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Short Essay Apa Format Short Essay Apa Format
My Favorite Day Of The Whole Year Essay
Multicolored lights twinkle on the tiny boughs of an evergreen tree while presents spill out from
under it in every direction. Steamy, delicious smelling dishes cover every available surface. A
manger scene, its figures oddly displaced by little hands, is strewn across the table. The air is so
warm that I kicked my shoes into a corner within minutes of entering the house. Laughter and
warm voices are ringing in my ears, but they somehow feel distant to me. As my five year old
cousin darts past my feet, I find myself retreating to the bathroom, fingers fumbling with the door
lock, shaky legs carrying me into the dry, vacant shower while jerky arms pull the curtain closed
around me. It s ChristmasDay; it should be my favorite day of the whole year. It s Christmas Day,
and I find myself retreating from it all. It s Christmas Day, and my whole familyhas gathered
together at my cousin s house. Well, not my whole family. My dad is hours away, spending
Christmas with my half brother and his family. Christmas and family have meant many things to
me over the years, but the one thing they have always meant to me is mom and dad, Christie and
Sarah, and me, all together. This definition is one of the many things that has been ripped away
since my mom asked my dad to leave the house many months ago in May. It was not supposed to
be this way. My parents were supposed to be able to fix their problems and become the model of a
loving Christian marriage that I always longed for. But
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Chemistry Internal Assessment
Chemistry Title: voltaic cell experiment a voltaic cell is a device made from connecting two
different metals together and immersing the combined piece into some sort of solution that
creates conductive atmosphere , the general purpose of a voltaic cell is to convert the chemical
reaction between the metals and the solution into an electrical charge , Hypothesis: the voltage
produced by magnesium and cupper = the sum of the voltage produced by magnasium and iron ;
and iron and cupper Variables: Independent variable: one metal use in one voltaic half cell: (half
of the redox reaction occurs at each half cell, Therefore, we can say that in each half cell a half
reaction is taking place , when the two halves are connect... Show more content on
From this we can argue that the errors I had during this experiment were not very big, and did not
affect my results too much. My result supports my
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Differences And Similarities Between Snowball And Leon...
Snowball and Leon Trotsky were both intellectuals that helped in not only social ideals but also as
military strategists. During the Battle of the Cowshed, Snowball was the mastermind behind the
organized attack which led the animals to victory. Similarly, Trotsky proved to be an outstanding
military leader, as he led the army of 3 million to victory ( Another resemblance
between Trotsky and Snowball is that they are eventually exiled by the government. When the
government felt threatened by such intellectuals such as Snowball and Trotsky they exile them in
order to assure their own power. Snowball is exiled after he proposes the plan to build a windmill
by Napoleon while Trotsky was banished entirely from the Soviet Union
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Human Abuse In The Galapagos Islands
The Galapagos islands are home to many endemic species such as the various species of tortoise
often associated with them. What they are known less for is the large quantity of invasive species
that also now inhabit the island thanks to man coming to and from the island with only himself in
mind. Since this issue has been noticed, transport to and from the islands has become quite
regulated and limited in the hopes of slowing this disaster in the works. This is seeming to work
but it isn t unlikely that all threats will be eradicated since humans will inevitably inhabit the
island (Santoso, 2014). This human presence will always be a problem but some have chosen to
work towards retribution. With over 1,000 invasive speciesnow inhabiting... Show more content on ...
The goat s appetite is also the main problem, they are literally eating everything on the islands,
leaving them barren. Action has already been taken on a rather extreme level. Project Isabela was
launched in 1997 with the goal of exterminating every feral goat with a clean shot to the head or the
heart (Hirsch, 2013). Highly skilled game wardens were trained and implemented with helicopters
and GIS mapping to employ aerial hunting and scanning to hunt all goats to extinction on the
islands. The goats quickly associated the helicopters with death and began hiding from them.
Judas goats were then introduced. A Judas goat is a female goat injected with hormones designed
to keep her in heat draw out males in hiding (Galapagos Conservancy, 2008). Increases in
vegetation are already being seen on the islands of project Isabela. The task at hand is so huge that
18 years later goats are still being hunted. It has been found, however, that local fishermen have
been known to release more goats onto the islands to retaliate against the government for fishing
regulations that they don t agree with. This is clearly an issue Santoso foresaw with her disdain for
human presence on the
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All About Drones Research Paper
All About Drones There s something in the sky, is it a bird no a plane, no it is a drone. Drones
are controlled by a person on the ground of autonomously via C computer program. Drones are
used to deliver packages, used in the military, for racing, wildlife research, and for fun. For
military they use the RQ 9 Reaper. The first military drone flew along pre set paths the plane was
called Global Hawk that costed 104 million dollars. To define it as a drone is to see if it flies and
it s controlled by a pilot on the ground, it fits under the everyday language definition of drone.
Almost! Actually, under the law as it stands, any unmanned, remotely piloted vehicle or drone in
the United Statesflown for a hobby or recreational
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Implement And Monitor Nursing Care For Older Clients
Diploma of Nursing HLT51612
Implement and monitor nursing care for older clients
Assessment 2 Case Study Elements 4 5 Part 1 Alcohol Related Dementia Korsakoff s syndrome
Korsakoff s psychosis, a form of amnesia often seen in chronic alcoholics that is characterised by a
loss of short term memory and an inability to learn new skills. The person is usually disoriented,
mat present with delirium and hallucinations, and confabulates to conceal the condition. The cause
of the condition can often be traced to degenerative changes in the thalamus as a result of a
deficiency of B complex vitamins, especially thiamine and B12 . (Harris, P Nagy, S Vardaxis, N
Most readily known as alcohol related dementia, Korsakoff s syndrome is also known as Korsakoff
s psychosis and Wernicke Korsakoff s syndrome.
Korsakoff syndrome is a preventable memory disorder that usually emerges (although not always)
in the outcome of an episode of Wernicke s encephalopathy, therefore the chronic disorder is
sometimes known as Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome. Wernicke encephalopathy is an acute brain
reaction to severe lack of thiamine. Wernicke encephalopathy is a medical emergency that causes
life threatening brain disruption, confusion, staggering and stumbling, lack of coordination, and
abnormal involuntary eye movements.
Korsakoff s syndrome, is a form of dementia associated with excessive alcohol consumption over a
long period of time.
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The Legal Establishment Of Two Individuals Creating Vows
The legal establishment of two individuals creating vows to commit to each other defines what
marriage is, it may just be more than just the paperwork and the ceremonies; but two people
having a mindset and a lifestyle with another person in their interest. It could be affection, or it
could be expectation like it was centuries ago. Either way, a relationship between a man and a
woman creating vows and committing to each other begin and end with specific expectations, a
lifestyle change, and somebodies perfect image of that special someone. Today, being married
means a lot to live up too; loyalty, dependability, cooperation, and a joined effort especially within
the household. Lifestyles may change whether it s the man or the wifeand it can depend on who has
the money, the job, and the ability to survive. Meaning one or the other have to be willing to live
differently for their special someone. Also most of the time, usually by the man, a person is
imagined in their heads the perfect person who they are married too.. First, a marriagebegins with
expectations especially in the 20th through the 21st century. Like the movies describe, woman stays
home raising the kids, making dinner, making sure the house is clean, and taking care of her
husbandwhile he works and earns the money to survive and keep the household running. These
expectations can be hard to live up too when it s not in someone s favor, which can cause a
problem. In Kate Chopin s The Story of an Hour, Mrs.
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Headlines Sylvia Plath
Esther has seen or done many things that represent her and show how she has affected those
around her. Although there are many other examples, the headlines Joan mentions in chapter 16
are a prime example of how Esther has affected people even those who are strangers. The
headlines symbolize Esther s exposure to the world and her impact on them. Plath developed
the headlines by using Joan to be the person to show them to Esther and explain to her how she
had heard of her while she was gone. Esther thinks that she is very secluded from the rest of the
world and she only sees the pain and darkness in her story. But what she does not see is that she
is very exposed to the world and that other people see a sensual story of a young woman who
struggles to be herself. After Esther reads the headlines she finally realizes this. She realizes that
she inspires others and that maybe she can inspire herself too. Maybe to even better herself and
finally break free from society. Although Plath does not gradually develop the headlines throughout
the story, she still manages to make it a meaningful and important symbol.... Show more content on ...
Esther only sees the pain and suffering in her story and in her suicide attempts, but after reading
the headlines we see that the rest of the world sees the struggles and sadness that Esther must be
going through. They see her story as sensual and as a young woman who is struggling within
herself. Joan says she was inspired to go to New York to attempt suicide after hearing about
Esther s story. Although we are not sure how this inspired Joan, we assume she thought if she went
to New York she would be in the news like Esther. The headlines show Esther that what she see can
be interpreted in a completely different way by
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History Of Ice Cream As Cream
History of Ice Cream Ice cream has a very long history about its origin and manufacturing in the
international market. Ice cream, way back in 1670, a sicilian, named Francisco Procopius,
opened a cafe in Paris (France) and began to sell ice s squashes and this is how the life of ice
cream began. Than the innovative changes market was came to existence. They came directly
with deep freezers. In early times, the ice cream were practically frozen drawn off into packages
and frozen solid or hardened. But after 1939, suit ice cream was invented. It was served directly
from the freezers without being allowed to harden. In India, the ice creams become popular and
famous of the end of 18 century. Than the ice cream was made at homes from pure cow/buffalo
milk s and ice cream machine had been developed for home use. It is comprised of a wooden
bucket with a metal (aluminum) jar and a chummier and handle. The ice cream made at aroma.
Though not so smooth as what we have got today, but it was delicious and yummy. Today, the
story is totally different. We have large number of mega companies, manufacturing ice creams in
astonishing verities of flavors , color shapes, maintaining the quality. Today ice cream industry
holds an important segment of industrial activity in food based industry in the country. It provides
nutritious treat to self guest as the best follower of cold drinks. Now a days most of the parties and
functions are treated with ice creams. And in India its
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Commercial Whaling
Make the case for the resumption of commercial whaling as an international policy. Commercial
whaling has an abundant amount of utilizations. The main utilizations include food use,
commercial use (whale watching), animal feed and fertilizer use, cosmetic use, and
pharmaceutical use. While not popular in most countries, countries like Alaska, Iceland, Norway,
and Japan have whale meat on their menus. There are also other indigenous people and people in
Inuit tribes who depend on whale meat as their main source of food. Within the pharmaceutical
field, Russia, Norway, and Japan are counties that take on studies for the medical uses of whale.
Some of these uses are whale oil (omega 3s acid) and whale cartilage (chondroitin 4 sulfate and
proteoglycan).... Show more content on ...
In my opinion, every species, including humans, is a part of the food chain. Whether or not
humans are at the top of the food chain isn t what is important when it comes to the relationship
between us and whales. We have the technology and intelligence to kill whales and use them at
important resources, including food, wax (for candles and cosmetics), and pharmaceuticals. We
should be taking every advantage we get to further develop our knowledge of whale oil, meat,
and cartilage. I believe that we should use every opportunity to better our lives, but that does not
include kill whales recreationally. There is no excuse for that, just like there is no excuse for
kills of dogs, zebras, or pandas. Unless it is for survival, no one should be killing an animal for
fun. That saying, there is a point when we will have to stop commercial whaling. The whale
population has been an interesting trend to research. Whale population has been very high and
very low in the past couple centuries. My opinion is that we should have a set number of whales
that we can take out of the ocean each year. If that number starts to cause a decline in the
population, it should be set lower. If the population becomes endangered, I believe that whaling
should stop immediately. I could imagine having to describe to the next generation what a whale
looks like because there aren t any to show
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Level 4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong...
[pic] Level 4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS City Guilds
6302) [pic] 5th 7th September 2012 10th ,12th and 13th December 2012 18th 20th March 2013
[pic] Assignment 1: Unit 008 (level 4) [pic] Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong
learning Brief for Assignment 1: unit 008 (level 4): Roles, responsibilities and relationships in
lifelong learning Use the poster template to write an overview of your roles and responsibilities as
a teacher within your subject area and context. Word count: 1200 words 1) Summarise key points
from the following legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice that are relevant to
your subject... Show more content on ...
| | | | |4.11 |Effective and inclusive approaches to learning and teaching in own specialist area in
meeting needs of learners. | |4.12 |Creating and selecting resources to meet the needs of learners. | | |
| |4.13 |Providing assessment opportunities that meet the needs of learners, including giving
personalised constructive feedback to motivate | | |learners | |4.14 |Creating an inclusive learning
environment to engage and motivate learners. | |4.15 |Establishing ground rules with learners to
promote respect for others | |Personal statement of: (name) | |Essential criteria:|How do you fulfil the
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The People Of Israel As A Punishment
The people of Israel began to worship idols; and as a punishment God allowed them once more
to pass under the power of their enemies. The seventh oppression, which now fell upon Israel,
was by far the hardest, the longest and the most widely spread of any, for it was over all the
tribes. It came from the Philistines, a strong and warlike people who lived on the west of Israel
upon the plain beside the Great Sea. They were blasphemy towards Yahweh Dagon, which was
made in the form of a fish s head on a man s body. These people, the Philistines, sent their armies
up from the plain beside the sea to the mountains of Israel and overran all the land. They took away
from the Israelitesall their swords and spears, so that they could not fight; and they robbed their
land of all the crops, so that the people suffered for want of food. And as before, the Israelites in
their trouble, cried out to the Lord, and the Lord heard their prayer. In the tribe land of Dan,
which was next to the country of the Philistines, there was living a man named Manoah. One day
an angel came to his wife and said: You shall have a son, and when he grows up he will begin to
save Israel from the hand of the Philistines. But your son must never drink any wine or strong
drink as long as he lives. And his hair must be allowed to grow long and must never be cut, for he
shall be a Nazarite under a vow to the Lord. Keeping the promise with Yahweh, she conceived a son
named Samson. Samson was abnormally
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The Need for Groundwater Extraction Regulation
Groundwater is used primarily for irrigating farmland; and secondarily, for consumption and
industrial use. Aquifers, unconsolidated subterranean layers which hold water, are rapidly
dwindling, and groundwater depletion is quickly growing to become a major problem for
farmers and the public at large. Reserves close to ground level are rapidly drying up and due to
technological roadblocks, extracting water from deeper reserves is not yet financially feasible.
