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My Long-Term Goal
In my community, I volunteer immensely with the 4–H and FFA youth in Pima County and Arizona. I am a cavy judge at local shows throughout
the year, as well as a certified shooting sports leader to teach 4–H members safe shooting techniques with rifles. I was also given the opportunity
to volunteer with Future Farmer of America student members through my sorority, Sigma Alpha. I will be volunteering with the Meat Evaluation
CDE at the State CDE Day, and have applied to be a Camp Counselor at the Arizona State FFA Camp held at Camp Shadow Pines in Herber,
Arizona in June. Volunteering with youth involved in agriculture has allowed me to give back to a community that gave me so much during my
youth. 4–H transformed me into the young woman I more content...
My short–term goal is to graduate from the University of Arizona with a major in Anthropology: Human Biology Emphasis, B.S. and a double
minors in Plant Sciences and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. My long–term goal is to become a Forensic Anthropologist, and assist the
Federal Bureau of Investigation in reconstructing discovered bodies and determining the cause of death. I'm attracted to working the field of
criminal justice because I would be solving the ultimate problem: how did the individual leave this world. Majoring in Anthropology allows
me to solve this question. Bones tell us so much, from a person's diet to any broken bones they faced during their life, and this can be used to
solve the final problem of their life. Plant Science comes into play because we can look at the life cycle of a plant as it grows around bones,
and determine how long the bones have been in the area; solving problems and relating other parts to solve the problem. Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology is directly connected to both fields, allowing me to delve deeper into two worlds I enjoy. I would be happy with a career in
either field, but I hope to blend them and have a career involving all
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Term Limit Essay
John Dingell, a member of the United States House of Representatives, served fifty–nine years and twenty–one days at this position. With no term
limits set for the federal legislative positions in the United States, is this representation becoming redundant? Term limits can potentially be crucial
in political reform of the United States that would bring new perspectives to federal legislative positions, warrant regular federal legislative
turnover, and reduce incentives for wasteful election–related federal spending. Term limits can also pervert the entire understanding of what
democracy is, by substituting the people's will with term limits that may go against what the people want. United States federal legislative term
limits have more content...
This amendment is known as the "Term Limitation Amendment," in addition to limiting terms of elected officials within the Arkansas state
government, the amendment also stated that any person having served three or more terms as a member of the United States House of
Representatives from Arkansas would no longer be eligible for re–election as a United States Representative from Arkansas. The amendment also
provided that any person who has served two or more terms as a member of the United States Senate from Arkansas would be ineligible for
re–election as a United States Senator from Arkansas. Arkansas justified their 73rd amendment by citing the tenth amendment of theUnited States
Constitution. Using the residual clause, Arkansas argued that the states had the power to limit terms. The Supreme Court, in a five to four
decision, ruled against Arkansas. The court justified their ruling by showing that the Constitution prohibits states from adopting Congressional
qualifications in addition to those enumerated. A state congressional term limits amendment is unconstitutional if it has the likely effect of
handicapping a class of candidates and "has the sole purpose of creating additional qualifications indirectly." Furthermore, "...allowing individual
States to craft their own congressional qualifications would erode the structure designed by the Framers to form a 'more perfect
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Medical Terminology Essay
In my paper I will be discussing what medical terminology is, where it came from, and how it is applied to medical assistant careers as well
as how it is applied to medical administration careers. I will give examples of the importance of medical terminology and specific examples
of where medical careers use medical terminology on a day to day basis. I will also give a brief summary and definition of what medical
terminology stands for. After reading my paper you should have a good concept of medical terminology's importance, use, and why medical
terminology is not just applied to medical assisting jobs but also why it is important for medical administration employees to also be familiar and
have a good grasp on medical more content...
Decoding is very important because then it becomes easier to understand medical terminology. You should first break down the word by
evaluating the meaning of the suffix, then prefix, and then the word root. This will in able a worker to identify what it is that is going on and be
able to describe it to their patient and to the doctor or physician when asked. But first the worker needs to have a good sense of the origin of
words which is called etymology. (Theirer & Breitbard, 2007, p. 1–4)Once you have the basic rules down you should be able to put words
together and take them apart by decoding them. You also need to make sure that the spelling and pronunciation are correct because if a medical
term is used incorrectly, it can become very dangerous and sometimes life threatening because you diagnose wrong procedures and medication. It
creates a communication for health care professionals to make sure that a patient is treated with the highest amount of service and to ensure that
they are being treated with the right medication. Decoding is essential but the father of medicine also wrote the Hippocratic Oath. In this Oath
physicians are meant to promise to practice medicine the right way. To make sure their pronunciation and spelling was always accurate and
correct. The Oath has been in use for over two thousand years and physicians and doctors are to follow the Oath to the best
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Term Usage Of Cloud Computing Essay
1.BYOD – Bring Your Own Device
Term usage: BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is an authorized exercise which is given to employees of a company or an organization to use
their own smartphones, tablets, laptops or any other devices for work purposes.
2.Cloud computing
Term usage: Cloud computing is an application of utilizing a network of remote servers which is organized on the internet to store, control or
manage and process the data, comparatively than a personal computer or a local server.
3.Transaction processing systems– TPS
Term usage: Transaction processing systems is a strategy for the collection, storage, retrieval and adjustments of transactions which is been made
by an organization. They are like the main foundation for a company because these are the one which continuously update or modernize.
4.Business model Term usage: In order to undergo a successful performance, an organization or association executes a proposal or a design to
generate income and make a profit from the operations. This plan or design which is made by a business is known as Business model.
5.Business process
Term usage: A business process is a group of connected responsibility which find their end in the delivery of a service or product to a client. It is
a set of activities once when they are completed, will achieve an organizational goal.
6.Key performance indicator (KPI)
Term usage: Key performance
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Term Structure Of Interest Rates
6.Suggested improvements5
The term structure of interest rates describes the empirical relationship between the yields on fixed income securities and their term to maturity
(Poitras, 2005). The yield curve is the term structure's graphical representation, plotting the yields of fixed income securities as a "function of their
maturity" (Stander 2005, Cochrane, 2005).
Yield curves are widely used in pricing and valuation techniques, supporting subjective and objective decision–making processes. Yield curves
offer information that assists practitioners in determining the current level of more content...
