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Professional Career Narrative
Essay Example
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Professional Career Narrative Essay Example Professional Career Narrative Essay Example
Bend It Like Beckham Sociology
Bend it like Beckham is a movie that shows the story of two 18 year old girls who are really ambitious
and want to become professional football players. Jessminder Bhamra (Jess) has passion for football
just like her idol David Beckham. One day, as she is playing in the park with her friends, Juliette
Paxton (Jules) sees her and asks if she wants to try out for the girls football team that she is in. Even
though the coach, Joe, does not let new players join but he later realized that Jess has amazing football
skills. And playing football is against Jess Punjabi culture but she wants to play on the team regardless
of all the norms. On the other hand, Jules mother, Mrs. Paxton, does not want her to play but instead
be more feminine. Thankfully ... Show more content on ...
Paxton overhears their conversation and misunderstands that Jess and Jules are lesbians. Later on, the
final game clashes with Jess sister, Pinky s wedding. So Joe comes to plead Mr. and Mrs. Bhamra to
let Jess play since there will be a scout watching but they refuse saying that Mr. Bhamra was
discriminated while playing when he was little. The game and Pinky s wedding begins and halfway
though, Tony, Jess s friend convinces Mr. Bhamra that Jess can still make it to the game if he lets her
go. As she arrives, the team was losing and when the score was tied, Jess gets a free kick and they win
the tournament. Both Jess and Jules get scholarships at the Santa Clara University in California. Mrs.
Paxton and Jules go to the wedding afterwards and Mrs. Paxton starts yelling at Jess about being a
lesbian and causing mess in the family. Tony decides to help Jess again since she did not tell her
parents about the scholarship by telling her parents that he will marry Jess as long as she goes to the
college she wants. But Jess just decides to tell her family about the truth and Mr. Bhamra gives
permission to go to the college because he doesn t want her to suffer like he did by not being able to
live the
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Still Culture In Still Life
Still life, a distinct genre and professional specialization, developed as a separate category in the late
sixteenth century. It gave the artists more freedom in the arrangement of elements within a
composition than other types of genres such as landscape or portraiture. A style of ostentatious still life
painting emerged in the Netherlands and prominent artists, like Willem Claesz Heda, emphasized the
abundance by depicting a diversity of objects, fruits, flowers and dead game, often together with
animals. This still life reminded viewers of the prosperity of the Republic; it spoke about the bounty of
God s creation and the nature of art and life. At first sight, Heda s painting, Still Life with a Gilt Cup
(1635) appears to welcome the ... Show more content on ...
Today, food is seen as a necessary part of life, with no need of the luxury, although the opulent
cuisines are famous too. Food in Netherlands shapes and is constantly shaped by the Dutch society.
The country s cuisine has been established by its cultivation (fishing, farming, domesticating animals)
and the history of Netherlands. In the prosperous Dutch Golden Age, when the urban merchant class
dominated the affluent Dutch society, the haute cuisine was largely limited to the aristocracy and
wealthy citizens, consisting of a rich variety of fruits, cheeses, meat, seafood, wine and nuts. The
Dutch empire enabled spices, sugar and exotic fruits as well as tea and coffee to be imported to the
country. Exotic ingredients such as dates, rice, cinnamon, ginger and saffron were gradually
introduced. Thus, today, Netherlands is home to different cultures and external influences, having a
variety of foods. Chinese Indonesian, Surinamese, French and Italian food are a part of the Dutch diet.
From piping hot street snacks to heart warming stews, pea soups to french fries with mayonnaise,
meat croquets to raw herrings, freshly baked breads to delicious cheeses and from Belgium waffles to
pies filled with spiced apples, the Dutch cuisine is celebrated with special
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Dangers Of Cell Phone Use While Driving
Cell phones play a very large role in most people s lives, but the continuous use of them has sparked
the controversy of whether or not these devices plague drivers. Improvements in technology and
human dependency on having a cell phone has led to the increase of cell phone use while driving and
crashes related to this behavior. Studies and simulations have been conducted to put the controversy at
ease accompanied by state governments passing bans on hand held devices. The magnitude of the
issue of cell phone use while driving is proven by the articles Cellular Phone Use While Driving:
Risks and Benefits: Section 3. Risks of Using a Cellular Phone While Driving by Karen S. Lissy,
M.P.H., Joshua T. Cohen, Ph.D., Mary Y. Park, M.S., and John D. Graham, Ph.D. and The Use of Cell
Phones While Driving . Federal and state governments should enact bans on cell phone use while
driving because missing a message or call is better than a loved one receiving the message of the
driver s death. Studies and statistics provide insight on how cell phone use while driving can cause or
contribute to crashes. In Cellular Phone Use While Driving: Risks and Benefits: Section 3. Risks of
Using a Cellular Phone While Driving , Karen S. Lissy, M.P.H., Joshua T. Cohen, Ph.D., Mary Y.
Park, M.S., and John D. Graham, Ph.D., provide performance studies, case reports of crashes, trends
in crashes and cell phone use, and epidemiological studies to show the risks and outcomes of driving
while on the
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Metaphors In Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God
Throughout the Eighteenth Century, religion fought a battle against science and those who
did not stand with the church were not looked at as ethical people. In the sense that they could not
possibly be good people if the did not live for God instead of themselves. Atheists were not the only
group of people who were disliked even Quakers and Jews who did not share the same God were
looked down upon. Jonathan Edwards made the message clear in his sermon that those who did not
go to church and live for God were enemies of God. The church and its followers started to make the
idea known to others that God would send them to hell for entirety unless they came back to God as
quickly as possible and repented. In his famous sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God .
Jonathan Edwards puts fear in all those who do not follow the word of God by talking about hell and
the punishment that unrepentant humans deserve. His metaphors including those about hell, the wrath
of God and the unworthiness of humans is successful in scaring the unrepentant to turn back to God
and as for forgiveness.
In one metaphor Edwards creates a clear image for his congregation when he explains that
unrepentant sinners are like heavy lead plunging toward hell without the help of God.
Edwards writes, Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead, and to tend downwards with
great weight and pressure towards hell; and if God should let you go, you would immediately sink and
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Module 7 Introduction To Psychology
In the book Introduction to Psychology by Plotnick, and Kouyoumdjian, there were many topics I read
about that were interesting, but module 7 was the one that cute my attention. The module is about
dreams. According to the definition in the book dreaming is a unique state of consciousness in which
we are asleep, but experience a variety of astonishing visual, auditory and tactile images, often
connected in strange ways and often in color. People blind from birth has only auditory or tactile
dreams. Sleep and dreams play important roles in human life. Sleep is divided into two major
categories called non Rem and REM. According we spend 80percent of our sleep time. Sleep consists
of five different stages. I will be discussing three of the stages.
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Russian Avant-Garde Essay
Russian Avant Garde was born at the start of the 20th century out of intellectual and cultural turmoil.
Through the analysis of artworks by Aleksandr Rodchenko and El Lissitzky this essay attempts to
explore the freedom experienced by artists after the Russian Revolution in 1917. This avant garde
movement was among the boldest and most advanced in Europe. It signified for many artists an end to
the past academic conventions as they began to experiment with the notions of space, following the
basic elements of colour, shape and line. They strove for a utopian existence for all benefited by and
inspired through the art they created. They worked with, for and alongside the politics of the time. The
equality for all that they sought would ... Show more content on ...
Rodchenko overlaps planes of colour, form and texture in an architectural way. His design includes a
large clock signifying the importance the Revolution placed on precision and efficiency, as well as a
speaker s rostrum, a huge billboard and a space to sell books and newspapers. Rodchenko became an
indisputable supporter of the Bolsheviks after the revolution and held roles within the newly formed
Fine Art Department of the People s Commissariat of Enlightenment. El Lissitzky was a Suprematist
and therefore his goal was to create work that embodied utopian ideals and values. His work was more
transcendental and he sort to manipulate space and perspective to shape the new world. El Lissitzky
developed Prouns (an abbreviation of Russian words meaning project for the establishment of new art
). These images were meant to move and inspire the masses. El Lissitzky described the Proun s power
is to create aims, this is the artists freedom, denied to the scientist (Margolin 1997, p. 33). He aimed to
create works that would be clear to everyone in an attempt to build a classless society. Despite the
isolation of Russia from the rest of the world as a result of the Revolution, El Lissitzky still believed
in a utopian world. He chose to recreate form and space from scratch. The Proun brought together
architecture and painting. Proun 1 E, The Town (see figure 2), closely models a town plan. There is
volume to the shapes he uses which indicate the form of
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Harry James Motivation
As soon as 1939 when he had joined Harry James music makers, a frenzy of female fans ensued.
Connie Haines, a singer who began working with Harry James at the time, recalled the reaction of fans
after Frank s first performance with James; After the first show, the screaming started in the theater,
and those girls came backstage. There were about twenty of them... it happened, it was real, it was not
a gimmick (Kaplan 76). The biggest height of the hysteria had to have been in October of 1944: the
Paramount/Columbus Day Riot. Around 30,000 of Sinatra s fans, many of which were teenage girls
nicknamed bobbysoxers, lined up for his show at the Paramount Theatre in Times Square (Doyle). The
amount let in was over the safe capacity and thousands more waited outside for shows later on in the
day. However, only a few hundred would leave from the previous shows causing a frenzy to ensue
outside; over 400 people from the police department were stationed for the day s chaotic events
(Kaplan 227).
There was obviously a strong passion within Sinatra s early fan base. This could be a result of an
intimate connection Frank emitted to them. Writer Francis Davis ... Show more content on ...
Frank Sinatra made moves to confirm his desire through his life due to an unpredictable temper: many
were of an violent nature. Early on while working with Tommy Dorsey, drummer Buddy Rich was fed
up with having to adhere to Sinatra s slow ballads and called Sinatra a son of a b wop bast (Kaplan
117). At this, Frank threw a glass water pitcher at Rich s head, just missing him. Rich tackled Sinatra
and they were in a fist brawl. As a result Dorsey kept Rich and sent Sinatra home for that night s show.
Frank ended up hiring some Hoboken friends to punch Rich in the face a few nights later (Kaplan
118). It was reported in the news, but it was unknown to the public who had attacked Buddy
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Structure Fire
Reducing the Spread of Structure Fires
This paper gives an overview of just a few of the ways fire companies can help limit the spread of a
structure fire. A few factors to take into consideration that are discussed here are ventilation, nozzle
type, and time. Along with the ways that these concepts can help reduce the spread of a structure fire
are ways that, if used incorrectly or misjudged, can greatly worsen the situation and the behavior of
the fire.
Reducing the Spread of Structure Fires
Structure fires can spread very rapidly if proper precautions are not taken. Fire companies have a
variety of actions they can take and many factors to ... Show more content on ...
(West et al. s, 2009, para. 20 51).
If PPV is used incorrectly it can cause severely dangerous fire behavior which can result in deaths or
injuries to firefighters and civilians. Some common problems that can cause this severe fire behavior
are the lack of an exhaust opening, an insufficient exhaust opening size, and a lack of leadership and
organization. West et al. s (2009) states that, If PPV is not effective, increased air flow is accompanied
with turbulence and resultant mixing of fuel and air which increases the probability of ignition and
rapid fire progression (para. 20). Overall, ventilation can be a great way to effectively limit the spread
of fires, however, incorrect use can worsen the situation and the fire can become an increased threat to
firefighters and civilians.
Another thing that can significantly impact and limit the spread of a structure fire is the nozzle type.
There are three basic types of nozzle patterns, smooth bore nozzles, fog nozzles, and specialty nozzles.
Each of these is very important and has many different uses during a fire. The one most talked about is
the fog nozzle. The fog nozzle can provide a number of stream shapes to suit different types of fire
situations. Fog nozzles break the water that runs through it into small droplets, which is believed to
create more surface area than a solid stream. The water absorbs the heat and turns it into steam which
displaces the oxygen and suffocates
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Cormac Mccarthy The Road Setting
The Road Summer Reading Assignment
The Road is a fiction novel written by Cormac McCarthy. The Road takes place in a post apocalyptic
world, with a man and a boy who are not named. The timetable for this book lasts for a few months,
and is sort of like documentation for the journey of these two individuals. The setting is hard to follow,
and really adds depth to the book as the location and time can kind of be imagined by the reader. The
man often follows his dreams, which play a key role in the plot of this book. The man and the boy are
all that they have in this cruel, post apocalyptic world, and that is what the journey is all about. The
plot of The Road is about this man and this boy who are trapped in a post apocalyptic era when there
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The two form a huge and very unique bond as they make their way from one coast to another. The
man believes he has been sent by God to protect the boy, and thus does everything humanly possible
to look after the boy. The boy aspires to be a good person during their journey from coast to coast,
often worrying about the people and things that he sees along the way. The boy is very emotionally
attached to the small things in life, making him very fragile minded during this cruel world.
Ultimately throughout the entire novel, the man is suffering from a cough that grows stronger as he
grows weaker. By the end of the book, the man and the boy have been through hell together. Sadly, the
man dies and this leaves the boy feeling alone in this cold and empty world. At the last moment before
the book comes to an end, the boy is swept up by a new group. This group hopes to inhabit a New
World, and God is their motivation. The book ends in suspense, with many questions unanswered.
Overall, this is a very good. I enjoyed reading this book, and I actually kind of aspire to read it once
more. This book is an eye opener for the potential of post apocalyptic books, and makes me want to
read more. Not only is this book very suspenseful, and overall fun to read, but it also teaches the
reader lessons that can be used within real life. I was very happy with the plot of this book, and all of
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Haverwood Furniture
Jeremy Kris
Marketing Policy and Strategy
Haverwood Furniture
The household wood furniture industry is healthy and growing. Total industry sales in 2007 were
estimated to be $31 billion at manufactures prices. Three categories of furniture divide the industry.
First upholstered furniture which makes up 50% of sales, Secondly wood furniture at 40% of the
industry market share which has grown 2.5% in 2007 and is projected another 4% in 2008, this second
category includes dining room and bedroom furniture. Third and last is the other category at 10% this
includes ready to assemble and casual furniture. Haverwood has established themselves as a medium
to high priced furniture company through 1,000 carefully selected high ... Show more content on ...
The biggest challenge that they face as a company is they do not have the room the increase
expenditure by such a vast amount. Currently there is $3,675,000 in promotional dollars allocated as
follows; sales and administration expense (995,000), cooperative advertising programs with retailers
(1,650,000), consumer advertising (562,000) and trade promotion (467,000). adding the $225,000
increase in consumer advertising will not allow the 5% of expected sales for total promo expenditures.
John Bott, the vice president of sales disagreed with the budget allocation and noted that sales
expenses and administration cost were projected to be $65,000 in 2008. This led him to believe that an
additional sales representative would be needed to service company accounts because 50 were being
added. Therefore he estimated this addition would cost at least $70,000 including salary and expenses
in 2008. Bott also stated that That s about $135,000 in additional sales expense that have to be added
to our promotional budget for 2008
My recommendation is that they do not invest the additional $225,000 in consumer advertising.
