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Reader Response Essay
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Reader Response Essay Introduction Reader Response Essay Introduction
Fdi in Banking Sector
oreign Direct Investment as seen as an important source of non debt inflows, and is increasing
being sought as a vehicle for technology flows and as a means of attaining competitive efficiency
by creating a meaningful network of global interconnections.
FDI plays a vital role in the economy because it does not only provide opportunities to host
countries to enhance their economic development but also opens new vistas to home countries to
optimize their earnings by employing their ideal resources.
India has sought to increase inflows of FDI with a much liberal policy since 1991 after decade s
cautious attitude. The 1990 s have witnessed a sustained rise in annual inflows to India. Basically,
opening of the economy after 1991 does not live ... Show more content on ...
Better Risk Management
As the banks are expanding their area of operation, there is a need to change their strategies exert
competitive pressures and demonstration effect on local institutions, often including them to
reassess business practices, including local lending practices as the whole banking sector is crying
for a strategic policy for risk management.
Through FDI, the host countries will know efficient management technique. The best example is
Basel II. Most of the banks are opting Basel II for making their financial system more safer.
Financial Stability and Better Capitalization
Host countries may benefit immediately. From foreign entry, if the foreign bankre capitalize a
struggling local institution. In the process also provides needed balance of payment finance. In
general; more efficient allocation of credit in the financial sector, better capitalization and wider
diversification of foreign banks along with the access of local operations to parent funding, may
reduce the sensitivity of the host country banking system and lead towards financial stability.
Source : Economic Review , RBI Annual Report 2005 06.
So due to the aforesaid benefits economy has consistent flow of FDI over the past few years. In
addition to that, the govt. has also taken step to enhance the FDI (eg. Telecom, civil aviation) FDI
up to 100% through the Reserve Bank s
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Senior Project
For Claudia Cifolelli s Senior Project, she provided service for the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
in Kenya, Africa. This organization provides a safe haven for injured and orphaned elephants that
have been victims of the illegal ivory poaching throughout Kenya. In order to help raise money to
fund this organization, Claudia organized a silent auction containing art pieces related to wildlife
made by students and alumni from Natomas Charter Schooland other local artists. The money she
made went to the Medical needs of the Elephants in Kenya.
When Claudia asked me to participate in her senior project, i immediately said i would help her
out. I took a look at the other pieces that she had already received and i was amazed. Klaude s
piece was by far the my favourite. I then got to brainstorming ideas on how I can implicate wildlife
animals into my style of painting. I went through weeks of ... Show more content on
I would draw out the silhouettes of 4 Different animals and use different colors for each of the
canvases. I then ran across another problem, what animals could I draw and what colors should I
use to paint. I started to use the original sketches I had, a wolf and a deer, and started painting
while also mixing together colors that i thought would catch the viewer s eye ; and because i
was fairly low on paint, i had to use some of the paint from the painting of the wolf silhouette on
the painting of the deer silhouette. After I did the two paintings, I knew it wasn t finished. The
two canvases I painted looked too lonely. I needed to paint at least two more but i was stuck,
staring at an empty canvas that was waiting to be filled with colors. I started to sketch out an
elephant, the main focus of this whole project, and started to paint with more vivid and brilliant
colors that caught my eye while i was mixing paints. As I was painting the elephant I realized that
elephants aren t the only wild animal who is being poached for their horns. In the middle of
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My Birthday Monologue
Hey, Eva, John s voice sings down my phone. Do you have plans tonight?
Just having a quiet night in. Since Alice is at work, I get the remote all to myself.
A little bird told me it was your birthday yesterday, so Patsy and I would like to take you to the
Sure, what time?
Seven sound okay to you? We re going to the dollar theatre since we re both broke.
Sounds like me. I have a little cash in my purse, should be enough for a ticket at least.
Leave your money at home, this is our treat.
I chew on my lip. When will people get it? I don t like birthdays, and I don t like gifts. A heavy sigh
escapes my lips as I recall Patsy s discontentment over my secrecy for my birthday. Reluctantly, I
say, Okay, I ll... Show more content on ...
Next to that, a sleek, orange Camaro. Maybe this is a muscle car convention? Further along the line,
my feet pause as my eyes gawk at the beautiful, Vista blue Shelby Mustangwith white stripes, a car
I have admired on several occasions now. I pull my scarf higher to bury my face from the chill
while stuffing my gloved hands into my jacket pockets. The wind has intensified since leaving the
apartment and now howls around my ears, tousling my hair. Yet I stand, staring at the car
nevertheless. Why would Angelo be in this part of the town?
Before retrieving my phone, I remove my glove and call Alice, who answers after three rings. Hey,
babe, what s up?
I drag my hair from my face while retaining my gaze on the Shelby. I m heading down to the
cinema to meet Patsy and John.
Oh, nice. That should keep you out of trouble for a while.
If you re not busy, I thought you could join us.
Not tonight, sorry.
Are you at work still? Sounds like you have music playing in the background.
No, I m out with a friend right now.
Yeah, friend, she says. I know she s with Angelo right now, I m looking at his car. The clattering of
glasses in the background and the sound of people talking filters through the phone. Are you at a
bar or something?
Yes, the bar near my restaurant. Rachael s having boyfriend problems and asked me to help her
out. Not sure what I can do for her though, but she needs my support I guess.
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The History of the Piano Essay
The piano, created by Bartolomeo Christofori in 1709, has impacted our society by becoming a
popular instrument and a popular medium for musicians to create musical masterpieces. Also
called the pianoforte, the piano is one of the most beautiful sounding instruments that can range in
sound from as low as a gust of wind, to as high as the shrill sound of a bird. It has evolved over
time and become an amazing instrument. The pianowas accepted very well in history and it has
generated many changes in the music industry. The piano was also used a lot in society and has
had many applications grow from it. Without it, many classical masterpieces as well as modern
songs wouldn t have been possible. There were many instruments that led to the... Show more
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They weren t added to keyboards until the thirteenth century. Another instrument that was a prelude
to the piano was the pantaleon. It was created by Hebenstreit, a famous dulcimer player. It had 180
strings, was 9 feet long, had an extra soundboard, and had double faced hammers. It was extremely
hard to master. It was short lived, but was an important influence for the pianoforte. It also created
an important link between keyed and non keyed string instruments (Crombie 5 7).
In the fifteenth century, a keyed polychord was made called the clavichord. It was the first
keyboard in which the harder a note was struck, the louder a note would ring. It was fairly cheap
and it was very popular in central Europe, especially in Germany. Although people liked it, it was
not very loud. Since this was the case, the harpsichord was created. It was a much larger
clavichord creating a louder sound (Crombie 7 9). At last, the pianoforte was born. The pianoforte
means soft and loud. The name describes the sound of the instrument. It can be soft piano or loud
forte depending on how hard you hit the keys. Bartolomeo Cristofori created it in 1709. When he
became angry and was playing the harpsichord harder, he realized that the instrument didn t respond
and become louder. Since he wanted something that could do this, he invented the pianoforte, which
is now just
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The Center Of An Immaculate Quality Creation Essay
The center thought is to amplify client esteem while minimizing waste. Just, incline implies making
more esteem for clients with less assets. An lean association comprehends client esteem and centers
its key procedures to consistently build it. A definitive objective is to give impeccable worth to the
client through an immaculate quality creation handle that has zero waste. To finish this, incline
thinking changes the center of administration from streamlining separate innovations, resources,
and vertical offices to advancing the stream of items and administrations through whole esteem
streams that stream on a level plane crosswise over advances, resources, and offices to clients.
Killing waste along whole esteem streams, rather than at detached focuses, makes forms that need
less human exertion, less space, less capital, and less time to make items and administrations at far
less expenses and with many less deserts, contrasted and conventional business frameworks.
Organizations can react to changing client wants with high assortment, excellent, ease, and with
quick throughput times. Likewise, data administration turns out to be much less complex and more
precise. lean for Production and Services A mainstream misinterpretation is that lean is suited just
to manufacture. Not genuine. Incline applies in each business and each procedure. It is not a
strategy or a cost lessening program, but rather a state of mind and representing a whole
association. Organizations in all
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The Adaptive Nature Of Canada
The Adaptive Nature of Canada?s First People
The Canadian people have always prided themselves as champions of democracy and are
universally respected for their record on human rights. Although holistically this could be argued,
especially when compared to the United States and other Western states, the record concerning
Aboriginals, both past and present, has yet to live up to their self set standard. Defined simply as
anyone who traces his/her ancestry back to pre European colonization, there exist mass diversity
within its community. Although various political actors dispute the actual number of Aboriginals,
Statistics Canada reported in 2006 that 1,678,200 people indicated they were ethnically Aboriginal
or roughly 5.4 percent of the population (Statistics Canada: Population Counts). It has been the goal
of the Natives to regain sovereignty since it was stripped from them in the sixteenth century. Pushed
to the margins in all aspects of life from negligible political relevance in Ottawa to the isolation they
continue to experience on the remote reserves, the Aboriginal people have had their humanity
sapped continuously out of them, yet have never given up hope. The minute advances in the last
several decades? stand in stark contrast to repression experienced for centuries. Weathering an
intensely exploitive government, Aboriginals have endured unimaginable repression. It was not
until the passage of the Constitution Act, specifically the Charter of Rights and
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Execution Methods In The Holocaust
Execution Methods used in the Holocaust
When the Holocaust is mentioned most people immediately think of the concentration camps. They
predict scrawny people in dirty striped uniforms staring closely as the others are numerously getting
buried, or being bulldozed into mass graves. Those horrific scenes were real but they are not the
entire Holocaust. There were other methods of execution throughout the
Holocaust but the use of gas chambers was by far the most common. The Holocaust was the best
wellordered case of persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi party. The Nazis came
to power in Germany on January 1933, they believed that Germans were racially superior and that
the Jews were inferior, and were a threat to the so called ... Show more content on ...
Although the gas chambers were more efficient there were also other methods used throughout the
Holocaust that were not specifically designed to execute right away, they set up labor camps to
make use of the inferior races before death.
The Jews were unloaded from train carts and separated into male and female lines, they were then
assigned to a specific place. The elderly and women with children were sent directly to
the line of prisoners who were condemned to death in the gas chambers. If you were selected by
the SS. Doctor you looked sickly, developed scabies, or were unfit to work you were chosen out
of line in which you were standing in for hours, to make another line to be sent to the gas
chambers. Gassing with carbon monoxide of insane, dumb, and crippled people also took place in
various camps such as Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, Chelmno and mental institutions in
Germany as part of the so called Euthanasia Program .( Euthanasia Program ). Many of the
Jews, particularly children, were killed by lethal injection. They were designed as a Nazi
extermination camp in which they used carbon monoxide emerging from beat up engines, in
purpose built gas chambers and also And it is told that at Chelmo that they used mobile
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Outsourcing Ethics
As companies look for ways to strategically perform better in their respective industries many chose
to outsource job functions. Outsourcing allows companies to grow and expand their business
around the world. Many have attributed outsourcing to lowering operating costs, a method to
increase expertise and gain additional technology, and as a way to improve efficiency and services.
These advantages can help a company gain a competitive advantage over industry participants.
When a company strategically plans to outsource ethical consideration must be acknowledged;
especially when outsourcingis offshore. As a display of corporate citizenship a company must do
their part to address ethical concerns related to this practice. Building a long... Show more content
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I would show compassion to the employees of outsourced locations by acknowledging their
relationship based cultures, those related to their families, ancestors, and communities. This helps
build a trusting relationship and the quality of the service will increase as employees know that
you care and don t just view them as workers. Often time companies find themselves under strict
regulations and scrutiny when they have misappropriated those regulations. Some companies have
opted to outsource to avoid environmental regulations and fines in many locations. Another basic
principle advises companies that plan to outsource to seek to do no harm to the ecological
systems of the world regardless of what environmental regulations may not be in place in the
location of choice for outsourcing. By making ethical choices as such help to build and protect the
company s image. It shows that they have good character in the decision that they make and how
they impact the environment. Companies receive backlash from choosing to outsource job
functions when it causes a reduction in their workforce from layoffs. It can be hard to justify
layoffs in turn for cheaper labor when you are removing individuals from the workforce who have
been loyal and dedicated to the company. Addressing potential unethical behaviors related to
outsourcing before they are problematic is a way to protect the company and build a
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Social Anxiety Research Paper
Over the course of my life, I have been subject to social anxiety. Being around others often times
makes me really uncomfortable. This really doesn t necessarily apply in it s fullest extent when I
m conversing with one person directly, but when talking to a group of people I sometimes stammer
and lose focus. This anxiety, though something that may seem trivial, is something that has always
held me back from involving myself in larger activities. Although I have been inhibited by my
anxiety, I have taken steps to, or at the very least attempt to, involve myself with more things in
order to remedy my situation. There have been times where I will have to do some trivial thing in
class, such as give a presentation or talk about something, where I get incredibly nervous. I have
tried, at times, to push through and appear confident and stoic as a remedy to anxiety. This solution
functions well enough to get one through a simple presentation. There have been other situations
where I completely shut out others in some vague attempt to feels... Show more content on ...
In all honesty, this is the trap that is easiest to fall into. Not only is this more likely to avoid
potential problems involving others, it allows one to accomplish more with their time. There
comes a point, however, when you realize that it is unhealthy to be reclusive. Although it can be
advantageous to accomplish more and avoid problems, you, thusly, lose out on many social and
more involved activities. As such, I have concentrated my fullest efforts on involving myself with
various club activities at school. Although I sometimes spend more time reading, I at least spend
some time involving myself with other students. It can be very discomforting, more so than I can
convey by text. However, I realize that it is most healthy to attempt to be non reclusive and involve
myself regardless of
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Sentencing Courts Have Given Enhanced Credit For Time...
In the past, sentencing courts have given enhanced credit for time spent in pre custody, which is
usually at a rate of two days for every day of detention, however, enhanced credit is not available if
the person was denied bail primarily because of a prior conviction (R. v. Safarzadeh‑Markhali,
2016 SCC 14 (CanLII)). In November 2010, Hamidreza Safarzadeh Markhali was arrested and
charged with several offences (R. v. Safarzadeh‑Markhali, 2016 SCC 14 (CanLII), par. 4). The
bail judge made an endorsement for Mr. Safarzadeh Markhali on the basis of his criminal record,
and therefore this made him unentitled to receive enhanced credit for the pre custody that would
come after (R. v. Safarzadeh‑Markhali, 2016 SCC 14 (CanLII), par. 4); however, this was seen
as unconstitutional to the trail judge who concluded by crediting Mr.Safar Markhali with enhanced
credit (R. v. Safarzadeh‑Markhali, 2016 SCC 14 (CanLII), par. 5).
Procedural History At the bail hearing, the bail judge rejected Mr. Safarzadeh Markhali s argument
of not making an endorsement and established that the endorsement was necessary, which in turn
made Mr. Safarzadeh Markhali ineligible for enhanced credit (R. v. Safarzadeh‑Markhali, 2016
SCC 14 (CanLII), par. 4). Then at the Ontario Court of Justice, the trial judge concluded that the
restrictions on enhanced credit in s. 719(3.1) of the Criminal Code are unconstitutional, and
credited Mr. Safarzadeh Markhali with 31 months of pre sentence custody (R. v.
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Who Is Coach Boone
I m a winner. I m going to win. Coach Boone
I believe that if coach Yoast stayed as head coach and Herman Boone was his assistant, the team
would never become champions. Boone s coaching strategy is direct, simple, and authoritarian. He
clearly establishes a sense of urgency, creates a guiding tandem that consists of himself and Yoast,
communicates his vision adequately, removes the obstacles of team discord and lack of training,
systematically plans for and achieves wins on a game by game basis, avoids declaring victory
prematurely, and anchors changes in the team s culture. He asserts top layers and subordinates that
he is indisputably in charge. Boone communicates his vision to have a winning team.
Early in the movie, Boone states his opposition to the board s decision to replace Yoast with him,
citing an experience where someone at a previous job had done the same thing to him. When he
orders them to learn about each of their teammates, he is positioning them to solve their interracial
tensions but not trying to foist a solution upon them. However, I think this mix of different qualities
that both coaches possess, represents a perfect coach for the team (if combined in ... Show more
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One of my favorite moments in the movie is where coach Boone wakes up everyone in the middle
of the night and takes them to Gettysburg for a run. When they arrive at the graveyard he says ...if
we do not come together on this hollow ground, we too will be destroyed like they were...
(Bruckheimer Yakin, 2000). In this movie football is a mean for behavior change. History has
taught us that we tend to remember winners, and that is why we remember the Titans. They not
only won the State Championship but with an invaluable help from their coaches the team
members managed to attain racial integration not only on the field but also in the
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Pros And Cons Of False Positive Drug Test Background
Ana Patricia Morales
Dr. Beverly Joy
Finite Math
October 2, 2017
False Positive Drug Test Background
The random test is a drug test conducted upon a computer generated random sampling of
Department employees, administered for the purposes of detecting the presence of drugs, controlled
substances (including anabolic steroids) or their metabolites. (Florida Department of State)
What are employees rights in regard to random drug testing?
