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My Ideal Person Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "My Ideal Person" may appear deceptively simple at first
glance, as the subject matter seems personal and straightforward. However, delving into the
intricacies of one's ideal person requires a thoughtful and introspective approach that can be more
challenging than expected.
Firstly, defining what makes a person 'ideal' is subjective and varies from one individual to
another. It involves exploring personal values, beliefs, and characteristics that resonate deeply
with the writer. This introspection can be time-consuming and demands a level of self-awareness
that might not be readily available.
Moreover, expressing these thoughts in a coherent and engaging manner requires a mastery of
language. The challenge lies in translating abstract notions of an ideal person into concrete and
vivid descriptions. The writer must navigate through the nuances of language to convey their
sentiments effectively.
Additionally, striking a balance between being introspective and relatable to a broader audience
poses another hurdle. While the essay is a personal reflection, it should also resonate with
readers who may have different ideals. Crafting a piece that is both self-revealing and
universally appealing demands a delicate touch.
Furthermore, maintaining a logical flow and coherence throughout the essay is essential. The
writer needs to ensure that each paragraph seamlessly connects to the next, guiding the reader
through a narrative that is both captivating and meaningful. This requires careful planning and
structuring of ideas to prevent the essay from becoming disjointed.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "My Ideal Person" involves a complex interplay of
self-reflection, linguistic proficiency, and structural finesse. It challenges the writer to articulate
personal ideals in a way that is both authentic and universally relatable. The process demands
time, effort, and a deep understanding of one's own values. However, the journey of self-
discovery within the essay can be incredibly rewarding for both the writer and the reader.
For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services available at
My Ideal Person Essay My Ideal Person Essay
Kern County Fair Research Paper
When people think of the kern county fair, they ordinarily think of rides, food,
maybe concerts. But when I think of the fair, I think about the animals, about
showing animals. For five years I have showed goats at the kern county fair. But
there are many animals that people show like pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses,
llamas, alpacas, and bunnies. Then there is the poultry which is chickens, geese,
ducks, turkeys, and even pigeons. You probably never heard of someone doing
something like this, but let me tell you this it is done all over the united states.
During a livestockshow there is an exhibitor (me) and they are exhibiting an animal,
and that animal is judged on traits specific to that animal. I m doing something
unique, when I show... Show more content on ...
Some people who show get inspired to work with animals in the future. Some of
them end up going to college to become a judge for livestock shows. My friend
morgan who s been showing with my sisters since I was like three, is going Cal
Poly right now for that reason. Doing this activity takes a lot of dedication, from
around May to about October I am waking up early to feed my goats, then working
and feeding them every night. Also I have to weigh them every weekend and keep
track of their weight. Showing and taking care of goats is a lot of work, but in the
end it is so much fun. When you win something big and you know that all your
hard work paid off is the best feeling. Anybody can show an animal, you can join a 4
H club, or when in high school you can do FFA, and doing both clubs will teach and
help you with your project. I love showing and all that comes with it, even the work.
Working with my sisters and friends from my 4 H group on my animals, are some of
my favorite memories. People never really see this part of the fair, but to me it s my
favorite part and always will be. Nevertheless showing will forever be a part of my
life, even when I am not doing it
The Energy Input ( Qin )
The energy input (Qin) required to power the internal combustion engines is
contained in its fuel. In such engines, the chemical energy of the fuel is mainly
converted to shaft energy (BP), energy transferred to the cooling water (Qw),
energy transferred to the exhaust gases (Qe) and uncounted losses (Qu) due to
radiation, friction, heat transfer to the surrounding, etc. In internal combustion
engines, the availability input (Ain) which is contained in the chemical
availability of fuel is converted into shaft availability or useful work (As),
availability transferred to the cooling water (Aw), availability transferred to the
exhaust gases (Ae) and uncounted availability destruction (Ad) due to radiation
friction, heat transfer to the surrounding, etc.Perturbation techniques [Moffat
(1982), Bora et al. (2014)] are used for carrying out uncertainty analysis for various
parameters of engine performance. The relative errors of the independent
parameters which are obtained from the manual of the equipment and a few are
estimated. Some of these are engine speed (0.5%), engine load (0.5%), liquid fuel
flow rate (1%), biogas flow rate (2%), lower heating value (LHV) of liquid fuel (1%),
LHV of gaseous fuel (1%), height of the liquid column (0.5%), emissions (3%), etc.
Based on these, the uncertainty for air fuel ratio, air flow rate, brake thermal
efficiency (BTE) and brake specific energy consumption (BSEC) were found to be
В±1%, , В±0.5%, В±1.5% and В±1.5% in diesel mode and
Essay on Mobile Ice Cream
Introduction Mobile I cream sells home made products from District 1 to District
3 in Ho Chi Minh City. This close corporation opens in three shifts morning (8am
12pm), afternoon (1pm 5 pm), and evening (6pm 10pm). As required by Ha
Mobile I cream s owner, this business report will analyze the general trends on sales
during April and June. The findings will later be used to offer a set of possible
recommendations for expanding Mobile I cream to other districts. Analysis In terms
of sales percentage every shift, afternoon mentioned by 39% of customers with
evening shift and morning shift were given by 34% and 29% (Figure 1). Due to hot
weather in afternoon, people prefer to eat ice cream to cool the inside heat down. An
... Show more content on ...
This zone is one of center districts in which has a plenty number of recreational
activities, including several well known ice cream restaurants. As noted by
Schonberg (2012), Fanny Ice Cream, which opens four sites in this area, is widely
chosen due to delicious flavors. Bach Dang Ice Cream, moreover, is extremely
popular with not only local people but also foreign tourists (Slurp 2005). Although
this restaurant do not have a variety of flavors, it is situated in an easily noticeable
place in the tourist trips. Bud s Ice Cream and Baskin Robbins are also enjoyed
widespread popularity. Euromonitor (cited in Masso Group 2013) states that the rise
of personal income, the massive waves of urbanization, and the expansion of middle
class, are responsible for Vietnamese people willing to spend more money on food
and eating out. Although those restaurants might have a higher price than Mobile I
cream, they usually attract a huge number clients. This can be explained that lifestyle
which being seen at the stores is as important as a wide variety of ice cream flavor.
Mobile I Cream, thus, faces strong competitions from other rivals Social network
would be an effective channel to interact with consumers. They might share their
experiences and give suggestion to their relatives after tasting. Advertising through
social network,
The Ottoman Empire and Judaism
The reason the Jews went to the Ottoman Empire was because the Christians
persecuted them because of their different beliefs. The Jews were so scared of what
the Christians might do they wanted to settle in a safer place which the Ottomans
offered them. The Ottomans offering them land was the best thing the Jewscould have
asked for. The Ottomans offered the Jews protection, offered them communal
autonomy and tolerated their religious practices. The Ottomans at the time had a rule
about non Muslims having to pay a tax, which is called the Jitza. The Muslims
considered Jews and Christians dhimmi or the people of the pact. The dhimmi we
issued to pay the jitza, and where forced to follow these rules; prohibition against
carrying fire arms, against riding horses, against building new houses or worship or
even repairing old ones, against proselytism, against building homes higher than
Muslim ones, and they must wear distinctive clothing. Even after all of these rules the
Jewish community still thrived in the Ottoman Empire. The population of Jews in the
Ottoman Empire was very distinct and was coming from different places. The most
noticeable and most studied among the Jews in the Ottoman Empire were the
Sephardim. The Sephardim had great political and cultural influence on the Ottoman
Empire. The Jews became very valuable to the Ottomans because of the ties they had
with Europe. Europeans brought new languages and technologies including the
newest forms in medicine,
What Is The Theme Of The Golden Lily By Gold Sartin
The devious plot line jumped back and forth in time as to portray the tumultuous era
of Malaysia s independence after World War Two. In the novel, different factions vied
for control of this newly independent country including communist insurgents, British
settlers, Malaysian and the Chinese ethnicities. The communists wanted to establish a
communist regime while the Chinese folks wanted to preserve their economic gains.
The power struggle happens under the eyes of two former imperialist occupying
forces: the Japanese and British. This plot has another added layer: imperial Japan
planned to strip and loot the former colonies of their precious resources and wealth, a
plan called Golden Lily. Tatsuji found out this plan while doing the artistic... Show
more content on ...
Was he really stripped from his position as the Emperor s private gardener or was
he given a special mission to ensure the success of the mysterious Golden Lily s
plan? The question is left up to the readers to decide. In the novel the author only
provides the facts through different characters action such as Tatsuji s research on
the Golden Lily plan. Was the tattoo on Yun Ling a map of the concentration s
camp? Metaphorically it may also represent the mark of the past and the
tumultuous Japanese occupation. Is his disappearance a sign of revolt in the face
of Japanese atrocities or an attempt to destroy the traces of Japanese atrocities
perpetuated in the name of the emperor? Like a boulder, the reader can only see
the visible surface of his personality. Yun Ling mentions: he turned to me, touching
the side of his head lightly. At that moment it struck me that he was similar to the
boulders on which we had spent the entire morning working. Only a small portion
was revealed to the world; the rest was buried deep within, hidden from view. He is
the picture of an ideal spy: he is one of the main characters in the novel but we don
t see his true personality; he remains a shadow like those in Plato s cave. Is it a
sign of denying the visible collective guilt? This novel may be the antithesis of Ruth
Ozeki s work A Tale for the Time Being when Ozeki tries to explain or show the
Japan s reason to attack America
How Did Levis Impact The World
Levi Strauss woke up one day, not knowing that he would impact the world
forever. You maybe be asking, What in the world did Strauss do? He was the one
who invented Genes! (Or What we call nowadays Jeans.) Here is some back
information about Levi Strauss life. He was born February 26, 1829, in the city of
Buttenheim, Germany. He has six siblings and he was the youngest. Growing up
in Germany for him was hard because he was Jewish. When Levi was sixteen, his
father passed away from a disease. This was the time where he moved to America.
After a few years, the Gold Rush came into play. He decided that it would be good
opportunity to make a business. So he moved to California to find some inspiration.
In the 1850 s he moved from New York to California where he opened a shop selling
supplies to miners.... Show more content on ...
He was making covers for the 49ers but then he decided to make pants instead. He
didn t think that this would make an impact. It was just one of the normal things
that people sold in the shop. He named the jeans Miners Pant s and that s where
everything started. But people saw it as something different. Miners loved the
pants so much it became super popular. In a matter of time, Strauss was working so
hard for everyone to get at least one pair. Soon he edited his pants once again and
started to use blue denim (Which are pronounced Genes in French but in English it
is Jeans ) for his pants. Then soon in 1872, Jacob Davis, a Nevada Tailor, sent a
letter. He requested something that he couldn t do. Adding rivets or what we know,
pockets. Jacob didn t have the money to complete the patent process so he decided
to tell Strauss. And so, the jeans we know and love were
Treblinka Extermination Camp
An extermination camp in Poland built in 1942 in addition to the pre existing labor
camp that killed over 900,000 prisoners. It served as a Nazi killing center for
deported citizens from ghettos and other camps that became overpopulated. It was a
specifically chosen location due to it s an environment it was able to conceal the
In the spring of 1942 Treblinka a mass execution facility was operational. The camp
was carefully selected to obscure from the nearest city. It was located in North
Eastern region of the Generalgouvernement near Malkinia Gora Poland. The area
was within a heavy woodland not exposing the countless murders that had taken
place. The camp was built by German construction firms out of available resources
from the wood. Primarily, the workers building the death camp were Jews brought
in trucks from local neighborhoods. A track was later constructed for the arrivals of
deportees and the shipping of the Jews belongings. The camp s first commander was
Dr. Irmfried Eberl but was relieved of his commission by Christian Wirthafter an
inspection of Treblinka. A massive break in the extermination process causing chaos
so Christian Wirth extended his ... Show more content on ...
The demographics changed after the liberation of the survivors by the western
allies. Riots still continued postwar over the return of Jews. Many groups and
organizations were formed to assist survivors in rebuilding their lives. The
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee provided Holocaust survivors with
food and clothing. ORT another major support group helped in rehabilitating people
through training. Jews were given a haven in Palestine as a Jewish state.
Discrimination remained in some parts of Europe that still upheld Nazi s beliefs not
all Jews could leave since legal immigration opportunities were limited. Many
Holocaust survivors were able to immigrate overtime all over world to regain the
lives they once
Which Of The Following Is An Example Of Act
Utilitarianism is a theory in which individual act in a manner that will produce a
greatest happiness or pleasure and that yield lesser pain or negativity. It also consist
theory of good and right. In utility ethical theory it is believed that whatever action
we portray should always yield higher positive results than negative results. Example,
if anyone wants to cut his hand and his action does not cause harm to anyone, if he
derives pleasurein it than pain it is consider utility. The principle of utility is divided
into action and rule utility. Act utilitarianismis focused more on the consequence
because it is believed that action done by individual will automatically yield results
depending on the action taken it can be positive consequence
Stock Valuation
STOCK VALUATION 1. Common stock valuation A share of common stock is
more difficult to value in practice than a bond, for at least three reasons. First, with
common stock, not even the promised cash flows are known in a advance. Second,
the life of the investment is essentially forever, since common stock has no maturity.
Third, there is no way to easily observe the rate of return that the market requires.
Nonetheless, as we will see, there are cases in which we can come up with the
present value of the future cash flows for a share of stock and thus determine its
value. Cash Flows Imagine that you are considering buying a share of stock today.
You plan to sell the stock in one year. You somehow know that the... Show more
content on ...
From Chapter 6 (Example 6.7), we know that the dividend on a share of preferred
stock has zero growth and thus is constant through time. For a zero growth share of
common stock, this implies that: D1 = D2 = D3 = D = constant So, the value of the
stock is:
|P0= |
If the dividend grows at a steady rate, then we have replaced the problem of
forecasting an infinite number of future dividends with the problem of coming up
with a single growth rate, a considerable simplification. In this case, if we take D0
to be the dividend just paid and g to be the constant growth rate, the value of a share
of stock can be written as:
|P0= |D1 |+ |D2 |+ |D3 |+... | |
| |(1+R)1 | |(1+R)2 | |(1+R)3 | | |
|= |D0(1+g)1 |+ |D0(1+g)2 |+ |D0(1+g)3 |+... | |
| |(1+R)1 | |(1+R)2 | |(1+R)3 | | |
As long as the growth rate, g, is less than the discount rate, r, the present value of
this series of cash flows can be written very simply as:
|P0= |D0(1+g) |= |D1
Essay Designing Babies
Designing Babies
Should we be designing babies? Designer babies are people who are genetically
modified before birth, (as an embryo) to change their sex, looks or possibly even
Since the DNA code was cracked a couple of years ago, it has been made possible to
change a human embryo by injecting genes into it. These injected genes can change
the sex, looks and personality of that particular child when he / she is born. For
example, you can currently choose the sex of your child in the USA although it costs
a hefty $ 2500.
Are these designer babies improving on nature? Improving on nature is a step
forward for the human race; in a word, evolution. Are we, by designing and ... Show
more content on ...
The concept of designer babies has been around for a long time. You only have to
look at works of fiction such as Brave New World and Frankenstein to see the
interest such a topic creates in people s imagination. Now that this science has
become a reality, it is increasingly possible to see the advantages such a process will
have for future generations.
Probably one of the most compelling arguments for the genetic engineering of
humans would be the recent high profile case of the Hashmi family. Nobody
following the case could fail to be moved by the genuine love and concern the
Hashmi s have for their dying son Zain.
Without the birth of their designer baby, which by necessity would have a bone
marrow match, Zain s life would be short lived due to his rare genetic blood
disorder, Thalassaemia. The Hashmi s used a relatively new treatment called Pre
implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), to insure that Zain s brother would have a
compatible blood type before he was replaced back into the mothers uterus using IVF
Some people think that the Hashmis are putting an unnecessary burden on this child
for the rest of his life, but I am left thinking that the Hashmis will love and care for
their new child, as much if not more than many of their critics love their own children.
This new technology also allows
The Role Of Community In George Orwell s Nineteen
In the society named Oceania, magnificently crafted by George Orwell in his
dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty Four, the leadership of the controlling party,
Ingsoc, claims to be ameliorating the lives of all people living under its
benevolence. However, the degree to which each individual benefits from Ingsoc s
largesse, varies depending upon a person s status within Oceania. For example, the
simple prole, short for proletariat, resides at the bottom of Oceania s social heap
and is the largest Ingsoc group. In the middle strata, are the educated workers called
the Party comrades. Near the top of the pecking order are the elite Inner Party
members, comprising the smallest group within Ingsoc. Lastly, Big Brother, who
may be merely a symbolic figurehead, sits at the vertex of this society, seemingly
serving as the supreme leader of all of Oceania.... Show more content on ...
However, Winston s journeys into prole neighborhoods also clarify the lives led by
the swarming masses of the lowest class. Throughout Orwell s novel, the proles are
portrayed not only as a lesser, dirtier class, but also as ultimately the most likely
source of people capable of toppling the dictatorship. Higher ranking Party members
fear that the proles will rebel against the unfavorable rulings of Big Brother. However,
in Winston s internal personal struggle with the established dictatorship, he
recognizes the need for the masses to rebel against authoritarianism.Thus, in the novel
Nineteen Eighty Four, the author clarifies distinctions among the classes for the
reader, while for the characters in the book, the Party leadership attempts to
obfuscate those very same class distinctions. By reducing the visibility of such
distinctions to the members of its society, the leadership is able to perpetuate its
power and dominating life at the
Tolerance In To Kill A Mockingbird
As much as people try to avoid it, fact is that no one in this world is born equal;
there is always something unique that sets one different from another. It is those
differences that require us, as Barbara Jordon says, to accept people who are
different that ourselves. Jordan emphasizes the importance of tolerance and how it
helps us develop into better societies and people. During the 1930 s, different races
in the United States were being discriminated against their skin tone and placed on
separate levels. In more modern times, people were still being criticized for having
different ideas and while acting upon them. Even all the way in Iraq, discriminationis
presented once again towards Jews and their independent country. Anything
contrasting oneself will never be the same as he or she would like, creating a
necessity to tolerate. Barbara Jordan s quote helps reveal that tolerance is essential
to avoid conflict, to unite with others, and to change for the better. The award
winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, teaches through the
eyes of a young girl that problems originated from intolerance. Atticus, a man
defending a negro, poses to the jury the idea why the case is unfair. He argues that
The state has not produced one iota of medical evidence proving Tom guilty and in
turn has relied instead upon the testimony of two witnesses , whose claims have been
flatly contradicted by the defendant (Lee 271). To translate, the accusation was
The Other Wes Moore Essay
The Two with Different Paths How do two boys with the same name who live
within the same community end up with lives on two completely different paths?
