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Same Sex Marriage Essay Topics
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Same Sex Marriage Essay Topics" can be quite challenging.
Firstly, the subject itself is highly contentious, sparking intense debates and emotions from
various perspectives. Delving into this topic requires a nuanced understanding of cultural, legal,
social, and ethical dimensions surrounding same-sex marriage.
Researching this topic involves navigating through a plethora of academic articles, legal
precedents, sociological studies, and personal narratives to grasp the complexity of the issue
comprehensively. Analyzing and synthesizing diverse viewpoints while maintaining objectivity is
crucial to presenting a balanced argument.
Moreover, addressing sensitive topics like LGBTQ+ rights and marriage equality demands
empathy and sensitivity towards marginalized communities. It's essential to approach the subject
with respect for diverse perspectives and experiences, avoiding stereotypes or discrimination.
Additionally, writing about same-sex marriage may involve grappling with deeply ingrained
societal norms, religious beliefs, and political ideologies, which can add layers of complexity to
the discussion. Crafting a coherent and persuasive argument requires careful structuring, logical
reasoning, and effective use of evidence to support your claims.
Furthermore, staying updated with evolving legal frameworks, societal attitudes, and ongoing
debates surrounding same-sex marriage is imperative to ensure the relevance and accuracy of
your essay.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on "Same Sex Marriage Essay Topics" demands thorough
research, empathy, critical thinking, and a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted issues at
hand. It's a task that requires careful consideration and respectful engagement with diverse
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Same Sex Marriage Essay TopicsSame Sex Marriage Essay Topics
An Analysis Of Station Eleven By Emily St. John Mandel
The bright side of the planet moves toward darkness and the cities are falling
asleep, each in its hour. And for me, now as then, it is too much. (Mandel 1) The
plot of this book primarily revolves around this quote. Throughout the book, the
story portrayed a lifestyle that is dangerous, yet oddly satisfying. A life where there
aren t any modern conveniences yet a life that is free. The story takes place in a post
apocalyptic world where a virus crippled human civilization. The plotcenters on a girl
named Kristen, with references to the events leading up to the massive pandemic.
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel is structured like a memoir and felt like a
rough draft for a more significant book. Therefore, for these reasons, I did... Show
more content on ...
To me, transitions are subtle, but the author, Emily St. John Mandel, somehow
managed to put all the shifts in the worst locations in the entire book. For example,
the book begins with the death of Arthur Leander but doesn t give background
information until nearly the end of the book.
The king stumbled and reached for them as they flitted here and there in the
shadows. His name was Arthur Leander. He was fifty one years old, and there were
flowers in his hair. (Mandel 3)
O.K, maybe I exaggerated, but only tidbits of information were dropped within the
text. The book would be better organized if it were divided into multiple volumes.
For example, volume one could be about Arthur Leander and the time leading up to
the pandemic. Volume twocould be about Kristen and the Traveling Symphony and
volume three could be about this mystery town. Also, multiple volumes would allow
the author to reveal more information and not leave out blanks in the plot.
Finally, at the end of the book, Kristen peeks through a telescope and sees a town
with actual electricity and lights.
In the distance, pinpricks of light arranged into a grid. There, plainly visible on the
side of a hill some miles distant: a town, or a village, whose streets were lit up with
electricity. (Mandel 311)
In the last chapter, the plot suddenly focuses on a family that is living in this new
town. The
National Cranberry Cooperative
Table of Contents
1.) Introduction2
2.) Process Analysis2
3.) Process Flow at National Cranberry Cooperative4
4.) Installing a Light Grading System5
5.) Decreasing the truck waiting time6
6.) Bag pack or Bulk Pack8
7.) Conclusions9
1.) Introduction
This case analysis looks at the two primary problems at the receiving plant no. 1 (RP
1) faced by National Cranberry Cooperative during the cranberry harvesting period,
viz. 1) too much waiting period for trucks before they unload berries at the RP1
and 2) too much overtime costs. There is also a secondary problem regarding
grading of process berries. Half of the berries graded top quality are actually not top
quality and do not deserve extra premiums paid on the ... Show more content on ...
One more category in between 2A and 3 can also made having a lesser premium than
quality 3. But the various other implications of this step should be taken into account
like increased final processing cost and resentment from the farmers.
5.) Decreasing the truck waiting time
The main problem that the receiving plant is facing is that the trucks have to wait a
lot particularly in the peak season before they can unload the berries. This cope up
with the problem the cooperative installed an additional Kiwanee Dumper last year
(i.e. 1969) but that didn t help in solving the problem.
We first analyze the average truck waiting time for the next year with present
capacities and assuming 70% to be wet berries and rest dry.
As the wet berry processing would take lesser time if it bulk packed, we assume that
during the peak season the wet berries are only bulk packed and dry berries are bag
Assuming a berry arrival of 18,000 bbl in a day (7am to 7pm) in the peak season at a
constant rate and , the average wet berry arrival rate would be (18000/12) * (70/100)
= 1050 bbls per day and dry berry arrival rate would be 450 bbls per day.
With the processing starting at 11 am , the holding bins will continue to be filled at
this rate subject to the maximum capacities for wet berries (3200 bbls) and dry
berries (4000 bbls). The bins capable of holding wet berries would be
The Tretis Of The Twa Mariit Wemen, And The Testament
William Dunbar along with Robert Henryson are two well known, popular
medieval poets who both are said to be influenced by Geoffrey Chaucer , a Middle
Ages poet who wrote much of the great poetry we have today as well as
influencing further poets. William Dunbar, born in Scotland around 1460
attended St Andrews University between 1477 and 1479 and gained a degree. He
based many of his poems around religion and courtly love (two common themes of
medieval poetry) and wrote many popular poems such as The Dance Of The Seven
Deadly Sins and The Tretis of the Twa Mariit Wemen and the Wedo. Like Dunbar,
Henryson was also a Scottish poet, although born earlier in 1425 and can be said to
be heavily influenced by Chaucer also, composing a sequel to... Show more content
on ...
Secular marriages were not blessed by the church and were more popular amongst
the poorer people as there was no expensive ceremony with rings. This type of
marriage made it easier for divorce and to remarry. In the poem, Dunbar uses a male
narrator who is a voyeur eavesdropping into a conversation amongst three, intoxicated
woman who are in a garden on Midsummer night s eve; two of them married and
one a widow. In this conversation they discuss their husbands in an unpleasant way
and discuss their sexual desires which at this time was unheard of to males as they
classified woman as belongings and inferior. This poem is an attempt by Dunbar to
get inside the head of a woman which was a common thought amongst men as some
were worried woman were untrustworthy. The setting of this poem plays an
important, although discreet role as Midsummer Eve is associated with fertility rites
back in pre Christian times and the garden they are in would have been filled with
sweet scents from the flowers blooming at that time of year, so the setting is almost a
metaphor for the woman and their duty to provide children and fertility.
The poem begins with the voyeur telling his audience about the three women and
how he is hiding and listening in to their personal conversation. To a modern
audience this seems odd and disturbing but back in the time this was set, it was
viewed as a normal way to get information, which is exactly what
Lgbt Slurs
Although sharply divided, public attitudes toward gays and lesbians are rapidly
changing to reflect greater acceptance, with younger generations leading the way
(NORC University of Chicago, 2010, p. 1). This push for international acceptance
of the LGBT people could not come any sooner. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals as well as
transgender individuals from around the world have almost all experienced some
sort of discrimination in their lives. This is why there is such a gap between
heterosexual and LGBTpeople. There are hundreds, if not more, reasons for why
some people will not accept LGBT individuals and couples, whether it is religion,
family values or simply the fact that some people find LGBT people unnatural. This
is why the common sufferings... Show more content on ...
For example, it has been years since the word lame has been replaced for gay; You
lost in yesterday s hockey game? That s so gay . These LGBT slurs is just one of
many examples of how society continues to portray being LGBT as something that
is wrong. The combination of several small negative actions that happen every
single day in society is what has been slowing down the LGBT movement for
acceptance. In order for more schools and families to be supportive of their LGBT
children it is necessary for society as a whole to make a strong push for LGBT
equality. That includes media outlets as well as government support for LGBT
acceptance. First of all, media has the, or one of the biggest influences on modern
day society. Media creates meanings about sexuality (or sexual orientation), and
plays an important role in the way we understand the role sexuality plays in our
identities, our history, our social institutions, and our everyday lives.
(thecriticalmediaproject, n.d.). With this kind of power over society, worldwide
media outlets could make a tremendous impact in helping support the LGBT
movement for acceptance. Whether it be through movies, news channels, TV
shows or other media sources, as long as a positive message is being outputted
about LGBT, the community would be gaining more and more understanding on
the subject. Second, the governments have to step up and show complete support
for LGBT worldwide to really get the ball rolling. The United States of America as
well as Canada are some of many countries who have made tremendous leaps
toward LGBT acceptance over the past decade. Thankfully gay marriage is now
legal in all 50 states in the USA, just one of many steps that are needed for LGBT
equality. Also, Canada s newest prime minister Justin Trudeau has been nothing but
amazing for the LGBT individuals of Canada. He s shown
Removing Plastics From The Pacific Garbage Patch
As an introduction, Stone explains what a garbage patch is and how the Pacific
Garbage Patch as formed. He then focuses on Project Kaisei which was a project
set up to test ways of removing plastics from the Pacific Garbage patch and
disposing of them safely. They found that the larger pieces were easy to remove,
but the smaller pieces posed a problem. These methods included dragging nets and
places trash reciprocals need areas with high concentrations of plastic that could be
picked up later. The next step is to find an environmentally friendly ay to dispose of
the collected plastics. One of these methods if called pyrolysis and works by turning
wasteinto oil and other energy forms without using combustion. This process could
account for 85% of the plastic currently in the Pacific Garbage Patch. Furthermore, a
pyrolysis system could be mounted on a ship and taken directly to the garbage patch
and loaded with plastics by other boats. Unfortunately, these are expensive systems. A
cheaper option would be to concentrate the sun s rays and highly concentrated UV
lights to excel the natural beak down process. The problem with this method is that it
still leaves micro plastic in the ocean. According to Stone, some want to just leave the
garbage thinking that it is a better alternative to landfills. Lastly, environmental
activist think that we need to prevent the problem at its source and stop
manufacturing such large quantities of plastic. Moreover, we should make
The Power of Interior Monologues in War and Peace Essay...
War and Peace probed into the human essence and its search for the truths of life.
Tolstoy focused on two men to represent and carry the burden of finding those
ethereal values. Throughout the novel, he utilized numerous images, symbols,
dialogue, and foreshadowing to advance the progress of his characters. Yet, his most
effective use of technical device can be found in describing the psychological
thoughts and interior monologues of the characters. Most notably, the thoughts of
Pierreand Andrei served to portray their spiritual changes better than by what they
did, and also helped to foretell and build suspense to upcoming actions. By doing so,
Tolstoyfurthered the plot and created a realistic world from which to study... Show
more content on ...
Truly a pioneer, he managed to profess these beliefs in a fictitious novel that has
become one of the masterpieces of western and world literature. Upon further
examination of War and Peace, he expresses these Zen and early Christian beliefs
specifically through the mental thoughts of Pierre, Andrei, and even the mythical
Platon. Though not as skilled a writer of the human mind as his compatriot, Fyodor
Dostoevsky, he did meritoriously utilize Pierre s and Andrei s mental awareness and
psychological changes of consciousness to foreshadow upcoming actions and to
present the Zen belief, so popular in the modern western world today.
Tolstoy introduces his first main character, Pierre Bezukhov, at Anna Pavlovna s
soire. Pierre will experience several mental awakenings into the meaning of life that
eventually builds up into a climactic revelation that changes his life forever. In
essence, Pierre s life progresses mainly through his thoughts and feelings rather than
through his actions. Of all the major characters, he partakes in the least number of
physical actions, and the actions he does perform can be foreshadowed from
previous thoughts. His journey to define life occurs in three psychological stage: pre
conversion, conversion, and post conversion. The pre conversion period portrays his
mind as a conglomerate of differing emotions, feelings, thoughts, and impulses.
Tolstoy describes these
Compare And Contrast Zoroastrianism And Judaism
One key element Zoroastrianism and Judaism share is a monotheistic view on
God. Both share in the belief that there was creator for everything, and this creator
has numerous names in both religions. While they may share this view,
Zoroastrianism also believes in a dualistic view for good and evil (pg. 229).
Zoroaster taught that two spirits stemmed from the creator Ahura Mazda. Whether
one chose to follow Spenta Mainyu the Beneficent Spirit, or Angra Mainyu the Evil
Spirit, determined their fate regarding heaven and hell. The afterlife is another key
element they share. While Judaism does not believe in a heaven or a hell, they do
believe in Sheol which is the place of the dead. Sheol is a place of darkness where
both the righteous and
Cahokia Bounds
Recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization as a World Heritage Site, Cahokia Mounds is located in the current
day city of Collinsville, Illinois. Near the Mississippi River, this pre history site is
made of mounds scattered around an area of about Three and a half square miles of
land. The park may be large, but the actual city of Cahokiain pre history spread much
further than what the park is recognized as today. Cahokia is recognized by
historians as part of the Mississippian culturewhich groups them with other native
civilizations that lived along the Mississippi Riverwho shared architectural styles (like
the mounds fount in Cahokia) as well as other attributes like maize based economics
and tools... Show more content on ...
When I visited again I gained much more fascination from the site. The area of
Collinsville that the site lies in has not much more than a few fast food restaurants
and some gas stations. I first arrived at Monk s Mound and was amazed by the
sheer size of the man made structure. I assumed the mound had eroded over
knowing that the mound was so old which would make it even taller during the
time it was erected. When I climbed to the top, I could see the metropolitan area of
St. Louis Missouri. Being on top of the mound gave the feeling of governing a
civilization. I could see many of the other mounds and the people walking to and
from the parking lot to make the same journey that I did to be on top of Monk s
Mound. I expected the area surrounding the site to look better than it did. As the
mock chief that I was for fifteen minutes, I did not know how to feel about an
automotive repair shop at the base of my mound. This simply shows how close the
local community today has come to live hand in hand with a World Heritage
The Cost And Revenue Structure Of IKEA
Cost and revenue structure of the company
Geographic sales and purchases diversification
IKEA stores have been present in five big areas in the world which are North
America, South America, Europe, Russia, Asia and Australia as of 31 December,
2014. IKEA group have stores located in 42 countries which include Australia,
China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Denmark, France, Germany and etc. IKEA
group sell their products in to these 42 countries with their domestic currencies such
as Australian Dollar (AUD), Yuan (RMB), Taiwan New Dollar (TWD), Malaysian
Ringgit (MYR), Singapore Dollar (SGD), Danish Krone (DKK), Euro (EUR) and etc.