If an employee receives a false positive drug test, employee has different rights depending on the
policy of the organization or company and the federal laws that protect the rights of employees.
For instance at the University of Miami, if an individual test positive, the individual s sample will
be re tested using appropriate laboratory procedures to confirm the results. If the positive results are
not confirmed in the second test, the test will be considered negative. (University of Miami
Personnel Policies Procedures Manual)
In the state of Florida, an employer is required to use a certified medical review officer (MRO)
(include name and address, telephone number in your policy). The MRO will be responsible for:
Interpreting the drug test results, Contacting the employee if the drug test is positive. The MRO is
required to contact the donor who has a confirmed positive test result before reporting the results of
the test to the employer. If the donor has a plausible explanation for the test result showing
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Dussold Dream Job
Second, rumors are spread in school due to jealousy because some people want to intimidate
others or they want to gain popularity. Similarly, people who jealous to other people professions
can inspirit to spread rumors for their own advantage. According to the article What Cost Charis
Dussold His Dream Job? The author explains, one rumor had it that he was having sex with
Ms.Peyla in his office (Bartlett 351). Evidently, people started noticing the rumors, and they
thought that Dussold was the only one who did this kind of stuff with someone, and people did not
want to accept the truth of reality, but the situation was getting worse than it was. For example, in
this article Mr. Monaco had advised him to require every visitor to his office
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The Rescuers And Aid For Jews During The Holocaust
In studying the rescuers and aid to Jews during the Holocaust, there are few, if any, factors that
prove to universally explain why people decided to help. These people defied most demographics;
class, country, religion, and even included anti Semites, though economic and practical
determinations were involved so much as one s ability to help is determined by economic
/practical restraints. Even so, most, if not all, of these people did have the propensity for helping
and service to other prior to helping Jews of the Holocaust. Nechama Tec and later Perry Lendon
found this to be true, showing that in these people was an instinct to help, regardless of their
feelings towards Jews. This characteristic coincided with independent, self reliant people who
felt less attached to social demands and saw helping as a fact rather than heroic act. While these
characterize individuals, the level at which specific countries were willing to help Jews did differ.
Denmark and Bulgaria helped more than countries like Romania. In Denmark, there were a
smaller amount of Jews and most were already assimilated into society before the Nazis came in.
This allowed them to easily blend and hid within Denmark, and eventually Jews were helped to
escape in 1943 as the Nazi encroached into Denmark. Hungary, on the other hand, held intense anti
Semitic views, but chose to help Jews (somewhat) because they did not believe in the methodology
used by the Nazis against Jews. Hungary refused deportations
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Sigmund Freud Theories
Sigmund Freud s Theories in Relation to Brave New World
One might imagine, what could truly constitute A brave new world? What parameters must that
world fall within? What decisive mind is manning the ship headed toward this utopia? Certainly,
this world has seen innumerous attempts, heard the many strident voices, which barreled forth and
propelled society toward that image. One of those voices belonged to Sigmund Freud, the father of
psychoanalysis, and even, perhaps, a deity of this brave new world.
Sigmund Freud was born May 6th, 1856, in Frieberg, Moravia to a textile dealer named Jacob
Freud (Chiriac, Jean, Sigmund Freud s Childhood ). He was one of eight children, five sisters and
three brothers. The family lived in Frieberg until Sigmund was four years old, when the family
then moved to Vienna where Sigmund would remain for the vast majority of his life. By 1873,
Freud would go on to study medicine at the University of Vienna. Freud went get engaged in 1882,
to a women who would bear him six children. The relationship has been largely considered and
happy, prosperous union (Thornton, Stephan).
In 1938, shortly after the Annexation of Austria, Freud s home in Vienna was raided by Nazis.
Any of Freud s works written before May of 1933 were burned for their flippant destigmatization of
sexuality ( Sigmund Freud and the Holocaust ). With a minimal understanding of the who and the
why of Sigmund Freud, one can move in to comprehending the true girth of his discovery
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White Teeth by Zadie Smith
1. Samad s great grandfather, Mangal Pande was the first of the sepoys in the Bengal army to fire
a shot at a British soldier setting off a revolt against the British. However, the circumstances of the
events that unfolded are greatly debated as to whether he was drunk when he shot the soldier and
so on (209). However, for Samad, Pande represents an unsung hero of eastern culture, preserving
the culture of Bengalfrom the British (215). Samad also views Pande as a name that he must live
up to; Pande had a mark on history and so Samad felt that he had to do his best to live to the name
and be successful in the military (76/77).
2. Clara was driven away from her old life because of Ryan Topps. Originally she used him as a
way of getting away from her old family and as a way of living a double life; the life she lived at
home (around her mother) and the life she lived around Ryan s companions Merlin, Wan Si and
so on (32). However, Ryan eventually becomes enamored with the idea of the rapture and being
saved from Gods fury and takes up the beliefs of Jehovah s Witness. He soon joins forces with
Clara s mother in an effort to bring Clara back to God in a last effort to save her. This in turn drives
Clara completely away from Ryan and her family (36). It was after all this loss that she met Archie
and for her, it seems he was her last man on Earth (38).
3. Samad has a glorified idea of who he really was. Obviously he takes into account the downfalls
of losing the function of
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Revenge in Hamlet and The Revenger s Tragedy Essay
In this study of revenge and revengers in two Elizabethan revenge tragedies the two plays I shall
look at are Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, and The Revenger s Tragedy, by Thomas Middleton. I
shall look first at the playwrights handling of the characters of the revengers, and then at the
treatment of the revengers by other charactersin the plays.
Although having similarities in their underlying themes, and in their adherence to conventions,
these two plays present contrasting pictures of the figure of the revenger; Hamlet offering a far
more complex treatment of its main character, and The Revenger s Tragedy appearing, in
comparison, limited by the author s social message, and lacking in realistic characterisation.
Hamlet and ... Show more content on ...
Both revengers respond to, rather than initiate events, but Hamlet is much more an instrument
of others than Vindice, who is full of zest. Both characters carry a burden of guilt. Hamlet s
Oedipus complex, (Freud having informed us of the revenger s unconscious motives), is heavily
aggravated by the absence of his father and excessive closeness of his mother, and this accounts
for the refocusing of his patricidal wish onto Claudius, and shows how his need for revenge is
internal, not purely a need to resolve dissatisfaction with the affairs of the world , as is Vindice s.
Hamlet s needs are deep and complex, while for Vindice:
The smallest advantage fattens wronged men. [1.2.98]
Hamlet s internalisations arise because he has identified his ego with his father the lost object and
is therefore suffering from a loss of ego. His inward suffering is further intensified by his conflicts
with Ophelia and Gertrude, leading him to suicidal thoughts:
O that this too too sullied flesh would melt,
Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew!
Or that the Everlasting had not flx d
His canon gainst self slaughter! [1.2.129 132]
Hamlet is searching deep into his soul for explanations and resolutions, while Vindice simply waits
for that bald Madam Opportunity . [1.1.55]
Hamlet s delaying, compared to Vindice s incessant activity, shows that the two revengers are in a
way opposite in their approaches to the
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Essay on Adolescents in the TV Show Freaks and Geeks
The media portrays adolescents in television shows as being rebellious, sex crazed, and
unreasonable people. Freaks and Geeks, created by Paul Feig and produced by Feig, himself, and
Judd Apatow, is a one hour TV show that aired on NBC from 1999 2000. The show centers
around the siblings, Sam and Lindsay Weir, and their friends while they all attend McKinley High
School. Freaks and Geeksis a show that portray adolescents in a way that the media doesn t
because of the lessons the characters have to learn , the choices that they choose to take, and the
struggles they have to endure. Many adolescent have to learn many things from the events in their
lives. Freaks and Geeks show characters adapting to the changes in their life and learn... Show more
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Amy Campbell, in episode 17, tell his boyfriend, Ken Miller, that she was born intersex. This
causes Ken to question his sexuality, but later on to learn that Amy was the perfect girl for him.
This shows that Ken makes a decision to actually show that adolescents make many choices that
aren t just exaggerated out of proportion but are life changing and confusing to one. Another
character having to make a hard choice is when Lindsay Weir, also in episode 17, had her
question for the Vice President declined. Lindsay in the end makes the choice of asking the Vice
President why he decline her question and what he is avoiding. This shows that choice by
adolescents are not all about relationships but of politics. This also pushes away the stereotype of
youth not being politically aware and have no view on the government. This choices affect her
life in a way where she can help her make decisions in her future. Many adolescent have to endure
many struggles that may affect the person in a whole. Lindsay Weir in beginning of the TV series
had her grandmother die in which she starts to wear her dad s old army jacket and hanging out
with the freaks of McKinley High School. Lindsay enduring the event of her grandmother s death
because through the course of the show, she shown no depression that her grandmother was gone or
she have accepted the death of her grandmother. This make the show different from other because
many show doesn t show death often because of the
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Modern Society In The Time Machine By H. G. Wells
Usually, literature reflects the features of contemporary society. One of the reasons is that the
writers of the literature necessarily are influenced by the society they live in. In The Time
Machine, the writer H. G. Wells showed his own view on late Victorain societey. In that era, speed
of changes in society was fast and many modern society problems strated to arise according to
development of technologies. H. G. Wellswere also aware of these problems. He especially focused
on the class division problems in The Time Machineand proposed future dystopia, rather than
utopia. Wells showed how the problem of class division would be worse than people imagine in the
future in The Time Machine. In the 19th century, as industrial capitalism developed... Show more
content on ...
In the early 19th century, the prospect of the future was usually related to utopia. Expectation of
human reason and confidence in science, which were influenced by civil revolution and
industrial revolution, made many people look forward to more advanced societies. However, as
modern problems including the gulf between rich and poor became serious, criticism against
harmful effects of industrialization started to arise. The emergence of literature about dystopia
showed this criticism. Similarly, time traveller in the book looked the future society as utopia. He
said that the whole earth had become a garden. (30). He also believed in a perfect conquest of
Nature (32). However, as he discovered the real aspect of future society, he admitted that his first
theory that the future is utopia was totally wrong. It is actually dystopia which is far different from
what he expected. The time traveller suggested that because of too perfect and secure environment,
the human in upperworld had dwindled in size, strength and intelligence (49). Elois are small and
not strong as average adult. Moreover, the language that Eloi use is simpler and often does not
include abstract ideas. The human race in Underworld, even worse, feed on the other human race.
The time traveller stated this situation as last feeble rill from the
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No Mas Is A Dramatic Revenge Western
NO MAS is a dramatic, revenge Western. While Western revenge plots are very familiar, they are
also considered tried and true. What this script offers is a very engaging female protagonist. The
script also offers a unique hook: she s a skilled fighter. In fact, the idea of the mystery fighter,
actually, sets this script apart.
The opening establishes the ordinary world of the heroine, Rosette. Her world is shattered by the
murder of her parents and the disappearance of her brother. It s a solid inciting event. Her goal of
revenge is clear and the stakes are high.
The second act is driven by her need for retribution. The second act introduces her world of being a
fighter. The fighting scenes are strong and exciting.
In the third act, she ... Show more content on ...
She seems to be keeping him at a distance, but then suddenly appear to be good friends. It s not
clear how she figures out that he overdosed his wife.
To elevate the pace and the tension, one possible solution is to have Rosette find the other invaders
and show her killing them, one by one with her fighting skills, leaving Fitz as the last one. This is a
formula that has been done before, but it works to maintain tension and interest. It also builds
suspense. Right now, the tone could be grittier and the violence enhanced.
The other issue that feels unsolved is Rosette s brother. It s our understanding that she s still
looking for him, but at the end it doesn t feel as if she s going after him.
As mentioned, Rosette is a very likable heroine. It s easy to root for her. She makes some wrong
decisions, but they are for the right reasons. While flawed, the audience forgives her. She wants
justice, but she s driven by revenge at the risk of her life and she has forsaken any personal life
for her quest. She s smart and she s determined. She s still grieving and at the end, she seems to be
Suspiros is a spirited woman, who immediately sees the good in Rosette and wants to help and
rescue her. She s also in a tough situation, but she has a positive attitude and makes the best of it.
She s easy to care about.
Zurdo is a very colorful character. He s complex and has both good and bad qualities that make him
interesting. Sometimes he seems like the bad guy, but
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How Did Nina Simone Influence The Civil Rights Movement
The soulful queen of R B, blues, and jazz stood as a figure of raw talent, resilience, and most of
all grace. She captured the essence of a strong black woman. She emerged in the 50 s and 60 s,
captivating people with her raspy voice and beautiful music training. As a devoted Civil Rights
activists, Ms. Simone used her platform as a singer to fight the cause. She was known for songs
such as Mississippi Goddam, Young, Gifted and Black and Feeling Good .
She didn t feed on fame, she used it to expand the work that others were doing. Before she would
be known as Nina Simone, on February 21, 1933, in Tryon, North Carolina, Eunice Kathleen
Waymon was born. As a young girl, playing piano in church she felt, I was a black girl and I knew
about it. She realised the effect of racism when the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia rejected
her application because she was black. After ... Show more content on ...
She sought to sing the truth and share it to anyone that would listen. She inspired many
performers including Aretha Franklin, Joni Mitchell, and Lauryn Hill. Lauryn Hill wrote
because I fed on this music ... I believed I always had a right to have a voice. Her example is
clearly a form of sustenance to a generation needing to find theirs. What a gift (Lauryn Hill).
Indeed that was true, Nina Simone inspired a new generation of talented artists to have the
courage to express their talents. Her voice continues to live on through television and film
soundtracks. Two documentaries on Nina Simone s life were released in 2015: The Amazing
Nina Simone, directed by Jeff L. Lieberman and What Happened, Miss Simone?, from Netflix.
The project s detailed hard aspects of Simone s life. The project s included the abuse Simone
endured from her ex husband and also the aduse her daughter received from her mother. What
Happened, Miss Simone? later received an Oscar nomination for best
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Why Is Family Guy Banned
There are also some adult TV shows that have some episodes that are so vulgar they can t show
them on TV. For example, Family Guy has an episode called Terms Of Endearment. This episode
was banned from TV and barely legal. In my opinion, this one is equal to another episode that is
as inappropriate as this. I think the main reason why is because of how offensive it was for some
people. In another episode of Family Guythat actually couldn t get aired on TV for a while is If
You Wish Upon A Weinstein. This episode has insults towards stupid people and it has constant
stereotypes towards Jews. The whole episode is literally about saying all Jews are good with
money. While shows like Simpsons can go to episodes revolving around different people.
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Is Hercules A Hero
What makes a hero? Is it slaying a mighty monster? Saving a town? Hercules, son of zeus, may
have done such things, but is he really one of the good guys? His twelve labours created by king
Eurystheus may be seen as heroic acts, but in reality most were along the lines of stealing and
murder. That leads to the question, is Hercules a hero or hitman? Hercules is definitely one of the
most famous greek heroes in history, is supposedly brainwashed by a jealous Hera into murdering
his family, was to make up for it by completing twelve famous labours for king Eurystheus. Not
only did he murder his family, the twelve labours mostly consist of stealing goods and possessions
from others and murdering people that get in his way. He has killed some grand pesky beats, but
he is still being ordered to kill, and following those orders without hesitation. Hercules is not the
hero that greek mythologyglorifies him to be. His ruthless acts to purify himself from killing his
family, are nothing but him following commands of robbery, whether it be of a life or
possession. He is less of a hero and more of a modern day hired hitman . Hercules agreed to
completing the twelve tedious labours, however bad they might be. If he was ordered to steal
something, he would. If he was told to kill something, he would do it. His actions are more alike
the ones of an assassin or hitman rather than a selfless hero.
Hercules labours mostly consisted of taking things and giving them to the king,
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Disney World-Personal Narrative
I never knew that I was a part of something bigger than a backup, but I turned out to be. Now the
fate of every sliver of good magic Walt Disney ever dreamed up rests on me me and the team, I
should say. I suppose it all started, that everything changed at midnight.
I had just gone to sleep after a long day of homework when I woke up, not in my bed, but right
down the middle of Main Street USA . I was standing at the flagpole facing the magnificent
Cinderella Castle. I had to stop and think a second. How was I in Disney World? Why was it so
deserted? It was practically a ghost town here in the wee hours of night. Then I turned and saw a
boy sitting on the bench. I was certainly taken aback by the appearance of someone else. He
motioned toward me and as I came closer, I soon recognized him. It was that smart British kid who
could do things with a computer most adults wouldn t understand. It was Dell Philby.
So you re the extra, aren t you? he said as I approached the bench.
Extra what? I stuttered, still perplexed by this whole situation. ... Show more content on ...