The author, Wes Moore, begins life in a tough Baltimore neighborhood and ends
up a Rhodes Scholar, Wall Streeter, White House Fellow, etc. The other Wes Moore
starts in the same place in Baltimore but ends up in prison FOR LIFE. The parallels
in their stories aren t quite as compelling as they may appear initially. For example,
the other Wes Moore spends a number of his developmental years living in the
Bronx, NY, whereas his namesake never leaves Baltimore and its suburbs. Though
Wes Moore is shipped off to military school (after his antisocial behavior in a
privileged... Show more content on ...
Tony felt his little brother s life could be saved, even if he felt his own had already,
at age fourteen, passed the point of no return. (Moore 27). On the other hand, Wes
Moore has no such close relation or relationship dragging him down. While Wes
Moore was able to change his situation and begin to make better decisions, the other
Wes Moore was never able to accomplish such task. During one of their
conversations, the incarcerated Wes said, From everything you told me, both of us
did some pretty wrong stuff when we were younger. And both of us had second
chances. But if the situation or the context where you make the decisions don t
change, then second chances don t mean much, huh? (66). In the same conversation,
about Вј of the way into the book Moore realized an important aspect in life, I sat
back, allowing Wes s words to sink in. Then I responded, I guess it s hard
sometimes to distinguish between second chances and last chances. (Moore 67).
There comes about a discussion on when Wes Moore and the other Wes Moore think
they became men . Wes Moore thinks he became a man when he, First felt
accountable to people other than myself. When I first cared that my action mattered
to people other than just me (64). The same Wes later explains that he had, No official
ceremony that brought my childhood to an end.
Electronic Milk Tester by Reil
This is a study made during training at the organization. The source of write up is
company and internet. I hereby do not take any disclaim of content of matter. It
should be used for reference and study purpose only. Introduction Rajasthan
Electronics Instruments Ltd. was founded to aid in the upliftment of the rural masses
by enpowering them, making them self reliant and upgrading their living conditions
by taking electronics to the villages. Rajasthan Electronics Instruments Ltd. (REIL)
has a prominent place amongst the electronics industry of Rajasthan. The company is
a joint venture between the Government of India the Government of Rajasthan,
through their respective institutions. The company was conferred the status of a...
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The operations started with the Electronic Milk Tester, under technical collaboration
with A/S Foss Electric of Denmark, and assembly of Electronic Milk Tester (EMT) in
SKD form, from kits supplied by the collaborator, initially. The Company has rapidly
absorbed and assimilated the technology, successfully indigenized the product, and in
response to customer requirements, designed it on micro controller technology to suit
the needs of the Indian customers. Thus, the auto zero EMT was introduced in the
market in the year 1990. The Company has also successfully integrated the products
into a more versatile system, developed in house through it own development efforts,
called the Milk Collection Station. MANUFACTURING INFRASTRUCTURE: The
Company has a state of art manufacturing facility at its works, for electronic products.
The plant is equipped with modern equipment including component preprocessing
systems, automatic semi automatic component insertion machines, Wave Soldering
machine, Automatic Cleaning System, Advanced Testing equipment, Fault locators,
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes, Soldering/De Soldering Stations. In order to maintain
appropriate temperature levels, clean conditions and uninterrupted power supply, the
plant is equipped with centralized
English Is A Global Language
English is a global language in the earth Language is a form of communication
between human beings. There are hundredths or thousandths of languages in all
around the world. Everyday people communicate in different forms using language ,
Everyday people communicate in different forms using language. Out of all the
languages, there is one common language used by everyone which is English . The
English that is now used as an international language around the world . English is
currently spoken by between 1500 and 2000 million people , in hundred of countries .
Of the reasons for the spread of English in the world association drawing, and they
relate to scientific and technical Communion, association with education and
employment , And to what extent the impact of the spread of English in the world ,
English is the main language of world publishing, science and technology,
conferencing , and computer storage as well as the language of international air
traffic control. English is also the central language used for purposes of international
communications, and international politics , business communications, and academic
communities. English is an official language or is predominantly spoken in the
following countries : in Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia (Australian
English), the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Belize (Belizean Kriol), the British
Indian Ocean Territory, the British Virgin Islands, Canada (Canadian English), the
Cayman Islands, the Falkland Islands,
War Narrative
It started out as yet another wet and sloppy day in the camp with nothing to do. I sat
in my bunk listening to my buddies talk amongst themselves about the crappy
weather and the war. They chatted about the normal things; all of them wanting to
finally get home and be dry, but all of them knowing that it would not happen any
time soon. As I sat there in my hard cot, my minddrifted off to the fond memories of
home in Iowa. I remember my sister and my two brothers and recall the great times
we had together. I can still picture the looks on the faces of my family as I left them
that day and also the face of my dear wife, Chris. Oh, how I miss them all so much
and I know that I have to make it back to them. I also think about my job back at
home at the truck and trailer repair shop and the... Show more content on ...
I remember how everything happened so quickly in the months leading up to the
war. It all started with the days of the draft in 1969. I sat and listened to all the
dates being called out and finally, I heard my birthday. My heart sank, while I stood
shocked and I just stopped thinking and moving. Life, however, didn t stop with me
and the time before being brought in for the first round of training came by like a
rocket. There was hardly anytime to blink prior to the first day of training. Training
was a very hard and rough experience, especially, due to the fact I was not a good
runner. I can still faintly feel the in my arms from the numerous pushups and physical
activities that we endured. Beyond the physical pain, came the mental and emotional
strain of getting ready for a war. I was only 19 years old at the time and had not really
had a chance to grow up. So I had to quickly learn how to be self sufficient and learn
how to take orders in order to survive. Following the six weeks of initial training, I
quickly married my high school sweetheart Chris. Not long after came time to leave
for the real war and head towards
How Did Cromwell Influence A Country
Cromwell, Oliver (1599 1658), led the armed forces of Parliament to victory in the
English Civil War in the 1640 s and ruled England from 1653 to 1658. He had an iron
will and was a military genius. Few leaders have inspired more love and respect or
more fear and hatred.
Cromwell was born in Huntingdon, England, near Peterborough. He came from a
wealthy and influential family. Cromwell studied at Sidney Sussex College in
Cambridge, but his father s death forced him to leave before getting a degree. In
1628, he was elected to Parliament. During the 1630 s, Cromwell became a dedicated
Puritan. Puritans were Protestants who strongly believed in the right of people to
follow more simple forms of worship and church organization than those of ... Show
more content on ...
Some of the independents, whose supporters included the chief officers of the army
of Parliament, favored formation of a republic governed entirely by Parliament.
Fighting between the king s sympathizers and the Independents broke out in 1648.
Cromwell supported the Independents and put down the revolt. Soon afterward,
Parliament s army seized Charles and removed the Presbyterian members of
Parliament. Cromwell was a leader in the king s trial and execution in 1649. England
then became a republic called the Commonwealth of England. In the next two years,
Cromwell crushed uprisings by Scottish and Irish forces and defeated an army loyal
to Charles Stuart, son of the executed king.
Parliament s failure to adopt major reforms upset Cromwell. In 1653, he dismissed
Parliament and ended the Commonwealth. Cromwell s military officers then prepared
a document that made England a Protectorate. Cromwell became its chief executive
with the title of lord protector.
After Charles s execution, England became a republic called the Commonwealth of
England. A committee of Parliament ruled the country. Cromwell ended the
Commonwealth of England in 1653, as I previously stated by forcibly disbanding the
Long Parliament. The Parliament was called Long because part of it had been
meeting since 1640. England then became a dictatorship called the Protectorate, with
Cromwell as lord protector.
The Nature Of Auditors Professional Scepticism
Professional scepticism (PS) is critically important to the way in which auditing is
conducted. It is also an essential component of a qualified auditor. The prior
literature (Hurtt et al, 2013) argued that PS can be influenced by various factors,
which arises the question regarding how PS should be positively perceived and
effectively conducted in practices. Professional scepticism is defined as an attitude
combined with a questioning mindset and a critical way of thinking towards auditing
practices (Nelson, 2009). However, there is a divergence among practitioners and
academia of how PS should be perceived and practiced. Neutral approach was
suggested by early auditing standards while presumptive doubt is growing under ...
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It is also widely asserted that skeptical mindset is critical to performing a rigorous
and prudent auditing with due professional care (Holm and Zaman, 2012). In
addition, the extent to which PS should be applied is vital for an auditor since it
impacts both the accuracy and efficiency. Having too little of it will bias the
accuracy while too much will lead to extra human effort and cost. The effective
balance between risk and efficiency is the essence. In practice, there should be a
limit on the level of details an auditor can possibly reach and on the extent the
auditing should be conducted to.
Neutrality is the essence of unbiased scepticism. According to CICA handbook
(2003), an auditor is required to perform with a questioning attitude, having in mind
that there may be the existence of financial misstatement. It also indicated that being
skeptical requires critical thinking upon evidence obtained through the auditing
process, and is alert for questionable documents regarding the entity representations.
However, it does not mean an auditor should be obsessively suspicious about
anything. Instead, it is suggested to have the capability to reach the balance without
speculated dishonesty or unquestioned trust. An objective evaluation should always
be guaranteed, and a neutral auditor should always present a suspension of judgement
until having evidence or proving the otherwise.
The above perspectives were supported by various literatures. One
Martin Luther s Catholic Beliefs
Martin Luther, a name that would be fairly familiar to most people, but why? Why
do so many people know about him, and what did he actually do? Those are the
topics that will be discovered, because he did many amazing things. He questioned
the catholic beliefs, proved that we are saved by grace and not by works, and he
also allowed the world to make religions of their choice instead of being forced to
Catholicism. When talking about Luther s view on Catholicism, it is a very mixed
topic. The reason for this includes that fact that he actually grew up a catholic, and
then later in life became a catholic monk. So he initially devoted his life to being a
catholic, but soon after doing that, he realized his full potential. Instead of just... Show
more content on ...
He had studied the Bible, and knew that this was not an act that they were told to
do. He knew that God would never want anyone to do what the Catholic Church
asked people to do. They would sell holy relics that would symbolize Christ, or
God, and people would be obliged to buy these so show their honor to God
( The Catholic Church would also sell indulgences to
people. These were the worst of all, because they literally did nothing other than
give the church money. From how far the church strayed from what the Bible
actually told the people to do, Martin saw the flaws and knew he had to change
something. He made it his goal to expose what the church was doing, and tell the
people how they were being manipulated. He proved that, For it is by grace you
have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of
God (Ephesians 2:8). Last of all, the biggest way that Luther affected the church, is
the way he freed everyone from Catholicism. Luther did not say that Catholicism
was evil, though he did enable it for others to study on their own, and he also made
it so that they were not forced to be a Catholic, and they could be any religion that
they chose. Now before Luther, pretty much everyone was forced to be a Catholic,
so when the option of changing religions came up because of
Crime Recidivism And Its Effects On Society
It is estimated that 1% of the population is psychopathic and yet, they commit more
than 50% of serious crimes and their crime recidivism is three times more likely
than other criminals (how to create a psychopath). It is irrefutable that despite the
fact that psychopaths do not comprise much of the population, they are dangerous
and menacing to society. Their crimes are callous and gruesome, and often have a
profound impact on society as psychopaths prey on as many people as they can,
particularly vulnerable people, until they satisfy their needs. They cannot seem to
distinguish between moral and conventional transgressions. To them, everything is
conventional. They have little or no morality due to the fact that their frontal lobe
is malfunctioning and fails to restrain them from harming someone or committing a
crime. Justice provides a security blanket for all members of society. They desire
that sense of safety and knowledge that the world is in order. Psychopaths walk
among us and some are dangerous which causes a dilemma for society whether to
lock them up and achieve justice for society or allow them to roam freely to achieve
justice for psychopaths as a minority. Psychopaths continue to pose a threat to society
primarily due to the fact that they suffer from a severe personality disorder that may
cause them to act on their malicious whims at any time. Psychopaths seem less
threatening to society when they are out of sight and locked away. Psychopathyis one
of many
Classify Abnormal Behavior
Usually when we think of a person with a mental disorder, we think of someone
with a severe intellectual disability or psychotic killers like Charles Manson.
However, psychological disorders are not always that dramatic or clear cut. Some
of the people with these disorders may even be your co worker, your dentist, your
teacher, or even someone in your family. The question of what classifies as a
mental disorder is often difficult to answer. What I think is normal, you may not.
Abnormal Behavior can be defined as behavior that causes people to experience
distress and prevents them from functioning in their daily lives (Feldman, 2015, p.
450). Psychologists use many criteria to evaluate and diagnose people with abnormal
behavior. They use a detailed system called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM 5), devised by the American Psychiatric
Association, to define and classify abnormal... Show more content on
Psychologists consider behavior to be abnormal if it is distressing to the
individual or others around them or if it is dysfunctional, or impaired (McGraw
Hill, 2015). A behavior is thought to be dysfunctional if it causes harm or
interferes with the person s ability to function in everyday life (McGraw Hill,
2015). For example, someone who does not eat for religious reasons is considered
normal whereas someone who refuses to eat in order to watch their weight is
considered dysfunctional. Also, a behavior is abnormal if it deviates from
accepted sociocultural norms or is highly unusual (McGraw Hill, 2015). For
example, a woman who prays to a higher being is normal. However, someone who
hears and responds to voices when they are alone is considered abnormal. Normal
and abnormal behavior fall at two ends of a continuum, so it is hard to clearly decide
whether a certain behavior is completely normal or
Alexander Hamilton s Contribution to America Essay
Introduction According to Scott (2008), the Constitution of America has undergone
several translations within the history of America because they found it to be unclear.
Whereas it appears discrepant that the unclear Constitution could be useful, the
disagreement is the case (Robertson, 2005). Americans regard the Constitution to be
helpful for the reason that it allows for diverseness of views. In the history of
America, a variety of thoughts would develop with alarming and formidable support
through various factions (Robertson, 2005). Today, the main political arguments are
presented from the Republican group or Democratic group. During the early periods
of the American government, arguments on politics were made by Thomas Jefferson
... Show more content on ...
In the American nation, he developed love of regulation, efficiency and organization.
Hamilton strongly showed that America must possess credit for the development of
government operations, trade, industry and business activities. He stressed the
importance of the central government to take over the debts of the state that were
unpaid in the Revolutionary period (Scott, 2008). The central government was
endorsed by the American Constitution to charge and collect taxes as well as pay
liabilities (Robertson, 2005). Such operations can be professionally handled by a
central bank. Therefore, Hamilton was characterized by thinking creatively and
critically as he observed the potential of the trade industry s immense power
(Pancake, 1974). On the other hand, Thomas Jefferson was a great personality but
did not stand out within his nation, which was observed by Americans as
insufficiency of objective (Scott, 2008). Actually, Jefferson was not deficient of
objective because he strongly fought for independence within the American nation.
Jefferson strongly wanted the power of economy to depend on the sector of
agriculture (Pancake, 1974). However, he realized the need for change and provided
a support for the farmers to participate in the extension of global market. Jefferson
trusted in the capability of American nation to create strategy
Ecology Lab Report 2 Scientific Method on Birds
Ecology Lab 2 scientific method of birds
In today s lab we learned about the scientific method and a hypothesis. We talked
about how ecologists have an issue when experimenting because they cannot control
some environmental factors. Therefore the probability of repeatability in an
ecological experiment in often minimal. We then went into talking about the
importance of an experimenter s hypothesis. We summed up a hypothesis as just
being an assumption that could be put to the test. After we talked about some
examples of a hypothesis we went into talking about the different types of research.
For my two experiments in today s lab I used natural experiments. A natural
experiment is one of the most relevant types of experiments an ... Show more content
on ...
For my own ecological experiment and hypothesis I came up with the idea that
blue birds hang around my garden because they like to eat the beetles that are
around my tomato plant. There numbers would be reliant upon how high there
source was, for example the more beetles there were, the more blue birds would be
there. A natural experiment would be more favorable than a lab experiment because
this is happening in nature. I would have to collect the size of the garden, the
number of tomato plants, the number of beetles collected at a certain time, and a
field camera to count the number of times a bluebird swoops in. I think stratified
random sampling technique would be the best because the number of tomato plants
could impact the number of birds and beetles. Season would also be an important
factor for this experiment. I would expect there to be more birds, beetles, and tomato
plants depending upon the size of the garden.
I think my first experiment with bees could be improved several ways. We could
collect the certain type of flowers that the bees were at. Collecting the certain type
of bee could also prove useful. We could go into great detail of what type of bees
were attracted to what type of flower. Adding in what type of weather and what
type of day got the most bees present around the flowers. I could even add in what
types of bees were around what type of trees.
I could improve
Ethics and Reproductive Technology Essay
Ethics and Reproductive Technology
Reproductive technology has come a long way in the last twenty years and
continues to make expansive advances. The question where do babies come from
is becoming harder and harder to answer. The response used to sound something
like when a man and a woman love each other very much #8230; now with in vitro
fertilization, fertility drugs, and sperm/egg donors as well as future advances the
answer will take on a new twist #8230;they go to see a doctor and look through a
catalog to pick what kind of baby they want. That is already true to some degree
today. If a man or a woman is infertile they can look for sperm or egg donors, try
fertility drugs or use in vitro fertilization to bring ... Show more content on ...
New technological advances will lead to more exorbitant fees, which will in turn
cause a reduction in the amount and types of people that can afford these new
procedures. Will future generations of natural births then be lorded over by a
genetically enhanced master class? Will these future perfect people segregate
themselves from the flawed human class of today? Will they be at an advantage in
the society? Another moral and social problem that arises from this genetic
donation is the loss of the ability to trace genetic lines. If a man gives a sperm
sample about three times a week, and each donation is split up into three samples, he
has the potential to father a dozen children in one week alone. If this matter is
shipped all over the country between different sperm banks how can we keep up who
is from what genetic descent? This can quite possibly lead to inner familial (in the
genetic sense) marriages, causing many genetic defects in future generations. These
new technological advances can actually hinder the human race.
With the completion of the Human Genome Project rapidly approaching, the scenario
becomes even more farfetched. Don t want your child to need braces? Why then
you can just pull out the gene for crooked teeth and replace it with the gene for a
perfect smile. Does diabetes run in your family? Well then just check out your
unborn child is a carrier for the disease and remove the gene
Pride In The Song Of Roland And Beowulf
Pride usually carries negative connotations. It is an arrogant, malicious trait which
can lead to a person s ruin. Pride, however, can also be a source of positive
motivation. It can encourage its host to perform great feats and thus obtain honor.
This duality possessed by pride can be examined in two famous Medieval poems, The
Song of Rolandand Beowulf. The protagonists of both poems suffer their demise
because of their insatiable pride. However, in both works, this hubris is perceived
differently. Indeed, Roland s pride causes the death of the forty thousand men
encompassing the rearguard army, and yet no resentment is shown towards him. On
the contrary, he is buried and honored like a saint, the holiest of heroes. Beowulf
disregards exhortations... Show more content on ...