In this respect, the following model will be employed: y_i=a+bM_i+cM_i^2+dM_i^3+e_i where: y_i≡yield to maturity of the bond
M_i≡bond^ ' s time to maturity a,b,c,d≡parameters to be estimated e_i≡the deviation of the actual yield from the fitted yield
The input data will consist of yields to maturity and respective time to maturity of the sample bonds. The independent (explained) variable in this
model will be the yield to maturity. The explanatory variables will consist of the bonds' time to maturity at the power of 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Since the sample data provides the maturity dates of each bond, the bond's time to maturity (M_i) is calculated using the following formula:
M_i=(maturity date of bond i–today^ ' s date)/(number of days in a year)
Today's date is assumed to be 14/11/2014; number of days in a year are assumed to be 365.25 thus, allowing for leap years to be taken into account.
Subsequently M_i^2 and M_i^3 are also calculated for each bond in the sample.
The model will be estimated using OLS regression method. The regression parameters are being estimated employing Excel's regression function.
The yield to maturity of the new bond is being estimated by substituting the bond's time to maturity (M_i) into the estimated yield curve equation:
(y_i ) М‚=a М‚+b М‚M_i+c М‚M_i^2+d М‚M_i^3
From the definition of yield to
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Term Structure Of Interest Rates Essay
To understand the term structure of interest rates, we study the yield curve. Yield curves are normally upward sloping reflecting a positive
relationship between terms to maturity and yield to maturity, or they can be downward sloping (inverted), or flat. Yield curves may however also
depict complicated shapes.
An upward sloping yield shows that long term interest rates are higher than short term interest rates. This is due to long term bonds having to
compensate for the interest rate risk and inflation expectations that is associated with the longer term. Normal yield curves are usually linked with
economic growth. Flat yield curves indicate that the market does not expect future short term rates to increase significantly enough to push long
term yields up. Flat curves are associated with an economy nearing recession. With an inverted yield curve, future short–term rates are expected to
be low enough that the long term bond rates lie below short current short term rates making them very risky to invest in. An inverted yield curve is
synonymous with economic recessions.
Yield curves on their own do not provide useful information. Theories are needed to make sense of them and there are four such theories that have
evolved. These are: the expectation theory, the segmented market theory, the preferred habitat theory and the liquidity premium theory. The last
two theories however are closely related.
Term structures outline three facts that these theories must try
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Long Term Academic Goals
My long term academic goal is to graduate from college with a four year degree, then continue on to pursue an MD and PhD. I hope to be
able to attend Columbia University, where I can enroll in the university's MD/PhD program after graduation. Of course, there are many other
schools that also offer an MD/PhD program for graduate students, but Columbia University is my top choice of colleges. The MD/PhD
program will allow me to attain a solid background both in the hospital and in research laboratories. This will be a necessity for my career
goals, as I wish to work in a research lab somewhere in the city, possibly at Columbia or in the facilities that coordinate with the work going on
there. Asides from Columbia, I am preparing to apply to several
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Essay Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney.
Mid–Term Break by Seamus Heaney.
'Mid–Term Break' by the poet Seamus Heaney is about a personal experience that he has encountered. It deals with the issues of life and death in
a family and also how different people cope.
The title at first suggests that the poem is going to be about a holiday, but as you get into the poem further, you realise that the title has a far
deeper and darker meaning...
In the first stanza, we learn that Seamus Heaney is in a college sick bay waiting to be picked up. You get suspicious when he is being picked up his
neighbour, which could indicate that something serious has happened.
Time is passing slowly, and Heaney uses alliteration to show this.
"Counting bells knelling classes to more content...
For example, in a couple of the stanzas, he uses the word 'hand' to link the verses together. This is a very obvious way of using enjambement but
it works really well.
As Seamus Heaney walks into the room, he talks about how he was embarrassed to see old men standing up and shaking his hand to show their
respect. He is then met by his mother who is in such a state of shock and disbelief that she is coughing out angry and tearless sighs, meaning that
she cannot come to terms with what has happened. We now start to realise that something has happened which would make a mother and father
break down, and suggests that it is a brother or sister of the poets.
Later on in the poem, we find out that it was actually the brother who was killed. The fact that Heaney had been away at boarding school and
had not seen the boy for six weeks, makes you feel sympathetic and you can almost feel Heaneys' pain by this point.
When he goes in...
"Snowdrops and candles soothed the bedside"
The snowdrops simply represent the innocence of the boy, and maybe even hint at the time of year that this had happened. The candles are to
light the souls journey to heaven, and possibly also as a sign of hope for the family. Since the family are Catholic, they leave the body for
friends and relatives to see and say their last goodbyes, and
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Term Limits Pros And Cons
Term limits separate a democracy from a dictatorship. As society changes, representatives need to change along with it. America needs term
limits on Congressmen because it is necessary for a healthy democracy. Every six years, a senator is reelected and a representative from the
House is reelected every 2 years. This is important because it allows us to choose who makes the laws. If the same candidates were brought up
every election, people looking for something new in our legislative branch may not be able to vote for who they want. Even if they could have
voted for the new candidates they wanted , they would most likely not be popular as many people want to vote fo someone they already know
and feel safe with. One may argue that if you
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Term Limits Essay
Term Limits There is a movement sweeping the United States that state legislatures, by virtue of the Tenth Amendment, have the constitutional
power to establish a new qualification for federal office, specifically, a restriction on the number of terms their congressional delegations may
serve in Washington. The legal battleground covers two sections of the Constitution. Proponents of term limits will highlight Article I, Section 4,
which they say gives each state the authority to prescribe the "time, place and manner" of congressional elections, therefore delegating to the local
level the rules of who gets to run. Opponents will counter that such an interpretation of the Constitution is much too broad. They will also point
out more content...
