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Pro Gay Marriage Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Pro Gay Marriage" can be both challenging and rewarding.
The difficulty arises from the need to navigate a complex landscape of social, cultural, religious,
and legal perspectives on the matter. Addressing the various arguments for and against gay
marriage requires a delicate balance, as emotions and deeply held beliefs often come into play.
One must be prepared to
Pro Gay Marriage EssayPro Gay Marriage Essay
Jerusalem, Religion, And Religion
Jerusalem is important for Christians because it is the place where Jesus lived his
last days and experienced his suffering and crucifixion, death on the cross, and
resurrection. Precisely in the city of Jerusalem is the Church of the Holy
Sepulchre, which was built on what is considered the tomb of Christ. For the Jews,
Jerusalem is sacred because of the Wailing Wall, which is the remains of the second
temple built by Herod the Great, king of Judea. (The first temple was built by King
Solomon). Finally, Jerusalem is also holy to those who profess faith to Allah (al
Quds in Arabic). The mosque, Dome of the Rock, was built upon the very place that
the prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven, according to the Muslim religion. I found
it fascinating and interesting to see that all three religions profess that their holiest
place on earth are all in close proximity to one another. Does this mean anything?...
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How can someone travel or live in such a sacred place and still have bad feelings
toward other? These contradictory behaviors appear to me to go against the claimed
holiness of each location and religion. As humans, I wonder what kind of
brotherhood do we project and live? What will Jesus say and do when he comes again
and sees this behavior and attitudes we have for one another? As a Christian, I
asked myself how do we live the love of Christ for our neighbors, particularly in the
Old City of
Symbolism In All Summer In A Day By Ray Bradbury
In All Summer in a Day, ray Bradbury artistically uses symbolism to illustrate the
kids desire for the sun. furthermore in the second paragraph of this article it gives
evidence as to why Ray Bradbury uses symbolism to illustrate the kids desire for
the sun. More specifically, it will give two of the reasons why symbolism represents
the kid s desire for the sun. In the following paragraph there will be another possible
author s craft that could thought to be most important.Then it will explain why that
author s craft is not the one that was chosen for this article. Then It will return to this
articles craft and give more reasons as to why that s the most important craft.
This paragraph is going to be why ray Bradbury uses symbolism in all summer in a
day. The first piece of evidence that was used to determine that ray Bradbury uses
symbolism to represent the kid s desire for the sun is in paragraph 6 what it says
sometimes at night, she heard them stir in remembrance and she knew they were
dreaming and remembering gold or yellow crayon or a coin large enough to buy the
world with. She knew they thought they remembered a warmness, like a blushing in
the face, in the body, in the ... Show more content on ...
This proves that ray Bradbury is using symbolism to show their desire because it
shows that they want the sun so much that even if everything else seems bleak they
will still sing and smile for the sun. The second piece of evidence that was used is is
in paragraph 35 in which it says but they were running and turning their faces up to
the sky and feeling the sun on their cheeks like a warm iron . This helps prove that
ray Bradbury uses symbolism to show their desire because it shows how happy they
were once they finally got the sun, this proves how much they wanted it because if
they wanted it that means they liked
A Clean Well Lighted Place By Ernest Hemingway
How has your understanding of the concept of belonging been shaped by the
representation of relationships and events that you have encountered in the texts you
have studied for the Area of Study: Belonging?
Belonging requires an individual to build a connection with another person or group
over time, these connections are often developed through shared experience and
understanding. Peter Skrzynecki s poems; Feliks Skrzynecki (1975) and Migrant
Hostel (1975) offer various perspectives and representations on this concept. Ernest
Hemingway s short story A clean well lighted place (1926) and the picture Berlin Wall
by unknown (1973) compliment these perspectives and representations further.
A lack of shared events and time ... Show more content on ...
The younger waiter believes he has no regard for those who have to work. On the
contrary the older waiter also doesn t belong to a family and attempts to explain he
stays up because he likes it it s clean and well lighted the light acting as a
metaphorical parallel to the comfort the cafГ© offers in his otherwise dark life.
Seeing as the older waiter understands him he does his best to make the customer
feel he belongs and build a relationship with him. He realises that not everyone
shares the same perspective realising it s not only a question of youth but in this case
a question of lack of relationships allowing sympathy and explaining his actions.
Migrant Hostel , gives the responder a perspective of the plight of migrants and the
trouble they face in building relationships due to the events in their past and the lack
of understanding in the world around them. The metaphor of the barrier at the main
gate... Pointed in reprimand or shame demonstrates how their housing affects them. A
person cannot belong if they feel shamed, furthermore they consider themselves birds
of passage with constant comings and goings. The constantly fluctuating events in
their life results in an in ability to form relationships as they have in adequate time to
form them, hindering belonging. Despite this shared memories of hunger and hate
allowing some belonging, the alliteration emphasises the hardship of
Essay on Bombardier Aerospace Company Report
Team 3 Project Report
COMM 210/CA Summer 2009
Amine Benasla
Camila Fitzgibbon
Luxi Zeng
Qi Zhang
Yuan Yuan Zhu
Concordia University
John Molson School of Business
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.......................................................................................3
2. Growth Phase and Vision.........................................................................5
3. Innovation and Strategy..........................................................................7 3.1. Key to
Success.........................................................................7 3.2.
Innovation..............................................................................8 3.3.
4. Sigmoid Curve...................................................................................10
5. Picking People....................................................................................11
6. Social Responsibility............................................................................12 6.1. J.
Armand Bombardier Foundation................................................13 6.2. ... Show more
content on ...
They remain with their own differences, lacking of communication and information
exchange. However, such work method started to lose its power when the company
began to face the increasing competition and encounter new needs brought by the
economic downturn in 2001. Bombardier Aerospace met its first revolution phase
and they were then forced to look back on their technology base, restructure and
develop a new strategy for the company s further development. The solution
provided by Greiner is to find a strong manager who can swiftly pull the
organization together. In this case, Bombardier Aerospace differs from the
companies Greiner described. To find such a manager was easier for the former.
First, Bombardier Aerospace, as part of Bombardier Inc, is not completely a newly
established organization. Qualified managers can be transferred and distributed from
the main company to other segments. Secondly, the four manufacturers under
Bombardier Aerospace also have their own experienced managers who existed a long
time before the acquisition. What is in fact difficult is the task itself. In stead of
employees, Bombardier Aerospace has to put the subsidiary manufactories together. It
is the crucial time for Bombardier Aerospace to make the right decision. The chosen
manager has to demonstrate a systemic understanding of the entire organization well
enough to be able to bring it together effectively. For sure, the technology architecture
Different Definitions of Art and Photography
To test the validity of the statement All the arts are based on the presence of man,
only photography derives an advantage from his absence. (Bazin 1967: 13), one has
to first define what is meant by art. This commentary is going to examine this
statement using three different definitions of art, Bazin s, Tolstoy s and Arnheim s
definitions. Andre Bazin believed realism lies at the heart of art, and that art is the
process of reproducing reality. He believed that an artefact should helps us to
remember the subject and to preserve him from a second spiritual death (Bazin
1967: 10). He saw art as a way of immortalising mortal things; he compares painting
and sculptures to the ancient practice of mummifying in Egypt, to keep up... Show
more content on ...
Although modification of photos is possible, it is important to note that it is
frowned upon amongst those who practice photography as an art, as the central
idea behind the art of photography is realism, and being able to produce something
that someone will look at later and admire. If we use Bazin s definition of art, a
realistic recreation of an object or person, photography does benefit from an
absence of man, as it is not influenced by minds of individuals, and produces an
exact copy of the subject. And although many artistes have tried to be as objective
as possible, and have produced portraits of man and landscapes that resemble their
subjects very closely, they still lack the clarity and detail that a photo can provide.
The reason behind this is that no human brain can ever be as objective as a camera,
as their illustrations is based on their perception and their view of the world, which
can differ from man to man. At the other end of spectrum lies Rudolf Arnheim
definition of art, which states art is something that is a pure work of man. For
Arnheim a piece of work would have to be made by man in every sense, the idea
and the production process, to be considered art. Arnheim also believed film will be
able to reach the heights of the other arts only when it frees
Communication And Communication Disorder
Communication is a challenging skill for me. It is difficult for me to connect what
my brain is thinking with what comes out of my mouth or what I put on paper.
Sometimes, I look at what I have written after being away from it for awhile and
realize that wasn t what I meant at all. I also say things at times that aren t what I
am really thinking. When I was a newborn, surgery on my heart severed the nerves
to my vocal cords, resulting in vocal cord paralysis. Physically, this made learning
to speak difficult, and I spent years in speech therapy. Although I do still have the
paralysis, I learned to compensate for it. I still don t have a very loud voice. When I
had to do presentations in school, my teachers would let me borrow their
microphones so I could be heard. Technology helps me deal with my physical
disability but I still struggle with a communication disorder.
From the time I was six months old, I worked with a speech therapist. When I was
three years old I entered a preschool program for the disabled. I stuttered frequently. I
would start a sentence and then say, Ah, ah, ah, ah.. I needed to buy time to get the
words from my brain to my mouth. My sentences became disorganized when I
spoke because I could not come up with the right words. My classmates would
have blank and confused faces, so I knew I had made a mistake again. I felt
frustrated for speaking in such an awkward and embarrassing way. With the help of
speech therapy, I was eventually able to stop
Organizational Structure Of Porsche
Before being fully taken over by VW Auto Group (VW) in 2010, Porsche had been
maintaining a very standard and powerful giant in the industry.
1.Firm Infrastructure
From beginning, Porsche had positioned strategically in the niche market industry for
the ability in producing a high quality luxury sport car.
The strength of Porsche is:
a.Leaders and Engineers
Ferdinand a genius visionary engineer and a passionate race car driver know what a
true race car driver and enthusiast wanted and get it done.
Porsche s management team remained very focus in doing what they had been doing
best and improving on it. The technologies that they had produced are not able to
duplicate and imitate, like the PDK system, PTV system and ... Show more content on ...
With their Headquarter and production plant set based in Stuttgart, Porsche is able to
have a closer monitor and control of their production and assembling plant. With the
practice on lean production, each production can be better inspected and tested to
ensure every completed car produced from their factory is in perfect order.
f.Information Management
With the focus on quality rather than quantity, Porsche had made several bold and
strategic decisions in developing alliances or taking over a partner. They partnered
with MHP for their IT expertise as SAP Implementation and Service Partner that
improved Porsche s learning in new business techniques and their technologies, and at
the same time, gain an exclusion position in the ability to integrate better IT
improvements and process engineering for Porsche.
2.Human Resource Management
By setting their manpower focus in Germany, they gain the support from the
manufacturing infrastructure there due to the strong unionisation. The workforces
for their manufacturing plan are not only strong, but
The Influence Of The Underworld
April Sigrest Professor Lenoir English 102 23 October 2017 The Influence of the
Underworld In Yuri Herrera s Signs Preceding the End of the World, a number of
the ideas discussed contribute to the themes Herrera is trying to communicate; one
of those ideas is the underworld. Throughout the novel, several underworlds are
described, such as the physical underworld mentioned in the beginning when a
sinkhole opens up in a city and brings destruction, but a main underworld that we do
not often consider is the criminal underworld. Featuring what Herrera labels as the
top dogs, the criminal underworld described in Signs Preceding the End of the
World showcases all of the bad things that happen or, put simply, where crimes occur
(Herrera 12).... Show more content on ...
Each one exhibits qualities that can be seen as conniving, and we find that two of
them really are. With both of them, we also find that their actions were truly
intentional all along. With Mr. Aitch, there was no land for Makina s brother, and
with Mr. Q, he never intended on having Makina come back to Mexico; he planned
for her to stay in the United States, giving her everything necessary to stay there.
These two characters are accurate representations of influences in the criminal
underworld. They both impact Makina and Makina s brother to the point where
they both find themselves residing in a different country, even though they both
had intentions on returning back to Mexico. In fact, one of the first mentions of
Makina s brother describes how he was determined to return. We do not see much
of Makina s brother too early in the story, but we do get a little background
information on him. With this background information, it becomes clear to the
audience how easy it is to have our minds changed by the criminal underworld.
Herrera describes that because Makina s brother learned of a possible land that his
family owned, he gathered up a few things, insisting someone s got to fight for what
s [their own] (Herrera 29). We find out with this information that one of the top dogs,
Mr. Aitch, was the reason Makina s brother ventured to America. Had it been a
reminder they had land in America, the promise might not have influenced Makina s
Media Influences Children s Behavior
Media can be described as the social and mass media that children are exposed to in
their daily lives. Examples of the media platforms and materials include radios and
television broadcasts, movies and music, newspapers and magazines, social media
platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google Talk, Skype, among others
(Samantha 2013). Media plays a critical role in the lives of the children. It provides a
socializing tool, educative and informative resources, entertainment, marketing and
advertising. Although the contents` and accessing of the media contents by children
are regulated, some of the contents of the media accessed by children indicate
violenceincidences (Samantha 2013, p. 6). Exposing children to Violence contained
in the contents of these platforms may or may not influence the behavior of the
children. The writer postulates that exposing children to media violence has a
negative influence to their behavior that develops a hostile and violent behavior in
the children.
Media violence Influences Children`s Behavior
According to the book published by Arnett, 2010, Adolescence and emerging
adulthood: A cultural approach, she explores the social cultural factors that
influenced the behavior of the children as the turned adolescents (Arnett, 2010). She
identified that the leading behavior influencers were community structure and
relations, family structure and functions, school life, and the religious beliefs and
practices. At the centre of these was
Chivalry In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
In the Arthurian legend, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the story is used to shape
the author s idea of what the perfect knight is. The chivalry that the author describes
is unrealistic, and portrays a falsified chivalric system in the time of Arthurian
legends. It is an overzealous sense of honor and concern about the court s reputation
that begins the plot, and it is a continued adherence to chivalric values that actually
ensures that the plot actually progresses. It is very easily seen by any reader that
these tenets of chivalry including, but not limited to, respect, reputation, and honor,
are held very dear to the Knights of the Round Table. Multiple times throughout the
story, the characters concern with these characteristics physically... Show more
content on ...
A troubadour was a poet that represented a knightly class of people. Accordingly, it
is expected that a poem from a celebrated troubadour such as de Born will represent
the zeitgeist that is, the popular opinion of the times. One of de Born s poems,
titled Bem platz lo gais temps de pascor, is mainly about the glories of war. De Born
juxtaposes the joyful springtime, with clubs and blades and painted helms (Kline).