Heaven swallowed the smoke. (Beowulf, ll. 3151 55)
In this harrowing lament, there is no inherent sorrow for the loss of Beowulf s
life. The pain felt by the Geats is selfish and they have no other choice but to be
selfish. They are completely alone, left in a mortal coil of despair, without any
sanctuary, hope or release. The sentence Heaven swallowed the smoke is an
allusion to this very idea, for Beowulf, now made smoke by the crimson fire of the
pyre, has forsaken his Geatland for the next life. This abandonment is a direct cause
of his stubborn, insatiable pride and the Geats are aware of this.
This resentment is apparent in the words of Wiglaf, who reflecting on the way
Beowulf died, says, Often when one man follows his own will, many are hurt. This
happened to us. Nothing we advised could ever convince the prince we loved...
(Beowulf, ll. 3077 80) This is not the only mentioning of the dangers of rigid
arrogance, for the poet foreshadows the ruin that will befall the nation due to
Beowulf s foolish ego. While celebrating the defeat of Grendel s mother, Hrothgar
interrupts the cheerful mood of the feast and warns Beowulf of pride and
callousness. He gives his own experience with Grendel as a testament to the horror
such arrogance can cause not only to one s self but one s people. Obviously.
Beowulf does not follow the exhortation, and not only does he meet his demise, but
ensures his people s end as
A Brief Note On The Chesapeake Bay Game
In the UVA Chesapeake Bay Game, I was assigned the role of a Crop Farmer
number for the the Potomac River watershed. In the Bay game, the crop farmer
controls several things, including the type of farming used, the number of acres
used for each purpose, and the option of buying new farm equipment ( UVA Bay
Game , 2016). The types of farming used in the bay game are conventional high
yield, best management practices (BMP), advanced BMP, and sustainable ( UVA
Bay Game , 2016). These farming practices range from very poor for the Bay s
health to the most beneficial. Conventional high yield farming produces the largest
volume of crops, however uses pesticides and fertilizer that are detrimental to the
Bay s health ( UVA Bay Game , 2016). Sustainable farming is the most beneficial
for the Bay as it puts a diverse population of plants together in order to reduce
runoff, however it is more costly and has a lesser crop yield than the other farming
practices ( UVA Bay Game , 2016). The crop farmer also has an option to choose
how many acres will be used for planting, fallow land (land reserved for the next
year to maintain nutrients), and cover crops that will be used as a more natural and
environmentally sound option compared to other fertilizers ( UVA Bay Game ,
2016). From the role of a crop farmer, my goal twice a week was to maximize my
revenue while being mindful of the environmental impacts I was creating. Other than
the first simulation of the bay game, where I chose to
Esther, Research Paper
Old Testament Survey
Prof. Brian Moulton
Angela Bando
March 17, 2013
Subject/Theme of Esther: God will bless the people abundantly for the prayers
and good deeds of His elect people.
While there are many hidden intents of thought in the book of Esther I affirm that the
strongest theme in the book of the Bible is that of God s providence.
We continuously see in the book of Esther God s grace shown towards those who
call on Him. God sets Esther on the throne as queen, saves Mordecai from Haman s
anger and saves the entire nation of Israel from Haman.
All the same, we see the people fasting before God for three days, we see salvation in
the nation of Israel as well as them praying and ... Show more content on ...
The results of Esther were so significant for Israel that they started the Feast of
Purim, which is still celebrated to this day among the people of Israel. We should
work as if it all depends on us, and pray because it all depends on God.
Five Spiritual Applications From Esther:
1: Trust in God No Matter What the Circumstances Are:
2: Take Action knowing that with the Lord on your side, you are unstoppable. Real
faith is active and not passive.
3: Pray, Pray, Pray. God says to pray without ceasing and without faith it is impossible
to please God, because He is a rewarder who diligently seeks Him.
4: Do not Compromise your Faith for any Reason. Faith without works is dead!
5: Celebration and Feasting Should take Place after a Victory. When the Prodigal son
returned, his Father killed the fatted calf and held a party!
Extensive Outline of Esther:
A: Esther becomes Queen (Chapt 1 amp; 2) 1: Vashti displeases Ahasuerus 2: Esther
finds favor 3: Esther is chosen
B: Mordecai s role (Chapt 2 amp; 3) 1: Guardian of Esther 2: Discovers a plot against
king 3: Displeases Haman
C: Esther and the King (Chapt 4 amp; 5) 1: Hears of plan to destroy Jews 2: Asks for
banquet with King and Haman 3: Fasts and prays for her people
Tvtc Case Study
TV service is a lot more complicated now than when viewers were limited to three
major networks and a fuzzy UHF station broadcasting Japanese monster movies.
Choosing a DirecTV package can be confusing, so Warwick Valley Telephone
Company, the premier satellite television, DSL Internet, and telephone service in
Warwick, NY, offers the advice below to help you choose an affordable TV package
that meets your needs. For over a century, WVTC has been providing tri state area
customers with the clearest signals and most dependable communications. Consider
the following when choosing a DirecTV package: Set A Monthly Budget First,
decide how much you can afford to spend each month. Take into consideration that a
DirecTV package might reduce your
The Code Of Ethics Of The American Association Of
A nurse is given an opportunity to help patients, either if its by helping them
through a very serious sickness or just helping a patient get to the bathroom on
time, or a time when happiness is overfilling the room and a child is being born.
Registered nurses provide a wide variety of patient care services (Mitchell, p.12).
A Nurse must always know where to begin and where to stop, as any other career
in the health field there is always something that cannot be done by everyone but
only the certified person, a nurse must always remain inside her scope of practice to
prevent any misunderstandings. A nurse must also follow a code of ethics , the code
of ethics of the American Association of Medical Assistants states that a nurse should
at all times render service with full respect and dignity of humanity, respect
confidential information obtained by a patients file, uphold the honor and high
principles the profession and accept its discipline, and last but not least always want
to improve her services to better serve the health and well being of the community.
(Mitchell, p.65). Registered nurses can achieve many education levels and can attain
many specialties. Nurses can ether be in direct contact with patient or work behind
the curtain in management. A nurse can do many different things in a day which is
made up of the location of the worksite, which could be a hospital, clinic, long term
care facility, school, prison, or patients homes ( Mitchel, p.13). Registered
The Main Causes Of The Great Depression
1.The main causes of the Great depression were mainly sparked up in the 1920s. It
was not just one thing that caused America s economy to suffer drastically. In fact,
there were multiple causes that contributed to the Great Depression, such the Wall
Street crash, Farm overproduction, and finally Reduction in purchasing. FDR was
president and enforced New Deals that helped get the U.S out of the Depression.
The Wall Street crash was one of the biggest contributors to the Great Depression. It
was when the stock markets crashed on October 24, 1929, banks announced that
funds will be available to be sold as stocks. Within 5 days the market will still
decreasing and by October 29, 1929, the market fully crashed, and they couldn t stop
the sell off. Which resulted in the economy losing more than $40 billion. Because
prices fell due to the rapidly increasing unemployment and decreasing in production,
which left the prices higher than their actual amount which contributed to the
Another factor that contributed to the Great Depression was the farm
overproduction. Throughout the 1929 farm incomes began to drop because of the
surpluses and over productions. In 1920 an acre was $69 it continued to drop until
$31 in 1930. Agriculture was already in a depression before the Great Depression hit
and it lasted until 1939 during the outbreak of WWII. The income for a family in
1929 was around $750 but for farm owners, it was around $273. Agriculture was a
big problem due to 30% of
The Bible and How Satan Came to Be
Introduction: I have heard that Satan has come from heaven but was never really
sure. So for my research paper I asked where Satan came from and how he was
created. Answers for this question are found in many places in the Bible. Satan was
one of the highest angels until was overcome with pride. He was thrown out, and
hell was created. Hell was first for Satanbut was then opened for everyone when
Adam and Evesinned.
Bible section: There are many verses in the Bible that show how how Satan came
to be. Some of them are not straight ford but some give a good description. Most of
the verses that describe where Satan comes from are in the book of Revelation. In
(Revelation 12:3) Satan appeared as a 7 headed dragon that had a crown on every
head. He became so jealous and full of pride that he threw a rebellion against God.
Isaiah 14 says I will raise my throne above the stars of God. (Isaiah 14 12 15 NIV).
A war broke out in Heaven, Michael and his angles fought Satan (Revelation 12:7).
This next verse proves that Satan is truly evil, It says Its tail swept a third of the
stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the
woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment
he was born. (Revelation 12:4 NIV) That clearly shows that he wants nothing good
for us and wants to destroy us. Hell was originally for Satan only, but in Genesis
God gave us the choice to live in eternally in heaven or go to hell. The
Persuasive Essay On Smart Roofing
We all come to the same conclusion when we look over our bills: every little bit of
savings adds up. Energy prices are doing anything but going down, and a key way
to save on this expense is by installing new windows in your home. Whether it s
cold or warm air that you re trying to keep out, drafty windows make your air
conditioner or heating appliance work overtime. Smart Roofing, LLC is here to
help! Servicing the Des Moines Metro and state of Iowa customers for over a
decade, Smart Roofing is much more than just a roofing company. They are here to
help with all of your exterior solutions. From gutter installation to siding, they will
help with any remodeling job! To make the process of replacing your windows easy
and hassle free, Smart
The Economic Impact Of Amoebic Dysentery
There are no definitive metrics on the economic impact of amoebic dysentery. The
disease mostly afflicts children in farming communities whose source of drinking
water are streams, rivers and ponds. Knowledge of the economic cost of diarrheal
diseases in the developing countries, on the other hand, offers rough estimates of the
cost of amoebic dysentery. It worth mentioning that about 40% of the diarrheal
diseases in the developing countries is attributable to amoebic dysentery according to
a paper presented at the 28th African HealthSciences Congress, Mauritius, July, 2008.
A study done at a Dr. George Mukhari Hospital, a tertiary level hospital, Gauteng,
South Africa, estimates the total hospital and professional cost... Show more content
on ...
The latter, facilitated by specific lectin, adhere to and colonize the intestinal mucosa.
The usual incubation period for Amoebiasis is about 10 days, but it can range from a
few days to years. Patients present with cramping abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea,
weight loss and fever. Fulminant colitis with systemic manifestations is rare. It
presents with a sudden onset of severe bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, and
peritonitis with fever. young age, pregnancy, corticosteroid and impaired immunity
are disposing factors. Life threatening intestinal perforation and toxic Megacolon
may ensue, necessitating surgical intervention. Mortality from fulminant colitis may
reach 50 %. Untreated intestinal Amoebiasis may proceed to chronic colitis
presenting with recurring bloody diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. From the
intestinal mucosa E. Histolytica trophozoites follow two paths. Some of them
develop into cysts and get excreted in the feces to be recycled while others invade
the intestinal mucosa and enter the bloodstream. Blood circulation enables the
parasite to disseminate, invade and destroy the liver, lung, and other organs.
Breakdown of tissues is a result of both cytolysis and apoptosis. The former is
carried out by Amoebapores, a group of peptides secreted by the organism that are
capable of creating holes in the cell walls. The parasite induces apoptosis through
both a1 receptor pathway and the
Problem Statement For Condominium Management System
CGNB413 (IS)/CISB423 Project Proposal Form
A.Student details
NameHairul Shameen bt Ismail
Student IDIS092496
B.Project description
Proposed title
Condominium Management System
Problem statement
Recently, the number of condominium are increasing rapidly and hence there is a lot
of strain on the people who stay there and system are not usually used in this context.
The management usually use the manual way to solve the problem. These manual
way lead to many other problem and increase the cost of the management as they
need a lot of thing to do.
The problem can be seen from 2 perspective, which are :
1.Administrator it s difficult for them to deliver the information and announcement to
all the tenant as they need to print it and put ... Show more content on
User tenant/ resident. They do not have all access. They only can view function that
only for user.
C.Project timeline
The development of the system are through procedures, steps and reports. For the
FYP 1, all the development are based on paper work and will be implement soon on
FYP 2. It will be used as a guidelines to create the system which will be develop on
For FYP 1, activity that need to do is project proposal, introduction about the project,
analysis and system requirement, report and submission. The total duration to
complete this project is 15 weeks. Below are explanation about the project:
1.Project proposal plan for the project
2.Project introduction explanation of the project which include problem statement,
background, objective and scope.
3.Analysis and system requirement conduct some survey to collect more information,
perform benchmarking. All these input will improve the system.
4.Design produce necessary design to model the system and create design for
5.Presentation presentation of the aid of poster.
6.Report more explanation about the project so that it will be easily to
Internet Communication as a Tool for Qualitative Research
Research Method 1
Running head: Research Problem and Method Paper
Internet Communication as a Tool for Qualitative Research Research Problem and
Method Paper Abstract:
While calloborating on the research community, the World Wide Web has opened a
different perspective and provides access for data collection. The Internet user can
now engage in research on a world wide, low cost, almost instantaneous scale and in
ways which potentially overcome some of the barriers imposed by more conventional
research approaches. However, this idealistic view some what obscures both
methodological and ethical difficulties ... Show more content on ...
In contrast, their are also people who spend their time viewing merchandise and
making purchases online. Generally speaking, using the technologies for transmission
as well as information gathering. The Internet may also provide social spaces and
this consist of relationships, communities, and cultures emerging through the
exchange of text and images. When social spaces take place, this could happen
delayed time sequences or real time. There is a long tradition of social interaction
and community development based on the capabilities of the Internet. On the other
hand, while speaking of short terms, the Internet can be perceived as a set of
technological tools, a complex network of social relations, a language system, a
cultural milieu, and so forth. Quote, The way one defines and frames the Internet
influences how one Research Method 4
interacts with Internet based technologies, as well as how one studies the Internet.
The Internet as a Research Tool:
People might naturally or deliberately perceive the Internet as a tool for receiving and
sending information. Moreover, to extend one s physical reach to connect with
others, to and from, between multiple cultural fields, or performing multiple tasks
simultaneously. From this perspective, users tend to
The Role Of Heroes In The Odyssey
What Makes a Hero?
What makes a Hero? We all have potential, potential to become firefighters, surgeons,
accountants, or anything we set our mind to. At times in life, some of this potential
appears or disappears from events or conflict. Heroes are born and destroyed in
conflict. The Odyssey has many heroes and antagonists. Some characters are great
heroic men and women that can conquer any obstacle in their way. Odysseus,
Telemachus, Athena, and so many others are described as Heros in The Odyssey. But
what about the other characters suffering? Are they Heros? Penelope is a hero that
does not appear to be heroic. She uses her wits and cunning to enact plans and
schemes to keep the suitors at bay. Like Odysseus, she also follows the hero s ... Show
more content on ...
This means that everything happening to her and the journey she is going through
is happening psychologically and she had no control over the events. She is called
to adventure when Odysseus leaves for Troy. She must begin to make it on her
own until Odysseus gets back. Her mentor is Athena, goddess of wisdom, but she
doesn t know it. Athena watches over her and nudges her in the right direction all
the time. An example of this was when The goddess Athena with her blazing eyes
inspired Penelope, Icarius daughter, wary, poised, to set a bow and gleaming...
(The Odyssey Book 21 Lines 1 3) Her first threshold takes place when the suitors
begin to eat her food and demand for a hand in marriage. This happens years after
Odysseus left. People begin to believe he is dead and step forward to take his
place. The arrival of the suitors is also the first test of the friends and enemies, or
the maids and the suitors. Some of her maids stay loyal, and some leave with the
suitors. Soon she enters the belly of the whale or the lowest point of her journey,
this was when Telemachus left for Troy. She is now all alone as far as family goes,
but when Telemachus comes back she is rebirthed, and she finds her elixir. In this
case, her elixir is the hope of Odysseus return. In The Odyssey, Penelope is said to be
a very smart person. The story even says discreet Penelope (The Odyssey book
Theories Of Conspiracy Theories
According to the Oxford Dictionary a conspiracy is: A secret plan by a group to
do something unlawful or harmful and The action of plotting or conspiring
Cambridge Dictionary seems to take similar approach; it says that a conspiracy is:
the activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal.
Based on these two definitions we can draw up a theory that a conspiracy theories
are stories or plots of sinister and illegal events or deeds committed by evil people
(sort of villains) to harm the humanity. Slightly different approach to conspiracy can
be found in the Rough Guide to Conspiracy Theories by James McConnachie and
Robin Tuge. They write that: To conspire once meant to breath together . It is an
image of the most intimate and secretive complicity, perfectly conjuring smoky
political backrooms, sinister whisperings... Show more content on ...
But all these definitions listed above have something in common; They state that
conspiracy is illegal and harmful act of plotting against someone or some group. It
is always done in secret. That is why so many people come up with so many
different and wild conspiracy theories. They think that the knowledge of a true
nature of a certain event is hidden from the society and they look for the most
possible (or improbable) explanation. Jessie Walker, a writer interested in
conspiracy topic, has created five basic kinds of conspiracy theories: The Enemy
Outside a group of villains scheming outside community to harm it. The Enemy
Within conspirators mixed with ordinary people, undistinguishable from them. The
Enemy Above people in power that are manipulating law and the system for their
own good. The Enemy Below people of lower classes conspiring to overturn the
social order. The Benevolent Conspiracies a group or forces that work secretly to
improve the world and help
Charles Dickens Great Expectations And Oliver Twist
People tend to naively see orphans and those without caring families as hopeless
and loveless creatures. However, the benevolence of strangers can easily prove such
thoughts wrong as people can provide an abundance of support and love to those
with no blood relation to them and can embrace strangers as family. Charitable
strangers can also teach children to act with benevolence and give them an
honorable role model to follow. These acts of kindness can drastically change the
character of the poor child. In Charles Dickenstwo novels, Great Expectations and
Oliver Twist, Dickens challenges the conventional idea of parentage and suggests that
through generosity anyone can become a guardian and have a major impact on the
emerging... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, when Oliver, once again, falls ill and appears to have committed a
crime, strangers nurture him back to health and tend to him like family. Oliver is
eager to serve [Rose and Mrs. Maylie] with his whole heart and soul after he
realizes that their charity had rescued [him] from misery, or death, demonstrating
how much of a positive impact people can have regardless of their blood relation to
someone (Oliver Twist 294). The altruism of Rose and Mrs. Maylie inspires Oliver
to act selflessly, cleansing the orphan of the evil that Fagin had begun to instill
within him. Mr. Bumble predicts Oliver will hang and the other street urchins see
him as a willing assistant to their capers; however, through the moral guidance of
Rose, Mrs. Maylie, and the housekeeper, Oliver remains untainted by crime,
epitomizing the power of magnanimity on even a vagrant child. Overall, through the
compassion shown by the two women, readers see how loving strangers can still rear
a child and save him or her from corruption.
Orphans or those in dysfunctional families can still have a proper upbringing by
someone who cares for them, even if those people are not blood relatives. In
Dickens Great Expectations, Pip has no family to care for him but an
uncompassionate sister; however, he still receives good moral and practical guidance
from others around him: I [Pip] reflected that
Technology Affects Our Lives And The World
Technology continues to influence our lives and the world. Hence as technology
continues to advance so will the healthcare industry. Technology has become the
center of our lives. Thus we are incessantly hooked to our cell phones, the internet,
and all things technology related. Technology deviates the way humans function and
interconnect with each other. The human civilization has become technologically
driven, and we yearn for more intuitive innovations, modernisms, apps and new
technologies. Moreover, with this new optimism, improvements in technology can
change lives, not just socially, but mentally and physically to renovate health care.
