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Responsibility Essay Ideas
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Responsibility Essay Ideas" presents a unique set of
challenges. The difficulty lies in striking the right balance between providing insightful
perspectives on responsibility and offering fresh, engaging ideas that captivate the reader's
attention. Responsibility, being a broad and subjective concept, demands careful exploration of
its various dimensions, including personal, social, and professional aspects.
One challenge is navigating the fine line between emphasizing the importance of individual
responsibility and recognizing the influence of external factors. The essay should delve into the
complexities of responsibility, acknowledging that it is not always a straightforward concept but
one that is shaped by context, culture, and personal circumstances.
Another difficulty arises in avoiding clichГ©s and generic statements. Responsibility is a topic
often discussed, and the risk of falling into common tropes or generalizations is high. Originality
in thought and expression is crucial to make the essay stand out and leave a lasting impression on
the reader.
Moreover, maintaining a cohesive structure and logical flow of ideas is essential. As the essay
explores different facets of responsibility, it should seamlessly transition from one point to the
next, ensuring that each idea contributes to the overall coherence of the essay.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on responsibility demands a delicate balance between depth of
insight, originality of thought, and a clear, engaging writing style. It requires a thoughtful
exploration of various dimensions of responsibility, avoiding clichГ©s and maintaining a
cohesive structure. Despite the challenges, the process of writing such an essay is an opportunity
for personal growth and intellectual exploration.
For those seeking assistance or inspiration with essays on similar topics, various resources,
including professional writing services, can be explored. Websites offer a
range of services to help individuals with their writing needs, providing access to a wealth of
essay ideas and expert assistance.
Responsibility Essay Ideas Responsibility Essay Ideas
Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Clinic in Newark NJ is a service for pediatric dentistry. It is very important
for children to see the pediatric dentist because this sets the foundation for their adult
teeth. When visiting the Pediatric Clinic in Newark NJ, the dentist will clean teeth,
examine teeth, diagnose conditions and make recommendations to patients. A child
should visit the pediatric dentist six months after their first tooth has came in.
During this time, the dentist is able to examine the development of your child s
mouth and foresee any issues. Small children are susceptible to gum disease and
tooth decay just like adults. This is why it is extremely important for you to take
your child to the dentist. As soon as your baby s first tooth comes in,
Compare And Contrast Qin Dynasty And Qing Dynasty
In the Dynastic cycle, the Qin and Qing Dynasties of ancient China showed similar
periods of decline. Both of these dynasties have similarities and differences when the
dynasties were aloud.
To begin with, the Qin and the Qing dynasties had some similarities. First, both
dynasties rebelled. To explain, both dynasties had a great start when the dynasty
was first created. Then, things got a little rough. The people were tired of having
bad leaders at the end so they rebelled. Both dynasties rebelled mostly because of
bad leadership which they got from the leaders of the dynasties. Second, they also
had an impressive and strong army. For example, both dynasties both used their
money wisely. That money also went to the army. By spending money on the army,
they had a strong and impressive army to protect and serve China. Lastly, they ...
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They used their money wisely at the beginning of the dynasty, but then they started
using it for bribing because the leader wouldn t treat the people well enough for
them not to bribe each other. Also, the roads, crops, and canals were destroyed.
Since the leader didn t take care of these things and would not pay for repairs, it
started to collapse. The people had to crops to eat, couldn t control flooding, and had
no good transportation for trading purposes. Another example is they started having
fewer items to trade. Since there was such poor treating to the roads and canals, there
wasn t much transportation routes for people to trade. Without trading items, people
couldn t get the items they need to survive. Also, their military started to weaken.
The ruler of this dynasty, as you can see, didn t use his money wisely. Since he didn t
use his money wisely, the military also weakened. So, they had weak protection and
weak fighting against other regions. Lastly, the government started to corrupt. Again,
since the money was a problem, the government couldn t do their job so they started
History Of The Temperance Movement
The Temperance movement was an organized effort to encourage people to ban the
consumption of alcohol. The movement was mostly women whose husbands had
uncontrolled drinking habits. Alcohol was also being blamed for health issues like
anemia, cancer, high blood pressure and nerve damage. This lead to the ban of alcohol
, which was called Prohibition. Anemia is the abnormally low count of red blood
cells. This can trigger tiredness and cause someone to become lightheaded. Scientists
believe drinking alcohol can increase the risk of cancer because the body converts
alcohol into acetaldehyde (a potent carcinogen). Having high blood pressure can lead
to kidney and heart disease. Alcoholic neuropathy is the form of nerve damage alcohol
Gothic Literature Research Paper
They told of dripping stone walls in uninhabited castles and of ivy clad monastery
ruins by moonlight, of locked inner rooms and secret dungeons, dank charnel
houses and overgrown graveyards, of footsteps creaking upon staircases and
fingers tapping at casements, of howlings and shriekings, groanings and scuttlings
and the clanking of chains, of hooded monks and headless horseman, swirling
mists and sudden winds, insubstantial specters and sheeted creatures, vampires and
bloodhounds, bats and rats and spiders, of men found at dawn and women turned
white haired and raving lunatic, and of vanished corpses and curses upon heirs
(Susan Hill). In this quote Susan Hill is describing gothic architecture found in
one of her stories. The dark dungeons and dank charnel houses directly points to the
gothic genre. Gothic literature creates complex emotions into a reader. Emotions
that readers can t find anywhere else. For example, reading a book can be so much
more terrifying than watching a movie. For some people watching scary movies is
just pointless and a waste of time, but when they read a horror book their
imagination and thoughts go wild and they can get so scared. However, this can be
different for everyone and it depends on the individual. Also, it depends on the type
of literature.... Show more content on ...
For example, in one of the most popular gothic novel/movie Batman we see how
important the setting is to the movie. So important that without darkness, as a setting,
Batman would not even exist because he is only seen at night. However, the use of
the supernatural is not frequently used as much in recent gothic literature other than
in horror books and movies, but certainly is still a big part of gothic fiction now.
Among some of the best authors of gothic literature we have Edgar Allan Poe, Victor
Hugo, Shirley Jackson, Stephan King, Susan Hill, Anna Rice and many
The Main Duties And Responsibilities Of The SSC
The SSC is consist of the members that comes from variety background in
qualification, experience and knowledge, including law and economics, in order to
add valuable support into the depth and breadth of the Shariah deliberations. The
members of the SSC must have the good qualification, expertise and experience in
the areas of Shariah especially in usul al fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and in fiqh al
muamalat(Islamic commercial laws).
6.1.2 Main Duties and Responsibilities of SSC
The main duties and responsibilities of the SSC of BIMB are principally according
to the Shariah Governance Framework;
(i)Advising the Board and Management of BIMB on Shariah related matters in order
for the BIMB to comply with Shariah principles at all times; ... Show more content on ...
Shariah audit process should be designed to allow the IFI to assess effective internal
control system for Shariah compliance has been implemented, which should include
the following:
(i) Understand the business activities of the IFIs to allow better scoping of the audit
exercise, the ability to audit and relevance of the activities;
(ii) Develop a comprehensive internal audit program or plan. The program should
include the purpose, scope, assignment of personnel, sampling, control and duration
as well as establish appropriate audit processes, policies and operating procedures IFI;
(iv)Obtain and make reference to relevant sources, including published SAC
decisions, decisions Shariah Committee, the fatwa, guidelines, Shariah audit results
and shariah internal checklist;
(iv) Conduct periodic inspection of Shariah;
(v)Communicate the results of any assessment or examination findings of Shariah to
the Board Audit Committee and the Committee of Shariah; and
(vi)Provide recommendations on remedial measures undertaken and follow up on the
implementation of the
Sexual Exploitation Of Women In The Media
Thesis: Over time, the increased sexual exploitation of women in the media
(magazines?) negatively impacts the body image and self esteem of young girls
and women in the U.S. Today magazines are exploiting the female body in an
extremely sexual and lude way to sell products to audiences worldwide. To shed
light on the negative impact these images are having, I m going to focus on the
history of the female body in relation to its increased sexual portrayal in society. In
this way, we ll see how the increased sexual exploitation of women in magazine
advertisements negatively impacts the body image and self esteem of young girls and
women in the United States. When looking up the definition of the word media on, the definition that... Show more content on ...
First, the internet. The concept of the internet emerged as a mass medium in the
1970s and remained a platform for communication used mostly by educated, elite
users until the development of the world wide web in the early 1990s. The internet
grew quickly and rigorously in popularity as developers created web browsers that
simplified the process of connecting via personal computers. Media organizations
soon began to recognize the web s value as a medium capable of transmitting and
communicating information instantly and in greater depth and clarity than was ever
possible. Over time, media groups began increasing their reliance on the web by
building more sophisticated and complicated sites to display things such as video,
audio, print, graphics, etc. Almost 73 percent of all US adults enjoyed having a
connection to the internet in 2006, and a recent growth has occurred in the
acceleration of high speed internet service. More than 42 percent of American adults
had broadband connections in 2006, which was a remarkable 40 percent increase in
broadband use from a year earlier. News organizations were cautious and warry when
they transitioned onto the web while journalists cautioned against almost a loss of
control and maybe function within a more fluid, interactive environment. The need to
change to keep consumers was overwhelming though and gave the organizations no
other choice. Traditional print and broadcast organizations especially adapted to and
/or embraced the change of medium with transmitting information because of the
continued crumbling and decline of audiences and consumers. Because of the
internet, journalism has changed a bit with how information is distributed as well.
Now people are sharing and distributing information through blogs, podcasts, video
sites, and popular social networking sites. Throughout the
Daisy Buchanan The Great Gatsby
Daisy Buchanan is a very materialistic woman. Not only does she marry Tom
Buchanan, a wealthy man, she believes that money makes everything better. Her
ideologies about wealth, and the fact that she pays dearly for her wealth and fails
to care, shows her obsession with financial stability. In a sense, regardless of how
badly Tom treats her, she fails to care. Instead, she holds tightly to the idea that
money is the cure all for everything. The night before their wedding, she wants to
call everything off and not marry him but she decides to go through with it because
of her desire of money. Daisy and Gatsby get reunited 5 years later and Daisy is
filled with regret regarding her decision to marry Tom. Tom cheated on Daisy on their
Case Study on Dr Snapple Group Inc.
AGIM2012402536 Strategic Issues and Problems Being the consultant of Dr
Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. (DPSG), I am charged to assess whether or not a
profitable market opportunity existed for a new energy beverage brand to be
produced, marketed, and distributed by the company. The decision to explore a
new energy beverage was made by senior company management of DPSG as part of
a corporate business strategy to focus on opportunities in (1) High Growth and (2)
High Margin beverage businesses. My tasks involve a number of important factors. I
... Show more content on ...
| Dependent on a small number of large retailers for a significant portion of their
sales| Attractive positioning with large, growing and profitable market| Total
indebtedness could affect our operations and profitability| Volatility in raw material
costs| Financial results may be negatively impacted by some economicconditions|
Broad geographic manufacturing and distribution coverage| They may not comply
with applicable government laws| New distribution channels| Substantial disruption to
production at the manufacturing could occur| Experienced Executive Management
team| Products may not meet health and safety standards| | Costs for raw materials
may increase substantially| Strong operating margins and significant, stable Cash
flows| They could lose key personnel or may be unable to recruit qualified
personnel| | Weather and climate changes could adversely affect the business|
Porters Five Forces Analysis The bargaining power of customers In the energy
beverage industry customers have the bargaining power. Energy drinks are an elastic
product, and are not necessity for daily life. Customers however do not usually want
to buy in bulk, and prefer soft
Delivery Of The Keys To Saint Peter
The aim of this paper is to examine two different pieces of art. In one corner we
have Rogier van der Weyden, Deposition and in the other corner we have Pietro
Perugino, Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter. Both paintings are innovative with
respect to the period that it was done in. As I move along in this paper, I am going to
examine an art piece and compare it to the other.
Let s begin by discussing the difference between the Italian Renaissance and the
Northern Renaissance. The Italian Renaissance was based in the south and
common times referred to as the stage model. The reason that it is called the stage
model is because art in that time period were primary focused on linear perspective.
Meanwhile, the Northern Renaissance was based in the north, in countries like the
Netherlands and Germany. From time to time we will hear it be referred to as the
Mirror model. Northern Renaissance art is commonly known for its intricate detail.
The Deposition is a great example of Northern Renaissance art while the Delivery of
the Keys to Saint Peter is a ... Show more content on ...
If we zoom in on the Weyden s painting, we can see just how well he was able to
capture the detail of each individual s hair and even the wrinkles in their foreheads.
Every strand of hair is accentuated and every wrinkle is emphasized. To top it off,
we are able to see and in some way feel the emotion of each individual due to the
realism of their expression. Then we look at Perugino painting and realize that it is
severely lacking in precise detail. Each individual has the same or slightly modified
hair style and their facial expressions are standard. I am not emotionally connected
to the painting. I am not sure if what is happening in the image is a good or bad
thing. A person s expression tells a lot about them and unfortunately Perugino was not
able to reach the level that Weyden did when it comes to
Philadelphia Museum Analysis
Touch, Taste, Sight, Smell and Sound, five senses used to understand the world
around us. Now limit the senses available to nothing but sight, forcing the individual
to use their imagination as a replacement. As they immerse themselves into the image
in front of them, a true experience of understanding interpretation, and connection
ensues. The Philadelphia Museum of Art is occupied by a diversely cultured gallery
presented with architectural aesthetics focusing on the theme of each exhibit,
allowing an environment for learning, connecting, and immersing oneself into the
beauty of art. It is more than the art that creates a successful museum. Factors such as
public programs, presentation, and participation provide a unique experience to
visitors... Show more content on ...
True awe overwhelms the being as they first approach the architectural masterpiece
that is the building itself. The immense size of the Museum infused with the Neo
Classical architecture used for its creation (Our Story) deserves as much
admiration as any of the interior attraction. Wednesday s night s peak in popularity,
the promotion being pay what you want influences much of the community and
students to try the experience for a low price. After entering the visitor is left with
the freedom to decide the starting point of their adventure, with multiple options
on the 1st and 2nd floor. The featured exhibit of the time was Wrath of the Gods
featuring massive works that gave a feeling of insignificance as I watched
Prometheus s divine punishment in Reuben s Prometheus bound , with the almost
parallel punishment of Tityus helping to empower the aura of feebleness forced
into the viewer as they feel the overwhelming sense of helplessness felt by the
suffering men that cannot resist the strength of Gods. Another featured exhibit
focused on American still life Audubon to Warhol . Audio tours are advocated for
the experience as a means of granting more in depth information of an artist s
representation of still life. Personally, reading the information plaques that
governed certain sections of each artists work, was enough to grasp the concept.
Each room was filled with oil and watercolor paintings of inanimate objects such as
fruit, silverware, food, and animals that appeared to be frozen in time. The idea
behind taking something as simple as a bowl of fruit and making it the focus of a
painting gives sensibility towards the beauty of life, emphasizing on the defining
colors and aspects of the objects pieced together. Another defining aspect of these still
life paintings is their ability to seemingly pop out
Bill Beichick Persuasive Speech
At several points throughout someone s life, it is guaranteed that accusations will be
made against them. Some may be true, others may be false, but when they are made
it is up to the accused to prove themselves innocent. Within the past ten years, former
Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevich, and Head Coach of the New England Patriots,
Bill Belichick faced adversity which came along with accusations made against them.
With the use of ethos, pathos, and logos, otherwise known as the three rhetorical
appeals, both gentlemen attempted to persuade others to believe in their innocence.
After reading both situations it is evident that by using his credibility, being very
informative to his discourse community, and sharing intellectual and emotional
experience, Bill Belichick was far more successful in accomplishing his persuasive
The ethos appeal is the author s persuasive power to use credibility in a rhetorical
situation. Within his press conference, Rob Blagojevich s tone in addressing the
topic at hand suggests to the audience that he is strong and confident in his words.
By saying, I m not going to quit a job the people hired me to do because of false
accusations and a political lynch mob (Blagojevich 1), he attempts to gain credibility
by remaining firm and reminding the people of Illinois that they are the ones who
voted for him to be governor. He is implying that since they trusted him enough to
elect him as the representative of their state, they should have the
The Ugly Renaissance Discussion Of Italy
The Ugly Renaissance Discussion
1. Why did the Renaissance originate in Florence and prosper for so many years?
In many ways, Italy had benefits over northern Europe in detaching from the feudal
system and accumulating enormous amounts of wealth. I think that above all else,
geography was Italy s anchor in this respect. Being a projecting land mass sticking
out into the Mediterranean Sea, and beneficially located between the main part of
Europe and the Byzantine Empire, cities within Italy had little choice but to weave
endeavors of commerce into every day life while engaging in the market and foreign
trade. Therefore, Italy became prone to the extensive continuity of goods and
novelties earlier than other European areas. Accordingly,... Show more content on ...
Florence was exposed to the principles and ideologies of foreign regions and
immersed them into the art and literature produced thereafter. That then percolated to
the rest of the other European nations and the rest of Italy itself. The Medici
maintained these connections rooted and stable by way of finance and politics and
guaranteed that Florence, throughout the Renaissance, was an advocate of the arts.
