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Reflective Narrative Essay Examples
Crafting a reflective narrative essay can be both a challenging and rewarding task. The difficulty
lies not only in the technical aspects of essay writing, such as structure, grammar, and coherence
but also in the introspective nature of the content. Reflective narrative essays require the author
to delve into their own experiences, emotions, and thoughts, making the writing process a
personal journey of self-discovery.
Choosing the right experiences to reflect upon, finding a balance between objectivity and
subjectivity, and effectively conveying the lessons learned can be daunting. Additionally,
maintaining a cohesive narrative flow while providing meaningful insights adds another layer of
complexity. It demands a keen understanding of storytelling techniques to engage the reader
while conveying a deeper understanding of one's own experiences.
Furthermore, the challenge lies in avoiding clichГ©s and generic observations. A reflective
narrative essay should offer unique perspectives and genuine introspection. It requires a delicate
balance between self-disclosure and maintaining the reader's interest.
Editing and revising play a crucial role in overcoming these challenges. Revisiting personal
experiences, refining language, and ensuring that the essay's purpose is clear and impactful can
be time-consuming but essential steps.
In conclusion, crafting a reflective narrative essay demands not only writing skills but also
emotional intelligence and self-reflection. It's an intricate process of transforming personal
experiences into a narrative that resonates with others. While challenging, the rewards lie in the
potential for personal growth and the ability to connect with readers on a profound level.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing tasks, a valuable resource is, where a variety of writing services are available to help you navigate the
complexities of academic and reflective writing.
Reflective Narrative Essay ExamplesReflective Narrative Essay Examples
The Blue Whale-Personal Narrative
Did you know that 3/4th s of the world is covered in water? That s 75% of the
world that s crazy! Think about all of the things living there? I m talking crazy
things like sharks, and WHALES gigantic whales the blue whale is suppose to be
like the size of 32 school buses. But i remember seeing the ocean for the first time
up close. I saw it from the window in the car and it was the perfect day in
California to go to the beach. But when i got out of the car and stood at the edge of
the water it paralyzed me with fear because it was just miles and miles of endless
water. And then i stepped into the water. When i woke up on that day i remember
my mom telling me that we were going somewhere but little did i know it was the
beach and the night before that there was a... Show more content on ...
That morning my mom just told me we were going to the beach. After that i went
to my room and kept telling myself to man up even though i wasn t a man, i was 6
but i got over it. Back to the story, we got ready and we went to the beach. We were
on our way and I could actually smell that we were getting closer because the smell
of fast food and gas stations were getting far away and it started to smell like concrete
after it rains and I looked out my window and i could see the shore, well fast forward
10 minutes and we were at the beach but it wasn t like a public beach it was a little
remote area where it was just me my mom and her friend. Then I realized that the
peaceful place because of the smell I smelled of wet rocks,
Pulp Fiction American Nihilism
Emrose Bhalesha
Critical Summary Paper: Pulp Fiction
Mark Conrad examines the movie, Pulp fiction written and directed by Quentin
Tarantino by looking at the metaphysical quirks lurking within the film through the
use of character transformation and comedic dialogue. Conrad argues that this
film s intention is to describe the loss of value and meaning in people s lives,
specifically American nihilism. He introduces the article by explaining nihilism to
the reader and then explains the term in a biblical sense, he claims that once the
...moral code is lost and not replaced, we are faced with the abyss of nihilism:
darkness closes in on us, and nothing is of any real value any more; there is no real
meaning in our lives. (Conrad). He describes ... Show more content on ...
He shows examples of comedic dialogue in scenes from Pulp fiction throughout his
article, furthermore he claims that much of the humor is dependent upon uncannily
intelligent dialogue under strange circumstances (Geddes). Geddes explains that the
tone of the movie has no moral to it and that the movie depends on its effects the
violence and threat of violence, the articulateness of its underworld characters, and its
structure (Geddes). The narrator argues that even thought ...this is a thoughtful well
made film , it ...has no moral aspect to it, furthermore Geddes claims that this film is
effective in entertaining an audience through the use of comedic dialogue and the
abundant amount of daytime violence
Case Study Of Sourcing In Sin Thai Guan Company
3.5 Sourcing
In Sin Thai Guan Company, the top management team have to make the wisest
purchasing order decision because they need a lot of raw materials to produce the
snacks. The basic ingredients in producing the snack are nuts, flour, sugar, oil and
other seasonings (Refer to Appendices 3.2, 3.3). According to Ms Chan, the quality of
the raw materials is the most important criteria when Sin Thai Guan Company
selecting and eveluating the suppliers.
Since Sin Thai Guan Company has operated for so many years, they know the
suppliers in the industry and they are clear with the raw materials that provided by
each suppliers. The company has different suppliers for different kinds of raw
materials and they will deliver the raw materials to the ... Show more content on ...
The price is set based on the production cost and the margin that the company
desire. According to Ms Chan, the margin of one package of snacks that sell in the
store is around 20%. Therefore, if a snack is selling at RM 10, they only have RM 2
as their net profit.
The price of the snacks will be adjusted time to time based on the price of the raw
material in the industry. Due to the implementation of GST in Malaysia, the price of
some raw material is increased. This has forced Sin Thai Guan Company to increase
the price of their products too.
The price of the products in Sin Thai Guan Company is ranged between RM 3.20 to
RM 96 and it has three types of packaging, which are small package (180gm 200gm),
medium package (500gm) and big package (1 Kg). For the small package, the price is
at RM 3.20; for medium package, the price range is from RM4 to RM 48; for big
package, the price is range from RM 8 to RM 90. Sin Thai Guan Company has its
own catalogue and the price list for their customer (Refer to Appendices 6.0, 6.1).
3.6.2 Pricing from Manufacturer to
The Grignard Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol
Abstract: The purpose of this lab was to synthesize triphenylmethanol from
benzophenone and bromobenzene by the formation of a Grignard compound with the
reagents bromobenzene and magnesium metal. The bromobenzene was first
transformed into the Grignard compound and was then reacted with the
benzophenone to make the final product. The mixture was then mixed with sulfuric
acid and the organic layer was extracted via a separatory funnel. The mixture was
then recrystallized from methanol and was allowed to dry and the percent yield,
melting point, and the IR was obtained. The mass of the product obtained was 5.45
grams and the percentage yield was determined to be 41.95%. The melting point
range obtained from the final product was 89 91В°C... Show more content on ...
5.3 mL of bromobenzne and 15 mL of anhydrous ether was then placed into the
separatory funnel and was shaken and vented in order to mix the solution. Half of
the bromobenzene solution was added first into the round bottom flask and as
soon as a color change was observed, the remaining half of the bromobenzene was
added drop wise into the round bottom flask. The mixture was then refluxed on a
heating mantle for 10 minutes until most of the magnesium has been consumed.
After the initial mixture has refluxed, 9.11 grams of benzophenone was dissolved
in 100 mL of anhydrous ether in a beaker and was then transferred into the
separatory on the reflux apparatus. This solution was then added to the Grignard
reagent at a drop wise rate while stirring. After the benzophenone was added, the
mixture was then refluxed for 15 minutes on a heating mantle. After the mixture
finished refluxing, the flask was then cooled on ice. A sulfuric acid solution was
then prepared by pouring 4.5 mL of concentrated H2SO4 over 50 grams of ice and
then diluted to 75 mL by adding enough tap water to reach 75 mL. The sulfuric acid
solution was then cooled on ice. The Claisen adapter was then removed from the 250
mL round bottom flask and the condenser was then attached to the top of the round
bottom flask which was then put on ice. The sulfuric acid solution was then poured
through the condenser in order to protonate the product. A stirring rod was then used
to dislodge any solid that was stuck to
Donald Trump s Use Of Artifice In The Media
Political leaders who use the tools of mass propaganda to create a sense of faux
intimacy with citizens, no longer need to be competent, sincere, or honest. In the
quote, Hedges is explaining who uses artifice and what they do with their power.
Artifice is a skill that is difficult to maintain and keep realistic. Being the most
essential skill, artifice is the art of deceiving. People s ideas and thoughts are
altered for the gain of one and the loss of another. Everyone will need artifice at
some point in their life to get the attention, item, or person they want. Specifically,
our current President, Donald Trump, uses artifice all too much. He has exceeded
his use of artifice. Trump won was because of his excellent use of artifice. He was
able to persuade enough people to vote for him and his changes he would fulfill.
Artifice takes quite skill to make believable for your audience. The importance of
artifice during his ruling is immense, making it the most essential skill. Donald
Trump is portrayed as a lying, evil individual in the media. Although we may not
know the complete and total truth, we are able to identify that he is lying about
something. For example, one of the very first things Trump had said to gather the
attention of the audience would be about getting rid of all illegal immigrants. Rapidly,
people began turning their heads and opening their ears when they finally understood
what he was trying to do. The consistency and emotional appeal
Summary Of Epictetus The Handbook
In The Handbook , Epictetus provides a way of life a stoic should follow to be a
good member of the society, which is a life detached from things one cannot
change and focused instead on things that can be improved. For instance, he asked
people to care none about the way others would judge them as he quoted If anyone
tells you that such a person speaks ill of you, don t make excuses about what is
said of you, but answer: He does not know my other faults, else he would not have
mentioned only these. Through this quote, Epictetus wanted all stoics to know all
their faults better than anyone else can say about them. Hence, the person would
not be disturbed by the way the society view him or her as well as would be able to
control and fix... Show more content on ...
For instance, he quoted Don t be prideful with any excellence that is not your own.
If a horse should be prideful and say, I am handsome, it would be supportable. But
when you are prideful, and say, I have a handsome horse, know that you are proud
of what is, in fact, only the good of the horse. In this sentence, Epictetus wanted to
teach the stoics to learn to proud of only something they can achieve not
something they own. In fact, this idea helped create a better citizen who would not
become too conceited simply because of something valuable he or she had. Also, a
person would then focus more on how to achieve his or her own success, one
which this person could take pride in. Furthermore, Epictetus wanted the stoics to
put a higher goal before they choose to quit simply because of afraid: Aiming
therefore at such great things, remember that you must not allow yourself to be
carried, even with a slight tendency, towards the attainment of lesser things. In this
quote, Epictetus addressed those who aimed at too small an objective as well as
those who wanted to earn both a great thing and the small one. In fact, he saw a
person who know which goal he or she should aim for would probably achieve a
higher accomplishment and thus became a better member of the
Buddhism and Ecotourism
Following Mao Zedong s Communist forces victory over the Kuomintang forces of
Generalissimo Chiang Kai shek, Mao declared the founding of the People s Republic
of China on October 1, 1949. (History of PRC) This marked the beginning of the
socialist transformation under Mao s rule in which he planned to unify China and
raise the standard of living through the development of China s infrastructure,
industry, healthcare, and education. Mao s two main campaigns during his time in
power were the Great Leap Forwardand Cultural Revolution. Through these
campaigns he hoped to purify China s culture by eradicating the landlord ownership
system and focusing on class struggle by implementing a distribution system in favor
of poor, landless... Show more content on ...
Its market reforms still aren t complete and its per capita income is still much lower
than any advanced country, which has led to China s high inequality. Along with
economic issues, the rapid economic growth has caused multiple other issues. China
s main focus has been solely on its economic aspects for so long that it almost seems
as if they have been blind to the environmental degradation, increasing rural crisis,
growing unemployment and poverty, government corruption, deteriorating public
services, as well as escalating social unrests that is and has been occurring for a
while now. Although all of these issues at hand are important, the issue that I will be
focusing on is the massive environmental degradation and how it has been affected by
the increases in Buddhist religious freedom and ecotourism.
In 1949, China s natural forests were nationalized and private forests were
collectivized, this gave state enterprises control over the forests. The main problem
that came out of this was that these enterprises promoted leadership with higher
profits from timber production. This caused managers of companies to try to increase
their profits from timber production but wouldn t use any of those profits for
replanting timber resources because they had no incentive to. This led to China s
annual forest volume harvested to be greater than the growth in forest volume, which
directly connects to deforestation. China had
Mean s Search For Meaning By Viktor Frankl
Mean s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Linda Felix Positive Psychology Dr.
R. Barke November 28, 2016 The book, in autobiographical mode, relates
Auschwitz to the life of the author Viktor E. Frankl in the concentration camps of
the former Nazi Germany. It reports the cruelty in which the SS soldiers used to
mistreat the prisoners and in turn explains how the concentration camp life in the
mind of the average prisoner affected. As soon as they reached the concentration
camp, which in this case was Auschwitz, the prisoner was stripped of his personal
belongings and identity documents. They identified the prisoners with a number.
Then there was a first selection that for some would have a fatal destiny,
crematoria and gas chambers. The forced labor of the prisoners sometimes had a
reward in the form of a coupon. This coupon could be redeemed for a dozen
cigarettes or a dozen servings of soup. Usually the vouchers were kept for the
soup, but thanks to them you could tell when a prisoner lost the will to live and
smoked their cigars to enjoy their last days of existence. The author divides life into
the field into three phases. Phase one, The Shock. The symptom that characterizes
this phase, according to Frankl, is the shock. As soon as they were at Auschwitz,
they received a group of prisoners who spoke in every imaginable and well fed
European language. That is why the prisoners who arrived thought they could share
their situation. They adopt the state of
Essay on Christian Freedom
A Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to none. A Christian is a perfectly
dutiful servant of all, subject to all. This paradox is the basis of Luther s concept on
Christian freedom. For Luther, his reform freed Christians two fold. Christians were
free from false assumptions about salvation and from the commandments of the Old
Testament. To Luther, Godalone could grant salvation. Despite this freedom,
Christians still had to obey earthly laws. The differences of spiritual and temporal
freedom seemed contradictory but for Luther it was clear that faith would free the
Christian soul. Luther defined freedom for a Christian as freedom through faith.
Salvation was granted by God alone. However their flesh was still bound... Show
more content on ...
If he performs works trying to earn salvation from God he is usurping God of what
only God can grant. If he is under the false belief that his good work will save his
inner soul then he continues to sin and his soul is bound by arrogance. Luther
repeated often in Freedom of a Christian that only God could give salvation. Which
we do not perform but receive which we do not have but accept when God the
Father grants it to us through Jesus Christ. Salvation is not a task one can perform.
It is not earned but received and the human soul, the inner person does not have the
grace to be saved. It is by the mercy and compassion of God alone that salvation
will be granted. Christ died for the sins of mankind and because of this God will
grant salvation to some. Luther argues that Christians can only have faith in god for
their salvation. Nothing they do will save or damn them. Next, an important part of
Luther s thoughts on the freedom of the inner person was having the soul know its
wicked nature. This was the purpose of the law or the Old Testament. To show how a
person should live under God. But, no one could live up the commandments of the
law. For the commandments show us what we ought to do but do not give us power
to do it. The Old Testament was meant to humble humans and have them despair at
the nature of their soul. However, the New Testament promised salvation
Arrival Of Early America Essay
The Arrival of Early Americans 23,000 years ago there was a period of intense
cold on our planet. This period caused the creation of the Siberia Alaska land
bridge and also the huge glacial area that cut off Alaska from North America
(Wade). Scientists have found that 13,000 years ago, the same huge glacial area in
the northwest, melted enough for a group called the Clovis people to migrate the
900 mile long corridor into America. We previously believed that Clovis people
were the earliest humans in the Americas but that theory has recently been
challenged. Several discoveries have been made along with more specific research
towards the glacial passage itself. Some scientists have come to the conclusion that
even though the passage was cleared 13,000 years ago, it still wasn t passible for
humans for another 500 years. This was supported when scientist took sediment
cores from Glacial Lake Peace, a lake that that blocks the passage. What they found
was that most plant and animal life present around the lake, wasn t available till
12,500 years ago, meaning the Clovis people couldn t have had enough resources to
survive the journey. Not only is the original... Show more content on
There has been evidence that humans were in northeastern Brazil as early as 22,000
years ago. Even a recent discovery in Florida of a hunted mammoth 14,500 years ago
supports this new theory (Daley). They also believe that there were many other
migratory factors involved than just the ice free passage. Humans taking a coastal
route instead of the ice free corridor and the possibility that humans even came here
on boats are just two examples of the new theories out there. Many also believe that
there was much more diversity in the early Americans than just Asian settlers. Many
of these early Americans resembled Australians heritage rather than Asian
Water Supply Components Of A Water Services
Development Plan
These rules spread viewpoints that should be considered when placing and realizing
water supply extends for existing local locations and creating groups. The rules will
likewise be of help where a Water Services Authority assembles a Water Services
Development Plan (the last structures piece of a region s Joined Development Plan)
Specialized rules are given for utilization in attainability studies and the detailed
outline of water supply components.
There is broad experience demonstrating that poor outline and administration of water
frameworks in structures can bring about episodes of illness. The building sorts,
water utilizes, malady results, and people influenced are different. The wellbeing
dangers are preventable and ... Show more content on ...
Powerless populace gatherings may be especially defenseless to water related perils
and certain building sorts are in this way of extraordinary concern. Vital cases
incorporate restorative and other human services situations where development of
living beings, for example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a huge wellbeing concern and
prompts substantive avoidable expenses.