We all crammed into a car and the ride took off. I heard the voice I knew so well from riding this
a hundred times. I relaxed like any average park guest would until I felt the sudden jerk of the
car into Space Mountain. I waited for my favorite line of the ride, where they paged Mr. Tom
Morrow, but it never came. A new voice came through the loudspeakers. Ladies and gentleman,
Keepers and Fairlies! This is your captain speaking. We re experiencing a few delays, some new
twists and turns. Hold onto your hats, because you re about to learn who really is the Main
Attraction! Mwahahahahahaha! the voice said. I noticed Drina and Wil wince at the term Fairlie,
but there was no time to ponder that. The worst of it was the voice itself. This voice was the
reason Elastigirl would be interested in this ride. This voice belonged to the one and only
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John Roger Stephens Research Paper
John Roger Stephens was a pretty well known musician around the area he grew up in. He also
met some of the musicians that he idolized like Michael Jackson. He also got married to the
woman that he very much loved. But before his musical career skyrocketed into fame and success,
it all started when he got the title Legend. I decided to write about John Legend because I think he
has inspired many people into following their dreams and he also does a lot for different charity
John Legend was born on December 28, 1978, in Springfield, Ohio. John wasn t born with the last
name Legend. His real name is John Roger Stephens. During his childhood, he was homeschooled
on and off by his mother. John was introduced into the music career at a very young age. He was
singing at his local church choir at only 4 years old. He also knew how to play the piano at a
very young age thanks to his grandmother. For his high school of choice, he attended North High
School and was very popular. He was so popular to the fact he was student body president and prom
king. He did very well in school as of grades and went to Pennsylvania University to study in
English. ... Show more content on ...
Before making albums, he was singing at weddings. He then started to make music tracks and
idolized music stars like Boyz II Men, LL, Cool J, MC Hammer, and Michael Jackson. During a
trip to Bahrain, he had met Michael Jackson over there. One of his hit albums, Get Lifted , it had
actually gone platinum. After signing to a label that Kanye West had offered him, he needed a
stage name. Poet J. Ivy had given the stage name John Legend . John was kinda skeptical on the
stage name but later on, he grew onto it and so did everyone
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Everything You Need to Know about Stars
A star is a sparkling bundle of gas bound by gravity into a solitary object and is fueled by atomic
combination at the center. There are trillions of stars in our universe and all are distinctive and
extraordinary. Their mass, color, shape makes them all distinctive but mass is the only thing that
makes them unique. There are numerous phases of stars life including main sequencestars, red
giants, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and dark holes. All stars additionally have a lot of varieties in
each one phase of life. The life of a starstarts in a cloud, an incredible gathering of gas and dust.
When enough mass has aggregated into a solitary item, gravity compels the mass to crumple into
the middle. Because of weight and rubbing, the center gets so hot that it starts atomic combination
and a protostar is made.
HR Diagram
The age and the mass of stars enlighten everything concerning a stars physical properties and
situation into each of the classifications. The Hertzsprung Russell chart (HR Diagram) diagrams
stars glows over the stars phantom class. Radiance portrays how splendid the star is (I, II, III, IV,
V); ghastly class depicts its temperature (O, B, A, F, G, K, M). This chart is the most ideal
approach to classify stars.
A protostar is structured in the beginnings of a star. The protostar s gravity is answerable for
making stars thick. As the gravity of the protostar builds so does the compression of mass. As the
thickness expanded so does the temperature. In
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Where Worlds Collide By Robert Lake Summary
James G. Peoples, an author said, Culture affects our views of reality. It provides the mental
concepts by which people perceive, interpret, analyze, and explain events in the world around them
(notable The extent of a person s culture informs the way they view themselves,
others, and the world through whom they re surrounded by, opinions they form, and the way one
adapts to new surroundings.
Those you have surrounded yourself with and those you have grown up with influence the way
you view not only the world, but yourself. In Robert Lake s essay, An Indian Father s Plea , Lake
is writing a letter to his son s teacher about how his son is not a slow learner, but was taught with
different cultural views. (Lake 75) His son, Wind Wolf, was born and raised on a reservation
surrounded with people of his heritage who also hold different views and knowledges from his
western peers. (Lake 75) Wind Wolf comes home from school and wants to change his looks or
his ways because of his kindergarten peers and what they say about him. (Lake 78) Whether Wind
Wolf chose to be around them or... Show more content on ...
In Where Worlds Collide, by Pico Iyer this idea was conveyed through the newcomers to
America because a variety of the typical American structure was different from their society. The
snack bar where a slice of pizza cost $3.19 (18 quetzals,they think in horror, or 35,000 dong) (Iyer
51). In America $3.19 for a piece of pizza isn t considered very much money at all, where the
newcomers are dismayed that the food would cost so much. This is because in their culture the food
they eat has a huge difference in price than in America. They have arrived in the Land of
Opportunity.. (Iyer 51). The newcomers already believe that America is the Land of Opportunity.
In American society we think of many other places as a land of opportunity and even move to
those places for better
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Write An Essay On The Assyrians
During the 7th century the Assyrians built a superpower reinforced by their military, political,
sociological, and artistic ideologies. The Army consisted of a 100,000 strong active force who
trained different divisions to perform certain tactics during wartime. Similar to modern day
warfare, some of the personnel wore armor, some were trained for the cavalry, some were foot
soldiers, while others were trained to construct equipment used to siege city walls
(WeaponsandWarfare.) With each civilization that the Assyrians conquered, they learned and
developed new techniques. The Assyrian combined the use of chariots with horses, developed
roads, placed forts for security and storage for food along the way. Their logistic strategy allowed
for a... Show more content on ...
King Ashurbanipal was one of the last Assyrian Kings who reigned from 668 to 627 BCE. He
created a library in the city of Nineveh, located near modern day Mosul, Iraq. Ashurbanipal wrote
to cities across the empire asking them to send copies of their written work (Ashurnipal.) Our
modern day equivalent of this great library is the Library of Congress, located in Washington
D.C. The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, composed of about 164 million
items on 838 miles of bookshelves. The Library receives approximately 15,000 pieces of literature
each day and houses material in 470 different languages
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Dividend Policy at Fpl Group, Inc. Essay
FPL В– An Overview FPL Group, Inc. is Florida s largest electric utility company. In 1925,
through the consolidation of numerous electric and gas companies, they formed Florida Power
Light Company (FP L). FP L grew steadily over the next 50 years until rising fuel costs, operating
issues, and construction costs began to decrease profitability. In the mid 1980s, FPL diversified
with four major acquisitions Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company, Telesat Cablevision, Inc.,
CBR Information Group Inc., and Turner Foods Corporation in order to minimize the potential risk
within the utilities industry. To address problems in operations, FPL began a rigorous program of
Japanese inspired quality control. Management succeeded in... Show more content on ...
This revision included the utilities competitive position as part of its financial rating. FPL s
positions rose based on the new criteria, placing them in the top 10% of publicly owned utilities.
Major Issues Confronting FPL in 1994 In spite of a favorable position rating, FPL cannot ignore
the deregulation movements threatening their current business landscape. The most important
issues facing FPL in May 1994 are potential competition resulting from industry deregulation and
their high payout ratio. 1) Retail Wheeling The threat of retail wheeling within FPL s market
forces management to consider whether or not they can maintain high payout ratios. Retail
wheeling is reshaping the utilities industry and if enacted in Florida, it will bring grave
challenges to the future of FPL. 2) Low Capacity Margin FPL must prepare for increased
competition from the establishment of retail wheeling and other forms of distribution
deregulation. FPL is an old firm which is running at roughly 92% capacity. Their low capacity
margin (8.6%) suggests that they have less room for growth compared to their competitors. FPL
must work to foster growth in order to survive in an evolving industry. 3) Transmission Power
Costs FPL carries a transmission cost of nearly double the industry average. FPL s cost is $.0019
compared to the $.0010 of their peers. With the
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Teaching Philosophy, Theories, And Pedagogies Work For...
Course Question Paper
In light of what we know about how people learn, how shall we best teach?
Cindy Vang
Concordia University, St. Paul, ED514.671
Professor Chuck McGill
December 12, 2016
There is not a single correct way to teach, but the best way to teach is to discover what teaching
philosophy, theories, and pedagogies work for your teaching style. The best way to teach is unique
to each individual teacher. Even so, there are some aspects of teaching that are important to being
an effective teacher. Some of the facets I will be discussing include understanding the Concordia
University Educator as Professional Decision Maker, Reflective
Practitioner, and Adaptive
Expert conceptual framework, learning theories to consider, and effective classroom practices.
Concordia University s (2015) mission for the Department of Graduate Teacher Education is to
prepar[e] professionals at the advanced/graduate level to be decision makers, reflective
practitioners, and adaptive experts for teaching, research, and leadership in diverse and global
educational communities (p. 2). In order to achieve this mission, Concordia University will
provide students with a broad, liberal arts education. The purpose of this is to help expose and
expand their knowledge of a variety of topics. The overall experience and knowledge gained from
Concordia University will prepare graduates with essential skills to help them succeed in the
workforce. Concordia University s
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There Should Be Moderated Always Analysis
Is it really necessary to comment on someone else s page to bother and hurt the other person?
Comments should be moderated always because comments get out of control, makes the other
person upset and it starts to become something normal to people.
Comments should be moderated always because comments get out of control easily. People start
commenting on YouTube channels giving their opinion and another person comes and starts
commenting negative things. Then another person sees someone else trolling and they want to do
the same. For example, every time I go to a YouTube channel there s always someone who
comments negative things and then a lot of people comment back and they don t stop until the
youtuber blocks the comment sections. Another Example, would be I think that it started with a
pretty clear defenition which is somebody who goes ... Show more content on ...
Youtubers or people involved in social media get told things that upset them in a way that they
want to quit what they re doing instead of ignoring them. They are emotionally harmed by what
others say to them. Trollers make negative comments on purpose to hurt other people. For
example It s heck of a lot of work to get a lot of people angry. It s not in the best interest of a
publication or writer s care to do that. But maybe I m naГЇve.(D addario 422) This shows that it s
hard for people on social media to cause such hate on trollers that they would want to waste their
time by commenting negative things. Another Example would be Trolling provokes a reaction,
usually negative. Trolling is apparently quite easy to do. But, if only to better grid one s own
defenses against it what is trolling?(D addario 421) Every person is different and they might take
the negative comments especially if the same person keeps bothering them with the same thing all
over again. They also start to get depressed and may start to loose interest in what they love
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Why Is Canute The Great Cruel
Canute the Great
Canute the Great was King of England. After taking over England, he made his way up till he
ended up ruling over Denmark and Norway. He killed and did some bizarre things to get all power.
But he ended up making history.
His Background
Canute Started to take rule and leading at a young age, helping his father (Sweyn Forkbeard) in the
Invasion of England in 1013. Canute was cruel at times, he planned many deaths. Including killing
important Englishmen and Edmond s death. He didn t care who he killed as long as he got what
he wanted. By doing all of this and by doing his journey to Scotland he caused to brake peace in
England. Canute was the very first Viking king of England and fought Edmund II. He won the fight
between Edmund
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Scientific Racism and Antisemitism
Nazism, or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei was a form of fascism that incorporated
scientific racism and antisemitism; National socialism opposed ideas of equality and international
solidarity. This united rich and poor Germans for a common national project without eliminating
class differences. Volksgemein Schaftor or people s community . Theories of racial hierarchy and
social darwinism asserted the superiority of an Aryan Master race. The nazis sought to
exterminate or at the very least impose segregation upon groups they considered to be degenerate .
Some such groups were jews, homosexuals, blacks and the mentally and physically handicapped.
By the early 1920 s Adolf Hitlerhad become the movement s leader and assumed control of the
organization. The organization called for a united Greater Germany that would deny citizenship to
Jews or those of Jewish descent. In Mein kampf, written in 1924, Hitler said Nazismpreserved pure
elements from the left and the right in politics.
The ideology of Hitler s Nazism was based upon the idea of the Aryan Race being the so called
Master Race . The Aryan Race was a grouping of European and Western Asian Heritage, or also
known as Caucasian Heritage. There a five main subtypes of the Aryan Race: Nordic,
Mediterranean, Dinaric, Alpine, and East Baltic. Those people were defined physically with
blonde or light brown hair and usually blue or green eyes, with some exceptions. Their
psychological qualities also
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The Importance Of Work-Life Diversity In Life
The type of environment one works in can greatly influence the risk involved and the level of
satisfaction within that career. When working in an environment with others, I prefer one that
is task driven, open to diversity, and one that promotes work life balance. With this type of work
environment a career can grow to be enjoyable and innovative. I believe work life balance is
something all individuals should strive for in careers and knowing how to balance the scale
between life at work and life outside of work is a key factor to being successful in life. Not many
people know how to incorporate and structure work life balance into their everyday lives making
their jobs both stressful and often unsatisfying. Meanwhile, having job diversity can provide the
opportunity for being open to change and the advantage of knowing how to work with various
type of people. In the past, I have worked at jobs that have incorporated work diversity and it has
taught me how to be a better employee and co worker by examining others work ethics and
understanding how they view work life. According to Waldron and Kassing (2011) having diversity
in the workplace can lead to many benefits such as an even distribution of power, commitment
within the organization, and a career fulfillment (p. 139). I feel that work relationship are not
always as important as it is to understanding those around you. For instance, at my current job for
Arizona State, there are multiple cultures and personalities
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The Success Of The Mcdonald s Corporation
Around 95 percent of American households have a television, and with that 95 percent the
average american home will have at least one television turned on for around 7 hours according
to the group TV Free America. They also state that a child will watch around 20,000
commercials a year. But that is just commercials there are also posters and ads on the radio as
well, meaning that you cannot escape the overwhelming amount of advertisements out there.
Not only are there thousands of commercials being seen each year, but also there are certain
ways as to how these commercials are designed and delivered. We give these very little thought
but the companies slogans seem to stick to us like glue. In 1955, a man by the name of Ray
Kroc founded the McDonald s Corporation. He bought the name rights from brothers Dick and
Mac McDonald. Kroc took this small restaurant and turned it into one of the most well known
companies in the world. By the end of 2008 Mcdonald s had grown to 31967 locations in 118
countries. With 58 million customers a day worldwide its hard to not see a McDonalds ad
around. ( James) People know that fast food is not good for the body but if it is fast, tastes good,
and cheap people will buy it. Thats because in this day and age most people are employed and don
t usually have time to sit and eat a nice lunch, so instead they turn to fast food and with McDonalds
continuously growing popularity that is what we think about first if we need food and fast.
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Similarities Between Headmaster And Frederick Douglass
Struggling with Slavery: Life of Frederick Douglass vs. Roots
Kunta Kinte and Frederick Douglass with extremely contrasting backgrounds, resulting in
different lives down the road. Although they are not very similar in results or background they
are both explaining how slavery worked and why it was wrong for people to have slaves.
Frederick Douglass had a privileged life because he was a house boy, but Kunta as a field hand
did not have many privileges. For example, because Frederick Douglass was a house boy he got
better clothing, food and shelter than Kunta who had rags as clothes and very little food. On a
completely different note, the gist of both stories include facts about the harsh punishments created
by the slaves masters even for ... Show more content on ...
On one hand, Frederick was born a slave in America and raised as a Christian on a plantation
without knowledge of his family. Douglass stated, I was born in Tuckahoe, near Hillsborough,
and about twelve miles from Easton in Talbot county, Maryland (Douglass, 1). This piece of
evidence is showing where he is from and where his journey began. But on the other hand, Kunta
was born free in Africa within his Mandinka village of Juffure, he was raised learning the muslim
faith living off the Gambia River and he knew his family. At the beginning of the movie they had
shown Kunta Kinte in his Mandinka village going through man training, this also showed his
family which tells you that he knew where he was from and the people surrounding him.
Furthermore, Kunta had to cross the Atlantic Ocean and go through all the stages of becoming a
slave and Frederick Douglass was just born into slavery. As a matter of fact the movie showed the
journey for Kunta and how tough it was for him while the book portrayed a subtle more laid
back city slave lifestyle. Also, in the movie Kunta had fiddler to rely on and to act as a best friend
but in the book it did not speak of any friends for Frederick Douglass. This was probably because
he felt he was higher up than the other slaves and he even made them feel inferior or it is simply
because nobody wanted to be associated with a troubled
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Forensic Examiner
What is a Forensic Examiner?
A forensic examiner is a scientific professional who collects, analyzes and reports on crime scene
evidence. While most work in law enforcement labs or offices, some work in the field collecting
and recording evidence.
What is a Forensic Examiner?
According to the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute (ACFEI), the term forensic
examiner is broadly applied to scientific and technical professionals who investigate information in
order to form an expert opinion. The legal system relies on professional experts during trials to
establish the truth regarding crimes. However, most people don t know that forensic examination
isn t limited to stereotypical crime evidence, such as weapons or personal items. Forensic examiners
specialize in a wide array of areas, such as DNA, accounting, ballistics, pathology, fingerprinting,
documents and toxicology.