Furthermore, had it not been for the establishment of a connection between the
Medici and the Papacy, Florence and Rome, it seems, may have actually been rivals
grown under the essence of partnership and collaboration during the Renaissance.
Rome supplied many Florentine artists with a harbor, and, in turn, Florence took
advantage of the administration of the papal funds.
2. What were the differences from the Middle Ages promoted by the Renaissance?
Often, the Renaissance is acknowledged as an era of artistic refinement. However,
couldn t it also be said that the Renaissance, for the most part, clung to the spiritual
and religious motifs of the Middle Ages? If so, what were the differences, during that
period, from the Middle Ages as promoted by the Renaissance?
Regardless of the likenesses to medieval art encircling subject matter and theme,
Renaissance artists undoubtedly interrupted the stagnant standards of medieval art.
As previously stated, the themes of the Middle Ages were rather consistent, but the
Renaissance style was unprecedented in its
Money Laundering Act 2002
B.Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 The Prevention of Money
Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) was enacted to safeguard against those acts of
persons which are aimed at making tainted money appear as untainted. To take a
simple example, if a person earns money through, say, dealing in narcotic drugs and
thereafter takes some steps whereby it appears to have been earned through some
legitimate business, such as running a laundry shop (the classic example), it is money
laundering . Thus, the ingredients of the Act are clear: there has to be an offence,
monies have to be earned through such offence and then an act should be made
delinking such earnings from the offence and linking it with another act that is not an
offence . Relevant Provisions
Anti Curfew Law
You can t tame a wild mustang, so why try and control teenager who wants as many
freedoms as possible. Curfews set by the Government may seem like a good idea, but
it s not. The idea of laws enforcing a curfew for teenagers is not a good one, it
unfairly takes away a teenagers freedom. If there is a law about a curfewand a teen
does not like it, there is a high chance that they will just stay out past curfew.
Curfew in a household is specified by the parents. If the parents and child both
state their case on a time, and agree on it, the child will keep their word. If there is
a law enforcing a curfew, there will not always be a way for teens to try and
negotiate a fair time, like they could if their parents decided the time they had to be...
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Also, with that law, parents will probably follow the time of that law. This means
that teens cannot try and negotiate a time that is fair. If a teen believes that the
curfew time is not fair and wants hangout with friends or go to a party, they will
most likely sneak out. The point of the curfew is to keep people safe and make
sure they do not get in trouble, but if a teenager is going to sneak out anyway, what
s the point. A curfew law is a good idea on paper for parents who worry about there
children, but there is no true way to make sure they are safe without taking away
there freedoms, and that is what a Government forced curfew would do. Not all
teenagers are bad and stay out past curfew just to party and hangout with friends,
sometimes teens need to stay out late. High school students have extra curricular
activities they do after school. I know from personal experiences that sometimes you
can get home from a sporting event after a scheduled curfew. That is one of the first
things i was
Questions On The Chinese Room
In Minds, Brains, and Programs John Searle objects to Computational Theory of
Mind (CTM), particularly that running a program on a computer and manipulating
symbols does not mean that the computer has understanding, or more generally a
mind. In this paper I will first explain Searle s Chinese Room, then I will explain
CTM and how it relates to the Chinese Room. Following this I will describe how the
Chinese Room attacks the CTM. Next I will explain the Systems Reply to the
Chinese Room and how the Systems Reply actually undermines Searle s conclusion
in the Chinese Room. Then I will describe Searle s response to the Systems Reply and
how that response undermines the Systems Reply. Lastly, I will evaluate Searle s
reply to the Systems Reply and defend the Systems Reply against the points Searle
raises against the Systems Reply. To explain the Chinese Room I will first explain the
instructions in the Chinese room; then I will explain how the man inside the room
manipulates these instructions. Finally, given that the man only operates the
instructions, Searle s conclusion is that the man does not understand Chinese.
Therefore, the whole system does not understand Chinese. The instructions in the
room are a complex set of rules that guide the man inside to receive inputs and
produce outputs all written in Chinese. The instructions, written in English, tell the
man if you see this Chinese symbol paired with this Chinese symbol put down these
Chinese symbols, or if
Essay On My Hero s Journey-Personal Narrative
As the border patrol exited the school taking me with him, mamma and papa were
already in the patrols car along with the rest of the family. Once I saw my family,
my eyes opened wide, shocked, I tried to grasp for air and words and what came
out was, what s happening papa? Papa looked out the window, with regret and
sadness in his voice he simply said they have found us miho. I instantly looked at
mamma, with tears in her eyes she said we are getting deported Panchito. She
turned to papa and sobbed on his shoulder. The border officer put me in the car
along side Papa and mamma. After driving for a couple of hours we made it to Las
Vegas. The officer stoped for some gas. He got out of the car then opened the door
and said sternly You... Show more content on ...
Papa woke us up early and said we are going to the store to buy as much as we can
afford to help us out with fixing the house and eating. We walked to get breakfast,
since we no longer have our carcachita, from a place called
hsc3049 prepare the enviroment Essay
1.1 When going into a call the first thing that should be done is to get all the
materials that you need together in order to provide care. For example, if someone
is bed ridden and you are changing their pad then you will need to get the clean
pad, carrier bag, toilet roll, baby wipes, towel, cream if applicable and usually the
slide sheet ready. By not having everything ready you will have to stop what you
are doing and go and get things. The individual during this time is rolled on their
side and no doubt in some discomfort and delaying the proceedings to go and get
things only increases this discomfort. After providing care all materials ... Show more
content on ...
Different gloves should be used for personal care and food preparation to avoid
cross contamination. Gloves and aprons should be disposed of at the end of each
call. Hands should be washed on entering and leaving each call and after smoking
and eating. Hair should be tied back if it is mid length or long. Tissues should be
used if coughing or sneezing and disposed of and then hands should be washed.
2.3 The main conditions that affect individual comfort within the environment are
warmth, lighting, food and cleanliness. With regards to warmth it is important to ask
the individual whether they are comfortable especially in the winter months when
the thermostat may need to be turned higher up. A change to the blankets on the
bed will be necessary according to the seasons and particularly in winter a blanket
over them while they are sitting in the chair or a hot water bottle may be required.
Lighting is more often than not unchangeable and it is important to ensure that
light bulbs work. I do care for a lady who felt that the lighting in her front room was
to bright so we brought lamps down from of the spare bedrooms to create a softer
feel to the room which she is now pleased with. Food is extremely important in
affecting individual comfort as we all need to eat and drink and we also like to have
snacks to eat between meals or while watching TV. We can ensure that the fridge is
Wilkins Ice Shelf Research Paper
Imagine being on a deserted island with nothing and nobody around. Now, imagine
that desert island is a giant iceberg that disconnects from its main land and starts
floating into the open ocean. Most would suddenly think, the deserted island is not
so bad after all. This scenario sounds like a great Disney movie but a horror film in
for reality. A gigantic ice shelf called Wilkins ice shelf, located on the western side
of the Antarctic Peninsula, disconnected and started a journey into the open ocean.
This ice shelf quickly broke off but where will the currents of the ocean take it after
six months of floating in the open water.
Scientists have stated that global warming is playing a large role in why ice shelfs
such as Wilkens ice shelf are breaking of the Antarctic (British Antarctic Survey
2008). The Wilkens was one of the most current ice shelves that has detached from
the Antarctic Peninsula in early 2008. In fact, six ice shelves completely collapsed
in the last 30 years, due to warming (2008). According to the British Antarctic
Survey, We believe the Wilkins has been in place for at least a few hundred years.
But warm air and exposure to ocean waves are causing a break up (2008). The
Wilkins shelf is gigantic in size At roughly 70.5 degrees south ... Show more content
on ...
Ocean currents play a huge effect on where and what happens to things like icebergs
floating in the ocean. Being that the Artic Circumpolar Current, which is also known
as the West Wind Drift is the current that flows near where the iceberg broke off, the
iceberg probably would be pulled into the eastward flow. This current is unique
because it is the only current that goes completely around the globe without
interruption, and stays consistent in its path (Sverdrup, Keith, Raphael Kudela,
2013). The iceberg eventually would be effected by the ocean water and break apart
into much smaller
The Proposed Pohick Creek Watershed Stream
The proposed Pohick Creek watershed stream restoration project PC9249 is located
northwest of Parliament Drive and east of Queen Victoria Court in Burke, VA, which
is in Fairfax County. This project was designated as a 10 year high priority project in
2010 due to erosion, location of the adjacent neighborhoods, and the invested interest
of the surrounding communities. Presently, only the design for the restoration project
has been funded and was completed in May 2015. Although it has been over a year
since the concept design was completed, the construction funding is still pending.
Based on the cost benefit analysis, the survey results and the site evaluation, I
recommend Fairfax County assist Southport and Signal Hill Homeowner
Associations (HOA) to receive immediate funding for the construction costs
($1,990,000) of the Pohick Creek at Queen Victoria (PC9249) stream restoration
Stormwater is water produced by rain or melting snow, which can rapidly flow over
impervious surfaces into streams. Upland development magnifies the occurrence of
stream bank erosion and in stream nutrient pollution, which also have indirect
negative effects. When stream bank erosion occurs, eroding sediment causes an
increase in turbidity. Heavy stormwater flows into streams mixes the streambed
sediment, which also increases turbidity, and ultimately causes declines in aquatic
biota (Waters 1995). Therefore, negative externalities of upland development include
Examples Of Salutary Neglect In Great Britain
Britain created a lot of policies to keep the colonies under their rule. They also had
these policies in place because it benefited their own economy. American colonies
would give Britain supplies, and they would use these supplies to manufacture for a
profit. The Navigation Acts were created so that trade would be more regulated.
Salutary neglect was allowing strict laws on mercantilism not to be enforced. The
Navigation Acts allowed only certain supplies to be shipped through specific
countries. The acts also only allowed certain people like Englandto carry cargo. The
colonies were not happy with these policies that were put in place. England
developed the salutary neglect system so that certain policies that was affecting the
colonies wouldn t be... Show more content on ...
Great Britain was able to receive a vast majority of land. France lost all of the land
they controlled in North America. This war resulted in both sides having to invest
a lot of money to fight each other. Salutary neglect (mentioned earlier) was a term
used to describe how certain laws were not enforced so they wouldn t affect the
colonies. The laws that were ignored were often ones that were in place to keep the
colonies under England s rule. These policies that were ignored dealt with trade.
Great Britain was okay with allowing salutary neglect for the colonies, as long as
they obeyed them. The colonies were happy with this because it gave them some
freedom. As stated earlier, Salutary neglect allowed the colonies to go against
certain policies in the Navigation Acts. Salutary Neglect also allowed the Triangular
Trade to occur. The colonies were able to trade with Spain, France, and the
Netherlands (Even when they weren t supposed to under the Navigation Acts). Great
Britain later tried to enforce those Acts so that they could gain some power back. The
colonists ultimately rebelled because of Britain s
William Mckinley
William McKinley 25th President of the United States. William McKinley was
born on January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio, a town of about 300 people. He was the
7th child born to William and Nancy Alison McKinley His family moved to
Poland, Ohio when he was nine years old so that the children could go to a private
school called the Poland Academy. In school William liked to read, debate, and he
was the president of the school s first debate club. When he was 16 he went to
Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania, for a while before he got sick and
had to return home .he did not go back to Meadville, because the family had no
money. Instead, he worked as a postal clerk for awhile. When the Civil War started
on April 12, 1861, he taught... Show more content on ...
During this time as governor he became friends with millionaire industrialist Mark
Hanna from Cleveland, Ohio. In 1892 McKinley was at the Republican National
Convention and was almost nominated for the presidency. Mark Hanna had
unofficially opened a McKinley for President headquarters in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. In 1893, McKinley faced a personal problem that almost sidetracked
his political career. He had co signed bank notes totaling more than $100,000.00 to
help a friend start a business. The business went down the drain, and McKinley
was expected to repay the bank loans. McKinley did not have the money. His
friends, led by Mark Hanna, raised enough money to repay the debt. The public felt
bad for McKinley and he was re elected as governor in 1893. In 1896, the
Republicans again supported McKinley and he was nominated as the Republican
presidential contender with Garret Hobart, a New Jersey senator, as his running
mate. The Democratic opponents were William Jennings Bryan, from Nebraska,
whose running mate was Arthur Sewall, a rich ship builder. McKinley conducted a
front porch campaign in Canton, partly because he didn t want to leave his wife.
Over 750,000 people visited Canton to hear him speak. McKinley won the election
with more than 7 million of 14
The Threat Of Attending Rsa s Cyber Security Seminar
Recently, I had the privilege of attending RSA s cyber security seminar in San
Francisco, CA, the seminar was held from February 13th to the 17th. Furthermore,
some of the top cyber experts in the industry were available afterwards, to answer
one on one questions. Even though, the one on one was not a part of my package, I
still learned some valuable information for the seminar. For example, the seminar
devoted a few hours to internet banking and provided the banking industry with tips
on how to thwart attacks and what forms those attacks might come in. After the
seminar concluded, I went to grab a quick bite to eat in the hotel restaurant, before
catching my flight back. Thus, I was excited to share all the information I learned
with my... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, fraudsters use social engineering to deceive the bank customers and gain
access to sensitive online credentials (Schneider, 2013, p. 480). Unfortunately,
fraudsters use phishing to hold clients customer data through making phone calls or
sending emails to determine information on the payment cards. Moreover, the
information obtained through phishing enables the fraudsters to obtain access and
make withdrawals, thus forging the customers identity. For example, backdoor
programs, such as Cart32, steal customer data (Schneider, 2013, p.430). Therefore,
phishing not only impacts negatively internet banking but also poses threats to the
bank payment system.
According to Schneider (2013), the phishing scheme involves the fraudsters using
stenography in spoofed emails to lead bank customers to a prototype of their bank s
websites that look legitimate. However, the fake website would be designed to steal
their information (p. 427). Thus, the websites save customers financial information
through coaxing bank customers to learn their credit card numbers and social security
numbers. Moreover, the fraudsters may use advertisements or deliver emails that
appear to be sent by IB bank. Further, the advertisements contain website links that
replicate customers bank s website. Moreover, fraudsters may use mobile
communication to ask bank customers about the information concerning their banks
Nursing Integrity In Nursing
Integrity consists of soundness and adherence to moral principles. Nurses who
practice with integrity act in ways that are consistent with what they see as is the
right thing to do, and also perform in accordance with accepted standards of
practice (Levinson, Ginsburg, Hafferty Lucey, n.d.). A nurse with integrity
provides ethical care, gives honest information to patients, families, and staff,
documents appropriately. Our purpose in nursing is to create and maintain an
environment that allows a patient to heal. Using Nightingale s model, nursing is
defined as a both an art and a science. We are able to make our own decisions based
on our observations that use empirical data and evidence based research which
Nightingale supported variety (Dowell, 2015) At the center of Florence
Nightingale s model is the patient, as they are the one receiving care. In healthcare,
and as nurses, we encourage patients to participate in their own care. Each patient
is unique and has needs that are different from the patient next door. We
demonstrate altruism by being concerned about the well being of our patients, and
it is our responsibility to promote this value. Doing so involves an understanding of
a patient s individual beliefs, and taking risks on their behalf. Nightingale also
mentions the importance of variety (Dowell, 2015). I have had patients that stay for
more than a week, feeling confined to the four walls of their small room. Doing
things as simple as going for walks or
Maxwell Equations Essay
when attached to a solenoid it gives it a lot of power to do things like power houses.
The solenoid makes the electromagnetic field stronger causing it to do more and
bigger tasks.
Multiple scientist developed theories about electromagnetism. One of the most
popular ones is the Maxwell Equations. The Maxwell equations are equations
explaining electromagnetism and how it works. These equations were formed by
different equations and experiments. According to (Gale, 2001, WWW)Albert
Einstein James Clerk Maxwell set the platform for physics and future scientists.
Maxwell s theories were opposite from what other people thought. MaxwellВґs
theories also didn t have a lot of mistakes but there were quite a few mistakes in the
velocity area. Maxwell s theories brought a big change to electromagnetism. His
theory connected and brought electricity and magnetism together.
Maxwell was the first to collect and publish research about ... Show more content on ...
Albert einstein was born in Ulm, Germany he even own a nobel prize for physics
(Gale, 2008, WWW). Einstein is one of the most memorable, popular, and some
would even say the most successful scientist. Doing research on electrons einstein
discover electromagnetism was wrapped in the energy of electrons. Einstein gave
credit to other scientist such as James Clerk Maxwell and even went as far as to say
they set they set the platform for modern physics. Another scientist that helped with
this discovery was Heinrich Hertz. In the 1880s Hertz produced electromagnetic
waves, these waves went farther than visible light could these waves are now called
radio waves. Hertz (Gale, 2006, WWW)contributed quite a bit to electromagnetism,
not only did he discover the waves but he did research in the topic of electromagnetic
radiation. He didn t always want to be a scientist in fact he studying engineering at the
university of
Joseph Mccarthy And Communism
McCarthyism and Communism Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of
the Communist party? During the late 1940 s and 1950 s the topic of communism
had developed into everyday conversation for all Americans considering the end of
the World War 11, and the beginning of the cold war. In 1952 a man named Joseph
McCarthywas elected into the senate for Wisconsin. He won mostly won because of
interest in the issues of communism. Joseph McCarthy began to weed out the
communism he thought existed in America. He began to accuse writers and actors
and other entertainers, most of whom were labeled communist sympathizers and
were no longer able to work. Some of those who were accused had their passports
taken away while others were put into
Chemical Effects Of Methamphetamine
An amphetamine is any one of a class of drugs that stimulates the central nervous
system and promotes the release of dopamine. When an amphetamine is ingested, its
molecules move to the brain. Some of the amphetamine reacts with the brain and
spinal cord to promote alertness, reacting in a similar way to caffeine, while the rest
reacts with neurons in the brainto force large levels of dopamine, the chemical most
associated with love and other euphoric experiences, and other positive
neurotransmitters into the brain. These effects create a high similar to that of
cocaine. Because amphetamines result in increased energy and alertness, they are
considered a stimulant, as opposed to a depressant (like alcohol or marijuana), which
would increase... Show more content on ...
