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The literature has been unable to agree on a definition or the concepts behind KM (Bhatt, 2001;
Hlupic, et al., 2002; Neef, 1999). For instance, Snowden (1998) defines KM as the identification,
optimization and active management of intellectual assets, either in the form of explicit knowledge
held in artifacts or tacit knowledge possessed by individuals or communities; Hedlund (1994)
suggests that KM addresses the generation, representation, storage, transfer, transformation,
application, embedding, and protecting of organizational knowledge; Brooking (1997) suggests that
KM is the activity which is concerned with strategy and tactics to manage human centered assets;
De Jarnet (1996) defines KM as knowledge creation, which is followed by more
3.Information Technology
4.Organizational Culture.
The focus of Knowledge Management is to connect people, processes, and technology for the
purpose of leveraging knowledge.
Knowledge is described as an essential part of Knowledge Management. Baloh, Desouza, and
Paquette (2011) saythat without having knowledge to manage, there would be no knowledge
Knowledge basically refers to a collection/or a body of information. This could mean that the
information is embedded in the form of theories, processes, systems, or it could be voiced in form
of opinions, theories, ideas and analysis. Knowledge is a complex concept that attracts many
philosophers, researchers of other disciplines, and practitioners. Different typologies have been
developed but the only consensus is the notion that knowledge is more than just mere data and
information. Wang and Noe (2010, p117) define knowledge as "information processed by
individuals including ideas, facts, expertise, and judgment relevant for individual, team, and
organisational performance." Davenport and Prusak (1998) define knowledge as "A fluid mix of
framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insight that provides a framework for
evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. It originates and is applied in the
minds of knowers"
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What Are The Objectives Of Knowledge Management?
iv.Stability: It means looking inward with order or sequence within an organization and management
again is through a hierarchical structure.
Knowledge Management: First of all we will define Knowledge, Knowledge is the combination of
data information and data, to which is added experience, skills and expert opinion, to result in a
valuable asset which can be used to aid decision making. Knowledge may be explicit and or tacit
individual and or collective.
Knowledge management: It is the process of management techniques and tools disseminating
knowledge with in an organization. There are two main types of knowledge.
Explicit knowledge: Knowledge that can be targetable or readily expressed and recorded with in
information systems.
Tacit Knowledge: Mainly intangible knowledge is not recorded since it is the part of the human mind. more content...
пѓ By knowledge management we can improve pro fit or we can also increase revenueup to sixty
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1)INTRODUCTION: Knowledge management is defined by Sallis and Jones (2002), as "a systemic
method for managing individual, group and organisational knowledge using the appropriate means
and technology". In short, it involves various fields of expertise in achieving organisational
objectives by making the best use of knowledge at the same time.
1.1Principles of knowledge management.
Principle is defined as the truth or regulation in the context of reasoning or an act which consist of
four characteristics which is timeless, changeless, universal and scalable. There are 8 principles of
knowledge management (KM) which will be discussed below.
a.KM Strategy – the strategy of knowledge management must be associated with vision and values more content...
Firstly, selecting the knowledge management team. The team should consist of a 'knowledge
champion' to advocate the program and work with sponsors, a 'project manager' to develop strategies
and business case, a 'Chief Knowledge Officer' as a base of support and guides strategies and
policies and a 'super–users' to influence the community. Secondly, establishing KM strategy and
business case. Organisation need to perform a knowledge–based SWOT analysis, gap analysis,
difference between existing knowledge with its strategic requirements and a cost benefit analysis.
Next, performing knowledge assessment and audit. It determines the strength and weakness of the
organisation and examines the assets such as source and location. The approach is followed by
performing Information Technology (IT) assessment. It should be conducted on three diagnostic
areas which is IT assets, IT management process and IT investment performance to examine the
spending profiles and its impacts. The fifth approach is developing project plan and measurement
systems. It is based on the results of the knowledge, audit and technology assessment carried out that
answers the questions of what, why, where, when and how. Those recommendation can help
organisation to manage knowledge that are available
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The Concept Of Knowledge Management
The concept of knowledge management (KM) was introduced early in 1990s, which include
business administration, public policy, information systems management, library and information
sciences. Knowledge Management became popular in the 1995 with the publication of The
Knowledge– Creating Company written by Nonaka and Takeuchi.
KM is the base for evidence–informed decision making, because it requires organizations and/or
individuals to create, access, exchange and translate knowledge to be applied to a specific policy or
program challenge. KM encourages innovation and when an individual and a social system accept
an effective idea or new practice, successful dispersal of an innovation occurs.
In general, knowledge can be divided into two categories: Explicit knowledge and Tacit knowledge.
Explicit knowledge can be directed in words and can be distributed through written documents,
manuals, or database. Tacit knowledge is the knowledge existed in our minds, which is hard to
express and could be shared via discussion, stories, observation, and personal interaction. KM
supports the transferring and storage of both Tacit knowledge and Explicit knowledge.
The interest in KM also increased in fields outside of business, especially in the health care, where
health specialists start to look at the possibilities to embed KM concepts in their own practices and
institutions. Developments in business processes, better communication with other departments or
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Essay about Knowledge Management
Knowledge is the product of the professional services organisations. It is the essential element that
allows the organisation to operate in its industry sector. The knowledge of the organisation is within
the human capital of the organisation, which are the workers. This paper will look firstly at current
literature on knowledge and professional services organisations, what this knowledge is how this
knowledge can be managed. Secondly the paper will review relevant theories and practices
associated with Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and how these theories and
practises can assist in managing the organisation knowledge. Lastly the paper will attempt tie to
together knowledge, SHRM and how the use of SHRM can impact on more content...
Tacit knowledge is also associated with elements such as feelings intuition and beliefs (Tithe). Tacit
knowledge is associated with an individual, explicit knowledge, on the other hand, is that knowledge
that be formulated, structured and made easily accessible (Razouk).
Knowing the types of knowledge can lead Knowledge Management (KM). KM is therefore
concerned with the collection, sharing, development and application of that knowledge (Edvarsen
2007). KM needs to be concerned with both types of knowledge encountered in the professional
services organisation that is both explicit and tacit (Thite 2004). Explicit knowledge can be collected
and managed via infrastructure and information technology solutions such as knowledge
management database solutions (Fawzy 2000, Edvarsen 2007), allowing the organisation to take
advantage of this accumulated knowledge. Tacit knowledge is associated with the individual and
due to its 'emotional' or personal nature, requires alternative techniques in order to transfer this
knowledge from the individual owner to another employee (Razouck, edvarsen 2007 ).
But what SHRM practices can help in assisting the transfer of both explicit and tacit knowledge
between employees and the retention of this knowledge within the organisation? HRM can impact
knowledge within an organisation in many different ways such as motivational aspects, leadership
aspects and
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What Is Knowledge Management Essay
What is Knowledge Management? Introduction* Generally, knowledge is interpreted, subjective
information within a context, which involves understanding and is mostly tacit, not explicit.