With technology, physicians can digitize humans making it possible to monitor every
heartbeat, blood pressure, body temperature, glucose level, the rate and depth of our
breathing, brain waves, oxygen concentration, and muscle activity, all the things that
make us tick as living beings. By interning at Sector Wide Health, a healthcare
company, our mission is to empower physicians and health care professionals to take
the leap and move forward with newer, proficient technologies. These technologies
will allow healthcare professionals to augment and transform health care, and thus
this paper in cooperates a brief reflection on two videos relating to technology and
healthcare and my self reflection on leadership style theory and management. We live
in the modern era, where technology is always driving being involved with our health
Exploring The Negative Effects Of Maternal Obesity
Nusrat Jahan
Nicole Garret
WRT 102
Exploring the Negative Effects of Maternal Obesity Obesity in pregnant women is a
global concern. In The United States, obesity is a critical public health issue one in
every three women is obese (Masho, et al). This issue becomes crucial in the context
that 36% of pregnant women in the United States are obese (Shub, et al). Studies
show a strong association between maternal obesity and health risks during pregnancy
and labor. In addition, a disconnect in perception and awareness exists such that
most obese pregnant women who gain weight during pregnancy underestimate
their Body Mass Index (BMI); and also have poor knowledge about the risk
associated with obesity. In our time period, there is a significant increase in the
average body index in all age groups and most commonly with the women who are
entering their reproduction age. According to the article, Weight Gain During
Pregnancy , a normal weighted gravida, or pregnant woman, has BMI of 18.5 24.9
Kg/m2, over weight gravida has BMI of 25 29.9 Kg/m2, and obese gravida has
BMI of 30 and greater Kg/m2. Obese pregnant women face many critical health
risks compare to normal weight pregnant women. In the study Maternal Obesity a
Global Health Problem and Its Implications on Maternal and Fetal Health , by
Hashmi and his colleagues, they aimed to find out if obese women were at greater
risk of having adverse reproductive outcomes compared to women with a normal
BMI. By using
Educational Inequality In The United States
Educational inequality is the difference in the learning results, or efficacy,
experienced by students coming from different groups. Access and opportunity for
education was not a right equally given to all people in our country. From the
beginning of our nation access to public education was reserved for whites only and
was forbidden for enslaved and free blacks. After Emancipation, when some public
and private schooling was made available to African Americans, black children were
segregated into under resourced schools. Due to circumstances that kept most African
American families in abject poverty, the masses of black children encountered
structural barriers that prevented them from gaining a complete formal education.
Education is one ... Show more content on ...
Based on the fact that majority white students are in advanced courses compared to
black students, the stereotype that only white children were qualified to take
advanced or gifted courses resulted. Social behavior is driven by these learned
stereotypes, in which, if a child is never aware of these opportunities are made to
believe that they are not superior at a young age, their academic choices and
performance reflect it as they get older and move up in school. For example, Tyson
indicates that gifted placement in elementary or middle school is a gateway to
higher level courses in high school. Furthermore, exposure to rigorous academic
materials and instruction in the early grades may better prepare students to master
challenging material later and to perform well on standardized tests. Teachers and
counselors may also be more likely to steer gifted students toward advanced classes
because they hold higher expectations for these students than they do for non gifted
ones (Tyson 146). The inequality of black access to gifted education compared to
white access is drastic and shapes the overall track for a child s educational pathway.
Institutional racism, which refers to the norms, practices and policies within an
institution that promote and maintain a racial hierarchy that continues to advantage
the white race, while disadvantaging and discriminating against other racialized
groups is the cause of this continual cycle
The Boston Massacre and Other Contributing Factors of
The Boston Massacre and Other Contributing Factors of the Revolutionary War
The Boston Massacre was not the only cause of the Revolutionary War. There were
many events before and after that also contributed to the start of this war. They were
the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Declaratory Act, Townshend Act, Quartering Act, Tea Act,
the Boston Tea Party, and Coercive Acts. One of the first taxes put on the colonies by
Britain was the Sugar Act.
The Sugar Act of 1764 was to raise money to help Parliament run the colonies. This
act put a tax on goods such as molasses, coffee, and sugar. It also required shippers
to have a detailed outline of their cargoes. Smugglers could also be tried in admiralty
courts. If convicted, the offenders lost ... Show more content on ...
The Townshend Actswere the next taxes to be levied on the colonists.
The Townshend Acts of 1767 taxed imported goods such as glass, lead, paper, paint,
and tea. Colonists used these items every day, but they were not made in the
colonies. Townshend appointed a Board of Customs Commissioners and tried very
hard to collect the taxes. However, these commissioners were crooked and trapped
merchants by allowing minor things to go unpunished for a while. Then, when the
merchants were used to doing business this way, the commissioners cracked down on
them. They also brought false charges against shippers for smuggling. The colonists
responded by organizing a boycott. So, in order to enforce the Townshend Acts the
Quartering Act was passed.
The Quartering Act was a difficult law for the colonists to accept. It required them to
support British soldiers stationed in the colonies to enforce the many tax laws. The
colonists had to take the soldiers into their homes and provide them with food and
lodging. In Boston and other cities, the colonists resented these unwelcome guests.
This resentment led directly to the Boston Massacre.
The Boston Massacre took place on the evening of March 5, 1770. It had two sides
to it, the colonists side and the British side. The colonists said the people were out
for a Sunday stroll when British Captain Thomas Preston gave the order to fire
outside the British Customs house and killing many innocent people. The British side
Fitbit Case Study
FitBit FitBit contributed much of their own success to the Scaled Agile
Framework (SAFe). SAFe has been a successful story for us. It allowed us to grow
our team in a seamless way that integrated cross functional groups and aligned with
the company s long term strategy. Fitbit has grown significantly since we adopted
the Scaled Agile Framework, and we were able to scale the process and still deliver
high achievement every PI. My VP calls it the scaffolding that has helped moved our
team forward. Damian Brown, Sr. Director of Program Management Office, Fitbit
(Brown, n.d.). Arguably one of the best forms of customer oriented adaptive planning,
exercise company FitBit realigned their strategy to compete in the recent trend of
wearable technology.... Show more content on ...
However, the rapid advancement of smartphone technology and app development was
a threat to the company. In other words, smart phone compatible wearable technology
was on the horizon of FitBit s impending doom. Competitive forces, such as the Apple
Watch and various devices through AndroidWear, were beginning to tap into the
wearable technology industry. This meant early FitBit products were going to be
competitively outmatched by superior products. The most significant differentiator
was the ability to receive and respond to smartphone notifications. However, other
differentiators were mainly aesthetic features FitBit was capable of implementing.
As a result, FitBit released 4 new products during the 2016 holiday season. FitBit
improved, offering an extensive line of smartphone compatible activity trackers
capable of tracking steps and activity, calories burned, sleep monitoring, reminders to
move, motivation and rewards, and much more. To supplement the devices
capabilities, FitBit launched their mobile on Apple s App store and Google Play. A
truly Agile practice of software development, the FitBit app updated with features
and bug fixes on a regular
The Effects Of Yoga On The Mind Body Spirit About A
The review of literature on the benefits of yoga show the importance that exists
between the mind, body, and spirit. This review conducted shows the significance of
link between the mind body spirit about a person s overall health.
Diversity in yoga including type, intensity, and duration are what play significant
roles in the levels of perceived health benefits in comparison to traditional exercise.
Thus, far stress reduction seems to be the most proposed benefit associated with yoga
therapy, even though time constraints are the most common barrier. Due to the
foreseen benefits of participating in yoga practice, this should generate an increase on
the need of yoga to improve overall health status.
As we continue to understand the important and vital role that yoga practice has will
hopefully continue to emerge in Western culture. As indicated from research, yoga
plays a significant role in the reduction of stress management and reduction of risk
factors in chronic disease. In comparison to traditional forms of medicine, yoga can
be an integral part as a holistic alternative.
Yoga has been shown to affect not only mind, body and soul but overall general
wellness. Yoga can affect a multitude of reactions in the body and reap positive
benefits on the muscles, organ systems, glands and quality of life.
Although this literature review shows the potential benefits of including yoga as a
part of general fitness, there still lacks enough research to warrant its impact. For us
Postmodern Influence On Revelations
The first model proclaims that revelation only conspires in scripture and doctrines
of the church. These statements were greatly active in the Roman Orthodox, which
is set that those Holy Spirit powers were given due their time. Contradicting, these
models did show the grace of God in past times, it fails to show postmodern views
in which revelation has occurred in today s society. The second contends on an idea
of studying history, that will convey a form in revelation in due time. History does
repeat itself in many cases, though it does not hinder any spiritual guidance. Learning
from history will draw people more close to the word, though revelation could happen
when Godwants it. For example of John, when he was cast to Patmos, while if
The Negative Effects Of Smartphones And Social Media
In the world we live in today everyone is connected to one another through their
smartphones and social media, Although this has had positive effect on the world i
believe that the negative effects outweigh the positive effects. The extensive use
of smartphones and social media have made it harder for students to gather and
obtain information due to their dependence on technology to easily gather it for
them. Studies have shown that the increased use of social media and smartphone
have lead to mental health problem among teens. With everyone so worried about
their facebooks and instagrams they haven t been able to learn how to properly
socialize with other people. Smartphones and social media have negatively
affected students ability to obtain information, alter their emotional stability, and
negatively influence their social skills. Smartphones and social media have made
gathering information difficult for people in living in the world because they rely
on their smartphone and other technology to obtain the information the need for
them. This has affected people s ability to read and absorb information from long
articles or book where they actually have to take the time to read them. In his
article Is Google Making Us Stupid? Nicholas Carr argues that the use of
technology has made it harder for him to read books or other long articles stating
My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and i d
spend hours strolling through long stretches of prose. That s rarely the case
anymore. Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages (Carr
314). This quote is talking about Nicholas Carr s inability to concentrate on long
piece of writing like he used to be able too. Carr blames this on his use of
technology stating I think i know what s going on. For more than a decade now, i ve
been spending alot of time online, searching and surfing and sometimes adding to the
great databases of the internet... Research that once required days in the stacks or
periodical rooms of libraries can now be done in minutes (Carr 314). Nicholas Carr
states this to put into perspective that technology is reducing the time and
concentration it takes to research information the one
The Effects of Gatorade on Athletic Performance
When athletes are training or competing, it is apparent that they sometimes benefit by
consuming various drinks that contain water, carbohydrate and electrolytes. This can
assist and improve an athlete s performance, and it may reduce physiological stress on
an athlete s cardiovascular, central nervous and muscular systems. During endurance
events Gatorade is an effective drinkto have in order for the athlete to sustain their
maximum energy throughout the competition. Gatorade has been proven to reduce
the risk of hyponatraemia, improve endurance performance if consumed during
training or competition and it allows fast release of fluid to the tissue as well as
rapid fluid absorption.
Hyponatraemia is a disorder in fluid electrolyte stability that results in an unusual low
plasma sodium concentration. A continuous decrease in plasma sodium
concentration upsets the osmotic balance across the blood brain barrier, ensuing in
an direct entry of water into the brain. This causes brain swelling and a flow of
gradually more severe neurological responses such as confusion, seizure, coma which
can result in death from break of the brainstem. The faster and lower the blood
sodium falls, the greater the risk of life threatening consequences. (Eichner, 2003).
Athletes who drink too much water before and during exercise (high endurance) in
warm and humid weather are at a higher risk of developing hyponatraemia. In
addition, bigger athletes are not resistant to hyponatraemia but smaller
Brief Summary Of The Stefanie Coleman Case
Stefanie Coleman (Coleman) provided the following information:
On March 28, 2017, Agent Kelly Birch met with Coleman. The interview was audio
recorded. This report is a summary of the interview and not a transcription.
Coleman provided that she worked at the Fort Gibson Nursing Home for
approximately two years off and on.
Coleman provided that she does not work in the kitchen or dining room area. She has
witnessed residents spill drinks on themselves but not coffee. Coleman then said if
someone split something hot on them an aid would pull them out and tell a nurse to
check them and see if they are burnt. When I asked Coleman if she ever witnessed
that, she stated, are we talking about the resident that got burnt by the coffee?
An Hour Tone
The short story The Story of an Hour is written by Kate Chopin. This story is about a
married woman named, Louise Mallard, who learns about her husband s death, and
through the poem she discovers the positives of this incident. She gradually learns the
restrictions that have been lifted and the new opportunities that arise due to her
husband s death, however, the story ends by her getting a heart attack when she sees
her husband still alive, the story throughout is written in third person point of view.
Furthermore, Chopin believes that marriagecan be very restrictive on woman because
of the dominant role the male plays in the relationship and this is shown through the
tone and literary features of the poem.
First, the tone of the poem ... Show more content on ...
The metaphor in the quote storm of grief , presents a sorrowful tone because it
displays the tragedy and misery she experiences due to her husbands passing,
however this tone lasts only for a small part in the beginning in the story and soon
changes into a tone of elation. Furthermore, the symbolism in the line blue sky
showing here and there through the clouds [...] shows the hopeful tone as it
conveys how the blue sky begins to emerge from the darkness of the clouds. The
clouds are used to symbolise the husband s death and how the grieve she
experiences due to this incident begins to vanish as the sky clears up. This
symbolises the hope that Mallard begins to attain, and this device is used to hint at
the increased opportunities and benefits she will gain by being alone and gaining
independence. Moreover, the realistic tone is later presented at the end of the story.
The dramatic irony in the line of the joy that kills is a powerful indicator that shows
restrictions that are placed on woman. This line is ironic because the readers know
that she did not die because of the joy when she saw her husband but in fact the shock
and disappointment
Cookie Ethics Case Study
Background Cookie technology involves creating a digital copy of your
consciousness and placing it into an empty portable electronic device. The cookie
are initially self aware and conscious and can function in various ways including
running a house, receive everything to your liking, force confessions from
criminals, potentially assist in finding out the wishes of dying patients, and other
functions (Brooker Tibbetts, 2014). The cookie is sometimes reluctant to give into
their new reality of working for the person they were created from. This results in
someone coming in to assist the cookies to dealing with their life and how to
manage. The advanced technology allows the helper to advance time at a great speed
months or years at... Show more content on ...
When going through each of the questions in the ethical tool, the questions What
are the rights afforded to the user? required a more in depth answer. It was
determined that the user would have full control of who and what can access their
cookie and how the information will be used. The other yellows were simple yes
and no s, all of which were successfully answered on the condition that the cookies
will not cause harm to the person, that all users will be treated equally, and that
there will be no bias against the users that opt out (depending on if this feature is
available or not). Even if these 3 conditions are not met, we still reached the 9 out of
12 limit moving us on to step
Myth Of Meritocracy
Is the myth of meritocracy more prevalent for minorities?
The myth of meritocracy has been proven true in multiply sources. Studies have
hypothesized this before when relating to upward mobility. Upward mobility in the
last forty years has been more and more unlikely for years and years now. Factors
like race, socioeconomic status, household makeup, and economic conditions of this
country play a big role. I will go more indepth about this study by showing more facts
in the following paragraphs.
The American dream for years has been see known to be something that anybody
can achieve with hard work through all obstacles. For most of Americans,
especially minorities, this does not occur. The notion that working hard will get you
somewhere with your merits does not face up to the statistics. But despite all these
statistics, facts, and evidence, people, usually minority, aspose these talking points
non stop. Matter of fact, the average person has a little chance of mobility or stay in
the same socioeconomic class. In my own personal life, I have yet to achieve the
American dream. My own parents have are janitors and grew up in poverty. You can
say that they themselves are clear example of the difficulty of achieving success
solely on meritocracy. Now you might ask what is your definition of the American
dream? For me, the American dream is about owning a home, having enough money
to not struggle to buy food, clothing, and decent water for not only me but my
wonderful family as
Process Essay-Giddy Up Cowboy
Giddy Up Cowboy YEEH HAAA! We all have watched those crazy western, old time
movies, and wanted to be able to get on and ride off into the sunset just like the
Indians, cowboy or the wanted rebels. Don t even shake your head, you know you
have. Well just your luck, I am here to help you out with that. Getting your horses, or
a donkey works too, ready to ride can sometimes be a dreaded process however; once
you re on, and have the wind in your hair and the cold crispy fall breeze on your face,
it will all be worth the extensive process it takes to go through. Okay first you have to
retrieve or fetch your animal of choice you are going to be riding, such as a donkey
or a horse. I would prefer a horse, but it s your right as an American to choose.
Catching the horse/ donkey will not always be easy and may end up being the
hardest part of the process. If the animal is not locked up in a small area they may
choose to trot around, this would cause... Show more content on ...
This part should not just be a two minute process. This is when you make your
connections with animal you will be riding. For most they already have a
connection, but for you who are just now starting this hobby, this is a crucial part;
unless you want to be on the ground half way through your ride. So when you are
grooming your animal of choice, take time to talk to them. They won t understand it
obviously but certain key words such as, good or their name they will pick up. While
talking make sure you are actually grooming them. It is extremely important to get
two certain places which includes: their hoofs and their back where the saddle is
placed. If you were to forget every other spot somehow, you would make it out
alive. The one last thing to include with grooming is to make sure you use fly spray.
This is a key step! Without it horses/ donkeys will get utterly upset and this is another
situation you may end up off the horse due to them bucking at the
The Law Enforcement Profession Essay
The Law Enforcement Profession
In order to understand comptemporary law enforcemment, we should recognize the
conditions that impact our profession. It is agreed upon by many scholars that major
changes in law enforcement occur every five years. Policing is sometimes
characterize ... like a sandbar in a river, subject to being changed continuously by the
currents in which it is immersed... (Swanson,
Territo and Taylor, p. 2). However, in recent years some major changes have
occurred in a shorter time period.
Innovations in law enforcement
During the past two decades, I have observed major changes in the viewpoint of
society towards police officer s as the symbol of trust and dignity, the technological
advances of ... Show more content on ...
The results of an investigation disclosed that the McDuffie s death may have been
caused by police instead of an accident. After being indicted and found not guilty by
an all white jury, riots broke out in black neighborhoods, especially Liberty City
resulting in arson and looting that left 18 persons dead and more than 300 injured.
This catastrophe forced the Miami Police
Department to reexamine and revise their use of force policies and procedures
(CQ Researcher, p. 645). The Jeffrey L. Dahmer Case characterize a situation when
the police fail to properly handle a call of a suspicous nature. Dahmer was charged
with murdering at least 15 young males. On May 27, 1993, two Milwaukee citizens
reported a naked young male in the middle of the street bleeding and unable to stand.
The boy name was Konerak Sinthasomphone, a 14 year of laotain boy.