For several decades, amphetamines continued to be synthesized in labs for
possible medical uses (MDMA, or ecstasy, was first discovered in 1910, with
methamphetamine following in 1919). However, most of these drugs went unused
until later in the century. In the 1930s, amphetamines began to be used as a
substitute for various drugs for respiratory ailments, leading to the creation of
Benzedrine, which helped clear passages in the lungs. One of the side effects of
Benzedrine use was insomnia, which led to more research on possible uses for
amphetamines. Later in the decade, amphetamines were used to treat sleeping
disorders such as narcolepsy (a condition whereby patients fall asleep at seemingly
random moments throughout the day). However, doctors still did not know about
the harmful physical and psychological effects of amphetamines. Viewing this new
class of drugs as a panacea, doctors began to use amphetamines to treat children and
adults with ADHD, and this use too proved successful. Patients with ADHD reported
being more focused and less hyperactive while being treated with amphetamines.
During World War II, soldiers who needed to be alert around the clock used
amphetamines to stay alert late at night and during long engagements. Later on,
during the 1960s, amphetamines began to be used as a weight loss drug, with
millions of American consumers using them to lose weight or to stay alert. As we
Persuasive Essay On Homeless People
Homelessness is a large problem for Americans today. Each day, we see it, but
what about the causes? The definition of a homeless person is someone whom is
lives in a public place with no shelter. Homeless people must do things out in public
that other people have the resources to do in the privacy of their homes. Many
things come in to play when it comes to understanding being homeless. One problem
that homeless people face is medication and sleep problems. Another situation is
finding a job or income to support a shelter. Lastly, people who are homeless have
types of diseases that they must face along with the troubles of no place to call home.
St. Mungo s, a homeless shelter and outreach society, researched homelessness. They
said that people who have a hard time falling asleep, which also includes sleeping
on the side of the road or even having to sleep in a hotel room, have a rate of health
problems that go over two to three times a person who has a place to call home.
Even the rate of Tuberculosis is over two hundred times more than of the normal
population. Some people have even said to had problems with diabetes and high
blood pressure. Most need medication throughout the rest of their adult lives, even
when there is no money for if they get sick. The team at St. Mungo supports over
2500 people a night who have no shelter.
Our economy right now is at the lowest we have seen in a very long time. People
with various degrees are finding it harder to get jobs where
Emancipated Foster Education
In the United States, the number of youth who are again out of the foster care
system and failing to achieve permanency are growing each year. Foster care
alumni have higher rates of incarceration and unintended pregnancies. Emancipated
youth are at a higher risk for becoming homeless and are more likely to be food
insecure. Many of these youth fail to graduate from high school, obtain their GED
or to be employed. These youth are falling through the cracks, and aren t able to
utilize resources and services. In order to advocate for emancipated foster youth
alumni, by choosing one social media platform, I would elect for an Instagram
account. This forum enables users to share photos, videos, and messages. The
composition of Instagram has... Show more content on ...
(Saxton, Niyirora, Guo Waters, 2015, p. 160). Using unique, ironic or comical
hashtags are more memorable to audiences, and although it is important for agencies
to use hashtags, it is more effective when they get other users to use their specific
hashtags with a positive message surrounding the cause [or] organization. (Saxton,
Niyirora, Guo Waters, 2015, p. 166). For foster care and adoption hashtags, it is
important to come up with something unique because fostering and adopting animals
is also displayed with handles such as #fostercare and #adoption or
#fostercareadoption. Other hashtags that incorporate foster care and adoption are
#adoptionrocks and #gotchaday. Hashtags that currently exist as advocacy efforts are
#fosteryouthmatter, #fosteryouthvoices, #fosteryouthawareness, #fosterfamily and
#fosteryouthfacts. Unfortunately currently there are very few posts under each
hashtag. Things that can help differentiate are specific locations; policies that affect
foster care or emancipated
Sir Isaac Newton Cause And Effect
Cause and Effect: Sir Isaac Newton
We build too many walls and not enough bridges. Greetings, I m Sir Isaac Newton,
the famed scientific discoverer of gravity. My childhood was anything but stable.
Three months after my father died in 1642, I was born a small, premature infant on
January 4th, 1643 in Lincolnshire. My mother remarried when I was 3 and left me
with my grandmother. I hated my stepfather, and despised my mother for marrying
him, even threatening to burn their house down. In school, I found my solace in
books, particularly in science and mechanics. In my first year of college at
Cambridge University, my mother returned and tried to make me a farmer, but
farming was boring and derivative, so my uncle brought me back to school and I
studied color, light, alchemy, history, and religion, particularly the Bible. After the
plague, I was forced to return home, where I ... Show more content on
After 2 years at work in 1687, I published my most cherished work, The Principia,
where the laws of gravity were explained in 3 basic laws. They explained how
gravity makes the moon orbit Earth and how Earth orbits the Sun. It also
explained elliptical orbits and the flattening of the poles and bulge at the equator.
It completely changed scientists and people s views of the universe. Robert
accused me of plagiarism, but his claims were invalid. I suffered a mental
breakdown later that year for many reasons and became a recluse. After that I
joined Parliament and saved England s money crisis. It was around that time I
suffered another mental breakdown but recovered quickly. I lived with my niece for
my final years. It was around that time where I told the story of the falling apple that
made me think about gravitational forces at my farm back home. In 1727, I suffered
intense pain in my head and abdomen and lost consciousness. I never regained
consciousness, and was pronounced dead the next
Globalisation, Liberalization, Privatization And...
India was the world s largest country in the beginning and was accounted for about
32.9% of world GDP and about 17% of bout world population. The goods produced
in India exported to different destinations across the world; the concept of
globalization is new to India. In 1991, in economic reforms, India became fastest
growing major economies and considered as newly industrialized country. It faces the
challenges like poverty, corruption, malnutrition and insufficient healthcare. In 1991,
balance of payment disaster forced India to liberalize its economy and it moved
towards free market system. India had to face many economic problems during 1990
1991 such as massive deficiency in foreign trade balance, decreasing of foreign
exchange stock, suffering from increase in inflation etc. Government of India
introduced reforms to get relief from the economic problem. They take three major
initiatives generally abbreviated as LPG, i.e. Liberalization, Privatization and
Globalization. GLOBALIZATION Globalization means interaction of the domestic
economy with the rest of the world regarding to foreign investment, production, trade
and financial matters. Globalization is a process that defines growing
interdependence between various economies of the world. Globalization is a process
by which regional economies, societies and cultures have been combined through a
global network of communication, trade and transportation. Different measures taken
for globalization are: пѓ Custom duties
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Essay
Psych: Drug Addiction
The meeting I attended was held in Millersville University at Lehr Hall at 9:30 Am. I
attended the meeting alone and was initially very hesitant and uncomfortable with the
idea. At the beginning not unexpected occurred really happened. It appeared to be a
very informal meeting that everyone seemed to already be acquainted. All the
members directed each other by name and I was welcomed by, what seemed to be,
a regular attendee as well as a new member. I sat down and initiated conversation
with the member next to me. She informed me that she goes to multiple meetings and
this was her first time at the specific location. She asked me of my major and other
information. A member of the group, who seemed to be the... Show more content on ...
This put the topic more towards forgiveness rather than anything else. The only
topic discussed, as I recall, was forgiveness. Many members gave their accounts of
moments in which they felt sorry and how they handled the situation. I will refrain
from going into further detail about any of the members of the group to keep their
anonymity. The meeting concluded with the serenity prayer. I was not familiar
with this prayer so I just held the hands of those near me and bowed my head out of
respect. Specific attendees of the meetings appeared more active and attentive
than others. Some of them seemed as though they did not want to be there and
looked miserable. About one or two of the members even fell asleep a couple of
times. Maybe some members went because they had to or because they just
wanted to help tell themselves that they are trying. This really interested me
because it is important to take notice that some people go and progress due to
being active and others are just forced. In the case of being forced it is very easy to
go to the meeting and just not be attentive or active. During the meeting I felt very
enlightened. The topic of forgiveness is very broad and is even relevant in my own
life. The viewpoint on the topic was very different and interesting. They talked
more about being forgiving of ourselves because we are the ones that cause
ourselves to react negatively to life s daily hassles and stressors. They also spoke on
the control
Comparing Emerson s Writings with Whitman s Writings
Emerson and Whitman
A commonality when comparing Emerson s writings with Whitman s writings are
the use of the ideas Emerson came up with integrated and used in Whitman s
writing. It is clear that Emerson s writing were a set of instructions for the
Transcendentalist movement in addition to a lifestyle to try and attain or rise up to
for society. Emerson give guidelines and ideas on how people should function in
society largely based off of nature and its natural occurrence and set order. When
Whitman starts writing, he adopts Emerson s guidelines in order to become a great
poet. In Transcendentalism, one of the commonalities in the writing is the idea of
nature as a beneficial part of the world. The natural world to be precise is an
underused and not understood piece of the world. Emerson and Whitman both saw
nature as a beneficial topic to study in their writings. Emerson and Whitman both
studied and reflected upon nature in order to understand lessons or basic
guidelines that it could teach them about being human. In Self Reliance and Song
of Myself, it can be seen that if you are willing to study nature and gain the
knowledge it gives you to live your life lessons can be gained. Nature is not simply
pretty scenery to look at but if studied deeper it promotes a lifestyle. Particularly, for
Emerson, nature is seen as perfect because it is not tainted by the constructs or
failures of man it is simply natural and untouched. In addition, man s law has no
power over
Sour Dough Diet
Many Americans love the delicious, yet fattening, carbohydrate recognized as
bread. Usually, we all eat bread when it is stuffed with meat and cheese, but most
can t resist the taste of certain breads without the added accompaniments. Sour
Dough bread, being a popular favorite, is most commonly made by preparing your
starter dough, feeding the starter dough, then finally kneading and baking the
loaves. The first step is making the starter dough. Before starting, make sure you
have a large, non metallic bowl for mixing. Making sure your bowls are non
metallic ensures that the dough will not ruin. Mix together dry yeast, two cups of
warm water, and two cups of all purpose flour. Once you have mixed all of your
ingredients, obtain the mix with a loose seal and leave the starter dough in a warm
place to ferment for four to eight days and check on it occasionally. Making sure the
breadis well fermented will improve the quality of the dough. Once the days have
passed, the mixture is bubbly, and there is a pleasantly sour smell; the starter dough
is ready to be used. If the starter... Show more content on ...
After you take the start er dough out of the refrigerator and leave it on the counter
for at least an hour, you will mix dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Mixing the dry
ingredients separate will help the process stay organized. These dry ingredients
include: sugar, bread flour, and potato flakes. Once the ingredients are mingled
together, contribute the mix with the existing starter dough. Now the dough is fed
and the mushy mess will need to sit and warm to room temperature. Once bubbles
start to float to the top, you are finally ready for your last step. After leaving the
dough out for a day, combine six cups of bread flour, one cup of sugar, one
tablespoon of salt, a half cup of oil, one and a half cups of the starter dough, and a
half cup of warm water until the mix is thick. This combination will take you to the
Sexual Harassment on The Office
The Office was an NBC Mockumentary that for nine years followed the day to day
operations of a mid range paper supply company called Dunder Mifflin. The office
manager was an eccentric, at times wildly misunderstood man named Michael Scott.
Throughout his time as office manager, Michael led his employees through the gamut
of human emotions. In some situations, in the real world, many of the situations that
Michael found himself in may have ended with him on the receiving end of a
lawsuit. Michael had a particularly challenging time resisting the urge to sexually
harass his employees, not just the female employees, but the male ones as well. Due
to the numerous inappropriate incidences that Michael caused in his own office, I
feel strongly that Michael Scott was not fit to be the officemanager at Dunder Mifflin.
Sexual Harassment is any repeated unwanted behavior of a sexual nature perpetrated
by one person upon another. Workplace sexual harassment is a topic that has been
discussed in depth over the past six decades. The Civil Rights act of 1964 saw the
beginning of the end for the normalization of sexual harassment in the workplace.
The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has allowed for strict
penalties for those found guilty of workplace sexual harassment, punishments range
from probation to termination. In todays climate, workplace sexual harassment is
something that employers take very seriously. According to a Catalyst Workplace
poll, 46 percent
Delta Air Lines Airport Airspace Capacity Case Study
Allegiant Air s main focus area and home base location is Las Vegas, Nevada.
McCarran International Airport services the Las Vegas area, but it is nearing
capacity. Since McCarran is an urban area, expansion is not a viable option. This case
study shows that McCarran International Airport can implement short term
improvements to handle additional capacity, but the airport has a capacity ceiling that
will be hit in the next 5 to 15 years. A supplemental airport is needed to prevent
McCarran International Airportfrom reaching maximum capacity. Keywords:
Allegiant Air, capacity, Clark County, FAA, Ivanpah Valley, KLAS, Las Vegas,
McCarran International Airport Allegiant Air Airport and Airspace Case Study
Allegiant Air s low cost business model is to shuttle tourists from smaller markets to
leisure destinations via direct flights (Company Profile, n.d.). Allegiant considers
their tourist destinations (Oakland, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Palm
Springs, Honolulu, Maui, Myrtle Beach, Orlando, Tampa Bay, Fort Meyers, and Fort
Lauderdale) as their focus areas (Allegiant Air, .n.d.). The main focus area and home
base for Allegiant is McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. McCarran
International Airport is located close to the company headquarters in Enterprise,
Nevada (a suburb of Las Vegas). McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas is the
focus of this airport and airspace case study. This study will evaluate if McCarran is
well suited to
Bram Stoker s Dracula Research Paper
Bram Stoker s Dracula Bram Stoker s Dracula, a novel full of horror, superstition,
and evil excitement. It tells the story of a dedicated middle class group s
challenging experience of destroying the leader of the undead, Dracula. The
suspenseful qualities of the novel leave the reader thirsting for more, it is easy to say
that this novel was written to entertain the reader. However, I feel there is more to
Draculathan just a want to entertain others. Bram Stokerwrote Dracula to also exhibit
life and beliefs during the Victorian Era. The novel also contains component that
connect to society today in the 21st century, this is what keeps Dracula on book
shelves today.
The novels setting is in England and Transylvania. These two locations are ... Show
more content on ...
However, as the technology and science advanced many people started to loss their
religious values. Those who kept their Christian faith began to believe that people
who did not stay loyal to their faith was the Anti Christ. In Dracula Bram Stoker
makes the battle between Count Dracula and the group mimic the one between
those who kept their Christian faith and those who did not. The group hunting
Dracula had deep Christian values, especially Mina Harker, they often used
communion wafers, holy water, and crucifixes to ward off the Dracula s demonic
forces. Each of them trusted in God and allowed his will to be done, the group also
wanted to please God by ridding the earth of Dracula s presence. They are to be
compared to the Christians at the time, while Dracula is should be comparable to
the devil or anti Christ. His appearance was like the devil s his eyes blazed with a
sort of demonic fury (Stoker 26). He had the power to control things that no one
other than God should be able to control, such as the weather and animals. Many of
his vampire acts also mocked those of the Christian religion. When giving Holy
Communion Christians drink wine or grape juice to symbolizing drinking of the
blood God, so that they can have a life heaven. However, Dracula mimics this ritual
by drinking others blood to enhance his undead life. He also mocks the ritual
whenever he gives Mina the
Comparison Of Donatello David
Part One The Donatello David is depicted more as a young boy wearing a hat and
holding a sword into the head of Goliath. He is nude in this depiction and he shown
with long hair. The sculpture looks as though it is standing still. Currently the David
completed by Donatello is located in the Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence.
The sculpture was completed in 1440 and is purely bronze which is shown in its
dull shininess. The David stands 5 and 2 Вј tall.
The Bernini David is a more developed man with shorter hair. He shows more of a
muscular build while he is preparing to use his slingshot to defeat Goliath as he is
twisting his waist and arms as to preparing to swing his happen with great force.
This sculpture shows great movement in its detail and this is known as dynamic
action. This David is located in Galleria Borghese, Rome. The sculpture is marble
as seen it is pale color and lack of shininess shows it lacks the characteristics of it
were a bronze statue. Bernini completed this David in 1623 with the dimensions of 5
7 in height.
Part Two Compare and Contrast:
Donatello used his skill to depict David as a still figure in the defeat of Goliath.