The Constitution requires a specified period of citizenship, residency in the state represented, and attainment of a certain age. The Convention also
established the length of terms for all elective offices, but voted against any limits on re–eligibility or the number of consecutive terms that would
be allowed. The absence of term limits in the Constitution was not an oversight, Proposals to limit elected officers to a specified number of terms
were introduced at least three times during the 1787 Convention but were rejected, not because anyone deemed term limits to be a state
prerogative, but because terms limitation would be redundant, For the most part, short terms would encourage more accountability than limited
terms. In his notes on the Convention, James Madison records: "Frequent elections are necessary to preserve the good behavior of rulers. They
also tend to give permanency to the Government, by preserving that good behavior, because it ensures their re–election." Two–year terms for the
House and other constitutional restraints limited the amount of mischief federal officers might be inclined to indulge in. Federal powers, being
few and defined, were well understood, and elected officials who exceeded their mandate, or who abused those
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Thesis, Term Paper, Essay, Research Paper
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT Adolescent pregnancy has long been a worldwide social and educational concern
for the developed, developing and underdeveloped countries. Many countries continue to experience high incidence of teenage pregnancy despite
the intervention strategies that have been put in place. In 1990 approximately 530,000 teenagers in the United States became pregnant, 51% of
whom gave birth (Coley & Chase–Lansdale, 1998).
Available literature suggests that fertility rates in developing countries have declined in the past two decades (Dickson, 2002; Caldwell &
Caldwell, 2002). It is argued that due to changing socio–political circumstances, women have reassessed the timing of childbirth and the role of more content...
Prevailing societal norms and values as determined by social, economic, cultural, psychological and developmental factors have influence on the
behaviour of its youth. There is increasing evidence that adolescents are influenced by their environment, therefore reproductive behaviour might
be influenced by community characteristics (National Population Unit, 2000).
Much research has been done on factors that predispose girls to falling pregnant in their adolescent years (Furstenberg, Brooks–Gunn & Morgan,
1987; Dryfoos, 1990). Researchers have found a number of personal, family and social factors, which are often –5–
associated with teenage pregnancy (Dryfoos, 1990). The high incidence of teenage pregnancy has become a major societal and educational
concern, as it seems to perpetuate poverty and low levels of education (Furstenberg, Brooks–Gunn, & Morgan, 1987).
Consequently, the majority of researchers have focused on socio–economic predictors and consequences of teenage pregnancy. Although
knowledge on social factors has expanded in the past decade, research on the psychological effects of teenage pregnancy has been largely
ignored. The current study seeks to explore the impact of pregnancy during adolescence, on the psychological processes. There is still a need to
understand factors within an individual, which put an adolescent at greater risk of falling pregnant and how development
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Essay, Term Paper, or Research Paper
Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England (4222–21)
Candidate logbook 501/1306/9 Mandatory Units All pathways June 2011 Version 1.0 August 2012 Version 1.1
About City & Guilds As the UK's leading vocational education organisation, City & Guilds is leading the talent revolution by inspiring people
to unlock their potential and develop their skills. We offer over 500 qualifications across 28 industries through 8500 centres worldwide and
award around two million certificates every year. City & Guilds is recognised and respected by employers across the world as a sign of quality
and exceptional training. City & Guilds Group The City & Guilds Group operates from three major hubs: London ( more content...
You should discuss and agree with your assessor/tutor which of these units you are going to work towards. The recording forms for the units in
this logbook are for the mandatory, competence based units only.
About City & Guilds
City & Guilds is your awarding body for this Diploma. City & Guilds is the UK's leading awarding body for vocational qualifications.
Information about City & Guilds and our qualifications is available on our website
Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England (4222–21)
2 About this qualification 2.1 What are Diplomas?
The Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England is a nationally recognised qualification gained in the workplace. It is
based on National Occupational Standards, which are standards written by employers and experts in your industry. When you achieve your
qualification it will prove that you can work to the standards expected by employers in your industry. Your qualification will show you are
competent to do a job and have the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to do it well. Diplomas are work based qualifications, so you
should choose a qualification that best matches the type of work you already carry out, or expect to carry out in the future. If you are not in
work, your centre will need to arrange a work placement for your assessment. The qualification sits on the Qualifications Credit Framework
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Term Essay
Syllabus BCOM/275 Version 2
School of Business BCOM/275 Version 2 Business Communication and Critical Thinking
Copyright © 2011 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Instructor: Jon Olson 12/18/2012 – 02/04/2013
Course Description This course introduces students to the foundations of communication in a business setting. Students will develop skills in
critical thinking and decision making through the forms of written communication, including memos, emails, business letters, and reports. Other
topics include communication ethics and cross–cultural communications, personal communication styles, solving organizational problems, and
the evaluation of an organizations strategic direction. Policies Faculty more content...
We will return to class on January 8, 2013. Homework turned in later than December 24, 2012 for the first week will be counted as late.
Homework turned in January 8 will count as one day late and so on.
Syllabus BCOM/275 Version 2
Week Two: Critical Thinking Applied to Effective Communication
Objectives Readings Readings Participation Learning Team Instructions 2.1 Analyze the validity, credibility, and reliability of data. 2.2
Evaluate arguments for validity. Read Ch. 4, 5, 6, & 7 of Critical Thinking. Review this week's Electronic Reserve Readings. Discussion
Question answers and participation in class discussion. Select a topic to be used for a debate. The topic should be controversial and phrased as
a "Yes" or "No" question. Examples include "Should guns be outlawed?" or "Should the United States leave Afghanistan?" Submit the topic to
the facilitator through one team member's individual forum for approval in Week Two. Read the Debate Paper assignment requirements located
in Week Five. Learning Team Charter Individual Career Plan Building Activity: Competencies and Career Interests Profiler Create/Edit the
Learning Team Charter form for the team and submit it for grading. By completing My Career Plan activities in this course, you are taking some
of the first steps to creating a career plan that will help you reach your career goals. If you need additional
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Term Paper on Financial Derivatives
The popular assertion that derivative securities tend to destabilize the underlying asset markets has persisted for more than three centuries. To
what extent is this notion theoretically justified? To what extent has it been supported by empirical evidence? This topic has been the focus of
much academic scrutiny. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the theoretical and empirical literature on this issue,
and more generally on the relationships between underlying and derivative markets. The debate on the effects of derivative trading is closely
related to the more fundamental issue of the extent to which speculative trading in general influences market prices. Accordingly, we will begin by more content...