Considering the additional amount will only be going into magazines which do not provide enough
incentive for a purchase decision from the buyer. I believe that Haverwood should allocate the amount
50/50 and invest half
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Analysis of Microsoft Financial Statements
Analysis of Financial Statements
Financial statements are frequently a key source of information for financial decisions and taking a
look at Microsoft s financial statements can help us decide certain things about the company. There
are three different types of statements that will be discussed in this section. These include: the balance
sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows. They are discussed here in either the
sense of quarterly or yearly statements and will be noted as so. All information has been derived from
Yahoo Finance. ( The first statement that will be analyzed for Microsoft is
the balance sheet. The balance sheet is essentially a snapshot of what the firm owns ... Show more
content on ...
The final section of the statement of cash flows is the financing section, which shows the dividends
paid, the purchases of stock, the net borrowings, and other possible cash flows from financing
activities. A positive trend for investors is the fact that dividends paid has increased (even though it is
negative to the firm) as well as sale purchase of stock, from 2009 to 2011 and even increased quarterly
in 2011. The net borrowings is off an on from 2009 to 2011 possibly because of certain funds needed
in particular years. In 2009, it was $5,746,000,000 and in 2010, it was $190,000,000. It shot back up
again in 2011, with $5,960,000,000. The three statements that were provided in this section provide
possible investors, competitors, and even those within the company with useful information to make
important decisions that could affect their livelihood or the livelihood of Microsoft. Keep in mind that
even though financial statements are a solid indicator of how a company is performing, one key
principle about must be known when viewing them to make decisions. They do not always provide all
of the information that you may need. There are usually underlying topics that could affect the
company that are not necessarily showing up on their financial statements. These topics are discussed
in other sections of this report on Microsoft.
We feel it important to compare Microsoft s ratios not only to other companies and industry norms,
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Notes On Roles And Statuses
Ashley Newlon | Sociology 1101 | Final Paper | Autumn 2015
Roles and Statuses
Since I have started studying sociology I have been able to constantly compare it to my life and how it
relates to the struggles I am currently facing. Out of all the chapters I have studied in this class this
semester, chapter five stuck with me the most. Chapter five focuses on social positions and our
interactions with other people along with the different types of statuses a person can behold or gain
and the roles that come along with them. I have learned about all of the different sets of statuses, for
example, the statuses one can achieve, the ones someone can be ascribed, and/or the master status that
someone can be known for most. With those ... Show more content on ...
Achieved status is a status that is assigned to a person who works towards becoming that status. In my
life I have worked towards becoming a student at OSU Newark, becoming a friend to numerous
people, becoming a girlfriend, and becoming an employee at Dollar General. Ascribed status is a
status that people are born with such as for me in particular, I am born as a female, a daughter, a
granddaughter, a niece, a cousin, and a sister. Depending on the situation any of these statuses could
be considered my master status. At school my master status is student whereas at work my master
status is employee. With all these statuses come various roles. Roles are expected behaviors based on
your status. In my life I struggle with not only role strain but also role conflict. Role strain is when a
person has multiple roles that conflict with each other for a single status whereas role conflict is when
a person has multiple roles that conflict for multiple statuses. I have found that some of my expected
roles can make it very difficult to fulfil other expected roles. Such as, my role as a student consists of
attending classes, doing homework, and studying but, as an employee I am also expected to have open
availability, not to call off, and over all put work before anything else. Since I have become a student
it has been hard to find a way to make time for all of the things that are expected of me. Sociology has
given me the tools to decide how to handle conflicting situations and
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Leighton Meester Research Paper
Leighton Meester is a popular actress who is most known for her role in Gossip Girl. She s traveled
the world and made loads of films, but there s more to the actress that meets the eye. Here are just
some of these things. Stay tuned for part 2, coming soon! Number Fifteen: Leighton Meester Dated
Chuck This actress is very well known for her role as Blair Waldorf, but not as known for her strange
connection to the character. In the show, her character dated Chuck, who is played by Ed Westwick.
Interestingly enough, the actress also dated him for several years. At one time, he even said how
deeply in love he was with her. Unfortunately, they are no longer together. Number Fourteen: She Was
Born in Strange Circumstances Leighton Meester was born in a time where her mother was actually
serving prison time. She had gotten the sentence because of the fact that she was tied to a drug ring.
Her mom was allowed to give birth outside of the prison just long enough to ... Show more content on ...
The agency she worked for back in the day was known as the Wilhemina agency. Number Eleven: She
s Addicted to Texting Like many people of this generation, Leighton is also addicted to texting and
using her smart phone. Hopefully she spends some time away from technology every now and then!
Number Ten: She and Amanda Seyfried Have Something in Common Although both now are well
known in the industry, for a time, they both had to hustle. In the past, Leighton Meester and Amanda
Seyfried modeled for Limited Too. Number Nine: She Isn t a Brunette Since the character she s
become known for is brunette, most people don t realize that this actress is actually blonde. However,
when she was hired to play the part of Blair Waldorf, producers asked her to change her hair. There are
lots more about this cool gal that more people should know. Stay tuned to the next part of the article,
which is coming
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Cognitive Dissonance In Friends
Cognitive dissonance means feeling tension when our thoughts and beliefs are inconsistent. An
example of this is when people smoke even though they are aware of the consequences that can occur
such as cancer which leads to cognitive dissonance. This occurs almost everyday in our lives, whether
we are aware of it or not. An one example that was shown on one of the episodes of Friends made us
aware of this happening. Friends is a sitcom which aired on television in 1994 and ended in 2004. It is
about six best friends, Chandler, Joey, and Ross, Monica, who is Ross s brother, Phoebe and Rachel
who are living in New York City. Though out the show we see that Monica falls in love with Chandler,
and Rachel falls in love with Ross. However, at the beginning of the show we see, Ross and Rachel
hook up which causes problems in their relationship. In the last season we see that Ross and Rachel
realize that they love each other so they get back together. ... Show more content on ...
Rachel decides to tell the news to Ross, but Ross is not taking the news well. Furthermore, we see
Ross is being awfully distressed in this situation and surprised by Rachel s pregnancy. Ross is
experiencing cognitive dissonance because he thinks that he and Rachel were being cautious and he
did not want to have a baby with Rachel as it was not planned and had not had a previous romantic
relationship with each other. Nevertheless the pregnancy occurred, she wound up pregnant which led
to the feeling of discomfort. Ross s discomfort and tension left him feeling uncomfortable that could
possibly effect his ego and self confidence and could make him feeling self conscious and because of
that he is feeling
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Software Reusability
Software reusability
Software reusability is generally considered a way to solve the software development crisis. When we
solve a problem we try to apply the solution to similar problems because that makes our work easy
and simple. Now in this paper I would like to cover important aspects of software reusability. But one
thing is for sure software reusability can improve software productivity. Software reuse has become a
topic of much interest in the software community due to its potential benefits, which include increased
product quality and decreased product cost and schedule. The most substantial benefits derive from a
product line approach, where a common set of reusable software assets act as a base for subsequent ...
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And it s not just a technical issue; it is highly managerial in nature. As much as libraries of reusable
code and other assets are important, they will not be fully utilized without management and process
support of reuse.
Organization and Process
The classical software development process does not support reuse.[2] Reusable assets should be
designed and built in a clearly defined, open way, with concise interface specifications,
understandable documentation, and an eye towards future use. Typically, customer, client, and contract
projects are built as one time only, without reuse in mind, and tend to be tightly bound within
themselves, without the more robust open interfaces which ease the reuse process. Therefore, in order
to make the most of software reuse, the software development process must evolve to include reuse
A strong organizational foundation must exist for reuse to succeed, since domain engineering involves
a different way of looking at software products, called a product line approach. A product line is a
family of similar products addressing a particular market segment, or domain, and provides a massive
opportunity for reuse. With a reuse process in place, every
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Golden Age Of Animation
Animation plays an enormous role in the entertainment industry today. The Global Animation and
Gaming Market is estimated to be worth $242.92 billion (as of 2016), and animated films are the most
profitable of any film genre. This industry has widespread influence amongst all age groups, and the
films produced can span any genre. The industry has seen major changes with the recent advances in
computer generated animation techniques. To fully understand animation, it s important to see where it
began. What is considered animation? That question is more loaded than many believe, as the
definition of animation is still debated today. This allows for some controversy as to what is the first
ever animation. Some believe that the cave painting ... Show more content on ...
During this time, many classic characters emerged, including Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Superman,
and countless others. Disney released many feature length films during this time, including Snow
White and the Seven Dwarfs, Fantasia, and Dumbo. Warner Bros cartoons was founded in 1933,
notably allowing their animators more freedom to develop different styles than other studios at the
time. As disney started to make the shift into primarily focusing on feature length films, Warner Bros
continued to focus on making shorts, such as the successful Looney Tunes series. The Golden Age
started to rely more on voice actors to help bring these characters to life, and scores played by studio
orchestras to complete the story. During this time, colored televisions became available to more and
more Americans changing the ways they can receive their entertainment. In 1958 the Huckleberry
Hound Show was the first half an hour television show to feature only animation. This eventually led
to popular cartoons such as The Flintstones, being featured on primetime television. The golden age of
animation came to an end when televised cartoons started to gain large viewerships, and animated
shorts lost their popularity in
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Role Of Religious Life In Medieval Times
The ultimate goal of religious life in medieval times was eternal life with Jesus Christ. Every part of
life was carried out for the glory of God and done in the hopes of the second coming of Jesus. The
monks aimed to establish a school solely in service of the Lord. The objective of living the religious
life was to listen to the voice of God and function in obedience to Christ. The monks vowed to always
seek peace and walk in the paths of Jesus through promoting justice, finding truth, and practicing
patience. Clergy in the medieval times as well as in modern day seek to constantly exercise devotion
to God through their daily lives.
The many, yet general expectations of medieval religious life include renouncing personal will,
casting temptation
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How Did Poe s Life Affect His Writing
How did Poe s life affect his writing? How did Poe s life affect his writing. Poe had a very interesting
life. So much happened to him yong and old. There was love, insanity and so much death. But love
was very important to him. When poe was young he thought women as angelic figures. He even
though this before his mom died. But it was a big role in why he loves them Especially his wife
virginia. Virginia was his cousin , best friend and wife. And he loved her very much. But when she got
ill. He was very sad. But that sad made something good it made one of his best poems. Annabellely.
When Poe was writing annabellely. Virginia had died so he wrought this poem about her. But when
she died he wasn t just sad it made him insane. He began drinking witch made him go mad. But while
he went mad he made a story a gruesome story called. The Black Cat. The black cat was one of the
stories that was a lot like poe. The narrator in this story drank a lot too. Witch made him go insane and
kill the cat and his wife. But there was one story that also made the narrator go insane that story was
The Raven. The raven was a story where the narrator goes insane talking to a raven about his dead
lover lenore. Those two stories have a lot of death in them. Just like Poe s life. ... Show more content
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When Poe was 3 his mom died of TB (tuberculosis). Then his brother died of the same thing. And his
loving wife virgina. So with all this death from TB in his life he made a book called masque of the red
death. In masque of the red death. There is someone or something going around and killing people so
a prince gets all his friends in a castle and they live there for 6 months. With all the stuff they need.
But one night there a party and every time the clock goes off the party stops then starts back up again.
But at the stroke of midnight a man in a red cloak comes in and kill everyone. The man in the red
cloak must be a metaphor for
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The Federal Reserve System ( Money )
^The Federal Reserve System Money, it certainly does make the world go round, and the reason it is
able to do so, is because people have trust in this little piece of paper. Around the globe there is no
piece of paper that inspires more confidence. Officially, the US Dollar bills are Federal Reserve notes.
Every note that is spent or received is part of a complex organization known as the Federal Reserve
System. The Federal Reserve System is the integral component that keeps the American banking
system afloat. It is, in essence, the governing body of banking and is responsible for many policies,
laws, and regulations that have shaped the American banking system into what it is today. This
institution has garnered a lot of support, as well as faced a lot of backlash in times of financial turmoil.
However, observing the facts and analyzing the history of the Federal Reserve System will show that
is has largely been a positive force in America. The Federal Reserve System plays a large role in both
the national and world economies and is therefore heavily scrutinized. Under such scrutiny, one can
find that a positive and significant relationship exists between the Federal Reserve System and the
economy because of the policies the Federal Reserve enacts, the Federal Reserve s regulation of
interest rates, and the Federal Reserve s response to crises in direct connection to economic stability.
In order to firmly grasp the driving concepts behind the Federal Reserve s policies
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We Need New Name Quotes
Facing obstacles, making tough choices, coping with emotionally draining situations and learning
from all of these experiences are all a part of life; the way each person deals with these things define
who they truly are. In the novel, We Need New Names, by NoViolet Bulawayo, the protagonist,
Darling, demonstrates this truth of life very well. Darling is an African girl from Zimbabwe whose
childhood was full of trauma as a result of constant hunger, lack of schooling and not having her
parents with her during the majority of her childhood. With the abundance of time, lack of supervision
and lack of activities due to having no school, Darling spends much of her childhood running around
and stealing guavas for survival. Beyond these early traumatic ... Show more content on ...
In Darling s case, she is presented with a multitude of emotionally entwined relationship troubles.
However, Darling is able to utilize what she learns from the experience with her dying father to deal
with her friendship issues with more maturity. Ultimately, Bulawayo uses Darling s experiences to
comfort people who are facing difficult situations themselves and to remind them that each problem is
an opportunity to learn something valuable; in some cases, these lessons will allow one to overcome
future problems with more
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Theme Of The Signalman
The extract begins with a conversation between the narrator and the signalman. The signalman is
disturbed as he confides in the narrator, voicing his worries what does the specter mean? The narrator
himself is also clueless, as he begins to doubt the logical reasoning and sanity of the signalman,
therefore in this manner dickens continues to build the suspense leading towards the story s climax,
creating an air of confusion and mistrust in the process.
The signalman, in an increasingly desperate tone, continues to voice his worries. His constant string of
questions indeed shows how deeply horrified he is at the thought of the foreshadowed dreadful
calamity that is to occur. Dickens also weaves in a sense of helplessness, as the signalman has no way
or power to stop the events from occurring and this thought has made him deeply paranoid.
In the next few paragraphs, the signalman continues to constantly ask questions, this emphasizes the
true extent of his trouble. It also alludes to the main overall plot of the story as the ... Show more
content on ...
He tries to reason on how to move forward, whether to believe in his account or to take him to get
help from a practitioner, this consequently relates to the main theme of the supernatural versus logical
reasoning. he describes the signalman to be intelligent, vigilant ,painstaking and exact , the emphasis
placed on this description by dickens is striking as it establishes him as someone who makes sure to
follow his duty and is aware of his surroundings, this will intensify the shock and tragedy of him being
unable to interpret the warnings pertaining to his own death. Thus, by introducing such ideas and
using words such as treacherous dickens reinforces the gothic effect of the story and foreshadows
future events. The narrator, satisfied with his choice resolves to return back the next day to implement
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A Brief Note On Access Control Access Controls
Thus majority of the respondents think frequent change of password is necessary but not manageable
which indicate usability issues like inability to create passwords as frequently as obligatory. Inglesant
and Sasse (2010) found that end users experience with password security policy is that of rigidity in
regards to their skills and official responsibilities.
