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Essay about Metamorphosis of Celie in Alice Walker s...
The Metamorphosis of Celie in The Color Purple
For people to be equal they need a chance to become equal by self discovering themselves. As we are
growing older during our childhood we depend on our environment, parents, and peers to create our
self image. Within our environment we are always trying to develop new insights in order to identify,
clarify, connect and account for our beliefs. Even the underlying cause of dysfunctional relationships
lies in crucial events in our life experience. The environment in which one is raised and developed will
have a large affect on the individual. Most of the people that succeed in life come from stable families,
in well positioned environments. While those that are not fortunate enough ... Show more content on ...
. .a man s world (Klosowski 4). As a result of Celie s environment she never get s a fair opportunity to
self discover until she gets away from her surroundings.
The society in which she lived forced her to act the way she did. Walker shows Celie as part of a
community which shares struggles, and women are oppressed by men. In this society, The white man
destroyed the black man, the black man destroyed the woman( Klosowski 5). Celie is dominated and
abused by the majority of the male figure in the novel including her stepfather. Her stepfather was a
major influence in her life. Her stepfather raped her, causing the birth of two children whom he gave
away to an old friend. The second man in her life, her husband, abused her not only physically by
beating her but he also abused her verbally by calling her names. These two men left her subdued and
passive. She became emotionally dead with this
suppression of her personality of who she was. she was just a person who cooked and cleaned and
took care of the children without any consideration given to her. She is uneducated because her father
took her out off school as a result of her pregnancies. Celie is raised in an environment where she
wasn t allow to have a mind of her own because her father dominated and controlled all her actions.
For example, Celie writes letters to God because she has been warned by her
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Buddhism in China Essay examples
Buddhism in China
Between the third and ninth centuries C.E. China underwent a number of changes in its cultural
makeup. Foremost amongst them was the adoption of Buddhist religious practices. I must stress that
this was not a formal or universal change in religion but a slow integration of a system that permitted
adaptation of its own form to promote acceptance as long as the fundamental theories and practices
remained the same, unlike most religions. Buddhism worked its way into the court and decision
makers of the
Chinese state and that was the major sticking point for the religion in China. For
Buddhism to be accepted the Emperor would have to condone it and at least offer his acceptance of it.
Without imperial ... Show more content on ...
The emperor of China was, throughout the course of Buddhism s introduction to
China, reluctant to accept it as an officially sanctioned religion as the tenants of the religion have the
ability to be taken as believing in the reducing of the power of the head of state to a subservient
position to the religion. This was a major problem as the pre existing religion, Confucism, had as one
of its tenants strict loyalty to the emperor.
This loyalty aspect of Confucism granted the emperor a divine claim of authorization for his power
and use of it. The main sticking point that Buddhism had to get past to be openly accepted in China
was the emperor. He controlled the flow of information from outside sources into the areas where
people would be willing to accept new thoughts and beliefs. The court officials were similar in
position towards Buddhism as the emperor was due to the close relationship between his power and
theirs. However, as the people whom implement the policies of the emperor they are also very
important to the spread of the religion. In their capacity they have the ability to hinder the spread and
to wrongfully use their power to arrest and cripple the religion. This hindering may be against the
emperors wishes but with such a vast political structure the
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Theme Of Manipulation In Wuthering Heights
In Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, Heathcliff s strong love for Catherine guides his
transformation as a character. While Heathcliff enters the story as an innocent child, the abuse he
receives at a young age and his heartbreak at Catherine s choice to marry Edgar Linton bring about a
change within him. Heathcliff s adulthood is consequently marked by jealousy and greed due to his
separation from Catherine, along with manipulation and a deep desire to seek revenge on Edgar.
Although Heathcliff uses deceit and manipulation to his advantage throughout the novel, he is never
entirely content in his current situation. As Heathcliff attempts to revenge Edgar Linton, he does not
gain true fulfillment. Throughout Wuthering Heights, Brontë uses Heathcliff s vengeful actions to
convey the message that manipulative and revenge seeking behaviors will not bring a person
satisfaction. To begin, Heathcliff uses Isabella as a means of exacting revenge on Edgar Linton, whom
he despises. When Heathcliff finds out Isabella is in love with him, he is delighted. His pleasure
comes not from a mutual like for Isabella, but rather a vision for revenging Edgar. After Catherine lets
slip that Isabella is in love with him, Heathcliff says to her, ...and if you fancy I ll suffer unrevenged, I
ll convince you of the contrary, in a very little while! Meantime, thank you for telling me your sister in
law s secret: I swear I ll make the most of it. And stand you aside! (112). Heathcliff s comment
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Essay Beh 225 Week 2 Checkpoint Hormones and Heredity
Hormones, Heredity, and Human Behavior
July 14, 2011
BEH 225
Why do people behave the way they do? What makes us tick? While our environment molds some of
who we are, much more comes from heredity and hormones. Genes passed on to us from our parents
make up heredity, and glands throughout the body produce hormones. As generations progress, new
psychological and behavioral traits are earned and learned. This paper will explain hormones and the
endocrine system, glands associated with the endocrine system, behavior genetics, and evolutionary
The endocrine system is the system of the body in which releases hormones into the bloodstream. The
hormones then cause different reactions within the body, and these reactions shape ... Show more
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Hypothyroidism often causes a person to sleep a lot, but the person is still tired. The parathyroids are
located within the thyroid, secrete parathormone, and controls levels of calcium and phosphates in the
body. The parathyroids are also involved with controlling excitability levels (Morris and Maisto,
The pancreas is located between the stomach and small intestine, and secretes insulin and glucagon to
balance blood sugar levels in the body. When the pancreas does not work properly, a person may be
diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, which is more commonly known simply as Diabetes (Morris and
Maisto, 2002). People with diabetes suffer from extreme thirst, fatigue, lack of or increased appetite,
and a myriad of other symptoms if their condition is not controlled properly with diet, exercise, and
medications (if needed) (Steadman s Concise Medical Dictionary, 2001).
The gonads are the male and female reproductive organs, the testes (males) and ovaries (females). The
testes and ovaries produce androgens (testosterone) and estrogens, these hormones affect
aggressiveness, mood, and sexual interest and behavior. Higher levels of these hormones have been
shown to promote aggressiveness in both sexes (Morris and Maisto, 2002).
The last glands are the adrenal glands, which are located above the kidneys, and have an inner core
and an outer layer. The inner core is called the adrenal medulla, and the outer layer is known as the
adrenal cortex.
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George Orwell Politics And The English Language Summary
Written and spoken language is what sets humans apart from other animals as intellectuals, but if our
language is declining, is the intellect of our society going down the same slope. In his essay Politics
and the English Language, written in the post World War II era, George Orwell discusses the direction
our English language is going in and how the manipulation of language is being used in politics. In the
essay Orwell states, the English language is in a bad way (Orwell in Shea, Scanlon, Aufses 707). I
agree with his statement, due to the affect the music industry is having on teens today and the rhetoric
used in the recent election. In his essay, Orwell discusses the different factors that have caused the
deterioration of the English language and the way in which it ... Show more content on ...
Today we live in a country in which rhetoric can make the most controversial ideas normal, and can
take a modern and progressive America back a couple steps. Some say the recent election has been
won by clever use of rhetoric; to whom that rhetoric appealed to is a whole other story. During the last
election, a video of Donald Trump was exposed, in which Trump said some statements that question
his respect for women. When asked to respond to his own comments in the video, Trump dismissed it
as locker room talk (Farenthold). The problem with this response is that the audience is not told what
locker room talk is, and why it is okay to say disrespectful statements about women in a locker room.
The truth is that this response did not explain anything on Trumps end. Instead it was a vague and
meaningless phrase that distracted the audience from Trump s actions. This strategy is becoming more
and more common in politics, signifying a decline in our
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Describe Your Personality Using A Color, Animal, And An...
Describe your personality using a color, animal, or an object of your choice.
If I had to describe myself as an animal, I would choose a dog. Surprisingly, I didn t just choose this
because I like dogs. Don t get me wrong dogs are fantastic; but I chose a dog because of its
characteristics. Everyone knows about that little dog that barks louder than any dog on the block. That
dog is me; except lucky for you I don t bark, nor am I covered in hair with a tail. What I mean to say
is, from a distance I might seem intimidating, but once you come closer and get to know me you ll
realize I m actually a teddy bear. (metaphorically of course) I love to greet people, whether it be
friends or family, with open arms and make them feel ... Show more content on ...
Taking advantage of the opportunity to attend college is a priority in my life. Furthermore, I am
passionate about being able to provide for my parents when I m older. I hope to be able to, one day,
take care of my parents how they have for me during the past 16 years. Another passionate concern I
have is being able to help others. This is a concern of mine because I would love to be able to work for
something bigger than myself. An example of this would be the opportunity to work towards curing a
disease with no known cure. These passionate concerns are not all fully in my control, but through
hard work I feel as though I can bring them closer to reality.
3. During your senior year, discuss the area within yourself that you would like to see some growth or
During my senior year, I would like to see myself grow through my contributions to the community.
In the past and present, I have volunteered through clubs such as National Honor Society and Class
Council. I would like to not only volunteer more through school clubs, but also through outside
facilities. Making a difference has always been something that is important to me. Through added
community service and volunteer work, I hope to be able to make a lasting change in the local
4. Who is your hero? Why?
My dad is my hero. Throughout his life, my dad has proved himself to be hardworking, dedicated and
selfless. When my dad moved to America as a child, he had to
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Civil Disobedience Controversy
Throughout history, American citizens have voiced their opposition to certain legislation they felt
were immoral. There have been various examples of protest, one of which ignites a lot of controversy;
civil disobedience. Civil disobedience has been used by people who felt they were not being heard.
Even though there are people who will argue against its effectiveness, this is a way for individuals to
take part in their government and promotes a free society. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy, civil disobedience was initially used by Henry David Thoreau in his essay titled Civil
Disobedience . Thoreau used this to rationalize his decision not to pay taxes for actions by the
government he did not morally agree with. Those after Thoreau used his tactic of civil disobedience to
get laws changed through non violent measures (Brownlee). Having publicity also helps activists
reach their goals and is often an element that is paid close attention to by the participants (Brownlee).
In American history, civil disobedience has been a key technique to initiate change in the areas like the
Civil Rights Movement and the Women s Suffrage Movement. In both of these movements the
activists followed the basic ... Show more content on ...
According to history, civil disobedience does work to make change happen when the acts are non
violent, have a specific motive, and have ample press coverage. This is enough proof to ensure civil
disobedience can be successful today if the same principles are used. According to an article on CNN
s website, protesters at Keystone are preparing to start mass civil disobedience as a showing of
solidarity for Standing Rock (Jones). Like successful movements they have a goal; to stop the building
of the pipeline in their territory. Additionally, they have press coverage so others are aware of their
movement and they are acting in a non violent
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Adam Frank Monologue
Face pale with terror, Adam s shaky hand moved to switch on the bedside lamp. Images of Fire and
Brimstone, and writhing figures, men, women and children all screaming in pain as flames consumed
their bodies, flowed through his mind. Eyeballs exploded, and liquefied flesh oozed into fiery lava
pits, leaving nothing but a collapsed pile of charred bones on the ground before moments later the
victim s human form was resurrected in its entirety, and subjected to the same agonising fate again.
Over and over, ad infinitum.
The Pastor stared at him and Eve, feverish gaze darting between the children seated in the front row
next to their Uniformed father and oh so sweet acting Mary, pointing the Crucifix at each in ... Show
more content on ...
Murder him, eviscerate him, cut God s fucking head off and feed it to the dogs. Excitement and glee
filled lit up Adam s features, mostly in surprise that he d actually uttered the words aloud, before his
countenance sobered. Do you think we could, but how? He has his army, and would turn us to dust
before we even got near. Unless. Adam s brows furrowed in concentration, the last word barely
Leaning forward, he tugged on Eve s arm, bringing her closer, and peered into her deep brown eyes.
