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Robert Blincoe Research Paper
This extract originates from A memoir of Robert Blincoe , authored by John Brown, and published in
1832. The memoirs originally appeared in Richard Carlile s radical newspaper, The Lion, in five
weekly instalments in 1828. They highlighted the dismal working and living conditions abundant in
cotton mills during the 19th century. Robert Blincoe was a workhouse orphan who originally lived in
the St Pancreas Workhouse in London, his memoirs depict how he was subsequently sold to numerous
cotton mills until completing his apprenticeship in 1813 . The source itself focuses on how the
workhouse children were manipulated into believing that the cotton mills were an institution were
apprenticeships could significantly change their lives, such as having plenty of cash in their pockets
and sufficient meals. The reality, later shown in the source, is that the children were deceived and how
their lives were in fact worse than when they were in the workhouse of St Pancreas.
The memoir was originally created to ... Show more content on ...
After its publication in book format in 1832 a parliamentary committee investigated such conditions in
cotton mills. This resulted in various factory acts, such as the Factory Act of 1833. This limited the
amount of hours children aged between 9 and 12 years could work to 8 hours a day and up to 48 hours
a week. If factories were required to work longer they had to either have a relay of child labourers or
replace them with older children. It has also been speculated that a memoir of Robert Blincoe was the
foundation to which Charles Dickens based his infamous novel Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens being a
parliamentary correspondent during this period makes it possible to presume that he would be familiar
with John Browns work. Additionally there are parallels between both stories, such as the poor
conditions and the inadequate food
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Euripides And The Tragical History Of Doctor Faustus, By...
From childhood, all individuals are taught that, whether it be at the hands of one s parents, the
government, or even some form of divine intervention (like karma, or god), there is an ultimately
inescapable judgment that awaits everyone who transgresses against that which is right or just. Take
from the cookie jar before dinner? No TV for a week. Break the law by stealing from a store, or
worse? Spend days, or years, incarcerated. Fail to abide by a number of seemingly arbitrary moral
codes? Spend all of eternity being tormented in a realm of fire after you die. But despite how deeply
the concept of crime and punishment is ingrained in each culture of each era since the dawn of
humankind, there remains an insatiable desire to rebel against the standards that are upheld by society
as right, whether it be for personal worldly gain, out of academic curiosity, or righteous indignation.
As a people, humanity has long expressed rebellion of thought through the arts, exploring the taboos
of society, and asking questions about why we live as we do, and what the implications may be, not
just for the world, but for our souls. Two such pieces of art are the classic plays Medea, by Euripides,
and The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, by Christopher Marlowe. Though these two great works
couldn t be more different in setting or thematic subject matter (and naturally so, since they re
separated by over 1,000 years), they utilize similar theatrical tropes to explore the concept of
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Alan Seeger Rendezvous And Rupert Brooke The Soldier
War is not a thing that to many people are able to describe, but there are the select few that can and
they do it in a poem. People look at war from different perspectives; some are willing to die for their
country, some woman does not want their husband going and being killed , and some have to live with
the thought that they have to kill someone it all depends on the way you look at it. There are four
poets that exhibits and that is Vera Brittain: Perhaps , Wilfred Owen Dulce et Decorum Est, Alan
Seeger Rendezvous and Rupert Brooke The Soldier. Vera Brittain is the author of Perhaps a poem that
was written to show the woman s perspective of war. Brittains intentions was to let people know what
a woman has to go through after they find ... Show more content on ...
Owen includes very descriptive details showing how the soldiers have to live while they are at war,
Come gargling from the froth corrupted lungs, Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud . The statement
shows what happens to the men that does not get their gas mask on in time. Alan Seeger is the author
Rendezvous, he shows how people fear death. He shows that even though people know that they are
going to more than likely die they will still go and fight for their country. Seeger tries to show how
men keep their pledge to fight for their country And I to my pledged word am true, I shall not fail that
rendezvous. . This alone shows how heroic our soldiers are, it shows that they are willing to take the
chance so that their family will have the freedom they want. Rupert Brooke is the author of The
Soldier and he expresses how he hopes that when he does die he hopes heaven is like his home.
Brooke is showing the good thoughts that a soldier would have if they felt like they was going to die
And think, this heart, all evil shed away, also in this line Gives somewhere back the thoughts by
England given; . A soldier would only hope that his eternal home would be a place like his home and
this poem expresses this
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Separation Of Powers Of Government
I chose to write my paper on the Separated Powers. I felt that this was a crucial and very important
piece in the Federalist Papers but also what makes this world work. It has been over two hundred
years since the Founding Fathers gathered in Philadelphia, PA to rewrite the constitution, while
rewriting the Constitution, there was one change that they wanted to make most of all and that was
within the new government there would be a Separation of Powers of each branch of government.
They wanted to develop a system that was fair and equal to all and the other part was making a
government that was centered around the Federal government and instead of being centered solely
around the state. In order to accomplish this kind of a government it ... Show more content on ...
Each branch serves a function and a purpose. The separation of powers is important because it keeps
out absolute powers. If we did not have this separation of powers the government would be weak, they
wouldn t be able to enforce their own laws because they would be worrying about state laws verses
federal laws, instead of keeping everything separated. It would not be fair if we all had one ruler that
makes and decides all the laws and runs the country. I think the most important thing that the
separation of powers does is that is allows the government to make the right decisions, but also hear
other people s opinions and take these opinions into consideration. The individuals that are in charge
must be able to come to an agreement to the laws and pass these powers together. James Madison
described the separation of powers by stating that, There can be no liberty where the legislative and
executive powers are united in the same person or if the power of judging be not separated from the
legislative and executive powers. Based on this statement of James Madison, it clearly shows that a
separation of these powers was essential in order for there to be a sense of independence between each
of these three branches and powers because if there was no liberty between these branches and powers
there would be no equality or fairness in the laws. The first three articles of the Constitution of the
United States of America create the framework
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Factors for Your Personal Credit Score
In my research I found that three companies are used in the United States as the primary determiners
for credit score. The companies that determine credit score are Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.
The components I discovered that make up your personal credit score are: Payment History, Lines of
New Credit, How much you owe, and finally length of credit history with other factors as well
rounding out the table. Payment history makes up the largest percentage at Thirty Five percent. They
use your past behavior in determining what you will do in the future. This is considered the most
important factor in calculating credit scores because if they do not have data to show how you have
performed in the past that might be misleading and could lead to someone with terrible credit in the
past to open many new credit cards. They take into account the two types of loans, revolving and
installment. Revolving loans are the types that always fluctuate, like opening new charge card
accounts. Installments are paid back in portions like if you have payments to make on a car lease or
mortgaging a home. If you default on a loan it is not always going to result in identical damage to your
credit score. The amount of damage to defaulting is determined by the size of the installment. If you
are working on boosting your credit to a higher rating, you should always pay on or by the due date.
The second biggest component to a credit score is the debt amounts. Debt amounts makes up around
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Aristide Maillol
These aspects are not solely found in this particular Maillol work, however; they are conspicuous
across his works in bronze and lead. Dina (1937) [Figure 7] shares many aspects of the three female
figures of The Three Graces. This piece has the same soft qualities including the focus on volume
instead of definition, especially with the breasts, where the nipples are not even present, but the
volume of each breast is beautifully molded to appear full and smooth. Just as in The Three Graces,
her form is a continuous curve, a soft and fluid form. There is the same inviting and sensual nature, as
Dina reaches up to fix her hair with legs open. This erotic position, of her thighs open, her body bared
to the bright light and open air, and her relaxed ... Show more content on ...
But where did this ideal come from? Aristide Maillol was born in 1861 in a pink house in Banyuls ser
Mer to a family of fisherman and vine growers. It is this home, sandwiched between the
Mediterranean Sea and the Alberes mountains, where Maillol would spend his whole life, in the old
village with its labyrinth of narrow lanes, amid the green Pyrenean foothills full of vines, trees and
mimosas, and beyond, the snowcapped summits in the distance. This is the place that would shape the
expressive qualities of the artist s sculptures, as well as form his ideal conception of woman, which
would be his primary subject. This isolated little village in the countryside was a location where a
good decent girl would never be nude or scandalous, where conservative families survived off of both
the sea and the vines. Maillol s life in the countryside is evident in his work, including The Three
Graces. He retains a rustic ingenuousness in his work, something calm, self possessed not feverish or
frantic. The sculptures are simplistic and blunt, reminiscent of the simple rhythm of the lifestyle that
surrounded Maillol in Banyuls the lifestyle of farmers and fishermen reside in a tranquil mountain
landscape. The bodies of these women do retain this simplicity, bluntness, and tranquility, reminiscent
of the landscape by which the sculptor was continuously
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Dracul Gothic Fiction In The Victorian Era
In the Victorian Era, Gothic fiction was an exceedingly popular literature genre among numerous
people because it was relatively new. Such elements as death, gloom, suspense, mystery, and terror
make up a Gothic novel in literature. The novel Dracula, written by Bram Stoker, was the ideal Gothic
fiction in the 19th century and still is today because of its incorporation of vampires, castles, spine
chilling murders, and overpowering emotions which contribute to the Gothic atmosphere. Dracula is
set in Transylvania, during the Victorian Era. The setting is extremely significant in Dracula because it
contributes abundantly to the Gothic atmosphere the novel possesses. In this novel, the setting
includes wild Transylvanian landscapes, dreary buildings, secret hidden rooms, an asylum, and a
graveyard. Such setting contribute to the novel s gothic ambiance because they are places that usually
tend to reveal a perturbing feeling to those surrounding it. The most seen settings in the novel Dracula
is Dracula s castle, the graveyard by St. Mary s Church and Dr. Seward s asylum which all contain
gloomy features that contribute to the Gothic atmosphere in Dracula. Dracula s castle is described as It
contains all in all some twenty acres, quite surrounded by the solid wall above mentioned. There are
many trees on it, which makes it in places gloomy, and there is a deep, dark looking pond or small
lake... (Stoker 22). The castle s abundant amount of trees surrounding the castle and
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The First Stop On My Cpr Tour
Crystal City Underground
The first stop on my CPR tour was the Crystal City Underground. This awesome cave sits in the heart
Crystal City, which is located about 30 miles south of St Louis, MO. Carved into the Mississippi river
bluff this cavern was once an active sand mine serving a local glass plant, Pittsburgh Plate Glass
factory, with materials for almost a century. In the 1980 s the plant and the mine were closed, allowing
water that was pumped out for decades to begin to flood portions of the cave. The recent owners of
this cave decided to turn the property into a tourist attraction. They built up area s for children to
explore, adults to play games, a stage for bands to play, a sitting area with large TV s for sports and
other event enjoyment, and barges to take tours on while exploring the depths of vastness this cave has
to offer. On the day of my arrival I had the pleasure of experiencing a dark path being well lit with
over 400 carved pumpkins along what was pleasantly titled the Great Pumpkin Walk. As I ventured
along I could see multiple paths that led to deeper parts of the cavern. Many of these paths were
blocked off for what I am assuming were safety reasons. After walking what seemed to be a half mile I
arrived at the tour barge. Loaded with 8 passengers our tour guide, Steve, took us deep into the cave
and explained its history while showing us fascinating things. I witnessed my first close up experience
with cave bats, got to see permanent
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DIY Driveway Gates
DIY Driveway Gates
A lot of people want the fenced in yard and driveway gate so that they can know when their kids or
pets are outside, they are safe. They like knowing that people cannot simply wander onto their
property and it makes a house look nice if you have a nice driveway gate up. However, hiring a
professional to install a gate, much like hiring someone to install a garage door, can be costly. A lot of
people don t have that money to invest in their property, so instead they attempt to create their own
gate in an effort to save a little money. The problem is, most people do not realize all that they must
have to build DIY driveway gates.
DIY Driveway Gate Necessities
Obviously, the first thing you will need when building your own driveway ... Show more content on ...
The Biltek Automatic Sliding Gate Opener comes with two wireless remotes and can open a gate that
is up to 40ft long and 1400 pounds. This would be ideal if you want a long single gate that simply
slides out of the way when you get close to it and it has everything you need for an easy installation.
You can see more about the Biltek here⇒
You may also choose the Aleko Driveway Gate Kit or the Aleko Swing Gate Driveway kit. They are
both great gate openers that allow you to build your cheap driveway gates and then open them
If you want to skip the wires and having a power source running out to your gate, you may opt for a
solar powered gate opener. For that type of gate opener, you may want to choose the Mighty Mule
EZGO SOLAR Gate Opener. It provides you with everything you need, including the 1.5 watt solar
panel, two remotes, and the complete gate opener package. It has the ability to open a gate weighing
up to 550 pounds and 16ft long. It allows easy DIY instructions.
If you prefer a more known solar powered gate opener, you have the option to choose an Aleko or the
USAutomatic Sentry 300. Any of the above will be perfect for all driveway gates, regardless of
whether you build it or buy
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Jane Eyre Imperialism
Charlotte Bronte s novel, Jane Eyre, takes its reader on a journey of a young woman finding her
independence both economically and emotionally. In addition, the elaborate descriptions of the
character herself and the multiple allusions to lands overseas indicates this is a point in history in
which the British Empire was at its peak. As a result, there is a relationship between the novel and the
empire in that it illustrates the domestic issues women faced, fortifies common beliefs Europeans had
on natives of other countries and recognizes the influence the British Empire had overseas.
Situated in the Victorian era, wealth determined one s status in society. Bronte tests this social norm
by creating Jane Eyre: a girl whose position is ambiguous ... Show more content on ...