The problem is especially severe in California, which represents around 20% of all groundwater
withdrawal in the United States (Famiglietti, LA Times). A lack of water for agriculture would
directly lead to diminished food production and indirectly lead to requiring food imports from
outside the state. Groundwater resources are an unregulated public resource and despite any
innovative breakthrough in extraction techniques, the only sustainable, long term solution is to
enforce limits on extraction. Regulation of how much groundwater can be extracted from an aquifer
in a set period of time; along with incentives to obtain water from alternative sources is the ideal
solution to address the perennially growing challenge of groundwater depletion in California.
This regulatory effort must begin in politics but it needs to spread to society as well only when
people realize the consequences of over extraction will they even consider ceasing doing so. This
solution is not based primarily in science and technology, and is
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Kari Jobe s Influence On American Culture And Beliefs
Kari Jobe once said When the Lord opens a door, walk through it. If He doesn t, just trust It is
evident that Kari Jobe has lived by this when looking at her life. Jobe was born on April 6, 1981.
She has two younger siblings named Kris, and Caleb. Her father, Mark, is Pastor of the Global
Ministries at Gateway church. She and her familywent to a Charismatic, spirit filled church. She
has said I was impacted by the presence of Godat such a young age.... We d spend hours in the
presence of God. People were being prayed for. Worship would go for hours. It cultivated this
thing in me that was like, Man, I love Worship. I love ministering to people Because this passion
was cultivated in her she now lives by it. When she was just five years
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Plaza the logistics of Zaragoza
Plaza, the Logistics park of Zaragoza Case Analysis
Supply Chain Network Diagram
The supply chain flow and the respective lead times Option 1
Option 2
Average Cycle Time(Days)
Average Time to reach the port
Time spent at port
Time from warehouse to customer
Total average lead time(days)
The average time to reach the port was averaged for each option 1 from the data given
Demand, Inventory and Safety Stock Option 1
Option 2
Annual Demand (D) (units)
100000 Inventory Review Period( T) (days)
30 Inventory per review period (Q)
8219.17808 Q = D(units/Year) * T (in years)
Standard ... Show more content on ...
Cost Analysis and sensitivity controlling factors
Number of units/TEU
In this specific case, the cost of Zaragoza might be higher than the Rotterdam option, however,
varying the number of units/TEU has an impact on this analysis.
If the number of units/TEU increases, the lesser holding cost of Zaragoza mitigates the higher
transportation cost of Zaragoza. Also, the transportation cost of Zaragoza comes down if the
number of units/TEU or number of units/Truckload increases.
Hence, the number of units/ TEU plays a pivotal role in considering which option to go with (with
the assumption rest all parameters remain same).
In our excel model we tried to determine the no: of units/TEU at which the cost of the Option 2
(Zaragoza) is lower than cost of option 1 (Rotterdam) by varying the number of units/TEU (J 13
cell in excel model) and finding the influx point at which the cost difference becomes positive (E
69 cell in excel model).
We found out that at the point of 1TEU = 443 units, the difference becomes positive .i.e Zaragoza
option becomes cheaper from this point onwards.
No: of units/TEU
Cost difference
The cost
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Essay On Amadeus
Mozart s music in Amadeus exuberantly reproduces his life with the narrative which
chronologically unfolds the series of episodes related to the life of Mozart. By arranging Mozart
s music in Amadeus in the order of composition with the important episodes of his life, the movie
shows that how Mozart who was once praised as the musical prodigy eventually reaches to the
death at the early age. Mozart s witty and bright music played in the early part of the movie
shows his unique composition style in the period when he received lots of attention and
compliment from all over Europe. For example, in the early part of the film, the song Serenade
No. 10 in B Flat Major Gran Partita K.361 floats out in the scene that Salieri encounters Mozart for
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In Amadeus, the prelude of the opera Don Giovanni composed by Mozart after the death of
Leopold Mozart Mozart s father refers the relationship between Mozart and Leopold and the
scheme of Salieri foreshadowing the death of Mozart. For one thing, the opera Don Giovanni
explains the abnormal relationship between Mozart and his father. In the film, Mozart is
illustrated as the character which always feels afraid of the presence of a father. The
dependency of Mozart in Amadeus is based on the real relationship between Mozart and
Leopold. In reality, Leopold worked for the court of Salzburg and had a great ambition for
success when he was young but, after the birth of Mozart, he devoted his life for education
Mozart, having left his reputation and ambition as a musician. (Yu 22) Also, Mozart had never
received formal education and instead he was only educated by his father until he became an
adult. (Lee) Based on researches about Mozart including the two articles mentioned above, in
Amadeus Mozart is portrayed as a child who is dependent on his father but feels a fear of him at
the same time. To illustrate the dependency of Mozart and Leopold s domination over
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The Silgrim In Dante s Inferno
In literature, as well as in history, there is often a single individual stranded and in need of a
helping hand. This assistance usually comes in various forms, and depends on the context it is
needed for. The support typically guides the individual away from imminent danger, and towards a
second chance or even ultimate salvation. In the first Canto of The Inferno, Dante the pilgrim, the
main character of The Divine Comedy, goes astray from what his culture and tradition consider the
straight road and only by recalling his cultural and personal past he is able to get back on the road
towards redemption.
Dante comprehensively acknowledges that he has lived a life of sin, when he decided to record
his story. Halfway through the route of his life, the pilgrim Dante emerges from his slumber, and
into a dusky forest in ... Show more content on ...
Dante becomes frightened by the animals and loses all hope of climbing the mountain. Dante then
returns to the dark forest, where he notices a figure. Dante then calls out to the presence, unaware
of whether it is man or spirit. The figure then proceeds to identify himself as the shade of Virgil,
who is known to be the greatest poet of ancient Rome. Dante is astonished and delighted,
referring to Virgil as his master. The first Canto states, he must go another way who would
escape this wilderness... you follow me and I will be your guide and lead you forth through an
eternal place. Virgil quickly assumes the role of Dante s spiritual and literal guide. While Virgil is
an admirable character, and someone Dante the poet looks up to, he is still a pagan and cannot
guide Dante past hell, where he is confined. In order to travel with the light of heaven, Dante must
expedition through the darkness of hell, where he will see first hand the consequences of sinning.
Dante s adventure will take him from the world of the living, to that of the
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Personal Narrative-Poudre For The River In Colorado
Today will be different. Morning rain softens, and hope rises. I must capture the entire hazy
brown form before it fades. Arms around me tighten, tease, but I break free. This is for him. He
hands me a mug, and I turn away. He said the essay should be about her. Her name is Poudre, for
the river in Colorado where we first met. The name refers to a cache of gunpowder hidden along
its banks, but to us it just means clear water over stone. Each day begins with a ritual: She
shakes her head and jingles her collar as I reach for the railing. Descending, I hear a clicking
little dance below. Her breath is heavy and I open the front door. She leaps out into the garden, I
tell her to stay with me today, but she is already gone. Out of sight, she is galloping down the
lane. She is our heart: blood up, out of hand, out ahead. I walk on slowly, looking for the first
pure light of morning. She waits for me there, and I check on the flowers. Soon, I tell her it is
time to go. She turns, picks up the paper, and trots slowly now, back towards the house. I smile
and sigh and follow her back. Through the front door, she heads straight for his waiting feet. She
plops the paper down proudly and turns to me. Now it is time for breakfast.... Show more content on ...
Jeff stepped out of the car doubtfully on that first day. The face was plain, green, and colonial,
and the garage held only one car. This was hardly the house of his dreams. The boys, however,
did not hesitate. Slamming doors, they ran across the yard and began playing among the six
stately columns of a giant poplar tree. Before long, weekends and vacations were spent cutting
limbs and vines and pulling holly stumps. Now there is an endless play of light and shade. The
breeze lifts, leaves dance, treetops sway, and I can
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Schism Between Sunni And Shiite Caliph
A caliph is the chief Muslim civil and religious ruler, regarded as the successor of Muhammad.
Sunni and Shiite split the old caliph died, also because Muhammad did not leave clear instructions
on who should be next caliph and everyone wanted their family to be the next caliph. A schism
happened between the Shiites and the Sunni because they couldn t decide who should be the next
caliph. Caliph is a religious and political leader of the Muslim community This is important
because it means whoever is caliph has the most power in the Islamic culture. Muslims lived by
Charity Destiny, Fasting, Reading the Quran, and hospitality. This is important because it is some
characteristics that the people are looking for in a caliph. After the death... Show more content on ...
The dispute over the succession of Muhammad led to the battle of Jamal and battle of Siffin .
When this happened it caused civil war across Islam and led to the death of Hussein bin ali. The
Shiites believed that the successor of the prophet Muhammad should stay within his family
bloodline . This led to an argument between the Sunni and Shiites that caused a split between the
the Sunni and Shiite. The Sunni believed that the leadership role should be given to someone
chosen by the upper class people of the Islamic culture. By this happening it led to an argument
between the Sunni and Shiite that eventually led to the Sunni and Shiite schism. The Sunni
prevailed and were able to choose the first caliph after the prophet Muhammad. When this happened
it told the Shiites that the Sunni had more power that then them and that they needed to fight back
if they wanted their way. The battle between the two groups split them into two peoples that would
never reunite with each other. By this occurring it was the reason the two peoples split. In
conclusion the Sunni and Shiite schism occurred because the prophet Muhammad did not leave
clear instructions on who should be the next
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Body Modification In Imperial China
Body modification is art because it is showing your personality on the outside. How you re feeling
in the inside you re showing it on your skin. Teens and young adults want tattoos and piercing. It is
considered attractive to some people, most people love body modification. Some people disagree
that body modificationis art. Many people today love to pierce their body or get tattoos. Most
people get a tattooif it has a deep meaning to them. In some work places you need to cover up
tattoos and hide you re piercing because they look unprofessional to some businesses. They need
to realize some people can t cover up everything. If you can t cover up then you don t get the job.
Businesses need to realize that body modification is art and should... Show more content on ...
Some people have very deep meaning behind them. My sister got a tattoo flower for my
grandmother, and she got her favorite flower which was a Gerber daisy. She always used to say
miss me when we d go out somewhere so she has miss me right under the flower. This tattoo has
a lot of meaning to her. You would consider thing meaningful and beautiful? Induvial are
showing their feelings as well. Some People are just trying to show their inner self. A guy on the
news did everything to his face to look like a cat. He has so paid so much money on body
modification to look like a cat. This man felt inside he was a cat and showed his feelings on the
outside. All the tattoos and everything he did was art because it was beautiful to see him be what
he really wanted to be.
Body modification has different opinions for different people. Religious reasons are a big thing
but you should be allowed to make your own decisions. Thousands of people have tattoos and
piercings and not all can remove them so we all need to take a better look on everything. Body
modification is art there is no doubt about it. It is expressing yourself how you want to and you
should be allowed to do it if you want to. Many people have different opinions on this subject and
you re allowed to think whatever you
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Labor Unions And Its Effect On Income Inequality
LABOR UNIONS With many laws enacted to tarnish their effectiveness in the appearance of a
better functioning economy, labor unions appear to have an unmistakable effect on income
inequality. Western and Rosenfeld explain the power of the labor union and how important of a
role it holds for its workers. Western and Rosenfeld analyzes the contributions that unions made
and the consequences of their decline coupled with the rise in unfair wage distribution. Kristal
supports that the lack of bargaining ability hinders the effectiveness that unions used to have and
this event is the result of computer technology damaging the laborers ability to appear useful and
necessary in the eyes of the capitalists. Union Influence While government policies are a part of
Volscho and Kelly s research, they recognize that other factors affect income inequality. Strong
labor unions are capable of reducing income inequality that is brought on by the decisions made in
the market. The stronger a union is, the more bargaining power they possess so that they are able
to fight for better pay and a more equal distribution of income. Western and Rosenfeld agree with
this statement as their research pertains more on labor unions and their relationship with income
inequality. During the 1970 s, labor unions were at their strongest, with as many as one in three
people working in a union. From the 1980 s to currently, not only has labor union membership
decreased to single digits, but wage inequality has
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The Discontinuation of Nuclear Weaponry Creation
As Thomas Jefferson once stated, The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction,
is the first and only object of good government . Have political leaders thrown aside this advice in
their pursuit of nuclear arms proliferation? Since 1945, many world leaders have established forms
of defense known as nuclear weapons that have the technology and capability to completely
annihilate designated regions of the earth. Originally a plan for defense, the creation of nuclear
arms has primarily turned into a show of military strength and superiority with little regard towards
the preservation of innocent lives, as seen in Japan during World War 2. Although international
legislation has been introduced to restrict nuclear arms... Show more content on ...
Particularly, this strategy was implemented to prevent nuclear attack by these nations. Simply
speaking, deterrence nearly guaranties mutual destruction through retaliation to the nations who
attack with nuclear weapons and those who are attacked. The deterrence strategy allows for the
creation of nuclear arms in order to maintain an arsenal enough for defense of the country.