Do you recall that movie we watched one time, Evie? The Wizard of Oz. Whispering, he cupped her
chin and caressed her cheek. Sometimes when I have a good dream, that s what I dream about. A light
smile caused the corners of his lips to curl upwards as he recalled one of the few pleasurable events
from childhood. That God is like the Wizard, all booming voice and scary threats, but once you get
close, you discover he s actually nothing but a pathetic little man, terrified of his own
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The Ongoing Transmit Short Story
The Ongoing Transmit It all started on a Friday afternoon in Dolgeville New York. Dave was with a
group of friends. Dave was a young man with short blond hair, and pale white skin. He was at
Dolgeville High School talking with his friends Holly, Brooke, Sarah, and Kevin. They Were talking
about what they heard on the news, there is an old house just outside of Dolgeville supposedly had a
ghost that had been trapped in the basement. They said that the ghost has been down in the basement
for over 150 years, and the ghost has been sending S.O.S. on a ham radio. They were planning to go to
the house and see if there really was a ghost.
After School all of them piled in Dave s Dodge Aspen RT station wagon, and headed to the house.
When they arrived ... Show more content on ...
There was a green glowing light and a loud beeping noise followed by a continuous clicking sound
coming from the other side of the door. Dave put they key in the lock and looked back at Holly
wondering if he should open the door. He started to turn they key when the glowing and the noises
stopped. He turned the key the rest of the way then started to open the door. He shined the light in the
little room and seen an old ham radio. He opened the door the rest of the way and then he seen
something he had never seen before. There was a ghost sitting in the chair next to the radio with a
Morse code button in his hand. Dave dropped the flashlight and ran up the stairs to the car with
everyone else following behind. They jumped in the car and drove back home and never went back to
the house. Later that year people started saying that the S.O.S. signal stopped transmitting. A few
months later a married couple bought the house and fixed it up. They never said anything about a
ghost living there. They found the old ham radio in the basement and fixed it. The husband decided to
keep the radio for himself and learn to use it. From that day on no one had ever heard the signal
sending S.O.S. ever
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Comparing Booker T. And W. E. B. Du Bois
I saw dawn upon them like the sun a vision of a time when all men walk proudly through the earth and
the bombs and missiles lie at the bottom of the ocean like the bones of dinosaurs buried under the
shale of eras. Randall . Dudley Felker Randall born january 1914 in Washington D.C. growing up in
the middle class home where his college educated parents instilled justice, education and an
appreciation for poetry in young Dudley. His father was very much into politics because of that
Dudley and his brother would listen to prominent black speakers. When Randall was about nine years
old he and his family move to Detroit, Michigan in 1920. By the time he was thirteen he had his first
poem published in the Detroit Free Press.. Dudley had many opportunities ... Show more content on ...
and W.E.B., which succinctly summarizes differences between Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du
Bois in a simple dialogue; In the poem it is about two great leaders of the black community, Booker T
and W.E.B sharing their beliefs. Randall wrote this poem during the segregation, when African
Americans were fighting for their freedom and rights. Booker T see African American labor work is
for the benefit of the black community. Booker T is basically saying that slavery is not bad and that
slavery should not be removed. W.E.B disagrees with Booker T ,,,he believes that African Americans
should stand up for their freedom and not be put to work as slaves. Randall uses rhyme in the poem to
interpret Brooker T perspectives and W.E.B perspectives. In the first stanza Booker said When Mister
Charlie needs a hand to hoe the cotton on his land, and when Miss Ann looks for a cook, why stick
your nose inside a book . Brooker T is saying that African Americans do not need education because
they already have a job to do as lower calles serfs working for white people. He is saying that slavery
is not a bad thing and that African Americans should stay slaves. In the second stanza W.E.B
disagrees, he said that Charles and Miss can look another place for hand or cook . He believes that
African Americans should fight for their freedom and should be treated as an equal citizen. One of the
first things that doesn t go unnoticed when reading this poem, is that this poem uses rhyme and
rhythm. Many poets were riding away traditional rhyme and rhythm schemes for free verse or blank
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Essay On Stray Dogs In Bangkok
Topic: Stray Dogs in Bangkok s Temple
Thai Buddhist temple is the most well known spot to surrender stray dogs, since they have a ton of
remains. If the temple dogs get along, then stray dog and stray. Other normal spots incorporate
disconnected streets or even outside somebody s fence.
This is the reason people can see stray dogs at most sanctuaries around Thailand. Since nobody really
care for these animals, some of them have skin infections that make them lose their skin and they
frequently notice awful. Sometimes Buddhist cloisters effectively debilitate individuals from dumping
their unwanted pets at temples, since it s a weight to the resident monk.
Most stray dogs are afraid of people their saw, not just in the temple but stray dogs around Bangkok
except the ones who feed them and make them truth that nobody going to hurt them. Some can be
regional however, particularly after dark. Along these lines, in case if people not comfortable to walk
past them, carry an umbrella or a stick, to be safe.
Also animal sterilization is not common in Thailand, and hundreds of thousands of dogs fight to
survive on the streets. Many are abandoned at temples, a typical phenomenon, where locals feel that
the monks will feed them and take ... Show more content on ...
The powerless government strategy and laws about the stray dogs furthermore the general public lack
of awareness of this issue is principle snag to tackle this issue. Also the problem is stray dogs will
certainly bring disease and deadly damage to lives and properties of people around Bangkok or around
Thai temple especially hydrophobia with average of many died per
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Compare And Contrast Keats And Sailing To Byzantium
Sailing to Byzantium represents a metaphorical journey from the material world to an eternal world;
there is a spiritual quest in the poem. The poet desires to go to Byzantium, which is symbolic of the
world of spirituality, art and culture. There is a contrast between the two types of life in the poem i.e.
the physical life (material) and spiritual life. The materialistic and temporary has been represented by
the younger generation who is busy enjoying the sensual pleasure and is embroiled in their own lives.
They are so busy in the worldly pleasures that they ignore the old people. No matter how beautiful and
young they may be, their beauty will fade and become old as no one can defy age. On the other hand
the spiritual world, which is eternal, has been represented by the ... Show more content on ...
Both the poets believe that it is only art which can give solace and contentment in life. The
impermanence of all the earthly and living things has been contrasted with the permanence which art
bestows on them. According to Keats, the work of art is more vivid than the actual life as it has its
own life; Keats touches on this in the third stanza of the poem. Like Yeats, Keats in Ode on a Grecian
Urn also talks about imagination and music:
Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on;
Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear d, Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone. (Keats) It gives praise to
the sound and activity within the images, as the scenes never seem to age. Paradoxes are used towards
the differences of participation and observation, permanence and change, music and silence. Another
paradox given is of activity and non activity, as well as the melancholy of joy or sadness, such as:
All breathing human passion far
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Similarities Between New France And Midlanders
New France s ideals of tolerance, a general distaste for hierarchy, and independence, aligned directly
with the Midlanders acceptance of the natives, their belief that all were equal in the eyes of God, and
their view on the government and religion. At the beginning of New France s creation, Samuel de
Champlain had a radical idea. He felt that this new settlement should coexist in a friendly, respectful
alliance with the Native American nations in whose territories it would be embedded (Woodard 35).
This idea pushed New France to form alliances with the Native Americans, showing their tolerance for
other cultures. The Midlanders shared this ideal. Based on the Golden Rule, the Quakers believed that
all humans were equal before God, regardless of sect, race, or gender (Woodard 93). ... Show more
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Not only that, but it also showed how the Midlanders felt about hierarchy and how there was no need
for classism. New France also held this belief. After their first failed attempt at the feudal system, all
those who left to live in the wildness developed a dislike for the class system (Woodard 42). Just like
the Midlanders, New France felt that no one in the colony was above one another after the feudal
system dissolved. Because all the workers left the colony to move into wild, they began to rely on the
tribes more than their colony (Woodard 42). Their values mixed with the natives which created a sense
of fierce independence in the New France settlers. The Midlanders echoed this value of independence.
They believed that each person had an Inner Light holding the Holy Spirit within him or her (Woodard
93). This prompted the idea that the citizens could govern themselves, promoting a strong value of
independence. Because New France and the Midlands shared so many ideals, their identities were
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Essay Comparing Frankenstein And Modern Prometheus
With hundreds of thousands of songs, books, movies, and art dedicated to this one emotion, there is
plenty of evidence that when it comes to human interaction love is an extremely powerful emotion
that can have a transforming effect. In contrast, a lack of love can also have effects, especially dire or
negative ones for those who are in need. Behind Mary Shelley s Frankenstein; or, the Modern
Prometheus is a main character who cherishes himself, his own pride, and has grand plans in mind for
his legacy, all of which could possibly have positive results, but do not feature a plan or a personality
ripe with love. In contrast, Goethe s Faust also features a character who is strong willed and very
smart, but without a strong sense of love for others in his life, he also faces negative results. Both
works could ... Show more content on ...
Despite the very poignant quote of A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart (Goethe Part
1), Faust still yearns for more than the heart, more than what love can offer to one s life. He seems
pained by the lack of knowledge in his life: Oh, God! Art is long / And life is short (558 559), but
when speaking of what he can feel, the lament is not nearly as strong:
You can t, if you can t feel it, if it never / Rises from the soul, and sways / The heart of every single
hearer, / With deepest power, in simple ways. / You ll sit forever, gluing things together, / Cooking up
a stew from other s scraps, / Blowing on a miserable fire, / Made from your heap of dying ash. / Let
apes and children praise your art, / If their admiration s to your taste, / But you ll never speak from
heart to heart, / Unless it rises up from your heart s space. (535 545)
Faust has perhaps already resigned himself to a loveless life, or perhaps his strong feelings for acclaim
and knowledge cloud the possibilities of what love can bring to one s life, if one only lets it rise
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Laban Movement Analysis Paper
The concepts of the proposal were founded on the possibility of the use of the Laban Movement
Analysis (LMA) in helping people suffering from developmental disabilities. The research would be
aimed to determine the effective use of the LMA design of body, effort, shape, and space, ordinarily
called the BESS approach as remedy for the developmental disability conditions such as autism and
Down syndrome (ADTA n.d). I became motivated to explore this approach of the BESS method for
individuals with autism and Down syndrome when taking a Laban Movement Analysis class and
volunteering at The Arc. I felt this approach would be beneficial and valuable. During my volunteer
ship, I learned that dance could intervene on different developmental and intellectual ... Show more
content on ...
Abnormal learning challenges and abnormal physical features and locomotion characterize the
disease. BESS approach of body, effort, shape and space can be used to improve the difficulties in the
learning and the development of motor skills (Thompson 250). Dancing and music improves the
motor skills of the children drastically and thus can be effectively used as an intervention and in the
management of the Down syndrome. Music and dancing was indicated to improve the cognitive
ability and development of the abstract concept in children and adults. In the light of that, music and
dancing can be used effectively to manage and control Down syndrome. In the similar manner, BESS
can be used to intervene and manage bipolar personal disorder, ADD, and attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Thompson 249).
Therefore, with physical activity being a significant concept of physical development, BESS and the
Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) promotes both cognitive and physical development. The technique
also increases body s activities that help decrease the severity of the signs and symptoms associated
with Down syndrome such as increased heart abnormalities, obesity, and cancer (Chloe 59). The
technique also connects the body and the mind and this improves skills development and as well as
build relationships. It also promotes learning and builds behaviors such as
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The Many Benefits of Hybrid Cars Essay
The Many Advantages of Hybrid Cars
Picture yourself driving on the freeway. You are cruising along at about sixty five miles per hour in
your late model SUV. This is a typical morning for you until an electronic beep from within your dash
catches your attention. When you look at your gauges, you see the low fuel light shining bright and
orange. As you think to yourself, I just filled this thing up a week ago, you glance up to see salvation
in the form of a road sign: Gas, next exit.