Jane at one point imagines herself sacrificing her current status to one of a much lower social
hierarchy with the exception that she is surrounded by love from a mother and father. Although it
would grant her the maternal or familial love she most desires from the Reeds, this state of living
repulses her; she claims she cannot purchase the liberty at the price of caste. These allusions to caste
and slavery delineate the disagreeing opinions the Empire had on impoverished individuals. Moreover,
these references made by Bronte indicate her knowledge of the power of the British Empire. Said,
author of Narrative and Social space, claims that novel and imperialism cannot exist as individual
entities. In fact, they each fortified each other to such a degree that it is read one
without some way dealing with the other. It is true one can write only what one understands, and
Bronte is no
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Cleaning Up The Philadelphia Sewage Systems
Cleaning Up the Philadelphia Sewage Systems Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is one of the biggest cities
on the east coast possessing more than fifteen hundred people. Our Philadelphia water department is
dedicated to providing clean water to all living things throughout the city. One of the biggest problems
faced by our water department is the litter problem that plagues the city. Taking care of the old
infrastructure of the sewer is one of the sewers is very important when it comes to protecting our
waterways from wastewater. Many people are affected by these problems, including our children and
pregnant women. The problem does not lie within one particular community, but all throughout the
city of Philadelphia. Being careless and selfish ... Show more content on ...
This effects community funds as well, which means less money for schools which is a big problem
within Philadelphia. People do have a big effect on the problem within the city because they are so
careless and do not think of the effects that their actions have on the environment. The 1900s led to the
start of dealing with the contaminated drinking water throughout the city. The first step was
constructing five filtration plants and using chlorine to treat the water. The Sewage system treatment
plants in Philadelphia were constructed in 1950 to 1966 this consisted of the three plants to the right.
The government regulations and funding are what determine the technologies and methods that we
develop to treat and manage our water systems. Today we have for the most part dealt with the
problem of contaminated water, but we still face some problems with bacteria. This especially affects
the vulnerable part of our population like pregnant women and children and make them sick. This is a
problem that runs city wide and if it does not get the attention that it needs we could see some very
dire effects. Philadelphia over the years has improved its methods of cleaning up the water with the
development of technology along with the knowledge gained from past experiences. The city of
Philadelphia has adopted the three step process clean the water. This is Diagram to the right projects
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Education vs Prison Funding
Final research paper on Education vs. Prison Funding
The government is responsible for security of its citizens and it is also responsible to provide a safe
socio economic environment to its people, and in this context; Jails and schools are two important
institutions of any society, which need regular monetary support from the government. Thus
government has to be very careful in allocating funds to both of the institutions; as one punishes the
convicts and other makes the people skillful, and wise enough to get a job and earn money for family.
Government has to be very careful in allocation of funds to them, as it is very critical to decide which
institution should be allocated more money. The report, Prison Spending Affecting Higher ... Show
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It also mentions that in past 30 years the population of the country increased by only 33 percent,
however the number of prisoners increased by around 350 percent. With this data we can assume the
amount of funding required for the functioning of jails. Prisoners are seen as potential threat for the
society; government spends billions annually to keep criminals in jails, to supervise those on parole
and probation. Though the prisoners are also human beings and deserve basic comforts of life in jail
too; but, it is also necessary for the government to instill fear of prison in minds of all the people and it
is not possible when prisoners enjoy the comfort in prisons. Jails should be dreadful for criminals and
this fear should work as a deterrent to commit crime, but studies have revealed that fear of prison is
not a successful deterrent for major part of prison population. Sometimes they don t have an option
but to commit crime, as many of them are not educated enough to get a decent job and earn money; so
they resort to crime to earn a living. A report titled. Education and Correctional Populations suggests
that it can only be stopped, if prisoners are provided education to make them skillful, and instead of
spending money on gyms and other recreational things for prisoners, jails should spend money on
making a good library and providing technical education to prisoners, so they
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Analysis Of Delirium
Delirium poses many risks to the elderly population. This condition has been associated with
increased mortality, long term cognitive decline, and loss of autonomy (Kukreja, Gunher, Popp, 2015,
p. 655). The course of delirium is acute, and without accurate differentiation and intervention,
outcomes can be deleterious (Resmick, 2016). This research question will focus on exploring the care
team s knowledge about delirium prevention and assessment and its contribution to outcomes. The
boolean search was completed by using search phrases delirium, assessment tools, evidence based
practice, guidelines, elderly. The AND operator was used mostly to find information related to both
search terms. This tactic was used to explore the ... Show more content on ...
According to Resnick (2016), there are recommendations of care that are supported by the National
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). However, these guidelines are not enough. As a
result, it becomes imperative to understand how to recognize delirium and develop a culture of care
that consistently implements processes that prevent its occurrence. While the awareness and
understanding of its impact can influence its recognition, a broader system wide approach needs to
become integrated into the daily practice of geriatric patients to sustain consistent outcomes and
improvements in care. The treatment options should be prefaced with knowledge sharing and
education surrounding the topic of delirium with the care team. Education will need to include
assessment, prevention, and management (Trogrlic et al., 2015, p. 15). Assessment components will
need to include an evidence based tool that is appropriate for the population and applies to patients
with and without cognitive impairments (Voyer et al., 2015). Preventive processes need to be taught,
understood, and operationalized. This would include identification of reversible causes and risk
factors, optimization of medications and elimination of inappropriate medications, integration of
family, and team collaboration (Resnick, 2016). Management options will need to include treatment of
electrolyte abnormalities, visual screening and correction for an identified impairments, ear aids,
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Canada, the United States and the Cold War
After the end of World War Two, the world was split into two, east and west. This marked the
beginning of an era called the Cold War. The Cold War was the most subtle war in history, but the
world came very close to a nuclear war that had the potential to inevitably wipe out mankind. The two
main opponents in this war were the Soviet Union and the United States. With Canada being the
United States neighbour to the north and close to The Soviet Union geographically, Canada allied
itself with the United States. This union cause a lot of political trauma, but it brought a lot of new
technology to Canada and helped strengthen our relationship with the United States. Therefore Canada
did ally with the United States, but at the same time Canada ... Show more content on
With Canada being close to the Soviets geographically, any attack made by them, whether it was a
nuclear strike or an air invasion, they would have to go near or over Canadian airspace in order to
attack. Therefore Canada and the United States reached an agreement to create an organization which
would control Aerospace in North America. This U.S Canadian organization was called NORAD (The
North American Aerospace Defence Command) and was founded on May 12, 1958 . This organization
would detect man made objects coming into North American airspace, such as Soviet bombers or
nuclear warheads. This organization uses aircraft to protect North America from attack. While
NORAD would control the skies of North America, it would also monitor the Maritime regions as
well. Previous to the establishment of this organization, Canada and the United States also agreed to a
long series of radar stations in the Canadian arctic. Known as the DEW line (Distant Early Warning),
these radar stations would be used to detect Soviet aircraft coming into North American Airspace. In
addition to this DEW Line, which stretched from Alaska to Greenland, Canada also had two more
lines of radar stations called The Mid Canada Line , and The Pine Tree Line . These radar stations
were constructed during the Cold War Era to protect North America from potential Soviet invasion,
though the radar lines became obsolete with the invention of Intercontinental ballistic missiles
(ICBM), which
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Anatomy of a Family Law Case
Anatomy of a Family Law Case Introduction The legal aspect of the law is a creation of the society
that is meant to regulate and control the activities and relations of people. Law creates a guideline of
how to do every activity without causing infringements to the other persons. Therefore, just as all
other societal institutions, the family setting are incorporated in the law. What is a family? The family
setting is one of the oldest institutions in the world. From the time of creation, to date, it has existed
firm within the society. It has hence come to be referred to as the cornerstone of society. In definition,
there are several factors that are considered to constitute a family. It is defined as a social group within
a society that consists of one or two parents with children (Stacey, 2011). These individuals share a
common ancestry. Additionally, it can also be used to portray people who have common goals and
values and have long term commitment to each other, and they reside in the same dwelling. What
constitutes a marriage? Marriage is a social practice that existed long before legal creations and
stipulations of what a marriage is was established. This is obvious as even before the religious books
and the legal institutions were established, people used to live and have children. This process was not
done without plans, but rather within a setting that created a sense of responsibility. However, a
marriage today is defined as a consensual and contractual
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American Lady Butterfly Research Papers
Page 3 American Lady Butterfly The American Lady Butterfly or American painted lady, is part of the
Nymphalidae butterfly family. The American Lady Butterfly can be identified by, the upper side of
their body has a yellow and orange pattern with an uneven brown pattern also. They also are identified
by their forewings has a color of a black patch, with a little white bar on the edge of the forewing. On
the underside of the wing, the hindwing has two large eyespots. The winter form of the butterfly are
smaller and light colored. The summer form they are much larger and are brighter in coloring. They
are founded in the United States, Mexico, Central America, and Colombia. The butterfly migrates to
the United States, Canada, West Indies,
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The Kite Runner, By Khaled Hosseini
Khaled Hosseini once said: there are a lot of children in Afghanistan, but little childhood. Rape in
Afghanistan is said to be an epidemic, but according to the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of the
term is a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time. Rape in
this country is viewed as something that is inevitable and cannot be stopped. Usually, rape also
involves domestic violence, hence the reason they re paired together. Contrary to common
misconception, men are raped as well as women, especially children of both genders. In the Kite
Runner, rape is a topic that is prevalent in and throughout the book. Bacha Bazi is even a part of the
Kite Runner.
Bacha Bazi is a phrase that is a significant piece of the plot of the Kite Runner. It alludes to the rape of
little boys. In the story, the protagonist, Amir, must go to Afghanistan to save his nephew from being a
bacha bazi sex slave. With Amir s decision to take action, he internally hopes that it will rid him of the
guilt he felt as a child when he saw Hassan, his brother, raped. His guilt manifests over time because
he did not support him by standing up for him. As part of the practice, rich people who buy the boys as
slaves sometimes them dress up in female clothing. Sometimes they re forced to wear fake breasts.
Prepubescent teens and even young children, specifically the boys, are seen as a socially acceptable
substitute for girls in this society. Afghanistan
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Analysis Of R.tolkien And Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Inspiration is a word and an action which occurs frequently in literature. Sometimes it s strange what
can inspire someone, or how vastly different people can be inspired by the same thing. Equally
remarkable is how someone utilizes the inspiration compared to others and how inspiration can
bestow the drive that enables ordinary people to rise above and achieve the seemingly impossible.
Elias Lönnrot s Kalevala transcends being a simple story by inspiring not only the Finns, but writers
J.R.R.Tolkien and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow as well. They were highly influenced and made their
goals and overall actions realized through this inspiration. They all have, if anything, the Kalevala in
common and that is a thing of amazement, that a people ... Show more content on ...
Another threat that caused the Finn s oppression to spread was the lack of the Finns language being
written or used outside of Finland. Unlike its neighboring Nordic countries, the base of the Finnish
language is completely different, so instead of other countries learning the Finn s language, they
forced the Finns to learn and adopt theirs.
The Kalevala was originally an epic from older times, passed by word of mouth of the countrymen
deep inside the Finnish lands. When Lönrrot started to piece together the words of the Kalevala, he
also started to piece together Finland s identity. Without the Kalevala, it is highly unlikely the fight for
their independence would ve occurred or transpired with such ferocity. With each word and meter
written, the Finn s culture seemed to come alive. It gave a voice that the Finn s were dying to have
heard. (Cheek)
Finally the Finnish people had a voice that could and would not be silenced. This was their chance to
show that they were individuals. The Kalevala sparked a renaissance of writing and inspiration for the
Finns, not to mention showcasing its multiple interpretations from its original form as an epic.
(Alphonso) This showed how oral tradition and modern literature can blend to not only honor the past,
but also pioneer the future all the while remaining interesting and timelessly engaging for the present.
With the help of the Kalevala (Crawford), the Finn s realized what their language
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Augustine Of Hippo s The Confession
Augustine of Hippo s biography The Confession reveals a transformation of a youthful sinner to a
religious adult. Augustine provides multiple events throughout his life that reveals his belief in God
strengthen as he aged. In Book I Augustine looks back to the point where he is a young boy who
commits the act of stealing a pear. Augustine states when the pear passed his lips it was the sin that
gave it flavor He mentions how he did not steal the pear because he was hungry, but it was for the
thrill of performing a vice. Augustine s decision to incorporate his experiences from his life in The
Confession strengthen the main point in his writing, which was to demonstrate how God did not create
evil, but it was man s action that created evil in the world. Augustine purposely chose to tell this story,
so readers may see that he is a flawed human like the rest of society. ... Show more content on ...
After Augustine steals the pear he mentions how God gave him good properties, yet he misdirected
them. Meaning it is not God s fault for sins to existent, but human action is what creates vice. This
story is the first sinful act that Augustine can remember from his adolescent life. The story of
Augustine and the pear coincide with the story of the Garden of Eden. Eve ate the forbidden fruit,
which in her case was an apple. When she had eaten the apple it was the origin of sin. Corresponding
when Augustine ate the first bite of the pear it was his origin of sin. When one sin occurs it leads to a
path of more sinning. In Augustine case it would be his lustful adventure in
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The Importance Of Health Care Coverage
The ACA, and its many mandates, was developed to address many needs the U.S has with health care
coverage. The primary goal of the ACA is to provide affordable, quality health care to the millions of
U.S. citizens who are going without coverage. However, the need exists for many reasons. When
analyzed, at least three primary reasons can be thought of as driving forces of the development. The
first is that the nation s focus on health care has shifted from that of one where health care is a private
matter where people make their own decisions, to one where health care is viewed as a necessary
entity that plays an integral part of our lives. Health care was not viewed as a national responsibility,
therefore there were no mandates for employers
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Assignment 8 Jewish Identity
Woodise Pierre
April 8th 2015
Assignment 8: Jewish Identity
A.What is the criteria for being Jewish? What does it mean to be Jewish?
When looking at Judaism, one has to go far back to biblical times to fully understand its origins. It
started with the Hebrew people in the country of Israel. The bloodline of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob is
what constitutes people as being Jewish. Being classified as a Jew, or a Jewish citizen has more to do
with family ties, then what you believe in. The standard for being considered Jewish is that you have
to be born to a Jewish mother. Some sects of Judaism like to include being born to a Jewish father as
part of being Jewish. It can be looked at as more of a nationality or an ethnicity than a ... Show more
content on ...
They still practice within the Jewish faith, and they have not adopted outside rituals, that go against
Jewish law.
E. Do an internet search on Simeon Bar Kochba and Zevi Shabbatai and Lubavitch Hasidism. Did the
Jews who believed in these movements continue to be considered Jewish?