The reason of using domestic currency is because this is easier for the customers to
buy IKEA products in their country.
The IKEA group is based in the Netherlands and so that the reporting currency of
IKEA is the EUR. IKEA converted the revenue from the foreign store in to EUR
currency for balance sheet. ... Show more content on ...
If the spot exchange rate that shows in market is AUD 0.65 per EUR , then IKEA
would earn EUR 650,000 in the next half year if they predict that will be same
after 180 days but the currencies is fluctuate by following the market performance
so that there would not be the same exchange rate in the future. If the exchange rate
of AUD to EUR is increase to AUD 0.69 per EUR in the next half year which
means that the AUD depreciate or EUR is appreciate. IKEA will earn EUR
690,000 at that time and have a foreign exchange gain of EUR 40,000. The
situation will vice versa if the exchange rate decrease to AUD 0.62 in the next half
year. This means that either the AUD is appreciate or the EUR is depreciate at that
time. IKEA will earn EUR 620,000 at that time and have a foreign exchange loss of
EUR 30,000 as the revenue is lesser compare with the exchange rate they
North Korea Persuasive Essay
Totally prepared has been declared by Donald Trump to take a military option against
North Korea. Saying it will be devastating to Pyongyang.
We are totally prepared for the second option. Not a preferred option. But if we take
that option it will be devastating, I can tell you that, devastating for North Korea,
Trump said on Tuesday from the White House.
That s called a military option. If we have to take it, we will.
Trump said the time had come for the world to isolate the North Korean menace and
dictator Kim Jong Un for behaving very badly and saying things that should never
ever be said.
He also slammed Kim s outlaw regime, charged all nations to act now to ensure the
regime s denuclearization, and claimed ... Show more content on ...
Trump react to the report of the North Korean threat to shoot down American
bombers, after US declared war.
Earlier, North Korea s accusation that Trump has declared war as absurd have been
dismissed by US.
We have not declared war on North Korea and, frankly, the suggestion of that is
absurd, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said at a press briefing
Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho told reporters in New York on Monday that Trump
claimed that our leadership wouldn t be around much longer and he declared a war
on our country. Even the fact that this comes from someone who is currently holding
the seat of the U.S. presidency is clearly a declaration of war.
On Tuesday Regional leaders warned that war on the Korean Peninsula would result
in catastrophic
Coordinate Reference System
1.What is the difference between a coordinate reference system and a projection
(transformation)? Why would you want to change your coordinate reference system
during any analysis? Remember that a coordinate reference system is a special type
(and thought of as a key component) of the broader concept of spatial reference
system .
The difference between a coordinate reference system and a projection
(transformation) are that a projection provides various mechanisms to project maps
of the earth s spherical surface onto a two dimensional Cartesian coordinate plane
whereas a coordinate reference system enables geographic datasets to use common
locations for integration. A coordinate systemis a reference system used to represent
the locations ... Show more content on ...
10.What do the values in the field A1_FMTXT appear to mean and what is their
level of measurement? (see the pdf metadata file)
The values in the field A1_FMTXT provide a text summary of the type of land or
environment and the material the cell is made up of. The scale of measurement is
11.Zoom in close on the shorelines to see how they are different. Compare the
landscape makeup or conditions at four locations, two where land conditions in
NLCD and SZLINETH are similar and two more where they differ. Use x,y
coordinates to record the location and write a short description.
Where they differ:
Location 1: 124В°3 22.398 W 46В°57 36.813 N
SZLINETH states that this location is a flat sandy area whereas
Washington_NLCD_erd_032200 recognizes it as a value of 51, representing
shrubland or areas dominated by shrubs.
Location 2: 124В°6 36.612 W 46В°51 3.126 N
SZLINETH states that this location is a beach with relic ridges or a vegetated dune
compared to Washington_NLCD_erd_032200, which recognizes it as a value of 42
which indicates evergreen forest and areas characterized by trees where 75% or
more of the tree species maintain their leaves all
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Essay
It has been suggested that The Rime of the Ancient Mariner may be read as a
religious text, presenting nothing less than the fall of man .
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner has been interpreted in a variety of ways since it
s creation in 1797. Some, such as Gavin McGann, argue that ballad is a story of our
salvation of Christ, whereas others dispute this, believing it to be a metaphor for
Original Sin in the Garden of Eden. Whilst these interpretations may differ, the view
that The Rime may be read as a religious text does not. Religion lies at the heart of the
poem, focusing on the trials and tribulations of man, depicting a moving spiritual
journey of sin, punishment, repentance and eventual redemption. ... Show more
content on ...
With their remarks the crewmembers form the first foundation of their sin. Jesus
states Judge not lest ye be judged (Matthew 7:1) so by judging the Mariner, the crew
submit themselves to the judgment of heaven, setting themselves up, much like the
Mariner, for a punishment. The second sin of the crewmembers comes when they
condone the murder of the albatross, revealing, as the weather becomes warmer and
the mist disappears, how they believe it twas right, said they, such birds to slay/that
bring the fog and mist . In noticing that the murder of the albatross bears no
immediate effects on the weather, they condone the Mariner s actions, and
consequently make themselves collaborators in the crime. Subsequently, changes
immediately occur as Down dropped the breeze, the sails dropped down and so the
crew contradict themselves again, and start to rebuke the Mariner as they begin to
suffer from thirst due to their inability to sail and diminishing supplies. By
Best Memory Foam Topper Research Paper
1. Size
Memory foam mattress toppers are available with thickness ranging from 2 to 4
The two inch ones are the cheapest and offer average comfort but is good for a
person with medium build provided the mattress topper you buy is of high quality.
The 3 inch one is the best memory foam mattress topper for most people and it offers
excellent comfort level.
A 4 inch topper is needed only if you are above 240 pounds or if you need extra
2. Density
The best memory foam mattress toppers have a density of 5 pounds. Those mattress
toppers with 4 pound density are also excellent. High density toppers offer better
body support and reduces more pressure points giving you a much better sleep. It also
responds better to your body temperature
The Role Of Socialization, Gender, And Education As A...
Socialization, Gender, and Education as a social institution have all been topics that
have been heavily discussed in the classroom. Each of these sociological aspects of
society help create ideologies and norms in particular as to the role gender plays in
the household and in the workplace. From the extended interview on Adam Belaid, it
has become evident that the educationplays the largest role in socialization. In
particular, the public educational institutions that have been founded on the
principals of the state. Particularly, educational institutions and their effect on its
students views on gender. Through an analysis of the interviewee, Martin s
Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools , and Bowles Education and
Inequality it is evident that the educational institution plays the greatest role in the
socialization of an individual. Adam Belaid is currently a software engineer at Riot
Games, whose job is primarily in back end development and program execution. He
was educated in several countries where each country has a slightly different
sociological norm. His adolescent education was in France, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan;
his high school education took place in what he defined as a small school that taught
an Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum in
Arizona. His undergraduate education took place at Virginia Tech with a major in
Computer Science. Adam identifies himself as a practicing Muslim with his parents
Long Pieces Research Paper
Long Pieces Reflection The short pieces that I have chosen are Technology is in
Control and Kidnapped by fate.These are both fictional stories that I have created
and are both set in a very futuristic world. Technology is in Control is set in a
dystopian society where a dictator controls a whole society with technology. While,
Kidnapped by fate is similar by the fact that a dictator controls a group of people by
trapping them in a car in a deserted town. I really enjoy writingpieces likes these that
fall into dystopian and fictional categories. I have always had a creative mind and
love the futuristic style where nothing has to make sense realistically. I think that
these types of writings are definitely my go to when it comes to writing longer
pieces because they are the funnest and easiest for me. Of the pieces that I have
chosen I think my favorite is Kidnapped by Fate I really like the idea behind it and
the mystery in it. When I was creating this I was watching a lot of Criminal Minds
and this piece reminds me of something that would be on that show. This piece is
shorter than my other piece, but I ended it on a huge cliff hanger so I think I could
easily make this into a novel. I think if I had more time I would continue this piece
because I like the idea I had behind it and it could be a really cool story if... Show
more content on ...
I think I like the idea behind it and at the beginning I was very into the whole plot.
But, as I started writing it I didn t really enjoy it and slacked at it. I started out very
strong with it and then I slowly started to lose hope in it ever getting good. I think
as I started writing it I found that it was becoming a lot like my other pieces and I felt
bored by it. I really want to go back and keep the main idea of it, but try to move it
away from my normal dystopian style writing. I think it would be a huge challenge
to do, but I think I would like it whole lot
Everyday Use Heritage
In Everyday Use by Alice Walker, there is a clear depiction of heritage and what it
is; equally, there is also the image of how it may be construed. In the story, the
reader is introduced into the life of an African American family who live in a small
house and struggle financially. It is a life that has been lived by many throughout in
history. Through the use of symbolism, Walker interprets the American Dream as
unique to each individual and the possibility to lose it in the chaos of life.
Immediately, the reader is introduced to a familywho doesn t live at the top of the
socioeconomic pyramid. A family who, although live comfortably compared to many,
still maintain the ideals of which they came from. Maggie and Mama live... Show
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Collectively, these will lead to more opportunities for prosperity and success. These
ideals are rooted from the Declaration of Independence, which states that, All men
are created equal with the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. It is
clear to see that in Everyday Use, siblings of the same family have completely
opposite outcomes in life. As Dee chooses to live a different life of that which she
was brought into, and Maggie s choosing the path of inheritance, culture, and tradition
. In the eyes of the world, it would seem that Dee is living the American Dream ;
however, in the eyes of her family, Maggie is the one living the dream. She is true to
their culture and traditions, which they hope she will keep alive. This is perhaps the
most important thing that the family has to pass on. She may not be intelligent in the
sense of learning, but Maggie has the ability to pass down the family traditions
through the art of
Living Like Weasels, Shooting An Elephant, And Virginia
The human is the most complex living being on the face of this earth, yet human
roots are sometimes forgotten. Through Charles Darwin s theory of evolution, it is
clear that animals are the brothers and sisters of the human race. In turn, human
habits resemble those of all the living beings which creates unity between all walks
of life, determining the same fate for all. A similar concept relates the three works:
Living Like Weasels, Shooting an Elephant, and The Death of a Moth by Annie
Dillard, George Orwell, and Virginia Woolf respectively. The authors explore the
nature of such creatures in order to achieve a better understanding of their motives,
all the while gaining insight on the cycle of life. Both Living Like Weasels by... Show
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Woolf paints a similar picture as the moth s legs agitated themselves once
more...the enemy against which he struggled...was [somehow] opposed to
the...moth...It was useless to do anything...One could only watch the
extraordinary efforts made by those tiny legs against an oncoming doom, being
death (Woolf 195). This story parallels that of Orwell s and explores the moments
before the unavoidable force of death sweeps one away. The essays show that it is
useless for anyone to do anything in this powerless state because the time has
come. All one is left to do is to endure the pain as the senses are slowly removed
and as he/she transitions onwards, displaying that change is also a part of the
cycle of life, and one must develop patience and endurance to handle change.
Moreover, Dillard s and Woolf s pieces investigates the process of death, the end of
the cycle. Dillard believes that by grasp[ing] your one necessity and not let[ting] it
go, to dangle from it limp wherever it takes you. Then even death...cannot you part
(Dillard 66). In other words, one should seize their destiny till their body decomposes
in the ground,
Hawthorne Birthmark
The Birth mark was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne and published in March of
1843. The story begins by introducing the audience to Aylmer, a man of science,
and how he leaves his laboratory to become a husband for his wife Georgiana. The
story then leads to a few days after their marriage where Aylmer questions his wife
if she ever thought of getting rid of her birthmark. Georgiana had a birthmark on
her check that looked like a hand of a fairy. Georgiana responded that she had
always viewed the birthmark as a positive trait for her, to which Aylmer responds
yes, the birthmark would be a beautiful charm for other people except on her because
it ruined her beauty. To which Georgiana responds Shocks you, my husband! You
cannot love what shocks... Show more content on ...
In the story the limit that was broken by Aylmer was that he tried to become a god
essentially and try to change the birthmark that Georgianna was born with which
was to go against nature and change what did not needed to be changed. Georgiana
had been born with a very particular mark in her face and she had learned to live
with it. Aylmer did not like it because he felt it was an imperfection in her perfect
beauty. A lot of people think the same way today and that is the main reason why
they decide to take risks with their so call imperfections just as Aylmer did with his
wife. In many of the times, the results are tragic and people die just as Georgiana
did in this story. Aylmer made her feel so uncomfortable with her appearance due to
the birthmark that she eventually began to hate it as well. God created us so
perfectly that there should not be a reason to alter our looks just to please the people
arounds us. Those who truly love us should learn to love us with our qualities and
imperfections. That is how God intended for humans to see and love one
Adulthood Makes An Adult
A person is considered to become an adult when he reaches a certain age as declared
by the law. However adulthood isn t achieved when you reach a certain age, it s
achieved when you become mature enough to realize the reality around you. When
you start taking responsibility for your actions and when you can differentiate
between right and wrong.
In different countries adult hood comes in different forms, and this is mainly
dependent on the child s upbringing as this affects his mental level. According to
the law, adulthood is when a person reaches the age of 18 which means now he can
do certain things which he couldn t do before. While when he reaches the age of
21 he is allowed to vote, this is because your teenager life has ended and you face
responsibilities which help you decide different life decision. People get to know
the right and wrong and thus they make good decisions. Being an adult doesn t
mean that your responsible and have clear knowledge of everything, there are
mature adults, immature adults etc. There are those adults who have been raised in
way that they decide to waste their life in whatever way they please this is because
they get spoiled at ... Show more content on ...
I don t believe getting married and having children makes you an adult, because
girls can give birth as young as 12 and in certain parts of the world can get married
at an even younger age. I believe adulthood comes with time, doing something or
reaching a certain age will not magically turn you into an adult. We become adults
when we act like mature and well mannered people who respect the morals of the
societies and contribute to them, people who respect their elders. Adulthood is
basically more of a state of mind. Lots of people get married and have children but
they don t get civilized, mature or
Risk Taking Outline
Risk taking essay Bold text = Important information Thesis / Intro I think people
should remain cautious and risk nothing. That way, you don t risk anything and
you re not worried. This also benefits to your health and brain due to levels of
stress that you can have from being worried all the time. Reason 1 : Safer (in some
cases) If you take risks, the mistakes you could have can make or break you. If you
are more aware of what will happen, you can decide based off of the outcomes. If
the results or outcomes are bad, then you have to make that choice to do it or not.
