
states that there has been sufficient evidence to claim that lower 48 United States faced a positive
correlation between a decline in megafauna population and in a decline in diversity... Show more
content on ...
With agriculture came domestication. Domestication is defined as humans changing the
environment and the ecosystems within the environment in order to make the Earth safer for
humans and to gain more beneficial and productive goods and services (Kareiva et al., 2007).
Domestication can be categorized to two big branches: domestication of plants and domestication
of animals. Humans facilitated domestication of plants through agricultural practices. Through
artificial selection, humans chose domesticate plants with traits that are most advantageous for
humans survival, usually those that yield the most food (Young, 2016). When these traits are
selected repeatedly, domesticated crops resulted in differing both physiologically and
morphologically from its ancestor species. Domestication suggests enlargement of plant structure.
Bigger plant structure prompts an increase in abundance and likelihood of herbivores that may
feed off of these domesticated crops. Increase in seed size also negatively correlates with toughness
of seed coat. This relationship indicates that more parasites are able to prey on these weak
domesticated crops (Chen, 2015). Shang et al. (2014) also establish a specific example and write
that humans have purposefully domesticated cucumbers without the bitter taste, which protected
the species from herbivores. Without the bitter taste, the cucumber species is now defenseless
against herbivores
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The Purpose Of The Spanish Armada
On August 1588, an enormous Spanish fleet of 130 ships sailed from A CoruГ±a under the
command of the Duke of Medina Sidonia with the sole purpose of invading England. If the
invasion succeeded, it would change the world and Christianity; there would not be an England,
as we know it, in its place a Spanish colony; Catholicism would prevail as the superior form of
Christianity over Protestantism. There would be no British Empire, but, in its stead, the Spanish
Empire. The USA would be heavily influenced by the Spanish. The world s most spoken language
would be Spanish. But after all, what were the motives of the Spaniards for launching such a vast
invasion on Britain; what was worth all the effort and work? In this essay, the reasons for the
launching of the Spanish Armadawill be covered.
The motives of the Spanish were plenty. The Spanish desired England to be part of their expanding
empire. By taking over England, there would be minimal traffic towards America from the rest of ...
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King Philip s ambitions was the most prominent of the reasons as the Spanish Armada was one of
the bigger, if not the biggest, moves in his attempt to conquer England. With ambitions as the key
reason, this event would prove useful in becoming a crucial example in the study regarding pre war
conditions of invasions and relationships between the contenders. A profound understanding of
such events might even allow future wars to be evaded. The Spanish Armada itself was a brilliant
idea and, if it had succeeded, Spain would have owned The empire on which the sun never sets .
However, the Spanish Armada failed; England remained independent, and British influence from
that point onwards surpassed
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Franklins Preface To Poor Rich Essay
In Benjamin Franklin amp;#8217;s preface to Poor Richard Improved, quot;The Way to Wealth
quot;, Franklin offers many adages to help the reader conserve money. Many of these sayings are
common even today. The title of this preface makes since because the title, quot;The Way to
Wealth quot;, can be interpreted as The Road to Wealth. If the reader does as these adages tell
them, he or she should be on their way to wealth. Franklinoffers advice to just about anybody.
Franklin believed that wealth was important because it led to both frugality and industry. Frugality
and industry were listed as his fifth and sixth virtues.
Franklin tells us that in order to be industrious, we must always be employed in something useful.
His proverb, ... Show more content on ...
Franklin tells us that in order to be frugal, we can amp;#8217;t waste anything. People who spend
lavishly should listen to the maxim, quot;Silks and Satins, Scarlet and Velvets put out the Kitchen
Fire quot;. This saying reminds us that the nice, expensive things all work just as well as the
generic ones. Another proverb that a person with no frugality should abide by is, quot;Women and
Wine, Game and Deceit, Make the Wealth small, and the Wants great. quot; This is one I can
definitely relate to. Women, wine, and playing around all do put a dent in your pocketbook.
quot;Early to Bed, and Early to rise, makes a Man healthy, wealthy, and wise quot;, is another I
can relate to. This maxim is directed to all slothful people. My constant tardiness proves my
laziness and my need to abide by this one. Another similar adage is, quot;Plough deep, While
Sluggards sleep, and you should have Corn to sell and to keep. quot; Both of these maxims tell us
that in order to get ahead, you can amp;#8217;t be lazy.
Franklin believed that a person that listens to the sayings would avoid being poor. He wrote that
poverty robs a person of their spirit and virtue. His proverb, quot; amp;#8216;Tis hard for an
empty bag to stand upright quot;, lets us know that it is hard to function with no spirit or virtues. I
would suggest reading this preface to anyone who has problems with money. The sayings still hold
true in today amp;#8217;s society. Many
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Causes Of The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
On March 25, 1911 in the New York City s West village 146 people mainly young women
immigrants of Italian and Jewish background perished. The women, some just teenagers would
work long hours in the factory sewing shirtwaist high necked cottons blouses which were the
fashion staple of the time for young women. The owners of the Triangle Shirt waist factory
would lock the doors while the women worked, said to prevent theft and the visit of union reps
to the location. What lead to the fire was the unsanitary factory floor. This was the exact reason
to why before the actual fire, 400 of the factories employees went on strike. During this strike the
women fought for better wages and safer working conditions. Unfortunately they only won some
of their concessions on pay, but little was actually done by the factories owner who continued to
keep the workplace in shambles. As well as the doors still locked. Besides the doors being
locked there were piles of flammable fabric scraps, over flowed waste baskets and many of
workers crammed in multiple floors of the building. In 1977 the fire was ignited by what was
said to be a match or cigarette tossed carelessly amid the debris on the eighth floor. The fire
quickly spread through the open factory floors above. The actual shirtwaist building was fire
proof and still stands today. Located in the West village at the corner of Greene Street and
Washington Place one could still pay the original building a visit. Those on the 10th floor
escaped to the roof and took the elevator until it stopped functioning. During those days fire
engine ladders only reached to the sixth floor. Unfortunately during the fire for some reason
workers on the ninth floor were not informed of the blaze, and due to a lack of a building alarm
system this floor had the highest number of deaths. The poorly built and unmaintained fire escapes
collapsed in the heat, sending a many of the workers on a free fall to their deaths. Which after the
initial tragedy, the New York CityFire Chief Edward F. Croke was asked if the fire escapes
provided by building in the area were actually adequate in the event of a fire. The chief s response
was A great many will use
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Application Of Concept Analysis For Clinical Practice
Application of concept analysis to clinical practice
The concept has been defined as symbolic statement describing a phenomena or class of
phenomena (Kim, 2000,p.15). It can be theoretical or non theoretical like hope, love and desire or
body temperature, pain (McEwen Willis, 2011) the words like grief, empathy, power, job
satisfaction or a phrase like health promoting behaviors or maternal attachment. Concept analysis
mentions to the laborious process of bringing clarity to the definition of the concept used in science
(McEwen Willis, p, 51). According to McEwen (2011), the purpose of the concept analysis is to
clarify, recognize, and define concepts that describe phenomena.
Method of analysis
There are several methods of analyzing the concepts. The purpose of concept analysis is to help the
nurses to identify the trends and development in patient care. In depth analysis of these trends and
developments helps to formulate measures to provide holistic patient care ( Grand canyon
university 2013). Walker and Avant introduced the process of concept analysis in nursing in
1983.Walker and Avant (2005). They are concept analysis; concept synthesis and concept derivation
explained three different processes to analyze the concept in nursing. According to McEwen (2011)
Walker and Avant use concept analysis to clarify meanings of terms and define concepts with an
expected outcome of readers and writers communicating in a common language. The Walker and
Avant s method used in
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Why We Should Celebrate Columbus Day
Columbus Day is labeled in The United States of America as a whole day to celebrate
Christopher Columbus founding America. Kids across America love Columbus Day because
they have the day off from school. People who work in Federal Offices get a day off as well, but
some are not as happy with the day as the children are.
Some people in the United States believe that Christopher Columbus was an evil man who just
waltzed into the Indies and took advantage of its indigenous people. In fact, Los Angeles,
California just officially changed Columbus Day in the city calendar to Indigenous Peoples Day.
They were not the first to change it however, Denver, Albuquerque, and Seattle have all changed the
holiday to Indigenous People s Day.
Los Angeles made the big change in honor of those who were killed when he and his men brought
themselves to the western world. The activists who brought this issue to light believe that
Christopher Columbus is a worldwide symbol of genocide ... Show more content on
However, there were some people groups, like the Italian Americans, who did not agree with the
city s actions. The Italo Americans were not pleased with the city s decision to change the famous
holiday. The Italian American people felt that yes, there should be at holiday to celebrate the Native
People of America, but that holiday should not replace one that was established in the late 1930s.
They feel that taking this holiday away from the Italian American community was rude and not
thoughtful. Even with all the complaining of the Italian American community, Los Angeles,
California has stuck to their newly founded city holiday. Although some may not agree with it, to
most of America, the second Monday in October will always be Columbus Day, whether people
like it or not. You can change a holiday in one city, but it cannot change it everywhere
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How Winds Hit The Ocean s Surface
The Winds creates energy and when it hit the ocean s surface it creates friction and pressure, this
causes waves. And when the wind gets stronger the ocean surface goes from being flat to bigger
grades of roughness, this creates waves. Then the waves continue to build to get to their maximum
size; and the size depends on three factors: windspeed, wind duration, and the how large of ocean
area the wind covers, this is called the fetch. When ocean waves are as big as they can get because
of wind speed and size of fetch, the sea surface area this is called a fully developed wave. The sea
surface can be calculated by the large wave height and uses the average height of the highest one
third of the waves.
There are different reasons why the ... Show more content on ...
Then you need to find the day and time on the chart, the days and dates will be at the top of the
table. Then you will find 2 sets of numbers below the day and date table. The top group of
numbers is when the sun rises and the bottom set is for when the moon rises. The times are
based on the 24 hour clock. Under the times is a graph with a wave pattern that includes highs
and lows. This will tell you the times of high and low tides. The numbers at the left and right of
the graph start at 1 and go up to +3. The negative numbers are in red and the positive are in blue.
These numbers will tell you how many feet the ocean tides will be either high or low.
How Tides are created:
The Moon and the Sun and the rotation of the Earth create the Tides. The alignment of the moon
and the sun creates the times and height of the tides. The shore also has an effect on the high and
low tides because of their shape.
The tidal bulge is the elongation of the Earth and is caused by the difference between the
gravitational forces on the side that is closest to the
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How Does Chesnutt Present The Theme Of Character Foils In...
In The Marrow of Tradition, Chesnutt uses the ideas of character doubles to represent the idea of
race vs respect. By creating these doubles he creates a theme of duality throughout the book that
reflects upon the racism during the time period the book is written about. Chesnutt insinuates the
idea of raceversus respect in a dualital manner that compliments each character s respective
differences while still showing the reader exactly why each pair of character foils are two sides
of the same coin through various examples throughout the book, such as Tom and Ellis, and Olivia
and Janet. An example of race vs. respect given in the book was the relation of Tom Delamere and
Lee Ellis. Both of these characters are white men, but the way they treat... Show more content on ...
In the story, Janet and her mother are expelled from the family by Mrs. Ochiltree. Even though
the fortune was left to her mother by her father, Mrs. Ochiltree stole the will and the money
Samuel Merkell left Julia, and she hid the will to protect Olivia s inheritance. All of these actions
were motivated by the fact that Janet was the illegitimate black child. Janet and Olivia have
similar motives in this story, but even so, the way they are treated is completely different. Olivia
was able to live the easy life because she received the stolen fortune as she was the white child.
Janet on the other hand was forced to live a hard life, working her way back up from the ground
as she was half black. Despite coming from the same father, their lifestyle is completely
overturned simply because of race. Because Janet was born black, she is disrespected and
disowned from the family. Because Olivia was born white, she is able many family members care
for her, such asMrs. Ochiltree who just gives her everything. This injustice is what the motif of
doubles is bringing to light. All in all, Chesnutt uses the idea of Race
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The City Of Southern Mexico Los Lobos Meaning The...
There once was a small village in Southern Mexico called Los Lobos meaning The Wolves. The
village was named that because the hills that the village were built on, it was inhabited with wild
wolves and the people had to be careful where they went. A family was going down there to visit
their relatives including Bryan and his nephew Miguel. They were very excited since it was their
first time visiting Mexico, but it all changed once they got closer to the small villagewhich was
filled with dirty streets and homeless families begging for food. The sad scenery looked like
something you would see only on T.V, but it was worse and the saddest thing he had seen. They
finally arrived in the state of Guanajuato where the village was at. They... Show more content on ...