Those who followed Bar Kochba, Shabbatai Tzv, and Lubavith strongly believed that they were the
messiah. These people were rabbis, many of the Jewish faith strongly believed in the words that they
were saying. They truly thought that they were the messiah. Many Jewish people still consider those
who followed Bar Kochba and Shabbatai Zevi are still Jewish. They are called kidnapped or
misguided children. They should not lose their inheritance, and not be considered Jewish. The same
does not go for Lubavitch, those who followed him are said to be a disgrace to the Jewish
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Gang Violence In Prison Essay
Gang violence is across the country and is a standout amongst the most noticeable issues in the prison
system today. Gangs are known to endeavor to control the penitentiaries/correctional facilities, ingrain
fear inside the jail framework and all through the general public, and convey negative attention to the
system. Gang affiliated inmates comprise about 18 percent of the 18000 inmate population
(Seabrook). A growing number of prisoners and a large amount of them serving longer sentences for
brutal violations propose a striking increment in gangs and violence in the prison system in the
upcoming future. Prisons began to bulge with gang members when states enacted tougher laws for
gang related crime in the mid to late 1980s (Martinez). On one hand the laws passed helped gang
members get off the street, yet in another way it also did not stop the gang violence and activity. In
many ways their number and power grew even more in prison (Martinez).The issue of gangs and
brutality has been addressed commonly during the time by the United States Correctional Board, but
the board hasn t taken the problem into a serious matter.
Most gang members in prisons are introduced to the gang life at an early age and enter prison a
member, but some become a member once behind bars mainly for the protection the gangs are known
to provide. Gangs are known to purposely intimidate other inmates, thus reinforcing the reason why
one out of every ten male inmates becomes a member once
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Jean Piaget s Theory Of Childhood Psychology
When you teach a child something, you forever take away his chance of discovering it for himself.
These words were articulated by one of the most influential figures in the area of childhood
intelligence, specifically developmental psychology. Jean Piaget was a Swiss clinical psychologist
who is well known for his work pertaining to child development. Similar to Freud and Skinner, Piaget
believed in order to understand human behavior, you have to start with understanding how children
function, grow and learn. Piaget spent ample years studying the behaviors and thought processes of
children, analyzing the origins and development of intelligence and how it shapes our current and
future behaviors. According to Piaget, intelligence is ... Show more content on ...
Instead, Piaget turned his emotional turmoil surrounding his mother s mental illness into an interest in
psychology, as young as an elementary school student. He excelled all through his school age years,
going above and beyond what was expected of him not only by his teachers but also as a young
scientist. As an undergraduate student, majoring in biology, preparing for his thesis dissertation on
mollusks, Piaget additionally strived to develop a biological theory of knowledge, which is known
today as his theory of genetic epistemology. Through his work, he concluded that logic is inherent in
action and that the roots of logic are therefore to be found in the organization of action (Brainerd,
1996, p 191). This discovery became the basis of one of his many hypotheses, stating that even the
most complex forms of human reasoning are motor activities carried out on a symbolic plane.
Piaget s first clinical interaction with children began after his graduation, when he took a job working
at Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon s laboratory, in a Parisian elementary school. His assigned job
was translating a standardized reasoning test, created by Cyril Burt, from English to French (Brainerd,
1996). Much like his previous years in education, Piaget was not satisfied in doing only what was
expected of him. Due to his own curious nature, Piaget would ask the children he was testing to
explain their reasoning for choosing a particular answer.
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What Are The Similarities Between Scientology And...
Religious intolerance and Scientology
The world can be a dangerous place. It can be even more dangerous if someone proves to be different,
or seen as unusual in any way. Scientology may be arguably one of the strangest religions in the
world. Because of this, Scientology has experienced intolerance since it was first founded in 1954.
Religious intolerance is a social issue, and affects every level of the religious community, from the
followers to the conductors of Scientology. Widespread intolerance has always been a problem for
Scientology for many reasons. Religious intolerance has always re an extremely serious issue which
faces all religions of the world. However, the practice became popularized when monotheistic
religions such as Christianity ... Show more content on ...
For example, The Emmy award winning show Leah Remini: Scientology and the aftermath (Nelson)
has prompted serious hatred towards Scientology, and is a huge reason why Scientology is receiving
so much hateful mail and threats. Dubbed as a docuseries, the show is a series of stories, interviews,
and insights as told by Leah Remini, as well as many other current and former scientologists.
However, there is a catch! Every single one of these alleged victims of the religion have all been
kicked out of Scientology, in a sense. Can someone really be a reliable source for such information
with that kind of bias? It doesn t make any difference at this point. Many Americans have heard her
claims, as well as the other guests on her show s claims, and have taken them as complete fact, simply
because they have a history with Scientology at all. The guests have made many terrible and overall
baseless claims against Scientology. Just because someone has a history, doesn t automatically mean it
is a good one. Scientology has tried as hard as possible to bring this to light. The community started
by writing letters to the channel the show airs on, A E. Scientology named every lie she told, as well as
the history the people she had on her show truly had with Scientology (Jensen). To find these letters
and responses, one must truly search
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Exoplanet Proxima B Meaning
On a daily basis, humans are forced to make countless decisions. They can be inconsequential like
should I wear red socks or blue socks? or the weighty decision: Should I go to the convenience store
that s five minutes away or drive for an hour to get to a large supermarket? . How does this translate to
space travel? Well it is a simple and very accurate analogy. As dwellers of the Earth, we have a similar
choice. Travel through space for an inexorable amount of time just to get some milk, bread and eggs
or make a left at the intersection and drive straight until you pass Voyager 1. Then BAM! You have
reached your destination. The exoplanet Proxima B, from the Proxima Centauri star system is the
convenience store of space. Proxima B is conveniently situated and could conceivably support life. As
well as its environmental aspects, humans would benefit from the increase in their extraterrestrial
knowledge by colonizing there. In the constellation Centaurus, there is a star system named Alpha
Centauri in which there are three stars. Both A and B are approximately the same size as our sun ...
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Sol produces large amounts of ultraviolet light as well as infrared. This explains why most plants are
green on Earth. Green is the only visible wavelength that is not absorbed in the plant s biological
processes. Proxima Centauri is emitting mostly infrared, which may create an evolution in plants
growing there. It would be interesting to see which plants would survive on infrared wavelengths to
live and reproduce. The research on Proxima B would help those back on Earth, especially regions
that have substantially less light. Techniques and practices could be introduced in those areas to help
with food production, a concern that will only increase as the population continues to soar. Along with
food production, there would be more area to inhabit. This would ease the human population s conflict
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Five Elements Of The Theft Act 1968 (TA 1968)
If found liable, Justin and Robbie could both be charged with the property offence of theft under s.1 of
the Theft Act 1968 (TA 1968). The Act states A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates
property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it... In order for
the offence of theft to be applied, Justin and Robbie must satisfy all five elements of the actus reus and
mens rea at the same time for the prosecution to prove liability. The actus reus of the offence of theft is
outlined in s.1(1) of the TA 1968 as; appropriation of property belonging to another . Appropriation is
defined in s.3 (1) of the TA 1968 as Any assumption by a person of the rights of an owner amounts to
an appropriation. ... Show more content on ...
Robbie stabbed Tommy after the alteration in the bank where Tommy punched Robbie in the face. For
Robbie to complete the actus reus of murder, the stabbing needs to be the reason for Tommy s death.
Nevertheless, Robbie stabbing Tommy does not need to be the sole or even the main cause of Tommy
s death. Robbie s stabbing needs only to make a substantial contribution to the killing as decided in R
v Cheshire. In order for Robbie to satisfy the elements of the actus reus, he must also satisfy causation.
R v White, sets out the but for test which asks; but for the actions of the defendant, would the result
have occurred? Robbie stabbing Tommy twice is the only reason for Tommy s death. R v Cato also
held that the defendants conduct must be more than a minimal cause of the consequences, but it is not
required for it to be the substantial cause. Therefore, there is no intervening act, and the chain of
causation is not broke. Tommy s injuries from the stabbing were the reason for his death and he would
not have died had Robbie not stabbed
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Andrew Carnegie And The Transformation Of The Steel Industry
American Economic Development
Andrew Carnegie and the Transformation of the Steel Industry
November 2014
Before Andrew Carnegie s influence in the steel industry, steel was as an expensive product. It was
used for tools and weapons, all large scale metal operations were created with cast iron. The Bessemer
process was the cheap way to produce steel. The process enabled the mass production of steel for
industrial types of usage. Essentially the process breaks down impurities in the iron by way of open
furnace extraction. This oxidizes the steel while it is run through molten metal. Steel has been
common in production since the Bessemer process was discovered and perfected in the late 1850s.
Andrew Carnegie made his fortune in the steel industry. He was one of the first to practice the vertical
integration management technique which drastically reduced his costs of production. Along with the
vertical integration his honing of the Bessemer process created somewhat of a monopoly in the area. I
say this because Edgar Thompson Steel Works provided permits for Carnegie to purchase a number of
nearby steel mills. The steel industry in the United States changed drastically from the early 1800s to
1900s; the man responsible for the mass production was Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie is one of the
wealthiest men to live on this earth; much of that wealth came from Carnegie Steel Company, later
U.S. Steel.
Prior to the application of the Bessemer process, Britain had no way of reducing
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Impact Of Social Media On Online Consumer Behavior
Impact of Social Media on Online Consumer Behavior
B.COM(HONS.) Class of 2013 16
Under the Supervision of
Ms. Puneeta Goel
I, ANKIT YADAV of from Amity school of commerce and finance, Amity University
Uttar Pradesh declare that I have completed my research paper on Impact of Social Media on Online
Consumer Behavior .
In additional I declare that the data presented during this project is true and original to the best of my
Date: 30/10/14 Name: Ankit yadav Place: Noida Enroll.No:A3104613016 13
I Ms. Puneeta Goel here by certify that Ankit yadav student of ACCF, Amity University Uttar Pradesh
has completed term paper on Impact of Social Media on Online Consumer Behavior beneath my
Ms. Puneeta Goel
This project has been a good learning experience on behalf of me and I would love to specify my
sincere feeling to all or any of those who guided me throughout the project and appreciate suggestions
of those individuals without whom this project wouldn t be completed with success.
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Wayfarer Frames
Retro style eyeglass frames are rising in popularity especially since the trendsetters have been sporting
these vintage frame designs from the bygone eras with great fervor. These frames have been designed
at different points in time in the past and reflect the trends of that time. All of them are unique and
special. They are also made out of different materials with some of them made out of gold, silver,
tortoiseshell, etc. Wearing eyeglasses can be fun since retro style eyeglass frames can help you stand
out from the crowd. However, unlike a few of the universally flattering shapes such as wayfarer and
aviator, each one of the retro style frames has a unique shape and is meant to suit a specific face shape.
Make sure to choose the right ... Show more content on ...
They have made comebacks every few years and never really went out of style. They are a favourite
amongst both men and women since they are sturdy and tend to suit most face shapes. These frames
come in a range of colors that you can choose to suit your style. Aviator Frames: The teardrop shaped
aviator frames have risen in popularity for both eyeglasses and sunglasses. Aviator frames suit
everyone and look great with both casual and formal clothing. They were first developed in 1920 s and
have been one of the most sought after vintage eyeglasses frames since then. Round wire Frames:
Round wire frames, sometimes known as granny glasses, were released way before John Lennon
made them famous. They became a part of his image and consequently remained popular in the 1960 s
and 70 s. These frames have made a huge comeback now. They can add softness to the sharp and
strong features of people with square shaped faces. Browline Frames: Unlike the other types of
eyeglasses frames, browline eyeglass frames add a strong look to the face because of the thick and
dark plastic upper frame. These frames work well for soft face shapes such as oval and round faces
especially since the thick browline adds more dimension to the
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The Death Penalty Of Indonesia
Indonesia is by far the largest Southeast Asian nation, both in population and land area with the
majority of the population, Muslim (OMF International, n.d). Indonesia, also has one of the strictest
laws regarding drug offences and has demonstrated to not be afraid or be persuaded by neighboring
states not to enforce it (Aquino, n.d). Eight out of the eleven countries within Southeast Asia still
retain the death penalty for drug related offences in which Indonesia is the only country within
Southeast Asia that still carries out its executions by firing squad (Death Penalty Information Centre,
2013) (see Table 1). The death penalty was extended to include drug offences and only introduced into
Indonesian law in 1997 (Berman, 2013). However, Indonesia continues to enforce this penalty in the
wake of the 2013 execution of a Malawian national becoming the first execution in some years (see
Table 2) (Delaney, 2013, ¶23).
Table 1. Southeast Asia Death Penalty situation
Brunei √ 1984* Hanging or Stoning
Cambodia Abolished 1989 *
East Timor Abolished 2002 *
Indonesia √ 2013 Firing Squad
Laos √ 1989* unknown
Malaysia √ 2013 Hanging
Myanmar (Burma) √ 1993* Hanging
Philippines Abolished 2006 1999* Lethal Injection
Singapore √ 2014 Hanging
Thailand √ 2009 Lethal Injection
Vietnam √ 2014 Lethal Injection
Source: Adapted from (Capital Punishment UK, 2014; Death Penalty Information Centre, 2013;
Gluckman, 1999;
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Sidney Bechet Research Paper
Perla G Chavira
Sean Hennessey
Jazz History
02 February 2017
Sidney Bechet Similar to Louis Armstrong a man named Sidney Bechet was a jazz musician who was
among the best of New Orleans Jazz. Bechet was born into a middle class Creole family that accepted
music as a huge part of their lives. Omar Bechet was Sidney s father; he was a flute player who played
music as a pass time. Sidney had four brothers who also played instruments, Leonard was one of his
brothers, Leonard played the trombone and also the clarinet. Sidney took on an interest in the clarinet
and Leonard passed on his clarinet to Sidney (The Bechet Society. 1997). When Sidney Bechet first
began playing clarinet, he would perform quadrilles, waltzes, and overall polite music meant for the
middle class. Bechet many times would ditch class when he was a child to become proficient at his
instrument and even started to play in local jazz groups. As Bechet grew older, he began playing more
syncopated pieces in brothels and dance halls. Bechet performed and impressed Bunk Johnson, a
legend, who played cornet. Bechet then joined the Eagle Band , a group composed of Johnson and
other musicians of ... Show more content on ...