Reason 2 : Don t have to worry as much When people take risks, they can be scared
because they have no idea how the outcomes will turn out to be. Remaining cautious
Should We Try To Change America
As Nikita Khrushchev once said, America will fall without a shot being fired. It
will fall within. And America may be on that crash course. We need a strength
from within, To rise above all. The next step we take shouldn t be the last one. We,
as Americans are free, but, of course, we should not be robbed of that freedom. It s
gotten progressively worse, and now, than the presidential election is right around
the corner, America, I feel, is about to fall. Nevertheless, America is a great country
within itself. But what I m trying to say is, we should patch it the butchered trail we
left behind. On the contrary, I think America is still chugging just fine, for now. I
feel if we try to change, we will collapse. This seems
Hispanic Heritage-Heritage Month Reflection
On September 15 I went to La Bienvenida that was held on campus, in the Peace
Garden. Before this year, I have never heard of Hispanic heritage month and no one
meant it in my high school. The only time I heard about a group of being recognized
in a month is African Americans. This is commonly known as black history month,
or also known as African American history month, is widely recognized and
acknowledged. This is taken in February to remember important people and event
that happened in history. Reflecting back, I ask myself why Hispanic heritage month
was not meeting about in my history class or at school. Even though Hispanic
heritage month specifically was not mentioned, there was a day in my high school
where different ethnicity students went on stage and performed a cultural dance. One
of the most famous Mexican culture dance is Folklorico and it was a good feeling
seeing the Mexican cultural being represented.
La Bienvenida was about showing Fresno State students about Hispanic Heritage
month. Researching about what Hispanic ... Show more content on ...
The role of Mexican American students was to show how they impact the country
and stay strong. There is a great percentage of Mexican American students at Fresno
State and in the event, I could see everyone having a good time seeing that there are
others who look the same going after the same goal. In the event, not only did it
focus on the culture and history of Hispanic, it also had booths that could help
Mexican American students with their goal of succeeding in college. Some of the
booths that were in La Bienvenida are, Mathematics Engineering Science
Achievement ( M.E.S.A), Teatro of Raza Towards involvement in Local Latino
Awareness (T.O.R.T.I.L.L.A.) and College of Social Sciences Advising Center
(C.O.S.S.). The booth was targeted towards Mexican American which is statistically
at a disadvantage and them
Purified Pectinase Lab Report
3.8.5. Thermal stability of purified pectinase enzyme:
In this section thermal stability of the purified enzyme was studied at pH 5.5 and all
optimum conditions of enzyme and substrate concentration. The enzyme solution was
preheated at different temperature 40В°C, 50В°C, 60В°Cand 70В°C for various time
periods from 10 to 60 minutes. After each heat period, the enzyme was rapidly cooled
in an ice bath. The activity of pectinase was determined by adding the substrate and
carrying out the enzymatic reaction under optimum reaction conditions.
The results in (Table 29, Fig. 31) illustrated that as temperature of heating and time of
exposure of the enzyme increase, stability of this enzyme decrease. The purified
pectinase enzyme when exposed to 45В°C ... Show more content on
3.8.6. The influence of some metal ions and some chemical compounds on the
purified pectinase activity:
This experiment was carried out for determination of the influence of 0.01M and
0.1M of each of CuSO4, NaCl, CdCl2, CaCl2, KCl, BaCl2, FeSO4.7H2O,
MgSO4.7H2O, and EDTA and zinc acetate on pectinase activity. The enzyme solution
in acetate buffer pH 5.5 was incubated with each of the tested substance at35В°C for
30minutes then adding the substrate and carrying out the enzymatic reaction assay
under the optimum conditions. The pectinase activity was determined and the results
were investigated. Enzyme activity assayed in the absence of an additive was
considered to be 100%.
The results recorded in (table 30) and (figure 32) Indicated that Cu+2 activated the
enzyme at 0.01M concentration by 1.2 fold and the activity gradually decrease by
increasing the metal concentration to 0.1M with activity 51.29U/mg protein. Na+ ion
activate the enzyme when added with 0.1M by
Central Nervous And Peripheral Nervous System
My most interested system is the nervous system. The nervous system is made up of
the brain, the spinal cord, and nerves. One of the most important systems in your
body, the nervous system is your body s control system. It sends, receives, and
processes nerve impulses throughout the body. Together, these organs are responsible
for the control of the body and communication among its parts. The nervous system
has two major parts: the central nervous system(CNS) and the peripheral nervous
system (PNS).
The central nervous system is the primary center of the body. It is composed of the
brain, nerves, and spinal cord. It processes, guide movement and send out sensations
throughout the body. The brain sits right in the skull and have four parts to it, the
brain stem, cerebrum, cerebellum, and the diencephalon. The spinal cord is a long
tube that connects to the brain and down the back of the body. It has 31 segments
and there are pair of spinal nerves in each segment. Both motor and sensory nerves
are in the spinal cord. ... Show more content on ...
Such as eyes, ears, skin, and other sensory receptors . The peripheral nervous system
is made up of two parts, somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system. The
somatic system picks up sensory information and its carried to the central nervous
system. They also consist of the motor nerve fibers. It sends messages for movement
and acts to the skeletal muscle. It sends messages to the brain to give the muscle to
give action. The autonomic nervous system is made up of three parts; sympathetic
nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system, and enteric nervous system.
System controls organs in the body where humans cannot. Like, heartbeat, digestion,
Comparison Of Roman Fever And The Story Of An Hour
Edith Wharton s Roman Fever and Kate Chopin s The Story of an Hour are the
result of two realistic writers wishing to change the perspectives of how women
should be viewed and treated. In The Story of an Hour, Chopin writes about Mrs.
Mallard who is a woman desperate for her own thoughts and identity, at the time
this concept was untraditional and not accepted. Like Chopin, in Roman Fever
Wharton calls emphasis to the hidden secrets and feelings held by women at the
time. In her writing, Chopin uses various literary devices to play an important role
in conveying her message, these devices are also used by Wharton in Roman
Fever. Irony is a predominant literary device used in both of these works, for
example when Chopin states When the doctors came they said she had died of
heart disease of joy that kills (1611). This is ironic because the reader knows she
didn t die of joy, but rather from seeing the glimpse of her husband and knowing
she had lost the freedom she so desired. The first sign of irony Wharton uses is in
the title, Roman Fever, which is an old name for malaria. However, that s only the
surface meaning as the deeper meaning symbolizes Mrs. Slade s disease like
jealousy she has hidden for years over Mrs. Ansley. Both Edith Wharton and Kate
Chopin were very influential authors of the time and brought out suppressed issues in
their works to be acknowledged and challenged by society. 2.Identify the protagonist
and antagonist in To Build a Fire and
Descriptive Tourism
5 must see top rated tourist attractions in Argentina
Argentina is a stunning country and it is one that should sit high on anyone s bucket
list. There s a challenge, though, when planning a trip because the country is so
massive it s difficult to know where to start or end up. It s difficult to narrow the
tourist attractions down to just 5 because there are so many, but we dedicated
ourselves to choosing the absolute best and here s what we came up with.
Please note: they re all so awesome we haven t put them in any particular order.
1. Perito Moreno Glacier
Another UNESCO site, and this one you will find in El Calafte, a small town which
is home to Los Glaciares National Park. What s of interest here? The Perito Moreno
Glacier, not only is it the third largest fresh water reserve on the planet, it is also
home to an 18 mile long ice formation.
The visitor center is just two hours from the town and from the center there s only
a short walk to reach to glacier via a walking circuit. For the more adventurous
spirits out there... you can climb Perito Moreno! Yes, there are tours available from
a quick hour walk on the surface of the ice to a five hour trek. That s not all you will
find at the park, though. There s also a 2 mile high mountain, Monte Fitz Roy, which
is just as treacherous as Everest.
2. Ushuaia
Patagonia is well known for incredible landscapes, bragging massive stretches of
plateaus and plains, made all the more dramatic by the backdrop of the Andes.
This southern hot spot also happens to feature Ushuaia which just happens to be
the most southern city in the world. It got its start in the 20th century as a penal
colony, but now it s become the place to launch adventures. It s the starting point
for trips around Cape Horn and kicking off an Antartic adventure. It s fondly
known as the end of the world and has a truly unique landscape that features woods,
mountains, glaciers, and sea. It sits at the very edge of Tierra del Fuego National
Park. In fact, you ll want to visit the National Park, too, while you are in the area.
There are also two museums that shows the unique history of the area, and a
lighthouse (built in 1884).
3. San Carlos de Bariloche
San Carlos de Bariloche is
A Personalised Induction Will Always Be More Effective....
Essay 2
A Personalised induction will always be more effective. Discuss
(Word count = 2198)
In this essay I will describe what a personal induction is and how it is composed then
discuss the reasoning behind why they may be more effective for clients seeking
change via hypnosis rather than using standard generic inductions. I will also look at
some of the potential issues surrounding personal inductions before drawing a
But first we need to look in a bit more detail as to how they work and why they may
be helpful in helping the client achieve their aim.
It is has been stated that when we communicate with people only 7% of the
communication is made up from the words we speak and the remaining 93% is ...
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Within the three main modalities each person will have one that is dominant or
preferred and each individual s preferred modality can be ascertained by careful,
inconspicuous, observation and questioning of the client by the therapist during the
sessions, taking note of the way they dress, the language they use (words and tone),
their body language (the way they breath, their postures and gestures) and the work
and pastimes they undertake.
The inductions are constructed using wording and phrases that fit with the clients
preferred modality.
Some General Attributes of the Modalities
1. Visual
People with a preference for this modality have good imaginations that allow them to
fantasize and daydream whilst suspending the analytical/critical element of their
mind. They like things to look nice, and be involved in things that involve seeing like
art, photography, drawing, or films. They may like bright colours and be observant
and creative.
Clues that can be found in their choice of words are; look, see, appear, focus,
imagine, references to bright colours or neatness.
In phrases such as; I see what you mean , looks good to me , It just goes to show ,
paint a picture .
They tend to speak faster as they think in images and pictures and in a high clear tone
using shallow breathing.
How To Read Like A Professor Character Analysis
There are several basic plot structures that have been reused throughout literature to
create new stories and ideas, but after all the manipulation and tweaks, the stories
still contain the same overall plot. In this case in How to Read Like a Professor,
Mr. Foster starts out his book by introducing one of the more common story plots,
the commencement of a quest. Since writing builds on what has come before, stories
such as Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Setup in The Crying of Lot 49 have similar
development and organization because they re all quests.
The plot structure of a quest usually consists of five elements with the end result
being the characters discovery of self knowledge. The basic organization requires a
questor that s given
Watching Torture In Prime Time By Anne-Marie Cusac
Media Violence
Currently observed increase in the number of crimes related to violence, especially
among children and adolescents, makes us think what is the main causes of
violence in society that leading us to it? We live in the world of fear, when each of
us waiting for a moment when random guy from the streets will kidnap us then
torture and kill. And mostly this random guy is Latinos, black or Muslim. This
stereotypes were created in our mind because of media that controlled by
government, however it not only creates stereotypes, but also it makes us act violent
against each other. Nowadays the media portrays drugs, sex, guns, even though they
know that most of their viewers are kids, so media builds the base of violence in
children s minds. The article Watching Torture in Prime Time by Anne Marie Cusac,
an investigative reporter and assistant professor, shows how media and politics are
closely related. Cusac trying to convey us that government and media uses violence
(torturing) on TV shows in order to manipulate the viewers and justify real life
torture. She argues against torturing and violence in the world of entertainment. Same
... Show more content on ...
Even though torturing and violence common things in our society, we meet them
almost every day of our life, but we are not fighting against it every day, do we?
Cusac says: We are already a society that tortures evidently we became that long ago.
What is left to us now as a public is a decision we can make or avoid. We can deal
with torture or ignore it. Televisiondoes not determine the outcome of that decision;
we do. We can live with our own lives and have own problems, but we can t ignore
violence (torturing) in the media that happens in real life, because next day it can
deal with us. She want us to not be apathetic to violence (torturing),that makes people
aggressive and Sissela Bok talks about it in her
Nuclear Testing And The Cuban Missile Crisis
The development of nuclear weapons through out the cold war period, had led the
world to believe that a nuclear war was soon on its way. The evolution of nuclear
testing and the Cuban missile crisis indicated how far each state was ready to go to
ensure their ideological interests were pursued and at the same time their global
superpower status was retained. Such techniques depicted peace as simply an
expression with no significance. However, measures were established to guarantee
the acceleration of nuclear weapons was controlled and didn t get out of hand. The
marking of different arms treaties and limit arrangements demonstrated co
operation between the two superpowers, bringing about no immediate clash,
guaranteeing peace was kept and war was prevented. War would now be disastrous
for either side and therefore peace was necessary and possible (Kennedy pipe,
2007, p.122). As both powers possessed nuclear weapons and with pressures running
high, a move had to be made with the main goal being the preservation of peace. The
positions which the superpowers had arrived at by 1969 regarding nuclear capability
clearly demonstrated that each state was gaining strength in the field of arms. The
only way the nuclear weapons contest could be slowed down or bought to an end
would be through shared co operation. This came through the SALT, START and the
ABM settlements. The threat which nuclear weapons posed meant that world peace
was potentially at risk. In the event that
Absolutism In Greek Art
1.The two styles that the chapter discusses took place in very different cultures and
times. Rococo was infamous with the corrupted French nobility whom spend a
fortune on creating gigantic estates and decorating them with exaggerated, yet
beautiful works. These works usually depict intimate lovers, enjoying their
Bourgeois lives. The setting of these works in often in mystical lands, such as the
Pilgrimage to Cythera, where a group of presumably French lovers go to Cythera, a
mystical land sacred to Aphrodite. Other works depict massive lush greens, as well as
statues and structures. These would depict the common living styles of the upper
class at the time. However, like most good things, the Rococo style ended abruptly
with the Enlightenment.... Show more content on ...
Rococo works were usually commissioned by wealthy French nobility. Following
the death of King Louis XIV, The Sun King, the ruling estates of France began an
orgy of corruption. While the first and second estates were spending fortunes on
Rococo paintings and architecture, the third estate was hypnotized by the works
from philosophers such as John Locke and Voltaire. The French nobility refused to
implement the Enlightenment policies that were spreading across Europe. Seeing
their stubbornness, the French masses began the decades long disaster that was
the French Revolution. With Rococo completely left in the dust bin of history,
Neoclassicism took its place, especially in France, where Jacobin rulers and
Napoleon used Neoclassicist arts to their advantage to secure their power.
Neoclassicist artists, like Renaissance artists, began to explore the depth and
complexity of Greek and Roman works and create pieces inspired by these works.
Exaggerated war paintings, such as the Death of General Wolfe or the Oath of the
Horatii are prime Neoclassicism works and are prime products of the
The Issue Of Child Soldiers
Imagine being terrorized and forced into an army at the young age of 9. You had
no place to go anyway, for the people in the army killed your parents to abduct you.