Dahmer was able to persuade the officer that the boy was a live in lover. The boy
was later slain by Dahmer in his apartment after the officers left the scene. A storm
of portest came from the minority and homosexual communities accused the officers
of displaying racial prejudice. The officers were also criticized for dismissing the
incident as a boyfriend boyfriend thing (CQ Researcher, p.
One of the most celebrated cases in recent times was the beating of a black motorist
by several white police officers in Los Angeles. It stirred nationwide concern about
police brutality. On March 3, 1991, Rodney Glen
Fictionalizing History
One piece of evidence that appears in both There is Value in Teaching History
Through Fiction and There is Danger in Fictionalizing History is a quote by Valerie
Tripp who explains, fiction can make history matter make it irresistible to young
readers ( website 1, 8). In There is Value in Teaching History
Through Fiction, the author uses Tripp s evidence to show the readers that there is
value is teaching history through fiction. The author is showing evidence that other
people believe the same thing about history and fiction, including Valerie Tripp based
on this quote. In, There is Danger in Fictionalizing History, the author uses this quote
to say that Tripp also knows the dangers of fictionalizing history.
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My Ideal Person Essay
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My Ideal Person Essay

  • 1. My Ideal Person Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "My Ideal Person" may appear deceptively simple at first glance, as the subject matter seems personal and straightforward. However, delving into the intricacies of one's ideal person requires a thoughtful and introspective approach that can be more challenging than expected. Firstly, defining what makes a person 'ideal' is subjective and varies from one individual to another. It involves exploring personal values, beliefs, and characteristics that resonate deeply with the writer. This introspection can be time-consuming and demands a level of self-awareness that might not be readily available. Moreover, expressing these thoughts in a coherent and engaging manner requires a mastery of language. The challenge lies in translating abstract notions of an ideal person into concrete and vivid descriptions. The writer must navigate through the nuances of language to convey their sentiments effectively. Additionally, striking a balance between being introspective and relatable to a broader audience poses another hurdle. While the essay is a personal reflection, it should also resonate with readers who may have different ideals. Crafting a piece that is both self-revealing and universally appealing demands a delicate touch. Furthermore, maintaining a logical flow and coherence throughout the essay is essential. The writer needs to ensure that each paragraph seamlessly connects to the next, guiding the reader through a narrative that is both captivating and meaningful. This requires careful planning and structuring of ideas to prevent the essay from becoming disjointed. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "My Ideal Person" involves a complex interplay of self-reflection, linguistic proficiency, and structural finesse. It challenges the writer to articulate personal ideals in a way that is both authentic and universally relatable. The process demands time, effort, and a deep understanding of one's own values. However, the journey of self- discovery within the essay can be incredibly rewarding for both the writer and the reader. For assistance with similar essays and more, consider exploring the services available at My Ideal Person Essay My Ideal Person Essay
  • 2. Kern County Fair Research Paper When people think of the kern county fair, they ordinarily think of rides, food, maybe concerts. But when I think of the fair, I think about the animals, about showing animals. For five years I have showed goats at the kern county fair. But there are many animals that people show like pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, llamas, alpacas, and bunnies. Then there is the poultry which is chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, and even pigeons. You probably never heard of someone doing something like this, but let me tell you this it is done all over the united states. During a livestockshow there is an exhibitor (me) and they are exhibiting an animal, and that animal is judged on traits specific to that animal. I m doing something unique, when I show... Show more content on ... Some people who show get inspired to work with animals in the future. Some of them end up going to college to become a judge for livestock shows. My friend morgan who s been showing with my sisters since I was like three, is going Cal Poly right now for that reason. Doing this activity takes a lot of dedication, from around May to about October I am waking up early to feed my goats, then working and feeding them every night. Also I have to weigh them every weekend and keep track of their weight. Showing and taking care of goats is a lot of work, but in the end it is so much fun. When you win something big and you know that all your hard work paid off is the best feeling. Anybody can show an animal, you can join a 4 H club, or when in high school you can do FFA, and doing both clubs will teach and help you with your project. I love showing and all that comes with it, even the work. Working with my sisters and friends from my 4 H group on my animals, are some of my favorite memories. People never really see this part of the fair, but to me it s my favorite part and always will be. Nevertheless showing will forever be a part of my life, even when I am not doing it
  • 3. The Energy Input ( Qin ) The energy input (Qin) required to power the internal combustion engines is contained in its fuel. In such engines, the chemical energy of the fuel is mainly converted to shaft energy (BP), energy transferred to the cooling water (Qw), energy transferred to the exhaust gases (Qe) and uncounted losses (Qu) due to radiation, friction, heat transfer to the surrounding, etc. In internal combustion engines, the availability input (Ain) which is contained in the chemical availability of fuel is converted into shaft availability or useful work (As), availability transferred to the cooling water (Aw), availability transferred to the exhaust gases (Ae) and uncounted availability destruction (Ad) due to radiation friction, heat transfer to the surrounding, etc.Perturbation techniques [Moffat (1982), Bora et al. (2014)] are used for carrying out uncertainty analysis for various parameters of engine performance. The relative errors of the independent parameters which are obtained from the manual of the equipment and a few are estimated. Some of these are engine speed (0.5%), engine load (0.5%), liquid fuel flow rate (1%), biogas flow rate (2%), lower heating value (LHV) of liquid fuel (1%), LHV of gaseous fuel (1%), height of the liquid column (0.5%), emissions (3%), etc. Based on these, the uncertainty for air fuel ratio, air flow rate, brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and brake specific energy consumption (BSEC) were found to be В±1%, , В±0.5%, В±1.5% and В±1.5% in diesel mode and
  • 4. Essay on Mobile Ice Cream Introduction Mobile I cream sells home made products from District 1 to District 3 in Ho Chi Minh City. This close corporation opens in three shifts morning (8am 12pm), afternoon (1pm 5 pm), and evening (6pm 10pm). As required by Ha Mobile I cream s owner, this business report will analyze the general trends on sales during April and June. The findings will later be used to offer a set of possible recommendations for expanding Mobile I cream to other districts. Analysis In terms of sales percentage every shift, afternoon mentioned by 39% of customers with evening shift and morning shift were given by 34% and 29% (Figure 1). Due to hot weather in afternoon, people prefer to eat ice cream to cool the inside heat down. An ... Show more content on ... This zone is one of center districts in which has a plenty number of recreational activities, including several well known ice cream restaurants. As noted by Schonberg (2012), Fanny Ice Cream, which opens four sites in this area, is widely chosen due to delicious flavors. Bach Dang Ice Cream, moreover, is extremely popular with not only local people but also foreign tourists (Slurp 2005). Although this restaurant do not have a variety of flavors, it is situated in an easily noticeable place in the tourist trips. Bud s Ice Cream and Baskin Robbins are also enjoyed widespread popularity. Euromonitor (cited in Masso Group 2013) states that the rise of personal income, the massive waves of urbanization, and the expansion of middle class, are responsible for Vietnamese people willing to spend more money on food and eating out. Although those restaurants might have a higher price than Mobile I cream, they usually attract a huge number clients. This can be explained that lifestyle which being seen at the stores is as important as a wide variety of ice cream flavor. Mobile I Cream, thus, faces strong competitions from other rivals Social network would be an effective channel to interact with consumers. They might share their experiences and give suggestion to their relatives after tasting. Advertising through social network,
  • 5. The Ottoman Empire and Judaism The reason the Jews went to the Ottoman Empire was because the Christians persecuted them because of their different beliefs. The Jews were so scared of what the Christians might do they wanted to settle in a safer place which the Ottomans offered them. The Ottomans offering them land was the best thing the Jewscould have asked for. The Ottomans offered the Jews protection, offered them communal autonomy and tolerated their religious practices. The Ottomans at the time had a rule about non Muslims having to pay a tax, which is called the Jitza. The Muslims considered Jews and Christians dhimmi or the people of the pact. The dhimmi we issued to pay the jitza, and where forced to follow these rules; prohibition against carrying fire arms, against riding horses, against building new houses or worship or even repairing old ones, against proselytism, against building homes higher than Muslim ones, and they must wear distinctive clothing. Even after all of these rules the Jewish community still thrived in the Ottoman Empire. The population of Jews in the Ottoman Empire was very distinct and was coming from different places. The most noticeable and most studied among the Jews in the Ottoman Empire were the Sephardim. The Sephardim had great political and cultural influence on the Ottoman Empire. The Jews became very valuable to the Ottomans because of the ties they had with Europe. Europeans brought new languages and technologies including the newest forms in medicine,
  • 6. What Is The Theme Of The Golden Lily By Gold Sartin The devious plot line jumped back and forth in time as to portray the tumultuous era of Malaysia s independence after World War Two. In the novel, different factions vied for control of this newly independent country including communist insurgents, British settlers, Malaysian and the Chinese ethnicities. The communists wanted to establish a communist regime while the Chinese folks wanted to preserve their economic gains. The power struggle happens under the eyes of two former imperialist occupying forces: the Japanese and British. This plot has another added layer: imperial Japan planned to strip and loot the former colonies of their precious resources and wealth, a plan called Golden Lily. Tatsuji found out this plan while doing the artistic... Show more content on ... Was he really stripped from his position as the Emperor s private gardener or was he given a special mission to ensure the success of the mysterious Golden Lily s plan? The question is left up to the readers to decide. In the novel the author only provides the facts through different characters action such as Tatsuji s research on the Golden Lily plan. Was the tattoo on Yun Ling a map of the concentration s camp? Metaphorically it may also represent the mark of the past and the tumultuous Japanese occupation. Is his disappearance a sign of revolt in the face of Japanese atrocities or an attempt to destroy the traces of Japanese atrocities perpetuated in the name of the emperor? Like a boulder, the reader can only see the visible surface of his personality. Yun Ling mentions: he turned to me, touching the side of his head lightly. At that moment it struck me that he was similar to the boulders on which we had spent the entire morning working. Only a small portion was revealed to the world; the rest was buried deep within, hidden from view. He is the picture of an ideal spy: he is one of the main characters in the novel but we don t see his true personality; he remains a shadow like those in Plato s cave. Is it a sign of denying the visible collective guilt? This novel may be the antithesis of Ruth Ozeki s work A Tale for the Time Being when Ozeki tries to explain or show the Japan s reason to attack America
  • 7. How Did Levis Impact The World Levi Strauss woke up one day, not knowing that he would impact the world forever. You maybe be asking, What in the world did Strauss do? He was the one who invented Genes! (Or What we call nowadays Jeans.) Here is some back information about Levi Strauss life. He was born February 26, 1829, in the city of Buttenheim, Germany. He has six siblings and he was the youngest. Growing up in Germany for him was hard because he was Jewish. When Levi was sixteen, his father passed away from a disease. This was the time where he moved to America. After a few years, the Gold Rush came into play. He decided that it would be good opportunity to make a business. So he moved to California to find some inspiration. In the 1850 s he moved from New York to California where he opened a shop selling supplies to miners.... Show more content on ... He was making covers for the 49ers but then he decided to make pants instead. He didn t think that this would make an impact. It was just one of the normal things that people sold in the shop. He named the jeans Miners Pant s and that s where everything started. But people saw it as something different. Miners loved the pants so much it became super popular. In a matter of time, Strauss was working so hard for everyone to get at least one pair. Soon he edited his pants once again and started to use blue denim (Which are pronounced Genes in French but in English it is Jeans ) for his pants. Then soon in 1872, Jacob Davis, a Nevada Tailor, sent a letter. He requested something that he couldn t do. Adding rivets or what we know, pockets. Jacob didn t have the money to complete the patent process so he decided to tell Strauss. And so, the jeans we know and love were
  • 8. Treblinka Extermination Camp An extermination camp in Poland built in 1942 in addition to the pre existing labor camp that killed over 900,000 prisoners. It served as a Nazi killing center for deported citizens from ghettos and other camps that became overpopulated. It was a specifically chosen location due to it s an environment it was able to conceal the murders. In the spring of 1942 Treblinka a mass execution facility was operational. The camp was carefully selected to obscure from the nearest city. It was located in North Eastern region of the Generalgouvernement near Malkinia Gora Poland. The area was within a heavy woodland not exposing the countless murders that had taken place. The camp was built by German construction firms out of available resources from the wood. Primarily, the workers building the death camp were Jews brought in trucks from local neighborhoods. A track was later constructed for the arrivals of deportees and the shipping of the Jews belongings. The camp s first commander was Dr. Irmfried Eberl but was relieved of his commission by Christian Wirthafter an inspection of Treblinka. A massive break in the extermination process causing chaos so Christian Wirth extended his ... Show more content on ... The demographics changed after the liberation of the survivors by the western allies. Riots still continued postwar over the return of Jews. Many groups and organizations were formed to assist survivors in rebuilding their lives. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee provided Holocaust survivors with food and clothing. ORT another major support group helped in rehabilitating people through training. Jews were given a haven in Palestine as a Jewish state. Discrimination remained in some parts of Europe that still upheld Nazi s beliefs not all Jews could leave since legal immigration opportunities were limited. Many Holocaust survivors were able to immigrate overtime all over world to regain the lives they once
  • 9. Which Of The Following Is An Example Of Act Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is a theory in which individual act in a manner that will produce a greatest happiness or pleasure and that yield lesser pain or negativity. It also consist theory of good and right. In utility ethical theory it is believed that whatever action we portray should always yield higher positive results than negative results. Example, if anyone wants to cut his hand and his action does not cause harm to anyone, if he derives pleasurein it than pain it is consider utility. The principle of utility is divided into action and rule utility. Act utilitarianismis focused more on the consequence because it is believed that action done by individual will automatically yield results depending on the action taken it can be positive consequence
  • 10. Stock Valuation LECTURE STOCK VALUATION 1. Common stock valuation A share of common stock is more difficult to value in practice than a bond, for at least three reasons. First, with common stock, not even the promised cash flows are known in a advance. Second, the life of the investment is essentially forever, since common stock has no maturity. Third, there is no way to easily observe the rate of return that the market requires. Nonetheless, as we will see, there are cases in which we can come up with the present value of the future cash flows for a share of stock and thus determine its value. Cash Flows Imagine that you are considering buying a share of stock today. You plan to sell the stock in one year. You somehow know that the... Show more content on ... From Chapter 6 (Example 6.7), we know that the dividend on a share of preferred stock has zero growth and thus is constant through time. For a zero growth share of common stock, this implies that: D1 = D2 = D3 = D = constant So, the value of the stock is: |P0= | If the dividend grows at a steady rate, then we have replaced the problem of forecasting an infinite number of future dividends with the problem of coming up with a single growth rate, a considerable simplification. In this case, if we take D0 to be the dividend just paid and g to be the constant growth rate, the value of a share of stock can be written as: |P0= |D1 |+ |D2 |+ |D3 |+... | | | |(1+R)1 | |(1+R)2 | |(1+R)3 | | | |= |D0(1+g)1 |+ |D0(1+g)2 |+ |D0(1+g)3 |+... | | | |(1+R)1 | |(1+R)2 | |(1+R)3 | | | As long as the growth rate, g, is less than the discount rate, r, the present value of this series of cash flows can be written very simply as: |P0= |D0(1+g) |= |D1
  • 11. Essay Designing Babies Designing Babies Should we be designing babies? Designer babies are people who are genetically modified before birth, (as an embryo) to change their sex, looks or possibly even personality! Since the DNA code was cracked a couple of years ago, it has been made possible to change a human embryo by injecting genes into it. These injected genes can change the sex, looks and personality of that particular child when he / she is born. For example, you can currently choose the sex of your child in the USA although it costs a hefty $ 2500. Are these designer babies improving on nature? Improving on nature is a step forward for the human race; in a word, evolution. Are we, by designing and ... Show more content on ... The concept of designer babies has been around for a long time. You only have to look at works of fiction such as Brave New World and Frankenstein to see the interest such a topic creates in people s imagination. Now that this science has become a reality, it is increasingly possible to see the advantages such a process will have for future generations. Probably one of the most compelling arguments for the genetic engineering of humans would be the recent high profile case of the Hashmi family. Nobody following the case could fail to be moved by the genuine love and concern the Hashmi s have for their dying son Zain. Without the birth of their designer baby, which by necessity would have a bone marrow match, Zain s life would be short lived due to his rare genetic blood disorder, Thalassaemia. The Hashmi s used a relatively new treatment called Pre implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), to insure that Zain s brother would have a compatible blood type before he was replaced back into the mothers uterus using IVF treatment. Some people think that the Hashmis are putting an unnecessary burden on this child for the rest of his life, but I am left thinking that the Hashmis will love and care for their new child, as much if not more than many of their critics love their own children. This new technology also allows
  • 12. The Role Of Community In George Orwell s Nineteen Eighty-Four In the society named Oceania, magnificently crafted by George Orwell in his dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty Four, the leadership of the controlling party, Ingsoc, claims to be ameliorating the lives of all people living under its benevolence. However, the degree to which each individual benefits from Ingsoc s largesse, varies depending upon a person s status within Oceania. For example, the simple prole, short for proletariat, resides at the bottom of Oceania s social heap and is the largest Ingsoc group. In the middle strata, are the educated workers called the Party comrades. Near the top of the pecking order are the elite Inner Party members, comprising the smallest group within Ingsoc. Lastly, Big Brother, who may be merely a symbolic figurehead, sits at the vertex of this society, seemingly serving as the supreme leader of all of Oceania.... Show more content on ... However, Winston s journeys into prole neighborhoods also clarify the lives led by the swarming masses of the lowest class. Throughout Orwell s novel, the proles are portrayed not only as a lesser, dirtier class, but also as ultimately the most likely source of people capable of toppling the dictatorship. Higher ranking Party members fear that the proles will rebel against the unfavorable rulings of Big Brother. However, in Winston s internal personal struggle with the established dictatorship, he recognizes the need for the masses to rebel against authoritarianism.Thus, in the novel Nineteen Eighty Four, the author clarifies distinctions among the classes for the reader, while for the characters in the book, the Party leadership attempts to obfuscate those very same class distinctions. By reducing the visibility of such distinctions to the members of its society, the leadership is able to perpetuate its power and dominating life at the
  • 13. Tolerance In To Kill A Mockingbird As much as people try to avoid it, fact is that no one in this world is born equal; there is always something unique that sets one different from another. It is those differences that require us, as Barbara Jordon says, to accept people who are different that ourselves. Jordan emphasizes the importance of tolerance and how it helps us develop into better societies and people. During the 1930 s, different races in the United States were being discriminated against their skin tone and placed on separate levels. In more modern times, people were still being criticized for having different ideas and while acting upon them. Even all the way in Iraq, discriminationis presented once again towards Jews and their independent country. Anything contrasting oneself will never be the same as he or she would like, creating a necessity to tolerate. Barbara Jordan s quote helps reveal that tolerance is essential to avoid conflict, to unite with others, and to change for the better. The award winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, teaches through the eyes of a young girl that problems originated from intolerance. Atticus, a man defending a negro, poses to the jury the idea why the case is unfair. He argues that The state has not produced one iota of medical evidence proving Tom guilty and in turn has relied instead upon the testimony of two witnesses , whose claims have been flatly contradicted by the defendant (Lee 271). To translate, the accusation was
  • 14. The Other Wes Moore Essay The Two with Different Paths How do two boys with the same name who live within the same community end up with lives on two completely different paths? The author, Wes Moore, begins life in a tough Baltimore neighborhood and ends up a Rhodes Scholar, Wall Streeter, White House Fellow, etc. The other Wes Moore starts in the same place in Baltimore but ends up in prison FOR LIFE. The parallels in their stories aren t quite as compelling as they may appear initially. For example, the other Wes Moore spends a number of his developmental years living in the Bronx, NY, whereas his namesake never leaves Baltimore and its suburbs. Though Wes Moore is shipped off to military school (after his antisocial behavior in a privileged... Show more content on ... Tony felt his little brother s life could be saved, even if he felt his own had already, at age fourteen, passed the point of no return. (Moore 27). On the other hand, Wes Moore has no such close relation or relationship dragging him down. While Wes Moore was able to change his situation and begin to make better decisions, the other Wes Moore was never able to accomplish such task. During one of their conversations, the incarcerated Wes said, From everything you told me, both of us did some pretty wrong stuff when we were younger. And both of us had second chances. But if the situation or the context where you make the decisions don t change, then second chances don t mean much, huh? (66). In the same conversation, about Вј of the way into the book Moore realized an important aspect in life, I sat back, allowing Wes s words to sink in. Then I responded, I guess it s hard sometimes to distinguish between second chances and last chances. (Moore 67). There comes about a discussion on when Wes Moore and the other Wes Moore think they became men . Wes Moore thinks he became a man when he, First felt accountable to people other than myself. When I first cared that my action mattered to people other than just me (64). The same Wes later explains that he had, No official ceremony that brought my childhood to an end.
