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Memory Essays
Writing an essay on the topic of "Memory Essays" can be quite challenging, primarily because
memory is a multifaceted and intricate subject that encompasses various psychological,
neurological, and philosophical aspects. Crafting an essay on this topic requires delving into the
complexities of memory formation, storage, retrieval, and the factors that influence these
One of the difficulties lies in navigating the vast amount of research available on memory. There
are numerous theories and models proposed by psychologists and neuroscientists, each offering a
different perspective on how memory functions. Synthesizing these diverse viewpoints into a
coherent essay requires careful analysis and critical thinking.
Furthermore, memory is deeply intertwined with other cognitive processes such as perception,
attention, and language. Exploring these interconnections adds another layer of complexity to
the essay, requiring a comprehensive understanding of cognitive psychology.
Additionally, the subjective nature of memory poses a challenge. Memories are not static entities
but are susceptible to distortion, reconstruction, and forgetting over time. Discussing these
phenomena and their implications for the reliability of memory entails grappling with
philosophical questions about the nature of truth and perception.
Moreover, writing an essay on memory may also involve examining real-world applications and
implications, such as eyewitness testimony in legal contexts, memory disorders like amnesia, and
techniques for enhancing memory performance.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Memory Essays" is undoubtedly challenging due to the
topic's complexity and breadth, it is also intellectually stimulating and rewarding for those
willing to engage deeply with the subject matter.
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Memory EssaysMemory Essays
Social Commentary In The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games contribute to the sea of dystopian films, within this film social
commentary is exposed in the gruesome scenes of murder preadolescents are forced
to commit. In the dystopian film, the totalitarian nation of Panem is divided into 12
districts and the Capital. Each year two young representatives from each district are
chosen to participate in The HungerGames. The Hunger Games are televised
throughout Panem and are used as part entertainment ,and as part retribution for a
past rebellion. The 24 participants are forced to kill one another until there is one left.
During this gruesome act the citizens of the Panem are forced to watch. Social
commentary is shown throughout the whole movie as subtle evaluations of the society
... Show more content on ...
Within the first scenes of the film Primrose is chosen to participate in the hunger
games. The audience feels the hurt within the family as extreme close ups of
Primrose are used to show the fear within her. When her sister Katniss volunteers
to replace Primrose the panic is shown within the amateur movement of the
camera. An evaluation of the social commentary can be seen within the audience
as everyone stands still in an over the shoulder shot. This is similar to the phone
zombies walking around recording people in danger but not really doing a thing to
stop it. Within, the film Katniss meets a girl from another district by the name of
Rue. Due to the lack of alliances they become friends. When they are split up and
trying to find one another the audience can feel the anticipation of Katniss as a low
angle shot is taken very shakenly. Katniss is shown as compassionate in the next
scenes as Rue dies and close ups of Rue Katniss are taken to show the intimate
moment. Rue is shown as an innocent person undeserving of death her body is
shown with few shadows and more of a high key lighting to exaggerate her persona.
When Rue dies it resembled the death of a child causing chaos within the next few
scenes. Fires are shown with close ups and low key lighting to show the havoc of the
districts revolting.
Additionally, social commentary is shown within the amplified beauty of the
characters. While riding into the Capital, a POV shot
stephen king the body essay
In the Novel the body by Stephen king The Character Gordie Lachance is a very
girfted kid. Gordie is very creative having the ability to create stories for his friends
and he also like writing stories. Gordie is also has good teamwork skills being able to
act efficient in a group of people. Gordie was also neglected but he still managed to
be successful.
One of Gordie s character traits is creativity, Gordie has a talent for writing stories in
the novel Chris and Gordie had a talk. Chris was telling Gordie don t let your friends
drag you down he was referring to Gordies talent of wring stories. In the novel you
also read a couple of Gordies stories stud city and the revenge of lard ass. Stud city
was very creative a lot of ... Show more content on ...
Gordie was also in the showdown with
Ace when he wanted to take the body. Goride did not run away like Vern and Teddy
he stayed with Chris until the conflict with the body was resolved. Gordie has shown
teamwork skills in the body being able to travel to the body and get home safe with
Ray Brower.
Another Character trait for Gordie is neglected. His parents don t pay attention to
him mostly because his older brother Denny died in a car crash. In the body
Godie says I d been like the invisible boy all summer. So he doesn t get attention
from his parents they neglect him because there still in shock their football star
son is dead. Gordie also says it had seemed to take all the heart out of my parents.
His parents have not been the same since Denny died even when he was there
Denny still got more of the attention because he was amazing at football. Lastly at
the end of the novel when Gordie came home from his journey to find Ray brower,
he sat down in kitchen to make himself food his mom said where have you been
gordie then said camping then she drifted off to the sink talking about how she missed
Denny. Gordie had was neglected by his parents they just missed Denny.
In conclusion Gordie is very creative being able to make up stories then write books
about them and turn them into movies. He has great teamwork skills being able to
work efficiently in a
How Nintendo Go From A Small Card Company
How did Nintendo go from a small card company in Kyoto, Japan to a global
juggernaut in the video game industry? They were able to able to mesmerize us all
with fun and new intuitive ways to enjoy a medium that was only looked at as toys,
but now is a medium that is enjoyed by every one of all ages. To quote the former
president of Nintendo, the late Satoru Iwata said, Above all, video games are meant
to be just one thing: Fun for everyone with that philosophy Nintendo was able to
shape, save, and innovate the home video game entertainment market. As a gamer
I idolized Nintendo since I was a child, providing a fun and satisfying experience
with wonderful stories that provided escapism from childhood trauma and I am
forever grateful towards them. Nintendo Koppai was established in 1889 in Kyoto,
Japan founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi. The company initially started as
manufactures of Hanafuda cards, specialized Japanese playing cards that featured
beautiful illustrations of flowers that was used for playing Japanese card games.
In the beginning it was considered by many not to be a very popular form of cards
due to whatever reason; Fusajiro saw an opportunity to reinvent the cards by
producing hand drawn cards that were from mulberry tree bark. During that time the
Japanese government banned gambling, but playing Hanafuda was considered still
legal, because of the Yakuza (organized crime syndicates) used these playing cards as
a way to gamble. Soon after the cards began to
Essay On Scotland Act 1998
Scotland is considered as the most northerly part of the United Kingdom as it
occupied one third of total area of the United Kingdom. Scotland has an important
and strategic location as it is bordered by England from the south, Atlantic Ocean
from the north and west and by the North Sea from the west. However Scotlandis
considered as one of the poorest countries in Europe, it has contributed to political
theories as it also played an important role in the scientific innovations.
In the early middle ages, Scotland was an independent state until 1707. In 1603, King
James VI ruled both England and Scotland, then he showed his intension to unite the
two states and they were united which is called Anglo Scottish Union. Scotland s
relations with England, ... Show more content on ...
The Scotland act 1998 was modified by two other acts adopted in 2012 and 2016 that
make provision about the functions of the Scottish Ministers as it gives more power
to the Scottish parliament as it will be responsible for the annual budget, giving
Scottish Ministers powers relating to the administration of elections to the Scottish
Parliament, the authority to introduce new taxes rates, subject to agreement of the
UK Government
The SNP main goal was Scotland independence and this issue raised in the 1990s. In
1997 elections, the Conservative Party leader John Major rejected the possibility of
establishing the Scottish Parliament, however Tony Blair the leader of the Labour
Party was with the establishment of the Scottish parliament, which was the reason for
winning Blair the majority of
Play Hive Research Paper
According to The California Teaching and Certification Resource, every
kindergarten teacher should have the license to get the job. However, employees
of Play Hive are not required strictly about the license because it is not a
kindergarten. It is reasonable that they do not required kindergarten teacher license
when they are hiring people, because Play Hive LA is mainly a place for fun after
all. But when people consider it in different ways, they will find that referring the
state law to specific what the employees need to become good teachers will be useful
in training. For those interested in becoming a teacher(kindergarten teacher included)
in California, it is important to know how to obtain a California teaching license. It is
The Myth Of The London Blitz
There was a myth going around about the London Blitz such as on September 7,
1940 the German Luftwaffe began a massive raid on London. The German
Luftwaffe continued bombing London for the next 9 months, while they were
doing this more than 40,000 civilians were killed and over a million homes were
damaged. Newspaper, radio and newsreel were focused on a way all Britons of all
classes were pulled together as one. Stories were emphazised and high morale in the
face of the brutal Nazi attacks. Britains national memory and remains firmly
embedded in British novels, films, history books and documentaries. In 30 years this
view of people s reactions to the Blitz has been attack by many historians and so the
concept of the myth has arisen. Historians
Net Present Value and Business
IGNOU MBA MS 04 Solved Assignments July 2011 Course Code:MS 04 Course
Title:Accounting and Finance for Managers Assignment Code:MS 04/SEM I /2011
Coverage:All Blocks Note: Answer all the questions and send them to the Coordinator
of the Study Centre you are attached with. 1.Discuss and explain the relevance of the
following accounting concepts a)Business entity b)Money measurement c)Continuity
d)Cost e)Accrual f)Conservatism g)Materiality h)Consistency i)Periodicity Solution:
FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ACCOUNTING Accounting is the language of
business and it is used to communicate financial information. In order for that
information to make sense, accounting is based on 12... Show more content on ...
LLCs are similar to corporations, but can be taxed as a partnership. In California,
the LLC can have either one owner or two. Regardless of the number, these owners
carry the legal title of member. The LLC provides a shield for your personal assets
just like a corporation. Partnerships In my opinion, it is better to have died a small
child then be in a partnership. Unfortunately, many business owners form
partnerships and don t even know it. This occurs when they go into business with
another person. If no business entity is formed, the law considers the business to
be a partnership and treats it accordingly. Partnerships are dangerous for one
primary reason: a partnership does not provide any protection from liability and, in
many ways, invites personal liability. Under well established law, most
partnerships are classified as general . This simply means that all the partners are
contributing to the administration and running of the partnership business. This
classification can have grisly results. In a general partnership, each partner is
jointly liable for the debts of any other partner arising from the business. For
instance, you and your partner go to a business dinner with a client. Your partner
has a drink and then a few more. They then get into an accident on the way home.
Each of the partners is liable for the damages claimed by the injured people. That
means YOU! Even if you were not in the car, did not rent the car, never saw the
Finance Career Project
Career Project Essay
Finance was not always my major. I have bounced around, looking for an area of
study that peaked my interest. Three years and four majors later, I landed on finance.
I started exploring individual jobs, companies and positions within the field that fit
my interests. Through researching the various responsibilities, duties, and day to day
operations of a financial manager, I have discovered that the freedom that
accompanies this job in combination with the ability to work for a company that I am
passionate about would fulfill my one precious life.
To begin with, I enjoy having an organized schedule and set rules to follow when it
comes to activities in my life like work or school. That isn t to say I don t enjoy
spontaneity, but most of the time, I prefer structure. As a result, financial management
appeals to me. I am a very analytical person. I evaluate facts and gather information
before making decisions. Working as a financial manager requires one to have the
ability to work within specific regulations to better the company. It is essential that
they focus purely on the facts and numbers when considering options that may affect
the company. Furthermore, I am about I m about ... Show more content on ...
I know that I am an analytical person with a mix of introverted and extroverted
personality traits. I also want work for a company that is located somewhere I
would like to live and has plenty of opportunities for me to grow and learn. Finally,
I want a job that will provide for a comfortable lifestyle for my future family and
myself. For three years, I explored different areas of study and career paths. Finally,
I have found a field that excites me. I have found an area that meshes well with my
personality and skills and has upward growth. I have found a career I am passionate
about. This is what I want to become with my one precious
Character Analysis Of Bigger Thomas
Of the many characters, the audience gets to know in native son, Bigger Thomas, the
main character is the most complex. Bigger is the way he is because of his
insecurities and fears, as well as his environment and the discrimination he faces.
Bigger Thomas struggles with negotiating the different formulations of his identity
which are thrown into disarray by a segregated, inequitable and frequently hostile
society. The instability of Bigger s identity is shown to be a product of psychological
disorientation engendered by the environment of racial terror which he must cope.
(Elder 1)
Bigger has no mental focus because of his supremacist society and the absence of
opportunity towards African Americans. The greater part of his brutal contemplations
are generally parts of his actual character or his previous lifestyle that have been
gathering because of the scorn he conveys within himself (Butler structure 3). Bigger
also displays anxiety throughout the majority of the novel. The first instance is when
bigger cannot go through the robbery he and his gang had planned. He is filled with
fear and immense anxiety. Resulting him in lashing out violently. Showing the
audience he is not as fearless as he depicts himself to be. Bigger has all the qualities
of being an alternate individual when he arrives at the Dalton home. He changes his
method of speaking. He uses yessuh and nawsuh . As if he had created an alternate
personality, creating a behavior that is acceptable for
12 Years Slavery
12 Years a Slave captures a troubling period in American History. Based on a true
story, the movie is set between 1841 and 1853 in Antebellum America. The story
follows Solomon Northup, a free African American violinist living in Saratoga,
New York. Northup is captured in 1841 and is sold into slavery. His captors beat
and torture Northup and assign him the name Platt as to conceal his identity. Northup
is sold to a benevolent master who attempts to Christianize all his slaves. Northup
shows his value to the master and the master begins to take a liking to Northup.
However, Northup and an overseer get into a fight which leaves the master no choice
but to sell Northup to another master. The new master is brutal and malevolent
towards all his slaves except Patsy, with whom he has... Show more content on ...
The movie itself was extremely impactful. Watching it was very revealing of the
tortures and burdens placed on the slaves. Most importantly to me, 12 Years a Slave
displayed the complex interactions between the Slaves and the masters prior to the
Civil War. The dependence on slaves as a workforce and the relationships they had
showed the southern justification for going to war. Slavery was not just a labor
source, it was a lifestyle. The Southern Plantations heavily depended upon the
institution and losing it would be severely detrimental to their lifestyle. I
personally was touched by the benevolence of Bass and the risks taken by the
shopkeeper to rescue Northup. The movie places such a great deal of importance on
the atrocities on slavery that the positive actions are juxtaposed to the negative
actions to a great extent. I would only recommend this film to someone without a
faint heart. Gruesome scenes of abuse are depicted, and the verbal abuse is very
astonishing. As a teaching utility, 12 Years a Slave is invaluable. If the students are
able to get passed the torture and abuse, there is much to be
Kualoa Ranch
Experience Kualoa Ranch With a Horseback and Ziplining Tour To truly
experience the beauty of Oahu, visitors have to check out Kualoa Ranch. At the
ranch, you can enjoy a one hour horseback riding tour before you criss cross eight
ziplines. From unsurpassed views to experienced staff, this tour is designed to give
you the best amenities that the area has to offer. Each tour starts with a ride deep
through the Ka a awa Valley where Jurassic and Lost were once filmed. As you ride,
you will go across the Kualoa Mountains and see World War II bunkers that still exist
on the ranch. Ziplining Through History Throughout the tour, your guide will
introduce you to the history and culture of the area. Once you get on the ziplines, you
will cross... Show more content on ...