He was a daring individual who improvised consistently and broke any obstacle in his life. Bechet had
the field of saxophone wide open for himself because of how rare it was in New Orleans Jazz.
Because Bechet did not trust his managers so he was not well known in the United States until his late
career and after his death. He was practically worshipped in France and he seemed to be extremely
happy there. He was admired in France so much that the day of his death was a national mourning day.
Bechet was known as a very strong musician that spoke about his emotions through music and he was
said to be weak as a man. Until a musician, John Coltrane, came along, Bechet completely controlled
the soprano saxophone in jazz music (Jazz Rhythm.
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Conservatism In Strictly Ballroom
A life lived in fear is a life half lived . Discuss how this notion is explored in Strictly Ballroom.
Establishing Baz Luhrmann s acclaimed Red Curtain trilogy, Strictly Ballroom explores the notion
that a life lived in fear is a life half lived, through his effective use of characterisation, setting,
symbolism and cinematography. The coming of age piece follows two ballroom dancers through their
battle against conventionality, during the height of the rigorous 1980 s Australian dance culture.
Furthermore, an emphasis on exaggeration is portrayed within the film to exemplify the notion of
regret, which directs viewers into an animated like perception of theatre, as urged by Luhrmann.
Key characters, Fran and Scott support each other in ... Show more content on ...
Due to fear of confrontation, Doug Hastings is portrayed as submissive, through the depiction of
power and domination imposed by both his wife and Barry Fife. Doug lives his life in the shadows
and is treated with an element of disdain by both his family and the dancing fraternity. It becomes
apparent to the audience that Doug has a point to make to Scott: Son, can I bend your ear for a tick.
Ultimately, Doug embodies the notion of living a life in fear: We had the chance but we were scared.
We walked away... In addition, towards the conclusion of the film when Doug explains the truth about
his dance past to Scott, a point of view shot is employed by Luhrmann to demonstrate the action from
Doug s point of view. This is achieved specifically as he looks around him before jumping off the
stage. Furthermore, Doug s newfound courage is apparent in line shall we dance? directed at his wife.
He is finally standing up to Barry Fife, and joining his son in the rebellion of the dance academy. The
depiction of Doug joining Scott in the defiance of the traditional dance federation rules, conveys the
notion that A life lived in fear is a life half lived , is
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Geography Of Chad Research Paper
The Republic of Chad is a country is located in North Central Africa, just south of Libya. One of Chad
s most striking characteristic is that it is one of the 48 countries in the world that is completely
surrounded by land. Being completely surrounded by land, Chad neighbors six other countries, Niger,
Sudan, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Nigeria and lastly Libya. (Shown in Figure 1) Chad
measures to about 495,755 square miles, almost tripling the size of California. Four bioclimatic zones
are obtained within this country, the Saharan, Sahelian, Sudanian, and Guinean zone.
The Saharan region is located in the northern part of West Africa and was mainly formed by the
Saharan Desert. This region posses a variety of distinct landscapes being sandy sheets, dune fields,
gravel plains, low plateaus and vast mountain ranges. The average rainfall ranges from 0 mm to about
150 mm per year. Due to the lack of rainfall vegetation is nearly scarce or absent. The vast mountain
ranges specifically consists of Aïr Mountains located within the Sahara Desert of Central Niger. The
Aïr Mountains extend over an area of 72,00 sq km, about the size of Sierra Leone, giving West Africa
some of the most beautiful scenery. (Shown in Figure 2)
The Sahelian region extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea ... Show more content on ...
The average rainfall reaches to about 600 mm to 1,200 mm per year with a 5 to 7 month dry season.
When rainfall occurs it is typically from May to October, allowing vegetation such as tall, perennial
grasses with trees growing among it. In the Sudanian region alone there is about 80 different tree
species that dominate the northern part of the region. Fires among the dense tree population is very
common, whether they are natural or human induced, they sweep through the region burning up to 80
percent of the area each
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Comparing Nelson Mandela, Charles Perkins, And Aung San...
Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Charles Perkins, and Aung San Suu Kyi never met, but they
fought for the same cause on four different continents. And what cause is it these renowned pioneers
for their times fought for? Justice in the form of Rights and Freedoms.
Key ideas, concepts, policies, countries, objectives, and issues
All of the key ideas, concepts, policies, countries, objectives, and issues are essential to gain an
understanding of the relevance of these individuals roles in their nations and changing rights and
Their significance in their nations struggle for rights and freedoms
Not only Charles Perkins and Nelson Mandela, but also Martin Luther King and Aung San Suu Kyi,
were extremely significant ... Show more content on ...
Students led by Perkins travelled by chartered buses to cities and towns advocating equality of race in
Australia and providing evidence for the racial discrimination that was happening so very often then.
The tour became known as the Freedom Ride and assumed iconic status not only around Australia but
also internationally. After becoming the first ever Aboriginal student in history to graduate from
University in 1965, he became the manager of the Foundation for Aboriginal Affairs in Sydney, and in
1969 he moved to Canberra to begin work in the Office of Aboriginal Affairs. By 1984 Perkins was
Secretary of the Department of Aboriginal
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Observing Physical Evidence
The procedure should accomplish that each type of physical evidence, whether an intact object, pieces
of an object, blood, glass, liquids, or gasses, must be collected, marked or tagged, packaged,
transported, and stored properly to be later admitted in to evidence in court. The maintaining proper
chain of custody is particularly important when the object is one that is not unique or when questions
could be raised about changes in the condition of the object, unique or not. Upon arrival at a crime
scene, the officer should first quickly determine if anyone is injured or needs medical treatment and, if
so, summon the health professionals. Then the officer should survey the crime scene, quickly
determine whom to interview, and move nonessential individuals out of the area. The crime scene area
should be cordoned off or otherwise closed to nonessential individuals.
The identification tag should contain the case number, the name of the defendant, the name of the
victim, the name of the law enforcement professional who found the object; the date, time, and place
where the object was found; a brief description of the article (this is important in case the tag becomes
detached from the item because some objects cannot be recognized from appearance alone), the
signature of the person finding the object; the person to whom the object was released and ... Show
more content on ...
When objects are to be stored for a considerable period of time, it is advisable to place them in cartons
or paper or plastic bags in order to prevent dirt, dust, and the elements from affecting their appearance.
The carton are bags should be sealed and marked with the proper identifying data on the outside of
each package, from which the contents may be easily determined. With such storage it will prevent
unauthorized handling, as well as aid in keeping objects from being soiled or losing their
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Wallace Stevens The Evolution Of A Wolf
In a pack of wolves, there will always be one alpha wolf. This would be the so called leader of the
pack. The leader of the pack has the most influence. Society works in a similar way. In America we
elect the president that has the most influence in the country. As in the pack of wolves, leaders tend to
have a special something which makes people gravitate towards them. Wallace Stevens mentions the
same leader: I placed a jar in Tennessee/and round it was around that hill. (Stevens 1 2). A jar is not a
star figure which everyone would gravitate to. Even so it is a simple plain object. However Stevens
does say that He places the jar. This could imply that someone else placed the jar on top of the Hill.
This person probably put a jar in the
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Citizen Kane Analysis
Citizen Kane is a movie that can be rewritten and implemented into any film created today. In many
ways, the storyline tells us more about ourselves than anything else and it relates to each one of us
who has ever wished for a blah blah life. From his flamboyant adventures to the blah blah to his
political agenda in his later years. Every film that came after Citizen Kane owes a great deal to Orson
Welles because of the way he used music, shadows and lighting, and special effects, which without a
doubt makes it one of the finest movies ever made. Some even call it the Mona Lisa of its time
because Orson Welles was the first to implement these techniques, which revolutionize cinema
It is believed that more than 50 percent of the film involved special effects. One of the many reasons is
because the film itself was made on a budget and the other being for the nature and scope of its subject
(The Denny Life) to keep cost down. One of the methods that revolutionize cinematography was the
introduction of a technique known as deep focus by Orson Welles. Deep focus is the use of having
everything in the frame even the background in focus at the same time contrary to having only the
people or object in the foreground in focus (The Denny Life). Moreover, the deep focus technique
requires the cinematographer to combine lighting, composition, and type of camera lens to produce
the desired effect. For example, Orson Welles use this technique in several occasions
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How Does Dave Barry Use Satire
Do you know what comedy is? Comedy is jokes or satirical sketches. Dave Barry s humorous
anecdote Dave Barry teaches his grandson life s lessons beginning with the ketchup is a high level of
comedy that uses satire and physical humor to reveal a universal truth about being trendy and being a
jerk. Also about making the right decisions in life. First Dave Barry uses satire that forms comic
situations. This makes people smirk and laugh a little. One of them is in the beginning of the short
story it says, If you want to impress a woman, do not buy her a gift that has a plug (Barry 2). This
quote shows that girls don t want appliances for a gift because they will probably never use it and say
this is the worst gift ever . Another way Barry uses satire is in the middle of the short story Barry says,
Popularity is way overrated, friendship is not (Barry 2). This quote shows that friendship is better than
having fake friends. These quotes made people smile because they are two human situations that are
realistic. Another comical thing ... Show more content on ...
This quote shows physical humor because it is very true that people believe their animals like them,
but they don t know because they can t talk to them. They just assume that. Although a more
humorous physical situation is toward the end of the short story it says, Do not be one of those people
who are constantly standing up and blocking the view of the people behind them at concerts and
sporting events (Barry 2). This relatable quote is funny because it happens to a lot of people and many
people are guilty of doing it to others without realizing it. Last but not least, Dave Barry did a good
job in making people chuckle and smirk. It was a funny short story that many people could relate
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My Plans For Your Future Career Goals
These constructs, along with others, influence a wide variety of disciplines in psychology and other
fields. In the final week of this course, you will develop a handbook based on one of these constructs.
This week, you will choose the construct that you will concentrate on for this project. The construct
you choose should be based on the area in which you would most like to develop your knowledge.
Your choice should also consider your current interests in psychology and support your future career
goals. Identify the audience for your handbook and the main construct in learning and cognition that
will provide the focus of your handbook. Explain your motivation for using the chosen construct as
your focus subject as well as how this construct aligns with your future career goals. Research five
peer reviewed articles in the Ashford University Library focusing on your chosen construct. These
articles must provide sufficient information so that they will support your work in the handbook. See
the instructions for the Learning and Cognition Handbook in Week Six for further clarification.
Provide complete references for each of the five articles. Format your references according to APA
style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Beneath each reference, provide an annotation that
explains the theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and/or empirical findings within the article that
describe and define your chosen construct. Provide a concluding paragraph that synthesizes
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The Objectification Of Women By Kenneth Clark
For centuries, the objectification of women has become the norm, forever portraying them as
submissive and passive for the benefit of the male gaze. Eternally capsulated in a world, perfected,
unanimously the viewer and viewed alike. Jenny Saville defies expectations in creating the female
nude with herself as both subject and painter. Taking on the roles given to women by men and making
them her own, Saville elevates the status of women by making them their own judge of beauty.
Kenneth Clark, a renowned art historian of his time, believed to create a form of art, the nude must be
reformed and not directly recorded from life. In doing so, scouring away all evidence of the woman
before the painting, before being perfected.
Propped is ... Show more content on ...
To achieve this, the body must be abstracted, becoming a process of designing the ideal figure through
mutating and etching away any flaws of the sitter. [The nude is] a balance, prosperous, and confident
body: the body reformed (1956:3) conveying that a woman must be scoured of all imperfections to be
confident in her own right. However, Saville contradicts this by almost aggressively painting her
flaws, baring herself to all and reviling in her own nakedness. Proving further the empowerment, a
woman can feel upon taking control of how others perceive her. Yet, Saville s pride in her state of
nakedness is condemned to vanity, not allowing her to feel entitled to the entity of her body. Berger
agrees, calling out men for their hypocrisy in moulding women to view themselves being viewed all to
justify the creation of the female nude. Morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you have
depicted for your own pleasure (1972:51), Berger calls into question the male gaze and the liberties
men have taken in portraying women nude, only for them to be shamed in their nakedness. Setting
into motion the trend that women are to be ashamed of their body without clothes. Clark further
creates insecurities, conveying to women that to be naked is to be deprived of clothes...embarrassment
most of us feel in that condition (1956:3). Furthermore, to be
... Get more on ...
Socrates And Louis Riel
Throughout history, great minds have used situational platforms like trials to advance their ideas to
large audiences. Socrates and Louis Riel are no exception to this and used their respected trials as a
means of conveying a final political statement. This is evident in both Plato s The Trial and Death of
Socrates and Hans V. Hansen s Reil s Defense: Perspectives on his Speeches. Both men s speeches can
be seen as weak examples of forensic rhetoric and strong examples of political rhetoric due to the fact
that Socrates and Riel both believed in a divine mission and cause much larger than themselves. It is
clear that neither man set out to win their trial, and I argue that both Socrates and Riel s speeches were
intended to politically inspire as they both saw themselves as martyrs for a greater cause.
Socrates trial speech can be considered one of the most important examples of political rhetoric in
history. Socrates was brought before the courts on charges of impiety and corrupting the youth of
Athens because of his teachings and the politico philosophic questions he posed to his students. At the
time Socrates was 70 and could have easily fled Athens with the help of his supporters however he
chose to stay in Athens to face the legal consequences of his actions. Socrates had no intention of
winning his trial, as Brumbaugh notes Socrates was not arrested [...] but was summoned to the court of
the First Archon to file his answer to the charges against him (pg.232,
... Get more on ...
A Study On Oral History Assignment
Oral History Assignment For this assignment, I had chosen to interview my uncle, Atif. He is 43 years
old, married with four children, and currently resides in the Greater Toronto Area. He was born in
Karachi, Pakistan where he lived in an extended family with his parents, brothers sisters,
grandparents, aunts, uncles, and their kids. He had moved to Canada on October 26th 1990, by
himself, to fulfill his undergraduate degree at the University of Manitoba in Computer Science and
Math. He is now working at CGI as a Professional IT Manager. He describes himself as introverted,
responsible, independent, hard working, driven, logical and analytical. This is evident throughout his
interview, as he had a very analytical approach on observing advertisements. While Atif was growing
up back in Pakistan, advertising was a lot less relevant because of where he was, who he was and how
he interacted with the media. Firstly, there was only one channel that ran on TV from 5pm until 11pm.