De Born speaks for the knightly masses here, demonstrating the group s love of war
(Editors). This illustrates a vastly different picture of knighthood than shown in Sir
Gawain and the Green Knight. The kind of knighthood shown in Sir Gawain is one of
majesty and honor, not one of war mongering and bloodthirsty nature promoted by de
Born. King Arthur in Sir Gawain is shown to have a taste for competition. Just before
the Christmastide feast, Arthur wants, some single knight / to join with him in
jousting. Although this competition inherently poses some life threatening danger, it
is not the intent of the game to bring about a death (96 97). De Born s description of
what is valuable in knighthood contrasts greatly with this Sir Gawain and the Green
Knight, repeatedly postulating that the only honor a knight can have is absolutely
decimating the enemy in
European Imperialism In Africa
In a time period beginning in the 19th century, the British Empire imperialized all
over the world. there are many examples of Great Britain imperializing other nations
during this time, but China, Africa, and India should be looked at with a
microscope. Imperialism is one of the big reasons why these nations have grown and
prospered through the years. It introduced medicine, education, advanced
transportation and communications, and religion. The introduction of religion is
both good and bad, some say it was forced upon the citizens but others say
differently. With these incredible positive effects came some negatives. The stealing
of land, cheap labor, taxing, and slavery is never good. Imperialists were clearly
wrong in some parts, but the... Show more content on ...
European imperialists built on the information provided by adventurers and
missionaries. For example, a Scottish missionary named David Livingstone, went to
Africa in the 1840s and spent three decades exploring the interior of Africa. This
exploration sparked interest in Africa and others followed, including the imperialists.
(Imperialism in Africa). The Berlin Conference of 1884 allowed Europeans to draw
lines on maps and carve Africa into colonies. The result was a transformation Africa,
with essentially all parts of the continent colonized in about fifteen years. The
Europeans continued to interfere with African land and culture. Thus, leading to
independent revolts and eventually lead to the Boer War. This was a conflict
between The British and the Dutch farmers. Black South Africans decided to help
the Dutch who were fighting back against their enemies. The British captured many
of these men and put them in concentration camps where many of them died. The
establishment of colonies were actually a positive for Africa. It made for a new way
of life socially, politically and economically. So even with the horrible and unjust
concentration camps, Great Britain was able to give back to the people they
conquered in
Wake Up Target Audience
Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative efforts. said
Franklin D. Roosevelt. This is the attitude any successful restaurant owner must keep
in mind throughout the process which, is the foundation on which Wake Up was
created. Being aware of the target audience, the market, and the overall theme are
important things that were all considered carefully throughout the process of design.
Every successful business is able to target the main audience they would like to
attract to their business. This is important step when creating anything because every
type of audience expects and appreciates different aspects when supporting a
company. Wake Up decided to focus its audience towards two specific generations,
the Millennial and Baby boomers. Deciding upon these generations was fairly easy
once you become aware of the amount of... Show more content on ...
After carefully considering the locations of our competitors and were the majority
of this audience would be found we landed on the Towson location which is located
off York road in the heart of a busy middle classenvironment with Millennial
attending the local University around such as, Towson University, Johns Hopkins,
Loyola and Goucher to name a few. Baby Boomers also located in this area in the
high end apartment complex s and surrounding housing communities. Once looking
closer you become aware that the closes all day breakfast competitors are located in
Hunt Valley which is about 25 30 minutes from the location we are looking at our
downtown which is about 25 30 minutes as well in the opposite direction. Making
this the prime location for a nice breakfast place to be, especially when there are not
really any other sit down breakfast restaurants in the area. Wake Up thought carefully
through the placement of where this business would thrive and decided many factors
based on
Andrew Johnson s Assassination
When President Abraham Lincoln assassination occurs on 1865, vice president
Andrew Johnson gained office. Lincoln was a moderate Republican, who wanted to
rebuild the nation without punishing the South, and wanted to give African
American the right to vote or suffrage. Before his assassination, he had a plan for
reconstruction in where he would pardon the south and allow them to reintegrate the
Union. It would only have been possible if 10% of the voters took an oath of
loyalty, but due to his dead, the 10% plan couldn t be carried out. President Johnson
was a Democrat that believes that citizenship and voting rights were to be determined
by each state individually; he also agreed with Lincoln that states never legally left
the Union. In fact,... Show more content on ...
It intended to help former slaves after the Civil War, by providing food, medical care,
clothing and education for refugees and freedmen. Many northern abolitionists risked
their lives to help the southern freedmen receiving the name of carpetbaggers. It was
given to them by white southern Democrats as northerners who moved to the South
after the civil war. Although the Freedmen s Bureau was seen as a good idea for the
Northern, the Southern saw it differently, they said that they had plenty to eat and
nothing to do. On December 1865, the 13th amendment was passed in where slavery
was abolished and involuntary service. Johnson s plan quickly carried out and as a
result, many Confederates were elected in the South and the commencing black
codes. Black codes were discriminatory laws passed throughout the South to give
whites power over blacks; this codes restricted freed Slaves prohibiting, for
example, traveling without permits and marrying whites. The purposes of this
codes were to guarantee a stable labor supply for emancipated blacks and to force
many blacks to become sharecroppers. Because of this codes, the freed slaves didn t
feel like they were free. When asked how it felt to be free to a slave the answer was, I
don t know, when he say what he thinks he said, I ll be free when I can do anything
a white man can do. When formal slaves became freed slaves, they said: Freedom
burned in the heart long before freedom was
Summary Of Hatchet By Gary Paulsen
In the book Hatchet there is a young boy named Brian Robeson. This story is
written by Gary Paulsen. He gets a hatchet on his way to the airport. His parents
split up and now Brian has to visit his father in Canada. While on a bush plane the
pilot suffers a heart attack and dies on the plane. Brian is now alone on the plane,
but eventually it crashes. Brian is now stuck in the Canadian woods with no food,
no shelter, and no one to call for help. There is also a secret circling in his mind.
He will meet animals and have some decisions to make. A massive tornado hits and
destroys all his effort. He eventually finds the survival pack and has everything he
dreams of. A pilot suddenly comes to his rescue after finding out he had played with
an emergency
Identity And Ethnic Identity
5. What have you done to learn about different identities and how will you foster a
community that recognizes and appreciates these differences? (please limit answer
to 400 words) From the time I was in preschool until I graduated high school, I was
a part of the Hawaiian language immersion program, or Kula Kaiapuni. This
program offers students the opportunity to receive a public education taught
completely in the Hawaiian language. As a Native Hawaiian, I felt it was necessary
for me to complete the program in order for me to connect to my ethnic identity. In
addition to allowing me to become fluent in Hawaiian, this program has taught me
the importance of knowing my peopleК»s history and realizing my responsibility
to my people today. Without this experience, I do not think that I would have such
a strong foundation for and understanding of my identity as I do now. Since I was
given this opportunity to form a strong sense of identity and develop my own
personal beliefs from a young age, it has also taught me to respect the identities
and beliefs of others. In the Hawaiian language there is a saying that goes, Aohe
pau ka ike i ka halau hookahi, which translates as, not all knowledge can be learned
in one school. This saying is one of the main ones that we are taught from a young
age. To us, it means that we cannot allow ourselves to become close minded to the
opinions or beliefs of others because something can be learned from each of them.
Having a strong
Personal Statement On Marketing And Sales Budget
When I started this simulation, my goal was to make as much of a profit as
possible. I went into the simulation with that mindset, but did not think about the
strategy part of the goal. I believe this is where I went wrong. My first round was
not bad, and I still came out with a small profit, but by my third round, it was nearly
impossible to get out of the debt.
If I were to do it over again, I would have borrowed as much money and issued as
much stock as possible to carry me throughout my first few rounds. With this
money, I would have invested in more R D. I tried to get my high tech product off
the ground, but the cost was too much to carry out successfully. Therefore, I had to
focus on my low tech product to keep me out of as much debt as possible.
One of my biggest challenges was finding the right place to position my marketing
and sales budget. My second round came turned out to be very successful. I believe
this is because I had adjusted the price correctly and spent just the right amount in
my sales and marketing. When I tried to replicate my success in the next round, it
did not return the same results. From that point on, I struggled to find the best way
to position my marketing and sales budget. I believe this also suffered due to lack of
money I did not borrow in the beginning of the simulation.
In the beginning, production was not easy for me to understand. One of my biggest
obstacles was trying to understand how to estimate the number of units I would be
Essay On Magnetic Field
Summer of 2017 saw UT Southwestern Medical Center make considerable strides in
biotech with the development of high frequency alternating magnetic fields to
destroy bacterial films on the surfaces of artificial joints in the body simply by
heating the joints themselves. These bacterial infections tend to be of great detriment
to patients, and they prove impeccably resilient to antibiotics. Since then, that same
research has been furthered to prove itself on human test subjects. Now, the U.S.
Energy Department illustrates the ability to see bacterial cells magnetic fields via
electron microscopy, which marks a milestone both for microscopy and for scientific
rendering of magnetic nano objects in liquid and bacterial cell magnetic fields... Show
more content on ...
When we look at samples prepared in the conventional way, we have to make many
assumptions about their properties based on their final state, but with the new
technique, we can now observe these processes first hand, Prozorov explains. It can
help us understand the dynamics of macromolecule aggregation, nanoparticle self
assembly, and the effects of electric and magnetic fields on that process. This bears
significant implications for biotechnological applications, especially in light of recent
research regarding the use of magnetic heating to eradicate bacteria from surfaces
within the human body.
People get metal parts implanted all the time to compensate for injuries or very old
body parts. These pieces range from metal plates to pins to artificial joints, but they
all serve relatively similar purposes holding bones together. The problem that comes
from this from time to time is that bacteria inside a patient s body eventually find
these metal surfaces and seek refuge on or in them. Ordinarily, physicians
recommend surgery to get rid of those bacteria, but new research suggests that
surgery may no longer be necessary; rather, it may be possible to get the same result
with the non invasive alternative of magnetic heating.
These bacteria can be very difficult to remove because they form biofilms thin sheets
that form a viscous, protective membrane of sorts like plaque on enamel. Even
though this only happens to
Agamemnon By Euripides Essay
Euripides was classic Athens. He is one of whose plays have long survived.
Importantly, he was well identified with theatrical innovation, which has profoundly
influenced drama up to the modern times, most especially in the representation of
traditional, mythical heroes as the ordinary people in an extraordinary circumstance.
Apparently, was so unique among many writers of ancient Athens because of his
abundant sympathy that he demonstrated towards the victims of society, most
especially being women. Agamemnon, Orestes and Electra were the main characters
in the plays. The play revolves around the leader of Greek forces, Agamemnon, and
his deadly decision to sacrifice his first daughter Iphigenia, to preserve his honor by
doing battle against... Show more content on ...
Later, Orestes killed two sons of Thestes and cut them into pieces, then served
them at a banquet to their father during an honor of his return (277). It was a
horrible experience for Thyestes after discovering what was prepared for his meal.
He then went away from Argos with only his infant child called Aegisthus after
cursing both Orestes and his descendants. After the death of Orestes, the throne
was left under Agamemnon his son, who later married a daughter of Sparta s king.
They bore three children, of which one inherited his father s throne upon death.
The remaining son of Orestes married Helen, who became king of Sparta upon her
father s death. Another seduction in the descendants of Orestes occurs. Later after
the wedding, Paris who was the son of Troy s king, seduced Helen then took her
away. A great force was organized to restore Helen to her husband. However, due
to adverse winds, they were unable to sail towards Troy. They appeased goddess
Artemis to calm the winds by sacrificing a young girl who arrived at the camp. They
sailed to Troas but there was a lot of justification of the murder of their mother by
Orestes who was later afflicted with madness then goes to become a spirit to hunt and
punish murderers
The Construction Of A Construction Project Delivery
Research Scopes and Goals
Depended upon developing trends of not only the U.S. construction industry, also the
worldwide one in general, this research is precisely about the cooperating
relationships and efficiencies of a full collaboration, including Integrated Project
Delivery (IPD), Lean Construction, and Building Information Modeling (BIM) in
intensifying performance of plenty construction project types. Specifically, this
research investigates and analyzes numerous necessary means and techniques used
for a true collaboration of cooperation of IPD, Lean, and BIM (or ILB in short);
additionally, the efficiency of full ILB cooperation is proved by the examination of
two important variables of a construction project, which are Cost Performance Index
(CPI) and Schedule Performance Index (SPI), with participation of more than 75
projects and case studies. Technically, three essential phases of a construction project,
such as pre construction (planning, pre design, estimating costs, schematic design,
and constructability review), construction (managing constructing process, tracking
project schedule, and controlling costs), and post construction (closeout work and
final completion) are specifically investigated together with proposed conceptually
synergistic models of these factors. Investigating all possible components for a
perfect ILB and evaluating this partnership s effects on project cost and schedule
performance are spreading more and more knowledge and applications of
Mcdonald s Production and Operations Management
Mcdonald s Use of Teams in Production and Operations Management
Strategies are important for all businesses, regardless of the products or services that
they offer. Through strategic management and operations, companies are able to
integrate new and effective means of running their respective businesses. In turn,
these strategies results in an increased profit of sales, stable market position and
greater levels of customer loyalty. In the fast food industry, businesses such as
McDonald s must establish certain business and marketing strategies. Primarily, the
main goal of McDonald s, just like any other organization is to sustain their
competitive advantage in the global market. Overview of the Company ... Show more
content on ...
Despite some issues being raised against the company and the changing of
marketing strategies, McDonald s has remained in the status of being one the
most successful big companies during this recession. On May 9, 2012, the fast
food giant posted February sales results that most chains would envy (Adamy,
2009). Even in this tough economy, McDonald s was able to maintain profitability
with it cheap dollar menu. Part of its business strategy is its plan to phase out
certain items to try to create a healthier image for itself. The company is also
planning other menu changes such as switching the size of some of its menu
items. All of these changes in the menu are part of its strategy to provide a range
of choices that supports a balanced lifestyle. McDonald s also has a diverse market
to include not only fast food but also children s wear. The McKid s products include
footwear, videos, toys and casual clothes. Strategies in other areas of the organization
were also made, such as the three wheeled vehicle that is used to collect discarded
cups and burger wrapping in the neighborhoods around some of the restaurant
locations. McDonald s developed three core strategies for sustaining the competitive
advantage. These are customer convenience, customer value, and optimal operations.
Together with new innovative digital strategies, McDonald s creates new and bold
ideas for the company. Currently the major focus areas are nutrition
Examples Of Pride In Macbeth
Agency of Pride The American author, speaker, and pastor John C. Maxwell explains
how pride can have two different effects on people, There are two kinds of pride,
both good and bad. Good pride represents our dignity and self respect. Bad pride is
the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance ( John C Maxwell).