Inglesant and Sasse (2010) also found an improvement in the number of their respondents that is 9 out
of 32 respondents wrote down their passwords as end users are more aware of data security.
Access control limit access to sensitive data based on organisation policies by determining who and
how data can be accessed based on a need to know of an entity like an employee s name, position or
something you are like fingerprints (Goodrich and Tamassia 2011, Kizza 2010). Additionally identity
depends on other characteristics such as something you are acquainted with like password and
something you have like secret encryption key. Access control is based on the assumption that only the
authorized entity has possession of what they are, know or have (Shabtai, Yuval and Rokach 2012).
However access control is limited in preventing data leakage due to social engineering and
networking. This have led to recent development of using more than one form of access control in a
process called layered authentication like audio visual interfaces (Jang Jaccard and Nepal 2014).
Access control also holds employees accountable
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Australia The Land Of Opportunity Essay
Before the 11th of September, 2001, Australia had been a home to the Al Jamil family. Granted, it was
never the same as their home country of Iraq, but it was a place to live and they were content.
Australia, the Land of Opportunity, would bring her family success and happiness. The day that news
services across the globe began to broadcast the events of 9/11 was the day that this began to change.
It happened slowly at first, with strange looks in the street and the word terrorist constantly on the lips
of strangers. But soon it became obvious to the Fatimah, as whispers turned into harsh words, and
harsh words became fists. The day that her younger brother, Farhad, came home from school with a
black eye, and tears rolling down his face, was the day that the change became physical. Mama and
Papa called the school, asking for answers, but were given none, being told that if no teacher had seen
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Islam is not terrorism. My Islam is a religion of peace. A belief cannot have any feelings, yet you are
all so convinced that mine hates yours! Allah instructs us to treat all with kindness and neighbourly
care. The people who did this, they do not represent Islam, she stated, looking at her classmates. They
are not Islam. You think that because we live in your country we should be grateful to you, but you
don t know that we are realising it was the biggest, most irreversible mistake we have made. We,
Australian Muslims, are just as Australian as you. We deserve the same freedoms, and the same
respect. There must be 23 million ways to be Australia. Stop judging mine and focus on yours.
Fatimah sat down, to shocked stares and disagreeing words. Satisfied that she had gotten her point
across, she took in a deep breath. There would always be those who didn t understand, who would
hate and judge. Her family was here for life and opportunity. But maybe Australia isn t the Land of
Opportunity for All. Maybe it s just the Land of Opportunity for
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The Triumph Of French Cuisine Over The Culinary Industry
In today s world it is pretty much assumed that French cuisine is the king of fine dining, and needless
to say that it is a true fact. It is known today that the whole culinary industry centre around the widely
regarded French cuisine. French cuisine is considered as the epitome of quality food. Even in culinary
schools , the first thing that is taught is about the basics of French cooking. Some of the regional
cuisines are also influenced in some or the other way by French cuisine. Many culinary terms being
derived from French Language itself confirms the Triumph of French Cuisine over the Culinary
Industry. French cuisine has went through a lot of ups and downs, but it still is on the pinnacle of its
popularity and worldwide acceptance. ... Show more content on ...
L. Garvey (2010), Cuisine is an important aspect of the French culture that has been developing for
centuries. It is internationally known and considered by some to be the best in the world. As a result of
globalization, the increasingly interconnectedness of the world, la cuisine has been affected both
positively and negatively. On one hand, the French are witnessing rapidly increasing obesity rates
across the country as they are turning to places like McDonald s instead of the more refined and truly
French options available to them. In addition, wine consumption rates have decreased within the
country, while, at the same time, there has been an increase in cases of binge drinking and underage
drinking. However K. Willcox (2009) believes that France is at a crossroads in the kitchen. Wine
consumption has plummeted by half since the 1960s, and winemakers in Bordeaux, Beaujolais, and
Langueduc are going bankrupt left and right. And while practically all French cheese was made from
raw milk 40 years ago, now only 10 percent is. She also believes that As French culture has seeped out
of its food, American culture has crept in. About 200,000 cafés flourished in France in 1960, while
roughly 41,000 struggle to remain in business
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19th Century Prostitution
Across the 19th century the image of the prostitute and how she is portrayed in different novels has
evolved. While early depictions of a prostitute describe a woman who plagues society, later portrayals
offer a much more human and sympathetic view. Across many works of the 19th century, there are
several images of the prostitute that change overtime to reflect society s view of these women.
Between the character, Nana from Emile Zola s novel and Lulu from the silent film Pandora s Box,
there is visible evolution of the 19th century prostitute and her relationship to society. Emile Zola s
novel Nana offers a very negative and critical view of the prostitute in French society. Zola s entire
novel acts to criticize women like Nana for the disease ... Show more content on ...
The prostitute Lulu, featured in the film Pandora s box offers a sympathetic mage of the prostitute.
The 1929 silent film is based off a set of plays called the Lulu plays from the late 19th century, and
offers a more positive portrayal of a prostitute compared to earlier works from the era. One aspect of
Lulu that is not incorporated into the earlier 19th century image of a prostitute is the prospect of
marriage. Lulu is allowed to enter the upper class tier of life and does so through marrying the Doctor.
Allowing for a prostitute to be marry contradicts the early image of an immoral woman that was
associated with prostitutes like Nana. Along with this shift in social status, Lulu is much more of a
victim than earlier prostitutes like Nana were. By some circumstances, Lulu is forced into prostitution
by her father. Where prostitutes from the early 19th century had always been the gross plague of
society, with Lulu, she is a victim and a man (her father) is shown to be the immoral character. This
point is further supported by Lulu s death. While most prostitutes from earlier works succumb to a
disease of their own body, Lulu is murdered. Again, Lulu is the victim not the cause of her suffering.
The differences in the portrayal of Nana and Lulu show an eveolution of the
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Limitations Of The UCI School Of Law
A limitation of this study was that there were only two different law classes observed and only two
interviews conducted. Through this study, over 8 hours of data collection. The classes at both these
observation sites were in different material, one being Criminal Law and the other being Immigration
Law and Policy, which may have been a limitation. This may have been a limitation because there
may be different students oriented towards these areas of law that could have affected their responses.
In addition, there was an unequal gender distribution of interviewees, considering that both were
female. In addition, these two sites provided different sample sizes, the first being twice as large as the
second, which may be a limitation when ... Show more content on ...
Another credibility issue at these two observation sites is a difference in rankings, since the University
of California, Irvine School of Law is the twenty eighth best law school in the United States, while no
rank is published for Whittier Law School. There was also a bias in choosing both these settings,
given that they are both situated in Orange County. I am also an undergraduate student at the
University of California, Irvine, so I was familiar with the campus and the navigating through the
course schedules.
The findings of the current study have multiple purposes for the legal education system. These results
can be useful for current law school professors and students interested in pursuing a legal education.
Data shows that rankings have an impact on the prospective decisions of law students and that it can
shape their opinions on where to go to law school, but rejects important variables that could affect the
student s experience at the school. In expanding the variables taken into consideration by these
rankings, the U.S. News World Report could provide more realistic ratings that enable students to
choose a college that would be a good fit for them. Data shows the main goal for law students is to
become professionals and gain knowledge, instead of practicing law. Based on these findings, it would
be important to educate these students more about the legal professional and other graduate programs
during undergraduate education. Also,
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Batteries, Resistance And Current Lab Report
PHYS 1112/2212 spring 2016
LAB #9
Batteries, Resistance and Current
Introduction: Voltage can be thought of as the pressure pushing charges along a conductor, while the
electrical resistance of a conductor is a measure of how difficult it is to push the charges along. Using
the flow analogy, electrical resistance is similar to friction. For water flowing through a pipe, a long
narrow pipe provides more resistance to the flow than does a short fat pipe. The same applies for
flowing currents: long thin wires provide more resistance than do short thick wires. The resistance (R)
of a material depends on its length, cross sectional area, and the resistivity (the Greek letter rho), a
number that depends on the material. The resistivity ... Show more content on ...
What is the difference between resistivity (ρ) and resistance (R)? What are the units of each?
Lab Activity: Log on and go to the PhET website ( Go to simulations, then
electricity then to the following:
Battery Resistor available at: resistor circuit Check
show battery and show cores , watch what happens, adjust some variables
1. Why do electrons (blue dots) move? Draw a diagram of the battery, label the flow of electrons. The
flow of current (+) is opposite; draw this and note if toward or away from + terminal of the battery.
2. What does the Ammeter (on the left) measure? How is this shown in the simulation?
3. What role do the green dots in the resistor play in the simulation? What do you think they
represent? What does this tell you about the effect of resistors in a circuit?
4. Increase the resistance (# green dots). What affect does this have on temperature? WHY?
5. When the circuit gets hotter, what affect does this have on current? Explain using kinetic molecular
6. To make the circuit cold , what do you need to do? WHY?
7. Describe the relationship between voltage and temperature.
Resistance in a Wire available at: in a wire 1. In this
simulation, what variables are you seeing the relationship of. Write the
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The Ethics Of An Incomplete Attempt
An incomplete attempt is where the attempter had planted a bomb but is detained before he could set
the bomb off. There have been many arguments put back and forth to punish incomplete attempts as
you would if you had completed the attempt. Treating incomplete more leniently was first brought to
our attention by Sir Blackstone (Ashworth, A 1988) whom stated that the affirmed punishment must
only be in accordance with the actions that have been committed (Jacqueline M, 2013). Further
arguing that incomplete should have greater leniency than complete attempts is due the attempter s
chance of voluntary abandonment. The attempter may change his mind voluntarily and not gone
through with the unlawful act. From my personal perspective, I feel it would be legally and morally
justified for the attempter to occur the same punishment as that of the completed offender because
even if they voluntarily had not gone through with the unlawful act they had the mere preparation in
place. Although mere preparation cannot be used, you would consider other factors and implications
like the level of intent the defendant had. It is important to remember the punishment of an attempt is
at the judge s discretion. Therefore if the offence is the offender s first attempt, the judge may be more
lenient to let them off with a less punishment, despite them having all the intention required to commit
the crime. Attempts to Commit the Impossible Under the Criminal Attempts Act S.1 (2) 1981 it states
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My Reading Experience
Laying on my comfortable bed under my warm covers with a chapter book in front of my face, I
turned to the last page.
It was a suc cess ful successful day, read the final line in the book.
My heart began to race as my eyes grew wide like an owl s. Had I really just read a whole chapter
book by myself? I sprung out of my bed and ran to go tell my mom.
Mommy, I just finished reading a chapter book all by myself! I exclaimed with a wide smile plastered
on my face.
I m so proud of you! my mother responded. I knew that you could do it! My mom gave me a huge
hug. At that moment, I realized that all of the long hours of practicing and reading had paid off. I
could finally read a chapter book.
Since I was young, my parents made reading a priority for me. When I was in kindergarten at my
preschool, I had a reading teacher who worked one on one with me to increase my level. As a result, I
was confident in my reading ability and excited for the first day of first grade at my new red bricked
elementary school. As I briskly walked through the main entrance and to my classroom the morning of
the first day, I squeezed my parents hands tightly with butterflies in my stomach. I had only been
inside the school one other time, at Meet the Teacher night, so I was still unsure of what to expect. We
found my classroom and put my pink polka dot backpack and matching lunchbox on the hook below
my cubby right inside the door. After finding my desk and sitting in my chair, my parents gave me
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The Proposed Bill Of The 113th Congress Proposed By...
The proposed bill that I would like to discuss is S.150 from the 113th Congress proposed by Senator
Dianne Feinstein of California. S. 150 is a bill that would federally ban the import, sale, manufacture,
transfer, or possession of a semi automatic assault weapon (Congressional Research Service, 2013).
The guns would be banned based on their physical features and/or name. There are three types of fire
arms that could possibly have been banned (these are all semi automatic weapons). Semi automatic
rifles having any of the following features will be banned: a pistol grip, a forward grip, a folding
telescoping or detachable stock, a grenade or rocket launcher, a barrel shroud, or a threaded barrel.
Semi automatic pistols will be banned if ... Show more content on ...
(Congressional Research Service, 2013) This bill is a severe attack on our second amendment rights. It
is over the top and does not focus on the real problems at hand. These problems at hand are mental
health issues/care and school security. This ban would stop absolutely nothing from happening in the
future. What we have here is uneducated, ignorant members of congress trying to make laws that
would go against what is guaranteed to us under the second amendment. There have been many
attempts to reinstate the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban before and in this case they cite tragedies as a
need for this recent attempt. Using the lives of children who were murdered in the most heinous way
to gain political leverage is disgusting. The Assault Weapon Ban of 2013 is a bill that is
unconstitutional, ineffective, and unfairly targets law abiding gun owners. All in the name of
protecting the people of America. The key actors in this bill are quite numerous because of the
controversy in the subject. Dianne Feinstein proposed this bill along with 24 Democratic Co Sponsors.
Senator Feinstein has been an outspoken supporter of gun control especially within California.
Connecticut Senators Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy have supported this bill along with the
gun legislation passed at the State level in Connecticut. President Obama has openly endorsed the idea
of banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines ever since he arrived in
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Baxton Case Analysis
I. Factual Summary: * Baxton Technology has a reputation for quality products, primarily in the wheel
alignment segment. * By 1999, Baxton had sold 1,054 hoists and had sales of 9,708,000. 60 percent of
the sales were in US, and 40 percent were in the Canadian market. The total number of hoists sold in
the U.S was 632 for a sales figure of $5,824,800. However, the total number of hoists sold in Canada
was 422 resulting in a sales figure of $3,883,200. * Sixteen companies competed in the automotive lift
market in North America; 4 in Canadian, and 12 in the United States. The industry is dominated by
two large U.S. firms, AHV lifts and Berne Manufacturing. AHV lifts has 40 percent of the market
share and Berne manufacturing ... Show more content on ...
Operating in Europe opens up entirely new and very large (almost U.S. sized) opportunities for sales
since most of the countries in Europe are interconnected, which means there is free movement of
goods, persons, services and capital. The entry to Europe will give Baxton opportunities to reach a
higher number of customers. If customers are satisfied with the superior quality of Baxton s hoists,
then the reputation of Baxton will be enriched, as a result. this might open up additional opportunities
to expand further in the world. Once Baxton turns into a global corporation, the company will see an
added brand value.