Seven of the ziplines are designed with tandem options, so you can ride with your
significant other or friend. Ziplines at the Kualoa Ranch range in length from a
few hundred feet to nearly half a mile in length. What Is Included in the Tour? If
you need transportation, we depart Waikiki at 7:00 AM and return at 2:30 PM.
Transportation is shared with the other activities at Kualoa Ranch, so it fills up
fast. Make sure to reserve a space in advance. Once you reach the ranch, your tour
includes a horseback ride and ziplining experience. Since you will be at the Kualoa
Ranch for most of the day, each tour also includes an all you can eat buffet lunch.
Experiencing the Kualoa Ranch The Kualoa Ranch has been run by the Morgan
family and their ancestors for six generations. While it was originally a sugar
plantation and a cattle farm, it has been remade as a nature preserve. As a result, the
ranch is an ideal place to see the natural beauty and culture of Hawaii. Spanning
4,000 acres, this ranch includes steep mountainside cliffs, white sandy shorelines and
rainforest. From open valleys to green cliff faces, visitors can enjoy the natural side of
Coding Theory Case Studies
This case study covers the coding theory, its components and its practical
applications. Coding theory, sometimes called logarithmic coding hypothesis,
manages the configuration of lapse remedying codes for the dependable transmission
of data crosswise over uproarious channels.
Error coding is utilized as a part of numerous advanced provisions like workstation
memory, attractive and optical information stockpiling media. The investigation of
mistake rectifying codes and the cohorted arithmetic is known as coding hypothesis.
In information theory, the amount of positions at which the relating images are
distinctive between two strings is Hamming distance. Hamming code is a set of error
correction codes that might be utilized to recognize and right bit errors that can
happen when machine information is moved or put away.
There is lot of examples of coding theory; one of the biggest examples of its use is in
communication field, i e modulation, encryption and decryption of signal.
Coding Theory A Case
In 1948, Claude Shannon, working at Bell Laboratories in the USA, introduced the
entire subject of coding hypothesis by indicating that it was conceivable to encode
messages in such a path, to the point that the amount of additional bits transmitted
was as little as would be prudent. Unfortunately, his confirmation did not give any
express formulas for these ideal codes. It was two years after the fact that Richard
Hamming, likewise at Bell Labs, started
Honey Bee Hive Research Papers
In the early morning in Illinois, a yellow and black honey bee was sipping away at a
lavender flower, which is called a wild lilac, a popular flower that many honey bees
get their nectar from, so it can bring back the nectar to it s hive. When the bee is all
done, it starts to fly back to their hive.
The honey bee flew for miles, only to see the hive is destroyed and many dead bees
are on the ground. Their habitat has just been ruined by humans, who just got done
cutting some trees for wood to make whatever they want to make. The bee, now, is
just like a homeless person, with no shelter and no where to go. The only answer is
for them to find a new shelter, that might take days to find.
This story reveals that many humans have little to
Student Loans Cons
Student Loans
With the average student loan debt being almost $30,000 for people fresh out of
college as of 2013, it s no wonder that many high schoolers around the country are
worried about whether they will be able to pay off their student loans. Most are
desperately trying to get scholarships and grants in order to try and remove the
burden that is student debt off their shoulders. Others are going to cheaper, local,
community colleges, whether temporarily or for their whole degree, in fear of these
student loans. Even those who try to reduce the amount of debt they get into after
college will still find themselves having to pay thousands in student loans. My friend
had gone to Ivy Tech for two years to get his general classes finished ... Show more
content on ...
However, he had first intended to go to Ball State University. When asked if student
loans had impacted his decision of which college to attend, he replied, In a way, yes.
Almasa Kostic, a graduate of the University of Vermont, is still facing student loans
even five years after her graduation. When asked if she had been worried about
student loans in high school, she replied that she hadn t. However, today, she still
has over $5000 left to pay off in her loans. Sometimes I get stressed about student
loans today, she said. It would be easy if they could just go away. Today, the tuition
of UVM is over $30,000 for Vermont residents and over 50 grand for out of state
residents. Sean Callahan, a Senior at Winooski High School, said that, when asked
about if he was scared of student loans, out of 10, I d say about a 75. He s still
looking for scholarships but doesn t believe he would actually be eligible. Athletic
scholarships are my last hope honestly, he said. And when asked if a school s
tuition had a big effect in determining where he would go to college, Sean said, It
does have an effect, so I had to alter my options a little. but because out of state
tuition is more expensive, I m staying in state. If I stay in state, There is a chance
where I don t need to be
A Reflection On Public Service
As students of Masters of Public Service degrees, it is imperative to develop a
holistic and deep understanding of what public service means. Our class discussions
have shown us the ambiguity of striking a balance between opposing forces: between
intention and outcome, aid and empowerment, intrinsic and extrinsic affirmation, and
self interest and altruism. How do we balance these perspectives, when each has its
benefits and pitfalls to the success of any project? In determining my own definition
of public service, my hope is to elucidate factors that optimize each of these
perspectives. In doing so, we can come closer to defining public service in a way
that is both operationally useful and ethically guiding. Considering course documents
and class discussions, I have defined the phrase as follows:
The public is a marginalized body unable or unexpected to monetarily repay
servants for provided goods. Service is an act that results in improved quality of
life as reported by receiving individuals. Therefore public service is defined by (1)
actions resulting (2) in goods that improve quality of life (3) as reported by
marginalized recipients (4) who are unable or unexpected to monetarily repay the
By fragmenting the definition into four parts, I can address the issues of intention
versus outcome, aid versus empowerment, intrinsic versus extrinsic affirmation, and
self interest versus altruism in public service. Applying the Formula of Universal Law
Social Representation Of Dracula
The legend of the vampire has emerged countless times within human imagination
over the past few centuries. The first available representation of the mythical creature
in prose fiction can be found in John Polidori s The Vampyre (1810). It was not until
eight decades later that Bram Stoker popularized the existence of this figure with the
publication of Draculain 1897. The folklore of the vampirehas come a long way since
and can be found in today s popular media more frequently than ever before.
However, with due course of time, the representation of the creature has taken
alternate routes and today s vampires are noticeable different socially and physically
from their predecessors. One effective path to trace this... Show more content on ...
Punter and Byron reinforce this claim by stating that, Dracula is associated with
disruption and transgression of accepted limits and boundaries (231). It is relevant
to consider the aggressive behavior of Dracula towards his victims while he is on
the prowl to fulfill his thirst for blood, especially with Lucy and Reinfield and the
image of female vampires feeding on young children (Lucy). This bolsters the
notion that the depiction of vampires in early portrays was violent. Also, as a
sexually powerful creature, he preyed on men and women to fulfill his desires.
The sexual representation of vampires is also evident from Ernest Jones early
analysis of folktales, including the vampire. He proceeded to conclude that vampire
s and their counterparts, namely the Churel (India) and the Drud (vampires that
prey exclusively on other vampires), do not confine themselves to sucking blood;
rather in the unconscious mind, blood is commonly associated with semen (106). It
would be inaccurate to associate these references to anything but the erotic nature
of older folktales. Even in Dracula, the Count is portrayed as a seductive aristocrat
who sucks on the blood of men and women, alike. The homosexual aspect of
vampire tales is also apparent in Carmilla (Joseph le Fanu 1872). As pointed out by
Punter and Byron, Laura experiences intense erotic advances from the female
vampire, to the extent of being puzzled
Coates Letter To His Son Summary
1)Why do you think Coates wrote this book in the form of a letter to his son
(Samori) specifically? How does the format affect your relationship to the text? Do
you think this format might make some readers uncomfortable? I believe that Coates
wrote this book in the form of a letter to his son in order to give more emotional
weight to his message. By writingto his son, and including his name in this excerpt
multiple times, Coates reminds the reader that racism deeply affects individual
people. It affects his son. It s not just a statistic, it s not something to ignore. Since
racism is a common topic in the media, many people who don t experience it have
become somewhat desensitized to it. Many people wouldn t be surprised or upset to
hear of another wrongful police shooting of an African American teenager, but when
Coates adds such a personal element to his letter, the reader is forced to look at the
issue on a deeper, emotional level. Due to this added weight, some readers may be
uncomfortable. People who want to ignore the fact that racism has seeped into nearly
every aspect of our society, that it affects sons, daughters, mothers and fathers, may
not be comfortable coming to terms with the fact that it is still an important issue that
ruins lives.
2) ... Show more content on ...
He realized how easily he could die, and how the smallest actions and behaviors
that he showed could be fatal. I have had a few experiences that caused me to
realize my own mortality all of these times were while I was driving, and I found
myself seconds away from an accident. A few times, I had control over the
situation the almost accident was my fault. However, there were a couple of times
when I couldn t have done anything to save myself this was a terrible feeling and
realization. I realized how quickly my life could end, and how little say I had about
The Relationship Between School Choice And Segregation
School choice is a hot topic at the moment in the politics throughout Texas. Many
seem to be against it, but see the benefits in the choice. Through this paper I research
what the relationship between school choice and segregation is. Through this paper I
will explore the isolation of the English language learning students and the challenges
they face because of it. The location of schools and that reflects in their students,
policies of the schools, and of the programs that they offer.
Literature Review
Charter schools enroll larger proportions of minority and low‐income students and
smaller proportions of White students than traditional district public schools
statewide: African American students make up 33% of the students in Texas
open‐enrollment charter schools compared to 14% in Texas public schools,
overall. Hispanic students make up 48% of the students enrolled in
open‐enrollment charter schools, compared to the state average of 46%.
Open‐enrollment charter schools have a higher percentage of economically
disadvantaged students (70%) than the state average (56%), a lower percentage of
students classified as limited‐English proficient (14%) than the state average
(16%), and a lower percentage of students served in special education (10%) than the
state average (11%). o Campus charter schools serve predominantly Hispanic and
low‐income student populations. Based
Resources/documents/charters.aspx ......................................... Housing
Effects Of Water Pollution Caused By Fracking
Jaslyn Bonilla
November 17, 2017
Nancy Forrest
Water Pollution Caused by Fracking
Can you imagine being able to light your tap water on fire? Water is a critical
source used in all areas to support our ways of life. The use of water ranges from
basic household need to creating energy. Water is essential for all living things to
survive, yet we have companies polluting it. Fracking is causing water pollution for
underground and groundwater, both surface water and aquifer water.
So what is fracking? According to Manuel, fracking is a procedure used in extraction
of natural gas and oil, which may pollute both ground and surface water. The
procedure consists of fluids being injected into the bore hole and causes cracks in
the formation rocks (Gordalla). During the drilling process, the injection of more
than one million gallons of water, sand, and chemicals at a high pressure into
horizontally drilled wells as far as 10,000 feet below the surface ground. The
pressurized mixtures causes the rock layer to crack. These cracks are called
fissures. The fissures are held open by the sand particles so that the natural gas from
the shale can flow up the well (Manuel). Fracking contains chemicals designed to
increase flow rates, dissolve sediments, kill bacteria, control temperatures, or prevent
degradation inside the wellbore (Fracking). In the video Gasland II, fracking waste
have identified formaldehyde acetic acids and boric acids.
Neoliberalism Is A Political Project For Restore Class Power
Neoliberalism has a tendency to increase social inequality and this tendency is no
accident. The rich thorough military force political maneuvering and the
construction of mass consent decimate social infrastructure and break trade unions
and social movements in order to cement class power. Proof that neoliberalism is
more about class power than economic efficiency can be found in the numbers. The
global picture looks, at least on the surface, to be very bleak. The poorest 40
percent of the world s population accounts for 5 percent of global income. The
richest 20 percent accounts for three quarters of world income . Income inequality
increased by 32% between 1960 and 2005 in the UK and in the US it increased by
23% . Neoliberal governance often departs from the theoretical template, providing
further proof for Harvey s thesis that neoliberalism is a political project to restore
class power. These pragmatic departures prove very beneficial to the rich and in turn
result in increased inequality and poverty. Harvey argues that neoliberal governance
has two fundamental biases which show how favouring class power trumps the
theoretical framework. Firstly, in practice neoliberal governance always favours
fostering good investment over good business. Second, neoliberal states typically
favour the integrity of the financial system and the solvency of financial institutions
over the well being of the population or environmental quality . The reliance
neoliberalism places on
The Death Of Alexander Hamilton
Everyone among the revolutionary generation had created their own legacies in
fascinating ways, yet Alexander Hamilton drew eyes with his lively and impulsive
style. He had an incredible amount of accomplishments from writing fifty one
essays for The Federalist Papers to cheating on his wife and publishing a paper
about it to prove he wasn t stealing money from the government, but instead paying
off his mistress s husband. What a man. For the dinner, my only request is
clarification on the events that lead to this death. Hamilton had died in a duel against
Vice President Aaron Burr that was the result of decades of political rivalry. A lot of
historians argue about his death as the only witness were Nathaniel Pendleton and
William Van
Computer Security Essay
Computer Security Would you be interested in a career where you could make
fifty thousand dollars a year right out of college? Would you like to have an
extremely secure job? Would you like to create a company as successful as
Microsoft or Facebook? If so, a career in computer security may be the field for
you. As a high school student, you might be wondering what it would be like to
work in the field of networking or database security, as well as compare them to
similar fields. Today I will give you some general information that might encourage
you to seek a degree in the field of computer science, with a concentration in
computer security. My goal is to give you information to help you make an informed
decision about whether this... Show more content on ...
He had just finished his associate s degree in computer science, and had a few
network security certifications. He was looking for a part time job, and had
originally applied for a job as an accountant at a bank. After working there for two
days, they had a computer failure. When the IT specialist working on it was
unable to fix right away, he decided to see if he could help. He quickly found what
one of the IT specialists had missed and fixed the problem. Once he fixed their
computer system his supervisor started asking him questions about what kind of
computers had he worked on and asked one of the other IT specialist to test him to
see if he knew what he was doing. Once they checked his basic computer skills they
offered him a job as one of the bank IT specialists. Since he hadn t finished school
they told him that he couldn t move up until he finished his degree. So, while you
might be able to get your foot in the door with some practical experience, the best
jobs will go to those that have a bachelor s degree and maybe some certifications in
their particular area of interest or specialty. You might be wondering what a
security major really does. IT security has to be very careful about keeping their
anti virus software updated and secure. There are about a thousand new viruses
created a day and it s not unheard of to have tens of thousands created in a single day.