This quote is evident in the lives and actions of Macbeth, Malcolm, and Macduff.
Malcolm and Macduff pride were driven by confidence and obedience to their
kingdom. Macbeth was faced with temptations that pressured his prideful trait for
evil and cruel deeds. Macbeth s pride and desires cloud his judgment which led to
the lies, betrayals, and murders. The play of Macbeth clearly illustrates how
Macbeth did have agency during his temptations. One example of Macbeth s
agency of pride that is expressed during the play is the willpower that Macbeth has
to control his actions during the first meeting with the witches. In this interaction,
the witches only tell him half of the prophecy By Sinel s death I know I am Thane
of Glamis. But how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor lives, A prosperous
gentleman, and to be king Stands not within the prospect of belief, No more than to
be Cawdor. Say from whence You owe this strange intelligence, or why Upon this
blasted heath you stop our way With such prophetic greeting (Shakespeare). The
encounter with the witches demonstrates how Macbeth had power over his response
to the witches because he had two
Ted Bundy Case Summary
Summary of Case Bundy always had a way to manipulate women, He d often
disguise himself with facial hair or draw on moles and pretend to be an authority
figure ( Ted Bundy Biography ,2018). He would also pretend to be a handicapped
individual to gain the sympathy of these women . He would put fake casts on one of
his legs or arms, then go out in public pretending to struggle with books and boxes
hoping a woman might help him ( Ted BundyBiography ,2018). This was Bundy s
way of planning his attack on the victims. There was also the incident where
Bundy abducted and killed a twelve year old child. Bundy also lured 12 year old
Lynette Dawn Culver away from her junior high school in Pocatello, Id. He
abducted her, took her back to his hotel room where he raped her, drowned her, and
threw her body in a river north of Pocatello ( Ted Bundy... Show more content on ...
He would often bite his victims after killing them, One victim was bitten so badly
on her breasts that one of her nipples was almost completely detached ( Ted Bundy
Biography , 2018). Another chilling fact about him was that he would train to be
strong to kill . Bundy treated murder like a sport, he would actually engage in a
catch and release type of training during his off season ( Ted Bundy Biography
,2018). Ted on his last attacks left two girls alive, they had to testify against this
monster. During pretrial maneuvering they had to face bundy (Living
Victims,2018). The reason Ted Bundy went under suspicion was the DNA match
on his victims from the bite marks that he had left on them. He at one point
disabled a women s car in order to make her become vulnerable to him making this
a satisfaction to his sexual fantasies. His success in his crimes lies greatly on the
meticulous planning and concrete preparation of each attack. It is said that he may
have killed as many as 36 women , although it is said there may
Analysis Of The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down is a story that portrays the life of a
young Hmong girl named Lia Lee and her battle with heritage and the medical
profession. The novel displays two interchanging story lines. One story line exhibits
the life of a young girl named Lia Lee and her family as they live as immigrants in
the U.S, and the other story line displays the Hmong heritage history. Both of these
storylines come together and the novel shows how the two are interchangeable.
Professional Knowledge Versus One s Beliefs
First, these two storylines are interchangeable in regards to professional knowledge.
Lia Lee s family is from Hmong heritage and they practice different beliefs and
rituals in regards to healing. Their ... Show more content on ...
One of the huge mistakes was that the medical profession did not value the family s
beliefs and knowledge. Her family was aware of her condition, and they had
alternative healing methods for Lia, however, the U.S. medical profession did not
value these wishes. Instead, they performed multiple procedures on her that went
against her family s beliefs (Fadiman 1997).
Lee Family s Social Environment In this novel, there are different social
environments that interact with the Lee family. Each of these environments interact
with the Lee family in different ways. Some environments interact for the better, and
some are very concerning. For example, the hospital. This environment is one of the
main ones exhibited throughout the novel. This is one environment that interacts in
both a positive and negative way. The hospital interacts in a positive way by trying
to save Lia s life and provide the best health assistance for her and her epilepsy.
However, it also acts in a negative way as well. The medical professionals do not
seem to value Lia s family s wishes in regards to her health, and they tend to cross
boundaries in regards to her beliefs (Fadiman 1997). In regards to the previous
environment, the community also played a huge part with interacting with the Lee
family. The community tended to interact in a positive and negative way as well.
The community acted in a positive way by caring about Lia and her health. However,
Transgender Issues in Patriarchy, a Look at quot;Boys...
The film, Boys Don t Cry, Kimberly Pierce s brilliant work of 1999, is the true
story of, Brandon Teena, born Teena Brandon, played by Hillary Swank, who
created a male identity for herself. Brandon was born in 1972 and died at the
hopelessly young age of 21. The actual story takes place within the last two weeks
of Brandon s life, in 1993. The movie, a dramatized documentary, was released in
1999. Brandon is a transgendered individual; he was born a female, but feels that he
would be happier living as a man. She leaves her brother and hometown of Lincoln,
Nebraska, where everybody knows her as Teena, to start a new life as Brandon.
Brandon ends up in Falls City and his short life, as a man, begins. It is in essence, the
epitome of... Show more content on ...
No one knew he was actually a female except for his brother who was constantly
warning him against the harsh realities of their small minded rural community.
Aside from the man who knew him as his sister, he was well accepted and
appreciated as young man by the people around him in a small Nebraska town,
called Falls City. We will see their true colors later as Brandon is horribly raped and
murdered, upon being recognized as a girl, by his disgusted manly hillbilly buddies.
Brandon was only just beginning his search for identity, something that most people
never figure out, let alone someone who goes against their own anatomy. Finding
your gender identity in a world where you are given no choices has got to be the
hardest battle of them all.
We watch the transgender story of Brandon Teena unfold into a heart wrenching tale
of what it really means to tell the truth. Despite the fact that Brandon has the
biological make up of a female, he bravely takes on his world as a man, doing
everything he can to introduce each person that he meets to his genuine masculinity.
He picks fights with men in bars, to valiantly protect women from their lascivious
intentions of the cowards, trying to get their nut off. Brandon aside from Lana,
played by Chloe Sevigny, is the most authentic individual in the story, standing up for
everything he believes is right. He defines people from the inside.
How easy it would be to take advantage of the jaw dropping
The Pros and Cons of Protest in American History Essay
Assembly can lead to change or it can lead to horrible circumstances, sometimes
planned or sometimes accidental. Over the years people have used and abused their
right to assemble, many have died, even more have been arrested. But, many issues
have changed because of this right. Violence has been endured, and people s lives
have been changed. The Vietnam War is a perfect example of a group of protests that
had many different outcomes. The Kent State shootingsand the Democratic
Convention of 1968 are examples of protests that went terribly wrong. Sit ins and
singing protestsongs against violence are examples of peaceful protest.
The Democratic Convention of 1968 took place in Chicago, Illinois. This convention
is known as the people s ... Show more content on ...
Hundreds of protesters were beaten and the crowd was tear gassed. After the riot
seven men were held responsible for the riots and imprisoned for their action and for
not caring out peaceful assembly. (Whitney)
Kent State University has four markers in a parking lot that was on top of a hill on
campus in 1970. Those four markers are there to represent the four lives that were
lost on May 4, 1970. The protests at Kent State began Friday, May 1st the day after
President Nixon announced the invasion of Cambodia. Protests were held on the
commons where many rallies and demonstrations were held in the past. The
second rally was scheduled for Monday, May 4th. But, Friday evening unveiled
some harsh feelings between students and the local police. The mayor of Kent
declared a state of emergency. The next morning the Ohio National Guard was
called in because of threats that were made to local businesses and threats to
destroy the town and Kent State. When the National Guard arrived to Kent,
protesters had already burned the ROTC building to the ground. The Governor
flew into Kent on Sunday and issued a statement that if protesters did not comply
he would seek a court order declaring a state of emergency. The order was not
actually ever issued but Kent State was under the assumption that a state of Martial
Law was in effect and all rallies were banned. The rally was held anyway at noon on
Monday, May 4th. Over 3,000 protesters attended and the
Defense, Protection from Extinction, and Intelligence Can...
Recently, there have been many articles relating to animals and their survival skills.
Also, many researchers have been focusing on the daily life of a species and how
well they can cooperate with both their neighbors and the wildlife surrounding them.
Many have found that animals are much smarter than they are thought to be. They
have a lot of potential which most speciesuse to the fullest of their ability. For
example, Allegra Staples wrote an article explaining how some spiders have
recently been duplicating themselves with findings from their habitat to scare away
any predators that may come their way. Also, Meera Dolasia wrote about several
naturalists that have decided to travel to Tasmania so they are able to search for the
extinct Tasmanian tiger because of all the reported sightings around Australia. The
following articles show just how far various animal species have come over the years.
It is necessary for everyone to be aware of animals and insects when they are
becoming extinct, especially if there is something people can do to help the species
have living representatives. For example, in the article Naturalists Begin Search For
Extinct Tasmanian Tiger , Meera Dolasia puts forth that the Tasmanian tiger has been
known as extinct for over 20 years, yet many have reported sights of them recently.
This article mentions how the reason of the rapid decrease of the population is a
dangerous tumor that appears on the tiger, causing them to get a
Analysis Of Pedagogy Of The Oppressed
Free will isn t always what it seems. The essays Pedagogy of the Oppressed by
Paolo Freire and Fences of Enclosure, Windows of Possibility, by Naomi Klein show
the idea of how the environment regulates revolutionary social change. The content
of the two authors essays shows how the varying environment that the public exists in
affects how they live. The two authors reveal how the environment people exist in
controls how revolutionary social change can be created or suppressed. Revolutionary
social change can be created and suppressed depending on if individuals are willing to
overcome the limitations placed upon them by their environment.
Revolutionary social change can be suppressed if people conform to the boundaries
instituted by the environment that they exist in the significant educational system.
The environment that people exist in defines to a ... Show more content on ...
The educational system regulates the dynamics that exists between these two separate
collections of people. The teacher plays the dominant role over the student. The
teacher leads how the classroom is run and the student is supposed to abide by these
rules instituted by the teacher running the classroom. The capability of banking
education to minimize or annul the students creative power and to stimulate their
credulity serves the interests of the oppressors. (Freire 73) Teachers in the educational
system want to maintain control, order, and power in the classroom. They believe
that their authoritative role is necessary in making sure that the classroom
environment is effective. The teacher s word is supposed to be regarded as gold
and cannot be opposed in this system. Teachers don t want to take a backseat to the
student or even share an equivalent role. The educational system will succeed if
students possess a more equivalent role to their counterpart who are the teachers.
Klein says, With copyright now the U.S. s single largest
Rhetorical Appeals In Thomas s Poetry
Rhetoric is a useful writing tool that allows writers to effectively use language in an
effort to persuade their audience in a direction. Rhetoric is considered an art because
it molds our writing, and allows us to use techniques to enhance it. These types are
techniques are called rhetorical situations. Rhetorical situations are constraints that
writers use in the context of their paper to argue and support different appeals that
the issue has, in order to describe it better. Genres of writing exemplify types of
rhetorical appeals, where some are used more than others. Poetryis a type of writing
specifically used to employ powerful rhetorical appeals to paint a theme or a story.
These types of rhetorical appeals allow poems to show various... Show more content
on ...
Thomas again personifies time, and describes times as the taker. What Thomas
means is that as the taker, time is taking away the child s youth. Though he child
became aware of time a few stanzas ago, the realization has become dominant and
is taking over the child. One of the most powerful lines in the whole poem is the
last line, ... I sang in my chains like the sea. The author is referring to the chains as
the child becoming an adult, and leaving behind his innocence. There is no going
back to the happiness and purity that he had before. The child is now chained, and
is no longer able to go back. Though the message is clear, the author chooses
another rhetorical device along with imagery, he uses a verb to describe the chains,
as he [sings] in his chains. Possibly it means that the child is uncomfortable and
yelling about his discrepancies with his newfound knowledge he does not want.
However, what is clear is the child s understanding of nature with time; time is taking
his innocence and the death of youth was always
The Theme of Control in Shakespeare s Othello Essay
The Theme of Control in Othello
Throughout history, powerful empires with boundless control have had a tendency to
fall victim to corruption. It is common knowledge, among political scientists and
historians, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. William
Shakespeare s Othello, the Moor of Venice (reprinted in Laurence Perrine and
Thomas R. Arp, Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense, 6th ed. [Fort Worth:
Harcourt, 1993] 1060 1147) contains several themes, but one theme in particular
supports the truth of this knowledge. In Othello, the Moor of Venice, the theme of
control is one that causes corruption. Othello s control is stolen by Iago and, Iago s
overbearing control of Othello s ... Show more content on ...
Othello speaks of their love in Act I, Scene 3: She loved me for the dangers I had
passed, And I loved her that she did pity them (1.3.166 67). Othello believes in his
wife s loyalty. All in all, Othello is in complete control at the beginning of the play,
but this will change dramatically.
Iago is often regarded as Shakepeare s most consummate villain. This is
understandable; it is hard to imagine a villain capable of matching the combination
of diabolical nature and supreme skill that Iago uses to systematically take control.
Iago s first attempt to gain control is a retaliation against Othello s promotional
decision. When Michael Cassio is chosen for the position of lieutenant, Iago
becomes furious and tries to place Othello in danger; he informs Brabantio of
Othello s elopement with Desdemona in a very clever way: Zounds, sir, you re
robbed. For shame, put on your gown, Your heart is burst, you have lost half your
soul. Even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe
(1.1.86 89). Iago uses sexual imagery to fuel Brabantio s anger. This extra anger,
caused by Iago, has potential of harming Othello. When this evil scheme fails, Iago
results to a new plan. In Act II, Scene 1, Iago convinces Roderigo that Desdemona
actually loves Cassio, and persuades
Persuasive Essay Against Animal Captivity
Seaworld should be banned from keeping animals held captive
Keeping animals in captivity is an argument over the rights for the animals held
captive at seaworld or marine parks around the world. Keeping animals held captive
is when large sea animals are captured from the ocean and kept in a small
enviroment such as a tank or an aquarium that are used for shows and entertainment
living an unnatural life.Seaworld is a marine mammal park that puts animals such as
whales and dolphins into serious harm that can help in the killing of the species as
whales are in danger of extinction.In this report i have found imformation on the
affects of keeping whales and dolphins held captive and how they would adapt back
to normal life after captivity if possible, ... Show more content on ...
The animals at seaworld should not be taken from the wild and should have rights
from being taken p[ ooo Adapting back to normal life after captivity may be
possible as following the evidence of the Release of 3 dolphins into the wild after
captivity and seen months later according to the website as cathy
williamson states.Although she states that any animal released should be free of
any behaviour that could affect there survival in the wild and also beable to relearn
life skills,like catch live fish and stay away from boats or dangers in a rehabilitation
period.This shows that seaworld animals should be given a chance to rehabilitate and
be released into the wild.