At the meeting of government named specialists that concluded the third release of
the Guidelines the issue of water security in structures and the requirement for extra
direction was distinguished as a need. This prompted the improvement of this report.
One of the difficulties is that administration of building water supplies is regularly
neglected. In numerous nations and districts administration activities for water
supplies in structures may fall outside of the drinking s obligation water supplier.
This can be impacted by a scope of elements including responsibility for and
privileges of access. Water security arranges (WSPs) built up for
Physically Dismembered s Poem Titled
The death of a man who was brutally dismembered, lies in the hands of the narrator.
The defendant confessed to the murder, claiming to hear an unbearable noise,
similar to that of a watch wrapped in cotton. Upon hearing the sound, the narrator
was unable to keep up his facade and burst out, yelling that he was guilty. While the
narrator did kill the man, he was insane and should not go to prison; instead, he
should go to a mental facility where he can be treated for his condition. The
murderer had killed a man in cold blood because of a diseased eye, tried to prove
his own sanity, and heard sounds that were made up in his own mind. Therefore, the
judge should plead him insane and place the narrator in a facility. Primarily, the
accused murdered a man due to his evil eye. There are more logical methods of
ridding oneself from an object/person that agitates them than resorting to murder. The
fact that the narrator thought that the best way of freeing himself of the eye was to
eliminate the man... Show more content on ...
The author seems to explain in detail how the narrator murdered the man to
emphasize that hearing a heartbeat from him was impossible. From the reactions of
the old man the first time and the police the second, it is clear that he was the only
one to hear either of these sounds. Thus, hearing a sound that wasn t actually
produced in reality, verifies that the killer was indeed having some form of delusions.
His symptoms match up closest to schizophrenia, which is a chronic and severe
mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with
schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. (National Institute of
Mental Health, Schizophrenia) It helps that he himself states that the disease has not
dulled, not destroyed, but sharpened my senses. It is very likely these things are just
delusions he has,
Conch Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis
For the boys in the novel the conch was an empowering movement that made them
be civilized for a while. The conch showed leadership to the boys, for example
Golding states Him with the shell. Ralph! Ralph! Ralph! Let him be chief with the
trumpet (Golding 22). This quote is showing the boys saw the shell as an entitling
necessity. So far, the boys maintain civilized and try to create rules for themselves
as Ralph leads them. As the story progresses, Jack starts to separate from
civilization the boys are starting to forget about their main purpose for creating the
fire which is to be rescued. Jack and almost all the boys forget about being rescued
they then start to follow Jack as leader and stop listening to Ralph, who is more
Durkheim And Weber s Theories Of Religion And
Emile Durkheim and Max Weber are two prominent philosophers whose theories
unequivocally differed on countless themes. The outlooks of Durkheim and Weber
contrast however, their general message in which they attempt to convey are of
similar ideologies. When examining Durkheim and the concept of sacred and
profane, one would see how it parallels with Weber s notion of enchantment and
disenchantment. Their stances on religion correspond with each other and despite
their distinct conceptual frameworks and differing perspectives, Durkheim and
Weber both offer profound contributions to the concepts of religion and modernity.
Durkheim and Weber both had distinct theories as they expressed and
conceptualized religion and it s impact to society in quite different ways however,
they somehow overall parallel each others theories. Durkheim observed religion in
the context of the integrated society and recognized its place in affecting the
reasoning and conduct of society.Max Weber saw religion as how it fortifies other
social organizations. Weber suspected that the religious belief setup contributed a
social system that SUPPORTED the improvement of other social organizations, like
the economy. Weber is also addressing the shrinking hold of religion in modern
society. (Veugelers) This notionally theorizes that both philosophers acknowledge the
importance of religion as influencing and supporting society. As indicated by
Durkheim, people consider religion to be adding to the wellbeing
Enthroned Madonna Vs Ossanti Madonna
After thoroughly reading Chapters one and two, it became transparent that both
Enthroned Madonna and Child and Ognissanti Madonna are nonetheless similar in
size, structure and style.
Beginning with his work, the painting is roughly twelve feet tall. Cimabue used
various leveled scale with the indivduals in this piece (the idea that greater is better
and generally critical). Various leveled scale implies placing things all together of
significance in respect to estimate. In this piece the blessed messengers in the upper
part don t number towards the various leveled scale since it is just used between
individuals, not celestial. The prophets at the base are from the old confirmation. One
approach to select prophets in works of art is that ... Show more content on ...
Giotto picked and masterminded his subjects deliberately. The larger than usual,
forcing Madonna, the grave, noble infant Jesus, and the mindful, devout holy
messengers and holy people at their feet are all similarly urgent parts of the
artwork and, separately, appear to have their very own existence. Maybe the most
momentous part of the Ognissanti Madonna is Giotto s amazing utilization of
shading. With a conventional gold foundation, the gold of the blessed messengers
radiances and gold lines along the royal position, the sketch appears to sparkle in a
majestic, heavenly light. The warm greens and reds, diverged from the light pinks
and purples, serve to acculturate and help the generally profound, ethereal painting.
Surface assumes a key part in the Ognissanti Madonna, particularly in the
characteristics of di Bondone s subjects. An investigating take a gander at the
composition uncovers the strikingly human like surface of the fragile living
creature and the painstakingly nuanced outward appearances of elegance, delight
and regard. The apparel, as well, exhibits di Bondone s careful scrupulousness. The
thick, rich robes of the Madonna fall reasonably between her legs, the free creases
appearing to possess genuine space. As he would do all through
Compare And Contrast Paths Of Glory And All Quiet On
World War 1 has been a famous war throughout history. Many films have been
made surrounding it, sometimes realistic and sometimes not so much. Paths of
Glory and All Quiet on the Western Front were two such movies that depicted the
Great War. Each movie is unique in their own sense and although no movie will
completely convey the harsh reality of the war some movies are better than others.
Depending on when and what year the war would have looked vastly different to
different soldiers. Some would only know the reality of the trench while others
would recognize tanks rolling over the ground which were impenetrable to normal
gun fire. Which side of the war one was on would have also lead to different views,
as in when one side is winning the other is losing, and when morale is up on one
side normally morale is down on the other. In the history of war there are many
different aspects and some similarities. The Great War introduced the automatic gun
and the idea of trench warfare. The Great War had more casualties by artillery and it
was said No flesh or a bone could live above ground in the battlefield . Everything
was fought across No man s Land . Many advancements led to soldiers hiding
behind a wall of dirt in the ground which really changed up the game. Fighting this
way seemed more dangerous due to the automatic guns and it was more effective
than the U.S. Civil War where everything was fought face to face only a few yards
away. World War I
was the largest and
Rape And Sexual Assault Of The Military
Rape and sexual assault are major issues in the military. The purpose of this essay
is to discuss the issue of rape and sexual assault in the military. The number of
attacks for rape and sexual assault in the military are at an all time high. Women
have recently been allowed to fight on the front line. While this may be a huge
achievement for women kind, for this woman, it is a very scary thought. I am a
women with female relatives, with female friends. I may be forced to join the
military one day if a war breaks out and women are needed to protect the country. I
would be happy to serve my country if I did not have to be scared of my fellow
soldiers. Joining the military is a commitment sold as a beneficial lifestyle. However,
there is an... Show more content on ...
Throughout this paper, I will also discuss the movie, The Invisible War, speak
specific about certain branches in the military as well as share personal stories.
Hear the stories of women at war while in war. To start off I will like to state my
reasoning in picking this topic. My sister is seventeen years old, graduating high
school in this upcoming June. She has made the decision of not going to college
right away but instead enlisting in the military, the Navy to be exact. My family
has stood by her decision, but me being the overprotected sister, I sat her down to
discuss her choices. Her main reasons for choosing to enlist are 1) in memory of
our grandfather, 2) it will help her pay for college, when she goes and 3) she feels
she is not disciplined enough to be able to make it through college . When asked
about her knowledge of the military, she knew close to nothing. I mentioned to her
the statics about being sexually assaulted in the field and while shocked by the
information she still chooses to enlist. Yes, joining the military can be beneficial but
where is the separation between my sister s and all women s safety and the love of
fighting for our country. Currently there are many women who are serving to their
country in all aspects of the Armed Forces of the United States. Since the war in Iraq
and Afghanistan more women
Community Policing And Public Security
Topic: Community Policing
Affiliated institute In every corner of the world, security to the public has always
been a concern. It is a responsibility of the government to provide security to its
people. To ensure that there is a reliable security to the public, the government must
streamline some approaches to security threats and effectively prevent or counter
them. It is a common understanding that in most of the times in our lives, we
happen to interact with the people who break the law or we witness an action which
supposes to be punishable by the law. In the event that we have information that
would improve the state s security levels, we should willingly give it to the police.
Contrary to this, many of the members of ... Show more content on ...
When a place is secure to live or visit, will obviously develop, since the members
will actively involve themselves in developmental activities. Although police is
the body mandated with the provision of security to the public, it is not possible
for the police to provide reliable security while working alone. Community
policing gives every member of the public a role to play in ensuring their land is
safe to live in. The security is accorded through the combined efforts by both the
police and the members of the public. The members of the public play a role by
providing/ reporting any security concern to the police, and working with them hand
in hand to restore/ maintain peace in the society. Gramckow and Jacoby (1993:30)
concluded that community policing is a good strategy to address the concerns and
problems of communities, since it is decentralized, proactive, and deals with crime
prevention and the fear of crime. Since the police stay within the community, it
becomes easy for faster response in cases of emergency. Whenever the police are
called upon for help, they can turn up within a short while.
Positive relationship between police and members of the public
It is common that police are not regarded as good people in the face of the members
of the public. This is usually due to the nature of their work, as they work to enforce
the law. Community policing has played a major role in changing how the
community perceived the
For this database project, you will use MS Access to create a database of vendors,
and the related items they sell to your hardware store. For example, if you are
Lowe sВ® or Home DepotВ®, you purchase items to sell from various vendors,
such as Black and DeckerВ®. Some of those items may be power tools or hand
tools. You may purchase items for sale from other vendors, such as garden tools.
Your database is made up of two tables: * The vendor table, it will contain at least
four vendors in it. * And the item table, it will contain at least three items for each
In this project, you will:
1. Design the Table Structure 2. Enter the Data. Print. 3. Relate the two tables. Print.
4. Then delete ... Show more content on ...
You are going to follow the procedure described in class to relate the Vendor table to
the Item table. They will be related via the Vendor Table s VENDOR ID to the Item
Table s VENDOR ID. Before you create your relationship, you must be sure that at
least one record match exists between the two tables. When you create your
relationship, you must be sure to specify that you will be enforcing referential
integrity. After you have created your relationship, and have entered all of your
data (you may have entered all of your data before creating the relationship that s
OK), you will need to delete one record. You will need to delete one record from
the Item Table (not the Vendor Table). You should delete a record that is not the
last record in your table. If you have 12 records, do not delete the 12th record. By
looking at the numbered Item ID s, I ll be able to tell that you successfully deleted
one record. 4. QUERIES Joined Query * Using Design View, create a joined query
on your data. * When you create your query, add both tables to the query. As in
class, the relationship should be displayed in the Query by Example grid. * Select
from the Vendor Table: * Vendor ID * Vendor Name * Select from the Item Table:
* Item ID * Item Description * List Price * On Hand Qty * Item Type * Sort the
query (click in the sort fields in the definition grid) descending
The Population Of The Solent Oyster Population
Ostrea edulis populations are in decline worldwide throughout a wide geographical
range from Norway over Morocco to the Black Sea, with current stock level estimates
below those made during the 1800s (Anon, 2007). O. edulis population from the
Solent is one of these declining populations with several collapses during the last
The reasons of the last decline in the Solent oyster population from 2006 are still
unknown. This species has constituted an important fishery in the Solent with
commercial explotation since 1800 s. Due to some life characteristics of this species
oyster beds are very vulnerable to commercial exploitation and overfishing (Laing et
al., 2005; Orton, 1927c). However, other hypotheses point to trends in increasing sea
temperatures, habitat degradation, chemical and physical pollution.
Recent studies have analysed the current situation on reproductive parameters of O.
edulis population finding a significant reduction in the number of brooding female
phase oysters (Eagling, 2012), reduction on fecundity of brooding oysters and skewed
sex ratio towards male phase oyster (Eagling, 2012; Kamphausen, 2011). Athough a
number of speculations for this behaviour have been made, the factors causing this
change in sex phase in O. edulis remain unknown.
Hormones controlling the development of secondary sexual organs in molluscs are
poorly understood and more research on this topic is need to clarify the cause of
male bias and most recent O. edulis
My Personal Values Essay
My personal values Values are those things that are important, meaningful and
valued by an individual, a group of people, or an organization. Whether we are
aware of them or not, every individual has his or her core set of values, which
consist of many different kinds of values. Each individual s value system is
different from one another because individual s values are built up through one s
life experience, environment, and family background. Values are important to us
because they reflect our personal moral standards, shape our behavior, and guide us
through long life journeys. Since we live in a highly connected society, each person
s value system does not only affect one s own life, but also affects many other people
and the... Show more content on ...
However, we should pay attention to our manners, utilize our communication skills;
and on the bottom line, we need to avoid intentionally hurting people. When coming
across people who have total different opinions from mine, I always act respectfully.
For example, at school, we have to do many team projects; most often, team members
may come from total different cultural background, and thus always have different
opinions about the same thing. Being respectful to other students, I am well
mannered, using appropriate language, opening to criticisms, and conducting myself
professionally. If everyone knows how to respect to others and act respectfully to
each other, we will easily to get along with each other and thus there be more
happiness and less conflict in our society, so we will make the world a better place.
Second, I highly value integrity. Integrity is defined as a concept of consistency of
actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. In ethics,
integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one s actions. It
generally means not intentionally harming others, not stealing from, not cheating, or
being fair to, others. I value integrity because it manifests a person s inner strength,
honor, kindness, and geniuses of one s soul. According to Kantian moral perspective
whether an action is morally good or not depends primarily in the intentions of the
agent performing the
Portrayal of Women in James Joyce s Ulysses Essay
Portrayal of Women in James Joyce s Ulysses
The novel, Ulysses , by James Joyce shows the reader hour by hour a single day in
the life of one man. But this epic which specifically deals with Leopold Bloom and
has reference to Stephen Dedalus, holds so much more appendage to other areas of
life. One, is the portrayal of women in Ulysses. A common speculation is that men
seem to have a more dominating status over women. However, in Ulysses that theory
dwindles due to the women who play significant roles in the story. Although the
women in the novel all use various tactics to entice the men to succumb and cower to
them, it all ends up that the men do heed to the qualifying factors.
The first woman of purpose that we ... Show more content on ...
The technique in this chapter is hallucination, which is very fitting. On page
473(580:2 3), the mother rises from the floor covered with crud, and recites in
Latin a prayer for the dying, as if she is patronizing him. His failure to pray for her
and endure his religion caused a major rift on his conscience. Condemnation
consumes him which makes one wonder why he ever did gave up his Catholic
In the chapter entitled Nausicaa, one gets acquainted with Gerty MacDowell. She
leans toward the seductive, sexual side which explicates her ability to entice. She
uses these attributes to seduce Leopold Bloom. She is described as a, winsome Irish
girl whose figure was, slight, and graceful , thus does not hinder her allure yet adds to
it. This chapter thrusts (no pun intended) into the open. Bloom recalls his sexual
escapades with Molly on Howth Hill, and his interaction with the woman he mistook
for a prostitute.
His mind was in the gutter on that day at Sandymount Strand, and it was Gerty
Macdowall who would be able to stake her claim for Bloom s fluctuating
gesticulation. His gibberish on page 301 shows his discombobulation. He starts off by
talking about her jilted beauty then that turns into when she is expecting her
monthlies (menstruation). It is quite comical, to see this grown man behave in such a
manner. It is almost as if I am the peeping Tom, peering into his head and his personal
thoughts. Then the masturbation scene,
Tube 1 And 2 Lab Report
Tube 1 and 2 contain functioning enzyme extract and substrate solution, ribose 5
phosphate. Furthermore, the conditions in tube 1 and 2 allow the reaction to proceed
to form ribulose 5 phosphate and the mount of product formed can be measured. With
tube 1 and 2 being identical, averaging the absorbance allowed minimizing the error
due to differences in enzymeconcentration and contaminants within experimental
procedure. Tube 3 is used to boil the enzyme extract to investigate the relationship
of temperature on the rate of pentose 5 phosphate isomerase activity. Tube 4 and 5
act as controls for the absorbance and the effect of substrate and enzyme on the
absorbance reading are investigate respectively. Tube 6 acts as a comparison for
the known amount of product whereby the absorbance of other tubes can be
compared to tube 6 in order to calculate amount of ribulose 5 phosphate present.
Lastly, tube 7 acts a black for all the other tubes (1 6) because it only contains tris
buffer. The effect of... Show more content on ...