Though, only on Sundays, the channel started from early mornings. There were no 24 hour broadcasts.
Very select commercials appeared on TV, that too mostly for necessity items. One that he remembers
fondly is a commercial for toothpaste. What attracted Atif about this commercial was its catchy jingle.
Mclain s Toothpaste! Did you Mclain your teeth today? The kids then would chant back Twice a day,
every day! Atif, still to this day, with radiant smile on his face, could not forget the memorable
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. Robert Blincoe Research Paper This extract originates from A memoir of Robert Blincoe , authored by John Brown, and published in 1832. The memoirs originally appeared in Richard Carlile s radical newspaper, The Lion, in five weekly instalments in 1828. They highlighted the dismal working and living conditions abundant in cotton mills during the 19th century. Robert Blincoe was a workhouse orphan who originally lived in the St Pancreas Workhouse in London, his memoirs depict how he was subsequently sold to numerous cotton mills until completing his apprenticeship in 1813 . The source itself focuses on how the workhouse children were manipulated into believing that the cotton mills were an institution were apprenticeships could significantly change their lives, such as having plenty of cash in their pockets and sufficient meals. The reality, later shown in the source, is that the children were deceived and how their lives were in fact worse than when they were in the workhouse of St Pancreas. The memoir was originally created to ... Show more content on ... After its publication in book format in 1832 a parliamentary committee investigated such conditions in cotton mills. This resulted in various factory acts, such as the Factory Act of 1833. This limited the amount of hours children aged between 9 and 12 years could work to 8 hours a day and up to 48 hours a week. If factories were required to work longer they had to either have a relay of child labourers or replace them with older children. It has also been speculated that a memoir of Robert Blincoe was the foundation to which Charles Dickens based his infamous novel Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens being a parliamentary correspondent during this period makes it possible to presume that he would be familiar with John Browns work. Additionally there are parallels between both stories, such as the poor conditions and the inadequate food ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Euripides And The Tragical History Of Doctor Faustus, By... From childhood, all individuals are taught that, whether it be at the hands of one s parents, the government, or even some form of divine intervention (like karma, or god), there is an ultimately inescapable judgment that awaits everyone who transgresses against that which is right or just. Take from the cookie jar before dinner? No TV for a week. Break the law by stealing from a store, or worse? Spend days, or years, incarcerated. Fail to abide by a number of seemingly arbitrary moral codes? Spend all of eternity being tormented in a realm of fire after you die. But despite how deeply the concept of crime and punishment is ingrained in each culture of each era since the dawn of humankind, there remains an insatiable desire to rebel against the standards that are upheld by society as right, whether it be for personal worldly gain, out of academic curiosity, or righteous indignation. As a people, humanity has long expressed rebellion of thought through the arts, exploring the taboos of society, and asking questions about why we live as we do, and what the implications may be, not just for the world, but for our souls. Two such pieces of art are the classic plays Medea, by Euripides, and The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, by Christopher Marlowe. Though these two great works couldn t be more different in setting or thematic subject matter (and naturally so, since they re separated by over 1,000 years), they utilize similar theatrical tropes to explore the concept of ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Alan Seeger Rendezvous And Rupert Brooke The Soldier War is not a thing that to many people are able to describe, but there are the select few that can and they do it in a poem. People look at war from different perspectives; some are willing to die for their country, some woman does not want their husband going and being killed , and some have to live with the thought that they have to kill someone it all depends on the way you look at it. There are four poets that exhibits and that is Vera Brittain: Perhaps , Wilfred Owen Dulce et Decorum Est, Alan Seeger Rendezvous and Rupert Brooke The Soldier. Vera Brittain is the author of Perhaps a poem that was written to show the woman s perspective of war. Brittains intentions was to let people know what a woman has to go through after they find ... Show more content on ... Owen includes very descriptive details showing how the soldiers have to live while they are at war, Come gargling from the froth corrupted lungs, Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud . The statement shows what happens to the men that does not get their gas mask on in time. Alan Seeger is the author Rendezvous, he shows how people fear death. He shows that even though people know that they are going to more than likely die they will still go and fight for their country. Seeger tries to show how men keep their pledge to fight for their country And I to my pledged word am true, I shall not fail that rendezvous. . This alone shows how heroic our soldiers are, it shows that they are willing to take the chance so that their family will have the freedom they want. Rupert Brooke is the author of The Soldier and he expresses how he hopes that when he does die he hopes heaven is like his home. Brooke is showing the good thoughts that a soldier would have if they felt like they was going to die And think, this heart, all evil shed away, also in this line Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given; . A soldier would only hope that his eternal home would be a place like his home and this poem expresses this ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Separation Of Powers Of Government I chose to write my paper on the Separated Powers. I felt that this was a crucial and very important piece in the Federalist Papers but also what makes this world work. It has been over two hundred years since the Founding Fathers gathered in Philadelphia, PA to rewrite the constitution, while rewriting the Constitution, there was one change that they wanted to make most of all and that was within the new government there would be a Separation of Powers of each branch of government. They wanted to develop a system that was fair and equal to all and the other part was making a government that was centered around the Federal government and instead of being centered solely around the state. In order to accomplish this kind of a government it ... Show more content on ... Each branch serves a function and a purpose. The separation of powers is important because it keeps out absolute powers. If we did not have this separation of powers the government would be weak, they wouldn t be able to enforce their own laws because they would be worrying about state laws verses federal laws, instead of keeping everything separated. It would not be fair if we all had one ruler that makes and decides all the laws and runs the country. I think the most important thing that the separation of powers does is that is allows the government to make the right decisions, but also hear other people s opinions and take these opinions into consideration. The individuals that are in charge must be able to come to an agreement to the laws and pass these powers together. James Madison described the separation of powers by stating that, There can be no liberty where the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person or if the power of judging be not separated from the legislative and executive powers. Based on this statement of James Madison, it clearly shows that a separation of these powers was essential in order for there to be a sense of independence between each of these three branches and powers because if there was no liberty between these branches and powers there would be no equality or fairness in the laws. The first three articles of the Constitution of the United States of America create the framework ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Factors for Your Personal Credit Score In my research I found that three companies are used in the United States as the primary determiners for credit score. The companies that determine credit score are Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. The components I discovered that make up your personal credit score are: Payment History, Lines of New Credit, How much you owe, and finally length of credit history with other factors as well rounding out the table. Payment history makes up the largest percentage at Thirty Five percent. They use your past behavior in determining what you will do in the future. This is considered the most important factor in calculating credit scores because if they do not have data to show how you have performed in the past that might be misleading and could lead to someone with terrible credit in the past to open many new credit cards. They take into account the two types of loans, revolving and installment. Revolving loans are the types that always fluctuate, like opening new charge card accounts. Installments are paid back in portions like if you have payments to make on a car lease or mortgaging a home. If you default on a loan it is not always going to result in identical damage to your credit score. The amount of damage to defaulting is determined by the size of the installment. If you are working on boosting your credit to a higher rating, you should always pay on or by the due date. The second biggest component to a credit score is the debt amounts. Debt amounts makes up around ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Aristide Maillol These aspects are not solely found in this particular Maillol work, however; they are conspicuous across his works in bronze and lead. Dina (1937) [Figure 7] shares many aspects of the three female figures of The Three Graces. This piece has the same soft qualities including the focus on volume instead of definition, especially with the breasts, where the nipples are not even present, but the volume of each breast is beautifully molded to appear full and smooth. Just as in The Three Graces, her form is a continuous curve, a soft and fluid form. There is the same inviting and sensual nature, as Dina reaches up to fix her hair with legs open. This erotic position, of her thighs open, her body bared to the bright light and open air, and her relaxed ... Show more content on ... But where did this ideal come from? Aristide Maillol was born in 1861 in a pink house in Banyuls ser Mer to a family of fisherman and vine growers. It is this home, sandwiched between the Mediterranean Sea and the Alberes mountains, where Maillol would spend his whole life, in the old village with its labyrinth of narrow lanes, amid the green Pyrenean foothills full of vines, trees and mimosas, and beyond, the snowcapped summits in the distance. This is the place that would shape the expressive qualities of the artist s sculptures, as well as form his ideal conception of woman, which would be his primary subject. This isolated little village in the countryside was a location where a good decent girl would never be nude or scandalous, where conservative families survived off of both the sea and the vines. Maillol s life in the countryside is evident in his work, including The Three Graces. He retains a rustic ingenuousness in his work, something calm, self possessed not feverish or frantic. The sculptures are simplistic and blunt, reminiscent of the simple rhythm of the lifestyle that surrounded Maillol in Banyuls the lifestyle of farmers and fishermen reside in a tranquil mountain landscape. The bodies of these women do retain this simplicity, bluntness, and tranquility, reminiscent of the landscape by which the sculptor was continuously ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Dracul Gothic Fiction In The Victorian Era In the Victorian Era, Gothic fiction was an exceedingly popular literature genre among numerous people because it was relatively new. Such elements as death, gloom, suspense, mystery, and terror make up a Gothic novel in literature. The novel Dracula, written by Bram Stoker, was the ideal Gothic fiction in the 19th century and still is today because of its incorporation of vampires, castles, spine chilling murders, and overpowering emotions which contribute to the Gothic atmosphere. Dracula is set in Transylvania, during the Victorian Era. The setting is extremely significant in Dracula because it contributes abundantly to the Gothic atmosphere the novel possesses. In this novel, the setting includes wild Transylvanian landscapes, dreary buildings, secret hidden rooms, an asylum, and a graveyard. Such setting contribute to the novel s gothic ambiance because they are places that usually tend to reveal a perturbing feeling to those surrounding it. The most seen settings in the novel Dracula is Dracula s castle, the graveyard by St. Mary s Church and Dr. Seward s asylum which all contain gloomy features that contribute to the Gothic atmosphere in Dracula. Dracula s castle is described as It contains all in all some twenty acres, quite surrounded by the solid wall above mentioned. There are many trees on it, which makes it in places gloomy, and there is a deep, dark looking pond or small lake... (Stoker 22). The castle s abundant amount of trees surrounding the castle and ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The First Stop On My Cpr Tour Crystal City Underground The first stop on my CPR tour was the Crystal City Underground. This awesome cave sits in the heart Crystal City, which is located about 30 miles south of St Louis, MO. Carved into the Mississippi river bluff this cavern was once an active sand mine serving a local glass plant, Pittsburgh Plate Glass factory, with materials for almost a century. In the 1980 s the plant and the mine were closed, allowing water that was pumped out for decades to begin to flood portions of the cave. The recent owners of this cave decided to turn the property into a tourist attraction. They built up area s for children to explore, adults to play games, a stage for bands to play, a sitting area with large TV s for sports and other event enjoyment, and barges to take tours on while exploring the depths of vastness this cave has to offer. On the day of my arrival I had the pleasure of experiencing a dark path being well lit with over 400 carved pumpkins along what was pleasantly titled the Great Pumpkin Walk. As I ventured along I could see multiple paths that led to deeper parts of the cavern. Many of these paths were blocked off for what I am assuming were safety reasons. After walking what seemed to be a half mile I arrived at the tour barge. Loaded with 8 passengers our tour guide, Steve, took us deep into the cave and explained its history while showing us fascinating things. I witnessed my first close up experience with cave bats, got to see permanent ... Get more on ...