Currently, Europe does not have any dedicated, large manufacturers of scissor lifts. However, there
was only one firm in Germany that manufactured a scissor type lift. So far, no dominant manufacturer
of hoists exists in Europe as was the case in North America. Based on the number of vehicles
operating in Europe presented in the case, Europe appears to be at a growing market, based on new
registration numbers. The number of new vehicle registrations is an indicator of the future vehicle
repair and services needed this give Baxton an indication of whether or not their services will be
Alternative 2: Avoid the European Market and stay focused on U.S market
Baxton can refrain from entering the European market for now, and focus on U.S. sales
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Essay On Copyright Laws
Copyright laws in regards to music should be repealed. The RIAA has misconstrued the perceived
effects staring had on artist development and revenue, when in fact the perceived financial short
comings of downloading and peer to peer sharing are actually made up through concert revenue and
merchandise revenue. It is important to take a look into the perceived effects done by the RIAA. The
RIAA claim that file sharing reduces sales, with estimated displacement rates ranging from 3.5% for
movies (Rob and Waldfogel 2007) to rates as high as 30% for music (Zentner 2006). But on the
contrary, Rob and Waldfogel (2006) find an average displacement effect of 20% but report that file
sharing had no impact on hit albums. Also for more niche ... Show more content on ...
of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417 [1984]). The decision was that companies are
not at fault for their customers committing copyright infringement if their technology is capable of
doing so. This ruling has incentivized second generation file sharing sites to create decentralized
forms of music sharing, such as eliminating centralized indexes, and thus give the site owner s
immunity because they cannot claim to know that users are sharing copyrighted material. This type of
sharing can be more easily defined as files located on individuals computer and shared with other
members of the network, rather than on a centralized server. This more specifically is torrent a
network locations of trackers, which are computers that help participants in the system find each other
and form efficient distribution groups called swarms Lessig points out that any extreme of regulation
on an industry obviously makes it difficult, sometimes impossible, for a wide range of creativity,
especially in a free society. So he is claiming that more of these lawsuits done by the RIAA stifle
creativity. Lessig points our that the number of titles or albums sold through online platforms went
from 2 million to 4 million. Zettner has been able to make a diagnostic test to determine if the RIAA s
claims are valid. Zettner lays out three conditions that need to hold true for less certain rights to
undermine the incentives for artistic
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The Theory The Mind Body Problem
When discussing sex, the philosophical concept of hylomorphism is helpful. Philosophers have
created three philosophical theories in attempt to solve the mind body problem. The mind body
problem looks to explain both mental and physical properties and how they work together or if the two
even work together. Mental properties are things that only you can feel directly. In other words, mental
properties are private like experience, emotion and beliefs. Physical properties include: size, weight,
shape and color. This means physical properties are observable to the public. One theory the mind
body problem has created is materialism. Materialist believe we are one entity made of physical
matter, our body. The second theory the mind body problem has brought about is dualism. Dualists
believe as human beings we are two entities, the body and the soul/mind. This theory also believes
that the real me is the soul/mind. Hylomorphists have a problem with dualists because they see human
beings as one entity with two dimensions, material and formal. Human bodies become human bodies
by being engulfed by the soul [Christopher Shield, 4]. Gabriel Marcel talks about hylomorphism in the
respect of primary and secondary reflection. Primary reflections tends to analyze and dissociate
object(s). This puts a gap between the two objects. On the other hand, secondary reflection sees no gap
or separation from the object. Secondary reflection ditches the analysis and so, everything that goes
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law of torts
THE LAW OF TORTS INTRODUCTION The word tort is of French origin and is equivalent of the
English word wrong, and the Roman law term delict. It is derived from the Latin word tortum, which
means twisted or crooked. It implies conduct that is twisted or crooked. It is commonly used to mean a
breach of duty amounting to a civil wrong. Definition: a tort is defined as a civil wrong for which the
remedy is a common law action for unliquidated damages and which is not exclusively the breach of a
contract or the breach of a trust or other merely equitable obligation. A tort arises due to a person s
duty to others in generally which is created by one law or the other. A person who commits a tort is
known as a tortfeaser, or a wrongdoer. Where ... Show more content on ...
1. Voluntary and involuntary acts: acts and omissions may be voluntary or involuntary. An involuntary
act does not give rise to liability in tort. 2. Mental elements: Plaintiff may be required to show some
fault on the part of the defendant. Fault here means failure to live up to some ideal standard of conduct
set by law. To determine fault, the following may be proved: a) Malice: In the popular sense, malice
means ill will or spite. In Law, it means i) intentional doing of a wrongful act and, ii) improper motive.
b) Intention: i.e. where a person does a wrongful act knowing the possible consequences likely to
arise, he is said to have intended that act, and is therefore at fault. c) Recklessness: i.e. where a person
does an act without caring what its consequences might be, he is at fault. d) Negligence: i.e. where the
circumstances are such that a person ought to have foreseen consequences of his act and avoided it
altogether, he would be at fault if he bothers not. e) Motive: Motive is the ulterior objective or purpose
of doing an act and differs from intention. 3. Malfeasance, misfeasance and non feasance:
Malfeasance‟ refers to the commission of a wrongful act which is actionable per se and do not require
proof of intention or motive. „Misfeasance‟ is applicable to improper performance of some lawful act,
for example, where there is negligence.
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Identifying Mental Illnesses
Mental illness refers to a condition, which affects the thinking, feeling, and mood of a person.
Apparently, this condition affects the ability of a person to function every day and the capacity to
relate to others (Tracy, 2015). Here are some diagnosis and tests that can be carried out to determine
mental illness in a person: A psychological assessment where a mental health provider helps a patient
understand the behavior patterns, feelings, thoughts, and symptoms that can cause mental illness. At
this point, a patient may be asked to fill out a questionnaire to assist in answering the questions. Lab
tests where health practitioners check out the thyroid function of a patient or screen for drugs and
alcohol. Physical examination the health practitioner tries to rule out physical issues, which could lead
to mental illness. It is ... Show more content on ...
Apparently, a psychiatrist is a qualified medical doctor who has extra training in the field of mental
illnesses and health. The work of a psychiatrist is to assess the mental condition of a patient in
coordination with their physical condition, and thus prescribe medication. Only psychiatrists have the
mandate to treat and prescribe medication to people with a mental health condition. With the mental
illnesses, the health professionals do not culture some microorganism and carry out a blood test to
establish if a patient has a mental illness. The mental illnesses are diagnosed based on the symptoms,
which a person has. Behavioral Illness Behavioral illnesses affect our conscious (Behavioral Health
Resources, 2016). For instance, behavioral illness is caused by substance abuse, where the patient
suffering from behavioral illness makes a sober, and a conscious decision to use drugs. Other
examples are eating disorders like the anorexia nervosa. Behavioral treatment centers on the extent
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International Accounting
Session 9 Cost Allocations and Activity Based Costing
Dr. Othman Cole
Absorption Costing
In absorption costing, all manufacturing costs, both fixed and variable, are assigned to units of
product. Units are said to fully absorb manufacturing costs. Most countries require some form of
absorption costing for both external financial reports and for tax reports. Also, most companies across
the world use absorption costing in their management reports. It is the most common approach to
product costing throughout the world. It is also known as Job Order Costing.
Absorption Costing Components
Direct Materials can be easily traced to a particular unit Direct ... Show more content on ...
b. What is the unit product cost for the month under absorption costing? c. Prepare a contribution
format income statement for the month using variable costing. d. Prepare an income statement for the
month using absorption costing.
Activity Based Costing
In activity based costing (ABC), nonmanufacturing as well as manufacturing costs may be assigned to
products (on a cause and effect basis). Further, some manufacturing costs may be excluded from
product costs. An ABC system uses a number of overhead cost pools, each of which is allocated to
products and other defined cost objects using its own unique measure of activity. In contrast to
traditional absorption costing which is used mostly for external financial reporting, activity based
costing is particularly useful for internal and strategic decision making.
Activity Based Costing key features
An activity is defined as any event that causes the consumption of overhead resources. An activity cost
pool is a bucket that accumulates all costs related to a single activity measure. An activity measure is
an allocation base in an ABC system. It is also referred to as cost driver. § Transaction drivers
number of times an activity occurs § Duration drivers amount of time required to perform an activity
Activity Based Costing key steps
1. Define activities, activity cost pools, and activity measures. 2. Assign ALL overhead costs to
activity cost pools (first stage
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Analyzing Alejandro Jodorowsky s Snarks Out
Elinor shapiro
Professor Dresser
Alejandro Jodorowsky Snarks Out
Winston Bongo is a very creative person. He s the inventor of Snarking out. He also holds the world s
record for number of Snark Outs successful completed. Pinkwater, Daniel. The Snarkout Boys and the
Avocado of Death. Berkley; paperback, 1983. Snarking Out, a fictional act of sneaking out and
sneaking into movie theaters to watch strange and unheard of films after midnight, is a fabulous
concept created by Daniel Pinkwater for one of his vibrant fictional books. Alejandro Jodorowsky is
considered the father of the midnight movie, without him there would have been no Snarking Out.
This is Not a Film. This is the Healing of My Soul. . The New York Times Magazine, 16 Mar. ... Show
more content on ...
His love of writing began early in his life. he was also friends with notable artists H.R Giger and Jean
Giraud (Moebius). The three came unbelievably close to creating a movie version of the Sci Fi book,
Dune. Tribbey, C. (2014). Jodorowsky s dune explores greatest film never made . Home Media
Magazine, 36(18), 14. Jodorowsky wrote a number of notable comics illustrated by Moebius, Before
The Incal, The Incal, and The Final Incal. He was the author of a few other graphic novels, books of
poetry and books on religious guidance. Books by Alejandro Jodorowsky (Author of The Incal).
(Author of The Incal). N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2017. Along with being a well rounded writer he was
also a composer and actor, often starring in his own movies, and composing the music for them as
well. In the Holy mountain Jodorowsky is credited as being the Director, writer, star actor, Producer,
Production Designer, Costume Designer, one of the composers, and finally a set designer. Full Cast
Crew. IMDb., n.d. Web. 04 Mar.
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How Did The Mahele Impact The Hawaiians
Mahele means land division in Hawaiian and within the land division it was split into four parts, the
King, chiefs, commoners, and could be purchased by the foreigners (Borreca). This happened when
King Kamehameha realized that his Hawaiian Islands could be taken forcefully by the foreigners
(Borreca). Then, King Kamehameha created the mahele to prevent foreigners from taking their land.
This did not go well because the Hawaiian chiefs started to sell the land to the foreigners which
caused Hawaiians land ownership to lessen. The mahele did not benefit the Hawaiians because they
lost resources, lost land, and their crops were stolen and destroyed by the foreigners.
A political impact was that the Hawaiians lost many resources. This was because of the land divider
did not equally and fairly divide the land. Hawaiians that lived in the ocean and the midland were
unable to go into the mountains and cut down trees for their needs. Therefore Hawaiian childrens were
eating raw potato because of no firewood and their mouths were swollen from eaten raw taro (Hio).
Before the foreigners came to Hawaii, they were peacefully trading crops with other people and
shared what others who didn t have. ... Show more content on ...
The Hawaiians grew more crops, caught more fish, hunted more animals, and cut down more trees so
that they could sell it to make money so that their land wouldn t be taken away. The Hawaiian people
would come close to making enough money to buy their land, but then at this time the konohiki would
sell their land for a larger amount of money that the foreigners would offer. But the end result was that
the King sold pretty much all the land and the Hawaiians ended up with 1% of the overall land in
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Italian Immigrants Holiday Traditions
Americans have become so accustomed to holiday traditions today that the meaning of how they
arrived here has been lost. Immigrants of Italy brought to America their family centered culture of
celebrating these holidays. Their culture was so influencing that villages for the Italians were actually
formed. The Italians celebrated numerous holidays in Italy; most celebrations included their fine foods
and wine. Although, after the immigrants arrived in America they no longer observed many of the
holidays that they did in Italy.
The Italians holiday culture helped to make America a more diverse nation. Their family centered
culture and regional affiliations resulted in highly concentrated settlements called, Little Italies. Entire
villages in Italy would travel over to America to form these settlements. Many were heavily clustered
in cities in the mid atlantic and midwest states. The immigrants typically viewed themselves as
residents of a particular region or village, not as Italians. Their daily habits and life reflected this, as
they usually only associated with fellow kin or villagers called paesani. The Italians were working on
becoming a member of American society while still trying to maintain their old customs. During
holidays, Italian immigrants still utilized traditional customs such as folk songs, folklore, and dances
for special events. However, like so many of the Italian aspects of life, they were so regionally specific
that they defied easy characterization.
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Modern Warfare Research Papers
Modern Warfare 2 the best game ever published? There has been no valid arguments posed towards
the king of all games, even if an argument arose it would immediately be proven in valid. Modern
Warfare 2 was immersed in a large, diverse, and competitive community of people. The community
surrounding Modern Warfare 2 was composed of wonderful people, yes trash talking is ubiquitous, but
its all in good fun.
Another outstanding aspect of Modern Warfare 2, perhaps the most important of a game in its genre.
The gun play was absolutely outstanding. Some, if not most would say that the gunplay was flawless.
All the weapons were balanced and had their specific strong suits, as well as their weaknesses. Hands
down the best aspect of the gunplay was ... Show more content on ...
Players required basically no skill to do decent, a players success was granted to them by ridiculously
over powered guns, and also over powered perks that made a player almost unstoppable. The weapons
grew to need zero skill they also grew more and more accurate and the weapons were also granted
ridiculous rates of fire, so any player could do good. Then the most recent Call of Duties accelerated
movement speed which some players enjoy a lot, but in the grand scheme of things it just declined the
amount of skill required in order to do good. The one on one fast paced heart pounding action is no
longer a part of the Call of Duty series. Instead Call of Duty evolved into a game that is based on pure
chaos, no organization, and a very undiversified community.
Over all Call of Duty has had an extremely successful career, but if they continue on the path they are
on they are in store for a bitter end. If Activision needs an example of a game to follow they need to
look back on previous successes they have had, and also they must utilize the K.I.S.S. method not
everything has to be a complex, fancy, and flashy. Modern Warfare 2 Embodies all of the necessary
qualities of a exemplary
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My First Disney Trip
My first Disney trip was everything I imagined and more. Disney is the most magical place on Earth.
Although I was scared to get on all the big rides I still managed to get on. I would stay calm in all of
the lines, but whenever I saw I was about to get on the ride I would get the biggest knots in my
stomach. On Tower of Terror, I was very close to crying, but I got through it. A very scary ride is
Space Mountain. It was like I wanted to start balling out crying, but it was just tears falling out of my
eyes. I also hated big drops at the time. The rides with big drops like Splash Mountain, Tower of
Terror, and Space Mountain made me lose my stomach. My favorite roller coaster is Rockin Roller
Coaster. Rockin Roller Coaster is a fast loopy loop ride, but it s very smooth and easy going. I do not
like jerky rides like the primeval whirl that jerks you every which way.
There are also 4 parks to go to in Disney. There is Animal Kingdom, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and
Hollywood Studios. My favorite park is the Magic Kingdom because there is more to do there, but I
like the other ones too.
I also love the food at Disney World. They have the best fries ever. Their ice cream is also amazing.
There is this ice cream called Pine Apple Dole Whip and it is the best you ll ever taste. The best
restaurants at Disney is Cosmic Rays, Dino Bite, and, Casey s Corner. I always get fries and chicken
One of the things I love about Disney is the memories we make with family and friends.
... Get more on ...