Secondly, the sum of tube 4 (no enzyme) and tube 5 (no ribose 5 phosphate) were
used to adjusted the absorbance of tube 1 and 2 after using tube 7. As tube 4 only
takes ribose 5 phospahte and tube 5 only contains the enzyme extract, by taking
the difference of the sum of these two values from the absorbance of one the full
tubes (tube 1 or 2) it allows to account for the absorbance caused by ribose 5
phosphate and the enzyme extract. And the adjusted absorbance will indicate only
the absorbance of the red complex formed by reaction between resorcinol
hydrochloric acid and ribulose 5 phosphate. Lastly tube 3 (boiled enzyme) is not
used as denatured enzyme has a different absorbance compared to active enzymes,
thus tube 3 cannot be used to adjust the absorbance values (Kabacoff and Laken,
Compare And Contrast The Devil s Arithmetic Book And
The devil s arithmetic book by Jane Yolen and the movie by Dustin Hoffman are
very similar to each other. They both tell the story of a young girl who is transported
through time to the 1940 s to learn what it s like to live through the era of the
holocaust after she ignores her family heritage. She then dies in that time at the hands
of the Nazis and learns why she must remember and tell the future generation about
the holocaust. These stories are the same but told in different ways and in different
In the devil s arithmetic by Jane Yolenand the movie by Dustin Hoffman the main
message that they are trying to throw at us is that we have to remember. We have to
remember that some evil person condemned 6 million jews to death because ... Show
more content on ...
In the movie the differences are very noticeable first off Hannah is just referred to
as Hannah not Chaya also in the movie there is a woman who gives birth in the
camp and the baby is not allowed to live. In the movie Hannah tries to get the
townsfolk to have Seder in the camp which is a success in bringing the town people
together ,but it doesn t happen in the book. In the movie Hannah has a love interest
but not in the book it doesn t matter anyways because he just dies after he pronounces
his love.
The two stories are the same but different they both tell the same story but do it in
different ways that adapts to anyone s style of learning ,but why Jane Yolen and
Dustin Hoffman have created these stories to remind us that we must remember what
the nazis put the jews through, we must remember what happened to those people,
we must remember so it doesn t happen
Est1 Task 3
A1. Status Preparing for The Joint Commission, Nightingale Community Hospital
reviews areas of compliance and non compliance. A periodic performance review,
which is a self evaluation, is utilized by Nightingale Community Hospital, to prepare
for The Joint Commission. The Joint Commission has eighteen accreditation
requirements. (Commission, 2013) The periodic performance review found the
hospital to be compliant and non compliant in the following areas: Compliant:
Emergency Management Human resources Infection Prevention and Control
Performance Improvement Right and Responsibilities of the Individuals Transplant
Safety Waived Testing Non Compliant Environment of Care Leadership Life Safety
Medication... Show more content on ...
Mandatory in services and mandatory weekly audits will be initiated in all areas of
non compliance. Chart reviews, audits and surveys of the staff allow directors and
administration to evaluate the required in services and education provided to staff
in regards to the current non compliant areas. Addressing hospital wide issues with
visual reminders and cues. The increase audits and chart reviews will be initiated
until the compliance level of ORXY initiative is within The Joint Commission
requirements of 85% (Commission, 2013). A3a. Staffing Pattern Providing the
best care to each patient starts with providing the proper amount of staff members
to each unit. Looking at the needs of different units not only allows administration
to see areas for improvement, but also areas that are being handled correctly.
Utilizing the indicators provided by The Joint Commission, 4 East, a pediatric
medical/surgical floor, has a high rate of falls and nosocomial pressure ulcers that
appears to be related to the increase overtime nurses have been working for that
floor (Nightingale, 2010). Research has shown increases in adverse events have
been related to nurses working over 40 hours a week (Bae, 2012). The clutter in
the hallway needs to be addressed for the safety of patients, visitors, and nursing
staff. This will also improve the efficiency of the staff by removing barriers to traffic
flow. The nursing staff will be able to
Distributed Denial Of Service ( Ddos )
DISTRIBUTED DENIAL OF SERVICE (DDoS) Prachi Shah School of Informatics
and Computing Indiana University Bloomington Email:
Abstract Distributed Denial of Service attacks are executed by an attacker that uses
numerous zombie machines to launch an attack against the victim system. The
purpose is to exhaust the connection bandwidth thereby, making a network resource
or a service temporarily or indefinitely unavailable to its intended users. Keywords
DoS, DDoS, bandwidth, networks, zombie, botnet 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1
Computer Security and Privacy One of the most challenging and important issues
faced in the computer networks domain since a very long time now are network
security and privacy issues. These issues... Show more content on ...
Previously, routers would implement FIFO method for storing SYN packets. Once
new (bogus) SYN packets enter the system, old (legitimate) packets are dropped
off. Thus, the server memory gets overwhelmed by storing illegitimate packets and
cannot accept new (legitimate) SYN requests from its intended users thereby,
denying services to its intended users. Over the time, routers became smarter. They
use rate based filtering. After a certain limit of packets are accepted, routers don t
further accept packets. Also, routers don t implement FIFO methods anymore. They
only accept and store packets from computers that send an ACK as response to their
SYN ACK and complete the 3 way handshake. Incoming packets from a computer
system that do not complete a 3 way handshake are dropped. 1.3 2 nd generation
DoS attacks As the routers got smarter, attackers felt the need to improve their
techniques. The 2 generation DoS attack called Distributed Denial of Service attack
is much more sophisticated than the traditional DoS attack. The attacker uses one or
more controller systems and targets a few thousand computer system to convert them
into zombies. Zombies are computer systems that have been infected by an external
entity like a hacker, trojan horse or a computer virus and possess a security hazard.
The owners of the zombie machines are not aware of their system being
compromised. A simple spam
Cyclone Yasi Research Paper
exteriors which can be vast in size. They form over tropical oceans and can create
disaster when they approach the shore. They are formed in the world s tropics and
an example of a cyclone that hit Australian Queensland was cyclone Yasi in 2011.
Cyclone Yasi collided with Queensland s Mission Beach on 3 February. This
particular cyclone was predicted to have windspeeds of over 295km/hr, with a 500
diameter and affected over 2000km worth of land. It s a serious event. It s the
biggest one that anyone living today has seen in Queensland, stated Professor
Jonathan Nott from James Cook University. We ve been lulled into a false sense of
security in Queensland because we ve been through a fairly quiet time of cyclones
since the 1970s .
Authoritarianism In Russia
Throughout its long history, Russia has been trapped in a continuous cycle of
authoritarian regimes; only interrupted briefly with periods of tumultuous democratic
transitions that were plagued by poor bureaucracy and weak institutions. Therefore,
time and time again, Russia has turned towards authoritarianism. In the late 1900 s to
early 2000 s, Russiaagain saw the fall of democracy coincide with the rise of a
competitive authoritarian regime. This rise of competitive authoritarianism in Russia
in the late 1900 s to early 2000 s was largely the result of the resource curse which
granted Putin s Administration false economic performance legitimacy. This in turn
reinvigorated past strongman ideals, while at the same time solidified negative...
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Democracy was already viewed poorly in Russia, whose only other experience
plunged them deeper into the depths of World War 1. This is significant because a
majority of the Russian people felt during that time that their voices were not heard.
Therefore, it should be noted then, that when Yeltsin took power, Russian s had not
seen true representative democracy. When, Yeltsin took power after the fall of the
Soviet Union, Russians were wary. This illegitimate view towards democracy was
one of the reasons the resource curse had such a profound effect. The other that the
economy was weak and the government was unstable. This in part was attributed to
the loss of over 15 states when the Soviet Union fell, and the trade and overall
economic problems that the new Yeltsin government assumed when this occurred.
Even if Putin had been in power during this time, he would have faced similar
problems, the regime was not to blame. When the Soviet Union fell, it was during a
time where oil prices where falling, in fact, they would continue to fall until around
1996. The falling oil prices dramatically hurt the Yeltsin administration. When Putin
took over, world prices has begun to rise, further Putin privatized part of the oil
industry, which allowed new technologies to form, thus causing a booming oil
economy in
Imagery And Imagery Of Shakespeare s Hamlet
Shakespeare s Hamlet uses imagery as a means to develop the ideas that grow out
of the representation of a thought. Shakespeare uses imagery as vivid or figurative
language to represent objects, actions and ideas. The imagery of disease, poison and
decay is used throughout the play by Shakespeare for a purpose. The descriptions are
of disease, poison and decay to help us understand the bitter relationships between the
characters that exist in the play and Hamlets own cynicism. We see Hamlet s
soliloquy when he contemplates suicide. The resentful nature that exists between
Polonius and Hamlet is heightened with the use of imagery. The imagery enhances
Claudius hate of Hamlet. Shakespeare uses imagery in this play to deepen our
understanding of the emotions experienced by Hamlet.
The imagery of decay is used to help us understand the depression Hamlet felt in his
first soliloquy about suicide. O that this too sullied flesh would melt, Thaw, and
resolve itself into a dew, Hamlet is communicating his wishes not to exist in this
world anymore. He wants to die and be come part of the earth. An image of Hamlet s
flesh, rotting, combining with nature is produced. At this moment we can grasp the
intensity of Hamlet s true emotions. We can feel his pain and his yearning for his
death. Hamlet continues to say, How weary, stale, fat, and unprofitable/ Seem to me
all the uses of this world! Fie on t, ah, Fie, tis an unweeded garden/That grows seed.
Things rank and gross in the
The Congo-Kinshasa
The Democratic Republic of the Congo, or also known as the Congo Kinshasa, is the
second poorest country in the world, and the poorest in Africa as of 2015. It is also
one of the largest countries in Africa, and as a result of the generous population, the
country is poverty stricken. The Congo has beautiful traditions, cultures, and art that
is known and appreciated around the world. Though, also struggles with a mixture of
awful health, financial system, and unemployment problems. The Democratic
Republic of the Congohas a very interesting history. The country has a populationof
67.5 million people, and the capitol is Kinshasa, which has a population of 10.4
million people. The Congo s many ethnic groups help to create a wide variety... Show
more content on ...
The healthcare in this country is on it s last limb and can t function. The government
wants to help the public but the whole financial system is failing, and trying to help
everyone isn t realistic. The government has tried to reach out and help the
community however the outcome only backfires when everyone isn t treated
equally because of the mass population they have. Many people are saying the
Democratic Republic of the Congo is already a dead country. In the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, the weather is very average year round. The annual
temperature is 70Вє 95Вє all year round. In the summer it can accede 100Вє, but the
temperature is mainly around 95Вє. The Congo doesn t get much rain anytime of the
year. In conclusion, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is a beautiful country
with great potential, although it just has problems that are almost impossible to
recover from. The traditions, arts, cultures and backgrounds that they own are one of
a kind. However knowing how impoverished they are right now, they can t regain
what they
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Digital Radiography
Introduction In this paper, I will be discussing what the advantages and the
disadvantages of Digital Radiography in Diagnostic Radiology. Further more present
factors with each subject showing how they are distinguished as an advantage and an
disadvantage. Time, money, and radiation dosage to the patient are very important
factors these days because of how many different regulations there are and the
concerns for the patient as well. Digital Radiographyalso known as DR is static
images produced with a fan x raybeam intercepted by a linear array of radiation
detectors or an area x ray beam intercepted by a photostimulable phosphor plate or
direct capture solid state device. Body Digital Radiography is often compared to
Computed Radiography because of their similarities in their use of x raying as well
as they are both used in the medical field. Computed Radiography, also known as CR,
is the radiographic technique that uses a photostimulable phosphor as the image
receptor and an area beam. Direct radiography is basically Computed radiography but
one less step. Computed radiography uses cassette that go into the bucky, where the
image is shot. It is then unloaded from the compartment called the bucky, with the
latent image and scan through a processor that reads the image and presents itself on
the computer monitor for the Tech or Radiologist. This process is then repeated for
another image to be taken by reloading another cassette into the bucky compartment.
Children In The Military
The men and women who serve our country are the true American heroes. It is not
only the people who wear the uniform that make the ultimate sacrifice but their
families as well. The children who have grown up watching their parent or sibling
serve in the military have coined the nickname military brat . Without a doubt the
militaryhas a huge impact to those who were raised in it. I find that children that
have grown up in the military tend to have more respect and pride towards our
nation. During an election we tend to lean more towards the candidate that honors
our troops and supports our veterans. We get offended the when people step on the
U.S flag as a form of protest and always stand for the national anthem. We believe in
the constitution... Show more content on ...
We knew that it was unacceptable to cut up or come home with a C . I remember
my when my dad received a phone call from my older brother s teacher stating that
my brother had been using his phone during class. My dad was furious and made
my brother move everything from his room besides his bed, clothes, and books and
put them in trash bags. My father locked my brother s games, phone, car keys, radio,
and guitar in his closet for nearly three weeks plus numerous talks about the rights
and wrongs. Children and young adults raised in the military know not to talk back,
respect our elders, graduate and become successful. When you have a parent in the
military you growing knowing that the military has so much to offer and is one of
the best career choices. Boys specifically know there is no greater honor than to serve
and protect the United States of America. My great grandfather was in the Navy and
a survivor of the USS Indianapolis, my grandfather was a pilot during the Vietnam
War, my dad is currently serving in the US Army, and my brother is in the Army
National Guard and hopes to be a pilot. I am currently twenty years old and the
Army has been a part of my entire
The League Of Nations
The League of Nations was made in the outcome of the First World War to elevate
global confrantation and to attain to universal peace and security. (Langholtz, 2010).
It demonstrated uniquely unsuccessful. The Association estranged the global forces
who were vanquished in the First World War and even neglected to hold together the
successful partners; in fact, the United States never got involved with the League of
Nations. Amid the 1920s and 1930s, the previous associates of World War Ifloated
separated and incapacitated, while universal powers outside the Alliance took to
tyranny and rearmament. As the worldwide scene tackled more inauspicious
headings, the Association of Countries was weak to keep the world s plummet into a
Second World War.
The UN was made after World War II. Like the Alliance of Countries, it was
focused around the presumption that the successful wartime forces would keep the
global peace. Dissimilar to the previous Class, in any case, the UN tried impressive
endeavors to accommodate and acclimatize the vanquished countries of World War
II. Likewise, the quick development of its participation because of decolonization
gave new countries a voice and impact that they had never had previously. In its
prelude, the Sanction of the United Countries stated its objectives as expressed by
Langholtz (2010):
To spare succeeding eras from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has
brought untold distress to humankind, and To reaffirm
Harriet Tubman An American Hero
What makes an American hero? Is it someone who created a super market? Or is it
someone who led this country in a civil war? Is it someone who gave their life to
make sure this country was free? To me an American hero is someone who risked
her life to free her people. To me an American hero is someone who wanted freedom
so bad, she defied the odds and helped make it happen. To me Harriet Tubman is an
American hero.
Her true name was Araminta but she changed it to Harriet, her mother s name, after
her mother died. She was one of nine children. Harriet had many hardships in her
life, especially in her childhood. One of these came when her owner, Mary Brodess
s son sold three of her sisters to a different plantation. However when a slave owner
... Show more content on ...
This started in December 1850 when she found her niece Kessiah was to be sold.
Fortunately, Kessiah s husband was able to make the winning bid and Harriet was
able to lead the whole family out of the south safely. Eventually she was able to get
her parents, siblings and about 60 others out of slavery, earning herself the nickname
of Moses .
Then the Fugitive Slave Law was passed. In this law it said that even if the slaves
had made it to the north, slave hunters and bounty hunters could still capture them
and take them back to slavery. Instead of giving up Tubman decided to reroute her
passage and take all the slaves to Canada, where slavery is not prohibited. In
December 1851 Harriet took a group to Canada and there is evidence that they
stopped at former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglas.
So could Harriet Tubman be an American hero? Could she be called a hero for
freeing her slavery, defeating all the odds, and helping strangers too? Could she be
someone every little girl and boy look up to? I think so. I think anyone who would
put others lives above her own could, and should, be deemed a
Purab Aur Paschim Themes
Purab Aur Paschim is a 1970 Hindi film which was seen as a path breaking and
trendsetting patriotic film in independent India. It displays the different aspects of the
social construct and cultural influences of Indians in both London and India.
Although this film is best known for its portrayal of values such as national pride
and loyalty of Indians, it also conveys important messages such as preventing brain
drain in Indiawhile embedding values such as filial piety and significance of marriage.
In the beginning of the film, Bharat s loyalty to India is clearly evident as seen in the
dialogue exchange between Bharat and Guruji. According to Guruji, people from the
West used to travel to India to seek education whereas today, Indians are... Show
more content on ...
The songs lyrics are very meaningful and have melodious music to go along with
them. For example, lyrics from the song Bharat Ka Rehne wala such as Deta Na
Dashamaloh Bharat To Yun Chaand Pe Jaana Mushkil Tha... tells us that without
the creation of decimals by Indians, it would have been difficult to reach the moon.
Despite the fact that it was an American who first set foot on the moon, Indians did
play a significant role to aid this attempt which is something that Indians should be
proud of. The song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star , which is an Indian rendition of
the original and that of Jack and Jill , is very catchy and has lyrics which refer to
some Indian values. For example, Naari Hoke Piye Whisky Aur Piye Cigarette Baby
which tells us that according to Indian values, women neither drink nor smoke. In
addition, the use of Hare Rama Hare Krishna as background music as a symbol to
represent India was good though I felt that using it brings about a more Hindutva
nationalism instead of the secularism that India stands
Symbolism In Katherine Mansfield s The Garden-Party
The short story I choose from the book is called The Garden Party by Katherine
Mansfield. The story takes place in a rich family and they are ready to have a
garden party; however, in the poorer neighborhood across the street, there is a young
man just died in an accident, and when the youngest daughter Laura hears about that,
she wants to cancel the party and show some respect to the poor family, but her
mother and sister think Laura s idea is naive and unbelievable; a rich family like
them do not need to sacrifice to the poor family and Laura is being extravagant. In
Katherine Mansfield s story The Garden Party she does not only talk about the party
in the family, happiness atmosphere in the party and family relationship but also...