Derivatives are leveraged products. The term "derivative" indicates that it has no independent value, i.e. its value is entirely "derived" from the
value of the underlying asset. Financial engineers have played a tremendous role in investment and money management, and are heavily involved
in risk management. Derivatives are instruments of risk hedging. As instruments of risk management, these generally do not influence the
fluctuations in the underlying asset prices. However, by locking–in asset prices, derivative products minimize the impact of fluctuations in asset
prices on the profitability and cash flow situation of risk–averse investors. A derivative contract or product, or simply "derivative", should be
distinguished from the underlying asset, i.e. the asset bought/sold in the cash market on normal delivery terms. Common derivatives include
options, forward contracts, futures contracts, and swaps. In this paper, we study the impact of introduction of futures contracts on stock indices
and its effect on the underlying spot market in India.
1.1 Concept of Derivatives
The term 'derivatives, refers to a broad class of financial instruments which mainly include options and futures. These instruments derive their
value from the price and other related variables of the underlying asset. They do not have worth of their own and derive their value from the
claim they give to their owners to own some other
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Term Essay
Every ninety minutes of every night we're asleep, a dream unfolds. The short dreams at the beginning of the night are usually no more exciting
that the idle thoughts that randomly pop into our heads when we're awake. But as the night progresses, the length of each dream increases (the
last dream can be up to twenty minutes long), the body responds more intensely (increased heartbeat, respiration, muscle twitching), and the
dreams become deeper.
Dreams are sometimes said to be ordinary sequences of images that are experienced by the mind during sleep. For thousands of years they were
regarded as divine visitations or predictions. Dreams were not really more content...
"Dreams are rudiments of the great state to come. We dream what is about to happen."
Within sleep, there are two distinct states or cycles, called non–rapid eye movement (non–REM) and rapid eye movement (REM). Each state is as
different from the other as it is from wakefulness. Throughout the night, you alternate between the two states over the corse of four to six cycles.
Non–REM sleep consists of four distinct stages; each characterized by progressively slower brain –wave patterns, which indicate progressively
deeper sleep. When children enter stage three or four, it is almost impossible to wake them up, unlike teenagers and adults. As the cycle
proceeds, heart rate and blood pressure drop, movement of food through the gut speeds up, glucose consumption by the cells slows, and muscles
relax. After stage four, you quickly move backward through the stages into a lighter sleep. After a series of body movements, you enter the
evening's first REM, or dream, stage, which lasts only one to five minutes.
During REM, the synchronized brain–wave activity characteristic of deep sleep breaks up and begins to look a lot like that of wakefulness. The
amount of oxygen your brain consumes exceeds that used during intense physical or mental exercise. The hyperactivity in the brain is coupled
with an almost total
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Term Paper About Sports
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Introduction1 II. History of Football (Soccer)3III. Nature of the Game4 IV. Playing Area5V. Physical (Soccer
/Football) Conditioning6 VI. Practice (Soccer/Football) Drills8 VII. Conclusion10 I. Introduction Football or Soccer is a popular sport played
all over the world. Even though it has only been popular in North America for the past 30 years, soccer has been a long time favorite most
everywhere else. It is the national sport of most European and Latin–American countries, and of many other nations. Millions of people in more
than 140 countries play soccer. The sport datesback to the Egyptians, more content...
In 1848 a group of school representatives met at Trinity College in Cambridge and drew up the first of soccer rules. In 1863 English soccer
clubs founded the Football Association. By the late 1800's soccer began to spread to the rest of the world. The Canadian Soccer Association
was established in 1912 while the United States Soccer Federation was set up in 1913. The first World Cup Championship was in
Montevideo, Uruguay. Since then it has been played every four years except during WWII. The North American Soccer League (NASL) was
formed in 1968 and the sport began to gain popularity in the 1970 s. Modern Game and Rules The modern game of soccer has a simple goal:
kick or head the ball in to the goal of your opponent s team. Basically, there is also one simple rule: No one except the goalkeeper may use
they rehands to play the ball. Soccer is a simplistic sport. Eleven members of each team defend their side of the field to prevent the ball from
being forced into their goal, which results in a point scored by the team kicking the ball. There are only three officials involved during play:
The referee, and two linesmen. The equipment used in soccer is also very simple. In addition to the field itself, all that is needed for a game is
two goals (eight feet high and eight yards apart) and a ball. Each player wears hard
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Climate Change (Term Paper)
Summary: This paper looks at the controversial issue of climatic change. In particular, it develops the question of if and why earth's climate is
changing? The roles of man, naturally occurring trends, and earth's cycles are considered, and an outlook for what can be expected in the near and
distant future is given. В‘The uneasiness of modern man arises from a rupture between himself and nature that leaves him homeless within the
universe...' William Barrett Introduction Over the past years most individuals have become acutely aware that the intensity of human and
economic development enjoyed over the 20th century cannot be sustained. Material consumption and ever increasing populations are already more content...