The sword is stabbed in the head of goliath and the sculpture shows some patina as
it was done in 1440 and bronze does show rust over time which shows the coloration
of green on the statue. The statue looks almost as it is posing for its viewers showing
that the little guy can beat the big guy as shown by this statue in Florence as it
pertains to them as a city against other larger Italian cities. The posture that this David
shows is contrapposto in just standing in the moment.
Bernini designed his David to appear as it was theatrical and expansive. The so
called flexibility of the sculpture is using dynamic action. The life like adult male
that Bernini sculpted is in the very instant of combat as he is readying his
slingshot with a twist of his waist and arm. This differs from the David of
Donatello in that Donatello s is after the battle had taken place and shows David as
victorious. Both David s are similar in the fact that neither is wearing armor during
or after the battle. Although Bernini s David has armor at his feet but chooses not to
use it as
Elimination Organs Research Paper
There are times that you feel sluggish and feel the stressful. Your body may
experience continuous aching, diarrhea, constipation, and feeling of clumsiness.
Rapid weight gain and the incapacity to lose the excess weight can also be signs of
having toxins in the body. Moreover, the toxins found in the body are found and
stored on your fat cells. For Americans who are taking the usual American diet, a
person may consume 70 trillion garbage cans for each cell. In detoxing your body
and cleaning that unwanted garbage in your cells, you should pay attention on your
elimination organs. It seems to be a little disgusting when you are detoxing or
cleansing. Your body shows some signs that you have built up toxins. These toxins
can affect your whole body fitness and health. There are particular organs in your
body that deal on cell... Show more content on ...
They allow the oxygen to go directly to the bloodstream. It is also responsible in
removing waste gases that are found in every cell of the body. Deep breathing and
fresh air is very helpful in keeping the lungs healthy and free from toxins. If you are
in the urban area, it is recommended that you find an oxygen rich area where you
can perform deep breathing. 5.The colon is a solid waste management organ in
your body. Medical practitioners have found many peolpe that may have an 80
pound mucus and rubber like solid waste that are found on the walls of the colon.
Detoxing and cleaning the colon can be a real tough thing to do. However, having
a free waste colon can certainly provide you good benefits of having a clean and
healthy body. If you are experiencing some signs of detoxification, you may try
doing a regular walking exercise. Exercise is a good key in having a fit and healthy
body. Many diet doctors also suggest that you drink plenty of lemon water. This is an
effective way of maintaining a very good circulation and can increase the rate of
detoxification inside the
Nick Carraway as Honest Liar in Fitzgerald s The Great...
Nick Carraway as Honest Liar in Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby
Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I
am one of the few honest people that I have ever known (Fitzgerald Gatsby 64). So
writes Nick Carraway in F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby, characterizing
himself in opposition to the great masses of humanity as a perfectly honest man. The
honesty that Nick attributes to himself must be a nearly perfect one, by dint of both
its rarity and its cardinal nature; Nick asserts for himself that he is among the most
honest people he has ever encountered. Events in the book, however, do not bear this
self characterization out; far from being among the most honest people in ... Show
more content on ...
The discussion immediately preceding the characterization is most pressing on an
interpretation of this self characterization, as it provides a clear example of Nick s
dishonesty just moments before he claims to be perfectly honest. Nick says of
Jordan Baker, Her grey sun strained eyes stared straight ahead, but she had
deliberately shifted our relations, and for a moment I thought I loved her (63). But,
however, before he could actively pursue Miss Baker, he acknowledges, there was
one little matter he had to deal with:
But I am slow thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires,
and I knew that first I had to get myself out of that tangle back home. I d been
writing letters once a week and signing them Love, Nick ...Nevertheless there was a
vague understanding that had to be tactfully broken off before I was free. (64)
Immediately preceding his statement about being one of the few honest people he has
ever known, he admits to both falsely proclaiming his love and perpetuating a vague
understanding he had no intention of fulfilling. What s more, Nick takes his long
belated decision to now, finally, deal with the situation as evidence of his perfect
honesty ignoring entirely the preceding weeks and months of deception!
This matter of the girl back home warrants further study. This is the girl whom Daisy
and Tom ask about, and the subject of whom Nick clearly (and
Definitions From The Book The Power Of Kindness
Page 2 of 3 Gomez 1 Khiabeth Gomez Professor Christine JonesEnglish 10119
March 2018 Warmth People have many definitions for the word warmth, such as a
sensation of being warm, affection, or kindness, giving it a deeper meaning in
regards to human emotion. Many people see warmth differently than others do. So I
have found two books that will help me define what warmth means to others and
hopefully get a different understanding. In the book The Power of Kindness and the
chapter warmth he brings up an issue about whether or not adults needs warmth like
children to save them from the ice cold of loneliness . In Ferrucci s case he gives out
numerous examples as to why warmth is very important to not just babies and
children, but important... Show more content on ...
In Ferrucci s case it was like a ray of hope that saved him from the ice cold grasp of
darkness he explains.Furthermore, Ferrucci believes that ...we adults also need
warmth psychological warmth. Physical too; sometimes we need someone to talk
to, someone who knows and appreciates us. Someone who cares about us. Warmth
becomes a metaphor ( Ferrucci 31). An example of this can be shown in the book
Ten Little Indians were where a woman ended up in a man s home. She then ends
up talking about her life and how she hated her husband, but for her just to have
someone to listen to her problems could be warmth itself. Another example of this
would be when Alex, the author of the book, and his wife were at the hospital
waiting for their baby boy to wake up from the coma he was in. It was later in the
story that Alexie went to go buy a baby toy, but ended up buying an item called
Chocolate Thunder . He held it up in the air like a wand, was trying to cast a spell
and started waving it around over other sick babies which made others laugh and
hoot. Sooner or later everyone started casting their spell as hope of getting their
children to live. Later on, his wife took Chocolate Thunder to use it as a drumstick his
wife started singing the most beautiful song, she sang Ten Thousand Indians and as it
encode the entire hospital everyone who heard it felt that warmth being passed
through that song
Interpersonal Violence Against Women
We as a societal whole must come together to end the interpersonal violence against
women not just at home but in the world. Waiting to patch up the problem after the
abuse happens is not how we will stop the violence to begin with you have to start
at the source of the problem to fix it. In a world dominated by patriarchy it is seen
as weak to speak out against the violenceof women if you are a male. Even in
Hollywood, we see so many images of rape, abuse, and violence against womenas
completely normal but when the abuse occurs to animals it is an outrage. We have to
move from bandaging the wound to curing the disease of interpersonal violence
against women. One problem that our society deals with is our media induced fear or
the wrong
Botulism Research Paper
Clostridium botulinum, once a host is infected, creates toxins which give rise to the
symptoms of botulism. Botulism is not transmittable person to person but is obtained
by the following methods. Foodborne botulism is caused by the ingestion of foods
contaminated with the toxins produced by Clostridium botulinum (Sobel, 2005).
Spores formed by Clostridium botulinumare resistant to heat while the toxins are not
(WHO, 1999). Cases of botulismare rare, with the United States having 17 to 34
cases a year between 1990 and 2000; these cases were sporadic (Sobel, 2005).
Wound botulism is caused by infection of an open wound with spores from the
environment which then produce the toxins responsible for botulism (Sobel, 2005).
Wound botulism has seen a rise in cases in the United States since 1990, especially
in drug users (Sobel, 2005).... Show more content on ...
This is the most common type of botulism. Around 80 100 cases are reported each
year in the United States (Sobel, 2005). Adult infectious botulism is a result of
history of abdominal surgery, Crohns s disease or even recent antibiotic treatment
(WHO, 1999). Lastly is inadvertent botulism. It is reported in people who get
intramuscular injections of the toxin (WHO, 1999). The dose for cosmetic purposes
is too low to cause botulism, but injections of highly concentrated toxin caused
severe botulism in four people (Sobel, 2005). The symptoms for each type of
botulism are mostly the same. These symptoms can include symmetrical cranial
nerve paralysis, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, constipation, blurred vision,
muscle weakness, descending paralysis, etc. (WHO, 1999). In infant botulism, a
weak cry, decreased motor response, poor feeding, and others are also observed
(WHO, 1999). Patients should be put into supportive intensive care where their vitals
can be monitored (Sobel,
George Washington The Indispensable Man Analysis
George Washington is a towering historical figure who is considered the father of the
United States. James Thomas Flexner captures the man, not the myth, behind this
legendary icon in one concise single volume biography, Washington: the
Indispensable Man. This book is a condensed but altogether new version of Flexner s
previous four volume biography of George Washington. This smaller scale book is
well written, and explores Washingtonas the human being behind the legendary icon
(New York Times Book Review) to bring the reader to a closer relation to a man
removed by time and history. Of time and history, GeorgeWashington had a great
deal more of it which Flexner had to cover. Washington was a major national figure
for twenty four years from his election as Commander in Chief to his death, and he
was hardly twenty when his role in the French and Indian War made him
internationally known. The wide ranging subject of Washington must have been
difficult to fit into one encapsulated volume, but Flexner manages not only to do that
but also writes straightforward in thought with flowing ideas and logical conclusions.
The first chapter, of course, starts from George s Birth and tells of his childhood of
growing admiration for the wilds of the frontier and the British Army. A little later,
the book moves forward to Washington s first military blunder in inciting the French
and Indian War which makes the name George Washington internationally known.
After this incident, Flexner
Cost Duration Analysis Of Project Management
Cost Duration Analysis In field of project management, there are a plethora of
mechanisms under perpetual reevaluation. One specific segmentation of project
management under such scrutiny pertains to cost duration, which is the time and
monetary costs of completing individual tasks within the project s critical path
(IBM Knowledge Center, 2016). The process of monitoring and evaluating the time
and financial impacts of each task is referred to as cost duration analysis (IBM
Knowledge Center, 2016). A chief concern of cost duration analysis is identifying
tasks within the project s critical path which can reduce project duration (PMI, 2013).
A common approach to reducing a project s duration is task crashing (PMI, p.181).
According to The Project ManagementInstitute (2013) crashing refers to the process
of methodical determining the financial value of increasing a critical path task s
resources in order to decrease project duration (p.181).
Identified Tasks
In reference to the attached cost duration table, three tasks have been identified as
suitable for crashing. The first task is line one, Localize French Dictionary, with a
normal completion rate of seven days, and a cost of $3,500. The crashed rate for the
same task is reduced to five days, at a total cost of $4000. Therefore, crashing task
one results in a two day differential at a minimal cost of $250 per day decreased.
Similarly, line two for Localize French Dictionary, has a normal completion rate of
Adherence To Asthma
As I jogged in early February, my chest tightened and I felt like each breath I took
was more and more painful. It was happening, an asthma attack. The cold had
made my breathing almost impossible and each step I took felt worse and worse.
My asthma had always affected me since I was a child but now as an adult I felt
like everywhere I went I had to carry around my Ventolin, which didn t make me
feel socially accepted. When others were running in the cold, I felt left behind,
needing to rely on a device in order to breathe. This feeling of incompetence and
rejection is felt by those affected by this chronic illness. Asthmais defined by the
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute as a chronic disease that affects the lungs
by inflaming and... Show more content on ...
Although asthma medications are available, many patients chose to not adhere to the
medication. Statistically, 30 70 percent of asthmatic patients do not adhere to the
medication they are prescribed (Bailey and Apter, 2015). Symptoms become worse
and a patient s overall quality of life is also hindered. Bailey and Apter (2015) explain
that many patients do not adhere to their medication because they are not educated
on how to utilize the medication, costs of the medication are too high, the presence of
negative side effects, and even sociocultural factors, among various others.
Nonadherence also causes problems in healthcare economics as with more emergency
visits due to sudden asthma attacks, healthcare costs rocket making it harder for
patients to pay and causing overall economic problems. With the existence of these
factors, adherence becomes extremely difficult for adults and consequently their
health is put at risk. Negative symptomology such as increased asthma attacks and
even fatality can
Al Capone Gang Stereotypes
Al Capone
Gangs have many stereotypes, stereotypes on how gangs work and the structure
behind them. The other major stereotype is the focus on criminal behavior, and the
blaming of gangs for criminal acts (Moore). The research on gangs and drugs is
small, because not many people have been able to infiltrate the gangs and make gang
members speak (Kobler). The police and the media make the public afraid of the
gangs because of the drugs and the violence. The media shows the gangs in a
terrible light to attract better audiences. What is known about gangs, is almost all
heard from the media and the police who essentially blow the event out of
proportion and make it look worse than what it actually is (Moore). Al Capone was
seen as a violent man ... Show more content on ...
As he was leaving the courtroom, he was arrested for contempt of court (FBI). The
reason he was arrested was that he attended a racetrack in the Miami area and had
taken a plane trip to Bimini and a cruise to Nassau when he was supposed to be in his
bed. The penalty could be one year in prison and a fine of only a thousand dollars.
Capone posted a five thousand dollar bail and was released (History Learning Site).
Capone s first arrest was for carrying a concealed weapon in Philadelphia. Within
sixteen hours, they had all been sentence to a one year term (Al Capone Biography).
Capone served his time and was released in nine months for good behavior (Woog).
Capone was arrested again for tax invasion. His mob bribed the jury, but on the day
of the court date, the judge suddenly switched the bribed jury with a new one that
had been chosen the night before (Al Capone Biography). After only nine hours,
Capone was found guilty of several counts of tax invasion and was sentenced to
eleven years. Capone also picked up a $50,000 fine and a court cost of 30,000 and his
bail was denied (Organized
Wgu Lit1 Task 2 Essay
| Sole Proprietorship| Description| In a sole proprietorship, the business and single
owner are one in the same. A single owner makes all decisions with regard to the
business and the single owner retains all profits earned by the business. The single
owner is also responsible/liable for all debts and obligations of the business on a
personal level.| Two Advantages| A sole proprietorship is easy to create; there is
minimal creation cost and time.The single owner has autonomy in decision making;
sole owner makes all decisions related to the business and has complete ownership
of business s finances.| Two Disadvantages| It is impossible to add additional owners
and to pass on business, business dies with owner. A single owner... Show more
content on ...
| Profit retention| The business itself does not retain any profits. 100% of profits
remain with the owner and is considered personal income.| | General Partnership|
Description| A general partnership is comprised of a group of two or more
individuals who enter into an agreement to start a business. The partners and the
business are legally the same. The partners enter into an agreement called the
articles of partnership and are typically equally active in the business and the
business s management, unless otherwise stated in the partnership agreement. All
profits and losses are shared by the partners in a joint business venture.| Two
Advantages| A general partnership allows for a pooling of capital and talent and a
sharing of the risk. Additional benefits to a general partnership include additional
expertise in decision making and a sharing of the workload. General partnerships
are easy and inexpensive to start up.| Two Disadvantages| The partners are jointly
and severally liable for business debts and obligations. The partners are held
personally responsible for the business and may be sued personally for liability.
Partners personal assets are subject to lawsuit(s) made against the business. Lack of
continuity; death of a partner may end the partnership/business if a buy/sell
agreement is not in place. Disagreements may be difficult to resolve.| Liability|
Liability is not limited; all partners are liable jointly and
How I Taught A Sailing Coach Last Summer At The Little
I worked as a sailing coach last summer at the Little Egg Harbor Yacht Club in
Long Beach Island. My experiences with this job have opened my eyes to many
new perspectives on how kids work. I was an instructor for the Opti 2s, 4s, and the
T 7s: nine year olds, eleven year olds, and seven year olds. I worked 30 hours per
week for the entire summer, teaching with at least three other instructors in each of
the groups. My favorite group, the Opti 2s, which I taught with Gretchen, Holly, and
Kate, was still learning the basics of sailing, but they had all sailed on their own
before. However, they were the least cooperative of my three groups, with kids often
refusing to listen to instructions or interrupting us. The main reason I liked this...
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The few times that Richard did go sailing, he usually would start crying and
screaming to be taken to shore after a while. He often started with excuses such as
It s too windy or I ll flip , but when these fears were assuaged, he would always
break down to say I hate sailing . I always felt bad trying to force him to do
something he hated so much, but his parents had paid lots of money to the
program for me to teach him how to sail. One day Holly told me that that Richard s
family lived on a sailboat. I didn t believe this, but I thought it would be incredibly
ironic if he lived on a sailboat given his hatred of sailing. While Richard was often
a burden for the counselors, the kids, and even the parents to deal with, he had
some moments of brightness that completely changed my perspective on him.
Sometimes during lessons, he would not be listening to what we were saying, then
he would ask us a question that was completely unrelated. These questions usually
consisted of improbable sailing scenarios. They were usually pretty funny, such as
when he said What if my boat flips and then a turtle swims on top of my sail and I
unflip it again? The other instructors and I would laugh and tell him that that would
never happen, but he would persist and we would eventually have to think of an
answer. Richard was also very knowledgeable about World War II planes. He often
mentioned specific models
Narrative Essay About Snowboarding
It was a nice day up in Vermont the mountain was cold the snow was white like the
clouds and just as fluffy as a Persian cats white delicate fur. Then that s when it
happened we got up to the mountain my father my brother and myself when we got
to the mountain we were amazed. When we got to the top of the mountain we saw
an amazement of colors and that s when it happened me and my father had a fight a
little while earlier. When we got to the area we put on our ski and snowboarding gear
and then it started we went up the the ski lift and I was still angry at my dad.