Deterrence in the United States provides safety for both the US and its allies. While this belief has
a logical reason for nuclear weapon creation, the US and other countries should work to abolish
this precedent to allow for a complete nuclear weapon free world. The idea of a nuclear weapon
free world seems impossible but there are many people who have theorized ways to bring upon
this peace. These men and women say that in order to get a reliable, nuclear free world, the
creation of a sovereign or nearly sovereign international power would be required to effectively
manage and watch over worldwide security matters. The country would need to definitely be
sovereign if the proposal included an entity to arm this international force with nuclear weapons. It
can be concluded that a nuclear free world would demand a radical alteration in global command
because of the irreconcilable nature of the independence of truly sovereign states (Post Cold war
conflict). Along with this theory, experts believe that the
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How to Write Self Reflection
INTRODUCTION................................................ 2
MATHODOLOGY.................................................................... 3
DISCUSSION.......................................................................... 5
MY STRENGHTS AND WEAKNESESS............................................. 10
MY LEADERSHIP STLYLES VS CULTURAL ISSUES........................... 14
MY LEADERSHIP STYLE............................................................... 16
CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATIONS............................................ 17
REFRENCES.................................................................................. 18 ... Show more content on ...
It is quite clear that I am not a participative and also not an authoritarian leader because I stand
between two of them as I score 12. The participative leader should have to get more than 15 and
an authoritarian leader have to get less than 5 but as I have score 12, I can say that I am more of
a participative leader not an Authotarian leader because I am more towards participative
leadership style. The participative style refers to the teamwork approach and I feel that I have
this characteristic more than any leadership style because I also like to do teamwork. I usually
confer with group members before making decision so it means I have the quality of a
consultative leader which means I also fall in the subtypes of a participative leader. But I can
also be an Authoritarian leader when it will be needed. The Assertiveness is also a thing which
describes my leadership style. I score 17 in leadership attributes Performa, how assertive are u?
Form which I came to know I am assertive under the characteristics of an effective leader.
Assertiveness is referred to being forthright in expressing feelings, opinion, demand and attitudes
(Durbin, 2006). The
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Media Plan For Izze Sparkling Soda
Instructor assignment #4: Media Plan for IZZE Sparkling Soda
The media we chose to put an emphasis on is radio, Internet and cable television. The percentages
for each are radio 40%, Internet 30% and cable television 30%. For radio we have strategically
chosen to place our advertisements on the weekday morning drive time from 6am to 10am and on
weekends from 7pm to midnight. The vehicles chosen for Internet are the websites iTunes, ESPN
and iHeart Radio. For Cable Televisionservices we have chosen the vehicles Spike TV, Food
Network and ION.
There are numerous reasons why we decided to put the largest emphasis on radio. For one, our
demographic is males 18 34 and according to the PowerPoint, we learned that males at that age are a
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According to the United Nations Report, 1.5 billion Internet users are male, while 1.3 billion
are female. This statistic supports our decision for choosing this specific medium. In Media
Mark, we searched both Other Regular Soft Drinks and Sparkling Water. We compared the two
reports and selected the highest reach/index numbers. The vehicles we found specific to our
target audience are iTunes, which has a reach of 35,600,000 and an index number of 135, ESPN
with a reach of 36,455,000 and an index number of 111 and iHeart Radio, which had a reach of
12,771,000 and an index number of 117. Other websites that we considered but did not choose
were Pandora (46,726,000/109) and NFL (17,898,000/110). From this research we were able to
determine that our target had an interest in music and sports. This further supports our decision to
place a larger emphasis on radio.
From the PowerPoint, we learned that Cable Television is a highly persuasive medium because
it offers sight, sound and motion. It also reaches a large audience and specifically captures the
attention of our hard to reach target (males 18 34). We chose Cable Television over other
mediums because it provides narrowcasting opportunities to focus in on specific targets. The
vehicles that we chose within this medium are Spike TV with a reach of 35,794,000 and an index
number of 120, Food Network with a reach of 56,594,000 and an
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Icarus Metamorphosis
Oscar Wilde, in his quote that praises Icarus fearless flight, takes an opposing view to the lesson
learned from reading the Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus. In the myth, Icarus hubris, or
extreme arrogance, in defying the Gods and ignoring his father s instructions about flying too
close to the sun, is punished by his wings melting and falling to his death. The theme is that one
should respect rules and their elders and live within their limits. However, Oscar Wilde put a
different spin on the lesson to be learned from Icarusadventure and tragedy. Wilde poetically said
that Icarus success was his fearless flight and that if he didn t take the risk of flying too close to
the burning light of the sun, then that would be the greatest tragedy of them all. He believes
that the adventures and risks we take in life are what make life worth living, and that a life lived
that does not experience the thrills of risk, adventure, and possibly success, even for just a
moment, is a life not well lived. In a sense, Wilde believes that hubris is needed to do amazing
things. The arrogance to ignore the risks may result in great successes, and if you try hard and don
t succeed, then even the brave attempt is success. The only failure or tragedy is not to try at all....
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If I don t try for greatness, even going against the odds, I will never know what my full potential
is. If I fail in trying, I will learn lessons from my failures, and try again or try a different path.
However, I don t want to be comfortable living a just okay life without attempting excellence, even
beyond my own limits, and illustrate Oscar Wilde s tragedy. We must live fearlessly to have a
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Impact Of Rearmament And Remilitarization
Rearmament and Remilitarization Hitler s Path to Power
The strongest military power in Europe. On April 2, 1936, this haunting description of the strength
of Nazi Germany was made by Louis Maurin, the French Minister of War at the time (Deist). 18
years earlier, the allied powers had crippled German military strength, limited the size of her
standing army to 100,000 men, prohibited the manufacturing of arms, and virtually liquidated the
German Navy and Air Force after their defeat in World War I (Britannica). For years, Germanyand
her people suffered under devastating financial crises and debilitating terms stipulated in the Treaty
of Versailles. As frustration and a hunger for change swept across the nation, a young and
charismatic orator by the name of Adolf Hitler began to gather support in cities and beerhalls
across the country (Kershaw). As his power grew, Hitler began to disregard regulations set into
place by the Treaty of Versailles, testing Britain and France s will to intervene (Deist). By defying
the military restrictions imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles, Adolf Hitler solidified
his position as the supreme ruler of Germany s Third Reich.
During the 1920s and early 1930s, Hitler began encouraging the growth of the German war industry
while also recruiting hundreds of thousands of Nazi Party members to join the ranks of his para
military force, the Sturmabteilung (Robertson). On March 16, 1935, after years of building
German military strength
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The Pros And Cons Of Fiction
There is nothing better than reading an interesting book, staying up all night and reading a good,
fictional story until you fall asleep, and waking up early just to see how it end. A person s reason
for enjoying fiction can differ but it is almost for the fact that fiction can make the reader feel as if
they have been transported to another world. People read fictionfor the curiosity and authors can
state/make points mixed with their own creativity. In class, we discuss authors and their messages
hidden through their story s plot. The author s plot is often just a background for what the writeris
really trying to get out to his audience.
In order to escape from the drama or reality of life and enter a more interesting one, people read
fiction to escape our world and enter someone else s. ...other times she needs to literally escape
her own thoughts. So she turns to books (Monica M Clarks). Taking a break from work and
school and taking time to just bury all your thoughts into a book is something that readers of all
audiences would agree sounds rather enjoyable. Fiction is like a finding all these alternate realities
and each reality bringing you into living through someone else s life.
Readers read fiction to understand people they haven t met and places they ve never visited. If a
reader were to compare a book and its movie , they would always agree that in the book, you know
what the protagonist is thinking and you know more about the character and have time
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Homeless and Neglected Children in the 19th Century Essay...
Homeless and Neglected Children in the 19th Century
In his novel Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain creates a fictional character that must confront very
real problems as a result of cultural and social issues of the time. Many of these such issues, slavery
and race relations being the most prominent, are dealt with significantly by the author, but another
issue not addressed in any sort of overtly significant manner is the plight of homeless, neglected,
and otherwise abused children in the 19th century. While Twain in no way attempts to create a
commentary on these issues, one cannot avoid focusing on the situation in which he has placed his
protagonist. On the surface, Twain s words seem to convey a relatively light hearted ... Show more
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Huck is also met with a variety of potentially life threatening situations during his time running and
hiding with Jim. Again, Huck is a mere figment of the author s imagination; therefore, when
confronted with a dangerous situation, he is able to make correct choices for himself, at the
young age of 12. It is hard to believe that most real world 12 year old children would be capable of
making the same good choices when left to their own devices. Granted, Huck was accustomed to a
life of neglect, which would feasibly enable him to deal better with the atrocities and demands of
his particular situation, but the sadness lies in the fact that he had become accustomed to such a
life in the first place.
In today s world, children are seen as individuals who have certain rights as human beings, and who
are worthy of external (or non family) protection. This has not always been the case. For the better
part of the 19th century, there were no rules or regulations in effect that prevented the mistreatment
of children, since they were thought to be completely under the control of their immediate family
(University of Delaware). It was not until 1874 that the first organization concerned with the
protection of children was established in New York. The group called themselves the Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (SPCC), after the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals (SPCA), which was an organization in England that had
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Persuasive Essay For The Best Summer Wedding
The Best Summer Wedding Outfits for Guests in 2017
Who doesn t enjoy a good wedding? Love is in the air, everyone is upbeat and happy because
they re celebrating the ultimate display of commitment. Whether you are single and looking to
mingle, hoping for a proposal soon, or you re already married it s a special day that you want to
look your absolute best for. There are so many styles out there, though, it s difficult to know where
to start the search for the ultimate outfit. Let us help you out.
Maxi Dresses
There s nothing quite like a floral maxi dress to capture summer, stay cool and comfortable and
look stunning. Go for the black floral print to be the best dressed wedding guest of 2017.
Jacquard Dress
The beauty of this style is that it is dressy enough for a wedding, but casual enough to wear again
and again. Choose a bright colour to capture the summer and pair with even brighter jewellery to
take it to the next level.
Stretch Cotton Dress
It s a comfortable fit and comes in plenty of beautiful floral prints, and like the Jacquard Dress it s
an excellent option for a plethora of occasions.
The Backless Maxi
Yes, there is more than one type of maxi dressand opting for a backless number with a front slit is
the optimum way to capture a flirty style that is sure to turn heads (without distracting from the
bride too much).
Gingham Print
Is it back? Or did it ever really go away? This summer is all about gingham, so why not opt for a
graphic print dress!
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I Had Known George For As Long As I Could Remember
I had known George for as long as I could remember. Our families were good friends, our mothers
liked to gossip over stale biscuits and diluted tea and our fathers liked to go fishing during the
summer months and hunting in the winter months. We d always spend holidays together too. My
parents would host the Fourth of July barbecue and Thanksgiving and his parents would host
Christmas and Easter dinner. Every time our families got together, George would be there. From
the times he threw mud at me when we were six or the time he pushed me through the ice when
we were ten or the time he locked me out of the house during a thunderstorm when we were fifteen,
it wasn t until he left that we fell in love.
George had been drafted in the war when we were 18, and while he was gone he wrote me
letters. Through the letters I saw a different side of George and I fell in love with him. He was
poetic and kind. We wrote letters back and forth for the entire two years he was gone and started
dating not long after he returned. And not long after we started dating, we were engaged to be
married. George had insisted we get married as soon as possible, we had known each other since
we were in diapers, why wait any longer? I had been so blinded with the new love, I had agreed. I
can t begin to explain how happy our mothers were when we announced our relationship, or how
elated they were when we announced our engagement. The wedding wasn t anything too
extravagant. The ceremony took
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The Key Options Of Porter s Generic Strategies
This essay emphasis on the three key options of Porter s generic strategies. Cost leadership,
differentiation, and focus are the three generic strategies that will be deliberated on, and in addition
the benefits and difficulties that come along with each strategic method. Michael E. Porter is a
person of importance in regards to the competitiveness and economic development of nations and
on competitive strategy. According to the Harvard Business School, Michael Porter is the founder
of the modern strategy field and one of the world s most influential thinkers on management and
competitiveness (, 2015). He argued that in order for companies to achieve a beneficial
position within or outside a market, in addition as outshine... Show more content on
A firm positions itself by leveraging its strengths (Carnall, 2007, p. 120) and Professor Porter
claimed that a company s strengths are defined into one of two competitive environment
aspects: competitive advantage and competitive scope. Thereby the strengths can be categories
in either a narrow or a broad scope, which will result in three generic strategies. Porter termed the
strategies, cost leadership , differentiation , and focus . The cost leadership strategy is a strategy
that enables companies to become the lowest cost manufacturers in a market and allow them to
obtain competitive advantage by getting its costs of distribution or production lower than its
competitors in its market. To capitalize on this strategy successfully a company has to be the cost
leader rather than trying to reach the position. There are several ways of achieving these low
costs such as efficient production, tight control of overhead and costs, reduction of input costs,
and by having a unique source of low supplies. For instance, if the competitors are selling their
products at a standard market price and their goods were identical, the company with the lowest
cost would earn the highest profit. However, this does not necessarily mean that just because a
company is a cost leader the prices for their product would be low. In various cases, the company
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Skydiving Physics
Just because the air s invisible, doesn t mean it s not there.The terminal velocity is when a body
is falling form a jet reaching zero acceleration that is because of air resistance.As skydiving is
formed by jumping out of a plane so from skydiving it changed into free falling.Air resistance an
upward forceexerted on an object as it falls by air, skydiving can be knowen as a sport of
descending partly from parachute.This sport can give you the chance to feel like your flying but
really you are just falling from a very high place at a very fast speed it is a frictional force do by the
amount of air resistance is showend by two factors, cross sectional and speed talking about speed
as u jump out of a plane accelerating downwards, gaining speed... Show more content on ...