The point here is not to provide an evaluation of Malthus, and one might well argue that he was wrong in many of his predictions; but rather to
highlight the posit that man has long been living beyond his means. Sooner or later, this will have its consequences. As a species, our success has
certainly been impressive, but it has come by turning a blind–eye to our surroundings. "A prime reason for our success is our flexibility as a
switcher predator and scavenger. We are consummately adaptable, able to switch form one resource baseВ—grasslands, forests or estuariesВ—to
another, as each is exploited to its maximum tolerance or use up. Like other successful species we have learned to adapt ourselves to new
environments. But, unlike other animals, we made a jump from being successful to being a runaway success. We have made this jump because
of our ability to adapt environments for our own uses in ways that no other animal can match." Whether or not man can continue to adapt to the
emerging environment, however, is a difficult question. In a (literally) rapidly changing world, it is difficult to look back on past or present to
divine the future. But, using Malthus' line of reasoning, one way or another mother nature will surely В‘take care of us'. "Lack of resources,
environmental degradation, famine and disease will in the painful fashion known by our ancestors cut our species back. AIDS is the obvious
example of a way in which to do
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Short-Term-Work Memory
My biggest take away this week was how restricted our short–term/working memory really is. We can only hold 4 to 7 distinct memories at one
time in the short–term memory (as the first video stated). When I took the memory quiz my memory score was 76%. I think this is a decent
score, but if I focused better I could have gotten a better score. I think this score is relatively average or maybe even above average hopefully! I
consider myself to have a pretty good memory overall and enjoyed the quiz. I believe I am generally good with names and faces, as well as
recalling memories from my childhood. Also, I am good at memorization and recalling random facts from a long time ago. I can recall many
memories and fun times I have had in the past easily
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My Long-Term Goal

  • 1. My Long-Term Goal In my community, I volunteer immensely with the 4–H and FFA youth in Pima County and Arizona. I am a cavy judge at local shows throughout the year, as well as a certified shooting sports leader to teach 4–H members safe shooting techniques with rifles. I was also given the opportunity to volunteer with Future Farmer of America student members through my sorority, Sigma Alpha. I will be volunteering with the Meat Evaluation CDE at the State CDE Day, and have applied to be a Camp Counselor at the Arizona State FFA Camp held at Camp Shadow Pines in Herber, Arizona in June. Volunteering with youth involved in agriculture has allowed me to give back to a community that gave me so much during my youth. 4–H transformed me into the young woman I more content... My short–term goal is to graduate from the University of Arizona with a major in Anthropology: Human Biology Emphasis, B.S. and a double minors in Plant Sciences and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. My long–term goal is to become a Forensic Anthropologist, and assist the Federal Bureau of Investigation in reconstructing discovered bodies and determining the cause of death. I'm attracted to working the field of criminal justice because I would be solving the ultimate problem: how did the individual leave this world. Majoring in Anthropology allows me to solve this question. Bones tell us so much, from a person's diet to any broken bones they faced during their life, and this can be used to solve the final problem of their life. Plant Science comes into play because we can look at the life cycle of a plant as it grows around bones, and determine how long the bones have been in the area; solving problems and relating other parts to solve the problem. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology is directly connected to both fields, allowing me to delve deeper into two worlds I enjoy. I would be happy with a career in either field, but I hope to blend them and have a career involving all Get more content on
  • 2. Term Limit Essay John Dingell, a member of the United States House of Representatives, served fifty–nine years and twenty–one days at this position. With no term limits set for the federal legislative positions in the United States, is this representation becoming redundant? Term limits can potentially be crucial in political reform of the United States that would bring new perspectives to federal legislative positions, warrant regular federal legislative turnover, and reduce incentives for wasteful election–related federal spending. Term limits can also pervert the entire understanding of what democracy is, by substituting the people's will with term limits that may go against what the people want. United States federal legislative term limits have more content... This amendment is known as the "Term Limitation Amendment," in addition to limiting terms of elected officials within the Arkansas state government, the amendment also stated that any person having served three or more terms as a member of the United States House of Representatives from Arkansas would no longer be eligible for re–election as a United States Representative from Arkansas. The amendment also provided that any person who has served two or more terms as a member of the United States Senate from Arkansas would be ineligible for re–election as a United States Senator from Arkansas. Arkansas justified their 73rd amendment by citing the tenth amendment of theUnited States Constitution. Using the residual clause, Arkansas argued that the states had the power to limit terms. The Supreme Court, in a five to four decision, ruled against Arkansas. The court justified their ruling by showing that the Constitution prohibits states from adopting Congressional qualifications in addition to those enumerated. A state congressional term limits amendment is unconstitutional if it has the likely effect of handicapping a class of candidates and "has the sole purpose of creating additional qualifications indirectly." Furthermore, "...allowing individual States to craft their own congressional qualifications would erode the structure designed by the Framers to form a 'more perfect Get more content on
  • 3. Medical Terminology Essay In my paper I will be discussing what medical terminology is, where it came from, and how it is applied to medical assistant careers as well as how it is applied to medical administration careers. I will give examples of the importance of medical terminology and specific examples of where medical careers use medical terminology on a day to day basis. I will also give a brief summary and definition of what medical terminology stands for. After reading my paper you should have a good concept of medical terminology's importance, use, and why medical terminology is not just applied to medical assisting jobs but also why it is important for medical administration employees to also be familiar and have a good grasp on medical more content... Decoding is very important because then it becomes easier to understand medical terminology. You should first break down the word by evaluating the meaning of the suffix, then prefix, and then the word root. This will in able a worker to identify what it is that is going on and be able to describe it to their patient and to the doctor or physician when asked. But first the worker needs to have a good sense of the origin of words which is called etymology. (Theirer & Breitbard, 2007, p. 1–4)Once you have the basic rules down you should be able to put words together and take them apart by decoding them. You also need to make sure that the spelling and pronunciation are correct because if a medical term is used incorrectly, it can become very dangerous and sometimes life threatening because you diagnose wrong procedures and medication. It creates a communication for health care professionals to make sure that a patient is treated with the highest amount of service and to ensure that they are being treated with the right medication. Decoding is essential but the father of medicine also wrote the Hippocratic Oath. In this Oath physicians are meant to promise to practice medicine the right way. To make sure their pronunciation and spelling was always accurate and correct. The Oath has been in use for over two thousand years and physicians and doctors are to follow the Oath to the best Get more content on
  • 4. Term Usage Of Cloud Computing Essay Terms 1.BYOD – Bring Your Own Device Term usage: BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is an authorized exercise which is given to employees of a company or an organization to use their own smartphones, tablets, laptops or any other devices for work purposes. 2.Cloud computing Term usage: Cloud computing is an application of utilizing a network of remote servers which is organized on the internet to store, control or manage and process the data, comparatively than a personal computer or a local server. 3.Transaction processing systems– TPS Term usage: Transaction processing systems is a strategy for the collection, storage, retrieval and adjustments of transactions which is been made by an organization. They are like the main foundation for a company because these are the one which continuously update or modernize. 4.Business model Term usage: In order to undergo a successful performance, an organization or association executes a proposal or a design to generate income and make a profit from the operations. This plan or design which is made by a business is known as Business model. 5.Business process Term usage: A business process is a group of connected responsibility which find their end in the delivery of a service or product to a client. It is a set of activities once when they are completed, will achieve an organizational goal. 6.Key performance indicator (KPI) Term usage: Key performance Get more content on
  • 5. Term Structure Of Interest Rates Contents: 1.Introduction2 2.Method2 3.Data3 4.Results4 5.Limitations5 6.Suggested improvements5 7.References7 Introduction The term structure of interest rates describes the empirical relationship between the yields on fixed income securities and their term to maturity (Poitras, 2005). The yield curve is the term structure's graphical representation, plotting the yields of fixed income securities as a "function of their maturity" (Stander 2005, Cochrane, 2005). Yield curves are widely used in pricing and valuation techniques, supporting subjective and objective decision–making processes. Yield curves offer information that assists practitioners in determining the current level of more content... In this respect, the following model will be employed: y_i=a+bM_i+cM_i^2+dM_i^3+e_i where: y_iв‰Ўyield to maturity of the bond M_iв‰Ўbond^ ' s time to maturity a,b,c,dв‰Ўparameters to be estimated e_iв‰Ўthe deviation of the actual yield from the fitted yield The input data will consist of yields to maturity and respective time to maturity of the sample bonds. The independent (explained) variable in this model will be the yield to maturity. The explanatory variables will consist of the bonds' time to maturity at the power of 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Since the sample data provides the maturity dates of each bond, the bond's time to maturity (M_i) is calculated using the following formula: M_i=(maturity date of bond i–today^ ' s date)/(number of days in a year) Today's date is assumed to be 14/11/2014; number of days in a year are assumed to be 365.25 thus, allowing for leap years to be taken into account. Subsequently M_i^2 and M_i^3 are also calculated for each bond in the sample.