Knowledge can take many forms. It can be in the form of thoughts, insights, ideas, lore, lessons
learnt, practices, and experiences undergone to name just a few. The termknowledge management
has become common in businesses throughout the world. Despite its increased prevalence, there
remains a large degree of confusion concerning the applied definition of what knowledge
management is. Within the knowledge management community, attempts at defining this elusive
term appear to be in constant flux. However, a basic description of what more
CoPs differ from teams in that they are driven by a common interest, whereas a team is driven by a
common purpose or business objective. This distinction is important, as we wish to encourage
sharing between teams, not just within them, and CoPs represent a much wider community. This
phase is community–driven and dominated by experiments in knowledge capture, sharing and
application within and between different CoPs. Consolidate knowledge for use: as more CoPs
form and share their knowledge, information overload and relevance of knowledge become
issues. This phase is dominated by the need to impose structure and standards on the core
knowledge bases, and to ensure adequate management of the Web, or any other means of linking
and accessing the growing knowledge stores. The organisation discovers the need to balance
freedom of expression and business focus. Creativity and learning: this is when managing
knowledge becomes a standard business practice, and is characterised by significant cultural
change. The pace of learning quickens, solutions improve and the speed of innovation increases as
we work in new ways. Why is Knowledge Management Necessary? While there are many reasons
for pursuing KM, three main objectives stand out: 1. to capture and transfer internal knowledge and
best practices; 2. to increase employee capabilities; and 3. to
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Knowledge Management
CW3 David Lewis
Knowledge Management Information Paper
WOSC Class 14–005
14 November 2013
Knowledge Management Application in 1–3 Attack Battalion
Within the Army organizations of today knowledge management plays a huge role in the
dissemination of information to the unit and it's soldiers. This is no different for the aviation unit in
which I operate. This information can be found in FM 6–01.1, Knowledge Management Operations.
It defines knowledge management as the process of enabling knowledge flow to enhance shared
understanding, learning, and decision–making. But when the unit was surveyed about their
understanding of knowledge management the results were surprising. Out of roughly seventy–two
assigned aviators, I more content...
If this is not completed by the fifth of the month, their digital reading card tab will turn red on the
spreadsheet and will be unable to fly until reviewed. When critical information that can jeopardize
the safety of the aircrews needs to be brought to their attention the aviators tab on the spreadsheet
will turn red and the aviator will be unable to fly until the information has been reviewed and
initialed. This will turn their tab back to green indicating that they have read the information. The
quarterly section of the reading card file contains all of information that was previously contained
in the monthly reading file along with the safety counsel minutes from the previous meeting. This
ensures that any new aviator that joins the unit can go back get up to date on any information that
has been put out to all of the aviators. This section can be quite large and time consuming to read.
This may take new aviators assigned to the unit to compete the reading but this is a necessary evil.
Along with the reading file that aviators have to ensure is up to date prior to their flight there are
also other requirements. The unit does not necessarily drive these requirements as much as it is
driven by Army aviation as a whole. Prior to each flight all aviators must ensure that there are no
hazards that exists in the area in which he/she will be flying. These notices are posted next to the
reading file
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Knowledge Management
Knowledge management – how organizations track, measure, share and make use of intangible
assets such as an employee's ability to think fast in a crisis – is increasingly important in a
fast–changing knowledge society. Organizations have always managed knowledge, even if they did
not use the term knowledge management. For example, a person experienced in operating or
repairing a particular machine could pass their knowledge on to newcomers.
Knowledge management (KM) can also be defined simply as doing what is needed to get the most
out of knowledge resources. * KM focuses on organizing and making available important
knowledge, wherever and whenever it is needed. * It is the process to help an organization
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This is, again, extremely costly and inefficient. Effective knowledge management, therefore, can
dramatically improve quality of products and/or services.
Better knowing our stakeholder needs, customer needs, employee needs, industry needs, for
example, has an obvious immediate effect on our relationship management.
So it is very easy to see how effective knowledge management will greatly contribute to improved
excellence, which is to:
a) Dramatically reduce costs
b) Provide potential to expand and grow
c) Increase our value and/or profitability
d) Improve our products and services
e) Respond faster
Evidence shows that organizations are increasingly paying attention to their systems of knowledge
management to ensure that they are capturing, sharing and using productive knowledge within their
organizations to enhance learning and improve performance.
The benefits of knowledge management for improved excellence, is simply 'one side of the coin'.
There is more. Effective knowledge management, especially accelerated knowledge creation, is the
driver for innovation. Increasingly, products and services are becoming 'smarter' and more
knowledge based. Our ability to better collaborate in physical and virtual teams, as knowledge
workers, is driving the process of new knowledge creation. Ideas can now be turned into innovative
products and services much faster. As organizations, we are learning faster, and that means that
individuals are learning faster. People
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Knowledge Management And Business Intelligence
Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence (BI)
The importance of knowledge management and the purpose of BI
Knowledge Management, as a control, must bring about better attaining, or actually surpassing, your
destinations. The motivation behind information administration should not be to simply ended up
more educated, however to have the capacity to make, exchange and apply learning with the reason
for better accomplishing targets.
Successful Knowledge Management, utilizing more aggregate and efficient techniques, will likewise
decrease our inclination to 'rehash the same mix–ups '. This is, once more, greatly exorbitant and
wasteful. Successful learning administration, consequently, can drastically enhance nature of items
and/or administrations.
Better knowing our stakeholder needs, client needs, worker needs, industry needs, for instance, has a
clear quick impact on our relationship administration.
So it is not difficult to perceive how effective KM will extraordinarily help enhanced uniqueness,
a)Dramatically diminish costs
b)Provide potential to extend and develop
c)Increase our worth and/or productivity
d)Improve our items and administrations
e)Respond speedier
Business Intelligence methodology comprises of 3 unique errands.
The primary test business insights appearances are assembling the vital information about the
business. The key for get–together information is computerizing the methodology.
The second business sagacity
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Strategic Importance of Knowledge Management
Today the world has more and more of free flow of information leading to transfer of knowledge
from a person or an organization to others. Whereas this invariably leads to faster development, it
also impacts the competitive advantage held by the innovators of processes or technology. It has
therefore become strategically important for one and all in business to understand the knowledge,
processes and controls to effectively manage the system of sharing and transferring the information
in the most beneficial fashion.
This paper dwells upon definition, types, scope, technology and modeling of knowledge and
Knowledge Management while examining its strategic importance for retaining more
This means that for information to become knowledge, people make interpretations, apply rules, and
create knowledge. "People with different values 'see' different things in the same situation" and
organize information so as to create different kinds of knowledge (Davenport and Prusak, 1998).
Types of Knowledge
Systemic knowledge
Systemic knowledge is a sort of knowing how we know. Systemic knowledge is both a process and a
product. As a process it is expressed by Maturana and Varela (1987) as– "reflection is a process of
knowing how we know". As a product it is knowledge on how we think. Systemic knowledge has
bearing on the perspectives of individuals, i.e. what is seen and how this is perceived. In this way,
systemic knowledge directly influences the people's perception as to what type of explicit
knowledge is relevant and meaningful for the organization. The more uniform this perspective is
among the most important actors of the organization, the more influential this perspective will be as
to what knowledge type (e.g. explicit versus tacit) is critical to the competitive position of the
Explicit knowledge
Explicit knowledge is the part of the knowledge base that can be easily communicated to others as
information. Explicit knowledge involves knowing facts (Sveiby, 1997). Explicit knowledge can be
objective and inter–subjective. Bunge (1983) defines objective knowledge in the following way:
"Let p be a piece of explicit knowledge. Then p is
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Advantages Of Knowledge Management
In Mesopotamia about 5,000 years ago, people began to lose track of the thousands of baked–clay
tablets used to record legal contracts, tax assessments, sales, and law. The solution was the start of
the first institution dedicated to Knowledge Management, the library. Knowledge Management is
the ability to selectively capture, archive, and access the best practices of work–related knowledge
and decision making from employees and managers for both individual and group behaviors. It is a
deliberate, systematic business optimization strategy that selects, distills stores, organizes, packages,
and communicates information essential to the business of a company in a manner that improves
employee performance and corporate competitiveness.