  • 15. Electronic Milk Tester by Reil This is a study made during training at the organization. The source of write up is company and internet. I hereby do not take any disclaim of content of matter. It should be used for reference and study purpose only. Introduction Rajasthan Electronics Instruments Ltd. was founded to aid in the upliftment of the rural masses by enpowering them, making them self reliant and upgrading their living conditions by taking electronics to the villages. Rajasthan Electronics Instruments Ltd. (REIL) has a prominent place amongst the electronics industry of Rajasthan. The company is a joint venture between the Government of India the Government of Rajasthan, through their respective institutions. The company was conferred the status of a... Show more content on ... The operations started with the Electronic Milk Tester, under technical collaboration with A/S Foss Electric of Denmark, and assembly of Electronic Milk Tester (EMT) in SKD form, from kits supplied by the collaborator, initially. The Company has rapidly absorbed and assimilated the technology, successfully indigenized the product, and in response to customer requirements, designed it on micro controller technology to suit the needs of the Indian customers. Thus, the auto zero EMT was introduced in the market in the year 1990. The Company has also successfully integrated the products into a more versatile system, developed in house through it own development efforts, called the Milk Collection Station. MANUFACTURING INFRASTRUCTURE: The Company has a state of art manufacturing facility at its works, for electronic products. The plant is equipped with modern equipment including component preprocessing systems, automatic semi automatic component insertion machines, Wave Soldering machine, Automatic Cleaning System, Advanced Testing equipment, Fault locators, Digital Storage Oscilloscopes, Soldering/De Soldering Stations. In order to maintain appropriate temperature levels, clean conditions and uninterrupted power supply, the plant is equipped with centralized
  • 16. English Is A Global Language English is a global language in the earth Language is a form of communication between human beings. There are hundredths or thousandths of languages in all around the world. Everyday people communicate in different forms using language , Everyday people communicate in different forms using language. Out of all the languages, there is one common language used by everyone which is English . The English that is now used as an international language around the world . English is currently spoken by between 1500 and 2000 million people , in hundred of countries . Of the reasons for the spread of English in the world association drawing, and they relate to scientific and technical Communion, association with education and employment , And to what extent the impact of the spread of English in the world , English is the main language of world publishing, science and technology, conferencing , and computer storage as well as the language of international air traffic control. English is also the central language used for purposes of international communications, and international politics , business communications, and academic communities. English is an official language or is predominantly spoken in the following countries : in Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia (Australian English), the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Belize (Belizean Kriol), the British Indian Ocean Territory, the British Virgin Islands, Canada (Canadian English), the Cayman Islands, the Falkland Islands,
  • 17. War Narrative It started out as yet another wet and sloppy day in the camp with nothing to do. I sat in my bunk listening to my buddies talk amongst themselves about the crappy weather and the war. They chatted about the normal things; all of them wanting to finally get home and be dry, but all of them knowing that it would not happen any time soon. As I sat there in my hard cot, my minddrifted off to the fond memories of home in Iowa. I remember my sister and my two brothers and recall the great times we had together. I can still picture the looks on the faces of my family as I left them that day and also the face of my dear wife, Chris. Oh, how I miss them all so much and I know that I have to make it back to them. I also think about my job back at home at the truck and trailer repair shop and the... Show more content on ... I remember how everything happened so quickly in the months leading up to the war. It all started with the days of the draft in 1969. I sat and listened to all the dates being called out and finally, I heard my birthday. My heart sank, while I stood shocked and I just stopped thinking and moving. Life, however, didn t stop with me and the time before being brought in for the first round of training came by like a rocket. There was hardly anytime to blink prior to the first day of training. Training was a very hard and rough experience, especially, due to the fact I was not a good runner. I can still faintly feel the in my arms from the numerous pushups and physical activities that we endured. Beyond the physical pain, came the mental and emotional strain of getting ready for a war. I was only 19 years old at the time and had not really had a chance to grow up. So I had to quickly learn how to be self sufficient and learn how to take orders in order to survive. Following the six weeks of initial training, I quickly married my high school sweetheart Chris. Not long after came time to leave for the real war and head towards
  • 18. How Did Cromwell Influence A Country Cromwell, Oliver (1599 1658), led the armed forces of Parliament to victory in the English Civil War in the 1640 s and ruled England from 1653 to 1658. He had an iron will and was a military genius. Few leaders have inspired more love and respect or more fear and hatred. Cromwell was born in Huntingdon, England, near Peterborough. He came from a wealthy and influential family. Cromwell studied at Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge, but his father s death forced him to leave before getting a degree. In 1628, he was elected to Parliament. During the 1630 s, Cromwell became a dedicated Puritan. Puritans were Protestants who strongly believed in the right of people to follow more simple forms of worship and church organization than those of ... Show more content on ... Some of the independents, whose supporters included the chief officers of the army of Parliament, favored formation of a republic governed entirely by Parliament. Fighting between the king s sympathizers and the Independents broke out in 1648. Cromwell supported the Independents and put down the revolt. Soon afterward, Parliament s army seized Charles and removed the Presbyterian members of Parliament. Cromwell was a leader in the king s trial and execution in 1649. England then became a republic called the Commonwealth of England. In the next two years, Cromwell crushed uprisings by Scottish and Irish forces and defeated an army loyal to Charles Stuart, son of the executed king. Parliament s failure to adopt major reforms upset Cromwell. In 1653, he dismissed Parliament and ended the Commonwealth. Cromwell s military officers then prepared a document that made England a Protectorate. Cromwell became its chief executive with the title of lord protector. After Charles s execution, England became a republic called the Commonwealth of England. A committee of Parliament ruled the country. Cromwell ended the Commonwealth of England in 1653, as I previously stated by forcibly disbanding the Long Parliament. The Parliament was called Long because part of it had been meeting since 1640. England then became a dictatorship called the Protectorate, with Cromwell as lord protector.
  • 19. The Nature Of Auditors Professional Scepticism Introduction Professional scepticism (PS) is critically important to the way in which auditing is conducted. It is also an essential component of a qualified auditor. The prior literature (Hurtt et al, 2013) argued that PS can be influenced by various factors, which arises the question regarding how PS should be positively perceived and effectively conducted in practices. Professional scepticism is defined as an attitude combined with a questioning mindset and a critical way of thinking towards auditing practices (Nelson, 2009). However, there is a divergence among practitioners and academia of how PS should be perceived and practiced. Neutral approach was suggested by early auditing standards while presumptive doubt is growing under ... Show more content on ... It is also widely asserted that skeptical mindset is critical to performing a rigorous and prudent auditing with due professional care (Holm and Zaman, 2012). In addition, the extent to which PS should be applied is vital for an auditor since it impacts both the accuracy and efficiency. Having too little of it will bias the accuracy while too much will lead to extra human effort and cost. The effective balance between risk and efficiency is the essence. In practice, there should be a limit on the level of details an auditor can possibly reach and on the extent the auditing should be conducted to. Neutrality is the essence of unbiased scepticism. According to CICA handbook (2003), an auditor is required to perform with a questioning attitude, having in mind that there may be the existence of financial misstatement. It also indicated that being skeptical requires critical thinking upon evidence obtained through the auditing process, and is alert for questionable documents regarding the entity representations. However, it does not mean an auditor should be obsessively suspicious about anything. Instead, it is suggested to have the capability to reach the balance without speculated dishonesty or unquestioned trust. An objective evaluation should always be guaranteed, and a neutral auditor should always present a suspension of judgement until having evidence or proving the otherwise. The above perspectives were supported by various literatures. One
  • 20. Martin Luther s Catholic Beliefs Martin Luther, a name that would be fairly familiar to most people, but why? Why do so many people know about him, and what did he actually do? Those are the topics that will be discovered, because he did many amazing things. He questioned the catholic beliefs, proved that we are saved by grace and not by works, and he also allowed the world to make religions of their choice instead of being forced to Catholicism. When talking about Luther s view on Catholicism, it is a very mixed topic. The reason for this includes that fact that he actually grew up a catholic, and then later in life became a catholic monk. So he initially devoted his life to being a catholic, but soon after doing that, he realized his full potential. Instead of just... Show more content on ... He had studied the Bible, and knew that this was not an act that they were told to do. He knew that God would never want anyone to do what the Catholic Church asked people to do. They would sell holy relics that would symbolize Christ, or God, and people would be obliged to buy these so show their honor to God ( The Catholic Church would also sell indulgences to people. These were the worst of all, because they literally did nothing other than give the church money. From how far the church strayed from what the Bible actually told the people to do, Martin saw the flaws and knew he had to change something. He made it his goal to expose what the church was doing, and tell the people how they were being manipulated. He proved that, For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8). Last of all, the biggest way that Luther affected the church, is the way he freed everyone from Catholicism. Luther did not say that Catholicism was evil, though he did enable it for others to study on their own, and he also made it so that they were not forced to be a Catholic, and they could be any religion that they chose. Now before Luther, pretty much everyone was forced to be a Catholic, so when the option of changing religions came up because of
  • 21. Crime Recidivism And Its Effects On Society It is estimated that 1% of the population is psychopathic and yet, they commit more than 50% of serious crimes and their crime recidivism is three times more likely than other criminals (how to create a psychopath). It is irrefutable that despite the fact that psychopaths do not comprise much of the population, they are dangerous and menacing to society. Their crimes are callous and gruesome, and often have a profound impact on society as psychopaths prey on as many people as they can, particularly vulnerable people, until they satisfy their needs. They cannot seem to distinguish between moral and conventional transgressions. To them, everything is conventional. They have little or no morality due to the fact that their frontal lobe is malfunctioning and fails to restrain them from harming someone or committing a crime. Justice provides a security blanket for all members of society. They desire that sense of safety and knowledge that the world is in order. Psychopaths walk among us and some are dangerous which causes a dilemma for society whether to lock them up and achieve justice for society or allow them to roam freely to achieve justice for psychopaths as a minority. Psychopaths continue to pose a threat to society primarily due to the fact that they suffer from a severe personality disorder that may cause them to act on their malicious whims at any time. Psychopaths seem less threatening to society when they are out of sight and locked away. Psychopathyis one of many
  • 22. Classify Abnormal Behavior Usually when we think of a person with a mental disorder, we think of someone with a severe intellectual disability or psychotic killers like Charles Manson. However, psychological disorders are not always that dramatic or clear cut. Some of the people with these disorders may even be your co worker, your dentist, your teacher, or even someone in your family. The question of what classifies as a mental disorder is often difficult to answer. What I think is normal, you may not. Abnormal Behavior can be defined as behavior that causes people to experience distress and prevents them from functioning in their daily lives (Feldman, 2015, p. 450). Psychologists use many criteria to evaluate and diagnose people with abnormal behavior. They use a detailed system called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM 5), devised by the American Psychiatric Association, to define and classify abnormal... Show more content on ... Psychologists consider behavior to be abnormal if it is distressing to the individual or others around them or if it is dysfunctional, or impaired (McGraw Hill, 2015). A behavior is thought to be dysfunctional if it causes harm or interferes with the person s ability to function in everyday life (McGraw Hill, 2015). For example, someone who does not eat for religious reasons is considered normal whereas someone who refuses to eat in order to watch their weight is considered dysfunctional. Also, a behavior is abnormal if it deviates from accepted sociocultural norms or is highly unusual (McGraw Hill, 2015). For example, a woman who prays to a higher being is normal. However, someone who hears and responds to voices when they are alone is considered abnormal. Normal and abnormal behavior fall at two ends of a continuum, so it is hard to clearly decide whether a certain behavior is completely normal or
  • 23. Alexander Hamilton s Contribution to America Essay Introduction According to Scott (2008), the Constitution of America has undergone several translations within the history of America because they found it to be unclear. Whereas it appears discrepant that the unclear Constitution could be useful, the disagreement is the case (Robertson, 2005). Americans regard the Constitution to be helpful for the reason that it allows for diverseness of views. In the history of America, a variety of thoughts would develop with alarming and formidable support through various factions (Robertson, 2005). Today, the main political arguments are presented from the Republican group or Democratic group. During the early periods of the American government, arguments on politics were made by Thomas Jefferson ... Show more content on ... In the American nation, he developed love of regulation, efficiency and organization. Hamilton strongly showed that America must possess credit for the development of government operations, trade, industry and business activities. He stressed the importance of the central government to take over the debts of the state that were unpaid in the Revolutionary period (Scott, 2008). The central government was endorsed by the American Constitution to charge and collect taxes as well as pay liabilities (Robertson, 2005). Such operations can be professionally handled by a central bank. Therefore, Hamilton was characterized by thinking creatively and critically as he observed the potential of the trade industry s immense power (Pancake, 1974). On the other hand, Thomas Jefferson was a great personality but did not stand out within his nation, which was observed by Americans as insufficiency of objective (Scott, 2008). Actually, Jefferson was not deficient of objective because he strongly fought for independence within the American nation. Jefferson strongly wanted the power of economy to depend on the sector of agriculture (Pancake, 1974). However, he realized the need for change and provided a support for the farmers to participate in the extension of global market. Jefferson trusted in the capability of American nation to create strategy
  • 24. Ecology Lab Report 2 Scientific Method on Birds Ecology Lab 2 scientific method of birds In today s lab we learned about the scientific method and a hypothesis. We talked about how ecologists have an issue when experimenting because they cannot control some environmental factors. Therefore the probability of repeatability in an ecological experiment in often minimal. We then went into talking about the importance of an experimenter s hypothesis. We summed up a hypothesis as just being an assumption that could be put to the test. After we talked about some examples of a hypothesis we went into talking about the different types of research. For my two experiments in today s lab I used natural experiments. A natural experiment is one of the most relevant types of experiments an ... Show more content on ... For my own ecological experiment and hypothesis I came up with the idea that blue birds hang around my garden because they like to eat the beetles that are around my tomato plant. There numbers would be reliant upon how high there source was, for example the more beetles there were, the more blue birds would be there. A natural experiment would be more favorable than a lab experiment because this is happening in nature. I would have to collect the size of the garden, the number of tomato plants, the number of beetles collected at a certain time, and a field camera to count the number of times a bluebird swoops in. I think stratified random sampling technique would be the best because the number of tomato plants could impact the number of birds and beetles. Season would also be an important factor for this experiment. I would expect there to be more birds, beetles, and tomato plants depending upon the size of the garden. I think my first experiment with bees could be improved several ways. We could collect the certain type of flowers that the bees were at. Collecting the certain type of bee could also prove useful. We could go into great detail of what type of bees were attracted to what type of flower. Adding in what type of weather and what type of day got the most bees present around the flowers. I could even add in what types of bees were around what type of trees. I could improve
  • 25. Ethics and Reproductive Technology Essay Ethics and Reproductive Technology Reproductive technology has come a long way in the last twenty years and continues to make expansive advances. The question where do babies come from is becoming harder and harder to answer. The response used to sound something like when a man and a woman love each other very much #8230; now with in vitro fertilization, fertility drugs, and sperm/egg donors as well as future advances the answer will take on a new twist #8230;they go to see a doctor and look through a catalog to pick what kind of baby they want. That is already true to some degree today. If a man or a woman is infertile they can look for sperm or egg donors, try fertility drugs or use in vitro fertilization to bring ... Show more content on ... New technological advances will lead to more exorbitant fees, which will in turn cause a reduction in the amount and types of people that can afford these new procedures. Will future generations of natural births then be lorded over by a genetically enhanced master class? Will these future perfect people segregate themselves from the flawed human class of today? Will they be at an advantage in the society? Another moral and social problem that arises from this genetic donation is the loss of the ability to trace genetic lines. If a man gives a sperm sample about three times a week, and each donation is split up into three samples, he has the potential to father a dozen children in one week alone. If this matter is shipped all over the country between different sperm banks how can we keep up who is from what genetic descent? This can quite possibly lead to inner familial (in the genetic sense) marriages, causing many genetic defects in future generations. These new technological advances can actually hinder the human race. With the completion of the Human Genome Project rapidly approaching, the scenario becomes even more farfetched. Don t want your child to need braces? Why then you can just pull out the gene for crooked teeth and replace it with the gene for a perfect smile. Does diabetes run in your family? Well then just check out your unborn child is a carrier for the disease and remove the gene
  • 26. Pride In The Song Of Roland And Beowulf Pride usually carries negative connotations. It is an arrogant, malicious trait which can lead to a person s ruin. Pride, however, can also be a source of positive motivation. It can encourage its host to perform great feats and thus obtain honor. This duality possessed by pride can be examined in two famous Medieval poems, The Song of Rolandand Beowulf. The protagonists of both poems suffer their demise because of their insatiable pride. However, in both works, this hubris is perceived differently. Indeed, Roland s pride causes the death of the forty thousand men encompassing the rearguard army, and yet no resentment is shown towards him. On the contrary, he is buried and honored like a saint, the holiest of heroes. Beowulf disregards exhortations... Show more content on ... Heaven swallowed the smoke. (Beowulf, ll. 3151 55) In this harrowing lament, there is no inherent sorrow for the loss of Beowulf s life. The pain felt by the Geats is selfish and they have no other choice but to be selfish. They are completely alone, left in a mortal coil of despair, without any sanctuary, hope or release. The sentence Heaven swallowed the smoke is an allusion to this very idea, for Beowulf, now made smoke by the crimson fire of the pyre, has forsaken his Geatland for the next life. This abandonment is a direct cause of his stubborn, insatiable pride and the Geats are aware of this. This resentment is apparent in the words of Wiglaf, who reflecting on the way Beowulf died, says, Often when one man follows his own will, many are hurt. This happened to us. Nothing we advised could ever convince the prince we loved... (Beowulf, ll. 3077 80) This is not the only mentioning of the dangers of rigid arrogance, for the poet foreshadows the ruin that will befall the nation due to Beowulf s foolish ego. While celebrating the defeat of Grendel s mother, Hrothgar interrupts the cheerful mood of the feast and warns Beowulf of pride and callousness. He gives his own experience with Grendel as a testament to the horror such arrogance can cause not only to one s self but one s people. Obviously. Beowulf does not follow the exhortation, and not only does he meet his demise, but ensures his people s end as