If you were to spread all of your limbs out, it causes a much greater surface area, causing more air
to collide with your stomach, slowing you down.As for parachutes, it needs to cover a wide
enough surface area in order to cause enough air resistance to slow the mass down dramatically,
that s why a huge snap up occurs when you release your parachute, the huge amount of added air
resistance at one time causes such a dramatic slow down. But! Circular parachutes need a small
hole at the tip in order to prevent a flip around. Air doesn t want to be resisted, so it tries its best to
cause the smoothest path possible, even if it needs to flip that parachute. So,
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Belden Mississippi Road Safety Problem
The safety of, Belden, Mississippi s population is being threatened as we speak. Road safety
dangers have only steadily increased over the years as road congestion has drastically grown. One
small two lane road used for travel in Belden Mississippi has come under debate as it is proving a
safety danger for its travelers. Further studies of the roadsituation are being called for, as well. On
Tuesday, February 3rd, Council president, Markel Whittington, presented to the members of the
Tupelo TrafficCommittee, about the traffic conditions on the two lane Endville road in Belden,
Mississippi. Whittington continued with many of his key points previously mentioned on the issue.
Key Points such as how a Lane Furniture plant, Itawamba Community College Belden, and Tupelo
Christian Preparatory School are all key producers of heavy traffic. Whittington was also dually
noted with commenting to the Traffic Committee, This is a real safety issue for the people
traveling Endville Road (Bedillion).... Show more content on ...
Crawley revealed that his study task will include, conducting a traffic count, turning counts, and
relevant car crash data from the said notorious road. Crawley s study will include a wider
geographic scope of the area, instead of singling out certain proprietors such as TCPS. City s
Chief Operations Officer Don Lewis was also dually noted with commenting to the Traffic
Committee during the meeting, The administration wants to look at Endville Road from the city
limits to McCullough Boulevard... Just to get a complete picture (Bedillion). Mr. Crawley stated
that several possible solutions will be debated for the road situation, including such as measures
that TCPS could take with its traffic flow, a new supposed turn lane for the school s traffic, and
other possible turn lanes in the area also
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Damon Vasil Lupus Research Paper
Damon Vasil Lupus is the Comic book God And this is how it started. He was born at a at a
hospital in New York named Bronx. A few Months later He started getting into Comic Books.
When he turned 10 he started developing strange powers that all included comic books. That s
when his life changed his mother came into his comic obsessed room and told Damon the secret.
The secret was that he was a god. The comic book god. So that s why I love comic books so much.
5 years later he went to a comic book store to check out captain lunch, that s when he met Joe. Hey
watch it! Joe said. Oh i m sorry Damon said back. You wanna be friends joe said. Ok Damon
exclaimed Let s go buy are comic books. But here s a warning the front desk person is mean, so
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The Model Of A Health Care Delivery System
Roemer s model of a health care delivery system shows the different necessary elements for a
system to be successful. As health needs are the input; the system needs resources, organization
of programs, economic support mechanisms, and delivery of services to provide the health needs
output (Roemer, p 33). Able 2 is an organization that provides services to people with disabilities.
They have many resources, but perhaps not enough to meet the health needs of every consumer.
They have well organized programs, have economic support, and can deliver services completely
and holistically to produce health as the output of the client. The most important implication that
was found in analyzing Able 2 was the need for increased resources as they are not able to meet
the needs for every client in need of its services. Ultimately though, Able 2 is an excellent
organization that provides an array of services for those people with disabilities.
Finance Mechanisms
Economic support mechanisms are one of the major components needed in a health care delivery
system (Roemer, p 33). Without income, an organization would fail. Able 2 is a non profit
organization (NPO) and a non government organization (NGO) in the private sector. They have
been tax exempt both by state and federal taxes since 1978. Under the umbrella of an NPO, its
purpose must be charitable and all revenue, after normal expenditures, must serve the public s
interest (DeMartinis, 2005). In 2013, income
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Smallpox Is An Acute Contagious Disease
SMALLPOX Introduction Smallpox is an acute contagious disease that is caused by the variola
virus which is a member of the Genus Orthopoxvirus family. It infects humans only as a result of
its ability to escape the host immune system, and avoid any further activation (Koplow 2003).
The virus is a two stranded DNA virus. There exist two forms of the variola virus namely the
variola major and variola minor. Variola major is the one that is lethal, while variola minor is not
lethal but a mere strain. The most common strain is the variola major, which produces the more
severe symptoms and with a higher fatality rate of 20% to 40%, within a week of infection
(Koplow 2003). Key features of the life cycle(s) The initial step is whereby the virus attaches to the
host cell and infects an individual. It normally enters through the respiratory system. It attaches to
the mouth, trachea or lung mucosa. The cells forming the mucous membrane are loosely packed
hence permitting penetration and movement into the saliva. Once the virus reaches the cell
membrane, it penetrates through endocytosis. In the host cell, the main protein in released
(Koplow 2003). The virus replicates in the cytoplasm of the host cell. DNA replication and
transcription may start immediately as the virus itself contains enzymes for replication and
transcription. It does not rely on the host cell enzymes to begin replication (Koplow 2003). First,
the DNA and RNA polymerase are made, along with other transcription
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The Frente Sandinista De LiberaciГіn Nacional (Fsln), Or
The Frente Sandinista de LiberaciГіn Nacional (FSLN), or the Sandinista National Liberation
Front, came to power in Nicaragua in 1979 after ousting Anatasio Somoza and putting an end to his
family s thirty six year dictatorship. Prior to the revolution that lead to their rise in power, the
Sandinista National Liberation Front promised to implement several developmental policies that
would raise the living standards of their fellow citizens. I previously argued that development is
both a natural and man made phenomenon which aims to positively shape the lives of people via
economic, cultural, and educational reform. By this definition the policies carried out by the
Sandinistas, which sought to improve the lives of their fellow citizens,... Show more content on ...
Nicaraguans also faced a life expectancy of fifty three years and routinely died from illnesses that
could have easily been treated and monitored. Half of the population was illiterate and thirty
percent of the nation s income went to five percent of the population whilst fifteen percent was
spread across fifty percent. These were just a few of the conditions which prompted the Sandinista
s into action and would eventually determine their political promises and platform. The
developmental programs and policies they enacted were directly in response to these facts and
were meant to improve the lives of their nation s poorest people. Prior to coming to power, the
Sandinistas promised large scale agrarian reform and land redistribution. Agrarian reform as a
national development project was meant to raise the living standards of landless peasant farmers
and provide them with the opportunity to cultivate food for consumption and sale. The rural
bourgeoisie owned around eighty five percent of the nation s farmland and comprised just five
percent of the agricultural economically active population (EAP). Peasant farmers, on the other
hand, made up fifty eight percent of the agricultural EAP and owned the remaining fifteen percent
of the land. Landless laborers, the main group for whom the Sandinistas had promised reform, made
up the remaining thirty seven percent of the agriculturally active population. The
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A Thousand Splendid Suns, By Henrik Isben s A Doll s...
In Khaled Hosseini s A Thousand Splendid Suns, Henrik Isben s A Doll s House, and Kamala
Markandaya s Nectar in a Sieve, women face obstacles that disempower and silence them due to
Men s treatment of women, the societal view of women, and the objectification of women. Within
the literary works analyzed this semester, disempowerment is a persisting theme that roots from the
various obstacles and hardships women encounter. The woman s ability to overcome this
disempowerment is particularly challenging due to being oppressed by their peers, specifically
men. Women countlessly serve as victims of verbal and physical abuseunder their husbands, thus
contributing to the idea of female inferiority. There are various stereotypical roles challenged
between men and women in society leading to discrimination of women. The preconceived notions
of women s roles in society arise from those within society. During this time era, most of society
depicts women as uneducated, essentially lacking economical and social opportunities, making the
female population highly vulnerable to all types of exploitation. Nonetheless, men in these literary
works display objectifying and degrading attitudes towards those of the female gender. The
objectification of women notably dehumanizes the female population. Within these literary works,
the authors exemplify this reality of obstacles that disempower and silence women. Though these
women fight for their liberation and equality, they are victims of
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The Frivolity of Evil by Theodore Dalrymple Essay
The article The Frivolity of Evil by Theodore Dalrymple analyzes the causes of human misery. His
work as a psychiatrist in Great Britains slums afforded him a great vantage point to analyze this
topic nearer to the fundamental of human existence. He concluded that the citizens of Great Britian
willingly participated in precipitating their own misery. Their are three recurring theme in his
article the lack of moral responsibility, extreme individualismand lack of cultural expectations.
Dalrymple begins his article by showing the mind frame of a prisoner released from prison, who
had the idea that he had paid his debt to society. In order to get his point across Dalrymple
compares the prisoners situation to his very own, the 14... Show more content on ...
He believed that this shift in thinking leads people to imply that dissatisfaction with life is itself
pathological. The idea that this is an illness that can be cured by a doctor. Dalrymple believed that
this form of thinking stands in the way of people understanding their situation and impedes moral
change. The lack of moral responsibility was a recurring theme he observed in his patients. The
patient who claimed unhappiness had three different children by three different men. The fathers of
the three children lived a life of criminality and violence. Knowing this she still choose to enter into
a relationship with them regardless of the consequences. What is confounding is the lack of moral
responsibility the patients exhibit towards her children. Their is no punishment from the government
or society for the actions she makes. The idea of self interest is prominent is this articles. These
individuals base their decisions on their on self interest. They only have a responsibility to their
own happiness. Her actions are due to the fact that she did not want to remain alone. He mother
based her decisions to turn her daughter out based on the thought that her own sexual liaisons were
more important than caring for her child. The mother of the patient created a cycle of misery for
her daughter that, the daughter in turn will create for her own children.
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The Namesake, A Winner Of The Pulitzer Prize, By Jhumpa...
The Namesake The Namesake, a winner of the Pulitzer prize, is a novel by Jhumpa Lahiri published
in the year 2003. In the year 2007, The Namesake became a significant motion picture. The novel
and film, both convey the theme of culture clash between American and Indian tradition. As the
story transitions, the theme is exhibit by the struggles the Ganguli family went through in America
such as Gogol s name, influence Indian traditions into the Gangulis lives of the children, and the
failures in the love affairs Gogol faced. The novel and film The Namesake both do one excellent job
portraying the growth in culture of two traditions expanding within society in the American and
Indian traditions. To be more exact, throughout The Namesake a culture clash was developed as the
Ganguli family transitions through the struggles of life. In the novel and in film there are scenes
of: the way the Ganguli family named their first son, educating the children the Bengali traditions,
and the marriage of Gogol and Maushimi s that failed by bringing two traditions together. The
complication between two cultures seeking equality, as tension interferes with the Bengali heritage
and the favored life Americans lived. The Gangulis have a different perspective on life than what is
accustomed to in America. Not to mention, the way the Gangulis perceived life was very different
to the way Americans did. The examples provided not only convey the struggles the Ganguli family
went through, but they
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Faustian Bargain Analysis
A Faustian Bargain is a complicated idea which translates in popular terms to selling one s soul
to the devil. This definition consists of four layers. The first layer consists of two different
aspects. The first aspect is doing something evil such as making a deal with the devil in order for
personal gain. The second aspect is in pursuit of a lofty ideal. In pursuing the lofty ideal; the
ideal is corrupted because of the methods to achieve it. The second layer is an unwillingness or
inability to see things as they really are, to see evil as evil. The third layer is the felling of guilt
after making a deal with the devil. The final layer is a third party attempting to convince the person
from completing a Faustian Bargain. Within this layer one must seek whether they are a victim of
external or internal influence. Several common elements of a Faustian Bargain emerge when we
compare Button Button and Dr. Faustus. Those components include motivations of lofty ideals or
self interest, the inability to see things as they really are, remorse, and the persuasion of an external
or internal influence.
Though Norma and Faustus both make a bargain with the devil, their motivations differ. Norma s
motivations are based on self interest. Barnet states that the common definition of a Faustian
Bargain is that some people are so eager to gain immediate power that they engage in actions that
they know are evil (Barnet, vii). Norma s self interest leads her to engage in evil
... Get more on ...
Childhood Education And Special Education
What is my plan in life?
Vocation can be defined in many different ways depending on the context it is used in. In this
case, the dictionary defines vocation as a strong desire to spend your life doing a certain kind of
work. Simply put, it is the career path someone studies and decides to pursue throughout their life. I
have chosen to pursue Early Childhood Education and Special Education. I have discovered that
my calling in life is to be a Christian leader and serve others. I want to become a teacher to impact
the lives of children from all different backgrounds and generations. Be their role model and
someone they can count on 100% of the time.
As a teacher, it is important to know how to apply literacy reading, writing, and speaking. These
are all important skills to have both in and out of the classroom. As a teacher, I will use all three
to fulfill my responsibilities. As an early childhood teacher, I will have to keep track of students
progress. To do this I will be required to compose evaluations and write ups for administration and
parents eyes. It would not be wise to have this document look like one of my students wrote it. The
document will have to look academic and formal, like a certified teacher wrote it. Writing is not all
that I will have to do, I will also have to know how to read. In the classroom, I will have an array
of diverse learners from all different cultures and backgrounds. Some of my students may know
how to read, where others may not. It
... Get more on ...
Traditional Family Guy Stereotypes
A traditional family is a family where the Dad and Mum both work and the kids stay at home and
they all live under the same roof. It is a social construct that varies from culture to culture and, over
time, the definition changes within a culture.
Family guy is a popular television show that is often viewed as one of the funnier shows the
television has to offer. Whilst there are issues that are relatable to most families in today s society.