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As illustrated in the above exhibit the organic or unassisted approach contrasts significantly with the
technologic approach based on computers, databases and applications. Although there is
considerable overlap in the two approaches, key differences are in the transaction volume ideal
organization size, scalability, type of knowledge involved and initial cost.
A technologic approach to Knowledge Management has a much higher initial cost, is inherently more
scalable, and can handle a much greater transaction volume than an unassisted knowledge worker.
Technology in support of Knowledge Management isn't necessary or even optimal in every instance.
Technologies supportive of Knowledge Management can be applied successfully to organizations of
any size; extensive investments in technology are generally practical only in medium–size to large
companies. Perhaps the most significant way technology enables the KM process is that it can
provide virtual meeting space for communities of practice.
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Ibm's Knowledge Management Proposal Essay
Executive Summary
The Ontario Ministry of Education (EDU) is divided into divisions, branches and different units.
Due to the nature of these operating procedures the employees were experiencing constant changes
in tasks, job positions and reporting relationships. There is a need for the employees to feel as one
and function as a ministry with modest limitations. EDU has to take the tacit knowledge and turn it
into explicit knowledge. As Kathryn Everest, I would recommend the EDU implement a document
management system. In doing so, it will help the employees to work mutually as a company rather
then a department. Having the employees to feel they are all part of a company rather than a
department will help build trust amongst more content...
Understanding the nature, role, importance, and value of tacit knowledge at individual or group
level, is imprudent to formulating a KM strategy You must also formulate decisions about the
organizations cultural change, picking the appropriate tools and finding a suitable measurement
system. Without awareness of tacit knowledge any KM program is unlikely to maintain perspective
and balance. In contrast to the views held by the tacit knowledge approach, the explicit knowledge
approach shows that knowledge is something that can be explained by individuals. The explicit
knowledge takes some effort and assistance may be required to obtain the desired knowledge. As a
result, the explicit knowledge approach assumes that the useful tacit knowledge of individuals in
organizations can be articulated and made explicit. The explicit knowledge approach also shows that
explicit knowledge assets can then be dispersed within an organization through documents, drawings,
standard operating procedures, manuals of best practice, and the like.
Advantages and disadvantages of the tacit knowledge approach;
One of the main advantages of the tacit knowledge approach is that it is a relatively trouble–free and
low–cost way to begin managing knowledge.
A further
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What is Knowledge Management? Essay examples
Generally, knowledge is interpreted, subjective information within a context, which involves
understanding and is mostly tacit, not explicit. Knowledge can take many forms. It can be in the
form of thoughts, insights, ideas, lore, lessons learnt, practices, and experiences undergone to name
just a few.
The term knowledge management has become common in businesses throughout the world. Despite
its increased prevalence, there remains a large degree of confusion concerning the applied definition
of what knowledge management is. Within the knowledge management community, attempts at
defining this elusive term appear to be in constant flux. However, a basic description of what
constitutes knowledge management, and the more content...
Rote processes are good examples of explicit knowledge.
Tacit: that knowledge which requires development of intuition and judgement, generally the result of
experience and/or close relational learning modeled by the journeyman/apprentice model.
*Source: Gartner Group
Stair Step Chart
As knowledge goes from tacit to explicit, the volume decreases as the information is captured into a
generally useable form:
Culture and technology are shown here as the key drivers of knowledge management, and both
encompass many things. Culture is more than just people – it covers behaviour, organisations and
reward structures, for example – just as technology is more than just IT – we use it to mean the
whole supporting infrastructure for knowledge management. Technology is the key driver for
capturing and using knowledge, while culture is key to the activities of sharing and learning.
Capturing core knowledge: characterised by a growing awareness of the kinds of knowledge that
relate to a core capability. This phase is dominated by identifying and locating that knowledge and
putting in place the technical infrastructure to facilitate capture. The organisation recognises the
value of knowledge management to its business, and begins its journey with a few successful pilots,
which then attract the interest of a wider community.
Sharing between communities: the
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Knowledge Management Essay
Knowledge Management
In today's fast paced economy, organizations are judged by their organizational knowledge and the
environment they possess to maintain the knowledge management system. Knowledge management
framework for any organization must have the capability of performing all the functions like
capturing, documenting and sharing. Knowledge management must be a balancing act between
capturing the knowledge and documenting the knowledge thereby enhancing the intellectual asset of
the company. According to Dalkir (2011), knowledge management must combine an organization's
people, technology, processes, practices and organizational structure so that it will result in
innovation and reduce costs by encouraging reuse of knowledge. Knowledge Management is a
coordinated process, which involves making use of both explicit and tacit knowledge. Explicit
Knowledge includes the processes and documented practices followed within the organization. Tacit
Knowledge includes the individual expertise and know–hows. Both these knowledge types are
necessary for an effective growth of any organization and successful implementation of Knowledge
Management Practice. Knowledge management has its roots from cognitive science, artificial
intelligence and organization level learning. For knowledge management to be successful at every
stage within the organization, Wiig (1993) mentions the importance of two knowledge related
aspects. These are the knowledge assets that are to be implemented,
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Knowledge Management Essay
Tata Consultancy Services (India) – Case study
Name: Ayesh Perera
Student id: s0223566
Assessment: Assessment 2_Case Study–Essay Course: Case study Knowledge Management
Course no: COIT13233
Lecturer: Santoso Wibowo
Due date: Week 10 Thursday (09–May–2013)
The purpose of this essay is to answer the questions from the "Tata Consultancy Services (India)"
case study on pages 253–255 of Jashapara (2011)
The discussion includes advice regarding a strategic alliance with Cisco. Two of the key elements of
this case study which are discussed are describing the current weaknesses in Tata Consultancy
Services with an approach to knowledge management and the improvements that are made to
eliminate more content...
It is a preparation between two companies that have decided to share resources to undertake a
specific, mutually beneficial project. A strategic alliance is less involved and less permanent than a
joint venture, in which two companies typically pool resources to create a separate business entity.
In a strategic alliance, each company maintains its autonomy while gaining a new opportunity. A
strategic alliance could help a company develop a more effective process, expand into a new market
or develop an advantage over a competitor, among other possibilities. (
Investopedia explains 'Strategic Alliance'
For example, an oil and natural gas company might form a strategic alliance with a research
laboratory to develop more commercially viable recovery processes. A clothing retailer might form a
strategic alliance with a single clothing manufacturer to ensure consistent quality and sizing. A major
website could form a strategic alliance with an analytics company to improve its marketing efforts.