  • 10. DIY Driveway Gates DIY Driveway Gates A lot of people want the fenced in yard and driveway gate so that they can know when their kids or pets are outside, they are safe. They like knowing that people cannot simply wander onto their property and it makes a house look nice if you have a nice driveway gate up. However, hiring a professional to install a gate, much like hiring someone to install a garage door, can be costly. A lot of people don t have that money to invest in their property, so instead they attempt to create their own gate in an effort to save a little money. The problem is, most people do not realize all that they must have to build DIY driveway gates. DIY Driveway Gate Necessities Obviously, the first thing you will need when building your own driveway ... Show more content on ... The Biltek Automatic Sliding Gate Opener comes with two wireless remotes and can open a gate that is up to 40ft long and 1400 pounds. This would be ideal if you want a long single gate that simply slides out of the way when you get close to it and it has everything you need for an easy installation. You can see more about the Biltek here⇒ You may also choose the Aleko Driveway Gate Kit or the Aleko Swing Gate Driveway kit. They are both great gate openers that allow you to build your cheap driveway gates and then open them automatically. If you want to skip the wires and having a power source running out to your gate, you may opt for a solar powered gate opener. For that type of gate opener, you may want to choose the Mighty Mule EZGO SOLAR Gate Opener. It provides you with everything you need, including the 1.5 watt solar panel, two remotes, and the complete gate opener package. It has the ability to open a gate weighing up to 550 pounds and 16ft long. It allows easy DIY instructions. If you prefer a more known solar powered gate opener, you have the option to choose an Aleko or the USAutomatic Sentry 300. Any of the above will be perfect for all driveway gates, regardless of whether you build it or buy ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Jane Eyre Imperialism Charlotte Bronte s novel, Jane Eyre, takes its reader on a journey of a young woman finding her independence both economically and emotionally. In addition, the elaborate descriptions of the character herself and the multiple allusions to lands overseas indicates this is a point in history in which the British Empire was at its peak. As a result, there is a relationship between the novel and the empire in that it illustrates the domestic issues women faced, fortifies common beliefs Europeans had on natives of other countries and recognizes the influence the British Empire had overseas. Situated in the Victorian era, wealth determined one s status in society. Bronte tests this social norm by creating Jane Eyre: a girl whose position is ambiguous ... Show more content on ... Jane at one point imagines herself sacrificing her current status to one of a much lower social hierarchy with the exception that she is surrounded by love from a mother and father. Although it would grant her the maternal or familial love she most desires from the Reeds, this state of living repulses her; she claims she cannot purchase the liberty at the price of caste. These allusions to caste and slavery delineate the disagreeing opinions the Empire had on impoverished individuals. Moreover, these references made by Bronte indicate her knowledge of the power of the British Empire. Said, author of Narrative and Social space, claims that novel and imperialism cannot exist as individual entities. In fact, they each fortified each other to such a degree that it is read one without some way dealing with the other. It is true one can write only what one understands, and Bronte is no ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Cleaning Up The Philadelphia Sewage Systems Cleaning Up the Philadelphia Sewage Systems Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is one of the biggest cities on the east coast possessing more than fifteen hundred people. Our Philadelphia water department is dedicated to providing clean water to all living things throughout the city. One of the biggest problems faced by our water department is the litter problem that plagues the city. Taking care of the old infrastructure of the sewer is one of the sewers is very important when it comes to protecting our waterways from wastewater. Many people are affected by these problems, including our children and pregnant women. The problem does not lie within one particular community, but all throughout the city of Philadelphia. Being careless and selfish ... Show more content on ... This effects community funds as well, which means less money for schools which is a big problem within Philadelphia. People do have a big effect on the problem within the city because they are so careless and do not think of the effects that their actions have on the environment. The 1900s led to the start of dealing with the contaminated drinking water throughout the city. The first step was constructing five filtration plants and using chlorine to treat the water. The Sewage system treatment plants in Philadelphia were constructed in 1950 to 1966 this consisted of the three plants to the right. The government regulations and funding are what determine the technologies and methods that we develop to treat and manage our water systems. Today we have for the most part dealt with the problem of contaminated water, but we still face some problems with bacteria. This especially affects the vulnerable part of our population like pregnant women and children and make them sick. This is a problem that runs city wide and if it does not get the attention that it needs we could see some very dire effects. Philadelphia over the years has improved its methods of cleaning up the water with the development of technology along with the knowledge gained from past experiences. The city of Philadelphia has adopted the three step process clean the water. This is Diagram to the right projects the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Education vs Prison Funding Final research paper on Education vs. Prison Funding The government is responsible for security of its citizens and it is also responsible to provide a safe socio economic environment to its people, and in this context; Jails and schools are two important institutions of any society, which need regular monetary support from the government. Thus government has to be very careful in allocating funds to both of the institutions; as one punishes the convicts and other makes the people skillful, and wise enough to get a job and earn money for family. Government has to be very careful in allocation of funds to them, as it is very critical to decide which institution should be allocated more money. The report, Prison Spending Affecting Higher ... Show more content on ... It also mentions that in past 30 years the population of the country increased by only 33 percent, however the number of prisoners increased by around 350 percent. With this data we can assume the amount of funding required for the functioning of jails. Prisoners are seen as potential threat for the society; government spends billions annually to keep criminals in jails, to supervise those on parole and probation. Though the prisoners are also human beings and deserve basic comforts of life in jail too; but, it is also necessary for the government to instill fear of prison in minds of all the people and it is not possible when prisoners enjoy the comfort in prisons. Jails should be dreadful for criminals and this fear should work as a deterrent to commit crime, but studies have revealed that fear of prison is not a successful deterrent for major part of prison population. Sometimes they don t have an option but to commit crime, as many of them are not educated enough to get a decent job and earn money; so they resort to crime to earn a living. A report titled. Education and Correctional Populations suggests that it can only be stopped, if prisoners are provided education to make them skillful, and instead of spending money on gyms and other recreational things for prisoners, jails should spend money on making a good library and providing technical education to prisoners, so they ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Analysis Of Delirium Delirium poses many risks to the elderly population. This condition has been associated with increased mortality, long term cognitive decline, and loss of autonomy (Kukreja, Gunher, Popp, 2015, p. 655). The course of delirium is acute, and without accurate differentiation and intervention, outcomes can be deleterious (Resmick, 2016). This research question will focus on exploring the care team s knowledge about delirium prevention and assessment and its contribution to outcomes. The boolean search was completed by using search phrases delirium, assessment tools, evidence based practice, guidelines, elderly. The AND operator was used mostly to find information related to both search terms. This tactic was used to explore the ... Show more content on ... According to Resnick (2016), there are recommendations of care that are supported by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). However, these guidelines are not enough. As a result, it becomes imperative to understand how to recognize delirium and develop a culture of care that consistently implements processes that prevent its occurrence. While the awareness and understanding of its impact can influence its recognition, a broader system wide approach needs to become integrated into the daily practice of geriatric patients to sustain consistent outcomes and improvements in care. The treatment options should be prefaced with knowledge sharing and education surrounding the topic of delirium with the care team. Education will need to include assessment, prevention, and management (Trogrlic et al., 2015, p. 15). Assessment components will need to include an evidence based tool that is appropriate for the population and applies to patients with and without cognitive impairments (Voyer et al., 2015). Preventive processes need to be taught, understood, and operationalized. This would include identification of reversible causes and risk factors, optimization of medications and elimination of inappropriate medications, integration of family, and team collaboration (Resnick, 2016). Management options will need to include treatment of electrolyte abnormalities, visual screening and correction for an identified impairments, ear aids, bowel ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Canada, the United States and the Cold War After the end of World War Two, the world was split into two, east and west. This marked the beginning of an era called the Cold War. The Cold War was the most subtle war in history, but the world came very close to a nuclear war that had the potential to inevitably wipe out mankind. The two main opponents in this war were the Soviet Union and the United States. With Canada being the United States neighbour to the north and close to The Soviet Union geographically, Canada allied itself with the United States. This union cause a lot of political trauma, but it brought a lot of new technology to Canada and helped strengthen our relationship with the United States. Therefore Canada did ally with the United States, but at the same time Canada ... Show more content on ... With Canada being close to the Soviets geographically, any attack made by them, whether it was a nuclear strike or an air invasion, they would have to go near or over Canadian airspace in order to attack. Therefore Canada and the United States reached an agreement to create an organization which would control Aerospace in North America. This U.S Canadian organization was called NORAD (The North American Aerospace Defence Command) and was founded on May 12, 1958 . This organization would detect man made objects coming into North American airspace, such as Soviet bombers or nuclear warheads. This organization uses aircraft to protect North America from attack. While NORAD would control the skies of North America, it would also monitor the Maritime regions as well. Previous to the establishment of this organization, Canada and the United States also agreed to a long series of radar stations in the Canadian arctic. Known as the DEW line (Distant Early Warning), these radar stations would be used to detect Soviet aircraft coming into North American Airspace. In addition to this DEW Line, which stretched from Alaska to Greenland, Canada also had two more lines of radar stations called The Mid Canada Line , and The Pine Tree Line . These radar stations were constructed during the Cold War Era to protect North America from potential Soviet invasion, though the radar lines became obsolete with the invention of Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM), which ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Anatomy of a Family Law Case Anatomy of a Family Law Case Introduction The legal aspect of the law is a creation of the society that is meant to regulate and control the activities and relations of people. Law creates a guideline of how to do every activity without causing infringements to the other persons. Therefore, just as all other societal institutions, the family setting are incorporated in the law. What is a family? The family setting is one of the oldest institutions in the world. From the time of creation, to date, it has existed firm within the society. It has hence come to be referred to as the cornerstone of society. In definition, there are several factors that are considered to constitute a family. It is defined as a social group within a society that consists of one or two parents with children (Stacey, 2011). These individuals share a common ancestry. Additionally, it can also be used to portray people who have common goals and values and have long term commitment to each other, and they reside in the same dwelling. What constitutes a marriage? Marriage is a social practice that existed long before legal creations and stipulations of what a marriage is was established. This is obvious as even before the religious books and the legal institutions were established, people used to live and have children. This process was not done without plans, but rather within a setting that created a sense of responsibility. However, a marriage today is defined as a consensual and contractual ... Get more on ...
  • 17. American Lady Butterfly Research Papers Page 3 American Lady Butterfly The American Lady Butterfly or American painted lady, is part of the Nymphalidae butterfly family. The American Lady Butterfly can be identified by, the upper side of their body has a yellow and orange pattern with an uneven brown pattern also. They also are identified by their forewings has a color of a black patch, with a little white bar on the edge of the forewing. On the underside of the wing, the hindwing has two large eyespots. The winter form of the butterfly are smaller and light colored. The summer form they are much larger and are brighter in coloring. They are founded in the United States, Mexico, Central America, and Colombia. The butterfly migrates to the United States, Canada, West Indies, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Kite Runner, By Khaled Hosseini Khaled Hosseini once said: there are a lot of children in Afghanistan, but little childhood. Rape in Afghanistan is said to be an epidemic, but according to the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of the term is a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time. Rape in this country is viewed as something that is inevitable and cannot be stopped. Usually, rape also involves domestic violence, hence the reason they re paired together. Contrary to common misconception, men are raped as well as women, especially children of both genders. In the Kite Runner, rape is a topic that is prevalent in and throughout the book. Bacha Bazi is even a part of the Kite Runner. Bacha Bazi is a phrase that is a significant piece of the plot of the Kite Runner. It alludes to the rape of little boys. In the story, the protagonist, Amir, must go to Afghanistan to save his nephew from being a bacha bazi sex slave. With Amir s decision to take action, he internally hopes that it will rid him of the guilt he felt as a child when he saw Hassan, his brother, raped. His guilt manifests over time because he did not support him by standing up for him. As part of the practice, rich people who buy the boys as slaves sometimes them dress up in female clothing. Sometimes they re forced to wear fake breasts. Prepubescent teens and even young children, specifically the boys, are seen as a socially acceptable substitute for girls in this society. Afghanistan ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Analysis Of R.tolkien And Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Inspiration is a word and an action which occurs frequently in literature. Sometimes it s strange what can inspire someone, or how vastly different people can be inspired by the same thing. Equally remarkable is how someone utilizes the inspiration compared to others and how inspiration can bestow the drive that enables ordinary people to rise above and achieve the seemingly impossible. Elias Lönnrot s Kalevala transcends being a simple story by inspiring not only the Finns, but writers J.R.R.Tolkien and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow as well. They were highly influenced and made their goals and overall actions realized through this inspiration. They all have, if anything, the Kalevala in common and that is a thing of amazement, that a people ... Show more content on ... Another threat that caused the Finn s oppression to spread was the lack of the Finns language being written or used outside of Finland. Unlike its neighboring Nordic countries, the base of the Finnish language is completely different, so instead of other countries learning the Finn s language, they forced the Finns to learn and adopt theirs. The Kalevala was originally an epic from older times, passed by word of mouth of the countrymen deep inside the Finnish lands. When Lönrrot started to piece together the words of the Kalevala, he also started to piece together Finland s identity. Without the Kalevala, it is highly unlikely the fight for their independence would ve occurred or transpired with such ferocity. With each word and meter written, the Finn s culture seemed to come alive. It gave a voice that the Finn s were dying to have heard. (Cheek) Finally the Finnish people had a voice that could and would not be silenced. This was their chance to show that they were individuals. The Kalevala sparked a renaissance of writing and inspiration for the Finns, not to mention showcasing its multiple interpretations from its original form as an epic. (Alphonso) This showed how oral tradition and modern literature can blend to not only honor the past, but also pioneer the future all the while remaining interesting and timelessly engaging for the present. With the help of the Kalevala (Crawford), the Finn s realized what their language ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Augustine Of Hippo s The Confession Augustine of Hippo s biography The Confession reveals a transformation of a youthful sinner to a religious adult. Augustine provides multiple events throughout his life that reveals his belief in God strengthen as he aged. In Book I Augustine looks back to the point where he is a young boy who commits the act of stealing a pear. Augustine states when the pear passed his lips it was the sin that gave it flavor He mentions how he did not steal the pear because he was hungry, but it was for the thrill of performing a vice. Augustine s decision to incorporate his experiences from his life in The Confession strengthen the main point in his writing, which was to demonstrate how God did not create evil, but it was man s action that created evil in the world. Augustine purposely chose to tell this story, so readers may see that he is a flawed human like the rest of society. ... Show more content on ... After Augustine steals the pear he mentions how God