I don t believe that the family reflects the real world. The show is politically incorrect as Writers
use stereotypes to create humour. Stereotypes are used because they are easily relatable to the
audience. Unfortunately, these stereotypes are often believed and spread amongst people which
often leads ... Show more content on ...
His role in the family is to work, protect and provide. However, he is immature, obese, car free,
risk taking, out spoken, dim witted and an alcoholic. This is why the audience laugh, because of
the way he projects himself and how immature he is around his family. Unfortunately, being obese
can lead to an early death and for the show to make it so irrelevant is concerning. Alcoholism is
also a devastating disease and ruins families and should not be taken lightly when this cartoon has
such a young audience.
Lois is Peter s wife and the mother of Chris, Meg, and Stewie. She is a housewife who cares for
her kids and her husband. Lois thinks that the past she had, has made her a better person. This
character is probably the closest to reality with the way she cares for her kids and families.
Meg is the Griffins 18 year old eldest child and only daughter. She is a self conscious,
unattractive teenage girl with severely low self esteem being portrayed as generally soft and non
rebellious. The other family members treat her as an object of abuse and belittle her by saying
she must be adopted. Megs character probably hits close to home for many teenage girls. Whilst
having her family members say she is adopted and ridicule her may be funny on the surface, many
teenagers can probably see what is wrong with
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. My Favorite Day Of The Whole Year Essay Multicolored lights twinkle on the tiny boughs of an evergreen tree while presents spill out from under it in every direction. Steamy, delicious smelling dishes cover every available surface. A manger scene, its figures oddly displaced by little hands, is strewn across the table. The air is so warm that I kicked my shoes into a corner within minutes of entering the house. Laughter and warm voices are ringing in my ears, but they somehow feel distant to me. As my five year old cousin darts past my feet, I find myself retreating to the bathroom, fingers fumbling with the door lock, shaky legs carrying me into the dry, vacant shower while jerky arms pull the curtain closed around me. It s ChristmasDay; it should be my favorite day of the whole year. It s Christmas Day, and I find myself retreating from it all. It s Christmas Day, and my whole familyhas gathered together at my cousin s house. Well, not my whole family. My dad is hours away, spending Christmas with my half brother and his family. Christmas and family have meant many things to me over the years, but the one thing they have always meant to me is mom and dad, Christie and Sarah, and me, all together. This definition is one of the many things that has been ripped away since my mom asked my dad to leave the house many months ago in May. It was not supposed to be this way. My parents were supposed to be able to fix their problems and become the model of a loving Christian marriage that I always longed for. But ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Human Abuse In The Galapagos Islands The Galapagos islands are home to many endemic species such as the various species of tortoise often associated with them. What they are known less for is the large quantity of invasive species that also now inhabit the island thanks to man coming to and from the island with only himself in mind. Since this issue has been noticed, transport to and from the islands has become quite regulated and limited in the hopes of slowing this disaster in the works. This is seeming to work but it isn t unlikely that all threats will be eradicated since humans will inevitably inhabit the island (Santoso, 2014). This human presence will always be a problem but some have chosen to work towards retribution. With over 1,000 invasive speciesnow inhabiting... Show more content on ... The goat s appetite is also the main problem, they are literally eating everything on the islands, leaving them barren. Action has already been taken on a rather extreme level. Project Isabela was launched in 1997 with the goal of exterminating every feral goat with a clean shot to the head or the heart (Hirsch, 2013). Highly skilled game wardens were trained and implemented with helicopters and GIS mapping to employ aerial hunting and scanning to hunt all goats to extinction on the islands. The goats quickly associated the helicopters with death and began hiding from them. Judas goats were then introduced. A Judas goat is a female goat injected with hormones designed to keep her in heat draw out males in hiding (Galapagos Conservancy, 2008). Increases in vegetation are already being seen on the islands of project Isabela. The task at hand is so huge that 18 years later goats are still being hunted. It has been found, however, that local fishermen have been known to release more goats onto the islands to retaliate against the government for fishing regulations that they don t agree with. This is clearly an issue Santoso foresaw with her disdain for human presence on the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. All About Drones Research Paper All About Drones There s something in the sky, is it a bird no a plane, no it is a drone. Drones are controlled by a person on the ground of autonomously via C computer program. Drones are used to deliver packages, used in the military, for racing, wildlife research, and for fun. For military they use the RQ 9 Reaper. The first military drone flew along pre set paths the plane was called Global Hawk that costed 104 million dollars. To define it as a drone is to see if it flies and it s controlled by a pilot on the ground, it fits under the everyday language definition of drone. Almost! Actually, under the law as it stands, any unmanned, remotely piloted vehicle or drone in the United Statesflown for a hobby or recreational ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Implement And Monitor Nursing Care For Older Clients Diploma of Nursing HLT51612 HLTEN515B Implement and monitor nursing care for older clients Assessment 2 Case Study Elements 4 5 Part 1 Alcohol Related Dementia Korsakoff s syndrome Definition: Korsakoff s psychosis, a form of amnesia often seen in chronic alcoholics that is characterised by a loss of short term memory and an inability to learn new skills. The person is usually disoriented, mat present with delirium and hallucinations, and confabulates to conceal the condition. The cause of the condition can often be traced to degenerative changes in the thalamus as a result of a deficiency of B complex vitamins, especially thiamine and B12 . (Harris, P Nagy, S Vardaxis, N 2010). Most readily known as alcohol related dementia, Korsakoff s syndrome is also known as Korsakoff s psychosis and Wernicke Korsakoff s syndrome. Korsakoff syndrome is a preventable memory disorder that usually emerges (although not always) in the outcome of an episode of Wernicke s encephalopathy, therefore the chronic disorder is sometimes known as Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome. Wernicke encephalopathy is an acute brain reaction to severe lack of thiamine. Wernicke encephalopathy is a medical emergency that causes life threatening brain disruption, confusion, staggering and stumbling, lack of coordination, and abnormal involuntary eye movements. Korsakoff s syndrome, is a form of dementia associated with excessive alcohol consumption over a long period of time. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Legal Establishment Of Two Individuals Creating Vows The legal establishment of two individuals creating vows to commit to each other defines what marriage is, it may just be more than just the paperwork and the ceremonies; but two people having a mindset and a lifestyle with another person in their interest. It could be affection, or it could be expectation like it was centuries ago. Either way, a relationship between a man and a woman creating vows and committing to each other begin and end with specific expectations, a lifestyle change, and somebodies perfect image of that special someone. Today, being married means a lot to live up too; loyalty, dependability, cooperation, and a joined effort especially within the household. Lifestyles may change whether it s the man or the wifeand it can depend on who has the money, the job, and the ability to survive. Meaning one or the other have to be willing to live differently for their special someone. Also most of the time, usually by the man, a person is imagined in their heads the perfect person who they are married too.. First, a marriagebegins with expectations especially in the 20th through the 21st century. Like the movies describe, woman stays home raising the kids, making dinner, making sure the house is clean, and taking care of her husbandwhile he works and earns the money to survive and keep the household running. These expectations can be hard to live up too when it s not in someone s favor, which can cause a problem. In Kate Chopin s The Story of an Hour, Mrs. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Headlines Sylvia Plath Esther has seen or done many things that represent her and show how she has affected those around her. Although there are many other examples, the headlines Joan mentions in chapter 16 are a prime example of how Esther has affected people even those who are strangers. The headlines symbolize Esther s exposure to the world and her impact on them. Plath developed the headlines by using Joan to be the person to show them to Esther and explain to her how she had heard of her while she was gone. Esther thinks that she is very secluded from the rest of the world and she only sees the pain and darkness in her story. But what she does not see is that she is very exposed to the world and that other people see a sensual story of a young woman who struggles to be herself. After Esther reads the headlines she finally realizes this. She realizes that she inspires others and that maybe she can inspire herself too. Maybe to even better herself and finally break free from society. Although Plath does not gradually develop the headlines throughout the story, she still manages to make it a meaningful and important symbol.... Show more content on ... Esther only sees the pain and suffering in her story and in her suicide attempts, but after reading the headlines we see that the rest of the world sees the struggles and sadness that Esther must be going through. They see her story as sensual and as a young woman who is struggling within herself. Joan says she was inspired to go to New York to attempt suicide after hearing about Esther s story. Although we are not sure how this inspired Joan, we assume she thought if she went to New York she would be in the news like Esther. The headlines show Esther that what she see can be interpreted in a completely different way by ... Get more on ...
  • 10. History Of Ice Cream As Cream History of Ice Cream Ice cream has a very long history about its origin and manufacturing in the international market. Ice cream, way back in 1670, a sicilian, named Francisco Procopius, opened a cafe in Paris (France) and began to sell ice s squashes and this is how the life of ice cream began. Than the innovative changes market was came to existence. They came directly with deep freezers. In early times, the ice cream were practically frozen drawn off into packages and frozen solid or hardened. But after 1939, suit ice cream was invented. It was served directly from the freezers without being allowed to harden. In India, the ice creams become popular and famous of the end of 18 century. Than the ice cream was made at homes from pure cow/buffalo milk s and ice cream machine had been developed for home use. It is comprised of a wooden bucket with a metal (aluminum) jar and a chummier and handle. The ice cream made at aroma. Though not so smooth as what we have got today, but it was delicious and yummy. Today, the story is totally different. We have large number of mega companies, manufacturing ice creams in astonishing verities of flavors , color shapes, maintaining the quality. Today ice cream industry holds an important segment of industrial activity in food based industry in the country. It provides nutritious treat to self guest as the best follower of cold drinks. Now a days most of the parties and functions are treated with ice creams. And in India its ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Commercial Whaling Make the case for the resumption of commercial whaling as an international policy. Commercial whaling has an abundant amount of utilizations. The main utilizations include food use, commercial use (whale watching), animal feed and fertilizer use, cosmetic use, and pharmaceutical use. While not popular in most countries, countries like Alaska, Iceland, Norway, and Japan have whale meat on their menus. There are also other indigenous people and people in Inuit tribes who depend on whale meat as their main source of food. Within the pharmaceutical field, Russia, Norway, and Japan are counties that take on studies for the medical uses of whale. Some of these uses are whale oil (omega 3s acid) and whale cartilage (chondroitin 4 sulfate and proteoglycan).... Show more content on ... In my opinion, every species, including humans, is a part of the food chain. Whether or not humans are at the top of the food chain isn t what is important when it comes to the relationship between us and whales. We have the technology and intelligence to kill whales and use them at important resources, including food, wax (for candles and cosmetics), and pharmaceuticals. We should be taking every advantage we get to further develop our knowledge of whale oil, meat, and cartilage. I believe that we should use every opportunity to better our lives, but that does not include kill whales recreationally. There is no excuse for that, just like there is no excuse for kills of dogs, zebras, or pandas. Unless it is for survival, no one should be killing an animal for fun. That saying, there is a point when we will have to stop commercial whaling. The whale population has been an interesting trend to research. Whale population has been very high and very low in the past couple centuries. My opinion is that we should have a set number of whales that we can take out of the ocean each year. If that number starts to cause a decline in the population, it should be set lower. If the population becomes endangered, I believe that whaling should stop immediately. I could imagine having to describe to the next generation what a whale looks like because there aren t any to show ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Level 4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong... [pic] Level 4 Award in Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS City Guilds 6302) [pic] 5th 7th September 2012 10th ,12th and 13th December 2012 18th 20th March 2013 [pic] Assignment 1: Unit 008 (level 4) [pic] Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning Brief for Assignment 1: unit 008 (level 4): Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning Use the poster template to write an overview of your roles and responsibilities as a teacher within your subject area and context. Word count: 1200 words 1) Summarise key points from the following legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice that are relevant to your subject... Show more content on ... | | | | |4.11 |Effective and inclusive approaches to learning and teaching in own specialist area in meeting needs of learners. | |4.12 |Creating and selecting resources to meet the needs of learners. | | | | |4.13 |Providing assessment opportunities that meet the needs of learners, including giving personalised constructive feedback to motivate | | |learners | |4.14 |Creating an inclusive learning environment to engage and motivate learners. | |4.15 |Establishing ground rules with learners to promote respect for others | |Personal statement of: (name) | |Essential criteria:|How do you fulfil the ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The People Of Israel As A Punishment The people of Israel began to worship idols; and as a punishment God allowed them once more to pass under the power of their enemies. The seventh oppression, which now fell upon Israel, was by far the hardest, the longest and the most widely spread of any, for it was over all the tribes. It came from the Philistines, a strong and warlike people who lived on the west of Israel upon the plain beside the Great Sea. They were blasphemy towards Yahweh Dagon, which was made in the form of a fish s head on a man s body. These people, the Philistines, sent their armies up from the plain beside the sea to the mountains of Israel and overran all the land. They took away from the Israelitesall their swords and spears, so that they could not fight; and they robbed their land of all the crops, so that the people suffered for want of food. And as before, the Israelites in their trouble, cried out to the Lord, and the Lord heard their prayer. In the tribe land of Dan, which was next to the country of the Philistines, there was living a man named Manoah. One day an angel came to his wife and said: You shall have a son, and when he grows up he will begin to save Israel from the hand of the Philistines. But your son must never drink any wine or strong drink as long as he lives. And his hair must be allowed to grow long and must never be cut, for he shall be a Nazarite under a vow to the Lord. Keeping the promise with Yahweh, she conceived a son named Samson. Samson was abnormally ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Need for Groundwater Extraction Regulation Groundwater is used primarily for irrigating farmland; and secondarily, for consumption and industrial use. Aquifers, unconsolidated subterranean layers which hold water, are rapidly dwindling, and groundwater depletion is quickly growing to become a major problem for farmers and the public at large. Reserves close to ground level are rapidly drying up and due to technological roadblocks, extracting water from deeper reserves is not yet financially feasible. The problem is especially severe in California, which represents around 20% of all groundwater withdrawal in the United States (Famiglietti, LA Times). A lack of water for agriculture would directly lead to diminished food production and indirectly lead to requiring food imports from outside the state. Groundwater resources are an unregulated public resource and despite any innovative breakthrough in extraction techniques, the only sustainable, long term solution is to enforce limits on extraction. Regulation of how much groundwater can be extracted from an aquifer in a set period of time; along with incentives to obtain water from alternative sources is the ideal solution to address the perennially growing challenge of groundwater depletion in California. This regulatory effort must begin in politics but it needs to spread to society as well only when people realize the consequences of over extraction will they even consider ceasing doing so. This solution is not based primarily in science and technology, and is ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Kari Jobe s Influence On American Culture And Beliefs Kari Jobe once said When the Lord opens a door, walk through it. If He doesn t, just trust It is evident that Kari Jobe has lived by this when looking at her life. Jobe was born on April 6, 1981. She has two younger siblings named Kris, and Caleb. Her father, Mark, is Pastor of the Global Ministries at Gateway church. She and her familywent to a Charismatic, spirit filled church. She has said I was impacted by the presence of Godat such a young age.... We d spend hours in the presence of God. People were being prayed for. Worship would go for hours. It cultivated this thing in me that was like, Man, I love Worship. I love ministering to people Because this passion was cultivated in her she now lives by it. When she was just five years ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Plaza the logistics of Zaragoza Plaza, the Logistics park of Zaragoza Case Analysis Supply Chain Network Diagram The supply chain flow and the respective lead times Option 1 Option 2 Average Cycle Time(Days) Rotterdam Zaragoza Average Time to reach the port 29 24 Time spent at port 1.5 1.5 Time from warehouse to customer 0.5 1.5 Total average lead time(days) 31 27 The average time to reach the port was averaged for each option 1 from the data given Demand, Inventory and Safety Stock Option 1 Option 2 Rotterdam Zaragoza Annual Demand (D) (units) 100000 100000 Inventory Review Period( T) (days) 30 30 Inventory per review period (Q) 8219.178082 8219.17808 Q = D(units/Year) * T (in years) Standard ... Show more content on ... Cost Analysis and sensitivity controlling factors Number of units/TEU In this specific case, the cost of Zaragoza might be higher than the Rotterdam option, however, varying the number of units/TEU has an impact on this analysis.