Knowledge Management can make a significant difference between ongoing or successful ventures
of any organization in a world of accelerating change. Knowledge Management provides the ability
to connect and cooperate complex ideas efficiently and can be beneficial even to expand when using
strategic alliances. To make Knowledge Management work in an
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Knowledge Management Essay
One of the primary reasons for the heightened interest in knowledge management is owing to the
advances in information and communication technologies. But why have these technologies created
such interest in how people can manage knowledge? Grover and Davenport (2001) highlight that the
computing technology evolves in business to the point where it generates interest in managing
knowledge. It starts by enabling processes at the level of transactions at the point of work. These
systems were collecting amount of data which need to be processed to make sense out of it, and
hence, the advent of data processing systems. Such a vast amount of information needs to be
interpreted and applied by the management for effective action and more content...
Alavi and Leidner (2001) posit that as information exposure increases through intranets and other
computer networks, individuals may create greater knowledge. They suggest that this may also
increase through other technologies such as computer simulation and smart software tutors.
When work becomes more knowledge oriented and emergent, IT systems are becoming more
flexible to accommodate users changing requirement (Markus, Majchrzak & Gasser 2002). In a
sense the boundary between design and use is diminishing. This means knowledge workers can
embed their knowledge into the system and process more readily as new knowledge is created
(Alavi & Leidner 2001). They can use their knowledge easily and faster for example by automating
them as computer routines. People not only use their knowledge to act on problems or on tasks.
They also try to store their insights or new knowledge that they have created or acquired. They
capture their newly acquired knowledge both incidentally and with conscious effort, storing them in
memory or in external artefacts (Gray & Fu 2004). For example, when workers implement their
knowledge in a computer routine, it becomes part of the technology they use. They also consciously
select to store their knowledge on company databases, internet bulletin boards or their own personal
computers (Vorbeck & Finke 2001). Information technology can also be successfully used to
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Knowledge Managment at Google Inc Essay
1. Abstract
Knowledge asset is currently the major source of competitive advantage for firms, in the global
firms it's becoming clear that the way in which the firm utilise their knowledge assets can form a
significant difference between them. At the same time its one of the major challenges for the firm to
manage those knowledge assets.
The report describes the model used by a global company like Google, in exploring and managing its
knowledge assets. Through a brief analysis, we will try to find out the management and process
structure Google uses.
Table of contents
Abstract–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––1 more content...
So when a company claims that knowledge management is implemented, it's basically claims that a
strategy in place to manage knowledge and expertise. Flanagin(2002) say "the prevailing strategy to
distinguish and develop technologies for the capture, storage, retrieval and dissemination of explicit
knowledge." The organisation should know how to collect the employee's knowledge and organise
it in a layout to make it easy to access by other employees, also the organisation needs to make sure
that knowledge are used to benefit achieving the company goals.
2.3. Knowledge management concepts
The principle of knowledge management is knowledge itself. People often confuse Knowledge with
information or data, and find them introduce information as knowledge because the classical concept
of information systems is based on seeking a consensual interpretation of information based on
socially laid down norms of companies. In order to reduce the confusion, there must be a distinction
between information and knowledge. The below figure below demonstrate the difference.
Fig1: Data, Information and Knowledge
The figure explains how the Data is first collected, and then it's organized to produce information.
From there the information is analyzed and combined to produce a knowledge which helps in
decision making.
3. Google Inc.
3.1. About
Google Inc. was founded by two Stanford university graduates named Larry
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Google 's Knowledge Management Strategy Essay
Another component of Google's knowledge management strategy that concomitantly feeds, and is
fed by the firm continued success, is it 's expanding reputational capital. As a knowledge intensive,
tech firm, Google has cultivated a reputation for technological and commercial competence, by
developing innovative products and services. Consequently, their reputation exerts a potent influence
on the public 's expectations for future products. Customers, vendors, suppliers, and investors look to
the organization's track record as a measure of their likely future outputs– their ability to continually
build and re–conceptualize there knowing in the spheres of information, technology, and
By carefully managing their reputational capital, an example being their decision to establish Project
Jacquard as a partnership instead of going it alone, they are concomitantly demonstrating, building,
and managing their intellectual, structural, and relational capital. Though this integrated capital
resource model, Google is pooling it authority in a network that can create and maintain interest
around their new technologies. Ultimately, this resource conglomerate take the form of distribution
and advertising, alliances, and drives momentum in Google Inc's installed base– complementary
goods cycle.
III.Major Steps in Developing AKnowledge Management Strategy
The information age has transformed how we do business today. Knowledge is managed today
through use of advanced
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Knowledge Management
& Transfer Model
{Techniques and Forms}
Division of Personnel
Department of Administrative Service
State of New Hampshire
Table of Contents
3–4Introduction 4–6Generally Accepted Definitions for Knowledge Management and Transfer
7Knowledge Transfer Practices Chart
8–13Developing and implementing a knowledge management/transfer plan [Steps, Forms, and
14–16Overviews of knowledge management/transfer strategies
17–41Knowledge management and transfer strategies [strategy, definition, benefits, obstacles, when
to use, and how to use] 18–20After Action Reviews 21–22Best Practices 23–25Communities of
Practice 26Co–op more content...
2. They result in immediate learning and knowledge transfer when carried out by individuals who
can either use the transferred knowledge themselves or have responsibility for hiring, training,
mentoring, coaching or managing people within an organizational unit. 3. They reduce the impact of
employee departure. 4. They integrate staffing, training, job and organization redesign, process
improvements and other responses. 5. They aid in succession planning. 6. They prevent the loss of
knowledge held only in employees' heads when they leave the organization or retire. 7. They enhance
career development.
Generally Accepted Definitions for Knowledge Management and Transfer
Knowledge Management (KM) refers to practices used by organizations to find, create, and
distribute knowledge for reuse, awareness, and learning across the organization. Knowledge
Management programs are typically tied to organizational objectives and are intended to lead to the
achievement of specific outcomes such as shared intelligence, improved performance, or higher
levels of innovation.
Knowledge Transfer (an aspect of Knowledge Management) has always existed in one form or
another through on–the–job discussions with peers, apprenticeship, and maintenance of agency
libraries, professional training and mentoring programs. Since the late twentieth century, technology
has played a vital role in Knowledge Transfer through the creation of knowledge
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Thesis On Knowledge Management
Aim, objectives and feasibility of the dissertation
The aim of this research is to explore how knowledge management is able to impact performance,
essentially through employee engagement, succession planning and leadership development, using
the SECI model developed by Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1996 (Forst, 2012). Masa'deh, Maqableh and
Karajeh, (2014, cited, Laudon and Laudon, 2012) defined knowledge management "as a set of
business processes developed in a firm in order to create, store, transfer and apply knowledge".
In order to have an integrative perspective on the means of measuring organizational knowledge, it is
important to dissect the principles by which knowledge occurs within the organizations. One way the
researcher explores knowledge management is by viewing the modern performance management
system which creates a cascade effect by interlinking or interconnecting the organization's vision,
mission, goals and objectives, down to the individuals (Aguinis, 2013), this establishes the basis of
performance evaluation. Therefore, this concept interconnects the individual within the organizational more content...