Analysis Of A Man Runs Into A Woman
A Man Runs into a Woman by Sarah Jane Barnett There s a lot going on in A Man Runs into a
Woman, yet nothing happens as well. Sarah Jane Barnett explores the different means of telling an
individual s story; a cross dressing father interacts with her daughter, a couple tries to connect with
each other after the war, another couple leaves the worst unsaid, and two middle aged strike up an
unlikely friendship. A series of stringed distinctive poems tries exploring the grim police reports of the
death of Texas death row inmates and their heartfelt last words, before their ultimatum. The book is
divided in three parts. The middle ones are the longest and is devoted to the last sentiments of death
row prisoners, facing the ultimatum in America. The links that joins the poems in the second part is
the description of the crimes, what the prisoners had done, which had landed them where they are in
the current scenario. Sarah writes the poems, in a sense, she s announcing to the world of what she
thinks a poem should look like. The Jeffery Levine (2011) website states that the poems, one writes
while urging wittingly or unconsciously is an aesthetic, that should be the ones that belong in the book
(para. 6). Sarah Jane Barnett s main concerns is with the movement of impact, in slow motion, and its
aftermath, as reflected by the title. It is very introspecting in retrospect, the texts. Although running
(Mountains, Auditorium) is mentioned a lot in the poems, I feel the
... Get more on ...

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Professional Career Narrative Essay Example

  • 1. Professional Career Narrative Essay Example 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Professional Career Narrative Essay Example Professional Career Narrative Essay Example
  • 2. Bend It Like Beckham Sociology Bend it like Beckham is a movie that shows the story of two 18 year old girls who are really ambitious and want to become professional football players. Jessminder Bhamra (Jess) has passion for football just like her idol David Beckham. One day, as she is playing in the park with her friends, Juliette Paxton (Jules) sees her and asks if she wants to try out for the girls football team that she is in. Even though the coach, Joe, does not let new players join but he later realized that Jess has amazing football skills. And playing football is against Jess Punjabi culture but she wants to play on the team regardless of all the norms. On the other hand, Jules mother, Mrs. Paxton, does not want her to play but instead be more feminine. Thankfully ... Show more content on ... Paxton overhears their conversation and misunderstands that Jess and Jules are lesbians. Later on, the final game clashes with Jess sister, Pinky s wedding. So Joe comes to plead Mr. and Mrs. Bhamra to let Jess play since there will be a scout watching but they refuse saying that Mr. Bhamra was discriminated while playing when he was little. The game and Pinky s wedding begins and halfway though, Tony, Jess s friend convinces Mr. Bhamra that Jess can still make it to the game if he lets her go. As she arrives, the team was losing and when the score was tied, Jess gets a free kick and they win the tournament. Both Jess and Jules get scholarships at the Santa Clara University in California. Mrs. Paxton and Jules go to the wedding afterwards and Mrs. Paxton starts yelling at Jess about being a lesbian and causing mess in the family. Tony decides to help Jess again since she did not tell her parents about the scholarship by telling her parents that he will marry Jess as long as she goes to the college she wants. But Jess just decides to tell her family about the truth and Mr. Bhamra gives permission to go to the college because he doesn t want her to suffer like he did by not being able to live the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Still Culture In Still Life Still life, a distinct genre and professional specialization, developed as a separate category in the late sixteenth century. It gave the artists more freedom in the arrangement of elements within a composition than other types of genres such as landscape or portraiture. A style of ostentatious still life painting emerged in the Netherlands and prominent artists, like Willem Claesz Heda, emphasized the abundance by depicting a diversity of objects, fruits, flowers and dead game, often together with animals. This still life reminded viewers of the prosperity of the Republic; it spoke about the bounty of God s creation and the nature of art and life. At first sight, Heda s painting, Still Life with a Gilt Cup (1635) appears to welcome the ... Show more content on ... Today, food is seen as a necessary part of life, with no need of the luxury, although the opulent cuisines are famous too. Food in Netherlands shapes and is constantly shaped by the Dutch society. The country s cuisine has been established by its cultivation (fishing, farming, domesticating animals) and the history of Netherlands. In the prosperous Dutch Golden Age, when the urban merchant class dominated the affluent Dutch society, the haute cuisine was largely limited to the aristocracy and wealthy citizens, consisting of a rich variety of fruits, cheeses, meat, seafood, wine and nuts. The Dutch empire enabled spices, sugar and exotic fruits as well as tea and coffee to be imported to the country. Exotic ingredients such as dates, rice, cinnamon, ginger and saffron were gradually introduced. Thus, today, Netherlands is home to different cultures and external influences, having a variety of foods. Chinese Indonesian, Surinamese, French and Italian food are a part of the Dutch diet. From piping hot street snacks to heart warming stews, pea soups to french fries with mayonnaise, meat croquets to raw herrings, freshly baked breads to delicious cheeses and from Belgium waffles to pies filled with spiced apples, the Dutch cuisine is celebrated with special ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Dangers Of Cell Phone Use While Driving Cell phones play a very large role in most people s lives, but the continuous use of them has sparked the controversy of whether or not these devices plague drivers. Improvements in technology and human dependency on having a cell phone has led to the increase of cell phone use while driving and crashes related to this behavior. Studies and simulations have been conducted to put the controversy at ease accompanied by state governments passing bans on hand held devices. The magnitude of the issue of cell phone use while driving is proven by the articles Cellular Phone Use While Driving: Risks and Benefits: Section 3. Risks of Using a Cellular Phone While Driving by Karen S. Lissy, M.P.H., Joshua T. Cohen, Ph.D., Mary Y. Park, M.S., and John D. Graham, Ph.D. and The Use of Cell Phones While Driving . Federal and state governments should enact bans on cell phone use while driving because missing a message or call is better than a loved one receiving the message of the driver s death. Studies and statistics provide insight on how cell phone use while driving can cause or contribute to crashes. In Cellular Phone Use While Driving: Risks and Benefits: Section 3. Risks of Using a Cellular Phone While Driving , Karen S. Lissy, M.P.H., Joshua T. Cohen, Ph.D., Mary Y. Park, M.S., and John D. Graham, Ph.D., provide performance studies, case reports of crashes, trends in crashes and cell phone use, and epidemiological studies to show the risks and outcomes of driving while on the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Metaphors In Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God Throughout the Eighteenth Century, religion fought a battle against science and those who did not stand with the church were not looked at as ethical people. In the sense that they could not possibly be good people if the did not live for God instead of themselves. Atheists were not the only group of people who were disliked even Quakers and Jews who did not share the same God were looked down upon. Jonathan Edwards made the message clear in his sermon that those who did not go to church and live for God were enemies of God. The church and its followers started to make the idea known to others that God would send them to hell for entirety unless they came back to God as quickly as possible and repented. In his famous sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God . Jonathan Edwards puts fear in all those who do not follow the word of God by talking about hell and the punishment that unrepentant humans deserve. His metaphors including those about hell, the wrath of God and the unworthiness of humans is successful in scaring the unrepentant to turn back to God and as for forgiveness. In one metaphor Edwards creates a clear image for his congregation when he explains that unrepentant sinners are like heavy lead plunging toward hell without the help of God. Edwards writes, Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead, and to tend downwards with great weight and pressure towards hell; and if God should let you go, you would immediately sink and ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Module 7 Introduction To Psychology In the book Introduction to Psychology by Plotnick, and Kouyoumdjian, there were many topics I read about that were interesting, but module 7 was the one that cute my attention. The module is about dreams. According to the definition in the book dreaming is a unique state of consciousness in which we are asleep, but experience a variety of astonishing visual, auditory and tactile images, often connected in strange ways and often in color. People blind from birth has only auditory or tactile dreams. Sleep and dreams play important roles in human life. Sleep is divided into two major categories called non Rem and REM. According we spend 80percent of our sleep time. Sleep consists of five different stages. I will be discussing three of the stages. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Russian Avant-Garde Essay Russian Avant Garde was born at the start of the 20th century out of intellectual and cultural turmoil. Through the analysis of artworks by Aleksandr Rodchenko and El Lissitzky this essay attempts to explore the freedom experienced by artists after the Russian Revolution in 1917. This avant garde movement was among the boldest and most advanced in Europe. It signified for many artists an end to the past academic conventions as they began to experiment with the notions of space, following the basic elements of colour, shape and line. They strove for a utopian existence for all benefited by and inspired through the art they created. They worked with, for and alongside the politics of the time. The equality for all that they sought would ... Show more content on ... Rodchenko overlaps planes of colour, form and texture in an architectural way. His design includes a large clock signifying the importance the Revolution placed on precision and efficiency, as well as a speaker s rostrum, a huge billboard and a space to sell books and newspapers. Rodchenko became an indisputable supporter of the Bolsheviks after the revolution and held roles within the newly formed Fine Art Department of the People s Commissariat of Enlightenment. El Lissitzky was a Suprematist and therefore his goal was to create work that embodied utopian ideals and values. His work was more transcendental and he sort to manipulate space and perspective to shape the new world. El Lissitzky developed Prouns (an abbreviation of Russian words meaning project for the establishment of new art ). These images were meant to move and inspire the masses. El Lissitzky described the Proun s power is to create aims, this is the artists freedom, denied to the scientist (Margolin 1997, p. 33). He aimed to create works that would be clear to everyone in an attempt to build a classless society. Despite the isolation of Russia from the rest of the world as a result of the Revolution, El Lissitzky still believed in a utopian world. He chose to recreate form and space from scratch. The Proun brought together architecture and painting. Proun 1 E, The Town (see figure 2), closely models a town plan. There is volume to the shapes he uses which indicate the form of ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Harry James Motivation As soon as 1939 when he had joined Harry James music makers, a frenzy of female fans ensued. Connie Haines, a singer who began working with Harry James at the time, recalled the reaction of fans after Frank s first performance with James; After the first show, the screaming started in the theater, and those girls came backstage. There were about twenty of them... it happened, it was real, it was not a gimmick (Kaplan 76). The biggest height of the hysteria had to have been in October of 1944: the Paramount/Columbus Day Riot. Around 30,000 of Sinatra s fans, many of which were teenage girls nicknamed bobbysoxers, lined up for his show at the Paramount Theatre in Times Square (Doyle). The amount let in was over the safe capacity and thousands more waited outside for shows later on in the day. However, only a few hundred would leave from the previous shows causing a frenzy to ensue outside; over 400 people from the police department were stationed for the day s chaotic events (Kaplan 227). There was obviously a strong passion within Sinatra s early fan base. This could be a result of an intimate connection Frank emitted to them. Writer Francis Davis ... Show more content on ... Frank Sinatra made moves to confirm his desire through his life due to an unpredictable temper: many were of an violent nature. Early on while working with Tommy Dorsey, drummer Buddy Rich was fed up with having to adhere to Sinatra s slow ballads and called Sinatra a son of a b wop bast (Kaplan 117). At this, Frank threw a glass water pitcher at Rich s head, just missing him. Rich tackled Sinatra and they were in a fist brawl. As a result Dorsey kept Rich and sent Sinatra home for that night s show. Frank ended up hiring some Hoboken friends to punch Rich in the face a few nights later (Kaplan 118). It was reported in the news, but it was unknown to the public who had attacked Buddy ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Structure Fire Reducing the Spread of Structure Fires Nameless Abstract This paper gives an overview of just a few of the ways fire companies can help limit the spread of a structure fire. A few factors to take into consideration that are discussed here are ventilation, nozzle type, and time. Along with the ways that these concepts can help reduce the spread of a structure fire are ways that, if used incorrectly or misjudged, can greatly worsen the situation and the behavior of the fire. Reducing the Spread of Structure Fires Structure fires can spread very rapidly if proper precautions are not taken. Fire companies have a variety of actions they can take and many factors to ... Show more content on ... (West et al. s, 2009, para. 20 51). If PPV is used incorrectly it can cause severely dangerous fire behavior which can result in deaths or injuries to firefighters and civilians. Some common problems that can cause this severe fire behavior are the lack of an exhaust opening, an insufficient exhaust opening size, and a lack of leadership and organization. West et al. s (2009) states that, If PPV is not effective, increased air flow is accompanied with turbulence and resultant mixing of fuel and air which increases the probability of ignition and rapid fire progression (para. 20). Overall, ventilation can be a great way to effectively limit the spread of fires, however, incorrect use can worsen the situation and the fire can become an increased threat to firefighters and civilians. Another thing that can significantly impact and limit the spread of a structure fire is the nozzle type. There are three basic types of nozzle patterns, smooth bore nozzles, fog nozzles, and specialty nozzles. Each of these is very important and has many different uses during a fire. The one most talked about is the fog nozzle. The fog nozzle can provide a number of stream shapes to suit different types of fire situations. Fog nozzles break the water that runs through it into small droplets, which is believed to create more surface area than a solid stream. The water absorbs the heat and turns it into steam which displaces the oxygen and suffocates ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Cormac Mccarthy The Road Setting The Road Summer Reading Assignment The Road is a fiction novel written by Cormac McCarthy. The Road takes place in a post apocalyptic world, with a man and a boy who are not named. The timetable for this book lasts for a few months, and is sort of like documentation for the journey of these two individuals. The setting is hard to follow, and really adds depth to the book as the location and time can kind of be imagined by the reader. The man often follows his dreams, which play a key role in the plot of this book. The man and the boy are all that they have in this cruel, post apocalyptic world, and that is what the journey is all about. The plot of The Road is about this man and this boy who are trapped in a post apocalyptic era when there ... Show more content on ... The two form a huge and very unique bond as they make their way from one coast to another. The man believes he has been sent by God to protect the boy, and thus does everything humanly possible to look after the boy. The boy aspires to be a good person during their journey from coast to coast, often worrying about the people and things that he sees along the way. The boy is very emotionally attached to the small things in life, making him very fragile minded during this cruel world. Ultimately throughout the entire novel, the man is suffering from a cough that grows stronger as he grows weaker. By the end of the book, the man and the boy have been through hell together. Sadly, the man dies and this leaves the boy feeling alone in this cold and empty world. At the last moment before the book comes to an end, the boy is swept up by a new group. This group hopes to inhabit a New World, and God is their motivation. The book ends in suspense, with many questions unanswered. Overall, this is a very good. I enjoyed reading this book, and I actually kind of aspire to read it once more. This book is an eye opener for the potential of post apocalyptic books, and makes me want to read more. Not only is this book very suspenseful, and overall fun to read, but it also teaches the reader lessons that can be used within real life. I was very happy with the plot of this book, and all of its ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Haverwood Furniture Jeremy Kris Marketing Policy and Strategy 10/22/2013 Haverwood Furniture The household wood furniture industry is healthy and growing. Total industry sales in 2007 were estimated to be $31 billion at manufactures prices. Three categories of furniture divide the industry. First upholstered furniture which makes up 50% of sales, Secondly wood furniture at 40% of the industry market share which has grown 2.5% in 2007 and is projected another 4% in 2008, this second category includes dining room and bedroom furniture. Third and last is the other category at 10% this includes ready to assemble and casual furniture. Haverwood has established themselves as a medium to high priced furniture company through 1,000 carefully selected high ... Show more content on ... The biggest challenge that they face as a company is they do not have the room the increase expenditure by such a vast amount. Currently there is $3,675,000 in promotional dollars allocated as follows; sales and administration expense (995,000), cooperative advertising programs with retailers (1,650,000), consumer advertising (562,000) and trade promotion (467,000). adding the $225,000 increase in consumer advertising will not allow the 5% of expected sales for total promo expenditures. John Bott, the vice president of sales disagreed with the budget allocation and noted that sales expenses and administration cost were projected to be $65,000 in 2008. This led him to believe that an additional sales representative would be needed to service company accounts because 50 were being added. Therefore he estimated this addition would cost at least $70,000 including salary and expenses in 2008. Bott also stated that That s about $135,000 in additional sales expense that have to be added to our promotional budget for 2008 