The house had an unusual smell to it that Bryan couldn t quite his finger on it. Miguel had never
minded any of the people in the village had always believed the story ever since they were a
young child, but there showed no evidence of this so called Witch . old lady on the corner of
Babylan St. because he always knew it was just a folktale,so they wouldn t go into a stranger s
Many of the old people in the village had claimed they had been marked by the witch when they
were little while sleeping in their very own homes including Bryan s Grandma Mrs. Ojeda. The
family was enjoying their first chilly night under the stars that were clearly visible unlike how
they were back home. It was a perfect time for Bryan and his nephew to ask their grandmother to
tell them the story of the witch on the corner of Babylan St. that was just 4 houses away. Bryan
finally broke the silence of the night by telling his grandma, Grandma can you tell us the story of
the witch on the corner of the street? Bryans Grandma had agreed but told us not to tell their
parents she had told them the story. She said, The rumors began when a family had moved into
the house a week before Christmas. Time had passed and the day was Christmas Eve and as
traditions went, they would blow fireworks starting at midnight and burn the dummies they had
made of hay and fireworks with old clothes they saved all year. The family did not want to do
fireworks that night so they stayed inside the house for
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The Journals Of Lewis And Clark
The Journals of Lewis and Clark Jeffrey Yamada Honors U.S History Mrs. Nylen 12/13/14 The
expedition that Lewis and Clark had been on was a trip to the Pacific or the west. The President
at the time was Thomas Jefferson and he wanted to explore and expand his country after
receiving Louisiana from the French. So Jefferson asked his personal secretary, whose name
was Meriwether Lewis to go on a journey along the Missouri River from St. Louis. Lewis.
Meriwether Lewis was born on August 18, 1774 in the colony of Virginia and he was an
explorer, soldier, and a public administrator. But Lewis did not just agree to the expedition he
wanted his best friend to come with him on the expedition and his name was William Clark.
William Clark was born on August 1, 1770 only four years younger than Lewis and he was also
from the colony of Virginia. He was explorer and a soldier as well as Lewis but he was a Indian
agent and a territorial governor. And when they decided to leave on their journey they had about
40 members in their group including a man by the name York. York was a slave that they brought
along on the trip for the hard and manual labor that they had to do on the expedition. Some of the
many task the Lewis and Clark had to do on their expedition that Jefferson had gave them were to
make a map route to the Pacific Ocean, examine all the Native Americans on their way to the
Pacific Ocean, study wildlife, plants, minerals, resources, and the geography of
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The Effects Of Extracurricular Activities On College Students
As kids get into high school, most parents hope that their kids will join some kind of club or team.
A question parents might ask is, How involved should kids be in extracurricular activities or should
they even be involved at all? Extracurricular activities can be both advantageous and unpromising
depending on what the student plans on participating in and also how many activities the student
plans participating in. Many studies have been conducted trying to find the answer to those
questions. One great thing that comes along with extracurricular activities is that it looks great on
college applications. They won t know if you spend hours upon hours playing video games; they
will certainly notice a lack of notable activities on your college application (Extracurricular Activity
). When admissions offices for colleges are looking at students applications for their school, the
first thing they look at to determine if they even meet the requirements to get into that school is
their grades. The next criteria is the amount of work or activities the applicant is involved in
outside of the classroom. If two people have the same GPA and the same academic test scores, the
admissions office will look at the extracurricular activities that both of the students have participated
in. The student that has done more outside of the classroom will most likely be accepted over the
student he/she was competing against. ...maintaining good grades will look better on a college
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Sexism Essay
An everlasting Conflict
Sexism is categorized by extreme cases, but when in reality, both female and male parties
execute sexism everyday even in the simplest forms. Though women tend to receive more grieve
when it comes to sexist acts or sexist slurs made by men, the level of sexist disputes has
decreases drastically with time. The play Trifles displays the major difference is the mindset of
the split sexes. The setting presents a time when women were belittled and not taken seriously.
Susan Glaspell s play is evidence on the progress our society has made concerning sexism, never
less the ever existing conflict still takes its toll in our everyday life. Sexism by definition is
discrimination by members of one sex against the other; ... Show more content on ...
Yes, women s bodies are used to sell products, or portray a perfect image of how men want their
women, but women must voluntarily advertize their own bodies. Some females may considered
sexy or racy photos and commercials to be degrading, but those women choosing to do so can find
it very empowering. They not only feel confident but they are becoming something that men swoon
over and yearn for; ergo creating a sense of authority. Sexism runs rampant in every facet of our
The story of Trifles exposes the sexism that women dealt with then, and still to some extent deal
with today. The men show major examples of diminishing and downplaying the women s
intelligence when ignoring them throughout examining the crime scene. Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale
find incriminating evidence against Minnie, but the men never think to ask them their opinion; they
are too preoccupied searching for solid tangible, evidence. Although the women find evidence to
believe Minnie is the killer, I believe they feel somewhat responsible for her. This concluding that
both genders are somewhat sexist. The men on the husband s side, and the women on Minnie s side.
Perception differs with their gender. While the men look for something to show anger, or sudden
feeling , something more obvious; the messy kitchen is labeled as bad housekeeping, instead of
being used as evidence. The clues are presented but their male perception enables the men from
seeing them. (Glaspell s)
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Motown Civil Rights Movement
The Impact of the Relationship between Motown and the Civil Rights Movement
It was possible to view the sign that was above the Motown Records front windows located in
Detroit during the 1960 s. The sign read Hitsville U.S.A. and Berry Gordy, the founder of
Motown had placed it there after the company moved to a new location. It was the Grand Blvd
2648 W. and the sign proved that Gordy was indeed a force to be reckoned with as time went by.
The Motown Record Company had established itself as a successful and independently run African
America business. The company encouraged the youth of America by urging them to go and look
beyond the racial divides that existed. He wanted them to dance and sing together at a time when
the issue of unity was gaining a lot of importance .
Main Discussion
Motown Records was able to produce legends that included the Jackson Five, Gladys Knight,
Martha Reeves, the Four Tops, the Temptations, Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross, and Marvin Gaye. It is
evident that Motown had created a new tune that had never been heard before among the American
youth, and thus it helped in the shaping of the 1960 s. ... Show more content on ...
The allegations were not true because Motown was able to embody one of the key principles
regarding the Civil Rights Movement. It mostly preached about black independence and success.
It is evident that Gordy did not intend on proclaiming the message of empowerment and black
independence. However, based on his actions of going ahead and establishing the record
company, he played a role in accomplishing one of the Civil Rights Movement s goals, which was
black economic independence. It means that the success and establishment of Motown was a
political act of intrinsic value. It is because it served as the needed proof regarding the fact that
African Americans could be as successful and independent as the whites could
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The Government Shutdown In The United States
October 1st, 2013 began the 16 day long shutdown for the United States government. Although the
reason for the shutdown originated with disputes between the President Barack Obama and the
United States Congress over Washington [overspending] their projected budget, the final nail in the
shutdown boiled down to the dissimilar views of the House of Representatives and the Senate. As a
result, the government shutdown further intensified the lack of unity between the two political
parties. Along with a divided country, every government run functions ceased, cost[ing] the
Federal government billions of dollars. Emily Jarvis, an editor for GovLoop as well as a writer for
research guides and whitepapers, established that [M]ore than 800,000... Show more content on ...
Despite the government s best efforts, even the most diligent workers were furloughed. PBS, an
American public broadcaster and television program distributor, revealed that of the 9 recipients
of the 2013 Service to America Medals, 4 were furloughed in the government shutdown. In a report
published by the Office of Personnel Management, surveyed that 44% of federal employees felt
that they had sufficient resources to do their job, making it an all time low compared to years
before. In addition to those conditions, the Guidance for Shutdown Furloughs revealed that workers
were not even paid during their dire time. With the best and brightest employees not working and
employee morale low nor getting paid, keeping a functional government seemed impossible. In fact,
after the shutdown, Eric Katz, a graduate of George Washington university and a writer for
Government Executive, discovered 20,000 fed[eral workers] are still suing Government over last
shutdown. On the surface, the government seems to just regulate and create laws however it is in
many aspects of life. The government shutdown of 2013 not only affected those directly linked to
government, but also aquatic life, the economy and even other countries. The inability to sustain a
working government created the inability to work for thousands of
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Imagery In The Starry Night
The night sky portrayed by van Gogh in the Starry Night painting is filled with whirling clouds,
shining stars, and a bright sickle shaped moon. The setting is one so that viewers can relate to and
van GoghВґs swirling sky directs the viewerВґs eye around the painting, with spacing between the
stars and the curving silhouette creating a dot to dot effect. These internal elements secure the
fluidity and such silhouette was important for the artist even though they became less significant
for other Impressionists. Therefore, Starry NightВґs composition was different from the
Impressionist technique of the 19th century.
The artist knew that his Starry Night composition was slightly surreal and stylized; in a letter to his
brother he even referred to exaggerations in terms of composition. The vivid style ... Show more
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Looks like that van Gogh, is differentiating between life and death with shining bright stars and a
gloomy, peaceful village. The main light sources are the bright stars and sickle shaped moon.
Use of mood, tone, and emotion
There are so many perceptions about Starry Night and that the canvas he s using portrays a light
of hope. Looks like he was showing that even though with a dark night, it is still possible to see
the lights in the house s windows. Thus, there is always a light to guide you, with a shining
bright stars filling up the sky. Van Gogh seems to be already found his heaven and be cured from
his sickness. He also knew death will give him a sensation of peace and because of that, he paints
this using bold colors in the Starry Night painting.
Use of brushstroke it is obvious that van Gogh paints with a thick and unique brushstrokes, and it is
also possible that further serious problems may dramatized his brush work. But, his technique is
consistent and that makes this work of art rich of
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Cultural Assimilation In Things Fall Apart
How can staying true to one s culture benefit them? More often than not, cultural assimilation is
seen as a consequence of migration. And the introduction of the Europeans into the Ibo society is
no different, although in this case, it was more beneficial than detrimental to the Ibo. Enoch, a
character in Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart accepts the Western ideas, and changes when his
identity is tested, which evinces that a change in culturehas potential to be advantageous. To begin,
Enoch s response to the conflicting European culture turned out to be positive. One way his
response is empathetic is his acceptance of the new religion. In the novel, this is shown when the
narrator explains, These outcasts, or osu, seeing that the new religion welcomed twins and other
such abominations, thought that it was possible that they would be received (Achebe 155). Enoch
s acceptance of the new religion gave him the chance to start over. Another way Enoch s response
is positive is his willingness to learn and help others grow. The Europeans encouraged the Ibo to
learn their ways, not only in religion but also education. The narrator process this by... Show more
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A new culture can either accepted or rejected by members of the original society, which can be
shown by the characters Enoch and Okonkwo, consecutively. There narrator describes, Nwoye
struggled to free himself from the choking grip. Answer me, roared Okonkwo, Before I kill you
(Achebe 152). Unlike Okonkwo, Enoch chooses to embrace the new culture, and because of that, he
gets to reap the rewards. One of those awards was protection. Enoch must have thought he had more
than everyone else when he, [...]boasted aloud that they would not dare to touch a Christian
(Achebe 196). Enoch s boosting demonstrates that one definitely can gain from any
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Archer J Maggott As An American Soldier In The 1950 s
ARCHER J. MAGGOTT Archer J. Maggott (born Maggott Archelaus Joseph Maggott Kojak;
Greek: бј€
ПЃП‡ОО»О±ОїП‚ О™П‰ПѓО·П† ОњО±ОєОіОїП…П„ ОљОїО¶О¬ОєО·П‚;
December 30th, 1907) was an American soldier during the Second World War, though, infamously
remembered as the sadistic serial killer, rapist, white nationalist and cult leader who assaulted and
murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1940s and possibly earlier. Shortly before
his relocation to the Briarcliff Mental Ward, Wausaukee County; Massachusetts (Briarcliff Asylum,
2012) in 1962 and after more than a decade of denials, he conceded to 17 homicides that he
committed in three states and four countries between 1944 and 1946. The true victim count will
forever be unknown and could be much higher than the... Show more content on ...