  • 17. If the number of units/TEU increases, the lesser holding cost of Zaragoza mitigates the higher transportation cost of Zaragoza. Also, the transportation cost of Zaragoza comes down if the number of units/TEU or number of units/Truckload increases. Hence, the number of units/ TEU plays a pivotal role in considering which option to go with (with the assumption rest all parameters remain same). In our excel model we tried to determine the no: of units/TEU at which the cost of the Option 2 (Zaragoza) is lower than cost of option 1 (Rotterdam) by varying the number of units/TEU (J 13 cell in excel model) and finding the influx point at which the cost difference becomes positive (E 69 cell in excel model). We found out that at the point of 1TEU = 443 units, the difference becomes positive .i.e Zaragoza option becomes cheaper from this point onwards. No: of units/TEU Cost difference 250 87257.9 300 53779.8 350 29866.8 400 11932.1 440 519.1 442 2.6 443 253.8 445 763.3 500 13176.6 550 22307 600 29915 The cost ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Essay On Amadeus Mozart s music in Amadeus exuberantly reproduces his life with the narrative which chronologically unfolds the series of episodes related to the life of Mozart. By arranging Mozart s music in Amadeus in the order of composition with the important episodes of his life, the movie shows that how Mozart who was once praised as the musical prodigy eventually reaches to the death at the early age. Mozart s witty and bright music played in the early part of the movie shows his unique composition style in the period when he received lots of attention and compliment from all over Europe. For example, in the early part of the film, the song Serenade No. 10 in B Flat Major Gran Partita K.361 floats out in the scene that Salieri encounters Mozart for ... Show more content on ... In Amadeus, the prelude of the opera Don Giovanni composed by Mozart after the death of Leopold Mozart Mozart s father refers the relationship between Mozart and Leopold and the scheme of Salieri foreshadowing the death of Mozart. For one thing, the opera Don Giovanni explains the abnormal relationship between Mozart and his father. In the film, Mozart is illustrated as the character which always feels afraid of the presence of a father. The dependency of Mozart in Amadeus is based on the real relationship between Mozart and Leopold. In reality, Leopold worked for the court of Salzburg and had a great ambition for success when he was young but, after the birth of Mozart, he devoted his life for education Mozart, having left his reputation and ambition as a musician. (Yu 22) Also, Mozart had never received formal education and instead he was only educated by his father until he became an adult. (Lee) Based on researches about Mozart including the two articles mentioned above, in Amadeus Mozart is portrayed as a child who is dependent on his father but feels a fear of him at the same time. To illustrate the dependency of Mozart and Leopold s domination over ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Silgrim In Dante s Inferno In literature, as well as in history, there is often a single individual stranded and in need of a helping hand. This assistance usually comes in various forms, and depends on the context it is needed for. The support typically guides the individual away from imminent danger, and towards a second chance or even ultimate salvation. In the first Canto of The Inferno, Dante the pilgrim, the main character of The Divine Comedy, goes astray from what his culture and tradition consider the straight road and only by recalling his cultural and personal past he is able to get back on the road towards redemption. Dante comprehensively acknowledges that he has lived a life of sin, when he decided to record his story. Halfway through the route of his life, the pilgrim Dante emerges from his slumber, and into a dusky forest in ... Show more content on ... Dante becomes frightened by the animals and loses all hope of climbing the mountain. Dante then returns to the dark forest, where he notices a figure. Dante then calls out to the presence, unaware of whether it is man or spirit. The figure then proceeds to identify himself as the shade of Virgil, who is known to be the greatest poet of ancient Rome. Dante is astonished and delighted, referring to Virgil as his master. The first Canto states, he must go another way who would escape this wilderness... you follow me and I will be your guide and lead you forth through an eternal place. Virgil quickly assumes the role of Dante s spiritual and literal guide. While Virgil is an admirable character, and someone Dante the poet looks up to, he is still a pagan and cannot guide Dante past hell, where he is confined. In order to travel with the light of heaven, Dante must expedition through the darkness of hell, where he will see first hand the consequences of sinning. Dante s adventure will take him from the world of the living, to that of the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Personal Narrative-Poudre For The River In Colorado Today will be different. Morning rain softens, and hope rises. I must capture the entire hazy brown form before it fades. Arms around me tighten, tease, but I break free. This is for him. He hands me a mug, and I turn away. He said the essay should be about her. Her name is Poudre, for the river in Colorado where we first met. The name refers to a cache of gunpowder hidden along its banks, but to us it just means clear water over stone. Each day begins with a ritual: She shakes her head and jingles her collar as I reach for the railing. Descending, I hear a clicking little dance below. Her breath is heavy and I open the front door. She leaps out into the garden, I tell her to stay with me today, but she is already gone. Out of sight, she is galloping down the lane. She is our heart: blood up, out of hand, out ahead. I walk on slowly, looking for the first pure light of morning. She waits for me there, and I check on the flowers. Soon, I tell her it is time to go. She turns, picks up the paper, and trots slowly now, back towards the house. I smile and sigh and follow her back. Through the front door, she heads straight for his waiting feet. She plops the paper down proudly and turns to me. Now it is time for breakfast.... Show more content on ... Jeff stepped out of the car doubtfully on that first day. The face was plain, green, and colonial, and the garage held only one car. This was hardly the house of his dreams. The boys, however, did not hesitate. Slamming doors, they ran across the yard and began playing among the six stately columns of a giant poplar tree. Before long, weekends and vacations were spent cutting limbs and vines and pulling holly stumps. Now there is an endless play of light and shade. The breeze lifts, leaves dance, treetops sway, and I can ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Schism Between Sunni And Shiite Caliph A caliph is the chief Muslim civil and religious ruler, regarded as the successor of Muhammad. Sunni and Shiite split the old caliph died, also because Muhammad did not leave clear instructions on who should be next caliph and everyone wanted their family to be the next caliph. A schism happened between the Shiites and the Sunni because they couldn t decide who should be the next caliph. Caliph is a religious and political leader of the Muslim community This is important because it means whoever is caliph has the most power in the Islamic culture. Muslims lived by Charity Destiny, Fasting, Reading the Quran, and hospitality. This is important because it is some characteristics that the people are looking for in a caliph. After the death... Show more content on ... The dispute over the succession of Muhammad led to the battle of Jamal and battle of Siffin . When this happened it caused civil war across Islam and led to the death of Hussein bin ali. The Shiites believed that the successor of the prophet Muhammad should stay within his family bloodline . This led to an argument between the Sunni and Shiites that caused a split between the the Sunni and Shiite. The Sunni believed that the leadership role should be given to someone chosen by the upper class people of the Islamic culture. By this happening it led to an argument between the Sunni and Shiite that eventually led to the Sunni and Shiite schism. The Sunni prevailed and were able to choose the first caliph after the prophet Muhammad. When this happened it told the Shiites that the Sunni had more power that then them and that they needed to fight back if they wanted their way. The battle between the two groups split them into two peoples that would never reunite with each other. By this occurring it was the reason the two peoples split. In conclusion the Sunni and Shiite schism occurred because the prophet Muhammad did not leave clear instructions on who should be the next ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Body Modification In Imperial China Body modification is art because it is showing your personality on the outside. How you re feeling in the inside you re showing it on your skin. Teens and young adults want tattoos and piercing. It is considered attractive to some people, most people love body modification. Some people disagree that body modificationis art. Many people today love to pierce their body or get tattoos. Most people get a tattooif it has a deep meaning to them. In some work places you need to cover up tattoos and hide you re piercing because they look unprofessional to some businesses. They need to realize some people can t cover up everything. If you can t cover up then you don t get the job. Businesses need to realize that body modification is art and should... Show more content on ... Some people have very deep meaning behind them. My sister got a tattoo flower for my grandmother, and she got her favorite flower which was a Gerber daisy. She always used to say miss me when we d go out somewhere so she has miss me right under the flower. This tattoo has a lot of meaning to her. You would consider thing meaningful and beautiful? Induvial are showing their feelings as well. Some People are just trying to show their inner self. A guy on the news did everything to his face to look like a cat. He has so paid so much money on body modification to look like a cat. This man felt inside he was a cat and showed his feelings on the outside. All the tattoos and everything he did was art because it was beautiful to see him be what he really wanted to be. Body modification has different opinions for different people. Religious reasons are a big thing but you should be allowed to make your own decisions. Thousands of people have tattoos and piercings and not all can remove them so we all need to take a better look on everything. Body modification is art there is no doubt about it. It is expressing yourself how you want to and you should be allowed to do it if you want to. Many people have different opinions on this subject and you re allowed to think whatever you ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Labor Unions And Its Effect On Income Inequality LABOR UNIONS With many laws enacted to tarnish their effectiveness in the appearance of a better functioning economy, labor unions appear to have an unmistakable effect on income inequality. Western and Rosenfeld explain the power of the labor union and how important of a role it holds for its workers. Western and Rosenfeld analyzes the contributions that unions made and the consequences of their decline coupled with the rise in unfair wage distribution. Kristal supports that the lack of bargaining ability hinders the effectiveness that unions used to have and this event is the result of computer technology damaging the laborers ability to appear useful and necessary in the eyes of the capitalists. Union Influence While government policies are a part of Volscho and Kelly s research, they recognize that other factors affect income inequality. Strong labor unions are capable of reducing income inequality that is brought on by the decisions made in the market. The stronger a union is, the more bargaining power they possess so that they are able to fight for better pay and a more equal distribution of income. Western and Rosenfeld agree with this statement as their research pertains more on labor unions and their relationship with income inequality. During the 1970 s, labor unions were at their strongest, with as many as one in three people working in a union. From the 1980 s to currently, not only has labor union membership decreased to single digits, but wage inequality has ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Discontinuation of Nuclear Weaponry Creation As Thomas Jefferson once stated, The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government . Have political leaders thrown aside this advice in their pursuit of nuclear arms proliferation? Since 1945, many world leaders have established forms of defense known as nuclear weapons that have the technology and capability to completely annihilate designated regions of the earth. Originally a plan for defense, the creation of nuclear arms has primarily turned into a show of military strength and superiority with little regard towards the preservation of innocent lives, as seen in Japan during World War 2. Although international legislation has been introduced to restrict nuclear arms... Show more content on ... Particularly, this strategy was implemented to prevent nuclear attack by these nations. Simply speaking, deterrence nearly guaranties mutual destruction through retaliation to the nations who attack with nuclear weapons and those who are attacked. The deterrence strategy allows for the creation of nuclear arms in order to maintain an arsenal enough for defense of the country. Deterrence in the United States provides safety for both the US and its allies. While this belief has a logical reason for nuclear weapon creation, the US and other countries should work to abolish this precedent to allow for a complete nuclear weapon free world. The idea of a nuclear weapon free world seems impossible but there are many people who have theorized ways to bring upon this peace. These men and women say that in order to get a reliable, nuclear free world, the creation of a sovereign or nearly sovereign international power would be required to effectively manage and watch over worldwide security matters. The country would need to definitely be sovereign if the proposal included an entity to arm this international force with nuclear weapons. It can be concluded that a nuclear free world would demand a radical alteration in global command because of the irreconcilable nature of the independence of truly sovereign states (Post Cold war conflict). Along with this theory, experts believe that the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. How to Write Self Reflection TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION................................................ 2 MATHODOLOGY.................................................................... 