When we got to the top I was pleasantly surprised to see my oldest and best friend at
the top who was coming down the mountain with his father. When I saw them I
suddenly yelled to them to get their attention and they came back to where we
were and then the whole day turned. When I saw my friend Connor and Zeke and
connor s father Steve I was so happy I felt like my body was going to explode
because of how happy that I was. I went over to Connor and Zeke and we started to
catch up. When we were talking me and my dad started to feel a little guilty and
then after a little while I finally apologized and then he apologized and then we made
One we had made up and resolved the conflicts that we had with each other earlier
we were able to fully hang out and enjoy the trip that we were taking. When we got
to the top of the mountain we saw the most beautiful site that we had ever seen it was

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Responsibility Essay Ideas

  • 1. Responsibility Essay Ideas Crafting an essay on the topic of "Responsibility Essay Ideas" presents a unique set of challenges. The difficulty lies in striking the right balance between providing insightful perspectives on responsibility and offering fresh, engaging ideas that captivate the reader's attention. Responsibility, being a broad and subjective concept, demands careful exploration of its various dimensions, including personal, social, and professional aspects. One challenge is navigating the fine line between emphasizing the importance of individual responsibility and recognizing the influence of external factors. The essay should delve into the complexities of responsibility, acknowledging that it is not always a straightforward concept but one that is shaped by context, culture, and personal circumstances. Another difficulty arises in avoiding clichГ©s and generic statements. Responsibility is a topic often discussed, and the risk of falling into common tropes or generalizations is high. Originality in thought and expression is crucial to make the essay stand out and leave a lasting impression on the reader. Moreover, maintaining a cohesive structure and logical flow of ideas is essential. As the essay explores different facets of responsibility, it should seamlessly transition from one point to the next, ensuring that each idea contributes to the overall coherence of the essay. In conclusion, crafting an essay on responsibility demands a delicate balance between depth of insight, originality of thought, and a clear, engaging writing style. It requires a thoughtful exploration of various dimensions of responsibility, avoiding clichГ©s and maintaining a cohesive structure. Despite the challenges, the process of writing such an essay is an opportunity for personal growth and intellectual exploration. For those seeking assistance or inspiration with essays on similar topics, various resources, including professional writing services, can be explored. Websites offer a range of services to help individuals with their writing needs, providing access to a wealth of essay ideas and expert assistance. Responsibility Essay Ideas Responsibility Essay Ideas
  • 2. Pediatric Dentistry Pediatric Clinic in Newark NJ is a service for pediatric dentistry. It is very important for children to see the pediatric dentist because this sets the foundation for their adult teeth. When visiting the Pediatric Clinic in Newark NJ, the dentist will clean teeth, examine teeth, diagnose conditions and make recommendations to patients. A child should visit the pediatric dentist six months after their first tooth has came in. During this time, the dentist is able to examine the development of your child s mouth and foresee any issues. Small children are susceptible to gum disease and tooth decay just like adults. This is why it is extremely important for you to take your child to the dentist. As soon as your baby s first tooth comes in,
  • 3. Compare And Contrast Qin Dynasty And Qing Dynasty In the Dynastic cycle, the Qin and Qing Dynasties of ancient China showed similar periods of decline. Both of these dynasties have similarities and differences when the dynasties were aloud. To begin with, the Qin and the Qing dynasties had some similarities. First, both dynasties rebelled. To explain, both dynasties had a great start when the dynasty was first created. Then, things got a little rough. The people were tired of having bad leaders at the end so they rebelled. Both dynasties rebelled mostly because of bad leadership which they got from the leaders of the dynasties. Second, they also had an impressive and strong army. For example, both dynasties both used their money wisely. That money also went to the army. By spending money on the army, they had a strong and impressive army to protect and serve China. Lastly, they ... Show more content on ... They used their money wisely at the beginning of the dynasty, but then they started using it for bribing because the leader wouldn t treat the people well enough for them not to bribe each other. Also, the roads, crops, and canals were destroyed. Since the leader didn t take care of these things and would not pay for repairs, it started to collapse. The people had to crops to eat, couldn t control flooding, and had no good transportation for trading purposes. Another example is they started having fewer items to trade. Since there was such poor treating to the roads and canals, there wasn t much transportation routes for people to trade. Without trading items, people couldn t get the items they need to survive. Also, their military started to weaken. The ruler of this dynasty, as you can see, didn t use his money wisely. Since he didn t use his money wisely, the military also weakened. So, they had weak protection and weak fighting against other regions. Lastly, the government started to corrupt. Again, since the money was a problem, the government couldn t do their job so they started to
  • 4. History Of The Temperance Movement The Temperance movement was an organized effort to encourage people to ban the consumption of alcohol. The movement was mostly women whose husbands had uncontrolled drinking habits. Alcohol was also being blamed for health issues like anemia, cancer, high blood pressure and nerve damage. This lead to the ban of alcohol , which was called Prohibition. Anemia is the abnormally low count of red blood cells. This can trigger tiredness and cause someone to become lightheaded. Scientists believe drinking alcohol can increase the risk of cancer because the body converts alcohol into acetaldehyde (a potent carcinogen). Having high blood pressure can lead to kidney and heart disease. Alcoholic neuropathy is the form of nerve damage alcohol
  • 5. Gothic Literature Research Paper They told of dripping stone walls in uninhabited castles and of ivy clad monastery ruins by moonlight, of locked inner rooms and secret dungeons, dank charnel houses and overgrown graveyards, of footsteps creaking upon staircases and fingers tapping at casements, of howlings and shriekings, groanings and scuttlings and the clanking of chains, of hooded monks and headless horseman, swirling mists and sudden winds, insubstantial specters and sheeted creatures, vampires and bloodhounds, bats and rats and spiders, of men found at dawn and women turned white haired and raving lunatic, and of vanished corpses and curses upon heirs (Susan Hill). In this quote Susan Hill is describing gothic architecture found in one of her stories. The dark dungeons and dank charnel houses directly points to the gothic genre. Gothic literature creates complex emotions into a reader. Emotions that readers can t find anywhere else. For example, reading a book can be so much more terrifying than watching a movie. For some people watching scary movies is just pointless and a waste of time, but when they read a horror book their imagination and thoughts go wild and they can get so scared. However, this can be different for everyone and it depends on the individual. Also, it depends on the type of literature.... Show more content on ... For example, in one of the most popular gothic novel/movie Batman we see how important the setting is to the movie. So important that without darkness, as a setting, Batman would not even exist because he is only seen at night. However, the use of the supernatural is not frequently used as much in recent gothic literature other than in horror books and movies, but certainly is still a big part of gothic fiction now. Among some of the best authors of gothic literature we have Edgar Allan Poe, Victor Hugo, Shirley Jackson, Stephan King, Susan Hill, Anna Rice and many
  • 6. The Main Duties And Responsibilities Of The SSC The SSC is consist of the members that comes from variety background in qualification, experience and knowledge, including law and economics, in order to add valuable support into the depth and breadth of the Shariah deliberations. The members of the SSC must have the good qualification, expertise and experience in the areas of Shariah especially in usul al fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and in fiqh al muamalat(Islamic commercial laws). 6.1.2 Main Duties and Responsibilities of SSC The main duties and responsibilities of the SSC of BIMB are principally according to the Shariah Governance Framework; (i)Advising the Board and Management of BIMB on Shariah related matters in order for the BIMB to comply with Shariah principles at all times; ... Show more content on ... Shariah audit process should be designed to allow the IFI to assess effective internal control system for Shariah compliance has been implemented, which should include the following: (i) Understand the business activities of the IFIs to allow better scoping of the audit exercise, the ability to audit and relevance of the activities; (ii) Develop a comprehensive internal audit program or plan. The program should include the purpose, scope, assignment of personnel, sampling, control and duration as well as establish appropriate audit processes, policies and operating procedures IFI; (iv)Obtain and make reference to relevant sources, including published SAC decisions, decisions Shariah Committee, the fatwa, guidelines, Shariah audit results and shariah internal checklist; (iv) Conduct periodic inspection of Shariah; (v)Communicate the results of any assessment or examination findings of Shariah to the Board Audit Committee and the Committee of Shariah; and (vi)Provide recommendations on remedial measures undertaken and follow up on the implementation of the
  • 7. Sexual Exploitation Of Women In The Media Thesis: Over time, the increased sexual exploitation of women in the media (magazines?) negatively impacts the body image and self esteem of young girls and women in the U.S. Today magazines are exploiting the female body in an extremely sexual and lude way to sell products to audiences worldwide. To shed light on the negative impact these images are having, I m going to focus on the history of the female body in relation to its increased sexual portrayal in society. In this way, we ll see how the increased sexual exploitation of women in magazine advertisements negatively impacts the body image and self esteem of young girls and women in the United States. When looking up the definition of the word media on, the definition that... Show more content on ... First, the internet. The concept of the internet emerged as a mass medium in the 1970s and remained a platform for communication used mostly by educated, elite users until the development of the world wide web in the early 1990s. The internet grew quickly and rigorously in popularity as developers created web browsers that simplified the process of connecting via personal computers. Media organizations soon began to recognize the web s value as a medium capable of transmitting and communicating information instantly and in greater depth and clarity than was ever possible. Over time, media groups began increasing their reliance on the web by building more sophisticated and complicated sites to display things such as video, audio, print, graphics, etc. Almost 73 percent of all US adults enjoyed having a connection to the internet in 2006, and a recent growth has occurred in the acceleration of high speed internet service. More than 42 percent of American adults had broadband connections in 2006, which was a remarkable 40 percent increase in broadband use from a year earlier. News organizations were cautious and warry when they transitioned onto the web while journalists cautioned against almost a loss of control and maybe function within a more fluid, interactive environment. The need to change to keep consumers was overwhelming though and gave the organizations no other choice. Traditional print and broadcast organizations especially adapted to and /or embraced the change of medium with transmitting information because of the continued crumbling and decline of audiences and consumers. Because of the internet, journalism has changed a bit with how information is distributed as well. Now people are sharing and distributing information through blogs, podcasts, video sites, and popular social networking sites. Throughout the
  • 8. Daisy Buchanan The Great Gatsby Daisy Buchanan is a very materialistic woman. Not only does she marry Tom Buchanan, a wealthy man, she believes that money makes everything better. Her ideologies about wealth, and the fact that she pays dearly for her wealth and fails to care, shows her obsession with financial stability. In a sense, regardless of how badly Tom treats her, she fails to care. Instead, she holds tightly to the idea that money is the cure all for everything. The night before their wedding, she wants to call everything off and not marry him but she decides to go through with it because of her desire of money. Daisy and Gatsby get reunited 5 years later and Daisy is filled with regret regarding her decision to marry Tom. Tom cheated on Daisy on their honeymoon,
  • 9. Case Study on Dr Snapple Group Inc. UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA KOTA SAMARAHAN CAMPUS MKT750 MARKETING MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY DR PEPPER SNAPPLE GROUP, INC. ENERGY BEVERAGE PREPARED BY: RAMSIS ANAK WILLIAM AGIM2012402536 Strategic Issues and Problems Being the consultant of Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. (DPSG), I am charged to assess whether or not a profitable market opportunity existed for a new energy beverage brand to be produced, marketed, and distributed by the company. The decision to explore a new energy beverage was made by senior company management of DPSG as part of a corporate business strategy to focus on opportunities in (1) High Growth and (2) High Margin beverage businesses. My tasks involve a number of important factors. I ... Show more content on ... | Dependent on a small number of large retailers for a significant portion of their sales| Attractive positioning with large, growing and profitable market| Total indebtedness could affect our operations and profitability| Volatility in raw material costs| Financial results may be negatively impacted by some economicconditions| Broad geographic manufacturing and distribution coverage| They may not comply with applicable government laws| New distribution channels| Substantial disruption to production at the manufacturing could occur| Experienced Executive Management team| Products may not meet health and safety standards| | Costs for raw materials may increase substantially| Strong operating margins and significant, stable Cash flows| They could lose key personnel or may be unable to recruit qualified personnel| | Weather and climate changes could adversely affect the business| Porters Five Forces Analysis The bargaining power of customers In the energy beverage industry customers have the bargaining power. Energy drinks are an elastic product, and are not necessity for daily life. Customers however do not usually want to buy in bulk, and prefer soft
  • 10. Delivery Of The Keys To Saint Peter The aim of this paper is to examine two different pieces of art. In one corner we have Rogier van der Weyden, Deposition and in the other corner we have Pietro Perugino, Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter. Both paintings are innovative with respect to the period that it was done in. As I move along in this paper, I am going to examine an art piece and compare it to the other. Let s begin by discussing the difference between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern Renaissance. The Italian Renaissance was based in the south and common times referred to as the stage model. The reason that it is called the stage model is because art in that time period were primary focused on linear perspective. Meanwhile, the Northern Renaissance was based in the north, in countries like the Netherlands and Germany. From time to time we will hear it be referred to as the Mirror model. Northern Renaissance art is commonly known for its intricate detail. The Deposition is a great example of Northern Renaissance art while the Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter is a ... Show more content on ... If we zoom in on the Weyden s painting, we can see just how well he was able to capture the detail of each individual s hair and even the wrinkles in their foreheads. Every strand of hair is accentuated and every wrinkle is emphasized. To top it off, we are able to see and in some way feel the emotion of each individual due to the realism of their expression. Then we look at Perugino painting and realize that it is severely lacking in precise detail. Each individual has the same or slightly modified hair style and their facial expressions are standard. I am not emotionally connected to the painting. I am not sure if what is happening in the image is a good or bad thing. A person s expression tells a lot about them and unfortunately Perugino was not able to reach the level that Weyden did when it comes to
  • 11. Philadelphia Museum Analysis Touch, Taste, Sight, Smell and Sound, five senses used to understand the world around us. Now limit the senses available to nothing but sight, forcing the individual to use their imagination as a replacement. As they immerse themselves into the image in front of them, a true experience of understanding interpretation, and connection ensues. The Philadelphia Museum of Art is occupied by a diversely cultured gallery presented with architectural aesthetics focusing on the theme of each exhibit, allowing an environment for learning, connecting, and immersing oneself into the beauty of art. It is more than the art that creates a successful museum. Factors such as public programs, presentation, and participation provide a unique experience to visitors... Show more content on ... True awe overwhelms the being as they first approach the architectural masterpiece that is the building itself. The immense size of the Museum infused with the Neo Classical architecture used for its creation (Our Story) deserves as much admiration as any of the interior attraction. Wednesday s night s peak in popularity, the promotion being pay what you want influences much of the community and students to try the experience for a low price. After entering the visitor is left with the freedom to decide the starting point of their adventure, with multiple options on the 1st and 2nd floor. The featured exhibit of the time was Wrath of the Gods featuring massive works that gave a feeling of insignificance as I watched Prometheus s divine punishment in Reuben s Prometheus bound , with the almost parallel punishment of Tityus helping to empower the aura of feebleness forced into the viewer as they feel the overwhelming sense of helplessness felt by the suffering men that cannot resist the strength of Gods. Another featured exhibit focused on American still life Audubon to Warhol . Audio tours are advocated for the experience as a means of granting more in depth information of an artist s representation of still life. Personally, reading the information plaques that governed certain sections of each artists work, was enough to grasp the concept. Each room was filled with oil and watercolor paintings of inanimate objects such as fruit, silverware, food, and animals that appeared to be frozen in time. The idea behind taking something as simple as a bowl of fruit and making it the focus of a painting gives sensibility towards the beauty of life, emphasizing on the defining colors and aspects of the objects pieced together. Another defining aspect of these still life paintings is their ability to seemingly pop out
  • 12. Bill Beichick Persuasive Speech At several points throughout someone s life, it is guaranteed that accusations will be made against them. Some may be true, others may be false, but when they are made it is up to the accused to prove themselves innocent. Within the past ten years, former Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevich, and Head Coach of the New England Patriots, Bill Belichick faced adversity which came along with accusations made against them. With the use of ethos, pathos, and logos, otherwise known as the three rhetorical appeals, both gentlemen attempted to persuade others to believe in their innocence. After reading both situations it is evident that by using his credibility, being very informative to his discourse community, and sharing intellectual and emotional experience, Bill Belichick was far more successful in accomplishing his persuasive purpose. The ethos appeal is the author s persuasive power to use credibility in a rhetorical situation. Within his press conference, Rob Blagojevich s tone in addressing the topic at hand suggests to the audience that he is strong and confident in his words. By saying, I m not going to quit a job the people hired me to do because of false accusations and a political lynch mob (Blagojevich 1), he attempts to gain credibility by remaining firm and reminding the people of Illinois that they are the ones who voted for him to be governor. He is implying that since they trusted him enough to elect him as the representative of their state, they should have the