Thank you, you say, looking up. When you turn, however, you realize a new problem. The premium
grade fuel with which you usually fill your tank is almost $2.00 per gallon. That means it would cost
you $40.00 just to get through another week of ... Show more content on ...
There are several different components that make up a hybrid car. These are:
· A Gasoline Engine endash; The gasoline engine on a hybrid car is quite similar to a typical car s
engine. The difference between a typical gasoline engine and a hybrid s gasoline engine is that a
hybrid s engine contains different technology that reduces emissions, and it is also much smaller.
· A Fuel tank endash; Just like a typical car, the fuel tank is a large storage device for the gasoline that
powers the engine. Gasoline is much denser than batteries. 1,000 pounds of batteries store about as
much as one (seven pounds) gallon of fuel.
· An Electric motor endash; This is the part of the vehicle that makes it a hybrid. Advanced electronics
give the motor the ability to act as a generator and also power the transmission. When powering the
vehicle, the motor will draw energy from a battery when need be. When it is a generator, the motor
returns energy to the same batteries that were used to power the motor.
· A Generator endash; On some hybrids (mostly series hybrids), a separate generator is used to return
energy to the battery or power the electric motor and allow the battery to rest.
· The Batteries endash; Like the fuel tank stores the energy for the gasoline engine, the batteries store
the energy for the electric motor.
· A transmission endash; A hybrid s transmission performs the same basic
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Sooke Skating Club
The Sooke Skating Club is once again sharpening both its skates and its skills this year for the
upcoming year end Figure Skating Show this Thursday night at the SEAPARC Leisure Complex.
With nearly two dozen performances comprised of group numbers and soloists aged four to 19, the
show s theme this year takes on the world of mythical fantasy, complete with spirits and vampires of
all kinds.
It s going to be a lot of fun, and we re all pretty excited, said Lindsey Haldane, one of the club s
coaches, adding that costumes this year are more intricate, more colourful, and, in most part,
We make sure that the costumes are bright and colourful and that the kids have fun. Our older kids
will dress up as spirits and vampires, so that will be exciting to see. ... Show more content on ...
The skating club has held skating performances at the SEAPARC since the complex was built in 1976,
making it one of the oldest in Sooke.
During Christmas season last year, the group performed at the Butchgart Gardens in Victoria for its
year s end performance. In addition, the club also had five Sooke based competitors at the Vancouver
Island Ice Skating Regionals.
Haldane said that despite its potential in competition, the club remains family focused, not on high end
performance, allowing skills on both ends of the scale to flow through the club with ease.
It also takes a lot of effort out of everyone to bring it all together into a coherent, beautiful experience
for the audience, noted head coach Colleen Randale, who works with older and higher level
competitive skaters in the club.
They re mostly girls, so there s a lot of hormones, nerves, so you gotta be part psychologist
sometimes. Being a mom helps, she said. Like Haldane, she s been involved in the sport of figure
skating for more than 20
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Priyanka Chopra Research Paper
Priyanka Chopra Was Also a Victim of Nepotism The actress Priyanka Chopra who is ruling the film
industries worldwide doesn t need any introduction. She is one of the most successful actresses who is
not only famous in B Town but also in Hollywood industry. Recently in an interview, PeeCee shared
her feelings on Nepotism. She informed that she being an outsider, had to struggle a lot in order to
establish her in the industry. She had days when she used to cry a lot and with her willpower she came
out of all bad days. She also confirmed that being from a non filmy background, she was kicked out of
the films and the reason was someone else s name was recommended to the producers by some higher
authority. While talking to mid day, she was asked
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Saint Stephen s Famous Martyrs
A martyr is someone who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs. A famous martyr that
many people look at in the church today is Saint Stephen. Stephen was often called the protomartyr, or
the first martyr of Christianity. Stephen s original name in Greek is given as Stephanos meaning crown
. This is given to him because he is invested with a crown on martyrdom. If you want to learn more
about Stephen you can find him in the New Testament in the Acts of Apostles. He is mentioned in Acts
as one of the Greek speaking Hellenistic Jews selected to participate in a fairer distribution of welfare
to the Greek speaking widows. According to the Acts of the Apostles Saint Stephen was a deacon in
the early church at Jerusalem who was
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Role Of Religion In Tartuffe
The play Tartuffe is about a man named Orgon who takes in another man who is named Tartuffe who
is beggar, conman, and hypocrite. Orgon becomes immensely interested in the affairs of his new friend
Tartuffe, so much that he doesn t tend to the needs of his sick wife. Mariane, Orgon s daughter, is due
to marry Tartuffe, this creates a feud within the family about whether or not Tartuffe is a good person.
Tartuffe tries to win over Elmire, Orgons wife ending eventually in Orgon forbidding his daughter to
marry Tartuffe. Mariane is in love with another man for her to marry by the name of Valere and
eventually Mariane and Valere have the towns blessing for marriage. Moliere s Tartuffe embodies
many themes including religion, the role of femininity, ... Show more content on ...
Although the messages in the play are of heavy meanings there is a seemingly comedic relief aspect of
Molieres writing. Cleante and Madame Pernelle are often making jokes, however, their jokes are not
direct they are laced within the text. Not only is the theme contributing to humor, it also includes the
humorous acts that some of the characters partake in. One example of this is when Tartuffe tries to
seduce Elmire during a meeting to ask to marry her daughter. Another example might be, how valere
and Mariane fall madly in love because they only just know each other and their marriage was
virtually arranged. It is also notable how the character who seems to have gone crazy thinks that they
are completely sane. (Insert
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Tropical Cyclones Essay
Natural hazards: tropical cyclones
Year 9 assessment task 3
Sam borron
Year 9
Mr Hine
Tropical cyclone Larry
Geographical processes associated with tropical cyclones
Tropical cyclones form over warm oceans (above 26.5˚ C) as low pressure systems and gradually
build up intensity. They have clockwise wind circulations and produce gale force winds. These winds
can extend hundreds of kilometers from the cyclone center
Tropical cyclones can persist for many days and many follow quite erratic pats. they usually break up
or dissipate over land or cooler oceans the circular eye or center of a tropical cyclone is an area
carctorise by light winds and often by clear sky. The diameter of the eye is usually aprrox 40 km but
can rang ... Show more content on ...
The high winds caused enormous damage to infrastructure
Approximately 40% of homes were damaged
Social impacts
Cyclone Larry took no human lives
A lot of hospital police stations and fire stations were damaged
A few people after cyclone Larry hit were psychologically damaged
Environmental impacts
Cyclone Larry destroyed 80 90% of the bananas
Scientists have calculated that around 30% of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area was impacted to
some extent by Cyclone Larry.
(1) Cyclone science shows rainforest impacts and recovery
Reference: 07/44
A year on from Cyclone Larry research into the environmental impacts of the category 4/5 storm is
starting to deliver interesting results. This suite of projects involving 25 scientists from 5 institutions
was set up shortly after the cyclone hit to investigate its effects on the rainforests of the Wet Tropics.
20 March 2007
This is probably the most comprehensive study of the environmental impacts of a tropical cyclone
ever done anywhere in the world, said the Director of the CSIRO/JCU Tropical Landscapes Joint
Venture, Professor Steve Turton.
Scientists have calculated that around 30% of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area was impacted to
some extent by Cyclone Larry.
Fragments of remnant rainforest in otherwise cleared areas appear to have been the hardest hit, he
Cyclones are a natural process that tropical rainforest plants
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Speech On Importance Of Cosmetics
Importance of cosmetics
Cosmetics have been in use since ages for reconstructing the appearance of the person wearing them.
Beauty cosmetics can build a drastic change in a person s features, as they improve the best features
and cover the blemishes. People use creams and lotions to cleanse the skin deeply. This is not possible
with water and regular soap . Deep cleansing removes other underlying pollutants and opens the skin
pores . Blocked pores lead to the formation of acne and beauty cosmetics prevent this from occurring.
At the same time, we cannot remove some blemishes so easily. Dark spots and Blemishes are very
common on most people s skin. The use of makeup, such as a better concealer can effectively cover up
the flaw. This results in a skin, which looks ... Show more content on ...
All the ingredients are listed on the product label and comply with any limit that are established for
cosmetic products and ingredients
. Colour additives are subject to more regulatory analysis in the US than they are in
Europe. In USA, the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) expert panel conducts independent
Safety scrutiny of ingredients as a part of the cosmetics safety process, with the results published on
the CIR website and in the International Journal of Toxicology. The EU Scientific Committee on
Consumer safety is responsible for reviewing all active and special ingredients and assessing
conditions for safe use. The results are subsequently published in the Committee s website [4].
USA and Europe are the largest markets in the world for cosmetic products. In the end user segments,
decorative cosmetics (that modify the appearance of the area to which they are enforced, usually by
the use of colour, examples are: eye shadow, lipstick, blusher, eye pencil, liquid foundation, nail polish
, powder, mascara etc.) have the highest average annual growth
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Miller Vs Alabama Case Study
Miller V. Alabama Case Study
Roman Colon
Pennsylvania State University: Capitol Campus
On the Summer night of July 15, 2003, Evan Miller along with an accomplice committed murder by
the way of battery and arson (Oyez). Nearly a decade later, this case would play a crucial role in the
Supreme Court decision on mandatory life without parole sentences of juveniles. In a decision which
relied heavily on the beliefs and opinions of those present, the court argued the culpability of youth
with regards to actions such as murder. Much of the rationale used on the date of the oral argument
stemmed from the former cases of both Roper V. Simmons (2005) and Graham V. Florida (2010).
Essentially, the Miller V. Alabama case ... Show more content on ...
Both boys eventually confessed to the murder during police questioning. Due to Miller s prior
offenses as well as his mental maturity the district attorney was able to transfer the case from juvenile
court to adult court. In 2006 before a jury, Miller was found guilty as an adult and charged with
murder in the course of arson. In the state of Alabama this crime carries a mandatory punishment of
life without parole.
In the companion case of Jackson V. Hobbs, Kuntrell Jackson who then was also 14 years of age,
accompanied by two friends attempted to rob a video game store in the month of November, 1999
(Miller, 2012). As Kuntrell Jackson sat outside of the store, Derrick Shields threatened the clerk
Laurie Troup with a sawed off shotgun as he demanded money. Troup was non compliant and resulted
in Shields firing and killing her (Miller, 2012). Much like in the case of Evan Miller, Jackson was tried
as an adult and found guilty of capital felony murder and aggravated robbery. In the state of Arkansas,
a defendant who is charged with capital murder is sentenced to mandatory life in prison without the
chance of parole.
The Eighth Amendment guarantees individuals the right not to be subjected to excessive sanctions and
requires that punishments are proportionate to the crime committed. (National Conference of State
Legislature, 2015).
Both the cases of Graham V. Florida and Roper V. Simmons used the Eighth Amendment to establish
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Aristotle Virtue
Virtues dictate all systems of human morality. Aristotle s interpretation of virtue is found in Book II of
the Nicomachean Ethics, the man who possesses character excellence does the right thing, at the right
time, and in the right way. While this holds true, it leads to an ambiguous interpretation. Aristotle
understood virtue as a set of character traits that, once developed, will lead to an overall good
character. Core virtues such as respect, loyalty, and honesty make up the foundation of the virtue
theory of ethical thinking. By living an ethical life, a person must demonstrate moral character traits. A
virtuous person lives his life in a sweet spot called the golden mean of the two extremes of excess and
deficiency. Actions dictated ... Show more content on ...