3 DISCUSSION.......................................................................... 5 MY LEADESHIP STYLE SELF AWARENSS ASSESMENTS............ 6 MY LEADERSHIP STYLE VS OTHER LEADERSHIP STYLE ATUDIED... 8 MY STRENGHTS AND WEAKNESESS............................................. 10 360 FEEDBACK EVALUATION AND MYSELF REFLECTION............... 12 MY LEADERSHIP STLYLES VS CULTURAL ISSUES........................... 14 MY LEADERSHIP STYLE............................................................... 16 CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATIONS............................................ 17 REFRENCES.................................................................................. 18 ... Show more content on ... It is quite clear that I am not a participative and also not an authoritarian leader because I stand between two of them as I score 12. The participative leader should have to get more than 15 and an authoritarian leader have to get less than 5 but as I have score 12, I can say that I am more of a participative leader not an Authotarian leader because I am more towards participative leadership style. The participative style refers to the teamwork approach and I feel that I have this characteristic more than any leadership style because I also like to do teamwork. I usually confer with group members before making decision so it means I have the quality of a consultative leader which means I also fall in the subtypes of a participative leader. But I can also be an Authoritarian leader when it will be needed. The Assertiveness is also a thing which describes my leadership style. I score 17 in leadership attributes Performa, how assertive are u? Form which I came to know I am assertive under the characteristics of an effective leader. Assertiveness is referred to being forthright in expressing feelings, opinion, demand and attitudes (Durbin, 2006). The ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Media Plan For Izze Sparkling Soda Instructor assignment #4: Media Plan for IZZE Sparkling Soda The media we chose to put an emphasis on is radio, Internet and cable television. The percentages for each are radio 40%, Internet 30% and cable television 30%. For radio we have strategically chosen to place our advertisements on the weekday morning drive time from 6am to 10am and on weekends from 7pm to midnight. The vehicles chosen for Internet are the websites iTunes, ESPN and iHeart Radio. For Cable Televisionservices we have chosen the vehicles Spike TV, Food Network and ION. There are numerous reasons why we decided to put the largest emphasis on radio. For one, our demographic is males 18 34 and according to the PowerPoint, we learned that males at that age are a ... Show more content on ... According to the United Nations Report, 1.5 billion Internet users are male, while 1.3 billion are female. This statistic supports our decision for choosing this specific medium. In Media Mark, we searched both Other Regular Soft Drinks and Sparkling Water. We compared the two reports and selected the highest reach/index numbers. The vehicles we found specific to our target audience are iTunes, which has a reach of 35,600,000 and an index number of 135, ESPN with a reach of 36,455,000 and an index number of 111 and iHeart Radio, which had a reach of 12,771,000 and an index number of 117. Other websites that we considered but did not choose were Pandora (46,726,000/109) and NFL (17,898,000/110). From this research we were able to determine that our target had an interest in music and sports. This further supports our decision to place a larger emphasis on radio. From the PowerPoint, we learned that Cable Television is a highly persuasive medium because it offers sight, sound and motion. It also reaches a large audience and specifically captures the attention of our hard to reach target (males 18 34). We chose Cable Television over other mediums because it provides narrowcasting opportunities to focus in on specific targets. The vehicles that we chose within this medium are Spike TV with a reach of 35,794,000 and an index number of 120, Food Network with a reach of 56,594,000 and an ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Icarus Metamorphosis Oscar Wilde, in his quote that praises Icarus fearless flight, takes an opposing view to the lesson learned from reading the Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus. In the myth, Icarus hubris, or extreme arrogance, in defying the Gods and ignoring his father s instructions about flying too close to the sun, is punished by his wings melting and falling to his death. The theme is that one should respect rules and their elders and live within their limits. However, Oscar Wilde put a different spin on the lesson to be learned from Icarusadventure and tragedy. Wilde poetically said that Icarus success was his fearless flight and that if he didn t take the risk of flying too close to the burning light of the sun, then that would be the greatest tragedy of them all. He believes that the adventures and risks we take in life are what make life worth living, and that a life lived that does not experience the thrills of risk, adventure, and possibly success, even for just a moment, is a life not well lived. In a sense, Wilde believes that hubris is needed to do amazing things. The arrogance to ignore the risks may result in great successes, and if you try hard and don t succeed, then even the brave attempt is success. The only failure or tragedy is not to try at all.... Show more content on ... If I don t try for greatness, even going against the odds, I will never know what my full potential is. If I fail in trying, I will learn lessons from my failures, and try again or try a different path. However, I don t want to be comfortable living a just okay life without attempting excellence, even beyond my own limits, and illustrate Oscar Wilde s tragedy. We must live fearlessly to have a meaningful ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Impact Of Rearmament And Remilitarization Rearmament and Remilitarization Hitler s Path to Power The strongest military power in Europe. On April 2, 1936, this haunting description of the strength of Nazi Germany was made by Louis Maurin, the French Minister of War at the time (Deist). 18 years earlier, the allied powers had crippled German military strength, limited the size of her standing army to 100,000 men, prohibited the manufacturing of arms, and virtually liquidated the German Navy and Air Force after their defeat in World War I (Britannica). For years, Germanyand her people suffered under devastating financial crises and debilitating terms stipulated in the Treaty of Versailles. As frustration and a hunger for change swept across the nation, a young and charismatic orator by the name of Adolf Hitler began to gather support in cities and beerhalls across the country (Kershaw). As his power grew, Hitler began to disregard regulations set into place by the Treaty of Versailles, testing Britain and France s will to intervene (Deist). By defying the military restrictions imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles, Adolf Hitler solidified his position as the supreme ruler of Germany s Third Reich. During the 1920s and early 1930s, Hitler began encouraging the growth of the German war industry while also recruiting hundreds of thousands of Nazi Party members to join the ranks of his para military force, the Sturmabteilung (Robertson). On March 16, 1935, after years of building German military strength ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Pros And Cons Of Fiction There is nothing better than reading an interesting book, staying up all night and reading a good, fictional story until you fall asleep, and waking up early just to see how it end. A person s reason for enjoying fiction can differ but it is almost for the fact that fiction can make the reader feel as if they have been transported to another world. People read fictionfor the curiosity and authors can state/make points mixed with their own creativity. In class, we discuss authors and their messages hidden through their story s plot. The author s plot is often just a background for what the writeris really trying to get out to his audience. In order to escape from the drama or reality of life and enter a more interesting one, people read fiction to escape our world and enter someone else s. ...other times she needs to literally escape her own thoughts. So she turns to books (Monica M Clarks). Taking a break from work and school and taking time to just bury all your thoughts into a book is something that readers of all audiences would agree sounds rather enjoyable. Fiction is like a finding all these alternate realities and each reality bringing you into living through someone else s life. Readers read fiction to understand people they haven t met and places they ve never visited. If a reader were to compare a book and its movie , they would always agree that in the book, you know what the protagonist is thinking and you know more about the character and have time ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Homeless and Neglected Children in the 19th Century Essay... Homeless and Neglected Children in the 19th Century In his novel Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain creates a fictional character that must confront very real problems as a result of cultural and social issues of the time. Many of these such issues, slavery and race relations being the most prominent, are dealt with significantly by the author, but another issue not addressed in any sort of overtly significant manner is the plight of homeless, neglected, and otherwise abused children in the 19th century. While Twain in no way attempts to create a commentary on these issues, one cannot avoid focusing on the situation in which he has placed his protagonist. On the surface, Twain s words seem to convey a relatively light hearted ... Show more content on ... Huck is also met with a variety of potentially life threatening situations during his time running and hiding with Jim. Again, Huck is a mere figment of the author s imagination; therefore, when confronted with a dangerous situation, he is able to make correct choices for himself, at the young age of 12. It is hard to believe that most real world 12 year old children would be capable of making the same good choices when left to their own devices. Granted, Huck was accustomed to a life of neglect, which would feasibly enable him to deal better with the atrocities and demands of his particular situation, but the sadness lies in the fact that he had become accustomed to such a life in the first place. In today s world, children are seen as individuals who have certain rights as human beings, and who are worthy of external (or non family) protection. This has not always been the case. For the better part of the 19th century, there were no rules or regulations in effect that prevented the mistreatment of children, since they were thought to be completely under the control of their immediate family (University of Delaware). It was not until 1874 that the first organization concerned with the protection of children was established in New York. The group called themselves the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (SPCC), after the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), which was an organization in England that had ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Persuasive Essay For The Best Summer Wedding The Best Summer Wedding Outfits for Guests in 2017 Who doesn t enjoy a good wedding? Love is in the air, everyone is upbeat and happy because they re celebrating the ultimate display of commitment. Whether you are single and looking to mingle, hoping for a proposal soon, or you re already married it s a special day that you want to look your absolute best for. There are so many styles out there, though, it s difficult to know where to start the search for the ultimate outfit. Let us help you out. Maxi Dresses There s nothing quite like a floral maxi dress to capture summer, stay cool and comfortable and look stunning. Go for the black floral print to be the best dressed wedding guest of 2017. Jacquard Dress The beauty of this style is that it is dressy enough for a wedding, but casual enough to wear again and again. Choose a bright colour to capture the summer and pair with even brighter jewellery to take it to the next level. Stretch Cotton Dress It s a comfortable fit and comes in plenty of beautiful floral prints, and like the Jacquard Dress it s an excellent option for a plethora of occasions. The Backless Maxi Yes, there is more than one type of maxi dressand opting for a backless number with a front slit is the optimum way to capture a flirty style that is sure to turn heads (without distracting from the bride too much). Gingham Print Is it back? Or did it ever really go away? This summer is all about gingham, so why not opt for a graphic print dress! ... Get more on ...