Today Maggott is on rotation between Attica; New York, Brookhaven; West Virginia and
Sherinnford; Great Britain, as an extra security measure to prevent him from corrupting his fellow
inmates, or the staff. (Silent Hill Historical Society, 2001) Maggott s delusions of grandiose have
grown to an increasingly alarming level, slowly transitioning from the belief he is a tool of God to
becoming (a) God himself. (Thresdon, 1964) It is not possible to visit Maggott in prison without
written authority from a standing Federal Justice and a complete psychiatric evaluation from both a
court appointed psychiatrist and acting physician of the correctional facility within 12 hours of
arrival. Supervised visitation is limited to a maximum of 30 minutes. (Kaufmann,
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The Temperature Dependence Of Magnetization M ( T )
Next, the temperature dependence of magnetization M(T) curves of Mn3Cu1 xGdxN under a
magnetic field of 100 Oe is shown in Figure 3. For x = 0.15, decreasing from 300 to 147 K, the
ZFC and FC curves are virtually indistinguishable, and then an abrupt magnetic transition from
PM to FM with a pronounced ZFC FC irreversibility appears at a TC of ~146 K, as shown in
Figure 3a. Noticeably, with a slightly increase in the Gd content from 0.15 to 0.17, the M(T) curves
(Figure 3b) exhibit entirely different features, in which two magnetic transitions are clearly
observed. One is the typical PM FM phase transition located at high temperature (TC1), and the
other is the FM antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition at low temperature (TC2). Further increasing
the Gd content, the TC1 shifts to high temperatures (from 164 to 239 K), while the TC2 gradually
moves towards low temperature (from 118 to 99 K) as demonstrated in Figures 3c and 3d. In
addition, to further verify the low temperature magnetic features, the temperature dependent high
magnetic fieldmagnetization was measured under 20 kOe, as shown in the insets of Figures 3a d.
Obviously, a typical AFM peak is observed from the inset as displayed in Figures 3b d, and the
decreased slope of PM FM transition suggest that it is the second order transition induced by Gd
doping. For Mn3CuN, the structural phase transition brings a three dimensional geometrical
frustration in Mn6N octahedron 45, and then the next nearest neighbor (Mn N Mn)
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During the 1960’s a woman’s role in society was greatly...
During the 1960 s a woman s role in society was greatly changed through both social and legal
means. Women s rights movements in the United States date back to 1848 at the Seneca Falls
Convention, but were greatly ignored after women were granted the right to vote in 1920 by the
nineteenth amendment. Many reasons contributed to the reemergence of women s movements
but the most prevalent is the end of World War II in 1945. During World War II, more than three
million women of all classes of society voluntarily exchanged their aprons and jobs as a house
wives and took up real tools in factories. Women working in industrial jobs during World War II
affected the mind set of both men and women about the full capabilities of women. People could...
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The commission worked to end job discrimination through legal means. The National
Organization for Women (NOW), whose goal it was to give women equality of opportunity and
freedom of choice , also fought for women s rights and to get men and women the same job
benefits. The EEOC, NOW and organizations like it assured profound change for women by
allowing them a legal opportunity to file suit against discriminatory organizations. By the end of the
1960 s women significantly changed their position in society and law and overcame sexism in
several ways including breaking into male dominated fields, moderate and radical thinking,
breaking down male power structures and through cultural expressions. Although women
experienced profound cultural change during the 1960 s many things including a male dominated
society, the classic perception of women and opposition to equal work undermined women s
movements. Since the birth of the United States, men dominated almost every part of society. This
did not change much during the 1960 s. Other movements, including the civil rights and anti war
movements, were controlled by men. This represents American s view of women as being inferior
to men. Women were kept behind closed doors during these movements because it was not seen as
lady like to publically protest and fight injustices in society. Men also dominated politics during
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The Battle Of The Gettysburg
Today, the Battle of Gettysburg is considered one of the most important battles of the American
Civil War. However, with 23,049 casualties on the Union side and 28,063 on the Confederate side,
it can also be considered one of the bloodiest (Civil War Trust). Such heavy losses naturally rattled
the entire nation and Americans on both sides began to question the war and what it stood for. As
Americans gathered together at the consecration ceremony of the Gettysburg National Cemetery,
the much acclaimed orator and politician Edward Everett delivered what was meant to be the
Gettysburg Address. Yet, today, it is not Edward Everett s Gettysburg Address that the world
remembers, but Abraham Lincolns, who was invited to the ceremony almost as an afterthought.
Lincoln s 272 words helped remake America by giving hope to its citizens at a time when they
were at their lowest.
For Everett, the Battle of Gettysburg was a parallel to the ancient Battle of Marathon and his
moment up on the stage delivering his Address was his Pericles moment. The nineteenth century
was a time of Greek revival for America, a time when America came to be considered the second
Athens. This Greek revival manifested itself in everything from architecture to courses at
universities, but perhaps most importantly, in orations at the time. Everett played a significant role
in this Greek revival as he was not only a Greek scholar but also a proponent of classicism. With
his Gettysburg Address, Everett hoped to
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Analysis Of The Film Princess Mononoke
I selected the film Princess Mononoke from director Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli. The
animated film consists of the genres action, adventure, fantasy, drama, and historical. Mamoru
Fujisawa, also known professionally as Joe Hisaishi, is the sole composer of the film Princess
Mononoke. The music pinpointed the battles that would take place in the film and even
introductions of some integral characters that would have an affect on the story. The music even
highlighted and enhanced the climax of the film.
The story begins when a prince named Ashitaka had gotten cursed with pain and death on his
right forearm by a demon boar he was trying to fight with and was sent away from the village,
losing his status as a prince by cutting off his hair. On his journey, he finds two injured men and
sees an injured wolf as well as a girl who drinks the poisoned blood from the wolf s wound. He
makes sure the men are fine and goes to another town called IronTown. In IronTown, the men greet
him and the women demonstrate their job to Ashitaka and Lady Eboshi examines the cursed
wound that he harbors on his right arm which she casted on the Boar God. Unplanned, the same
girl who drank the poisoned blood attacks the village. Her name is Princess Mononoke and her
other name is San. San starts a brawl with weapons with Lady Eboshi and Ashitaka stuns both of
them with his hands. Kiyo, one of Lady Eboshi s workers, shoots Ashitaka with a gun since he hurt
Lady Eboshi. Despite his circumstances, he
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The Driving Down The Road
There are millions and millions of cars on the road these days. With every car on the road there
is a driver operating the vehicle. Every single driver has habits that they acquired throughout the
years of driving. Some don t use blinkers, others tend to go over the speed limit, and others don t
wear seatbelts. Majority of those drivers can fall into one of the following categories: the carefree
reckless driver, the overly cautious driver, and the normal driver which is the most preferred. We
have all seen it, you are drivingdown the road and then out of nowhere a car comes flying past
you in the other lane. That is a prime example of what we consider a carefree and reckless driver.
You see, a carefree and reckless driver is one that cares about nobody but themselves when
driving. They are the people that you see going fifteen to twenty miles per hour over the speed
limit with no signs of slowing down. Sure they might have an excuse of I was late for work or a
family emergency came up but in general you are still a reckless driver and carefree. I think we
all can relate when I say that we see enough of these drivers on the daily. But what other traits do
carefree and reckless drivers exhibit? One big trait is that they are always switching back and forth
between lanes of traffic. They become so impatient that they feel the need to constantly switch back
and forth between lanes so they are one car closer to being at their destination. Another one of the
dominant traits
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Living With Art By Tintoretto, Miracle Of The Renaissance
In chapter 4 of Living with Art it discusses the elements of art which are the following: line, shape,
mass, light, value, texture, pattern, color, and space. In the twentieth century two elements were
added to the list and they are time and motion. In the painting by Tintoretto, Miracle of the Slave
(1548) there are several elements of art that are at play. First off, is line. Line is presented a few
times throughout the painting including horizontal, vertical, and diagonalline. Horizontal line
represents relaxation and placidity, the figure on the ground in the front is a horizontal line
because he is dead. His body is in repose which is why he is represented as a horizontal line.
Vertical lines represent assertiveness, structure, and growth. Jesus coming down from the middle
is vertical and he is defying gravity by entering the painting from the top. Lastly for line, is
diagonal lines. Most of the other people throughout the painting are represented as diagonal lines,
which represents action and movement. Looking closely at the painting it seems to have a freeze
frame look as though in the midst of all the action someone took a photograph of the scene. The
diagonal lines also direct our eyes throughout the painting by the way the people are positioned,
starting at the left those people are leaning towards the man on the ground. Next to the man is a
man standing with his arms raised diagonally towards the far right figure, and his head is leaning
towards Jesus which
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What Is Frankenstein Sublime
The Romantic period, an era bursting with art and literature, was home to many great writers,
writers such as Percy Bysshe Shelley, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Mary
Shelley. One can imagine that among the many topics that preoccupied the many different works
and ideas of these Romantic poets and writers was the Romantic conception of sublime, or idea
of being able to connect to one s own experiences of awe and other emotions like those of terror or
even danger. The writers and poets of the Romantic era would no doubt have been familiar with this
concept. In fact, this the Romantic conception of sublime shows up repeatedly throughout Mary
Shelley s work, Frankenstein. Shelley is able to bring the idea of sublimity into her... Show more
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Even I, depressed in mind, and my spirits continually agitated by gloomy feelings, even I was
pleased... He felt as if he has been transported to Fairy Land and enjoyed a happiness seldom
tasted by man... The scenery of external nature, which others regard only with admiration, he loved
with ardor (Shelley 112 113). Shelley then has Victor go on to recite a section from William
Wordsworth s Tintern Abbey, the sounding cataract haunted him like a passion: the tall rock, the
mountain, and the deep and gloomy wood, their colours and their forms, were then to him an
appetite; a feeling, and a love that had no need of remoter charm, by thought supplied, or any
interest unborrow d from the eye (Shelley 113). When reflecting back on the excerpt from
Tintern Abbey one is able to recognize that it speaks of solitude through nature, which parallels to
way that Shelley has Victor go off on his escapes or his long periods of solitude where he is
surrounded by nature. In his poem, Wordsworth is able to paint an ominous scene in nature, mainly
by the use of the words gloomy and haunted, which his readers
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Goodfellas Research Paper
As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster. Henry Hill played by Ray Liotta
says this as the film Goodfellas starts. That is just one of the memorable things about this movie.
Goodfellas is a well known film directed by Martin Scorsese. The few who have not watched are
truly missing out on a great movie. It is among the best crime movies ever created by Martin
Scorsese. Goodfellasis known to be a great film because it is not like the typical mob movie.
When people are asked about about this movie, he/she might talk about how much cursing there
is, or how the ending was kind of a plot twist, most will say it is a good movie. The way the movie
is recorded makes the audience feels like they know him personally. It... Show more content on ...
Although their reason being there was not to eat, they were still happy and enjoyed the food.
Families can relate to this because they are usually happy when they have not seen each other in a
This film shows that one simple mistake or choice could make a big difference; this is someone
everyone can relate to. EVERYONE has made a mistake at some point in their life. Although it
may not have an outcome as serious as getting arrested it has made a difference. In the film
people think Henry is paranoid when he talks about how careful they have to be. (... [Henry s
girlfriend] leaves cocaine glutted cookware around her flat)) (Heath 4). He tells her that if the
cops were to come they would have all the evidence since the cookware will be filled with
cocaine ingredients. She is too lazy to clean, so she does not which is a simple choice, but this
leads to the cops having enough evidence to get her arrested. Henry also tells the babysitter not
to call off of the house phone because the police could be listening to their call yet she does not
listen. This also adds on to the evidence, a recording of the call. People of all ages can relate
making them tell more people to watch it. A very important moment is when Tommy thinks he is
going to be made. He made the mistake of going with the men. It is a simple mistake with an
outcome that most did not see coming
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Coachman Essay
Women had very little opportunities before Title IX existed, especially in sports. They were not
able to participate in any organized sports because they were only designed for men. Women only
played sports or participated in any physical activities recreationally and without rules. In the past,
many believed that engaging in physical activity was harmful for women s health, especially when
they were in their menstruation period. Obviously, this idea was thought by a man who believed
that it is only fair for women to limit their level of physical activity. However, this did not stop
women from going against the norm; many began to value physical activities more as participation
and interest increased. This drove them to become more competitive.... Show more content on ...
Coachman for instance, had to improvise her training when she first fell in love with track and
field; she ran barefoot in fields or dirt roads and only had access to old equipment or had to make
her own equipment. For example, to practice her high jump she would attach a rope on sticks and
practice with just that. She was very creative. Her perseverance to excel caught the eye of her high
school s boy s track and field coach, Harry E. Lash, who eventually helped her earn a scholarship at
Tuskegee Institute, in Tuskegee, Alabama. Coachman had to compete barefoot during her first
competition but still manage to break high school and college level high jump records during the
Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) competitions, finally dominating the AAU competitions.