A good example of this would be last year s April Fool s Day
Linkage Analysis Essay
As molecular genetic data became available, studies used them to understand human
behaviors. Below I briefly summarize the structure of human genome and introduce
the genome wide association studies (GWAS). In humans, 23 pairs of chromosome
constitutes the human genome. For each chromosome, the nucleotides on the
opposite strands connected together to form tens of thousands of base pairs.
Normally, the bonds are either adenine thymine (A T) or guanine cytosine (C G).
These construct the double helix DNAstructure. A chunk of a chromosome that
relates to certain functions is a gene. The lengths of genes (i.e., a region of DNA)
differ. Mutations of genetic variants in genes can lead to diseases or variations in
phenotypes. Genetic variants... Show more content on ...
Also, the analyzed segments for association studies are at least ten times smaller than
the ones used in linkage analysis (10~100 kb vs. 1000 kb). Therefore, although both
association studies and linkage studies use the similar method, by scanning a large
scale of the known human genetic variants, and finding the significant SNPs that
relate to the outcomes, association studies have the larger statistical power and are
more popular nowadays. The genome wide association studies apply the association
studies to a large portion of the known common human genetic variants. For humans,
there are about 8 to 10 million common SNPs for whom at least one percent of the
population has the minor allele. The minor allele is the rarely observed genetic
variants in the reference population. Mostly, laboratories genotype only about a
million of these tag SNPs and impute others. Both the linkage studies and association
studies are hypothesis free approach which does not require the a priori knowledge of
the biological pathways underlying the study (Belsky and Israel 2014, Manuck and
McCaffery 2014). GWAS features of including many genetic variants and being
hypothesis free provide researchers with an unbiased and comprehensive method.
Only a theoretical assumption is assumed for these association studies: the common
disease common variant assumption. This holds that multiple SNPs contribute to a
single disease
Iran Between Iran And Iran
Iran previously known as Persia is not one of the largest countries in the world. It is
approximately a little smaller than Alaska by comparison. Throughout the years, Iran
was involved in many conflicts while still today holding its own against other
countries in the world. Iran is located within the Middle East with the bordering
countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkey. As early
as the period of the Romans, Iranhad many types of leaders, conflicts and enemies in
the world. Their government structure is similar to most countries such as the
United States and Britain. The only difference is they have one person that has the
most power, which is the Supreme Leader. Their untrained military, imported and
outdated weapons, and small military force compared to most of the larger
countries of the world. Iran has more history of conflict then most of the other
countries and still today continues to protect their selves while living in the harsh
environment and terrain to their advantage in holding back invading military
forces... The geography of Iran is remarkable due to its location in the Middle East.
When looking at a map of Iran, you have Iraq, Armenia, and Azerbaijan neighboring
the West borders of Iran. On Iran s East perimeter, you have Turkmenistan,
Afghanistan, and Pakistan. On the South border, you have the Persian Gulf; and to
the North you have the Caspian Sea that is one of the largest inland bodies of water
in the world. The
Domesticated Rats Research Paper
Recently, some of the most populated cities around the world are experiencing a
rodent crisis . Though they have only been around for a few decades, recent research
suggests that rats have learned to adapt and evolve along with humans. As expected,
rodents such as rats and mice thrive in urban areas, where humans provide food and
Members of the genus Rattus originate from Australia and Asia. Typically, people
confuse rats with mice because they share similar characteristics but, rats can be
differentiated from mice. Rats are commonly medium size rodents that have a thin
tail and longer, thinner bodies compared to mice. There are approximately fifty
species of rats in the world. Rats are commonly found in almost every type of
environment ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, understanding urban rat ecology can help diminish the harmful effects
such as structural damage, food contamination, and disease spread that rats can have
on urban ecosystems. The survey results suggested that rat infestations fluctuate
seasonally and that there are a variety of environmental factors that may attract rats,
particularly exposed garbage, abandoned buildings, and compost. The article also
argues that rat infestations are severe in residential areas, commercial areas dealing
with food, as well as in neighborhoods of low socioeconomic status. Generally, rats
pose at least a moderate health risk to the public and although poison baiting is the
cheapest and easiest method of rat control, environmental modification is the most
effective way to control rat infestations in the long term (Feng, A. Y., T., Himsworth,
C. G.,
Meaning of Life and Hockey Essay
It may not seem like it, but there are quite a few similarities between the Baliness
cock fight and hockey in Canada. The cockfight is a major sporting event in the
Baliness community and hockey is a major sport for Canadians. In both, the
objective is to win. In the Baliness society a person can t bet against a cock from
the family, or village, but can bet against an enemy. One should not be betting
against you own hometown team in hockey. 2 roosters have sharp metal spurs on
their legs, are to fight until the death. Men surround them shouting for their
favorites, placing wagers. Cock has a double meaning of rooster, and male penis.
There are the same jokes in America. The baliness word for cock, has other
meanings of hero, warrior, and... Show more content on ...
There are similar expressions used like roughing and slashing . Canadians love
fighting too. Winnings and losing is important in both hockey and cock fighting.
Winners celebrate, losers are depressed. Hockey brings Canadians together.
It may not seem like it, but there are quite a few similarities between the Baliness
cock fight and hockey in Canada. The cockfight is a major sporting event in the
Baliness community and hockey is a major sport for Canadians. In both, the
objective is to win. In the Baliness society a person can t bet against a cock from
the family, or village, but can bet against an enemy. One should not be betting
against you own hometown team in hockey. 2 roosters have sharp metal spurs on
their legs, are to fight until the death. Men surround them shouting for their
favorites, placing wagers. Cock has a double meaning of rooster, and male penis.
There are the same jokes in America. The baliness word for cock, has other
meanings of hero, warrior, and champion. They are held in arenas, the winner gets
to take the loser home to eat. A man will never bet against a family or friend. He
will place bets against an enemy. Cocks usually fight against out of town. The
owners of cocks are leaders in communities. There was rarely a profit made, it is
about status. Cocks represent men and owners. The fate of the cock is the fate of
the owner. Hockey and cock fighting are both spectating sports, where we pick a
side. There are similar
Imagery in The Road Not Taken Essay
In Robert Frost s The Road Not Taken , Frost shows the everyday human struggle
to make a choice that could change the course of one s life. In his poem, a person
has the choice to take one road or the other. One road is worn out from many
people taking it, and the other is barely touched, for fewer have taken that road.
Throughout the poem, the speaker learns that just because so many other people
have done one thing, or walked one way, does not mean everyone has to.
Sometimes you just have to go your own way. In the poem, a person is walking
along a path in an autumn forest in the early hours of the morning, when he stumbles
upon a fork in the road. The speaker wishes that he would be able to travel down
both of them, but he has places... Show more content on ...
There are many key aspects to this poem. The speaker, or the person who is
experiencing the events in the poem, is a traveler walking through the woods.
There is no specific occasion, although the poem does mention that the speaker did
not have enough time to travel both roads on that one day. The setting of the poem
in time is told in the line Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, (1), it tells us that
the setting is autumn, because the leaves are changing, and have turned yellow.
The setting in place is a forest, although it Frost does not specify where the forest
is. In this poem, I believe the theme is that you have to jump at an opportunity
when you get it, or you may never get that opportunity again. Moving on to the
tone of the poem, I believe that it is wistful, and that the speaker might be looking
back on his days, and realizing that he taking the other road might have made all of
the difference in his life. There is very good diction in this poem, as some words
express Frost s feeling more than other s would ve. For example, in the line Two
roads diverged in a yellow wood, (1), Frost really emphasizes the two roads
separating from each other. In another line In leaves no step had trodden black (12),
trodden is a more appropriate than another word such as crushed or pulverized,
because it is the past form of trod, or to step in something, and gives an image of
human feet stepping on the freshly fallen leaves. In the poem, many instances
Structure And Composition Of Atmosphere
Structure and Composition of Atmosphere
Earth is the only planet in the solar system known to harbour life. Our planet s rapid
spin and molten nickel iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field, which, along
with the atmosphere, shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation coming from
the Sun and other stars. Earth s atmosphere protects us from meteors, most of which
burn up before they can strike the surface. Nitrogen and Oxygen are the predominant
gases in the atmosphere, accounting for about 99 percent of dry air. While 1 percent
is mixture of all other gases make up the remaining 1 percent. All the gases found in
the atmosphere are natural except CFCs (invented by Thomas Midgley, Jr. was an
American mechanical engineer and chemist).
Exosphere (More than 500 km)
Thermosphere (85 500 km) Negative ( ) Lapse Rate
Mesosphere (50 85km) Positive (+) Lapse Rate
O3 Layer [where concentration of ozone is 10 ppm (parts per million)]
Stratosphere (11 50km) Negative ( ) Lapse Rate
Troposphere (0 11km) Positive (+) Lapse Rate
The atmosphere has a mass of about 4.5 to 5.0Г—1018 kg. The atmospheric
temperature, pressure and density vary considerably with altitude. The atmosphere
surrounding the Earth from dangerous cosmic radiations from outer space and helps
in sustaining life on the earth. The atmosphere plays a vital role in maintaining the
heat balance on the earth by absorbing the infrared radiation received from the sun
Advantages And Differences Between Netflix And Netflix
1948 was the first year cable services began in the U.S. Since then cable has
evolved over the years and is becoming increasingly more expensive annually.
Nevertheless, several individuals are still selecting cable as their content provider,
when streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon exists. Streaming services
are a superior alternative to cable because they are convenient, offers a wide variety
of content for a reasonable price, provides content options based on viewer s
preference, and they do not have any commercials. Streaming services are convenient
for the customers because they can stream the content from anywhere and anytime,
and Netflix offers audio description. Cable subscribers can only watch TV in their
living room, and if they want cable service in their other rooms, it will cost them
additional money. On the other hand, Streaming services subscribers only need
internet access to stream content from their favorite streaming site. Also, streaming
services are accessible on smartphones, smart TVs, computers, iPad, tablets, and
gaming consoles. Thus, consumers can stream content from anywhere. In addition,
consumers can download TV shows and movies to their smartphones, if they are
traveling, and it is difficult to access the internet. Ledbetter from The Huffington Post
reports [Netflix s new feature] lets users watch some of their favorite shows and
movies whenever and wherever they want, without internet (1). In addition, Netflix
offers an audio
Fear of public speaking Essay
Your chest is tight and you feel like you re on fire. Your chest is tight ant you re
burning up. The flash cards in your hands are crumpled from you squeezing them
obsessively. You look up and see dozens of eyes staring at you, waiting expectantly.
Taking a deep breath, you stumble through the speech. When it s finally over, you
practically run back to your seat, cheeks flaming bright red. You slump down, already
dreading the next time you ll have to deal with your upmost fear: public speaking.
For as long as I can remember, public speaking has always been one of my greatest
weaknesses. Whether it s a simple in class presentation or a speech in front of an
auditorium filled with people, I can barely get my words out from the anxietyand...
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I used the search engine Google with the search term public speaking fear and it
brought up a great deal of interesting websites pertaining to public speaking. The
first one I decided to peruse was 5 Tips to Reduce the Fear of Public Speaking on
Psychology Today s website. I learned that public speaking is the number one fear
in America, while the fear of death is second in line. This means that we re more
afraid of speaking in public than we are of dying. I also learned five tips on how to
reduce public speaking nervousness.
The first one was Don t Expect Perfection from Yourself. No one is perfect but
when it comes time to speak in public, some of us pick at every little flaw we think
we make. We blow up our imperfections yet ignore the good things. Honestly,
though, even the greatest and most experience public speakers can make a lot of
mistakes. The difference is, when they do, they re able to gracefully recover and
keep going as if nothing happened. That s one of the keys to success: keep going
gracefully. Most of the time, the audience won t notice most of your mistakes unless
you make them obvious by stopping your speech, breaking down and admitting your
mistakes. You just have to carry through with poise and let yourself not be perfect.
The second tip was Avoid Equating Public Speaking to Your Self Worth. Basically, if
you re a successful professional who s worked hard for where they are in life right
now, you
Gilgamesh As An Epic Hero
Gilgamesh is one of literatures first heroes, and there is evidence to suggest that he
was a real historical figure who lived between 2500 and 2700 BC. Gilgamesh is
credited with building an immense wall around the city of Uruk, and gradually over
the centuries, a 3,000 line epic poem was written around 1200 B.C. As the king of
Uruk, Gilgamesh is two thirds god and one third man, exceedingly strong, and a
tyrant towards his people. Gilgamesh uses forced labor to accomplish the building
projects of his kingdom. As a result, his people pray to the gods for relief from
Gilgamesh s harshness. The gods provide Gilgamesh with a Wildman named Enkidu;
matched in strength, they become best friends. Together they have many adventures.
One venture
Theories Of Labelling Theory
What is labelling theory?
Labelling theory is they theory of how self identity and behavior of individuals may
be determined or influenced by the terms used to describe or classify them. It is
associated with the concepts of self fulfilling the prophecy and stereotyping. This
theory is coming associated with the sociology of criminal and deviance, where it is
used to point out how social processes of labelling and treating someone as
criminally deviant fosters deviant behavior, which then can lead to negative
repercussions for that person due to other people within the society being biased
against people being labelled a deviant (C N Trueman, 2016).
What is the implication for the criminal justice policy?