580) is the "attempt to plan for the right number and quality of managers and key–skilled employees
to cover retirements, death, serious illness or promotion, and any new positions which may be
created in future organization plans''. The authors in their study concluded that "It is important to
highlight the link between knowledge management and succession planning because it can cause
immense direct and indirect costs" (Durst and Wilhelm, 2012). As such, this forces organizations to
ensure that the organizational knowledge is accessible, and flows to the individuals needing the
information to accomplish tasks. Knowledge management, therefore, becomes the mechanism by
which succession planning can be facilitated to ensure that knowledge flows, becomes accessible
and at the same time,
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Knowledge Management Essay

  • 1. The literature has been unable to agree on a definition or the concepts behind KM (Bhatt, 2001; Hlupic, et al., 2002; Neef, 1999). For instance, Snowden (1998) defines KM as the identification, optimization and active management of intellectual assets, either in the form of explicit knowledge held in artifacts or tacit knowledge possessed by individuals or communities; Hedlund (1994) suggests that KM addresses the generation, representation, storage, transfer, transformation, application, embedding, and protecting of organizational knowledge; Brooking (1997) suggests that KM is the activity which is concerned with strategy and tactics to manage human centered assets; De Jarnet (1996) defines KM as knowledge creation, which is followed by more content... People 3.Information Technology 4.Organizational Culture. The focus of Knowledge Management is to connect people, processes, and technology for the purpose of leveraging knowledge. 2.2.1KNOWLEDGE Knowledge is described as an essential part of Knowledge Management. Baloh, Desouza, and Paquette (2011) saythat without having knowledge to manage, there would be no knowledge management. Knowledge basically refers to a collection/or a body of information. This could mean that the information is embedded in the form of theories, processes, systems, or it could be voiced in form of opinions, theories, ideas and analysis. Knowledge is a complex concept that attracts many philosophers, researchers of other disciplines, and practitioners. Different typologies have been developed but the only consensus is the notion that knowledge is more than just mere data and information. Wang and Noe (2010, p117) define knowledge as "information processed by individuals including ideas, facts, expertise, and judgment relevant for individual, team, and organisational performance." Davenport and Prusak (1998) define knowledge as "A fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insight that provides a framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. It originates and is applied in the minds of knowers" Get more content on
  • 2. What Are The Objectives Of Knowledge Management? iv.Stability: It means looking inward with order or sequence within an organization and management again is through a hierarchical structure. Knowledge Management: First of all we will define Knowledge, Knowledge is the combination of data information and data, to which is added experience, skills and expert opinion, to result in a valuable asset which can be used to aid decision making. Knowledge may be explicit and or tacit individual and or collective. Knowledge management: It is the process of management techniques and tools disseminating knowledge with in an organization. There are two main types of knowledge. Explicit knowledge: Knowledge that can be targetable or readily expressed and recorded with in information systems. Tacit Knowledge: Mainly intangible knowledge is not recorded since it is the part of the human mind. more content... пѓ By knowledge management we can improve pro fit or we can also increase revenueup to sixty seven Get more content on
  • 3. 1)INTRODUCTION: Knowledge management is defined by Sallis and Jones (2002), as "a systemic method for managing individual, group and organisational knowledge using the appropriate means and technology". In short, it involves various fields of expertise in achieving organisational objectives by making the best use of knowledge at the same time. 1.1Principles of knowledge management. Principle is defined as the truth or regulation in the context of reasoning or an act which consist of four characteristics which is timeless, changeless, universal and scalable. There are 8 principles of knowledge management (KM) which will be discussed below. a.KM Strategy – the strategy of knowledge management must be associated with vision and values more content... Firstly, selecting the knowledge management team. The team should consist of a 'knowledge champion' to advocate the program and work with sponsors, a 'project manager' to develop strategies and business case, a 'Chief Knowledge Officer' as a base of support and guides strategies and policies and a 'super–users' to influence the community. Secondly, establishing KM strategy and business case. Organisation need to perform a knowledge–based SWOT analysis, gap analysis, difference between existing knowledge with its strategic requirements and a cost benefit analysis. Next, performing knowledge assessment and audit. It determines the strength and weakness of the organisation and examines the assets such as source and location. The approach is followed by performing Information Technology (IT) assessment. It should be conducted on three diagnostic areas which is IT assets, IT management process and IT investment performance to examine the spending profiles and its impacts. The fifth approach is developing project plan and measurement systems. It is based on the results of the knowledge, audit and technology assessment carried out that answers the questions of what, why, where, when and how. Those recommendation can help organisation to manage knowledge that are available Get more content on
  • 4. The Concept Of Knowledge Management Introduction The concept of knowledge management (KM) was introduced early in 1990s, which include business administration, public policy, information systems management, library and information sciences. Knowledge Management became popular in the 1995 with the publication of The Knowledge– Creating Company written by Nonaka and Takeuchi. KM is the base for evidence–informed decision making, because it requires organizations and/or individuals to create, access, exchange and translate knowledge to be applied to a specific policy or program challenge. KM encourages innovation and when an individual and a social system accept an effective idea or new practice, successful dispersal of an innovation occurs. In general, knowledge can be divided into two categories: Explicit knowledge and Tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge can be directed in words and can be distributed through written documents, manuals, or database. Tacit knowledge is the knowledge existed in our minds, which is hard to express and could be shared via discussion, stories, observation, and personal interaction. KM supports the transferring and storage of both Tacit knowledge and Explicit knowledge. The interest in KM also increased in fields outside of business, especially in the health care, where health specialists start to look at the possibilities to embed KM concepts in their own practices and institutions. Developments in business processes, better communication with other departments or with Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about Knowledge Management Knowledge is the product of the professional services organisations. It is the essential element that allows the organisation to operate in its industry sector. The knowledge of the organisation is within the human capital of the organisation, which are the workers. This paper will look firstly at current literature on knowledge and professional services organisations, what this knowledge is how this knowledge can be managed. Secondly the paper will review relevant theories and practices associated with Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and how these theories and practises can assist in managing the organisation knowledge. Lastly the paper will attempt tie to together knowledge, SHRM and how the use of SHRM can impact on more content... Tacit knowledge is also associated with elements such as feelings intuition and beliefs (Tithe). Tacit knowledge is associated with an individual, explicit knowledge, on the other hand, is that knowledge that be formulated, structured and made easily accessible (Razouk). Knowing the types of knowledge can lead Knowledge Management (KM). KM is therefore concerned with the collection, sharing, development and application of that knowledge (Edvarsen 2007). KM needs to be concerned with both types of knowledge encountered in the professional services organisation that is both explicit and tacit (Thite 2004). Explicit knowledge can be collected and managed via infrastructure and information technology solutions such as knowledge management database solutions (Fawzy 2000, Edvarsen 2007), allowing the organisation to take advantage of this accumulated knowledge. Tacit knowledge is associated with the individual and due to its 'emotional' or personal nature, requires alternative techniques in order to transfer this knowledge from the individual owner to another employee (Razouck, edvarsen 2007 ). SHRM But what SHRM practices can help in assisting the transfer of both explicit and tacit knowledge between employees and the retention of this knowledge within the organisation? HRM can impact knowledge within an organisation in many different ways such as motivational aspects, leadership aspects and Get more content on