  • 6. The model will be estimated using OLS regression method. The regression parameters are being estimated employing Excel's regression function. The yield to maturity of the new bond is being estimated by substituting the bond's time to maturity (M_i) into the estimated yield curve equation: (y_i ) М‚=a М‚+b М‚M_i+c М‚M_i^2+d М‚M_i^3 From the definition of yield to Get more content on
  • 7. Term Structure Of Interest Rates Essay Literature To understand the term structure of interest rates, we study the yield curve. Yield curves are normally upward sloping reflecting a positive relationship between terms to maturity and yield to maturity, or they can be downward sloping (inverted), or flat. Yield curves may however also depict complicated shapes. An upward sloping yield shows that long term interest rates are higher than short term interest rates. This is due to long term bonds having to compensate for the interest rate risk and inflation expectations that is associated with the longer term. Normal yield curves are usually linked with economic growth. Flat yield curves indicate that the market does not expect future short term rates to increase significantly enough to push long term yields up. Flat curves are associated with an economy nearing recession. With an inverted yield curve, future short–term rates are expected to be low enough that the long term bond rates lie below short current short term rates making them very risky to invest in. An inverted yield curve is synonymous with economic recessions. Yield curves on their own do not provide useful information. Theories are needed to make sense of them and there are four such theories that have evolved. These are: the expectation theory, the segmented market theory, the preferred habitat theory and the liquidity premium theory. The last two theories however are closely related. Term structures outline three facts that these theories must try Get more content on
  • 8. Long Term Academic Goals My long term academic goal is to graduate from college with a four year degree, then continue on to pursue an MD and PhD. I hope to be able to attend Columbia University, where I can enroll in the university's MD/PhD program after graduation. Of course, there are many other schools that also offer an MD/PhD program for graduate students, but Columbia University is my top choice of colleges. The MD/PhD program will allow me to attain a solid background both in the hospital and in research laboratories. This will be a necessity for my career goals, as I wish to work in a research lab somewhere in the city, possibly at Columbia or in the facilities that coordinate with the work going on there. Asides from Columbia, I am preparing to apply to several Get more content on
  • 9. Essay Mid-Term Break by Seamus Heaney. Mid–Term Break by Seamus Heaney. 'Mid–Term Break' by the poet Seamus Heaney is about a personal experience that he has encountered. It deals with the issues of life and death in a family and also how different people cope. The title at first suggests that the poem is going to be about a holiday, but as you get into the poem further, you realise that the title has a far deeper and darker meaning... In the first stanza, we learn that Seamus Heaney is in a college sick bay waiting to be picked up. You get suspicious when he is being picked up his neighbour, which could indicate that something serious has happened. Time is passing slowly, and Heaney uses alliteration to show this. "Counting bells knelling classes to more content... For example, in a couple of the stanzas, he uses the word 'hand' to link the verses together. This is a very obvious way of using enjambement but it works really well. As Seamus Heaney walks into the room, he talks about how he was embarrassed to see old men standing up and shaking his hand to show their respect. He is then met by his mother who is in such a state of shock and disbelief that she is coughing out angry and tearless sighs, meaning that she cannot come to terms with what has happened. We now start to realise that something has happened which would make a mother and father break down, and suggests that it is a brother or sister of the poets. Later on in the poem, we find out that it was actually the brother who was killed. The fact that Heaney had been away at boarding school and had not seen the boy for six weeks, makes you feel sympathetic and you can almost feel Heaneys' pain by this point.
  • 10. When he goes in... "Snowdrops and candles soothed the bedside" The snowdrops simply represent the innocence of the boy, and maybe even hint at the time of year that this had happened. The candles are to light the souls journey to heaven, and possibly also as a sign of hope for the family. Since the family are Catholic, they leave the body for friends and relatives to see and say their last goodbyes, and the Get more content on
  • 11. Term Limits Pros And Cons Term limits separate a democracy from a dictatorship. As society changes, representatives need to change along with it. America needs term limits on Congressmen because it is necessary for a healthy democracy. Every six years, a senator is reelected and a representative from the House is reelected every 2 years. This is important because it allows us to choose who makes the laws. If the same candidates were brought up every election, people looking for something new in our legislative branch may not be able to vote for who they want. Even if they could have voted for the new candidates they wanted , they would most likely not be popular as many people want to vote fo someone they already know and feel safe with. One may argue that if you Get more content on
  • 12. Term Limits Essay Term Limits There is a movement sweeping the United States that state legislatures, by virtue of the Tenth Amendment, have the constitutional power to establish a new qualification for federal office, specifically, a restriction on the number of terms their congressional delegations may serve in Washington. The legal battleground covers two sections of the Constitution. Proponents of term limits will highlight Article I, Section 4, which they say gives each state the authority to prescribe the "time, place and manner" of congressional elections, therefore delegating to the local level the rules of who gets to run. Opponents will counter that such an interpretation of the Constitution is much too broad. They will also point out more content... The Constitution requires a specified period of citizenship, residency in the state represented, and attainment of a certain age. The Convention also established the length of terms for all elective offices, but voted against any limits on re–eligibility or the number of consecutive terms that would be allowed. The absence of term limits in the Constitution was not an oversight, Proposals to limit elected officers to a specified number of terms were introduced at least three times during the 1787 Convention but were rejected, not because anyone deemed term limits to be a state prerogative, but because terms limitation would be redundant, For the most part, short terms would encourage more accountability than limited terms. In his notes on the Convention, James Madison records: "Frequent elections are necessary to preserve the good behavior of rulers. They also tend to give permanency to the Government, by preserving that good behavior, because it ensures their re–election." Two–year terms for the House and other constitutional restraints limited the amount of mischief federal officers might be inclined to indulge in. Federal powers, being few and defined, were well understood, and elected officials who exceeded their mandate, or who abused those Get more content on