The implications of labelling theory are that the key idea is that not everyone who
commits an offence is punished for it, if a person has been punished for their
convictions all truly depends on whether, their interactions with agencies of social
control such as the police and the courts, their appearance, background and
personal biography and the situation and circumstance of the offence they had
committed (Cole, 2017). A lot of agencies of social control have shown that they
are likely to label certain groups of people as deviants or a criminal due to either
their skin color, neighborhood s and other circumstance that seem not in the norm or
to what they believe is socially safe. This can lead social control groups such as the
police to seem biased and prejudice. The
Health Care Administrator Of A Hospital
Disasters as we know it comes on suddenly without warning, it can happen
anywhere, anytime or at any hour. In order to regain control of an event is to be
prepared at all times. Often, danger occurs, leaving many lives unprepared for
catastrophes or misfortunes. As a Health Care Administrator of a hospital it is
important to be prepared at all times, not only is it a duty, but it is the job of the
Administrator to ensure the safety of its patients at all times. Therefore, it is the
Administrator s duty to ensure their team is prepared at all times for any and all
disasters. Being prepared for each and every incident that arises saves that many
more lives. A conversation about Disaster Preparedness led me to speak with Artie
Salter. Mr. Salter is a Fireman/Emergency Medical Technician, who has been an
active for the more than 17 years at the Charleston County Fire Department, as the
Rank of a Lieutenant. His duty is to respond to emergency calls daily, however his
task as a Fireman/EMT is to be prepared to respond to any type of emergency. As a
result, some days he responds as a Fireman and on other days as an Emergency
Medical Technician. With years of experience, knowledge and understanding of
Disaster Planning, Artie has helped to open my eyes to the untold preparation a
fireman must endure to protect the community in which we live. There are many
days of training and drills that each fireman must attend and pass in order to be
prepared for any and every
How Balanced Scorecard Is Developed And Acts
This essay examines how balanced scorecard is developed and acts as an increasingly
important factor in balancing strategic objectives and measure/KPIs tools used in
businesses, industry, organizations and government to integrated and aligned
business vision and strategy of the organization. The balanced scorecard has changed
from simple performance measurement tool to performance strategy, strategic
planning and to management system that fit into current rapid change in business
environment. However, this essay will only illustrate specifically in performance
measurement framework using balanced scorecard and mainly focus on advantages it
s contributed to business activities. The limitation and criticism of balanced scorecard
as a... Show more content on ...
This new type of balanced score card change business s strategic plan from a
striking but unreceptive paper into the marching orders for the business on a daily
basis. It is a tool that provides performance measurements and further enhances
planner s efficiency in identifying the exact things to be done and measured. It gives
a clearer view for executives to able to implement its strategy. Drs. Kaplan and
Norton (1996) have added this new approach to strategic management by recognizing
some weakness and imprecision of previous approaches to form and provides a
clearer prescription for businesses that how it should be measured in order to have a
more balance view in financial perspective. It also provides feedback from internal
business process and also obtains information from external perspective to improve
the efficiency of performing strategic movement and results which basically act as a
nerve center of a business.
According to Kaplan and Norton (1992), financial measurement only gives a clear
view of past business activities and story which its investment in that industry.
However the long term perspectives in stakeholder relationship are not being value as
a key to be success in business environment. Therefore, they further suggest that
executive must change in guiding and evaluating their businesses when come to
create future value for business by focusing in investing customer s perspective,
financial perspective, internal
What Is Marie De France s Lanval A New Model
Cora Orme
Medieval Literature
23 February 2015
Marie de France s Lanval : A New Model for Gender Roles in the Medieval Romance
Historically, Medieval women had little agency or control over their lives. Parents
arranged marriages for political alliances and while the romantic compatibility of the
engaged couple was almost never considered, Medieval society often prioritized men
s sexual preferences. Marie de France comments on women s lack of agency and the
unfulfilling nature of these marital alliances in her unconventional lai, Lanval. Her
curious inversion of power dynamics skews the traditional gender roles and reveals
flaws within the Medieval ideal of courtly romance. In particular, Marie de France s
Fairy Queen starkly ... Show more content on ...
In order to fully comprehend the subversive female subject, it is imperative to explore
how Lanval s failure to fit the romantic hero archetype renders him more
conventionally feminine. Despite his noble lineage and inherent bravery that aligns
him with Medieval models of knighthood, the narrator places more emphasis on
Lanval s defects and insufficiencies. In particular, Lanval is so unmemorable that
King Arthur forgets to financially support Lanval:
Women and land / He shared out with generous hand / To all but one who d served.
Lanval heOrme 2 forgot: no man helped his recall (Marie de France). Lanval s strong
financial dependence on the king (and later the Fairy Queen) liken him to an
unmarried womanНѕ he is reliant on powerful alliances for monetary support and
validation of status. In fact, Marie de France paints Lanval as quite pitiable and
without the capability to independently solve his hopeless situation. He is so morose
that he relinquishes his horse, his last financial asset and visible sign of status, to
wander the forest and think of his sad plight, He saw nothing to bring delight (Marie
de France).
Multicultural Competencies
The purpose of the research article was to examine the competencies of school
counselors when working with the multicultural and sexual orientation of their
students. Schools can be unsafe due to bullying and victimization for students
labeled as LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi Sexual, Transgender and Queer), as they are
more likely to be a target than heterosexual students. They experience varying levels
of being sexually harassed, and endure being emotionally and physically abused.
Due to the harassment, they endure these children are not attending school, which is
affecting their academic performance and how they view their future (Kosciw,
Greytak, Diaz Bartkiewicz, as cited by Bidwell, 2012, p. 200). For the last few year
s counselors main focus was ethnic minorities and cross cultural population (Bidell,
2012, p.201),... Show more content on ...
200) hypothesized that student school counselors were not appropriately trained or
knowledgeable adequately enough to competently counsel multicultural and sexual
orientation competencies. Both school counseling students and community agency
students were selected, using a cross specialization comparison. A total of 164
participants were selected (43 men and 121 women) between the ages of 22 59 were
selected. Each of them had a masters level in school counseling (75%) or agency
counseling (89%). Two instruments were used for the study. The first instrument was
Multicultural counseling and awareness scale (MCKAS) made up of 32 item self
report questions (Ponterotto, Gretchen, Utsey, Rieger Austin as cited by Bidell, 2012,
p. 202). Bidell (2012, p. 202) created the Sexual orientation Counselor Competency
Scale (SOCCS) to determine the skills, competency, and knowledge of counselors
working with the LGBTQ students. All of the students were in their 2nd year
counseling internship and were recruited during
Bill Bryson Biography
Bill Bryson One Summer America 1927
Bill Bryson One Summer American 1927. By Bill Bryson First Anchor Books
Edition. (New York: Random House, Inc., 2013. Pp 1+ 509. Preface, Prologue,
Epilogue, Acknowledgments, Bibliography, Photography Credits, Index.)Bill Bryson
is one of the best American authors of books on traveling. He writes on the subjects
of science, and non fiction topics. His experience and knowledge comes from being a
chancellor of Durham University and publishing several series about the
communication of science. He has been featured in many different newspapers and
articles. Bryson is known for his entertaining voyage writing and has printed
nonfiction books on the early twentieth century, science, and English books. In Bill ...
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He then goes into explaining how Calvin Coolidge lived his life as president and
events that acquired while he was in office. While reading his book he stated a lot of
interesting facts with detail proving how these events took place. Al Capone was a
figure in the Chicago society being known as the great American gangster who had an
illegal booze business and caused terror and corruption in the community. Every one
of the authors chapters shows the significances in each situation he talks about.
Bryson lets the readers know the histories of the prohibition, crime, government, and
politics. The Jazz Singer Al Jolson s film Talking Pictures, forever changed motion
pictures during this summer. While reading this part of the book we also find out
how Al Jolson liked urinating on people as a prank and how he wasn t that stable as
a person. Following the summer of 1927 the four most dominant bankers would meet
up in an undisclosed area making a decision that will cause an unstoppable
depression. Also how the stock market was touching new highs and the evolving of
urban development. I found it interesting in how Bryson reflects on how in the late
1920s Americans mutually recognized that Europe wasn t the leader of most
significate things or events and more. America was now the leader in the most
popular fields surpassing
The First American Female Serial Killer
Table of Contents
Human Development Scale Max Neef3
Ego Defence Mechanism Sigmund Freud7
Narcissistic Defence Mechanisms7
Immature Defence Mechanisms8
Neurotic Defence Mechanisms9
Mature Defence Mechanisms9
The person I am going to analyse in this assignment is Aileen Lee Carol Wuornos
who was considered to be the first American female serial killer (Anon., 2015).
Wuornos was born on February 29th 1956 in Rochester Michigan (Anon., 2015).
Her father, Leo Dale Pittman was an alleged child molester and her mother Diane
Wuornos was a teen mother who was not capable of taking up the responsibilities
that came about with being a mother (Anon., 2015). Wuornos mother abandoned
both her and her brother when they were young leaving them in the care of their
grandparents (Anon., 2015). Her grandmother was an alcoholic whereas her
grandfather abused her both physically and sexually (Anon., 2015). At the young
age of eleven, Aileen Wuornos began trading sexual favours for money, beer and
even cigarettes (Anon., 2015). This also allowed her to be able to be part of
cliques and have a sense of belonging. On March 1971, when she was fourteen she
gave birth to her only child whom she gave up for adoption (Anon., 2015). At that
same time, her grandmother died of liver failure which led to her grandfather
kicking her out of the house (Anon., 2015). She was made wards of the court before
she ran
Case Study Of Dabur
About Dabur
Dabur Company was established in 1884 by Dr. S.K Burman which was trading
company, by 2007. Dabur manufactured over 450 products which was sold in the
Indian market with the help of network of 1.5 million retail outlets, 47 clearing and
forwarding location 5000 distribution channels. Till march 2007, company sales
turnover is 22.6 billion INR. They offered the product like hair care, oral care, health
supplement, digestive and candies, and baby skin care product. Dabur company had
eight manufacturing plant in India, organized around two main factories and six
supporting factories and outside Birganj (Nepal), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Dubai (UAE),
Cairo (Egypt) and Lagos( Nigeria).
Dabur have unique CPG (Consumer packaged goods) peer in India in three ways
The products are derivatives of Ayurveda, an indigenous form of medicine. The raw
materials are sourced from natural ingredient such as herbs.
The products are for and targeted at the mass market.
Dabur is one of the few brand in India that has ... Show more content on ...
Dabur s niches not only provided differentiation but insulated Dabur from
competition. They setup originally as a manufacturer of herbal medicines. Dabur
had extended the principles of Ayurveda to personal care. For the Ayurvedic
medicines, they setup the platform by which Dabur was launching products which
was rooted strong internal research and development (R D), which was promoting
their large scale farming. The company had built up skills in product engineering
and localization. For example, where large player used coconut in hair oil, Dabur
used Amla (Gooseberry), which had roots in traditional medicines. In following there
are some point of Dabur s strong research foundation which leads Dabur to the
globalization and having leverage in global
Gas Cars Vs Electric Cars Essay
Electric cars are becoming more and more a part of the world today. Society can
see them everywhere, from the streets to TV. Car companies like Nissan and
Chevy have their own line up of electric cars that perform well. Now one of the
most popular car companies, Tesla, can make the Lamborghini of electric cars. To
help lower emission levels and jumpstart the industry, the federal government
offers a $7,500 tax credit for buyers of pure electric vehicles (Schaal, 2015). Which
brings up some common questions; are all these changes in the car industry a good
change from the traditional gas engine and are electric cars truly better than Gas
powered vehicles making gas powered vehicles slowly become obsolete. Electric
cars barely have any maintenance needed compared to gas powered vehicles.
Emissions... Show more content on ...
That is additional money out of pocket that nobody wants to pay for in the first
place, in contrast with electric cars never need a pesky oil change because electric
motors do not require oil to function properly. A few other items an electric motor
does not need that a gas powered engine does are: power steering fluid and coolant
for the engine. Engine and transmission repairs can cost up to thousands of dollars
but since the electric cars don t have either of those they never have to worry about
them again. Horn from the article Roadmap to the electric car economy says The
electric motor will also last much longer than its gasoline powered counterpart
because it contains only one moving part. Since, there is only one moving part to the
motor there is a smaller possibility of things to go wrong and need maintenance. This
showcasing of the many reasons why electric cars are beating out their competitor
because there are less costs needed to maintain the car in a working condition.
Resulting in the gas powered car continuing to become
The Sincere Hero And His Comedic Predicament
The Sincere Hero and His Comedic Predicament The epic poem, Sir Gawain and
the Green Knight, presents the typical medieval hero going on a ridiculous quest.
Gawain exemplifies the five principles of chivalry as he addresses each challenge
on his journey, making him a true hero. However, the tale places this serious hero
in an absurd situation, illustrating the comical elements the poem holds as well.
The measure of an honorable hero in medieval romances is his ability to follow the
chivalric code. Five characteristics are typically named when describing this code:
friendship, fraternity, purity, politeness, and pity. In this poem, the correlating
traits are listed when the author describes the symbol on Sir Gawain s armor. A
piece of the sacred knot is said to represent several sets of items and Of the fifth
group of five he [Gawain] honoured constantly/ The first four were generosity, good
fellowship,/ Cleanness, and courtesy, uncurbed and unimpaired;/ Lastly compassion,
surpassing all (651). Throughout his quest, Gawain demonstrates his devotion to
chivalry by following each of these values, even when they may seem to contradict.
The classic hero s tale is dominated by three major challenges, the first of which is
initiated by an intruder in the home. When King Arthur s court is confronted by the
mysterious green knight, Sir Gawain begins his adventure by humbly asking for it.
He says to Arthur, I am the weakest and the least in wit;/ Loss of my life is therefore
Case Analysis Lego A The Crisis
1. From early 1990s to 2004, the Lego Group, a long successful toymaker with a
world renowned brand, fell into the edge of bankruptcy. Compared with the highest
revenue in 1999, the revenue in 2014 decreased by 35.6% while the net profit was
negative, seven times less than that in 1999, the lowest in the past ten years. Its net
profit margin and ROE were also the lowest. The gross margin and inventory
turnover were all lower than its competitors. The strategic moves in the two main
periods growth period that wasn t (1993 1998) and the fix that wasn t (1999 2004)
lead to its poor performance.
External Analysis
Substitutes: High. Fad toys, electronic products, videogames, online activities could
easily be substitutes of Lego products. ... Show more content on ...
The management shifted its strategy from steady organic growth and profitability
into focusing on growth in 1993 and then tried to restore profitability and growth
through fitness program and series of changes during the period of 1999 to 2004.
The strategic actions deviated from some of the ten principles.
The Lego Group tried to catch up the market trends during the period, but they
ignored that the industry total profit pool decreased by 50% Between 1999 and
2003. It s naturally for players to reduce mass production and focus on core
competency. However, the Lego Group invested significantly in expansion not only
in brick based product lines, but also beyond the brick. The expansion was not
focusing on its core competency.
Instability of the management, laying more stress on general leadership experience,
and fitness program led to inefficiency and low moral/accountability among staff.
Non outsourcing and in house expansion without cooperating with partners boosted
expenses. Two retailing channels were too limited compared with competitors diverse
retail channels.
More complex design conflicted with automated production line. It largely increased
molding cost / production cost and caused an extremely low inventory turnover, much
lower than its competitors. Major customers were frustrated by stock out and slow
moving inventory.