  • 6. What Is Knowledge Management Essay What is Knowledge Management? Introduction* Generally, knowledge is interpreted, subjective information within a context, which involves understanding and is mostly tacit, not explicit. Knowledge can take many forms. It can be in the form of thoughts, insights, ideas, lore, lessons learnt, practices, and experiences undergone to name just a few. The termknowledge management has become common in businesses throughout the world. Despite its increased prevalence, there remains a large degree of confusion concerning the applied definition of what knowledge management is. Within the knowledge management community, attempts at defining this elusive term appear to be in constant flux. However, a basic description of what more content... CoPs differ from teams in that they are driven by a common interest, whereas a team is driven by a common purpose or business objective. This distinction is important, as we wish to encourage sharing between teams, not just within them, and CoPs represent a much wider community. This phase is community–driven and dominated by experiments in knowledge capture, sharing and application within and between different CoPs. Consolidate knowledge for use: as more CoPs form and share their knowledge, information overload and relevance of knowledge become issues. This phase is dominated by the need to impose structure and standards on the core knowledge bases, and to ensure adequate management of the Web, or any other means of linking and accessing the growing knowledge stores. The organisation discovers the need to balance freedom of expression and business focus. Creativity and learning: this is when managing knowledge becomes a standard business practice, and is characterised by significant cultural change. The pace of learning quickens, solutions improve and the speed of innovation increases as we work in new ways. Why is Knowledge Management Necessary? While there are many reasons for pursuing KM, three main objectives stand out: 1. to capture and transfer internal knowledge and best practices; 2. to increase employee capabilities; and 3. to Get more content on
  • 7. Knowledge Management CW3 David Lewis Knowledge Management Information Paper WOSC Class 14–005 14 November 2013 Knowledge Management Application in 1–3 Attack Battalion Within the Army organizations of today knowledge management plays a huge role in the dissemination of information to the unit and it's soldiers. This is no different for the aviation unit in which I operate. This information can be found in FM 6–01.1, Knowledge Management Operations. It defines knowledge management as the process of enabling knowledge flow to enhance shared understanding, learning, and decision–making. But when the unit was surveyed about their understanding of knowledge management the results were surprising. Out of roughly seventy–two assigned aviators, I more content... If this is not completed by the fifth of the month, their digital reading card tab will turn red on the spreadsheet and will be unable to fly until reviewed. When critical information that can jeopardize the safety of the aircrews needs to be brought to their attention the aviators tab on the spreadsheet will turn red and the aviator will be unable to fly until the information has been reviewed and initialed. This will turn their tab back to green indicating that they have read the information. The quarterly section of the reading card file contains all of information that was previously contained in the monthly reading file along with the safety counsel minutes from the previous meeting. This ensures that any new aviator that joins the unit can go back get up to date on any information that has been put out to all of the aviators. This section can be quite large and time consuming to read. This may take new aviators assigned to the unit to compete the reading but this is a necessary evil. Along with the reading file that aviators have to ensure is up to date prior to their flight there are also other requirements. The unit does not necessarily drive these requirements as much as it is driven by Army aviation as a whole. Prior to each flight all aviators must ensure that there are no hazards that exists in the area in which he/she will be flying. These notices are posted next to the reading file Get more content on
  • 8. Knowledge Management KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Knowledge management – how organizations track, measure, share and make use of intangible assets such as an employee's ability to think fast in a crisis – is increasingly important in a fast–changing knowledge society. Organizations have always managed knowledge, even if they did not use the term knowledge management. For example, a person experienced in operating or repairing a particular machine could pass their knowledge on to newcomers. Knowledge management (KM) can also be defined simply as doing what is needed to get the most out of knowledge resources. * KM focuses on organizing and making available important knowledge, wherever and whenever it is needed. * It is the process to help an organization more content... This is, again, extremely costly and inefficient. Effective knowledge management, therefore, can dramatically improve quality of products and/or services. Better knowing our stakeholder needs, customer needs, employee needs, industry needs, for example, has an obvious immediate effect on our relationship management. So it is very easy to see how effective knowledge management will greatly contribute to improved excellence, which is to: a) Dramatically reduce costs b) Provide potential to expand and grow c) Increase our value and/or profitability d) Improve our products and services e) Respond faster Evidence shows that organizations are increasingly paying attention to their systems of knowledge management to ensure that they are capturing, sharing and using productive knowledge within their organizations to enhance learning and improve performance. The benefits of knowledge management for improved excellence, is simply 'one side of the coin'. There is more. Effective knowledge management, especially accelerated knowledge creation, is the driver for innovation. Increasingly, products and services are becoming 'smarter' and more knowledge based. Our ability to better collaborate in physical and virtual teams, as knowledge workers, is driving the process of new knowledge creation. Ideas can now be turned into innovative products and services much faster. As organizations, we are learning faster, and that means that individuals are learning faster. People Get more content on
  • 9. Knowledge Management And Business Intelligence Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence (BI) The importance of knowledge management and the purpose of BI Knowledge Management, as a control, must bring about better attaining, or actually surpassing, your destinations. The motivation behind information administration should not be to simply ended up more educated, however to have the capacity to make, exchange and apply learning with the reason for better accomplishing targets. Successful Knowledge Management, utilizing more aggregate and efficient techniques, will likewise decrease our inclination to 'rehash the same mix–ups '. This is, once more, greatly exorbitant and wasteful. Successful learning administration, consequently, can drastically enhance nature of items and/or administrations. Better knowing our stakeholder needs, client needs, worker needs, industry needs, for instance, has a clear quick impact on our relationship administration. So it is not difficult to perceive how effective KM will extraordinarily help enhanced uniqueness, which: a)Dramatically diminish costs b)Provide potential to extend and develop c)Increase our worth and/or productivity d)Improve our items and administrations e)Respond speedier Business Intelligence methodology comprises of 3 unique errands. The primary test business insights appearances are assembling the vital information about the business. The key for get–together information is computerizing the methodology. The second business sagacity Get more content on
  • 10. Strategic Importance of Knowledge Management Today the world has more and more of free flow of information leading to transfer of knowledge from a person or an organization to others. Whereas this invariably leads to faster development, it also impacts the competitive advantage held by the innovators of processes or technology. It has therefore become strategically important for one and all in business to understand the knowledge, processes and controls to effectively manage the system of sharing and transferring the information in the most beneficial fashion. This paper dwells upon definition, types, scope, technology and modeling of knowledge and Knowledge Management while examining its strategic importance for retaining more content... This means that for information to become knowledge, people make interpretations, apply rules, and create knowledge. "People with different values 'see' different things in the same situation" and organize information so as to create different kinds of knowledge (Davenport and Prusak, 1998). Types of Knowledge Systemic knowledge Systemic knowledge is a sort of knowing how we know. Systemic knowledge is both a process and a product. As a process it is expressed by Maturana and Varela (1987) as– "reflection is a process of knowing how we know". As a product it is knowledge on how we think. Systemic knowledge has bearing on the perspectives of individuals, i.e. what is seen and how this is perceived. In this way, systemic knowledge directly influences the people's perception as to what type of explicit knowledge is relevant and meaningful for the organization. The more uniform this perspective is among the most important actors of the organization, the more influential this perspective will be as to what knowledge type (e.g. explicit versus tacit) is critical to the competitive position of the organization. Explicit knowledge Explicit knowledge is the part of the knowledge base that can be easily communicated to others as information. Explicit knowledge involves knowing facts (Sveiby, 1997). Explicit knowledge can be objective and inter–subjective. Bunge (1983) defines objective knowledge in the following way: "Let p be a piece of explicit knowledge. Then p is Get more content on