Coachman, however, did not become popular until the Olympic Games of 1948, where she set a
high jump record, winning her the gold medal and making her the first black woman to win an
Olympic gold medal and she became the first black woman to also earn an endorsement deal by
the Coca Cola Company ( Alice Coachman, 2016). She was even invited at the White House to
meet the President and was celebrated with a motorcade that traveled from Atlanta to her
hometown in Albany. Hearing that sounds like she had a good experience on her way home, but
that was not the case. Coachman still returned to a segregated home and even though she was
honored with a motorcade parade, her audience and fans had to, by law, stand separately and sit
separately inside the auditorium where the mayor honored her accomplishments. In addition, the
mayor refused to shake her hand because ...he refused to shake the hand of a woman who has
shaken the hand of the President, a King, and a Count and even Coachman had to enter and exit the
auditorium from a side door (Ingram,
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Babe Ruth Bibliography
Babe Ruth is an influential figure because even though his childhood was not the greatest, he kept
going. He was 19 when he started his successful baseball career and he continued with his love of
baseball through coaching until he died of cancer.
Babe Ruth was born February 6 , 1895 in Baltimore , Maryland ( Source # 4 ) . He was 1 of 8 kids
but only 2 of them survived ( Source # 3 ) . Babe Ruth s real name is George Herman Ruth Jr. (
Source # 2 ) . When he was 6 Ruth started drinking , and chewing tobacco ( Source # 4 ) . At 7 he
became to much for his parents . He was always caught at the dockyards doing drugs and drinking
alcohol . So his parents sent him to a Catholic industry school for 12 years ( Source # 1 ) . While he
was at the ... Show more content on ...
( Source # 1 ) In 1915 between June 1 and September 2 , he was 13 1 and ended the season 18 8 (
Source # 4 ) . He was on the winning World Series team 7 times ( Source # 3 ) . In three seasons he
had 94 wins and 46 losses ( Source # 5 ) . He set a record of 60 home runs in a single season with
the New York Yankees ( Source # 2 ) . After Ruth led the Boston Red Sox to two World Series , he
led the New York Yankees to 4 World Series and won all four ( Source # 5 ) . During Ruth s baseball
career he hit 714 home runs . Not including 15 world series home runs ( Source # 2) . Ruth shared
and held about 60 records , 28 of them were from World Series ( Source # 2 ) . He led the Yankees
to 7 pennants ( Source # 3 ) . Ruth never got to be a major league coach which was always his
dream ( Source # 2 ) . June 13 , 1948 , he stepped on the field for the last time , because he was sick
with cancer ( Source # 1 ) . He died on August 16 , 1948 to throat cancer ( Source # 5 ) . Ruth is
buried at the Gate of heaven cemetery next to his second wife ( Source # 4 )ВЁ . Almost 100,000
people came to his funeral ( Source 4 ) . Even after Ruth past he is still considered one of the
greatest MLB players in history ( Source 3 )
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Similarities Between Frederick Douglas And Malcom X
For some education is a foregone conclusion, particularly those who are wealthy and have means
to attend an institution of higher learning. Education is not the sole purview of the wealthy, while
having means provides a lower bar for entry, lack of means does not prevent one from
enlightening the self. Such is the case for both Frederick Douglas and Malcom X, two men who
enlightened themselves without access to the wealth that tethers education to those of the upper
class. Hard work and determination can win the day and bestow a freedom that only an advanced
education offers. These two men are shining examples of what can be accomplished when someone
refuses to be denied an education. This story tells about, Malcolm Xand Fredrick Douglas,... Show
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As Malcom X emphasized, Mr. Muhammad, to whom I was writing daily, had no idea of what a
new world had opened up to me through my efforts to document his teachings in books . (444)
Becoming a minister of Muhammad, he fought for African Americans civil rights.
Fredrick Douglass who started life as a slave on Master Hughes plantation was taught to write by
his Mistress in the beginning. As time went on Douglass Master forbade his wife from teaching
Douglass any more lessons. Douglass has often said, My mistress, who had kindly commenced
to instruct me, had, in compliance with advice and direction of her husband, not only ceased to
instruct, but had set her face against my being instructed by anyone else . (403) Douglass was
heartbroken as his Mistress s ceased to teach him and his thirst for knowledge grew. When
Douglass first became the Mistress slave, she treated him with respect, took care of him, and
began to teach him the basics of education. After being told by Master Hughes to stop Douglass s
education the Mistress went above and beyond that order. Where she once would bring them
newspapers to read together, she would now not let him anywhere near a newspaper for fear of
her husband s reprisal. Even through all this he still yearned to learn. In order to finish learning
how to read Douglass constructed a plan. He planned to learn to read by making friends with
... Get more on ...
Effective Malaria Treatment Is Fraught With Challenges
Effective malaria treatment is fraught with challenges. Resistance is seemingly around the
corner for every previously superlative drug, while being deeply entrenched among those
medications that a few decades ago were vital to chemotherapy. For artemisinin, the first signs of
resistance were observed in a 2008 study of parasite clearance times following monotherapy with
artesunate. Clearance was slower among patients from the Eastern Thai Cambodian border than
that of patients from the Thai Myanmar border to the West (Dondorp et al., 2009). Though an
alarming fact on its own, when coupled with the proportional increase of such slow clearing
infections from 0.6% in 2001 to 20% in 2010 with rates approaching 42% in Cambodia one must
conclude that there is cause for alarm (Flannery et al., 2013). Resistance is not only emerging but
also spreading. Now more than ever we have need of new medicines as well as new approaches for
producing those medicines. The link to plant physiology among Plasmodiumspp. is basically
irrefutable and imperatively needs further investigating. By elucidating essential biosynthetic
pathways behind such compounds like abscisic acid, we can find hitherto unknown targets as well
as broaden our knowledge of the evasion mechanisms that are at the disposal of our protozoan foes.
Evasion is the primary response of malariain response to the immune systems efforts and this tactic
appears to have been extended to one of the most powerful drugs we have.
... Get more on ...
Understanding The Old Testament
Understanding the Scriptures, especially those in the Old Testament can seem daunting. There is so
much information in the Old Testament writings that deal with history and customs during that
time period. The storyline is comprised of the people, places, dates, and events. The Old Testament
is full of such details, often to the extent that the reader can be overwhelmed trying to master them
(HW 27). Understanding the history of the time period when the Old Testament was written gives
a broader view as to what was happening so we can better understand the Scriptures. This is
important, but the most important part of the Scriptures is how God reveals himself to us. The Old
Testament reveals God s master plan for us and his loving nature
... Get more on ...
Command Of The Conventions Of Standard English Grammar And...
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or
speaking o CCSS.ELA LITERACY.L.4.1.B
Form and use the progressive (e.g., I was walking; I am walking; I will be walking) verb tenses.
ThemeTime Warp When Writing
Lesson Topic:Verb Tenses
1.Students will recognize verb tenses: present continuous tense
2.Students will differentiate use between present tense and present continuous tense Content
1.Students will understand that verbs change form depending on their relationship to time.
2.Students will be able to recognize the past, present, and future tenses of regular and irregular
Learning Strategies
Key VocabularyPresent tense, Past Tense
, Future Tense, Irregular Verbs
MaterialWriting Notebook
(Building background)When students have inconsistent verb tense, they have a time warp in their
stories. In this lesson, students learn that verbs tell not only what action takes place, but also when
the action takes place. They will learn to identify past, present and future verb tenses and to check
sentences and paragraphs for inconsistent verb tense.
(Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback)1.Using
the Past, Present, Future chart transparency, ask the students to place the following events in the
correct column. Write the events on the chart as the students suggest
... Get more on ...

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Informative Essay Outline Middle School. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Informative Essay Outline Middle School 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Informative Essay Outline Middle School Informative Essay Outline Middle School
  • 2. Advantages Of Orthodontic Treatment Planning INTRODUCTION As they say What we measure shapes what we collectively strive to pursue and what we pursue determines what we measure . If u can make the diagnosis, the treatment is easy and the damage can be reserved but making the diagnosis can be tricky. Successful orthodontic treatment is based on comprehensive diagnosis and treatment planning. Orthodontic treatment planning poses significant challenges for clinicians with their ability to provide the predictable results for a patient in effective and safest manner.1. Similarly, orthodontists must objectively address the challenge of assessing treatment results1. The tooth size specifically the mesiodistal width of the teeth is one of the basic fundamentals with which the orthodontist has to deal2. Space analysis is one of the main steps to be considered for successful treatment planning. It is traditionally ... Show more content on ... If you can t measure something, you can t understand it. If you can t understand it, you can t control it. If you can t control it you can t improve it. In orthodontics, dental models measurements are an integral part of armamentarium used for treatment planning and diagnosis traditionally, diagnostic measurements has been obtained from plaster dental casts. An orthodontist should be skilled in measuring mesiodistal teeth width accurately. Any flaws in this measurement may lead to errors between total tooth material and arch length. Study models provide a three dimensional view of maxillary and mandibular dental arches in all three planes of space i.e transverse, sagittal and vertical. The consumer protection act 1987 (United Kingdom) for medico legal purposes, states that it is necessary to retain all patient records not less than 11 years. The British association of orthodontics recommends that study models should be kept for 11 years or until the patient is 26 years ... Get more on ...
  • 3. A Split Between People During The World Division within Pacific Rim During times of crisis, there is still a division. This division is the idea of a split between people during an apocalypse. This idea is known as Marxism. Marxism is the analysis between the working class, which is the majority of the population, and the rich class, which is the minority of the population. Marxism is used to analyze history through social and economical views to better understand about the differences in the world. A prime example of Marxism is the movie Pacific Rim. Pacific Rim is a monster story that shows humanity pitting against monsters known as Kaijus. Humans of this movie united together to make Jaegers in order to get rid of the Kaijus. Fighting these monsters is shown as an apocalypse, however during these times, we can still see a split between people. Through the lens of Marxism, Pacific Rim portrays it through the social hierarchy and lifestyle of people within the community during an apocalypse. The working class which is the majority of the population must work to make a living. Without work, they will not be able to stay alive during the apocalypse. Throughout Pacific Rim, workers must work hard in order to stay alive. At the beginning of the movie, Raleigh was a pilot for the Jaeger (Pacific Rim). After tragic events, Raleigh was forced to quit being a pilot and went to work for building the wall (Pacific Rim). Yeah a man in my position....travels with the wall, chasing shifts to make a living (Pacific Rim). ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Bible Doctrine THEO 104 Reading Question Answer Sheet Week 6 I. Christianity is a Practical ReligionStudent Answer Column Instructions to Student: Write your answers in this column. They will be in blue. The cell will expand as you type. What Christianity is All About (textbook): Chapter 10 1.What is the relationship to works and salvation?Salvation is by grace through faith and good works are a result of a relationship with Christ. A faith without works is not genuine. 2.Why do Christians do good works?To practically display the love of God. II. Christianity is a Movement that Transforms Culture A. What Christianity is All About (textbook): Chapter 11 1.When did Christianity become Rome s national religion?AD 313 ... Show more content on ... 3.What was the lecturer s point concerning Groaninzin s disease? 4.Why does the lecturer suggest that when sharing our faith we should start with the natural and then go to the spiritual?Start in the natural to create a conversational, safe and friendly environment. Then go to a Spiritual conversation. Don t shock and offend. Be gentle. 5.According to the lecture what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?They taught grace 6.What does the lecturer suggest NOT to preach in the gospel message?Fire and brimstone 7.What were your overall thoughts on the lecture?It was good. A bit long ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Immeasurable Ramifications Of Infant Neglect The immeasurable ramifications of infant neglect stems from more than just the neglect itself. Although, society finds neglect inexcusable there are risk factors that put some infants in greater danger than others, disparities can start before birth and others are historical predisposition, learning disorders, socio economic status and lack of knowledge (Bartlett, Raskin, Kotake, Nearing, Eaterbrooks,2014). The Ecological perspectives theory says that our environment is crucial in our life experiences. With this given information we have to identify all the risk factors that could contribute to the well being of an infant. For example, who is caring for the infant, if that caregiver is using drugs or alcohol, the age of the caregiver, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Syrian Jets Bombed A Marketplace Syrian jets bombed a marketplace in Douma, Syria in August of 2015 (Robins Early 5). This was an attack that occurred in the midst of the Syrian civil war, a war between the government (led by President Bashar al Assad) and rebel civilians. The current civil war revolves around a conflict regarding the balance of power within the country, while an immense number of innocent civilians are being caught in the center of the violenceand instability that the brutal waris causing. Over 4 million people have left the country as refugees, while others have been unable to escape the horrific violence (Robins Early 1). Amongst those who have been stuck within the country, children are quitting school to make money to support their families, as... Show more content on ... According to the United Nations (U.N.), the total number of children deaths has been over 8,500, including 2,000 under the age of 10 (Omer 1). This brutal war has undoubtedly affected the lives of many Syrian citizens, and while the death toll continues to rise, the lives of Syrian children are being affected the most, as they are most vulnerable to the damage. Anthony Lake, the executive director of the United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF), says that Never in recent memory have so many children been subjected to such unspeakable brutality (Omer 1). While many children are being affected by crises around the world, UNICEF s executive director believes that this war that has been going on for half a decade is what has been most cruel towards children because of the violent nature of the war that takes place amongst them. Wynn Flaten, the director of World Vision s SyriaCrisis Regional Response team, says that refugee children need special protection. They need to get into schools. Even when they can get in, often the classrooms are overflowing with extra students, or they are bullied to such an extent that they no longer even want to go (Omer 2). The war is affecting the children greatly, as when they try to get the education they want, they are often rejected by either the school or the bullies within them. Either way, they are turned away from getting a proper education, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Essay On German Monarchs German Monarchs Web Quest 1. The Peace of Augsburg was a treaty that ended the rebellion caused by Martin Luther s ideas. Lutheranism and Calvinism were granted freedom in this treaty but Protestantism was excluded. 2. Austria and Prussia were the two main power players in Germany. 3. The Hohenzollern and Hapsburg family dynasty held power in the German states. 4. 5. Gustavus Adolphus was the king of Sweden from 1611 to 1632. He was Lutheran and he died in battle. 