Currency fluctuations was also one of the main reasons for its unsatisfying
Therefore, the strategic
Decision Of Wanting Computer Programming As A Job
Having major impact in today s society is technology; thus, increasing the demand for
more people to build, write programs, higher quality, and repair computers; therefore,
numerous growth of technology and high demand of programmers. Regardless, of
what they do computer programming has requirements; such as, specific duties, and
certain working environments that some may not find suitable. This paper will
elucidate the important essentials to understand preliminary to making the decision
of wanting computerprogramming as a job. Computer Programmingconsists of a wide
variety jobs such as, writing code, testing,... Show more content on ...
Programmer analyst; identifies requirements by, establishing personal meetings
with potential and actual clients, arranges project by analyzing requirements;
knowledge of computer capabilities, over all, dealing with costumer opinion and
creating new ideas. Senior program analyst, develop and maintain applications,
databases, and software systems, by evaluating client needs; they enhance staff
accomplishments and answer technical questions for less experienced team
members, by teaching improved processes and mentoring team members.
Developers are in charge of making the ideas come to life and developing it all;
although, all fields write code it s mainly to correct flaws; whereas, developers are
the starters of it all and create the starter code. To keep in mind, multiple skills
qualify to different collage that s right for that field; although, there may be multiple
some skills include with other jobs, so the study is almost beneficial for all
computer programming tasks. Average Computer Programmers in the United States
make around $58K annually. Earnings generally vary between $34K and $90K per
year. Final cash compensation to Computer Programmers varies from around $34K
to approximately $90K; choice pay grades include potential for bonuses and profit
sharing as high

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Memory Essays

  • 1. Memory Essays Writing an essay on the topic of "Memory Essays" can be quite challenging, primarily because memory is a multifaceted and intricate subject that encompasses various psychological, neurological, and philosophical aspects. Crafting an essay on this topic requires delving into the complexities of memory formation, storage, retrieval, and the factors that influence these processes. One of the difficulties lies in navigating the vast amount of research available on memory. There are numerous theories and models proposed by psychologists and neuroscientists, each offering a different perspective on how memory functions. Synthesizing these diverse viewpoints into a coherent essay requires careful analysis and critical thinking. Furthermore, memory is deeply intertwined with other cognitive processes such as perception, attention, and language. Exploring these interconnections adds another layer of complexity to the essay, requiring a comprehensive understanding of cognitive psychology. Additionally, the subjective nature of memory poses a challenge. Memories are not static entities but are susceptible to distortion, reconstruction, and forgetting over time. Discussing these phenomena and their implications for the reliability of memory entails grappling with philosophical questions about the nature of truth and perception. Moreover, writing an essay on memory may also involve examining real-world applications and implications, such as eyewitness testimony in legal contexts, memory disorders like amnesia, and techniques for enhancing memory performance. In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Memory Essays" is undoubtedly challenging due to the topic's complexity and breadth, it is also intellectually stimulating and rewarding for those willing to engage deeply with the subject matter. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Memory EssaysMemory Essays
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  • 3. stephen king the body essay In the Novel the body by Stephen king The Character Gordie Lachance is a very girfted kid. Gordie is very creative having the ability to create stories for his friends and he also like writing stories. Gordie is also has good teamwork skills being able to act efficient in a group of people. Gordie was also neglected but he still managed to be successful. One of Gordie s character traits is creativity, Gordie has a talent for writing stories in the novel Chris and Gordie had a talk. Chris was telling Gordie don t let your friends drag you down he was referring to Gordies talent of wring stories. In the novel you also read a couple of Gordies stories stud city and the revenge of lard ass. Stud city was very creative a lot of ... Show more content on ... Gordie was also in the showdown with Ace when he wanted to take the body. Goride did not run away like Vern and Teddy he stayed with Chris until the conflict with the body was resolved. Gordie has shown teamwork skills in the body being able to travel to the body and get home safe with Ray Brower. Another Character trait for Gordie is neglected. His parents don t pay attention to him mostly because his older brother Denny died in a car crash. In the body Godie says I d been like the invisible boy all summer. So he doesn t get attention from his parents they neglect him because there still in shock their football star son is dead. Gordie also says it had seemed to take all the heart out of my parents. His parents have not been the same since Denny died even when he was there Denny still got more of the attention because he was amazing at football. Lastly at the end of the novel when Gordie came home from his journey to find Ray brower, he sat down in kitchen to make himself food his mom said where have you been gordie then said camping then she drifted off to the sink talking about how she missed Denny. Gordie had was neglected by his parents they just missed Denny. In conclusion Gordie is very creative being able to make up stories then write books about them and turn them into movies. He has great teamwork skills being able to work efficiently in a
  • 4. How Nintendo Go From A Small Card Company How did Nintendo go from a small card company in Kyoto, Japan to a global juggernaut in the video game industry? They were able to able to mesmerize us all with fun and new intuitive ways to enjoy a medium that was only looked at as toys, but now is a medium that is enjoyed by every one of all ages. To quote the former president of Nintendo, the late Satoru Iwata said, Above all, video games are meant to be just one thing: Fun for everyone with that philosophy Nintendo was able to shape, save, and innovate the home video game entertainment market. As a gamer I idolized Nintendo since I was a child, providing a fun and satisfying experience with wonderful stories that provided escapism from childhood trauma and I am forever grateful towards them. Nintendo Koppai was established in 1889 in Kyoto, Japan founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi. The company initially started as manufactures of Hanafuda cards, specialized Japanese playing cards that featured beautiful illustrations of flowers that was used for playing Japanese card games. In the beginning it was considered by many not to be a very popular form of cards due to whatever reason; Fusajiro saw an opportunity to reinvent the cards by producing hand drawn cards that were from mulberry tree bark. During that time the Japanese government banned gambling, but playing Hanafuda was considered still legal, because of the Yakuza (organized crime syndicates) used these playing cards as a way to gamble. Soon after the cards began to
  • 5. Essay On Scotland Act 1998 Scotland is considered as the most northerly part of the United Kingdom as it occupied one third of total area of the United Kingdom. Scotland has an important and strategic location as it is bordered by England from the south, Atlantic Ocean from the north and west and by the North Sea from the west. However Scotlandis considered as one of the poorest countries in Europe, it has contributed to political theories as it also played an important role in the scientific innovations. In the early middle ages, Scotland was an independent state until 1707. In 1603, King James VI ruled both England and Scotland, then he showed his intension to unite the two states and they were united which is called Anglo Scottish Union. Scotland s relations with England, ... Show more content on ... The Scotland act 1998 was modified by two other acts adopted in 2012 and 2016 that make provision about the functions of the Scottish Ministers as it gives more power to the Scottish parliament as it will be responsible for the annual budget, giving Scottish Ministers powers relating to the administration of elections to the Scottish Parliament, the authority to introduce new taxes rates, subject to agreement of the UK Government The SNP main goal was Scotland independence and this issue raised in the 1990s. In 1997 elections, the Conservative Party leader John Major rejected the possibility of establishing the Scottish Parliament, however Tony Blair the leader of the Labour Party was with the establishment of the Scottish parliament, which was the reason for winning Blair the majority of
  • 6. Play Hive Research Paper According to The California Teaching and Certification Resource, every kindergarten teacher should have the license to get the job. However, employees of Play Hive are not required strictly about the license because it is not a kindergarten. It is reasonable that they do not required kindergarten teacher license when they are hiring people, because Play Hive LA is mainly a place for fun after all. But when people consider it in different ways, they will find that referring the state law to specific what the employees need to become good teachers will be useful in training. For those interested in becoming a teacher(kindergarten teacher included) in California, it is important to know how to obtain a California teaching license. It is imperative
  • 7. The Myth Of The London Blitz There was a myth going around about the London Blitz such as on September 7, 1940 the German Luftwaffe began a massive raid on London. The German Luftwaffe continued bombing London for the next 9 months, while they were doing this more than 40,000 civilians were killed and over a million homes were damaged. Newspaper, radio and newsreel were focused on a way all Britons of all classes were pulled together as one. Stories were emphazised and high morale in the face of the brutal Nazi attacks. Britains national memory and remains firmly embedded in British novels, films, history books and documentaries. In 30 years this view of people s reactions to the Blitz has been attack by many historians and so the concept of the myth has arisen. Historians
  • 8. Net Present Value and Business IGNOU MBA MS 04 Solved Assignments July 2011 Course Code:MS 04 Course Title:Accounting and Finance for Managers Assignment Code:MS 04/SEM I /2011 Coverage:All Blocks Note: Answer all the questions and send them to the Coordinator of the Study Centre you are attached with. 1.Discuss and explain the relevance of the following accounting concepts a)Business entity b)Money measurement c)Continuity d)Cost e)Accrual f)Conservatism g)Materiality h)Consistency i)Periodicity Solution: FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF ACCOUNTING Accounting is the language of business and it is used to communicate financial information. In order for that information to make sense, accounting is based on 12... Show more content on ... LLCs are similar to corporations, but can be taxed as a partnership. In California, the LLC can have either one owner or two. Regardless of the number, these owners carry the legal title of member. The LLC provides a shield for your personal assets just like a corporation. Partnerships In my opinion, it is better to have died a small child then be in a partnership. Unfortunately, many business owners form partnerships and don t even know it. This occurs when they go into business with another person. If no business entity is formed, the law considers the business to be a partnership and treats it accordingly. Partnerships are dangerous for one primary reason: a partnership does not provide any protection from liability and, in many ways, invites personal liability. Under well established law, most partnerships are classified as general . This simply means that all the partners are contributing to the administration and running of the partnership business. This classification can have grisly results. In a general partnership, each partner is jointly liable for the debts of any other partner arising from the business. For instance, you and your partner go to a business dinner with a client. Your partner has a drink and then a few more. They then get into an accident on the way home. Each of the partners is liable for the damages claimed by the injured people. That means YOU! Even if you were not in the car, did not rent the car, never saw the
  • 9. Finance Career Project Career Project Essay Finance was not always my major. I have bounced around, looking for an area of study that peaked my interest. Three years and four majors later, I landed on finance. I started exploring individual jobs, companies and positions within the field that fit my interests. Through researching the various responsibilities, duties, and day to day operations of a financial manager, I have discovered that the freedom that accompanies this job in combination with the ability to work for a company that I am passionate about would fulfill my one precious life. To begin with, I enjoy having an organized schedule and set rules to follow when it comes to activities in my life like work or school. That isn t to say I don t enjoy spontaneity, but most of the time, I prefer structure. As a result, financial management appeals to me. I am a very analytical person. I evaluate facts and gather information before making decisions. Working as a financial manager requires one to have the ability to work within specific regulations to better the company. It is essential that they focus purely on the facts and numbers when considering options that may affect the company. Furthermore, I am about I m about ... Show more content on ... I know that I am an analytical person with a mix of introverted and extroverted personality traits. I also want work for a company that is located somewhere I would like to live and has plenty of opportunities for me to grow and learn. Finally, I want a job that will provide for a comfortable lifestyle for my future family and myself. For three years, I explored different areas of study and career paths. Finally, I have found a field that excites me. I have found an area that meshes well with my personality and skills and has upward growth. I have found a career I am passionate about. This is what I want to become with my one precious
  • 10. Character Analysis Of Bigger Thomas Of the many characters, the audience gets to know in native son, Bigger Thomas, the main character is the most complex. Bigger is the way he is because of his insecurities and fears, as well as his environment and the discrimination he faces. Bigger Thomas struggles with negotiating the different formulations of his identity which are thrown into disarray by a segregated, inequitable and frequently hostile society. The instability of Bigger s identity is shown to be a product of psychological disorientation engendered by the environment of racial terror which he must cope. (Elder 1) Bigger has no mental focus because of his supremacist society and the absence of opportunity towards African Americans. The greater part of his brutal contemplations are generally parts of his actual character or his previous lifestyle that have been gathering because of the scorn he conveys within himself (Butler structure 3). Bigger also displays anxiety throughout the majority of the novel. The first instance is when bigger cannot go through the robbery he and his gang had planned. He is filled with fear and immense anxiety. Resulting him in lashing out violently. Showing the audience he is not as fearless as he depicts himself to be. Bigger has all the qualities of being an alternate individual when he arrives at the Dalton home. He changes his method of speaking. He uses yessuh and nawsuh . As if he had created an alternate personality, creating a behavior that is acceptable for