Captain Marty was a well known daredevil skier, who on multiple recorded incidents had flown other
Concord flights overweight. Flight 4590 was attempting to fly with 1790 pounds over maximum
structural weight, this was unlawful, but was not an outrageous risk. However, this added weight
caused the centre of gravity of the plane to be pushed dangerously far to the rear. This change in the
centre of gravity made the plane more likely to stall at lower speeds. It was also proven that even in a
takeoff with all four engines working normally, they were well beyond the point where the testing and
models had deemed safe. Additionally, as the fuel gushed from the hole in the forward number five
tank, the centre of gravity moved still further back. In no way was Captain Marty courageous when
risking the lives of his crew and passengers by approving the extra
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Mary Mason Lyon Essay Conclusion
There is nothing in the universe that I fear, but that I shall not know all my duty, or shall fail to do it.
This was a famous quote that was said by Mary Mason Lyon. Mary Lyon has been, and is still to this
day, a very important person in the history of women empowerment. Born on February 28, 1797 in
Buckland, Massachusetts by Aaron and Jemima Lyon, Mary Lyon was not aware of the life that she
was to have as she got older and what fame that would come. As Mary Mason Lyon began to get
older, she attended school for a short while until she reached the age of 13. Soon after, at the age of
just Seventeen, she got an offer to teach and had accepted. A while after she began teaching and
educating other people, she then realised that she wanted to continue an education of her own causing
her to go back to school and attend college at Sanderson Academy. As she grew in age good things
and opportunities continued to come her way. Mary Mason Lyon soon because the creator and founder
of the very first women s college. After teaching and providing education for other people, Mary Lyon
took and interest in education and other subjects. Back when Mary Lyon was just a young adult,
women were not granted the same respect and opportunities as men were. Mary Lyon s goal was to
help prove that women were as intellectually capable as men. In conclusion, that is what she did. Mary
Lyon taught at many schools and decided that is what she wanted to do. According to
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Eisenhower s Containment Through Action by Inaction ...
Taylor Dukes
American Presidency
Richard Skinner
March 15, 2012
Eisenhower s Containment Through Action by Inaction During the Suez Canal Crisis
The 1950 s demanded a certain kind of American President: one tranquil enough to reside over a post
WWII society, and yet bold enough to propel the country through the Cold War. Though a description
of Ike Dwight D. Eisenhower as a strong central leader heavily contradicts the construed image of a
kindly grandfather figure, a bit inarticulate and above politics, a man who enjoyed golfing and trout
fishing over the routine chores of running the government (Neff 37), it is certainly apt. Eisenhower
demonstrated a bold daringness in his time as President; one that was masked by a ... Show more
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Eisenhower s view that the way to prevent the spread of communism to the Middle East was by
promoting stability in the region between both the Western powers and the Arab powers went on to
guide his policy towards the Middle East. Eisenhower s goals for US involvement in the Middle East
reflected the president s own cold war ideology and included promoting regional stability,
guaranteeing the free flow of Middle Eastern oil to Western Europe, supporting Arab nationalism and
Israeli independence, improving relationships with the Arab states, hastening the decline of European
empires, maintaining the solidarity of the Western alliance, and avoiding an arms race between Israel
and its Arab neighbors, with the United States and Russia the principal arms suppliers (Ambrose 328
329). The President s commitment to these goals of maintaining relationships and containing
communism accounts for many of the trends that would characterize Eisenhower s conduct in the
Middle East. Among these trends were: Eisenhower s reliance on frequent but informal consultations
with a small number of appointees; his tendency to try and delay the inevitable for as long as possible
as to allow for planning; his hesitation towards nearly any action, whether it be to take action or to
cease taking action; his encouragement for vagueness and secrecy pertaining to the Crisis; and finally,
his ability to firmly and effectively communicate his full executive power. Eisenhower s
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Character Analysis Of Holden Caulfield
In J. D. Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye, the character of Holden Caulfield does not convincingly
embody a compassionate and caring character. Holden, after having a difficult year at school, finds
comfort in his memories of his brother Allie. Another instance of Holden finding comfort, is when he
spends time with Phoebe. In the same way, Phoebe is supportive when spending time with Holden.
However, this takes a turn for the worse, as Holden reveals to Phoebe that he is leaving. Holden finds
comfort and love through his memories of Allie, his experiences with Phoebe and the support from he
receives from her. Holden begins to reminisce about his interactions with his deceased brother, Allie
as he feels lost, and does not know what to do. Holden, having difficulty describing a room or house
for Stradlater s composition, he decides to write about his brother Allie s baseball mitt, that had poems
written a over the glove for Allie to read when he was in the field (Salinger 38). Holden begins to
remember how Allie was very intelligent, how everyone liked him, and he even started describing his
features (Salinger 38). Holden shows compassion and love towards his brother Allie when he begins
to tell the reader, I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all the goddam windows with my
fist, just for the hell of it. I even tried to break all the windows on the station wagon we had that
summer, but my hands was already broken and everything by that time, and I couldn t
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How Canada Remained Independent of Foreign Control but...
How successful Canada was on remaining independent of foreign control, whilst being a part of
international decision making.
Canada remained independent of foreign control a majority of the time, but at others it did give in to
the pressure put upon it. Canada also got to be a big part of the decision making because it put itself
out there, got recognized as a middle power and proved its worth.
Some of the ways Canada remained independent of foreign control are: When president Reagan s
administration had a project they were trying to get Canada involved in called the Strategic Defence
Initiative (SDI, but also referred to as Star Wars). This was a plan to arm satellites that could destroy
soviet missiles from space. Not many people ... Show more content on ...
When NORAD was put in place during 1985 many Canadians were angered because they felt it
threatened Canadian independence and since the soviet missiles would be intercepted and destroyed
over Canada, Canada would be the one facing damage and destruction, not the US, but despite this,
Canada has maintained its commitment to NORAD. Canada and Americas economies are very alike,
to this day.
In 1945 when the UN was officially founded, Canada argues to be made a middle power, meaning
they would get recognition for being capable of holding their own, and the contribution they made
during World War II. Canada is very well known for their participation in every UN peacekeeping
operation. Lester B. Pearson even won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1957. When Egypt nationalized the
Suez Canal, Britain, France and Israel made a secret pact to invade Egypt. Israel attacked Egypt while
Britain and France took over the Canal. The situation grew tense when many countries denounced the
invasion. Lester B. Pearson proposed to the UN that Britain, France and Israel withdraw their troops
and the UN send a peacekeeping army into Egypt. His proposal was accepted. Canada also adapted a
new flag, which in a way was to show they had completely detached themselves from Britain. In 1949
Canada had signed the NATO treaty. That was the first time Canada had signed a military
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The Drawbacks of Gun Control Legislation
Gun control is many issues of this nation summed up into two words. In the point of view of some
people gun control is a crime issue, while to others it is a rights issue. Gun control also is a safety
issue and believe it or not, an education issue. Within each of these problems, there are those who
want gun control legislation, and those like myself, who want less gun control legislation. The second
amendment states that we as citizens have the right to bear arms and protect ourselves. Gun control
only keeps the good guys from obtaining firearms. Bad guys will always have ways of getting
weapons, whether it be from the black market, cross borders, or illegal street sales. Another drawback
of any and all gun control legislation is that they only affect law abiding citizens. By clarification a
criminal is someone who breaks the law. Therefore, passing gun control legislation to control crime
committed by criminals is disagreeable. According to the
(NRA) National Rifle Association, only four criminals have been taken into custody while attempting
to legally purchase a firearm. Criminals do not purchase guns legally. They have other ways to get
guns, such as the black market or theft. Many citizens are for new gun control laws, but many are
against them. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to pick up a magazine or watch the evening news
without being blasted with details of another mass shooting, or another child that
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Case Analysis Of Sainsbury
a) Relationship marketing
 Marketing designed to create, maintain, and enhance strong relationships with customers and other
 Relationship marketing is a facets customer relationship management ( CRM) that focuses on
customer loyalty and long term customer engagement rather than shorter term goals like customer
acquisition and individual sales
 The goals of relationship marketing is to create strong, even emotional, customer connections to s
brand that can lead to ongoing business, free word of mouth promotion and information from
customers that can generate leads.
b) By the decision of Sainsbury they may be good decision to them and community. Here are some
advantage and disadvantage by the decision. ... Show more content on ...
The environmental factors in the organization are divided into Internal and External factors. Internal
factors are further classified as Strengths or Weakness and the external factors are further classified
into Opportunities or Threats. Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred to as SWOT
analysis. SWOT analysis provides all the information that is required to match the organizations
capabilities to the competitive environment in which it runs. How SWOT analysis fits into
environmental scanning is shown as
SWOT Analysis Framework
• This is a very strong company with huge traders who are interested and trust worthy to the
company. Also it had 509 supermarkets and 276 stores, thus became a Established trader. • to
develop in business every company has to depend on customers. It is said that Customer is God , as a
popular and reputed company Sainsbury s followed the saying and won its customers trust and
developed a good customer base. • Had a huge chain of Supermarkets with 509 supermarkets, 276
stores and a bank. • Also it had large volumes of stock so it helps in reducing the cost.
• Having huge staffs make them pay more. • Having 509 supermarkets and 276 stores it is having
high maintenance cost. • Because of heavy stocks if product is failed huge stock will be
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Why Are Wildfires Important To Society
Have you ever stopped to wonder if wildfires truly important to society? Well after doing some
research, wildfires play an important role in the natural adaptations that occur in the Earth s
ecosystem. On the NASA Earth Observatory: Global Fire Monitoring website states that The diversity
of plant and animal life in the world s forest, prairies, and wetlands in (partly) dependent on the effects
of fire; in fact some plants can not reproduce without fire . The reason why some plants are dependent
on wildfires is because the fire breaks open the outer layer of the seeds and invigorate germination.
Fires begin vital natural process for nutrients. Rain then passes the nutrients back into the soil
restoring fertile seedbed for plants. Wildfires impact on the ecosystem, plays a major part in forming
the ecosystems by serving as an agent of restoration and change. These fires can also be extremely
dangerous, destroying homes, wildlife habitats, timber and it also pollutes the air with radiation that is
harmful to the human life. These wildfires also liberates carbon dioxide a greenhouse ... Show more
content on ...
These fires pollutes the air with carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide that comes from a burning bush,
aldehyde gases and particulate matter; also known as (PMs). PMs are most dangerous to a human
because it can spread great distances away from the fire unlike carbon dioxide and other gases that are
found closer around the area of the fire. The smaller and larger PMs that are 5 to 10 and 2.5 microns in
size travel and deposit through the respiratory system. These PMs settle in the alveoli where the body
is incompetent of removing systems are most likely at risk of having their condition inflamed if ill or
having an even more weaker respiratory system. The symptoms of exposing particular matter (PMs) is
headaches, dizziness, nausea and shortness of breath, with irritation of the eyes and
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Review Of Michael Hammer s Reengineering At Net Speed ...
Introduction This paper is a summary of research on scholarly articles by Michael Hammer, Ph.D. The
three articles are Reengineering at Net Speed , The New Business Agenda and Putting Six Sigma in
Perspective . Dr. Hammer earned his bachelors, masters and Ph.D. in computer science from
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was professor in the computer science department at MIT
and a lecturer in the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is best known for his work in business
process engineering ( Reengineering At Net Speed Fasten your seat belt; it ll
be quite a ride , is how Dr. Michael Hammer ended his 1999 article in InformationWeek titled,
Reengineering at Net Speed . The article focuses on the possibilities the internet will have on business
processes and how process reengineering is necessary in net age. Dr. Hammer argues that
reengineering is necessary with the internet because automating a mess yields an automated mess . He
argues that a poorly designed process in a traditional business environment will be a poor designed
process on the internet as well. He further states that processes will be need to implemented and
designed to support the internet model of business. The internet model of business has high customer
value access. Customers are able to place orders and check on shipments. Hammer also states the
internet has no boundaries. Companies are able to business anywhere in the world due to ubiquity of
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Gerald Graff They Say I Say Analysis
The book entitled, They Say / I Say came about by Gerald Graff penning his arguments about how
students from different colleges and different schools need to get involved in each other s discussions.