  • 11. Advantages Of Knowledge Management INTRODUCTION In Mesopotamia about 5,000 years ago, people began to lose track of the thousands of baked–clay tablets used to record legal contracts, tax assessments, sales, and law. The solution was the start of the first institution dedicated to Knowledge Management, the library. Knowledge Management is the ability to selectively capture, archive, and access the best practices of work–related knowledge and decision making from employees and managers for both individual and group behaviors. It is a deliberate, systematic business optimization strategy that selects, distills stores, organizes, packages, and communicates information essential to the business of a company in a manner that improves employee performance and corporate competitiveness. In more content... As illustrated in the above exhibit the organic or unassisted approach contrasts significantly with the technologic approach based on computers, databases and applications. Although there is considerable overlap in the two approaches, key differences are in the transaction volume ideal organization size, scalability, type of knowledge involved and initial cost. A technologic approach to Knowledge Management has a much higher initial cost, is inherently more scalable, and can handle a much greater transaction volume than an unassisted knowledge worker. Technology in support of Knowledge Management isn't necessary or even optimal in every instance. Technologies supportive of Knowledge Management can be applied successfully to organizations of any size; extensive investments in technology are generally practical only in medium–size to large companies. Perhaps the most significant way technology enables the KM process is that it can provide virtual meeting space for communities of practice. CHALLENGES FOR MANAGING Get more content on
  • 12. Ibm's Knowledge Management Proposal Essay Executive Summary The Ontario Ministry of Education (EDU) is divided into divisions, branches and different units. Due to the nature of these operating procedures the employees were experiencing constant changes in tasks, job positions and reporting relationships. There is a need for the employees to feel as one and function as a ministry with modest limitations. EDU has to take the tacit knowledge and turn it into explicit knowledge. As Kathryn Everest, I would recommend the EDU implement a document management system. In doing so, it will help the employees to work mutually as a company rather then a department. Having the employees to feel they are all part of a company rather than a department will help build trust amongst more content... Understanding the nature, role, importance, and value of tacit knowledge at individual or group level, is imprudent to formulating a KM strategy You must also formulate decisions about the organizations cultural change, picking the appropriate tools and finding a suitable measurement system. Without awareness of tacit knowledge any KM program is unlikely to maintain perspective and balance. In contrast to the views held by the tacit knowledge approach, the explicit knowledge approach shows that knowledge is something that can be explained by individuals. The explicit knowledge takes some effort and assistance may be required to obtain the desired knowledge. As a result, the explicit knowledge approach assumes that the useful tacit knowledge of individuals in organizations can be articulated and made explicit. The explicit knowledge approach also shows that explicit knowledge assets can then be dispersed within an organization through documents, drawings, standard operating procedures, manuals of best practice, and the like. Advantages and disadvantages of the tacit knowledge approach; One of the main advantages of the tacit knowledge approach is that it is a relatively trouble–free and low–cost way to begin managing knowledge. A further Get more content on
  • 13. What is Knowledge Management? Essay examples Introduction* Generally, knowledge is interpreted, subjective information within a context, which involves understanding and is mostly tacit, not explicit. Knowledge can take many forms. It can be in the form of thoughts, insights, ideas, lore, lessons learnt, practices, and experiences undergone to name just a few. The term knowledge management has become common in businesses throughout the world. Despite its increased prevalence, there remains a large degree of confusion concerning the applied definition of what knowledge management is. Within the knowledge management community, attempts at defining this elusive term appear to be in constant flux. However, a basic description of what constitutes knowledge management, and the more content... Rote processes are good examples of explicit knowledge. Tacit: that knowledge which requires development of intuition and judgement, generally the result of experience and/or close relational learning modeled by the journeyman/apprentice model. *Source: Gartner Group Stair Step Chart As knowledge goes from tacit to explicit, the volume decreases as the information is captured into a generally useable form: Culture and technology are shown here as the key drivers of knowledge management, and both encompass many things. Culture is more than just people – it covers behaviour, organisations and reward structures, for example – just as technology is more than just IT – we use it to mean the whole supporting infrastructure for knowledge management. Technology is the key driver for capturing and using knowledge, while culture is key to the activities of sharing and learning. Capturing core knowledge: characterised by a growing awareness of the kinds of knowledge that relate to a core capability. This phase is dominated by identifying and locating that knowledge and putting in place the technical infrastructure to facilitate capture. The organisation recognises the value of knowledge management to its business, and begins its journey with a few successful pilots, which then attract the interest of a wider community. Sharing between communities: the Get more content on
  • 14. Knowledge Management Essay Knowledge Management In today's fast paced economy, organizations are judged by their organizational knowledge and the environment they possess to maintain the knowledge management system. Knowledge management framework for any organization must have the capability of performing all the functions like capturing, documenting and sharing. Knowledge management must be a balancing act between capturing the knowledge and documenting the knowledge thereby enhancing the intellectual asset of the company. According to Dalkir (2011), knowledge management must combine an organization's people, technology, processes, practices and organizational structure so that it will result in innovation and reduce costs by encouraging reuse of knowledge. Knowledge Management is a coordinated process, which involves making use of both explicit and tacit knowledge. Explicit Knowledge includes the processes and documented practices followed within the organization. Tacit Knowledge includes the individual expertise and know–hows. Both these knowledge types are necessary for an effective growth of any organization and successful implementation of Knowledge Management Practice. Knowledge management has its roots from cognitive science, artificial intelligence and organization level learning. For knowledge management to be successful at every stage within the organization, Wiig (1993) mentions the importance of two knowledge related aspects. These are the knowledge assets that are to be implemented, Get more content on
  • 15. Knowledge Management Essay Tata Consultancy Services (India) – Case study Name: Ayesh Perera Student id: s0223566 Assessment: Assessment 2_Case Study–Essay Course: Case study Knowledge Management Foundations Course no: COIT13233 Lecturer: Santoso Wibowo Due date: Week 10 Thursday (09–May–2013) Abstract The purpose of this essay is to answer the questions from the "Tata Consultancy Services (India)" case study on pages 253–255 of Jashapara (2011) The discussion includes advice regarding a strategic alliance with Cisco. Two of the key elements of this case study which are discussed are describing the current weaknesses in Tata Consultancy Services with an approach to knowledge management and the improvements that are made to eliminate more content... ( It is a preparation between two companies that have decided to share resources to undertake a specific, mutually beneficial project. A strategic alliance is less involved and less permanent than a joint venture, in which two companies typically pool resources to create a separate business entity. In a strategic alliance, each company maintains its autonomy while gaining a new opportunity. A strategic alliance could help a company develop a more effective process, expand into a new market or develop an advantage over a competitor, among other possibilities. ( Investopedia explains 'Strategic Alliance' For example, an oil and natural gas company might form a strategic alliance with a research laboratory to develop more commercially viable recovery processes. A clothing retailer might form a strategic alliance with a single clothing manufacturer to ensure consistent quality and sizing. A major website could form a strategic alliance with an analytics company to improve its marketing efforts. ( Knowledge Management can make a significant difference between ongoing or successful ventures of any organization in a world of accelerating change. Knowledge Management provides the ability to connect and cooperate complex ideas efficiently and can be beneficial even to expand when using strategic alliances. To make Knowledge Management work in an Get more content on