6. Cardinal Richelieu was in charge of several campaigns against the Huguenots during the Thirty Years War. He signed the treaty of La Rochelle, but then proceeded to go back on his promise and killed thousands of Huguenots. Cardinal Mazarin succeeded Cardinal Richelieu and created ... Show more content on ... Maria Theresa reigned for 40 years and Frederick the Great reigned for 46 years. Frederick the Great was extremely tolerant of other religions, but favored Protestantism while Maria Theresa was Roman Catholic. Maria Theresa had 16 children and her family was extremely important to her. Frederick the Great experienced a traumatic childhood because his father abused him. Frederick the Great was known for his military victories while Maria Theresa was not. She did however, strengthen the army. 15. Maria Theresa and Frederick the Great were fighting over Silesia in 1740 which was known as the Seven Years War. 16. Prussian militarism was very similar to Germany s militarism during the world wars. German military traditions are stated to be based off of Prussia s and both German and Prussian armies were very strong, uncompromising, and brutal. 17. King Ferdinand II was elected King of Bohemia in 1618 and he did not respect the people s religious freedom, especially Protestants. This led to the outbreak of the Thirty Years War. 18. Maria Theresa became heir to the throne of Austria and Hungary. It was difficult for her to inherit the throne because she was a woman and often female leaders were not respected. Also, the Salic Law, put into place by Charles VI, prevented a woman from inheriting the throne. However, the Pragmatic Sanction altered that law to allow women to rule. Prussia became her greatest ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Economic Policy Change in Soviet Union From 1941 to 1986... Economic Policy Change in Soviet Union From 1941 to 1986 The period 1941 1986 saw little change in the Russian economy, although attempts were made at reform by Khrushchev, for example, with his Virgin Lands scheme. I believe that economic policy did not change between the years 1941 1986 but the change was often quickly reversed and change was not carried out to a great enough extent to have any significant bearing on the development of the Russian economy. Russia was almost destroyed by the efforts needed to sustain a war. Even though the first, second and third Five Year Plans had been heavily concentrated on the heavy industries such as coal and steel, which proved to be... Show more content on ... The need for labour and troops was intense and between 1941 and 1944 the gulag population decreased by two fifths. Able bodied men were conscripted from the collectives and women were left to care for the farms. Grain production fell from 95 million tons in 1940 to 30 million tons in 1942. This was a huge drop, and famine was common, particularly in the Ukraine and Siberia, where loss of life was most severe. The more relaxed attitude of Stalin during the wars years had nurtured a belief that life would be easier and less repressed after the war. However, this proved not to be the case. The Fourth Five Year Plan was intended to restore Russia s pre war reputation as an industrial power. Industrial production recovered quickly, mainly through the use of over 2 million slave labourers. The rigid centralised economy imposed by Stalin was useful in this instance as it became easier to organise workers and factories. The Fifth Five Year Plan was concentrated slightly more on the consumer industries, helping to improve living conditions in Russia. The relaxation of Stalinist policy meant that although rigid central control was retained, Party power was weakened in the countryside. When Khrushchev came to power in 1953, he inherited the rigid centralised economy symbolic with the Stalinist era. In 1956 ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Car Prowl Patterns After looking at the patterns of car prowl crimes in the NE Airport way district it is obvious that is highly packed with theft. There is somewhat of a pattern that occurs during the months of October and November. The amount of car prowler crimes are slightly above average in these two months. This could be due to the amount of shopping people do during these months because of Black Friday and Halloween. Therefore, people are more vulnerable to leave their belongings in cars. Not just car prowl crimes is high in the NE district but theft as a whole is very common. Looking at a strategy from the article Motor Vehicle Theft Analysis And Reduction In Rockaway Township, New Jersey, they used a strategy that would work well in Portland for car ... Get more on ...
  • 10. What Is Dewey And Vygotsky s Model Of Cognitive Development Dewey (1959) sees experience and education as being dialectically connected. Hence, to Dewey, the experiences that the teacher designs and creates in the classroom, e.g. tools, activities or the environment, have an impact on students learning. The experiences must be relevant, authentic and meaningful to the students for effective learningto take place. Besides individuals experiences, Dewey gives space for social experiences as well. He believes that students interactions with others and the environment are crucial factors contributing to their learning. Dewey s belief is further extended by Vygotsky s (1978) model of Zone of Proximal Development(ZPD). Vygotsky believed that collaboration with others helps one to complete tasks that one could not have done without assistance from and collaboration with others. The ZDP is the level at which learning takes place. It comprises cognitive structures that are still in... Show more content on ... Social constructivists view the critical importance of interaction with people in cognitive development. Cognitivists view learning as occurring in the internal structure, of mental processing of information, independent of the environment. Learning occurs when learners can socially build, share, co construct and apply knowledge.Learning occurs when information is transmitted through and processed in a student s mind (information processor) to memory. Knowledge can be transmitted and students learn by passively absorbing knowledge. Expert knowledge is de emphasized. Everyone is entitled to constructing knowledge according to his/her own experience.The development of an expert requires one to employ optimal learning that is appropriate for that domain. Experts have extensive knowledge which allows them to perceive large meaningful patterns, see and represent a problem at a deeper ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Extinction Of Megafauna Same ecological extinction happened when humans migrated to America 16,000 years ago. When the northeastern Siberia and northwestern Alaska were connected due to low sea level, Homo sapiens migrated to Alaska. When the glaciers melted after 2000 years since their arrival in Alaska, people were able to travel to rest of the United States and eventually to South America. On their path to South America, humans led to extinction of 34 out of 48 genera of large mammals in North Americaand 50 out of 60 genera in South America (Harari, 2015). Barnosky et al. (2016) also states that there has been sufficient evidence to claim that lower 48 United States faced a positive correlation between a decline in megafauna population and in a decline in diversity... Show more content on ... With agriculture came domestication. Domestication is defined as humans changing the environment and the ecosystems within the environment in order to make the Earth safer for humans and to gain more beneficial and productive goods and services (Kareiva et al., 2007). Domestication can be categorized to two big branches: domestication of plants and domestication of animals. Humans facilitated domestication of plants through agricultural practices. Through artificial selection, humans chose domesticate plants with traits that are most advantageous for humans survival, usually those that yield the most food (Young, 2016). When these traits are selected repeatedly, domesticated crops resulted in differing both physiologically and morphologically from its ancestor species. Domestication suggests enlargement of plant structure. Bigger plant structure prompts an increase in abundance and likelihood of herbivores that may feed off of these domesticated crops. Increase in seed size also negatively correlates with toughness of seed coat. This relationship indicates that more parasites are able to prey on these weak domesticated crops (Chen, 2015). Shang et al. (2014) also establish a specific example and write that humans have purposefully domesticated cucumbers without the bitter taste, which protected the species from herbivores. Without the bitter taste, the cucumber species is now defenseless against herbivores ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Purpose Of The Spanish Armada On August 1588, an enormous Spanish fleet of 130 ships sailed from A CoruГ±a under the command of the Duke of Medina Sidonia with the sole purpose of invading England. If the invasion succeeded, it would change the world and Christianity; there would not be an England, as we know it, in its place a Spanish colony; Catholicism would prevail as the superior form of Christianity over Protestantism. There would be no British Empire, but, in its stead, the Spanish Empire. The USA would be heavily influenced by the Spanish. The world s most spoken language would be Spanish. But after all, what were the motives of the Spaniards for launching such a vast invasion on Britain; what was worth all the effort and work? In this essay, the reasons for the launching of the Spanish Armadawill be covered. The motives of the Spanish were plenty. The Spanish desired England to be part of their expanding empire. By taking over England, there would be minimal traffic towards America from the rest of ... Show more content on ... King Philip s ambitions was the most prominent of the reasons as the Spanish Armada was one of the bigger, if not the biggest, moves in his attempt to conquer England. With ambitions as the key reason, this event would prove useful in becoming a crucial example in the study regarding pre war conditions of invasions and relationships between the contenders. A profound understanding of such events might even allow future wars to be evaded. The Spanish Armada itself was a brilliant idea and, if it had succeeded, Spain would have owned The empire on which the sun never sets . However, the Spanish Armada failed; England remained independent, and British influence from that point onwards surpassed ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Franklins Preface To Poor Rich Essay In Benjamin Franklin amp;#8217;s preface to Poor Richard Improved, quot;The Way to Wealth quot;, Franklin offers many adages to help the reader conserve money. Many of these sayings are common even today. The title of this preface makes since because the title, quot;The Way to Wealth quot;, can be interpreted as The Road to Wealth. If the reader does as these adages tell them, he or she should be on their way to wealth. Franklinoffers advice to just about anybody. Franklin believed that wealth was important because it led to both frugality and industry. Frugality and industry were listed as his fifth and sixth virtues. Franklin tells us that in order to be industrious, we must always be employed in something useful. His proverb, ... Show more content on ... Franklin tells us that in order to be frugal, we can amp;#8217;t waste anything. People who spend lavishly should listen to the maxim, quot;Silks and Satins, Scarlet and Velvets put out the Kitchen Fire quot;. This saying reminds us that the nice, expensive things all work just as well as the generic ones. Another proverb that a person with no frugality should abide by is, quot;Women and Wine, Game and Deceit, Make the Wealth small, and the Wants great. quot; This is one I can definitely relate to. Women, wine, and playing around all do put a dent in your pocketbook. quot;Early to Bed, and Early to rise, makes a Man healthy, wealthy, and wise quot;, is another I can relate to. This maxim is directed to all slothful people. My constant tardiness proves my laziness and my need to abide by this one. Another similar adage is, quot;Plough deep, While Sluggards sleep, and you should have Corn to sell and to keep. quot; Both of these maxims tell us that in order to get ahead, you can amp;#8217;t be lazy. Franklin believed that a person that listens to the sayings would avoid being poor. He wrote that poverty robs a person of their spirit and virtue. His proverb, quot; amp;#8216;Tis hard for an empty bag to stand upright quot;, lets us know that it is hard to function with no spirit or virtues. I would suggest reading this preface to anyone who has problems with money. The sayings still hold true in today amp;#8217;s society. Many ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Causes Of The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire On March 25, 1911 in the New York City s West village 146 people mainly young women immigrants of Italian and Jewish background perished. The women, some just teenagers would work long hours in the factory sewing shirtwaist high necked cottons blouses which were the fashion staple of the time for young women. The owners of the Triangle Shirt waist factory would lock the doors while the women worked, said to prevent theft and the visit of union reps to the location. What lead to the fire was the unsanitary factory floor. This was the exact reason to why before the actual fire, 400 of the factories employees went on strike. During this strike the women fought for better wages and safer working conditions. Unfortunately they only won some of their concessions on pay, but little was actually done by the factories owner who continued to keep the workplace in shambles. As well as the doors still locked. Besides the doors being locked there were piles of flammable fabric scraps, over flowed waste baskets and many of workers crammed in multiple floors of the building. In 1977 the fire was ignited by what was said to be a match or cigarette tossed carelessly amid the debris on the eighth floor. The fire quickly spread through the open factory floors above. The actual shirtwaist building was fire proof and still stands today. Located in the West village at the corner of Greene Street and Washington Place one could still pay the original building a visit. Those on the 10th floor escaped to the roof and took the elevator until it stopped functioning. During those days fire engine ladders only reached to the sixth floor. Unfortunately during the fire for some reason workers on the ninth floor were not informed of the blaze, and due to a lack of a building alarm system this floor had the highest number of deaths. The poorly built and unmaintained fire escapes collapsed in the heat, sending a many of the workers on a free fall to their deaths. Which after the initial tragedy, the New York CityFire Chief Edward F. Croke was asked if the fire escapes provided by building in the area were actually adequate in the event of a fire. The chief s response was A great many will use ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Application Of Concept Analysis For Clinical Practice Application of concept analysis to clinical practice The concept has been defined as symbolic statement describing a phenomena or class of phenomena (Kim, 2000,p.15). It can be theoretical or non theoretical like hope, love and desire or body temperature, pain (McEwen Willis, 2011) the words like grief, empathy, power, job satisfaction or a phrase like health promoting behaviors or maternal attachment. Concept analysis mentions to the laborious process of bringing clarity to the definition of the concept used in science (McEwen Willis, p, 51). According to McEwen (2011), the purpose of the concept analysis is to clarify, recognize, and define concepts that describe phenomena. Method of analysis There are several methods of analyzing the concepts. The purpose of concept analysis is to help the nurses to identify the trends and development in patient care. In depth analysis of these trends and developments helps to formulate measures to provide holistic patient care ( Grand canyon university 2013). Walker and Avant introduced the process of concept analysis in nursing in 1983.Walker and Avant (2005). They are concept analysis; concept synthesis and concept derivation explained three different processes to analyze the concept in nursing. According to McEwen (2011) Walker and Avant use concept analysis to clarify meanings of terms and define concepts with an expected outcome of readers and writers communicating in a common language. The Walker and Avant s method used in ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Why We Should Celebrate Columbus Day Columbus Day is labeled in The United States of America as a whole day to celebrate Christopher Columbus founding America. Kids across America love Columbus Day because they have the day off from school. People who work in Federal Offices get a day off as well, but some are not as happy with the day as the children are. Some people in the United States believe that Christopher Columbus was an evil man who just waltzed into the Indies and took advantage of its indigenous people. In fact, Los Angeles, California just officially changed Columbus Day in the city calendar to Indigenous Peoples Day. They were not the first to change it however, Denver, Albuquerque, and Seattle have all changed the holiday to Indigenous People s Day. Los Angeles made the big change in honor of those who were killed when he and his men brought themselves to the western world. The activists who brought this issue to light believe that Christopher Columbus is a worldwide symbol of genocide ... Show more content on ... However, there were some people groups, like the Italian Americans, who did not agree with the city s actions. The Italo Americans were not pleased with the city s decision to change the famous holiday. The Italian American people felt that yes, there should be at holiday to celebrate the Native People of America, but that holiday should not replace one that was established in the late 1930s. They feel that taking this holiday away from the Italian American community was rude and not thoughtful. Even with all the complaining of the Italian American community, Los Angeles, California has stuck to their newly founded city holiday. Although some may not agree with it, to most of America, the second Monday in October will always be Columbus Day, whether people like it or not. You can change a holiday in one city, but it cannot change it everywhere ... Get more on ...