It seems that some mammals may be more endangered in the wild after captivity as
some orcas may be unable to survive in the wild after captivity as they may be too
mentally and physically scared after the habitat they have lived their lives in as
reported on the website by cathy williamson They may also not
beable to capture live fish again or beable to survive without human care as they
have adapted to the captive enviroment.This information shows that after keeping
orcas captive they would be more endangered living in the wild as they wouldnt
know how to survive back in the
Julius Caesar Is To Blame
Julius Caesar is a leader who rose to power due to the fact of the counsel and the
senate never meeting eye to eye.The reason to why there was a senate and counsel
was to create a new government so a single ruler like the Tarquins wouldn t occur
again.Julius Caesar was a part of a triumvirate but Caesar became a dictator.The
Senate disliked him since they didn t know how long he would rule and the fear of
him being corrupted which lead to the death of Julius Caesar.Shakespeare wrote
Julius Caesar based on the life of Julius Caesar to show how being ambitious can
lead to one s death.The Senate became conspirators who believed that Caesar being
in power would lead to corruption and an oppressive leader and government like
the Tarquins so they planned to kill him .Cassius,Brutus,Casca and etc were
involved in the death of Caesar.Although some may say that Brutus is to be blamed
for the death of Caesar since because Caesar let go when Brutus came due to the
betrayal of their relationship and doubting Caesar s ability to rule Rome, ultimately
Caesar is to blame because he is
Foreshadowing In Oedipus The King
Foreshadowing is a tool used by playwrights and authors of all types as a means to
direct the audience into a path of questioning and intrigue throughout the course of
a novel or play. After reading both of these theatrical works, it struck me just how
often I dismiss/fail to acknowledge the big red flags stuck within the ground of the
text and thus proceed to give myself incredibly undeserved credit at the end of
every reading for having figured out what was going to happen all by myself .
Therefore, I have taken it upon myself to examine the importance of this technique in
order to credit the playwrights and show how their use of foreshadowing creates
tension, credibility and a specific atmosphere in both of their fictitious worlds.
Oedipus... Show more content on ...
Careful not, this is the great day, Mister Figaro! First, you have to have your little
ceremony earlier, so as to be more sure of being married: beat off the Marceline
that s drooling for you like a mad thing, frustrate His Lordship s lustful little
schemes, thrash Master Bazile s ar... 3 This verse not only provides the audience
with a comic relief after learning about the seriousness of Figaro s predicament,
but also informs us about the future plans of the character which keeps us intrigued
and in anticipation for the remainder of the plot. It is important to note the way in
which the provision of knowledge in this play and the lack of it in Oedipus the
King are both capable of maintaining the curiosity of a spectator. However, I would
also like to point out that each tactic is suited to the genre of the play i.e. you want
to keep the audience informed as to what is going on in a comedy however, you want
to maintain the eeriness that comes along with not knowing what will happen next in a
The Importance Of Support Groups And Treatment Of
as soon as possible, a child may preserve his or her current functioning and develop
to the highest capacity with the assistance of healthcare workers. Nurses also need to
serve a counseling role for families. Providing emotional support can help families
begin to cope with their current circumstances. The nurse needs to provide
reassurance and emphasize any positives in this situation. The nurse also fulfills the
role of resource person. Providing information regarding support groups and parent
groups like the Cerebral PalsyAlliance may be helpful. Support groups are beneficial
because they can help parents grieve and heal with those who understand their
circumstance. Nurses can also refer families to various other services like... Show
more content on ...
Another researched treatment option for cerebral palsy is hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy involves having the patient placed in a
pressurized room or tube where the air pressure is three times higher than normal
(Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 2014). While the patient is in the hyperbaric
chamber, he or she is exposed to 100% oxygen (Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 2014).
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen the blood can carry
which helps promote healing and fights infection (Hyperbaric oxygen therapy,
2014). The UHM journal conducted a study to see if intensive rehabilitation
combined HBO2 therapy would improve gross motor function in children with
cerebral palsy (Mukherjee, 2017). This study involved one hundred and fifty
children with CP. The children were divided up into four groups; one control the
three others all were exposed to varying levels of HBO2 therapy (Mukherjee,
2017). The children were observed over an eight month period (Mukherjee, 2017).
Every child who was assigned to a HBO2 therapy session went once daily for six
days within a week. At intervals of two, four, six, and eight months after the
treatment began, the children s gross motor function measure (GMFM) was
evaluated (Mukherjee, 2017). The results were conclusive revealing all the children s
GMFM scores improved. However, the children who had the rehabilitation coupled
The Effects Of Educational Technology On The Classroom
Research Paper: Effects of Educational Technology In the Classroom
By: Nicole Ault
Computer Science 313
October 1st, 2017
Abstract: This research paper includes several studies on the effects of children s
learning when incorporating technology into their lives. Overall, the studies
mentioned can make technology be viewed as an aid or a hinder on a child s cognitive
For some people the advances of technology in today s world can be viewed as a
negative or a positive in a persons life. But what about the technological advances
and the effects they have on a child s life? For this paper, research was done that
examines both sides of technology and the positive or negative consequences ... Show
more content on ...
There is also some up sides to technology for children, for example according to
Psychology Today research shows that, video games and other screen media
improve visual spatial capabilities, increase attentional ability, reaction times, and
the capacity to identify details among clutter. There are plenty of video games that
incorporate learning into them and can be beneficial for a child because they can
make math, spelling, history, or whatever other subjects the child may be having
difficulty with, fun. There are so many different kinds of games that are geared,
especially towards children s learning that it almost seems more beneficial for a
child to play a learning game than to sit in front of the television. The problem
with this lies in the notion that most children are not playing educational games or
watching educational television. Instead, they are drawn to social media
platforms or random websites with little to no educational benefits. Some of the
downsides of technology are that children are not getting as much exercise and
fresh air as they were ten or more years ago. According to the BBC, Children aged
five to sixteen spend an average of six and a half hours a day in front of a screen
compared with around three hours in 1995, according to market research firm
Childwise. Children have so many ways to access technology now with
Different Kinds Of Vegetarian Diets
There are several different kinds of vegetarian diets. One can become semi
vegetarian, lacto vegetarian, Lacto Ovo vegetarian, and vegan.Vegetarians may use
all the animal products they wish, but will not eat the meat from the animals. Semi
vegetarian is simply a cut back on the intake of meat in general. Lacto vegetarian
excludes meat, fish, poultry, and eggs, but includes dairy products. Lacto Ovo
vegetarian excludes meat, fish, and poultry, but includes dairy and eggs. Vegan is
not the same as vegetarian on a vegan diet, one does not use any animal products at
all, including the substances wool, leather, and honey. This is why copious amounts
of people do not want to become vegetarian; they think they have no choice but to
give up all animal products, instead of just meat.
Another argument about the vegetarian diet is, more or less, Prehistoric man hunted
animals to survive, so we must continue to eat meat because they did it. However,
hunting was more than just their source of food. They used every part of the animal
they hunted for survival. However, now we have all kinds of clothing, housing, and
are not constantly being hunted by other animals, so eating their meat is simply a
luxury. Before man figured out how to hunt larger animals, plants and grains were
consumed. This was not a drawback and man lived on. Moving back to this lifestyle
would transform the world into a cleaner place, and could help the world eventually
obtain an organic lifestyle, which
The Century Of The Self
The century of the self tells the disputed story of the growth of the mass consumer
society in the United States. Happiness Machine shows about how policy and
business learned to create and dominate mass democracy society. Signund Freud is
the founder of psychoanalysis that his ideas about unconscious mind. And there said
that used by unconscious mindin power and post war American to try and control the
masses. The idea of Freud s nephew, Edward Bernays were develop techniques and
mass culture to manage and control the minds of the American people. For satisfy
their desires and the life what they wish, human changed their mind from the effect
of Bernays idea. Bernays was the first person to take Freud s ideas about human
beings and used them to manipulate the masses and influenced on the 20th century.
Edward Bernay shows American corporations how they could make people want
things they did not need through systematically linking mass produced goods their
unconscious desires. Therefore, society became a new world about how to control
the masses and satisfying people in a selfish desires.
After I watch this documentary, I will directly link to the Frankfurt school theory. The
Frankfurt school will focus on the system of capitalism and the bourgeoisie, complain
that they deprive peoples revolution will through manipulate mass media. The
conspiracy between welfare state, ideology and science technology enhance the
control for people. Especially through the mass media
Endangered Jaguar Research Paper
Saving the Endangered Jaguars A keystone species is a plant or animal that has a
disproportionately large effect in its ecosystem, relative to its size or abundance.
Removing a keystone species from its environment could cause a lot of harm and
damage. One problem Central America is facing is the extinction of plants, animals,
and insects. The main cause is the deforestation that is going on in the Amazon
rainforest which leads to habitat loss. Poaching them for their fur is also a big cause.
One animal that is being harmed by this is the jaguar. When a predator is removed
from its environment, it can cause a trophic cascade of effects in the environment. A
trophic cascade is the effects felt through the ecosystem from the elimination of...
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Web. 24 Nov. 2014. .
Creating Incentives to Stop Deforestation | The Nature Conservancy. Creating
Incentives to Stop Deforestation | The Nature Conservancy. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. http:
// warming climate change/how we
work/creating incentives to stop deforestation.xml .
Jaguar. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. http:/
/ .
Protecting Critical Habitat for Jaguars. Jaguar. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. http:/
/ critical habitat jaguars .
Jaguars: The Problem With Their Extinction. Saving the Jaguars. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. .
Introduction: What s a Jaguar?: Delicate Balance. Introduction: What s a Jaguar?:
Delicate Balance. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
/s1_3_1_1.htm# .
Deforestation Dictionary Definition. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. http:/
/ .
Basic Facts About Jaguars. Jaguar. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
Comparing the Aura CafГ© and the Lunch Box Essay
Comparing the Aura CafГ© and the Lunch Box
The Aura CafГ©
Situated on the High Street of Whitechapel, opposite the tube station, the Aura
cafГ© was opened in December 2004. It is a small cafГ© owned and control by a
sole owner Mr. Muhammad Ali but well furnished with around 30 covers, with air
conditioning system, a nice interior decoration and also a non smoking area.
SWOT Analysis of the Aura CafГ©.
* According to my findings, the Aura cafГ© targets mostly the students from colleges
and universities of the surrounding area. The target market is young college students
and therefore seeks to fulfill the following benefits that are important to its customers:
* More time ... Show more content on ...
* The cafГ© offers a limited variety of food
* Another weakness of the cafГ© is that they don t have a chef, and they buy all
their ready made foods from suppliers and this increases their cost of production and
that is why they cant have lower prices than the Lunch Box
* The main weakness is that the smoke extractor in the smoking area doesn t work,
which leaves the lounge full of smokes. I noticed when u leave the Aura CafГ©, your
clothes stinks of smoke.
* As it is 4 months old, the Aura cafГ© doesn t have that much goodwill as the Lunch
* As its main customers are students, the aura cafГ© could offer student discounts,
which is another way of attracting more students.
* They could employ a chef and more staff so that they can provide self made food
which will be of good quality and also offer better and quick services.
* An opportunity of the Aura CafГ© is that it can operate till late night instead of
closing at 17:00 hours. This would be a better way of competing with Lunch Box
* Threat of cut throat competion from fast food giants like Burger King and KFC
which are just a few meters away from the Aura CafГ©
* The main customers of the CafГ© are students. So during college holidays, the
sales will go down
* Moreover, if college closes down or move to another area,
The Positive And Negative Consequences Of Gentrification...
Stigmas have been an essential tool to navigate the complexities of the cultural world.
Often, stigmas are associated with an attribute that is deeply discrediting towards a
group of people, but stigmas are not exclusively attributed to social groups (Goffman
13). Certain words hold stigmas that warp our understanding of that word. The
negative stigma associated with the word gentrification has created many
misunderstandings of what gentrificationг…Ўand its natureг…Ўis. Gentrification is
the process of restoring and reconstructing deteriorating communities and can be
paired with the movement of wealthy individuals from the surrounding community to
the gentrified one. People attributed a stigma with gentrification because many people
see gentrification as a one sided topic. Availability biases portray gentrification as
something communities should avoid. However, gentrification is a multifaceted and
a controversial topic with positive, negative, neutral, and even unknown
consequences. When looking beyond the stigmas associated with gentrification, there
are some positive consequences that society often overlooks. Negative consequences
often overshadow the positive consequences, which perpetuate the notion that
gentrification is bad and is a one sided issue. In reality, gentrification is
misunderstood; gentrification is neither good nor bad because there are too many
contrasting factors and consequences that can arise from gentrification. Instead of
labelling gentrification as
My Vision At The Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation
My Mission/Great Purpose is to empower and help women and youth discover and
pursue their passions and dreams through creative, hands on training, education, and
workshops that integrate Life Purpose Coaching techniques with expressive healing
arts. My Vision is for Bloom Into Being, LLC, and the Re stARTistry project to
become a united Christian community across all ethnicities, denominations, and
economic levels with every woman and child having the ability to discover and
pursue his/her God given passions and talents and pour them out freely for the
benefit of others to create new beauty and transform the world. Now that my Great
Purpose has been awakened, I can envision myself a year out from today.... What life
is like now... I have... Show more content on ...
I live as God s walking poem, because Jesus and his glory live alive in me. I know I
am set apart in a special way, unlike a tree, the sky, or any other of God s creation,
and I let Christ pour out of me, right where I am because he has chosen me to live
within. And even as my introverted self, I force myself to embrace the truth that I
experience God through you more fully than I can without you, because he lives
within you too. I see God s glory revealed in the art of man s life and in the poetry
of man s work, no matter who I m with or what I m doing, what s gone wrong or
how little I m paid. I choose to be alive in the presence of Christ, seeking to know
people as Christ is poured out of them through their own uniqueness and
individuality. (AMLW, p 178). And this is what ultimately helps me to
continuously engage with others in my calling and my craft. There s no denying
that at the very core of my being, God has made me with a deep desire to want to
help others pull back the layers that suffocate the truth of who they really are and
to encourage and release them to live as though they believe that they indeed have
something to offer the world. (AMLW, p 17). In all that I do, I want others to
know that God is an artist, not a technician, and that art is what happens when you
dare to be who you really are! (AMLW, p 21). Barriers along the way... Not that
realizing this desire didn t come at a cost.
The history of Rooster Teeth Production, LLC.