You are forced to fight for them, even if you don t want to. You cannot escape since
they would possibly kill you if you were caught, and you can t even share that
information, they could kill you for knowing so much about punishment. One day,
you are in the battlefield and you kill an American soldiersince you were forced to
kill. Suddenly, you are captured by the US government and taken into jail. Many
think you are the perpetrator, but others think that you deserve amnesty. Child
soldiers have become a widely debated topic as armed forces continue to use them.
Many think that they deserve to be given a second chance, but others think that
they should be taken to jail for the deaths they were forced to create. Overall, child
soldiers are victims that deserve amnesty because they are easily manipulated, they
are terrorized into staying, and a specific child soldier, Omar Khadr, has been put
on a biased trial against him. Child soldiers should be thought of as victims and
should be given amnesty. Firstly, child soldiers should be given amnesty because
they are easily manipulated by armed forces. When they are still young, child
soldiers follow anything they are told to do. For example, they aren t as afraid as
adult soldiers and they don t care about being paid. The article Armed Underage by
Comparing Boxing In Fat City And The Sweet Science
This comparison and contrast of sports writing will examine the differing elements
of fiction and non fiction writing and the similarities of the sport of boxing in Fat
City by Leonard Gardner and The Sweet Science by A.J. Liebling. Liebling s brings
a non fiction analysis of the famous fights victories and losses of fighters, such as
Sugar Ray Robinson, Rocky Marciano, and Joe Louis, which present a journalistic
approach to the sport of boxing. These perceptions of the boxing world provide
deeper insight into the big time events in the world of boxing in a punch0 by punch
retelling of the fights. These highlights of major fighters is an important part of the
non fiction based historical approach utilized by Liebling. For instance, he describes
the knock out of Joe Louis by Rocky Marciano while watching from ringside:... Show
more content on ...
In our lectures, the differentiation between fiction and non fiction is the primary
difference between s two books, as they describe the observations of real boxing
matches in contrast to the imaginary world that Gardner creates in the success and
failures of boxers Ernie Munger and Billy Tully. Munger is a young boxer on his
way to a professional career, just as Tully is a semi retired boxer that is slowly
declining. The fictional story of the boxing world defines the brief moments of
success that are countered by the more lengthy failures of boxing life. Tully s
alcoholism also defines the hardship of boxing life as he is often found at the local
bar: His hair and the shoulders of his jacket were soaked before he reached shelter in
the nearest bar (Gardner, 1996, p.164). In this style of writing, it is the fictional
account of the tragedies of boxing life, which greatly differs from the realism of
Liebling s journalistic account of major boxing
Guidelines For Fences Within The Wetlands Conservation...
Guidelines for Fences within the Wetlands Conservation District
(Adopted MM/DD/YY)
The detailed plan and application shall address the following items:
1.Provide a statement on the type of materials to be used to construct the fence.
2.Identify the location and height of the proposed fence.
3.No fence post shall be placed in a wetland or surface water body.
4.The fence must be at least 6 inches off the ground to allow natural drainage flow,
prevent the blocking or damming of surface water and to allow the passage of small
5.Fence construction shall be done using hand held tools without the operation of
heavy equipment (i.e. excavators, bobcats, backhoe, etc.).
6.Fence constriction shall not result in any vegetation clearing, ... Show more content
on ...
An up to date survey of the entire property which shows the existing improvements
and the location of all wetlands and poorly and very poorly drained soils (including
wetland flag numbers), wetland buffer, and 12 primary structure setback from the
buffer edge. The survey should be prepared by a licensed surveyor. For properties
where the wetland delineation is older than 3 years, the professional who did the
original delineation should reconfirm the accuracy of the boundaries in writing as
part of the application. The Conservation Commission reserves the right to request
documentation/notes for any wetlands delineation.
2.Clear identification of the location of construction and areas proposed to be
disturbed and their relation to property lines, buildings, roads, and waterbodies within
one hundred (100) feet.
3.New improvements should be distinguished from existing improvements by
hatching, cross hatching, shading, or other clear designation.
4.Distance of the nearest point of the improvements to the buffer edge and to the 12
ft. primary structure setback.
5.Clear identification of the square footages of the improvements and the square
footage increase in disturbance.
6.The percentage of existing and proposed impervious cover on the parcel.
7.The limits of disturbance (building envelope) and construction ingress/egress
should be identified with care given to restrict disturbance, to the fullest extent
practicable, to areas outside of the
Elements Of Biblical Allusion In Literature
I created my artwork based on the biblical story of Adam and Eve. In my AP
Literature class we would often discuss the elements of biblical allusion within
literature when I looked outside of the door from my seat while in art class, the
leaves reminded me of the Garden of Eden. I was searching for some sort of
inspiration for my self directed piece, and I found it simply by looking out the door.
I wanted to create a depiction of the garden of Edenusing leaves and the contrasting
focus would be an apple with a snake in the middle. My piece eventually found a
sense of completion when I finished drawing the snake. I used precise drawings of
leaves and swirls of branches to create a sense of togetherness. I used complementary
shades, blue,... Show more content on ...
I would often find myself struggling to find something to draw, but eventually, I
began to have more ideas and was no longer afraid to create something I would
otherwise doubt. aking this art course has given me the ability to become more
creative and have the ability to feel more confident in my artwork and abilities. My
artwork depicts the Garden of Eden. The symbolism behind the art is based on the
biblical story of the Garden of Eden. Similarly to authors of eminent literature s use
of biblical allusions, my art is an allusion to the Garden of Eden. My artwork
includes an illustration of leaves, an apple, and a snake, symbolic of nature,
forbidden fruit and deceit. My Final Masterpiece includes the expressive qualities of
symbolism and spirituality.
Perhaps if I was to become an artist I may be successful due to my use of symbolism
in my artwork. I would have created depictions of biblical stories and other works. I
may have been considered unique because of my use of distinct use of colors and
contrast. If I was to fantasize even further, perhaps I would dedicate my artwork to
creating biblical
Importance Of Honor Your Father And Mother
We are commanded by God to honor our father and mother. This is a principle
taught so often in the scriptures that it has been drilled into our memory. Even if you
don t happen to belong to a religious family this is still a principle that is passed
down from generation to generation.
So, then what exactly does it mean to honor your father and mother ? Honoring your
father and mother is being respectful in both your word and action, having an
inward attitude of respect for their position. For example, the Greek word for
honor means to revere, prize, and value. Honor is giving respect not only for merit
but also for one s position. An example of this would be how some Americans might
disagree with the President s decisions, however, they should still respect his position
as leader of their country. Something similar to this would be how children of all
ages should honor their parents, regardless of whether or not their parents deserve
We are always told by God, Jesus Christ, and our Prophets to honor your father and
mother. God even values this quality so much that it has been given to us as one of
his commandments. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long
upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. (Ex. 20:12 KJV) As a matter of
fact, this single principle is taught a total of thirty two times in the standard works
(i.e; Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine
and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, etc.) Listed is a
How Is Richard Parker Similar In Life Of Pi
Life of Pi Essay Piscine and Richard Parker are two different species; Pi is a human
and Richard Parker a bengal tiger. Stuck in a lifeboat with a limited amount of food
and water, a tiger and a human are not going to be good companions. Eventually, one
or the other is going to survive, and the other will not. Yann Martelcreates an alternate
idea. Throughout the book, Yann Martel shows the importance of using your
enemies to help get through situations. Richard Parker also helps by catching flying
fish, which is a good source of food. Soon, they start Yann Martel places a human
and a tigerin a lifeboat, where they have to overcome any challenges that arise. Pi
first was alone and didn t want to be in the situation by himself. Once, he saw
Richard Parker, he said, Don t give up, please. Come to the lifeboat. (Martel 121).
After thinking over the situation, he realized, a bengal tiger was not the kind of
company he wanted. Pi said to himself, In a few seconds you ll be aboard and we ll
be together. Wait a second. Together? We ll be together? Have I gone mad? (Martel
123). By including this in the context, Yann Martel shows that if the two are together,
it is not going to be good. Eventually, Richard Parker and Pi are together, in the...
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You may act like you don t approve of the person, but that doesn t mean you
actually do. Yann Martel gives the reader many examples of this. Pi used Richard
Parker as a calmer, It was Richard Parker who calmed me. . Towards the end of the
journey on the lifeboat, Pi feels as if being parted from Richard Parker will not be
easy. He says, I was weeping because Richard Parker had left me so
unceremoniously. (Martel 360). During their time together, Yann Martel proves that
Richard Parker and Pi have developed a relationship, not as enemies. Being in a tough
position can change enemies into great
Dinosaur Extinction Research
Intro to question:
Their extinction occurred at the end of the Cretaceous period and is noted as one
of the largest mass extinctions in Earth s history and is referred to as the K T
(Cretaceous Tertiary) extinction but is now called the Cretaceous Paleogene (K Pg)
event by many researchers. So from this information a question has been derived,
How effectively does the asteroid theory explain the extinction of dinosaurs compared
to other theories? A wide variety of extinction theories have been suggested and some
of the following examples have been evidentially thought wrong by many. Some
examples of the extinction theories are the toxic volcanic gasses and dust
(Volcanism), asteroid impact on earthand climate change. Some scientists have
suggested ... Show more content on ...
In the early to mid stages of the Cretaceous period the worlds temperatures became
hotter by about 10В°, some scientists have linked this to the Asteroid Impact theory.
Others linked it to the volcanic activity that is known today as India and Pakistan.
The late Cretaceous period was a great time of change, continents were splitting and
volcanoes were spitting lots of gas and ash into the atmosphere greatly altering
climate. Whether it be gradual or sudden changes in climate dinosaurs habitats and
environment would have been affected making it harder for them to adapt. A sudden
change may have triggered a change in the weather thus affecting food sources.
Gradual changes may have slowly changed environments like cool wet areas into dry
areas affecting life there in a big way.
Prove theories?/evidence: 300
A team led by the Nobel Laureate Luis Alvarez demonstrated that a large bolide
(generic term for meteor, comet or asteroid) had collided with Earth close to or at the
end of the Cretaceous extinction event roughly 65 million years ago. Evidence for
this is the concentration of a rare Earth element Iridium in the sediments of areas in
Italy. Iridium is rare as it is most commonly found on bolides that have come in
contact with Earth as opposed to in the Earth.
Answer/full conclusion:
David Hume s Argument Against Belief in the Existence of...
David Hume was a British empiricist, meaning he believed all knowledge comes
through the senses. He argued against the existence of innate ideas, stating that
humans have knowledge only of things which they directly experience. These claims
have a major impact on his argument against the existence of miracles, and in this
essay I will explain and critically evaluate this argument.
In his discussion Of Miracles in Section X of An Enquiry concerning Human
Understanding, Hume defines a miracle as a violation of the laws of nature and as a
firm and unalterable experience has established these laws 1. Basically a miracle is
something that happens which is contrary to what would happen given the structure
of the universe. He also states ... Show more content on ...
In other words he is saying that no matter how good or reliable a testimony may be,
it can never as it were on the basis of experience be justified to accept that
testimony over and against what stands as testimony against the miracle
happening. The testimony happens to be the laws of nature themselves. In this
sense it is clear that Hume is giving us a priori argument in Part 1 in that he is
saying that miracles are contrary to reason. However I think it would be easier to
accept this view if Hume had not previously discussed his Induction theory. In
regard that he thought that for example that just because the sun has risen every
day so far, it does not necessarily follow that the sun will rise tomorrow, we have no
rational basis in believing it will. However in regard to miracles he tells us to base
our decisions on past experiences, if it is unlikely it is less likely to be true. So in
that sense we should also be able to say that based on our past experiences the sun
will definitely rise tomorrow? Also if the sun was not to rise, surely that would be a
miracle in the sense that it would be a violation of the laws of nature? And what is
exactly a violation of natural laws? Dorothy Coleman points out past experience
shows that what are at one time considered violations of natural laws are frequently
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
I was finally packed and ready to go say goodbye to my parents and other family. I
was scared getting on the bus with my grandma with the tickets to El Paso, Tx.
After my goodbyes the bus takes off the light dim down and the cold air and the
unentertaining movie Diary of a wimpy kid comes on. After a couple minutes i
slowly fall asleep.
When I was woken up ,covered in a roasting blanket, by the person that announced
that there s a couple minutes till we arrive to the other bus station. After getting all
our bulky suitcases from under the scorching bus and seeing it leave. While waiting
for my grandma to buy the tickets for juarez i was playing with the insensible
pigeons. Seeing my grandma come with the tickets was a relief because there was
The Vulgar Photo Shoot Of Miley Cyrus For Trans People
The vulgar photo shoot of Miley Cyrus for Trans People
It is a fact that nowadays the media industry has contributed incredibly to promote
the ideas of today s society. Even more has contributed to the effort to eliminate the
taboo most of them sexual orientation issues or homophobic issues through various
campaigns. A very common combination for projecting an issue through the media
and with great appeal in the audience is the promotion and topic view from famous
celebrities that they have huge resonance to young people. It is also well known that
the projection of a subject in a provocative way has more impact because everything
that causes shock to the audience discussed more, and therefore the impact will be
greater. The question is whether it is exploitable the content of the topic that is
pretending that is promoted and defend, as many celebrities do periodically like the
following celebrity which will be discussed below. How many times we see celebrity
figures of biz show to promote or participate in a campaign, which is delivered with
nude photo shoots that advocate homosexuality issues? Are we sure that the fact that
they want to pass to the audience will not be presented incorrectly? The following
issue that is going to be analyzed is a recent photo shoot of the famous singer and
songwriter Miley Cyrus that after all the extreme public appearances in the social
media or in public areas and extreme and almost inappropriate photos shots decides to
a photo shoot
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence2
Introduction: Domestic Violence is a crime that is growing every year. I am very
concerned about justice for anyone that is a victim of domestic violence by a loved
one. My purpose is to outline a crime victim policy for these victims. I intend to
define these victims clearly, point to statistics relative to the crimes against them,
analyze the context in which the crime occurs, state how victims might contribute to
the crimes against them, describe the impact of the crime on society, and list
proposed victim assistance to back up my new victim policy.
I. Everyone who has been a victim of Domestic Violencewill be included in this
policy A. Domestic Violenceincludes but not limited to ... Show more content on ...
Leaving can be dangerous. The most dangerous time for a woman who is being
abused is when she tries to leave. One thing that is a fact and not a myth is many
victims do leave and lead successful, violence free lives. (Suite 101) Anyone can be
a victim. Victims can be of any age, sex, race, culture, religion, education,
employment, or marital status. Although both men and women can be abused, most
victims are women. Children in homes where there is domestic violence are more
likely to be abused. Most children in these homes know about the violence.