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No doubt, adults from middle class love to take orders from a junior girl. Through
her language, she feels comfortable to give demands directly to lower class people
who are older than her and it seems like that is the only power Jose has. It later
becomes clear she views the lower classes as lesser beings than her, as when she s
confronted by Laura about stopping the party she says Stop the garden party? My
dear Laura, don t be so absurd. Of course, we can t do anything of the kind. Nobody
expects us to. Don t be so extravagant (Mansfield 1309). Jose s reaction would give
reader a clear image that how upper class men treat upper class women as well.
However, Laura does not. At the beginning, Laura tries to act and talk like her
mother and sister would do, but in a polite way. After she notices that those people
are nice to her, she changes the way she talks. Due to that, Laura is a very sensitive
girl and kind girl who does not feel she is privileged than lower classes. In
additional, that is probably why Laura is the only one who shows sympathy for
the dead man. In the other hand. After the party, Mrs. Mansfield allows Laura to
bring some leftover which Mrs. Mansfield calls as perfectly good food to the dead
man s family. Even though Laura thinks that it is not a good idea, she still went. In
her way, she starts to be afraid and think it is a mistake to come. When she arrived
Mary s Attitudes Towards Her Husband
I believe that Mary genuinely adored her husband and was a loyal housewife who
was betrayed by her beloved who wanted to divorce her. In the beginning of the story,
the narrator substantiates Mary s love for her husband by stating that she is six
months pregnant and by describing how she happily awaits her husbandto return
home from work. She has no clue that he is unsatisfied, and has absolutely no reason
to suspect that he is unhappy with their marriage. I mean, why should he be unhappy?
She showers him with love, cooks for him, and serves him. Although she portrays
the role of a perfect housewife, he still decides to leave her. This issue might appear
to be common in our daily lives, but in 1953, it would have been extremely shameful
to... Show more content on ...
He betrayed her trust and hurt her feelings in the worst possible time. When she
hears what he has to say, she is in shock and loses her mind at the moment. She did
everything without thinking. When she comes back with the leg of lamb she
tried to act as if everything was normal and she would make supper for her
husband. But as soon as he said, I ve already told you, don t make supper for me. I
m going out. Her anger and pain took over her mind and she reacted with hitting
the back of his head as hard as she possibly could with the leg of lamb. I don t
believe that she was insane, or that we underestimated her to be humble and
respectful. I suppose that in the moment she expressed all her frustrations and
anger which is something she would not do if she was not put in a situation like
this. I am pretty sure that if Mary questioned herself that day if she is capable of
murdering her husband, even if he did something shocking that would hurt her, she
would have answered with no. Yet, there is more to the story of how Mary covered
up her tracks with her genius thinking, and how she got away with the crime. Mary
definitely surprised me with her idea of feeding the weapon to the
Native Americans During Andrew Jackson’s Presidency
Imagine being taken out of your home and told that you must leave to a new, foreign
land and leave the only thing that you know. This is what Native Americans during
Andrew Jackson s presidency had to live through. America was growing rapidly,
expanding into the lower south of the U.S. During the 19th century white settlers
moving into the area, were faced with Native Americans living on the land. These
settlers were looked upon as a major obstacle for expansion of the United States.
Driven by gold fever and the ideas for new business, the settlers were looking
towards the government to help them take the land away from the Natives. Presidents
had acknowledged the issue of Natives and whites coexisting and the problems that
would be addressed, but it wasn t until Andrew Jacksonstepped into American history
that a change would ve be made.
Andrew Jackson was a wealthy slave owner and infamous Indian killer, gaining the
nickname Sharp Knife from the Cherokee, (Source 3) He grew up to be a well
known, tough Indian fighter by reputation and a fearless military leader. Unlike
presidents before him, he was from South Carolina, born into the common class. He
represented the average white man. He and his supporters created a political
organization called Democracy. Jackson was a relentless man doing what needed to
be done for the growth of America and it s values, and he would do anything to make
sure that the working class had the same social rights. To take out the Native
Burks Adapting To Change
In summary, the third article by Dr. Brooke A. Burks, Dr. Tara L.R. Beziat, Sheeree
Danley, Kashara Davis, Holly Lowery, and Jessics Lucas (2015) titled Adapting to
Change: Teacher Perceptions of Implementing the Common Core State Standards ,
argues that teachers are not getting the proper training necessary to teach the CCSS.
Burks et. al did a research study that looked at teacher s perspectives on their training
for the CCSS. In the beginning, Burks et. al discuss the educational change in
implementationof the standards into American classrooms. They disclose that the
quality of public educationis important, but that teachers are not given any input into
the changes made to the standards. This causes worry within teachers that the CCSS...
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Many reforms have been made. Education is always changing and therefore,
curriculum must change too. The Common Core State Standards were put into place
to ensure students could compete on a global level and have the skills necessary
from higher education and the work force. The idea of giving each state the same set
of building block learning standards is a good one. However, the implementation in
most states are lacking or inexistent. In order for the CCSS to reach it s potential,
teachers need training in learning how to implement the new standards into their
classrooms. This takes time and money. Are states willing to invest in the future of
America? Also, the CCSS needs to invest more in under privileged schools. Without
the investment, these schools will crumble under the new rigorous standards and
standard based assessments. Just by creating nation wide standards, the U.S.
education system will not be miraculously restored. It will take time to make
America on top once again in education. The Common Core State Standards are a
necessary step in the right direction to building academically brilliant K 12 students
of the United States education system that have collegiate and workforce ready
The Soveregin Euro Crisis
The sovereign Euro crisis inflicting the Euro zone nations have both internal
integration significance and international economic. It rarely truncated the internal
integration of economic crisis but also accentuate effects to immediate distant nations
including Australia (Malcolm Edey, 2011). The Euro zone member states experienced
sovereign debt crisis which largely affected international economic and European
integration. Regional economic crisis had immediate and clear effects on the far off
nations including Australia. The sovereign debt crisis emanated from Euro zone
governments facing bond market rates and unsustainable to repayments. These
culminated in low resolution measures and high public debt (Prideaux, 2000) This
meant potential decline in the GDP and decreased levels of exports. The EU
summit was seen as a hope to a resolution of the European crisis but the agreement
by the European leaders lacked focus on resolving the immediate issues. Its great
attention was guaranteeing the survival of the Euro zone in its current form. There
is a real possibility of departure of one or more countries from the Euro zone.
Financial markets geographically distant from Europe to face European crisis.
Australia has over the last four years resisted the impending decline of economic
recession as a result of the Euro crisis (Parkinson, 2011). Following the US sub prime
aggravated the global financial crisis as it defiantly causes an economic recession in
most of
The Death Of Meriwether Lewis
The Death of Meriwether Lewis
Meriwether Lewis was one of the travelers that were given the mission of traveling
from the colonies to the Pacific Ocean, The Mission of Discovery . After Lewis got
back from the expedition, he was assigned the role of Governor of The upper half of
the Louisiana Purchase. When he was appointed to this position, he didn t instantly
go to do the job though. Actually he spent about half a year trying to publish the
notes he wrote down during the Mission of Discovery. That didn t work out though
because of financial funds. So Lewis came back to Washington D.C. and got ready
to go to his part of the Louisiana territory. But on the way there he stopped at an inn
called ... Show more content on ...
In the position that Lewis supposedly shot himself at wound. Lets say he shot
himself in the in the abdomen. This shot would also have been fatal because it
would rupture something in his abdomen which would also would have been fatal.
Therefor it doesn t matter if Lewis shot himself in the head first or the abdomen.
They both would have been fatal. The amount of power that the horse pistols can
generate shows that Lewis would not have been able to shoot himself twice. One
shot would have immobilized him. If it was someone else shooting him that would
make sense that there were two wounds, because someone else could have shot him.
But Lewis shooting himself twice just isn t reasonable due to the amount of damage
and the amount of power the guns would give. That is why Meriwether Lewis was the
victim to a murder conspiracy.
Also there is the information from Major James Neelly. Major Neelly was sending a
letter to President Thomas Jefferson about the death of Meriwether Lewis. Major
James Neelly was charged with treason and is a very sketchy person. There has
been people who suspect Neelly to be part of the the murder conspiracy. Neelly
was one of the companions that went with Lewis when he was traveling to his part
of the Louisiana Purchase. It says that before they got to the inn the horses ran
away and Neelly went to go catch them. At the time of the death of Lewis, Neelly
was supposedly in court in a city about 60 miles away. At the time 2 days by horse.
Dog Park Exercise
Dog parks in the city would help dogs get daily excercise and it would help them
get in shape and it would also help to calm them down beacuse it is proven that
dogs that get daiy ecercise tends to be more playful,less noisy,and isin t mean. but
the cost of building a dog park would cost up to 70,000$ just for the fence thats not
including a building permit and all the work. Most dogs would benifit from having a
local dogparkbut the federal cost of funding a dog parkwould be outrageous even
though it was proven dogs that get daily excercise tends to be more happy and less
viceous. There was approximitly 40,000 dog bites a year from New York after they
received a dog park the number dirasticly dropped to 4,000 a year. Accordin to the
Dynamic Spectrum Access Simulation
Chapter 1 SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO 1.1 Introduction to Software Defined
Radio......................................................6 1.2 A brief history of SDR
.....................................................................................7 1.3 Role of SDR
......................................................................................................7 1.4.1 Problems
faced by Wireless Communication Industry 1.4.2 How SDR solves the problems 1.4
Features of SDR...........................................................................................9
Chapter 2 COGNITIVE RADIO TECHNOLOGY 1 2 3.1 A vision of Cognitive
Radio..........................................................................10 ... Show more content on ...
By contrast, software defined radio technology provides an efficient and
comparatively inexpensive solution to this problem, using software upgrades. SDR
defines a collection of hardware and software technologies where some or all of the
radio s operating functions are implemented through modifiable software or firmware
operating on programmable processing technologies.
1.2 A Brief History of SDR
An SDR is a radio in which the properties of carrier frequency, signal bandwidth,
modulation, and network access are defined by software. Today s modern SDR also
implements any necessary cryptography; forward error correction (FEC) coding; and
source coding of voice, video, or data in software as well.
The roots of SDR design go back to 1987, when Air Force Rome Labs (AFRL) funded
the development of a programmable modem as an evolutionary step beyond the
architecture of the integrated communications, navigation, and identification
architecture (ICNIA).
Today s SDR, in contrast, is a general purpose device in which the same radio tuner
and processors are used to implement many waveforms at many frequencies. The
advantage of this approach is that the equipment is more versatile and cost effective.
1.3 Role of SDR
1.4.1 Problems faced by Wireless Communication Industry * Commercial Wireless
network standards are continuously evolving from 2G to 2.5G/3G and then to 4G.
The difference in
The Quality Of Quality Assurance Essay
Quality assurance can be defined as a system to monitor to and evaluate a product
or a service. It identifying and recommending measures to make improvements to
set standards and performance and ensuring everything is working well aiming to
avoid problems keeping everything running smooth and improve products and
services. In relation to the teaching, training assessing it ensures the product
/service which the learner is receiving being to correct standard and the internal
quality assurance are the checks which are done to ensure this is occurring. The
IQA Process is carried out from the start and only ends at the completion of the
product or service, in the case of the assessing is the learner s journey through the
learning cycle, and enables the learner to be tracked at each stage of the process.
Assessment and IQA is a continuous process and should be monitored and evaluated
at all times. This allows actions for improvement which can be implemented It is
important that an IQA is appointed to carry out quality assurance when assessment
activities are taking place, the IQA should include the following tasks: plan what
will be monitored, from whom and when observe training and assessor practice, and
give developmental feedback sample assessment records, learners work and assessor
decisions meet with learners and others, for example, witnesses facilitate the
standardisation of assessor practice hold team meetings support assessors Upholding
Role Of Direct Marketing Strategy Of Goodwill
Direct Marketing
Direct marketing plays an important role in developing the IMC strategy of Goodwill
Industries that helps to raise awareness of customers as well as attract donation funds
collection to the organization. Goodwill has developed its direct marketing mainly
through the direct mail campaign and the website.
Direct Marketing to Clients
Known as direct mail campaign, Goodwill uses numerous direct mail postcards
and the four color piece as well as ad brochures to send to its preferred customers to
build store traffic in some areas. Also, Goodwill creates a convenient website with
informative and engaging data that helps client easy access the organization s
missions and key concepts. There is also a map on the main front page for individual
clients, who want to buy goods from the organization, to find their nearest local
Goodwill location. There is a link named Donate and Shop , which provides some
basic instructions as well as the contact information for the shoppers to have further
inquiry. Goodwill also offers a separate website for customers to shop online through
the auction format, where customers can choose from a variety of used stuff such as
clothing, books, electronics, musical instruments or pet supplies. On the front page of
this website, there are some pop up promotions to attract the shoppers attention and
notify them which promotions it is having.
For employees looking for a job, Goodwill has two separate pages called
GoodProspects and
Essay On Fmri
For neuroscience to progress, existing investigative techniques must be improved
and refined, and new technologies developed. The following discussion explores
proposals for enhancing fMRI technology and modifying experimental approaches
in animal research in order to advance knowledge in the field. Several new methods
can improve temporal and spatial resolution in fMRI. A possible methodological
change involves focusing on specific regions of interest and ignoring other areas
(37), thus increasing temporal resolution by decreasing the number of voxels
measured per slice. This method requires a more hypothesis driven approach to
fMRI because of the inability to record from the entire brain. Using a staggered
single trial design, where... Show more content on ...
Moreover, MEG and fMRI are often combined since their methods complement
one another; MEG offsets the poor temporal resolution of fMRI while fMRI better
directs spatial resolution of MEG (19). While technological developments may
improve fMRI validity, broader methodological changes are needed to increase the
selection of animal models, improve validity of behavioural assays, and create
better genetic models. To tackle these problems, a more comparative approach to
animal research, utilizing a diverse array of organisms, is vital. This involves
choosing the species for the question, instead of vice versa (6). In so doing, the
neural mechanisms of specialist species could be studied, such as sound
localization in barn owls (21). In fact, many discoveries in neuroscience are based
on novel adaptations. For example, the discovery of neurogenesis in the human
dentate gyrus was preceded by its discovery in adult songbirds (15, 11). The same
applies to GABA in crustaceans and neurotrophins in chick embryos (24, 41). If
phylogenetically related animals share neural mechanisms from a common ancestor,
this supports the essential role for that mechanism in the regulation of a given
behaviour or phenomenon (40). This would call for more cross species research,
which is critical for hypothesis testing. To accomplish this
Talent Planning
Resourcing Talent RTO assessment Activity 1 People Management magazine article
Name:|| Group:| 2016 Spring Level 3 HRP CIPD Member No:| | Date:| 2 May 2016|
Word count:| | Introduction Talent planning is a part of Human Resources processes
that ensures the organisation is able to identify and attract key people with the
capability to create competitive advantage and that it actively manages an appropriate
balance of resource to meet changing needs, fulfilling the short and long term
ambitions of the organisations strategy . This article aims to explore, identity and
explain factors that can affect an organisation s approach to attracting talent, retaining
a diverse workforce, recruitment, selection... Show more content on ...
It is a key tool for organisations to plan ahead and identify areas/skills for training
and development. Recruitment amp; selection policy: These are set of the
organisation s objectives, goals and guidelines that provide the framework for an
effective recruitment and selection process. The policy should aim to provide a
transparent and unbiased behaviours and ensures that organisations employees the
best candidate. 4. Describe the benefits of three different recruitment methods:
Internal recruitment: This is a good method to promote employees who are
understands the organisation s objectives and committed in achieve a common
goal. It is a cheaper, easy way to recruit and managers will know the strengths and
weakness of internal candidate. Employee referral schemes: Employee referral is a
bonus incentive scheme that encourages personal recommendation from a current
employee for candidates to fill roles. The scheme is in an indirect way to start the
initial screening for candidates as they have been vouched for and might be a better
cultural fit for the organisation. Job fairs: Job fairs are an opportunity for
organisation s to have information tables that will attract job potential candidates for
future roles. It is a networking environment for both the organisation and jobseekers.
Fairs are usually common for school leaver
Meaning Of Tarantella Dance
A Doll House was a play written by Henrik Ibsen. The book was written to show
how the women were treated in the Norwegian region and the tarantella dance one
of the most important symbol in the play. Tarantella dance is a folk dance in the
southern part of Italy. The dance is generally performed by couples. The name of
the dance is generally tarantella dace is derived after a spider know as tarantula. In
this play the dance is performed by Nora. The dance involves a lot of swift and
jumping movement in it, which makes the person get exhausted. Most people
believed that sweating in the dance was associated that the venom from the body
would go so people dance for hours and many days. As in the play Nora tried to get of
the poison out of her body. As the dancer tries to get rid of the... Show more content
on ...