My recommendation is that they do not invest the additional $225,000 in consumer advertising. Considering the additional amount will only be going into magazines which do not provide enough incentive for a purchase decision from the buyer. I believe that Haverwood should allocate the amount 50/50 and invest half ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Analysis of Microsoft Financial Statements Analysis of Financial Statements Financial statements are frequently a key source of information for financial decisions and taking a look at Microsoft s financial statements can help us decide certain things about the company. There are three different types of statements that will be discussed in this section. These include: the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows. They are discussed here in either the sense of quarterly or yearly statements and will be noted as so. All information has been derived from Yahoo Finance. ( The first statement that will be analyzed for Microsoft is the balance sheet. The balance sheet is essentially a snapshot of what the firm owns ... Show more content on ... The final section of the statement of cash flows is the financing section, which shows the dividends paid, the purchases of stock, the net borrowings, and other possible cash flows from financing activities. A positive trend for investors is the fact that dividends paid has increased (even though it is negative to the firm) as well as sale purchase of stock, from 2009 to 2011 and even increased quarterly in 2011. The net borrowings is off an on from 2009 to 2011 possibly because of certain funds needed in particular years. In 2009, it was $5,746,000,000 and in 2010, it was $190,000,000. It shot back up again in 2011, with $5,960,000,000. The three statements that were provided in this section provide possible investors, competitors, and even those within the company with useful information to make important decisions that could affect their livelihood or the livelihood of Microsoft. Keep in mind that even though financial statements are a solid indicator of how a company is performing, one key principle about must be known when viewing them to make decisions. They do not always provide all of the information that you may need. There are usually underlying topics that could affect the company that are not necessarily showing up on their financial statements. These topics are discussed in other sections of this report on Microsoft. We feel it important to compare Microsoft s ratios not only to other companies and industry norms, ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Notes On Roles And Statuses Ashley Newlon | Sociology 1101 | Final Paper | Autumn 2015 Roles and Statuses Since I have started studying sociology I have been able to constantly compare it to my life and how it relates to the struggles I am currently facing. Out of all the chapters I have studied in this class this semester, chapter five stuck with me the most. Chapter five focuses on social positions and our interactions with other people along with the different types of statuses a person can behold or gain and the roles that come along with them. I have learned about all of the different sets of statuses, for example, the statuses one can achieve, the ones someone can be ascribed, and/or the master status that someone can be known for most. With those ... Show more content on ... Achieved status is a status that is assigned to a person who works towards becoming that status. In my life I have worked towards becoming a student at OSU Newark, becoming a friend to numerous people, becoming a girlfriend, and becoming an employee at Dollar General. Ascribed status is a status that people are born with such as for me in particular, I am born as a female, a daughter, a granddaughter, a niece, a cousin, and a sister. Depending on the situation any of these statuses could be considered my master status. At school my master status is student whereas at work my master status is employee. With all these statuses come various roles. Roles are expected behaviors based on your status. In my life I struggle with not only role strain but also role conflict. Role strain is when a person has multiple roles that conflict with each other for a single status whereas role conflict is when a person has multiple roles that conflict for multiple statuses. I have found that some of my expected roles can make it very difficult to fulfil other expected roles. Such as, my role as a student consists of attending classes, doing homework, and studying but, as an employee I am also expected to have open availability, not to call off, and over all put work before anything else. Since I have become a student it has been hard to find a way to make time for all of the things that are expected of me. Sociology has given me the tools to decide how to handle conflicting situations and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Leighton Meester Research Paper Leighton Meester is a popular actress who is most known for her role in Gossip Girl. She s traveled the world and made loads of films, but there s more to the actress that meets the eye. Here are just some of these things. Stay tuned for part 2, coming soon! Number Fifteen: Leighton Meester Dated Chuck This actress is very well known for her role as Blair Waldorf, but not as known for her strange connection to the character. In the show, her character dated Chuck, who is played by Ed Westwick. Interestingly enough, the actress also dated him for several years. At one time, he even said how deeply in love he was with her. Unfortunately, they are no longer together. Number Fourteen: She Was Born in Strange Circumstances Leighton Meester was born in a time where her mother was actually serving prison time. She had gotten the sentence because of the fact that she was tied to a drug ring. Her mom was allowed to give birth outside of the prison just long enough to ... Show more content on ... The agency she worked for back in the day was known as the Wilhemina agency. Number Eleven: She s Addicted to Texting Like many people of this generation, Leighton is also addicted to texting and using her smart phone. Hopefully she spends some time away from technology every now and then! Number Ten: She and Amanda Seyfried Have Something in Common Although both now are well known in the industry, for a time, they both had to hustle. In the past, Leighton Meester and Amanda Seyfried modeled for Limited Too. Number Nine: She Isn t a Brunette Since the character she s become known for is brunette, most people don t realize that this actress is actually blonde. However, when she was hired to play the part of Blair Waldorf, producers asked her to change her hair. There are lots more about this cool gal that more people should know. Stay tuned to the next part of the article, which is coming ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Cognitive Dissonance In Friends Cognitive dissonance means feeling tension when our thoughts and beliefs are inconsistent. An example of this is when people smoke even though they are aware of the consequences that can occur such as cancer which leads to cognitive dissonance. This occurs almost everyday in our lives, whether we are aware of it or not. An one example that was shown on one of the episodes of Friends made us aware of this happening. Friends is a sitcom which aired on television in 1994 and ended in 2004. It is about six best friends, Chandler, Joey, and Ross, Monica, who is Ross s brother, Phoebe and Rachel who are living in New York City. Though out the show we see that Monica falls in love with Chandler, and Rachel falls in love with Ross. However, at the beginning of the show we see, Ross and Rachel hook up which causes problems in their relationship. In the last season we see that Ross and Rachel realize that they love each other so they get back together. ... Show more content on ... Rachel decides to tell the news to Ross, but Ross is not taking the news well. Furthermore, we see Ross is being awfully distressed in this situation and surprised by Rachel s pregnancy. Ross is experiencing cognitive dissonance because he thinks that he and Rachel were being cautious and he did not want to have a baby with Rachel as it was not planned and had not had a previous romantic relationship with each other. Nevertheless the pregnancy occurred, she wound up pregnant which led to the feeling of discomfort. Ross s discomfort and tension left him feeling uncomfortable that could possibly effect his ego and self confidence and could make him feeling self conscious and because of that he is feeling ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Software Reusability Software reusability TERM PAPER Software reusability is generally considered a way to solve the software development crisis. When we solve a problem we try to apply the solution to similar problems because that makes our work easy and simple. Now in this paper I would like to cover important aspects of software reusability. But one thing is for sure software reusability can improve software productivity. Software reuse has become a topic of much interest in the software community due to its potential benefits, which include increased product quality and decreased product cost and schedule. The most substantial benefits derive from a product line approach, where a common set of reusable software assets act as a base for subsequent ... Show more content on ... And it s not just a technical issue; it is highly managerial in nature. As much as libraries of reusable code and other assets are important, they will not be fully utilized without management and process support of reuse. Organization and Process The classical software development process does not support reuse.[2] Reusable assets should be designed and built in a clearly defined, open way, with concise interface specifications, understandable documentation, and an eye towards future use. Typically, customer, client, and contract projects are built as one time only, without reuse in mind, and tend to be tightly bound within themselves, without the more robust open interfaces which ease the reuse process. Therefore, in order to make the most of software reuse, the software development process must evolve to include reuse activities. A strong organizational foundation must exist for reuse to succeed, since domain engineering involves a different way of looking at software products, called a product line approach. A product line is a family of similar products addressing a particular market segment, or domain, and provides a massive opportunity for reuse. With a reuse process in place, every ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Golden Age Of Animation Animation plays an enormous role in the entertainment industry today. The Global Animation and Gaming Market is estimated to be worth $242.92 billion (as of 2016), and animated films are the most profitable of any film genre. This industry has widespread influence amongst all age groups, and the films produced can span any genre. The industry has seen major changes with the recent advances in computer generated animation techniques. To fully understand animation, it s important to see where it began. What is considered animation? That question is more loaded than many believe, as the definition of animation is still debated today. This allows for some controversy as to what is the first ever animation. Some believe that the cave painting ... Show more content on ... During this time, many classic characters emerged, including Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Superman, and countless others. Disney released many feature length films during this time, including Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Fantasia, and Dumbo. Warner Bros cartoons was founded in 1933, notably allowing their animators more freedom to develop different styles than other studios at the time. As disney started to make the shift into primarily focusing on feature length films, Warner Bros continued to focus on making shorts, such as the successful Looney Tunes series. The Golden Age started to rely more on voice actors to help bring these characters to life, and scores played by studio orchestras to complete the story. During this time, colored televisions became available to more and more Americans changing the ways they can receive their entertainment. In 1958 the Huckleberry Hound Show was the first half an hour television show to feature only animation. This eventually led to popular cartoons such as The Flintstones, being featured on primetime television. The golden age of animation came to an end when televised cartoons started to gain large viewerships, and animated shorts lost their popularity in ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Role Of Religious Life In Medieval Times The ultimate goal of religious life in medieval times was eternal life with Jesus Christ. Every part of life was carried out for the glory of God and done in the hopes of the second coming of Jesus. The monks aimed to establish a school solely in service of the Lord. The objective of living the religious life was to listen to the voice of God and function in obedience to Christ. The monks vowed to always seek peace and walk in the paths of Jesus through promoting justice, finding truth, and practicing patience. Clergy in the medieval times as well as in modern day seek to constantly exercise devotion to God through their daily lives. The many, yet general expectations of medieval religious life include renouncing personal will, casting temptation ... Get more on ...
  • 19. How Did Poe s Life Affect His Writing How did Poe s life affect his writing? How did Poe s life affect his writing. Poe had a very interesting life. So much happened to him yong and old. There was love, insanity and so much death. But love was very important to him. When poe was young he thought women as angelic figures. He even though this before his mom died. But it was a big role in why he loves them Especially his wife virginia. Virginia was his cousin , best friend and wife. And he loved her very much. But when she got ill. He was very sad. But that sad made something good it made one of his best poems. Annabellely. When Poe was writing annabellely. Virginia had died so he wrought this poem about her. But when she died he wasn t just sad it made him insane. He began drinking witch made him go mad. But while he went mad he made a story a gruesome story called. The Black Cat. The black cat was one of the stories that was a lot like poe. The narrator in this story drank a lot too. Witch made him go insane and kill the cat and his wife. But there was one story that also made the narrator go insane that story was The Raven. The raven was a story where the narrator goes insane talking to a raven about his dead lover lenore. Those two stories have a lot of death in them. Just like Poe s life. ... Show more content on ... When Poe was 3 his mom died of TB (tuberculosis). Then his brother died of the same thing. And his loving wife virgina. So with all this death from TB in his life he made a book called masque of the red death. In masque of the red death. There is someone or something going around and killing people so a prince gets all his friends in a castle and they live there for 6 months. With all the stuff they need. But one night there a party and every time the clock goes off the party stops then starts back up again. But at the stroke of midnight a man in a red cloak comes in and kill everyone. The man in the red cloak must be a metaphor for ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Federal Reserve System ( Money ) ^The Federal Reserve System Money, it certainly does make the world go round, and the reason it is able to do so, is because people have trust in this little piece of paper. Around the globe there is no piece of paper that inspires more confidence. Officially, the US Dollar bills are Federal Reserve notes. Every note that is spent or received is part of a complex organization known as the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve System is the integral component that keeps the American banking system afloat. It is, in essence, the governing body of banking and is responsible for many policies, laws, and regulations that have shaped the American banking system into what it is today. This institution has garnered a lot of support, as well as faced a lot of backlash in times of financial turmoil. However, observing the facts and analyzing the history of the Federal Reserve System will show that is has largely been a positive force in America. The Federal Reserve System plays a large role in both the national and world economies and is therefore heavily scrutinized. Under such scrutiny, one can find that a positive and significant relationship exists between the Federal Reserve System and the economy because of the policies the Federal Reserve enacts, the Federal Reserve s regulation of interest rates, and the Federal Reserve s response to crises in direct connection to economic stability. In order to firmly grasp the driving concepts behind the Federal Reserve s policies ... Get more on ...
  • 21. We Need New Name Quotes Facing obstacles, making tough choices, coping with emotionally draining situations and learning from all of these experiences are all a part of life; the way each person deals with these things define who they truly are. In the novel, We Need New Names, by NoViolet Bulawayo, the protagonist, Darling, demonstrates this truth of life very well. Darling is an African girl from Zimbabwe whose childhood was full of trauma as a result of constant hunger, lack of schooling and not having her parents with her during the majority of her childhood. With the abundance of time, lack of supervision and lack of activities due to having no school, Darling spends much of her childhood running around and stealing guavas for survival. Beyond these early traumatic ... Show more content on ... In Darling s case, she is presented with a multitude of emotionally entwined relationship troubles. However, Darling is able to utilize what she learns from the experience with her dying father to deal with her friendship issues with more maturity. Ultimately, Bulawayo uses Darling s experiences to comfort people who are facing difficult situations themselves and to remind them that each problem is an opportunity to learn something valuable; in some cases, these lessons will allow one to overcome future problems with more ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Theme Of The Signalman The extract begins with a conversation between the narrator and the signalman. The signalman is disturbed as he confides in the narrator, voicing his worries what does the specter mean? The narrator himself is also clueless, as he begins to doubt the logical reasoning and sanity of the signalman, therefore in this manner dickens continues to build the suspense leading towards the story s climax, creating an air of confusion and mistrust in the process. The signalman, in an increasingly desperate tone, continues to voice his worries. His constant string of questions indeed shows how deeply horrified he is at the thought of the foreshadowed dreadful calamity that is to occur. Dickens also weaves in a sense of helplessness, as the signalman has no way or power to stop the events from occurring and this thought has made him deeply paranoid. In the next few paragraphs, the signalman continues to constantly ask questions, this emphasizes the true extent of his trouble. It also alludes to the main overall plot of the story as the ... Show more content on ... He tries to reason on how to move forward, whether to believe in his account or to take him to get help from a practitioner, this consequently relates to the main theme of the supernatural versus logical reasoning. he describes the signalman to be intelligent, vigilant ,painstaking and exact , the emphasis placed on this description by dickens is striking as it establishes him as someone who makes sure to follow his duty and is aware of his surroundings, this will intensify the shock and tragedy of him being unable to interpret the warnings pertaining to his own death. Thus, by introducing such ideas and using words such as treacherous dickens reinforces the gothic effect of the story and foreshadows future events. The narrator, satisfied with his choice resolves to return back the next day to implement ... Get more on ...