gave him good properties, yet he misdirected them. Meaning it is not God s fault for sins to existent, but human action is what creates vice. This story is the first sinful act that Augustine can remember from his adolescent life. The story of Augustine and the pear coincide with the story of the Garden of Eden. Eve ate the forbidden fruit, which in her case was an apple. When she had eaten the apple it was the origin of sin. Corresponding when Augustine ate the first bite of the pear it was his origin of sin. When one sin occurs it leads to a path of more sinning. In Augustine case it would be his lustful adventure in ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Importance Of Health Care Coverage The ACA, and its many mandates, was developed to address many needs the U.S has with health care coverage. The primary goal of the ACA is to provide affordable, quality health care to the millions of U.S. citizens who are going without coverage. However, the need exists for many reasons. When analyzed, at least three primary reasons can be thought of as driving forces of the development. The first is that the nation s focus on health care has shifted from that of one where health care is a private matter where people make their own decisions, to one where health care is viewed as a necessary entity that plays an integral part of our lives. Health care was not viewed as a national responsibility, therefore there were no mandates for employers ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Assignment 8 Jewish Identity Woodise Pierre April 8th 2015 Assignment 8: Jewish Identity A.What is the criteria for being Jewish? What does it mean to be Jewish? When looking at Judaism, one has to go far back to biblical times to fully understand its origins. It started with the Hebrew people in the country of Israel. The bloodline of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob is what constitutes people as being Jewish. Being classified as a Jew, or a Jewish citizen has more to do with family ties, then what you believe in. The standard for being considered Jewish is that you have to be born to a Jewish mother. Some sects of Judaism like to include being born to a Jewish father as part of being Jewish. It can be looked at as more of a nationality or an ethnicity than a ... Show more content on ... They still practice within the Jewish faith, and they have not adopted outside rituals, that go against Jewish law. E. Do an internet search on Simeon Bar Kochba and Zevi Shabbatai and Lubavitch Hasidism. Did the Jews who believed in these movements continue to be considered Jewish? Those who followed Bar Kochba, Shabbatai Tzv, and Lubavith strongly believed that they were the messiah. These people were rabbis, many of the Jewish faith strongly believed in the words that they were saying. They truly thought that they were the messiah. Many Jewish people still consider those who followed Bar Kochba and Shabbatai Zevi are still Jewish. They are called kidnapped or misguided children. They should not lose their inheritance, and not be considered Jewish. The same does not go for Lubavitch, those who followed him are said to be a disgrace to the Jewish ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Gang Violence In Prison Essay Gang violence is across the country and is a standout amongst the most noticeable issues in the prison system today. Gangs are known to endeavor to control the penitentiaries/correctional facilities, ingrain fear inside the jail framework and all through the general public, and convey negative attention to the system. Gang affiliated inmates comprise about 18 percent of the 18000 inmate population (Seabrook). A growing number of prisoners and a large amount of them serving longer sentences for brutal violations propose a striking increment in gangs and violence in the prison system in the upcoming future. Prisons began to bulge with gang members when states enacted tougher laws for gang related crime in the mid to late 1980s (Martinez). On one hand the laws passed helped gang members get off the street, yet in another way it also did not stop the gang violence and activity. In many ways their number and power grew even more in prison (Martinez).The issue of gangs and brutality has been addressed commonly during the time by the United States Correctional Board, but the board hasn t taken the problem into a serious matter. Most gang members in prisons are introduced to the gang life at an early age and enter prison a member, but some become a member once behind bars mainly for the protection the gangs are known to provide. Gangs are known to purposely intimidate other inmates, thus reinforcing the reason why one out of every ten male inmates becomes a member once ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Jean Piaget s Theory Of Childhood Psychology When you teach a child something, you forever take away his chance of discovering it for himself. These words were articulated by one of the most influential figures in the area of childhood intelligence, specifically developmental psychology. Jean Piaget was a Swiss clinical psychologist who is well known for his work pertaining to child development. Similar to Freud and Skinner, Piaget believed in order to understand human behavior, you have to start with understanding how children function, grow and learn. Piaget spent ample years studying the behaviors and thought processes of children, analyzing the origins and development of intelligence and how it shapes our current and future behaviors. According to Piaget, intelligence is ... Show more content on ... Instead, Piaget turned his emotional turmoil surrounding his mother s mental illness into an interest in psychology, as young as an elementary school student. He excelled all through his school age years, going above and beyond what was expected of him not only by his teachers but also as a young scientist. As an undergraduate student, majoring in biology, preparing for his thesis dissertation on mollusks, Piaget additionally strived to develop a biological theory of knowledge, which is known today as his theory of genetic epistemology. Through his work, he concluded that logic is inherent in action and that the roots of logic are therefore to be found in the organization of action (Brainerd, 1996, p 191). This discovery became the basis of one of his many hypotheses, stating that even the most complex forms of human reasoning are motor activities carried out on a symbolic plane. Piaget s first clinical interaction with children began after his graduation, when he took a job working at Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon s laboratory, in a Parisian elementary school. His assigned job was translating a standardized reasoning test, created by Cyril Burt, from English to French (Brainerd, 1996). Much like his previous years in education, Piaget was not satisfied in doing only what was expected of him. Due to his own curious nature, Piaget would ask the children he was testing to explain their reasoning for choosing a particular answer. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. What Are The Similarities Between Scientology And... Religious intolerance and Scientology The world can be a dangerous place. It can be even more dangerous if someone proves to be different, or seen as unusual in any way. Scientology may be arguably one of the strangest religions in the world. Because of this, Scientology has experienced intolerance since it was first founded in 1954. Religious intolerance is a social issue, and affects every level of the religious community, from the followers to the conductors of Scientology. Widespread intolerance has always been a problem for Scientology for many reasons. Religious intolerance has always re an extremely serious issue which faces all religions of the world. However, the practice became popularized when monotheistic religions such as Christianity ... Show more content on ... For example, The Emmy award winning show Leah Remini: Scientology and the aftermath (Nelson) has prompted serious hatred towards Scientology, and is a huge reason why Scientology is receiving so much hateful mail and threats. Dubbed as a docuseries, the show is a series of stories, interviews, and insights as told by Leah Remini, as well as many other current and former scientologists. However, there is a catch! Every single one of these alleged victims of the religion have all been kicked out of Scientology, in a sense. Can someone really be a reliable source for such information with that kind of bias? It doesn t make any difference at this point. Many Americans have heard her claims, as well as the other guests on her show s claims, and have taken them as complete fact, simply because they have a history with Scientology at all. The guests have made many terrible and overall baseless claims against Scientology. Just because someone has a history, doesn t automatically mean it is a good one. Scientology has tried as hard as possible to bring this to light. The community started by writing letters to the channel the show airs on, A E. Scientology named every lie she told, as well as the history the people she had on her show truly had with Scientology (Jensen). To find these letters and responses, one must truly search ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Exoplanet Proxima B Meaning On a daily basis, humans are forced to make countless decisions. They can be inconsequential like should I wear red socks or blue socks? or the weighty decision: Should I go to the convenience store that s five minutes away or drive for an hour to get to a large supermarket? . How does this translate to space travel? Well it is a simple and very accurate analogy. As dwellers of the Earth, we have a similar choice. Travel through space for an inexorable amount of time just to get some milk, bread and eggs or make a left at the intersection and drive straight until you pass Voyager 1. Then BAM! You have reached your destination. The exoplanet Proxima B, from the Proxima Centauri star system is the convenience store of space. Proxima B is conveniently situated and could conceivably support life. As well as its environmental aspects, humans would benefit from the increase in their extraterrestrial knowledge by colonizing there. In the constellation Centaurus, there is a star system named Alpha Centauri in which there are three stars. Both A and B are approximately the same size as our sun ... Show more content on ... Sol produces large amounts of ultraviolet light as well as infrared. This explains why most plants are green on Earth. Green is the only visible wavelength that is not absorbed in the plant s biological processes. Proxima Centauri is emitting mostly infrared, which may create an evolution in plants growing there. It would be interesting to see which plants would survive on infrared wavelengths to live and reproduce. The research on Proxima B would help those back on Earth, especially regions that have substantially less light. Techniques and practices could be introduced in those areas to help with food production, a concern that will only increase as the population continues to soar. Along with food production, there would be more area to inhabit. This would ease the human population s conflict for ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Five Elements Of The Theft Act 1968 (TA 1968) If found liable, Justin and Robbie could both be charged with the property offence of theft under s.1 of the Theft Act 1968 (TA 1968). The Act states A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it... In order for the offence of theft to be applied, Justin and Robbie must satisfy all five elements of the actus reus and mens rea at the same time for the prosecution to prove liability. The actus reus of the offence of theft is outlined in s.1(1) of the TA 1968 as; appropriation of property belonging to another . Appropriation is defined in s.3 (1) of the TA 1968 as Any assumption by a person of the rights of an owner amounts to an appropriation. ... Show more content on ... Robbie stabbed Tommy after the alteration in the bank where Tommy punched Robbie in the face. For Robbie to complete the actus reus of murder, the stabbing needs to be the reason for Tommy s death. Nevertheless, Robbie stabbing Tommy does not need to be the sole or even the main cause of Tommy s death. Robbie s stabbing needs only to make a substantial contribution to the killing as decided in R v Cheshire. In order for Robbie to satisfy the elements of the actus reus, he must also satisfy causation. R v White, sets out the but for test which asks; but for the actions of the defendant, would the result have occurred? Robbie stabbing Tommy twice is the only reason for Tommy s death. R v Cato also held that the defendants conduct must be more than a minimal cause of the consequences, but it is not required for it to be the substantial cause. Therefore, there is no intervening act, and the chain of causation is not broke. Tommy s injuries from the stabbing were the reason for his death and he would not have died had Robbie not stabbed ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Andrew Carnegie And The Transformation Of The Steel Industry American Economic Development Andrew Carnegie and the Transformation of the Steel Industry November 2014 Before Andrew Carnegie s influence in the steel industry, steel was as an expensive product. It was used for tools and weapons, all large scale metal operations were created with cast iron. The Bessemer process was the cheap way to produce steel. The process enabled the mass production of steel for industrial types of usage. Essentially the process breaks down impurities in the iron by way of open furnace extraction. This oxidizes the steel while it is run through molten metal. Steel has been common in production since the Bessemer process was discovered and perfected in the late 1850s. Andrew Carnegie made his fortune in the steel industry. He was one of the first to practice the vertical integration management technique which drastically reduced his costs of production. Along with the vertical integration his honing of the Bessemer process created somewhat of a monopoly in the area. I say this because Edgar Thompson Steel Works provided permits for Carnegie to purchase a number of nearby steel mills. The steel industry in the United States changed drastically from the early 1800s to 1900s; the man responsible for the mass production was Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie is one of the wealthiest men to live on this earth; much of that wealth came from Carnegie Steel Company, later U.S. Steel. Prior to the application of the Bessemer process, Britain had no way of reducing ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Impact Of Social Media On Online Consumer Behavior TERM PAPER On Impact of Social Media on Online Consumer Behavior By ANKIT YADAV A3104613016 B.COM(HONS.) Class of 2013 16 Under the Supervision of Ms. Puneeta Goel ACCF AMITY COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND FINANCE AMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH SECTOR 125, NOIDA 201303, UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA DECLARATION I, ANKIT YADAV of from Amity school of commerce and finance, Amity University Uttar Pradesh declare that I have completed my research paper on Impact of Social Media on Online Consumer Behavior . In additional I declare that the data presented during this project is true and original to the best of my knowledge. Date: 30/10/14 Name: Ankit yadav Place: Noida Enroll.No:A3104613016 13 16 AMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH ACCF CERTIFICATE I Ms. Puneeta Goel here by certify that Ankit yadav student of ACCF, Amity University Uttar Pradesh has completed term paper on Impact of Social Media on Online Consumer Behavior beneath my guidence. Signature
  • 30. Ms. Puneeta Goel ACCF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This project has been a good learning experience on behalf of me and I would love to specify my sincere feeling to all or any of those who guided me throughout the project and appreciate suggestions of those individuals without whom this project wouldn t be completed with success. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Wayfarer Frames Retro style eyeglass frames are rising in popularity especially since the trendsetters have been sporting these vintage frame designs from the bygone eras with great fervor. These frames have been designed at different points in time in the past and reflect the trends of that time. All of them are unique and special. They are also made out of different materials with some of them made out of gold, silver, tortoiseshell, etc. Wearing eyeglasses can be fun since retro style eyeglass frames can help you stand out from the crowd. However, unlike a few of the universally flattering shapes such as wayfarer and aviator, each one of the retro style frames has a unique shape and is meant to suit a specific face shape. Make sure to choose the right ... Show more content on ... They have made comebacks every few years and never really went out of style. They are a favourite amongst both men and women since they are sturdy and tend to suit most face shapes. These frames come in a range of colors that you can choose to suit your style. Aviator Frames: The teardrop shaped aviator frames have risen in popularity for both eyeglasses and sunglasses. Aviator frames suit everyone and look great with both casual and formal clothing. They were first developed in 1920 s and have been one of the most sought after vintage eyeglasses frames since then. Round wire Frames: Round wire frames, sometimes known as granny glasses, were released way before John Lennon made them famous. They became a part of his image and consequently remained popular in the 1960 s and 70 s. These frames have made a huge comeback now. They can add softness to the sharp and strong features of people with square shaped faces. Browline Frames: Unlike the other types of eyeglasses frames, browline eyeglass frames add a strong look to the face because of the thick and dark plastic upper frame. These frames work well for soft face shapes such as oval and round faces especially since the thick browline adds more dimension to the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Death Penalty Of Indonesia INTRODUCTION Indonesia is by far the largest Southeast Asian nation, both in population and land area with the majority of the population, Muslim (OMF International, n.d). Indonesia, also has one of the strictest laws regarding drug offences and has demonstrated to not be afraid or be persuaded by neighboring states not to enforce it (Aquino, n.d). Eight out of the eleven countries within Southeast Asia still retain the death penalty for drug related offences in which Indonesia is the only country within Southeast Asia that still carries out its executions by firing squad (Death Penalty Information Centre, 2013) (see Table 1). The death penalty was extended to include drug offences and only introduced into Indonesian law in 1997 (Berman, 2013). However, Indonesia continues to enforce this penalty in the wake of the 2013 execution of a Malawian national becoming the first execution in some years (see Table 2) (Delaney, 2013, ¶23). Table 1. Southeast Asia Death Penalty situation COUNTRY DEATH PENALITY LAST EXECUTION METHOD Brunei √ 1984* Hanging or Stoning Cambodia Abolished 1989 * East Timor Abolished 2002 * Indonesia √ 2013 Firing Squad Laos √ 1989* unknown Malaysia √ 2013 Hanging Myanmar (Burma) √ 1993* Hanging Philippines Abolished 2006 1999* Lethal Injection Singapore √ 2014 Hanging Thailand √ 2009 Lethal Injection Vietnam √ 2014 Lethal Injection Source: Adapted from (Capital Punishment UK, 2014; Death Penalty Information Centre, 2013; Gluckman, 1999; ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Sidney Bechet Research Paper Perla G Chavira Sean Hennessey Jazz History 02 February 2017 Sidney Bechet Similar to Louis Armstrong a man named Sidney Bechet was a jazz musician who was among the best of New Orleans Jazz. Bechet was born into a middle class Creole family that accepted music as a huge part of their lives. Omar Bechet was Sidney s father; he was a flute player who played music as a pass time. Sidney had four brothers who also played instruments, Leonard was one of his brothers, Leonard played the trombone and also the clarinet. Sidney took on an interest in the clarinet and Leonard passed on his clarinet to Sidney (The Bechet Society. 