Heterosexual males may also be victims of domestic violence or perpetrated by their
female partners. They experience the same as female victims such as experiences of
disbelief, ridicule, and shame that only enhance their silence. Individuals with
physical, psychiatric, and cognitive disabilities may not only experiences sexual and
domestic violence at a higher rate from
Domestic Violence6
intimate partners or spouses than the norm, but they may also experience
mistreatment, abuse, neglect, and exploitation from their caretakers, personal
assistants, paid staff, and family members. A sizable population is older women.
They are more likely to be bound by traditional and cultural ideology that prevents
them from leaving. They are usually financially dependent on their abusive spouse
and do not have access to the financial

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Same Sex Marriage Essay Topics. Same Sex Marriage Essay Example Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 ...

  • 1. Same Sex Marriage Essay Topics Crafting an essay on the topic of "Same Sex Marriage Essay Topics" can be quite challenging. Firstly, the subject itself is highly contentious, sparking intense debates and emotions from various perspectives. Delving into this topic requires a nuanced understanding of cultural, legal, social, and ethical dimensions surrounding same-sex marriage. Researching this topic involves navigating through a plethora of academic articles, legal precedents, sociological studies, and personal narratives to grasp the complexity of the issue comprehensively. Analyzing and synthesizing diverse viewpoints while maintaining objectivity is crucial to presenting a balanced argument. Moreover, addressing sensitive topics like LGBTQ+ rights and marriage equality demands empathy and sensitivity towards marginalized communities. It's essential to approach the subject with respect for diverse perspectives and experiences, avoiding stereotypes or discrimination. Additionally, writing about same-sex marriage may involve grappling with deeply ingrained societal norms, religious beliefs, and political ideologies, which can add layers of complexity to the discussion. Crafting a coherent and persuasive argument requires careful structuring, logical reasoning, and effective use of evidence to support your claims. Furthermore, staying updated with evolving legal frameworks, societal attitudes, and ongoing debates surrounding same-sex marriage is imperative to ensure the relevance and accuracy of your essay. In conclusion, tackling an essay on "Same Sex Marriage Essay Topics" demands thorough research, empathy, critical thinking, and a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted issues at hand. It's a task that requires careful consideration and respectful engagement with diverse perspectives. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Same Sex Marriage Essay TopicsSame Sex Marriage Essay Topics
  • 2. An Analysis Of Station Eleven By Emily St. John Mandel The bright side of the planet moves toward darkness and the cities are falling asleep, each in its hour. And for me, now as then, it is too much. (Mandel 1) The plot of this book primarily revolves around this quote. Throughout the book, the story portrayed a lifestyle that is dangerous, yet oddly satisfying. A life where there aren t any modern conveniences yet a life that is free. The story takes place in a post apocalyptic world where a virus crippled human civilization. The plotcenters on a girl named Kristen, with references to the events leading up to the massive pandemic. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel is structured like a memoir and felt like a rough draft for a more significant book. Therefore, for these reasons, I did... Show more content on ... To me, transitions are subtle, but the author, Emily St. John Mandel, somehow managed to put all the shifts in the worst locations in the entire book. For example, the book begins with the death of Arthur Leander but doesn t give background information until nearly the end of the book. The king stumbled and reached for them as they flitted here and there in the shadows. His name was Arthur Leander. He was fifty one years old, and there were flowers in his hair. (Mandel 3) O.K, maybe I exaggerated, but only tidbits of information were dropped within the text. The book would be better organized if it were divided into multiple volumes. For example, volume one could be about Arthur Leander and the time leading up to the pandemic. Volume twocould be about Kristen and the Traveling Symphony and volume three could be about this mystery town. Also, multiple volumes would allow the author to reveal more information and not leave out blanks in the plot. Finally, at the end of the book, Kristen peeks through a telescope and sees a town with actual electricity and lights. In the distance, pinpricks of light arranged into a grid. There, plainly visible on the side of a hill some miles distant: a town, or a village, whose streets were lit up with electricity. (Mandel 311) In the last chapter, the plot suddenly focuses on a family that is living in this new town. The
  • 3. National Cranberry Cooperative Table of Contents 1.) Introduction2 2.) Process Analysis2 3.) Process Flow at National Cranberry Cooperative4 4.) Installing a Light Grading System5 5.) Decreasing the truck waiting time6 6.) Bag pack or Bulk Pack8 7.) Conclusions9 1.) Introduction This case analysis looks at the two primary problems at the receiving plant no. 1 (RP 1) faced by National Cranberry Cooperative during the cranberry harvesting period, viz. 1) too much waiting period for trucks before they unload berries at the RP1 and 2) too much overtime costs. There is also a secondary problem regarding grading of process berries. Half of the berries graded top quality are actually not top quality and do not deserve extra premiums paid on the ... Show more content on ... One more category in between 2A and 3 can also made having a lesser premium than quality 3. But the various other implications of this step should be taken into account like increased final processing cost and resentment from the farmers. 5.) Decreasing the truck waiting time The main problem that the receiving plant is facing is that the trucks have to wait a lot particularly in the peak season before they can unload the berries. This cope up with the problem the cooperative installed an additional Kiwanee Dumper last year (i.e. 1969) but that didn t help in solving the problem. We first analyze the average truck waiting time for the next year with present capacities and assuming 70% to be wet berries and rest dry. As the wet berry processing would take lesser time if it bulk packed, we assume that during the peak season the wet berries are only bulk packed and dry berries are bag packed. Assuming a berry arrival of 18,000 bbl in a day (7am to 7pm) in the peak season at a constant rate and , the average wet berry arrival rate would be (18000/12) * (70/100) = 1050 bbls per day and dry berry arrival rate would be 450 bbls per day. . With the processing starting at 11 am , the holding bins will continue to be filled at this rate subject to the maximum capacities for wet berries (3200 bbls) and dry berries (4000 bbls). The bins capable of holding wet berries would be
  • 4. The Tretis Of The Twa Mariit Wemen, And The Testament Of... William Dunbar along with Robert Henryson are two well known, popular medieval poets who both are said to be influenced by Geoffrey Chaucer , a Middle Ages poet who wrote much of the great poetry we have today as well as influencing further poets. William Dunbar, born in Scotland around 1460 attended St Andrews University between 1477 and 1479 and gained a degree. He based many of his poems around religion and courtly love (two common themes of medieval poetry) and wrote many popular poems such as The Dance Of The Seven Deadly Sins and The Tretis of the Twa Mariit Wemen and the Wedo. Like Dunbar, Henryson was also a Scottish poet, although born earlier in 1425 and can be said to be heavily influenced by Chaucer also, composing a sequel to... Show more content on ... Secular marriages were not blessed by the church and were more popular amongst the poorer people as there was no expensive ceremony with rings. This type of marriage made it easier for divorce and to remarry. In the poem, Dunbar uses a male narrator who is a voyeur eavesdropping into a conversation amongst three, intoxicated woman who are in a garden on Midsummer night s eve; two of them married and one a widow. In this conversation they discuss their husbands in an unpleasant way and discuss their sexual desires which at this time was unheard of to males as they classified woman as belongings and inferior. This poem is an attempt by Dunbar to get inside the head of a woman which was a common thought amongst men as some were worried woman were untrustworthy. The setting of this poem plays an important, although discreet role as Midsummer Eve is associated with fertility rites back in pre Christian times and the garden they are in would have been filled with sweet scents from the flowers blooming at that time of year, so the setting is almost a metaphor for the woman and their duty to provide children and fertility. The poem begins with the voyeur telling his audience about the three women and how he is hiding and listening in to their personal conversation. To a modern audience this seems odd and disturbing but back in the time this was set, it was viewed as a normal way to get information, which is exactly what
  • 5. Lgbt Slurs Although sharply divided, public attitudes toward gays and lesbians are rapidly changing to reflect greater acceptance, with younger generations leading the way (NORC University of Chicago, 2010, p. 1). This push for international acceptance of the LGBT people could not come any sooner. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals as well as transgender individuals from around the world have almost all experienced some sort of discrimination in their lives. This is why there is such a gap between heterosexual and LGBTpeople. There are hundreds, if not more, reasons for why some people will not accept LGBT individuals and couples, whether it is religion, family values or simply the fact that some people find LGBT people unnatural. This is why the common sufferings... Show more content on ... For example, it has been years since the word lame has been replaced for gay; You lost in yesterday s hockey game? That s so gay . These LGBT slurs is just one of many examples of how society continues to portray being LGBT as something that is wrong. The combination of several small negative actions that happen every single day in society is what has been slowing down the LGBT movement for acceptance. In order for more schools and families to be supportive of their LGBT children it is necessary for society as a whole to make a strong push for LGBT equality. That includes media outlets as well as government support for LGBT acceptance. First of all, media has the, or one of the biggest influences on modern day society. Media creates meanings about sexuality (or sexual orientation), and plays an important role in the way we understand the role sexuality plays in our identities, our history, our social institutions, and our everyday lives. (thecriticalmediaproject, n.d.). With this kind of power over society, worldwide media outlets could make a tremendous impact in helping support the LGBT movement for acceptance. Whether it be through movies, news channels, TV shows or other media sources, as long as a positive message is being outputted about LGBT, the community would be gaining more and more understanding on the subject. Second, the governments have to step up and show complete support for LGBT worldwide to really get the ball rolling. The United States of America as well as Canada are some of many countries who have made tremendous leaps toward LGBT acceptance over the past decade. Thankfully gay marriage is now legal in all 50 states in the USA, just one of many steps that are needed for LGBT equality. Also, Canada s newest prime minister Justin Trudeau has been nothing but amazing for the LGBT individuals of Canada. He s shown
  • 6. Removing Plastics From The Pacific Garbage Patch As an introduction, Stone explains what a garbage patch is and how the Pacific Garbage Patch as formed. He then focuses on Project Kaisei which was a project set up to test ways of removing plastics from the Pacific Garbage patch and disposing of them safely. They found that the larger pieces were easy to remove, but the smaller pieces posed a problem. These methods included dragging nets and places trash reciprocals need areas with high concentrations of plastic that could be picked up later. The next step is to find an environmentally friendly ay to dispose of the collected plastics. One of these methods if called pyrolysis and works by turning wasteinto oil and other energy forms without using combustion. This process could account for 85% of the plastic currently in the Pacific Garbage Patch. Furthermore, a pyrolysis system could be mounted on a ship and taken directly to the garbage patch and loaded with plastics by other boats. Unfortunately, these are expensive systems. A cheaper option would be to concentrate the sun s rays and highly concentrated UV lights to excel the natural beak down process. The problem with this method is that it still leaves micro plastic in the ocean. According to Stone, some want to just leave the garbage thinking that it is a better alternative to landfills. Lastly, environmental activist think that we need to prevent the problem at its source and stop manufacturing such large quantities of plastic. Moreover, we should make
  • 7. The Power of Interior Monologues in War and Peace Essay... War and Peace probed into the human essence and its search for the truths of life. Tolstoy focused on two men to represent and carry the burden of finding those ethereal values. Throughout the novel, he utilized numerous images, symbols, dialogue, and foreshadowing to advance the progress of his characters. Yet, his most effective use of technical device can be found in describing the psychological thoughts and interior monologues of the characters. Most notably, the thoughts of Pierreand Andrei served to portray their spiritual changes better than by what they did, and also helped to foretell and build suspense to upcoming actions. By doing so, Tolstoyfurthered the plot and created a realistic world from which to study... Show more content on ... Truly a pioneer, he managed to profess these beliefs in a fictitious novel that has become one of the masterpieces of western and world literature. Upon further examination of War and Peace, he expresses these Zen and early Christian beliefs specifically through the mental thoughts of Pierre, Andrei, and even the mythical Platon. Though not as skilled a writer of the human mind as his compatriot, Fyodor Dostoevsky, he did meritoriously utilize Pierre s and Andrei s mental awareness and psychological changes of consciousness to foreshadow upcoming actions and to present the Zen belief, so popular in the modern western world today. Tolstoy introduces his first main character, Pierre Bezukhov, at Anna Pavlovna s soire. Pierre will experience several mental awakenings into the meaning of life that eventually builds up into a climactic revelation that changes his life forever. In essence, Pierre s life progresses mainly through his thoughts and feelings rather than through his actions. Of all the major characters, he partakes in the least number of physical actions, and the actions he does perform can be foreshadowed from previous thoughts. His journey to define life occurs in three psychological stage: pre conversion, conversion, and post conversion. The pre conversion period portrays his mind as a conglomerate of differing emotions, feelings, thoughts, and impulses. Tolstoy describes these
  • 8. Compare And Contrast Zoroastrianism And Judaism One key element Zoroastrianism and Judaism share is a monotheistic view on God. Both share in the belief that there was creator for everything, and this creator has numerous names in both religions. While they may share this view, Zoroastrianism also believes in a dualistic view for good and evil (pg. 229). Zoroaster taught that two spirits stemmed from the creator Ahura Mazda. Whether one chose to follow Spenta Mainyu the Beneficent Spirit, or Angra Mainyu the Evil Spirit, determined their fate regarding heaven and hell. The afterlife is another key element they share. While Judaism does not believe in a heaven or a hell, they do believe in Sheol which is the place of the dead. Sheol is a place of darkness where both the righteous and
  • 9. Cahokia Bounds Recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as a World Heritage Site, Cahokia Mounds is located in the current day city of Collinsville, Illinois. Near the Mississippi River, this pre history site is made of mounds scattered around an area of about Three and a half square miles of land. The park may be large, but the actual city of Cahokiain pre history spread much further than what the park is recognized as today. Cahokia is recognized by historians as part of the Mississippian culturewhich groups them with other native civilizations that lived along the Mississippi Riverwho shared architectural styles (like the mounds fount in Cahokia) as well as other attributes like maize based economics and tools... Show more content on ... When I visited again I gained much more fascination from the site. The area of Collinsville that the site lies in has not much more than a few fast food restaurants and some gas stations. I first arrived at Monk s Mound and was amazed by the sheer size of the man made structure. I assumed the mound had eroded over knowing that the mound was so old which would make it even taller during the time it was erected. When I climbed to the top, I could see the metropolitan area of St. Louis Missouri. Being on top of the mound gave the feeling of governing a civilization. I could see many of the other mounds and the people walking to and from the parking lot to make the same journey that I did to be on top of Monk s Mound. I expected the area surrounding the site to look better than it did. As the mock chief that I was for fifteen minutes, I did not know how to feel about an automotive repair shop at the base of my mound. This simply shows how close the local community today has come to live hand in hand with a World Heritage
