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Painting Description Essay
Crafting a "Painting Description Essay" can be both a delightful and challenging task. On one
hand, the subject matter is inherently rich and vivid, offering a plethora of details to explore and
describe. On the other hand, capturing the essence of a painting through words requires a
nuanced approach, as the challenge lies not only in conveying the visual aspects but also in
translating the emotions and messages embedded within the artwork.
The difficulty arises from the need to strike a balance between being descriptive and analytical.
One must navigate the delicate line between providing a detailed visual portrayal of the painting
and delving into the deeper meanings behind the brushstrokes, color palette, and overall
composition. It demands a careful selection of words to evoke sensory experiences and provoke
thoughtful reflection.
Furthermore, the challenge extends to avoiding clichГ©s and generic descriptions. A generic
portrayal might fail to capture the uniqueness of the artwork, missing an opportunity to provide a
fresh perspective. Finding original ways to express the intricacies of the painting requires a keen
eye for detail and a creative use of language.
Research can also pose a challenge. Understanding the historical context, the artist's background,
and the art movement to which the painting belongs adds layers of complexity to the essay. This
depth of knowledge is crucial for providing a comprehensive analysis and demonstrating a
profound understanding of the subject.
In conclusion, while a "Painting Description Essay" can be a challenging undertaking, it is also
an opportunity to hone one's descriptive and analytical skills. It requires a delicate dance
between the tangible and intangible aspects of art, demanding a careful choice of words to bring
a static canvas to life in the reader's mind.
For assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, resources like offer professional help and support. Experts in the field can provide guidance
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Painting Description Essay Painting Description Essay
The Hobbit, By. R. Tolkien Essay
For years, people of all ages have enjoyed The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien, causing a
debate over whether or not this novel should be defined as a children s book. After
all, it contains many stereotypes of a children s book, including moral lessons and
character growth, yet, avid fans debate that it includes depth and darkness that
heighten it to the level of adults. In the end, does it really matter how people view it
from the outside? What might otherwise be important is the content it contains. Bilbo
Baggins, a small character who goes on huge adventures; someone who has become
known throughout the fantasy world and has left a footprint bigger than a giant s.
However, this seems like an awfully large reputation for somebody who seems so
meek and homely towards the beginning of his journey. Luckily, over the course of
his pilgrimage to the Lonely Mountain, he grows in ways that have enabled this
persona. Not only does he learn about the world he lives in, but he also becomes
more courageous and mature throughout the journey as well. This in total transforms
him from the weak link of his traveling company, into the person who become
invaluable to finding peace and closure from their quest. Hobbits, as a species, are
introduced by the infamous first lines, In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit... it
was a hobbit hole, and that means comfort (Tolkien 3). In fact, the ideals of Hobbit
society, Bilbo s home values, emphasize the ordinary and habitual, while
Seymour Police Department Case Study
At the Seymour Police Department, few officers have been afforded the opportunity
to be assigned to a full time community policing position during their tenure.
Historically, staffing the community policing position has suffered as a result of
limited manpower and budgetary constraints. Inconsistent offerings in the community
policing position, has adversely affected interactions with businesses and citizens.
The absence of consistently employing structured, interactive community policing
strategies within the Town of Seymour has unveiled challenges. Improving public
confidence has been difficult due to the wavering engagement of the police
department in the community. A new initiative involving all department personnel
would benefit ... Show more content on ...
During such embattled times when the public s confidence in our nation s law
enforcement officers is being sensationalized by media outlets, it is only prudent to
embrace a sense of responsibility of refuting these negative stereotypes. By having
constructive relations outside of typical police/public investigative encounters, police
officers will enjoy an increased sense of trust and standing within the communities
they police (President s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, 2015). In applying this
principle, the Seymour Police Department will see improvements in community
relations. By implementing S.O.L.V.E., statistically the number of citizen contacts
for the department will compound exponentially revealing a positive outcome for all
involved. In committing to this community policing initiative, the Seymour Police
Department will serve as a model for other agencies to emulate. The S.O.L.V.E.
initiative is a tremendous step toward remaining dedicated to the mission of the
Seymour Police Department while providing the highest quality policing service
possible to the residents of
Religious Influences in Government Policy Essay
Religious influence in the adoption and development of law is contradictory to the
structure of the American government and way of life. My fellow Americans, these
are words you have heard many times before, Presidents have uttered them in
addressing the nation, they always have the same connotation every time they are
spoken, that all of us are Americans, notice please that the statement is not My fellow
Christians. That s because being an American does not automatically indicate being a
Christian, one of the reasons this is such a great country is that we have specific
rights guaranteed by our government, such as the right to free speech, the right to
bear arms, freedom of the press and as important as any....Freedom of religion.
I am ... Show more content on ...
My well intended (I say that in attempt to delude myself into believing that their
arguments presented are not in any self serving intent.) opponents would have you
believe that our country was intended to be a non secular entity and that if our
government was truly of the people, for the people, by the people that its laws would
be reflective of Christianity as the majority of the American citizenry proclaim a
Christian affiliation. This my friends is a falsehood, in fact our founding fathers were
more than aware of the implications for the future that this great experiment posed
and included safeguards in attempt to prevent the abusive relationship that tends to
develop when government policy is tempered with religion, a very wise and brave act
considering the fact that many of them were in fact people who attended church and
worshipped God. These measurements were so important to them that they
outweighed any feelings of contradiction with their personal beliefs. It is not
coincidental that nowhere in the constitution is religion mentioned except in
exclusionary terms.
There have been many arguments that lay claim to be proof that this nation was
founded with the intent of being governed by religious philosophy, from
misrepresented quotations about religious feelings from various founding fathers to
the misconception that our laws were based upon biblical law and not precedent from
Fair Value Hierarchy
Memorandum to: Accounting department of family finance co. from: Daisy subject:
fair value hierarchy date: december 15, 2012
Family Finance Co. (FFC), a publicly traded commercial bank, invests in a variety of
securities in order to enhance returns greater than interest paid on bank deposits and
other liabilities. The primary investments of FFC are collateralized debt obligation,
mortgage backed securities, auction rate securities, equity securities in nonpublic
companies, interest rate swaps, and a fuel swap for gasoline. FFC measures the
derivative at fair value, presenting the portion of the fair value change by using the
fair value hierarchy. This memo will present the appropriate classification in the fair
value ... Show more content on ...
Also, as of the measurement date, there is lack of recent and relevant transactions.
Thus, the fair value measurement of this CDO should be classified as Level 3. By
analyzing the market changes, FFC determined that the CDO s market was not active
and there has been a significant decrease in the volume and level of activity. FFC
used an income approach valuation technique which is present value technique to
make measurement. Because this approach can maximize the use of relevant
observable inputs and minimizes the use of unobservable inputs to reflect the fair
value more representatively.
Instrument 2 Mortgage Backed Security The fair value measurement of the
Mortgage Backed Security investment shall be categorized within Level 2 of the
fair value hierarchy. According to ASC 820 10 35 52, Level 2 inputs include the
following: a. Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets . These
inputs included quoted prices in active markets for similar MBSs with insignificant
adjustments for differences between the MBS held by FFC and similar securities.
In Q4 of 2012, the prices for transactions didn t reduce the relevant to the fair value
measurement. Therefore, the fair value measurement of this MBS should be
classified into Level 2 of fair value hierarchy. The market of Mortgage Backed
June Princeton s Argumentative Essay
When June Princeton is fifteen years old, she dyes her hair black. It was
something June did without much thought, more on whim than on logic. She
knows that her dye job isn t particularly good, and her brown roots are still visible.
But, June was satisfied with the end results. Her uncles finds out about her new
hairstyle that evening when June comes marching down the stairs with black hair.
Instead of being greeted with what June believe was inky silk tresses, they came
face to face with what resembles a group of scraggly black seaweed atop her head.
Uncle Slade was snickering behind his hand, while Uncle Jagger was making a
noise akin to a dying gazelle. June just gave them a big grin and said, Pretty stylish,
huh? (In the end, they forced her to go to... Show more content on ...
It s easy to assume that June is not related to her uncles. June is lightly tan with
brown hair, while her uncles are pale with black hair. But she holds the same
cynical and sarcastic attitude like they do and have the same temperament issues,
so she loses her temper at the drop of a hat and sasses her uncles, and they would
snapped back at her until all three of their voices are bouncing off the walls. The
fights are a relatively normal thing in the household, and the words being thrown
aren t necessarily true. Snide comments and sassy retorts are part of the routine.
Was he like us? June asks Uncle Slade one day, after informing him that his
workaholic attitude will never get him a wife and he tells her that no man would
want to date a girl like her. Who? Uncle Slade asks, eyes glued to the computer
screen and fingers flying across the keyboard. She thinks that he looks more tired
and stressed as time goes on. He still looks young, as though he hasn t aged a day
since he turned forty, but his bones are cracking and the shadows under his eyes are
becoming more prominent. He needs a break, but it s not as if he is willing to take
one. My father. Was he like us? You mean
T.S. Eliot Paints a Grim Picture in The Love Song of J....
T.S. Eliot s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufock may be accurately described as an
amalgam of synergistic emotions among them self doubt, longing, fear, regret, and
indecisiveness which, through the alchemy of poetry, work in tandem to create and
communicate an overwhelming sense of anxiety. These emotions serve as cataracts
upon the lens through which the poem s narrator views both himself and the city
streets he travels. Overwhelmed by an overwhelming question (10) the narrator
perhaps more terrified by the sheer gravity of the overwhelming question (10) than
the numerous other fears and self doubts the narrator presents to the reader never
unequivocally specifies, the poem s persona makes a journey through both city and
mind to... Show more content on ...
Line 92 echoes Andrew Marvell s To His Coy Mistress, a poem in which the persona
sets out to convince his lover to act without hesitance or delay; in a more perfect
world, the persona of The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufock would squeeze the
universe into a ball (92) and roll it toward the overwhelming question (93). In lines
94 95, the persona imagines himself as Lazarus, come from the dead, / Come back
to tell you all, I shall tell you all. Here the persona, who has seen his moment of
greatness flicker in line 84, envisions himself rising from the ashes of his agedness
and decay to pose the overwhelming question to his lover without reticence. The
Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufock presents the image of a man who fears the toll that
time has taken and continues to take on his aesthetic appeal. Preoccupied with the
way others perceive him, the persona of the poem regards himself as an aging,
decaying figure. This anxiety is particularly evidenced in the seventh stanza of the
poem in which the persona declares that he will be judged both for his receding
hairline and the thinness of
Review Of About A Slave Girl By Linda Brent
Beatrice Legre
Literature 121 NW
Professor: Flournoy
September 28, 2014
Incidence in the Life of a Slave Girl
Linda Brent whose life story is narrated in the book Incidents in the Life of a Slave
Girl is an intelligent, a persistent and courageous, a caring and loving person as well
as her relative including her grandmother, her father, brother, uncles and aunty about
whom she talks in the book display these qualities just like any human beings
contrary to the believe of slaveholders who think that black slaves do not have
feelings, and treat slaves like animal, even less than animal.
According to the book The Norton Anthology of African American Literature second
edition, Linda Brent who s really name is Harriet Jacobs was born into slavery in
Edenton, North Carolina, around 1813. She is the first woman to write by herself
a slave narrative in the Unites State (p. 279). However, in her book Incidents in the
Life of a Slave Girl published in 1861, Linda indicates that she has a happy
childhood until her sixth year, and then, she experiences hardship adulthood as a
slave. Her parents were a couple living together in a confortable home although
slaves. There, she lives lovingly in security and never thoughts to be a piece of
properties entrust to her parents until a convenient time for a master to claim her. Her
father and mother were both African American in complexion calls mulattos; which
certainly is cause by the mixture of white and black beings; and as much she
African Elephant Research Paper
Characteristics? Life? When humans act with cruelty we characterize then as
animals yet the only animal that displays cruelty is humanity Anthony Douglass
Williams. My assignment was to choose an vertebrate animal to research the 7
characteristics of life on. I chose an African Elephant to do my assignment on today.
I chose an African Elephant, all living things have cells. Elephants have as many
cells as humans do, their brain exhibits a gyral pattern more complex than humans.
African Elephants have mutli cells, they also have billions of cells. Elephants have
as many nerve cells as humans do, their brain exhibits gyral pattern more complex
than humans. One special feature I found about Elephants is there extremely
developmental sense of smell. They use smell to differentiate between different herd
members, they also detect scents from long distances, up to several kilometers.
Elephants need energy just like humans do, but how do they get their energy?
Elephants get their energy through food, they eat all kinds of things. They eat roots,
grasses, fruits, barks, tree leaves, flowers, bamboo, and bananas. African Elephants
can eat up to 200 600 pounds of food a day. No wonder Elephants grow so big, adults
Elephants weight up to 2.5... Show more content on ...
Elephants trunks can measure up to eight feet, they use them for digging, fighting,
marking, and feeding. African Elephants have long and flexible trunks, this
adaptation lets Elephants reach high into the trees to get food. They also use their
trunks to suck up and spray water on their skin, to help them cool off in hot
habitats. They also have many offsprings male s are called bulls and females are
called cows. Elephants have a long time to bear their Calves before they are born.
An Elephant averagely gets pregnant every 5 years, they stay in the wombs for
about 22 months or almost 2 years. If you would calculate it, she could have 6 babies
in her
Similarities Between Navajo And Hopi
The perception of evil for the Navajo and Hopi widely differs from what our
culture believes. To us, you can either be good or evil but not both. We see a split
and think that a person is just bad, whereas the Navajo and Hopi cultures have views
that are less severe to the individual in question. The Navajo believe that what
distinguishes good from evilis control, because acts can be both good and evil. When
something has little ability to be controlled by man, the situation has a higher
likelihood of being evil. Additionally, the Navajo don t see evil as being a kind of
negative moral corruption or an ethical problem. Instead, they see evil as being a
realistic event, like death, illness, droughts, or famines, because these events can t be
controlled. When there is not control that is when evil prevails. In... Show more
content on ...
Unlike our culture, which see s evil as a punishment or retaliation, the Hopi see s
evil as occurring if someone has ill thoughts toward themselves or others. Another
way for there to be a break in the universe is if an individual dislikes some aspect of
the universe. To the Hopi, the actions are what is bad not the person, and the
universe just needs to find equilibrium again when something bad happens.
Breaking the universe can occur when someone take more food than they need or
if they are not being generous enough with what he does have. When the universe
needs to be restored because evil has occurred, the Hopi individual must first
examine himself to decide if he is in a happy state of mind. If he is, the blame for
the evil can be pushed to other. In this case, there is constant surveillance of
neighbors and close relatives do determine who is having ill thoughts, which is
practice derived from the Pueblo, however the Hopi are not as anxious about these
practices. Additionally, the Hopi are strong users of ceremonies to fix the well being
and happiness of the
America’s Drug War Essay
The War on Drugs, like the war on Terrorism, is a war that America may not be
able to afford to win. For over forty years the United States has been fighting the War
on Drugs and there is no end in sight. It has turned into a war that is about politics
and economics rather than about drugs and criminals. The victims of this war are
numerous; but perhaps they are not as numerous as those who benefit from the war
History of U.S Drug Policy:
While laws prohibiting the use of drugs, in one form or another, can be traced back
to the 1870s, it was not until 1968, when Richard M. Nixon was elected President,
that our current drug war was conceived. In 1970 Congress passed the
Comprehensive Drug Abuse and Control Act.(2) With an... Show more content on ...
Assistant to Egil Krogh was G. Gordon Liddy. Howard Hunt was a consultant on the
drug problem to the president s Domestic Council.
Both of these men would gain fame a few years later as Watergate conspirators.
Under these men, instead of being understood as a health and social problem, drug
addiction was defined as a law and order problem.