  • 23. A Brief Note On Access Control Access Controls Thus majority of the respondents think frequent change of password is necessary but not manageable which indicate usability issues like inability to create passwords as frequently as obligatory. Inglesant and Sasse (2010) found that end users experience with password security policy is that of rigidity in regards to their skills and official responsibilities. Inglesant and Sasse (2010) also found an improvement in the number of their respondents that is 9 out of 32 respondents wrote down their passwords as end users are more aware of data security. Access control limit access to sensitive data based on organisation policies by determining who and how data can be accessed based on a need to know of an entity like an employee s name, position or something you are like fingerprints (Goodrich and Tamassia 2011, Kizza 2010). Additionally identity depends on other characteristics such as something you are acquainted with like password and something you have like secret encryption key. Access control is based on the assumption that only the authorized entity has possession of what they are, know or have (Shabtai, Yuval and Rokach 2012). However access control is limited in preventing data leakage due to social engineering and networking. This have led to recent development of using more than one form of access control in a process called layered authentication like audio visual interfaces (Jang Jaccard and Nepal 2014). Access control also holds employees accountable ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Australia The Land Of Opportunity Essay Before the 11th of September, 2001, Australia had been a home to the Al Jamil family. Granted, it was never the same as their home country of Iraq, but it was a place to live and they were content. Australia, the Land of Opportunity, would bring her family success and happiness. The day that news services across the globe began to broadcast the events of 9/11 was the day that this began to change. *** It happened slowly at first, with strange looks in the street and the word terrorist constantly on the lips of strangers. But soon it became obvious to the Fatimah, as whispers turned into harsh words, and harsh words became fists. The day that her younger brother, Farhad, came home from school with a black eye, and tears rolling down his face, was the day that the change became physical. Mama and Papa called the school, asking for answers, but were given none, being told that if no teacher had seen ... Show more content on ... Islam is not terrorism. My Islam is a religion of peace. A belief cannot have any feelings, yet you are all so convinced that mine hates yours! Allah instructs us to treat all with kindness and neighbourly care. The people who did this, they do not represent Islam, she stated, looking at her classmates. They are not Islam. You think that because we live in your country we should be grateful to you, but you don t know that we are realising it was the biggest, most irreversible mistake we have made. We, Australian Muslims, are just as Australian as you. We deserve the same freedoms, and the same respect. There must be 23 million ways to be Australia. Stop judging mine and focus on yours. Fatimah sat down, to shocked stares and disagreeing words. Satisfied that she had gotten her point across, she took in a deep breath. There would always be those who didn t understand, who would hate and judge. Her family was here for life and opportunity. But maybe Australia isn t the Land of Opportunity for All. Maybe it s just the Land of Opportunity for ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Triumph Of French Cuisine Over The Culinary Industry In today s world it is pretty much assumed that French cuisine is the king of fine dining, and needless to say that it is a true fact. It is known today that the whole culinary industry centre around the widely regarded French cuisine. French cuisine is considered as the epitome of quality food. Even in culinary schools , the first thing that is taught is about the basics of French cooking. Some of the regional cuisines are also influenced in some or the other way by French cuisine. Many culinary terms being derived from French Language itself confirms the Triumph of French Cuisine over the Culinary Industry. French cuisine has went through a lot of ups and downs, but it still is on the pinnacle of its popularity and worldwide acceptance. ... Show more content on ... L. Garvey (2010), Cuisine is an important aspect of the French culture that has been developing for centuries. It is internationally known and considered by some to be the best in the world. As a result of globalization, the increasingly interconnectedness of the world, la cuisine has been affected both positively and negatively. On one hand, the French are witnessing rapidly increasing obesity rates across the country as they are turning to places like McDonald s instead of the more refined and truly French options available to them. In addition, wine consumption rates have decreased within the country, while, at the same time, there has been an increase in cases of binge drinking and underage drinking. However K. Willcox (2009) believes that France is at a crossroads in the kitchen. Wine consumption has plummeted by half since the 1960s, and winemakers in Bordeaux, Beaujolais, and Langueduc are going bankrupt left and right. And while practically all French cheese was made from raw milk 40 years ago, now only 10 percent is. She also believes that As French culture has seeped out of its food, American culture has crept in. About 200,000 cafés flourished in France in 1960, while roughly 41,000 struggle to remain in business ... Get more on ...
  • 26. 19th Century Prostitution Across the 19th century the image of the prostitute and how she is portrayed in different novels has evolved. While early depictions of a prostitute describe a woman who plagues society, later portrayals offer a much more human and sympathetic view. Across many works of the 19th century, there are several images of the prostitute that change overtime to reflect society s view of these women. Between the character, Nana from Emile Zola s novel and Lulu from the silent film Pandora s Box, there is visible evolution of the 19th century prostitute and her relationship to society. Emile Zola s novel Nana offers a very negative and critical view of the prostitute in French society. Zola s entire novel acts to criticize women like Nana for the disease ... Show more content on ... The prostitute Lulu, featured in the film Pandora s box offers a sympathetic mage of the prostitute. The 1929 silent film is based off a set of plays called the Lulu plays from the late 19th century, and offers a more positive portrayal of a prostitute compared to earlier works from the era. One aspect of Lulu that is not incorporated into the earlier 19th century image of a prostitute is the prospect of marriage. Lulu is allowed to enter the upper class tier of life and does so through marrying the Doctor. Allowing for a prostitute to be marry contradicts the early image of an immoral woman that was associated with prostitutes like Nana. Along with this shift in social status, Lulu is much more of a victim than earlier prostitutes like Nana were. By some circumstances, Lulu is forced into prostitution by her father. Where prostitutes from the early 19th century had always been the gross plague of society, with Lulu, she is a victim and a man (her father) is shown to be the immoral character. This point is further supported by Lulu s death. While most prostitutes from earlier works succumb to a disease of their own body, Lulu is murdered. Again, Lulu is the victim not the cause of her suffering. The differences in the portrayal of Nana and Lulu show an eveolution of the ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Limitations Of The UCI School Of Law A limitation of this study was that there were only two different law classes observed and only two interviews conducted. Through this study, over 8 hours of data collection. The classes at both these observation sites were in different material, one being Criminal Law and the other being Immigration Law and Policy, which may have been a limitation. This may have been a limitation because there may be different students oriented towards these areas of law that could have affected their responses. In addition, there was an unequal gender distribution of interviewees, considering that both were female. In addition, these two sites provided different sample sizes, the first being twice as large as the second, which may be a limitation when ... Show more content on ... Another credibility issue at these two observation sites is a difference in rankings, since the University of California, Irvine School of Law is the twenty eighth best law school in the United States, while no rank is published for Whittier Law School. There was also a bias in choosing both these settings, given that they are both situated in Orange County. I am also an undergraduate student at the University of California, Irvine, so I was familiar with the campus and the navigating through the course schedules. Implications The findings of the current study have multiple purposes for the legal education system. These results can be useful for current law school professors and students interested in pursuing a legal education. Data shows that rankings have an impact on the prospective decisions of law students and that it can shape their opinions on where to go to law school, but rejects important variables that could affect the student s experience at the school. In expanding the variables taken into consideration by these rankings, the U.S. News World Report could provide more realistic ratings that enable students to choose a college that would be a good fit for them. Data shows the main goal for law students is to become professionals and gain knowledge, instead of practicing law. Based on these findings, it would be important to educate these students more about the legal professional and other graduate programs during undergraduate education. Also, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Batteries, Resistance And Current Lab Report PHYS 1112/2212 spring 2016 LAB #9 Batteries, Resistance and Current Introduction: Voltage can be thought of as the pressure pushing charges along a conductor, while the electrical resistance of a conductor is a measure of how difficult it is to push the charges along. Using the flow analogy, electrical resistance is similar to friction. For water flowing through a pipe, a long narrow pipe provides more resistance to the flow than does a short fat pipe. The same applies for flowing currents: long thin wires provide more resistance than do short thick wires. The resistance (R) of a material depends on its length, cross sectional area, and the resistivity (the Greek letter rho), a number that depends on the material. The resistivity ... Show more content on ... What is the difference between resistivity (ρ) and resistance (R)? What are the units of each? Lab Activity: Log on and go to the PhET website ( Go to simulations, then electricity then to the following: Battery Resistor available at: resistor circuit Check show battery and show cores , watch what happens, adjust some variables 1. Why do electrons (blue dots) move? Draw a diagram of the battery, label the flow of electrons. The flow of current (+) is opposite; draw this and note if toward or away from + terminal of the battery. 2. What does the Ammeter (on the left) measure? How is this shown in the simulation? 3. What role do the green dots in the resistor play in the simulation? What do you think they represent? What does this tell you about the effect of resistors in a circuit? 4. Increase the resistance (# green dots). What affect does this have on temperature? WHY? 5. When the circuit gets hotter, what affect does this have on current? Explain using kinetic molecular theory. 6. To make the circuit cold , what do you need to do? WHY? 7. Describe the relationship between voltage and temperature. Resistance in a Wire available at: in a wire 1. In this simulation, what variables are you seeing the relationship of. Write the
  • 29. ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Ethics Of An Incomplete Attempt An incomplete attempt is where the attempter had planted a bomb but is detained before he could set the bomb off. There have been many arguments put back and forth to punish incomplete attempts as you would if you had completed the attempt. Treating incomplete more leniently was first brought to our attention by Sir Blackstone (Ashworth, A 1988) whom stated that the affirmed punishment must only be in accordance with the actions that have been committed (Jacqueline M, 2013). Further arguing that incomplete should have greater leniency than complete attempts is due the attempter s chance of voluntary abandonment. The attempter may change his mind voluntarily and not gone through with the unlawful act. From my personal perspective, I feel it would be legally and morally justified for the attempter to occur the same punishment as that of the completed offender because even if they voluntarily had not gone through with the unlawful act they had the mere preparation in place. Although mere preparation cannot be used, you would consider other factors and implications like the level of intent the defendant had. It is important to remember the punishment of an attempt is at the judge s discretion. Therefore if the offence is the offender s first attempt, the judge may be more lenient to let them off with a less punishment, despite them having all the intention required to commit the crime. Attempts to Commit the Impossible Under the Criminal Attempts Act S.1 (2) 1981 it states ... Get more on ...
  • 31. My Reading Experience Laying on my comfortable bed under my warm covers with a chapter book in front of my face, I turned to the last page. It was a suc cess ful successful day, read the final line in the book. My heart began to race as my eyes grew wide like an owl s. Had I really just read a whole chapter book by myself? I sprung out of my bed and ran to go tell my mom. Mommy, I just finished reading a chapter book all by myself! I exclaimed with a wide smile plastered on my face. I m so proud of you! my mother responded. I knew that you could do it! My mom gave me a huge hug. At that moment, I realized that all of the long hours of practicing and reading had paid off. I could finally read a chapter book. Since I was young, my parents made reading a priority for me. When I was in kindergarten at my preschool, I had a reading teacher who worked one on one with me to increase my level. As a result, I was confident in my reading ability and excited for the first day of first grade at my new red bricked elementary school. As I briskly walked through the main entrance and to my classroom the morning of the first day, I squeezed my parents hands tightly with butterflies in my stomach. I had only been inside the school one other time, at Meet the Teacher night, so I was still unsure of what to expect. We found my classroom and put my pink polka dot backpack and matching lunchbox on the hook below my cubby right inside the door. After finding my desk and sitting in my chair, my parents gave me ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Proposed Bill Of The 113th Congress Proposed By... The proposed bill that I would like to discuss is S.150 from the 113th Congress proposed by Senator Dianne Feinstein of California. S. 150 is a bill that would federally ban the import, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of a semi automatic assault weapon (Congressional Research Service, 2013). The guns would be banned based on their physical features and/or name. There are three types of fire arms that could possibly have been banned (these are all semi automatic weapons). Semi automatic rifles having any of the following features will be banned: a pistol grip, a forward grip, a folding telescoping or detachable stock, a grenade or rocket launcher, a barrel shroud, or a threaded barrel. Semi automatic pistols will be banned if ... Show more content on ... (Congressional Research Service, 2013) This bill is a severe attack on our second amendment rights. It is over the top and does not focus on the real problems at hand. These problems at hand are mental health issues/care and school security. This ban would stop absolutely nothing from happening in the future. What we have here is uneducated, ignorant members of congress trying to make laws that would go against what is guaranteed to us under the second amendment. There have been many attempts to reinstate the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban before and in this case they cite tragedies as a need for this recent attempt. Using the lives of children who were murdered in the most heinous way to gain political leverage is disgusting. The Assault Weapon Ban of 2013 is a bill that is unconstitutional, ineffective, and unfairly targets law abiding gun owners. All in the name of protecting the people of America. The key actors in this bill are quite numerous because of the controversy in the subject. Dianne Feinstein proposed this bill along with 24 Democratic Co Sponsors. Senator Feinstein has been an outspoken supporter of gun control especially within California. Connecticut Senators Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy have supported this bill along with the gun legislation passed at the State level in Connecticut. President Obama has openly endorsed the idea of banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines ever since he arrived in ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Baxton Case Analysis I. Factual Summary: * Baxton Technology has a reputation for quality products, primarily in the wheel alignment segment. * By 1999, Baxton had sold 1,054 hoists and had sales of 9,708,000. 60 percent of the sales were in US, and 40 percent were in the Canadian market. The total number of hoists sold in the U.S was 632 for a sales figure of $5,824,800. However, the total number of hoists sold in Canada was 422 resulting in a sales figure of $3,883,200. * Sixteen companies competed in the automotive lift market in North America; 4 in Canadian, and 12 in the United States. The industry is dominated by two large U.S. firms, AHV lifts and Berne Manufacturing. AHV lifts has 40 percent of the market share and Berne manufacturing ... Show more content on ... Operating in Europe opens up entirely new and very large (almost U.S. sized) opportunities for sales since most of the countries in Europe are interconnected, which means there is free movement of goods, persons, services and capital. The entry to Europe will give Baxton opportunities to reach a higher number of customers. If customers are satisfied with the superior quality of Baxton s hoists, then the reputation of Baxton will be enriched, as a result. this might open up additional opportunities to expand further in the world. Once Baxton turns into a global corporation, the company will see an added brand value. Currently, Europe does not have any dedicated, large manufacturers of scissor lifts. However, there was only one firm in Germany that manufactured a scissor type lift. So far, no dominant manufacturer of hoists exists in Europe as was the case in North America. Based on the number of vehicles operating in Europe presented in the case, Europe appears to be at a growing market, based on new registration numbers. The number of new vehicle registrations is an indicator of the future vehicle repair and services needed this give Baxton an indication of whether or not their services will be profitable. Alternative 2: Avoid the European Market and stay focused on U.S market Baxton can refrain from entering the European market for now, and focus on U.S. sales ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Essay On Copyright Laws Copyright laws in regards to music should be repealed. The RIAA has misconstrued the perceived effects staring had on artist development and revenue, when in fact the perceived financial short comings of downloading and peer to peer sharing are actually made up through concert revenue and merchandise revenue. It is important to take a look into the perceived effects done by the RIAA. The RIAA claim that file sharing reduces sales, with estimated displacement rates ranging from 3.5% for movies (Rob and Waldfogel 2007) to rates as high as 30% for music (Zentner 2006). But on the contrary, Rob and Waldfogel (2006) find an average displacement effect of 20% but report that file sharing had no impact on hit albums. Also for more niche ... Show more content on ... of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417 [1984]). The decision was that companies are not at fault for their customers committing copyright infringement if their technology is capable of doing so. This ruling has incentivized second generation file sharing sites to create decentralized forms of music sharing, such as eliminating centralized indexes, and thus give the site owner s immunity because they cannot claim to know that users are sharing copyrighted material. This type of sharing can be more easily defined as files located on individuals computer and shared with other members of the network, rather than on a centralized server. This more specifically is torrent a network locations of trackers, which are computers that help participants in the system find each other and form efficient distribution groups called swarms Lessig points out that any extreme of regulation on an industry obviously makes it difficult, sometimes impossible, for a wide range of creativity, especially in a free society. So he is claiming that more of these lawsuits done by the RIAA stifle creativity. Lessig points our that the number of titles or albums sold through online platforms went from 2 million to 4 million. Zettner has been able to make a diagnostic test to determine if the RIAA s claims are valid. Zettner lays out three conditions that need to hold true for less certain rights to undermine the incentives for artistic ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Theory The Mind Body Problem When discussing sex, the philosophical concept of hylomorphism is helpful. Philosophers have created three philosophical theories in attempt to solve the mind body problem. The mind body problem looks to explain both mental and physical properties and how they work together or if the two even work together. Mental properties are things that only you can feel directly. In other words, mental properties are private like experience, emotion and beliefs. Physical properties include: size, weight, shape and color. This means physical properties are observable to the public. One theory the mind body problem has created is materialism. Materialist believe we are one entity made of physical matter, our body. The second theory the mind body problem has brought about is dualism. Dualists believe as human beings we are two entities, the body and the soul/mind. This theory also believes that the real me is the soul/mind. Hylomorphists have a problem with dualists because they see human beings as one entity with two dimensions, material and formal. Human bodies become human bodies by being engulfed by the soul [Christopher Shield, 4]. Gabriel Marcel talks about hylomorphism in the respect of primary and secondary reflection. Primary reflections tends to analyze and dissociate object(s). This puts a gap between the two objects. On the other hand, secondary reflection sees no gap or separation from the object. Secondary reflection ditches the analysis and so, everything that goes ... Get more on ...