Nora s Tarantella Dance is an important dramatic movement in the play. Nora is
frustrated by the other character of the play, Torvald call Nora with different name
Songbird and squirrel . Torvald know about the debt and fails to forgive until she is
not sure about it. She decide that she can no longer be happy in her life and her
marriage with Torvald and she also wants to resolve the matter with Torvald, so that
she could live a peaceful and a happy life. The tarantella dance in A Doll House is
an allegory. She plays different roles, predetermined by the society. Nora changes
her tone of her language during the conversation s peak in a different idiom when
they are out of the company of men. Ibsen used Nora to perform the dance because
she was one of the important character in the play. Nora thinks that if she performs
the dance then Torvald would understand her problem and he would also things that
there is something wrong with her and she is facing some problem in her life. As
Nora was living in the Norwegian region where women were not given much
respect. Nora was also blackmailed by krogstad about the letter. So to protect herself
he was going to perform the tarantella

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Reflective Narrative Essay Examples

  • 1. Reflective Narrative Essay Examples Crafting a reflective narrative essay can be both a challenging and rewarding task. The difficulty lies not only in the technical aspects of essay writing, such as structure, grammar, and coherence but also in the introspective nature of the content. Reflective narrative essays require the author to delve into their own experiences, emotions, and thoughts, making the writing process a personal journey of self-discovery. Choosing the right experiences to reflect upon, finding a balance between objectivity and subjectivity, and effectively conveying the lessons learned can be daunting. Additionally, maintaining a cohesive narrative flow while providing meaningful insights adds another layer of complexity. It demands a keen understanding of storytelling techniques to engage the reader while conveying a deeper understanding of one's own experiences. Furthermore, the challenge lies in avoiding clichГ©s and generic observations. A reflective narrative essay should offer unique perspectives and genuine introspection. It requires a delicate balance between self-disclosure and maintaining the reader's interest. Editing and revising play a crucial role in overcoming these challenges. Revisiting personal experiences, refining language, and ensuring that the essay's purpose is clear and impactful can be time-consuming but essential steps. In conclusion, crafting a reflective narrative essay demands not only writing skills but also emotional intelligence and self-reflection. It's an intricate process of transforming personal experiences into a narrative that resonates with others. While challenging, the rewards lie in the potential for personal growth and the ability to connect with readers on a profound level. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing tasks, a valuable resource is, where a variety of writing services are available to help you navigate the complexities of academic and reflective writing. Reflective Narrative Essay ExamplesReflective Narrative Essay Examples
  • 2. The Blue Whale-Personal Narrative Did you know that 3/4th s of the world is covered in water? That s 75% of the world that s crazy! Think about all of the things living there? I m talking crazy things like sharks, and WHALES gigantic whales the blue whale is suppose to be like the size of 32 school buses. But i remember seeing the ocean for the first time up close. I saw it from the window in the car and it was the perfect day in California to go to the beach. But when i got out of the car and stood at the edge of the water it paralyzed me with fear because it was just miles and miles of endless water. And then i stepped into the water. When i woke up on that day i remember my mom telling me that we were going somewhere but little did i know it was the beach and the night before that there was a... Show more content on ... That morning my mom just told me we were going to the beach. After that i went to my room and kept telling myself to man up even though i wasn t a man, i was 6 but i got over it. Back to the story, we got ready and we went to the beach. We were on our way and I could actually smell that we were getting closer because the smell of fast food and gas stations were getting far away and it started to smell like concrete after it rains and I looked out my window and i could see the shore, well fast forward 10 minutes and we were at the beach but it wasn t like a public beach it was a little remote area where it was just me my mom and her friend. Then I realized that the peaceful place because of the smell I smelled of wet rocks,
  • 3. Pulp Fiction American Nihilism Emrose Bhalesha Critical Summary Paper: Pulp Fiction Mark Conrad examines the movie, Pulp fiction written and directed by Quentin Tarantino by looking at the metaphysical quirks lurking within the film through the use of character transformation and comedic dialogue. Conrad argues that this film s intention is to describe the loss of value and meaning in people s lives, specifically American nihilism. He introduces the article by explaining nihilism to the reader and then explains the term in a biblical sense, he claims that once the ...moral code is lost and not replaced, we are faced with the abyss of nihilism: darkness closes in on us, and nothing is of any real value any more; there is no real meaning in our lives. (Conrad). He describes ... Show more content on ... He shows examples of comedic dialogue in scenes from Pulp fiction throughout his article, furthermore he claims that much of the humor is dependent upon uncannily intelligent dialogue under strange circumstances (Geddes). Geddes explains that the tone of the movie has no moral to it and that the movie depends on its effects the violence and threat of violence, the articulateness of its underworld characters, and its structure (Geddes). The narrator argues that even thought ...this is a thoughtful well made film , it ...has no moral aspect to it, furthermore Geddes claims that this film is effective in entertaining an audience through the use of comedic dialogue and the abundant amount of daytime violence
  • 4. Case Study Of Sourcing In Sin Thai Guan Company 3.5 Sourcing In Sin Thai Guan Company, the top management team have to make the wisest purchasing order decision because they need a lot of raw materials to produce the snacks. The basic ingredients in producing the snack are nuts, flour, sugar, oil and other seasonings (Refer to Appendices 3.2, 3.3). According to Ms Chan, the quality of the raw materials is the most important criteria when Sin Thai Guan Company selecting and eveluating the suppliers. Since Sin Thai Guan Company has operated for so many years, they know the suppliers in the industry and they are clear with the raw materials that provided by each suppliers. The company has different suppliers for different kinds of raw materials and they will deliver the raw materials to the ... Show more content on ... The price is set based on the production cost and the margin that the company desire. According to Ms Chan, the margin of one package of snacks that sell in the store is around 20%. Therefore, if a snack is selling at RM 10, they only have RM 2 as their net profit. The price of the snacks will be adjusted time to time based on the price of the raw material in the industry. Due to the implementation of GST in Malaysia, the price of some raw material is increased. This has forced Sin Thai Guan Company to increase the price of their products too. The price of the products in Sin Thai Guan Company is ranged between RM 3.20 to RM 96 and it has three types of packaging, which are small package (180gm 200gm), medium package (500gm) and big package (1 Kg). For the small package, the price is at RM 3.20; for medium package, the price range is from RM4 to RM 48; for big package, the price is range from RM 8 to RM 90. Sin Thai Guan Company has its own catalogue and the price list for their customer (Refer to Appendices 6.0, 6.1). 3.6.2 Pricing from Manufacturer to
  • 5. The Grignard Synthesis of Triphenylmethanol Abstract: The purpose of this lab was to synthesize triphenylmethanol from benzophenone and bromobenzene by the formation of a Grignard compound with the reagents bromobenzene and magnesium metal. The bromobenzene was first transformed into the Grignard compound and was then reacted with the benzophenone to make the final product. The mixture was then mixed with sulfuric acid and the organic layer was extracted via a separatory funnel. The mixture was then recrystallized from methanol and was allowed to dry and the percent yield, melting point, and the IR was obtained. The mass of the product obtained was 5.45 grams and the percentage yield was determined to be 41.95%. The melting point range obtained from the final product was 89 91В°C... Show more content on ... 5.3 mL of bromobenzne and 15 mL of anhydrous ether was then placed into the separatory funnel and was shaken and vented in order to mix the solution. Half of the bromobenzene solution was added first into the round bottom flask and as soon as a color change was observed, the remaining half of the bromobenzene was added drop wise into the round bottom flask. The mixture was then refluxed on a heating mantle for 10 minutes until most of the magnesium has been consumed. After the initial mixture has refluxed, 9.11 grams of benzophenone was dissolved in 100 mL of anhydrous ether in a beaker and was then transferred into the separatory on the reflux apparatus. This solution was then added to the Grignard reagent at a drop wise rate while stirring. After the benzophenone was added, the mixture was then refluxed for 15 minutes on a heating mantle. After the mixture finished refluxing, the flask was then cooled on ice. A sulfuric acid solution was then prepared by pouring 4.5 mL of concentrated H2SO4 over 50 grams of ice and then diluted to 75 mL by adding enough tap water to reach 75 mL. The sulfuric acid solution was then cooled on ice. The Claisen adapter was then removed from the 250 mL round bottom flask and the condenser was then attached to the top of the round bottom flask which was then put on ice. The sulfuric acid solution was then poured through the condenser in order to protonate the product. A stirring rod was then used to dislodge any solid that was stuck to
  • 6. Donald Trump s Use Of Artifice In The Media Political leaders who use the tools of mass propaganda to create a sense of faux intimacy with citizens, no longer need to be competent, sincere, or honest. In the quote, Hedges is explaining who uses artifice and what they do with their power. Artifice is a skill that is difficult to maintain and keep realistic. Being the most essential skill, artifice is the art of deceiving. People s ideas and thoughts are altered for the gain of one and the loss of another. Everyone will need artifice at some point in their life to get the attention, item, or person they want. Specifically, our current President, Donald Trump, uses artifice all too much. He has exceeded his use of artifice. Trump won was because of his excellent use of artifice. He was able to persuade enough people to vote for him and his changes he would fulfill. Artifice takes quite skill to make believable for your audience. The importance of artifice during his ruling is immense, making it the most essential skill. Donald Trump is portrayed as a lying, evil individual in the media. Although we may not know the complete and total truth, we are able to identify that he is lying about something. For example, one of the very first things Trump had said to gather the attention of the audience would be about getting rid of all illegal immigrants. Rapidly, people began turning their heads and opening their ears when they finally understood what he was trying to do. The consistency and emotional appeal
  • 7. Summary Of Epictetus The Handbook In The Handbook , Epictetus provides a way of life a stoic should follow to be a good member of the society, which is a life detached from things one cannot change and focused instead on things that can be improved. For instance, he asked people to care none about the way others would judge them as he quoted If anyone tells you that such a person speaks ill of you, don t make excuses about what is said of you, but answer: He does not know my other faults, else he would not have mentioned only these. Through this quote, Epictetus wanted all stoics to know all their faults better than anyone else can say about them. Hence, the person would not be disturbed by the way the society view him or her as well as would be able to control and fix... Show more content on ... For instance, he quoted Don t be prideful with any excellence that is not your own. If a horse should be prideful and say, I am handsome, it would be supportable. But when you are prideful, and say, I have a handsome horse, know that you are proud of what is, in fact, only the good of the horse. In this sentence, Epictetus wanted to teach the stoics to learn to proud of only something they can achieve not something they own. In fact, this idea helped create a better citizen who would not become too conceited simply because of something valuable he or she had. Also, a person would then focus more on how to achieve his or her own success, one which this person could take pride in. Furthermore, Epictetus wanted the stoics to put a higher goal before they choose to quit simply because of afraid: Aiming therefore at such great things, remember that you must not allow yourself to be carried, even with a slight tendency, towards the attainment of lesser things. In this quote, Epictetus addressed those who aimed at too small an objective as well as those who wanted to earn both a great thing and the small one. In fact, he saw a person who know which goal he or she should aim for would probably achieve a higher accomplishment and thus became a better member of the
  • 8. Buddhism and Ecotourism Following Mao Zedong s Communist forces victory over the Kuomintang forces of Generalissimo Chiang Kai shek, Mao declared the founding of the People s Republic of China on October 1, 1949. (History of PRC) This marked the beginning of the socialist transformation under Mao s rule in which he planned to unify China and raise the standard of living through the development of China s infrastructure, industry, healthcare, and education. Mao s two main campaigns during his time in power were the Great Leap Forwardand Cultural Revolution. Through these campaigns he hoped to purify China s culture by eradicating the landlord ownership system and focusing on class struggle by implementing a distribution system in favor of poor, landless... Show more content on ... Its market reforms still aren t complete and its per capita income is still much lower than any advanced country, which has led to China s high inequality. Along with economic issues, the rapid economic growth has caused multiple other issues. China s main focus has been solely on its economic aspects for so long that it almost seems as if they have been blind to the environmental degradation, increasing rural crisis, growing unemployment and poverty, government corruption, deteriorating public services, as well as escalating social unrests that is and has been occurring for a while now. Although all of these issues at hand are important, the issue that I will be focusing on is the massive environmental degradation and how it has been affected by the increases in Buddhist religious freedom and ecotourism. In 1949, China s natural forests were nationalized and private forests were collectivized, this gave state enterprises control over the forests. The main problem that came out of this was that these enterprises promoted leadership with higher profits from timber production. This caused managers of companies to try to increase their profits from timber production but wouldn t use any of those profits for replanting timber resources because they had no incentive to. This led to China s annual forest volume harvested to be greater than the growth in forest volume, which directly connects to deforestation. China had
  • 9. Mean s Search For Meaning By Viktor Frankl Mean s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Linda Felix Positive Psychology Dr. R. Barke November 28, 2016 The book, in autobiographical mode, relates Auschwitz to the life of the author Viktor E. Frankl in the concentration camps of the former Nazi Germany. It reports the cruelty in which the SS soldiers used to mistreat the prisoners and in turn explains how the concentration camp life in the mind of the average prisoner affected. As soon as they reached the concentration camp, which in this case was Auschwitz, the prisoner was stripped of his personal belongings and identity documents. They identified the prisoners with a number. Then there was a first selection that for some would have a fatal destiny, crematoria and gas chambers. The forced labor of the prisoners sometimes had a reward in the form of a coupon. This coupon could be redeemed for a dozen cigarettes or a dozen servings of soup. Usually the vouchers were kept for the soup, but thanks to them you could tell when a prisoner lost the will to live and smoked their cigars to enjoy their last days of existence. The author divides life into the field into three phases. Phase one, The Shock. The symptom that characterizes this phase, according to Frankl, is the shock. As soon as they were at Auschwitz, they received a group of prisoners who spoke in every imaginable and well fed European language. That is why the prisoners who arrived thought they could share their situation. They adopt the state of
  • 10. Essay on Christian Freedom A Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to none. A Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject to all. This paradox is the basis of Luther s concept on Christian freedom. For Luther, his reform freed Christians two fold. Christians were free from false assumptions about salvation and from the commandments of the Old Testament. To Luther, Godalone could grant salvation. Despite this freedom, Christians still had to obey earthly laws. The differences of spiritual and temporal freedom seemed contradictory but for Luther it was clear that faith would free the Christian soul. Luther defined freedom for a Christian as freedom through faith. Salvation was granted by God alone. However their flesh was still bound... Show more content on ... If he performs works trying to earn salvation from God he is usurping God of what only God can grant. If he is under the false belief that his good work will save his inner soul then he continues to sin and his soul is bound by arrogance. Luther repeated often in Freedom of a Christian that only God could give salvation. Which we do not perform but receive which we do not have but accept when God the Father grants it to us through Jesus Christ. Salvation is not a task one can perform. It is not earned but received and the human soul, the inner person does not have the grace to be saved. It is by the mercy and compassion of God alone that salvation will be granted. Christ died for the sins of mankind and because of this God will grant salvation to some. Luther argues that Christians can only have faith in god for their salvation. Nothing they do will save or damn them. Next, an important part of Luther s thoughts on the freedom of the inner person was having the soul know its wicked nature. This was the purpose of the law or the Old Testament. To show how a person should live under God. But, no one could live up the commandments of the law. For the commandments show us what we ought to do but do not give us power to do it. The Old Testament was meant to humble humans and have them despair at the nature of their soul. However, the New Testament promised salvation
  • 11. Arrival Of Early America Essay The Arrival of Early Americans 23,000 years ago there was a period of intense cold on our planet. This period caused the creation of the Siberia Alaska land bridge and also the huge glacial area that cut off Alaska from North America (Wade). Scientists have found that 13,000 years ago, the same huge glacial area in the northwest, melted enough for a group called the Clovis people to migrate the 900 mile long corridor into America. We previously believed that Clovis people were the earliest humans in the Americas but that theory has recently been challenged. Several discoveries have been made along with more specific research towards the glacial passage itself. Some scientists have come to the conclusion that even though the passage was cleared 13,000 years ago, it still wasn t passible for humans for another 500 years. This was supported when scientist took sediment cores from Glacial Lake Peace, a lake that that blocks the passage. What they found was that most plant and animal life present around the lake, wasn t available till 12,500 years ago, meaning the Clovis people couldn t have had enough resources to survive the journey. Not only is the original... Show more content on ... There has been evidence that humans were in northeastern Brazil as early as 22,000 years ago. Even a recent discovery in Florida of a hunted mammoth 14,500 years ago supports this new theory (Daley). They also believe that there were many other migratory factors involved than just the ice free passage. Humans taking a coastal route instead of the ice free corridor and the possibility that humans even came here on boats are just two examples of the new theories out there. Many also believe that there was much more diversity in the early Americans than just Asian settlers. Many of these early Americans resembled Australians heritage rather than Asian