On July 1, 1973 the War on Drugs was solidified with the creation of the Drug
Enforcement Administration.(15) The DEA, which was the result of merging the
Bureau of
Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs with various other law enforcement and intelligence
gathering agencies, including the ODALE, was given the responsibility of enforcing
the nation s federal drug laws. It s enormous sphere of influence is reflected in its
Mission Statement which states among other things; The mission of the Drug
Enforcement Administration is to enforce the controlled substances laws and
regulations of the United States and bring to the criminal and civil justice system of
the United States, or any other competent jurisdiction, those organizations and
principal members of organizations involved in the growing, manufacture, or
distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the
United States... (15) The DEA was designed as an American agency with an
international agenda.
During the Ford and Carter administrations drug use began to rise. In 1979 illicit drug
use in the United States peaked
Minors and the Death Penalty
A.Should the death penalty be given to minors? The two groups against this issue,
are the religious and medical groups. They believe they are too young to know
what they have done. The medical groups believe adolescents are less developed
than adults and should not be held to the same standards. . The opposing side, held
mostly by state officials, feel if they are old enough to commit the crimethey, old
enough to get the punishment, including death.
B. The very first execution of a minor was in1642 with Thomas Graunger in Plymouth
Colony, Massachesetts. In the three hundred years since that time, a total of
approximately 365 persons have been executed for juvenile crimes, constituting 1.8
percent of roughly twenty thousand ... Show more content on ... The
website actually showed the case of Stanford v. Kentucky which was for the
execution of a minor. The majority in case acknowledged age as a mitigating factor in
death sentencing, but, in an opinion written by Justice Antonin Scalia, said the
national climate didn t rule out the death penalty simply because of the age of the
G.The Kantian view of death penalty is a retributive view that sees the criminal as
a parasite who has accepted the benefits of a legal system while refusing to pay the
price of self restraint. Such a person owes the law abiding a debt for he has gained
an unfair advantage over them. Punishment is the means of exacting the debt (in
kind) and is a demand for justice the restoration of a condition of equality between the
law breaker and society. Just punishment is binding and not to be mitigated by any
utilitarian consideration. Kant also believes in blood guilt and the necessity for
cleansing criminal actions.
H. This issue is pretty touchy to me, because i could support both side of minor
being put to death. I agree with if they do the crime, they can do the time, but at the
same time they are just little kids and they do not know better. The way I see how
this situation can change is that instead of holding the child responsible for the crime
hold the parents in contempt. The reason I say
The Role Of Climate Change In Canada
Climate change has become the most serious global environmental threat with
sides of people who do not believe it exists and people who are actually aware. The
release of greenhouse gases such as carbon and methane into the atmosphere has
been known to be one of the major causes of climate change. Scientists explain that
these emissions must drastically reduce to avoid a 2В°C rise in average global
temperature. Therefore different countries have made policies and ways to reduce
the production of these gases and Canada is one of them. Canada ranks 15th out of
17 countries for greenhouse gasemissions per capita.Canada s per capita decreased by
nearly 5% between 1990 and 2010 while the total GHG emissions in Canada grew by
17%. The... Show more content on ...
Electricity generation is Canada s fourth largest source of greenhouse gas. When it
comes to controlling the emission that comes from electricity generation; most
provinces in Canada are already opting out of the coal phase to provide cleaner
energy. The burning of firewood to create energy releases CO2 into the atmosphere
thereby introducing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.therefore introducing
approaches to electricity such as increasing the amount of electricity generated from
renewable sources; connecting clean power with places that need it and modernising
electrical system could bring Canada to its goal by at least 5% to 15%. New rules
that help to control emissions from an electrical sector that is burning natural gases
should also be implemented. the government Could also control greenhouse gas
emission by mandating the carbon pricing policy. Carbon pricing charges industries
and corporations that emit CO2 for their emissions. This limits their emissions by
instituting a price charge and encourage companies and consumers from burning
fossil fuel and find alternative ways that are efficient for their business. Carbon
pricing has been known to be the best tool in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
since most of the gases released into the atmosphere are carbon. Carbon pricing helps
to fight climate change and it provides job opportunity in creating clean energy. the
growing population is also a discussable topic in climate change that could be really
hard to control due to the fact that as the population increases; the demand for
products that release this toxic gases would also increase. The government could
control this by finding alternative ways to produce these commodities without
introducing so much carbon or methane into the
Investigating The Suitability Of Different Sources Of
3.0 Investigate the suitability of different sources of finance to facilitate Par Foods
Ltd. s short term objectives.
3.1 Sources of finance
There are two main sources of finance that Pars food LTD could consider as options
to keep the company viable and moving forward. These are internal and external
sources. Internal sources include selling assets, wages and retained profit. The
external sources can be long and short term. Long term sources are owner investments
and debentures. Whereas short term sources of finance can be things such as
overdrafts, trade credits or leasing. (Business Finance Guide, n.d.).
3.2 Applying financial sources to Pars short term objectives
Pars Food have many short term goals and they will need new funding in most of
these. This is due to them only being in a satisfactory position and having a low net
profit. The poor state of the company means that internal sources of finance should
be kept to a minimum as they don t have enough of their own money to put back
into the business and they also don t want to be selling assets as they would like to
be buying new ones. This means they will have to use external sources of finance
whether they be long term or short term.
For Pars short term objectives that could be achieved from new sources of finance a
bank loan would seem to be the way to go to purchase the Twister cutting machine
that will cost ВЈ300,000. A bank loans money to a business based on the value of the
business and its perceived ability
The Importance Of Athletic Festivals In Greek Society
Greek athletics were very popular in the Greek culture. William Baker s thesis
statement was For more than a thousand years athletic festivals were an important
part of Greek life. Originally mixtures of religious ceremony and athletic competition,
hundreds of local festivals were held each year throughout the country and in Greek
colonies in Egypt, Sicily, and the banks of the Bosporus. The argument is how
festivals are important to Greek Life. The article starts out with the author talking
about the four major athletic festivals, The Pythian Games, The Isthmian Games, The
Nemean Games, and the Olympic Games. By the fifth century B.C. four major
festivals dominated the scene, forming a kind of circuit ambitious athletes
Ambitious athletes could gain a following in an event by training for and
participating in these events creating a circuit for them. Religion was a big deal in
Greek Culture With all their emphasis on man and his achievements, the Greeks
were extremely religious. Polytheists, they looked to particular gods for assistance
and blessing in every sphere of life... . The first piece of evidence William Baker
shows relates to religion and how the athletic festivals are used as also a religious
event The fifth and final day of the festival was devoted to a prize giving ceremony,
a service of thanksgiving to Zeus, and sumptuous banquet at which the sacrificial
animals were consumed. This shows that the Greeks respected the god Zeus and
payed honor to him at these The Olympic Games by having a day devoted to him
with prize giving and sacrifice of animals. All finally arrived at the altar of Zeus,
where one hundred oxen were slain and their legs burned in homage to Zeus. The
carcasses were cooked and eaten at the concluding banquet on the final day. As
William Baker said For more than a thousand years athletic festivals were an
important part of Greek life. Originally mixtures of religious ceremony and athletic
competition Greeks also looked up to other gods during other festivals, The Pythian
Games held at the site of Apollo and Delphi...The Isthmian Games at Corinth in honor
of Poseidon, The god of sea,... The Nemean Games at Nemea, honoring Zeus ... the
Olympic Games every
Questions On Business Environment Risk
Manage risk
Assessment 1
Identify scope of risk
PriceBeat is a discounted department store with many branches in Australia. This
report is based on its branch store located in Taralgon. Currently PriceBeat has theses
identified risk issues:
1.Lack of internal control for cash handling
2.Not able to comply with regulations and legislations such as OHS, privacy laws
and industrial relations law
3.No proper staff performance guidelines in the company
4.Negative organisational culture
5.Ignore the external business environment and cannot identify business opportunities
This report will focus on all the above identified risk issues and find the solutions to
correct them. The scope will include:
1.Cash management risk
2.Legislation compliance risk
3.Staff performance risk
4.Business environment risk
5.Work environment culture risk
Identify and describe the critical success factors, goals or objectives for areas in
included in scope
A quality improvement tool that many organisations use is critical success factors
which are indicators that measure how well an organisation is accomplishing its
strategic plan and objectives.
Critical success factorsDescribeGoals or objectives for areas in included in scope
Safe cash transaction and storageAll the cash to be maintained in a safe container
with only the management team to access it0% of cash missing or discrepancy
All company and management laws, regulations and legislations are fully followed
and complied
Liquid Chromatography Lab
Chromatography is a technique used to separate a mixture of compounds for
analytical or preparative purposes. In liquid chromatography, the mixture of
compounds is dissolved in a liquid mobile phase and then travels through a stationary
phase, which acts as the adsorbent. Solute molecules interact with the stationary
phase through adsorption and desorption. A compound which has stronger
interactions with the stationary phase will move slower than a compound with
weaker interaction with the stationary phase. The components of a mixture are
separated based on their differences in mobility. Usually the stationary phase is a
polar porous compound, such as silica gel, which has a large surface area and
hydroxyl groups, giving it the ability to... Show more content on ...
Ortho hydroxyacetophenone travelled higher up the silica gel TLC plate than its para
counterpart because ortho was less polar and formed fewer interactions with the silica
gel adsorbent. Ortho hydroxyacetophenone formed intramolecular hydrogen bonds
between its carbonyl and hydroxyl groups. Para hydroxyacetophenone formed
intermolecular hydrogen bonds with its carbonyl and hydroxyl group. P
hydroxyacetophenone was more polar, so it travelled a shorter distance up TLC plate
due to its many interactions with polar silica gel. Polar compounds have stronger
dipole dipole interactions which require more energy and higher temperatures to melt,
accounting for p hydroxyacetophenone s high melting point. Unknown #16 contained
the compounds acetaminophen, caffeine, and acetylsalicylic acid. The distances
acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen travelled along the silica gel plate were very
similar, but since the Rf value of the unknown was closer to acetylsalicylic acid than
to ibuprofen, it was determined that acetylsalicylic acid was one of the unknown
compounds. Since ibuprofen and acetylsalicylic acid travelled the greatest distance
up the TLC plate, they had the least amount of attraction to the silica gel plate,
making them the least polar solutes. For column chromatography, unknown #16
contained 0.0457g ferrocene, 0.0137g 9 fluorenone, and 0.0114g acetylferrocene.
Their mass percentages were 44.15%, 13.24%, and 11.01%, respectively, determined
from a total of 0.1035g of the compound mixture. Ferrocene, 9 fluorenone and
acetylferrocene had melting points of 174 175МЉC, 83 86МЉC, and 83 85МЉC,
respectively. The mixture after evaporation accounted for roughly 68% of the original
mixture. This was mainly due to product loss from keeping only the pure test tubes.
Based on the amount of product obtained, unknown #16 consisted of mostly
ferrocene, and least of
Evaluation Of Mentoring Programs For The United States
Jordan Woltjer
Course Project Part 2
Matz shows that mentoring programs were first instituted in the U.S. in the late 19th
century as an alternative to incarceration to be used in Juvenile Courts under the
supervision of probation officers (2014). According to Matz, these sentencing
policies were inspired by the progressive era s focus on alleviating the mass poverty
that was caused by industrialization, immigration, and urbanization (2014). Blakeslee
and Keller state that The highly renowned Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
(BBBS) mentoring program, for example, began in 1904 in New York City and
today consists of over 375 agencies serving more than 210,000 youth across the
United States (2012). Matz (2014) argues that though mentoring programs are
compatible with a large range of sociological and criminological theories, that their
creation was motivated by a theoretically undeveloped humanitarian instinct that
pervaded the Progressive Era. Despite this, we can still use the empirical evidence of
BBBS programs to test theoretical perspectives such as Differential Association.
The BBBS program matches at risk youth between the ages of 6 and 18 with a
volunteer mentor whose prior screening demonstrated that they are capable of
providing socialization to curb delinquency and anti social behavior (Limber, 2001).
Susan Jekielek says that The Big Brothers/Big Sisters program takes applications
from volunteers in the community and subjects each Mentor to an
An Analysis Of Alice Walker And Kate Chopin
Heritage, a lot of people see it as being only the past, with no significance to their
everyday lives whatsoever, others see it as merely objects and money passed
down from older generations to their younger generations, but really heritage
means much more than that. Ones heritage is the lessons learned from elders and
passed down to their children and grandchildren to help them not make the same
mistakes they made before, heritage is the roots that makes a person who they are.
The world without recollection of its s heritage, is a world without progress, a
world that only stands still waiting for the same missteps to cycle back around. A
person with no knowledge of their heritage is a person with no knowledge of
themselves, and not knowing one s self can lead to mishaps directing that
individual down a path they would otherwise be able to avoid with a keen
understanding of where they originate. Alice Walker and Kate Chopin both touch on
the struggles and outcomes of not knowing or taking advantage of one s heritage
through their stories Everyday Use and Desiree s baby. In both of the stories, the
antagonist Dee/Wangero, and Armand has problems with whom they truly are
because of their lack of knowledge and acceptance of who they truly are. The
misfortune of not appreciating one s heritage is clearly identified in Alice Walker s
Everyday Use. The character used to demonstrate the tragedies that follows one who
doesn t treasure their heritage throughout the story is
World War One Of The Worst Wars Of All Time
World War 2 was one of the worst wars of all time. In 1939, Adolf Hitler started a
war because of his genocide of Jewish people. And, he was succeeding. No one
could stop him. We needed something to change. If we didn t stop something soon,
Hitler would take over all of the Middle East and presume to take over the world.
The US thankfully came up with a solution to this, they created an unstoppable
force, the B 29 Superfortress Fighter Plane. The B 29 was the most destructive
warplane ever to be invented. It was the fastest, most advanced plane of its time.
The B 29 was used in World War Two and won the excruciating war for the
Americans. The B 29 is even admired by people today. This is the plane that saved
the world. There were nearly... Show more content on ...
They had to work in coal mines and chop wood. On top of that, they were given a
very limited number of supplies and hope. With numbers branded to their wrists,
they could have also been killed in the countless gas chambers and mean guards
that Hitler purchased. They were given wooden beds with no sheets or blankets,
stale bread, and broth, and on top of that, they were taunted by the Nazi Guards
everywhere. All Jewish people feared Adolf Hitler. He was their worst nightmare.
Many Jews believed that they would never make it out alive, others were a little
more hopeful, and others rebelled against the Nazis. But what they didn t know is
that the Jews that still remained were going to make it out alive, thanks to the
United States and the Allies. World War Two was one of the fiercest, destructive,
brutal wars ever to be recorded in history. Great Britain was falling to the Nazis, at
the time Great Britain wasn t as advanced as they are now. Being allied with the most
advanced country at the time, the United States, they asked them to create an aircraft
that would help them get out of their plight. The United States responded with the
most advanced warplane in the history of the world. What is the B 29? World War
Two was such a brutal war that the United States actually shut down the automobile
manufacturers for 4 5 years just to focus more
Weasel Hairs
Males can weigh up to more than twice as much as females and be more longer.
They have a coat that is a cream color with back layers. In winter their coats are
thick smooth and glossy. In the summers they shed there coats which becomes thin
and faded and they lose the winter gloss. Polecats have a raccoon like dark mask
around their eyes and white are there ear s. Polecats have a pair of anal glands that
emits a strong smell. When polecats are excited or threatened they release some of
the glands. Polecats are lean,and have short legs which are for climbing trees .
Their skulls are box like and it s also more canine,like other weasels; their faces
more closely resemble minks than weasels. European polecats show a lock position
with there jaws where the jaw joint between the teeth and the rest of the skull is
nearly closed off very difficultly and hard to separate and death occurs.