This book encourages students to ask questions and get involved with other students, friends and
family by giving templates for them to use. The author states these templates are not just for students
in high school, but also for people who have been in academics for a while. Of all the options listed as
a choice in the text the last option listed is agreeing and disagreeing which is the recommended
template. The St. Martin Handbook describes rhetorical situations. Which can be used to make good
decisions to become a good writer. The author encourages
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  • 2. Essay about Metamorphosis of Celie in Alice Walker s... The Metamorphosis of Celie in The Color Purple For people to be equal they need a chance to become equal by self discovering themselves. As we are growing older during our childhood we depend on our environment, parents, and peers to create our self image. Within our environment we are always trying to develop new insights in order to identify, clarify, connect and account for our beliefs. Even the underlying cause of dysfunctional relationships lies in crucial events in our life experience. The environment in which one is raised and developed will have a large affect on the individual. Most of the people that succeed in life come from stable families, in well positioned environments. While those that are not fortunate enough ... Show more content on ... . .a man s world (Klosowski 4). As a result of Celie s environment she never get s a fair opportunity to self discover until she gets away from her surroundings. The society in which she lived forced her to act the way she did. Walker shows Celie as part of a community which shares struggles, and women are oppressed by men. In this society, The white man destroyed the black man, the black man destroyed the woman( Klosowski 5). Celie is dominated and abused by the majority of the male figure in the novel including her stepfather. Her stepfather was a major influence in her life. Her stepfather raped her, causing the birth of two children whom he gave away to an old friend. The second man in her life, her husband, abused her not only physically by beating her but he also abused her verbally by calling her names. These two men left her subdued and passive. She became emotionally dead with this suppression of her personality of who she was. she was just a person who cooked and cleaned and took care of the children without any consideration given to her. She is uneducated because her father took her out off school as a result of her pregnancies. Celie is raised in an environment where she wasn t allow to have a mind of her own because her father dominated and controlled all her actions. For example, Celie writes letters to God because she has been warned by her ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Buddhism in China Essay examples Buddhism in China Between the third and ninth centuries C.E. China underwent a number of changes in its cultural makeup. Foremost amongst them was the adoption of Buddhist religious practices. I must stress that this was not a formal or universal change in religion but a slow integration of a system that permitted adaptation of its own form to promote acceptance as long as the fundamental theories and practices remained the same, unlike most religions. Buddhism worked its way into the court and decision makers of the Chinese state and that was the major sticking point for the religion in China. For Buddhism to be accepted the Emperor would have to condone it and at least offer his acceptance of it. Without imperial ... Show more content on ... The emperor of China was, throughout the course of Buddhism s introduction to China, reluctant to accept it as an officially sanctioned religion as the tenants of the religion have the ability to be taken as believing in the reducing of the power of the head of state to a subservient position to the religion. This was a major problem as the pre existing religion, Confucism, had as one of its tenants strict loyalty to the emperor. This loyalty aspect of Confucism granted the emperor a divine claim of authorization for his power and use of it. The main sticking point that Buddhism had to get past to be openly accepted in China was the emperor. He controlled the flow of information from outside sources into the areas where people would be willing to accept new thoughts and beliefs. The court officials were similar in position towards Buddhism as the emperor was due to the close relationship between his power and theirs. However, as the people whom implement the policies of the emperor they are also very important to the spread of the religion. In their capacity they have the ability to hinder the spread and to wrongfully use their power to arrest and cripple the religion. This hindering may be against the emperors wishes but with such a vast political structure the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Theme Of Manipulation In Wuthering Heights In Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, Heathcliff s strong love for Catherine guides his transformation as a character. While Heathcliff enters the story as an innocent child, the abuse he receives at a young age and his heartbreak at Catherine s choice to marry Edgar Linton bring about a change within him. Heathcliff s adulthood is consequently marked by jealousy and greed due to his separation from Catherine, along with manipulation and a deep desire to seek revenge on Edgar. Although Heathcliff uses deceit and manipulation to his advantage throughout the novel, he is never entirely content in his current situation. As Heathcliff attempts to revenge Edgar Linton, he does not gain true fulfillment. Throughout Wuthering Heights, Brontë uses Heathcliff s vengeful actions to convey the message that manipulative and revenge seeking behaviors will not bring a person satisfaction. To begin, Heathcliff uses Isabella as a means of exacting revenge on Edgar Linton, whom he despises. When Heathcliff finds out Isabella is in love with him, he is delighted. His pleasure comes not from a mutual like for Isabella, but rather a vision for revenging Edgar. After Catherine lets slip that Isabella is in love with him, Heathcliff says to her, ...and if you fancy I ll suffer unrevenged, I ll convince you of the contrary, in a very little while! Meantime, thank you for telling me your sister in law s secret: I swear I ll make the most of it. And stand you aside! (112). Heathcliff s comment ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Essay Beh 225 Week 2 Checkpoint Hormones and Heredity Hormones, Heredity, and Human Behavior July 14, 2011 BEH 225 Why do people behave the way they do? What makes us tick? While our environment molds some of who we are, much more comes from heredity and hormones. Genes passed on to us from our parents make up heredity, and glands throughout the body produce hormones. As generations progress, new psychological and behavioral traits are earned and learned. This paper will explain hormones and the endocrine system, glands associated with the endocrine system, behavior genetics, and evolutionary psychology. The endocrine system is the system of the body in which releases hormones into the bloodstream. The hormones then cause different reactions within the body, and these reactions shape ... Show more content on ... Hypothyroidism often causes a person to sleep a lot, but the person is still tired. The parathyroids are located within the thyroid, secrete parathormone, and controls levels of calcium and phosphates in the body. The parathyroids are also involved with controlling excitability levels (Morris and Maisto, 2002). The pancreas is located between the stomach and small intestine, and secretes insulin and glucagon to balance blood sugar levels in the body. When the pancreas does not work properly, a person may be diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, which is more commonly known simply as Diabetes (Morris and Maisto, 2002). People with diabetes suffer from extreme thirst, fatigue, lack of or increased appetite, and a myriad of other symptoms if their condition is not controlled properly with diet, exercise, and medications (if needed) (Steadman s Concise Medical Dictionary, 2001). The gonads are the male and female reproductive organs, the testes (males) and ovaries (females). The testes and ovaries produce androgens (testosterone) and estrogens, these hormones affect aggressiveness, mood, and sexual interest and behavior. Higher levels of these hormones have been shown to promote aggressiveness in both sexes (Morris and Maisto, 2002). The last glands are the adrenal glands, which are located above the kidneys, and have an inner core and an outer layer. The inner core is called the adrenal medulla, and the outer layer is known as the adrenal cortex. ... Get more on ...
  • 6. George Orwell Politics And The English Language Summary Written and spoken language is what sets humans apart from other animals as intellectuals, but if our language is declining, is the intellect of our society going down the same slope. In his essay Politics and the English Language, written in the post World War II era, George Orwell discusses the direction our English language is going in and how the manipulation of language is being used in politics. In the essay Orwell states, the English language is in a bad way (Orwell in Shea, Scanlon, Aufses 707). I agree with his statement, due to the affect the music industry is having on teens today and the rhetoric used in the recent election. In his essay, Orwell discusses the different factors that have caused the deterioration of the English language and the way in which it ... Show more content on ... Today we live in a country in which rhetoric can make the most controversial ideas normal, and can take a modern and progressive America back a couple steps. Some say the recent election has been won by clever use of rhetoric; to whom that rhetoric appealed to is a whole other story. During the last election, a video of Donald Trump was exposed, in which Trump said some statements that question his respect for women. When asked to respond to his own comments in the video, Trump dismissed it as locker room talk (Farenthold). The problem with this response is that the audience is not told what locker room talk is, and why it is okay to say disrespectful statements about women in a locker room. The truth is that this response did not explain anything on Trumps end. Instead it was a vague and meaningless phrase that distracted the audience from Trump s actions. This strategy is becoming more and more common in politics, signifying a decline in our ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Describe Your Personality Using A Color, Animal, And An... Describe your personality using a color, animal, or an object of your choice. If I had to describe myself as an animal, I would choose a dog. Surprisingly, I didn t just choose this because I like dogs. Don t get me wrong dogs are fantastic; but I chose a dog because of its characteristics. Everyone knows about that little dog that barks louder than any dog on the block. That dog is me; except lucky for you I don t bark, nor am I covered in hair with a tail. What I mean to say is, from a distance I might seem intimidating, but once you come closer and get to know me you ll realize I m actually a teddy bear. (metaphorically of course) I love to greet people, whether it be friends or family, with open arms and make them feel ... Show more content on ... Taking advantage of the opportunity to attend college is a priority in my life. Furthermore, I am passionate about being able to provide for my parents when I m older. I hope to be able to, one day, take care of my parents how they have for me during the past 16 years. Another passionate concern I have is being able to help others. This is a concern of mine because I would love to be able to work for something bigger than myself. An example of this would be the opportunity to work towards curing a disease with no known cure. These passionate concerns are not all fully in my control, but through hard work I feel as though I can bring them closer to reality. 3. During your senior year, discuss the area within yourself that you would like to see some growth or improvement. During my senior year, I would like to see myself grow through my contributions to the community. In the past and present, I have volunteered through clubs such as National Honor Society and Class Council. I would like to not only volunteer more through school clubs, but also through outside facilities. Making a difference has always been something that is important to me. Through added community service and volunteer work, I hope to be able to make a lasting change in the local community. 4. Who is your hero? Why? My dad is my hero. Throughout his life, my dad has proved himself to be hardworking, dedicated and selfless. When my dad moved to America as a child, he had to ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Civil Disobedience Controversy Throughout history, American citizens have voiced their opposition to certain legislation they felt were immoral. There have been various examples of protest, one of which ignites a lot of controversy; civil disobedience. Civil disobedience has been used by people who felt they were not being heard. Even though there are people who will argue against its effectiveness, this is a way for individuals to take part in their government and promotes a free society. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, civil disobedience was initially used by Henry David Thoreau in his essay titled Civil Disobedience . Thoreau used this to rationalize his decision not to pay taxes for actions by the government he did not morally agree with. Those after Thoreau used his tactic of civil disobedience to get laws changed through non violent measures (Brownlee). Having publicity also helps activists reach their goals and is often an element that is paid close attention to by the participants (Brownlee). In American history, civil disobedience has been a key technique to initiate change in the areas like the Civil Rights Movement and the Women s Suffrage Movement. In both of these movements the activists followed the basic ... Show more content on ... According to history, civil disobedience does work to make change happen when the acts are non violent, have a specific motive, and have ample press coverage. This is enough proof to ensure civil disobedience can be successful today if the same principles are used. According to an article on CNN s website, protesters at Keystone are preparing to start mass civil disobedience as a showing of solidarity for Standing Rock (Jones). Like successful movements they have a goal; to stop the building of the pipeline in their territory. Additionally, they have press coverage so others are aware of their movement and they are acting in a non violent ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Adam Frank Monologue Face pale with terror, Adam s shaky hand moved to switch on the bedside lamp. Images of Fire and Brimstone, and writhing figures, men, women and children all screaming in pain as flames consumed their bodies, flowed through his mind. Eyeballs exploded, and liquefied flesh oozed into fiery lava pits, leaving nothing but a collapsed pile of charred bones on the ground before moments later the victim s human form was resurrected in its entirety, and subjected to the same agonising fate again. Over and over, ad infinitum. DO YOU DESERVE TO BURN? The Pastor stared at him and Eve, feverish gaze darting between the children seated in the front row next to their Uniformed father and oh so sweet acting Mary, pointing the Crucifix at each in ... Show more content on ... Murder him, eviscerate him, cut God s fucking head off and feed it to the dogs. Excitement and glee filled lit up Adam s features, mostly in surprise that he d actually uttered the words aloud, before his countenance sobered. Do you think we could, but how? He has his army, and would turn us to dust before we even got near. Unless. Adam s brows furrowed in concentration, the last word barely audible. Leaning forward, he tugged on Eve s arm, bringing her closer, and peered into her deep brown eyes. Do you recall that movie we watched one time, Evie? The Wizard of Oz. Whispering, he cupped her chin and caressed her cheek. Sometimes when I have a good dream, that s what I dream about. A light smile caused the corners of his lips to curl upwards as he recalled one of the few pleasurable events from childhood. That God is like the Wizard, all booming voice and scary threats, but once you get close, you discover he s actually nothing but a pathetic little man, terrified of his own ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Ongoing Transmit Short Story The Ongoing Transmit It all started on a Friday afternoon in Dolgeville New York. Dave was with a group of friends. Dave was a young man with short blond hair, and pale white skin. He was at Dolgeville High School talking with his friends Holly, Brooke, Sarah, and Kevin. They Were talking about what they heard on the news, there is an old house just outside of Dolgeville supposedly had a ghost that had been trapped in the basement. They said that the ghost has been down in the basement for over 150 years, and the ghost has been sending S.O.S. on a ham radio. They were planning to go to the house and see if there really was a ghost. After School all of them piled in Dave s Dodge Aspen RT station wagon, and headed to the house. When they arrived ... Show more content on ... There was a green glowing light and a loud beeping noise followed by a continuous clicking sound coming from the other side of the door. Dave put they key in the lock and looked back at Holly wondering if he should open the door. He started to turn they key when the glowing and the noises stopped. He turned the key the rest of the way then started to open the door. He shined the light in the little room and seen an old ham radio. He opened the door the rest of the way and then he seen something he had never seen before. There was a ghost sitting in the chair next to the radio with a Morse code button in his hand. Dave dropped the flashlight and ran up the stairs to the car with everyone else following behind. They jumped in the car and drove back home and never went back to the house. Later that year people started saying that the S.O.S. signal stopped transmitting. A few months later a married couple bought the house and fixed it up. They never said anything about a ghost living there. They found the old ham radio in the basement and fixed it. The husband decided to keep the radio for himself and learn to use it. From that day on no one had ever heard the signal sending S.O.S. ever ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Comparing Booker T. And W. E. B. Du Bois I saw dawn upon them like the sun a vision of a time when all men walk proudly through the earth and the bombs and missiles lie at the bottom of the ocean like the bones of dinosaurs buried under the shale of eras. Randall . Dudley Felker Randall born january 1914 in Washington D.C. growing up in the middle class home where his college educated parents instilled justice, education and an appreciation for poetry in young Dudley. His father was very much into politics because of that Dudley and his brother would listen to prominent black speakers. When Randall was about nine years old he and his family move to Detroit, Michigan in 1920. By the time he was thirteen he had his first poem published in the Detroit Free Press.. Dudley had many opportunities ... Show more content on ... and W.E.B., which succinctly summarizes differences between Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois in a simple dialogue; In the poem it is about two great leaders of the black community, Booker T and W.E.B sharing their beliefs. Randall wrote this poem during the segregation, when African Americans were fighting for their freedom and rights. Booker T see African American labor work is for the benefit of the black community. Booker T is basically saying that slavery is not bad and that slavery should not be removed. W.E.B disagrees with Booker T ,,,he believes that African Americans should stand up for their freedom and not be put to work as slaves. Randall uses rhyme in the poem to interpret Brooker T perspectives and W.E.B perspectives. In the first stanza Booker said When Mister Charlie needs a hand to hoe the cotton on his land, and when Miss Ann looks for a cook, why stick your nose inside a book . Brooker T is saying that African Americans do not need education because they already have a job to do as lower calles serfs working for white people. He is saying that slavery is not a bad thing and that African Americans should stay slaves. In the second stanza W.E.B disagrees, he said that Charles and Miss can look another place for hand or cook . He believes that African Americans should fight for their freedom and should be treated as an equal citizen. One of the first things that doesn t go unnoticed when reading this poem, is that this poem uses rhyme and rhythm. Many poets were riding away traditional rhyme and rhythm schemes for free verse or blank verse ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay On Stray Dogs In Bangkok Topic: Stray Dogs in Bangkok s Temple Abstract Thai Buddhist temple is the most well known spot to surrender stray dogs, since they have a ton of remains. If the temple dogs get along, then stray dog and stray. Other normal spots incorporate disconnected streets or even outside somebody s fence. This is the reason people can see stray dogs at most sanctuaries around Thailand. Since nobody really care for these animals, some of them have skin infections that make them lose their skin and they frequently notice awful. Sometimes Buddhist cloisters effectively debilitate individuals from dumping their unwanted pets at temples, since it s a weight to the resident monk. Most stray dogs are afraid of people their saw, not just in the temple but stray dogs around Bangkok except the ones who feed them and make them truth that nobody going to hurt them. Some can be regional however, particularly after dark. Along these lines, in case if people not comfortable to walk past them, carry an umbrella or a stick, to be safe. Also animal sterilization is not common in Thailand, and hundreds of thousands of dogs fight to survive on the streets. Many are abandoned at temples, a typical phenomenon, where locals feel that the monks will feed them and take ... Show more content on ... The powerless government strategy and laws about the stray dogs furthermore the general public lack of awareness of this issue is principle snag to tackle this issue. Also the problem is stray dogs will certainly bring disease and deadly damage to lives and properties of people around Bangkok or around Thai temple especially hydrophobia with average of many died per ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Compare And Contrast Keats And Sailing To Byzantium Sailing to Byzantium represents a metaphorical journey from the material world to an eternal world; there is a spiritual quest in the poem. The poet desires to go to Byzantium, which is symbolic of the world of spirituality, art and culture. There is a contrast between the two types of life in the poem i.e. the physical life (material) and spiritual life. The materialistic and temporary has been represented by the younger generation who is busy enjoying the sensual pleasure and is embroiled in their own lives. They are so busy in the worldly pleasures that they ignore the old people. No matter how beautiful and young they may be, their beauty will fade and become old as no one can defy age. On the other hand the spiritual world, which is eternal, has been represented by the ... Show more content on ... Both the poets believe that it is only art which can give solace and contentment in life. The impermanence of all the earthly and living things has been contrasted with the permanence which art bestows on them. According to Keats, the work of art is more vivid than the actual life as it has its own life; Keats touches on this in the third stanza of the poem. Like Yeats, Keats in Ode on a Grecian Urn also talks about imagination and music: Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on; Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear d, Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone. (Keats) It gives praise to the sound and activity within the images, as the scenes never seem to age. Paradoxes are used towards the differences of participation and observation, permanence and change, music and silence. Another paradox given is of activity and non activity, as well as the melancholy of joy or sadness, such as: All breathing human passion far ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Similarities Between New France And Midlanders New France s ideals of tolerance, a general distaste for hierarchy, and independence, aligned directly with the Midlanders acceptance of the natives, their belief that all were equal in the eyes of God, and their view on the government and religion. At the beginning of New France s creation, Samuel de Champlain had a radical idea. He felt that this new settlement should coexist in a friendly, respectful alliance with the Native American nations in whose territories it would be embedded (Woodard 35). This idea pushed New France to form alliances with the Native Americans, showing their tolerance for other cultures. The Midlanders shared this ideal. Based on the Golden Rule, the Quakers believed that all humans were equal before God, regardless of sect, race, or gender (Woodard 93). ... Show more content on ... Not only that, but it also showed how the Midlanders felt about hierarchy and how there was no need for classism. New France also held this belief. After their first failed attempt at the feudal system, all those who left to live in the wildness developed a dislike for the class system (Woodard 42). Just like the Midlanders, New France felt that no one in the colony was above one another after the feudal system dissolved. Because all the workers left the colony to move into wild, they began to rely on the tribes more than their colony (Woodard 42). Their values mixed with the natives which created a sense of fierce independence in the New France settlers. The Midlanders echoed this value of independence. They believed that each person had an Inner Light holding the Holy Spirit within him or her (Woodard 93). This prompted the idea that the citizens could govern themselves, promoting a strong value of independence. Because New France and the Midlands shared so many ideals, their identities were very ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Essay Comparing Frankenstein And Modern Prometheus With hundreds of thousands of songs, books, movies, and art dedicated to this one emotion, there is plenty of evidence that when it comes to human interaction love is an extremely powerful emotion that can have a transforming effect. In contrast, a lack of love can also have effects, especially dire or negative ones for those who are in need. Behind Mary Shelley s Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus is a main character who cherishes himself, his own pride, and has grand plans in mind for his legacy, all of which could possibly have positive results, but do not feature a plan or a personality ripe with love. In contrast, Goethe s Faust also features a character who is strong willed and very smart, but without a strong sense of love for others in his life, he also faces negative results. Both works could ... Show more content on ... Despite the very poignant quote of A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart (Goethe Part 1), Faust still yearns for more than the heart, more than what love can offer to one s life. He seems pained by the lack of knowledge in his life: Oh, God! Art is long / And life is short (558 559), but when speaking of what he can feel, the lament is not nearly as strong: You can t, if you can t feel it, if it never / Rises from the soul, and sways / The heart of every single hearer, / With deepest power, in simple ways. / You ll sit forever, gluing things together, / Cooking up a stew from other s scraps, / Blowing on a miserable fire, / Made from your heap of dying ash. / Let apes and children praise your art, / If their admiration s to your taste, / But you ll never speak from heart to heart, / Unless it rises up from your heart s space. (535 545) Faust has perhaps already resigned himself to a loveless life, or perhaps his strong feelings for acclaim and knowledge cloud the possibilities of what love can bring to one s life, if one only lets it rise ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Laban Movement Analysis Paper The concepts of the proposal were founded on the possibility of the use of the Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) in helping people suffering from developmental disabilities. The research would be aimed to determine the effective use of the LMA design of body, effort, shape, and space, ordinarily called the BESS approach as remedy for the developmental disability conditions such as autism and Down syndrome (ADTA n.d). I became motivated to explore this approach of the BESS method for individuals with autism and Down syndrome when taking a Laban Movement Analysis class and volunteering at The Arc. I felt this approach would be beneficial and valuable. During my volunteer ship, I learned that dance could intervene on different developmental and intellectual ... Show more content on ... Abnormal learning challenges and abnormal physical features and locomotion characterize the disease. BESS approach of body, effort, shape and space can be used to improve the difficulties in the learning and the development of motor skills (Thompson 250). Dancing and music improves the motor skills of the children drastically and thus can be effectively used as an intervention and in the management of the Down syndrome. Music and dancing was indicated to improve the cognitive ability and development of the abstract concept in children and adults. In the light of that, music and dancing can be used effectively to manage and control Down syndrome. In the similar manner, BESS can be used to intervene and manage bipolar personal disorder, ADD, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Thompson 249). Therefore, with physical activity being a significant concept of physical development, BESS and the Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) promotes both cognitive and physical development. The technique also increases body s activities that help decrease the severity of the signs and symptoms associated with Down syndrome such as increased heart abnormalities, obesity, and cancer (Chloe 59). The technique also connects the body and the mind and this improves skills development and as well as build relationships. It also promotes learning and builds behaviors such as ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Many Benefits of Hybrid Cars Essay The Many Advantages of Hybrid Cars Picture yourself driving on the freeway. You are cruising along at about sixty five miles per hour in your late model SUV. This is a typical morning for you until an electronic beep from within your dash catches your attention. When you look at your gauges, you see the low fuel light shining bright and orange. As you think to yourself, I just filled this thing up a week ago, you glance up to see salvation in the form of a road sign: Gas, next exit. Thank you, you say, looking up. When you turn, however, you realize a new problem. The premium grade fuel with which you usually fill your tank is almost $2.00 per gallon. That means it would cost you $40.00 just to get through another week of ... Show more content on ... There are several different components that make up a hybrid car. These are: · A Gasoline Engine endash; The gasoline engine on a hybrid car is quite similar to a typical car s engine. The difference between a typical gasoline engine and a hybrid s gasoline engine is that a hybrid s engine contains different technology that reduces emissions, and it is also much smaller. · A Fuel tank endash; Just like a typical car, the fuel tank is a large storage device for the gasoline that powers the engine. Gasoline is much denser than batteries. 