Who is the ACFEI?
The ACFEI is ... Show more content on ...
They offer forensic examination careers in biometric analysis, forensic response and scientific
analysis. First, forensic examiners perform complex DNA casework for the Federal DNA Database
and the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). Second, there are many forensic response
technicians who perform tasks such as forensic imaging and crime scene documentation. For
example, forensic imaging professionals work within the Forensic Imaging Unit (FIU) to provide
photographic processing and support services. Crime scene documentation technicians survey and
record crime scenes through traditional methods and digital cameras with laser scanners. They
reconstruct anything from plane crashes to bullet trajectories. Third, there are scientific analysis
technicians who perform chemistry, firearms and trace evidence research and analysis. For
instance, trace evidence technicians assess and identify trace materials that are transferred during
violent crimes, such as soil, glass, fibers and
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Zeppelin and Br
Was the Hindenburg disaster a result of sabotage committed by the opponents of the Nazi
organization? Did a bolt of lightning strike the zeppelin? Or was one of the most devastating
accidents in aviation history nothing but a cunningly planned insurance fraud?
br Over 60 years ago, airships were the queens of the skies. In the early 1900s, a stubborn, yet
brilliant German count, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, took keen interest in balloon flights and
was devoted to the design and construction of airships. At first, he had many difficulties and
setbacks but soon his airships were able to accommodate passengers as well. This lighter than air
vehicle will later be known as a zeppelin.
br Blimps and zeppelins were very ... Show more content on ...
The Germans pleaded to buy sufficient helium to accommodate their airship needs, but the United
States, deciding that the helium might be of military value and should be conserved, refused. When
the disaster occurs, the United States would at first, regret not selling its supply of helium to
Germany. But 2 years into World War II, they will see that they were fortunate not to have done so.
br The German Zeppelin Company had already flown more than one million accident free voyages
with hydrogen but the crew always checked their passengers. All objects that could cause a spark or
electric charge were confiscated including flashlights, flashbulbs and distributed felt soled shoes to
prevent static on the walkways.
br One of Hindenburg s first missions was a 3 day trip across Germany dropping pamphlets and
broadcasting Hitler s speeches on its loudspeaker, urging German people to support Hitler. Then, it
embarked to fly around the world.
br Only a year after its launch, the Hindenburg was scheduled to fly from Frankfurt, Germany to
New Jersey s Lakehurst Naval Air Station on May 3, 1937. Bad weather prevented the Hindenburg
from landing at Lakehurst, so the captain cruised down the east coast, offering passengers the
splendid view. When the storm cleared out, the Hindenburg tried to land. But suddenly a tongue of
... Get more on ...
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gas Chromatography
Gas chromatography:
GC is used to separate volatile organic compounds. The use of GC for the direct analysis of intact
phospholipids are not possible because of the non volatile in nature. Therefore, most methods rely
on diacylglycerol hydrolysis by phospholipase C. This is followed by methyl trans esterification to
produce fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), which are then analyzed by GC (Tserng and Griffin,
2003). The first application of GC fatty acids was in 1950 (Bondia Pons et al., 2004).
GC using a solid stationary phase and a gaseous mobile phase. Hydrogen is preferred as a carrier
gas because it is a lower temperature which allows elution shorter analysis times and less chance of
thermal degradation of samples (Hoving, 1995). The first ... Show more content on
(1975). HPLC uses either a solid or liquid coated solid stationary phase and a liquid mobile phase.
Separation of analytes is achieved by adsorption of the analyte to the stationary phase. HPLC
provides speed, resolution, high sensitivity and specificity (Lima, 2002).
HPLC also be a lower temperature than GC methods; reducing the risk of isomerization of
unsaturated fatty acids. HPLC has an immediate advantage over TLC, because reduces the
exposure of the sample to atmospheric oxygen, reducing the risk of auto oxidation of phospholipids
(Pulfer and Murphy, 2003).
Beside, separated fractions are collected for further analysis (Robins and Patton, 1986). HPLC is
used mainly for lipid class divisions; Some methods for the separation of the molecular species of
a certain class developed using reverse phase chromatography (Olsson and Salem, 1997).
However, these reverse phase HPLC methods are time consuming and provide poor resolution as a
result of the wide range of polarities that due to the different carbon chain lengths of the fatty acid
chains and degree of saturation of phospholipids. This section will discuss the components HPLC
method and optimal conditions for the analysis
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Modern And Modern Software Project Management
Introduction Alternative approaches to management developed over the years are extremely
important to modern software project management, although new approaches are needed to deal
with some of the toughest challenges. According to experts, the popular interest in management
as a discipline and a field of study is fairly recent. But management, both as a practice and as a
field of study, has a respectable history, in many different countries, going back almost two
centuries. (Drucker 2008, p.12). Modern approaches to management were developed in the USA
after World War II which are now taught in colleges and universities. The four classic functions
about management one may learn in school are: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
(Nelson Economy 2005, p. 5). More functions need to be added to the list of skills for acquiring in
the process of learning about project managementaspects. Project management challenges can be
viewed from a process perspective and many experts such as McFarland (1970) highlighted this
view. Management is the process by which managers create, direct, maintain and operate purposive,
organizations though systematic, coordinated, cooperative human effort (McFarland 1970, p. 5).
Because projects are transient, their delivery follows a development process, from germination of
the idea, through initiation, design and delivery, to commissioning, handover to the client and
closeout of the work. (Turner 2014, p. 5)
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Essay on A Case Study of Campbell Soup Harmony Project
Modern organizations use a variety of resources to fulfill their objectives regardless if the company
is a multinational or small entity, they all have a set of resources they depend on to achieve their
goals. Part of the resource relied on is Information, and this information needs to be managed to
optimize its value to produce the best stakeholder value they can. In order to manage these
resources, Information Managementsystems are put in place.
Information Management has to do with capturing information, efficient planning, organizing and
evaluating the information to interpret for an organization to make well informed decisions.
(Hinton, 2006) The main reason organizations depend on information is to improve its overall
management in ... Show more content on ...
This process reduced not just customer s satisfaction but also profit; there is a need for a financial
information management to integrate all their business processes. SAP (System Applications
Program) was introduced to the company to ensure efficient communication among the different
modules of the business process.
Critically examining how the decision to implement SAP reflects an organizational perspective on
information management, according to Strassman s (1995) concept, there are five core ideas that
are used to maintain Information superiority in a company these are;
Governance: this concerns power and applying an understanding to the distribution of power to the
Business Plan Alignment: aligning plans of the use of the software with the organizations business
plans. Process Improvement: regular analysis of all activities involved with the software to
discover where improvements should be made Resource Optimization: resources such as people,
time and money should be utilized properly in their appropriate places to maximize their benefits.
Operating Excellence: this is concerned with the ongoing delivery of superior performance and
quality across the business processes.
Campbell Soup Company ensured all of these were in place during the implementation of the
Information System and this helped in achieving a superior
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Anthropomorphism And Early Learning About Animals Essay
(Un)Real Animals: Anthropomorphism and Early Learning about Animals 1.What are the most
important points of this article? The purpose of this paper is to explain anthropomorphism and
its effect on children s early learning about animals. The term anthropomorphism gives life like
or human characteristics to those who are not human such as an animal or an object. The author
s writing will inform those who are concerned about this current dilemma and their effects on the
children s early learning about animals as well as provide us with our next steps to ensure
academic success for our youth. The proper development of these early young minds is the main
purpose of this research and article. Anthropomorphism plays a crucial part on the child s
developing mind. Between the ages of three and five years old, children become exposed to
anthromorphic depictions when beginning to learn about real life animals. This skewed view of
the natural world and how children are taught to interpret it may be why children become confused
when faced with real animals because of the human qualities are not really present. Throughout the
article the author discuses different cross cultural and experimental studies to show the different
ways that children responded to various representations of animals. For example, a child that has a
pet at home may be more likely to tell the difference between anthromorphism and real life animals
as opposed to a child who does not have a pet. Other studies have
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The Consequences of Continued Use of Nuclear Power Plants...
The Consequences of Continued Use of Nuclear Power Plants in the USA
According to the most conservative estimates, century energy consumption will double in the
world by the middle of the 21th century (Beretta). It will happen as a result of the population
growth and other geopolitical and economic factors. Thus, the electricity will be required in order
to receive a sustainable development of fuel hydrogen, and provide people with fresh water.
Despite the recent tragic events in Japan and a splash of public distrust to the peaceful atom ,
nuclear power continues to be one of the most promising areas. Demand for electricity, which is
growing along with the development of the world economy, requires the construction of new ...
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9). Usually receiving the nuclear energy requires a nuclear chain reaction of nuclear fission of
uranium 235 or plutonium. Kernels start dividing after hit by a neutron. It provides new neutrons
and fission fragments. Neutrons and fission fragments have a high kinetic energy. Because of
collisions with other atoms fragments, the kinetic energy transforms into heat. Nuclear fusion is
another way to release nuclear energy. Two nuclei of light elements combine in one grave. Such
processes occur on the Sun. Many atomic nuclei are unstable. Over time, some of these nuclei
spontaneously convert into other nuclei, releasing energy. This phenomenon is called a radioactive
decay. Nuclear energy is produced in nuclear power plants, used in nuclear powered icebreakers
and nuclear submarines. The United States is running a program for developing nuclear engine for
spacecraft. Nuclear energetics is an energy sector, which is engaged in the production of electricity
and heat by converting nuclear energy.
Factors of the Development of Nuclear Energy
The first industrial nuclear power plant with capacity of 5 MW was put into operation in the
USSR (the city of Obninsk) in 1954 (World Energy Council 7). Advanced industrial countries
began to design and build nuclear power plants with reactors of different types. By 1964, the total
capacity of nuclear power plants rose to 5 million kW in the world.
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Wolfgang Bangsalot Research Paper
Wolfgang Bangsalot
was born on November 17, 1975 in his father s manor in South Africa. The only
legitimate, non halfbreed child, Wolfgang was brought up by his father to take over the
manor come his death, and as a result lived an isolated life on the family plantation being
privately tutored to live up to his father s image of him. A veteran of the Angolan Bush
War, Mr. Bangsalot was well aquainted with the ongoing Angolan Civil War and secretly
prepared his son for service in the SADF Special Reconnaissance (Recces). In 1990, the
Angola Bush War ended, and the apartheid regime in South Africa was becoming visibly
strained. Despite cuts to the defense budget, Wolfgang was able to enter training for the
Recces in 1991, a year early due to his ... Show more content on ...
In an unexpected turn, Wolfgang was forcibly transferred from the 44th
Pathfinders to the 32 Battalion Recce Company, which he technically wasn t qualified for.
Wolfgang took part in counter insurgency operations in South Africa for a year before the
32 Battalion was retired as a result of negotiations when the aparthied regime was
collapsing. With the retiring of the 32 Battalion and all its members, Wolfgang was among
those who joined Executive Outcomes in 1993. In EO, Wolfgang is selected to join the
secretive manhunter unit Wolfhound , led by SAS veteran Leslie Quinn. He is nicknamed
White Wolf due to his name and was partnered with a fellow ex 32 named Zulu , an
ethnic Zulu. Wolfgang immediately participated in air assault counter insurgency
operations in Sierra Leone with other EO operatives, a role he was experienced in. After
Sierra Leone, Wolfgang joined Wolfhound in the Angolan Civil War, fighting among the
side his father once called enemy, until their involvment ended in 1995. Wolfgang
continued to work for EO as security personnel until their disbandment in 1998.
Following this, Wolfgang returned to the family vineyard and manor, now changed in
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The Ethics Of Energy And Environment
When I was a kid,I saw a show in which a criminal investigator caught the murderer by
performing some chemical tests on a small amount of liquid left at the crime scene. What
fascinated me the most about this incident was the magical way in which answers could be found
from seemingly ordinary objects by using a few reagents. I became a regular follower of such
shows and thus began my love for Chemistry. During my undergraduate studies, I discovered that
Analytical Chemistryformed the backbone of these so called magical techniques,which further
influenced me to get a higher degree in Analytical Chemistry. Another topic that gave me inspiration
toward chemistry was sustainability of energy and environment. Being a citizen of a developing
country, I observed energy crisis and environmental pollution first hand. I want to contribute to
solve this problem by pursuing higher studies in Environmental chemistry, as it will enable me to
use my intellectual potentials for the betterment of the environment and in turn the society.
My past academic accomplishments bear a testament of my future endeavors. I achieved the GPA
of 5.00 in the scale of 5.00 in both the secondary and higher secondary studies. The desire for an
exhilarating career in the field of chemistry motivated me to apply to the department of Applied
Chemical Engineering, University of Dhaka, which is the oldest and most prestigious university in
Bangladesh. The program had a well structured and comprehensive
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The State Council Of The Peoples Republic Of China
The State Council of the Peoples Republic of China violates the Hong Kong Basic Law by
purposefully creating a pro Beijing majority in the Hong Kong Election Committee and thus denies
citizens participation in the election of their Chief Executive. This social injustice forms part of a
larger social justice struggle whereby the autonomy of Hong Kongis slowly being eroded by Central
Government control.
Hong Kong citizens have long been discontent with the Chinese Central Government over
concerns about their long term political freedom. Many believe in the principles set forth by their
British colonisers: capitalism, free trade and freedom of speech. In contrast, China believes in
communism by means of a one party state and censorship. As a result of the huge disparity of
social, economic and political freedoms between Hong Kong and China, Hong Kong citizens have
developed their own sense of national pride, a type of Hong Kong centric identity that celebrates
their autonomy from the Central Government (Leung). Indeed a 2011 poll found that 67% of Hong
Kong citizens considered them Hong Kong people first and Chinese second showing the deep
rootedness of the cultural divide that exists between Hong Kong and China (The University of
Hong Kong).
Meanwhile, the People s Republic of China and its citizens have never accepted Hong Kong as a
separate state; the reason for which lies in China s history. When the British won the Opium Wars,
they forced China into an unequal
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Effects Of Parental Investment On Children
Parental investment includes any investment by the parent in an individual offspring that increases
the offspring s chances of survival, at the cost of the parent s ability to invest in other offspring
(Travier, 1972). Since investing on themselves is as important as investing on their children,
parents have to choose between caring for a child and acquiring the resources needed to insure
their own productive and reproductive successes (Turner McAndrew, 2006). This choice can be
influenced by the social, cultural and economic factors at householdlevel, and by socio demographic
factors at individual level. These factors may vary from culture to culture and overtime. However,
the following variables are the most frequently cited determinants of parental investment on
i) Gender; the gender of the parent is the most widely reported determinant of parent`s willingness
to invest on children. This is mentioned across disciplines, from biology through social
anthropology, with similar conclusions but different explanations. There is consensus that the
gender identity of the parent through which income is received determines how the resources are
invested on child welfare. Studies (Agarwal, 1997; Kabeer, 2000) indicated that income injected
into the household through the mother do more justice to the welfare of children compared to
resources injected through the father. Similarly, an exogenous increase in mothers income has a
larger effect on children`s outcomes than
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The Ethics Of The Sarbanes Oxley Act
Question 1 Throughout history and in our own time, legitimate accounting methods have been
utilized to fraudulently engage in manipulating activities that results in illicit gains to the
perpetrators and losses to individuals and financial institutions. The most common accounting fraud
is the misrepresentation of financial statements which is frequently known as cooking the books
and includes manipulation, falsification, or alteration of accounting records, intentional omission
from the financial statements and intentional misapplication of accounting principles relating to
amounts, classification, manner of presentation, or disclosure. In addition, associated with the
misapplication of accounting methods, the financial industry has been plagued with one disaster
after another involving numerous scandals from top leading American companies. Consequently,
the Sarbanes Oxley Act was passed in 2002 compromising eleven sections that are generated to
insure the responsibilities of the company s managers and executives. This act identifies criminal
penalties for particular unethical practices and currently has new policies that a corporation must
follow in their financial reporting. The following examples describe some of biggest accounting
methods as a result of the greed and the outrage of the ethical and financial misconduct by the
senior management of public corporations. In the case United States v. Pearson , Exide Technology,
the largest maker of automotive batteries,
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Essay -1776 by David McCullough
1776 by David McCullough
Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth. This quote in a letter to James
Madison, from George Washington, on March 2nd, 1788, explains that once the push for liberty
comes through and change is made, it is like the snowball effect. At this point of the war, there were
constant losses for the Continental Army they were lacking faith and hope for their liberty. The
soldier s enlistments were also very near to their end and time was going by fast; many were
prepared to leave and not signing up again. Overall, the Continental Army was headed towards
failure. They needed something to give them a push in the right direction. The battle that raised
high spirits in the army was The ... Show more content on ...