Construction Ltd Built A School
Silverline Construction Ltd built a school. Shortly after completion, when Emma
was walking by, several roof tiles slipped from the roof and smashed on the ground
in front of Emma. Flying debris hit Emma causing serious facial injuries and
concussion. Emma could not carry out her job for 6 months, due to her injuries
and was scared to leave the house for several weeks following the incident. (a)
Does Emma have a cause of action in negligence against Silverline Construction
Ltd? (b) If Silverline are found to be negligent, for what losses would Emma be
able to claim Yes, Emma has a cause of action in Negligence again Silverline
Construction Ltd. The Tort of Negligence put the claimant in the position to prove
that the defendant owed to them a duty of care, the defendant breached that duty
and the claimant must have suffered damages as result of that breach (Donoghue v
Stevenson [1932] AC562). For the Caparo test (Caparo Industries Plc v Dickman
[1990] 2 AC 605) the claimant must establish the foreseeability of the harm and a
relationship proximity between him and that defendant. After the Court will listen
to the defendant and decide if it is fair, just and reasonable to impose a duty of
care. To decide if there is the foreseeability of harm the Court will analyse what
another reasonable person would do in the Silverline s position. Silverline is a
professional society and they are expected to meet standards of safety that any other
of that professional person
Jerry Tello Analysis
The presentation that Jerry Tello gave was like none I ve been to before. It was
very entertaining and informational all at once. There were a few parts that really
struck a cord for me, but I m going to focus on one particular one because I
understand and relate to it and I find it extremely irritated by how more and more
children don t know, agree with or understand what s wrong. He described how one
day when he was a little boy he sighed and turned his back on his motherwhen she
was asking his to do something and he was spanked by his father for the first and
only time in his life.
I was taught at a very young age to always respect my elders and to never talk back
(of course there are certain circumstances to where that doesn t apply). ... Show more
content on ...
Your job is to provide, teach and support your children. More specifically, to teach
them how to be able to function in the world. This means teaching them how to
behave respectfully to others, not just you. If you re not a single parent home or if
you have help from others it is especially important for you guys to be on the same
page on how to teach what you need to and how discipline works into the situation
because if not, more than likely the first thing the child or children will do is try to
pin you guys against each other (I say this because that is what me and my siblings
tried to only worked once). It s good to catch disrespectful behavior early if
possible. If your child is rude or disrespectful, it s not good to turn a blind eye.
Giving consequences when children are younger will pay off in the long run. It
may sound old fashioned, but I find that it s very important to teach your child
basic manners like saying please , may I and thank you. If you think about it, when
your child deals with their teachers, others outside the household or even gets their
first job these common manners will really go a long way and using manners is
also a form of empathy. It also teaches your children to respect others and
acknowledge their impact on other people. As a parent myself (though my child is
still young but I have raised others) I also find it a good idea to communicate
My Company Essay
What is the name of your company?
The name of my company is Florely. Most people would name their business after
their family name, such as their last name. For an example, Johnson Johnson was
named after Robert Wood Johnson I. Naming your business after your surname
could be nice, but it wouldn t be original. It also depends on the product that the
company is trying to sell. Naming the company Florely was all behind my product
or products. If you didn t get it from the name, the company is all about selling
flowers. Florely is a company that has thrived off of selling flowers since the
twentieth of May, 2012. All of Florely s employees are trained to understand the
meaning behind each flower that we produce. Majority of Florely ... Show more
content on ...
When the plant decides to set seed, our employees have to shear the plants to
encourage the plant to grow. Shearing means cutting the plant back by removing
majority of the plant without interfering with its structure. Pansies love fertilizer but
giving them too much will make the plants weak. So, we only renew their fertilizer
once a month. During its growth period there might be weak flowers and we go
through a process of deheading the pansy. Cutting off the dead parts of the plant will
increase bloomage of flower. Pansies grow throughout the wet season because
during the fall it rains constantly. These type of plants love the full sun but partial
shade. We couldn t figure out why our plants weren t growing. So, as a company,
Florely decided to hire experts to come and investigate. This type of cold, wet, and
partially dark area bring insects such as gastropods (slugs). Florely as a whole has
done thorough research and came up with a couple of ideas. These ideas consisted of
thinning out the soil or trying out a different brand of fertilizer. We tried both
methods for over a month, but nothing worked and it cost the company a lot of money.
3)What are at least three issues that can solve the company s problem or issue?
As previously stated, Florely s issue is that slugs are causing a decrease in the growth
of our famous pansies for the fall
Klein Blue Essay
Yves Klein, one of the most prominent and controversial French artist, emerged in the
middle of the XX century, remembered above all for his use of single color and the
rich shade of ultramarine that he made his own: International Klein Blue.
KleinВґs art emerged from serious circumstances. France in the late 1940s was still
nation traumatized by World War II. The cultural center of gravity had moved across
the Atlantic to New York. The artists who remained in Paris, or at least the good
ones, were producing post apocalyptic work, and out of the same rubble came the
much younger Klein.
The abstract painting that dominated French art in the 1950s was invariably premised
on the notion that an artist could communicate with the viewer through the power of
... Show more content on ...
The three friends divided the universe between themselves: Arman claimed the
materiality of the earth, Pascal appropriated language and words and Klein
possessed the void the planet empty of all matter. Klein embarked on a realistic
imaginative daydream into the depths of the universe, where he clamed to have
inscribed his name in the sky.
The void enlighten in the sky led Klein to experiment in painting, music and
performance. The Monotone Silence Symphony from 1949, a piece containing a
single chord sustained for twenty minutes followed by twenty minutes of meditative
silence. It symbolized the sound pitch emitted from the monochrome blue sky, or the
void emphasizing universal harmony.
In the period between 1848 and 1952, Klein lived in London and began to assist in
London frame shop of Robert Savage, learning basic painting techniques and using
raw pigments and gilding. He was determinate to evoke sensations and emotions
independent of line, abstracted symbols or rendered objects, believing the
monochromatic surface released the painting from materiality through the totality of
Credential Society
As the first generation of my family member attend college. I understand the value of
higher education and how it would impact my life. College education gives me the
opportunity to explore new ideas, improve critical thinking, and enhance my skills. It
is the gateway to better options and a chance to succeed in life.
First of all, I want to talk about Credential Society. Today, Americans live in a
credential society which determines eligibility for work depending on degrees and
diplomas. Education is important to every one of us because it teaches us how to do
many things that we have never heard of, seen, or knew before. Education not only
teaches us anything what we need to know of school today teach (such as math,
language art, physical education, science, etc...), they also teach us right and wrong
such as dugs, bullies, and what to do and what not to do. It bright the ways of life
in which we decide what is best for us. It makes us civilized, polite and humble. The
more education we receive, the more intelligence our brain will ... Show more content
on ...
Unfortunately, it is just a societal thing, a lot of humans have this same trait, but
we use words instead of our teeth a majority of the time. If we cannot give each
other a label or identify a group of people by some sort of labeling then we are not
happy. All throughout the age s people have labeled to keep oppression,
marginalization, humiliation, and other alive in our cultures. This gives each group
unless you re at the top of the societal heap for example Rich, White, (supposedly)
Well Educated, Typical Family, Swing to the (right now) Political Right, and
therefore you have all the rest beneath you they are not your equal so in the mind of
individuals you label the others beneath you and vice versa at the bottom of the heap
choose whomever you would like Gay, Black, Latino, whoever and they do the same
it keeps the stereotype in place and prevents others from climbing without a struggle
to the top of the
Singtel Essay
Topic: The Past, the Present and Possible Future of SingTel Introduction SingTel is a
recognized and successful telecommunication corporation in Asia. This essay will
illustrate the past, present and possible future of SingTel and the transformation
SingTel had made throughout the years. In addition, it will include the identification
of changes SingTel has made and also the demonstration on how SingTel deal with
these changes through change management lenses. Company Overview Singapore
Telecommunications also known as SingTel Group is a well known and leading
communications group in Asia with a range of communication services and solutions
such as fixed, mobile, data, internet, info communications technology, satellite and...
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The reason behind the curtail of SingTel s 15 year licence was to be consistent
with development in the global industry, keep up with the technological advances
and sustaining Singapore s international competitive advantages and attractiveness
to foreign investors. Moreover, S$1.5 billion was compensated to SingTel for the
early termination of the exclusive licence (Ure 2008). With the liberalization and
deregulation, IDA believed that it would be a fiscal approach to ensure consumers
and industry with better quality of services at highly competitive prices. Through
this approach, it could also encourage more innovative services and requirements
of different market segments could be satisfied with customized solutions
(Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore 2009). After the
telecommunication in Singapore was fully liberalized in April 2000, SingTel s
performance had slipped in the following years. SingTel had been facing fall in the
market share of both mobile and international telephony market from 56% in 2001
to 50% in 2002 and 95% in 2001 to 87% in 2002 respectively (Haracleous amp;
Singh 2005). Furthermore, with the deregulation and the introduction of new foreign
entrant such as StarHub and MobileOne Limited (M1), SingTel experienced a
decline in its traditional source of income (Yahya 2008). SingTel ended its mobile
monopoly as StarHub and M1 were awarded
Similarities Between Kojiki And Greek Mythology
Similar myths and legends have been coexisting throughout the world, regardless
of eastern and western cultures, and in different languages. Greek myth is
probably the world s most famous and beloved than any other tale of legends
stories. Surprisingly, Greek myth and Japanese myth share many similarities in the
creation of the world and legend stories through their mythologies. Japan s Kojiki
(Record of Ancient Matters) is a collection of Japanese historical records as well as
Japanese mythologies, in which the legend explains the creation of the world and
birth of deities. However, Greek mythologies, on the other hand, do not have an
official written record of mythologies or religious text like the Bible or the Kojiki,
but earliest story teller like Homer and Hesiod shared richest sources in poems,
attempt to explain the beginning of the universe in human language.
Both Kojiki and Greek mythologies describe common belief in the creation of the
world, in which gods give birth to another to form the world. In Kojiki, two of the
seven gods who came into existence, Izanagi and Izanami give birth to many nature
deities, creating the world. But because Izanami gives birth to too many deities,
she dies while giving birth to the fire deity. In result of her death, enraged Izanagi
kills the fire deity. In contrast, Greek myth describes the creation of the world with
the four gods who came to existences, Gaea (earth) Chaos, Tartarus (Hell), and then
Eros. Gaea asexually gives birth to Uranus (Sky) and marries her son. She then
bears three types of gods; the Titans, the Cyclopes, and the Hecathonchires.
However, Uranus repels at the monstrous creatures and sends Cyclopes and
Hecatonchires down to Tartarus (Hell). Frustrated by Uranus s action, Gaea forges
the first sickle, gives it to her youngest son Cronos, and have him punish his father,
Uranus. Once Uranus returns to make love to Gaea, Cronos emasculates him. Here
we see the similarities in the creation of the world by birth and death of God by the
hands of another god with fury.
Another similarity can be spotted on the death of the loved ones, in which the god
or a hero is visiting the world of the dead to meet their wives. In Kojiki, after the
death of
The Importance of Jane s Early Life at Lowood to Shaping...
The Importance of Jane s Early Life at Lowood to Shaping Her Character in
Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre
When Charlotte BrontГѓВ« set out to write Jane Eyre , she boldly promised her
a heroine as plain and as small as myself, who shall be as interesting as any of yours.
As promised, Jane appears decidedly plain, so little, so pale , with features so
irregular and so marked , sensible but not at all handsome , queer and a little toad .
The novel opens at Gateshead with Jane moving from childhood to puberty. Even
at ten years of age, Jane feels that I can never get away from Gateshead till I am a
woman and tells this to Mr Lloyd. She actually leaves by the end of Chapter 4. ...
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The forced wearing of the uniform obliterates distinctions between all age groups
young and older. Mr Brocklehurst, the self righteous minister of Lowood, tells Miss
Temple you are aware that my plan in bringing up these girls, is not to accustom
them to luxury and indulgence, but to render them hardy, patient and self denying .
Mr Brocklehurst stresses the importance of plain clothing and humility (but his own
family have long beautiful hair and are dressed richly). It was this influence that
Jane was never able to shake and at Thornfield, she continued to wear dull clothes
covered by a plain pinafore. She had, however, no influence over the clothes which
Adele chose to wear. Even on her wedding day, Jane would not conform by wearing
elaborate headwear.
Jane herself is very clear about the sort of demeanour that is required of a governess.
When Rochester has guests at Thornfield, she knows she must shrink into the
shade . She is expected to be present in the drawing room in the evening but not
take part in the conversation unless directly addressed. She frequently refers to the
plainness of her dress, and sometimes to her own lack of physical beauty, as
appropriate to a governess. When she thinks she is about to marry Rochester, she is
not really surprised at Mrs Fairfax s opinion that it is unwise for her to move out of
her own class and into his.
Chronic Injuries Robbed Ken Griffey Jr. of Homerun King...
He hit 600 home runs (5th most all time), won 10 gold gloves, and made 13 All
Star Games. In almost 150 years baseball history, only the great Willie Mays can
match Ken Griffey Jr. in these statistical categories. However, despite these
extraordinary stats, Ken Griffey Jr. may be the ultimate What Could Have Been
player. An incredibly promising career was derailed in the latter half by chronic
injuries that robbed him of hundreds of games. If not for these injuries, Griffey was
well on his way to becoming the Home RunKing (Stark, 2010) and possibly the
greatest player ever. Despite these setbacks, Griffey is still revered as one of the
greatest and most popular MLB players ever. The savior of baseball in Seattle and
the lone star to... Show more content on ...
He gained endorsements with Pizza Hut and General Mills, and had his own
Nintendo video game and Nike shoe line. He also appeared in many TV shows such
as The Simpsons and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, as well as movies, and wrote his
own autobiography (Ferguson, 2011). His 1989 rookie card remains the most
popular baseball card ever. During the prime of his career in the late 1990s, he was
easily the most popular baseball player and possibly even most popular athlete in the
Nowhere in the country is he more popular than in Seattle, where he is considered
the savior of baseball in the city. In the 1980s, the Mariners were a historically
moribund franchise playing in the crumbling Kingdome. Prior to his arrival, the
Mariners had been seriously considering a move to Washington DC, but that all
changed once Griffey came (Fort, 2000, p. 313). His exciting style of play
immediately attracted fans and attention to the franchise (Caple, 2010). In 1995,
Griffey led a miracle rally to the Mariners first playoff appearance in decades
(Reader, 2010), and capped the season by scoring the game winning run to defeat
the New York Yankees in the first round (Schaefer, 2003, p.6). His rise rejuvenated
baseball and the city in general, leading the building of the new stadium, Safeco Field
, dubbed the House That Griffey Built . Griffey s most enduring legacy, however,
was being one of the few star players who were not involved in
Holmes Raha Life Stress Inventory Analysis
After marking the points for the Holmes Rahe life stress inventory and reading
what the point value means, I definitely disagree with the assessment. There are
two reasons I disagree with the inventory; the first being, this inventory takes a
snapshot of past events and does not reference future factors that may or may not
affect the events you had selected. The second reason is, I do not understand how
some of the events one the inventory would add a higher chance of having a stress
related health breakdown. For example, a promotion, vacation, or holidays should
be life events which lowers stress for an individual. I agree that individuals deal with
life events and stress in different ways, which is why I believe inventories, health
quizzes, and health questions should be tailored to the individual taking them.
Perhaps then people will have a more accurate picture in order to properly plan,
organize, and prioritize their life events thereby limiting stress and allowing more
control over stress related health.... Show more content on ...
The first being my job and the responsibilities associated with my job. With the
current operation tempo of our unit I expect to fly, on average, two to three times a
week consisting of twelve to fourteen hours days. If you add the recommended eight
hours of sleep, you can see there is not very much time to concentrate on other
priorities on those days. During the other days in the week when I do not fly, I am
responsible for three additional duties that require most of my attention during the
day. These duties are crucial to the success of the units overall mission and have high
visibility within my leadership and the chain of command. The responsibilities and
the time available to perform these duties during normal working hours adds stress
and effects my stress related
Hofstra Personal Statement
My plan is to complete my undergraduate degree in Communications/Mass Media,
and pursue a career in Public Relations or as a Media Manager. I am applying to
Hofstra because I believe this institution will help to set me up for the rest of my
career. I believe Hofstra is the university I need to attend in order to receive the best
training and experience.