  • 12. Water Supply Components Of A Water Services Development Plan These rules spread viewpoints that should be considered when placing and realizing water supply extends for existing local locations and creating groups. The rules will likewise be of help where a Water Services Authority assembles a Water Services Development Plan (the last structures piece of a region s Joined Development Plan) Specialized rules are given for utilization in attainability studies and the detailed outline of water supply components. INTRODUCTION There is broad experience demonstrating that poor outline and administration of water frameworks in structures can bring about episodes of illness. The building sorts, water utilizes, malady results, and people influenced are different. The wellbeing dangers are preventable and ... Show more content on ... Powerless populace gatherings may be especially defenseless to water related perils and certain building sorts are in this way of extraordinary concern. Vital cases incorporate restorative and other human services situations where development of living beings, for example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a huge wellbeing concern and prompts substantive avoidable expenses. At the meeting of government named specialists that concluded the third release of the Guidelines the issue of water security in structures and the requirement for extra direction was distinguished as a need. This prompted the improvement of this report. One of the difficulties is that administration of building water supplies is regularly neglected. In numerous nations and districts administration activities for water supplies in structures may fall outside of the drinking s obligation water supplier. This can be impacted by a scope of elements including responsibility for and privileges of access. Water security arranges (WSPs) built up for
  • 13. Physically Dismembered s Poem Titled The death of a man who was brutally dismembered, lies in the hands of the narrator. The defendant confessed to the murder, claiming to hear an unbearable noise, similar to that of a watch wrapped in cotton. Upon hearing the sound, the narrator was unable to keep up his facade and burst out, yelling that he was guilty. While the narrator did kill the man, he was insane and should not go to prison; instead, he should go to a mental facility where he can be treated for his condition. The murderer had killed a man in cold blood because of a diseased eye, tried to prove his own sanity, and heard sounds that were made up in his own mind. Therefore, the judge should plead him insane and place the narrator in a facility. Primarily, the accused murdered a man due to his evil eye. There are more logical methods of ridding oneself from an object/person that agitates them than resorting to murder. The fact that the narrator thought that the best way of freeing himself of the eye was to eliminate the man... Show more content on ... The author seems to explain in detail how the narrator murdered the man to emphasize that hearing a heartbeat from him was impossible. From the reactions of the old man the first time and the police the second, it is clear that he was the only one to hear either of these sounds. Thus, hearing a sound that wasn t actually produced in reality, verifies that the killer was indeed having some form of delusions. His symptoms match up closest to schizophrenia, which is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. (National Institute of Mental Health, Schizophrenia) It helps that he himself states that the disease has not dulled, not destroyed, but sharpened my senses. It is very likely these things are just delusions he has,
  • 14. Conch Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis For the boys in the novel the conch was an empowering movement that made them be civilized for a while. The conch showed leadership to the boys, for example Golding states Him with the shell. Ralph! Ralph! Ralph! Let him be chief with the trumpet (Golding 22). This quote is showing the boys saw the shell as an entitling necessity. So far, the boys maintain civilized and try to create rules for themselves as Ralph leads them. As the story progresses, Jack starts to separate from civilization the boys are starting to forget about their main purpose for creating the fire which is to be rescued. Jack and almost all the boys forget about being rescued they then start to follow Jack as leader and stop listening to Ralph, who is more civilized
  • 15. Durkheim And Weber s Theories Of Religion And Modernity Emile Durkheim and Max Weber are two prominent philosophers whose theories unequivocally differed on countless themes. The outlooks of Durkheim and Weber contrast however, their general message in which they attempt to convey are of similar ideologies. When examining Durkheim and the concept of sacred and profane, one would see how it parallels with Weber s notion of enchantment and disenchantment. Their stances on religion correspond with each other and despite their distinct conceptual frameworks and differing perspectives, Durkheim and Weber both offer profound contributions to the concepts of religion and modernity. Durkheim and Weber both had distinct theories as they expressed and conceptualized religion and it s impact to society in quite different ways however, they somehow overall parallel each others theories. Durkheim observed religion in the context of the integrated society and recognized its place in affecting the reasoning and conduct of society.Max Weber saw religion as how it fortifies other social organizations. Weber suspected that the religious belief setup contributed a social system that SUPPORTED the improvement of other social organizations, like the economy. Weber is also addressing the shrinking hold of religion in modern society. (Veugelers) This notionally theorizes that both philosophers acknowledge the importance of religion as influencing and supporting society. As indicated by Durkheim, people consider religion to be adding to the wellbeing
  • 16. Enthroned Madonna Vs Ossanti Madonna After thoroughly reading Chapters one and two, it became transparent that both Enthroned Madonna and Child and Ognissanti Madonna are nonetheless similar in size, structure and style. Beginning with his work, the painting is roughly twelve feet tall. Cimabue used various leveled scale with the indivduals in this piece (the idea that greater is better and generally critical). Various leveled scale implies placing things all together of significance in respect to estimate. In this piece the blessed messengers in the upper part don t number towards the various leveled scale since it is just used between individuals, not celestial. The prophets at the base are from the old confirmation. One approach to select prophets in works of art is that ... Show more content on ... Giotto picked and masterminded his subjects deliberately. The larger than usual, forcing Madonna, the grave, noble infant Jesus, and the mindful, devout holy messengers and holy people at their feet are all similarly urgent parts of the artwork and, separately, appear to have their very own existence. Maybe the most momentous part of the Ognissanti Madonna is Giotto s amazing utilization of shading. With a conventional gold foundation, the gold of the blessed messengers radiances and gold lines along the royal position, the sketch appears to sparkle in a majestic, heavenly light. The warm greens and reds, diverged from the light pinks and purples, serve to acculturate and help the generally profound, ethereal painting. Surface assumes a key part in the Ognissanti Madonna, particularly in the characteristics of di Bondone s subjects. An investigating take a gander at the composition uncovers the strikingly human like surface of the fragile living creature and the painstakingly nuanced outward appearances of elegance, delight and regard. The apparel, as well, exhibits di Bondone s careful scrupulousness. The thick, rich robes of the Madonna fall reasonably between her legs, the free creases appearing to possess genuine space. As he would do all through
  • 17. Compare And Contrast Paths Of Glory And All Quiet On The... World War 1 has been a famous war throughout history. Many films have been made surrounding it, sometimes realistic and sometimes not so much. Paths of Glory and All Quiet on the Western Front were two such movies that depicted the Great War. Each movie is unique in their own sense and although no movie will completely convey the harsh reality of the war some movies are better than others. Depending on when and what year the war would have looked vastly different to different soldiers. Some would only know the reality of the trench while others would recognize tanks rolling over the ground which were impenetrable to normal gun fire. Which side of the war one was on would have also lead to different views, as in when one side is winning the other is losing, and when morale is up on one side normally morale is down on the other. In the history of war there are many different aspects and some similarities. The Great War introduced the automatic gun and the idea of trench warfare. The Great War had more casualties by artillery and it was said No flesh or a bone could live above ground in the battlefield . Everything was fought across No man s Land . Many advancements led to soldiers hiding behind a wall of dirt in the ground which really changed up the game. Fighting this way seemed more dangerous due to the automatic guns and it was more effective than the U.S. Civil War where everything was fought face to face only a few yards away. World War I was the largest and
  • 18. Rape And Sexual Assault Of The Military Rape and sexual assault are major issues in the military. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the issue of rape and sexual assault in the military. The number of attacks for rape and sexual assault in the military are at an all time high. Women have recently been allowed to fight on the front line. While this may be a huge achievement for women kind, for this woman, it is a very scary thought. I am a women with female relatives, with female friends. I may be forced to join the military one day if a war breaks out and women are needed to protect the country. I would be happy to serve my country if I did not have to be scared of my fellow soldiers. Joining the military is a commitment sold as a beneficial lifestyle. However, there is an... Show more content on ... Throughout this paper, I will also discuss the movie, The Invisible War, speak specific about certain branches in the military as well as share personal stories. Hear the stories of women at war while in war. To start off I will like to state my reasoning in picking this topic. My sister is seventeen years old, graduating high school in this upcoming June. She has made the decision of not going to college right away but instead enlisting in the military, the Navy to be exact. My family has stood by her decision, but me being the overprotected sister, I sat her down to discuss her choices. Her main reasons for choosing to enlist are 1) in memory of our grandfather, 2) it will help her pay for college, when she goes and 3) she feels she is not disciplined enough to be able to make it through college . When asked about her knowledge of the military, she knew close to nothing. I mentioned to her the statics about being sexually assaulted in the field and while shocked by the information she still chooses to enlist. Yes, joining the military can be beneficial but where is the separation between my sister s and all women s safety and the love of fighting for our country. Currently there are many women who are serving to their country in all aspects of the Armed Forces of the United States. Since the war in Iraq and Afghanistan more women
  • 19. Community Policing And Public Security Topic: Community Policing Name Affiliated institute In every corner of the world, security to the public has always been a concern. It is a responsibility of the government to provide security to its people. To ensure that there is a reliable security to the public, the government must streamline some approaches to security threats and effectively prevent or counter them. It is a common understanding that in most of the times in our lives, we happen to interact with the people who break the law or we witness an action which supposes to be punishable by the law. In the event that we have information that would improve the state s security levels, we should willingly give it to the police. Contrary to this, many of the members of ... Show more content on ... When a place is secure to live or visit, will obviously develop, since the members will actively involve themselves in developmental activities. Although police is the body mandated with the provision of security to the public, it is not possible for the police to provide reliable security while working alone. Community policing gives every member of the public a role to play in ensuring their land is safe to live in. The security is accorded through the combined efforts by both the police and the members of the public. The members of the public play a role by providing/ reporting any security concern to the police, and working with them hand in hand to restore/ maintain peace in the society. Gramckow and Jacoby (1993:30) concluded that community policing is a good strategy to address the concerns and problems of communities, since it is decentralized, proactive, and deals with crime prevention and the fear of crime. Since the police stay within the community, it becomes easy for faster response in cases of emergency. Whenever the police are called upon for help, they can turn up within a short while. Positive relationship between police and members of the public It is common that police are not regarded as good people in the face of the members of the public. This is usually due to the nature of their work, as they work to enforce the law. Community policing has played a major role in changing how the community perceived the
  • 20. Music For this database project, you will use MS Access to create a database of vendors, and the related items they sell to your hardware store. For example, if you are Lowe sВ® or Home DepotВ®, you purchase items to sell from various vendors, such as Black and DeckerВ®. Some of those items may be power tools or hand tools. You may purchase items for sale from other vendors, such as garden tools. Your database is made up of two tables: * The vendor table, it will contain at least four vendors in it. * And the item table, it will contain at least three items for each vendor. In this project, you will: 1. Design the Table Structure 2. Enter the Data. Print. 3. Relate the two tables. Print. 4. Then delete ... Show more content on ... You are going to follow the procedure described in class to relate the Vendor table to the Item table. They will be related via the Vendor Table s VENDOR ID to the Item Table s VENDOR ID. Before you create your relationship, you must be sure that at least one record match exists between the two tables. When you create your relationship, you must be sure to specify that you will be enforcing referential integrity. After you have created your relationship, and have entered all of your data (you may have entered all of your data before creating the relationship that s OK), you will need to delete one record. You will need to delete one record from the Item Table (not the Vendor Table). You should delete a record that is not the last record in your table. If you have 12 records, do not delete the 12th record. By looking at the numbered Item ID s, I ll be able to tell that you successfully deleted one record. 4. QUERIES Joined Query * Using Design View, create a joined query on your data. * When you create your query, add both tables to the query. As in class, the relationship should be displayed in the Query by Example grid. * Select from the Vendor Table: * Vendor ID * Vendor Name * Select from the Item Table: * Item ID * Item Description * List Price * On Hand Qty * Item Type * Sort the query (click in the sort fields in the definition grid) descending
  • 21. The Population Of The Solent Oyster Population Ostrea edulis populations are in decline worldwide throughout a wide geographical range from Norway over Morocco to the Black Sea, with current stock level estimates below those made during the 1800s (Anon, 2007). O. edulis population from the Solent is one of these declining populations with several collapses during the last century. The reasons of the last decline in the Solent oyster population from 2006 are still unknown. This species has constituted an important fishery in the Solent with commercial explotation since 1800 s. Due to some life characteristics of this species oyster beds are very vulnerable to commercial exploitation and overfishing (Laing et al., 2005; Orton, 1927c). However, other hypotheses point to trends in increasing sea temperatures, habitat degradation, chemical and physical pollution. Recent studies have analysed the current situation on reproductive parameters of O. edulis population finding a significant reduction in the number of brooding female phase oysters (Eagling, 2012), reduction on fecundity of brooding oysters and skewed sex ratio towards male phase oyster (Eagling, 2012; Kamphausen, 2011). Athough a number of speculations for this behaviour have been made, the factors causing this change in sex phase in O. edulis remain unknown. Hormones controlling the development of secondary sexual organs in molluscs are poorly understood and more research on this topic is need to clarify the cause of male bias and most recent O. edulis
  • 22. My Personal Values Essay My personal values Values are those things that are important, meaningful and valued by an individual, a group of people, or an organization. Whether we are aware of them or not, every individual has his or her core set of values, which consist of many different kinds of values. Each individual s value system is different from one another because individual s values are built up through one s life experience, environment, and family background. Values are important to us because they reflect our personal moral standards, shape our behavior, and guide us through long life journeys. Since we live in a highly connected society, each person s value system does not only affect one s own life, but also affects many other people and the... Show more content on ... However, we should pay attention to our manners, utilize our communication skills; and on the bottom line, we need to avoid intentionally hurting people. When coming across people who have total different opinions from mine, I always act respectfully. For example, at school, we have to do many team projects; most often, team members may come from total different cultural background, and thus always have different opinions about the same thing. Being respectful to other students, I am well mannered, using appropriate language, opening to criticisms, and conducting myself professionally. If everyone knows how to respect to others and act respectfully to each other, we will easily to get along with each other and thus there be more happiness and less conflict in our society, so we will make the world a better place. Second, I highly value integrity. Integrity is defined as a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one s actions. It generally means not intentionally harming others, not stealing from, not cheating, or being fair to, others. I value integrity because it manifests a person s inner strength, honor, kindness, and geniuses of one s soul. According to Kantian moral perspective whether an action is morally good or not depends primarily in the intentions of the agent performing the
  • 23. Portrayal of Women in James Joyce s Ulysses Essay Portrayal of Women in James Joyce s Ulysses The novel, Ulysses , by James Joyce shows the reader hour by hour a single day in the life of one man. But this epic which specifically deals with Leopold Bloom and has reference to Stephen Dedalus, holds so much more appendage to other areas of life. One, is the portrayal of women in Ulysses. A common speculation is that men seem to have a more dominating status over women. However, in Ulysses that theory dwindles due to the women who play significant roles in the story. Although the women in the novel all use various tactics to entice the men to succumb and cower to them, it all ends up that the men do heed to the qualifying factors. The first woman of purpose that we ... Show more content on ... The technique in this chapter is hallucination, which is very fitting. On page 473(580:2 3), the mother rises from the floor covered with crud, and recites in Latin a prayer for the dying, as if she is patronizing him. His failure to pray for her and endure his religion caused a major rift on his conscience. Condemnation consumes him which makes one wonder why he ever did gave up his Catholic practices. In the chapter entitled Nausicaa, one gets acquainted with Gerty MacDowell. She leans toward the seductive, sexual side which explicates her ability to entice. She uses these attributes to seduce Leopold Bloom. She is described as a, winsome Irish girl whose figure was, slight, and graceful , thus does not hinder her allure yet adds to it. This chapter thrusts (no pun intended) into the open. Bloom recalls his sexual escapades with Molly on Howth Hill, and his interaction with the woman he mistook for a prostitute. His mind was in the gutter on that day at Sandymount Strand, and it was Gerty Macdowall who would be able to stake her claim for Bloom s fluctuating gesticulation. His gibberish on page 301 shows his discombobulation. He starts off by talking about her jilted beauty then that turns into when she is expecting her monthlies (menstruation). It is quite comical, to see this grown man behave in such a manner. It is almost as if I am the peeping Tom, peering into his head and his personal thoughts. Then the masturbation scene,
  • 24. Tube 1 And 2 Lab Report Tube 1 and 2 contain functioning enzyme extract and substrate solution, ribose 5 phosphate. Furthermore, the conditions in tube 1 and 2 allow the reaction to proceed to form ribulose 5 phosphate and the mount of product formed can be measured. With tube 1 and 2 being identical, averaging the absorbance allowed minimizing the error due to differences in enzymeconcentration and contaminants within experimental procedure. Tube 3 is used to boil the enzyme extract to investigate the relationship of temperature on the rate of pentose 5 phosphate isomerase activity. Tube 4 and 5 act as controls for the absorbance and the effect of substrate and enzyme on the absorbance reading are investigate respectively. Tube 6 acts as a comparison for the known amount of product whereby the absorbance of other tubes can be compared to tube 6 in order to calculate amount of ribulose 5 phosphate present. Lastly, tube 7 acts a black for all the other tubes (1 6) because it only contains tris buffer. The effect of... Show more content on ... Secondly, the sum of tube 4 (no enzyme) and tube 5 (no ribose 5 phosphate) were used to adjusted the absorbance of tube 1 and 2 after using tube 7. As tube 4 only takes ribose 5 phospahte and tube 5 only contains the enzyme extract, by taking the difference of the sum of these two values from the absorbance of one the full tubes (tube 1 or 2) it allows to account for the absorbance caused by ribose 5 phosphate and the enzyme extract. And the adjusted absorbance will indicate only the absorbance of the red complex formed by reaction between resorcinol hydrochloric acid and ribulose 5 phosphate. Lastly tube 3 (boiled enzyme) is not used as denatured enzyme has a different absorbance compared to active enzymes, thus tube 3 cannot be used to adjust the absorbance values (Kabacoff and Laken,