Part One: Background and History Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC. is a
production company based in Austin, Texas. It was officially established April 1st,
2003; although, the company made video production content, such as parodies and
short movies, before then. The history of Rooster Teeth starts at the University of
Texas in the mid 1990s. Three friends, Michael Burnie Burns, Matt Hullum, and
Joel Heyman were friends who attended the university in Austin. They were not the
best students, and they were worried the high paying technology jobs, that were
growing increasingly popular at the time, were out of their reach. So, as an attempt
to get themselves noticed in the industry, they decided to make a short film
together. The film was called The Schedule; Burns and Hullum directed it while
Heyman played the lead role. The three of them brought their film to several
festivals, and they received some minor recognition. In fact, it prompted Heyman to
move to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting, and Hullum decided to follow his
heart (i.e. Joel) ( and decided to move there as well to work in
visual effects. Burns stayed in Austin, where he started working at a tech support
center, and where he eventually became Director of Operations. At this point in time,
three key players who would eventually form Rooster Teeth were separated from
each other, and they could have feasibly spent the rest of their lives this way.
However, one more important

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Pro Gay Marriage Essay

  • 1. Pro Gay Marriage Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "Pro Gay Marriage" can be both challenging and rewarding. The difficulty arises from the need to navigate a complex landscape of social, cultural, religious, and legal perspectives on the matter. Addressing the various arguments for and against gay marriage requires a delicate balance, as emotions and deeply held beliefs often come into play. One must be prepared to Pro Gay Marriage EssayPro Gay Marriage Essay
  • 2. Jerusalem, Religion, And Religion Jerusalem is important for Christians because it is the place where Jesus lived his last days and experienced his suffering and crucifixion, death on the cross, and resurrection. Precisely in the city of Jerusalem is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which was built on what is considered the tomb of Christ. For the Jews, Jerusalem is sacred because of the Wailing Wall, which is the remains of the second temple built by Herod the Great, king of Judea. (The first temple was built by King Solomon). Finally, Jerusalem is also holy to those who profess faith to Allah (al Quds in Arabic). The mosque, Dome of the Rock, was built upon the very place that the prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven, according to the Muslim religion. I found it fascinating and interesting to see that all three religions profess that their holiest place on earth are all in close proximity to one another. Does this mean anything?... Show more content on ... How can someone travel or live in such a sacred place and still have bad feelings toward other? These contradictory behaviors appear to me to go against the claimed holiness of each location and religion. As humans, I wonder what kind of brotherhood do we project and live? What will Jesus say and do when he comes again and sees this behavior and attitudes we have for one another? As a Christian, I asked myself how do we live the love of Christ for our neighbors, particularly in the Old City of
  • 3. Symbolism In All Summer In A Day By Ray Bradbury In All Summer in a Day, ray Bradbury artistically uses symbolism to illustrate the kids desire for the sun. furthermore in the second paragraph of this article it gives evidence as to why Ray Bradbury uses symbolism to illustrate the kids desire for the sun. More specifically, it will give two of the reasons why symbolism represents the kid s desire for the sun. In the following paragraph there will be another possible author s craft that could thought to be most important.Then it will explain why that author s craft is not the one that was chosen for this article. Then It will return to this articles craft and give more reasons as to why that s the most important craft. This paragraph is going to be why ray Bradbury uses symbolism in all summer in a day. The first piece of evidence that was used to determine that ray Bradbury uses symbolism to represent the kid s desire for the sun is in paragraph 6 what it says sometimes at night, she heard them stir in remembrance and she knew they were dreaming and remembering gold or yellow crayon or a coin large enough to buy the world with. She knew they thought they remembered a warmness, like a blushing in the face, in the body, in the ... Show more content on ... This proves that ray Bradbury is using symbolism to show their desire because it shows that they want the sun so much that even if everything else seems bleak they will still sing and smile for the sun. The second piece of evidence that was used is is in paragraph 35 in which it says but they were running and turning their faces up to the sky and feeling the sun on their cheeks like a warm iron . This helps prove that ray Bradbury uses symbolism to show their desire because it shows how happy they were once they finally got the sun, this proves how much they wanted it because if they wanted it that means they liked
  • 4. A Clean Well Lighted Place By Ernest Hemingway How has your understanding of the concept of belonging been shaped by the representation of relationships and events that you have encountered in the texts you have studied for the Area of Study: Belonging? Belonging requires an individual to build a connection with another person or group over time, these connections are often developed through shared experience and understanding. Peter Skrzynecki s poems; Feliks Skrzynecki (1975) and Migrant Hostel (1975) offer various perspectives and representations on this concept. Ernest Hemingway s short story A clean well lighted place (1926) and the picture Berlin Wall by unknown (1973) compliment these perspectives and representations further. A lack of shared events and time ... Show more content on ... The younger waiter believes he has no regard for those who have to work. On the contrary the older waiter also doesn t belong to a family and attempts to explain he stays up because he likes it it s clean and well lighted the light acting as a metaphorical parallel to the comfort the cafГ© offers in his otherwise dark life. Seeing as the older waiter understands him he does his best to make the customer feel he belongs and build a relationship with him. He realises that not everyone shares the same perspective realising it s not only a question of youth but in this case a question of lack of relationships allowing sympathy and explaining his actions. Migrant Hostel , gives the responder a perspective of the plight of migrants and the trouble they face in building relationships due to the events in their past and the lack of understanding in the world around them. The metaphor of the barrier at the main gate... Pointed in reprimand or shame demonstrates how their housing affects them. A person cannot belong if they feel shamed, furthermore they consider themselves birds of passage with constant comings and goings. The constantly fluctuating events in their life results in an in ability to form relationships as they have in adequate time to form them, hindering belonging. Despite this shared memories of hunger and hate allowing some belonging, the alliteration emphasises the hardship of
  • 5. Essay on Bombardier Aerospace Company Report BOMBARDIER AEROSPACE Team 3 Project Report COMM 210/CA Summer 2009 Amine Benasla Camila Fitzgibbon Luxi Zeng Qi Zhang Yuan Yuan Zhu Concordia University John Molson School of Business Table of Contents 1. Introduction.......................................................................................3 2. Growth Phase and Vision.........................................................................5 3. Innovation and Strategy..........................................................................7 3.1. Key to Success.........................................................................7 3.2. Innovation..............................................................................8 3.3. Strategy..................................................................................9 4. Sigmoid Curve...................................................................................10 5. Picking People....................................................................................11 6. Social Responsibility............................................................................12 6.1. J. Armand Bombardier Foundation................................................13 6.2. ... Show more content on ... They remain with their own differences, lacking of communication and information exchange. However, such work method started to lose its power when the company began to face the increasing competition and encounter new needs brought by the economic downturn in 2001. Bombardier Aerospace met its first revolution phase and they were then forced to look back on their technology base, restructure and develop a new strategy for the company s further development. The solution provided by Greiner is to find a strong manager who can swiftly pull the organization together. In this case, Bombardier Aerospace differs from the companies Greiner described. To find such a manager was easier for the former. First, Bombardier Aerospace, as part of Bombardier Inc, is not completely a newly established organization. Qualified managers can be transferred and distributed from the main company to other segments. Secondly, the four manufacturers under Bombardier Aerospace also have their own experienced managers who existed a long
  • 6. time before the acquisition. What is in fact difficult is the task itself. In stead of employees, Bombardier Aerospace has to put the subsidiary manufactories together. It is the crucial time for Bombardier Aerospace to make the right decision. The chosen manager has to demonstrate a systemic understanding of the entire organization well enough to be able to bring it together effectively. For sure, the technology architecture and
  • 7. Different Definitions of Art and Photography To test the validity of the statement All the arts are based on the presence of man, only photography derives an advantage from his absence. (Bazin 1967: 13), one has to first define what is meant by art. This commentary is going to examine this statement using three different definitions of art, Bazin s, Tolstoy s and Arnheim s definitions. Andre Bazin believed realism lies at the heart of art, and that art is the process of reproducing reality. He believed that an artefact should helps us to remember the subject and to preserve him from a second spiritual death (Bazin 1967: 10). He saw art as a way of immortalising mortal things; he compares painting and sculptures to the ancient practice of mummifying in Egypt, to keep up... Show more content on ... Although modification of photos is possible, it is important to note that it is frowned upon amongst those who practice photography as an art, as the central idea behind the art of photography is realism, and being able to produce something that someone will look at later and admire. If we use Bazin s definition of art, a realistic recreation of an object or person, photography does benefit from an absence of man, as it is not influenced by minds of individuals, and produces an exact copy of the subject. And although many artistes have tried to be as objective as possible, and have produced portraits of man and landscapes that resemble their subjects very closely, they still lack the clarity and detail that a photo can provide. The reason behind this is that no human brain can ever be as objective as a camera, as their illustrations is based on their perception and their view of the world, which can differ from man to man. At the other end of spectrum lies Rudolf Arnheim definition of art, which states art is something that is a pure work of man. For Arnheim a piece of work would have to be made by man in every sense, the idea and the production process, to be considered art. Arnheim also believed film will be able to reach the heights of the other arts only when it frees
  • 8. Communication And Communication Disorder Communication is a challenging skill for me. It is difficult for me to connect what my brain is thinking with what comes out of my mouth or what I put on paper. Sometimes, I look at what I have written after being away from it for awhile and realize that wasn t what I meant at all. I also say things at times that aren t what I am really thinking. When I was a newborn, surgery on my heart severed the nerves to my vocal cords, resulting in vocal cord paralysis. Physically, this made learning to speak difficult, and I spent years in speech therapy. Although I do still have the paralysis, I learned to compensate for it. I still don t have a very loud voice. When I had to do presentations in school, my teachers would let me borrow their microphones so I could be heard. Technology helps me deal with my physical disability but I still struggle with a communication disorder. From the time I was six months old, I worked with a speech therapist. When I was three years old I entered a preschool program for the disabled. I stuttered frequently. I would start a sentence and then say, Ah, ah, ah, ah.. I needed to buy time to get the words from my brain to my mouth. My sentences became disorganized when I spoke because I could not come up with the right words. My classmates would have blank and confused faces, so I knew I had made a mistake again. I felt frustrated for speaking in such an awkward and embarrassing way. With the help of speech therapy, I was eventually able to stop
  • 9. Organizational Structure Of Porsche II.PORSCHE S ORGANISATIONAL CAPABILITIES Before being fully taken over by VW Auto Group (VW) in 2010, Porsche had been maintaining a very standard and powerful giant in the industry. 1.Firm Infrastructure From beginning, Porsche had positioned strategically in the niche market industry for the ability in producing a high quality luxury sport car. The strength of Porsche is: a.Leaders and Engineers Ferdinand a genius visionary engineer and a passionate race car driver know what a true race car driver and enthusiast wanted and get it done. Porsche s management team remained very focus in doing what they had been doing best and improving on it. The technologies that they had produced are not able to duplicate and imitate, like the PDK system, PTV system and ... Show more content on ... With their Headquarter and production plant set based in Stuttgart, Porsche is able to have a closer monitor and control of their production and assembling plant. With the practice on lean production, each production can be better inspected and tested to ensure every completed car produced from their factory is in perfect order. f.Information Management With the focus on quality rather than quantity, Porsche had made several bold and strategic decisions in developing alliances or taking over a partner. They partnered with MHP for their IT expertise as SAP Implementation and Service Partner that improved Porsche s learning in new business techniques and their technologies, and at the same time, gain an exclusion position in the ability to integrate better IT improvements and process engineering for Porsche. 2.Human Resource Management By setting their manpower focus in Germany, they gain the support from the manufacturing infrastructure there due to the strong unionisation. The workforces for their manufacturing plan are not only strong, but
  • 10. The Influence Of The Underworld April Sigrest Professor Lenoir English 102 23 October 2017 The Influence of the Underworld In Yuri Herrera s Signs Preceding the End of the World, a number of the ideas discussed contribute to the themes Herrera is trying to communicate; one of those ideas is the underworld. Throughout the novel, several underworlds are described, such as the physical underworld mentioned in the beginning when a sinkhole opens up in a city and brings destruction, but a main underworld that we do not often consider is the criminal underworld. Featuring what Herrera labels as the top dogs, the criminal underworld described in Signs Preceding the End of the World showcases all of the bad things that happen or, put simply, where crimes occur (Herrera 12).... Show more content on ... Each one exhibits qualities that can be seen as conniving, and we find that two of them really are. With both of them, we also find that their actions were truly intentional all along. With Mr. Aitch, there was no land for Makina s brother, and with Mr. Q, he never intended on having Makina come back to Mexico; he planned for her to stay in the United States, giving her everything necessary to stay there. These two characters are accurate representations of influences in the criminal underworld. They both impact Makina and Makina s brother to the point where they both find themselves residing in a different country, even though they both had intentions on returning back to Mexico. In fact, one of the first mentions of Makina s brother describes how he was determined to return. We do not see much of Makina s brother too early in the story, but we do get a little background information on him. With this background information, it becomes clear to the audience how easy it is to have our minds changed by the criminal underworld. Herrera describes that because Makina s brother learned of a possible land that his family owned, he gathered up a few things, insisting someone s got to fight for what s [their own] (Herrera 29). We find out with this information that one of the top dogs, Mr. Aitch, was the reason Makina s brother ventured to America. Had it been a reminder they had land in America, the promise might not have influenced Makina s brother
  • 11. Media Influences Children s Behavior Media can be described as the social and mass media that children are exposed to in their daily lives. Examples of the media platforms and materials include radios and television broadcasts, movies and music, newspapers and magazines, social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google Talk, Skype, among others (Samantha 2013). Media plays a critical role in the lives of the children. It provides a socializing tool, educative and informative resources, entertainment, marketing and advertising. Although the contents` and accessing of the media contents by children are regulated, some of the contents of the media accessed by children indicate violenceincidences (Samantha 2013, p. 6). Exposing children to Violence contained in the contents of these platforms may or may not influence the behavior of the children. The writer postulates that exposing children to media violence has a negative influence to their behavior that develops a hostile and violent behavior in the children. Media violence Influences Children`s Behavior According to the book published by Arnett, 2010, Adolescence and emerging adulthood: A cultural approach, she explores the social cultural factors that influenced the behavior of the children as the turned adolescents (Arnett, 2010). She identified that the leading behavior influencers were community structure and relations, family structure and functions, school life, and the religious beliefs and practices. At the centre of these was