  • 27. A Brief Note On The Chesapeake Bay Game In the UVA Chesapeake Bay Game, I was assigned the role of a Crop Farmer number for the the Potomac River watershed. In the Bay game, the crop farmer controls several things, including the type of farming used, the number of acres used for each purpose, and the option of buying new farm equipment ( UVA Bay Game , 2016). The types of farming used in the bay game are conventional high yield, best management practices (BMP), advanced BMP, and sustainable ( UVA Bay Game , 2016). These farming practices range from very poor for the Bay s health to the most beneficial. Conventional high yield farming produces the largest volume of crops, however uses pesticides and fertilizer that are detrimental to the Bay s health ( UVA Bay Game , 2016). Sustainable farming is the most beneficial for the Bay as it puts a diverse population of plants together in order to reduce runoff, however it is more costly and has a lesser crop yield than the other farming practices ( UVA Bay Game , 2016). The crop farmer also has an option to choose how many acres will be used for planting, fallow land (land reserved for the next year to maintain nutrients), and cover crops that will be used as a more natural and environmentally sound option compared to other fertilizers ( UVA Bay Game , 2016). From the role of a crop farmer, my goal twice a week was to maximize my revenue while being mindful of the environmental impacts I was creating. Other than the first simulation of the bay game, where I chose to
  • 28. Esther, Research Paper Old Testament Survey Prof. Brian Moulton Angela Bando March 17, 2013 Esther Subject/Theme of Esther: God will bless the people abundantly for the prayers and good deeds of His elect people. While there are many hidden intents of thought in the book of Esther I affirm that the strongest theme in the book of the Bible is that of God s providence. We continuously see in the book of Esther God s grace shown towards those who call on Him. God sets Esther on the throne as queen, saves Mordecai from Haman s anger and saves the entire nation of Israel from Haman. All the same, we see the people fasting before God for three days, we see salvation in the nation of Israel as well as them praying and ... Show more content on ... The results of Esther were so significant for Israel that they started the Feast of Purim, which is still celebrated to this day among the people of Israel. We should work as if it all depends on us, and pray because it all depends on God. Five Spiritual Applications From Esther: 1: Trust in God No Matter What the Circumstances Are: 2: Take Action knowing that with the Lord on your side, you are unstoppable. Real faith is active and not passive. 3: Pray, Pray, Pray. God says to pray without ceasing and without faith it is impossible to please God, because He is a rewarder who diligently seeks Him. 4: Do not Compromise your Faith for any Reason. Faith without works is dead! 5: Celebration and Feasting Should take Place after a Victory. When the Prodigal son returned, his Father killed the fatted calf and held a party! Extensive Outline of Esther: A: Esther becomes Queen (Chapt 1 amp; 2) 1: Vashti displeases Ahasuerus 2: Esther
  • 29. finds favor 3: Esther is chosen B: Mordecai s role (Chapt 2 amp; 3) 1: Guardian of Esther 2: Discovers a plot against king 3: Displeases Haman C: Esther and the King (Chapt 4 amp; 5) 1: Hears of plan to destroy Jews 2: Asks for banquet with King and Haman 3: Fasts and prays for her people D:
  • 30. Tvtc Case Study TV service is a lot more complicated now than when viewers were limited to three major networks and a fuzzy UHF station broadcasting Japanese monster movies. Choosing a DirecTV package can be confusing, so Warwick Valley Telephone Company, the premier satellite television, DSL Internet, and telephone service in Warwick, NY, offers the advice below to help you choose an affordable TV package that meets your needs. For over a century, WVTC has been providing tri state area customers with the clearest signals and most dependable communications. Consider the following when choosing a DirecTV package: Set A Monthly Budget First, decide how much you can afford to spend each month. Take into consideration that a DirecTV package might reduce your
  • 31. The Code Of Ethics Of The American Association Of Medical... A nurse is given an opportunity to help patients, either if its by helping them through a very serious sickness or just helping a patient get to the bathroom on time, or a time when happiness is overfilling the room and a child is being born. Registered nurses provide a wide variety of patient care services (Mitchell, p.12). A Nurse must always know where to begin and where to stop, as any other career in the health field there is always something that cannot be done by everyone but only the certified person, a nurse must always remain inside her scope of practice to prevent any misunderstandings. A nurse must also follow a code of ethics , the code of ethics of the American Association of Medical Assistants states that a nurse should at all times render service with full respect and dignity of humanity, respect confidential information obtained by a patients file, uphold the honor and high principles the profession and accept its discipline, and last but not least always want to improve her services to better serve the health and well being of the community. (Mitchell, p.65). Registered nurses can achieve many education levels and can attain many specialties. Nurses can ether be in direct contact with patient or work behind the curtain in management. A nurse can do many different things in a day which is made up of the location of the worksite, which could be a hospital, clinic, long term care facility, school, prison, or patients homes ( Mitchel, p.13). Registered
  • 32. The Main Causes Of The Great Depression 1.The main causes of the Great depression were mainly sparked up in the 1920s. It was not just one thing that caused America s economy to suffer drastically. In fact, there were multiple causes that contributed to the Great Depression, such the Wall Street crash, Farm overproduction, and finally Reduction in purchasing. FDR was president and enforced New Deals that helped get the U.S out of the Depression. The Wall Street crash was one of the biggest contributors to the Great Depression. It was when the stock markets crashed on October 24, 1929, banks announced that funds will be available to be sold as stocks. Within 5 days the market will still decreasing and by October 29, 1929, the market fully crashed, and they couldn t stop the sell off. Which resulted in the economy losing more than $40 billion. Because prices fell due to the rapidly increasing unemployment and decreasing in production, which left the prices higher than their actual amount which contributed to the downfall. Another factor that contributed to the Great Depression was the farm overproduction. Throughout the 1929 farm incomes began to drop because of the surpluses and over productions. In 1920 an acre was $69 it continued to drop until $31 in 1930. Agriculture was already in a depression before the Great Depression hit and it lasted until 1939 during the outbreak of WWII. The income for a family in 1929 was around $750 but for farm owners, it was around $273. Agriculture was a big problem due to 30% of
  • 33. The Bible and How Satan Came to Be Introduction: I have heard that Satan has come from heaven but was never really sure. So for my research paper I asked where Satan came from and how he was created. Answers for this question are found in many places in the Bible. Satan was one of the highest angels until was overcome with pride. He was thrown out, and hell was created. Hell was first for Satanbut was then opened for everyone when Adam and Evesinned. Bible section: There are many verses in the Bible that show how how Satan came to be. Some of them are not straight ford but some give a good description. Most of the verses that describe where Satan comes from are in the book of Revelation. In (Revelation 12:3) Satan appeared as a 7 headed dragon that had a crown on every head. He became so jealous and full of pride that he threw a rebellion against God. Isaiah 14 says I will raise my throne above the stars of God. (Isaiah 14 12 15 NIV). A war broke out in Heaven, Michael and his angles fought Satan (Revelation 12:7). This next verse proves that Satan is truly evil, It says Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. (Revelation 12:4 NIV) That clearly shows that he wants nothing good for us and wants to destroy us. Hell was originally for Satan only, but in Genesis God gave us the choice to live in eternally in heaven or go to hell. The
  • 34. Persuasive Essay On Smart Roofing We all come to the same conclusion when we look over our bills: every little bit of savings adds up. Energy prices are doing anything but going down, and a key way to save on this expense is by installing new windows in your home. Whether it s cold or warm air that you re trying to keep out, drafty windows make your air conditioner or heating appliance work overtime. Smart Roofing, LLC is here to help! Servicing the Des Moines Metro and state of Iowa customers for over a decade, Smart Roofing is much more than just a roofing company. They are here to help with all of your exterior solutions. From gutter installation to siding, they will help with any remodeling job! To make the process of replacing your windows easy and hassle free, Smart
  • 35. The Economic Impact Of Amoebic Dysentery There are no definitive metrics on the economic impact of amoebic dysentery. The disease mostly afflicts children in farming communities whose source of drinking water are streams, rivers and ponds. Knowledge of the economic cost of diarrheal diseases in the developing countries, on the other hand, offers rough estimates of the cost of amoebic dysentery. It worth mentioning that about 40% of the diarrheal diseases in the developing countries is attributable to amoebic dysentery according to a paper presented at the 28th African HealthSciences Congress, Mauritius, July, 2008. A study done at a Dr. George Mukhari Hospital, a tertiary level hospital, Gauteng, South Africa, estimates the total hospital and professional cost... Show more content on ... The latter, facilitated by specific lectin, adhere to and colonize the intestinal mucosa. The usual incubation period for Amoebiasis is about 10 days, but it can range from a few days to years. Patients present with cramping abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, weight loss and fever. Fulminant colitis with systemic manifestations is rare. It presents with a sudden onset of severe bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, and peritonitis with fever. young age, pregnancy, corticosteroid and impaired immunity are disposing factors. Life threatening intestinal perforation and toxic Megacolon may ensue, necessitating surgical intervention. Mortality from fulminant colitis may reach 50 %. Untreated intestinal Amoebiasis may proceed to chronic colitis presenting with recurring bloody diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. From the intestinal mucosa E. Histolytica trophozoites follow two paths. Some of them develop into cysts and get excreted in the feces to be recycled while others invade the intestinal mucosa and enter the bloodstream. Blood circulation enables the parasite to disseminate, invade and destroy the liver, lung, and other organs. Breakdown of tissues is a result of both cytolysis and apoptosis. The former is carried out by Amoebapores, a group of peptides secreted by the organism that are capable of creating holes in the cell walls. The parasite induces apoptosis through both a1 receptor pathway and the
  • 36. Problem Statement For Condominium Management System CGNB413 (IS)/CISB423 Project Proposal Form A.Student details NameHairul Shameen bt Ismail Student IDIS092496 B.Project description Proposed title Condominium Management System Problem statement Recently, the number of condominium are increasing rapidly and hence there is a lot of strain on the people who stay there and system are not usually used in this context. The management usually use the manual way to solve the problem. These manual way lead to many other problem and increase the cost of the management as they need a lot of thing to do. The problem can be seen from 2 perspective, which are : 1.Administrator it s difficult for them to deliver the information and announcement to all the tenant as they need to print it and put ... Show more content on ... User tenant/ resident. They do not have all access. They only can view function that only for user. C.Project timeline The development of the system are through procedures, steps and reports. For the FYP 1, all the development are based on paper work and will be implement soon on FYP 2. It will be used as a guidelines to create the system which will be develop on FYP2. For FYP 1, activity that need to do is project proposal, introduction about the project, analysis and system requirement, report and submission. The total duration to complete this project is 15 weeks. Below are explanation about the project: 1.Project proposal plan for the project 2.Project introduction explanation of the project which include problem statement, background, objective and scope. 3.Analysis and system requirement conduct some survey to collect more information, perform benchmarking. All these input will improve the system. 4.Design produce necessary design to model the system and create design for database. 5.Presentation presentation of the aid of poster. 6.Report more explanation about the project so that it will be easily to
  • 37. Internet Communication as a Tool for Qualitative Research Research Method 1 Running head: Research Problem and Method Paper Internet Communication as a Tool for Qualitative Research Research Problem and Method Paper Abstract: While calloborating on the research community, the World Wide Web has opened a different perspective and provides access for data collection. The Internet user can now engage in research on a world wide, low cost, almost instantaneous scale and in ways which potentially overcome some of the barriers imposed by more conventional research approaches. However, this idealistic view some what obscures both methodological and ethical difficulties ... Show more content on ... In contrast, their are also people who spend their time viewing merchandise and making purchases online. Generally speaking, using the technologies for transmission as well as information gathering. The Internet may also provide social spaces and this consist of relationships, communities, and cultures emerging through the exchange of text and images. When social spaces take place, this could happen delayed time sequences or real time. There is a long tradition of social interaction and community development based on the capabilities of the Internet. On the other hand, while speaking of short terms, the Internet can be perceived as a set of technological tools, a complex network of social relations, a language system, a cultural milieu, and so forth. Quote, The way one defines and frames the Internet influences how one Research Method 4 interacts with Internet based technologies, as well as how one studies the Internet. The Internet as a Research Tool: People might naturally or deliberately perceive the Internet as a tool for receiving and sending information. Moreover, to extend one s physical reach to connect with others, to and from, between multiple cultural fields, or performing multiple tasks simultaneously. From this perspective, users tend to
  • 38. The Role Of Heroes In The Odyssey What Makes a Hero? What makes a Hero? We all have potential, potential to become firefighters, surgeons, accountants, or anything we set our mind to. At times in life, some of this potential appears or disappears from events or conflict. Heroes are born and destroyed in conflict. The Odyssey has many heroes and antagonists. Some characters are great heroic men and women that can conquer any obstacle in their way. Odysseus, Telemachus, Athena, and so many others are described as Heros in The Odyssey. But what about the other characters suffering? Are they Heros? Penelope is a hero that does not appear to be heroic. She uses her wits and cunning to enact plans and schemes to keep the suitors at bay. Like Odysseus, she also follows the hero s ... Show more content on ... This means that everything happening to her and the journey she is going through is happening psychologically and she had no control over the events. She is called to adventure when Odysseus leaves for Troy. She must begin to make it on her own until Odysseus gets back. Her mentor is Athena, goddess of wisdom, but she doesn t know it. Athena watches over her and nudges her in the right direction all the time. An example of this was when The goddess Athena with her blazing eyes inspired Penelope, Icarius daughter, wary, poised, to set a bow and gleaming... (The Odyssey Book 21 Lines 1 3) Her first threshold takes place when the suitors begin to eat her food and demand for a hand in marriage. This happens years after Odysseus left. People begin to believe he is dead and step forward to take his place. The arrival of the suitors is also the first test of the friends and enemies, or the maids and the suitors. Some of her maids stay loyal, and some leave with the suitors. Soon she enters the belly of the whale or the lowest point of her journey, this was when Telemachus left for Troy. She is now all alone as far as family goes, but when Telemachus comes back she is rebirthed, and she finds her elixir. In this case, her elixir is the hope of Odysseus return. In The Odyssey, Penelope is said to be a very smart person. The story even says discreet Penelope (The Odyssey book
  • 39. Theories Of Conspiracy Theories According to the Oxford Dictionary a conspiracy is: A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful and The action of plotting or conspiring Cambridge Dictionary seems to take similar approach; it says that a conspiracy is: the activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal. Based on these two definitions we can draw up a theory that a conspiracy theories are stories or plots of sinister and illegal events or deeds committed by evil people (sort of villains) to harm the humanity. Slightly different approach to conspiracy can be found in the Rough Guide to Conspiracy Theories by James McConnachie and Robin Tuge. They write that: To conspire once meant to breath together . It is an image of the most intimate and secretive complicity, perfectly conjuring smoky political backrooms, sinister whisperings... Show more content on ... But all these definitions listed above have something in common; They state that conspiracy is illegal and harmful act of plotting against someone or some group. It is always done in secret. That is why so many people come up with so many different and wild conspiracy theories. They think that the knowledge of a true nature of a certain event is hidden from the society and they look for the most possible (or improbable) explanation. Jessie Walker, a writer interested in conspiracy topic, has created five basic kinds of conspiracy theories: The Enemy Outside a group of villains scheming outside community to harm it. The Enemy Within conspirators mixed with ordinary people, undistinguishable from them. The Enemy Above people in power that are manipulating law and the system for their own good. The Enemy Below people of lower classes conspiring to overturn the social order. The Benevolent Conspiracies a group or forces that work secretly to improve the world and help
  • 40. Charles Dickens Great Expectations And Oliver Twist People tend to naively see orphans and those without caring families as hopeless and loveless creatures. However, the benevolence of strangers can easily prove such thoughts wrong as people can provide an abundance of support and love to those with no blood relation to them and can embrace strangers as family. Charitable strangers can also teach children to act with benevolence and give them an honorable role model to follow. These acts of kindness can drastically change the character of the poor child. In Charles Dickenstwo novels, Great Expectations and Oliver Twist, Dickens challenges the conventional idea of parentage and suggests that through generosity anyone can become a guardian and have a major impact on the emerging... Show more content on ... Furthermore, when Oliver, once again, falls ill and appears to have committed a crime, strangers nurture him back to health and tend to him like family. Oliver is eager to serve [Rose and Mrs. Maylie] with his whole heart and soul after he realizes that their charity had rescued [him] from misery, or death, demonstrating how much of a positive impact people can have regardless of their blood relation to someone (Oliver Twist 294). The altruism of Rose and Mrs. Maylie inspires Oliver to act selflessly, cleansing the orphan of the evil that Fagin had begun to instill within him. Mr. Bumble predicts Oliver will hang and the other street urchins see him as a willing assistant to their capers; however, through the moral guidance of Rose, Mrs. Maylie, and the housekeeper, Oliver remains untainted by crime, epitomizing the power of magnanimity on even a vagrant child. Overall, through the compassion shown by the two women, readers see how loving strangers can still rear a child and save him or her from corruption. Orphans or those in dysfunctional families can still have a proper upbringing by someone who cares for them, even if those people are not blood relatives. In Dickens Great Expectations, Pip has no family to care for him but an uncompassionate sister; however, he still receives good moral and practical guidance from others around him: I [Pip] reflected that
  • 41. Technology Affects Our Lives And The World Technology continues to influence our lives and the world. Hence as technology continues to advance so will the healthcare industry. Technology has become the center of our lives. Thus we are incessantly hooked to our cell phones, the internet, and all things technology related. Technology deviates the way humans function and interconnect with each other. The human civilization has become technologically driven, and we yearn for more intuitive innovations, modernisms, apps and new technologies. Moreover, with this new optimism, improvements in technology can change lives, not just socially, but mentally and physically to renovate health care. With technology, physicians can digitize humans making it possible to monitor every heartbeat, blood pressure, body temperature, glucose level, the rate and depth of our breathing, brain waves, oxygen concentration, and muscle activity, all the things that make us tick as living beings. By interning at Sector Wide Health, a healthcare company, our mission is to empower physicians and health care professionals to take the leap and move forward with newer, proficient technologies. These technologies will allow healthcare professionals to augment and transform health care, and thus this paper in cooperates a brief reflection on two videos relating to technology and healthcare and my self reflection on leadership style theory and management. We live in the modern era, where technology is always driving being involved with our health and