  • 36. law of torts THE LAW OF TORTS INTRODUCTION The word tort is of French origin and is equivalent of the English word wrong, and the Roman law term delict. It is derived from the Latin word tortum, which means twisted or crooked. It implies conduct that is twisted or crooked. It is commonly used to mean a breach of duty amounting to a civil wrong. Definition: a tort is defined as a civil wrong for which the remedy is a common law action for unliquidated damages and which is not exclusively the breach of a contract or the breach of a trust or other merely equitable obligation. A tort arises due to a person s duty to others in generally which is created by one law or the other. A person who commits a tort is known as a tortfeaser, or a wrongdoer. Where ... Show more content on ... 1. Voluntary and involuntary acts: acts and omissions may be voluntary or involuntary. An involuntary act does not give rise to liability in tort. 2. Mental elements: Plaintiff may be required to show some fault on the part of the defendant. Fault here means failure to live up to some ideal standard of conduct set by law. To determine fault, the following may be proved: a) Malice: In the popular sense, malice means ill will or spite. In Law, it means i) intentional doing of a wrongful act and, ii) improper motive. b) Intention: i.e. where a person does a wrongful act knowing the possible consequences likely to arise, he is said to have intended that act, and is therefore at fault. c) Recklessness: i.e. where a person does an act without caring what its consequences might be, he is at fault. d) Negligence: i.e. where the circumstances are such that a person ought to have foreseen consequences of his act and avoided it altogether, he would be at fault if he bothers not. e) Motive: Motive is the ulterior objective or purpose of doing an act and differs from intention. 3. Malfeasance, misfeasance and non feasance: Malfeasance‟ refers to the commission of a wrongful act which is actionable per se and do not require proof of intention or motive. „Misfeasance‟ is applicable to improper performance of some lawful act, for example, where there is negligence. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Identifying Mental Illnesses Mental illness refers to a condition, which affects the thinking, feeling, and mood of a person. Apparently, this condition affects the ability of a person to function every day and the capacity to relate to others (Tracy, 2015). Here are some diagnosis and tests that can be carried out to determine mental illness in a person: A psychological assessment where a mental health provider helps a patient understand the behavior patterns, feelings, thoughts, and symptoms that can cause mental illness. At this point, a patient may be asked to fill out a questionnaire to assist in answering the questions. Lab tests where health practitioners check out the thyroid function of a patient or screen for drugs and alcohol. Physical examination the health practitioner tries to rule out physical issues, which could lead to mental illness. It is ... Show more content on ... Apparently, a psychiatrist is a qualified medical doctor who has extra training in the field of mental illnesses and health. The work of a psychiatrist is to assess the mental condition of a patient in coordination with their physical condition, and thus prescribe medication. Only psychiatrists have the mandate to treat and prescribe medication to people with a mental health condition. With the mental illnesses, the health professionals do not culture some microorganism and carry out a blood test to establish if a patient has a mental illness. The mental illnesses are diagnosed based on the symptoms, which a person has. Behavioral Illness Behavioral illnesses affect our conscious (Behavioral Health Resources, 2016). For instance, behavioral illness is caused by substance abuse, where the patient suffering from behavioral illness makes a sober, and a conscious decision to use drugs. Other examples are eating disorders like the anorexia nervosa. Behavioral treatment centers on the extent and ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Bullshit International Accounting Session 9 Cost Allocations and Activity Based Costing Dr. Othman Cole 1 Absorption Costing In absorption costing, all manufacturing costs, both fixed and variable, are assigned to units of product. Units are said to fully absorb manufacturing costs. Most countries require some form of absorption costing for both external financial reports and for tax reports. Also, most companies across the world use absorption costing in their management reports. It is the most common approach to product costing throughout the world. It is also known as Job Order Costing. 2 Absorption Costing Components Direct Materials can be easily traced to a particular unit Direct ... Show more content on ... b. What is the unit product cost for the month under absorption costing? c. Prepare a contribution format income statement for the month using variable costing. d. Prepare an income statement for the month using absorption costing. 10 Activity Based Costing In activity based costing (ABC), nonmanufacturing as well as manufacturing costs may be assigned to products (on a cause and effect basis). Further, some manufacturing costs may be excluded from product costs. An ABC system uses a number of overhead cost pools, each of which is allocated to products and other defined cost objects using its own unique measure of activity. In contrast to traditional absorption costing which is used mostly for external financial reporting, activity based costing is particularly useful for internal and strategic decision making. 11 Activity Based Costing key features An activity is defined as any event that causes the consumption of overhead resources. An activity cost pool is a bucket that accumulates all costs related to a single activity measure. An activity measure is
  • 39. an allocation base in an ABC system. It is also referred to as cost driver. § Transaction drivers number of times an activity occurs § Duration drivers amount of time required to perform an activity 12 Activity Based Costing key steps 1. Define activities, activity cost pools, and activity measures. 2. Assign ALL overhead costs to activity cost pools (first stage ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Analyzing Alejandro Jodorowsky s Snarks Out Elinor shapiro Film Professor Dresser Alejandro Jodorowsky Snarks Out Winston Bongo is a very creative person. He s the inventor of Snarking out. He also holds the world s record for number of Snark Outs successful completed. Pinkwater, Daniel. The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death. Berkley; paperback, 1983. Snarking Out, a fictional act of sneaking out and sneaking into movie theaters to watch strange and unheard of films after midnight, is a fabulous concept created by Daniel Pinkwater for one of his vibrant fictional books. Alejandro Jodorowsky is considered the father of the midnight movie, without him there would have been no Snarking Out. This is Not a Film. This is the Healing of My Soul. . The New York Times Magazine, 16 Mar. ... Show more content on ... His love of writing began early in his life. he was also friends with notable artists H.R Giger and Jean Giraud (Moebius). The three came unbelievably close to creating a movie version of the Sci Fi book, Dune. Tribbey, C. (2014). Jodorowsky s dune explores greatest film never made . Home Media Magazine, 36(18), 14. Jodorowsky wrote a number of notable comics illustrated by Moebius, Before The Incal, The Incal, and The Final Incal. He was the author of a few other graphic novels, books of poetry and books on religious guidance. Books by Alejandro Jodorowsky (Author of The Incal). (Author of The Incal). N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2017. Along with being a well rounded writer he was also a composer and actor, often starring in his own movies, and composing the music for them as well. In the Holy mountain Jodorowsky is credited as being the Director, writer, star actor, Producer, Production Designer, Costume Designer, one of the composers, and finally a set designer. Full Cast Crew. IMDb., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. ... Get more on ...
  • 41. How Did The Mahele Impact The Hawaiians Mahele means land division in Hawaiian and within the land division it was split into four parts, the King, chiefs, commoners, and could be purchased by the foreigners (Borreca). This happened when King Kamehameha realized that his Hawaiian Islands could be taken forcefully by the foreigners (Borreca). Then, King Kamehameha created the mahele to prevent foreigners from taking their land. This did not go well because the Hawaiian chiefs started to sell the land to the foreigners which caused Hawaiians land ownership to lessen. The mahele did not benefit the Hawaiians because they lost resources, lost land, and their crops were stolen and destroyed by the foreigners. A political impact was that the Hawaiians lost many resources. This was because of the land divider did not equally and fairly divide the land. Hawaiians that lived in the ocean and the midland were unable to go into the mountains and cut down trees for their needs. Therefore Hawaiian childrens were eating raw potato because of no firewood and their mouths were swollen from eaten raw taro (Hio). Before the foreigners came to Hawaii, they were peacefully trading crops with other people and shared what others who didn t have. ... Show more content on ... The Hawaiians grew more crops, caught more fish, hunted more animals, and cut down more trees so that they could sell it to make money so that their land wouldn t be taken away. The Hawaiian people would come close to making enough money to buy their land, but then at this time the konohiki would sell their land for a larger amount of money that the foreigners would offer. But the end result was that the King sold pretty much all the land and the Hawaiians ended up with 1% of the overall land in ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Italian Immigrants Holiday Traditions Americans have become so accustomed to holiday traditions today that the meaning of how they arrived here has been lost. Immigrants of Italy brought to America their family centered culture of celebrating these holidays. Their culture was so influencing that villages for the Italians were actually formed. The Italians celebrated numerous holidays in Italy; most celebrations included their fine foods and wine. Although, after the immigrants arrived in America they no longer observed many of the holidays that they did in Italy. The Italians holiday culture helped to make America a more diverse nation. Their family centered culture and regional affiliations resulted in highly concentrated settlements called, Little Italies. Entire villages in Italy would travel over to America to form these settlements. Many were heavily clustered in cities in the mid atlantic and midwest states. The immigrants typically viewed themselves as residents of a particular region or village, not as Italians. Their daily habits and life reflected this, as they usually only associated with fellow kin or villagers called paesani. The Italians were working on becoming a member of American society while still trying to maintain their old customs. During holidays, Italian immigrants still utilized traditional customs such as folk songs, folklore, and dances for special events. However, like so many of the Italian aspects of life, they were so regionally specific that they defied easy characterization. ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Modern Warfare Research Papers Modern Warfare 2 the best game ever published? There has been no valid arguments posed towards the king of all games, even if an argument arose it would immediately be proven in valid. Modern Warfare 2 was immersed in a large, diverse, and competitive community of people. The community surrounding Modern Warfare 2 was composed of wonderful people, yes trash talking is ubiquitous, but its all in good fun. Another outstanding aspect of Modern Warfare 2, perhaps the most important of a game in its genre. The gun play was absolutely outstanding. Some, if not most would say that the gunplay was flawless. All the weapons were balanced and had their specific strong suits, as well as their weaknesses. Hands down the best aspect of the gunplay was ... Show more content on ... Players required basically no skill to do decent, a players success was granted to them by ridiculously over powered guns, and also over powered perks that made a player almost unstoppable. The weapons grew to need zero skill they also grew more and more accurate and the weapons were also granted ridiculous rates of fire, so any player could do good. Then the most recent Call of Duties accelerated movement speed which some players enjoy a lot, but in the grand scheme of things it just declined the amount of skill required in order to do good. The one on one fast paced heart pounding action is no longer a part of the Call of Duty series. Instead Call of Duty evolved into a game that is based on pure chaos, no organization, and a very undiversified community. Over all Call of Duty has had an extremely successful career, but if they continue on the path they are on they are in store for a bitter end. If Activision needs an example of a game to follow they need to look back on previous successes they have had, and also they must utilize the K.I.S.S. method not everything has to be a complex, fancy, and flashy. Modern Warfare 2 Embodies all of the necessary qualities of a exemplary ... Get more on ...
  • 44. My First Disney Trip My first Disney trip was everything I imagined and more. Disney is the most magical place on Earth. Although I was scared to get on all the big rides I still managed to get on. I would stay calm in all of the lines, but whenever I saw I was about to get on the ride I would get the biggest knots in my stomach. On Tower of Terror, I was very close to crying, but I got through it. A very scary ride is Space Mountain. It was like I wanted to start balling out crying, but it was just tears falling out of my eyes. I also hated big drops at the time. The rides with big drops like Splash Mountain, Tower of Terror, and Space Mountain made me lose my stomach. My favorite roller coaster is Rockin Roller Coaster. Rockin Roller Coaster is a fast loopy loop ride, but it s very smooth and easy going. I do not like jerky rides like the primeval whirl that jerks you every which way. There are also 4 parks to go to in Disney. There is Animal Kingdom, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and Hollywood Studios. My favorite park is the Magic Kingdom because there is more to do there, but I like the other ones too. I also love the food at Disney World. They have the best fries ever. Their ice cream is also amazing. There is this ice cream called Pine Apple Dole Whip and it is the best you ll ever taste. The best restaurants at Disney is Cosmic Rays, Dino Bite, and, Casey s Corner. I always get fries and chicken tenders. One of the things I love about Disney is the memories we make with family and friends. ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Analysis Of A Man Runs Into A Woman A Man Runs into a Woman by Sarah Jane Barnett There s a lot going on in A Man Runs into a Woman, yet nothing happens as well. Sarah Jane Barnett explores the different means of telling an individual s story; a cross dressing father interacts with her daughter, a couple tries to connect with each other after the war, another couple leaves the worst unsaid, and two middle aged strike up an unlikely friendship. A series of stringed distinctive poems tries exploring the grim police reports of the death of Texas death row inmates and their heartfelt last words, before their ultimatum. The book is divided in three parts. The middle ones are the longest and is devoted to the last sentiments of death row prisoners, facing the ultimatum in America. The links that joins the poems in the second part is the description of the crimes, what the prisoners had done, which had landed them where they are in the current scenario. Sarah writes the poems, in a sense, she s announcing to the world of what she thinks a poem should look like. The Jeffery Levine (2011) website states that the poems, one writes while urging wittingly or unconsciously is an aesthetic, that should be the ones that belong in the book (para. 6). Sarah Jane Barnett s main concerns is with the movement of impact, in slow motion, and its aftermath, as reflected by the title. It is very introspecting in retrospect, the texts. Although running (Mountains, Auditorium) is mentioned a lot in the poems, I feel the ... Get more on ...