From the moment I set foot on campus for the tour, I knew I had to be here. The
history of the university drew me in, as well as the enthusiastic emails inviting me to
visit, but the tour made me decide to apply. My tour guide, Nick, was the best guide
I have ever had the pleasure of being on tour with. He showed unparalleled
enthusiasm for the university, and it was contagious. By the time
OECD Countries Case Study
General statistics for OECD countries, including the UK
It is estimated that an average of 83% of today s young people in OECD countries
will complete upper secondary education over their lifetimes, based on current
patterns of graduation.
Young women are now more likely than young men to graduate from upper secondary
programmes in almost all OECD countries, a reversal of the historical pattern.
In Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia
and the United Kingdom, graduation rates equal or exceed 90%. Graduation rates for
women now average 86% compared with 79% for men.
Since 1995, upper secondary graduation rates have increased by an average of eight
percentage points among OECD countries with ... Show more content on ...
Disadvantaged pupils who are behind in reading and writing will also be offered
extra lessons before starting secondary school. The initiative may provide a way of
reducing inequities in education quality and opportunities.
Statistics in the UK across the years regarding students who got qualifications
At the lowest threshold (no qualifications): 1% (6,000) of pupils in England
obtained no qualifications in 2009/10. This proportion is much lower than either
five years previously (3%) or a decade previously (6%). However, the comparability
of these statistics over time is actually very unclear, given that: the scope of what
counts as a qualification has been widened; the range of possible qualifications has
increased; and some pupils without any qualifications are no longer included in the
At the middle threshold (less than 5 GCSEs of any grade): 7% (47,000) of pupils
in England obtained fewer than 5 GCSEs in 2009/10. This proportion has fallen in
each year since 2004/05, when it was 10%. By contrast, the proportion had remained
broadly unchanged between the late 1990s and the early 2000s.
At the highest threshold (less than 5 GCSEs at grade C or above): 25% of pupils did
not achieve the higher threshold of 5+ GCSEs at grade C or
Managing And Securing Unstructured Data
With a massive growth in Internet, there has been an enormous increase in the
amount of information generated and shared in social networking sites and across
various industries. This has led to storing and access issues with regards to
unstructured data.
Firstly understanding what unstructured data is of primary importance before trying
to handle it. In simple terms unstructured data can be understood as data that can t be
stored in the form of rows and columns. It can be anything including email files, text
documents, presentations, image and video files.
Studies carried out by IDC and EMC forecasts that data will grow to 40 zettabyes (1
ZB = 1 billion TB). As of now more than 80% of all stored data in organizations is
unstructured and ... Show more content on ...
Also backup and restore will take a lesser time
Major disadvantage is that storing unstructured data will significantly increase the
size of databases which will lead to more time for backup and restore of these
databases and can cause performance issues with I/O subsystems
The big disadvantage of this approach is that we have to create and maintain manual
links between database and external file system files which can potentially go out of
sync. Also since data is stored outside the system the backups are not consistent and
unstructured data is not a part of the transaction.
Hybrid Approach: To overcome the disadvantages of the methods discussed above,
another method was the Hybrid Approach, which proposes Database engine to
support a new data type filestream . Filestram help consolidates the profit of getting
to BLOBs specifically from the NTFS document framework with the referential
integrity and simple entry offered by the conventional social database engine. In SQL
Server, BLOBs can be standard varbinary (max) information that stores the
information in tables, or filestream varbinary (max) protests that store the information
in the document framework. The major advantage of this approach is BLOB s are
under database transactional consistency. By carrying out research with different
datasets, it was clearly observed that hybrid and filestream data type approach is faster
Analysis Of The Poem The Blood On The Leaves By Abel...
Artists in modern music have been using more and more samples of older music
as they run out of ideas. Samples of older songs can enhance the feel of new music
and give older people a portion to relate to within current music. A lot of the time,
the younger generation doesn t know where the sample actually came from or the
story behind it. Also many listeners don t know how much it has changed or been
through to fit into the song they are now listening to. Like in Kanye s Blood on the
Leaves , Kanye uses the Nina Simone s cover of Strange Fruitand not the original.
There is a long history behind the sample of Strange Fruit and the song itself coming
from a very dark period of time. The poem has been rearranged into small bits and...
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Meeropol created tons of imagery while writing this poem. He starts off the poem
with the line Southern trees bear a strange fruit , saying that black bodies are like
strange fruit that only grow on southern trees, which was true. The next line
saying, Blood on the leaves and blood at the root , clearly showing that something
or someone died in that tree. These two first lines share, both rhymes in the middle
and at the end with trees and fruit and leaves and root , which create the flow
within the poem. The next line Black body swinging in the southern breeze ,
Meeropol creates the image of a black body swinging back and forth and you can
imagine the wind whistling through the trees, which creates a disturbing image, but
also shows the power in it. The last line Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees
echoes what is said in the first line of the poem. These last two lines used end rhyme
to continue the rhythm of the first two lines of the poem. The next stanza continues
the rhythm and rhyme by using end rhyme. Another thing that the next stanza does, is
that is creates a contrast between the nice things that can be in the South, but also the
misery and suffering that happens in the South. The word pastoral
Essay On Data Processing
MAP REDUCTION IT s an Frame Work and way to process data in processing unit
INTRODUCTION: The Problem now the present world facing is data. Web and the
Enterprise related data is developing at a speed and difficult to retrieve information
and most of the information is unstructured. And the problem with data is we cannot
move the data to processing unit so people done different statistical models to move
processing unit in to data instead data to processing unit. They done lt of Research
and introduced map reduction to reduce data. Here data is used in pipelined and
processing unit acts as master and slave approach. we require an approach to deal
with this information or rather create imperative data. So what amount is Big Data
truly... Show more content on ...
Mammoth volumes of information are nothing surprising in our seasons of
Google, YouTube, yahoo and Facebook,. In 2009,2010.2011, Facebook sat over a
heap of information; only one year later it had developed from 21 to 30 petabytes.
If you somehow managed to store the greater part of this information on 1TB hard
circles and stack them over each other, you would have a pinnacle twice as high as
the Empire State working in New York. Problem Solving Technique Using Map
Reduction My Theorem States Map Reduce is a Distributed computation with
storing and scheduling STEP1: MAP REDUCE FRAME WORK There is a data
abstraction layer which splits the data into two phases 1.Map Phase 2.Reduce Phase
In a style like traditional programming, calculations can happen in parallel on
numerous machines in the Map stage. A similar thing likewise applies to the
Reduce stage, with the goal that MapReduce applications can be greatly parallelized
on a Cluster of machines. For Example, Amazon, for instance, offers Amazon Elastic
MapReduce bunches that adjust powerfully to client prerequisites. the Apache
Hadoop open source usage of MapReduce helps, yet what will probably be vital is
that Hadoop can be introduced on standard equipment and has brilliant scaling
qualities, making it practical to run a cost proficient MapReduce group, which can be
powerfully stretched out by acquiring more PCs. An alternative isn t operating your
Following The Appointment Of Adolf Hitler
Following the appointment of Adolf Hitler to Chancellor of Germany, 30 January
1933, there were specific legal measures that took place the following twenty
months following Hitler s appointment. The suspension of most citizens rights
following the Reichstag fire, 27 February 1933, is one of many examples. The day
after the Reichstag fire, President von Hindenburg suspended most of German
citizens rights with the emergency powers in the Weimar Constitution, article 48 to
be exact. This would allow for the arrest of Communists and other political
adversaries, as well as allow the SA to terrorize other electors before the upcoming
election. The Nazis hope for the next Reichstag general election, 5 March 1933, was
to gain a majority in the Reichstag.
My Humanitarian And Human Rights Project On The
Famous And...
I chose to do my Humanitarian and Human Rights Project on the famous and loving
Bob Marley. Bob Marley is widely recognized as a man that portrays and lives a
peaceful life that we could all learn from. Although he passed on May 11, 1981, his
legend still remains bigger and better than ever. Bob Marley was a great Reggae
singer who promoted peace with his songs, free concerts and actions. With that being
said, he received many awards and honors recognizing him as a legend.
Bob Marley was born on February 6, 1945 and grew up in a mostly rural community
in the mountains called Nine Miles. Many of the residents of Nine Miles acquired
customs from their African ancestry such as story telling to share their past and
traditions. When Bob was just getting into his teen years he moved from St. Ann to
Jamaica s capital and settled in Kingston vicinity of Trench Town. Trench Town was
a low income community where Bob had to learn to protect himself from men that
were not so nice. He was given the nickname Tuff Gong from his decent street
fighting skills.
Although Trench Town was mostly poverty and full of street fighting, it was a
culturally rich community where Bob s musical talents flourished. Trench Town
was incorporated in his songs, No Woman Cry , Trench Town Rock , and the last
one being Trench Town . Bob s mom wanted him to pick up a trade. When Bob was
just 14 years old he accepted a position as a welder s apprentice. After an incident
with a steel splinter in Bob s
Sociologist Research
Scientist confine their research to the laboratory, because that is the only
environment where their research would not be contaminated by animals, humans, or
weather. The laboratory is their safe haven. A place where everything is done by a
fine tooth comb. However, Sociologist research is different when it pertains to how
they do their research. Sociologist research is the study of the world around them.
They must go out into the world and conduct surveys, which includes interviews, and
questionnaires, and they must observe (Cite 2). This type of research cannot be done
inside of a laboratory. When sociologist conduct interviews they must go out into the
community that they live in, to public places, to schools, and to different areas of the
world, and ask questions pertaining to their topic that they are studying, and then
record the answers. When the sociologist conduct questionnaires, they must ask their
participants a set of questions that they already have prepared. These are questions
that will help them with their research.
Sociologist use observations mainly when they are observing a particular behavior, or
an reaction to a certain situation. When they are observing, the researcher is not
talking, or interacting with anyone, they are just ... Show more content on ...
The disadvantages is that when you have to go into the general public, and gather
you research, it takes a lot of time, and when this happen sometime the data that they
have already collected, becomes outdated, and they are no longer able to use it, and
when a researcher acts a certain way it can affect the participates answers that they
are going to
Realism In The Stanford Experiment
In the 1970s, Philip Zimbardo had done a sequence of studies establishing the
power of groups. The Stanford Experiment is one of the well known and eye
catching experiments in history. The goal of the experiment was to ascertain how
hard really it was to get upright people to follow in order to torment another person.
He found out that in the experiment, it was uncomplicated he only needed to
manipulate those people who said they won t harm others into doing so (Zimbardo,
p. 128). As discussed in class people learned that psychologist also found out that the
research participants were most likely to obey authority figures even knowing that
they are hurting others. Philip Zimbardo had to close down his experiments as the
project went out of... Show more content on ...
Zimbardo was an active participant in the experiment he was basically the warden
instead of being an observer, he was shaping the experiment in a way. In the
documentary that was viewed in class, it was noticeable that the participants were
all men. The sample is relatively narrowed down it is rather small in comparison a
bit biased in a way. If there were women in the study the way things would have been
different. The men would have behaved differently the result maybe would have been
different. The result of the experiment is very astonishing as it surpasses what
Zimbardo intended to. Particularly about the participant s behaviour before and
during the experiment, the prisoners began behaving like one and associated
themselves with the numbers they were given (Zimbardo, p. 130). It was amazing
how quick their behaviour and thinking change in a matter of time. It was not even a
whole week. The other surprise was when one of the guards who was using the shades
started acting more violently when he started using them. The prisoners was treated
unfairly and abused they forgot that they were just people volunteering for the study,
they could have just said something to Zimbardo and they could have left without
putting themselves in a difficult situation. Though the people that suffered depression
was let
United Law And International Law Essay
Jurisdiction is arguably the most versatile term in current international law.
Frequently used in international legal instruments and yet never defined, the term can
have different meanings in different contexts. Depending on the circumstances,
jurisdiction may refer to the totality of the power or authority that a state has or
exercises, in which case it is fully identifiable with sovereignty, another often used but
likewise never clearly defined term in international law. Jurisdictionis an aspect of
state sovereignty. International law scholars have increasingly taken the view that
the term sovereignty means all and only those attributes which are given to a state
under international law descriptive of the scope of state freedom as a legal rather
than factual matter sovereignty. In this conception does not define, but is defined
by the legal powers of a state within an international society of states. It does not
exist prior to law, but as a set of attributes of the legal construct that is the state,
existing as a consequence of law. As one scholar expressed it, sovereignty is
nothing more or less than the legal competence which states have in general. The
power of a sovereign to affect the right of persons, whether by legislation, executive
decree, or by a judgement of a court is called jurisdiction. The power of soveiregn,
therefore to affect legal rights depends upon law; and upon the law must be based all
sovereign jurisdiction. Through the concept of
Mathematical Constants Are Useful For Programming Essay
Programmatically Computing Mathematical Constants
Many mathematical constants are useful for programming. For instance, if you need
to use the transcendental number pi, you need to calculate it somehow. I set out to
create a library of sorts to calculate as many mathematical constants as I could.
Explanation and Code
Alladi Grinstead constant
The Alladi Grinstead constant is defined as ec 1, where ck=21kln(kk 1). To do
summation (), one has to use a for loop with precision limiting behavior.
This code uses an interchanged summation using the Riemann zeta function (n), this
converges much faster than the technical definition above, which is essential to
optimizing the code.
The value of the Alladi Grinstead constant is:
ApГ©ry s constant
This is simply the value of the Riemann Zeta function at 3. So, (3).
The entire program uses an external library called Boost, which provides extended
precision (theoretically arbitrary precision) and inherent mathematical functions. The
line that begins with return is what returns the value to be used for further purposes.
The value of ApГ©ry s constant is:
Catalan s constant
Catalan s constant, like almost all other constants, can be defined in many ways. One
way is through the Dirichlet beta function (2), another
Claudio Reyes Life Story
Like many young men of this generation, Reyes and his siblings were raised by a
single mom. It is not the ideal American dream, but the family made things work in
their oak cliff, Texas, home. His childhood scrapbooks are filled with pictures of
Christmas mornings and vacations to Florida and Disneyland. Provide by the long
shifts his motherworked, clowns, bounce houses, and large cakes were present at all
birthday parties. After years of late shifts at the local Dallas factory Reyes mother
would meet a man who would change the familys life forever. After a wedding in
2005 Reyes mother would marry the kind and loving David Miles. The newlyweds
decided to relocate their new family to Saginaw, Texas, a thriving middle class
neighborhood offering... Show more content on ...
With no relatives to guide his way, Reyes would be the first to travel down the
college road. Regardless, he was up for the challenge and began enrolling in
advanced placement courses from middle school until high school. He dreamt of
huge ACT scores, AP credit, and rigorous work that would ensure college
readiness. Unfortunately, Reyes was never able to focus the energy required in
advanced placement. The same classes he thought would rise him to college
stardom become his end. After performing poorly in all his AP classes, Reyes s
GPA was so low, kids taking regular education courses were better off. Things were
so bad, schools such as Texas State and Texas Tech University returned letters of
rejection to the poor senior. The people who were too dumb to get into any regular
school , as put by most college seniors, were labeled losers . It was an embarrassing
time for Reyes , but still, he decided it was time to change his ways. He d always
wanted to attend the University of Texas at Austin, so he decided if he had to attend
community college, he would fix his image by transferring to a prestige s
Accidents Of Nature By Harriet Mcbryde Johnson
A Critical Evaluation of Accidents of Nature by Harriet McBryde Johnson In the
book Accidents of Nature, Harriet McBryde Johnson shows us the world of people
with disabilities circa 1970. When Jean, a seventeen year old girl with cerebral
palsy, arrives at Camp Courage, her entire perspective of her life and her disability
is flipped upside down. Being someone who was mainstreamed into the normal
world her entire life until this point, Jean does not see her disability the same as the
other characters at camp. The friends she makes at camp, like Sara, Willie, Peggy
Jo, up Jean s eyes to the stigma, social injustices, and unsought pity that
shrouds every aspect of her life and the lives of all of those with disabilities around
her.... Show more content on ...