  • 11. 12 Years Slavery 12 Years a Slave captures a troubling period in American History. Based on a true story, the movie is set between 1841 and 1853 in Antebellum America. The story follows Solomon Northup, a free African American violinist living in Saratoga, New York. Northup is captured in 1841 and is sold into slavery. His captors beat and torture Northup and assign him the name Platt as to conceal his identity. Northup is sold to a benevolent master who attempts to Christianize all his slaves. Northup shows his value to the master and the master begins to take a liking to Northup. However, Northup and an overseer get into a fight which leaves the master no choice but to sell Northup to another master. The new master is brutal and malevolent towards all his slaves except Patsy, with whom he has... Show more content on ... The movie itself was extremely impactful. Watching it was very revealing of the tortures and burdens placed on the slaves. Most importantly to me, 12 Years a Slave displayed the complex interactions between the Slaves and the masters prior to the Civil War. The dependence on slaves as a workforce and the relationships they had showed the southern justification for going to war. Slavery was not just a labor source, it was a lifestyle. The Southern Plantations heavily depended upon the institution and losing it would be severely detrimental to their lifestyle. I personally was touched by the benevolence of Bass and the risks taken by the shopkeeper to rescue Northup. The movie places such a great deal of importance on the atrocities on slavery that the positive actions are juxtaposed to the negative actions to a great extent. I would only recommend this film to someone without a faint heart. Gruesome scenes of abuse are depicted, and the verbal abuse is very astonishing. As a teaching utility, 12 Years a Slave is invaluable. If the students are able to get passed the torture and abuse, there is much to be
  • 12. Kualoa Ranch Experience Kualoa Ranch With a Horseback and Ziplining Tour To truly experience the beauty of Oahu, visitors have to check out Kualoa Ranch. At the ranch, you can enjoy a one hour horseback riding tour before you criss cross eight ziplines. From unsurpassed views to experienced staff, this tour is designed to give you the best amenities that the area has to offer. Each tour starts with a ride deep through the Ka a awa Valley where Jurassic and Lost were once filmed. As you ride, you will go across the Kualoa Mountains and see World War II bunkers that still exist on the ranch. Ziplining Through History Throughout the tour, your guide will introduce you to the history and culture of the area. Once you get on the ziplines, you will cross... Show more content on ... Seven of the ziplines are designed with tandem options, so you can ride with your significant other or friend. Ziplines at the Kualoa Ranch range in length from a few hundred feet to nearly half a mile in length. What Is Included in the Tour? If you need transportation, we depart Waikiki at 7:00 AM and return at 2:30 PM. Transportation is shared with the other activities at Kualoa Ranch, so it fills up fast. Make sure to reserve a space in advance. Once you reach the ranch, your tour includes a horseback ride and ziplining experience. Since you will be at the Kualoa Ranch for most of the day, each tour also includes an all you can eat buffet lunch. Experiencing the Kualoa Ranch The Kualoa Ranch has been run by the Morgan family and their ancestors for six generations. While it was originally a sugar plantation and a cattle farm, it has been remade as a nature preserve. As a result, the ranch is an ideal place to see the natural beauty and culture of Hawaii. Spanning 4,000 acres, this ranch includes steep mountainside cliffs, white sandy shorelines and rainforest. From open valleys to green cliff faces, visitors can enjoy the natural side of
  • 13. Coding Theory Case Studies Abstract This case study covers the coding theory, its components and its practical applications. Coding theory, sometimes called logarithmic coding hypothesis, manages the configuration of lapse remedying codes for the dependable transmission of data crosswise over uproarious channels. Error coding is utilized as a part of numerous advanced provisions like workstation memory, attractive and optical information stockpiling media. The investigation of mistake rectifying codes and the cohorted arithmetic is known as coding hypothesis. In information theory, the amount of positions at which the relating images are distinctive between two strings is Hamming distance. Hamming code is a set of error correction codes that might be utilized to recognize and right bit errors that can happen when machine information is moved or put away. There is lot of examples of coding theory; one of the biggest examples of its use is in communication field, i e modulation, encryption and decryption of signal. Coding Theory A Case In 1948, Claude Shannon, working at Bell Laboratories in the USA, introduced the entire subject of coding hypothesis by indicating that it was conceivable to encode messages in such a path, to the point that the amount of additional bits transmitted was as little as would be prudent. Unfortunately, his confirmation did not give any express formulas for these ideal codes. It was two years after the fact that Richard Hamming, likewise at Bell Labs, started
  • 14. Honey Bee Hive Research Papers In the early morning in Illinois, a yellow and black honey bee was sipping away at a lavender flower, which is called a wild lilac, a popular flower that many honey bees get their nectar from, so it can bring back the nectar to it s hive. When the bee is all done, it starts to fly back to their hive. The honey bee flew for miles, only to see the hive is destroyed and many dead bees are on the ground. Their habitat has just been ruined by humans, who just got done cutting some trees for wood to make whatever they want to make. The bee, now, is just like a homeless person, with no shelter and no where to go. The only answer is for them to find a new shelter, that might take days to find. This story reveals that many humans have little to
  • 15. Student Loans Cons Student Loans With the average student loan debt being almost $30,000 for people fresh out of college as of 2013, it s no wonder that many high schoolers around the country are worried about whether they will be able to pay off their student loans. Most are desperately trying to get scholarships and grants in order to try and remove the burden that is student debt off their shoulders. Others are going to cheaper, local, community colleges, whether temporarily or for their whole degree, in fear of these student loans. Even those who try to reduce the amount of debt they get into after college will still find themselves having to pay thousands in student loans. My friend had gone to Ivy Tech for two years to get his general classes finished ... Show more content on ... However, he had first intended to go to Ball State University. When asked if student loans had impacted his decision of which college to attend, he replied, In a way, yes. Almasa Kostic, a graduate of the University of Vermont, is still facing student loans even five years after her graduation. When asked if she had been worried about student loans in high school, she replied that she hadn t. However, today, she still has over $5000 left to pay off in her loans. Sometimes I get stressed about student loans today, she said. It would be easy if they could just go away. Today, the tuition of UVM is over $30,000 for Vermont residents and over 50 grand for out of state residents. Sean Callahan, a Senior at Winooski High School, said that, when asked about if he was scared of student loans, out of 10, I d say about a 75. He s still looking for scholarships but doesn t believe he would actually be eligible. Athletic scholarships are my last hope honestly, he said. And when asked if a school s tuition had a big effect in determining where he would go to college, Sean said, It does have an effect, so I had to alter my options a little. but because out of state tuition is more expensive, I m staying in state. If I stay in state, There is a chance where I don t need to be
  • 16. A Reflection On Public Service As students of Masters of Public Service degrees, it is imperative to develop a holistic and deep understanding of what public service means. Our class discussions have shown us the ambiguity of striking a balance between opposing forces: between intention and outcome, aid and empowerment, intrinsic and extrinsic affirmation, and self interest and altruism. How do we balance these perspectives, when each has its benefits and pitfalls to the success of any project? In determining my own definition of public service, my hope is to elucidate factors that optimize each of these perspectives. In doing so, we can come closer to defining public service in a way that is both operationally useful and ethically guiding. Considering course documents and class discussions, I have defined the phrase as follows: The public is a marginalized body unable or unexpected to monetarily repay servants for provided goods. Service is an act that results in improved quality of life as reported by receiving individuals. Therefore public service is defined by (1) actions resulting (2) in goods that improve quality of life (3) as reported by marginalized recipients (4) who are unable or unexpected to monetarily repay the servant. By fragmenting the definition into four parts, I can address the issues of intention versus outcome, aid versus empowerment, intrinsic versus extrinsic affirmation, and self interest versus altruism in public service. Applying the Formula of Universal Law
  • 17. Social Representation Of Dracula The legend of the vampire has emerged countless times within human imagination over the past few centuries. The first available representation of the mythical creature in prose fiction can be found in John Polidori s The Vampyre (1810). It was not until eight decades later that Bram Stoker popularized the existence of this figure with the publication of Draculain 1897. The folklore of the vampirehas come a long way since and can be found in today s popular media more frequently than ever before. However, with due course of time, the representation of the creature has taken alternate routes and today s vampires are noticeable different socially and physically from their predecessors. One effective path to trace this... Show more content on ... Punter and Byron reinforce this claim by stating that, Dracula is associated with disruption and transgression of accepted limits and boundaries (231). It is relevant to consider the aggressive behavior of Dracula towards his victims while he is on the prowl to fulfill his thirst for blood, especially with Lucy and Reinfield and the image of female vampires feeding on young children (Lucy). This bolsters the notion that the depiction of vampires in early portrays was violent. Also, as a sexually powerful creature, he preyed on men and women to fulfill his desires. The sexual representation of vampires is also evident from Ernest Jones early analysis of folktales, including the vampire. He proceeded to conclude that vampire s and their counterparts, namely the Churel (India) and the Drud (vampires that prey exclusively on other vampires), do not confine themselves to sucking blood; rather in the unconscious mind, blood is commonly associated with semen (106). It would be inaccurate to associate these references to anything but the erotic nature of older folktales. Even in Dracula, the Count is portrayed as a seductive aristocrat who sucks on the blood of men and women, alike. The homosexual aspect of vampire tales is also apparent in Carmilla (Joseph le Fanu 1872). As pointed out by Punter and Byron, Laura experiences intense erotic advances from the female vampire, to the extent of being puzzled
  • 18. Coates Letter To His Son Summary 1)Why do you think Coates wrote this book in the form of a letter to his son (Samori) specifically? How does the format affect your relationship to the text? Do you think this format might make some readers uncomfortable? I believe that Coates wrote this book in the form of a letter to his son in order to give more emotional weight to his message. By writingto his son, and including his name in this excerpt multiple times, Coates reminds the reader that racism deeply affects individual people. It affects his son. It s not just a statistic, it s not something to ignore. Since racism is a common topic in the media, many people who don t experience it have become somewhat desensitized to it. Many people wouldn t be surprised or upset to hear of another wrongful police shooting of an African American teenager, but when Coates adds such a personal element to his letter, the reader is forced to look at the issue on a deeper, emotional level. Due to this added weight, some readers may be uncomfortable. People who want to ignore the fact that racism has seeped into nearly every aspect of our society, that it affects sons, daughters, mothers and fathers, may not be comfortable coming to terms with the fact that it is still an important issue that ruins lives. 2) ... Show more content on ... He realized how easily he could die, and how the smallest actions and behaviors that he showed could be fatal. I have had a few experiences that caused me to realize my own mortality all of these times were while I was driving, and I found myself seconds away from an accident. A few times, I had control over the situation the almost accident was my fault. However, there were a couple of times when I couldn t have done anything to save myself this was a terrible feeling and realization. I realized how quickly my life could end, and how little say I had about
  • 19. The Relationship Between School Choice And Segregation School choice is a hot topic at the moment in the politics throughout Texas. Many seem to be against it, but see the benefits in the choice. Through this paper I research what the relationship between school choice and segregation is. Through this paper I will explore the isolation of the English language learning students and the challenges they face because of it. The location of schools and that reflects in their students, policies of the schools, and of the programs that they offer. Literature Review Charter schools enroll larger proportions of minority and low‐income students and smaller proportions of White students than traditional district public schools statewide: African American students make up 33% of the students in Texas open‐enrollment charter schools compared to 14% in Texas public schools, overall. Hispanic students make up 48% of the students enrolled in open‐enrollment charter schools, compared to the state average of 46%. Open‐enrollment charter schools have a higher percentage of economically disadvantaged students (70%) than the state average (56%), a lower percentage of students classified as limited‐English proficient (14%) than the state average (16%), and a lower percentage of students served in special education (10%) than the state average (11%). o Campus charter schools serve predominantly Hispanic and low‐income student populations. Based Resources/documents/charters.aspx ......................................... Housing
  • 20. Effects Of Water Pollution Caused By Fracking Jaslyn Bonilla November 17, 2017 EFL Nancy Forrest Water Pollution Caused by Fracking Can you imagine being able to light your tap water on fire? Water is a critical source used in all areas to support our ways of life. The use of water ranges from basic household need to creating energy. Water is essential for all living things to survive, yet we have companies polluting it. Fracking is causing water pollution for underground and groundwater, both surface water and aquifer water. So what is fracking? According to Manuel, fracking is a procedure used in extraction of natural gas and oil, which may pollute both ground and surface water. The procedure consists of fluids being injected into the bore hole and causes cracks in the formation rocks (Gordalla). During the drilling process, the injection of more than one million gallons of water, sand, and chemicals at a high pressure into horizontally drilled wells as far as 10,000 feet below the surface ground. The pressurized mixtures causes the rock layer to crack. These cracks are called fissures. The fissures are held open by the sand particles so that the natural gas from the shale can flow up the well (Manuel). Fracking contains chemicals designed to increase flow rates, dissolve sediments, kill bacteria, control temperatures, or prevent degradation inside the wellbore (Fracking). In the video Gasland II, fracking waste have identified formaldehyde acetic acids and boric acids.