  • 10. The Cost And Revenue Structure Of IKEA Cost and revenue structure of the company Geographic sales and purchases diversification IKEA stores have been present in five big areas in the world which are North America, South America, Europe, Russia, Asia and Australia as of 31 December, 2014. IKEA group have stores located in 42 countries which include Australia, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Denmark, France, Germany and etc. IKEA group sell their products in to these 42 countries with their domestic currencies such as Australian Dollar (AUD), Yuan (RMB), Taiwan New Dollar (TWD), Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), Singapore Dollar (SGD), Danish Krone (DKK), Euro (EUR) and etc. The reason of using domestic currency is because this is easier for the customers to buy IKEA products in their country. The IKEA group is based in the Netherlands and so that the reporting currency of IKEA is the EUR. IKEA converted the revenue from the foreign store in to EUR currency for balance sheet. ... Show more content on ... If the spot exchange rate that shows in market is AUD 0.65 per EUR , then IKEA would earn EUR 650,000 in the next half year if they predict that will be same after 180 days but the currencies is fluctuate by following the market performance so that there would not be the same exchange rate in the future. If the exchange rate of AUD to EUR is increase to AUD 0.69 per EUR in the next half year which means that the AUD depreciate or EUR is appreciate. IKEA will earn EUR 690,000 at that time and have a foreign exchange gain of EUR 40,000. The situation will vice versa if the exchange rate decrease to AUD 0.62 in the next half year. This means that either the AUD is appreciate or the EUR is depreciate at that time. IKEA will earn EUR 620,000 at that time and have a foreign exchange loss of EUR 30,000 as the revenue is lesser compare with the exchange rate they
  • 11. North Korea Persuasive Essay Totally prepared has been declared by Donald Trump to take a military option against North Korea. Saying it will be devastating to Pyongyang. We are totally prepared for the second option. Not a preferred option. But if we take that option it will be devastating, I can tell you that, devastating for North Korea, Trump said on Tuesday from the White House. That s called a military option. If we have to take it, we will. Trump said the time had come for the world to isolate the North Korean menace and dictator Kim Jong Un for behaving very badly and saying things that should never ever be said. He also slammed Kim s outlaw regime, charged all nations to act now to ensure the regime s denuclearization, and claimed ... Show more content on ... Trump react to the report of the North Korean threat to shoot down American bombers, after US declared war. Earlier, North Korea s accusation that Trump has declared war as absurd have been dismissed by US. We have not declared war on North Korea and, frankly, the suggestion of that is absurd, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said at a press briefing Monday. Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho told reporters in New York on Monday that Trump claimed that our leadership wouldn t be around much longer and he declared a war on our country. Even the fact that this comes from someone who is currently holding the seat of the U.S. presidency is clearly a declaration of war. On Tuesday Regional leaders warned that war on the Korean Peninsula would result in catastrophic
  • 12. Coordinate Reference System 1.What is the difference between a coordinate reference system and a projection (transformation)? Why would you want to change your coordinate reference system during any analysis? Remember that a coordinate reference system is a special type (and thought of as a key component) of the broader concept of spatial reference system . The difference between a coordinate reference system and a projection (transformation) are that a projection provides various mechanisms to project maps of the earth s spherical surface onto a two dimensional Cartesian coordinate plane whereas a coordinate reference system enables geographic datasets to use common locations for integration. A coordinate systemis a reference system used to represent the locations ... Show more content on ... 10.What do the values in the field A1_FMTXT appear to mean and what is their level of measurement? (see the pdf metadata file) The values in the field A1_FMTXT provide a text summary of the type of land or environment and the material the cell is made up of. The scale of measurement is nominal. 11.Zoom in close on the shorelines to see how they are different. Compare the landscape makeup or conditions at four locations, two where land conditions in NLCD and SZLINETH are similar and two more where they differ. Use x,y coordinates to record the location and write a short description. Where they differ: Location 1: 124В°3 22.398 W 46В°57 36.813 N SZLINETH states that this location is a flat sandy area whereas Washington_NLCD_erd_032200 recognizes it as a value of 51, representing shrubland or areas dominated by shrubs. Location 2: 124В°6 36.612 W 46В°51 3.126 N SZLINETH states that this location is a beach with relic ridges or a vegetated dune compared to Washington_NLCD_erd_032200, which recognizes it as a value of 42 which indicates evergreen forest and areas characterized by trees where 75% or more of the tree species maintain their leaves all
  • 13. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Essay It has been suggested that The Rime of the Ancient Mariner may be read as a religious text, presenting nothing less than the fall of man . The Rime of the Ancient Mariner has been interpreted in a variety of ways since it s creation in 1797. Some, such as Gavin McGann, argue that ballad is a story of our salvation of Christ, whereas others dispute this, believing it to be a metaphor for Original Sin in the Garden of Eden. Whilst these interpretations may differ, the view that The Rime may be read as a religious text does not. Religion lies at the heart of the poem, focusing on the trials and tribulations of man, depicting a moving spiritual journey of sin, punishment, repentance and eventual redemption. ... Show more content on ... With their remarks the crewmembers form the first foundation of their sin. Jesus states Judge not lest ye be judged (Matthew 7:1) so by judging the Mariner, the crew submit themselves to the judgment of heaven, setting themselves up, much like the Mariner, for a punishment. The second sin of the crewmembers comes when they condone the murder of the albatross, revealing, as the weather becomes warmer and the mist disappears, how they believe it twas right, said they, such birds to slay/that bring the fog and mist . In noticing that the murder of the albatross bears no immediate effects on the weather, they condone the Mariner s actions, and consequently make themselves collaborators in the crime. Subsequently, changes immediately occur as Down dropped the breeze, the sails dropped down and so the crew contradict themselves again, and start to rebuke the Mariner as they begin to suffer from thirst due to their inability to sail and diminishing supplies. By
  • 14. Best Memory Foam Topper Research Paper 1. Size Memory foam mattress toppers are available with thickness ranging from 2 to 4 inches. The two inch ones are the cheapest and offer average comfort but is good for a person with medium build provided the mattress topper you buy is of high quality. The 3 inch one is the best memory foam mattress topper for most people and it offers excellent comfort level. A 4 inch topper is needed only if you are above 240 pounds or if you need extra support. 2. Density The best memory foam mattress toppers have a density of 5 pounds. Those mattress toppers with 4 pound density are also excellent. High density toppers offer better body support and reduces more pressure points giving you a much better sleep. It also responds better to your body temperature
  • 15. The Role Of Socialization, Gender, And Education As A... Socialization, Gender, and Education as a social institution have all been topics that have been heavily discussed in the classroom. Each of these sociological aspects of society help create ideologies and norms in particular as to the role gender plays in the household and in the workplace. From the extended interview on Adam Belaid, it has become evident that the educationplays the largest role in socialization. In particular, the public educational institutions that have been founded on the principals of the state. Particularly, educational institutions and their effect on its students views on gender. Through an analysis of the interviewee, Martin s Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools , and Bowles Education and Inequality it is evident that the educational institution plays the greatest role in the socialization of an individual. Adam Belaid is currently a software engineer at Riot Games, whose job is primarily in back end development and program execution. He was educated in several countries where each country has a slightly different sociological norm. His adolescent education was in France, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan; his high school education took place in what he defined as a small school that taught an Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum in Arizona. His undergraduate education took place at Virginia Tech with a major in Computer Science. Adam identifies himself as a practicing Muslim with his parents
  • 16. Long Pieces Research Paper Long Pieces Reflection The short pieces that I have chosen are Technology is in Control and Kidnapped by fate.These are both fictional stories that I have created and are both set in a very futuristic world. Technology is in Control is set in a dystopian society where a dictator controls a whole society with technology. While, Kidnapped by fate is similar by the fact that a dictator controls a group of people by trapping them in a car in a deserted town. I really enjoy writingpieces likes these that fall into dystopian and fictional categories. I have always had a creative mind and love the futuristic style where nothing has to make sense realistically. I think that these types of writings are definitely my go to when it comes to writing longer pieces because they are the funnest and easiest for me. Of the pieces that I have chosen I think my favorite is Kidnapped by Fate I really like the idea behind it and the mystery in it. When I was creating this I was watching a lot of Criminal Minds and this piece reminds me of something that would be on that show. This piece is shorter than my other piece, but I ended it on a huge cliff hanger so I think I could easily make this into a novel. I think if I had more time I would continue this piece because I like the idea I had behind it and it could be a really cool story if... Show more content on ... I think I like the idea behind it and at the beginning I was very into the whole plot. But, as I started writing it I didn t really enjoy it and slacked at it. I started out very strong with it and then I slowly started to lose hope in it ever getting good. I think as I started writing it I found that it was becoming a lot like my other pieces and I felt bored by it. I really want to go back and keep the main idea of it, but try to move it away from my normal dystopian style writing. I think it would be a huge challenge to do, but I think I would like it whole lot
  • 17. Everyday Use Heritage In Everyday Use by Alice Walker, there is a clear depiction of heritage and what it is; equally, there is also the image of how it may be construed. In the story, the reader is introduced into the life of an African American family who live in a small house and struggle financially. It is a life that has been lived by many throughout in history. Through the use of symbolism, Walker interprets the American Dream as unique to each individual and the possibility to lose it in the chaos of life. Immediately, the reader is introduced to a familywho doesn t live at the top of the socioeconomic pyramid. A family who, although live comfortably compared to many, still maintain the ideals of which they came from. Maggie and Mama live... Show more content on ... Collectively, these will lead to more opportunities for prosperity and success. These ideals are rooted from the Declaration of Independence, which states that, All men are created equal with the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. It is clear to see that in Everyday Use, siblings of the same family have completely opposite outcomes in life. As Dee chooses to live a different life of that which she was brought into, and Maggie s choosing the path of inheritance, culture, and tradition . In the eyes of the world, it would seem that Dee is living the American Dream ; however, in the eyes of her family, Maggie is the one living the dream. She is true to their culture and traditions, which they hope she will keep alive. This is perhaps the most important thing that the family has to pass on. She may not be intelligent in the sense of learning, but Maggie has the ability to pass down the family traditions through the art of
  • 18. Living Like Weasels, Shooting An Elephant, And Virginia Woolf The human is the most complex living being on the face of this earth, yet human roots are sometimes forgotten. Through Charles Darwin s theory of evolution, it is clear that animals are the brothers and sisters of the human race. In turn, human habits resemble those of all the living beings which creates unity between all walks of life, determining the same fate for all. A similar concept relates the three works: Living Like Weasels, Shooting an Elephant, and The Death of a Moth by Annie Dillard, George Orwell, and Virginia Woolf respectively. The authors explore the nature of such creatures in order to achieve a better understanding of their motives, all the while gaining insight on the cycle of life. Both Living Like Weasels by... Show more content on ... Woolf paints a similar picture as the moth s legs agitated themselves once more...the enemy against which he struggled...was [somehow] opposed to the...moth...It was useless to do anything...One could only watch the extraordinary efforts made by those tiny legs against an oncoming doom, being death (Woolf 195). This story parallels that of Orwell s and explores the moments before the unavoidable force of death sweeps one away. The essays show that it is useless for anyone to do anything in this powerless state because the time has come. All one is left to do is to endure the pain as the senses are slowly removed and as he/she transitions onwards, displaying that change is also a part of the cycle of life, and one must develop patience and endurance to handle change. Moreover, Dillard s and Woolf s pieces investigates the process of death, the end of the cycle. Dillard believes that by grasp[ing] your one necessity and not let[ting] it go, to dangle from it limp wherever it takes you. Then even death...cannot you part (Dillard 66). In other words, one should seize their destiny till their body decomposes in the ground,
  • 19. Hawthorne Birthmark The Birth mark was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne and published in March of 1843. The story begins by introducing the audience to Aylmer, a man of science, and how he leaves his laboratory to become a husband for his wife Georgiana. The story then leads to a few days after their marriage where Aylmer questions his wife if she ever thought of getting rid of her birthmark. Georgiana had a birthmark on her check that looked like a hand of a fairy. Georgiana responded that she had always viewed the birthmark as a positive trait for her, to which Aylmer responds yes, the birthmark would be a beautiful charm for other people except on her because it ruined her beauty. To which Georgiana responds Shocks you, my husband! You cannot love what shocks... Show more content on ... In the story the limit that was broken by Aylmer was that he tried to become a god essentially and try to change the birthmark that Georgianna was born with which was to go against nature and change what did not needed to be changed. Georgiana had been born with a very particular mark in her face and she had learned to live with it. Aylmer did not like it because he felt it was an imperfection in her perfect beauty. A lot of people think the same way today and that is the main reason why they decide to take risks with their so call imperfections just as Aylmer did with his wife. In many of the times, the results are tragic and people die just as Georgiana did in this story. Aylmer made her feel so uncomfortable with her appearance due to the birthmark that she eventually began to hate it as well. God created us so perfectly that there should not be a reason to alter our looks just to please the people arounds us. Those who truly love us should learn to love us with our qualities and imperfections. That is how God intended for humans to see and love one
  • 20. Adulthood Makes An Adult A person is considered to become an adult when he reaches a certain age as declared by the law. However adulthood isn t achieved when you reach a certain age, it s achieved when you become mature enough to realize the reality around you. When you start taking responsibility for your actions and when you can differentiate between right and wrong. In different countries adult hood comes in different forms, and this is mainly dependent on the child s upbringing as this affects his mental level. According to the law, adulthood is when a person reaches the age of 18 which means now he can do certain things which he couldn t do before. While when he reaches the age of 21 he is allowed to vote, this is because your teenager life has ended and you face responsibilities which help you decide different life decision. People get to know the right and wrong and thus they make good decisions. Being an adult doesn t mean that your responsible and have clear knowledge of everything, there are mature adults, immature adults etc. There are those adults who have been raised in way that they decide to waste their life in whatever way they please this is because they get spoiled at ... Show more content on ... I don t believe getting married and having children makes you an adult, because girls can give birth as young as 12 and in certain parts of the world can get married at an even younger age. I believe adulthood comes with time, doing something or reaching a certain age will not magically turn you into an adult. We become adults when we act like mature and well mannered people who respect the morals of the societies and contribute to them, people who respect their elders. Adulthood is basically more of a state of mind. Lots of people get married and have children but they don t get civilized, mature or
  • 21. Risk Taking Outline Risk taking essay Bold text = Important information Thesis / Intro I think people should remain cautious and risk nothing. That way, you don t risk anything and you re not worried. This also benefits to your health and brain due to levels of stress that you can have from being worried all the time. Reason 1 : Safer (in some cases) If you take risks, the mistakes you could have can make or break you. If you are more aware of what will happen, you can decide based off of the outcomes. If the results or outcomes are bad, then you have to make that choice to do it or not. Reason 2 : Don t have to worry as much When people take risks, they can be scared because they have no idea how the outcomes will turn out to be. Remaining cautious lets