Camp Courage was a place where persons with disabilities came together for a
week to share experiences together and make bonds. The counselors were not the
ones who made the camp something special; it was the people with disabilities
themselves and their ability to accept themselves, as every person should. They all
understood each other and created this bond that no one outside of himself or
herself would ever fully understand. I thoroughly enjoyed this book because it
opened my eyes to a time before my own and gave me hope for the world and the
positive changes and gains society has made to end prejudice and discrimination
since the 1970s. These stigmas and stereotypes have negatively affected people
with disabilities for years, but they never gave up on who they truly were, and it is
them that we can thank for the changes we see in the world, not telethon. Disability
is an attitude, not an attribute. The characters in this book, especially Sara,
personifies this statement. Once the world can come to fully see this, then these
stereotypes will cease to exist and everyone will be able to accept each other for who
they truly are, for their self

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Painting Description Essay. Sample descriptive essay painting

  • 1. Painting Description Essay Crafting a "Painting Description Essay" can be both a delightful and challenging task. On one hand, the subject matter is inherently rich and vivid, offering a plethora of details to explore and describe. On the other hand, capturing the essence of a painting through words requires a nuanced approach, as the challenge lies not only in conveying the visual aspects but also in translating the emotions and messages embedded within the artwork. The difficulty arises from the need to strike a balance between being descriptive and analytical. One must navigate the delicate line between providing a detailed visual portrayal of the painting and delving into the deeper meanings behind the brushstrokes, color palette, and overall composition. It demands a careful selection of words to evoke sensory experiences and provoke thoughtful reflection. Furthermore, the challenge extends to avoiding clichГ©s and generic descriptions. A generic portrayal might fail to capture the uniqueness of the artwork, missing an opportunity to provide a fresh perspective. Finding original ways to express the intricacies of the painting requires a keen eye for detail and a creative use of language. Research can also pose a challenge. Understanding the historical context, the artist's background, and the art movement to which the painting belongs adds layers of complexity to the essay. This depth of knowledge is crucial for providing a comprehensive analysis and demonstrating a profound understanding of the subject. In conclusion, while a "Painting Description Essay" can be a challenging undertaking, it is also an opportunity to hone one's descriptive and analytical skills. It requires a delicate dance between the tangible and intangible aspects of art, demanding a careful choice of words to bring a static canvas to life in the reader's mind. For assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, resources like offer professional help and support. Experts in the field can provide guidance and deliver well-crafted essays tailored to specific requirements. Painting Description Essay Painting Description Essay
  • 2. The Hobbit, By. R. Tolkien Essay For years, people of all ages have enjoyed The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien, causing a debate over whether or not this novel should be defined as a children s book. After all, it contains many stereotypes of a children s book, including moral lessons and character growth, yet, avid fans debate that it includes depth and darkness that heighten it to the level of adults. In the end, does it really matter how people view it from the outside? What might otherwise be important is the content it contains. Bilbo Baggins, a small character who goes on huge adventures; someone who has become known throughout the fantasy world and has left a footprint bigger than a giant s. However, this seems like an awfully large reputation for somebody who seems so meek and homely towards the beginning of his journey. Luckily, over the course of his pilgrimage to the Lonely Mountain, he grows in ways that have enabled this persona. Not only does he learn about the world he lives in, but he also becomes more courageous and mature throughout the journey as well. This in total transforms him from the weak link of his traveling company, into the person who become invaluable to finding peace and closure from their quest. Hobbits, as a species, are introduced by the infamous first lines, In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit... it was a hobbit hole, and that means comfort (Tolkien 3). In fact, the ideals of Hobbit society, Bilbo s home values, emphasize the ordinary and habitual, while
  • 3. Seymour Police Department Case Study Problem At the Seymour Police Department, few officers have been afforded the opportunity to be assigned to a full time community policing position during their tenure. Historically, staffing the community policing position has suffered as a result of limited manpower and budgetary constraints. Inconsistent offerings in the community policing position, has adversely affected interactions with businesses and citizens. The absence of consistently employing structured, interactive community policing strategies within the Town of Seymour has unveiled challenges. Improving public confidence has been difficult due to the wavering engagement of the police department in the community. A new initiative involving all department personnel would benefit ... Show more content on ... During such embattled times when the public s confidence in our nation s law enforcement officers is being sensationalized by media outlets, it is only prudent to embrace a sense of responsibility of refuting these negative stereotypes. By having constructive relations outside of typical police/public investigative encounters, police officers will enjoy an increased sense of trust and standing within the communities they police (President s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, 2015). In applying this principle, the Seymour Police Department will see improvements in community relations. By implementing S.O.L.V.E., statistically the number of citizen contacts for the department will compound exponentially revealing a positive outcome for all involved. In committing to this community policing initiative, the Seymour Police Department will serve as a model for other agencies to emulate. The S.O.L.V.E. initiative is a tremendous step toward remaining dedicated to the mission of the Seymour Police Department while providing the highest quality policing service possible to the residents of
  • 4. Religious Influences in Government Policy Essay Religious influence in the adoption and development of law is contradictory to the structure of the American government and way of life. My fellow Americans, these are words you have heard many times before, Presidents have uttered them in addressing the nation, they always have the same connotation every time they are spoken, that all of us are Americans, notice please that the statement is not My fellow Christians. That s because being an American does not automatically indicate being a Christian, one of the reasons this is such a great country is that we have specific rights guaranteed by our government, such as the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, freedom of the press and as important as any....Freedom of religion. I am ... Show more content on ... My well intended (I say that in attempt to delude myself into believing that their arguments presented are not in any self serving intent.) opponents would have you believe that our country was intended to be a non secular entity and that if our government was truly of the people, for the people, by the people that its laws would be reflective of Christianity as the majority of the American citizenry proclaim a Christian affiliation. This my friends is a falsehood, in fact our founding fathers were more than aware of the implications for the future that this great experiment posed and included safeguards in attempt to prevent the abusive relationship that tends to develop when government policy is tempered with religion, a very wise and brave act considering the fact that many of them were in fact people who attended church and worshipped God. These measurements were so important to them that they outweighed any feelings of contradiction with their personal beliefs. It is not coincidental that nowhere in the constitution is religion mentioned except in exclusionary terms. There have been many arguments that lay claim to be proof that this nation was founded with the intent of being governed by religious philosophy, from misrepresented quotations about religious feelings from various founding fathers to the misconception that our laws were based upon biblical law and not precedent from previously
  • 5. Fair Value Hierarchy Memorandum to: Accounting department of family finance co. from: Daisy subject: fair value hierarchy date: december 15, 2012 Introduction Family Finance Co. (FFC), a publicly traded commercial bank, invests in a variety of securities in order to enhance returns greater than interest paid on bank deposits and other liabilities. The primary investments of FFC are collateralized debt obligation, mortgage backed securities, auction rate securities, equity securities in nonpublic companies, interest rate swaps, and a fuel swap for gasoline. FFC measures the derivative at fair value, presenting the portion of the fair value change by using the fair value hierarchy. This memo will present the appropriate classification in the fair value ... Show more content on ... Also, as of the measurement date, there is lack of recent and relevant transactions. Thus, the fair value measurement of this CDO should be classified as Level 3. By analyzing the market changes, FFC determined that the CDO s market was not active and there has been a significant decrease in the volume and level of activity. FFC used an income approach valuation technique which is present value technique to make measurement. Because this approach can maximize the use of relevant observable inputs and minimizes the use of unobservable inputs to reflect the fair value more representatively. Instrument 2 Mortgage Backed Security The fair value measurement of the Mortgage Backed Security investment shall be categorized within Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy. According to ASC 820 10 35 52, Level 2 inputs include the following: a. Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets . These inputs included quoted prices in active markets for similar MBSs with insignificant adjustments for differences between the MBS held by FFC and similar securities. In Q4 of 2012, the prices for transactions didn t reduce the relevant to the fair value measurement. Therefore, the fair value measurement of this MBS should be classified into Level 2 of fair value hierarchy. The market of Mortgage Backed Security
  • 6. June Princeton s Argumentative Essay When June Princeton is fifteen years old, she dyes her hair black. It was something June did without much thought, more on whim than on logic. She knows that her dye job isn t particularly good, and her brown roots are still visible. But, June was satisfied with the end results. Her uncles finds out about her new hairstyle that evening when June comes marching down the stairs with black hair. Instead of being greeted with what June believe was inky silk tresses, they came face to face with what resembles a group of scraggly black seaweed atop her head. Uncle Slade was snickering behind his hand, while Uncle Jagger was making a noise akin to a dying gazelle. June just gave them a big grin and said, Pretty stylish, huh? (In the end, they forced her to go to... Show more content on ... It s easy to assume that June is not related to her uncles. June is lightly tan with brown hair, while her uncles are pale with black hair. But she holds the same cynical and sarcastic attitude like they do and have the same temperament issues, so she loses her temper at the drop of a hat and sasses her uncles, and they would snapped back at her until all three of their voices are bouncing off the walls. The fights are a relatively normal thing in the household, and the words being thrown aren t necessarily true. Snide comments and sassy retorts are part of the routine. Was he like us? June asks Uncle Slade one day, after informing him that his workaholic attitude will never get him a wife and he tells her that no man would want to date a girl like her. Who? Uncle Slade asks, eyes glued to the computer screen and fingers flying across the keyboard. She thinks that he looks more tired and stressed as time goes on. He still looks young, as though he hasn t aged a day since he turned forty, but his bones are cracking and the shadows under his eyes are becoming more prominent. He needs a break, but it s not as if he is willing to take one. My father. Was he like us? You mean
  • 7. T.S. Eliot Paints a Grim Picture in The Love Song of J.... T.S. Eliot s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufock may be accurately described as an amalgam of synergistic emotions among them self doubt, longing, fear, regret, and indecisiveness which, through the alchemy of poetry, work in tandem to create and communicate an overwhelming sense of anxiety. These emotions serve as cataracts upon the lens through which the poem s narrator views both himself and the city streets he travels. Overwhelmed by an overwhelming question (10) the narrator perhaps more terrified by the sheer gravity of the overwhelming question (10) than the numerous other fears and self doubts the narrator presents to the reader never unequivocally specifies, the poem s persona makes a journey through both city and mind to... Show more content on ... Line 92 echoes Andrew Marvell s To His Coy Mistress, a poem in which the persona sets out to convince his lover to act without hesitance or delay; in a more perfect world, the persona of The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufock would squeeze the universe into a ball (92) and roll it toward the overwhelming question (93). In lines 94 95, the persona imagines himself as Lazarus, come from the dead, / Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all. Here the persona, who has seen his moment of greatness flicker in line 84, envisions himself rising from the ashes of his agedness and decay to pose the overwhelming question to his lover without reticence. The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufock presents the image of a man who fears the toll that time has taken and continues to take on his aesthetic appeal. Preoccupied with the way others perceive him, the persona of the poem regards himself as an aging, decaying figure. This anxiety is particularly evidenced in the seventh stanza of the poem in which the persona declares that he will be judged both for his receding hairline and the thinness of
  • 8. Review Of About A Slave Girl By Linda Brent Beatrice Legre Literature 121 NW Professor: Flournoy September 28, 2014 Incidence in the Life of a Slave Girl Linda Brent whose life story is narrated in the book Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is an intelligent, a persistent and courageous, a caring and loving person as well as her relative including her grandmother, her father, brother, uncles and aunty about whom she talks in the book display these qualities just like any human beings contrary to the believe of slaveholders who think that black slaves do not have feelings, and treat slaves like animal, even less than animal. According to the book The Norton Anthology of African American Literature second edition, Linda Brent who s really name is Harriet Jacobs was born into slavery in Edenton, North Carolina, around 1813. She is the first woman to write by herself a slave narrative in the Unites State (p. 279). However, in her book Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl published in 1861, Linda indicates that she has a happy childhood until her sixth year, and then, she experiences hardship adulthood as a slave. Her parents were a couple living together in a confortable home although slaves. There, she lives lovingly in security and never thoughts to be a piece of properties entrust to her parents until a convenient time for a master to claim her. Her father and mother were both African American in complexion calls mulattos; which certainly is cause by the mixture of white and black beings; and as much she
  • 9. African Elephant Research Paper Characteristics? Life? When humans act with cruelty we characterize then as animals yet the only animal that displays cruelty is humanity Anthony Douglass Williams. My assignment was to choose an vertebrate animal to research the 7 characteristics of life on. I chose an African Elephant to do my assignment on today. I chose an African Elephant, all living things have cells. Elephants have as many cells as humans do, their brain exhibits a gyral pattern more complex than humans. African Elephants have mutli cells, they also have billions of cells. Elephants have as many nerve cells as humans do, their brain exhibits gyral pattern more complex than humans. One special feature I found about Elephants is there extremely developmental sense of smell. They use smell to differentiate between different herd members, they also detect scents from long distances, up to several kilometers. Elephants need energy just like humans do, but how do they get their energy? Elephants get their energy through food, they eat all kinds of things. They eat roots, grasses, fruits, barks, tree leaves, flowers, bamboo, and bananas. African Elephants can eat up to 200 600 pounds of food a day. No wonder Elephants grow so big, adults Elephants weight up to 2.5... Show more content on ... Elephants trunks can measure up to eight feet, they use them for digging, fighting, marking, and feeding. African Elephants have long and flexible trunks, this adaptation lets Elephants reach high into the trees to get food. They also use their trunks to suck up and spray water on their skin, to help them cool off in hot habitats. They also have many offsprings male s are called bulls and females are called cows. Elephants have a long time to bear their Calves before they are born. An Elephant averagely gets pregnant every 5 years, they stay in the wombs for about 22 months or almost 2 years. If you would calculate it, she could have 6 babies in her
  • 10. Similarities Between Navajo And Hopi The perception of evil for the Navajo and Hopi widely differs from what our culture believes. To us, you can either be good or evil but not both. We see a split and think that a person is just bad, whereas the Navajo and Hopi cultures have views that are less severe to the individual in question. The Navajo believe that what distinguishes good from evilis control, because acts can be both good and evil. When something has little ability to be controlled by man, the situation has a higher likelihood of being evil. Additionally, the Navajo don t see evil as being a kind of negative moral corruption or an ethical problem. Instead, they see evil as being a realistic event, like death, illness, droughts, or famines, because these events can t be controlled. When there is not control that is when evil prevails. In... Show more content on ... Unlike our culture, which see s evil as a punishment or retaliation, the Hopi see s evil as occurring if someone has ill thoughts toward themselves or others. Another way for there to be a break in the universe is if an individual dislikes some aspect of the universe. To the Hopi, the actions are what is bad not the person, and the universe just needs to find equilibrium again when something bad happens. Breaking the universe can occur when someone take more food than they need or if they are not being generous enough with what he does have. When the universe needs to be restored because evil has occurred, the Hopi individual must first examine himself to decide if he is in a happy state of mind. If he is, the blame for the evil can be pushed to other. In this case, there is constant surveillance of neighbors and close relatives do determine who is having ill thoughts, which is practice derived from the Pueblo, however the Hopi are not as anxious about these practices. Additionally, the Hopi are strong users of ceremonies to fix the well being and happiness of the