  • 21. Neoliberalism Is A Political Project For Restore Class Power Neoliberalism has a tendency to increase social inequality and this tendency is no accident. The rich thorough military force political maneuvering and the construction of mass consent decimate social infrastructure and break trade unions and social movements in order to cement class power. Proof that neoliberalism is more about class power than economic efficiency can be found in the numbers. The global picture looks, at least on the surface, to be very bleak. The poorest 40 percent of the world s population accounts for 5 percent of global income. The richest 20 percent accounts for three quarters of world income . Income inequality increased by 32% between 1960 and 2005 in the UK and in the US it increased by 23% . Neoliberal governance often departs from the theoretical template, providing further proof for Harvey s thesis that neoliberalism is a political project to restore class power. These pragmatic departures prove very beneficial to the rich and in turn result in increased inequality and poverty. Harvey argues that neoliberal governance has two fundamental biases which show how favouring class power trumps the theoretical framework. Firstly, in practice neoliberal governance always favours fostering good investment over good business. Second, neoliberal states typically favour the integrity of the financial system and the solvency of financial institutions over the well being of the population or environmental quality . The reliance neoliberalism places on
  • 22. The Death Of Alexander Hamilton Everyone among the revolutionary generation had created their own legacies in fascinating ways, yet Alexander Hamilton drew eyes with his lively and impulsive style. He had an incredible amount of accomplishments from writing fifty one essays for The Federalist Papers to cheating on his wife and publishing a paper about it to prove he wasn t stealing money from the government, but instead paying off his mistress s husband. What a man. For the dinner, my only request is clarification on the events that lead to this death. Hamilton had died in a duel against Vice President Aaron Burr that was the result of decades of political rivalry. A lot of historians argue about his death as the only witness were Nathaniel Pendleton and William Van
  • 23. Computer Security Essay Computer Security Would you be interested in a career where you could make fifty thousand dollars a year right out of college? Would you like to have an extremely secure job? Would you like to create a company as successful as Microsoft or Facebook? If so, a career in computer security may be the field for you. As a high school student, you might be wondering what it would be like to work in the field of networking or database security, as well as compare them to similar fields. Today I will give you some general information that might encourage you to seek a degree in the field of computer science, with a concentration in computer security. My goal is to give you information to help you make an informed decision about whether this... Show more content on ... He had just finished his associate s degree in computer science, and had a few network security certifications. He was looking for a part time job, and had originally applied for a job as an accountant at a bank. After working there for two days, they had a computer failure. When the IT specialist working on it was unable to fix right away, he decided to see if he could help. He quickly found what one of the IT specialists had missed and fixed the problem. Once he fixed their computer system his supervisor started asking him questions about what kind of computers had he worked on and asked one of the other IT specialist to test him to see if he knew what he was doing. Once they checked his basic computer skills they offered him a job as one of the bank IT specialists. Since he hadn t finished school they told him that he couldn t move up until he finished his degree. So, while you might be able to get your foot in the door with some practical experience, the best jobs will go to those that have a bachelor s degree and maybe some certifications in their particular area of interest or specialty. You might be wondering what a security major really does. IT security has to be very careful about keeping their anti virus software updated and secure. There are about a thousand new viruses created a day and it s not unheard of to have tens of thousands created in a single day. A good example of this would be last year s April Fool s Day
  • 24. Linkage Analysis Essay As molecular genetic data became available, studies used them to understand human behaviors. Below I briefly summarize the structure of human genome and introduce the genome wide association studies (GWAS). In humans, 23 pairs of chromosome constitutes the human genome. For each chromosome, the nucleotides on the opposite strands connected together to form tens of thousands of base pairs. Normally, the bonds are either adenine thymine (A T) or guanine cytosine (C G). These construct the double helix DNAstructure. A chunk of a chromosome that relates to certain functions is a gene. The lengths of genes (i.e., a region of DNA) differ. Mutations of genetic variants in genes can lead to diseases or variations in phenotypes. Genetic variants... Show more content on ... Also, the analyzed segments for association studies are at least ten times smaller than the ones used in linkage analysis (10~100 kb vs. 1000 kb). Therefore, although both association studies and linkage studies use the similar method, by scanning a large scale of the known human genetic variants, and finding the significant SNPs that relate to the outcomes, association studies have the larger statistical power and are more popular nowadays. The genome wide association studies apply the association studies to a large portion of the known common human genetic variants. For humans, there are about 8 to 10 million common SNPs for whom at least one percent of the population has the minor allele. The minor allele is the rarely observed genetic variants in the reference population. Mostly, laboratories genotype only about a million of these tag SNPs and impute others. Both the linkage studies and association studies are hypothesis free approach which does not require the a priori knowledge of the biological pathways underlying the study (Belsky and Israel 2014, Manuck and McCaffery 2014). GWAS features of including many genetic variants and being hypothesis free provide researchers with an unbiased and comprehensive method. Only a theoretical assumption is assumed for these association studies: the common disease common variant assumption. This holds that multiple SNPs contribute to a single disease
  • 25. Iran Between Iran And Iran Iran previously known as Persia is not one of the largest countries in the world. It is approximately a little smaller than Alaska by comparison. Throughout the years, Iran was involved in many conflicts while still today holding its own against other countries in the world. Iran is located within the Middle East with the bordering countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Turkey. As early as the period of the Romans, Iranhad many types of leaders, conflicts and enemies in the world. Their government structure is similar to most countries such as the United States and Britain. The only difference is they have one person that has the most power, which is the Supreme Leader. Their untrained military, imported and outdated weapons, and small military force compared to most of the larger countries of the world. Iran has more history of conflict then most of the other countries and still today continues to protect their selves while living in the harsh environment and terrain to their advantage in holding back invading military forces... The geography of Iran is remarkable due to its location in the Middle East. When looking at a map of Iran, you have Iraq, Armenia, and Azerbaijan neighboring the West borders of Iran. On Iran s East perimeter, you have Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. On the South border, you have the Persian Gulf; and to the North you have the Caspian Sea that is one of the largest inland bodies of water in the world. The
  • 26. Domesticated Rats Research Paper Recently, some of the most populated cities around the world are experiencing a rodent crisis . Though they have only been around for a few decades, recent research suggests that rats have learned to adapt and evolve along with humans. As expected, rodents such as rats and mice thrive in urban areas, where humans provide food and shelter. Members of the genus Rattus originate from Australia and Asia. Typically, people confuse rats with mice because they share similar characteristics but, rats can be differentiated from mice. Rats are commonly medium size rodents that have a thin tail and longer, thinner bodies compared to mice. There are approximately fifty species of rats in the world. Rats are commonly found in almost every type of environment ... Show more content on ... Additionally, understanding urban rat ecology can help diminish the harmful effects such as structural damage, food contamination, and disease spread that rats can have on urban ecosystems. The survey results suggested that rat infestations fluctuate seasonally and that there are a variety of environmental factors that may attract rats, particularly exposed garbage, abandoned buildings, and compost. The article also argues that rat infestations are severe in residential areas, commercial areas dealing with food, as well as in neighborhoods of low socioeconomic status. Generally, rats pose at least a moderate health risk to the public and although poison baiting is the cheapest and easiest method of rat control, environmental modification is the most effective way to control rat infestations in the long term (Feng, A. Y., T., Himsworth, C. G.,
  • 27. Meaning of Life and Hockey Essay It may not seem like it, but there are quite a few similarities between the Baliness cock fight and hockey in Canada. The cockfight is a major sporting event in the Baliness community and hockey is a major sport for Canadians. In both, the objective is to win. In the Baliness society a person can t bet against a cock from the family, or village, but can bet against an enemy. One should not be betting against you own hometown team in hockey. 2 roosters have sharp metal spurs on their legs, are to fight until the death. Men surround them shouting for their favorites, placing wagers. Cock has a double meaning of rooster, and male penis. There are the same jokes in America. The baliness word for cock, has other meanings of hero, warrior, and... Show more content on ... There are similar expressions used like roughing and slashing . Canadians love fighting too. Winnings and losing is important in both hockey and cock fighting. Winners celebrate, losers are depressed. Hockey brings Canadians together. It may not seem like it, but there are quite a few similarities between the Baliness cock fight and hockey in Canada. The cockfight is a major sporting event in the Baliness community and hockey is a major sport for Canadians. In both, the objective is to win. In the Baliness society a person can t bet against a cock from the family, or village, but can bet against an enemy. One should not be betting against you own hometown team in hockey. 2 roosters have sharp metal spurs on their legs, are to fight until the death. Men surround them shouting for their favorites, placing wagers. Cock has a double meaning of rooster, and male penis. There are the same jokes in America. The baliness word for cock, has other meanings of hero, warrior, and champion. They are held in arenas, the winner gets to take the loser home to eat. A man will never bet against a family or friend. He will place bets against an enemy. Cocks usually fight against out of town. The owners of cocks are leaders in communities. There was rarely a profit made, it is about status. Cocks represent men and owners. The fate of the cock is the fate of the owner. Hockey and cock fighting are both spectating sports, where we pick a side. There are similar
  • 28. Imagery in The Road Not Taken Essay In Robert Frost s The Road Not Taken , Frost shows the everyday human struggle to make a choice that could change the course of one s life. In his poem, a person has the choice to take one road or the other. One road is worn out from many people taking it, and the other is barely touched, for fewer have taken that road. Throughout the poem, the speaker learns that just because so many other people have done one thing, or walked one way, does not mean everyone has to. Sometimes you just have to go your own way. In the poem, a person is walking along a path in an autumn forest in the early hours of the morning, when he stumbles upon a fork in the road. The speaker wishes that he would be able to travel down both of them, but he has places... Show more content on ... There are many key aspects to this poem. The speaker, or the person who is experiencing the events in the poem, is a traveler walking through the woods. There is no specific occasion, although the poem does mention that the speaker did not have enough time to travel both roads on that one day. The setting of the poem in time is told in the line Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, (1), it tells us that the setting is autumn, because the leaves are changing, and have turned yellow. The setting in place is a forest, although it Frost does not specify where the forest is. In this poem, I believe the theme is that you have to jump at an opportunity when you get it, or you may never get that opportunity again. Moving on to the tone of the poem, I believe that it is wistful, and that the speaker might be looking back on his days, and realizing that he taking the other road might have made all of the difference in his life. There is very good diction in this poem, as some words express Frost s feeling more than other s would ve. For example, in the line Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, (1), Frost really emphasizes the two roads separating from each other. In another line In leaves no step had trodden black (12), trodden is a more appropriate than another word such as crushed or pulverized, because it is the past form of trod, or to step in something, and gives an image of human feet stepping on the freshly fallen leaves. In the poem, many instances
  • 29. Structure And Composition Of Atmosphere Structure and Composition of Atmosphere Earth is the only planet in the solar system known to harbour life. Our planet s rapid spin and molten nickel iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field, which, along with the atmosphere, shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation coming from the Sun and other stars. Earth s atmosphere protects us from meteors, most of which burn up before they can strike the surface. Nitrogen and Oxygen are the predominant gases in the atmosphere, accounting for about 99 percent of dry air. While 1 percent is mixture of all other gases make up the remaining 1 percent. All the gases found in the atmosphere are natural except CFCs (invented by Thomas Midgley, Jr. was an American mechanical engineer and chemist). Exosphere (More than 500 km) Thermosphere (85 500 km) Negative ( ) Lapse Rate Mesopause Mesosphere (50 85km) Positive (+) Lapse Rate Stratopause O3 Layer [where concentration of ozone is 10 ppm (parts per million)] Stratosphere (11 50km) Negative ( ) Lapse Rate Tropopause Troposphere (0 11km) Positive (+) Lapse Rate The atmosphere has a mass of about 4.5 to 5.0Г—1018 kg. The atmospheric temperature, pressure and density vary considerably with altitude. The atmosphere surrounding the Earth from dangerous cosmic radiations from outer space and helps in sustaining life on the earth. The atmosphere plays a vital role in maintaining the heat balance on the earth by absorbing the infrared radiation received from the sun
  • 30. Advantages And Differences Between Netflix And Netflix 1948 was the first year cable services began in the U.S. Since then cable has evolved over the years and is becoming increasingly more expensive annually. Nevertheless, several individuals are still selecting cable as their content provider, when streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon exists. Streaming services are a superior alternative to cable because they are convenient, offers a wide variety of content for a reasonable price, provides content options based on viewer s preference, and they do not have any commercials. Streaming services are convenient for the customers because they can stream the content from anywhere and anytime, and Netflix offers audio description. Cable subscribers can only watch TV in their living room, and if they want cable service in their other rooms, it will cost them additional money. On the other hand, Streaming services subscribers only need internet access to stream content from their favorite streaming site. Also, streaming services are accessible on smartphones, smart TVs, computers, iPad, tablets, and gaming consoles. Thus, consumers can stream content from anywhere. In addition, consumers can download TV shows and movies to their smartphones, if they are traveling, and it is difficult to access the internet. Ledbetter from The Huffington Post reports [Netflix s new feature] lets users watch some of their favorite shows and movies whenever and wherever they want, without internet (1). In addition, Netflix offers an audio
  • 31. Fear of public speaking Essay Your chest is tight and you feel like you re on fire. Your chest is tight ant you re burning up. The flash cards in your hands are crumpled from you squeezing them obsessively. You look up and see dozens of eyes staring at you, waiting expectantly. Taking a deep breath, you stumble through the speech. When it s finally over, you practically run back to your seat, cheeks flaming bright red. You slump down, already dreading the next time you ll have to deal with your upmost fear: public speaking. For as long as I can remember, public speaking has always been one of my greatest weaknesses. Whether it s a simple in class presentation or a speech in front of an auditorium filled with people, I can barely get my words out from the anxietyand... Show more content on ... I used the search engine Google with the search term public speaking fear and it brought up a great deal of interesting websites pertaining to public speaking. The first one I decided to peruse was 5 Tips to Reduce the Fear of Public Speaking on Psychology Today s website. I learned that public speaking is the number one fear in America, while the fear of death is second in line. This means that we re more afraid of speaking in public than we are of dying. I also learned five tips on how to reduce public speaking nervousness. The first one was Don t Expect Perfection from Yourself. No one is perfect but when it comes time to speak in public, some of us pick at every little flaw we think we make. We blow up our imperfections yet ignore the good things. Honestly, though, even the greatest and most experience public speakers can make a lot of mistakes. The difference is, when they do, they re able to gracefully recover and keep going as if nothing happened. That s one of the keys to success: keep going gracefully. Most of the time, the audience won t notice most of your mistakes unless you make them obvious by stopping your speech, breaking down and admitting your mistakes. You just have to carry through with poise and let yourself not be perfect. The second tip was Avoid Equating Public Speaking to Your Self Worth. Basically, if you re a successful professional who s worked hard for where they are in life right now, you
  • 32. Gilgamesh As An Epic Hero Gilgamesh is one of literatures first heroes, and there is evidence to suggest that he was a real historical figure who lived between 2500 and 2700 BC. Gilgamesh is credited with building an immense wall around the city of Uruk, and gradually over the centuries, a 3,000 line epic poem was written around 1200 B.C. As the king of Uruk, Gilgamesh is two thirds god and one third man, exceedingly strong, and a tyrant towards his people. Gilgamesh uses forced labor to accomplish the building projects of his kingdom. As a result, his people pray to the gods for relief from Gilgamesh s harshness. The gods provide Gilgamesh with a Wildman named Enkidu; matched in strength, they become best friends. Together they have many adventures. One venture
  • 33. Theories Of Labelling Theory What is labelling theory? Labelling theory is they theory of how self identity and behavior of individuals may be determined or influenced by the terms used to describe or classify them. It is associated with the concepts of self fulfilling the prophecy and stereotyping. This theory is coming associated with the sociology of criminal and deviance, where it is used to point out how social processes of labelling and treating someone as criminally deviant fosters deviant behavior, which then can lead to negative repercussions for that person due to other people within the society being biased against people being labelled a deviant (C N Trueman, 2016). What is the implication for the criminal justice policy? The implications of labelling theory are that the key idea is that not everyone who commits an offence is punished for it, if a person has been punished for their convictions all truly depends on whether, their interactions with agencies of social control such as the police and the courts, their appearance, background and personal biography and the situation and circumstance of the offence they had committed (Cole, 2017). A lot of agencies of social control have shown that they are likely to label certain groups of people as deviants or a criminal due to either their skin color, neighborhood s and other circumstance that seem not in the norm or to what they believe is socially safe. This can lead social control groups such as the police to seem biased and prejudice. The
  • 34. Health Care Administrator Of A Hospital Disasters as we know it comes on suddenly without warning, it can happen anywhere, anytime or at any hour. In order to regain control of an event is to be prepared at all times. Often, danger occurs, leaving many lives unprepared for catastrophes or misfortunes. As a Health Care Administrator of a hospital it is important to be prepared at all times, not only is it a duty, but it is the job of the Administrator to ensure the safety of its patients at all times. Therefore, it is the Administrator s duty to ensure their team is prepared at all times for any and all disasters. Being prepared for each and every incident that arises saves that many more lives. A conversation about Disaster Preparedness led me to speak with Artie Salter. Mr. Salter is a Fireman/Emergency Medical Technician, who has been an active for the more than 17 years at the Charleston County Fire Department, as the Rank of a Lieutenant. His duty is to respond to emergency calls daily, however his task as a Fireman/EMT is to be prepared to respond to any type of emergency. As a result, some days he responds as a Fireman and on other days as an Emergency Medical Technician. With years of experience, knowledge and understanding of Disaster Planning, Artie has helped to open my eyes to the untold preparation a fireman must endure to protect the community in which we live. There are many days of training and drills that each fireman must attend and pass in order to be prepared for any and every
  • 35. How Balanced Scorecard Is Developed And Acts This essay examines how balanced scorecard is developed and acts as an increasingly important factor in balancing strategic objectives and measure/KPIs tools used in businesses, industry, organizations and government to integrated and aligned business vision and strategy of the organization. The balanced scorecard has changed from simple performance measurement tool to performance strategy, strategic planning and to management system that fit into current rapid change in business environment. However, this essay will only illustrate specifically in performance measurement framework using balanced scorecard and mainly focus on advantages it s contributed to business activities. The limitation and criticism of balanced scorecard as a... Show more content on ... This new type of balanced score card change business s strategic plan from a striking but unreceptive paper into the marching orders for the business on a daily basis. It is a tool that provides performance measurements and further enhances planner s efficiency in identifying the exact things to be done and measured. It gives a clearer view for executives to able to implement its strategy. Drs. Kaplan and Norton (1996) have added this new approach to strategic management by recognizing some weakness and imprecision of previous approaches to form and provides a clearer prescription for businesses that how it should be measured in order to have a more balance view in financial perspective. It also provides feedback from internal business process and also obtains information from external perspective to improve the efficiency of performing strategic movement and results which basically act as a nerve center of a business. According to Kaplan and Norton (1992), financial measurement only gives a clear view of past business activities and story which its investment in that industry. However the long term perspectives in stakeholder relationship are not being value as a key to be success in business environment. Therefore, they further suggest that executive must change in guiding and evaluating their businesses when come to create future value for business by focusing in investing customer s perspective, financial perspective, internal
  • 36. What Is Marie De France s Lanval A New Model Cora Orme Kapelle Medieval Literature 23 February 2015 Marie de France s Lanval : A New Model for Gender Roles in the Medieval Romance Genre Historically, Medieval women had little agency or control over their lives. Parents arranged marriages for political alliances and while the romantic compatibility of the engaged couple was almost never considered, Medieval society often prioritized men s sexual preferences. Marie de France comments on women s lack of agency and the unfulfilling nature of these marital alliances in her unconventional lai, Lanval. Her curious inversion of power dynamics skews the traditional gender roles and reveals flaws within the Medieval ideal of courtly romance. In particular, Marie de France s Fairy Queen starkly ... Show more content on ... In order to fully comprehend the subversive female subject, it is imperative to explore how Lanval s failure to fit the romantic hero archetype renders him more conventionally feminine. Despite his noble lineage and inherent bravery that aligns him with Medieval models of knighthood, the narrator places more emphasis on Lanval s defects and insufficiencies. In particular, Lanval is so unmemorable that King Arthur forgets to financially support Lanval: Women and land / He shared out with generous hand / To all but one who d served. Lanval heOrme 2 forgot: no man helped his recall (Marie de France). Lanval s strong financial dependence on the king (and later the Fairy Queen) liken him to an unmarried womanНѕ he is reliant on powerful alliances for monetary support and validation of status. In fact, Marie de France paints Lanval as quite pitiable and without the capability to independently solve his hopeless situation. He is so morose that he relinquishes his horse, his last financial asset and visible sign of status, to wander the forest and think of his sad plight, He saw nothing to bring delight (Marie de France).