  • 22. Should We Try To Change America As Nikita Khrushchev once said, America will fall without a shot being fired. It will fall within. And America may be on that crash course. We need a strength from within, To rise above all. The next step we take shouldn t be the last one. We, as Americans are free, but, of course, we should not be robbed of that freedom. It s gotten progressively worse, and now, than the presidential election is right around the corner, America, I feel, is about to fall. Nevertheless, America is a great country within itself. But what I m trying to say is, we should patch it the butchered trail we left behind. On the contrary, I think America is still chugging just fine, for now. I feel if we try to change, we will collapse. This seems
  • 23. Hispanic Heritage-Heritage Month Reflection On September 15 I went to La Bienvenida that was held on campus, in the Peace Garden. Before this year, I have never heard of Hispanic heritage month and no one meant it in my high school. The only time I heard about a group of being recognized in a month is African Americans. This is commonly known as black history month, or also known as African American history month, is widely recognized and acknowledged. This is taken in February to remember important people and event that happened in history. Reflecting back, I ask myself why Hispanic heritage month was not meeting about in my history class or at school. Even though Hispanic heritage month specifically was not mentioned, there was a day in my high school where different ethnicity students went on stage and performed a cultural dance. One of the most famous Mexican culture dance is Folklorico and it was a good feeling seeing the Mexican cultural being represented. La Bienvenida was about showing Fresno State students about Hispanic Heritage month. Researching about what Hispanic ... Show more content on ... The role of Mexican American students was to show how they impact the country and stay strong. There is a great percentage of Mexican American students at Fresno State and in the event, I could see everyone having a good time seeing that there are others who look the same going after the same goal. In the event, not only did it focus on the culture and history of Hispanic, it also had booths that could help Mexican American students with their goal of succeeding in college. Some of the booths that were in La Bienvenida are, Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement ( M.E.S.A), Teatro of Raza Towards involvement in Local Latino Awareness (T.O.R.T.I.L.L.A.) and College of Social Sciences Advising Center (C.O.S.S.). The booth was targeted towards Mexican American which is statistically at a disadvantage and them
  • 24. Purified Pectinase Lab Report 3.8.5. Thermal stability of purified pectinase enzyme: In this section thermal stability of the purified enzyme was studied at pH 5.5 and all optimum conditions of enzyme and substrate concentration. The enzyme solution was preheated at different temperature 40В°C, 50В°C, 60В°Cand 70В°C for various time periods from 10 to 60 minutes. After each heat period, the enzyme was rapidly cooled in an ice bath. The activity of pectinase was determined by adding the substrate and carrying out the enzymatic reaction under optimum reaction conditions. The results in (Table 29, Fig. 31) illustrated that as temperature of heating and time of exposure of the enzyme increase, stability of this enzyme decrease. The purified pectinase enzyme when exposed to 45В°C ... Show more content on ... 3.8.6. The influence of some metal ions and some chemical compounds on the purified pectinase activity: This experiment was carried out for determination of the influence of 0.01M and 0.1M of each of CuSO4, NaCl, CdCl2, CaCl2, KCl, BaCl2, FeSO4.7H2O, MgSO4.7H2O, and EDTA and zinc acetate on pectinase activity. The enzyme solution in acetate buffer pH 5.5 was incubated with each of the tested substance at35В°C for 30minutes then adding the substrate and carrying out the enzymatic reaction assay under the optimum conditions. The pectinase activity was determined and the results were investigated. Enzyme activity assayed in the absence of an additive was considered to be 100%. The results recorded in (table 30) and (figure 32) Indicated that Cu+2 activated the enzyme at 0.01M concentration by 1.2 fold and the activity gradually decrease by increasing the metal concentration to 0.1M with activity 51.29U/mg protein. Na+ ion activate the enzyme when added with 0.1M by
  • 25. Central Nervous And Peripheral Nervous System My most interested system is the nervous system. The nervous system is made up of the brain, the spinal cord, and nerves. One of the most important systems in your body, the nervous system is your body s control system. It sends, receives, and processes nerve impulses throughout the body. Together, these organs are responsible for the control of the body and communication among its parts. The nervous system has two major parts: the central nervous system(CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The central nervous system is the primary center of the body. It is composed of the brain, nerves, and spinal cord. It processes, guide movement and send out sensations throughout the body. The brain sits right in the skull and have four parts to it, the brain stem, cerebrum, cerebellum, and the diencephalon. The spinal cord is a long tube that connects to the brain and down the back of the body. It has 31 segments and there are pair of spinal nerves in each segment. Both motor and sensory nerves are in the spinal cord. ... Show more content on ... Such as eyes, ears, skin, and other sensory receptors . The peripheral nervous system is made up of two parts, somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system. The somatic system picks up sensory information and its carried to the central nervous system. They also consist of the motor nerve fibers. It sends messages for movement and acts to the skeletal muscle. It sends messages to the brain to give the muscle to give action. The autonomic nervous system is made up of three parts; sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system, and enteric nervous system. System controls organs in the body where humans cannot. Like, heartbeat, digestion, and
  • 26. Comparison Of Roman Fever And The Story Of An Hour Edith Wharton s Roman Fever and Kate Chopin s The Story of an Hour are the result of two realistic writers wishing to change the perspectives of how women should be viewed and treated. In The Story of an Hour, Chopin writes about Mrs. Mallard who is a woman desperate for her own thoughts and identity, at the time this concept was untraditional and not accepted. Like Chopin, in Roman Fever Wharton calls emphasis to the hidden secrets and feelings held by women at the time. In her writing, Chopin uses various literary devices to play an important role in conveying her message, these devices are also used by Wharton in Roman Fever. Irony is a predominant literary device used in both of these works, for example when Chopin states When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease of joy that kills (1611). This is ironic because the reader knows she didn t die of joy, but rather from seeing the glimpse of her husband and knowing she had lost the freedom she so desired. The first sign of irony Wharton uses is in the title, Roman Fever, which is an old name for malaria. However, that s only the surface meaning as the deeper meaning symbolizes Mrs. Slade s disease like jealousy she has hidden for years over Mrs. Ansley. Both Edith Wharton and Kate Chopin were very influential authors of the time and brought out suppressed issues in their works to be acknowledged and challenged by society. 2.Identify the protagonist and antagonist in To Build a Fire and
  • 27. Descriptive Tourism 5 must see top rated tourist attractions in Argentina Argentina is a stunning country and it is one that should sit high on anyone s bucket list. There s a challenge, though, when planning a trip because the country is so massive it s difficult to know where to start or end up. It s difficult to narrow the tourist attractions down to just 5 because there are so many, but we dedicated ourselves to choosing the absolute best and here s what we came up with. Please note: they re all so awesome we haven t put them in any particular order. 1. Perito Moreno Glacier Another UNESCO site, and this one you will find in El Calafte, a small town which is home to Los Glaciares National Park. What s of interest here? The Perito Moreno Glacier, not only is it the third largest fresh water reserve on the planet, it is also home to an 18 mile long ice formation. The visitor center is just two hours from the town and from the center there s only a short walk to reach to glacier via a walking circuit. For the more adventurous spirits out there... you can climb Perito Moreno! Yes, there are tours available from a quick hour walk on the surface of the ice to a five hour trek. That s not all you will find at the park, though. There s also a 2 mile high mountain, Monte Fitz Roy, which is just as treacherous as Everest. 2. Ushuaia Patagonia is well known for incredible landscapes, bragging massive stretches of plateaus and plains, made all the more dramatic by the backdrop of the Andes. This southern hot spot also happens to feature Ushuaia which just happens to be the most southern city in the world. It got its start in the 20th century as a penal colony, but now it s become the place to launch adventures. It s the starting point for trips around Cape Horn and kicking off an Antartic adventure. It s fondly known as the end of the world and has a truly unique landscape that features woods, mountains, glaciers, and sea. It sits at the very edge of Tierra del Fuego National Park. In fact, you ll want to visit the National Park, too, while you are in the area. There are also two museums that shows the unique history of the area, and a lighthouse (built in 1884). 3. San Carlos de Bariloche San Carlos de Bariloche is
  • 28. A Personalised Induction Will Always Be More Effective.... Essay 2 A Personalised induction will always be more effective. Discuss (Word count = 2198) Introduction In this essay I will describe what a personal induction is and how it is composed then discuss the reasoning behind why they may be more effective for clients seeking change via hypnosis rather than using standard generic inductions. I will also look at some of the potential issues surrounding personal inductions before drawing a conclusion. But first we need to look in a bit more detail as to how they work and why they may be helpful in helping the client achieve their aim. It is has been stated that when we communicate with people only 7% of the communication is made up from the words we speak and the remaining 93% is ... Show more content on ... Within the three main modalities each person will have one that is dominant or preferred and each individual s preferred modality can be ascertained by careful, inconspicuous, observation and questioning of the client by the therapist during the sessions, taking note of the way they dress, the language they use (words and tone), their body language (the way they breath, their postures and gestures) and the work and pastimes they undertake. The inductions are constructed using wording and phrases that fit with the clients preferred modality. Some General Attributes of the Modalities 1. Visual People with a preference for this modality have good imaginations that allow them to fantasize and daydream whilst suspending the analytical/critical element of their mind. They like things to look nice, and be involved in things that involve seeing like art, photography, drawing, or films. They may like bright colours and be observant and creative. Clues that can be found in their choice of words are; look, see, appear, focus, imagine, references to bright colours or neatness. In phrases such as; I see what you mean , looks good to me , It just goes to show , paint a picture . They tend to speak faster as they think in images and pictures and in a high clear tone using shallow breathing.
  • 29. How To Read Like A Professor Character Analysis There are several basic plot structures that have been reused throughout literature to create new stories and ideas, but after all the manipulation and tweaks, the stories still contain the same overall plot. In this case in How to Read Like a Professor, Mr. Foster starts out his book by introducing one of the more common story plots, the commencement of a quest. Since writing builds on what has come before, stories such as Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Setup in The Crying of Lot 49 have similar development and organization because they re all quests. The plot structure of a quest usually consists of five elements with the end result being the characters discovery of self knowledge. The basic organization requires a questor that s given
  • 30. Watching Torture In Prime Time By Anne-Marie Cusac Media Violence Currently observed increase in the number of crimes related to violence, especially among children and adolescents, makes us think what is the main causes of violence in society that leading us to it? We live in the world of fear, when each of us waiting for a moment when random guy from the streets will kidnap us then torture and kill. And mostly this random guy is Latinos, black or Muslim. This stereotypes were created in our mind because of media that controlled by government, however it not only creates stereotypes, but also it makes us act violent against each other. Nowadays the media portrays drugs, sex, guns, even though they know that most of their viewers are kids, so media builds the base of violence in children s minds. The article Watching Torture in Prime Time by Anne Marie Cusac, an investigative reporter and assistant professor, shows how media and politics are closely related. Cusac trying to convey us that government and media uses violence (torturing) on TV shows in order to manipulate the viewers and justify real life torture. She argues against torturing and violence in the world of entertainment. Same ... Show more content on ... Even though torturing and violence common things in our society, we meet them almost every day of our life, but we are not fighting against it every day, do we? Cusac says: We are already a society that tortures evidently we became that long ago. What is left to us now as a public is a decision we can make or avoid. We can deal with torture or ignore it. Televisiondoes not determine the outcome of that decision; we do. We can live with our own lives and have own problems, but we can t ignore violence (torturing) in the media that happens in real life, because next day it can deal with us. She want us to not be apathetic to violence (torturing),that makes people aggressive and Sissela Bok talks about it in her
  • 31. Nuclear Testing And The Cuban Missile Crisis The development of nuclear weapons through out the cold war period, had led the world to believe that a nuclear war was soon on its way. The evolution of nuclear testing and the Cuban missile crisis indicated how far each state was ready to go to ensure their ideological interests were pursued and at the same time their global superpower status was retained. Such techniques depicted peace as simply an expression with no significance. However, measures were established to guarantee the acceleration of nuclear weapons was controlled and didn t get out of hand. The marking of different arms treaties and limit arrangements demonstrated co operation between the two superpowers, bringing about no immediate clash, guaranteeing peace was kept and war was prevented. War would now be disastrous for either side and therefore peace was necessary and possible (Kennedy pipe, 2007, p.122). As both powers possessed nuclear weapons and with pressures running high, a move had to be made with the main goal being the preservation of peace. The positions which the superpowers had arrived at by 1969 regarding nuclear capability clearly demonstrated that each state was gaining strength in the field of arms. The only way the nuclear weapons contest could be slowed down or bought to an end would be through shared co operation. This came through the SALT, START and the ABM settlements. The threat which nuclear weapons posed meant that world peace was potentially at risk. In the event that
  • 32. Absolutism In Greek Art 1.The two styles that the chapter discusses took place in very different cultures and times. Rococo was infamous with the corrupted French nobility whom spend a fortune on creating gigantic estates and decorating them with exaggerated, yet beautiful works. These works usually depict intimate lovers, enjoying their Bourgeois lives. The setting of these works in often in mystical lands, such as the Pilgrimage to Cythera, where a group of presumably French lovers go to Cythera, a mystical land sacred to Aphrodite. Other works depict massive lush greens, as well as statues and structures. These would depict the common living styles of the upper class at the time. However, like most good things, the Rococo style ended abruptly with the Enlightenment.... Show more content on ... Rococo works were usually commissioned by wealthy French nobility. Following the death of King Louis XIV, The Sun King, the ruling estates of France began an orgy of corruption. While the first and second estates were spending fortunes on Rococo paintings and architecture, the third estate was hypnotized by the works from philosophers such as John Locke and Voltaire. The French nobility refused to implement the Enlightenment policies that were spreading across Europe. Seeing their stubbornness, the French masses began the decades long disaster that was the French Revolution. With Rococo completely left in the dust bin of history, Neoclassicism took its place, especially in France, where Jacobin rulers and Napoleon used Neoclassicist arts to their advantage to secure their power. Neoclassicist artists, like Renaissance artists, began to explore the depth and complexity of Greek and Roman works and create pieces inspired by these works. Exaggerated war paintings, such as the Death of General Wolfe or the Oath of the Horatii are prime Neoclassicism works and are prime products of the