  • 12. Chivalry In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight In the Arthurian legend, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the story is used to shape the author s idea of what the perfect knight is. The chivalry that the author describes is unrealistic, and portrays a falsified chivalric system in the time of Arthurian legends. It is an overzealous sense of honor and concern about the court s reputation that begins the plot, and it is a continued adherence to chivalric values that actually ensures that the plot actually progresses. It is very easily seen by any reader that these tenets of chivalry including, but not limited to, respect, reputation, and honor, are held very dear to the Knights of the Round Table. Multiple times throughout the story, the characters concern with these characteristics physically... Show more content on ... A troubadour was a poet that represented a knightly class of people. Accordingly, it is expected that a poem from a celebrated troubadour such as de Born will represent the zeitgeist that is, the popular opinion of the times. One of de Born s poems, titled Bem platz lo gais temps de pascor, is mainly about the glories of war. De Born juxtaposes the joyful springtime, with clubs and blades and painted helms (Kline). De Born speaks for the knightly masses here, demonstrating the group s love of war (Editors). This illustrates a vastly different picture of knighthood than shown in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The kind of knighthood shown in Sir Gawain is one of majesty and honor, not one of war mongering and bloodthirsty nature promoted by de Born. King Arthur in Sir Gawain is shown to have a taste for competition. Just before the Christmastide feast, Arthur wants, some single knight / to join with him in jousting. Although this competition inherently poses some life threatening danger, it is not the intent of the game to bring about a death (96 97). De Born s description of what is valuable in knighthood contrasts greatly with this Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, repeatedly postulating that the only honor a knight can have is absolutely decimating the enemy in
  • 13. European Imperialism In Africa In a time period beginning in the 19th century, the British Empire imperialized all over the world. there are many examples of Great Britain imperializing other nations during this time, but China, Africa, and India should be looked at with a microscope. Imperialism is one of the big reasons why these nations have grown and prospered through the years. It introduced medicine, education, advanced transportation and communications, and religion. The introduction of religion is both good and bad, some say it was forced upon the citizens but others say differently. With these incredible positive effects came some negatives. The stealing of land, cheap labor, taxing, and slavery is never good. Imperialists were clearly wrong in some parts, but the... Show more content on ... European imperialists built on the information provided by adventurers and missionaries. For example, a Scottish missionary named David Livingstone, went to Africa in the 1840s and spent three decades exploring the interior of Africa. This exploration sparked interest in Africa and others followed, including the imperialists. (Imperialism in Africa). The Berlin Conference of 1884 allowed Europeans to draw lines on maps and carve Africa into colonies. The result was a transformation Africa, with essentially all parts of the continent colonized in about fifteen years. The Europeans continued to interfere with African land and culture. Thus, leading to independent revolts and eventually lead to the Boer War. This was a conflict between The British and the Dutch farmers. Black South Africans decided to help the Dutch who were fighting back against their enemies. The British captured many of these men and put them in concentration camps where many of them died. The establishment of colonies were actually a positive for Africa. It made for a new way of life socially, politically and economically. So even with the horrible and unjust concentration camps, Great Britain was able to give back to the people they conquered in
  • 14. Wake Up Target Audience Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative efforts. said Franklin D. Roosevelt. This is the attitude any successful restaurant owner must keep in mind throughout the process which, is the foundation on which Wake Up was created. Being aware of the target audience, the market, and the overall theme are important things that were all considered carefully throughout the process of design. Every successful business is able to target the main audience they would like to attract to their business. This is important step when creating anything because every type of audience expects and appreciates different aspects when supporting a company. Wake Up decided to focus its audience towards two specific generations, the Millennial and Baby boomers. Deciding upon these generations was fairly easy once you become aware of the amount of... Show more content on ... After carefully considering the locations of our competitors and were the majority of this audience would be found we landed on the Towson location which is located off York road in the heart of a busy middle classenvironment with Millennial attending the local University around such as, Towson University, Johns Hopkins, Loyola and Goucher to name a few. Baby Boomers also located in this area in the high end apartment complex s and surrounding housing communities. Once looking closer you become aware that the closes all day breakfast competitors are located in Hunt Valley which is about 25 30 minutes from the location we are looking at our downtown which is about 25 30 minutes as well in the opposite direction. Making this the prime location for a nice breakfast place to be, especially when there are not really any other sit down breakfast restaurants in the area. Wake Up thought carefully through the placement of where this business would thrive and decided many factors based on
  • 15. Andrew Johnson s Assassination When President Abraham Lincoln assassination occurs on 1865, vice president Andrew Johnson gained office. Lincoln was a moderate Republican, who wanted to rebuild the nation without punishing the South, and wanted to give African American the right to vote or suffrage. Before his assassination, he had a plan for reconstruction in where he would pardon the south and allow them to reintegrate the Union. It would only have been possible if 10% of the voters took an oath of loyalty, but due to his dead, the 10% plan couldn t be carried out. President Johnson was a Democrat that believes that citizenship and voting rights were to be determined by each state individually; he also agreed with Lincoln that states never legally left the Union. In fact,... Show more content on ... It intended to help former slaves after the Civil War, by providing food, medical care, clothing and education for refugees and freedmen. Many northern abolitionists risked their lives to help the southern freedmen receiving the name of carpetbaggers. It was given to them by white southern Democrats as northerners who moved to the South after the civil war. Although the Freedmen s Bureau was seen as a good idea for the Northern, the Southern saw it differently, they said that they had plenty to eat and nothing to do. On December 1865, the 13th amendment was passed in where slavery was abolished and involuntary service. Johnson s plan quickly carried out and as a result, many Confederates were elected in the South and the commencing black codes. Black codes were discriminatory laws passed throughout the South to give whites power over blacks; this codes restricted freed Slaves prohibiting, for example, traveling without permits and marrying whites. The purposes of this codes were to guarantee a stable labor supply for emancipated blacks and to force many blacks to become sharecroppers. Because of this codes, the freed slaves didn t feel like they were free. When asked how it felt to be free to a slave the answer was, I don t know, when he say what he thinks he said, I ll be free when I can do anything a white man can do. When formal slaves became freed slaves, they said: Freedom burned in the heart long before freedom was
  • 16. Summary Of Hatchet By Gary Paulsen In the book Hatchet there is a young boy named Brian Robeson. This story is written by Gary Paulsen. He gets a hatchet on his way to the airport. His parents split up and now Brian has to visit his father in Canada. While on a bush plane the pilot suffers a heart attack and dies on the plane. Brian is now alone on the plane, but eventually it crashes. Brian is now stuck in the Canadian woods with no food, no shelter, and no one to call for help. There is also a secret circling in his mind. He will meet animals and have some decisions to make. A massive tornado hits and destroys all his effort. He eventually finds the survival pack and has everything he dreams of. A pilot suddenly comes to his rescue after finding out he had played with an emergency
  • 17. Identity And Ethnic Identity 5. What have you done to learn about different identities and how will you foster a community that recognizes and appreciates these differences? (please limit answer to 400 words) From the time I was in preschool until I graduated high school, I was a part of the Hawaiian language immersion program, or Kula Kaiapuni. This program offers students the opportunity to receive a public education taught completely in the Hawaiian language. As a Native Hawaiian, I felt it was necessary for me to complete the program in order for me to connect to my ethnic identity. In addition to allowing me to become fluent in Hawaiian, this program has taught me the importance of knowing my peopleК»s history and realizing my responsibility to my people today. Without this experience, I do not think that I would have such a strong foundation for and understanding of my identity as I do now. Since I was given this opportunity to form a strong sense of identity and develop my own personal beliefs from a young age, it has also taught me to respect the identities and beliefs of others. In the Hawaiian language there is a saying that goes, Aohe pau ka ike i ka halau hookahi, which translates as, not all knowledge can be learned in one school. This saying is one of the main ones that we are taught from a young age. To us, it means that we cannot allow ourselves to become close minded to the opinions or beliefs of others because something can be learned from each of them. Having a strong
  • 18. Personal Statement On Marketing And Sales Budget When I started this simulation, my goal was to make as much of a profit as possible. I went into the simulation with that mindset, but did not think about the strategy part of the goal. I believe this is where I went wrong. My first round was not bad, and I still came out with a small profit, but by my third round, it was nearly impossible to get out of the debt. If I were to do it over again, I would have borrowed as much money and issued as much stock as possible to carry me throughout my first few rounds. With this money, I would have invested in more R D. I tried to get my high tech product off the ground, but the cost was too much to carry out successfully. Therefore, I had to focus on my low tech product to keep me out of as much debt as possible. One of my biggest challenges was finding the right place to position my marketing and sales budget. My second round came turned out to be very successful. I believe this is because I had adjusted the price correctly and spent just the right amount in my sales and marketing. When I tried to replicate my success in the next round, it did not return the same results. From that point on, I struggled to find the best way to position my marketing and sales budget. I believe this also suffered due to lack of money I did not borrow in the beginning of the simulation. In the beginning, production was not easy for me to understand. One of my biggest obstacles was trying to understand how to estimate the number of units I would be
  • 19. Essay On Magnetic Field Summer of 2017 saw UT Southwestern Medical Center make considerable strides in biotech with the development of high frequency alternating magnetic fields to destroy bacterial films on the surfaces of artificial joints in the body simply by heating the joints themselves. These bacterial infections tend to be of great detriment to patients, and they prove impeccably resilient to antibiotics. Since then, that same research has been furthered to prove itself on human test subjects. Now, the U.S. Energy Department illustrates the ability to see bacterial cells magnetic fields via electron microscopy, which marks a milestone both for microscopy and for scientific rendering of magnetic nano objects in liquid and bacterial cell magnetic fields... Show more content on ... When we look at samples prepared in the conventional way, we have to make many assumptions about their properties based on their final state, but with the new technique, we can now observe these processes first hand, Prozorov explains. It can help us understand the dynamics of macromolecule aggregation, nanoparticle self assembly, and the effects of electric and magnetic fields on that process. This bears significant implications for biotechnological applications, especially in light of recent research regarding the use of magnetic heating to eradicate bacteria from surfaces within the human body. People get metal parts implanted all the time to compensate for injuries or very old body parts. These pieces range from metal plates to pins to artificial joints, but they all serve relatively similar purposes holding bones together. The problem that comes from this from time to time is that bacteria inside a patient s body eventually find these metal surfaces and seek refuge on or in them. Ordinarily, physicians recommend surgery to get rid of those bacteria, but new research suggests that surgery may no longer be necessary; rather, it may be possible to get the same result with the non invasive alternative of magnetic heating. These bacteria can be very difficult to remove because they form biofilms thin sheets that form a viscous, protective membrane of sorts like plaque on enamel. Even though this only happens to
  • 20. Agamemnon By Euripides Essay Euripides was classic Athens. He is one of whose plays have long survived. Importantly, he was well identified with theatrical innovation, which has profoundly influenced drama up to the modern times, most especially in the representation of traditional, mythical heroes as the ordinary people in an extraordinary circumstance. Apparently, was so unique among many writers of ancient Athens because of his abundant sympathy that he demonstrated towards the victims of society, most especially being women. Agamemnon, Orestes and Electra were the main characters in the plays. The play revolves around the leader of Greek forces, Agamemnon, and his deadly decision to sacrifice his first daughter Iphigenia, to preserve his honor by doing battle against... Show more content on ... Later, Orestes killed two sons of Thestes and cut them into pieces, then served them at a banquet to their father during an honor of his return (277). It was a horrible experience for Thyestes after discovering what was prepared for his meal. He then went away from Argos with only his infant child called Aegisthus after cursing both Orestes and his descendants. After the death of Orestes, the throne was left under Agamemnon his son, who later married a daughter of Sparta s king. They bore three children, of which one inherited his father s throne upon death. The remaining son of Orestes married Helen, who became king of Sparta upon her father s death. Another seduction in the descendants of Orestes occurs. Later after the wedding, Paris who was the son of Troy s king, seduced Helen then took her away. A great force was organized to restore Helen to her husband. However, due to adverse winds, they were unable to sail towards Troy. They appeased goddess Artemis to calm the winds by sacrificing a young girl who arrived at the camp. They sailed to Troas but there was a lot of justification of the murder of their mother by Orestes who was later afflicted with madness then goes to become a spirit to hunt and punish murderers
  • 21. The Construction Of A Construction Project Delivery Research Scopes and Goals Depended upon developing trends of not only the U.S. construction industry, also the worldwide one in general, this research is precisely about the cooperating relationships and efficiencies of a full collaboration, including Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), Lean Construction, and Building Information Modeling (BIM) in intensifying performance of plenty construction project types. Specifically, this research investigates and analyzes numerous necessary means and techniques used for a true collaboration of cooperation of IPD, Lean, and BIM (or ILB in short); additionally, the efficiency of full ILB cooperation is proved by the examination of two important variables of a construction project, which are Cost Performance Index (CPI) and Schedule Performance Index (SPI), with participation of more than 75 projects and case studies. Technically, three essential phases of a construction project, such as pre construction (planning, pre design, estimating costs, schematic design, and constructability review), construction (managing constructing process, tracking project schedule, and controlling costs), and post construction (closeout work and final completion) are specifically investigated together with proposed conceptually synergistic models of these factors. Investigating all possible components for a perfect ILB and evaluating this partnership s effects on project cost and schedule performance are spreading more and more knowledge and applications of
  • 22. Mcdonald s Production and Operations Management Mcdonald s Use of Teams in Production and Operations Management Introduction Strategies are important for all businesses, regardless of the products or services that they offer. Through strategic management and operations, companies are able to integrate new and effective means of running their respective businesses. In turn, these strategies results in an increased profit of sales, stable market position and greater levels of customer loyalty. In the fast food industry, businesses such as McDonald s must establish certain business and marketing strategies. Primarily, the main goal of McDonald s, just like any other organization is to sustain their competitive advantage in the global market. Overview of the Company ... Show more content on ... Despite some issues being raised against the company and the changing of marketing strategies, McDonald s has remained in the status of being one the most successful big companies during this recession. On May 9, 2012, the fast food giant posted February sales results that most chains would envy (Adamy, 2009). Even in this tough economy, McDonald s was able to maintain profitability with it cheap dollar menu. Part of its business strategy is its plan to phase out certain items to try to create a healthier image for itself. The company is also planning other menu changes such as switching the size of some of its menu items. All of these changes in the menu are part of its strategy to provide a range of choices that supports a balanced lifestyle. McDonald s also has a diverse market to include not only fast food but also children s wear. The McKid s products include footwear, videos, toys and casual clothes. Strategies in other areas of the organization were also made, such as the three wheeled vehicle that is used to collect discarded cups and burger wrapping in the neighborhoods around some of the restaurant locations. McDonald s developed three core strategies for sustaining the competitive advantage. These are customer convenience, customer value, and optimal operations. Together with new innovative digital strategies, McDonald s creates new and bold ideas for the company. Currently the major focus areas are nutrition