  • 32. I Had Known George For As Long As I Could Remember I had known George for as long as I could remember. Our families were good friends, our mothers liked to gossip over stale biscuits and diluted tea and our fathers liked to go fishing during the summer months and hunting in the winter months. We d always spend holidays together too. My parents would host the Fourth of July barbecue and Thanksgiving and his parents would host Christmas and Easter dinner. Every time our families got together, George would be there. From the times he threw mud at me when we were six or the time he pushed me through the ice when we were ten or the time he locked me out of the house during a thunderstorm when we were fifteen, it wasn t until he left that we fell in love. George had been drafted in the war when we were 18, and while he was gone he wrote me letters. Through the letters I saw a different side of George and I fell in love with him. He was poetic and kind. We wrote letters back and forth for the entire two years he was gone and started dating not long after he returned. And not long after we started dating, we were engaged to be married. George had insisted we get married as soon as possible, we had known each other since we were in diapers, why wait any longer? I had been so blinded with the new love, I had agreed. I can t begin to explain how happy our mothers were when we announced our relationship, or how elated they were when we announced our engagement. The wedding wasn t anything too extravagant. The ceremony took ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Key Options Of Porter s Generic Strategies This essay emphasis on the three key options of Porter s generic strategies. Cost leadership, differentiation, and focus are the three generic strategies that will be deliberated on, and in addition the benefits and difficulties that come along with each strategic method. Michael E. Porter is a person of importance in regards to the competitiveness and economic development of nations and on competitive strategy. According to the Harvard Business School, Michael Porter is the founder of the modern strategy field and one of the world s most influential thinkers on management and competitiveness (, 2015). He argued that in order for companies to achieve a beneficial position within or outside a market, in addition as outshine... Show more content on ... A firm positions itself by leveraging its strengths (Carnall, 2007, p. 120) and Professor Porter claimed that a company s strengths are defined into one of two competitive environment aspects: competitive advantage and competitive scope. Thereby the strengths can be categories in either a narrow or a broad scope, which will result in three generic strategies. Porter termed the strategies, cost leadership , differentiation , and focus . The cost leadership strategy is a strategy that enables companies to become the lowest cost manufacturers in a market and allow them to obtain competitive advantage by getting its costs of distribution or production lower than its competitors in its market. To capitalize on this strategy successfully a company has to be the cost leader rather than trying to reach the position. There are several ways of achieving these low costs such as efficient production, tight control of overhead and costs, reduction of input costs, and by having a unique source of low supplies. For instance, if the competitors are selling their products at a standard market price and their goods were identical, the company with the lowest cost would earn the highest profit. However, this does not necessarily mean that just because a company is a cost leader the prices for their product would be low. In various cases, the company could ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Skydiving Physics Just because the air s invisible, doesn t mean it s not there.The terminal velocity is when a body is falling form a jet reaching zero acceleration that is because of air resistance.As skydiving is formed by jumping out of a plane so from skydiving it changed into free falling.Air resistance an upward forceexerted on an object as it falls by air, skydiving can be knowen as a sport of descending partly from parachute.This sport can give you the chance to feel like your flying but really you are just falling from a very high place at a very fast speed it is a frictional force do by the amount of air resistance is showend by two factors, cross sectional and speed talking about speed as u jump out of a plane accelerating downwards, gaining speed... Show more content on ... If you were to spread all of your limbs out, it causes a much greater surface area, causing more air to collide with your stomach, slowing you down.As for parachutes, it needs to cover a wide enough surface area in order to cause enough air resistance to slow the mass down dramatically, that s why a huge snap up occurs when you release your parachute, the huge amount of added air resistance at one time causes such a dramatic slow down. But! Circular parachutes need a small hole at the tip in order to prevent a flip around. Air doesn t want to be resisted, so it tries its best to cause the smoothest path possible, even if it needs to flip that parachute. So, ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Belden Mississippi Road Safety Problem The safety of, Belden, Mississippi s population is being threatened as we speak. Road safety dangers have only steadily increased over the years as road congestion has drastically grown. One small two lane road used for travel in Belden Mississippi has come under debate as it is proving a safety danger for its travelers. Further studies of the roadsituation are being called for, as well. On Tuesday, February 3rd, Council president, Markel Whittington, presented to the members of the Tupelo TrafficCommittee, about the traffic conditions on the two lane Endville road in Belden, Mississippi. Whittington continued with many of his key points previously mentioned on the issue. Key Points such as how a Lane Furniture plant, Itawamba Community College Belden, and Tupelo Christian Preparatory School are all key producers of heavy traffic. Whittington was also dually noted with commenting to the Traffic Committee, This is a real safety issue for the people traveling Endville Road (Bedillion).... Show more content on ... Crawley revealed that his study task will include, conducting a traffic count, turning counts, and relevant car crash data from the said notorious road. Crawley s study will include a wider geographic scope of the area, instead of singling out certain proprietors such as TCPS. City s Chief Operations Officer Don Lewis was also dually noted with commenting to the Traffic Committee during the meeting, The administration wants to look at Endville Road from the city limits to McCullough Boulevard... Just to get a complete picture (Bedillion). Mr. Crawley stated that several possible solutions will be debated for the road situation, including such as measures that TCPS could take with its traffic flow, a new supposed turn lane for the school s traffic, and other possible turn lanes in the area also ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Damon Vasil Lupus Research Paper Damon Vasil Lupus is the Comic book God And this is how it started. He was born at a at a hospital in New York named Bronx. A few Months later He started getting into Comic Books. When he turned 10 he started developing strange powers that all included comic books. That s when his life changed his mother came into his comic obsessed room and told Damon the secret. The secret was that he was a god. The comic book god. So that s why I love comic books so much. 5 years later he went to a comic book store to check out captain lunch, that s when he met Joe. Hey watch it! Joe said. Oh i m sorry Damon said back. You wanna be friends joe said. Ok Damon exclaimed Let s go buy are comic books. But here s a warning the front desk person is mean, so ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Model Of A Health Care Delivery System Abstract Roemer s model of a health care delivery system shows the different necessary elements for a system to be successful. As health needs are the input; the system needs resources, organization of programs, economic support mechanisms, and delivery of services to provide the health needs output (Roemer, p 33). Able 2 is an organization that provides services to people with disabilities. They have many resources, but perhaps not enough to meet the health needs of every consumer. They have well organized programs, have economic support, and can deliver services completely and holistically to produce health as the output of the client. The most important implication that was found in analyzing Able 2 was the need for increased resources as they are not able to meet the needs for every client in need of its services. Ultimately though, Able 2 is an excellent organization that provides an array of services for those people with disabilities. Finance Mechanisms Economic support mechanisms are one of the major components needed in a health care delivery system (Roemer, p 33). Without income, an organization would fail. Able 2 is a non profit organization (NPO) and a non government organization (NGO) in the private sector. They have been tax exempt both by state and federal taxes since 1978. Under the umbrella of an NPO, its purpose must be charitable and all revenue, after normal expenditures, must serve the public s interest (DeMartinis, 2005). In 2013, income ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Smallpox Is An Acute Contagious Disease SMALLPOX Introduction Smallpox is an acute contagious disease that is caused by the variola virus which is a member of the Genus Orthopoxvirus family. It infects humans only as a result of its ability to escape the host immune system, and avoid any further activation (Koplow 2003). The virus is a two stranded DNA virus. There exist two forms of the variola virus namely the variola major and variola minor. Variola major is the one that is lethal, while variola minor is not lethal but a mere strain. The most common strain is the variola major, which produces the more severe symptoms and with a higher fatality rate of 20% to 40%, within a week of infection (Koplow 2003). Key features of the life cycle(s) The initial step is whereby the virus attaches to the host cell and infects an individual. It normally enters through the respiratory system. It attaches to the mouth, trachea or lung mucosa. The cells forming the mucous membrane are loosely packed hence permitting penetration and movement into the saliva. Once the virus reaches the cell membrane, it penetrates through endocytosis. In the host cell, the main protein in released (Koplow 2003). The virus replicates in the cytoplasm of the host cell. DNA replication and transcription may start immediately as the virus itself contains enzymes for replication and transcription. It does not rely on the host cell enzymes to begin replication (Koplow 2003). First, the DNA and RNA polymerase are made, along with other transcription ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Frente Sandinista De LiberaciГіn Nacional (Fsln), Or The Frente Sandinista de LiberaciГіn Nacional (FSLN), or the Sandinista National Liberation Front, came to power in Nicaragua in 1979 after ousting Anatasio Somoza and putting an end to his family s thirty six year dictatorship. Prior to the revolution that lead to their rise in power, the Sandinista National Liberation Front promised to implement several developmental policies that would raise the living standards of their fellow citizens. I previously argued that development is both a natural and man made phenomenon which aims to positively shape the lives of people via economic, cultural, and educational reform. By this definition the policies carried out by the Sandinistas, which sought to improve the lives of their fellow citizens,... Show more content on ... Nicaraguans also faced a life expectancy of fifty three years and routinely died from illnesses that could have easily been treated and monitored. Half of the population was illiterate and thirty percent of the nation s income went to five percent of the population whilst fifteen percent was spread across fifty percent. These were just a few of the conditions which prompted the Sandinista s into action and would eventually determine their political promises and platform. The developmental programs and policies they enacted were directly in response to these facts and were meant to improve the lives of their nation s poorest people. Prior to coming to power, the Sandinistas promised large scale agrarian reform and land redistribution. Agrarian reform as a national development project was meant to raise the living standards of landless peasant farmers and provide them with the opportunity to cultivate food for consumption and sale. The rural bourgeoisie owned around eighty five percent of the nation s farmland and comprised just five percent of the agricultural economically active population (EAP). Peasant farmers, on the other hand, made up fifty eight percent of the agricultural EAP and owned the remaining fifteen percent of the land. Landless laborers, the main group for whom the Sandinistas had promised reform, made up the remaining thirty seven percent of the agriculturally active population. The ... Get more on ...
  • 40. A Thousand Splendid Suns, By Henrik Isben s A Doll s... In Khaled Hosseini s A Thousand Splendid Suns, Henrik Isben s A Doll s House, and Kamala Markandaya s Nectar in a Sieve, women face obstacles that disempower and silence them due to Men s treatment of women, the societal view of women, and the objectification of women. Within the literary works analyzed this semester, disempowerment is a persisting theme that roots from the various obstacles and hardships women encounter. The woman s ability to overcome this disempowerment is particularly challenging due to being oppressed by their peers, specifically men. Women countlessly serve as victims of verbal and physical abuseunder their husbands, thus contributing to the idea of female inferiority. There are various stereotypical roles challenged between men and women in society leading to discrimination of women. The preconceived notions of women s roles in society arise from those within society. During this time era, most of society depicts women as uneducated, essentially lacking economical and social opportunities, making the female population highly vulnerable to all types of exploitation. Nonetheless, men in these literary works display objectifying and degrading attitudes towards those of the female gender. The objectification of women notably dehumanizes the female population. Within these literary works, the authors exemplify this reality of obstacles that disempower and silence women. Though these women fight for their liberation and equality, they are victims of ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Frivolity of Evil by Theodore Dalrymple Essay The article The Frivolity of Evil by Theodore Dalrymple analyzes the causes of human misery. His work as a psychiatrist in Great Britains slums afforded him a great vantage point to analyze this topic nearer to the fundamental of human existence. He concluded that the citizens of Great Britian willingly participated in precipitating their own misery. Their are three recurring theme in his article the lack of moral responsibility, extreme individualismand lack of cultural expectations. Dalrymple begins his article by showing the mind frame of a prisoner released from prison, who had the idea that he had paid his debt to society. In order to get his point across Dalrymple compares the prisoners situation to his very own, the 14... Show more content on ... He believed that this shift in thinking leads people to imply that dissatisfaction with life is itself pathological. The idea that this is an illness that can be cured by a doctor. Dalrymple believed that this form of thinking stands in the way of people understanding their situation and impedes moral change. The lack of moral responsibility was a recurring theme he observed in his patients. The patient who claimed unhappiness had three different children by three different men. The fathers of the three children lived a life of criminality and violence. Knowing this she still choose to enter into a relationship with them regardless of the consequences. What is confounding is the lack of moral responsibility the patients exhibit towards her children. Their is no punishment from the government or society for the actions she makes. The idea of self interest is prominent is this articles. These individuals base their decisions on their on self interest. They only have a responsibility to their own happiness. Her actions are due to the fact that she did not want to remain alone. He mother based her decisions to turn her daughter out based on the thought that her own sexual liaisons were more important than caring for her child. The mother of the patient created a cycle of misery for her daughter that, the daughter in turn will create for her own children. ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Namesake, A Winner Of The Pulitzer Prize, By Jhumpa... The Namesake The Namesake, a winner of the Pulitzer prize, is a novel by Jhumpa Lahiri published in the year 2003. In the year 2007, The Namesake became a significant motion picture. The novel and film, both convey the theme of culture clash between American and Indian tradition. As the story transitions, the theme is exhibit by the struggles the Ganguli family went through in America such as Gogol s name, influence Indian traditions into the Gangulis lives of the children, and the failures in the love affairs Gogol faced. The novel and film The Namesake both do one excellent job portraying the growth in culture of two traditions expanding within society in the American and Indian traditions. To be more exact, throughout The Namesake a culture clash was developed as the Ganguli family transitions through the struggles of life. In the novel and in film there are scenes of: the way the Ganguli family named their first son, educating the children the Bengali traditions, and the marriage of Gogol and Maushimi s that failed by bringing two traditions together. The complication between two cultures seeking equality, as tension interferes with the Bengali heritage and the favored life Americans lived. The Gangulis have a different perspective on life than what is accustomed to in America. Not to mention, the way the Gangulis perceived life was very different to the way Americans did. The examples provided not only convey the struggles the Ganguli family went through, but they ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Faustian Bargain Analysis A Faustian Bargain is a complicated idea which translates in popular terms to selling one s soul to the devil. This definition consists of four layers. The first layer consists of two different aspects. The first aspect is doing something evil such as making a deal with the devil in order for personal gain. The second aspect is in pursuit of a lofty ideal. In pursuing the lofty ideal; the ideal is corrupted because of the methods to achieve it. The second layer is an unwillingness or inability to see things as they really are, to see evil as evil. The third layer is the felling of guilt after making a deal with the devil. The final layer is a third party attempting to convince the person from completing a Faustian Bargain. Within this layer one must seek whether they are a victim of external or internal influence. Several common elements of a Faustian Bargain emerge when we compare Button Button and Dr. Faustus. Those components include motivations of lofty ideals or self interest, the inability to see things as they really are, remorse, and the persuasion of an external or internal influence. Though Norma and Faustus both make a bargain with the devil, their motivations differ. Norma s motivations are based on self interest. Barnet states that the common definition of a Faustian Bargain is that some people are so eager to gain immediate power that they engage in actions that they know are evil (Barnet, vii). Norma s self interest leads her to engage in evil ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Childhood Education And Special Education What is my plan in life? Vocation can be defined in many different ways depending on the context it is used in. In this case, the dictionary defines vocation as a strong desire to spend your life doing a certain kind of work. Simply put, it is the career path someone studies and decides to pursue throughout their life. I have chosen to pursue Early Childhood Education and Special Education. I have discovered that my calling in life is to be a Christian leader and serve others. I want to become a teacher to impact the lives of children from all different backgrounds and generations. Be their role model and someone they can count on 100% of the time. As a teacher, it is important to know how to apply literacy reading, writing, and speaking. These are all important skills to have both in and out of the classroom. As a teacher, I will use all three to fulfill my responsibilities. As an early childhood teacher, I will have to keep track of students progress. To do this I will be required to compose evaluations and write ups for administration and parents eyes. It would not be wise to have this document look like one of my students wrote it. The document will have to look academic and formal, like a certified teacher wrote it. Writing is not all that I will have to do, I will also have to know how to read. In the classroom, I will have an array of diverse learners from all different cultures and backgrounds. Some of my students may know how to read, where others may not. It ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Traditional Family Guy Stereotypes A traditional family is a family where the Dad and Mum both work and the kids stay at home and they all live under the same roof. It is a social construct that varies from culture to culture and, over time, the definition changes within a culture. Family guy is a popular television show that is often viewed as one of the funnier shows the television has to offer. Whilst there are issues that are relatable to most families in today s society. I don t believe that the family reflects the real world. The show is politically incorrect as Writers use stereotypes to create humour. Stereotypes are used because they are easily relatable to the audience. Unfortunately, these stereotypes are often believed and spread amongst people which often leads ... Show more content on ... His role in the family is to work, protect and provide. However, he is immature, obese, car free, risk taking, out spoken, dim witted and an alcoholic. This is why the audience laugh, because of the way he projects himself and how immature he is around his family. Unfortunately, being obese can lead to an early death and for the show to make it so irrelevant is concerning. Alcoholism is also a devastating disease and ruins families and should not be taken lightly when this cartoon has such a young audience. Lois is Peter s wife and the mother of Chris, Meg, and Stewie. She is a housewife who cares for her kids and her husband. Lois thinks that the past she had, has made her a better person. This character is probably the closest to reality with the way she cares for her kids and families. Meg is the Griffins 18 year old eldest child and only daughter. She is a self conscious, unattractive teenage girl with severely low self esteem being portrayed as generally soft and non rebellious. The other family members treat her as an object of abuse and belittle her by saying she must be adopted. Megs character probably hits close to home for many teenage girls. Whilst having her family members say she is adopted and ridicule her may be funny on the surface, many teenagers can probably see what is wrong with ... Get more on ...