  • 37. Multicultural Competencies The purpose of the research article was to examine the competencies of school counselors when working with the multicultural and sexual orientation of their students. Schools can be unsafe due to bullying and victimization for students labeled as LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi Sexual, Transgender and Queer), as they are more likely to be a target than heterosexual students. They experience varying levels of being sexually harassed, and endure being emotionally and physically abused. Due to the harassment, they endure these children are not attending school, which is affecting their academic performance and how they view their future (Kosciw, Greytak, Diaz Bartkiewicz, as cited by Bidwell, 2012, p. 200). For the last few year s counselors main focus was ethnic minorities and cross cultural population (Bidell, 2012, p.201),... Show more content on ... 200) hypothesized that student school counselors were not appropriately trained or knowledgeable adequately enough to competently counsel multicultural and sexual orientation competencies. Both school counseling students and community agency students were selected, using a cross specialization comparison. A total of 164 participants were selected (43 men and 121 women) between the ages of 22 59 were selected. Each of them had a masters level in school counseling (75%) or agency counseling (89%). Two instruments were used for the study. The first instrument was Multicultural counseling and awareness scale (MCKAS) made up of 32 item self report questions (Ponterotto, Gretchen, Utsey, Rieger Austin as cited by Bidell, 2012, p. 202). Bidell (2012, p. 202) created the Sexual orientation Counselor Competency Scale (SOCCS) to determine the skills, competency, and knowledge of counselors working with the LGBTQ students. All of the students were in their 2nd year counseling internship and were recruited during
  • 38. Bill Bryson Biography Bill Bryson One Summer America 1927 Bill Bryson One Summer American 1927. By Bill Bryson First Anchor Books Edition. (New York: Random House, Inc., 2013. Pp 1+ 509. Preface, Prologue, Epilogue, Acknowledgments, Bibliography, Photography Credits, Index.)Bill Bryson is one of the best American authors of books on traveling. He writes on the subjects of science, and non fiction topics. His experience and knowledge comes from being a chancellor of Durham University and publishing several series about the communication of science. He has been featured in many different newspapers and articles. Bryson is known for his entertaining voyage writing and has printed nonfiction books on the early twentieth century, science, and English books. In Bill ... Show more content on ... He then goes into explaining how Calvin Coolidge lived his life as president and events that acquired while he was in office. While reading his book he stated a lot of interesting facts with detail proving how these events took place. Al Capone was a figure in the Chicago society being known as the great American gangster who had an illegal booze business and caused terror and corruption in the community. Every one of the authors chapters shows the significances in each situation he talks about. Bryson lets the readers know the histories of the prohibition, crime, government, and politics. The Jazz Singer Al Jolson s film Talking Pictures, forever changed motion pictures during this summer. While reading this part of the book we also find out how Al Jolson liked urinating on people as a prank and how he wasn t that stable as a person. Following the summer of 1927 the four most dominant bankers would meet up in an undisclosed area making a decision that will cause an unstoppable depression. Also how the stock market was touching new highs and the evolving of urban development. I found it interesting in how Bryson reflects on how in the late 1920s Americans mutually recognized that Europe wasn t the leader of most significate things or events and more. America was now the leader in the most popular fields surpassing
  • 39. The First American Female Serial Killer Table of Contents Introduction3 Human Development Scale Max Neef3 Protection4 Affection5 Subsistence6 Identity6 Ego Defence Mechanism Sigmund Freud7 Narcissistic Defence Mechanisms7 Immature Defence Mechanisms8 Neurotic Defence Mechanisms9 Mature Defence Mechanisms9 Conclusion11 The person I am going to analyse in this assignment is Aileen Lee Carol Wuornos who was considered to be the first American female serial killer (Anon., 2015). Wuornos was born on February 29th 1956 in Rochester Michigan (Anon., 2015). Her father, Leo Dale Pittman was an alleged child molester and her mother Diane Wuornos was a teen mother who was not capable of taking up the responsibilities that came about with being a mother (Anon., 2015). Wuornos mother abandoned both her and her brother when they were young leaving them in the care of their grandparents (Anon., 2015). Her grandmother was an alcoholic whereas her grandfather abused her both physically and sexually (Anon., 2015). At the young age of eleven, Aileen Wuornos began trading sexual favours for money, beer and even cigarettes (Anon., 2015). This also allowed her to be able to be part of cliques and have a sense of belonging. On March 1971, when she was fourteen she gave birth to her only child whom she gave up for adoption (Anon., 2015). At that same time, her grandmother died of liver failure which led to her grandfather kicking her out of the house (Anon., 2015). She was made wards of the court before she ran
  • 40. Case Study Of Dabur CASE STUDY: DABUR INDIA LTD GLOBALIZATION About Dabur Dabur Company was established in 1884 by Dr. S.K Burman which was trading company, by 2007. Dabur manufactured over 450 products which was sold in the Indian market with the help of network of 1.5 million retail outlets, 47 clearing and forwarding location 5000 distribution channels. Till march 2007, company sales turnover is 22.6 billion INR. They offered the product like hair care, oral care, health supplement, digestive and candies, and baby skin care product. Dabur company had eight manufacturing plant in India, organized around two main factories and six supporting factories and outside Birganj (Nepal), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Dubai (UAE), Cairo (Egypt) and Lagos( Nigeria). Dabur have unique CPG (Consumer packaged goods) peer in India in three ways The products are derivatives of Ayurveda, an indigenous form of medicine. The raw materials are sourced from natural ingredient such as herbs. The products are for and targeted at the mass market. Dabur is one of the few brand in India that has ... Show more content on ... Dabur s niches not only provided differentiation but insulated Dabur from competition. They setup originally as a manufacturer of herbal medicines. Dabur had extended the principles of Ayurveda to personal care. For the Ayurvedic medicines, they setup the platform by which Dabur was launching products which was rooted strong internal research and development (R D), which was promoting their large scale farming. The company had built up skills in product engineering and localization. For example, where large player used coconut in hair oil, Dabur used Amla (Gooseberry), which had roots in traditional medicines. In following there are some point of Dabur s strong research foundation which leads Dabur to the globalization and having leverage in global
  • 41. Gas Cars Vs Electric Cars Essay Electric cars are becoming more and more a part of the world today. Society can see them everywhere, from the streets to TV. Car companies like Nissan and Chevy have their own line up of electric cars that perform well. Now one of the most popular car companies, Tesla, can make the Lamborghini of electric cars. To help lower emission levels and jumpstart the industry, the federal government offers a $7,500 tax credit for buyers of pure electric vehicles (Schaal, 2015). Which brings up some common questions; are all these changes in the car industry a good change from the traditional gas engine and are electric cars truly better than Gas powered vehicles making gas powered vehicles slowly become obsolete. Electric cars barely have any maintenance needed compared to gas powered vehicles. Emissions... Show more content on ... That is additional money out of pocket that nobody wants to pay for in the first place, in contrast with electric cars never need a pesky oil change because electric motors do not require oil to function properly. A few other items an electric motor does not need that a gas powered engine does are: power steering fluid and coolant for the engine. Engine and transmission repairs can cost up to thousands of dollars but since the electric cars don t have either of those they never have to worry about them again. Horn from the article Roadmap to the electric car economy says The electric motor will also last much longer than its gasoline powered counterpart because it contains only one moving part. Since, there is only one moving part to the motor there is a smaller possibility of things to go wrong and need maintenance. This showcasing of the many reasons why electric cars are beating out their competitor because there are less costs needed to maintain the car in a working condition. Resulting in the gas powered car continuing to become
  • 42. The Sincere Hero And His Comedic Predicament The Sincere Hero and His Comedic Predicament The epic poem, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, presents the typical medieval hero going on a ridiculous quest. Gawain exemplifies the five principles of chivalry as he addresses each challenge on his journey, making him a true hero. However, the tale places this serious hero in an absurd situation, illustrating the comical elements the poem holds as well. The measure of an honorable hero in medieval romances is his ability to follow the chivalric code. Five characteristics are typically named when describing this code: friendship, fraternity, purity, politeness, and pity. In this poem, the correlating traits are listed when the author describes the symbol on Sir Gawain s armor. A piece of the sacred knot is said to represent several sets of items and Of the fifth group of five he [Gawain] honoured constantly/ The first four were generosity, good fellowship,/ Cleanness, and courtesy, uncurbed and unimpaired;/ Lastly compassion, surpassing all (651). Throughout his quest, Gawain demonstrates his devotion to chivalry by following each of these values, even when they may seem to contradict. The classic hero s tale is dominated by three major challenges, the first of which is initiated by an intruder in the home. When King Arthur s court is confronted by the mysterious green knight, Sir Gawain begins his adventure by humbly asking for it. He says to Arthur, I am the weakest and the least in wit;/ Loss of my life is therefore
  • 43. Case Analysis Lego A The Crisis 1. From early 1990s to 2004, the Lego Group, a long successful toymaker with a world renowned brand, fell into the edge of bankruptcy. Compared with the highest revenue in 1999, the revenue in 2014 decreased by 35.6% while the net profit was negative, seven times less than that in 1999, the lowest in the past ten years. Its net profit margin and ROE were also the lowest. The gross margin and inventory turnover were all lower than its competitors. The strategic moves in the two main periods growth period that wasn t (1993 1998) and the fix that wasn t (1999 2004) lead to its poor performance. External Analysis Substitutes: High. Fad toys, electronic products, videogames, online activities could easily be substitutes of Lego products. ... Show more content on ... The management shifted its strategy from steady organic growth and profitability into focusing on growth in 1993 and then tried to restore profitability and growth through fitness program and series of changes during the period of 1999 to 2004. The strategic actions deviated from some of the ten principles. The Lego Group tried to catch up the market trends during the period, but they ignored that the industry total profit pool decreased by 50% Between 1999 and 2003. It s naturally for players to reduce mass production and focus on core competency. However, the Lego Group invested significantly in expansion not only in brick based product lines, but also beyond the brick. The expansion was not focusing on its core competency. Instability of the management, laying more stress on general leadership experience, and fitness program led to inefficiency and low moral/accountability among staff. Non outsourcing and in house expansion without cooperating with partners boosted expenses. Two retailing channels were too limited compared with competitors diverse retail channels. More complex design conflicted with automated production line. It largely increased molding cost / production cost and caused an extremely low inventory turnover, much lower than its competitors. Major customers were frustrated by stock out and slow moving inventory. Currency fluctuations was also one of the main reasons for its unsatisfying performance. Therefore, the strategic
  • 44. Decision Of Wanting Computer Programming As A Job Having major impact in today s society is technology; thus, increasing the demand for more people to build, write programs, higher quality, and repair computers; therefore, numerous growth of technology and high demand of programmers. Regardless, of what they do computer programming has requirements; such as, specific duties, and certain working environments that some may not find suitable. This paper will elucidate the important essentials to understand preliminary to making the decision of wanting computerprogramming as a job. Computer Programmingconsists of a wide variety jobs such as, writing code, testing,... Show more content on ... Programmer analyst; identifies requirements by, establishing personal meetings with potential and actual clients, arranges project by analyzing requirements; knowledge of computer capabilities, over all, dealing with costumer opinion and creating new ideas. Senior program analyst, develop and maintain applications, databases, and software systems, by evaluating client needs; they enhance staff accomplishments and answer technical questions for less experienced team members, by teaching improved processes and mentoring team members. Developers are in charge of making the ideas come to life and developing it all; although, all fields write code it s mainly to correct flaws; whereas, developers are the starters of it all and create the starter code. To keep in mind, multiple skills qualify to different collage that s right for that field; although, there may be multiple some skills include with other jobs, so the study is almost beneficial for all computer programming tasks. Average Computer Programmers in the United States make around $58K annually. Earnings generally vary between $34K and $90K per year. Final cash compensation to Computer Programmers varies from around $34K to approximately $90K; choice pay grades include potential for bonuses and profit sharing as high