  • 42. Exploring The Negative Effects Of Maternal Obesity Nusrat Jahan Nicole Garret WRT 102 10/21/2015 Exploring the Negative Effects of Maternal Obesity Obesity in pregnant women is a global concern. In The United States, obesity is a critical public health issue one in every three women is obese (Masho, et al). This issue becomes crucial in the context that 36% of pregnant women in the United States are obese (Shub, et al). Studies show a strong association between maternal obesity and health risks during pregnancy and labor. In addition, a disconnect in perception and awareness exists such that most obese pregnant women who gain weight during pregnancy underestimate their Body Mass Index (BMI); and also have poor knowledge about the risk associated with obesity. In our time period, there is a significant increase in the average body index in all age groups and most commonly with the women who are entering their reproduction age. According to the article, Weight Gain During Pregnancy , a normal weighted gravida, or pregnant woman, has BMI of 18.5 24.9 Kg/m2, over weight gravida has BMI of 25 29.9 Kg/m2, and obese gravida has BMI of 30 and greater Kg/m2. Obese pregnant women face many critical health risks compare to normal weight pregnant women. In the study Maternal Obesity a Global Health Problem and Its Implications on Maternal and Fetal Health , by Hashmi and his colleagues, they aimed to find out if obese women were at greater risk of having adverse reproductive outcomes compared to women with a normal BMI. By using
  • 43. Educational Inequality In The United States Educational inequality is the difference in the learning results, or efficacy, experienced by students coming from different groups. Access and opportunity for education was not a right equally given to all people in our country. From the beginning of our nation access to public education was reserved for whites only and was forbidden for enslaved and free blacks. After Emancipation, when some public and private schooling was made available to African Americans, black children were segregated into under resourced schools. Due to circumstances that kept most African American families in abject poverty, the masses of black children encountered structural barriers that prevented them from gaining a complete formal education. Education is one ... Show more content on ... Based on the fact that majority white students are in advanced courses compared to black students, the stereotype that only white children were qualified to take advanced or gifted courses resulted. Social behavior is driven by these learned stereotypes, in which, if a child is never aware of these opportunities are made to believe that they are not superior at a young age, their academic choices and performance reflect it as they get older and move up in school. For example, Tyson indicates that gifted placement in elementary or middle school is a gateway to higher level courses in high school. Furthermore, exposure to rigorous academic materials and instruction in the early grades may better prepare students to master challenging material later and to perform well on standardized tests. Teachers and counselors may also be more likely to steer gifted students toward advanced classes because they hold higher expectations for these students than they do for non gifted ones (Tyson 146). The inequality of black access to gifted education compared to white access is drastic and shapes the overall track for a child s educational pathway. Institutional racism, which refers to the norms, practices and policies within an institution that promote and maintain a racial hierarchy that continues to advantage the white race, while disadvantaging and discriminating against other racialized groups is the cause of this continual cycle
  • 44. The Boston Massacre and Other Contributing Factors of the... The Boston Massacre and Other Contributing Factors of the Revolutionary War The Boston Massacre was not the only cause of the Revolutionary War. There were many events before and after that also contributed to the start of this war. They were the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Declaratory Act, Townshend Act, Quartering Act, Tea Act, the Boston Tea Party, and Coercive Acts. One of the first taxes put on the colonies by Britain was the Sugar Act. The Sugar Act of 1764 was to raise money to help Parliament run the colonies. This act put a tax on goods such as molasses, coffee, and sugar. It also required shippers to have a detailed outline of their cargoes. Smugglers could also be tried in admiralty courts. If convicted, the offenders lost ... Show more content on ... The Townshend Actswere the next taxes to be levied on the colonists. The Townshend Acts of 1767 taxed imported goods such as glass, lead, paper, paint, and tea. Colonists used these items every day, but they were not made in the colonies. Townshend appointed a Board of Customs Commissioners and tried very hard to collect the taxes. However, these commissioners were crooked and trapped merchants by allowing minor things to go unpunished for a while. Then, when the merchants were used to doing business this way, the commissioners cracked down on them. They also brought false charges against shippers for smuggling. The colonists responded by organizing a boycott. So, in order to enforce the Townshend Acts the Quartering Act was passed. The Quartering Act was a difficult law for the colonists to accept. It required them to support British soldiers stationed in the colonies to enforce the many tax laws. The colonists had to take the soldiers into their homes and provide them with food and lodging. In Boston and other cities, the colonists resented these unwelcome guests. This resentment led directly to the Boston Massacre. The Boston Massacre took place on the evening of March 5, 1770. It had two sides to it, the colonists side and the British side. The colonists said the people were out for a Sunday stroll when British Captain Thomas Preston gave the order to fire outside the British Customs house and killing many innocent people. The British side told
  • 45. Fitbit Case Study FitBit FitBit contributed much of their own success to the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). SAFe has been a successful story for us. It allowed us to grow our team in a seamless way that integrated cross functional groups and aligned with the company s long term strategy. Fitbit has grown significantly since we adopted the Scaled Agile Framework, and we were able to scale the process and still deliver high achievement every PI. My VP calls it the scaffolding that has helped moved our team forward. Damian Brown, Sr. Director of Program Management Office, Fitbit (Brown, n.d.). Arguably one of the best forms of customer oriented adaptive planning, exercise company FitBit realigned their strategy to compete in the recent trend of wearable technology.... Show more content on ... However, the rapid advancement of smartphone technology and app development was a threat to the company. In other words, smart phone compatible wearable technology was on the horizon of FitBit s impending doom. Competitive forces, such as the Apple Watch and various devices through AndroidWear, were beginning to tap into the wearable technology industry. This meant early FitBit products were going to be competitively outmatched by superior products. The most significant differentiator was the ability to receive and respond to smartphone notifications. However, other differentiators were mainly aesthetic features FitBit was capable of implementing. As a result, FitBit released 4 new products during the 2016 holiday season. FitBit improved, offering an extensive line of smartphone compatible activity trackers capable of tracking steps and activity, calories burned, sleep monitoring, reminders to move, motivation and rewards, and much more. To supplement the devices capabilities, FitBit launched their mobile on Apple s App store and Google Play. A truly Agile practice of software development, the FitBit app updated with features and bug fixes on a regular
  • 46. The Effects Of Yoga On The Mind Body Spirit About A Person... The review of literature on the benefits of yoga show the importance that exists between the mind, body, and spirit. This review conducted shows the significance of link between the mind body spirit about a person s overall health. Diversity in yoga including type, intensity, and duration are what play significant roles in the levels of perceived health benefits in comparison to traditional exercise. Thus, far stress reduction seems to be the most proposed benefit associated with yoga therapy, even though time constraints are the most common barrier. Due to the foreseen benefits of participating in yoga practice, this should generate an increase on the need of yoga to improve overall health status. As we continue to understand the important and vital role that yoga practice has will hopefully continue to emerge in Western culture. As indicated from research, yoga plays a significant role in the reduction of stress management and reduction of risk factors in chronic disease. In comparison to traditional forms of medicine, yoga can be an integral part as a holistic alternative. Yoga has been shown to affect not only mind, body and soul but overall general wellness. Yoga can affect a multitude of reactions in the body and reap positive benefits on the muscles, organ systems, glands and quality of life. Although this literature review shows the potential benefits of including yoga as a part of general fitness, there still lacks enough research to warrant its impact. For us
  • 47. Postmodern Influence On Revelations The first model proclaims that revelation only conspires in scripture and doctrines of the church. These statements were greatly active in the Roman Orthodox, which is set that those Holy Spirit powers were given due their time. Contradicting, these models did show the grace of God in past times, it fails to show postmodern views in which revelation has occurred in today s society. The second contends on an idea of studying history, that will convey a form in revelation in due time. History does repeat itself in many cases, though it does not hinder any spiritual guidance. Learning from history will draw people more close to the word, though revelation could happen when Godwants it. For example of John, when he was cast to Patmos, while if
  • 48. The Negative Effects Of Smartphones And Social Media In the world we live in today everyone is connected to one another through their smartphones and social media, Although this has had positive effect on the world i believe that the negative effects outweigh the positive effects. The extensive use of smartphones and social media have made it harder for students to gather and obtain information due to their dependence on technology to easily gather it for them. Studies have shown that the increased use of social media and smartphone have lead to mental health problem among teens. With everyone so worried about their facebooks and instagrams they haven t been able to learn how to properly socialize with other people. Smartphones and social media have negatively affected students ability to obtain information, alter their emotional stability, and negatively influence their social skills. Smartphones and social media have made gathering information difficult for people in living in the world because they rely on their smartphone and other technology to obtain the information the need for them. This has affected people s ability to read and absorb information from long articles or book where they actually have to take the time to read them. In his article Is Google Making Us Stupid? Nicholas Carr argues that the use of technology has made it harder for him to read books or other long articles stating My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and i d spend hours strolling through long stretches of prose. That s rarely the case anymore. Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages (Carr 314). This quote is talking about Nicholas Carr s inability to concentrate on long piece of writing like he used to be able too. Carr blames this on his use of technology stating I think i know what s going on. For more than a decade now, i ve been spending alot of time online, searching and surfing and sometimes adding to the great databases of the internet... Research that once required days in the stacks or periodical rooms of libraries can now be done in minutes (Carr 314). Nicholas Carr states this to put into perspective that technology is reducing the time and concentration it takes to research information the one
  • 49. The Effects of Gatorade on Athletic Performance When athletes are training or competing, it is apparent that they sometimes benefit by consuming various drinks that contain water, carbohydrate and electrolytes. This can assist and improve an athlete s performance, and it may reduce physiological stress on an athlete s cardiovascular, central nervous and muscular systems. During endurance events Gatorade is an effective drinkto have in order for the athlete to sustain their maximum energy throughout the competition. Gatorade has been proven to reduce the risk of hyponatraemia, improve endurance performance if consumed during training or competition and it allows fast release of fluid to the tissue as well as rapid fluid absorption. Hyponatraemia is a disorder in fluid electrolyte stability that results in an unusual low plasma sodium concentration. A continuous decrease in plasma sodium concentration upsets the osmotic balance across the blood brain barrier, ensuing in an direct entry of water into the brain. This causes brain swelling and a flow of gradually more severe neurological responses such as confusion, seizure, coma which can result in death from break of the brainstem. The faster and lower the blood sodium falls, the greater the risk of life threatening consequences. (Eichner, 2003). Athletes who drink too much water before and during exercise (high endurance) in warm and humid weather are at a higher risk of developing hyponatraemia. In addition, bigger athletes are not resistant to hyponatraemia but smaller
  • 50. Brief Summary Of The Stefanie Coleman Case Stefanie Coleman (Coleman) provided the following information: On March 28, 2017, Agent Kelly Birch met with Coleman. The interview was audio recorded. This report is a summary of the interview and not a transcription. Coleman provided that she worked at the Fort Gibson Nursing Home for approximately two years off and on. Coleman provided that she does not work in the kitchen or dining room area. She has witnessed residents spill drinks on themselves but not coffee. Coleman then said if someone split something hot on them an aid would pull them out and tell a nurse to check them and see if they are burnt. When I asked Coleman if she ever witnessed that, she stated, are we talking about the resident that got burnt by the coffee? Coleman
  • 51. An Hour Tone The short story The Story of an Hour is written by Kate Chopin. This story is about a married woman named, Louise Mallard, who learns about her husband s death, and through the poem she discovers the positives of this incident. She gradually learns the restrictions that have been lifted and the new opportunities that arise due to her husband s death, however, the story ends by her getting a heart attack when she sees her husband still alive, the story throughout is written in third person point of view. Furthermore, Chopin believes that marriagecan be very restrictive on woman because of the dominant role the male plays in the relationship and this is shown through the tone and literary features of the poem. First, the tone of the poem ... Show more content on ... The metaphor in the quote storm of grief , presents a sorrowful tone because it displays the tragedy and misery she experiences due to her husbands passing, however this tone lasts only for a small part in the beginning in the story and soon changes into a tone of elation. Furthermore, the symbolism in the line blue sky showing here and there through the clouds [...] shows the hopeful tone as it conveys how the blue sky begins to emerge from the darkness of the clouds. The clouds are used to symbolise the husband s death and how the grieve she experiences due to this incident begins to vanish as the sky clears up. This symbolises the hope that Mallard begins to attain, and this device is used to hint at the increased opportunities and benefits she will gain by being alone and gaining independence. Moreover, the realistic tone is later presented at the end of the story. The dramatic irony in the line of the joy that kills is a powerful indicator that shows restrictions that are placed on woman. This line is ironic because the readers know that she did not die because of the joy when she saw her husband but in fact the shock and disappointment
  • 52. Cookie Ethics Case Study Background Cookie technology involves creating a digital copy of your consciousness and placing it into an empty portable electronic device. The cookie are initially self aware and conscious and can function in various ways including running a house, receive everything to your liking, force confessions from criminals, potentially assist in finding out the wishes of dying patients, and other functions (Brooker Tibbetts, 2014). The cookie is sometimes reluctant to give into their new reality of working for the person they were created from. This results in someone coming in to assist the cookies to dealing with their life and how to manage. The advanced technology allows the helper to advance time at a great speed months or years at... Show more content on ... When going through each of the questions in the ethical tool, the questions What are the rights afforded to the user? required a more in depth answer. It was determined that the user would have full control of who and what can access their cookie and how the information will be used. The other yellows were simple yes and no s, all of which were successfully answered on the condition that the cookies will not cause harm to the person, that all users will be treated equally, and that there will be no bias against the users that opt out (depending on if this feature is available or not). Even if these 3 conditions are not met, we still reached the 9 out of 12 limit moving us on to step
  • 53. Myth Of Meritocracy Is the myth of meritocracy more prevalent for minorities? The myth of meritocracy has been proven true in multiply sources. Studies have hypothesized this before when relating to upward mobility. Upward mobility in the last forty years has been more and more unlikely for years and years now. Factors like race, socioeconomic status, household makeup, and economic conditions of this country play a big role. I will go more indepth about this study by showing more facts in the following paragraphs. The American dream for years has been see known to be something that anybody can achieve with hard work through all obstacles. For most of Americans, especially minorities, this does not occur. The notion that working hard will get you somewhere with your merits does not face up to the statistics. But despite all these statistics, facts, and evidence, people, usually minority, aspose these talking points non stop. Matter of fact, the average person has a little chance of mobility or stay in the same socioeconomic class. In my own personal life, I have yet to achieve the American dream. My own parents have are janitors and grew up in poverty. You can say that they themselves are clear example of the difficulty of achieving success solely on meritocracy. Now you might ask what is your definition of the American dream? For me, the American dream is about owning a home, having enough money to not struggle to buy food, clothing, and decent water for not only me but my wonderful family as
  • 54. Process Essay-Giddy Up Cowboy Giddy Up Cowboy YEEH HAAA! We all have watched those crazy western, old time movies, and wanted to be able to get on and ride off into the sunset just like the Indians, cowboy or the wanted rebels. Don t even shake your head, you know you have. Well just your luck, I am here to help you out with that. Getting your horses, or a donkey works too, ready to ride can sometimes be a dreaded process however; once you re on, and have the wind in your hair and the cold crispy fall breeze on your face, it will all be worth the extensive process it takes to go through. Okay first you have to retrieve or fetch your animal of choice you are going to be riding, such as a donkey or a horse. I would prefer a horse, but it s your right as an American to choose. Catching the horse/ donkey will not always be easy and may end up being the hardest part of the process. If the animal is not locked up in a small area they may choose to trot around, this would cause... Show more content on ... This part should not just be a two minute process. This is when you make your connections with animal you will be riding. For most they already have a connection, but for you who are just now starting this hobby, this is a crucial part; unless you want to be on the ground half way through your ride. So when you are grooming your animal of choice, take time to talk to them. They won t understand it obviously but certain key words such as, good or their name they will pick up. While talking make sure you are actually grooming them. It is extremely important to get two certain places which includes: their hoofs and their back where the saddle is placed. If you were to forget every other spot somehow, you would make it out alive. The one last thing to include with grooming is to make sure you use fly spray. This is a key step! Without it horses/ donkeys will get utterly upset and this is another situation you may end up off the horse due to them bucking at the
  • 55. The Law Enforcement Profession Essay The Law Enforcement Profession Abstract In order to understand comptemporary law enforcemment, we should recognize the conditions that impact our profession. It is agreed upon by many scholars that major changes in law enforcement occur every five years. Policing is sometimes characterize ... like a sandbar in a river, subject to being changed continuously by the currents in which it is immersed... (Swanson, Territo and Taylor, p. 2). However, in recent years some major changes have occurred in a shorter time period. Innovations in law enforcement During the past two decades, I have observed major changes in the viewpoint of society towards police officer s as the symbol of trust and dignity, the technological advances of ... Show more content on ... The results of an investigation disclosed that the McDuffie s death may have been caused by police instead of an accident. After being indicted and found not guilty by an all white jury, riots broke out in black neighborhoods, especially Liberty City resulting in arson and looting that left 18 persons dead and more than 300 injured. This catastrophe forced the Miami Police Department to reexamine and revise their use of force policies and procedures (CQ Researcher, p. 645). The Jeffrey L. Dahmer Case characterize a situation when the police fail to properly handle a call of a suspicous nature. Dahmer was charged with murdering at least 15 young males. On May 27, 1993, two Milwaukee citizens reported a naked young male in the middle of the street bleeding and unable to stand. The boy name was Konerak Sinthasomphone, a 14 year of laotain boy. Dahmer was able to persuade the officer that the boy was a live in lover. The boy was later slain by Dahmer in his apartment after the officers left the scene. A storm of portest came from the minority and homosexual communities accused the officers of displaying racial prejudice. The officers were also criticized for dismissing the incident as a boyfriend boyfriend thing (CQ Researcher, p. 637). One of the most celebrated cases in recent times was the beating of a black motorist by several white police officers in Los Angeles. It stirred nationwide concern about police brutality. On March 3, 1991, Rodney Glen
  • 56. Fictionalizing History One piece of evidence that appears in both There is Value in Teaching History Through Fiction and There is Danger in Fictionalizing History is a quote by Valerie Tripp who explains, fiction can make history matter make it irresistible to young readers ( website 1, 8). In There is Value in Teaching History Through Fiction, the author uses Tripp s evidence to show the readers that there is value is teaching history through fiction. The author is showing evidence that other people believe the same thing about history and fiction, including Valerie Tripp based on this quote. In, There is Danger in Fictionalizing History, the author uses this quote to say that Tripp also knows the dangers of fictionalizing history.