  • 11. America’s Drug War Essay The War on Drugs, like the war on Terrorism, is a war that America may not be able to afford to win. For over forty years the United States has been fighting the War on Drugs and there is no end in sight. It has turned into a war that is about politics and economics rather than about drugs and criminals. The victims of this war are numerous; but perhaps they are not as numerous as those who benefit from the war itself. History of U.S Drug Policy: While laws prohibiting the use of drugs, in one form or another, can be traced back to the 1870s, it was not until 1968, when Richard M. Nixon was elected President, that our current drug war was conceived. In 1970 Congress passed the Comprehensive Drug Abuse and Control Act.(2) With an... Show more content on ... Assistant to Egil Krogh was G. Gordon Liddy. Howard Hunt was a consultant on the drug problem to the president s Domestic Council. Both of these men would gain fame a few years later as Watergate conspirators. Under these men, instead of being understood as a health and social problem, drug addiction was defined as a law and order problem. On July 1, 1973 the War on Drugs was solidified with the creation of the Drug Enforcement Administration.(15) The DEA, which was the result of merging the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs with various other law enforcement and intelligence gathering agencies, including the ODALE, was given the responsibility of enforcing the nation s federal drug laws. It s enormous sphere of influence is reflected in its Mission Statement which states among other things; The mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration is to enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States and bring to the criminal and civil justice system of the United States, or any other competent jurisdiction, those organizations and principal members of organizations involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the United States... (15) The DEA was designed as an American agency with an international agenda. During the Ford and Carter administrations drug use began to rise. In 1979 illicit drug use in the United States peaked
  • 12. Minors and the Death Penalty A.Should the death penalty be given to minors? The two groups against this issue, are the religious and medical groups. They believe they are too young to know what they have done. The medical groups believe adolescents are less developed than adults and should not be held to the same standards. . The opposing side, held mostly by state officials, feel if they are old enough to commit the crimethey, old enough to get the punishment, including death. B. The very first execution of a minor was in1642 with Thomas Graunger in Plymouth Colony, Massachesetts. In the three hundred years since that time, a total of approximately 365 persons have been executed for juvenile crimes, constituting 1.8 percent of roughly twenty thousand ... Show more content on ... The website actually showed the case of Stanford v. Kentucky which was for the execution of a minor. The majority in case acknowledged age as a mitigating factor in death sentencing, but, in an opinion written by Justice Antonin Scalia, said the national climate didn t rule out the death penalty simply because of the age of the offender. G.The Kantian view of death penalty is a retributive view that sees the criminal as a parasite who has accepted the benefits of a legal system while refusing to pay the price of self restraint. Such a person owes the law abiding a debt for he has gained an unfair advantage over them. Punishment is the means of exacting the debt (in kind) and is a demand for justice the restoration of a condition of equality between the law breaker and society. Just punishment is binding and not to be mitigated by any utilitarian consideration. Kant also believes in blood guilt and the necessity for cleansing criminal actions. H. This issue is pretty touchy to me, because i could support both side of minor being put to death. I agree with if they do the crime, they can do the time, but at the same time they are just little kids and they do not know better. The way I see how this situation can change is that instead of holding the child responsible for the crime hold the parents in contempt. The reason I say
  • 13. The Role Of Climate Change In Canada Climate change has become the most serious global environmental threat with sides of people who do not believe it exists and people who are actually aware. The release of greenhouse gases such as carbon and methane into the atmosphere has been known to be one of the major causes of climate change. Scientists explain that these emissions must drastically reduce to avoid a 2В°C rise in average global temperature. Therefore different countries have made policies and ways to reduce the production of these gases and Canada is one of them. Canada ranks 15th out of 17 countries for greenhouse gasemissions per capita.Canada s per capita decreased by nearly 5% between 1990 and 2010 while the total GHG emissions in Canada grew by 17%. The... Show more content on ... Electricity generation is Canada s fourth largest source of greenhouse gas. When it comes to controlling the emission that comes from electricity generation; most provinces in Canada are already opting out of the coal phase to provide cleaner energy. The burning of firewood to create energy releases CO2 into the atmosphere thereby introducing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.therefore introducing approaches to electricity such as increasing the amount of electricity generated from renewable sources; connecting clean power with places that need it and modernising electrical system could bring Canada to its goal by at least 5% to 15%. New rules that help to control emissions from an electrical sector that is burning natural gases should also be implemented. the government Could also control greenhouse gas emission by mandating the carbon pricing policy. Carbon pricing charges industries and corporations that emit CO2 for their emissions. This limits their emissions by instituting a price charge and encourage companies and consumers from burning fossil fuel and find alternative ways that are efficient for their business. Carbon pricing has been known to be the best tool in reducing greenhouse gas emissions since most of the gases released into the atmosphere are carbon. Carbon pricing helps to fight climate change and it provides job opportunity in creating clean energy. the growing population is also a discussable topic in climate change that could be really hard to control due to the fact that as the population increases; the demand for products that release this toxic gases would also increase. The government could control this by finding alternative ways to produce these commodities without introducing so much carbon or methane into the
  • 14. Investigating The Suitability Of Different Sources Of Finance 3.0 Investigate the suitability of different sources of finance to facilitate Par Foods Ltd. s short term objectives. 3.1 Sources of finance There are two main sources of finance that Pars food LTD could consider as options to keep the company viable and moving forward. These are internal and external sources. Internal sources include selling assets, wages and retained profit. The external sources can be long and short term. Long term sources are owner investments and debentures. Whereas short term sources of finance can be things such as overdrafts, trade credits or leasing. (Business Finance Guide, n.d.). 3.2 Applying financial sources to Pars short term objectives Pars Food have many short term goals and they will need new funding in most of these. This is due to them only being in a satisfactory position and having a low net profit. The poor state of the company means that internal sources of finance should be kept to a minimum as they don t have enough of their own money to put back into the business and they also don t want to be selling assets as they would like to be buying new ones. This means they will have to use external sources of finance whether they be long term or short term. For Pars short term objectives that could be achieved from new sources of finance a bank loan would seem to be the way to go to purchase the Twister cutting machine that will cost ВЈ300,000. A bank loans money to a business based on the value of the business and its perceived ability
  • 15. The Importance Of Athletic Festivals In Greek Society Greek athletics were very popular in the Greek culture. William Baker s thesis statement was For more than a thousand years athletic festivals were an important part of Greek life. Originally mixtures of religious ceremony and athletic competition, hundreds of local festivals were held each year throughout the country and in Greek colonies in Egypt, Sicily, and the banks of the Bosporus. The argument is how festivals are important to Greek Life. The article starts out with the author talking about the four major athletic festivals, The Pythian Games, The Isthmian Games, The Nemean Games, and the Olympic Games. By the fifth century B.C. four major festivals dominated the scene, forming a kind of circuit ambitious athletes Ambitious athletes could gain a following in an event by training for and participating in these events creating a circuit for them. Religion was a big deal in Greek Culture With all their emphasis on man and his achievements, the Greeks were extremely religious. Polytheists, they looked to particular gods for assistance and blessing in every sphere of life... . The first piece of evidence William Baker shows relates to religion and how the athletic festivals are used as also a religious event The fifth and final day of the festival was devoted to a prize giving ceremony, a service of thanksgiving to Zeus, and sumptuous banquet at which the sacrificial animals were consumed. This shows that the Greeks respected the god Zeus and payed honor to him at these The Olympic Games by having a day devoted to him with prize giving and sacrifice of animals. All finally arrived at the altar of Zeus, where one hundred oxen were slain and their legs burned in homage to Zeus. The carcasses were cooked and eaten at the concluding banquet on the final day. As William Baker said For more than a thousand years athletic festivals were an important part of Greek life. Originally mixtures of religious ceremony and athletic competition Greeks also looked up to other gods during other festivals, The Pythian Games held at the site of Apollo and Delphi...The Isthmian Games at Corinth in honor of Poseidon, The god of sea,... The Nemean Games at Nemea, honoring Zeus ... the Olympic Games every
  • 16. Questions On Business Environment Risk Manage risk Assessment 1 Identify scope of risk PriceBeat is a discounted department store with many branches in Australia. This report is based on its branch store located in Taralgon. Currently PriceBeat has theses identified risk issues: 1.Lack of internal control for cash handling 2.Not able to comply with regulations and legislations such as OHS, privacy laws and industrial relations law 3.No proper staff performance guidelines in the company 4.Negative organisational culture 5.Ignore the external business environment and cannot identify business opportunities This report will focus on all the above identified risk issues and find the solutions to correct them. The scope will include: 1.Cash management risk 2.Legislation compliance risk 3.Staff performance risk 4.Business environment risk 5.Work environment culture risk Identify and describe the critical success factors, goals or objectives for areas in included in scope A quality improvement tool that many organisations use is critical success factors which are indicators that measure how well an organisation is accomplishing its strategic plan and objectives. Critical success factorsDescribeGoals or objectives for areas in included in scope Safe cash transaction and storageAll the cash to be maintained in a safe container with only the management team to access it0% of cash missing or discrepancy occurred All company and management laws, regulations and legislations are fully followed and complied
  • 17. Liquid Chromatography Lab Chromatography is a technique used to separate a mixture of compounds for analytical or preparative purposes. In liquid chromatography, the mixture of compounds is dissolved in a liquid mobile phase and then travels through a stationary phase, which acts as the adsorbent. Solute molecules interact with the stationary phase through adsorption and desorption. A compound which has stronger interactions with the stationary phase will move slower than a compound with weaker interaction with the stationary phase. The components of a mixture are separated based on their differences in mobility. Usually the stationary phase is a polar porous compound, such as silica gel, which has a large surface area and hydroxyl groups, giving it the ability to... Show more content on ... Ortho hydroxyacetophenone travelled higher up the silica gel TLC plate than its para counterpart because ortho was less polar and formed fewer interactions with the silica gel adsorbent. Ortho hydroxyacetophenone formed intramolecular hydrogen bonds between its carbonyl and hydroxyl groups. Para hydroxyacetophenone formed intermolecular hydrogen bonds with its carbonyl and hydroxyl group. P hydroxyacetophenone was more polar, so it travelled a shorter distance up TLC plate due to its many interactions with polar silica gel. Polar compounds have stronger dipole dipole interactions which require more energy and higher temperatures to melt, accounting for p hydroxyacetophenone s high melting point. Unknown #16 contained the compounds acetaminophen, caffeine, and acetylsalicylic acid. The distances acetylsalicylic acid and ibuprofen travelled along the silica gel plate were very similar, but since the Rf value of the unknown was closer to acetylsalicylic acid than to ibuprofen, it was determined that acetylsalicylic acid was one of the unknown compounds. Since ibuprofen and acetylsalicylic acid travelled the greatest distance up the TLC plate, they had the least amount of attraction to the silica gel plate, making them the least polar solutes. For column chromatography, unknown #16 contained 0.0457g ferrocene, 0.0137g 9 fluorenone, and 0.0114g acetylferrocene. Their mass percentages were 44.15%, 13.24%, and 11.01%, respectively, determined from a total of 0.1035g of the compound mixture. Ferrocene, 9 fluorenone and acetylferrocene had melting points of 174 175МЉC, 83 86МЉC, and 83 85МЉC, respectively. The mixture after evaporation accounted for roughly 68% of the original mixture. This was mainly due to product loss from keeping only the pure test tubes. Based on the amount of product obtained, unknown #16 consisted of mostly ferrocene, and least of
  • 18. Evaluation Of Mentoring Programs For The United States Jordan Woltjer 11/16/2016 Course Project Part 2 Matz shows that mentoring programs were first instituted in the U.S. in the late 19th century as an alternative to incarceration to be used in Juvenile Courts under the supervision of probation officers (2014). According to Matz, these sentencing policies were inspired by the progressive era s focus on alleviating the mass poverty that was caused by industrialization, immigration, and urbanization (2014). Blakeslee and Keller state that The highly renowned Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBS) mentoring program, for example, began in 1904 in New York City and today consists of over 375 agencies serving more than 210,000 youth across the United States (2012). Matz (2014) argues that though mentoring programs are compatible with a large range of sociological and criminological theories, that their creation was motivated by a theoretically undeveloped humanitarian instinct that pervaded the Progressive Era. Despite this, we can still use the empirical evidence of BBBS programs to test theoretical perspectives such as Differential Association. The BBBS program matches at risk youth between the ages of 6 and 18 with a volunteer mentor whose prior screening demonstrated that they are capable of providing socialization to curb delinquency and anti social behavior (Limber, 2001). Susan Jekielek says that The Big Brothers/Big Sisters program takes applications from volunteers in the community and subjects each Mentor to an
  • 19. An Analysis Of Alice Walker And Kate Chopin Heritage, a lot of people see it as being only the past, with no significance to their everyday lives whatsoever, others see it as merely objects and money passed down from older generations to their younger generations, but really heritage means much more than that. Ones heritage is the lessons learned from elders and passed down to their children and grandchildren to help them not make the same mistakes they made before, heritage is the roots that makes a person who they are. The world without recollection of its s heritage, is a world without progress, a world that only stands still waiting for the same missteps to cycle back around. A person with no knowledge of their heritage is a person with no knowledge of themselves, and not knowing one s self can lead to mishaps directing that individual down a path they would otherwise be able to avoid with a keen understanding of where they originate. Alice Walker and Kate Chopin both touch on the struggles and outcomes of not knowing or taking advantage of one s heritage through their stories Everyday Use and Desiree s baby. In both of the stories, the antagonist Dee/Wangero, and Armand has problems with whom they truly are because of their lack of knowledge and acceptance of who they truly are. The misfortune of not appreciating one s heritage is clearly identified in Alice Walker s Everyday Use. The character used to demonstrate the tragedies that follows one who doesn t treasure their heritage throughout the story is
  • 20. World War One Of The Worst Wars Of All Time World War 2 was one of the worst wars of all time. In 1939, Adolf Hitler started a war because of his genocide of Jewish people. And, he was succeeding. No one could stop him. We needed something to change. If we didn t stop something soon, Hitler would take over all of the Middle East and presume to take over the world. The US thankfully came up with a solution to this, they created an unstoppable force, the B 29 Superfortress Fighter Plane. The B 29 was the most destructive warplane ever to be invented. It was the fastest, most advanced plane of its time. The B 29 was used in World War Two and won the excruciating war for the Americans. The B 29 is even admired by people today. This is the plane that saved the world. There were nearly... Show more content on ... They had to work in coal mines and chop wood. On top of that, they were given a very limited number of supplies and hope. With numbers branded to their wrists, they could have also been killed in the countless gas chambers and mean guards that Hitler purchased. They were given wooden beds with no sheets or blankets, stale bread, and broth, and on top of that, they were taunted by the Nazi Guards everywhere. All Jewish people feared Adolf Hitler. He was their worst nightmare. Many Jews believed that they would never make it out alive, others were a little more hopeful, and others rebelled against the Nazis. But what they didn t know is that the Jews that still remained were going to make it out alive, thanks to the United States and the Allies. World War Two was one of the fiercest, destructive, brutal wars ever to be recorded in history. Great Britain was falling to the Nazis, at the time Great Britain wasn t as advanced as they are now. Being allied with the most advanced country at the time, the United States, they asked them to create an aircraft that would help them get out of their plight. The United States responded with the most advanced warplane in the history of the world. What is the B 29? World War Two was such a brutal war that the United States actually shut down the automobile manufacturers for 4 5 years just to focus more
  • 21. Weasel Hairs Males can weigh up to more than twice as much as females and be more longer. They have a coat that is a cream color with back layers. In winter their coats are thick smooth and glossy. In the summers they shed there coats which becomes thin and faded and they lose the winter gloss. Polecats have a raccoon like dark mask around their eyes and white are there ear s. Polecats have a pair of anal glands that emits a strong smell. When polecats are excited or threatened they release some of the glands. Polecats are lean,and have short legs which are for climbing trees . Their skulls are box like and it s also more canine,like other weasels; their faces more closely resemble minks than weasels. European polecats show a lock position with there jaws where the jaw joint between the teeth and the rest of the skull is nearly closed off very difficultly and hard to separate and death occurs.