  • 13. The Ugly Renaissance Discussion Of Italy The Ugly Renaissance Discussion 1. Why did the Renaissance originate in Florence and prosper for so many years? In many ways, Italy had benefits over northern Europe in detaching from the feudal system and accumulating enormous amounts of wealth. I think that above all else, geography was Italy s anchor in this respect. Being a projecting land mass sticking out into the Mediterranean Sea, and beneficially located between the main part of Europe and the Byzantine Empire, cities within Italy had little choice but to weave endeavors of commerce into every day life while engaging in the market and foreign trade. Therefore, Italy became prone to the extensive continuity of goods and novelties earlier than other European areas. Accordingly,... Show more content on ... Florence was exposed to the principles and ideologies of foreign regions and immersed them into the art and literature produced thereafter. That then percolated to the rest of the other European nations and the rest of Italy itself. The Medici maintained these connections rooted and stable by way of finance and politics and guaranteed that Florence, throughout the Renaissance, was an advocate of the arts. Furthermore, had it not been for the establishment of a connection between the Medici and the Papacy, Florence and Rome, it seems, may have actually been rivals grown under the essence of partnership and collaboration during the Renaissance. Rome supplied many Florentine artists with a harbor, and, in turn, Florence took advantage of the administration of the papal funds. 2. What were the differences from the Middle Ages promoted by the Renaissance? Often, the Renaissance is acknowledged as an era of artistic refinement. However, couldn t it also be said that the Renaissance, for the most part, clung to the spiritual and religious motifs of the Middle Ages? If so, what were the differences, during that period, from the Middle Ages as promoted by the Renaissance? Regardless of the likenesses to medieval art encircling subject matter and theme, Renaissance artists undoubtedly interrupted the stagnant standards of medieval art. As previously stated, the themes of the Middle Ages were rather consistent, but the Renaissance style was unprecedented in its
  • 14. Money Laundering Act 2002 B.Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) was enacted to safeguard against those acts of persons which are aimed at making tainted money appear as untainted. To take a simple example, if a person earns money through, say, dealing in narcotic drugs and thereafter takes some steps whereby it appears to have been earned through some legitimate business, such as running a laundry shop (the classic example), it is money laundering . Thus, the ingredients of the Act are clear: there has to be an offence, monies have to be earned through such offence and then an act should be made delinking such earnings from the offence and linking it with another act that is not an offence . Relevant Provisions
  • 15. Anti Curfew Law You can t tame a wild mustang, so why try and control teenager who wants as many freedoms as possible. Curfews set by the Government may seem like a good idea, but it s not. The idea of laws enforcing a curfew for teenagers is not a good one, it unfairly takes away a teenagers freedom. If there is a law about a curfewand a teen does not like it, there is a high chance that they will just stay out past curfew. Curfew in a household is specified by the parents. If the parents and child both state their case on a time, and agree on it, the child will keep their word. If there is a law enforcing a curfew, there will not always be a way for teens to try and negotiate a fair time, like they could if their parents decided the time they had to be... Show more content on ... Also, with that law, parents will probably follow the time of that law. This means that teens cannot try and negotiate a time that is fair. If a teen believes that the curfew time is not fair and wants hangout with friends or go to a party, they will most likely sneak out. The point of the curfew is to keep people safe and make sure they do not get in trouble, but if a teenager is going to sneak out anyway, what s the point. A curfew law is a good idea on paper for parents who worry about there children, but there is no true way to make sure they are safe without taking away there freedoms, and that is what a Government forced curfew would do. Not all teenagers are bad and stay out past curfew just to party and hangout with friends, sometimes teens need to stay out late. High school students have extra curricular activities they do after school. I know from personal experiences that sometimes you can get home from a sporting event after a scheduled curfew. That is one of the first things i was
  • 16. Questions On The Chinese Room In Minds, Brains, and Programs John Searle objects to Computational Theory of Mind (CTM), particularly that running a program on a computer and manipulating symbols does not mean that the computer has understanding, or more generally a mind. In this paper I will first explain Searle s Chinese Room, then I will explain CTM and how it relates to the Chinese Room. Following this I will describe how the Chinese Room attacks the CTM. Next I will explain the Systems Reply to the Chinese Room and how the Systems Reply actually undermines Searle s conclusion in the Chinese Room. Then I will describe Searle s response to the Systems Reply and how that response undermines the Systems Reply. Lastly, I will evaluate Searle s reply to the Systems Reply and defend the Systems Reply against the points Searle raises against the Systems Reply. To explain the Chinese Room I will first explain the instructions in the Chinese room; then I will explain how the man inside the room manipulates these instructions. Finally, given that the man only operates the instructions, Searle s conclusion is that the man does not understand Chinese. Therefore, the whole system does not understand Chinese. The instructions in the room are a complex set of rules that guide the man inside to receive inputs and produce outputs all written in Chinese. The instructions, written in English, tell the man if you see this Chinese symbol paired with this Chinese symbol put down these Chinese symbols, or if
  • 17. Essay On My Hero s Journey-Personal Narrative As the border patrol exited the school taking me with him, mamma and papa were already in the patrols car along with the rest of the family. Once I saw my family, my eyes opened wide, shocked, I tried to grasp for air and words and what came out was, what s happening papa? Papa looked out the window, with regret and sadness in his voice he simply said they have found us miho. I instantly looked at mamma, with tears in her eyes she said we are getting deported Panchito. She turned to papa and sobbed on his shoulder. The border officer put me in the car along side Papa and mamma. After driving for a couple of hours we made it to Las Vegas. The officer stoped for some gas. He got out of the car then opened the door and said sternly You... Show more content on ... Papa woke us up early and said we are going to the store to buy as much as we can afford to help us out with fixing the house and eating. We walked to get breakfast, since we no longer have our carcachita, from a place called
  • 18. hsc3049 prepare the enviroment Essay HSC3049 PREPARE ENVIROMENTS AND RESOURCES FOR USE DURING HEALTHCARE ACTIVITIES; OUTCOME 1 1.1 When going into a call the first thing that should be done is to get all the materials that you need together in order to provide care. For example, if someone is bed ridden and you are changing their pad then you will need to get the clean pad, carrier bag, toilet roll, baby wipes, towel, cream if applicable and usually the slide sheet ready. By not having everything ready you will have to stop what you are doing and go and get things. The individual during this time is rolled on their side and no doubt in some discomfort and delaying the proceedings to go and get things only increases this discomfort. After providing care all materials ... Show more content on ... Different gloves should be used for personal care and food preparation to avoid cross contamination. Gloves and aprons should be disposed of at the end of each call. Hands should be washed on entering and leaving each call and after smoking and eating. Hair should be tied back if it is mid length or long. Tissues should be used if coughing or sneezing and disposed of and then hands should be washed. 2.3 The main conditions that affect individual comfort within the environment are warmth, lighting, food and cleanliness. With regards to warmth it is important to ask the individual whether they are comfortable especially in the winter months when the thermostat may need to be turned higher up. A change to the blankets on the bed will be necessary according to the seasons and particularly in winter a blanket over them while they are sitting in the chair or a hot water bottle may be required. Lighting is more often than not unchangeable and it is important to ensure that light bulbs work. I do care for a lady who felt that the lighting in her front room was to bright so we brought lamps down from of the spare bedrooms to create a softer feel to the room which she is now pleased with. Food is extremely important in affecting individual comfort as we all need to eat and drink and we also like to have snacks to eat between meals or while watching TV. We can ensure that the fridge is
  • 19. Wilkins Ice Shelf Research Paper Imagine being on a deserted island with nothing and nobody around. Now, imagine that desert island is a giant iceberg that disconnects from its main land and starts floating into the open ocean. Most would suddenly think, the deserted island is not so bad after all. This scenario sounds like a great Disney movie but a horror film in for reality. A gigantic ice shelf called Wilkins ice shelf, located on the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, disconnected and started a journey into the open ocean. This ice shelf quickly broke off but where will the currents of the ocean take it after six months of floating in the open water. Scientists have stated that global warming is playing a large role in why ice shelfs such as Wilkens ice shelf are breaking of the Antarctic (British Antarctic Survey 2008). The Wilkens was one of the most current ice shelves that has detached from the Antarctic Peninsula in early 2008. In fact, six ice shelves completely collapsed in the last 30 years, due to warming (2008). According to the British Antarctic Survey, We believe the Wilkins has been in place for at least a few hundred years. But warm air and exposure to ocean waves are causing a break up (2008). The Wilkins shelf is gigantic in size At roughly 70.5 degrees south ... Show more content on ... Ocean currents play a huge effect on where and what happens to things like icebergs floating in the ocean. Being that the Artic Circumpolar Current, which is also known as the West Wind Drift is the current that flows near where the iceberg broke off, the iceberg probably would be pulled into the eastward flow. This current is unique because it is the only current that goes completely around the globe without interruption, and stays consistent in its path (Sverdrup, Keith, Raphael Kudela, 2013). The iceberg eventually would be effected by the ocean water and break apart into much smaller
  • 20. The Proposed Pohick Creek Watershed Stream Restoration... Introduction The proposed Pohick Creek watershed stream restoration project PC9249 is located northwest of Parliament Drive and east of Queen Victoria Court in Burke, VA, which is in Fairfax County. This project was designated as a 10 year high priority project in 2010 due to erosion, location of the adjacent neighborhoods, and the invested interest of the surrounding communities. Presently, only the design for the restoration project has been funded and was completed in May 2015. Although it has been over a year since the concept design was completed, the construction funding is still pending. Based on the cost benefit analysis, the survey results and the site evaluation, I recommend Fairfax County assist Southport and Signal Hill Homeowner Associations (HOA) to receive immediate funding for the construction costs ($1,990,000) of the Pohick Creek at Queen Victoria (PC9249) stream restoration project. Background Stormwater is water produced by rain or melting snow, which can rapidly flow over impervious surfaces into streams. Upland development magnifies the occurrence of stream bank erosion and in stream nutrient pollution, which also have indirect negative effects. When stream bank erosion occurs, eroding sediment causes an increase in turbidity. Heavy stormwater flows into streams mixes the streambed sediment, which also increases turbidity, and ultimately causes declines in aquatic biota (Waters 1995). Therefore, negative externalities of upland development include
  • 21. Examples Of Salutary Neglect In Great Britain Britain created a lot of policies to keep the colonies under their rule. They also had these policies in place because it benefited their own economy. American colonies would give Britain supplies, and they would use these supplies to manufacture for a profit. The Navigation Acts were created so that trade would be more regulated. Salutary neglect was allowing strict laws on mercantilism not to be enforced. The Navigation Acts allowed only certain supplies to be shipped through specific countries. The acts also only allowed certain people like Englandto carry cargo. The colonies were not happy with these policies that were put in place. England developed the salutary neglect system so that certain policies that was affecting the colonies wouldn t be... Show more content on ... Great Britain was able to receive a vast majority of land. France lost all of the land they controlled in North America. This war resulted in both sides having to invest a lot of money to fight each other. Salutary neglect (mentioned earlier) was a term used to describe how certain laws were not enforced so they wouldn t affect the colonies. The laws that were ignored were often ones that were in place to keep the colonies under England s rule. These policies that were ignored dealt with trade. Great Britain was okay with allowing salutary neglect for the colonies, as long as they obeyed them. The colonies were happy with this because it gave them some freedom. As stated earlier, Salutary neglect allowed the colonies to go against certain policies in the Navigation Acts. Salutary Neglect also allowed the Triangular Trade to occur. The colonies were able to trade with Spain, France, and the Netherlands (Even when they weren t supposed to under the Navigation Acts). Great Britain later tried to enforce those Acts so that they could gain some power back. The colonists ultimately rebelled because of Britain s
  • 22. William Mckinley William McKinley 25th President of the United States. William McKinley was born on January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio, a town of about 300 people. He was the 7th child born to William and Nancy Alison McKinley His family moved to Poland, Ohio when he was nine years old so that the children could go to a private school called the Poland Academy. In school William liked to read, debate, and he was the president of the school s first debate club. When he was 16 he went to Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania, for a while before he got sick and had to return home .he did not go back to Meadville, because the family had no money. Instead, he worked as a postal clerk for awhile. When the Civil War started on April 12, 1861, he taught... Show more content on ... During this time as governor he became friends with millionaire industrialist Mark Hanna from Cleveland, Ohio. In 1892 McKinley was at the Republican National Convention and was almost nominated for the presidency. Mark Hanna had unofficially opened a McKinley for President headquarters in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 1893, McKinley faced a personal problem that almost sidetracked his political career. He had co signed bank notes totaling more than $100,000.00 to help a friend start a business. The business went down the drain, and McKinley was expected to repay the bank loans. McKinley did not have the money. His friends, led by Mark Hanna, raised enough money to repay the debt. The public felt bad for McKinley and he was re elected as governor in 1893. In 1896, the Republicans again supported McKinley and he was nominated as the Republican presidential contender with Garret Hobart, a New Jersey senator, as his running mate. The Democratic opponents were William Jennings Bryan, from Nebraska, whose running mate was Arthur Sewall, a rich ship builder. McKinley conducted a front porch campaign in Canton, partly because he didn t want to leave his wife. Over 750,000 people visited Canton to hear him speak. McKinley won the election with more than 7 million of 14
  • 23. The Threat Of Attending Rsa s Cyber Security Seminar Recently, I had the privilege of attending RSA s cyber security seminar in San Francisco, CA, the seminar was held from February 13th to the 17th. Furthermore, some of the top cyber experts in the industry were available afterwards, to answer one on one questions. Even though, the one on one was not a part of my package, I still learned some valuable information for the seminar. For example, the seminar devoted a few hours to internet banking and provided the banking industry with tips on how to thwart attacks and what forms those attacks might come in. After the seminar concluded, I went to grab a quick bite to eat in the hotel restaurant, before catching my flight back. Thus, I was excited to share all the information I learned with my... Show more content on ... Furthermore, fraudsters use social engineering to deceive the bank customers and gain access to sensitive online credentials (Schneider, 2013, p. 480). Unfortunately, fraudsters use phishing to hold clients customer data through making phone calls or sending emails to determine information on the payment cards. Moreover, the information obtained through phishing enables the fraudsters to obtain access and make withdrawals, thus forging the customers identity. For example, backdoor programs, such as Cart32, steal customer data (Schneider, 2013, p.430). Therefore, phishing not only impacts negatively internet banking but also poses threats to the bank payment system. According to Schneider (2013), the phishing scheme involves the fraudsters using stenography in spoofed emails to lead bank customers to a prototype of their bank s websites that look legitimate. However, the fake website would be designed to steal their information (p. 427). Thus, the websites save customers financial information through coaxing bank customers to learn their credit card numbers and social security numbers. Moreover, the fraudsters may use advertisements or deliver emails that appear to be sent by IB bank. Further, the advertisements contain website links that replicate customers bank s website. Moreover, fraudsters may use mobile communication to ask bank customers about the information concerning their banks
  • 24. Nursing Integrity In Nursing Integrity consists of soundness and adherence to moral principles. Nurses who practice with integrity act in ways that are consistent with what they see as is the right thing to do, and also perform in accordance with accepted standards of practice (Levinson, Ginsburg, Hafferty Lucey, n.d.). A nurse with integrity provides ethical care, gives honest information to patients, families, and staff, documents appropriately. Our purpose in nursing is to create and maintain an environment that allows a patient to heal. Using Nightingale s model, nursing is defined as a both an art and a science. We are able to make our own decisions based on our observations that use empirical data and evidence based research which Nightingale supported variety (Dowell, 2015) At the center of Florence Nightingale s model is the patient, as they are the one receiving care. In healthcare, and as nurses, we encourage patients to participate in their own care. Each patient is unique and has needs that are different from the patient next door. We demonstrate altruism by being concerned about the well being of our patients, and it is our responsibility to promote this value. Doing so involves an understanding of a patient s individual beliefs, and taking risks on their behalf. Nightingale also mentions the importance of variety (Dowell, 2015). I have had patients that stay for more than a week, feeling confined to the four walls of their small room. Doing things as simple as going for walks or
  • 25. Maxwell Equations Essay when attached to a solenoid it gives it a lot of power to do things like power houses. The solenoid makes the electromagnetic field stronger causing it to do more and bigger tasks. Multiple scientist developed theories about electromagnetism. One of the most popular ones is the Maxwell Equations. The Maxwell equations are equations explaining electromagnetism and how it works. These equations were formed by different equations and experiments. According to (Gale, 2001, WWW)Albert Einstein James Clerk Maxwell set the platform for physics and future scientists. Maxwell s theories were opposite from what other people thought. MaxwellВґs theories also didn t have a lot of mistakes but there were quite a few mistakes in the velocity area. Maxwell s theories brought a big change to electromagnetism. His theory connected and brought electricity and magnetism together. Maxwell was the first to collect and publish research about ... Show more content on ... Albert einstein was born in Ulm, Germany he even own a nobel prize for physics (Gale, 2008, WWW). Einstein is one of the most memorable, popular, and some would even say the most successful scientist. Doing research on electrons einstein discover electromagnetism was wrapped in the energy of electrons. Einstein gave credit to other scientist such as James Clerk Maxwell and even went as far as to say they set they set the platform for modern physics. Another scientist that helped with this discovery was Heinrich Hertz. In the 1880s Hertz produced electromagnetic waves, these waves went farther than visible light could these waves are now called radio waves. Hertz (Gale, 2006, WWW)contributed quite a bit to electromagnetism, not only did he discover the waves but he did research in the topic of electromagnetic radiation. He didn t always want to be a scientist in fact he studying engineering at the university of