1,000 pounds of batteries store about as much as one (seven pounds) gallon of fuel. · An Electric motor endash; This is the part of the vehicle that makes it a hybrid. Advanced electronics give the motor the ability to act as a generator and also power the transmission. When powering the vehicle, the motor will draw energy from a battery when need be. When it is a generator, the motor returns energy to the same batteries that were used to power the motor. · A Generator endash; On some hybrids (mostly series hybrids), a separate generator is used to return energy to the battery or power the electric motor and allow the battery to rest. · The Batteries endash; Like the fuel tank stores the energy for the gasoline engine, the batteries store the energy for the electric motor. · A transmission endash; A hybrid s transmission performs the same basic ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Sooke Skating Club The Sooke Skating Club is once again sharpening both its skates and its skills this year for the upcoming year end Figure Skating Show this Thursday night at the SEAPARC Leisure Complex. With nearly two dozen performances comprised of group numbers and soloists aged four to 19, the show s theme this year takes on the world of mythical fantasy, complete with spirits and vampires of all kinds. It s going to be a lot of fun, and we re all pretty excited, said Lindsey Haldane, one of the club s coaches, adding that costumes this year are more intricate, more colourful, and, in most part, handmade. We make sure that the costumes are bright and colourful and that the kids have fun. Our older kids will dress up as spirits and vampires, so that will be exciting to see. ... Show more content on ... The skating club has held skating performances at the SEAPARC since the complex was built in 1976, making it one of the oldest in Sooke. During Christmas season last year, the group performed at the Butchgart Gardens in Victoria for its year s end performance. In addition, the club also had five Sooke based competitors at the Vancouver Island Ice Skating Regionals. Haldane said that despite its potential in competition, the club remains family focused, not on high end performance, allowing skills on both ends of the scale to flow through the club with ease. It also takes a lot of effort out of everyone to bring it all together into a coherent, beautiful experience for the audience, noted head coach Colleen Randale, who works with older and higher level competitive skaters in the club. They re mostly girls, so there s a lot of hormones, nerves, so you gotta be part psychologist sometimes. Being a mom helps, she said. Like Haldane, she s been involved in the sport of figure skating for more than 20 ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Priyanka Chopra Research Paper Priyanka Chopra Was Also a Victim of Nepotism The actress Priyanka Chopra who is ruling the film industries worldwide doesn t need any introduction. She is one of the most successful actresses who is not only famous in B Town but also in Hollywood industry. Recently in an interview, PeeCee shared her feelings on Nepotism. She informed that she being an outsider, had to struggle a lot in order to establish her in the industry. She had days when she used to cry a lot and with her willpower she came out of all bad days. She also confirmed that being from a non filmy background, she was kicked out of the films and the reason was someone else s name was recommended to the producers by some higher authority. While talking to mid day, she was asked ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Saint Stephen s Famous Martyrs A martyr is someone who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs. A famous martyr that many people look at in the church today is Saint Stephen. Stephen was often called the protomartyr, or the first martyr of Christianity. Stephen s original name in Greek is given as Stephanos meaning crown . This is given to him because he is invested with a crown on martyrdom. If you want to learn more about Stephen you can find him in the New Testament in the Acts of Apostles. He is mentioned in Acts as one of the Greek speaking Hellenistic Jews selected to participate in a fairer distribution of welfare to the Greek speaking widows. According to the Acts of the Apostles Saint Stephen was a deacon in the early church at Jerusalem who was ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Role Of Religion In Tartuffe The play Tartuffe is about a man named Orgon who takes in another man who is named Tartuffe who is beggar, conman, and hypocrite. Orgon becomes immensely interested in the affairs of his new friend Tartuffe, so much that he doesn t tend to the needs of his sick wife. Mariane, Orgon s daughter, is due to marry Tartuffe, this creates a feud within the family about whether or not Tartuffe is a good person. Tartuffe tries to win over Elmire, Orgons wife ending eventually in Orgon forbidding his daughter to marry Tartuffe. Mariane is in love with another man for her to marry by the name of Valere and eventually Mariane and Valere have the towns blessing for marriage. Moliere s Tartuffe embodies many themes including religion, the role of femininity, ... Show more content on ... Although the messages in the play are of heavy meanings there is a seemingly comedic relief aspect of Molieres writing. Cleante and Madame Pernelle are often making jokes, however, their jokes are not direct they are laced within the text. Not only is the theme contributing to humor, it also includes the humorous acts that some of the characters partake in. One example of this is when Tartuffe tries to seduce Elmire during a meeting to ask to marry her daughter. Another example might be, how valere and Mariane fall madly in love because they only just know each other and their marriage was virtually arranged. It is also notable how the character who seems to have gone crazy thinks that they are completely sane. (Insert ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Tropical Cyclones Essay Geography Natural hazards: tropical cyclones Year 9 assessment task 3 Sam borron Year 9 Mr Hine Tropical cyclone Larry Geographical processes associated with tropical cyclones Tropical cyclones form over warm oceans (above 26.5˚ C) as low pressure systems and gradually build up intensity. They have clockwise wind circulations and produce gale force winds. These winds can extend hundreds of kilometers from the cyclone center Tropical cyclones can persist for many days and many follow quite erratic pats. they usually break up or dissipate over land or cooler oceans the circular eye or center of a tropical cyclone is an area carctorise by light winds and often by clear sky. The diameter of the eye is usually aprrox 40 km but can rang ... Show more content on ... The high winds caused enormous damage to infrastructure Approximately 40% of homes were damaged Social impacts Cyclone Larry took no human lives A lot of hospital police stations and fire stations were damaged A few people after cyclone Larry hit were psychologically damaged Environmental impacts Cyclone Larry destroyed 80 90% of the bananas Scientists have calculated that around 30% of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area was impacted to some extent by Cyclone Larry. (1) Cyclone science shows rainforest impacts and recovery Reference: 07/44 A year on from Cyclone Larry research into the environmental impacts of the category 4/5 storm is starting to deliver interesting results. This suite of projects involving 25 scientists from 5 institutions
  • 23. was set up shortly after the cyclone hit to investigate its effects on the rainforests of the Wet Tropics. 20 March 2007 This is probably the most comprehensive study of the environmental impacts of a tropical cyclone ever done anywhere in the world, said the Director of the CSIRO/JCU Tropical Landscapes Joint Venture, Professor Steve Turton. Scientists have calculated that around 30% of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area was impacted to some extent by Cyclone Larry. Fragments of remnant rainforest in otherwise cleared areas appear to have been the hardest hit, he said. Cyclones are a natural process that tropical rainforest plants ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Speech On Importance Of Cosmetics Importance of cosmetics Cosmetics have been in use since ages for reconstructing the appearance of the person wearing them. Beauty cosmetics can build a drastic change in a person s features, as they improve the best features and cover the blemishes. People use creams and lotions to cleanse the skin deeply. This is not possible with water and regular soap . Deep cleansing removes other underlying pollutants and opens the skin pores . Blocked pores lead to the formation of acne and beauty cosmetics prevent this from occurring. At the same time, we cannot remove some blemishes so easily. Dark spots and Blemishes are very common on most people s skin. The use of makeup, such as a better concealer can effectively cover up the flaw. This results in a skin, which looks ... Show more content on ... All the ingredients are listed on the product label and comply with any limit that are established for cosmetic products and ingredients . Colour additives are subject to more regulatory analysis in the US than they are in Europe. In USA, the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) expert panel conducts independent Safety scrutiny of ingredients as a part of the cosmetics safety process, with the results published on the CIR website and in the International Journal of Toxicology. The EU Scientific Committee on Consumer safety is responsible for reviewing all active and special ingredients and assessing conditions for safe use. The results are subsequently published in the Committee s website [4]. USA and Europe are the largest markets in the world for cosmetic products. In the end user segments, decorative cosmetics (that modify the appearance of the area to which they are enforced, usually by the use of colour, examples are: eye shadow, lipstick, blusher, eye pencil, liquid foundation, nail polish , powder, mascara etc.) have the highest average annual growth ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Miller Vs Alabama Case Study Miller V. Alabama Case Study Roman Colon Pennsylvania State University: Capitol Campus Introduction On the Summer night of July 15, 2003, Evan Miller along with an accomplice committed murder by the way of battery and arson (Oyez). Nearly a decade later, this case would play a crucial role in the Supreme Court decision on mandatory life without parole sentences of juveniles. In a decision which relied heavily on the beliefs and opinions of those present, the court argued the culpability of youth with regards to actions such as murder. Much of the rationale used on the date of the oral argument stemmed from the former cases of both Roper V. Simmons (2005) and Graham V. Florida (2010). Essentially, the Miller V. Alabama case ... Show more content on ... Both boys eventually confessed to the murder during police questioning. Due to Miller s prior offenses as well as his mental maturity the district attorney was able to transfer the case from juvenile court to adult court. In 2006 before a jury, Miller was found guilty as an adult and charged with murder in the course of arson. In the state of Alabama this crime carries a mandatory punishment of life without parole. In the companion case of Jackson V. Hobbs, Kuntrell Jackson who then was also 14 years of age, accompanied by two friends attempted to rob a video game store in the month of November, 1999 (Miller, 2012). As Kuntrell Jackson sat outside of the store, Derrick Shields threatened the clerk Laurie Troup with a sawed off shotgun as he demanded money. Troup was non compliant and resulted in Shields firing and killing her (Miller, 2012). Much like in the case of Evan Miller, Jackson was tried as an adult and found guilty of capital felony murder and aggravated robbery. In the state of Arkansas, a defendant who is charged with capital murder is sentenced to mandatory life in prison without the chance of parole. The Eighth Amendment guarantees individuals the right not to be subjected to excessive sanctions and requires that punishments are proportionate to the crime committed. (National Conference of State Legislature, 2015). Both the cases of Graham V. Florida and Roper V. Simmons used the Eighth Amendment to establish that ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Aristotle Virtue Virtues dictate all systems of human morality. Aristotle s interpretation of virtue is found in Book II of the Nicomachean Ethics, the man who possesses character excellence does the right thing, at the right time, and in the right way. While this holds true, it leads to an ambiguous interpretation. Aristotle understood virtue as a set of character traits that, once developed, will lead to an overall good character. Core virtues such as respect, loyalty, and honesty make up the foundation of the virtue theory of ethical thinking. By living an ethical life, a person must demonstrate moral character traits. A virtuous person lives his life in a sweet spot called the golden mean of the two extremes of excess and deficiency. Actions dictated ... Show more content on ... Captain Marty was a well known daredevil skier, who on multiple recorded incidents had flown other Concord flights overweight. Flight 4590 was attempting to fly with 1790 pounds over maximum structural weight, this was unlawful, but was not an outrageous risk. However, this added weight caused the centre of gravity of the plane to be pushed dangerously far to the rear. This change in the centre of gravity made the plane more likely to stall at lower speeds. It was also proven that even in a takeoff with all four engines working normally, they were well beyond the point where the testing and models had deemed safe. Additionally, as the fuel gushed from the hole in the forward number five tank, the centre of gravity moved still further back. In no way was Captain Marty courageous when risking the lives of his crew and passengers by approving the extra ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Mary Mason Lyon Essay Conclusion There is nothing in the universe that I fear, but that I shall not know all my duty, or shall fail to do it. This was a famous quote that was said by Mary Mason Lyon. Mary