  • 22. Construction Ltd Built A School Silverline Construction Ltd built a school. Shortly after completion, when Emma was walking by, several roof tiles slipped from the roof and smashed on the ground in front of Emma. Flying debris hit Emma causing serious facial injuries and concussion. Emma could not carry out her job for 6 months, due to her injuries and was scared to leave the house for several weeks following the incident. (a) Does Emma have a cause of action in negligence against Silverline Construction Ltd? (b) If Silverline are found to be negligent, for what losses would Emma be able to claim Yes, Emma has a cause of action in Negligence again Silverline Construction Ltd. The Tort of Negligence put the claimant in the position to prove that the defendant owed to them a duty of care, the defendant breached that duty and the claimant must have suffered damages as result of that breach (Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC562). For the Caparo test (Caparo Industries Plc v Dickman [1990] 2 AC 605) the claimant must establish the foreseeability of the harm and a relationship proximity between him and that defendant. After the Court will listen to the defendant and decide if it is fair, just and reasonable to impose a duty of care. To decide if there is the foreseeability of harm the Court will analyse what another reasonable person would do in the Silverline s position. Silverline is a professional society and they are expected to meet standards of safety that any other of that professional person
  • 23. Jerry Tello Analysis The presentation that Jerry Tello gave was like none I ve been to before. It was very entertaining and informational all at once. There were a few parts that really struck a cord for me, but I m going to focus on one particular one because I understand and relate to it and I find it extremely irritated by how more and more children don t know, agree with or understand what s wrong. He described how one day when he was a little boy he sighed and turned his back on his motherwhen she was asking his to do something and he was spanked by his father for the first and only time in his life. I was taught at a very young age to always respect my elders and to never talk back (of course there are certain circumstances to where that doesn t apply). ... Show more content on ... Your job is to provide, teach and support your children. More specifically, to teach them how to be able to function in the world. This means teaching them how to behave respectfully to others, not just you. If you re not a single parent home or if you have help from others it is especially important for you guys to be on the same page on how to teach what you need to and how discipline works into the situation because if not, more than likely the first thing the child or children will do is try to pin you guys against each other (I say this because that is what me and my siblings tried to only worked once). It s good to catch disrespectful behavior early if possible. If your child is rude or disrespectful, it s not good to turn a blind eye. Giving consequences when children are younger will pay off in the long run. It may sound old fashioned, but I find that it s very important to teach your child basic manners like saying please , may I and thank you. If you think about it, when your child deals with their teachers, others outside the household or even gets their first job these common manners will really go a long way and using manners is also a form of empathy. It also teaches your children to respect others and acknowledge their impact on other people. As a parent myself (though my child is still young but I have raised others) I also find it a good idea to communicate
  • 24. My Company Essay What is the name of your company? The name of my company is Florely. Most people would name their business after their family name, such as their last name. For an example, Johnson Johnson was named after Robert Wood Johnson I. Naming your business after your surname could be nice, but it wouldn t be original. It also depends on the product that the company is trying to sell. Naming the company Florely was all behind my product or products. If you didn t get it from the name, the company is all about selling flowers. Florely is a company that has thrived off of selling flowers since the twentieth of May, 2012. All of Florely s employees are trained to understand the meaning behind each flower that we produce. Majority of Florely ... Show more content on ... When the plant decides to set seed, our employees have to shear the plants to encourage the plant to grow. Shearing means cutting the plant back by removing majority of the plant without interfering with its structure. Pansies love fertilizer but giving them too much will make the plants weak. So, we only renew their fertilizer once a month. During its growth period there might be weak flowers and we go through a process of deheading the pansy. Cutting off the dead parts of the plant will increase bloomage of flower. Pansies grow throughout the wet season because during the fall it rains constantly. These type of plants love the full sun but partial shade. We couldn t figure out why our plants weren t growing. So, as a company, Florely decided to hire experts to come and investigate. This type of cold, wet, and partially dark area bring insects such as gastropods (slugs). Florely as a whole has done thorough research and came up with a couple of ideas. These ideas consisted of thinning out the soil or trying out a different brand of fertilizer. We tried both methods for over a month, but nothing worked and it cost the company a lot of money. 3)What are at least three issues that can solve the company s problem or issue? As previously stated, Florely s issue is that slugs are causing a decrease in the growth of our famous pansies for the fall
  • 25. Klein Blue Essay Yves Klein, one of the most prominent and controversial French artist, emerged in the middle of the XX century, remembered above all for his use of single color and the rich shade of ultramarine that he made his own: International Klein Blue. KleinВґs art emerged from serious circumstances. France in the late 1940s was still nation traumatized by World War II. The cultural center of gravity had moved across the Atlantic to New York. The artists who remained in Paris, or at least the good ones, were producing post apocalyptic work, and out of the same rubble came the much younger Klein. The abstract painting that dominated French art in the 1950s was invariably premised on the notion that an artist could communicate with the viewer through the power of ... Show more content on ... The three friends divided the universe between themselves: Arman claimed the materiality of the earth, Pascal appropriated language and words and Klein possessed the void the planet empty of all matter. Klein embarked on a realistic imaginative daydream into the depths of the universe, where he clamed to have inscribed his name in the sky. The void enlighten in the sky led Klein to experiment in painting, music and performance. The Monotone Silence Symphony from 1949, a piece containing a single chord sustained for twenty minutes followed by twenty minutes of meditative silence. It symbolized the sound pitch emitted from the monochrome blue sky, or the void emphasizing universal harmony. In the period between 1848 and 1952, Klein lived in London and began to assist in London frame shop of Robert Savage, learning basic painting techniques and using raw pigments and gilding. He was determinate to evoke sensations and emotions independent of line, abstracted symbols or rendered objects, believing the monochromatic surface released the painting from materiality through the totality of pure
  • 26. Credential Society As the first generation of my family member attend college. I understand the value of higher education and how it would impact my life. College education gives me the opportunity to explore new ideas, improve critical thinking, and enhance my skills. It is the gateway to better options and a chance to succeed in life. First of all, I want to talk about Credential Society. Today, Americans live in a credential society which determines eligibility for work depending on degrees and diplomas. Education is important to every one of us because it teaches us how to do many things that we have never heard of, seen, or knew before. Education not only teaches us anything what we need to know of school today teach (such as math, language art, physical education, science, etc...), they also teach us right and wrong such as dugs, bullies, and what to do and what not to do. It bright the ways of life in which we decide what is best for us. It makes us civilized, polite and humble. The more education we receive, the more intelligence our brain will ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, it is just a societal thing, a lot of humans have this same trait, but we use words instead of our teeth a majority of the time. If we cannot give each other a label or identify a group of people by some sort of labeling then we are not happy. All throughout the age s people have labeled to keep oppression, marginalization, humiliation, and other alive in our cultures. This gives each group unless you re at the top of the societal heap for example Rich, White, (supposedly) Well Educated, Typical Family, Swing to the (right now) Political Right, and therefore you have all the rest beneath you they are not your equal so in the mind of individuals you label the others beneath you and vice versa at the bottom of the heap choose whomever you would like Gay, Black, Latino, whoever and they do the same it keeps the stereotype in place and prevents others from climbing without a struggle to the top of the
  • 27. Singtel Essay Topic: The Past, the Present and Possible Future of SingTel Introduction SingTel is a recognized and successful telecommunication corporation in Asia. This essay will illustrate the past, present and possible future of SingTel and the transformation SingTel had made throughout the years. In addition, it will include the identification of changes SingTel has made and also the demonstration on how SingTel deal with these changes through change management lenses. Company Overview Singapore Telecommunications also known as SingTel Group is a well known and leading communications group in Asia with a range of communication services and solutions such as fixed, mobile, data, internet, info communications technology, satellite and... Show more content on ... The reason behind the curtail of SingTel s 15 year licence was to be consistent with development in the global industry, keep up with the technological advances and sustaining Singapore s international competitive advantages and attractiveness to foreign investors. Moreover, S$1.5 billion was compensated to SingTel for the early termination of the exclusive licence (Ure 2008). With the liberalization and deregulation, IDA believed that it would be a fiscal approach to ensure consumers and industry with better quality of services at highly competitive prices. Through this approach, it could also encourage more innovative services and requirements of different market segments could be satisfied with customized solutions (Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore 2009). After the telecommunication in Singapore was fully liberalized in April 2000, SingTel s performance had slipped in the following years. SingTel had been facing fall in the market share of both mobile and international telephony market from 56% in 2001 to 50% in 2002 and 95% in 2001 to 87% in 2002 respectively (Haracleous amp; Singh 2005). Furthermore, with the deregulation and the introduction of new foreign entrant such as StarHub and MobileOne Limited (M1), SingTel experienced a decline in its traditional source of income (Yahya 2008). SingTel ended its mobile monopoly as StarHub and M1 were awarded
  • 28. Similarities Between Kojiki And Greek Mythology Similar myths and legends have been coexisting throughout the world, regardless of eastern and western cultures, and in different languages. Greek myth is probably the world s most famous and beloved than any other tale of legends stories. Surprisingly, Greek myth and Japanese myth share many similarities in the creation of the world and legend stories through their mythologies. Japan s Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) is a collection of Japanese historical records as well as Japanese mythologies, in which the legend explains the creation of the world and birth of deities. However, Greek mythologies, on the other hand, do not have an official written record of mythologies or religious text like the Bible or the Kojiki, but earliest story teller like Homer and Hesiod shared richest sources in poems, attempt to explain the beginning of the universe in human language. Both Kojiki and Greek mythologies describe common belief in the creation of the world, in which gods give birth to another to form the world. In Kojiki, two of the seven gods who came into existence, Izanagi and Izanami give birth to many nature deities, creating the world. But because Izanami gives birth to too many deities, she dies while giving birth to the fire deity. In result of her death, enraged Izanagi kills the fire deity. In contrast, Greek myth describes the creation of the world with the four gods who came to existences, Gaea (earth) Chaos, Tartarus (Hell), and then Eros. Gaea asexually gives birth to Uranus (Sky) and marries her son. She then bears three types of gods; the Titans, the Cyclopes, and the Hecathonchires. However, Uranus repels at the monstrous creatures and sends Cyclopes and Hecatonchires down to Tartarus (Hell). Frustrated by Uranus s action, Gaea forges the first sickle, gives it to her youngest son Cronos, and have him punish his father, Uranus. Once Uranus returns to make love to Gaea, Cronos emasculates him. Here we see the similarities in the creation of the world by birth and death of God by the hands of another god with fury. Another similarity can be spotted on the death of the loved ones, in which the god or a hero is visiting the world of the dead to meet their wives. In Kojiki, after the death of
  • 29. The Importance of Jane s Early Life at Lowood to Shaping... The Importance of Jane s Early Life at Lowood to Shaping Her Character in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre When Charlotte BrontГѓВ« set out to write Jane Eyre , she boldly promised her sisters: a heroine as plain and as small as myself, who shall be as interesting as any of yours. As promised, Jane appears decidedly plain, so little, so pale , with features so irregular and so marked , sensible but not at all handsome , queer and a little toad . The novel opens at Gateshead with Jane moving from childhood to puberty. Even at ten years of age, Jane feels that I can never get away from Gateshead till I am a woman and tells this to Mr Lloyd. She actually leaves by the end of Chapter 4. ... Show more content on ... The forced wearing of the uniform obliterates distinctions between all age groups young and older. Mr Brocklehurst, the self righteous minister of Lowood, tells Miss Temple you are aware that my plan in bringing up these girls, is not to accustom them to luxury and indulgence, but to render them hardy, patient and self denying . Mr Brocklehurst stresses the importance of plain clothing and humility (but his own family have long beautiful hair and are dressed richly). It was this influence that Jane was never able to shake and at Thornfield, she continued to wear dull clothes covered by a plain pinafore. She had, however, no influence over the clothes which Adele chose to wear. Even on her wedding day, Jane would not conform by wearing elaborate headwear. Jane herself is very clear about the sort of demeanour that is required of a governess. When Rochester has guests at Thornfield, she knows she must shrink into the shade . She is expected to be present in the drawing room in the evening but not take part in the conversation unless directly addressed. She frequently refers to the plainness of her dress, and sometimes to her own lack of physical beauty, as appropriate to a governess. When she thinks she is about to marry Rochester, she is not really surprised at Mrs Fairfax s opinion that it is unwise for her to move out of her own class and into his. Brocklehurst
  • 30. Chronic Injuries Robbed Ken Griffey Jr. of Homerun King... He hit 600 home runs (5th most all time), won 10 gold gloves, and made 13 All Star Games. In almost 150 years baseball history, only the great Willie Mays can match Ken Griffey Jr. in these statistical categories. However, despite these extraordinary stats, Ken Griffey Jr. may be the ultimate What Could Have Been player. An incredibly promising career was derailed in the latter half by chronic injuries that robbed him of hundreds of games. If not for these injuries, Griffey was well on his way to becoming the Home RunKing (Stark, 2010) and possibly the greatest player ever. Despite these setbacks, Griffey is still revered as one of the greatest and most popular MLB players ever. The savior of baseball in Seattle and the lone star to... Show more content on ... He gained endorsements with Pizza Hut and General Mills, and had his own Nintendo video game and Nike shoe line. He also appeared in many TV shows such as The Simpsons and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, as well as movies, and wrote his own autobiography (Ferguson, 2011). His 1989 rookie card remains the most popular baseball card ever. During the prime of his career in the late 1990s, he was easily the most popular baseball player and possibly even most popular athlete in the world. Nowhere in the country is he more popular than in Seattle, where he is considered the savior of baseball in the city. In the 1980s, the Mariners were a historically moribund franchise playing in the crumbling Kingdome. Prior to his arrival, the Mariners had been seriously considering a move to Washington DC, but that all changed once Griffey came (Fort, 2000, p. 313). His exciting style of play immediately attracted fans and attention to the franchise (Caple, 2010). In 1995, Griffey led a miracle rally to the Mariners first playoff appearance in decades (Reader, 2010), and capped the season by scoring the game winning run to defeat the New York Yankees in the first round (Schaefer, 2003, p.6). His rise rejuvenated baseball and the city in general, leading the building of the new stadium, Safeco Field , dubbed the House That Griffey Built . Griffey s most enduring legacy, however, was being one of the few star players who were not involved in
  • 31. Holmes Raha Life Stress Inventory Analysis After marking the points for the Holmes Rahe life stress inventory and reading what the point value means, I definitely disagree with the assessment. There are two reasons I disagree with the inventory; the first being, this inventory takes a snapshot of past events and does not reference future factors that may or may not affect the events you had selected. The second reason is, I do not understand how some of the events one the inventory would add a higher chance of having a stress related health breakdown. For example, a promotion, vacation, or holidays should be life events which lowers stress for an individual. I agree that individuals deal with life events and stress in different ways, which is why I believe inventories, health quizzes, and health questions should be tailored to the individual taking them. Perhaps then people will have a more accurate picture in order to properly plan, organize, and prioritize their life events thereby limiting stress and allowing more control over stress related health.... Show more content on ... The first being my job and the responsibilities associated with my job. With the current operation tempo of our unit I expect to fly, on average, two to three times a week consisting of twelve to fourteen hours days. If you add the recommended eight hours of sleep, you can see there is not very much time to concentrate on other priorities on those days. During the other days in the week when I do not fly, I am responsible for three additional duties that require most of my attention during the day. These duties are crucial to the success of the units overall mission and have high visibility within my leadership and the chain of command. The responsibilities and the time available to perform these duties during normal working hours adds stress and effects my stress related
  • 32. Hofstra Personal Statement My plan is to complete my undergraduate degree in Communications/Mass Media, and pursue a career in Public Relations or as a Media Manager. I am applying to Hofstra because I believe this institution will help to set me up for the rest of my career. I believe Hofstra is the university I need to attend in order to receive the best training and experience. From the moment I set foot on campus for the tour, I knew I had to be here. The history of the university drew me in, as well as the enthusiastic emails inviting me to visit, but the tour made me decide to apply. My tour guide, Nick, was the best guide I have ever had the pleasure of being on tour with. He showed unparalleled enthusiasm for the university, and it was contagious. By the time