  • 26. Joseph Mccarthy And Communism McCarthyism and Communism Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist party? During the late 1940 s and 1950 s the topic of communism had developed into everyday conversation for all Americans considering the end of the World War 11, and the beginning of the cold war. In 1952 a man named Joseph McCarthywas elected into the senate for Wisconsin. He won mostly won because of interest in the issues of communism. Joseph McCarthy began to weed out the communism he thought existed in America. He began to accuse writers and actors and other entertainers, most of whom were labeled communist sympathizers and were no longer able to work. Some of those who were accused had their passports taken away while others were put into
  • 27. Chemical Effects Of Methamphetamine An amphetamine is any one of a class of drugs that stimulates the central nervous system and promotes the release of dopamine. When an amphetamine is ingested, its molecules move to the brain. Some of the amphetamine reacts with the brain and spinal cord to promote alertness, reacting in a similar way to caffeine, while the rest reacts with neurons in the brainto force large levels of dopamine, the chemical most associated with love and other euphoric experiences, and other positive neurotransmitters into the brain. These effects create a high similar to that of cocaine. Because amphetamines result in increased energy and alertness, they are considered a stimulant, as opposed to a depressant (like alcohol or marijuana), which would increase... Show more content on ... For several decades, amphetamines continued to be synthesized in labs for possible medical uses (MDMA, or ecstasy, was first discovered in 1910, with methamphetamine following in 1919). However, most of these drugs went unused until later in the century. In the 1930s, amphetamines began to be used as a substitute for various drugs for respiratory ailments, leading to the creation of Benzedrine, which helped clear passages in the lungs. One of the side effects of Benzedrine use was insomnia, which led to more research on possible uses for amphetamines. Later in the decade, amphetamines were used to treat sleeping disorders such as narcolepsy (a condition whereby patients fall asleep at seemingly random moments throughout the day). However, doctors still did not know about the harmful physical and psychological effects of amphetamines. Viewing this new class of drugs as a panacea, doctors began to use amphetamines to treat children and adults with ADHD, and this use too proved successful. Patients with ADHD reported being more focused and less hyperactive while being treated with amphetamines. During World War II, soldiers who needed to be alert around the clock used amphetamines to stay alert late at night and during long engagements. Later on, during the 1960s, amphetamines began to be used as a weight loss drug, with millions of American consumers using them to lose weight or to stay alert. As we know
  • 28. Persuasive Essay On Homeless People Homelessness is a large problem for Americans today. Each day, we see it, but what about the causes? The definition of a homeless person is someone whom is lives in a public place with no shelter. Homeless people must do things out in public that other people have the resources to do in the privacy of their homes. Many things come in to play when it comes to understanding being homeless. One problem that homeless people face is medication and sleep problems. Another situation is finding a job or income to support a shelter. Lastly, people who are homeless have types of diseases that they must face along with the troubles of no place to call home. St. Mungo s, a homeless shelter and outreach society, researched homelessness. They said that people who have a hard time falling asleep, which also includes sleeping on the side of the road or even having to sleep in a hotel room, have a rate of health problems that go over two to three times a person who has a place to call home. Even the rate of Tuberculosis is over two hundred times more than of the normal population. Some people have even said to had problems with diabetes and high blood pressure. Most need medication throughout the rest of their adult lives, even when there is no money for if they get sick. The team at St. Mungo supports over 2500 people a night who have no shelter. Our economy right now is at the lowest we have seen in a very long time. People with various degrees are finding it harder to get jobs where
  • 29. Emancipated Foster Education In the United States, the number of youth who are again out of the foster care system and failing to achieve permanency are growing each year. Foster care alumni have higher rates of incarceration and unintended pregnancies. Emancipated youth are at a higher risk for becoming homeless and are more likely to be food insecure. Many of these youth fail to graduate from high school, obtain their GED or to be employed. These youth are falling through the cracks, and aren t able to utilize resources and services. In order to advocate for emancipated foster youth alumni, by choosing one social media platform, I would elect for an Instagram account. This forum enables users to share photos, videos, and messages. The composition of Instagram has... Show more content on ... (Saxton, Niyirora, Guo Waters, 2015, p. 160). Using unique, ironic or comical hashtags are more memorable to audiences, and although it is important for agencies to use hashtags, it is more effective when they get other users to use their specific hashtags with a positive message surrounding the cause [or] organization. (Saxton, Niyirora, Guo Waters, 2015, p. 166). For foster care and adoption hashtags, it is important to come up with something unique because fostering and adopting animals is also displayed with handles such as #fostercare and #adoption or #fostercareadoption. Other hashtags that incorporate foster care and adoption are #adoptionrocks and #gotchaday. Hashtags that currently exist as advocacy efforts are #fosteryouthmatter, #fosteryouthvoices, #fosteryouthawareness, #fosterfamily and #fosteryouthfacts. Unfortunately currently there are very few posts under each hashtag. Things that can help differentiate are specific locations; policies that affect foster care or emancipated
  • 30. Sir Isaac Newton Cause And Effect Cause and Effect: Sir Isaac Newton We build too many walls and not enough bridges. Greetings, I m Sir Isaac Newton, the famed scientific discoverer of gravity. My childhood was anything but stable. Three months after my father died in 1642, I was born a small, premature infant on January 4th, 1643 in Lincolnshire. My mother remarried when I was 3 and left me with my grandmother. I hated my stepfather, and despised my mother for marrying him, even threatening to burn their house down. In school, I found my solace in books, particularly in science and mechanics. In my first year of college at Cambridge University, my mother returned and tried to make me a farmer, but farming was boring and derivative, so my uncle brought me back to school and I studied color, light, alchemy, history, and religion, particularly the Bible. After the plague, I was forced to return home, where I ... Show more content on ... After 2 years at work in 1687, I published my most cherished work, The Principia, where the laws of gravity were explained in 3 basic laws. They explained how gravity makes the moon orbit Earth and how Earth orbits the Sun. It also explained elliptical orbits and the flattening of the poles and bulge at the equator. It completely changed scientists and people s views of the universe. Robert accused me of plagiarism, but his claims were invalid. I suffered a mental breakdown later that year for many reasons and became a recluse. After that I joined Parliament and saved England s money crisis. It was around that time I suffered another mental breakdown but recovered quickly. I lived with my niece for my final years. It was around that time where I told the story of the falling apple that made me think about gravitational forces at my farm back home. In 1727, I suffered intense pain in my head and abdomen and lost consciousness. I never regained consciousness, and was pronounced dead the next
  • 31. Globalisation, Liberalization, Privatization And... India was the world s largest country in the beginning and was accounted for about 32.9% of world GDP and about 17% of bout world population. The goods produced in India exported to different destinations across the world; the concept of globalization is new to India. In 1991, in economic reforms, India became fastest growing major economies and considered as newly industrialized country. It faces the challenges like poverty, corruption, malnutrition and insufficient healthcare. In 1991, balance of payment disaster forced India to liberalize its economy and it moved towards free market system. India had to face many economic problems during 1990 1991 such as massive deficiency in foreign trade balance, decreasing of foreign exchange stock, suffering from increase in inflation etc. Government of India introduced reforms to get relief from the economic problem. They take three major initiatives generally abbreviated as LPG, i.e. Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization. GLOBALIZATION Globalization means interaction of the domestic economy with the rest of the world regarding to foreign investment, production, trade and financial matters. Globalization is a process that defines growing interdependence between various economies of the world. Globalization is a process by which regional economies, societies and cultures have been combined through a global network of communication, trade and transportation. Different measures taken for globalization are: пѓ Custom duties
  • 32. Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Essay Psych: Drug Addiction The meeting I attended was held in Millersville University at Lehr Hall at 9:30 Am. I attended the meeting alone and was initially very hesitant and uncomfortable with the idea. At the beginning not unexpected occurred really happened. It appeared to be a very informal meeting that everyone seemed to already be acquainted. All the members directed each other by name and I was welcomed by, what seemed to be, a regular attendee as well as a new member. I sat down and initiated conversation with the member next to me. She informed me that she goes to multiple meetings and this was her first time at the specific location. She asked me of my major and other information. A member of the group, who seemed to be the... Show more content on ... This put the topic more towards forgiveness rather than anything else. The only topic discussed, as I recall, was forgiveness. Many members gave their accounts of moments in which they felt sorry and how they handled the situation. I will refrain from going into further detail about any of the members of the group to keep their anonymity. The meeting concluded with the serenity prayer. I was not familiar with this prayer so I just held the hands of those near me and bowed my head out of respect. Specific attendees of the meetings appeared more active and attentive than others. Some of them seemed as though they did not want to be there and looked miserable. About one or two of the members even fell asleep a couple of times. Maybe some members went because they had to or because they just wanted to help tell themselves that they are trying. This really interested me because it is important to take notice that some people go and progress due to being active and others are just forced. In the case of being forced it is very easy to go to the meeting and just not be attentive or active. During the meeting I felt very enlightened. The topic of forgiveness is very broad and is even relevant in my own life. The viewpoint on the topic was very different and interesting. They talked more about being forgiving of ourselves because we are the ones that cause ourselves to react negatively to life s daily hassles and stressors. They also spoke on the control
  • 33. Comparing Emerson s Writings with Whitman s Writings Emerson and Whitman A commonality when comparing Emerson s writings with Whitman s writings are the use of the ideas Emerson came up with integrated and used in Whitman s writing. It is clear that Emerson s writing were a set of instructions for the Transcendentalist movement in addition to a lifestyle to try and attain or rise up to for society. Emerson give guidelines and ideas on how people should function in society largely based off of nature and its natural occurrence and set order. When Whitman starts writing, he adopts Emerson s guidelines in order to become a great poet. In Transcendentalism, one of the commonalities in the writing is the idea of nature as a beneficial part of the world. The natural world to be precise is an underused and not understood piece of the world. Emerson and Whitman both saw nature as a beneficial topic to study in their writings. Emerson and Whitman both studied and reflected upon nature in order to understand lessons or basic guidelines that it could teach them about being human. In Self Reliance and Song of Myself, it can be seen that if you are willing to study nature and gain the knowledge it gives you to live your life lessons can be gained. Nature is not simply pretty scenery to look at but if studied deeper it promotes a lifestyle. Particularly, for Emerson, nature is seen as perfect because it is not tainted by the constructs or failures of man it is simply natural and untouched. In addition, man s law has no power over
  • 34. Sour Dough Diet Many Americans love the delicious, yet fattening, carbohydrate recognized as bread. Usually, we all eat bread when it is stuffed with meat and cheese, but most can t resist the taste of certain breads without the added accompaniments. Sour Dough bread, being a popular favorite, is most commonly made by preparing your starter dough, feeding the starter dough, then finally kneading and baking the loaves. The first step is making the starter dough. Before starting, make sure you have a large, non metallic bowl for mixing. Making sure your bowls are non metallic ensures that the dough will not ruin. Mix together dry yeast, two cups of warm water, and two cups of all purpose flour. Once you have mixed all of your ingredients, obtain the mix with a loose seal and leave the starter dough in a warm place to ferment for four to eight days and check on it occasionally. Making sure the breadis well fermented will improve the quality of the dough. Once the days have passed, the mixture is bubbly, and there is a pleasantly sour smell; the starter dough is ready to be used. If the starter... Show more content on ... After you take the start er dough out of the refrigerator and leave it on the counter for at least an hour, you will mix dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Mixing the dry ingredients separate will help the process stay organized. These dry ingredients include: sugar, bread flour, and potato flakes. Once the ingredients are mingled together, contribute the mix with the existing starter dough. Now the dough is fed and the mushy mess will need to sit and warm to room temperature. Once bubbles start to float to the top, you are finally ready for your last step. After leaving the dough out for a day, combine six cups of bread flour, one cup of sugar, one tablespoon of salt, a half cup of oil, one and a half cups of the starter dough, and a half cup of warm water until the mix is thick. This combination will take you to the last
  • 35. Sexual Harassment on The Office The Office was an NBC Mockumentary that for nine years followed the day to day operations of a mid range paper supply company called Dunder Mifflin. The office manager was an eccentric, at times wildly misunderstood man named Michael Scott. Throughout his time as office manager, Michael led his employees through the gamut of human emotions. In some situations, in the real world, many of the situations that Michael found himself in may have ended with him on the receiving end of a lawsuit. Michael had a particularly challenging time resisting the urge to sexually harass his employees, not just the female employees, but the male ones as well. Due to the numerous inappropriate incidences that Michael caused in his own office, I feel strongly that Michael Scott was not fit to be the officemanager at Dunder Mifflin. Sexual Harassment is any repeated unwanted behavior of a sexual nature perpetrated by one person upon another. Workplace sexual harassment is a topic that has been discussed in depth over the past six decades. The Civil Rights act of 1964 saw the beginning of the end for the normalization of sexual harassment in the workplace. The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has allowed for strict penalties for those found guilty of workplace sexual harassment, punishments range from probation to termination. In todays climate, workplace sexual harassment is something that employers take very seriously. According to a Catalyst Workplace poll, 46 percent
  • 36. Delta Air Lines Airport Airspace Capacity Case Study Allegiant Air s main focus area and home base location is Las Vegas, Nevada. McCarran International Airport services the Las Vegas area, but it is nearing capacity. Since McCarran is an urban area, expansion is not a viable option. This case study shows that McCarran International Airport can implement short term improvements to handle additional capacity, but the airport has a capacity ceiling that will be hit in the next 5 to 15 years. A supplemental airport is needed to prevent McCarran International Airportfrom reaching maximum capacity. Keywords: Allegiant Air, capacity, Clark County, FAA, Ivanpah Valley, KLAS, Las Vegas, McCarran International Airport Allegiant Air Airport and Airspace Case Study Introduction Allegiant Air s low cost business model is to shuttle tourists from smaller markets to leisure destinations via direct flights (Company Profile, n.d.). Allegiant considers their tourist destinations (Oakland, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Palm Springs, Honolulu, Maui, Myrtle Beach, Orlando, Tampa Bay, Fort Meyers, and Fort Lauderdale) as their focus areas (Allegiant Air, .n.d.). The main focus area and home base for Allegiant is McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. McCarran International Airport is located close to the company headquarters in Enterprise, Nevada (a suburb of Las Vegas). McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas is the focus of this airport and airspace case study. This study will evaluate if McCarran is well suited to
  • 37. Bram Stoker s Dracula Research Paper Bram Stoker s Dracula Bram Stoker s Dracula, a novel full of horror, superstition, and evil excitement. It tells the story of a dedicated middle class group s challenging experience of destroying the leader of the undead, Dracula. The suspenseful qualities of the novel leave the reader thirsting for more, it is easy to say that this novel was written to entertain the reader. However, I feel there is more to Draculathan just a want to entertain others. Bram Stokerwrote Dracula to also exhibit life and beliefs during the Victorian Era. The novel also contains component that connect to society today in the 21st century, this is what keeps Dracula on book shelves today. The novels setting is in England and Transylvania. These two locations are ... Show more content on ... However, as the technology and science advanced many people started to loss their religious values. Those who kept their Christian faith began to believe that people who did not stay loyal to their faith was the Anti Christ. In Dracula Bram Stoker makes the battle between Count Dracula and the group mimic the one between those who kept their Christian faith and those who did not. The group hunting Dracula had deep Christian values, especially Mina Harker, they often used communion wafers, holy water, and crucifixes to ward off the Dracula s demonic forces. Each of them trusted in God and allowed his will to be done, the group also wanted to please God by ridding the earth of Dracula s presence. They are to be compared to the Christians at the time, while Dracula is should be comparable to the devil or anti Christ. His appearance was like the devil s his eyes blazed with a sort of demonic fury (Stoker 26). He had the power to control things that no one other than God should be able to control, such as the weather and animals. Many of his vampire acts also mocked those of the Christian religion. When giving Holy Communion Christians drink wine or grape juice to symbolizing drinking of the blood God, so that they can have a life heaven. However, Dracula mimics this ritual by drinking others blood to enhance his undead life. He also mocks the ritual whenever he gives Mina the
  • 38. Comparison Of Donatello David Part One The Donatello David is depicted more as a young boy wearing a hat and holding a sword into the head of Goliath. He is nude in this depiction and he shown with long hair. The sculpture looks as though it is standing still. Currently the David completed by Donatello is located in the Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence. The sculpture was completed in 1440 and is purely bronze which is shown in its dull shininess. The David stands 5 and 2 Вј tall. The Bernini David is a more developed man with shorter hair. He shows more of a muscular build while he is preparing to use his slingshot to defeat Goliath as he is twisting his waist and arms as to preparing to swing his happen with great force. This sculpture shows great movement in its detail and this is known as dynamic action. This David is located in Galleria Borghese, Rome. The sculpture is marble as seen it is pale color and lack of shininess shows it lacks the characteristics of it were a bronze statue. Bernini completed this David in 1623 with the dimensions of 5 7 in height. Part Two Compare and Contrast: Donatello used his skill to depict David as a still figure in the defeat of Goliath. The sword is stabbed in the head of goliath and the sculpture shows some patina as it was done in 1440 and bronze does show rust over time which shows the coloration of green on the statue. The statue looks almost as it is posing for its viewers showing that the little guy can beat the big guy as shown by this statue in Florence as it pertains to them as a city against other larger Italian cities. The posture that this David shows is contrapposto in just standing in the moment. Bernini designed his David to appear as it was theatrical and expansive. The so called flexibility of the sculpture is using dynamic action. The life like adult male that Bernini sculpted is in the very instant of combat as he is readying his slingshot with a twist of his waist and arm. This differs from the David of Donatello in that Donatello s is after the battle had taken place and shows David as victorious. Both David s are similar in the fact that neither is wearing armor during or after the battle. Although Bernini s David has armor at his feet but chooses not to use it as