  • 16. Knowledge Management Essay One of the primary reasons for the heightened interest in knowledge management is owing to the advances in information and communication technologies. But why have these technologies created such interest in how people can manage knowledge? Grover and Davenport (2001) highlight that the computing technology evolves in business to the point where it generates interest in managing knowledge. It starts by enabling processes at the level of transactions at the point of work. These systems were collecting amount of data which need to be processed to make sense out of it, and hence, the advent of data processing systems. Such a vast amount of information needs to be interpreted and applied by the management for effective action and more content... Alavi and Leidner (2001) posit that as information exposure increases through intranets and other computer networks, individuals may create greater knowledge. They suggest that this may also increase through other technologies such as computer simulation and smart software tutors. When work becomes more knowledge oriented and emergent, IT systems are becoming more flexible to accommodate users changing requirement (Markus, Majchrzak & Gasser 2002). In a sense the boundary between design and use is diminishing. This means knowledge workers can embed their knowledge into the system and process more readily as new knowledge is created (Alavi & Leidner 2001). They can use their knowledge easily and faster for example by automating them as computer routines. People not only use their knowledge to act on problems or on tasks. They also try to store their insights or new knowledge that they have created or acquired. They capture their newly acquired knowledge both incidentally and with conscious effort, storing them in memory or in external artefacts (Gray & Fu 2004). For example, when workers implement their knowledge in a computer routine, it becomes part of the technology they use. They also consciously select to store their knowledge on company databases, internet bulletin boards or their own personal computers (Vorbeck & Finke 2001). Information technology can also be successfully used to Get more content on
  • 17. Knowledge Managment at Google Inc Essay 1. Abstract Knowledge asset is currently the major source of competitive advantage for firms, in the global firms it's becoming clear that the way in which the firm utilise their knowledge assets can form a significant difference between them. At the same time its one of the major challenges for the firm to manage those knowledge assets. The report describes the model used by a global company like Google, in exploring and managing its knowledge assets. Through a brief analysis, we will try to find out the management and process structure Google uses. Table of contents 1. Abstract–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––1 more content... So when a company claims that knowledge management is implemented, it's basically claims that a strategy in place to manage knowledge and expertise. Flanagin(2002) say "the prevailing strategy to distinguish and develop technologies for the capture, storage, retrieval and dissemination of explicit knowledge." The organisation should know how to collect the employee's knowledge and organise it in a layout to make it easy to access by other employees, also the organisation needs to make sure that knowledge are used to benefit achieving the company goals. 2.3. Knowledge management concepts The principle of knowledge management is knowledge itself. People often confuse Knowledge with information or data, and find them introduce information as knowledge because the classical concept of information systems is based on seeking a consensual interpretation of information based on socially laid down norms of companies. In order to reduce the confusion, there must be a distinction between information and knowledge. The below figure below demonstrate the difference. Fig1: Data, Information and Knowledge The figure explains how the Data is first collected, and then it's organized to produce information. From there the information is analyzed and combined to produce a knowledge which helps in decision making. 3. Google Inc. 3.1. About Google Inc. was founded by two Stanford university graduates named Larry
  • 18. Get more content on
  • 19. Google 's Knowledge Management Strategy Essay Another component of Google's knowledge management strategy that concomitantly feeds, and is fed by the firm continued success, is it 's expanding reputational capital. As a knowledge intensive, tech firm, Google has cultivated a reputation for technological and commercial competence, by developing innovative products and services. Consequently, their reputation exerts a potent influence on the public 's expectations for future products. Customers, vendors, suppliers, and investors look to the organization's track record as a measure of their likely future outputs– their ability to continually build and re–conceptualize there knowing in the spheres of information, technology, and communication. By carefully managing their reputational capital, an example being their decision to establish Project Jacquard as a partnership instead of going it alone, they are concomitantly demonstrating, building, and managing their intellectual, structural, and relational capital. Though this integrated capital resource model, Google is pooling it authority in a network that can create and maintain interest around their new technologies. Ultimately, this resource conglomerate take the form of distribution and advertising, alliances, and drives momentum in Google Inc's installed base– complementary goods cycle. III.Major Steps in Developing AKnowledge Management Strategy The information age has transformed how we do business today. Knowledge is managed today through use of advanced Get more content on
  • 20. Assignment Knowledge Management & Transfer Model {Techniques and Forms} [pic] Division of Personnel Department of Administrative Service State of New Hampshire Table of Contents PageContent 3–4Introduction 4–6Generally Accepted Definitions for Knowledge Management and Transfer 7Knowledge Transfer Practices Chart 8–13Developing and implementing a knowledge management/transfer plan [Steps, Forms, and Example] 14–16Overviews of knowledge management/transfer strategies 17–41Knowledge management and transfer strategies [strategy, definition, benefits, obstacles, when to use, and how to use] 18–20After Action Reviews 21–22Best Practices 23–25Communities of Practice 26Co–op more content... 2. They result in immediate learning and knowledge transfer when carried out by individuals who can either use the transferred knowledge themselves or have responsibility for hiring, training, mentoring, coaching or managing people within an organizational unit. 3. They reduce the impact of employee departure. 4. They integrate staffing, training, job and organization redesign, process improvements and other responses. 5. They aid in succession planning. 6. They prevent the loss of knowledge held only in employees' heads when they leave the organization or retire. 7. They enhance career development. Generally Accepted Definitions for Knowledge Management and Transfer Knowledge Management (KM) refers to practices used by organizations to find, create, and distribute knowledge for reuse, awareness, and learning across the organization. Knowledge Management programs are typically tied to organizational objectives and are intended to lead to the achievement of specific outcomes such as shared intelligence, improved performance, or higher
  • 21. levels of innovation. Knowledge Transfer (an aspect of Knowledge Management) has always existed in one form or another through on–the–job discussions with peers, apprenticeship, and maintenance of agency libraries, professional training and mentoring programs. Since the late twentieth century, technology has played a vital role in Knowledge Transfer through the creation of knowledge Get more content on
  • 22. Thesis On Knowledge Management Aim, objectives and feasibility of the dissertation The aim of this research is to explore how knowledge management is able to impact performance, essentially through employee engagement, succession planning and leadership development, using the SECI model developed by Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1996 (Forst, 2012). Masa'deh, Maqableh and Karajeh, (2014, cited, Laudon and Laudon, 2012) defined knowledge management "as a set of business processes developed in a firm in order to create, store, transfer and apply knowledge". In order to have an integrative perspective on the means of measuring organizational knowledge, it is important to dissect the principles by which knowledge occurs within the organizations. One way the researcher explores knowledge management is by viewing the modern performance management system which creates a cascade effect by interlinking or interconnecting the organization's vision, mission, goals and objectives, down to the individuals (Aguinis, 2013), this establishes the basis of performance evaluation. Therefore, this concept interconnects the individual within the organizational more content... 580) is the "attempt to plan for the right number and quality of managers and key–skilled employees to cover retirements, death, serious illness or promotion, and any new positions which may be created in future organization plans''. The authors in their study concluded that "It is important to highlight the link between knowledge management and succession planning because it can cause immense direct and indirect costs" (Durst and Wilhelm, 2012). As such, this forces organizations to ensure that the organizational knowledge is accessible, and flows to the individuals needing the information to accomplish tasks. Knowledge management, therefore, becomes the mechanism by which succession planning can be facilitated to ensure that knowledge flows, becomes accessible and at the same time, Get more content on