  • 25. Compare And Contrast The Devil s Arithmetic Book And Book The devil s arithmetic book by Jane Yolen and the movie by Dustin Hoffman are very similar to each other. They both tell the story of a young girl who is transported through time to the 1940 s to learn what it s like to live through the era of the holocaust after she ignores her family heritage. She then dies in that time at the hands of the Nazis and learns why she must remember and tell the future generation about the holocaust. These stories are the same but told in different ways and in different forms. In the devil s arithmetic by Jane Yolenand the movie by Dustin Hoffman the main message that they are trying to throw at us is that we have to remember. We have to remember that some evil person condemned 6 million jews to death because ... Show more content on ... In the movie the differences are very noticeable first off Hannah is just referred to as Hannah not Chaya also in the movie there is a woman who gives birth in the camp and the baby is not allowed to live. In the movie Hannah tries to get the townsfolk to have Seder in the camp which is a success in bringing the town people together ,but it doesn t happen in the book. In the movie Hannah has a love interest but not in the book it doesn t matter anyways because he just dies after he pronounces his love. The two stories are the same but different they both tell the same story but do it in different ways that adapts to anyone s style of learning ,but why Jane Yolen and Dustin Hoffman have created these stories to remind us that we must remember what the nazis put the jews through, we must remember what happened to those people, we must remember so it doesn t happen
  • 26. Est1 Task 3 A1. Status Preparing for The Joint Commission, Nightingale Community Hospital reviews areas of compliance and non compliance. A periodic performance review, which is a self evaluation, is utilized by Nightingale Community Hospital, to prepare for The Joint Commission. The Joint Commission has eighteen accreditation requirements. (Commission, 2013) The periodic performance review found the hospital to be compliant and non compliant in the following areas: Compliant: Emergency Management Human resources Infection Prevention and Control Performance Improvement Right and Responsibilities of the Individuals Transplant Safety Waived Testing Non Compliant Environment of Care Leadership Life Safety Medication... Show more content on ... Mandatory in services and mandatory weekly audits will be initiated in all areas of non compliance. Chart reviews, audits and surveys of the staff allow directors and administration to evaluate the required in services and education provided to staff in regards to the current non compliant areas. Addressing hospital wide issues with visual reminders and cues. The increase audits and chart reviews will be initiated until the compliance level of ORXY initiative is within The Joint Commission requirements of 85% (Commission, 2013). A3a. Staffing Pattern Providing the best care to each patient starts with providing the proper amount of staff members to each unit. Looking at the needs of different units not only allows administration to see areas for improvement, but also areas that are being handled correctly. Utilizing the indicators provided by The Joint Commission, 4 East, a pediatric medical/surgical floor, has a high rate of falls and nosocomial pressure ulcers that appears to be related to the increase overtime nurses have been working for that floor (Nightingale, 2010). Research has shown increases in adverse events have been related to nurses working over 40 hours a week (Bae, 2012). The clutter in the hallway needs to be addressed for the safety of patients, visitors, and nursing staff. This will also improve the efficiency of the staff by removing barriers to traffic flow. The nursing staff will be able to
  • 27. Distributed Denial Of Service ( Ddos ) DISTRIBUTED DENIAL OF SERVICE (DDoS) Prachi Shah School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University Bloomington Email: Abstract Distributed Denial of Service attacks are executed by an attacker that uses numerous zombie machines to launch an attack against the victim system. The purpose is to exhaust the connection bandwidth thereby, making a network resource or a service temporarily or indefinitely unavailable to its intended users. Keywords DoS, DDoS, bandwidth, networks, zombie, botnet 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Computer Security and Privacy One of the most challenging and important issues faced in the computer networks domain since a very long time now are network security and privacy issues. These issues... Show more content on ... Previously, routers would implement FIFO method for storing SYN packets. Once new (bogus) SYN packets enter the system, old (legitimate) packets are dropped off. Thus, the server memory gets overwhelmed by storing illegitimate packets and cannot accept new (legitimate) SYN requests from its intended users thereby, denying services to its intended users. Over the time, routers became smarter. They use rate based filtering. After a certain limit of packets are accepted, routers don t further accept packets. Also, routers don t implement FIFO methods anymore. They only accept and store packets from computers that send an ACK as response to their SYN ACK and complete the 3 way handshake. Incoming packets from a computer system that do not complete a 3 way handshake are dropped. 1.3 2 nd generation DoS attacks As the routers got smarter, attackers felt the need to improve their techniques. The 2 generation DoS attack called Distributed Denial of Service attack is much more sophisticated than the traditional DoS attack. The attacker uses one or more controller systems and targets a few thousand computer system to convert them into zombies. Zombies are computer systems that have been infected by an external entity like a hacker, trojan horse or a computer virus and possess a security hazard. The owners of the zombie machines are not aware of their system being compromised. A simple spam
  • 28. Cyclone Yasi Research Paper exteriors which can be vast in size. They form over tropical oceans and can create disaster when they approach the shore. They are formed in the world s tropics and an example of a cyclone that hit Australian Queensland was cyclone Yasi in 2011. Cyclone Yasi collided with Queensland s Mission Beach on 3 February. This particular cyclone was predicted to have windspeeds of over 295km/hr, with a 500 diameter and affected over 2000km worth of land. It s a serious event. It s the biggest one that anyone living today has seen in Queensland, stated Professor Jonathan Nott from James Cook University. We ve been lulled into a false sense of security in Queensland because we ve been through a fairly quiet time of cyclones since the 1970s . The
  • 29. Authoritarianism In Russia Throughout its long history, Russia has been trapped in a continuous cycle of authoritarian regimes; only interrupted briefly with periods of tumultuous democratic transitions that were plagued by poor bureaucracy and weak institutions. Therefore, time and time again, Russia has turned towards authoritarianism. In the late 1900 s to early 2000 s, Russiaagain saw the fall of democracy coincide with the rise of a competitive authoritarian regime. This rise of competitive authoritarianism in Russia in the late 1900 s to early 2000 s was largely the result of the resource curse which granted Putin s Administration false economic performance legitimacy. This in turn reinvigorated past strongman ideals, while at the same time solidified negative... Show more content on ... Democracy was already viewed poorly in Russia, whose only other experience plunged them deeper into the depths of World War 1. This is significant because a majority of the Russian people felt during that time that their voices were not heard. Therefore, it should be noted then, that when Yeltsin took power, Russian s had not seen true representative democracy. When, Yeltsin took power after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russians were wary. This illegitimate view towards democracy was one of the reasons the resource curse had such a profound effect. The other that the economy was weak and the government was unstable. This in part was attributed to the loss of over 15 states when the Soviet Union fell, and the trade and overall economic problems that the new Yeltsin government assumed when this occurred. Even if Putin had been in power during this time, he would have faced similar problems, the regime was not to blame. When the Soviet Union fell, it was during a time where oil prices where falling, in fact, they would continue to fall until around 1996. The falling oil prices dramatically hurt the Yeltsin administration. When Putin took over, world prices has begun to rise, further Putin privatized part of the oil industry, which allowed new technologies to form, thus causing a booming oil economy in
  • 30. Imagery And Imagery Of Shakespeare s Hamlet Shakespeare s Hamlet uses imagery as a means to develop the ideas that grow out of the representation of a thought. Shakespeare uses imagery as vivid or figurative language to represent objects, actions and ideas. The imagery of disease, poison and decay is used throughout the play by Shakespeare for a purpose. The descriptions are of disease, poison and decay to help us understand the bitter relationships between the characters that exist in the play and Hamlets own cynicism. We see Hamlet s soliloquy when he contemplates suicide. The resentful nature that exists between Polonius and Hamlet is heightened with the use of imagery. The imagery enhances Claudius hate of Hamlet. Shakespeare uses imagery in this play to deepen our understanding of the emotions experienced by Hamlet. The imagery of decay is used to help us understand the depression Hamlet felt in his first soliloquy about suicide. O that this too sullied flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew, Hamlet is communicating his wishes not to exist in this world anymore. He wants to die and be come part of the earth. An image of Hamlet s flesh, rotting, combining with nature is produced. At this moment we can grasp the intensity of Hamlet s true emotions. We can feel his pain and his yearning for his death. Hamlet continues to say, How weary, stale, fat, and unprofitable/ Seem to me all the uses of this world! Fie on t, ah, Fie, tis an unweeded garden/That grows seed. Things rank and gross in the
  • 31. The Congo-Kinshasa The Democratic Republic of the Congo, or also known as the Congo Kinshasa, is the second poorest country in the world, and the poorest in Africa as of 2015. It is also one of the largest countries in Africa, and as a result of the generous population, the country is poverty stricken. The Congo has beautiful traditions, cultures, and art that is known and appreciated around the world. Though, also struggles with a mixture of awful health, financial system, and unemployment problems. The Democratic Republic of the Congohas a very interesting history. The country has a populationof 67.5 million people, and the capitol is Kinshasa, which has a population of 10.4 million people. The Congo s many ethnic groups help to create a wide variety... Show more content on ... The healthcare in this country is on it s last limb and can t function. The government wants to help the public but the whole financial system is failing, and trying to help everyone isn t realistic. The government has tried to reach out and help the community however the outcome only backfires when everyone isn t treated equally because of the mass population they have. Many people are saying the Democratic Republic of the Congo is already a dead country. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the weather is very average year round. The annual temperature is 70Вє 95Вє all year round. In the summer it can accede 100Вє, but the temperature is mainly around 95Вє. The Congo doesn t get much rain anytime of the year. In conclusion, the Democratic Republic of the Congo is a beautiful country with great potential, although it just has problems that are almost impossible to recover from. The traditions, arts, cultures and backgrounds that they own are one of a kind. However knowing how impoverished they are right now, they can t regain what they
  • 32. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Digital Radiography Introduction In this paper, I will be discussing what the advantages and the disadvantages of Digital Radiography in Diagnostic Radiology. Further more present factors with each subject showing how they are distinguished as an advantage and an disadvantage. Time, money, and radiation dosage to the patient are very important factors these days because of how many different regulations there are and the concerns for the patient as well. Digital Radiographyalso known as DR is static images produced with a fan x raybeam intercepted by a linear array of radiation detectors or an area x ray beam intercepted by a photostimulable phosphor plate or direct capture solid state device. Body Digital Radiography is often compared to Computed Radiography because of their similarities in their use of x raying as well as they are both used in the medical field. Computed Radiography, also known as CR, is the radiographic technique that uses a photostimulable phosphor as the image receptor and an area beam. Direct radiography is basically Computed radiography but one less step. Computed radiography uses cassette that go into the bucky, where the image is shot. It is then unloaded from the compartment called the bucky, with the latent image and scan through a processor that reads the image and presents itself on the computer monitor for the Tech or Radiologist. This process is then repeated for another image to be taken by reloading another cassette into the bucky compartment. In
  • 33. Children In The Military The men and women who serve our country are the true American heroes. It is not only the people who wear the uniform that make the ultimate sacrifice but their families as well. The children who have grown up watching their parent or sibling serve in the military have coined the nickname military brat . Without a doubt the militaryhas a huge impact to those who were raised in it. I find that children that have grown up in the military tend to have more respect and pride towards our nation. During an election we tend to lean more towards the candidate that honors our troops and supports our veterans. We get offended the when people step on the U.S flag as a form of protest and always stand for the national anthem. We believe in the constitution... Show more content on ... We knew that it was unacceptable to cut up or come home with a C . I remember my when my dad received a phone call from my older brother s teacher stating that my brother had been using his phone during class. My dad was furious and made my brother move everything from his room besides his bed, clothes, and books and put them in trash bags. My father locked my brother s games, phone, car keys, radio, and guitar in his closet for nearly three weeks plus numerous talks about the rights and wrongs. Children and young adults raised in the military know not to talk back, respect our elders, graduate and become successful. When you have a parent in the military you growing knowing that the military has so much to offer and is one of the best career choices. Boys specifically know there is no greater honor than to serve and protect the United States of America. My great grandfather was in the Navy and a survivor of the USS Indianapolis, my grandfather was a pilot during the Vietnam War, my dad is currently serving in the US Army, and my brother is in the Army National Guard and hopes to be a pilot. I am currently twenty years old and the Army has been a part of my entire
  • 34. The League Of Nations Instructions The League of Nations was made in the outcome of the First World War to elevate global confrantation and to attain to universal peace and security. (Langholtz, 2010). It demonstrated uniquely unsuccessful. The Association estranged the global forces who were vanquished in the First World War and even neglected to hold together the successful partners; in fact, the United States never got involved with the League of Nations. Amid the 1920s and 1930s, the previous associates of World War Ifloated separated and incapacitated, while universal powers outside the Alliance took to tyranny and rearmament. As the worldwide scene tackled more inauspicious headings, the Association of Countries was weak to keep the world s plummet into a Second World War. The UN was made after World War II. Like the Alliance of Countries, it was focused around the presumption that the successful wartime forces would keep the global peace. Dissimilar to the previous Class, in any case, the UN tried impressive endeavors to accommodate and acclimatize the vanquished countries of World War II. Likewise, the quick development of its participation because of decolonization gave new countries a voice and impact that they had never had previously. In its prelude, the Sanction of the United Countries stated its objectives as expressed by Langholtz (2010): To spare succeeding eras from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold distress to humankind, and To reaffirm
  • 35. Harriet Tubman An American Hero What makes an American hero? Is it someone who created a super market? Or is it someone who led this country in a civil war? Is it someone who gave their life to make sure this country was free? To me an American hero is someone who risked her life to free her people. To me an American hero is someone who wanted freedom so bad, she defied the odds and helped make it happen. To me Harriet Tubman is an American hero. Her true name was Araminta but she changed it to Harriet, her mother s name, after her mother died. She was one of nine children. Harriet had many hardships in her life, especially in her childhood. One of these came when her owner, Mary Brodess s son sold three of her sisters to a different plantation. However when a slave owner ... Show more content on ... This started in December 1850 when she found her niece Kessiah was to be sold. Fortunately, Kessiah s husband was able to make the winning bid and Harriet was able to lead the whole family out of the south safely. Eventually she was able to get her parents, siblings and about 60 others out of slavery, earning herself the nickname of Moses . Then the Fugitive Slave Law was passed. In this law it said that even if the slaves had made it to the north, slave hunters and bounty hunters could still capture them and take them back to slavery. Instead of giving up Tubman decided to reroute her passage and take all the slaves to Canada, where slavery is not prohibited. In December 1851 Harriet took a group to Canada and there is evidence that they stopped at former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglas. So could Harriet Tubman be an American hero? Could she be called a hero for freeing her slavery, defeating all the odds, and helping strangers too? Could she be someone every little girl and boy look up to? I think so. I think anyone who would put others lives above her own could, and should, be deemed a
  • 36. Purab Aur Paschim Themes Purab Aur Paschim is a 1970 Hindi film which was seen as a path breaking and trendsetting patriotic film in independent India. It displays the different aspects of the social construct and cultural influences of Indians in both London and India. Although this film is best known for its portrayal of values such as national pride and loyalty of Indians, it also conveys important messages such as preventing brain drain in Indiawhile embedding values such as filial piety and significance of marriage. In the beginning of the film, Bharat s loyalty to India is clearly evident as seen in the dialogue exchange between Bharat and Guruji. According to Guruji, people from the West used to travel to India to seek education whereas today, Indians are... Show more content on ... The songs lyrics are very meaningful and have melodious music to go along with them. For example, lyrics from the song Bharat Ka Rehne wala such as Deta Na Dashamaloh Bharat To Yun Chaand Pe Jaana Mushkil Tha... tells us that without the creation of decimals by Indians, it would have been difficult to reach the moon. Despite the fact that it was an American who first set foot on the moon, Indians did play a significant role to aid this attempt which is something that Indians should be proud of. The song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star , which is an Indian rendition of the original and that of Jack and Jill , is very catchy and has lyrics which refer to some Indian values. For example, Naari Hoke Piye Whisky Aur Piye Cigarette Baby which tells us that according to Indian values, women neither drink nor smoke. In addition, the use of Hare Rama Hare Krishna as background music as a symbol to represent India was good though I felt that using it brings about a more Hindutva nationalism instead of the secularism that India stands
  • 37. Symbolism In Katherine Mansfield s The Garden-Party The short story I choose from the book is called The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield. The story takes place in a rich family and they are ready to have a garden party; however, in the poorer neighborhood across the street, there is a young man just died in an accident, and when the youngest daughter Laura hears about that, she wants to cancel the party and show some respect to the poor family, but her mother and sister think Laura s idea is naive and unbelievable; a rich family like them do not need to sacrifice to the poor family and Laura is being extravagant. In Katherine Mansfield s story The Garden Party she does not only talk about the party in the family, happiness atmosphere in the party and family relationship but also... Show more content on ... No doubt, adults from middle class love to take orders from a junior girl. Through her language, she feels comfortable to give demands directly to lower class people who are older than her and it seems like that is the only power Jose has. It later becomes clear she views the lower classes as lesser beings than her, as when she s confronted by Laura about stopping the party she says Stop the garden party? My dear Laura, don t be so absurd. Of course, we can t do anything of the kind. Nobody expects us to. Don t be so extravagant (Mansfield 1309). Jose s reaction would give reader a clear image that how upper class men treat upper class women as well. However, Laura does not. At the beginning, Laura tries to act and talk like her mother and sister would do, but in a polite way. After she notices that those people are nice to her, she changes the way she talks. Due to that, Laura is a very sensitive girl and kind girl who does not feel she is privileged than lower classes. In additional, that is probably why Laura is the only one who shows sympathy for the dead man. In the other hand. After the party, Mrs. Mansfield allows Laura to bring some leftover which Mrs. Mansfield calls as perfectly good food to the dead man s family. Even though Laura thinks that it is not a good idea, she still went. In her way, she starts to be afraid and think it is a mistake to come. When she arrived