  • 13. Thesis, Term Paper, Essay, Research Paper CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT Adolescent pregnancy has long been a worldwide social and educational concern for the developed, developing and underdeveloped countries. Many countries continue to experience high incidence of teenage pregnancy despite the intervention strategies that have been put in place. In 1990 approximately 530,000 teenagers in the United States became pregnant, 51% of whom gave birth (Coley & Chase–Lansdale, 1998). Available literature suggests that fertility rates in developing countries have declined in the past two decades (Dickson, 2002; Caldwell & Caldwell, 2002). It is argued that due to changing socio–political circumstances, women have reassessed the timing of childbirth and the role of more content... Prevailing societal norms and values as determined by social, economic, cultural, psychological and developmental factors have influence on the behaviour of its youth. There is increasing evidence that adolescents are influenced by their environment, therefore reproductive behaviour might be influenced by community characteristics (National Population Unit, 2000). Much research has been done on factors that predispose girls to falling pregnant in their adolescent years (Furstenberg, Brooks–Gunn & Morgan, 1987; Dryfoos, 1990). Researchers have found a number of personal, family and social factors, which are often –5– associated with teenage pregnancy (Dryfoos, 1990). The high incidence of teenage pregnancy has become a major societal and educational concern, as it seems to perpetuate poverty and low levels of education (Furstenberg, Brooks–Gunn, & Morgan, 1987). Consequently, the majority of researchers have focused on socio–economic predictors and consequences of teenage pregnancy. Although knowledge on social factors has expanded in the past decade, research on the psychological effects of teenage pregnancy has been largely ignored. The current study seeks to explore the impact of pregnancy during adolescence, on the psychological processes. There is still a need to understand factors within an individual, which put an adolescent at greater risk of falling pregnant and how development
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  • 15. Essay, Term Paper, or Research Paper Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England (4222–21) Candidate logbook 501/1306/9 Mandatory Units All pathways June 2011 Version 1.0 August 2012 Version 1.1 About City & Guilds As the UK's leading vocational education organisation, City & Guilds is leading the talent revolution by inspiring people to unlock their potential and develop their skills. We offer over 500 qualifications across 28 industries through 8500 centres worldwide and award around two million certificates every year. City & Guilds is recognised and respected by employers across the world as a sign of quality and exceptional training. City & Guilds Group The City & Guilds Group operates from three major hubs: London ( more content... You should discuss and agree with your assessor/tutor which of these units you are going to work towards. The recording forms for the units in this logbook are for the mandatory, competence based units only. About City & Guilds City & Guilds is your awarding body for this Diploma. City & Guilds is the UK's leading awarding body for vocational qualifications. Information about City & Guilds and our qualifications is available on our website 6 Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England (4222–21) 2 About this qualification 2.1 What are Diplomas? The Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England is a nationally recognised qualification gained in the workplace. It is based on National Occupational Standards, which are standards written by employers and experts in your industry. When you achieve your qualification it will prove that you can work to the standards expected by employers in your industry. Your qualification will show you are competent to do a job and have the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to do it well. Diplomas are work based qualifications, so you
  • 16. should choose a qualification that best matches the type of work you already carry out, or expect to carry out in the future. If you are not in work, your centre will need to arrange a work placement for your assessment. The qualification sits on the Qualifications Credit Framework Get more content on
  • 17. Term Essay Syllabus BCOM/275 Version 2 1 Syllabus School of Business BCOM/275 Version 2 Business Communication and Critical Thinking Copyright © 2011 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Instructor: Jon Olson 12/18/2012 – 02/04/2013 Course Description This course introduces students to the foundations of communication in a business setting. Students will develop skills in critical thinking and decision making through the forms of written communication, including memos, emails, business letters, and reports. Other topics include communication ethics and cross–cultural communications, personal communication styles, solving organizational problems, and the evaluation of an organizations strategic direction. Policies Faculty more content... We will return to class on January 8, 2013. Homework turned in later than December 24, 2012 for the first week will be counted as late. Homework turned in January 8 will count as one day late and so on. Syllabus BCOM/275 Version 2 3 Week Two: Critical Thinking Applied to Effective Communication Details Objectives Readings Readings Participation Learning Team Instructions 2.1 Analyze the validity, credibility, and reliability of data. 2.2 Evaluate arguments for validity. Read Ch. 4, 5, 6, & 7 of Critical Thinking. Review this week's Electronic Reserve Readings. Discussion Question answers and participation in class discussion. Select a topic to be used for a debate. The topic should be controversial and phrased as
  • 18. a "Yes" or "No" question. Examples include "Should guns be outlawed?" or "Should the United States leave Afghanistan?" Submit the topic to the facilitator through one team member's individual forum for approval in Week Two. Read the Debate Paper assignment requirements located in Week Five. Learning Team Charter Individual Career Plan Building Activity: Competencies and Career Interests Profiler Create/Edit the Learning Team Charter form for the team and submit it for grading. By completing My Career Plan activities in this course, you are taking some of the first steps to creating a career plan that will help you reach your career goals. If you need additional Get more content on
  • 19. Term Paper on Financial Derivatives EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The popular assertion that derivative securities tend to destabilize the underlying asset markets has persisted for more than three centuries. To what extent is this notion theoretically justified? To what extent has it been supported by empirical evidence? This topic has been the focus of much academic scrutiny. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the theoretical and empirical literature on this issue, and more generally on the relationships between underlying and derivative markets. The debate on the effects of derivative trading is closely related to the more fundamental issue of the extent to which speculative trading in general influences market prices. Accordingly, we will begin by more content... Derivatives are leveraged products. The term "derivative" indicates that it has no independent value, i.e. its value is entirely "derived" from the value of the underlying asset. Financial engineers have played a tremendous role in investment and money management, and are heavily involved in risk management. Derivatives are instruments of risk hedging. As instruments of risk management, these generally do not influence the fluctuations in the underlying asset prices. However, by locking–in asset prices, derivative products minimize the impact of fluctuations in asset prices on the profitability and cash flow situation of risk–averse investors. A derivative contract or product, or simply "derivative", should be distinguished from the underlying asset, i.e. the asset bought/sold in the cash market on normal delivery terms. Common derivatives include options, forward contracts, futures contracts, and swaps. In this paper, we study the impact of introduction of futures contracts on stock indices and its effect on the underlying spot market in India. 1.1 Concept of Derivatives The term 'derivatives, refers to a broad class of financial instruments which mainly include options and futures. These instruments derive their value from the price and other related variables of the underlying asset. They do not have worth of their own and derive their value from the claim they give to their owners to own some other Get more content on