  • 39. Elimination Organs Research Paper There are times that you feel sluggish and feel the stressful. Your body may experience continuous aching, diarrhea, constipation, and feeling of clumsiness. Rapid weight gain and the incapacity to lose the excess weight can also be signs of having toxins in the body. Moreover, the toxins found in the body are found and stored on your fat cells. For Americans who are taking the usual American diet, a person may consume 70 trillion garbage cans for each cell. In detoxing your body and cleaning that unwanted garbage in your cells, you should pay attention on your elimination organs. It seems to be a little disgusting when you are detoxing or cleansing. Your body shows some signs that you have built up toxins. These toxins can affect your whole body fitness and health. There are particular organs in your body that deal on cell... Show more content on ... They allow the oxygen to go directly to the bloodstream. It is also responsible in removing waste gases that are found in every cell of the body. Deep breathing and fresh air is very helpful in keeping the lungs healthy and free from toxins. If you are in the urban area, it is recommended that you find an oxygen rich area where you can perform deep breathing. 5.The colon is a solid waste management organ in your body. Medical practitioners have found many peolpe that may have an 80 pound mucus and rubber like solid waste that are found on the walls of the colon. Detoxing and cleaning the colon can be a real tough thing to do. However, having a free waste colon can certainly provide you good benefits of having a clean and healthy body. If you are experiencing some signs of detoxification, you may try doing a regular walking exercise. Exercise is a good key in having a fit and healthy body. Many diet doctors also suggest that you drink plenty of lemon water. This is an effective way of maintaining a very good circulation and can increase the rate of detoxification inside the
  • 40. Nick Carraway as Honest Liar in Fitzgerald s The Great... Nick Carraway as Honest Liar in Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known (Fitzgerald Gatsby 64). So writes Nick Carraway in F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby, characterizing himself in opposition to the great masses of humanity as a perfectly honest man. The honesty that Nick attributes to himself must be a nearly perfect one, by dint of both its rarity and its cardinal nature; Nick asserts for himself that he is among the most honest people he has ever encountered. Events in the book, however, do not bear this self characterization out; far from being among the most honest people in ... Show more content on ... The discussion immediately preceding the characterization is most pressing on an interpretation of this self characterization, as it provides a clear example of Nick s dishonesty just moments before he claims to be perfectly honest. Nick says of Jordan Baker, Her grey sun strained eyes stared straight ahead, but she had deliberately shifted our relations, and for a moment I thought I loved her (63). But, however, before he could actively pursue Miss Baker, he acknowledges, there was one little matter he had to deal with: But I am slow thinking and full of interior rules that act as brakes on my desires, and I knew that first I had to get myself out of that tangle back home. I d been writing letters once a week and signing them Love, Nick ...Nevertheless there was a vague understanding that had to be tactfully broken off before I was free. (64) Immediately preceding his statement about being one of the few honest people he has ever known, he admits to both falsely proclaiming his love and perpetuating a vague understanding he had no intention of fulfilling. What s more, Nick takes his long belated decision to now, finally, deal with the situation as evidence of his perfect honesty ignoring entirely the preceding weeks and months of deception! This matter of the girl back home warrants further study. This is the girl whom Daisy and Tom ask about, and the subject of whom Nick clearly (and
  • 41. Definitions From The Book The Power Of Kindness Page 2 of 3 Gomez 1 Khiabeth Gomez Professor Christine JonesEnglish 10119 March 2018 Warmth People have many definitions for the word warmth, such as a sensation of being warm, affection, or kindness, giving it a deeper meaning in regards to human emotion. Many people see warmth differently than others do. So I have found two books that will help me define what warmth means to others and hopefully get a different understanding. In the book The Power of Kindness and the chapter warmth he brings up an issue about whether or not adults needs warmth like children to save them from the ice cold of loneliness . In Ferrucci s case he gives out numerous examples as to why warmth is very important to not just babies and children, but important... Show more content on ... In Ferrucci s case it was like a ray of hope that saved him from the ice cold grasp of darkness he explains.Furthermore, Ferrucci believes that ...we adults also need warmth psychological warmth. Physical too; sometimes we need someone to talk to, someone who knows and appreciates us. Someone who cares about us. Warmth becomes a metaphor ( Ferrucci 31). An example of this can be shown in the book Ten Little Indians were where a woman ended up in a man s home. She then ends up talking about her life and how she hated her husband, but for her just to have someone to listen to her problems could be warmth itself. Another example of this would be when Alex, the author of the book, and his wife were at the hospital waiting for their baby boy to wake up from the coma he was in. It was later in the story that Alexie went to go buy a baby toy, but ended up buying an item called Chocolate Thunder . He held it up in the air like a wand, was trying to cast a spell and started waving it around over other sick babies which made others laugh and hoot. Sooner or later everyone started casting their spell as hope of getting their children to live. Later on, his wife took Chocolate Thunder to use it as a drumstick his wife started singing the most beautiful song, she sang Ten Thousand Indians and as it encode the entire hospital everyone who heard it felt that warmth being passed through that song
  • 42. Interpersonal Violence Against Women We as a societal whole must come together to end the interpersonal violence against women not just at home but in the world. Waiting to patch up the problem after the abuse happens is not how we will stop the violence to begin with you have to start at the source of the problem to fix it. In a world dominated by patriarchy it is seen as weak to speak out against the violenceof women if you are a male. Even in Hollywood, we see so many images of rape, abuse, and violence against womenas completely normal but when the abuse occurs to animals it is an outrage. We have to move from bandaging the wound to curing the disease of interpersonal violence against women. One problem that our society deals with is our media induced fear or the wrong
  • 43. Botulism Research Paper Clostridium botulinum, once a host is infected, creates toxins which give rise to the symptoms of botulism. Botulism is not transmittable person to person but is obtained by the following methods. Foodborne botulism is caused by the ingestion of foods contaminated with the toxins produced by Clostridium botulinum (Sobel, 2005). Spores formed by Clostridium botulinumare resistant to heat while the toxins are not (WHO, 1999). Cases of botulismare rare, with the United States having 17 to 34 cases a year between 1990 and 2000; these cases were sporadic (Sobel, 2005). Wound botulism is caused by infection of an open wound with spores from the environment which then produce the toxins responsible for botulism (Sobel, 2005). Wound botulism has seen a rise in cases in the United States since 1990, especially in drug users (Sobel, 2005).... Show more content on ... This is the most common type of botulism. Around 80 100 cases are reported each year in the United States (Sobel, 2005). Adult infectious botulism is a result of history of abdominal surgery, Crohns s disease or even recent antibiotic treatment (WHO, 1999). Lastly is inadvertent botulism. It is reported in people who get intramuscular injections of the toxin (WHO, 1999). The dose for cosmetic purposes is too low to cause botulism, but injections of highly concentrated toxin caused severe botulism in four people (Sobel, 2005). The symptoms for each type of botulism are mostly the same. These symptoms can include symmetrical cranial nerve paralysis, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, constipation, blurred vision, muscle weakness, descending paralysis, etc. (WHO, 1999). In infant botulism, a weak cry, decreased motor response, poor feeding, and others are also observed (WHO, 1999). Patients should be put into supportive intensive care where their vitals can be monitored (Sobel,
  • 44. George Washington The Indispensable Man Analysis George Washington is a towering historical figure who is considered the father of the United States. James Thomas Flexner captures the man, not the myth, behind this legendary icon in one concise single volume biography, Washington: the Indispensable Man. This book is a condensed but altogether new version of Flexner s previous four volume biography of George Washington. This smaller scale book is well written, and explores Washingtonas the human being behind the legendary icon (New York Times Book Review) to bring the reader to a closer relation to a man removed by time and history. Of time and history, GeorgeWashington had a great deal more of it which Flexner had to cover. Washington was a major national figure for twenty four years from his election as Commander in Chief to his death, and he was hardly twenty when his role in the French and Indian War made him internationally known. The wide ranging subject of Washington must have been difficult to fit into one encapsulated volume, but Flexner manages not only to do that but also writes straightforward in thought with flowing ideas and logical conclusions. The first chapter, of course, starts from George s Birth and tells of his childhood of growing admiration for the wilds of the frontier and the British Army. A little later, the book moves forward to Washington s first military blunder in inciting the French and Indian War which makes the name George Washington internationally known. After this incident, Flexner
  • 45. Cost Duration Analysis Of Project Management Cost Duration Analysis In field of project management, there are a plethora of mechanisms under perpetual reevaluation. One specific segmentation of project management under such scrutiny pertains to cost duration, which is the time and monetary costs of completing individual tasks within the project s critical path (IBM Knowledge Center, 2016). The process of monitoring and evaluating the time and financial impacts of each task is referred to as cost duration analysis (IBM Knowledge Center, 2016). A chief concern of cost duration analysis is identifying tasks within the project s critical path which can reduce project duration (PMI, 2013). A common approach to reducing a project s duration is task crashing (PMI, p.181). According to The Project ManagementInstitute (2013) crashing refers to the process of methodical determining the financial value of increasing a critical path task s resources in order to decrease project duration (p.181). Identified Tasks In reference to the attached cost duration table, three tasks have been identified as suitable for crashing. The first task is line one, Localize French Dictionary, with a normal completion rate of seven days, and a cost of $3,500. The crashed rate for the same task is reduced to five days, at a total cost of $4000. Therefore, crashing task one results in a two day differential at a minimal cost of $250 per day decreased. Similarly, line two for Localize French Dictionary, has a normal completion rate of seven
  • 46. Adherence To Asthma As I jogged in early February, my chest tightened and I felt like each breath I took was more and more painful. It was happening, an asthma attack. The cold had made my breathing almost impossible and each step I took felt worse and worse. My asthma had always affected me since I was a child but now as an adult I felt like everywhere I went I had to carry around my Ventolin, which didn t make me feel socially accepted. When others were running in the cold, I felt left behind, needing to rely on a device in order to breathe. This feeling of incompetence and rejection is felt by those affected by this chronic illness. Asthmais defined by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute as a chronic disease that affects the lungs by inflaming and... Show more content on ... Although asthma medications are available, many patients chose to not adhere to the medication. Statistically, 30 70 percent of asthmatic patients do not adhere to the medication they are prescribed (Bailey and Apter, 2015). Symptoms become worse and a patient s overall quality of life is also hindered. Bailey and Apter (2015) explain that many patients do not adhere to their medication because they are not educated on how to utilize the medication, costs of the medication are too high, the presence of negative side effects, and even sociocultural factors, among various others. Nonadherence also causes problems in healthcare economics as with more emergency visits due to sudden asthma attacks, healthcare costs rocket making it harder for patients to pay and causing overall economic problems. With the existence of these factors, adherence becomes extremely difficult for adults and consequently their health is put at risk. Negative symptomology such as increased asthma attacks and even fatality can
  • 47. Al Capone Gang Stereotypes Al Capone Gangs have many stereotypes, stereotypes on how gangs work and the structure behind them. The other major stereotype is the focus on criminal behavior, and the blaming of gangs for criminal acts (Moore). The research on gangs and drugs is small, because not many people have been able to infiltrate the gangs and make gang members speak (Kobler). The police and the media make the public afraid of the gangs because of the drugs and the violence. The media shows the gangs in a terrible light to attract better audiences. What is known about gangs, is almost all heard from the media and the police who essentially blow the event out of proportion and make it look worse than what it actually is (Moore). Al Capone was seen as a violent man ... Show more content on ... As he was leaving the courtroom, he was arrested for contempt of court (FBI). The reason he was arrested was that he attended a racetrack in the Miami area and had taken a plane trip to Bimini and a cruise to Nassau when he was supposed to be in his bed. The penalty could be one year in prison and a fine of only a thousand dollars. Capone posted a five thousand dollar bail and was released (History Learning Site). Capone s first arrest was for carrying a concealed weapon in Philadelphia. Within sixteen hours, they had all been sentence to a one year term (Al Capone Biography). Capone served his time and was released in nine months for good behavior (Woog). Capone was arrested again for tax invasion. His mob bribed the jury, but on the day of the court date, the judge suddenly switched the bribed jury with a new one that had been chosen the night before (Al Capone Biography). After only nine hours, Capone was found guilty of several counts of tax invasion and was sentenced to eleven years. Capone also picked up a $50,000 fine and a court cost of 30,000 and his bail was denied (Organized
  • 48. Wgu Lit1 Task 2 Essay | Sole Proprietorship| Description| In a sole proprietorship, the business and single owner are one in the same. A single owner makes all decisions with regard to the business and the single owner retains all profits earned by the business. The single owner is also responsible/liable for all debts and obligations of the business on a personal level.| Two Advantages| A sole proprietorship is easy to create; there is minimal creation cost and time.The single owner has autonomy in decision making; sole owner makes all decisions related to the business and has complete ownership of business s finances.| Two Disadvantages| It is impossible to add additional owners and to pass on business, business dies with owner. A single owner... Show more content on ... | Profit retention| The business itself does not retain any profits. 100% of profits remain with the owner and is considered personal income.| | General Partnership| Description| A general partnership is comprised of a group of two or more individuals who enter into an agreement to start a business. The partners and the business are legally the same. The partners enter into an agreement called the articles of partnership and are typically equally active in the business and the business s management, unless otherwise stated in the partnership agreement. All profits and losses are shared by the partners in a joint business venture.| Two Advantages| A general partnership allows for a pooling of capital and talent and a sharing of the risk. Additional benefits to a general partnership include additional expertise in decision making and a sharing of the workload. General partnerships are easy and inexpensive to start up.| Two Disadvantages| The partners are jointly and severally liable for business debts and obligations. The partners are held personally responsible for the business and may be sued personally for liability. Partners personal assets are subject to lawsuit(s) made against the business. Lack of continuity; death of a partner may end the partnership/business if a buy/sell agreement is not in place. Disagreements may be difficult to resolve.| Liability| Liability is not limited; all partners are liable jointly and
  • 49. How I Taught A Sailing Coach Last Summer At The Little Egg... I worked as a sailing coach last summer at the Little Egg Harbor Yacht Club in Long Beach Island. My experiences with this job have opened my eyes to many new perspectives on how kids work. I was an instructor for the Opti 2s, 4s, and the T 7s: nine year olds, eleven year olds, and seven year olds. I worked 30 hours per week for the entire summer, teaching with at least three other instructors in each of the groups. My favorite group, the Opti 2s, which I taught with Gretchen, Holly, and Kate, was still learning the basics of sailing, but they had all sailed on their own before. However, they were the least cooperative of my three groups, with kids often refusing to listen to instructions or interrupting us. The main reason I liked this... Show more content on ... The few times that Richard did go sailing, he usually would start crying and screaming to be taken to shore after a while. He often started with excuses such as It s too windy or I ll flip , but when these fears were assuaged, he would always break down to say I hate sailing . I always felt bad trying to force him to do something he hated so much, but his parents had paid lots of money to the program for me to teach him how to sail. One day Holly told me that that Richard s family lived on a sailboat. I didn t believe this, but I thought it would be incredibly ironic if he lived on a sailboat given his hatred of sailing. While Richard was often a burden for the counselors, the kids, and even the parents to deal with, he had some moments of brightness that completely changed my perspective on him. Sometimes during lessons, he would not be listening to what we were saying, then he would ask us a question that was completely unrelated. These questions usually consisted of improbable sailing scenarios. They were usually pretty funny, such as when he said What if my boat flips and then a turtle swims on top of my sail and I unflip it again? The other instructors and I would laugh and tell him that that would never happen, but he would persist and we would eventually have to think of an answer. Richard was also very knowledgeable about World War II planes. He often mentioned specific models
  • 50. Narrative Essay About Snowboarding Snowboarding It was a nice day up in Vermont the mountain was cold the snow was white like the clouds and just as fluffy as a Persian cats white delicate fur. Then that s when it happened we got up to the mountain my father my brother and myself when we got to the mountain we were amazed. When we got to the top of the mountain we saw an amazement of colors and that s when it happened me and my father had a fight a little while earlier. When we got to the area we put on our ski and snowboarding gear and then it started we went up the the ski lift and I was still angry at my dad. When we got to the top I was pleasantly surprised to see my oldest and best friend at the top who was coming down the mountain with his father. When I saw them I suddenly yelled to them to get their attention and they came back to where we were and then the whole day turned. When I saw my friend Connor and Zeke and connor s father Steve I was so happy I felt like my body was going to explode because of how happy that I was. I went over to Connor and Zeke and we started to catch up. When we were talking me and my dad started to feel a little guilty and then after a little while I finally apologized and then he apologized and then we made up. One we had made up and resolved the conflicts that we had with each other earlier we were able to fully hang out and enjoy the trip that we were taking. When we got to the top of the mountain we saw the most beautiful site that we had ever seen it was