  • 33. OECD Countries Case Study General statistics for OECD countries, including the UK It is estimated that an average of 83% of today s young people in OECD countries will complete upper secondary education over their lifetimes, based on current patterns of graduation. Young women are now more likely than young men to graduate from upper secondary programmes in almost all OECD countries, a reversal of the historical pattern. In Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia and the United Kingdom, graduation rates equal or exceed 90%. Graduation rates for women now average 86% compared with 79% for men. Since 1995, upper secondary graduation rates have increased by an average of eight percentage points among OECD countries with ... Show more content on ... Disadvantaged pupils who are behind in reading and writing will also be offered extra lessons before starting secondary school. The initiative may provide a way of reducing inequities in education quality and opportunities. Statistics in the UK across the years regarding students who got qualifications At the lowest threshold (no qualifications): 1% (6,000) of pupils in England obtained no qualifications in 2009/10. This proportion is much lower than either five years previously (3%) or a decade previously (6%). However, the comparability of these statistics over time is actually very unclear, given that: the scope of what counts as a qualification has been widened; the range of possible qualifications has increased; and some pupils without any qualifications are no longer included in the statistics. At the middle threshold (less than 5 GCSEs of any grade): 7% (47,000) of pupils in England obtained fewer than 5 GCSEs in 2009/10. This proportion has fallen in each year since 2004/05, when it was 10%. By contrast, the proportion had remained broadly unchanged between the late 1990s and the early 2000s. At the highest threshold (less than 5 GCSEs at grade C or above): 25% of pupils did not achieve the higher threshold of 5+ GCSEs at grade C or
  • 34. Managing And Securing Unstructured Data With a massive growth in Internet, there has been an enormous increase in the amount of information generated and shared in social networking sites and across various industries. This has led to storing and access issues with regards to unstructured data. Firstly understanding what unstructured data is of primary importance before trying to handle it. In simple terms unstructured data can be understood as data that can t be stored in the form of rows and columns. It can be anything including email files, text documents, presentations, image and video files. Studies carried out by IDC and EMC forecasts that data will grow to 40 zettabyes (1 ZB = 1 billion TB). As of now more than 80% of all stored data in organizations is unstructured and ... Show more content on ... Also backup and restore will take a lesser time Major disadvantage is that storing unstructured data will significantly increase the size of databases which will lead to more time for backup and restore of these databases and can cause performance issues with I/O subsystems The big disadvantage of this approach is that we have to create and maintain manual links between database and external file system files which can potentially go out of sync. Also since data is stored outside the system the backups are not consistent and unstructured data is not a part of the transaction. Hybrid Approach: To overcome the disadvantages of the methods discussed above, another method was the Hybrid Approach, which proposes Database engine to support a new data type filestream . Filestram help consolidates the profit of getting to BLOBs specifically from the NTFS document framework with the referential integrity and simple entry offered by the conventional social database engine. In SQL Server, BLOBs can be standard varbinary (max) information that stores the information in tables, or filestream varbinary (max) protests that store the information in the document framework. The major advantage of this approach is BLOB s are under database transactional consistency. By carrying out research with different datasets, it was clearly observed that hybrid and filestream data type approach is faster
  • 35. Analysis Of The Poem The Blood On The Leaves By Abel... Artists in modern music have been using more and more samples of older music as they run out of ideas. Samples of older songs can enhance the feel of new music and give older people a portion to relate to within current music. A lot of the time, the younger generation doesn t know where the sample actually came from or the story behind it. Also many listeners don t know how much it has changed or been through to fit into the song they are now listening to. Like in Kanye s Blood on the Leaves , Kanye uses the Nina Simone s cover of Strange Fruitand not the original. There is a long history behind the sample of Strange Fruit and the song itself coming from a very dark period of time. The poem has been rearranged into small bits and... Show more content on ... Meeropol created tons of imagery while writing this poem. He starts off the poem with the line Southern trees bear a strange fruit , saying that black bodies are like strange fruit that only grow on southern trees, which was true. The next line saying, Blood on the leaves and blood at the root , clearly showing that something or someone died in that tree. These two first lines share, both rhymes in the middle and at the end with trees and fruit and leaves and root , which create the flow within the poem. The next line Black body swinging in the southern breeze , Meeropol creates the image of a black body swinging back and forth and you can imagine the wind whistling through the trees, which creates a disturbing image, but also shows the power in it. The last line Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees echoes what is said in the first line of the poem. These last two lines used end rhyme to continue the rhythm of the first two lines of the poem. The next stanza continues the rhythm and rhyme by using end rhyme. Another thing that the next stanza does, is that is creates a contrast between the nice things that can be in the South, but also the misery and suffering that happens in the South. The word pastoral
  • 36. Essay On Data Processing MAP REDUCTION IT s an Frame Work and way to process data in processing unit INTRODUCTION: The Problem now the present world facing is data. Web and the Enterprise related data is developing at a speed and difficult to retrieve information and most of the information is unstructured. And the problem with data is we cannot move the data to processing unit so people done different statistical models to move processing unit in to data instead data to processing unit. They done lt of Research and introduced map reduction to reduce data. Here data is used in pipelined and processing unit acts as master and slave approach. we require an approach to deal with this information or rather create imperative data. So what amount is Big Data truly... Show more content on ... Mammoth volumes of information are nothing surprising in our seasons of Google, YouTube, yahoo and Facebook,. In 2009,2010.2011, Facebook sat over a heap of information; only one year later it had developed from 21 to 30 petabytes. If you somehow managed to store the greater part of this information on 1TB hard circles and stack them over each other, you would have a pinnacle twice as high as the Empire State working in New York. Problem Solving Technique Using Map Reduction My Theorem States Map Reduce is a Distributed computation with storing and scheduling STEP1: MAP REDUCE FRAME WORK There is a data abstraction layer which splits the data into two phases 1.Map Phase 2.Reduce Phase In a style like traditional programming, calculations can happen in parallel on numerous machines in the Map stage. A similar thing likewise applies to the Reduce stage, with the goal that MapReduce applications can be greatly parallelized on a Cluster of machines. For Example, Amazon, for instance, offers Amazon Elastic MapReduce bunches that adjust powerfully to client prerequisites. the Apache Hadoop open source usage of MapReduce helps, yet what will probably be vital is that Hadoop can be introduced on standard equipment and has brilliant scaling qualities, making it practical to run a cost proficient MapReduce group, which can be powerfully stretched out by acquiring more PCs. An alternative isn t operating your own
  • 37. Following The Appointment Of Adolf Hitler Following the appointment of Adolf Hitler to Chancellor of Germany, 30 January 1933, there were specific legal measures that took place the following twenty months following Hitler s appointment. The suspension of most citizens rights following the Reichstag fire, 27 February 1933, is one of many examples. The day after the Reichstag fire, President von Hindenburg suspended most of German citizens rights with the emergency powers in the Weimar Constitution, article 48 to be exact. This would allow for the arrest of Communists and other political adversaries, as well as allow the SA to terrorize other electors before the upcoming election. The Nazis hope for the next Reichstag general election, 5 March 1933, was to gain a majority in the Reichstag.
  • 38. My Humanitarian And Human Rights Project On The Famous And... I chose to do my Humanitarian and Human Rights Project on the famous and loving Bob Marley. Bob Marley is widely recognized as a man that portrays and lives a peaceful life that we could all learn from. Although he passed on May 11, 1981, his legend still remains bigger and better than ever. Bob Marley was a great Reggae singer who promoted peace with his songs, free concerts and actions. With that being said, he received many awards and honors recognizing him as a legend. Bob Marley was born on February 6, 1945 and grew up in a mostly rural community in the mountains called Nine Miles. Many of the residents of Nine Miles acquired customs from their African ancestry such as story telling to share their past and traditions. When Bob was just getting into his teen years he moved from St. Ann to Jamaica s capital and settled in Kingston vicinity of Trench Town. Trench Town was a low income community where Bob had to learn to protect himself from men that were not so nice. He was given the nickname Tuff Gong from his decent street fighting skills. Although Trench Town was mostly poverty and full of street fighting, it was a culturally rich community where Bob s musical talents flourished. Trench Town was incorporated in his songs, No Woman Cry , Trench Town Rock , and the last one being Trench Town . Bob s mom wanted him to pick up a trade. When Bob was just 14 years old he accepted a position as a welder s apprentice. After an incident with a steel splinter in Bob s
  • 39. Sociologist Research Scientist confine their research to the laboratory, because that is the only environment where their research would not be contaminated by animals, humans, or weather. The laboratory is their safe haven. A place where everything is done by a fine tooth comb. However, Sociologist research is different when it pertains to how they do their research. Sociologist research is the study of the world around them. They must go out into the world and conduct surveys, which includes interviews, and questionnaires, and they must observe (Cite 2). This type of research cannot be done inside of a laboratory. When sociologist conduct interviews they must go out into the community that they live in, to public places, to schools, and to different areas of the world, and ask questions pertaining to their topic that they are studying, and then record the answers. When the sociologist conduct questionnaires, they must ask their participants a set of questions that they already have prepared. These are questions that will help them with their research. Sociologist use observations mainly when they are observing a particular behavior, or an reaction to a certain situation. When they are observing, the researcher is not talking, or interacting with anyone, they are just ... Show more content on ... The disadvantages is that when you have to go into the general public, and gather you research, it takes a lot of time, and when this happen sometime the data that they have already collected, becomes outdated, and they are no longer able to use it, and when a researcher acts a certain way it can affect the participates answers that they are going to
  • 40. Realism In The Stanford Experiment In the 1970s, Philip Zimbardo had done a sequence of studies establishing the power of groups. The Stanford Experiment is one of the well known and eye catching experiments in history. The goal of the experiment was to ascertain how hard really it was to get upright people to follow in order to torment another person. He found out that in the experiment, it was uncomplicated he only needed to manipulate those people who said they won t harm others into doing so (Zimbardo, p. 128). As discussed in class people learned that psychologist also found out that the research participants were most likely to obey authority figures even knowing that they are hurting others. Philip Zimbardo had to close down his experiments as the project went out of... Show more content on ... Zimbardo was an active participant in the experiment he was basically the warden instead of being an observer, he was shaping the experiment in a way. In the documentary that was viewed in class, it was noticeable that the participants were all men. The sample is relatively narrowed down it is rather small in comparison a bit biased in a way. If there were women in the study the way things would have been different. The men would have behaved differently the result maybe would have been different. The result of the experiment is very astonishing as it surpasses what Zimbardo intended to. Particularly about the participant s behaviour before and during the experiment, the prisoners began behaving like one and associated themselves with the numbers they were given (Zimbardo, p. 130). It was amazing how quick their behaviour and thinking change in a matter of time. It was not even a whole week. The other surprise was when one of the guards who was using the shades started acting more violently when he started using them. The prisoners was treated unfairly and abused they forgot that they were just people volunteering for the study, they could have just said something to Zimbardo and they could have left without putting themselves in a difficult situation. Though the people that suffered depression was let
  • 41. United Law And International Law Essay Jurisdiction is arguably the most versatile term in current international law. Frequently used in international legal instruments and yet never defined, the term can have different meanings in different contexts. Depending on the circumstances, jurisdiction may refer to the totality of the power or authority that a state has or exercises, in which case it is fully identifiable with sovereignty, another often used but likewise never clearly defined term in international law. Jurisdictionis an aspect of state sovereignty. International law scholars have increasingly taken the view that the term sovereignty means all and only those attributes which are given to a state under international law descriptive of the scope of state freedom as a legal rather than factual matter sovereignty. In this conception does not define, but is defined by the legal powers of a state within an international society of states. It does not exist prior to law, but as a set of attributes of the legal construct that is the state, existing as a consequence of law. As one scholar expressed it, sovereignty is nothing more or less than the legal competence which states have in general. The power of a sovereign to affect the right of persons, whether by legislation, executive decree, or by a judgement of a court is called jurisdiction. The power of soveiregn, therefore to affect legal rights depends upon law; and upon the law must be based all sovereign jurisdiction. Through the concept of
  • 42. Mathematical Constants Are Useful For Programming Essay Programmatically Computing Mathematical Constants Many mathematical constants are useful for programming. For instance, if you need to use the transcendental number pi, you need to calculate it somehow. I set out to create a library of sorts to calculate as many mathematical constants as I could. Constant Explanation and Code Alladi Grinstead constant The Alladi Grinstead constant is defined as ec 1, where ck=21kln(kk 1). To do summation (), one has to use a for loop with precision limiting behavior. This code uses an interchanged summation using the Riemann zeta function (n), this converges much faster than the technical definition above, which is essential to optimizing the code. The value of the Alladi Grinstead constant is: 0.809394020540639130717931880594091317215953992425000304242028715042999012516 ApГ©ry s constant This is simply the value of the Riemann Zeta function at 3. So, (3). The entire program uses an external library called Boost, which provides extended precision (theoretically arbitrary precision) and inherent mathematical functions. The line that begins with return is what returns the value to be used for further purposes. The value of ApГ©ry s constant is: 1.202056903159594285399738161511449990764986292340498881792271555341838205786 Catalan s constant Catalan s constant, like almost all other constants, can be defined in many ways. One way is through the Dirichlet beta function (2), another
  • 43. Claudio Reyes Life Story Like many young men of this generation, Reyes and his siblings were raised by a single mom. It is not the ideal American dream, but the family made things work in their oak cliff, Texas, home. His childhood scrapbooks are filled with pictures of Christmas mornings and vacations to Florida and Disneyland. Provide by the long shifts his motherworked, clowns, bounce houses, and large cakes were present at all birthday parties. After years of late shifts at the local Dallas factory Reyes mother would meet a man who would change the familys life forever. After a wedding in 2005 Reyes mother would marry the kind and loving David Miles. The newlyweds decided to relocate their new family to Saginaw, Texas, a thriving middle class neighborhood offering... Show more content on ... With no relatives to guide his way, Reyes would be the first to travel down the college road. Regardless, he was up for the challenge and began enrolling in advanced placement courses from middle school until high school. He dreamt of huge ACT scores, AP credit, and rigorous work that would ensure college readiness. Unfortunately, Reyes was never able to focus the energy required in advanced placement. The same classes he thought would rise him to college stardom become his end. After performing poorly in all his AP classes, Reyes s GPA was so low, kids taking regular education courses were better off. Things were so bad, schools such as Texas State and Texas Tech University returned letters of rejection to the poor senior. The people who were too dumb to get into any regular school , as put by most college seniors, were labeled losers . It was an embarrassing time for Reyes , but still, he decided it was time to change his ways. He d always wanted to attend the University of Texas at Austin, so he decided if he had to attend community college, he would fix his image by transferring to a prestige s
  • 44. Accidents Of Nature By Harriet Mcbryde Johnson A Critical Evaluation of Accidents of Nature by Harriet McBryde Johnson In the book Accidents of Nature, Harriet McBryde Johnson shows us the world of people with disabilities circa 1970. When Jean, a seventeen year old girl with cerebral palsy, arrives at Camp Courage, her entire perspective of her life and her disability is flipped upside down. Being someone who was mainstreamed into the normal world her entire life until this point, Jean does not see her disability the same as the other characters at camp. The friends she makes at camp, like Sara, Willie, Peggy Jo, up Jean s eyes to the stigma, social injustices, and unsought pity that shrouds every aspect of her life and the lives of all of those with disabilities around her.... Show more content on ... Camp Courage was a place where persons with disabilities came together for a week to share experiences together and make bonds. The counselors were not the ones who made the camp something special; it was the people with disabilities themselves and their ability to accept themselves, as every person should. They all understood each other and created this bond that no one outside of himself or herself would ever fully understand. I thoroughly enjoyed this book because it opened my eyes to a time before my own and gave me hope for the world and the positive changes and gains society has made to end prejudice and discrimination since the 1970s. These stigmas and stereotypes have negatively affected people with disabilities for years, but they never gave up on who they truly were, and it is them that we can thank for the changes we see in the world, not telethon. Disability is an attitude, not an attribute. The characters in this book, especially Sara, personifies this statement. Once the world can come to fully see this, then these stereotypes will cease to exist and everyone will be able to accept each other for who they truly are, for their self