  • 17. How Winds Hit The Ocean s Surface The Winds creates energy and when it hit the ocean s surface it creates friction and pressure, this causes waves. And when the wind gets stronger the ocean surface goes from being flat to bigger grades of roughness, this creates waves. Then the waves continue to build to get to their maximum size; and the size depends on three factors: windspeed, wind duration, and the how large of ocean area the wind covers, this is called the fetch. When ocean waves are as big as they can get because of wind speed and size of fetch, the sea surface area this is called a fully developed wave. The sea surface can be calculated by the large wave height and uses the average height of the highest one third of the waves. There are different reasons why the ... Show more content on ... Then you need to find the day and time on the chart, the days and dates will be at the top of the table. Then you will find 2 sets of numbers below the day and date table. The top group of numbers is when the sun rises and the bottom set is for when the moon rises. The times are based on the 24 hour clock. Under the times is a graph with a wave pattern that includes highs and lows. This will tell you the times of high and low tides. The numbers at the left and right of the graph start at 1 and go up to +3. The negative numbers are in red and the positive are in blue. These numbers will tell you how many feet the ocean tides will be either high or low. How Tides are created: table1.htm The Moon and the Sun and the rotation of the Earth create the Tides. The alignment of the moon and the sun creates the times and height of the tides. The shore also has an effect on the high and low tides because of their shape. The tidal bulge is the elongation of the Earth and is caused by the difference between the gravitational forces on the side that is closest to the ... Get more on ...
  • 18. How Does Chesnutt Present The Theme Of Character Foils In... In The Marrow of Tradition, Chesnutt uses the ideas of character doubles to represent the idea of race vs respect. By creating these doubles he creates a theme of duality throughout the book that reflects upon the racism during the time period the book is written about. Chesnutt insinuates the idea of raceversus respect in a dualital manner that compliments each character s respective differences while still showing the reader exactly why each pair of character foils are two sides of the same coin through various examples throughout the book, such as Tom and Ellis, and Olivia and Janet. An example of race vs. respect given in the book was the relation of Tom Delamere and Lee Ellis. Both of these characters are white men, but the way they treat... Show more content on ... In the story, Janet and her mother are expelled from the family by Mrs. Ochiltree. Even though the fortune was left to her mother by her father, Mrs. Ochiltree stole the will and the money Samuel Merkell left Julia, and she hid the will to protect Olivia s inheritance. All of these actions were motivated by the fact that Janet was the illegitimate black child. Janet and Olivia have similar motives in this story, but even so, the way they are treated is completely different. Olivia was able to live the easy life because she received the stolen fortune as she was the white child. Janet on the other hand was forced to live a hard life, working her way back up from the ground as she was half black. Despite coming from the same father, their lifestyle is completely overturned simply because of race. Because Janet was born black, she is disrespected and disowned from the family. Because Olivia was born white, she is able many family members care for her, such asMrs. Ochiltree who just gives her everything. This injustice is what the motif of doubles is bringing to light. All in all, Chesnutt uses the idea of Race ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The City Of Southern Mexico Los Lobos Meaning The... There once was a small village in Southern Mexico called Los Lobos meaning The Wolves. The village was named that because the hills that the village were built on, it was inhabited with wild wolves and the people had to be careful where they went. A family was going down there to visit their relatives including Bryan and his nephew Miguel. They were very excited since it was their first time visiting Mexico, but it all changed once they got closer to the small villagewhich was filled with dirty streets and homeless families begging for food. The sad scenery looked like something you would see only on T.V, but it was worse and the saddest thing he had seen. They finally arrived in the state of Guanajuato where the village was at. They... Show more content on ... The house had an unusual smell to it that Bryan couldn t quite his finger on it. Miguel had never minded any of the people in the village had always believed the story ever since they were a young child, but there showed no evidence of this so called Witch . old lady on the corner of Babylan St. because he always knew it was just a folktale,so they wouldn t go into a stranger s house. Many of the old people in the village had claimed they had been marked by the witch when they were little while sleeping in their very own homes including Bryan s Grandma Mrs. Ojeda. The family was enjoying their first chilly night under the stars that were clearly visible unlike how they were back home. It was a perfect time for Bryan and his nephew to ask their grandmother to tell them the story of the witch on the corner of Babylan St. that was just 4 houses away. Bryan finally broke the silence of the night by telling his grandma, Grandma can you tell us the story of the witch on the corner of the street? Bryans Grandma had agreed but told us not to tell their parents she had told them the story. She said, The rumors began when a family had moved into the house a week before Christmas. Time had passed and the day was Christmas Eve and as traditions went, they would blow fireworks starting at midnight and burn the dummies they had made of hay and fireworks with old clothes they saved all year. The family did not want to do fireworks that night so they stayed inside the house for ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Journals Of Lewis And Clark The Journals of Lewis and Clark Jeffrey Yamada Honors U.S History Mrs. Nylen 12/13/14 The expedition that Lewis and Clark had been on was a trip to the Pacific or the west. The President at the time was Thomas Jefferson and he wanted to explore and expand his country after receiving Louisiana from the French. So Jefferson asked his personal secretary, whose name was Meriwether Lewis to go on a journey along the Missouri River from St. Louis. Lewis. Meriwether Lewis was born on August 18, 1774 in the colony of Virginia and he was an explorer, soldier, and a public administrator. But Lewis did not just agree to the expedition he wanted his best friend to come with him on the expedition and his name was William Clark. William Clark was born on August 1, 1770 only four years younger than Lewis and he was also from the colony of Virginia. He was explorer and a soldier as well as Lewis but he was a Indian agent and a territorial governor. And when they decided to leave on their journey they had about 40 members in their group including a man by the name York. York was a slave that they brought along on the trip for the hard and manual labor that they had to do on the expedition. Some of the many task the Lewis and Clark had to do on their expedition that Jefferson had gave them were to make a map route to the Pacific Ocean, examine all the Native Americans on their way to the Pacific Ocean, study wildlife, plants, minerals, resources, and the geography of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Effects Of Extracurricular Activities On College Students As kids get into high school, most parents hope that their kids will join some kind of club or team. A question parents might ask is, How involved should kids be in extracurricular activities or should they even be involved at all? Extracurricular activities can be both advantageous and unpromising depending on what the student plans on participating in and also how many activities the student plans participating in. Many studies have been conducted trying to find the answer to those questions. One great thing that comes along with extracurricular activities is that it looks great on college applications. They won t know if you spend hours upon hours playing video games; they will certainly notice a lack of notable activities on your college application (Extracurricular Activity ). When admissions offices for colleges are looking at students applications for their school, the first thing they look at to determine if they even meet the requirements to get into that school is their grades. The next criteria is the amount of work or activities the applicant is involved in outside of the classroom. If two people have the same GPA and the same academic test scores, the admissions office will look at the extracurricular activities that both of the students have participated in. The student that has done more outside of the classroom will most likely be accepted over the student he/she was competing against. ...maintaining good grades will look better on a college ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Sexism Essay An everlasting Conflict Sexism is categorized by extreme cases, but when in reality, both female and male parties execute sexism everyday even in the simplest forms. Though women tend to receive more grieve when it comes to sexist acts or sexist slurs made by men, the level of sexist disputes has decreases drastically with time. The play Trifles displays the major difference is the mindset of the split sexes. The setting presents a time when women were belittled and not taken seriously. Susan Glaspell s play is evidence on the progress our society has made concerning sexism, never less the ever existing conflict still takes its toll in our everyday life. Sexism by definition is discrimination by members of one sex against the other; ... Show more content on ... Yes, women s bodies are used to sell products, or portray a perfect image of how men want their women, but women must voluntarily advertize their own bodies. Some females may considered sexy or racy photos and commercials to be degrading, but those women choosing to do so can find it very empowering. They not only feel confident but they are becoming something that men swoon over and yearn for; ergo creating a sense of authority. Sexism runs rampant in every facet of our society. The story of Trifles exposes the sexism that women dealt with then, and still to some extent deal with today. The men show major examples of diminishing and downplaying the women s intelligence when ignoring them throughout examining the crime scene. Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale find incriminating evidence against Minnie, but the men never think to ask them their opinion; they are too preoccupied searching for solid tangible, evidence. Although the women find evidence to believe Minnie is the killer, I believe they feel somewhat responsible for her. This concluding that both genders are somewhat sexist. The men on the husband s side, and the women on Minnie s side. Perception differs with their gender. While the men look for something to show anger, or sudden feeling , something more obvious; the messy kitchen is labeled as bad housekeeping, instead of being used as evidence. The clues are presented but their male perception enables the men from seeing them. (Glaspell s) When ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Motown Civil Rights Movement The Impact of the Relationship between Motown and the Civil Rights Movement It was possible to view the sign that was above the Motown Records front windows located in Detroit during the 1960 s. The sign read Hitsville U.S.A. and Berry Gordy, the founder of Motown had placed it there after the company moved to a new location. It was the Grand Blvd 2648 W. and the sign proved that Gordy was indeed a force to be reckoned with as time went by. The Motown Record Company had established itself as a successful and independently run African America business. The company encouraged the youth of America by urging them to go and look beyond the racial divides that existed. He wanted them to dance and sing together at a time when the issue of unity was gaining a lot of importance . Main Discussion Motown Records was able to produce legends that included the Jackson Five, Gladys Knight, Martha Reeves, the Four Tops, the Temptations, Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross, and Marvin Gaye. It is evident that Motown had created a new tune that had never been heard before among the American youth, and thus it helped in the shaping of the 1960 s. ... Show more content on ... The allegations were not true because Motown was able to embody one of the key principles regarding the Civil Rights Movement. It mostly preached about black independence and success. It is evident that Gordy did not intend on proclaiming the message of empowerment and black independence. However, based on his actions of going ahead and establishing the record company, he played a role in accomplishing one of the Civil Rights Movement s goals, which was black economic independence. It means that the success and establishment of Motown was a political act of intrinsic value. It is because it served as the needed proof regarding the fact that African Americans could be as successful and independent as the whites could ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Government Shutdown In The United States October 1st, 2013 began the 16 day long shutdown for the United States government. Although the reason for the shutdown originated with disputes between the President Barack Obama and the United States Congress over Washington [overspending] their projected budget, the final nail in the shutdown boiled down to the dissimilar views of the House of Representatives and the Senate. As a result, the government shutdown further intensified the lack of unity between the two political parties. Along with a divided country, every government run functions ceased, cost[ing] the Federal government billions of dollars. Emily Jarvis, an editor for GovLoop as well as a writer for research guides and whitepapers, established that [M]ore than 800,000... Show more content on ... Despite the government s best efforts, even the most diligent workers were furloughed. PBS, an American public broadcaster and television program distributor, revealed that of the 9 recipients of the 2013 Service to America Medals, 4 were furloughed in the government shutdown. In a report published by the Office of Personnel Management, surveyed that 44% of federal employees felt that they had sufficient resources to do their job, making it an all time low compared to years before. In addition to those conditions, the Guidance for Shutdown Furloughs revealed that workers were not even paid during their dire time. With the best and brightest employees not working and employee morale low nor getting paid, keeping a functional government seemed impossible. In fact, after the shutdown, Eric Katz, a graduate of George Washington university and a writer for Government Executive, discovered 20,000 fed[eral workers] are still suing Government over last shutdown. On the surface, the government seems to just regulate and create laws however it is in many aspects of life. The government shutdown of 2013 not only affected those directly linked to government, but also aquatic life, the economy and even other countries. The inability to sustain a working government created