  • 20. Term Essay Dreams Every ninety minutes of every night we're asleep, a dream unfolds. The short dreams at the beginning of the night are usually no more exciting that the idle thoughts that randomly pop into our heads when we're awake. But as the night progresses, the length of each dream increases (the last dream can be up to twenty minutes long), the body responds more intensely (increased heartbeat, respiration, muscle twitching), and the dreams become deeper. Dreams are sometimes said to be ordinary sequences of images that are experienced by the mind during sleep. For thousands of years they were regarded as divine visitations or predictions. Dreams were not really more content... "Dreams are rudiments of the great state to come. We dream what is about to happen." –Bailey. Within sleep, there are two distinct states or cycles, called non–rapid eye movement (non–REM) and rapid eye movement (REM). Each state is as different from the other as it is from wakefulness. Throughout the night, you alternate between the two states over the corse of four to six cycles. Non–REM sleep consists of four distinct stages; each characterized by progressively slower brain –wave patterns, which indicate progressively deeper sleep. When children enter stage three or four, it is almost impossible to wake them up, unlike teenagers and adults. As the cycle proceeds, heart rate and blood pressure drop, movement of food through the gut speeds up, glucose consumption by the cells slows, and muscles relax. After stage four, you quickly move backward through the stages into a lighter sleep. After a series of body movements, you enter the evening's first REM, or dream, stage, which lasts only one to five minutes. During REM, the synchronized brain–wave activity characteristic of deep sleep breaks up and begins to look a lot like that of wakefulness. The amount of oxygen your brain consumes exceeds that used during intense physical or mental exercise. The hyperactivity in the brain is coupled with an almost total
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  • 22. Term Paper About Sports TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Introduction1 II. History of Football (Soccer)3III. Nature of the Game4 IV. Playing Area5V. Physical (Soccer /Football) Conditioning6 VI. Practice (Soccer/Football) Drills8 VII. Conclusion10 I. Introduction Football or Soccer is a popular sport played all over the world. Even though it has only been popular in North America for the past 30 years, soccer has been a long time favorite most everywhere else. It is the national sport of most European and Latin–American countries, and of many other nations. Millions of people in more than 140 countries play soccer. The sport datesback to the Egyptians, more content... In 1848 a group of school representatives met at Trinity College in Cambridge and drew up the first of soccer rules. In 1863 English soccer clubs founded the Football Association. By the late 1800's soccer began to spread to the rest of the world. The Canadian Soccer Association was established in 1912 while the United States Soccer Federation was set up in 1913. The first World Cup Championship was in Montevideo, Uruguay. Since then it has been played every four years except during WWII. The North American Soccer League (NASL) was formed in 1968 and the sport began to gain popularity in the 1970 s. Modern Game and Rules The modern game of soccer has a simple goal: kick or head the ball in to the goal of your opponent s team. Basically, there is also one simple rule: No one except the goalkeeper may use they rehands to play the ball. Soccer is a simplistic sport. Eleven members of each team defend their side of the field to prevent the ball from being forced into their goal, which results in a point scored by the team kicking the ball. There are only three officials involved during play: The referee, and two linesmen. The equipment used in soccer is also very simple. In addition to the field itself, all that is needed for a game is two goals (eight feet high and eight yards apart) and a ball. Each player wears hard Get more content on
  • 23. Climate Change (Term Paper) Summary: This paper looks at the controversial issue of climatic change. In particular, it develops the question of if and why earth's climate is changing? The roles of man, naturally occurring trends, and earth's cycles are considered, and an outlook for what can be expected in the near and distant future is given. В‘The uneasiness of modern man arises from a rupture between himself and nature that leaves him homeless within the universe...' William Barrett Introduction Over the past years most individuals have become acutely aware that the intensity of human and economic development enjoyed over the 20th century cannot be sustained. Material consumption and ever increasing populations are already more content... The point here is not to provide an evaluation of Malthus, and one might well argue that he was wrong in many of his predictions; but rather to highlight the posit that man has long been living beyond his means. Sooner or later, this will have its consequences. As a species, our success has certainly been impressive, but it has come by turning a blind–eye to our surroundings. "A prime reason for our success is our flexibility as a switcher predator and scavenger. We are consummately adaptable, able to switch form one resource baseВ—grasslands, forests or estuariesВ—to another, as each is exploited to its maximum tolerance or use up. Like other successful species we have learned to adapt ourselves to new environments. But, unlike other animals, we made a jump from being successful to being a runaway success. We have made this jump because of our ability to adapt environments for our own uses in ways that no other animal can match." Whether or not man can continue to adapt to the emerging environment, however, is a difficult question. In a (literally) rapidly changing world, it is difficult to look back on past or present to divine the future. But, using Malthus' line of reasoning, one way or another mother nature will surely В‘take care of us'. "Lack of resources, environmental degradation, famine and disease will in the painful fashion known by our ancestors cut our species back. AIDS is the obvious example of a way in which to do Get more content on
  • 24. Short-Term-Work Memory My biggest take away this week was how restricted our short–term/working memory really is. We can only hold 4 to 7 distinct memories at one time in the short–term memory (as the first video stated). When I took the memory quiz my memory score was 76%. I think this is a decent score, but if I focused better I could have gotten a better score. I think this score is relatively average or maybe even above average hopefully! I consider myself to have a pretty good memory overall and enjoyed the quiz. I believe I am generally good with names and faces, as well as recalling memories from my childhood. Also, I am good at memorization and recalling random facts from a long time ago. I can recall many memories and fun times I have had in the past easily Get more content on