  • 23. Examples Of Pride In Macbeth Agency of Pride The American author, speaker, and pastor John C. Maxwell explains how pride can have two different effects on people, There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad. Good pride represents our dignity and self respect. Bad pride is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance ( John C Maxwell). This quote is evident in the lives and actions of Macbeth, Malcolm, and Macduff. Malcolm and Macduff pride were driven by confidence and obedience to their kingdom. Macbeth was faced with temptations that pressured his prideful trait for evil and cruel deeds. Macbeth s pride and desires cloud his judgment which led to the lies, betrayals, and murders. The play of Macbeth clearly illustrates how Macbeth did have agency during his temptations. One example of Macbeth s agency of pride that is expressed during the play is the willpower that Macbeth has to control his actions during the first meeting with the witches. In this interaction, the witches only tell him half of the prophecy By Sinel s death I know I am Thane of Glamis. But how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor lives, A prosperous gentleman, and to be king Stands not within the prospect of belief, No more than to be Cawdor. Say from whence You owe this strange intelligence, or why Upon this blasted heath you stop our way With such prophetic greeting (Shakespeare). The encounter with the witches demonstrates how Macbeth had power over his response to the witches because he had two
  • 24. Ted Bundy Case Summary Summary of Case Bundy always had a way to manipulate women, He d often disguise himself with facial hair or draw on moles and pretend to be an authority figure ( Ted Bundy Biography ,2018). He would also pretend to be a handicapped individual to gain the sympathy of these women . He would put fake casts on one of his legs or arms, then go out in public pretending to struggle with books and boxes hoping a woman might help him ( Ted BundyBiography ,2018). This was Bundy s way of planning his attack on the victims. There was also the incident where Bundy abducted and killed a twelve year old child. Bundy also lured 12 year old Lynette Dawn Culver away from her junior high school in Pocatello, Id. He abducted her, took her back to his hotel room where he raped her, drowned her, and threw her body in a river north of Pocatello ( Ted Bundy... Show more content on ... He would often bite his victims after killing them, One victim was bitten so badly on her breasts that one of her nipples was almost completely detached ( Ted Bundy Biography , 2018). Another chilling fact about him was that he would train to be strong to kill . Bundy treated murder like a sport, he would actually engage in a catch and release type of training during his off season ( Ted Bundy Biography ,2018). Ted on his last attacks left two girls alive, they had to testify against this monster. During pretrial maneuvering they had to face bundy (Living Victims,2018). The reason Ted Bundy went under suspicion was the DNA match on his victims from the bite marks that he had left on them. He at one point disabled a women s car in order to make her become vulnerable to him making this a satisfaction to his sexual fantasies. His success in his crimes lies greatly on the meticulous planning and concrete preparation of each attack. It is said that he may have killed as many as 36 women , although it is said there may
  • 25. Analysis Of The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down is a story that portrays the life of a young Hmong girl named Lia Lee and her battle with heritage and the medical profession. The novel displays two interchanging story lines. One story line exhibits the life of a young girl named Lia Lee and her family as they live as immigrants in the U.S, and the other story line displays the Hmong heritage history. Both of these storylines come together and the novel shows how the two are interchangeable. Professional Knowledge Versus One s Beliefs First, these two storylines are interchangeable in regards to professional knowledge. Lia Lee s family is from Hmong heritage and they practice different beliefs and rituals in regards to healing. Their ... Show more content on ... One of the huge mistakes was that the medical profession did not value the family s beliefs and knowledge. Her family was aware of her condition, and they had alternative healing methods for Lia, however, the U.S. medical profession did not value these wishes. Instead, they performed multiple procedures on her that went against her family s beliefs (Fadiman 1997). Lee Family s Social Environment In this novel, there are different social environments that interact with the Lee family. Each of these environments interact with the Lee family in different ways. Some environments interact for the better, and some are very concerning. For example, the hospital. This environment is one of the main ones exhibited throughout the novel. This is one environment that interacts in both a positive and negative way. The hospital interacts in a positive way by trying to save Lia s life and provide the best health assistance for her and her epilepsy. However, it also acts in a negative way as well. The medical professionals do not seem to value Lia s family s wishes in regards to her health, and they tend to cross boundaries in regards to her beliefs (Fadiman 1997). In regards to the previous environment, the community also played a huge part with interacting with the Lee family. The community tended to interact in a positive and negative way as well. The community acted in a positive way by caring about Lia and her health. However,
  • 26. Transgender Issues in Patriarchy, a Look at quot;Boys... The film, Boys Don t Cry, Kimberly Pierce s brilliant work of 1999, is the true story of, Brandon Teena, born Teena Brandon, played by Hillary Swank, who created a male identity for herself. Brandon was born in 1972 and died at the hopelessly young age of 21. The actual story takes place within the last two weeks of Brandon s life, in 1993. The movie, a dramatized documentary, was released in 1999. Brandon is a transgendered individual; he was born a female, but feels that he would be happier living as a man. She leaves her brother and hometown of Lincoln, Nebraska, where everybody knows her as Teena, to start a new life as Brandon. Brandon ends up in Falls City and his short life, as a man, begins. It is in essence, the epitome of... Show more content on ... No one knew he was actually a female except for his brother who was constantly warning him against the harsh realities of their small minded rural community. Aside from the man who knew him as his sister, he was well accepted and appreciated as young man by the people around him in a small Nebraska town, called Falls City. We will see their true colors later as Brandon is horribly raped and murdered, upon being recognized as a girl, by his disgusted manly hillbilly buddies. Brandon was only just beginning his search for identity, something that most people never figure out, let alone someone who goes against their own anatomy. Finding your gender identity in a world where you are given no choices has got to be the hardest battle of them all. We watch the transgender story of Brandon Teena unfold into a heart wrenching tale of what it really means to tell the truth. Despite the fact that Brandon has the biological make up of a female, he bravely takes on his world as a man, doing everything he can to introduce each person that he meets to his genuine masculinity. He picks fights with men in bars, to valiantly protect women from their lascivious intentions of the cowards, trying to get their nut off. Brandon aside from Lana, played by Chloe Sevigny, is the most authentic individual in the story, standing up for everything he believes is right. He defines people from the inside. How easy it would be to take advantage of the jaw dropping
  • 27. The Pros and Cons of Protest in American History Essay Assembly can lead to change or it can lead to horrible circumstances, sometimes planned or sometimes accidental. Over the years people have used and abused their right to assemble, many have died, even more have been arrested. But, many issues have changed because of this right. Violence has been endured, and people s lives have been changed. The Vietnam War is a perfect example of a group of protests that had many different outcomes. The Kent State shootingsand the Democratic Convention of 1968 are examples of protests that went terribly wrong. Sit ins and singing protestsongs against violence are examples of peaceful protest. The Democratic Convention of 1968 took place in Chicago, Illinois. This convention is known as the people s ... Show more content on ... Hundreds of protesters were beaten and the crowd was tear gassed. After the riot seven men were held responsible for the riots and imprisoned for their action and for not caring out peaceful assembly. (Whitney) Kent State University has four markers in a parking lot that was on top of a hill on campus in 1970. Those four markers are there to represent the four lives that were lost on May 4, 1970. The protests at Kent State began Friday, May 1st the day after President Nixon announced the invasion of Cambodia. Protests were held on the commons where many rallies and demonstrations were held in the past. The second rally was scheduled for Monday, May 4th. But, Friday evening unveiled some harsh feelings between students and the local police. The mayor of Kent declared a state of emergency. The next morning the Ohio National Guard was called in because of threats that were made to local businesses and threats to destroy the town and Kent State. When the National Guard arrived to Kent, protesters had already burned the ROTC building to the ground. The Governor flew into Kent on Sunday and issued a statement that if protesters did not comply he would seek a court order declaring a state of emergency. The order was not actually ever issued but Kent State was under the assumption that a state of Martial Law was in effect and all rallies were banned. The rally was held anyway at noon on Monday, May 4th. Over 3,000 protesters attended and the
  • 28. Defense, Protection from Extinction, and Intelligence Can... Recently, there have been many articles relating to animals and their survival skills. Also, many researchers have been focusing on the daily life of a species and how well they can cooperate with both their neighbors and the wildlife surrounding them. Many have found that animals are much smarter than they are thought to be. They have a lot of potential which most speciesuse to the fullest of their ability. For example, Allegra Staples wrote an article explaining how some spiders have recently been duplicating themselves with findings from their habitat to scare away any predators that may come their way. Also, Meera Dolasia wrote about several naturalists that have decided to travel to Tasmania so they are able to search for the extinct Tasmanian tiger because of all the reported sightings around Australia. The following articles show just how far various animal species have come over the years. It is necessary for everyone to be aware of animals and insects when they are becoming extinct, especially if there is something people can do to help the species have living representatives. For example, in the article Naturalists Begin Search For Extinct Tasmanian Tiger , Meera Dolasia puts forth that the Tasmanian tiger has been known as extinct for over 20 years, yet many have reported sights of them recently. This article mentions how the reason of the rapid decrease of the population is a dangerous tumor that appears on the tiger, causing them to get a
  • 29. Analysis Of Pedagogy Of The Oppressed Free will isn t always what it seems. The essays Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paolo Freire and Fences of Enclosure, Windows of Possibility, by Naomi Klein show the idea of how the environment regulates revolutionary social change. The content of the two authors essays shows how the varying environment that the public exists in affects how they live. The two authors reveal how the environment people exist in controls how revolutionary social change can be created or suppressed. Revolutionary social change can be created and suppressed depending on if individuals are willing to overcome the limitations placed upon them by their environment. Revolutionary social change can be suppressed if people conform to the boundaries instituted by the environment that they exist in the significant educational system. The environment that people exist in defines to a ... Show more content on ... The educational system regulates the dynamics that exists between these two separate collections of people. The teacher plays the dominant role over the student. The teacher leads how the classroom is run and the student is supposed to abide by these rules instituted by the teacher running the classroom. The capability of banking education to minimize or annul the students creative power and to stimulate their credulity serves the interests of the oppressors. (Freire 73) Teachers in the educational system want to maintain control, order, and power in the classroom. They believe that their authoritative role is necessary in making sure that the classroom environment is effective. The teacher s word is supposed to be regarded as gold and cannot be opposed in this system. Teachers don t want to take a backseat to the student or even share an equivalent role. The educational system will succeed if students possess a more equivalent role to their counterpart who are the teachers. Klein says, With copyright now the U.S. s single largest
  • 30. Rhetorical Appeals In Thomas s Poetry Rhetoric is a useful writing tool that allows writers to effectively use language in an effort to persuade their audience in a direction. Rhetoric is considered an art because it molds our writing, and allows us to use techniques to enhance it. These types are techniques are called rhetorical situations. Rhetorical situations are constraints that writers use in the context of their paper to argue and support different appeals that the issue has, in order to describe it better. Genres of writing exemplify types of rhetorical appeals, where some are used more than others. Poetryis a type of writing specifically used to employ powerful rhetorical appeals to paint a theme or a story. These types of rhetorical appeals allow poems to show various... Show more content on ... Thomas again personifies time, and describes times as the taker. What Thomas means is that as the taker, time is taking away the child s youth. Though he child became aware of time a few stanzas ago, the realization has become dominant and is taking over the child. One of the most powerful lines in the whole poem is the last line, ... I sang in my chains like the sea. The author is referring to the chains as the child becoming an adult, and leaving behind his innocence. There is no going back to the happiness and purity that he had before. The child is now chained, and is no longer able to go back. Though the message is clear, the author chooses another rhetorical device along with imagery, he uses a verb to describe the chains, as he [sings] in his chains. Possibly it means that the child is uncomfortable and yelling about his discrepancies with his newfound knowledge he does not want. However, what is clear is the child s understanding of nature with time; time is taking his innocence and the death of youth was always
  • 31. The Theme of Control in Shakespeare s Othello Essay The Theme of Control in Othello Throughout history, powerful empires with boundless control have had a tendency to fall victim to corruption. It is common knowledge, among political scientists and historians, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. William Shakespeare s Othello, the Moor of Venice (reprinted in Laurence Perrine and Thomas R. Arp, Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense, 6th ed. [Fort Worth: Harcourt, 1993] 1060 1147) contains several themes, but one theme in particular supports the truth of this knowledge. In Othello, the Moor of Venice, the theme of control is one that causes corruption. Othello s control is stolen by Iago and, Iago s overbearing control of Othello s ... Show more content on ... Othello speaks of their love in Act I, Scene 3: She loved me for the dangers I had passed, And I loved her that she did pity them (1.3.166 67). Othello believes in his wife s loyalty. All in all, Othello is in complete control at the beginning of the play, but this will change dramatically. Iago is often regarded as Shakepeare s most consummate villain. This is understandable; it is hard to imagine a villain capable of matching the combination of diabolical nature and supreme skill that Iago uses to systematically take control. Iago s first attempt to gain control is a retaliation against Othello s promotional decision. When Michael Cassio is chosen for the position of lieutenant, Iago becomes furious and tries to place Othello in danger; he informs Brabantio of Othello s elopement with Desdemona in a very clever way: Zounds, sir, you re robbed. For shame, put on your gown, Your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul. Even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe (1.1.86 89). Iago uses sexual imagery to fuel Brabantio s anger. This extra anger, caused by Iago, has potential of harming Othello. When this evil scheme fails, Iago results to a new plan. In Act II, Scene 1, Iago convinces Roderigo that Desdemona actually loves Cassio, and persuades
  • 32. Persuasive Essay Against Animal Captivity Seaworld should be banned from keeping animals held captive Keeping animals in captivity is an argument over the rights for the animals held captive at seaworld or marine parks around the world. Keeping animals held captive is when large sea animals are captured from the ocean and kept in a small enviroment such as a tank or an aquarium that are used for shows and entertainment living an unnatural life.Seaworld is a marine mammal park that puts animals such as whales and dolphins into serious harm that can help in the killing of the species as whales are in danger of extinction.In this report i have found imformation on the affects of keeping whales and dolphins held captive and how they would adapt back to normal life after captivity if possible, ... Show more content on ... The animals at seaworld should not be taken from the wild and should have rights from being taken p[ ooo Adapting back to normal life after captivity may be possible as following the evidence of the Release of 3 dolphins into the wild after captivity and seen months later according to the website as cathy williamson states.Although she states that any animal released should be free of any behaviour that could affect there survival in the wild and also beable to relearn life skills,like catch live fish and stay away from boats or dangers in a rehabilitation period.This shows that seaworld animals should be given a chance to rehabilitate and be released into the wild. It seems that some mammals may be more endangered in the wild after captivity as some orcas may be unable to survive in the wild after captivity as they may be too mentally and physically scared after the habitat they have lived their lives in as reported on the website by cathy williamson They may also not beable to capture live fish again or beable to survive without human care as they have adapted to the captive enviroment.This information shows that after keeping orcas captive they would be more endangered living in the wild as they wouldnt know how to survive back in the