That meant leaving as soon as their enlistments were finished and leaving Washington with fewer
troops. Washington felt that he needed to have another battle while he still had many men and
before the British troops retired for the season of winter until spring (McCullough 267). Since
the battle happened towards the end of their session, the results of the battle highly affected the
soldier s decision to stay or leave. If it wasn t for Trenton, there would never have been a reason
to stay in the army and that would have affected the war in a negative way for the colonies. Our
only dependence now is upon the speedy enlistments of the army. If this fails, the game is pretty
near up, (McCullough 269). This quote by Lund Washington explains that the colonies needed as
many soldiers and troops as possible to make their chances of succeeding better. Without the amount
of troops that decided to stay because of the Battle of Trenton, Washington s troops would have
been significantly smaller and would have caused losses in battles. George Washingtons tactics and
skills when it came to the Continental army and war were very helpful in the many battles that he
led. In Trenton, Washington planned a sneak attack on the British, in which they had to cross the
Delaware River on. Because of Washington s quick thinking and great army skills allowed the
Continental Army to succeed in surrounding all the Hessians in Trenton in an orchard, leaving them
... Get more on ...

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Reader Response Essay Introduction

  • 1. Reader Response Essay Introduction 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Reader Response Essay Introduction Reader Response Essay Introduction
  • 2. Fdi in Banking Sector oreign Direct Investment as seen as an important source of non debt inflows, and is increasing being sought as a vehicle for technology flows and as a means of attaining competitive efficiency by creating a meaningful network of global interconnections. FDI plays a vital role in the economy because it does not only provide opportunities to host countries to enhance their economic development but also opens new vistas to home countries to optimize their earnings by employing their ideal resources. India has sought to increase inflows of FDI with a much liberal policy since 1991 after decade s cautious attitude. The 1990 s have witnessed a sustained rise in annual inflows to India. Basically, opening of the economy after 1991 does not live ... Show more content on ... Better Risk Management As the banks are expanding their area of operation, there is a need to change their strategies exert competitive pressures and demonstration effect on local institutions, often including them to reassess business practices, including local lending practices as the whole banking sector is crying for a strategic policy for risk management. Through FDI, the host countries will know efficient management technique. The best example is Basel II. Most of the banks are opting Basel II for making their financial system more safer. Financial Stability and Better Capitalization Host countries may benefit immediately. From foreign entry, if the foreign bankre capitalize a struggling local institution. In the process also provides needed balance of payment finance. In general; more efficient allocation of credit in the financial sector, better capitalization and wider diversification of foreign banks along with the access of local operations to parent funding, may reduce the sensitivity of the host country banking system and lead towards financial stability. Source : Economic Review , RBI Annual Report 2005 06. So due to the aforesaid benefits economy has consistent flow of FDI over the past few years. In addition to that, the govt. has also taken step to enhance the FDI (eg. Telecom, civil aviation) FDI up to 100% through the Reserve Bank s ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Senior Project For Claudia Cifolelli s Senior Project, she provided service for the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya, Africa. This organization provides a safe haven for injured and orphaned elephants that have been victims of the illegal ivory poaching throughout Kenya. In order to help raise money to fund this organization, Claudia organized a silent auction containing art pieces related to wildlife made by students and alumni from Natomas Charter Schooland other local artists. The money she made went to the Medical needs of the Elephants in Kenya. When Claudia asked me to participate in her senior project, i immediately said i would help her out. I took a look at the other pieces that she had already received and i was amazed. Klaude s piece was by far the my favourite. I then got to brainstorming ideas on how I can implicate wildlife animals into my style of painting. I went through weeks of ... Show more content on ... I would draw out the silhouettes of 4 Different animals and use different colors for each of the canvases. I then ran across another problem, what animals could I draw and what colors should I use to paint. I started to use the original sketches I had, a wolf and a deer, and started painting while also mixing together colors that i thought would catch the viewer s eye ; and because i was fairly low on paint, i had to use some of the paint from the painting of the wolf silhouette on the painting of the deer silhouette. After I did the two paintings, I knew it wasn t finished. The two canvases I painted looked too lonely. I needed to paint at least two more but i was stuck, staring at an empty canvas that was waiting to be filled with colors. I started to sketch out an elephant, the main focus of this whole project, and started to paint with more vivid and brilliant colors that caught my eye while i was mixing paints. As I was painting the elephant I realized that elephants aren t the only wild animal who is being poached for their horns. In the middle of ... Get more on ...
  • 4. My Birthday Monologue Hey, Eva, John s voice sings down my phone. Do you have plans tonight? Just having a quiet night in. Since Alice is at work, I get the remote all to myself. A little bird told me it was your birthday yesterday, so Patsy and I would like to take you to the movies. Sure, what time? Seven sound okay to you? We re going to the dollar theatre since we re both broke. Sounds like me. I have a little cash in my purse, should be enough for a ticket at least. Leave your money at home, this is our treat. I chew on my lip. When will people get it? I don t like birthdays, and I don t like gifts. A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I recall Patsy s discontentment over my secrecy for my birthday. Reluctantly, I say, Okay, I ll... Show more content on ... Next to that, a sleek, orange Camaro. Maybe this is a muscle car convention? Further along the line, my feet pause as my eyes gawk at the beautiful, Vista blue Shelby Mustangwith white stripes, a car I have admired on several occasions now. I pull my scarf higher to bury my face from the chill while stuffing my gloved hands into my jacket pockets. The wind has intensified since leaving the apartment and now howls around my ears, tousling my hair. Yet I stand, staring at the car nevertheless. Why would Angelo be in this part of the town? Before retrieving my phone, I remove my glove and call Alice, who answers after three rings. Hey, babe, what s up? I drag my hair from my face while retaining my gaze on the Shelby. I m heading down to the cinema to meet Patsy and John. Oh, nice. That should keep you out of trouble for a while. If you re not busy, I thought you could join us. Not tonight, sorry. Are you at work still? Sounds like you have music playing in the background. No, I m out with a friend right now. Yeah, friend, she says. I know she s with Angelo right now, I m looking at his car. The clattering of glasses in the background and the sound of people talking filters through the phone. Are you at a bar or something? Yes, the bar near my restaurant. Rachael s having boyfriend problems and asked me to help her out. Not sure what I can do for her though, but she needs my support I guess. ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The History of the Piano Essay The piano, created by Bartolomeo Christofori in 1709, has impacted our society by becoming a popular instrument and a popular medium for musicians to create musical masterpieces. Also called the pianoforte, the piano is one of the most beautiful sounding instruments that can range in sound from as low as a gust of wind, to as high as the shrill sound of a bird. It has evolved over time and become an amazing instrument. The pianowas accepted very well in history and it has generated many changes in the music industry. The piano was also used a lot in society and has had many applications grow from it. Without it, many classical masterpieces as well as modern songs wouldn t have been possible. There were many instruments that led to the... Show more content on ... They weren t added to keyboards until the thirteenth century. Another instrument that was a prelude to the piano was the pantaleon. It was created by Hebenstreit, a famous dulcimer player. It had 180 strings, was 9 feet long, had an extra soundboard, and had double faced hammers. It was extremely hard to master. It was short lived, but was an important influence for the pianoforte. It also created an important link between keyed and non keyed string instruments (Crombie 5 7). In the fifteenth century, a keyed polychord was made called the clavichord. It was the first keyboard in which the harder a note was struck, the louder a note would ring. It was fairly cheap and it was very popular in central Europe, especially in Germany. Although people liked it, it was not very loud. Since this was the case, the harpsichord was created. It was a much larger clavichord creating a louder sound (Crombie 7 9). At last, the pianoforte was born. The pianoforte means soft and loud. The name describes the sound of the instrument. It can be soft piano or loud forte depending on how hard you hit the keys. Bartolomeo Cristofori created it in 1709. When he became angry and was playing the harpsichord harder, he realized that the instrument didn t respond and become louder. Since he wanted something that could do this, he invented the pianoforte, which is now just ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Center Of An Immaculate Quality Creation Essay The center thought is to amplify client esteem while minimizing waste. Just, incline implies making more esteem for clients with less assets. An lean association comprehends client esteem and centers its key procedures to consistently build it. A definitive objective is to give impeccable worth to the client through an immaculate quality creation handle that has zero waste. To finish this, incline thinking changes the center of administration from streamlining separate innovations, resources, and vertical offices to advancing the stream of items and administrations through whole esteem streams that stream on a level plane crosswise over advances, resources, and offices to clients. Killing waste along whole esteem streams, rather than at detached focuses, makes forms that need less human exertion, less space, less capital, and less time to make items and administrations at far less expenses and with many less deserts, contrasted and conventional business frameworks. Organizations can react to changing client wants with high assortment, excellent, ease, and with quick throughput times. Likewise, data administration turns out to be much less complex and more precise. lean for Production and Services A mainstream misinterpretation is that lean is suited just to manufacture. Not genuine. Incline applies in each business and each procedure. It is not a strategy or a cost lessening program, but rather a state of mind and representing a whole association. Organizations in all ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Adaptive Nature Of Canada The Adaptive Nature of Canada?s First People The Canadian people have always prided themselves as champions of democracy and are universally respected for their record on human rights. Although holistically this could be argued, especially when compared to the United States and other Western states, the record concerning Aboriginals, both past and present, has yet to live up to their self set standard. Defined simply as anyone who traces his/her ancestry back to pre European colonization, there exist mass diversity within its community. Although various political actors dispute the actual number of Aboriginals, Statistics Canada reported in 2006 that 1,678,200 people indicated they were ethnically Aboriginal or roughly 5.4 percent of the population (Statistics Canada: Population Counts). It has been the goal of the Natives to regain sovereignty since it was stripped from them in the sixteenth century. Pushed to the margins in all aspects of life from negligible political relevance in Ottawa to the isolation they continue to experience on the remote reserves, the Aboriginal people have had their humanity sapped continuously out of them, yet have never given up hope. The minute advances in the last several decades? stand in stark contrast to repression experienced for centuries. Weathering an intensely exploitive government, Aboriginals have endured unimaginable repression. It was not until the passage of the Constitution Act, specifically the Charter of Rights and ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Execution Methods In The Holocaust Execution Methods used in the Holocaust When the Holocaust is mentioned most people immediately think of the concentration camps. They predict scrawny people in dirty striped uniforms staring closely as the others are numerously getting buried, or being bulldozed into mass graves. Those horrific scenes were real but they are not the entire Holocaust. There were other methods of execution throughout the Holocaust but the use of gas chambers was by far the most common. The Holocaust was the best wellordered case of persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi party. The Nazis came to power in Germany on January 1933, they believed that Germans were racially superior and that the Jews were inferior, and were a threat to the so called ... Show more content on ... Although the gas chambers were more efficient there were also other methods used throughout the Holocaust that were not specifically designed to execute right away, they set up labor camps to make use of the inferior races before death. The Jews were unloaded from train carts and separated into male and female lines, they were then assigned to a specific place. The elderly and women with children were sent directly to Ferry2 the line of prisoners who were condemned to death in the gas chambers. If you were selected by the SS. Doctor you looked sickly, developed scabies, or were unfit to work you were chosen out of line in which you were standing in for hours, to make another line to be sent to the gas chambers. Gassing with carbon monoxide of insane, dumb, and crippled people also took place in various camps such as Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, Chelmno and mental institutions in Germany as part of the so called Euthanasia Program .( Euthanasia Program ). Many of the Jews, particularly children, were killed by lethal injection. They were designed as a Nazi extermination camp in which they used carbon monoxide emerging from beat up engines, in purpose built gas chambers and also And it is told that at Chelmo that they used mobile ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Outsourcing Ethics As companies look for ways to strategically perform better in their respective industries many chose to outsource job functions. Outsourcing allows companies to grow and expand their business around the world. Many have attributed outsourcing to lowering operating costs, a method to increase expertise and gain additional technology, and as a way to improve efficiency and services. These advantages can help a company gain a competitive advantage over industry participants. When a company strategically plans to outsource ethical consideration must be acknowledged; especially when outsourcingis offshore. As a display of corporate citizenship a company must do their part to address ethical concerns related to this practice. Building a long... Show more content on ... I would show compassion to the employees of outsourced locations by acknowledging their relationship based cultures, those related to their families, ancestors, and communities. This helps build a trusting relationship and the quality of the service will increase as employees know that you care and don t just view them as workers. Often time companies find themselves under strict regulations and scrutiny when they have misappropriated those regulations. Some companies have opted to outsource to avoid environmental regulations and fines in many locations. Another basic principle advises companies that plan to outsource to seek to do no harm to the ecological systems of the world regardless of what environmental regulations may not be in place in the location of choice for outsourcing. By making ethical choices as such help to build and protect the company s image. It shows that they have good character in the decision that they make and how they impact the environment. Companies receive backlash from choosing to outsource job functions when it causes a reduction in their workforce from layoffs. It can be hard to justify layoffs in turn for cheaper labor when you are removing individuals from the workforce who have been loyal and dedicated to the company. Addressing potential unethical behaviors related to outsourcing before they are problematic is a way to protect the company and build a ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Social Anxiety Research Paper Over the course of my life, I have been subject to social anxiety. Being around others often times makes me really uncomfortable. This really doesn t necessarily apply in it s fullest extent when I m conversing with one person directly, but when talking to a group of people I sometimes stammer and lose focus. This anxiety, though something that may seem trivial, is something that has always held me back from involving myself in larger activities. Although I have been inhibited by my anxiety, I have taken steps to, or at the very least attempt to, involve myself with more things in order to remedy my situation. There have been times where I will have to do some trivial thing in class, such as give a presentation or talk about something, where I get incredibly nervous. I have tried, at times, to push through and appear confident and stoic as a remedy to anxiety. This solution functions well enough to get one through a simple presentation. There have been other situations where I completely shut out others in some vague attempt to feels... Show more content on ... In all honesty, this is the trap that is easiest to fall into. Not only is this more likely to avoid potential problems involving others, it allows one to accomplish more with their time. There comes a point, however, when you realize that it is unhealthy to be reclusive. Although it can be advantageous to accomplish more and avoid problems, you, thusly, lose out on many social and more involved activities. As such, I have concentrated my fullest efforts on involving myself with various club activities at school. Although I sometimes spend more time reading, I at least spend some time involving myself with other students. It can be very discomforting, more so than I can convey by text. However, I realize that it is most healthy to attempt to be non reclusive and involve myself regardless of ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Sentencing Courts Have Given Enhanced Credit For Time... Facts In the past, sentencing courts have given enhanced credit for time spent in pre custody, which is usually at a rate of two days for every day of detention, however, enhanced credit is not available if the person was denied bail primarily because of a prior conviction (R. v. Safarzadeh‑Markhali, 2016 SCC 14 (CanLII)). In November 2010, Hamidreza Safarzadeh Markhali was arrested and charged with several offences (R. v. Safarzadeh‑Markhali, 2016 SCC 14 (CanLII), par. 4). The bail judge made an endorsement for Mr. Safarzadeh Markhali on the basis of his criminal record, and therefore this made him unentitled to receive enhanced credit for the pre custody that would come after (R. v. Safarzadeh‑Markhali, 2016 SCC 14 (CanLII), par. 4); however, this was seen as unconstitutional to the trail judge who concluded by crediting Mr.Safar Markhali with enhanced credit (R. v. Safarzadeh‑Markhali, 2016 SCC 14 (CanLII), par. 5). Procedural History At the bail hearing, the bail judge rejected Mr. Safarzadeh Markhali s argument of not making an endorsement and established that the endorsement was necessary, which in turn made Mr. Safarzadeh Markhali ineligible for enhanced credit (R. v. Safarzadeh‑Markhali, 2016 SCC 14 (CanLII), par. 4). Then at the Ontario Court of Justice, the trial judge concluded that the restrictions on enhanced credit in s. 719(3.1) of the Criminal Code are unconstitutional, and credited Mr. Safarzadeh Markhali with 31 months of pre sentence custody (R. v. ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Who Is Coach Boone I m a winner. I m going to win. Coach Boone I believe that if coach Yoast stayed as head coach and Herman Boone was his assistant, the team would never become champions. Boone s coaching strategy is direct, simple, and authoritarian. He clearly establishes a sense of urgency, creates a guiding tandem that consists of himself and Yoast, communicates his vision adequately, removes the obstacles of team discord and lack of training, systematically plans for and achieves wins on a game by game basis, avoids declaring victory prematurely, and anchors changes in the team s culture. He asserts top layers and subordinates that he is indisputably in charge. Boone communicates his vision to have a winning team. Early in the movie, Boone states his opposition to the board s decision to replace Yoast with him, citing an experience where someone at a previous job had done the same thing to him. When he orders them to learn about each of their teammates, he is positioning them to solve their interracial tensions but not trying to foist a solution upon them. However, I think this mix of different qualities that both coaches possess, represents a perfect coach for the team (if combined in ... Show more content on ... One of my favorite moments in the movie is where coach Boone wakes up everyone in the middle of the night and takes them to Gettysburg for a run. When they arrive at the graveyard he says ...if we do not come together on this hollow ground, we too will be destroyed like they were... (Bruckheimer Yakin, 2000). In this movie football is a mean for behavior change. History has taught us that we tend to remember winners, and that is why we remember the Titans. They not only won the State Championship but with an invaluable help from their coaches the team members managed to attain racial integration not only on the field but also in the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Pros And Cons Of False Positive Drug Test Background Ana Patricia Morales Dr. Beverly Joy Finite Math October 2, 2017 False Positive Drug Test Background The random test is a drug test conducted upon a computer generated random sampling of Department employees, administered for the purposes of detecting the presence of drugs, controlled substances (including anabolic steroids) or their metabolites. (Florida Department of State) What are employees rights in regard to random drug testing? If an employee receives a false positive drug test, employee has different rights depending on the policy of the organization or company and the federal laws that protect the rights of employees. For instance at the University of Miami, if an individual test positive, the individual s sample will be re tested using appropriate laboratory procedures to confirm the results. If the positive results are not confirmed in the second test, the test will be considered negative. (University of Miami Personnel Policies Procedures Manual) In the state of Florida, an employer is required to use a certified medical review officer (MRO) (include name and address, telephone number in your policy). The MRO will be responsible for: Interpreting the drug test results, Contacting the employee if the drug test is positive. The MRO is required to contact the donor who has a confirmed positive test result before reporting the results of the test to the employer. If the donor has a plausible explanation for the test result showing ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Dussold Dream Job Second, rumors are spread in school due to jealousy because some people want to intimidate others or they want to gain popularity. Similarly, people who jealous to other people professions can inspirit to spread rumors for their own advantage. According to the article What Cost Charis Dussold His Dream Job? The author explains, one rumor had it that he was having sex with Ms.Peyla in his office (Bartlett 351). Evidently, people started noticing the rumors, and they thought that Dussold was the only one who did this kind of stuff with someone, and people did not want to accept the truth of reality, but the situation was getting worse than it was. For example, in this article Mr. Monaco had advised him to require every visitor to his office ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Rescuers And Aid For Jews During The Holocaust In studying the rescuers and aid to Jews during the Holocaust, there are few, if any, factors that prove to universally explain why people decided to help. These people defied most demographics; class, country, religion, and even included anti Semites, though economic and practical determinations were involved so much as one s ability to help is determined by economic /practical restraints. Even so, most, if not all, of these people did have the propensity for helping and service to other prior to helping Jews of the Holocaust. Nechama Tec and later Perry Lendon found this to be true, showing that in these people was an instinct to help, regardless of their feelings towards Jews. This characteristic coincided with independent, self reliant people who felt less attached to social demands and saw helping as a fact rather than heroic act. While these characterize individuals, the level at which specific countries were willing to help Jews did differ. Denmark and Bulgaria helped more than countries like Romania. In Denmark, there were a smaller amount of Jews and most were already assimilated into society before the Nazis came in. This allowed them to easily blend and hid within Denmark, and eventually Jews were helped to escape in 1943 as the Nazi encroached into Denmark. Hungary, on the other hand, held intense anti Semitic views, but chose to help Jews (somewhat) because they did not believe in the methodology used by the Nazis against Jews. Hungary refused deportations ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Sigmund Freud Theories Sigmund Freud s Theories in Relation to Brave New World One might imagine, what could truly constitute A brave new world? What parameters must that world fall within? What decisive mind is manning the ship headed toward this utopia? Certainly, this world has seen innumerous attempts, heard the many strident voices, which barreled forth and propelled society toward that image. One of those voices belonged to Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, and even, perhaps, a deity of this brave new world. Sigmund Freud was born May 6th, 1856, in Frieberg, Moravia to a textile dealer named Jacob Freud (Chiriac, Jean, Sigmund Freud s Childhood ). He was one of eight children, five sisters and three brothers. The family lived in Frieberg until Sigmund was four years old, when the family then moved to Vienna where Sigmund would remain for the vast majority of his life. By 1873, Freud would go on to study medicine at the University of Vienna. Freud went get engaged in 1882, to a women who would bear him six children. The relationship has been largely considered and happy, prosperous union (Thornton, Stephan). In 1938, shortly after the Annexation of Austria, Freud s home in Vienna was raided by Nazis. Any of Freud s works written before May of 1933 were burned for their flippant destigmatization of sexuality ( Sigmund Freud and the Holocaust ). With a minimal understanding of the who and the why of Sigmund Freud, one can move in to comprehending the true girth of his discovery ... Get more on ...