  • 38. Mary s Attitudes Towards Her Husband I believe that Mary genuinely adored her husband and was a loyal housewife who was betrayed by her beloved who wanted to divorce her. In the beginning of the story, the narrator substantiates Mary s love for her husband by stating that she is six months pregnant and by describing how she happily awaits her husbandto return home from work. She has no clue that he is unsatisfied, and has absolutely no reason to suspect that he is unhappy with their marriage. I mean, why should he be unhappy? She showers him with love, cooks for him, and serves him. Although she portrays the role of a perfect housewife, he still decides to leave her. This issue might appear to be common in our daily lives, but in 1953, it would have been extremely shameful to... Show more content on ... He betrayed her trust and hurt her feelings in the worst possible time. When she hears what he has to say, she is in shock and loses her mind at the moment. She did everything without thinking. When she comes back with the leg of lamb she tried to act as if everything was normal and she would make supper for her husband. But as soon as he said, I ve already told you, don t make supper for me. I m going out. Her anger and pain took over her mind and she reacted with hitting the back of his head as hard as she possibly could with the leg of lamb. I don t believe that she was insane, or that we underestimated her to be humble and respectful. I suppose that in the moment she expressed all her frustrations and anger which is something she would not do if she was not put in a situation like this. I am pretty sure that if Mary questioned herself that day if she is capable of murdering her husband, even if he did something shocking that would hurt her, she would have answered with no. Yet, there is more to the story of how Mary covered up her tracks with her genius thinking, and how she got away with the crime. Mary definitely surprised me with her idea of feeding the weapon to the
  • 39. Native Americans During Andrew Jackson’s Presidency Imagine being taken out of your home and told that you must leave to a new, foreign land and leave the only thing that you know. This is what Native Americans during Andrew Jackson s presidency had to live through. America was growing rapidly, expanding into the lower south of the U.S. During the 19th century white settlers moving into the area, were faced with Native Americans living on the land. These settlers were looked upon as a major obstacle for expansion of the United States. Driven by gold fever and the ideas for new business, the settlers were looking towards the government to help them take the land away from the Natives. Presidents had acknowledged the issue of Natives and whites coexisting and the problems that would be addressed, but it wasn t until Andrew Jacksonstepped into American history that a change would ve be made. Andrew Jackson was a wealthy slave owner and infamous Indian killer, gaining the nickname Sharp Knife from the Cherokee, (Source 3) He grew up to be a well known, tough Indian fighter by reputation and a fearless military leader. Unlike presidents before him, he was from South Carolina, born into the common class. He represented the average white man. He and his supporters created a political organization called Democracy. Jackson was a relentless man doing what needed to be done for the growth of America and it s values, and he would do anything to make sure that the working class had the same social rights. To take out the Native
  • 40. Burks Adapting To Change In summary, the third article by Dr. Brooke A. Burks, Dr. Tara L.R. Beziat, Sheeree Danley, Kashara Davis, Holly Lowery, and Jessics Lucas (2015) titled Adapting to Change: Teacher Perceptions of Implementing the Common Core State Standards , argues that teachers are not getting the proper training necessary to teach the CCSS. Burks et. al did a research study that looked at teacher s perspectives on their training for the CCSS. In the beginning, Burks et. al discuss the educational change in implementationof the standards into American classrooms. They disclose that the quality of public educationis important, but that teachers are not given any input into the changes made to the standards. This causes worry within teachers that the CCSS... Show more content on ... Many reforms have been made. Education is always changing and therefore, curriculum must change too. The Common Core State Standards were put into place to ensure students could compete on a global level and have the skills necessary from higher education and the work force. The idea of giving each state the same set of building block learning standards is a good one. However, the implementation in most states are lacking or inexistent. In order for the CCSS to reach it s potential, teachers need training in learning how to implement the new standards into their classrooms. This takes time and money. Are states willing to invest in the future of America? Also, the CCSS needs to invest more in under privileged schools. Without the investment, these schools will crumble under the new rigorous standards and standard based assessments. Just by creating nation wide standards, the U.S. education system will not be miraculously restored. It will take time to make America on top once again in education. The Common Core State Standards are a necessary step in the right direction to building academically brilliant K 12 students of the United States education system that have collegiate and workforce ready
  • 41. The Soveregin Euro Crisis Introduction The sovereign Euro crisis inflicting the Euro zone nations have both internal integration significance and international economic. It rarely truncated the internal integration of economic crisis but also accentuate effects to immediate distant nations including Australia (Malcolm Edey, 2011). The Euro zone member states experienced sovereign debt crisis which largely affected international economic and European integration. Regional economic crisis had immediate and clear effects on the far off nations including Australia. The sovereign debt crisis emanated from Euro zone governments facing bond market rates and unsustainable to repayments. These culminated in low resolution measures and high public debt (Prideaux, 2000) This meant potential decline in the GDP and decreased levels of exports. The EU summit was seen as a hope to a resolution of the European crisis but the agreement by the European leaders lacked focus on resolving the immediate issues. Its great attention was guaranteeing the survival of the Euro zone in its current form. There is a real possibility of departure of one or more countries from the Euro zone. Financial markets geographically distant from Europe to face European crisis. Australia has over the last four years resisted the impending decline of economic recession as a result of the Euro crisis (Parkinson, 2011). Following the US sub prime aggravated the global financial crisis as it defiantly causes an economic recession in most of
  • 42. The Death Of Meriwether Lewis The Death of Meriwether Lewis Meriwether Lewis was one of the travelers that were given the mission of traveling from the colonies to the Pacific Ocean, The Mission of Discovery . After Lewis got back from the expedition, he was assigned the role of Governor of The upper half of the Louisiana Purchase. When he was appointed to this position, he didn t instantly go to do the job though. Actually he spent about half a year trying to publish the notes he wrote down during the Mission of Discovery. That didn t work out though because of financial funds. So Lewis came back to Washington D.C. and got ready to go to his part of the Louisiana territory. But on the way there he stopped at an inn called ... Show more content on ... In the position that Lewis supposedly shot himself at wound. Lets say he shot himself in the in the abdomen. This shot would also have been fatal because it would rupture something in his abdomen which would also would have been fatal. Therefor it doesn t matter if Lewis shot himself in the head first or the abdomen. They both would have been fatal. The amount of power that the horse pistols can generate shows that Lewis would not have been able to shoot himself twice. One shot would have immobilized him. If it was someone else shooting him that would make sense that there were two wounds, because someone else could have shot him. But Lewis shooting himself twice just isn t reasonable due to the amount of damage and the amount of power the guns would give. That is why Meriwether Lewis was the victim to a murder conspiracy. Also there is the information from Major James Neelly. Major Neelly was sending a letter to President Thomas Jefferson about the death of Meriwether Lewis. Major James Neelly was charged with treason and is a very sketchy person. There has been people who suspect Neelly to be part of the the murder conspiracy. Neelly was one of the companions that went with Lewis when he was traveling to his part of the Louisiana Purchase. It says that before they got to the inn the horses ran away and Neelly went to go catch them. At the time of the death of Lewis, Neelly was supposedly in court in a city about 60 miles away. At the time 2 days by horse.
  • 43. Dog Park Exercise Dog parks in the city would help dogs get daily excercise and it would help them get in shape and it would also help to calm them down beacuse it is proven that dogs that get daiy ecercise tends to be more playful,less noisy,and isin t mean. but the cost of building a dog park would cost up to 70,000$ just for the fence thats not including a building permit and all the work. Most dogs would benifit from having a local dogparkbut the federal cost of funding a dog parkwould be outrageous even though it was proven dogs that get daily excercise tends to be more happy and less viceous. There was approximitly 40,000 dog bites a year from New York after they received a dog park the number dirasticly dropped to 4,000 a year. Accordin to the ASPCA
  • 44. Dynamic Spectrum Access Simulation SOFTWARE DEFINED COGNITIVE RADIO USING MATLAB SOFTWARE DEFINED COGNITIVE RADIO USING MATLAB INDEX ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................5 Chapter 1 SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO 1.1 Introduction to Software Defined Radio......................................................6 1.2 A brief history of SDR .....................................................................................7 1.3 Role of SDR ......................................................................................................7 1.4.1 Problems faced by Wireless Communication Industry 1.4.2 How SDR solves the problems 1.4 Features of SDR...........................................................................................9 Chapter 2 COGNITIVE RADIO TECHNOLOGY 1 2 3.1 A vision of Cognitive Radio..........................................................................10 ... Show more content on ... By contrast, software defined radio technology provides an efficient and comparatively inexpensive solution to this problem, using software upgrades. SDR defines a collection of hardware and software technologies where some or all of the radio s operating functions are implemented through modifiable software or firmware operating on programmable processing technologies. 1.2 A Brief History of SDR An SDR is a radio in which the properties of carrier frequency, signal bandwidth, modulation, and network access are defined by software. Today s modern SDR also implements any necessary cryptography; forward error correction (FEC) coding; and source coding of voice, video, or data in software as well. The roots of SDR design go back to 1987, when Air Force Rome Labs (AFRL) funded the development of a programmable modem as an evolutionary step beyond the architecture of the integrated communications, navigation, and identification architecture (ICNIA). Today s SDR, in contrast, is a general purpose device in which the same radio tuner and processors are used to implement many waveforms at many frequencies. The advantage of this approach is that the equipment is more versatile and cost effective. 1.3 Role of SDR 1.4.1 Problems faced by Wireless Communication Industry * Commercial Wireless network standards are continuously evolving from 2G to 2.5G/3G and then to 4G. The difference in
  • 45. The Quality Of Quality Assurance Essay Quality assurance can be defined as a system to monitor to and evaluate a product or a service. It identifying and recommending measures to make improvements to set standards and performance and ensuring everything is working well aiming to avoid problems keeping everything running smooth and improve products and services. In relation to the teaching, training assessing it ensures the product /service which the learner is receiving being to correct standard and the internal quality assurance are the checks which are done to ensure this is occurring. The IQA Process is carried out from the start and only ends at the completion of the product or service, in the case of the assessing is the learner s journey through the learning cycle, and enables the learner to be tracked at each stage of the process. Assessment and IQA is a continuous process and should be monitored and evaluated at all times. This allows actions for improvement which can be implemented It is important that an IQA is appointed to carry out quality assurance when assessment activities are taking place, the IQA should include the following tasks: plan what will be monitored, from whom and when observe training and assessor practice, and give developmental feedback sample assessment records, learners work and assessor decisions meet with learners and others, for example, witnesses facilitate the standardisation of assessor practice hold team meetings support assessors Upholding
  • 46. Role Of Direct Marketing Strategy Of Goodwill Direct Marketing Direct marketing plays an important role in developing the IMC strategy of Goodwill Industries that helps to raise awareness of customers as well as attract donation funds collection to the organization. Goodwill has developed its direct marketing mainly through the direct mail campaign and the website. Direct Marketing to Clients Known as direct mail campaign, Goodwill uses numerous direct mail postcards and the four color piece as well as ad brochures to send to its preferred customers to build store traffic in some areas. Also, Goodwill creates a convenient website with informative and engaging data that helps client easy access the organization s missions and key concepts. There is also a map on the main front page for individual clients, who want to buy goods from the organization, to find their nearest local Goodwill location. There is a link named Donate and Shop , which provides some basic instructions as well as the contact information for the shoppers to have further inquiry. Goodwill also offers a separate website for customers to shop online through the auction format, where customers can choose from a variety of used stuff such as clothing, books, electronics, musical instruments or pet supplies. On the front page of this website, there are some pop up promotions to attract the shoppers attention and notify them which promotions it is having. For employees looking for a job, Goodwill has two separate pages called GoodProspects and
  • 47. Essay On Fmri For neuroscience to progress, existing investigative techniques must be improved and refined, and new technologies developed. The following discussion explores proposals for enhancing fMRI technology and modifying experimental approaches in animal research in order to advance knowledge in the field. Several new methods can improve temporal and spatial resolution in fMRI. A possible methodological change involves focusing on specific regions of interest and ignoring other areas (37), thus increasing temporal resolution by decreasing the number of voxels measured per slice. This method requires a more hypothesis driven approach to fMRI because of the inability to record from the entire brain. Using a staggered single trial design, where... Show more content on ... Moreover, MEG and fMRI are often combined since their methods complement one another; MEG offsets the poor temporal resolution of fMRI while fMRI better directs spatial resolution of MEG (19). While technological developments may improve fMRI validity, broader methodological changes are needed to increase the selection of animal models, improve validity of behavioural assays, and create better genetic models. To tackle these problems, a more comparative approach to animal research, utilizing a diverse array of organisms, is vital. This involves choosing the species for the question, instead of vice versa (6). In so doing, the neural mechanisms of specialist species could be studied, such as sound localization in barn owls (21). In fact, many discoveries in neuroscience are based on novel adaptations. For example, the discovery of neurogenesis in the human dentate gyrus was preceded by its discovery in adult songbirds (15, 11). The same applies to GABA in crustaceans and neurotrophins in chick embryos (24, 41). If phylogenetically related animals share neural mechanisms from a common ancestor, this supports the essential role for that mechanism in the regulation of a given behaviour or phenomenon (40). This would call for more cross species research, which is critical for hypothesis testing. To accomplish this
  • 48. Talent Planning Resourcing Talent RTO assessment Activity 1 People Management magazine article Name:|| Group:| 2016 Spring Level 3 HRP CIPD Member No:| | Date:| 2 May 2016| Word count:| | Introduction Talent planning is a part of Human Resources processes that ensures the organisation is able to identify and attract key people with the capability to create competitive advantage and that it actively manages an appropriate balance of resource to meet changing needs, fulfilling the short and long term ambitions of the organisations strategy . This article aims to explore, identity and explain factors that can affect an organisation s approach to attracting talent, retaining a diverse workforce, recruitment, selection... Show more content on ... It is a key tool for organisations to plan ahead and identify areas/skills for training and development. Recruitment amp; selection policy: These are set of the organisation s objectives, goals and guidelines that provide the framework for an effective recruitment and selection process. The policy should aim to provide a transparent and unbiased behaviours and ensures that organisations employees the best candidate. 4. Describe the benefits of three different recruitment methods: Internal recruitment: This is a good method to promote employees who are understands the organisation s objectives and committed in achieve a common goal. It is a cheaper, easy way to recruit and managers will know the strengths and weakness of internal candidate. Employee referral schemes: Employee referral is a bonus incentive scheme that encourages personal recommendation from a current employee for candidates to fill roles. The scheme is in an indirect way to start the initial screening for candidates as they have been vouched for and might be a better cultural fit for the organisation. Job fairs: Job fairs are an opportunity for organisation s to have information tables that will attract job potential candidates for future roles. It is a networking environment for both the organisation and jobseekers. Fairs are usually common for school leaver
  • 49. Meaning Of Tarantella Dance A Doll House was a play written by Henrik Ibsen. The book was written to show how the women were treated in the Norwegian region and the tarantella dance one of the most important symbol in the play. Tarantella dance is a folk dance in the southern part of Italy. The dance is generally performed by couples. The name of the dance is generally tarantella dace is derived after a spider know as tarantula. In this play the dance is performed by Nora. The dance involves a lot of swift and jumping movement in it, which makes the person get exhausted. Most people believed that sweating in the dance was associated that the venom from the body would go so people dance for hours and many days. As in the play Nora tried to get of the poison out of her body. As the dancer tries to get rid of the... Show more content on ... Nora s Tarantella Dance is an important dramatic movement in the play. Nora is frustrated by the other character of the play, Torvald call Nora with different name Songbird and squirrel . Torvald know about the debt and fails to forgive until she is not sure about it. She decide that she can no longer be happy in her life and her marriage with Torvald and she also wants to resolve the matter with Torvald, so that she could live a peaceful and a happy life. The tarantella dance in A Doll House is an allegory. She plays different roles, predetermined by the society. Nora changes her tone of her language during the conversation s peak in a different idiom when they are out of the company of men. Ibsen used Nora to perform the dance because she was one of the important character in the play. Nora thinks that if she performs the dance then Torvald would understand her problem and he would also things that there is something wrong with her and she is facing some problem in her life. As Nora was living in the Norwegian region where women were not given much respect. Nora was also blackmailed by krogstad about the letter. So to protect herself he was going to perform the tarantella