  • 33. Julius Caesar Is To Blame Julius Caesar is a leader who rose to power due to the fact of the counsel and the senate never meeting eye to eye.The reason to why there was a senate and counsel was to create a new government so a single ruler like the Tarquins wouldn t occur again.Julius Caesar was a part of a triumvirate but Caesar became a dictator.The Senate disliked him since they didn t know how long he would rule and the fear of him being corrupted which lead to the death of Julius Caesar.Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar based on the life of Julius Caesar to show how being ambitious can lead to one s death.The Senate became conspirators who believed that Caesar being in power would lead to corruption and an oppressive leader and government like the Tarquins so they planned to kill him .Cassius,Brutus,Casca and etc were involved in the death of Caesar.Although some may say that Brutus is to be blamed for the death of Caesar since because Caesar let go when Brutus came due to the betrayal of their relationship and doubting Caesar s ability to rule Rome, ultimately Caesar is to blame because he is
  • 34. Foreshadowing In Oedipus The King Foreshadowing is a tool used by playwrights and authors of all types as a means to direct the audience into a path of questioning and intrigue throughout the course of a novel or play. After reading both of these theatrical works, it struck me just how often I dismiss/fail to acknowledge the big red flags stuck within the ground of the text and thus proceed to give myself incredibly undeserved credit at the end of every reading for having figured out what was going to happen all by myself . Therefore, I have taken it upon myself to examine the importance of this technique in order to credit the playwrights and show how their use of foreshadowing creates tension, credibility and a specific atmosphere in both of their fictitious worlds. Oedipus... Show more content on ... Careful not, this is the great day, Mister Figaro! First, you have to have your little ceremony earlier, so as to be more sure of being married: beat off the Marceline that s drooling for you like a mad thing, frustrate His Lordship s lustful little schemes, thrash Master Bazile s ar... 3 This verse not only provides the audience with a comic relief after learning about the seriousness of Figaro s predicament, but also informs us about the future plans of the character which keeps us intrigued and in anticipation for the remainder of the plot. It is important to note the way in which the provision of knowledge in this play and the lack of it in Oedipus the King are both capable of maintaining the curiosity of a spectator. However, I would also like to point out that each tactic is suited to the genre of the play i.e. you want to keep the audience informed as to what is going on in a comedy however, you want to maintain the eeriness that comes along with not knowing what will happen next in a
  • 35. The Importance Of Support Groups And Treatment Of Cerebral... as soon as possible, a child may preserve his or her current functioning and develop to the highest capacity with the assistance of healthcare workers. Nurses also need to serve a counseling role for families. Providing emotional support can help families begin to cope with their current circumstances. The nurse needs to provide reassurance and emphasize any positives in this situation. The nurse also fulfills the role of resource person. Providing information regarding support groups and parent groups like the Cerebral PalsyAlliance may be helpful. Support groups are beneficial because they can help parents grieve and heal with those who understand their circumstance. Nurses can also refer families to various other services like... Show more content on ... Another researched treatment option for cerebral palsy is hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy involves having the patient placed in a pressurized room or tube where the air pressure is three times higher than normal (Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 2014). While the patient is in the hyperbaric chamber, he or she is exposed to 100% oxygen (Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 2014). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen the blood can carry which helps promote healing and fights infection (Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 2014). The UHM journal conducted a study to see if intensive rehabilitation combined HBO2 therapy would improve gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy (Mukherjee, 2017). This study involved one hundred and fifty children with CP. The children were divided up into four groups; one control the three others all were exposed to varying levels of HBO2 therapy (Mukherjee, 2017). The children were observed over an eight month period (Mukherjee, 2017). Every child who was assigned to a HBO2 therapy session went once daily for six days within a week. At intervals of two, four, six, and eight months after the treatment began, the children s gross motor function measure (GMFM) was evaluated (Mukherjee, 2017). The results were conclusive revealing all the children s GMFM scores improved. However, the children who had the rehabilitation coupled with
  • 36. The Effects Of Educational Technology On The Classroom Research Paper: Effects of Educational Technology In the Classroom By: Nicole Ault Computer Science 313 October 1st, 2017 Abstract: This research paper includes several studies on the effects of children s learning when incorporating technology into their lives. Overall, the studies mentioned can make technology be viewed as an aid or a hinder on a child s cognitive development. For some people the advances of technology in today s world can be viewed as a negative or a positive in a persons life. But what about the technological advances and the effects they have on a child s life? For this paper, research was done that examines both sides of technology and the positive or negative consequences ... Show more content on ... There is also some up sides to technology for children, for example according to Psychology Today research shows that, video games and other screen media improve visual spatial capabilities, increase attentional ability, reaction times, and the capacity to identify details among clutter. There are plenty of video games that incorporate learning into them and can be beneficial for a child because they can make math, spelling, history, or whatever other subjects the child may be having difficulty with, fun. There are so many different kinds of games that are geared, especially towards children s learning that it almost seems more beneficial for a child to play a learning game than to sit in front of the television. The problem with this lies in the notion that most children are not playing educational games or watching educational television. Instead, they are drawn to social media platforms or random websites with little to no educational benefits. Some of the downsides of technology are that children are not getting as much exercise and fresh air as they were ten or more years ago. According to the BBC, Children aged five to sixteen spend an average of six and a half hours a day in front of a screen compared with around three hours in 1995, according to market research firm Childwise. Children have so many ways to access technology now with
  • 37. Different Kinds Of Vegetarian Diets There are several different kinds of vegetarian diets. One can become semi vegetarian, lacto vegetarian, Lacto Ovo vegetarian, and vegan.Vegetarians may use all the animal products they wish, but will not eat the meat from the animals. Semi vegetarian is simply a cut back on the intake of meat in general. Lacto vegetarian excludes meat, fish, poultry, and eggs, but includes dairy products. Lacto Ovo vegetarian excludes meat, fish, and poultry, but includes dairy and eggs. Vegan is not the same as vegetarian on a vegan diet, one does not use any animal products at all, including the substances wool, leather, and honey. This is why copious amounts of people do not want to become vegetarian; they think they have no choice but to give up all animal products, instead of just meat. Another argument about the vegetarian diet is, more or less, Prehistoric man hunted animals to survive, so we must continue to eat meat because they did it. However, hunting was more than just their source of food. They used every part of the animal they hunted for survival. However, now we have all kinds of clothing, housing, and are not constantly being hunted by other animals, so eating their meat is simply a luxury. Before man figured out how to hunt larger animals, plants and grains were consumed. This was not a drawback and man lived on. Moving back to this lifestyle would transform the world into a cleaner place, and could help the world eventually obtain an organic lifestyle, which
  • 38. The Century Of The Self The century of the self tells the disputed story of the growth of the mass consumer society in the United States. Happiness Machine shows about how policy and business learned to create and dominate mass democracy society. Signund Freud is the founder of psychoanalysis that his ideas about unconscious mind. And there said that used by unconscious mindin power and post war American to try and control the masses. The idea of Freud s nephew, Edward Bernays were develop techniques and mass culture to manage and control the minds of the American people. For satisfy their desires and the life what they wish, human changed their mind from the effect of Bernays idea. Bernays was the first person to take Freud s ideas about human beings and used them to manipulate the masses and influenced on the 20th century. Edward Bernay shows American corporations how they could make people want things they did not need through systematically linking mass produced goods their unconscious desires. Therefore, society became a new world about how to control the masses and satisfying people in a selfish desires. After I watch this documentary, I will directly link to the Frankfurt school theory. The Frankfurt school will focus on the system of capitalism and the bourgeoisie, complain that they deprive peoples revolution will through manipulate mass media. The conspiracy between welfare state, ideology and science technology enhance the control for people. Especially through the mass media
  • 39. Endangered Jaguar Research Paper Saving the Endangered Jaguars A keystone species is a plant or animal that has a disproportionately large effect in its ecosystem, relative to its size or abundance. Removing a keystone species from its environment could cause a lot of harm and damage. One problem Central America is facing is the extinction of plants, animals, and insects. The main cause is the deforestation that is going on in the Amazon rainforest which leads to habitat loss. Poaching them for their fur is also a big cause. One animal that is being harmed by this is the jaguar. When a predator is removed from its environment, it can cause a trophic cascade of effects in the environment. A trophic cascade is the effects felt through the ecosystem from the elimination of... Show more content on ... Web. 24 Nov. 2014. . Creating Incentives to Stop Deforestation | The Nature Conservancy. Creating Incentives to Stop Deforestation | The Nature Conservancy. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. http: // warming climate change/how we work/creating incentives to stop deforestation.xml . Jaguar. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. http:/ / . Protecting Critical Habitat for Jaguars. Jaguar. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. http:/ / critical habitat jaguars . Jaguars: The Problem With Their Extinction. Saving the Jaguars. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. . Introduction: What s a Jaguar?: Delicate Balance. Introduction: What s a Jaguar?: Delicate Balance. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. /s1_3_1_1.htm# . Deforestation Dictionary Definition. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. http:/ / . Basic Facts About Jaguars. Jaguar. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
  • 40. Comparing the Aura CafГ© and the Lunch Box Essay Comparing the Aura CafГ© and the Lunch Box The Aura CafГ© Situated on the High Street of Whitechapel, opposite the tube station, the Aura cafГ© was opened in December 2004. It is a small cafГ© owned and control by a sole owner Mr. Muhammad Ali but well furnished with around 30 covers, with air conditioning system, a nice interior decoration and also a non smoking area. SWOT Analysis of the Aura CafГ©. Strength * According to my findings, the Aura cafГ© targets mostly the students from colleges and universities of the surrounding area. The target market is young college students and therefore seeks to fulfill the following benefits that are important to its customers: * More time ... Show more content on ... * The cafГ© offers a limited variety of food * Another weakness of the cafГ© is that they don t have a chef, and they buy all their ready made foods from suppliers and this increases their cost of production and that is why they cant have lower prices than the Lunch Box * The main weakness is that the smoke extractor in the smoking area doesn t work, which leaves the lounge full of smokes. I noticed when u leave the Aura CafГ©, your clothes stinks of smoke. * As it is 4 months old, the Aura cafГ© doesn t have that much goodwill as the Lunch Box Opportunities * As its main customers are students, the aura cafГ© could offer student discounts, which is another way of attracting more students. * They could employ a chef and more staff so that they can provide self made food which will be of good quality and also offer better and quick services. * An opportunity of the Aura CafГ© is that it can operate till late night instead of closing at 17:00 hours. This would be a better way of competing with Lunch Box Threats
  • 41. * Threat of cut throat competion from fast food giants like Burger King and KFC which are just a few meters away from the Aura CafГ© * The main customers of the CafГ© are students. So during college holidays, the sales will go down * Moreover, if college closes down or move to another area,
  • 42. The Positive And Negative Consequences Of Gentrification... Stigmas have been an essential tool to navigate the complexities of the cultural world. Often, stigmas are associated with an attribute that is deeply discrediting towards a group of people, but stigmas are not exclusively attributed to social groups (Goffman 13). Certain words hold stigmas that warp our understanding of that word. The negative stigma associated with the word gentrification has created many misunderstandings of what gentrificationг…Ўand its natureг…Ўis. Gentrification is the process of restoring and reconstructing deteriorating communities and can be paired with the movement of wealthy individuals from the surrounding community to the gentrified one. People attributed a stigma with gentrification because many people see gentrification as a one sided topic. Availability biases portray gentrification as something communities should avoid. However, gentrification is a multifaceted and a controversial topic with positive, negative, neutral, and even unknown consequences. When looking beyond the stigmas associated with gentrification, there are some positive consequences that society often overlooks. Negative consequences often overshadow the positive consequences, which perpetuate the notion that gentrification is bad and is a one sided issue. In reality, gentrification is misunderstood; gentrification is neither good nor bad because there are too many contrasting factors and consequences that can arise from gentrification. Instead of labelling gentrification as
  • 43. My Vision At The Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation My Mission/Great Purpose is to empower and help women and youth discover and pursue their passions and dreams through creative, hands on training, education, and workshops that integrate Life Purpose Coaching techniques with expressive healing arts. My Vision is for Bloom Into Being, LLC, and the Re stARTistry project to become a united Christian community across all ethnicities, denominations, and economic levels with every woman and child having the ability to discover and pursue his/her God given passions and talents and pour them out freely for the benefit of others to create new beauty and transform the world. Now that my Great Purpose has been awakened, I can envision myself a year out from today.... What life is like now... I have... Show more content on ... I live as God s walking poem, because Jesus and his glory live alive in me. I know I am set apart in a special way, unlike a tree, the sky, or any other of God s creation, and I let Christ pour out of me, right where I am because he has chosen me to live within. And even as my introverted self, I force myself to embrace the truth that I experience God through you more fully than I can without you, because he lives within you too. I see God s glory revealed in the art of man s life and in the poetry of man s work, no matter who I m with or what I m doing, what s gone wrong or how little I m paid. I choose to be alive in the presence of Christ, seeking to know people as Christ is poured out of them through their own uniqueness and individuality. (AMLW, p 178). And this is what ultimately helps me to continuously engage with others in my calling and my craft. There s no denying that at the very core of my being, God has made me with a deep desire to want to help others pull back the layers that suffocate the truth of who they really are and to encourage and release them to live as though they believe that they indeed have something to offer the world. (AMLW, p 17). In all that I do, I want others to know that God is an artist, not a technician, and that art is what happens when you dare to be who you really are! (AMLW, p 21). Barriers along the way... Not that realizing this desire didn t come at a cost.
  • 44. The history of Rooster Teeth Production, LLC. Part One: Background and History Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC. is a production company based in Austin, Texas. It was officially established April 1st, 2003; although, the company made video production content, such as parodies and short movies, before then. The history of Rooster Teeth starts at the University of Texas in the mid 1990s. Three friends, Michael Burnie Burns, Matt Hullum, and Joel Heyman were friends who attended the university in Austin. They were not the best students, and they were worried the high paying technology jobs, that were growing increasingly popular at the time, were out of their reach. So, as an attempt to get themselves noticed in the industry, they decided to make a short film together. The film was called The Schedule; Burns and Hullum directed it while Heyman played the lead role. The three of them brought their film to several festivals, and they received some minor recognition. In fact, it prompted Heyman to move to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting, and Hullum decided to follow his heart (i.e. Joel) ( and decided to move there as well to work in visual effects. Burns stayed in Austin, where he started working at a tech support center, and where he eventually became Director of Operations. At this point in time, three key players who would eventually form Rooster Teeth were separated from each other, and they could have feasibly spent the rest of their lives this way. However, one more important