  • 17. White Teeth by Zadie Smith 1. Samad s great grandfather, Mangal Pande was the first of the sepoys in the Bengal army to fire a shot at a British soldier setting off a revolt against the British. However, the circumstances of the events that unfolded are greatly debated as to whether he was drunk when he shot the soldier and so on (209). However, for Samad, Pande represents an unsung hero of eastern culture, preserving the culture of Bengalfrom the British (215). Samad also views Pande as a name that he must live up to; Pande had a mark on history and so Samad felt that he had to do his best to live to the name and be successful in the military (76/77). 2. Clara was driven away from her old life because of Ryan Topps. Originally she used him as a way of getting away from her old family and as a way of living a double life; the life she lived at home (around her mother) and the life she lived around Ryan s companions Merlin, Wan Si and so on (32). However, Ryan eventually becomes enamored with the idea of the rapture and being saved from Gods fury and takes up the beliefs of Jehovah s Witness. He soon joins forces with Clara s mother in an effort to bring Clara back to God in a last effort to save her. This in turn drives Clara completely away from Ryan and her family (36). It was after all this loss that she met Archie and for her, it seems he was her last man on Earth (38). 3. Samad has a glorified idea of who he really was. Obviously he takes into account the downfalls of losing the function of ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Revenge in Hamlet and The Revenger s Tragedy Essay In this study of revenge and revengers in two Elizabethan revenge tragedies the two plays I shall look at are Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, and The Revenger s Tragedy, by Thomas Middleton. I shall look first at the playwrights handling of the characters of the revengers, and then at the treatment of the revengers by other charactersin the plays. Although having similarities in their underlying themes, and in their adherence to conventions, these two plays present contrasting pictures of the figure of the revenger; Hamlet offering a far more complex treatment of its main character, and The Revenger s Tragedy appearing, in comparison, limited by the author s social message, and lacking in realistic characterisation. Hamlet and ... Show more content on ... Both revengers respond to, rather than initiate events, but Hamlet is much more an instrument of others than Vindice, who is full of zest. Both characters carry a burden of guilt. Hamlet s Oedipus complex, (Freud having informed us of the revenger s unconscious motives), is heavily aggravated by the absence of his father and excessive closeness of his mother, and this accounts for the refocusing of his patricidal wish onto Claudius, and shows how his need for revenge is internal, not purely a need to resolve dissatisfaction with the affairs of the world , as is Vindice s. Hamlet s needs are deep and complex, while for Vindice: The smallest advantage fattens wronged men. [1.2.98] Hamlet s internalisations arise because he has identified his ego with his father the lost object and is therefore suffering from a loss of ego. His inward suffering is further intensified by his conflicts with Ophelia and Gertrude, leading him to suicidal thoughts: O that this too too sullied flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not flx d His canon gainst self slaughter! [1.2.129 132] Hamlet is searching deep into his soul for explanations and resolutions, while Vindice simply waits for that bald Madam Opportunity . [1.1.55] Hamlet s delaying, compared to Vindice s incessant activity, shows that the two revengers are in a way opposite in their approaches to the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Essay on Adolescents in the TV Show Freaks and Geeks The media portrays adolescents in television shows as being rebellious, sex crazed, and unreasonable people. Freaks and Geeks, created by Paul Feig and produced by Feig, himself, and Judd Apatow, is a one hour TV show that aired on NBC from 1999 2000. The show centers around the siblings, Sam and Lindsay Weir, and their friends while they all attend McKinley High School. Freaks and Geeksis a show that portray adolescents in a way that the media doesn t because of the lessons the characters have to learn , the choices that they choose to take, and the struggles they have to endure. Many adolescent have to learn many things from the events in their lives. Freaks and Geeks show characters adapting to the changes in their life and learn... Show more content on ... Amy Campbell, in episode 17, tell his boyfriend, Ken Miller, that she was born intersex. This causes Ken to question his sexuality, but later on to learn that Amy was the perfect girl for him. This shows that Ken makes a decision to actually show that adolescents make many choices that aren t just exaggerated out of proportion but are life changing and confusing to one. Another character having to make a hard choice is when Lindsay Weir, also in episode 17, had her question for the Vice President declined. Lindsay in the end makes the choice of asking the Vice President why he decline her question and what he is avoiding. This shows that choice by adolescents are not all about relationships but of politics. This also pushes away the stereotype of youth not being politically aware and have no view on the government. This choices affect her life in a way where she can help her make decisions in her future. Many adolescent have to endure many struggles that may affect the person in a whole. Lindsay Weir in beginning of the TV series had her grandmother die in which she starts to wear her dad s old army jacket and hanging out with the freaks of McKinley High School. Lindsay enduring the event of her grandmother s death because through the course of the show, she shown no depression that her grandmother was gone or she have accepted the death of her grandmother. This make the show different from other because many show doesn t show death often because of the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Modern Society In The Time Machine By H. G. Wells Usually, literature reflects the features of contemporary society. One of the reasons is that the writers of the literature necessarily are influenced by the society they live in. In The Time Machine, the writer H. G. Wells showed his own view on late Victorain societey. In that era, speed of changes in society was fast and many modern society problems strated to arise according to development of technologies. H. G. Wellswere also aware of these problems. He especially focused on the class division problems in The Time Machineand proposed future dystopia, rather than utopia. Wells showed how the problem of class division would be worse than people imagine in the future in The Time Machine. In the 19th century, as industrial capitalism developed... Show more content on ... In the early 19th century, the prospect of the future was usually related to utopia. Expectation of human reason and confidence in science, which were influenced by civil revolution and industrial revolution, made many people look forward to more advanced societies. However, as modern problems including the gulf between rich and poor became serious, criticism against harmful effects of industrialization started to arise. The emergence of literature about dystopia showed this criticism. Similarly, time traveller in the book looked the future society as utopia. He said that the whole earth had become a garden. (30). He also believed in a perfect conquest of Nature (32). However, as he discovered the real aspect of future society, he admitted that his first theory that the future is utopia was totally wrong. It is actually dystopia which is far different from what he expected. The time traveller suggested that because of too perfect and secure environment, the human in upperworld had dwindled in size, strength and intelligence (49). Elois are small and not strong as average adult. Moreover, the language that Eloi use is simpler and often does not include abstract ideas. The human race in Underworld, even worse, feed on the other human race. The time traveller stated this situation as last feeble rill from the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. No Mas Is A Dramatic Revenge Western NO MAS is a dramatic, revenge Western. While Western revenge plots are very familiar, they are also considered tried and true. What this script offers is a very engaging female protagonist. The script also offers a unique hook: she s a skilled fighter. In fact, the idea of the mystery fighter, actually, sets this script apart. The opening establishes the ordinary world of the heroine, Rosette. Her world is shattered by the murder of her parents and the disappearance of her brother. It s a solid inciting event. Her goal of revenge is clear and the stakes are high. The second act is driven by her need for retribution. The second act introduces her world of being a fighter. The fighting scenes are strong and exciting. In the third act, she ... Show more content on ... She seems to be keeping him at a distance, but then suddenly appear to be good friends. It s not clear how she figures out that he overdosed his wife. To elevate the pace and the tension, one possible solution is to have Rosette find the other invaders and show her killing them, one by one with her fighting skills, leaving Fitz as the last one. This is a formula that has been done before, but it works to maintain tension and interest. It also builds suspense. Right now, the tone could be grittier and the violence enhanced. The other issue that feels unsolved is Rosette s brother. It s our understanding that she s still looking for him, but at the end it doesn t feel as if she s going after him. As mentioned, Rosette is a very likable heroine. It s easy to root for her. She makes some wrong decisions, but they are for the right reasons. While flawed, the audience forgives her. She wants justice, but she s driven by revenge at the risk of her life and she has forsaken any personal life for her quest. She s smart and she s determined. She s still grieving and at the end, she seems to be healing. Suspiros is a spirited woman, who immediately sees the good in Rosette and wants to help and rescue her. She s also in a tough situation, but she has a positive attitude and makes the best of it. She s easy to care about. Zurdo is a very colorful character. He s complex and has both good and bad qualities that make him interesting. Sometimes he seems like the bad guy, but ... Get more on ...
  • 22. How Did Nina Simone Influence The Civil Rights Movement The soulful queen of R B, blues, and jazz stood as a figure of raw talent, resilience, and most of all grace. She captured the essence of a strong black woman. She emerged in the 50 s and 60 s, captivating people with her raspy voice and beautiful music training. As a devoted Civil Rights activists, Ms. Simone used her platform as a singer to fight the cause. She was known for songs such as Mississippi Goddam, Young, Gifted and Black and Feeling Good . She didn t feed on fame, she used it to expand the work that others were doing. Before she would be known as Nina Simone, on February 21, 1933, in Tryon, North Carolina, Eunice Kathleen Waymon was born. As a young girl, playing piano in church she felt, I was a black girl and I knew about it. She realised the effect of racism when the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia rejected her application because she was black. After ... Show more content on ... She sought to sing the truth and share it to anyone that would listen. She inspired many performers including Aretha Franklin, Joni Mitchell, and Lauryn Hill. Lauryn Hill wrote because I fed on this music ... I believed I always had a right to have a voice. Her example is clearly a form of sustenance to a generation needing to find theirs. What a gift (Lauryn Hill). Indeed that was true, Nina Simone inspired a new generation of talented artists to have the courage to express their talents. Her voice continues to live on through television and film soundtracks. Two documentaries on Nina Simone s life were released in 2015: The Amazing Nina Simone, directed by Jeff L. Lieberman and What Happened, Miss Simone?, from Netflix. The project s detailed hard aspects of Simone s life. The project s included the abuse Simone endured from her ex husband and also the aduse her daughter received from her mother. What Happened, Miss Simone? later received an Oscar nomination for best ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Why Is Family Guy Banned There are also some adult TV shows that have some episodes that are so vulgar they can t show them on TV. For example, Family Guy has an episode called Terms Of Endearment. This episode was banned from TV and barely legal. In my opinion, this one is equal to another episode that is as inappropriate as this. I think the main reason why is because of how offensive it was for some people. In another episode of Family Guythat actually couldn t get aired on TV for a while is If You Wish Upon A Weinstein. This episode has insults towards stupid people and it has constant stereotypes towards Jews. The whole episode is literally about saying all Jews are good with money. While shows like Simpsons can go to episodes revolving around different people. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Is Hercules A Hero What makes a hero? Is it slaying a mighty monster? Saving a town? Hercules, son of zeus, may have done such things, but is he really one of the good guys? His twelve labours created by king Eurystheus may be seen as heroic acts, but in reality most were along the lines of stealing and murder. That leads to the question, is Hercules a hero or hitman? Hercules is definitely one of the most famous greek heroes in history, is supposedly brainwashed by a jealous Hera into murdering his family, was to make up for it by completing twelve famous labours for king Eurystheus. Not only did he murder his family, the twelve labours mostly consist of stealing goods and possessions from others and murdering people that get in his way. He has killed some grand pesky beats, but he is still being ordered to kill, and following those orders without hesitation. Hercules is not the hero that greek mythologyglorifies him to be. His ruthless acts to purify himself from killing his family, are nothing but him following commands of robbery, whether it be of a life or possession. He is less of a hero and more of a modern day hired hitman . Hercules agreed to completing the twelve tedious labours, however bad they might be. If he was ordered to steal something, he would. If he was told to kill something, he would do it. His actions are more alike the ones of an assassin or hitman rather than a selfless hero. Hercules labours mostly consisted of taking things and giving them to the king, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Disney World-Personal Narrative I never knew that I was a part of something bigger than a backup, but I turned out to be. Now the fate of every sliver of good magic Walt Disney ever dreamed up rests on me me and the team, I should say. I suppose it all started, that everything changed at midnight. I had just gone to sleep after a long day of homework when I woke up, not in my bed, but right down the middle of Main Street USA . I was standing at the flagpole facing the magnificent Cinderella Castle. I had to stop and think a second. How was I in Disney World? Why was it so deserted? It was practically a ghost town here in the wee hours of night. Then I turned and saw a boy sitting on the bench. I was certainly taken aback by the appearance of someone else. He motioned toward me and as I came closer, I soon recognized him. It was that smart British kid who could do things with a computer most adults wouldn t understand. It was Dell Philby. So you re the extra, aren t you? he said as I approached the bench. Extra what? I stuttered, still perplexed by this whole situation. ... Show more content on ... We all crammed into a car and the ride took off. I heard the voice I knew so well from riding this a hundred times. I relaxed like any average park guest would until I felt the sudden jerk of the car into Space Mountain. I waited for my favorite line of the ride, where they paged Mr. Tom Morrow, but it never came. A new voice came through the loudspeakers. Ladies and gentleman, Keepers and Fairlies! This is your captain speaking. We re experiencing a few delays, some new twists and turns. Hold onto your hats, because you re about to learn who really is the Main Attraction! Mwahahahahahaha! the voice said. I noticed Drina and Wil wince at the term Fairlie, but there was no time to ponder that. The worst of it was the voice itself. This voice was the reason Elastigirl would be interested in this ride. This voice belonged to the one and only ... Get more on ...