the inability to work for thousands of ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Imagery In The Starry Night Composition The night sky portrayed by van Gogh in the Starry Night painting is filled with whirling clouds, shining stars, and a bright sickle shaped moon. The setting is one so that viewers can relate to and van GoghВґs swirling sky directs the viewerВґs eye around the painting, with spacing between the stars and the curving silhouette creating a dot to dot effect. These internal elements secure the fluidity and such silhouette was important for the artist even though they became less significant for other Impressionists. Therefore, Starry NightВґs composition was different from the Impressionist technique of the 19th century. The artist knew that his Starry Night composition was slightly surreal and stylized; in a letter to his brother he even referred to exaggerations in terms of composition. The vivid style ... Show more content on ... Looks like that van Gogh, is differentiating between life and death with shining bright stars and a gloomy, peaceful village. The main light sources are the bright stars and sickle shaped moon. Use of mood, tone, and emotion There are so many perceptions about Starry Night and that the canvas he s using portrays a light of hope. Looks like he was showing that even though with a dark night, it is still possible to see the lights in the house s windows. Thus, there is always a light to guide you, with a shining bright stars filling up the sky. Van Gogh seems to be already found his heaven and be cured from his sickness. He also knew death will give him a sensation of peace and because of that, he paints this using bold colors in the Starry Night painting. Use of brushstroke it is obvious that van Gogh paints with a thick and unique brushstrokes, and it is also possible that further serious problems may dramatized his brush work. But, his technique is consistent and that makes this work of art rich of ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Cultural Assimilation In Things Fall Apart How can staying true to one s culture benefit them? More often than not, cultural assimilation is seen as a consequence of migration. And the introduction of the Europeans into the Ibo society is no different, although in this case, it was more beneficial than detrimental to the Ibo. Enoch, a character in Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart accepts the Western ideas, and changes when his identity is tested, which evinces that a change in culturehas potential to be advantageous. To begin, Enoch s response to the conflicting European culture turned out to be positive. One way his response is empathetic is his acceptance of the new religion. In the novel, this is shown when the narrator explains, These outcasts, or osu, seeing that the new religion welcomed twins and other such abominations, thought that it was possible that they would be received (Achebe 155). Enoch s acceptance of the new religion gave him the chance to start over. Another way Enoch s response is positive is his willingness to learn and help others grow. The Europeans encouraged the Ibo to learn their ways, not only in religion but also education. The narrator process this by... Show more content on ... A new culture can either accepted or rejected by members of the original society, which can be shown by the characters Enoch and Okonkwo, consecutively. There narrator describes, Nwoye struggled to free himself from the choking grip. Answer me, roared Okonkwo, Before I kill you (Achebe 152). Unlike Okonkwo, Enoch chooses to embrace the new culture, and because of that, he gets to reap the rewards. One of those awards was protection. Enoch must have thought he had more than everyone else when he, [...]boasted aloud that they would not dare to touch a Christian (Achebe 196). Enoch s boosting demonstrates that one definitely can gain from any ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Archer J Maggott As An American Soldier In The 1950 s ARCHER J. MAGGOTT Archer J. Maggott (born Maggott Archelaus Joseph Maggott Kojak; Greek: бј€ ПЃП‡ОО»О±ОїП‚ О™П‰ПѓО·П† ОњО±ОєОіОїП…П„ ОљОїО¶О¬ОєО·П‚; December 30th, 1907) was an American soldier during the Second World War, though, infamously remembered as the sadistic serial killer, rapist, white nationalist and cult leader who assaulted and murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1940s and possibly earlier. Shortly before his relocation to the Briarcliff Mental Ward, Wausaukee County; Massachusetts (Briarcliff Asylum, 2012) in 1962 and after more than a decade of denials, he conceded to 17 homicides that he committed in three states and four countries between 1944 and 1946. The true victim count will forever be unknown and could be much higher than the... Show more content on ... Today Maggott is on rotation between Attica; New York, Brookhaven; West Virginia and Sherinnford; Great Britain, as an extra security measure to prevent him from corrupting his fellow inmates, or the staff. (Silent Hill Historical Society, 2001) Maggott s delusions of grandiose have grown to an increasingly alarming level, slowly transitioning from the belief he is a tool of God to becoming (a) God himself. (Thresdon, 1964) It is not possible to visit Maggott in prison without written authority from a standing Federal Justice and a complete psychiatric evaluation from both a court appointed psychiatrist and acting physician of the correctional facility within 12 hours of arrival. Supervised visitation is limited to a maximum of 30 minutes. (Kaufmann, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Temperature Dependence Of Magnetization M ( T ) Next, the temperature dependence of magnetization M(T) curves of Mn3Cu1 xGdxN under a magnetic field of 100 Oe is shown in Figure 3. For x = 0.15, decreasing from 300 to 147 K, the ZFC and FC curves are virtually indistinguishable, and then an abrupt magnetic transition from PM to FM with a pronounced ZFC FC irreversibility appears at a TC of ~146 K, as shown in Figure 3a. Noticeably, with a slightly increase in the Gd content from 0.15 to 0.17, the M(T) curves (Figure 3b) exhibit entirely different features, in which two magnetic transitions are clearly observed. One is the typical PM FM phase transition located at high temperature (TC1), and the other is the FM antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition at low temperature (TC2). Further increasing the Gd content, the TC1 shifts to high temperatures (from 164 to 239 K), while the TC2 gradually moves towards low temperature (from 118 to 99 K) as demonstrated in Figures 3c and 3d. In addition, to further verify the low temperature magnetic features, the temperature dependent high magnetic fieldmagnetization was measured under 20 kOe, as shown in the insets of Figures 3a d. Obviously, a typical AFM peak is observed from the inset as displayed in Figures 3b d, and the decreased slope of PM FM transition suggest that it is the second order transition induced by Gd doping. For Mn3CuN, the structural phase transition brings a three dimensional geometrical frustration in Mn6N octahedron 45, and then the next nearest neighbor (Mn N Mn) ... Get more on ...
  • 29. During the 1960’s a woman’s role in society was greatly... During the 1960 s a woman s role in society was greatly changed through both social and legal means. Women s rights movements in the United States date back to 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention, but were greatly ignored after women were granted the right to vote in 1920 by the nineteenth amendment. Many reasons contributed to the reemergence of women s movements but the most prevalent is the end of World War II in 1945. During World War II, more than three million women of all classes of society voluntarily exchanged their aprons and jobs as a house wives and took up real tools in factories. Women working in industrial jobs during World War II affected the mind set of both men and women about the full capabilities of women. People could... Show more content on ... The commission worked to end job discrimination through legal means. The National Organization for Women (NOW), whose goal it was to give women equality of opportunity and freedom of choice , also fought for women s rights and to get men and women the same job benefits. The EEOC, NOW and organizations like it assured profound change for women by allowing them a legal opportunity to file suit against discriminatory organizations. By the end of the 1960 s women significantly changed their position in society and law and overcame sexism in several ways including breaking into male dominated fields, moderate and radical thinking, breaking down male power structures and through cultural expressions. Although women experienced profound cultural change during the 1960 s many things including a male dominated society, the classic perception of women and opposition to equal work undermined women s movements. Since the birth of the United States, men dominated almost every part of society. This did not change much during the 1960 s. Other movements, including the civil rights and anti war movements, were controlled by men. This represents American s view of women as being inferior to men. Women were kept behind closed doors during these movements because it was not seen as lady like to publically protest and fight injustices in society. Men also dominated politics during ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Battle Of The Gettysburg Today, the Battle of Gettysburg is considered one of the most important battles of the American Civil War. However, with 23,049 casualties on the Union side and 28,063 on the Confederate side, it can also be considered one of the bloodiest (Civil War Trust). Such heavy losses naturally rattled the entire nation and Americans on both sides began to question the war and what it stood for. As Americans gathered together at the consecration ceremony of the Gettysburg National Cemetery, the much acclaimed orator and politician Edward Everett delivered what was meant to be the Gettysburg Address. Yet, today, it is not Edward Everett s Gettysburg Address that the world remembers, but Abraham Lincolns, who was invited to the ceremony almost as an afterthought. Lincoln s 272 words helped remake America by giving hope to its citizens at a time when they were at their lowest. For Everett, the Battle of Gettysburg was a parallel to the ancient Battle of Marathon and his moment up on the stage delivering his Address was his Pericles moment. The nineteenth century was a time of Greek revival for America, a time when America came to be considered the second Athens. This Greek revival manifested itself in everything from architecture to courses at universities, but perhaps most importantly, in orations at the time. Everett played a significant role in this Greek revival as he was not only a Greek scholar but also a proponent of classicism. With his Gettysburg Address, Everett hoped to ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Analysis Of The Film Princess Mononoke I selected the film Princess Mononoke from director Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli. The animated film consists of the genres action, adventure, fantasy, drama, and historical. Mamoru Fujisawa, also known professionally as Joe Hisaishi, is the sole composer of the film Princess Mononoke. The music pinpointed the battles that would take place in the film and even introductions of some integral characters that would have an affect on the story. The music even highlighted and enhanced the climax of the film. The story begins when a prince named Ashitaka had gotten cursed with pain and death on his right forearm by a demon boar he was trying to fight with and was sent away from the village, losing his status as a prince by cutting off his hair. On his journey, he finds two injured men and sees an injured wolf as well as a girl who drinks the poisoned blood from the wolf s wound. He makes sure the men are fine and goes to another town called IronTown. In IronTown, the men greet him and the women demonstrate their job to Ashitaka and Lady Eboshi examines the cursed wound that he harbors on his right arm which she casted on the Boar God. Unplanned, the same girl who drank the poisoned blood attacks the village. Her name is Princess Mononoke and her other name is San. San starts a brawl with weapons with Lady Eboshi and Ashitaka stuns both of them with his hands. Kiyo, one of Lady Eboshi s workers, shoots Ashitaka with a gun since he hurt Lady Eboshi. Despite his circumstances, he ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Driving Down The Road There are millions and millions of cars on the road these days. With every car on the road there is a driver operating the vehicle. Every single driver has habits that they acquired throughout the years of driving. Some don t use blinkers, others tend to go over the speed limit, and others don t wear seatbelts. Majority of those drivers can fall into one of the following categories: the carefree reckless driver, the overly cautious driver, and the normal driver which is the most preferred. We have all seen it, you are drivingdown the road and then out of nowhere a car comes flying past you in the other lane. That is a prime example of what we consider a carefree and reckless driver. You see, a carefree and reckless driver is one that cares about nobody but themselves when driving. They are the people that you see going fifteen to twenty miles per hour over the speed limit with no signs of slowing down. Sure they might have an excuse of I was late for work or a family emergency came up but in general you are still a reckless driver and carefree. I think we all can relate when I say that we see enough of these drivers on the daily. But what other traits do carefree and reckless drivers exhibit? One big trait is that they are always switching back and forth between lanes of traffic. They become so impatient that they feel the need to constantly switch back and forth between lanes so they are one car closer to being at their destination. Another one of the dominant traits ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Living With Art By Tintoretto, Miracle Of The Renaissance In chapter 4 of Living with Art it discusses the elements of art which are the following: line, shape, mass, light, value, texture, pattern, color, and space. In the twentieth century two elements were added to the list and they are time and motion. In the painting by Tintoretto, Miracle of the Slave (1548) there are several elements of art that are at play. First off, is line. Line is presented a few times throughout the painting including horizontal, vertical, and diagonalline. Horizontal line represents relaxation and placidity, the figure on the ground in the front is a horizontal line because he is dead. His body is in repose which is why he is represented as a horizontal line. Vertical lines represent assertiveness, structure, and growth. Jesus coming down from the middle is vertical and he is defying gravity by entering the painting from the top. Lastly for line, is diagonal lines. Most of the other people throughout the painting are represented as diagonal lines, which represents action and movement. Looking closely at the painting it seems to have a freeze frame look as though in the midst of all the action someone took a photograph of the scene. The diagonal lines also direct our eyes throughout the painting by the way the people are positioned, starting at the left those people are leaning towards the man on the ground. Next to the man is a man standing with his arms raised diagonally towards the far right figure, and his head is leaning towards Jesus which ... Get more on ...