Lyon has been, and is still to this day, a very important person in the history of women empowerment. Born on February 28, 1797 in Buckland, Massachusetts by Aaron and Jemima Lyon, Mary Lyon was not aware of the life that she was to have as she got older and what fame that would come. As Mary Mason Lyon began to get older, she attended school for a short while until she reached the age of 13. Soon after, at the age of just Seventeen, she got an offer to teach and had accepted. A while after she began teaching and educating other people, she then realised that she wanted to continue an education of her own causing her to go back to school and attend college at Sanderson Academy. As she grew in age good things and opportunities continued to come her way. Mary Mason Lyon soon because the creator and founder of the very first women s college. After teaching and providing education for other people, Mary Lyon took and interest in education and other subjects. Back when Mary Lyon was just a young adult, women were not granted the same respect and opportunities as men were. Mary Lyon s goal was to help prove that women were as intellectually capable as men. In conclusion, that is what she did. Mary Lyon taught at many schools and decided that is what she wanted to do. According to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Eisenhower s Containment Through Action by Inaction ... Taylor Dukes American Presidency Richard Skinner March 15, 2012 Eisenhower s Containment Through Action by Inaction During the Suez Canal Crisis The 1950 s demanded a certain kind of American President: one tranquil enough to reside over a post WWII society, and yet bold enough to propel the country through the Cold War. Though a description of Ike Dwight D. Eisenhower as a strong central leader heavily contradicts the construed image of a kindly grandfather figure, a bit inarticulate and above politics, a man who enjoyed golfing and trout fishing over the routine chores of running the government (Neff 37), it is certainly apt. Eisenhower demonstrated a bold daringness in his time as President; one that was masked by a ... Show more content on ... Eisenhower s view that the way to prevent the spread of communism to the Middle East was by promoting stability in the region between both the Western powers and the Arab powers went on to guide his policy towards the Middle East. Eisenhower s goals for US involvement in the Middle East reflected the president s own cold war ideology and included promoting regional stability, guaranteeing the free flow of Middle Eastern oil to Western Europe, supporting Arab nationalism and Israeli independence, improving relationships with the Arab states, hastening the decline of European empires, maintaining the solidarity of the Western alliance, and avoiding an arms race between Israel and its Arab neighbors, with the United States and Russia the principal arms suppliers (Ambrose 328 329). The President s commitment to these goals of maintaining relationships and containing communism accounts for many of the trends that would characterize Eisenhower s conduct in the Middle East. Among these trends were: Eisenhower s reliance on frequent but informal consultations with a small number of appointees; his tendency to try and delay the inevitable for as long as possible as to allow for planning; his hesitation towards nearly any action, whether it be to take action or to cease taking action; his encouragement for vagueness and secrecy pertaining to the Crisis; and finally, his ability to firmly and effectively communicate his full executive power. Eisenhower s ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Character Analysis Of Holden Caulfield In J. D. Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye, the character of Holden Caulfield does not convincingly embody a compassionate and caring character. Holden, after having a difficult year at school, finds comfort in his memories of his brother Allie. Another instance of Holden finding comfort, is when he spends time with Phoebe. In the same way, Phoebe is supportive when spending time with Holden. However, this takes a turn for the worse, as Holden reveals to Phoebe that he is leaving. Holden finds comfort and love through his memories of Allie, his experiences with Phoebe and the support from he receives from her. Holden begins to reminisce about his interactions with his deceased brother, Allie as he feels lost, and does not know what to do. Holden, having difficulty describing a room or house for Stradlater s composition, he decides to write about his brother Allie s baseball mitt, that had poems written a over the glove for Allie to read when he was in the field (Salinger 38). Holden begins to remember how Allie was very intelligent, how everyone liked him, and he even started describing his features (Salinger 38). Holden shows compassion and love towards his brother Allie when he begins to tell the reader, I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all the goddam windows with my fist, just for the hell of it. I even tried to break all the windows on the station wagon we had that summer, but my hands was already broken and everything by that time, and I couldn t ... Get more on ...
  • 30. How Canada Remained Independent of Foreign Control but... How successful Canada was on remaining independent of foreign control, whilst being a part of international decision making. Canada remained independent of foreign control a majority of the time, but at others it did give in to the pressure put upon it. Canada also got to be a big part of the decision making because it put itself out there, got recognized as a middle power and proved its worth. Some of the ways Canada remained independent of foreign control are: When president Reagan s administration had a project they were trying to get Canada involved in called the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI, but also referred to as Star Wars). This was a plan to arm satellites that could destroy soviet missiles from space. Not many people ... Show more content on ... When NORAD was put in place during 1985 many Canadians were angered because they felt it threatened Canadian independence and since the soviet missiles would be intercepted and destroyed over Canada, Canada would be the one facing damage and destruction, not the US, but despite this, Canada has maintained its commitment to NORAD. Canada and Americas economies are very alike, to this day. In 1945 when the UN was officially founded, Canada argues to be made a middle power, meaning they would get recognition for being capable of holding their own, and the contribution they made during World War II. Canada is very well known for their participation in every UN peacekeeping operation. Lester B. Pearson even won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1957. When Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal, Britain, France and Israel made a secret pact to invade Egypt. Israel attacked Egypt while Britain and France took over the Canal. The situation grew tense when many countries denounced the invasion. Lester B. Pearson proposed to the UN that Britain, France and Israel withdraw their troops and the UN send a peacekeeping army into Egypt. His proposal was accepted. Canada also adapted a new flag, which in a way was to show they had completely detached themselves from Britain. In 1949 Canada had signed the NATO treaty. That was the first time Canada had signed a military ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Drawbacks of Gun Control Legislation Gun control is many issues of this nation summed up into two words. In the point of view of some people gun control is a crime issue, while to others it is a rights issue. Gun control also is a safety issue and believe it or not, an education issue. Within each of these problems, there are those who want gun control legislation, and those like myself, who want less gun control legislation. The second amendment states that we as citizens have the right to bear arms and protect ourselves. Gun control only keeps the good guys from obtaining firearms. Bad guys will always have ways of getting weapons, whether it be from the black market, cross borders, or illegal street sales. Another drawback of any and all gun control legislation is that they only affect law abiding citizens. By clarification a criminal is someone who breaks the law. Therefore, passing gun control legislation to control crime committed by criminals is disagreeable. According to the (NRA) National Rifle Association, only four criminals have been taken into custody while attempting to legally purchase a firearm. Criminals do not purchase guns legally. They have other ways to get guns, such as the black market or theft. Many citizens are for new gun control laws, but many are against them. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to pick up a magazine or watch the evening news without being blasted with details of another mass shooting, or another child that ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Case Analysis Of Sainsbury A2) a) Relationship marketing  Marketing designed to create, maintain, and enhance strong relationships with customers and other stakeholders.  Relationship marketing is a facets customer relationship management ( CRM) that focuses on customer loyalty and long term customer engagement rather than shorter term goals like customer acquisition and individual sales  The goals of relationship marketing is to create strong, even emotional, customer connections to s brand that can lead to ongoing business, free word of mouth promotion and information from customers that can generate leads. b) By the decision of Sainsbury they may be good decision to them and community. Here are some advantage and disadvantage by the decision. ... Show more content on ... The environmental factors in the organization are divided into Internal and External factors. Internal factors are further classified as Strengths or Weakness and the external factors are further classified into Opportunities or Threats. Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred to as SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis provides all the information that is required to match the organizations capabilities to the competitive environment in which it runs. How SWOT analysis fits into environmental scanning is shown as SWOT Analysis Framework SWOT ANALYSIS OF SAINSBURY S: Strengths • This is a very strong company with huge traders who are interested and trust worthy to the company. Also it had 509 supermarkets and 276 stores, thus became a Established trader. • to develop in business every company has to depend on customers. It is said that Customer is God , as a popular and reputed company Sainsbury s followed the saying and won its customers trust and developed a good customer base. • Had a huge chain of Supermarkets with 509 supermarkets, 276 stores and a bank. • Also it had large volumes of stock so it helps in reducing the cost. Weakness • Having huge staffs make them pay more. • Having 509 supermarkets and 276 stores it is having high maintenance cost. • Because of heavy stocks if product is failed huge stock will be ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Why Are Wildfires Important To Society Have you ever stopped to wonder if wildfires truly important to society? Well after doing some research, wildfires play an important role in the natural adaptations that occur in the Earth s ecosystem. On the NASA Earth Observatory: Global Fire Monitoring website states that The diversity of plant and animal life in the world s forest, prairies, and wetlands in (partly) dependent on the effects of fire; in fact some plants can not reproduce without fire . The reason why some plants are dependent on wildfires is because the fire breaks open the outer layer of the seeds and invigorate germination. Fires begin vital natural process for nutrients. Rain then passes the nutrients back into the soil restoring fertile seedbed for plants. Wildfires impact on the ecosystem, plays a major part in forming the ecosystems by serving as an agent of restoration and change. These fires can also be extremely dangerous, destroying homes, wildlife habitats, timber and it also pollutes the air with radiation that is harmful to the human life. These wildfires also liberates carbon dioxide a greenhouse ... Show more content on ... These fires pollutes the air with carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide that comes from a burning bush, aldehyde gases and particulate matter; also known as (PMs). PMs are most dangerous to a human because it can spread great distances away from the fire unlike carbon dioxide and other gases that are found closer around the area of the fire. The smaller and larger PMs that are 5 to 10 and 2.5 microns in size travel and deposit through the respiratory system. These PMs settle in the alveoli where the body is incompetent of removing systems are most likely at risk of having their condition inflamed if ill or having an even more weaker respiratory system. The symptoms of exposing particular matter (PMs) is headaches, dizziness, nausea and shortness of breath, with irritation of the eyes and ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Review Of Michael Hammer s Reengineering At Net Speed ... Introduction This paper is a summary of research on scholarly articles by Michael Hammer, Ph.D. The three articles are Reengineering at Net Speed , The New Business Agenda and Putting Six Sigma in Perspective . Dr. Hammer earned his bachelors, masters and Ph.D. in computer science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was professor in the computer science department at MIT and a lecturer in the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is best known for his work in business process engineering ( Reengineering At Net Speed Fasten your seat belt; it ll be quite a ride , is how Dr. Michael Hammer ended his 1999 article in InformationWeek titled, Reengineering at Net Speed . The article focuses on the possibilities the internet will have on business processes and how process reengineering is necessary in net age. Dr. Hammer argues that reengineering is necessary with the internet because automating a mess yields an automated mess . He argues that a poorly designed process in a traditional business environment will be a poor designed process on the internet as well. He further states that processes will be need to implemented and designed to support the internet model of business. The internet model of business has high customer value access. Customers are able to place orders and check on shipments. Hammer also states the internet has no boundaries. Companies are able to business anywhere in the world due to ubiquity of the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Gerald Graff They Say I Say Analysis The book entitled, They Say / I Say came about by Gerald Graff penning his arguments about how students from different colleges and different schools need to get involved in each other s discussions. This book encourages students to ask questions and get involved with other students, friends and family by giving templates for them to use. The author states these templates are not just for students in high school, but also for people who have been in academics for a while. Of all the options listed as a choice in the text the last option listed is agreeing and disagreeing which is the recommended template. The St. Martin Handbook describes rhetorical situations. Which can be used to make good decisions to become a good writer. The author encourages ... Get more on ...