1997). When Sidney Bechet first began playing clarinet, he would perform quadrilles, waltzes, and overall polite music meant for the middle class. Bechet many times would ditch class when he was a child to become proficient at his instrument and even started to play in local jazz groups. As Bechet grew older, he began playing more syncopated pieces in brothels and dance halls. Bechet performed and impressed Bunk Johnson, a legend, who played cornet. Bechet then joined the Eagle Band , a group composed of Johnson and other musicians of ... Show more content on ... He was a daring individual who improvised consistently and broke any obstacle in his life. Bechet had the field of saxophone wide open for himself because of how rare it was in New Orleans Jazz. Because Bechet did not trust his managers so he was not well known in the United States until his late career and after his death. He was practically worshipped in France and he seemed to be extremely happy there. He was admired in France so much that the day of his death was a national mourning day. Bechet was known as a very strong musician that spoke about his emotions through music and he was said to be weak as a man. Until a musician, John Coltrane, came along, Bechet completely controlled the soprano saxophone in jazz music (Jazz Rhythm. ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Conservatism In Strictly Ballroom A life lived in fear is a life half lived . Discuss how this notion is explored in Strictly Ballroom. Establishing Baz Luhrmann s acclaimed Red Curtain trilogy, Strictly Ballroom explores the notion that a life lived in fear is a life half lived, through his effective use of characterisation, setting, symbolism and cinematography. The coming of age piece follows two ballroom dancers through their battle against conventionality, during the height of the rigorous 1980 s Australian dance culture. Furthermore, an emphasis on exaggeration is portrayed within the film to exemplify the notion of regret, which directs viewers into an animated like perception of theatre, as urged by Luhrmann. Key characters, Fran and Scott support each other in ... Show more content on ... Due to fear of confrontation, Doug Hastings is portrayed as submissive, through the depiction of power and domination imposed by both his wife and Barry Fife. Doug lives his life in the shadows and is treated with an element of disdain by both his family and the dancing fraternity. It becomes apparent to the audience that Doug has a point to make to Scott: Son, can I bend your ear for a tick. Ultimately, Doug embodies the notion of living a life in fear: We had the chance but we were scared. We walked away... In addition, towards the conclusion of the film when Doug explains the truth about his dance past to Scott, a point of view shot is employed by Luhrmann to demonstrate the action from Doug s point of view. This is achieved specifically as he looks around him before jumping off the stage. Furthermore, Doug s newfound courage is apparent in line shall we dance? directed at his wife. He is finally standing up to Barry Fife, and joining his son in the rebellion of the dance academy. The depiction of Doug joining Scott in the defiance of the traditional dance federation rules, conveys the notion that A life lived in fear is a life half lived , is ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Geography Of Chad Research Paper The Republic of Chad is a country is located in North Central Africa, just south of Libya. One of Chad s most striking characteristic is that it is one of the 48 countries in the world that is completely surrounded by land. Being completely surrounded by land, Chad neighbors six other countries, Niger, Sudan, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Nigeria and lastly Libya. (Shown in Figure 1) Chad measures to about 495,755 square miles, almost tripling the size of California. Four bioclimatic zones are obtained within this country, the Saharan, Sahelian, Sudanian, and Guinean zone. The Saharan region is located in the northern part of West Africa and was mainly formed by the Saharan Desert. This region posses a variety of distinct landscapes being sandy sheets, dune fields, gravel plains, low plateaus and vast mountain ranges. The average rainfall ranges from 0 mm to about 150 mm per year. Due to the lack of rainfall vegetation is nearly scarce or absent. The vast mountain ranges specifically consists of Aïr Mountains located within the Sahara Desert of Central Niger. The Aïr Mountains extend over an area of 72,00 sq km, about the size of Sierra Leone, giving West Africa some of the most beautiful scenery. (Shown in Figure 2) The Sahelian region extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea ... Show more content on ... The average rainfall reaches to about 600 mm to 1,200 mm per year with a 5 to 7 month dry season. When rainfall occurs it is typically from May to October, allowing vegetation such as tall, perennial grasses with trees growing among it. In the Sudanian region alone there is about 80 different tree species that dominate the northern part of the region. Fires among the dense tree population is very common, whether they are natural or human induced, they sweep through the region burning up to 80 percent of the area each ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Comparing Nelson Mandela, Charles Perkins, And Aung San... Introduction Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Charles Perkins, and Aung San Suu Kyi never met, but they fought for the same cause on four different continents. And what cause is it these renowned pioneers for their times fought for? Justice in the form of Rights and Freedoms. Key ideas, concepts, policies, countries, objectives, and issues All of the key ideas, concepts, policies, countries, objectives, and issues are essential to gain an understanding of the relevance of these individuals roles in their nations and changing rights and freedoms. Their significance in their nations struggle for rights and freedoms Not only Charles Perkins and Nelson Mandela, but also Martin Luther King and Aung San Suu Kyi, were extremely significant ... Show more content on ... Students led by Perkins travelled by chartered buses to cities and towns advocating equality of race in Australia and providing evidence for the racial discrimination that was happening so very often then. The tour became known as the Freedom Ride and assumed iconic status not only around Australia but also internationally. After becoming the first ever Aboriginal student in history to graduate from University in 1965, he became the manager of the Foundation for Aboriginal Affairs in Sydney, and in 1969 he moved to Canberra to begin work in the Office of Aboriginal Affairs. By 1984 Perkins was Secretary of the Department of Aboriginal ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Observing Physical Evidence The procedure should accomplish that each type of physical evidence, whether an intact object, pieces of an object, blood, glass, liquids, or gasses, must be collected, marked or tagged, packaged, transported, and stored properly to be later admitted in to evidence in court. The maintaining proper chain of custody is particularly important when the object is one that is not unique or when questions could be raised about changes in the condition of the object, unique or not. Upon arrival at a crime scene, the officer should first quickly determine if anyone is injured or needs medical treatment and, if so, summon the health professionals. Then the officer should survey the crime scene, quickly determine whom to interview, and move nonessential individuals out of the area. The crime scene area should be cordoned off or otherwise closed to nonessential individuals. The identification tag should contain the case number, the name of the defendant, the name of the victim, the name of the law enforcement professional who found the object; the date, time, and place where the object was found; a brief description of the article (this is important in case the tag becomes detached from the item because some objects cannot be recognized from appearance alone), the signature of the person finding the object; the person to whom the object was released and ... Show more content on ... When objects are to be stored for a considerable period of time, it is advisable to place them in cartons or paper or plastic bags in order to prevent dirt, dust, and the elements from affecting their appearance. The carton are bags should be sealed and marked with the proper identifying data on the outside of each package, from which the contents may be easily determined. With such storage it will prevent unauthorized handling, as well as aid in keeping objects from being soiled or losing their ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Wallace Stevens The Evolution Of A Wolf In a pack of wolves, there will always be one alpha wolf. This would be the so called leader of the pack. The leader of the pack has the most influence. Society works in a similar way. In America we elect the president that has the most influence in the country. As in the pack of wolves, leaders tend to have a special something which makes people gravitate towards them. Wallace Stevens mentions the same leader: I placed a jar in Tennessee/and round it was around that hill. (Stevens 1 2). A jar is not a star figure which everyone would gravitate to. Even so it is a simple plain object. However Stevens does say that He places the jar. This could imply that someone else placed the jar on top of the Hill. This person probably put a jar in the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Citizen Kane Analysis Citizen Kane is a movie that can be rewritten and implemented into any film created today. In many ways, the storyline tells us more about ourselves than anything else and it relates to each one of us who has ever wished for a blah blah life. From his flamboyant adventures to the blah blah to his political agenda in his later years. Every film that came after Citizen Kane owes a great deal to Orson Welles because of the way he used music, shadows and lighting, and special effects, which without a doubt makes it one of the finest movies ever made. Some even call it the Mona Lisa of its time because Orson Welles was the first to implement these techniques, which revolutionize cinema forever. It is believed that more than 50 percent of the film involved special effects. One of the many reasons is because the film itself was made on a budget and the other being for the nature and scope of its subject (The Denny Life) to keep cost down. One of the methods that revolutionize cinematography was the introduction of a technique known as deep focus by Orson Welles. Deep focus is the use of having everything in the frame even the background in focus at the same time contrary to having only the people or object in the foreground in focus (The Denny Life). Moreover, the deep focus technique requires the cinematographer to combine lighting, composition, and type of camera lens to produce the desired effect. For example, Orson Welles use this technique in several occasions ... Get more on ...
  • 40. How Does Dave Barry Use Satire Do you know what comedy is? Comedy is jokes or satirical sketches. Dave Barry s humorous anecdote Dave Barry teaches his grandson life s lessons beginning with the ketchup is a high level of comedy that uses satire and physical humor to reveal a universal truth about being trendy and being a jerk. Also about making the right decisions in life. First Dave Barry uses satire that forms comic situations. This makes people smirk and laugh a little. One of them is in the beginning of the short story it says, If you want to impress a woman, do not buy her a gift that has a plug (Barry 2). This quote shows that girls don t want appliances for a gift because they will probably never use it and say this is the worst gift ever . Another way Barry uses satire is in the middle of the short story Barry says, Popularity is way overrated, friendship is not (Barry 2). This quote shows that friendship is better than having fake friends. These quotes made people smile because they are two human situations that are realistic. Another comical thing ... Show more content on ... This quote shows physical humor because it is very true that people believe their animals like them, but they don t know because they can t talk to them. They just assume that. Although a more humorous physical situation is toward the end of the short story it says, Do not be one of those people who are constantly standing up and blocking the view of the people behind them at concerts and sporting events (Barry 2). This relatable quote is funny because it happens to a lot of people and many people are guilty of doing it to others without realizing it. Last but not least, Dave Barry did a good job in making people chuckle and smirk. It was a funny short story that many people could relate ... Get more on ...
  • 41. My Plans For Your Future Career Goals These constructs, along with others, influence a wide variety of disciplines in psychology and other fields. In the final week of this course, you will develop a handbook based on one of these constructs. This week, you will choose the construct that you will concentrate on for this project. The construct you choose should be based on the area in which you would most like to develop your knowledge. Your choice should also consider your current interests in psychology and support your future career goals. Identify the audience for your handbook and the main construct in learning and cognition that will provide the focus of your handbook. Explain your motivation for using the chosen construct as your focus subject as well as how this construct aligns with your future career goals. Research five peer reviewed articles in the Ashford University Library focusing on your chosen construct. These articles must provide sufficient information so that they will support your work in the handbook. See the instructions for the Learning and Cognition Handbook in Week Six for further clarification. Provide complete references for each of the five articles. Format your references according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Beneath each reference, provide an annotation that explains the theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and/or empirical findings within the article that describe and define your chosen construct. Provide a concluding paragraph that synthesizes ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Objectification Of Women By Kenneth Clark For centuries, the objectification of women has become the norm, forever portraying them as submissive and passive for the benefit of the male gaze. Eternally capsulated in a world, perfected, unanimously the viewer and viewed alike. Jenny Saville defies expectations in creating the female nude with herself as both subject and painter. Taking on the roles given to women by men and making them her own, Saville elevates the status of women by making them their own judge of beauty. Kenneth Clark, a renowned art historian of his time, believed to create a form of art, the nude must be reformed and not directly recorded from life. In doing so, scouring away all evidence of the woman before the painting, before being perfected. Propped is ... Show more content on ... To achieve this, the body must be abstracted, becoming a process of designing the ideal figure through mutating and etching away any flaws of the sitter. [The nude is] a balance, prosperous, and confident body: the body reformed (1956:3) conveying that a woman must be scoured of all imperfections to be confident in her own right. However, Saville contradicts this by almost aggressively painting her flaws, baring herself to all and reviling in her own nakedness. Proving further the empowerment, a woman can feel upon taking control of how others perceive her. Yet, Saville s pride in her state of nakedness is condemned to vanity, not allowing her to feel entitled to the entity of her body. Berger agrees, calling out men for their hypocrisy in moulding women to view themselves being viewed all to justify the creation of the female nude. Morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you have depicted for your own pleasure (1972:51), Berger calls into question the male gaze and the liberties men have taken in portraying women nude, only for them to be shamed in their nakedness. Setting into motion the trend that women are to be ashamed of their body without clothes. Clark further creates insecurities, conveying to women that to be naked is to be deprived of clothes...embarrassment most of us feel in that condition (1956:3). Furthermore, to be ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Socrates And Louis Riel Throughout history, great minds have used situational platforms like trials to advance their ideas to large audiences. Socrates and Louis Riel are no exception to this and used their respected trials as a means of conveying a final political statement. This is evident in both Plato s The Trial and Death of Socrates and Hans V. Hansen s Reil s Defense: Perspectives on his Speeches. Both men s speeches can be seen as weak examples of forensic rhetoric and strong examples of political rhetoric due to the fact that Socrates and Riel both believed in a divine mission and cause much larger than themselves. It is clear that neither man set out to win their trial, and I argue that both Socrates and Riel s speeches were intended to politically inspire as they both saw themselves as martyrs for a greater cause. Socrates trial speech can be considered one of the most important examples of political rhetoric in history. Socrates was brought before the courts on charges of impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens because of his teachings and the politico philosophic questions he posed to his students. At the time Socrates was 70 and could have easily fled Athens with the help of his supporters however he chose to stay in Athens to face the legal consequences of his actions. Socrates had no intention of winning his trial, as Brumbaugh notes Socrates was not arrested [...] but was summoned to the court of the First Archon to file his answer to the charges against him (pg.232, ... Get more on ...
  • 44. A Study On Oral History Assignment Oral History Assignment For this assignment, I had chosen to interview my uncle, Atif. He is 43 years old, married with four children, and currently resides in the Greater Toronto Area. He was born in Karachi, Pakistan where he lived in an extended family with his parents, brothers sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and their kids. He had moved to Canada on October 26th 1990, by himself, to fulfill his undergraduate degree at the University of Manitoba in Computer Science and Math. He is now working at CGI as a Professional IT Manager. He describes himself as introverted, responsible, independent, hard working, driven, logical and analytical. This is evident throughout his interview, as he had a very analytical approach on observing advertisements. While Atif was growing up back in Pakistan, advertising was a lot less relevant because of where he was, who he was and how he interacted with the media. Firstly, there was only one channel that ran on TV from 5pm until 11pm. Though, only on Sundays, the channel started from early mornings. There were no 24 hour broadcasts. Very select commercials appeared on TV, that too mostly for necessity items. One that he remembers fondly is a commercial for toothpaste. What attracted Atif about this commercial was its catchy jingle. Mclain s Toothpaste! Did you Mclain your teeth today? The kids then would chant back Twice a day, every day! Atif, still to this day, with radiant smile on his face, could not forget the memorable ... Get more on ...