  • 34. What Is Frankenstein Sublime The Romantic period, an era bursting with art and literature, was home to many great writers, writers such as Percy Bysshe Shelley, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Mary Shelley. One can imagine that among the many topics that preoccupied the many different works and ideas of these Romantic poets and writers was the Romantic conception of sublime, or idea of being able to connect to one s own experiences of awe and other emotions like those of terror or even danger. The writers and poets of the Romantic era would no doubt have been familiar with this concept. In fact, this the Romantic conception of sublime shows up repeatedly throughout Mary Shelley s work, Frankenstein. Shelley is able to bring the idea of sublimity into her... Show more content on ... Even I, depressed in mind, and my spirits continually agitated by gloomy feelings, even I was pleased... He felt as if he has been transported to Fairy Land and enjoyed a happiness seldom tasted by man... The scenery of external nature, which others regard only with admiration, he loved with ardor (Shelley 112 113). Shelley then has Victor go on to recite a section from William Wordsworth s Tintern Abbey, the sounding cataract haunted him like a passion: the tall rock, the mountain, and the deep and gloomy wood, their colours and their forms, were then to him an appetite; a feeling, and a love that had no need of remoter charm, by thought supplied, or any interest unborrow d from the eye (Shelley 113). When reflecting back on the excerpt from Tintern Abbey one is able to recognize that it speaks of solitude through nature, which parallels to way that Shelley has Victor go off on his escapes or his long periods of solitude where he is surrounded by nature. In his poem, Wordsworth is able to paint an ominous scene in nature, mainly by the use of the words gloomy and haunted, which his readers ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Goodfellas Research Paper As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster. Henry Hill played by Ray Liotta says this as the film Goodfellas starts. That is just one of the memorable things about this movie. Goodfellas is a well known film directed by Martin Scorsese. The few who have not watched are truly missing out on a great movie. It is among the best crime movies ever created by Martin Scorsese. Goodfellasis known to be a great film because it is not like the typical mob movie. When people are asked about about this movie, he/she might talk about how much cursing there is, or how the ending was kind of a plot twist, most will say it is a good movie. The way the movie is recorded makes the audience feels like they know him personally. It... Show more content on ... Although their reason being there was not to eat, they were still happy and enjoyed the food. Families can relate to this because they are usually happy when they have not seen each other in a while. This film shows that one simple mistake or choice could make a big difference; this is someone everyone can relate to. EVERYONE has made a mistake at some point in their life. Although it may not have an outcome as serious as getting arrested it has made a difference. In the film people think Henry is paranoid when he talks about how careful they have to be. (... [Henry s girlfriend] leaves cocaine glutted cookware around her flat)) (Heath 4). He tells her that if the cops were to come they would have all the evidence since the cookware will be filled with cocaine ingredients. She is too lazy to clean, so she does not which is a simple choice, but this leads to the cops having enough evidence to get her arrested. Henry also tells the babysitter not to call off of the house phone because the police could be listening to their call yet she does not listen. This also adds on to the evidence, a recording of the call. People of all ages can relate making them tell more people to watch it. A very important moment is when Tommy thinks he is going to be made. He made the mistake of going with the men. It is a simple mistake with an outcome that most did not see coming ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Coachman Essay Women had very little opportunities before Title IX existed, especially in sports. They were not able to participate in any organized sports because they were only designed for men. Women only played sports or participated in any physical activities recreationally and without rules. In the past, many believed that engaging in physical activity was harmful for women s health, especially when they were in their menstruation period. Obviously, this idea was thought by a man who believed that it is only fair for women to limit their level of physical activity. However, this did not stop women from going against the norm; many began to value physical activities more as participation and interest increased. This drove them to become more competitive.... Show more content on ... Coachman for instance, had to improvise her training when she first fell in love with track and field; she ran barefoot in fields or dirt roads and only had access to old equipment or had to make her own equipment. For example, to practice her high jump she would attach a rope on sticks and practice with just that. She was very creative. Her perseverance to excel caught the eye of her high school s boy s track and field coach, Harry E. Lash, who eventually helped her earn a scholarship at Tuskegee Institute, in Tuskegee, Alabama. Coachman had to compete barefoot during her first competition but still manage to break high school and college level high jump records during the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) competitions, finally dominating the AAU competitions. Coachman, however, did not become popular until the Olympic Games of 1948, where she set a high jump record, winning her the gold medal and making her the first black woman to win an Olympic gold medal and she became the first black woman to also earn an endorsement deal by the Coca Cola Company ( Alice Coachman, 2016). She was even invited at the White House to meet the President and was celebrated with a motorcade that traveled from Atlanta to her hometown in Albany. Hearing that sounds like she had a good experience on her way home, but that was not the case. Coachman still returned to a segregated home and even though she was honored with a motorcade parade, her audience and fans had to, by law, stand separately and sit separately inside the auditorium where the mayor honored her accomplishments. In addition, the mayor refused to shake her hand because ...he refused to shake the hand of a woman who has shaken the hand of the President, a King, and a Count and even Coachman had to enter and exit the auditorium from a side door (Ingram, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Babe Ruth Bibliography Babe Ruth is an influential figure because even though his childhood was not the greatest, he kept going. He was 19 when he started his successful baseball career and he continued with his love of baseball through coaching until he died of cancer. Babe Ruth was born February 6 , 1895 in Baltimore , Maryland ( Source # 4 ) . He was 1 of 8 kids but only 2 of them survived ( Source # 3 ) . Babe Ruth s real name is George Herman Ruth Jr. ( Source # 2 ) . When he was 6 Ruth started drinking , and chewing tobacco ( Source # 4 ) . At 7 he became to much for his parents . He was always caught at the dockyards doing drugs and drinking alcohol . So his parents sent him to a Catholic industry school for 12 years ( Source # 1 ) . While he was at the ... Show more content on ... ( Source # 1 ) In 1915 between June 1 and September 2 , he was 13 1 and ended the season 18 8 ( Source # 4 ) . He was on the winning World Series team 7 times ( Source # 3 ) . In three seasons he had 94 wins and 46 losses ( Source # 5 ) . He set a record of 60 home runs in a single season with the New York Yankees ( Source # 2 ) . After Ruth led the Boston Red Sox to two World Series , he led the New York Yankees to 4 World Series and won all four ( Source # 5 ) . During Ruth s baseball career he hit 714 home runs . Not including 15 world series home runs ( Source # 2) . Ruth shared and held about 60 records , 28 of them were from World Series ( Source # 2 ) . He led the Yankees to 7 pennants ( Source # 3 ) . Ruth never got to be a major league coach which was always his dream ( Source # 2 ) . June 13 , 1948 , he stepped on the field for the last time , because he was sick with cancer ( Source # 1 ) . He died on August 16 , 1948 to throat cancer ( Source # 5 ) . Ruth is buried at the Gate of heaven cemetery next to his second wife ( Source # 4 )ВЁ . Almost 100,000 people came to his funeral ( Source 4 ) . Even after Ruth past he is still considered one of the greatest MLB players in history ( Source 3 ) ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Similarities Between Frederick Douglas And Malcom X For some education is a foregone conclusion, particularly those who are wealthy and have means to attend an institution of higher learning. Education is not the sole purview of the wealthy, while having means provides a lower bar for entry, lack of means does not prevent one from enlightening the self. Such is the case for both Frederick Douglas and Malcom X, two men who enlightened themselves without access to the wealth that tethers education to those of the upper class. Hard work and determination can win the day and bestow a freedom that only an advanced education offers. These two men are shining examples of what can be accomplished when someone refuses to be denied an education. This story tells about, Malcolm Xand Fredrick Douglas,... Show more content on ... As Malcom X emphasized, Mr. Muhammad, to whom I was writing daily, had no idea of what a new world had opened up to me through my efforts to document his teachings in books . (444) Becoming a minister of Muhammad, he fought for African Americans civil rights. Fredrick Douglass who started life as a slave on Master Hughes plantation was taught to write by his Mistress in the beginning. As time went on Douglass Master forbade his wife from teaching Douglass any more lessons. Douglass has often said, My mistress, who had kindly commenced to instruct me, had, in compliance with advice and direction of her husband, not only ceased to instruct, but had set her face against my being instructed by anyone else . (403) Douglass was heartbroken as his Mistress s ceased to teach him and his thirst for knowledge grew. When Douglass first became the Mistress slave, she treated him with respect, took care of him, and began to teach him the basics of education. After being told by Master Hughes to stop Douglass s education the Mistress went above and beyond that order. Where she once would bring them newspapers to read together, she would now not let him anywhere near a newspaper for fear of her husband s reprisal. Even through all this he still yearned to learn. In order to finish learning how to read Douglass constructed a plan. He planned to learn to read by making friends with ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Effective Malaria Treatment Is Fraught With Challenges Effective malaria treatment is fraught with challenges. Resistance is seemingly around the corner for every previously superlative drug, while being deeply entrenched among those medications that a few decades ago were vital to chemotherapy. For artemisinin, the first signs of resistance were observed in a 2008 study of parasite clearance times following monotherapy with artesunate. Clearance was slower among patients from the Eastern Thai Cambodian border than that of patients from the Thai Myanmar border to the West (Dondorp et al., 2009). Though an alarming fact on its own, when coupled with the proportional increase of such slow clearing infections from 0.6% in 2001 to 20% in 2010 with rates approaching 42% in Cambodia one must conclude that there is cause for alarm (Flannery et al., 2013). Resistance is not only emerging but also spreading. Now more than ever we have need of new medicines as well as new approaches for producing those medicines. The link to plant physiology among Plasmodiumspp. is basically irrefutable and imperatively needs further investigating. By elucidating essential biosynthetic pathways behind such compounds like abscisic acid, we can find hitherto unknown targets as well as broaden our knowledge of the evasion mechanisms that are at the disposal of our protozoan foes. Evasion is the primary response of malariain response to the immune systems efforts and this tactic appears to have been extended to one of the most powerful drugs we have. ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Understanding The Old Testament Understanding the Scriptures, especially those in the Old Testament can seem daunting. There is so much information in the Old Testament writings that deal with history and customs during that time period. The storyline is comprised of the people, places, dates, and events. The Old Testament is full of such details, often to the extent that the reader can be overwhelmed trying to master them (HW 27). Understanding the history of the time period when the Old Testament was written gives a broader view as to what was happening so we can better understand the Scriptures. This is important, but the most important part of the Scriptures is how God reveals himself to us. The Old Testament reveals God s master plan for us and his loving nature ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Command Of The Conventions Of Standard English Grammar And... StandardsCCSS.ELA LITERACY.L.4.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking o CCSS.ELA LITERACY.L.4.1.B Form and use the progressive (e.g., I was walking; I am walking; I will be walking) verb tenses. ThemeTime Warp When Writing Lesson Topic:Verb Tenses Objectives Language 1.Students will recognize verb tenses: present continuous tense 2.Students will differentiate use between present tense and present continuous tense Content 1.Students will understand that verbs change form depending on their relationship to time. 2.Students will be able to recognize the past, present, and future tenses of regular and irregular verbs. Learning Strategies Key VocabularyPresent tense, Past Tense , Future Tense, Irregular Verbs MaterialWriting Notebook Pencils Highlighter Motivation (Building background)When students have inconsistent verb tense, they have a time warp in their stories. In this lesson, students learn that verbs tell not only what action takes place, but also when the action takes place. They will learn to identify past, present and future verb tenses and to check sentences and paragraphs for inconsistent verb tense. Presentation (Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback)1.Using the Past, Present, Future chart transparency, ask the students to place the following events in the correct column. Write the events on the chart as the students suggest ... Get more on ...