  • 26. John Roger Stephens Research Paper John Roger Stephens was a pretty well known musician around the area he grew up in. He also met some of the musicians that he idolized like Michael Jackson. He also got married to the woman that he very much loved. But before his musical career skyrocketed into fame and success, it all started when he got the title Legend. I decided to write about John Legend because I think he has inspired many people into following their dreams and he also does a lot for different charity organizations. John Legend was born on December 28, 1978, in Springfield, Ohio. John wasn t born with the last name Legend. His real name is John Roger Stephens. During his childhood, he was homeschooled on and off by his mother. John was introduced into the music career at a very young age. He was singing at his local church choir at only 4 years old. He also knew how to play the piano at a very young age thanks to his grandmother. For his high school of choice, he attended North High School and was very popular. He was so popular to the fact he was student body president and prom king. He did very well in school as of grades and went to Pennsylvania University to study in English. ... Show more content on ... Before making albums, he was singing at weddings. He then started to make music tracks and idolized music stars like Boyz II Men, LL, Cool J, MC Hammer, and Michael Jackson. During a trip to Bahrain, he had met Michael Jackson over there. One of his hit albums, Get Lifted , it had actually gone platinum. After signing to a label that Kanye West had offered him, he needed a stage name. Poet J. Ivy had given the stage name John Legend . John was kinda skeptical on the stage name but later on, he grew onto it and so did everyone ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Everything You Need to Know about Stars A star is a sparkling bundle of gas bound by gravity into a solitary object and is fueled by atomic combination at the center. There are trillions of stars in our universe and all are distinctive and extraordinary. Their mass, color, shape makes them all distinctive but mass is the only thing that makes them unique. There are numerous phases of stars life including main sequencestars, red giants, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and dark holes. All stars additionally have a lot of varieties in each one phase of life. The life of a starstarts in a cloud, an incredible gathering of gas and dust. When enough mass has aggregated into a solitary item, gravity compels the mass to crumple into the middle. Because of weight and rubbing, the center gets so hot that it starts atomic combination and a protostar is made. HR Diagram The age and the mass of stars enlighten everything concerning a stars physical properties and situation into each of the classifications. The Hertzsprung Russell chart (HR Diagram) diagrams stars glows over the stars phantom class. Radiance portrays how splendid the star is (I, II, III, IV, V); ghastly class depicts its temperature (O, B, A, F, G, K, M). This chart is the most ideal approach to classify stars. Protostar A protostar is structured in the beginnings of a star. The protostar s gravity is answerable for making stars thick. As the gravity of the protostar builds so does the compression of mass. As the thickness expanded so does the temperature. In ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Where Worlds Collide By Robert Lake Summary James G. Peoples, an author said, Culture affects our views of reality. It provides the mental concepts by which people perceive, interpret, analyze, and explain events in the world around them (notable The extent of a person s culture informs the way they view themselves, others, and the world through whom they re surrounded by, opinions they form, and the way one adapts to new surroundings. Those you have surrounded yourself with and those you have grown up with influence the way you view not only the world, but yourself. In Robert Lake s essay, An Indian Father s Plea , Lake is writing a letter to his son s teacher about how his son is not a slow learner, but was taught with different cultural views. (Lake 75) His son, Wind Wolf, was born and raised on a reservation surrounded with people of his heritage who also hold different views and knowledges from his western peers. (Lake 75) Wind Wolf comes home from school and wants to change his looks or his ways because of his kindergarten peers and what they say about him. (Lake 78) Whether Wind Wolf chose to be around them or... Show more content on ... In Where Worlds Collide, by Pico Iyer this idea was conveyed through the newcomers to America because a variety of the typical American structure was different from their society. The snack bar where a slice of pizza cost $3.19 (18 quetzals,they think in horror, or 35,000 dong) (Iyer 51). In America $3.19 for a piece of pizza isn t considered very much money at all, where the newcomers are dismayed that the food would cost so much. This is because in their culture the food they eat has a huge difference in price than in America. They have arrived in the Land of Opportunity.. (Iyer 51). The newcomers already believe that America is the Land of Opportunity. In American society we think of many other places as a land of opportunity and even move to those places for better ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Write An Essay On The Assyrians During the 7th century the Assyrians built a superpower reinforced by their military, political, sociological, and artistic ideologies. The Army consisted of a 100,000 strong active force who trained different divisions to perform certain tactics during wartime. Similar to modern day warfare, some of the personnel wore armor, some were trained for the cavalry, some were foot soldiers, while others were trained to construct equipment used to siege city walls (WeaponsandWarfare.) With each civilization that the Assyrians conquered, they learned and developed new techniques. The Assyrian combined the use of chariots with horses, developed roads, placed forts for security and storage for food along the way. Their logistic strategy allowed for a... Show more content on ... King Ashurbanipal was one of the last Assyrian Kings who reigned from 668 to 627 BCE. He created a library in the city of Nineveh, located near modern day Mosul, Iraq. Ashurbanipal wrote to cities across the empire asking them to send copies of their written work (Ashurnipal.) Our modern day equivalent of this great library is the Library of Congress, located in Washington D.C. The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, composed of about 164 million items on 838 miles of bookshelves. The Library receives approximately 15,000 pieces of literature each day and houses material in 470 different languages ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Dividend Policy at Fpl Group, Inc. Essay FPL В– An Overview FPL Group, Inc. is Florida s largest electric utility company. In 1925, through the consolidation of numerous electric and gas companies, they formed Florida Power Light Company (FP L). FP L grew steadily over the next 50 years until rising fuel costs, operating issues, and construction costs began to decrease profitability. In the mid 1980s, FPL diversified with four major acquisitions Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company, Telesat Cablevision, Inc., CBR Information Group Inc., and Turner Foods Corporation in order to minimize the potential risk within the utilities industry. To address problems in operations, FPL began a rigorous program of Japanese inspired quality control. Management succeeded in... Show more content on ... This revision included the utilities competitive position as part of its financial rating. FPL s positions rose based on the new criteria, placing them in the top 10% of publicly owned utilities. Major Issues Confronting FPL in 1994 In spite of a favorable position rating, FPL cannot ignore the deregulation movements threatening their current business landscape. The most important issues facing FPL in May 1994 are potential competition resulting from industry deregulation and their high payout ratio. 1) Retail Wheeling The threat of retail wheeling within FPL s market forces management to consider whether or not they can maintain high payout ratios. Retail wheeling is reshaping the utilities industry and if enacted in Florida, it will bring grave challenges to the future of FPL. 2) Low Capacity Margin FPL must prepare for increased competition from the establishment of retail wheeling and other forms of distribution deregulation. FPL is an old firm which is running at roughly 92% capacity. Their low capacity margin (8.6%) suggests that they have less room for growth compared to their competitors. FPL must work to foster growth in order to survive in an evolving industry. 3) Transmission Power Costs FPL carries a transmission cost of nearly double the industry average. FPL s cost is $.0019 compared to the $.0010 of their peers. With the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Teaching Philosophy, Theories, And Pedagogies Work For... Course Question Paper In light of what we know about how people learn, how shall we best teach? Cindy Vang Concordia University, St. Paul, ED514.671 Professor Chuck McGill December 12, 2016 There is not a single correct way to teach, but the best way to teach is to discover what teaching philosophy, theories, and pedagogies work for your teaching style. The best way to teach is unique to each individual teacher. Even so, there are some aspects of teaching that are important to being an effective teacher. Some of the facets I will be discussing include understanding the Concordia University Educator as Professional Decision Maker, Reflective
Practitioner, and Adaptive Expert conceptual framework, learning theories to consider, and effective classroom practices. Concordia University s (2015) mission for the Department of Graduate Teacher Education is to prepar[e] professionals at the advanced/graduate level to be decision makers, reflective practitioners, and adaptive experts for teaching, research, and leadership in diverse and global educational communities (p. 2). In order to achieve this mission, Concordia University will provide students with a broad, liberal arts education. The purpose of this is to help expose and expand their knowledge of a variety of topics. The overall experience and knowledge gained from Concordia University will prepare graduates with essential skills to help them succeed in the workforce. Concordia University s ... Get more on ...
  • 32. There Should Be Moderated Always Analysis Is it really necessary to comment on someone else s page to bother and hurt the other person? Comments should be moderated always because comments get out of control, makes the other person upset and it starts to become something normal to people. Comments should be moderated always because comments get out of control easily. People start commenting on YouTube channels giving their opinion and another person comes and starts commenting negative things. Then another person sees someone else trolling and they want to do the same. For example, every time I go to a YouTube channel there s always someone who comments negative things and then a lot of people comment back and they don t stop until the youtuber blocks the comment sections. Another Example, would be I think that it started with a pretty clear defenition which is somebody who goes ... Show more content on ... Youtubers or people involved in social media get told things that upset them in a way that they want to quit what they re doing instead of ignoring them. They are emotionally harmed by what others say to them. Trollers make negative comments on purpose to hurt other people. For example It s heck of a lot of work to get a lot of people angry. It s not in the best interest of a publication or writer s care to do that. But maybe I m naГЇve.(D addario 422) This shows that it s hard for people on social media to cause such hate on trollers that they would want to waste their time by commenting negative things. Another Example would be Trolling provokes a reaction, usually negative. Trolling is apparently quite easy to do. But, if only to better grid one s own defenses against it what is trolling?(D addario 421) Every person is different and they might take the negative comments especially if the same person keeps bothering them with the same thing all over again. They also start to get depressed and may start to loose interest in what they love ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Why Is Canute The Great Cruel Canute the Great Canute the Great was King of England. After taking over England, he made his way up till he ended up ruling over Denmark and Norway. He killed and did some bizarre things to get all power. But he ended up making history. His Background Canute Started to take rule and leading at a young age, helping his father (Sweyn Forkbeard) in the Invasion of England in 1013. Canute was cruel at times, he planned many deaths. Including killing important Englishmen and Edmond s death. He didn t care who he killed as long as he got what he wanted. By doing all of this and by doing his journey to Scotland he caused to brake peace in England. Canute was the very first Viking king of England and fought Edmund II. He won the fight between Edmund ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Scientific Racism and Antisemitism Nazism, or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei was a form of fascism that incorporated scientific racism and antisemitism; National socialism opposed ideas of equality and international solidarity. This united rich and poor Germans for a common national project without eliminating class differences. Volksgemein Schaftor or people s community . Theories of racial hierarchy and social darwinism asserted the superiority of an Aryan Master race. The nazis sought to exterminate or at the very least impose segregation upon groups they considered to be degenerate . Some such groups were jews, homosexuals, blacks and the mentally and physically handicapped. By the early 1920 s Adolf Hitlerhad become the movement s leader and assumed control of the organization. The organization called for a united Greater Germany that would deny citizenship to Jews or those of Jewish descent. In Mein kampf, written in 1924, Hitler said Nazismpreserved pure elements from the left and the right in politics. The ideology of Hitler s Nazism was based upon the idea of the Aryan Race being the so called Master Race . The Aryan Race was a grouping of European and Western Asian Heritage, or also known as Caucasian Heritage. There a five main subtypes of the Aryan Race: Nordic, Mediterranean, Dinaric, Alpine, and East Baltic. Those people were defined physically with blonde or light brown hair and usually blue or green eyes, with some exceptions. Their psychological qualities also ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Importance Of Work-Life Diversity In Life The type of environment one works in can greatly influence the risk involved and the level of satisfaction within that career. When working in an environment with others, I prefer one that is task driven, open to diversity, and one that promotes work life balance. With this type of work environment a career can grow to be enjoyable and innovative. I believe work life balance is something all individuals should strive for in careers and knowing how to balance the scale between life at work and life outside of work is a key factor to being successful in life. Not many people know how to incorporate and structure work life balance into their everyday lives making their jobs both stressful and often unsatisfying. Meanwhile, having job diversity can provide the opportunity for being open to change and the advantage of knowing how to work with various type of people. In the past, I have worked at jobs that have incorporated work diversity and it has taught me how to be a better employee and co worker by examining others work ethics and understanding how they view work life. According to Waldron and Kassing (2011) having diversity in the workplace can lead to many benefits such as an even distribution of power, commitment within the organization, and a career fulfillment (p. 139). I feel that work relationship are not always as important as it is to understanding those around you. For instance, at my current job for Arizona State, there are multiple cultures and personalities ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Success Of The Mcdonald s Corporation Around 95 percent of American households have a television, and with that 95 percent the average american home will have at least one television turned on for around 7 hours according to the group TV Free America. They also state that a child will watch around 20,000 commercials a year. But that is just commercials there are also posters and ads on the radio as well, meaning that you cannot escape the overwhelming amount of advertisements out there. Not only are there thousands of commercials being seen each year, but also there are certain ways as to how these commercials are designed and delivered. We give these very little thought but the companies slogans seem to stick to us like glue. In 1955, a man by the name of Ray Kroc founded the McDonald s Corporation. He bought the name rights from brothers Dick and Mac McDonald. Kroc took this small restaurant and turned it into one of the most well known companies in the world. By the end of 2008 Mcdonald s had grown to 31967 locations in 118 countries. With 58 million customers a day worldwide its hard to not see a McDonalds ad around. ( James) People know that fast food is not good for the body but if it is fast, tastes good, and cheap people will buy it. Thats because in this day and age most people are employed and don t usually have time to sit and eat a nice lunch, so instead they turn to fast food and with McDonalds continuously growing popularity that is what we think about first if we need food and fast. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Similarities Between Headmaster And Frederick Douglass Struggling with Slavery: Life of Frederick Douglass vs. Roots Kunta Kinte and Frederick Douglass with extremely contrasting backgrounds, resulting in different lives down the road. Although they are not very similar in results or background they are both explaining how slavery worked and why it was wrong for people to have slaves. Frederick Douglass had a privileged life because he was a house boy, but Kunta as a field hand did not have many privileges. For example, because Frederick Douglass was a house boy he got better clothing, food and shelter than Kunta who had rags as clothes and very little food. On a completely different note, the gist of both stories include facts about the harsh punishments created by the slaves masters even for ... Show more content on ... On one hand, Frederick was born a slave in America and raised as a Christian on a plantation without knowledge of his family. Douglass stated, I was born in Tuckahoe, near Hillsborough, and about twelve miles from Easton in Talbot county, Maryland (Douglass, 1). This piece of evidence is showing where he is from and where his journey began. But on the other hand, Kunta was born free in Africa within his Mandinka village of Juffure, he was raised learning the muslim faith living off the Gambia River and he knew his family. At the beginning of the movie they had shown Kunta Kinte in his Mandinka village going through man training, this also showed his family which tells you that he knew where he was from and the people surrounding him. Furthermore, Kunta had to cross the Atlantic Ocean and go through all the stages of becoming a slave and Frederick Douglass was just born into slavery. As a matter of fact the movie showed the journey for Kunta and how tough it was for him while the book portrayed a subtle more laid back city slave lifestyle. Also, in the movie Kunta had fiddler to rely on and to act as a best friend but in the book it did not speak of any friends for Frederick Douglass. This was probably because he felt he was higher up than the other slaves and he even made them feel inferior or it is simply because nobody wanted to be associated with a troubled ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Forensic Examiner What is a Forensic Examiner? A forensic examiner is a scientific professional who collects, analyzes and reports on crime scene evidence. While most work in law enforcement labs or offices, some work in the field collecting and recording evidence. What is a Forensic Examiner? According to the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute (ACFEI), the term forensic examiner is broadly applied to scientific and technical professionals who investigate information in order to form an expert opinion. The legal system relies on professional experts during trials to establish the truth regarding crimes. However, most people don t know that forensic examination isn t limited to stereotypical crime evidence, such as weapons or personal items. Forensic examiners specialize in a wide array of areas, such as DNA, accounting, ballistics, pathology, fingerprinting, documents and toxicology. Who is the ACFEI? The ACFEI is ... Show more content on ... They offer forensic examination careers in biometric analysis, forensic response and scientific analysis. First, forensic examiners perform complex DNA casework for the Federal DNA Database and the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). Second, there are many forensic response technicians who perform tasks such as forensic imaging and crime scene documentation. For example, forensic imaging professionals work within the Forensic Imaging Unit (FIU) to provide photographic processing and support services. Crime scene documentation technicians survey and record crime scenes through traditional methods and digital cameras with laser scanners. They reconstruct anything from plane crashes to bullet trajectories. Third, there are scientific analysis technicians who perform chemistry, firearms and trace evidence research and analysis. For instance, trace evidence technicians assess and identify trace materials that are transferred during violent crimes, such as soil, glass, fibers and ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Zeppelin