  • 33. The Issue Of Child Soldiers Imagine being terrorized and forced into an army at the young age of 9. You had no place to go anyway, for the people in the army killed your parents to abduct you. You are forced to fight for them, even if you don t want to. You cannot escape since they would possibly kill you if you were caught, and you can t even share that information, they could kill you for knowing so much about punishment. One day, you are in the battlefield and you kill an American soldiersince you were forced to kill. Suddenly, you are captured by the US government and taken into jail. Many think you are the perpetrator, but others think that you deserve amnesty. Child soldiers have become a widely debated topic as armed forces continue to use them. Many think that they deserve to be given a second chance, but others think that they should be taken to jail for the deaths they were forced to create. Overall, child soldiers are victims that deserve amnesty because they are easily manipulated, they are terrorized into staying, and a specific child soldier, Omar Khadr, has been put on a biased trial against him. Child soldiers should be thought of as victims and should be given amnesty. Firstly, child soldiers should be given amnesty because they are easily manipulated by armed forces. When they are still young, child soldiers follow anything they are told to do. For example, they aren t as afraid as adult soldiers and they don t care about being paid. The article Armed Underage by Jeffrey
  • 34. Comparing Boxing In Fat City And The Sweet Science This comparison and contrast of sports writing will examine the differing elements of fiction and non fiction writing and the similarities of the sport of boxing in Fat City by Leonard Gardner and The Sweet Science by A.J. Liebling. Liebling s brings a non fiction analysis of the famous fights victories and losses of fighters, such as Sugar Ray Robinson, Rocky Marciano, and Joe Louis, which present a journalistic approach to the sport of boxing. These perceptions of the boxing world provide deeper insight into the big time events in the world of boxing in a punch0 by punch retelling of the fights. These highlights of major fighters is an important part of the non fiction based historical approach utilized by Liebling. For instance, he describes the knock out of Joe Louis by Rocky Marciano while watching from ringside:... Show more content on ... In our lectures, the differentiation between fiction and non fiction is the primary difference between s two books, as they describe the observations of real boxing matches in contrast to the imaginary world that Gardner creates in the success and failures of boxers Ernie Munger and Billy Tully. Munger is a young boxer on his way to a professional career, just as Tully is a semi retired boxer that is slowly declining. The fictional story of the boxing world defines the brief moments of success that are countered by the more lengthy failures of boxing life. Tully s alcoholism also defines the hardship of boxing life as he is often found at the local bar: His hair and the shoulders of his jacket were soaked before he reached shelter in the nearest bar (Gardner, 1996, p.164). In this style of writing, it is the fictional account of the tragedies of boxing life, which greatly differs from the realism of Liebling s journalistic account of major boxing
  • 35. Guidelines For Fences Within The Wetlands Conservation... Guidelines for Fences within the Wetlands Conservation District (Adopted MM/DD/YY) The detailed plan and application shall address the following items: 1.Provide a statement on the type of materials to be used to construct the fence. 2.Identify the location and height of the proposed fence. 3.No fence post shall be placed in a wetland or surface water body. 4.The fence must be at least 6 inches off the ground to allow natural drainage flow, prevent the blocking or damming of surface water and to allow the passage of small animals. 5.Fence construction shall be done using hand held tools without the operation of heavy equipment (i.e. excavators, bobcats, backhoe, etc.). 6.Fence constriction shall not result in any vegetation clearing, ... Show more content on ... An up to date survey of the entire property which shows the existing improvements and the location of all wetlands and poorly and very poorly drained soils (including wetland flag numbers), wetland buffer, and 12 primary structure setback from the buffer edge. The survey should be prepared by a licensed surveyor. For properties where the wetland delineation is older than 3 years, the professional who did the original delineation should reconfirm the accuracy of the boundaries in writing as part of the application. The Conservation Commission reserves the right to request documentation/notes for any wetlands delineation. 2.Clear identification of the location of construction and areas proposed to be disturbed and their relation to property lines, buildings, roads, and waterbodies within one hundred (100) feet. 3.New improvements should be distinguished from existing improvements by hatching, cross hatching, shading, or other clear designation. 4.Distance of the nearest point of the improvements to the buffer edge and to the 12 ft. primary structure setback. 5.Clear identification of the square footages of the improvements and the square footage increase in disturbance. 6.The percentage of existing and proposed impervious cover on the parcel. 7.The limits of disturbance (building envelope) and construction ingress/egress should be identified with care given to restrict disturbance, to the fullest extent practicable, to areas outside of the
  • 36. Elements Of Biblical Allusion In Literature I created my artwork based on the biblical story of Adam and Eve. In my AP Literature class we would often discuss the elements of biblical allusion within literature when I looked outside of the door from my seat while in art class, the leaves reminded me of the Garden of Eden. I was searching for some sort of inspiration for my self directed piece, and I found it simply by looking out the door. I wanted to create a depiction of the garden of Edenusing leaves and the contrasting focus would be an apple with a snake in the middle. My piece eventually found a sense of completion when I finished drawing the snake. I used precise drawings of leaves and swirls of branches to create a sense of togetherness. I used complementary shades, blue,... Show more content on ... I would often find myself struggling to find something to draw, but eventually, I began to have more ideas and was no longer afraid to create something I would otherwise doubt. aking this art course has given me the ability to become more creative and have the ability to feel more confident in my artwork and abilities. My artwork depicts the Garden of Eden. The symbolism behind the art is based on the biblical story of the Garden of Eden. Similarly to authors of eminent literature s use of biblical allusions, my art is an allusion to the Garden of Eden. My artwork includes an illustration of leaves, an apple, and a snake, symbolic of nature, forbidden fruit and deceit. My Final Masterpiece includes the expressive qualities of symbolism and spirituality. Perhaps if I was to become an artist I may be successful due to my use of symbolism in my artwork. I would have created depictions of biblical stories and other works. I may have been considered unique because of my use of distinct use of colors and contrast. If I was to fantasize even further, perhaps I would dedicate my artwork to creating biblical
  • 37. Importance Of Honor Your Father And Mother We are commanded by God to honor our father and mother. This is a principle taught so often in the scriptures that it has been drilled into our memory. Even if you don t happen to belong to a religious family this is still a principle that is passed down from generation to generation. So, then what exactly does it mean to honor your father and mother ? Honoring your father and mother is being respectful in both your word and action, having an inward attitude of respect for their position. For example, the Greek word for honor means to revere, prize, and value. Honor is giving respect not only for merit but also for one s position. An example of this would be how some Americans might disagree with the President s decisions, however, they should still respect his position as leader of their country. Something similar to this would be how children of all ages should honor their parents, regardless of whether or not their parents deserve honor. We are always told by God, Jesus Christ, and our Prophets to honor your father and mother. God even values this quality so much that it has been given to us as one of his commandments. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. (Ex. 20:12 KJV) As a matter of fact, this single principle is taught a total of thirty two times in the standard works (i.e; Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, etc.) Listed is a
  • 38. How Is Richard Parker Similar In Life Of Pi Life of Pi Essay Piscine and Richard Parker are two different species; Pi is a human and Richard Parker a bengal tiger. Stuck in a lifeboat with a limited amount of food and water, a tiger and a human are not going to be good companions. Eventually, one or the other is going to survive, and the other will not. Yann Martelcreates an alternate idea. Throughout the book, Yann Martel shows the importance of using your enemies to help get through situations. Richard Parker also helps by catching flying fish, which is a good source of food. Soon, they start Yann Martel places a human and a tigerin a lifeboat, where they have to overcome any challenges that arise. Pi first was alone and didn t want to be in the situation by himself. Once, he saw Richard Parker, he said, Don t give up, please. Come to the lifeboat. (Martel 121). After thinking over the situation, he realized, a bengal tiger was not the kind of company he wanted. Pi said to himself, In a few seconds you ll be aboard and we ll be together. Wait a second. Together? We ll be together? Have I gone mad? (Martel 123). By including this in the context, Yann Martel shows that if the two are together, it is not going to be good. Eventually, Richard Parker and Pi are together, in the... Show more content on ... You may act like you don t approve of the person, but that doesn t mean you actually do. Yann Martel gives the reader many examples of this. Pi used Richard Parker as a calmer, It was Richard Parker who calmed me. . Towards the end of the journey on the lifeboat, Pi feels as if being parted from Richard Parker will not be easy. He says, I was weeping because Richard Parker had left me so unceremoniously. (Martel 360). During their time together, Yann Martel proves that Richard Parker and Pi have developed a relationship, not as enemies. Being in a tough position can change enemies into great
  • 39. Dinosaur Extinction Research Intro to question: Their extinction occurred at the end of the Cretaceous period and is noted as one of the largest mass extinctions in Earth s history and is referred to as the K T (Cretaceous Tertiary) extinction but is now called the Cretaceous Paleogene (K Pg) event by many researchers. So from this information a question has been derived, How effectively does the asteroid theory explain the extinction of dinosaurs compared to other theories? A wide variety of extinction theories have been suggested and some of the following examples have been evidentially thought wrong by many. Some examples of the extinction theories are the toxic volcanic gasses and dust (Volcanism), asteroid impact on earthand climate change. Some scientists have suggested ... Show more content on ... In the early to mid stages of the Cretaceous period the worlds temperatures became hotter by about 10В°, some scientists have linked this to the Asteroid Impact theory. Others linked it to the volcanic activity that is known today as India and Pakistan. The late Cretaceous period was a great time of change, continents were splitting and volcanoes were spitting lots of gas and ash into the atmosphere greatly altering climate. Whether it be gradual or sudden changes in climate dinosaurs habitats and environment would have been affected making it harder for them to adapt. A sudden change may have triggered a change in the weather thus affecting food sources. Gradual changes may have slowly changed environments like cool wet areas into dry areas affecting life there in a big way. Prove theories?/evidence: 300 A team led by the Nobel Laureate Luis Alvarez demonstrated that a large bolide (generic term for meteor, comet or asteroid) had collided with Earth close to or at the end of the Cretaceous extinction event roughly 65 million years ago. Evidence for this is the concentration of a rare Earth element Iridium in the sediments of areas in Italy. Iridium is rare as it is most commonly found on bolides that have come in contact with Earth as opposed to in the Earth. Answer/full conclusion:
  • 40. David Hume s Argument Against Belief in the Existence of... David Hume was a British empiricist, meaning he believed all knowledge comes through the senses. He argued against the existence of innate ideas, stating that humans have knowledge only of things which they directly experience. These claims have a major impact on his argument against the existence of miracles, and in this essay I will explain and critically evaluate this argument. In his discussion Of Miracles in Section X of An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Hume defines a miracle as a violation of the laws of nature and as a firm and unalterable experience has established these laws 1. Basically a miracle is something that happens which is contrary to what would happen given the structure of the universe. He also states ... Show more content on ... In other words he is saying that no matter how good or reliable a testimony may be, it can never as it were on the basis of experience be justified to accept that testimony over and against what stands as testimony against the miracle happening. The testimony happens to be the laws of nature themselves. In this sense it is clear that Hume is giving us a priori argument in Part 1 in that he is saying that miracles are contrary to reason. However I think it would be easier to accept this view if Hume had not previously discussed his Induction theory. In regard that he thought that for example that just because the sun has risen every day so far, it does not necessarily follow that the sun will rise tomorrow, we have no rational basis in believing it will. However in regard to miracles he tells us to base our decisions on past experiences, if it is unlikely it is less likely to be true. So in that sense we should also be able to say that based on our past experiences the sun will definitely rise tomorrow? Also if the sun was not to rise, surely that would be a miracle in the sense that it would be a violation of the laws of nature? And what is exactly a violation of natural laws? Dorothy Coleman points out past experience shows that what are at one time considered violations of natural laws are frequently found
  • 41. Diary Of A Wimpy Kid I was finally packed and ready to go say goodbye to my parents and other family. I was scared getting on the bus with my grandma with the tickets to El Paso, Tx. After my goodbyes the bus takes off the light dim down and the cold air and the unentertaining movie Diary of a wimpy kid comes on. After a couple minutes i slowly fall asleep. When I was woken up ,covered in a roasting blanket, by the person that announced that there s a couple minutes till we arrive to the other bus station. After getting all our bulky suitcases from under the scorching bus and seeing it leave. While waiting for my grandma to buy the tickets for juarez i was playing with the insensible pigeons. Seeing my grandma come with the tickets was a relief because there was
  • 42. The Vulgar Photo Shoot Of Miley Cyrus For Trans People The vulgar photo shoot of Miley Cyrus for Trans People It is a fact that nowadays the media industry has contributed incredibly to promote the ideas of today s society. Even more has contributed to the effort to eliminate the taboo most of them sexual orientation issues or homophobic issues through various campaigns. A very common combination for projecting an issue through the media and with great appeal in the audience is the promotion and topic view from famous celebrities that they have huge resonance to young people. It is also well known that the projection of a subject in a provocative way has more impact because everything that causes shock to the audience discussed more, and therefore the impact will be greater. The question is whether it is exploitable the content of the topic that is pretending that is promoted and defend, as many celebrities do periodically like the following celebrity which will be discussed below. How many times we see celebrity figures of biz show to promote or participate in a campaign, which is delivered with nude photo shoots that advocate homosexuality issues? Are we sure that the fact that they want to pass to the audience will not be presented incorrectly? The following issue that is going to be analyzed is a recent photo shoot of the famous singer and songwriter Miley Cyrus that after all the extreme public appearances in the social media or in public areas and extreme and almost inappropriate photos shots decides to a photo shoot
  • 43. Domestic Violence Domestic Violence2 OUTLINE Introduction: Domestic Violence is a crime that is growing every year. I am very concerned about justice for anyone that is a victim of domestic violence by a loved one. My purpose is to outline a crime victim policy for these victims. I intend to define these victims clearly, point to statistics relative to the crimes against them, analyze the context in which the crime occurs, state how victims might contribute to the crimes against them, describe the impact of the crime on society, and list proposed victim assistance to back up my new victim policy. I. Everyone who has been a victim of Domestic Violencewill be included in this policy A. Domestic Violenceincludes but not limited to ... Show more content on ... Leaving can be dangerous. The most dangerous time for a woman who is being abused is when she tries to leave. One thing that is a fact and not a myth is many victims do leave and lead successful, violence free lives. (Suite 101) Anyone can be a victim. Victims can be of any age, sex, race, culture, religion, education, employment, or marital status. Although both men and women can be abused, most victims are women. Children in homes where there is domestic violence are more likely to be abused. Most children in these homes know about the violence. Heterosexual males may also be victims of domestic violence or perpetrated by their female partners. They experience the same as female victims such as experiences of disbelief, ridicule, and shame that only enhance their silence. Individuals with physical, psychiatric, and cognitive disabilities may not only experiences sexual and domestic violence at a higher rate from Domestic Violence6 intimate partners or spouses than the norm, but they may also experience mistreatment, abuse, neglect, and exploitation from their caretakers, personal assistants, paid staff, and family members. A sizable population is older women. They are more likely to be bound by traditional and cultural ideology that prevents them from leaving. They are usually financially dependent on their abusive spouse and do not have access to the financial