and Br Was the Hindenburg disaster a result of sabotage committed by the opponents of the Nazi organization? Did a bolt of lightning strike the zeppelin? Or was one of the most devastating accidents in aviation history nothing but a cunningly planned insurance fraud? br br Over 60 years ago, airships were the queens of the skies. In the early 1900s, a stubborn, yet brilliant German count, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, took keen interest in balloon flights and was devoted to the design and construction of airships. At first, he had many difficulties and setbacks but soon his airships were able to accommodate passengers as well. This lighter than air vehicle will later be known as a zeppelin. br br Blimps and zeppelins were very ... Show more content on ... The Germans pleaded to buy sufficient helium to accommodate their airship needs, but the United States, deciding that the helium might be of military value and should be conserved, refused. When the disaster occurs, the United States would at first, regret not selling its supply of helium to Germany. But 2 years into World War II, they will see that they were fortunate not to have done so. br br The German Zeppelin Company had already flown more than one million accident free voyages with hydrogen but the crew always checked their passengers. All objects that could cause a spark or electric charge were confiscated including flashlights, flashbulbs and distributed felt soled shoes to prevent static on the walkways. br br One of Hindenburg s first missions was a 3 day trip across Germany dropping pamphlets and broadcasting Hitler s speeches on its loudspeaker, urging German people to support Hitler. Then, it embarked to fly around the world. br br Only a year after its launch, the Hindenburg was scheduled to fly from Frankfurt, Germany to New Jersey s Lakehurst Naval Air Station on May 3, 1937. Bad weather prevented the Hindenburg from landing at Lakehurst, so the captain cruised down the east coast, offering passengers the splendid view. When the storm cleared out, the Hindenburg tried to land. But suddenly a tongue of flame ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gas Chromatography Gas chromatography: GC is used to separate volatile organic compounds. The use of GC for the direct analysis of intact phospholipids are not possible because of the non volatile in nature. Therefore, most methods rely on diacylglycerol hydrolysis by phospholipase C. This is followed by methyl trans esterification to produce fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), which are then analyzed by GC (Tserng and Griffin, 2003). The first application of GC fatty acids was in 1950 (Bondia Pons et al., 2004). GC using a solid stationary phase and a gaseous mobile phase. Hydrogen is preferred as a carrier gas because it is a lower temperature which allows elution shorter analysis times and less chance of thermal degradation of samples (Hoving, 1995). The first ... Show more content on ... (1975). HPLC uses either a solid or liquid coated solid stationary phase and a liquid mobile phase. Separation of analytes is achieved by adsorption of the analyte to the stationary phase. HPLC provides speed, resolution, high sensitivity and specificity (Lima, 2002). HPLC also be a lower temperature than GC methods; reducing the risk of isomerization of unsaturated fatty acids. HPLC has an immediate advantage over TLC, because reduces the exposure of the sample to atmospheric oxygen, reducing the risk of auto oxidation of phospholipids (Pulfer and Murphy, 2003). Beside, separated fractions are collected for further analysis (Robins and Patton, 1986). HPLC is used mainly for lipid class divisions; Some methods for the separation of the molecular species of a certain class developed using reverse phase chromatography (Olsson and Salem, 1997). However, these reverse phase HPLC methods are time consuming and provide poor resolution as a result of the wide range of polarities that due to the different carbon chain lengths of the fatty acid chains and degree of saturation of phospholipids. This section will discuss the components HPLC method and optimal conditions for the analysis ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Modern And Modern Software Project Management Introduction Alternative approaches to management developed over the years are extremely important to modern software project management, although new approaches are needed to deal with some of the toughest challenges. According to experts, the popular interest in management as a discipline and a field of study is fairly recent. But management, both as a practice and as a field of study, has a respectable history, in many different countries, going back almost two centuries. (Drucker 2008, p.12). Modern approaches to management were developed in the USA after World War II which are now taught in colleges and universities. The four classic functions about management one may learn in school are: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (Nelson Economy 2005, p. 5). More functions need to be added to the list of skills for acquiring in the process of learning about project managementaspects. Project management challenges can be viewed from a process perspective and many experts such as McFarland (1970) highlighted this view. Management is the process by which managers create, direct, maintain and operate purposive, organizations though systematic, coordinated, cooperative human effort (McFarland 1970, p. 5). Because projects are transient, their delivery follows a development process, from germination of the idea, through initiation, design and delivery, to commissioning, handover to the client and closeout of the work. (Turner 2014, p. 5) ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Essay on A Case Study of Campbell Soup Harmony Project Modern organizations use a variety of resources to fulfill their objectives regardless if the company is a multinational or small entity, they all have a set of resources they depend on to achieve their goals. Part of the resource relied on is Information, and this information needs to be managed to optimize its value to produce the best stakeholder value they can. In order to manage these resources, Information Managementsystems are put in place. Information Management has to do with capturing information, efficient planning, organizing and evaluating the information to interpret for an organization to make well informed decisions. (Hinton, 2006) The main reason organizations depend on information is to improve its overall management in ... Show more content on ... This process reduced not just customer s satisfaction but also profit; there is a need for a financial information management to integrate all their business processes. SAP (System Applications Program) was introduced to the company to ensure efficient communication among the different modules of the business process. Critically examining how the decision to implement SAP reflects an organizational perspective on information management, according to Strassman s (1995) concept, there are five core ideas that are used to maintain Information superiority in a company these are; Governance: this concerns power and applying an understanding to the distribution of power to the management. Business Plan Alignment: aligning plans of the use of the software with the organizations business plans. Process Improvement: regular analysis of all activities involved with the software to discover where improvements should be made Resource Optimization: resources such as people, time and money should be utilized properly in their appropriate places to maximize their benefits. Operating Excellence: this is concerned with the ongoing delivery of superior performance and quality across the business processes. Campbell Soup Company ensured all of these were in place during the implementation of the Information System and this helped in achieving a superior ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Anthropomorphism And Early Learning About Animals Essay (Un)Real Animals: Anthropomorphism and Early Learning about Animals 1.What are the most important points of this article? The purpose of this paper is to explain anthropomorphism and its effect on children s early learning about animals. The term anthropomorphism gives life like or human characteristics to those who are not human such as an animal or an object. The author s writing will inform those who are concerned about this current dilemma and their effects on the children s early learning about animals as well as provide us with our next steps to ensure academic success for our youth. The proper development of these early young minds is the main purpose of this research and article. Anthropomorphism plays a crucial part on the child s developing mind. Between the ages of three and five years old, children become exposed to anthromorphic depictions when beginning to learn about real life animals. This skewed view of the natural world and how children are taught to interpret it may be why children become confused when faced with real animals because of the human qualities are not really present. Throughout the article the author discuses different cross cultural and experimental studies to show the different ways that children responded to various representations of animals. For example, a child that has a pet at home may be more likely to tell the difference between anthromorphism and real life animals as opposed to a child who does not have a pet. Other studies have ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Consequences of Continued Use of Nuclear Power Plants... The Consequences of Continued Use of Nuclear Power Plants in the USA Introduction According to the most conservative estimates, century energy consumption will double in the world by the middle of the 21th century (Beretta). It will happen as a result of the population growth and other geopolitical and economic factors. Thus, the electricity will be required in order to receive a sustainable development of fuel hydrogen, and provide people with fresh water. Despite the recent tragic events in Japan and a splash of public distrust to the peaceful atom , nuclear power continues to be one of the most promising areas. Demand for electricity, which is growing along with the development of the world economy, requires the construction of new ... Show more content on ... 9). Usually receiving the nuclear energy requires a nuclear chain reaction of nuclear fission of uranium 235 or plutonium. Kernels start dividing after hit by a neutron. It provides new neutrons and fission fragments. Neutrons and fission fragments have a high kinetic energy. Because of collisions with other atoms fragments, the kinetic energy transforms into heat. Nuclear fusion is another way to release nuclear energy. Two nuclei of light elements combine in one grave. Such processes occur on the Sun. Many atomic nuclei are unstable. Over time, some of these nuclei spontaneously convert into other nuclei, releasing energy. This phenomenon is called a radioactive decay. Nuclear energy is produced in nuclear power plants, used in nuclear powered icebreakers and nuclear submarines. The United States is running a program for developing nuclear engine for spacecraft. Nuclear energetics is an energy sector, which is engaged in the production of electricity and heat by converting nuclear energy. Factors of the Development of Nuclear Energy The first industrial nuclear power plant with capacity of 5 MW was put into operation in the USSR (the city of Obninsk) in 1954 (World Energy Council 7). Advanced industrial countries began to design and build nuclear power plants with reactors of different types. By 1964, the total capacity of nuclear power plants rose to 5 million kW in the world. ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Wolfgang Bangsalot Research Paper Wolfgang Bangsalot was born on November 17, 1975 in his father s manor in South Africa. The only legitimate, non halfbreed child, Wolfgang was brought up by his father to take over the manor come his death, and as a result lived an isolated life on the family plantation being privately tutored to live up to his father s image of him. A veteran of the Angolan Bush War, Mr. Bangsalot was well aquainted with the ongoing Angolan Civil War and secretly prepared his son for service in the SADF Special Reconnaissance (Recces). In 1990, the Angola Bush War ended, and the apartheid regime in South Africa was becoming visibly strained. Despite cuts to the defense budget, Wolfgang was able to enter training for the Recces in 1991, a year early due to his ... Show more content on ... In an unexpected turn, Wolfgang was forcibly transferred from the 44th Pathfinders to the 32 Battalion Recce Company, which he technically wasn t qualified for. Wolfgang took part in counter insurgency operations in South Africa for a year before the 32 Battalion was retired as a result of negotiations when the aparthied regime was collapsing. With the retiring of the 32 Battalion and all its members, Wolfgang was among those who joined Executive Outcomes in 1993. In EO, Wolfgang is selected to join the secretive manhunter unit Wolfhound , led by SAS veteran Leslie Quinn. He is nicknamed White Wolf due to his name and was partnered with a fellow ex 32 named Zulu , an ethnic Zulu. Wolfgang immediately participated in air assault counter insurgency operations in Sierra Leone with other EO operatives, a role he was experienced in. After Sierra Leone, Wolfgang joined Wolfhound in the Angolan Civil War, fighting among the
  • 46. side his father once called enemy, until their involvment ended in 1995. Wolfgang continued to work for EO as security personnel until their disbandment in 1998. Following this, Wolfgang returned to the family vineyard and manor, now changed in ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Ethics Of Energy And Environment When I was a kid,I saw a show in which a criminal investigator caught the murderer by performing some chemical tests on a small amount of liquid left at the crime scene. What fascinated me the most about this incident was the magical way in which answers could be found from seemingly ordinary objects by using a few reagents. I became a regular follower of such shows and thus began my love for Chemistry. During my undergraduate studies, I discovered that Analytical Chemistryformed the backbone of these so called magical techniques,which further influenced me to get a higher degree in Analytical Chemistry. Another topic that gave me inspiration toward chemistry was sustainability of energy and environment. Being a citizen of a developing country, I observed energy crisis and environmental pollution first hand. I want to contribute to solve this problem by pursuing higher studies in Environmental chemistry, as it will enable me to use my intellectual potentials for the betterment of the environment and in turn the society. My past academic accomplishments bear a testament of my future endeavors. I achieved the GPA of 5.00 in the scale of 5.00 in both the secondary and higher secondary studies. The desire for an exhilarating career in the field of chemistry motivated me to apply to the department of Applied Chemistry Chemical Engineering, University of Dhaka, which is the oldest and most prestigious university in Bangladesh. The program had a well structured and comprehensive ... Get more on ...
  • 48. The State Council Of The Peoples Republic Of China The State Council of the Peoples Republic of China violates the Hong Kong Basic Law by purposefully creating a pro Beijing majority in the Hong Kong Election Committee and thus denies citizens participation in the election of their Chief Executive. This social injustice forms part of a larger social justice struggle whereby the autonomy of Hong Kongis slowly being eroded by Central Government control. Hong Kong citizens have long been discontent with the Chinese Central Government over concerns about their long term political freedom. Many believe in the principles set forth by their British colonisers: capitalism, free trade and freedom of speech. In contrast, China believes in communism by means of a one party state and censorship. As a result of the huge disparity of social, economic and political freedoms between Hong Kong and China, Hong Kong citizens have developed their own sense of national pride, a type of Hong Kong centric identity that celebrates their autonomy from the Central Government (Leung). Indeed a 2011 poll found that 67% of Hong Kong citizens considered them Hong Kong people first and Chinese second showing the deep rootedness of the cultural divide that exists between Hong Kong and China (The University of Hong Kong). Meanwhile, the People s Republic of China and its citizens have never accepted Hong Kong as a separate state; the reason for which lies in China s history. When the British won the Opium Wars, they forced China into an unequal ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Effects Of Parental Investment On Children Parental investment includes any investment by the parent in an individual offspring that increases the offspring s chances of survival, at the cost of the parent s ability to invest in other offspring (Travier, 1972). Since investing on themselves is as important as investing on their children, parents have to choose between caring for a child and acquiring the resources needed to insure their own productive and reproductive successes (Turner McAndrew, 2006). This choice can be influenced by the social, cultural and economic factors at householdlevel, and by socio demographic factors at individual level. These factors may vary from culture to culture and overtime. However, the following variables are the most frequently cited determinants of parental investment on children. i) Gender; the gender of the parent is the most widely reported determinant of parent`s willingness to invest on children. This is mentioned across disciplines, from biology through social anthropology, with similar conclusions but different explanations. There is consensus that the gender identity of the parent through which income is received determines how the resources are invested on child welfare. Studies (Agarwal, 1997; Kabeer, 2000) indicated that income injected into the household through the mother do more justice to the welfare of children compared to resources injected through the father. Similarly, an exogenous increase in mothers income has a larger effect on children`s outcomes than ... Get more on ...
  • 50. The Ethics Of The Sarbanes Oxley Act Question 1 Throughout history and in our own time, legitimate accounting methods have been utilized to fraudulently engage in manipulating activities that results in illicit gains to the perpetrators and losses to individuals and financial institutions. The most common accounting fraud is the misrepresentation of financial statements which is frequently known as cooking the books and includes manipulation, falsification, or alteration of accounting records, intentional omission from the financial statements and intentional misapplication of accounting principles relating to amounts, classification, manner of presentation, or disclosure. In addition, associated with the misapplication of accounting methods, the financial industry has been plagued with one disaster after another involving numerous scandals from top leading American companies. Consequently, the Sarbanes Oxley Act was passed in 2002 compromising eleven sections that are generated to insure the responsibilities of the company s managers and executives. This act identifies criminal penalties for particular unethical practices and currently has new policies that a corporation must follow in their financial reporting. The following examples describe some of biggest accounting methods as a result of the greed and the outrage of the ethical and financial misconduct by the senior management of public corporations. In the case United States v. Pearson , Exide Technology, the largest maker of automotive batteries, ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Essay -1776 by David McCullough 1776 by David McCullough Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth. This quote in a letter to James Madison, from George Washington, on March 2nd, 1788, explains that once the push for liberty comes through and change is made, it is like the snowball effect. At this point of the war, there were constant losses for the Continental Army they were lacking faith and hope for their liberty. The soldier s enlistments were also very near to their end and time was going by fast; many were prepared to leave and not signing up again. Overall, the Continental Army was headed towards failure. They needed something to give them a push in the right direction. The battle that raised high spirits in the army was The ... Show more content on ... That meant leaving as soon as their enlistments were finished and leaving Washington with fewer troops. Washington felt that he needed to have another battle while he still had many men and before the British troops retired for the season of winter until spring (McCullough 267). Since the battle happened towards the end of their session, the results of the battle highly affected the soldier s decision to stay or leave. If it wasn t for Trenton, there would never have been a reason to stay in the army and that would have affected the war in a negative way for the colonies. Our only dependence now is upon the speedy enlistments of the army. If this fails, the game is pretty near up, (McCullough 269). This quote by Lund Washington explains that the colonies needed as many soldiers and troops as possible to make their chances of succeeding better. Without the amount of troops that decided to stay because of the Battle of Trenton, Washington s troops would have been significantly smaller and would have caused losses in battles. George Washingtons tactics and skills when it came to the Continental army and war were very helpful in the many battles that he led. In Trenton, Washington planned a sneak attack on the British, in which they had to cross the Delaware River on. Because of Washington s quick thinking and great army skills allowed the Continental Army to succeed in surrounding all the Hessians in Trenton in an orchard, leaving them with ... Get more on ...