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The Best Persuasive Essay Topics
Crafting an essay on the topic "The Best Persuasive Essay Topics" may seem deceptively simple
at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of selecting and presenting compelling subjects
presents a myriad of challenges. The difficulty lies not only in identifying topics that possess the
persuasive potential to captivate an audience but also in ensuring that the chosen subjects align
with the writer's interests and expertise.
The initial hurdle lies in the extensive array of potential topics available, each demanding a
careful evaluation of relevance, controversy, and overall appeal. Research becomes a crucial
component, requiring an investment of time and effort to gather credible information that
substantiates the chosen topics. This phase can be both time-consuming and mentally taxing, as
sifting through the vast sea of information to uncover compelling arguments and
counterarguments demands a discerning eye.
Furthermore, the challenge extends beyond the mere identification of topics; it encompasses the
art of constructing a persuasive narrative. The essay must not only present well-researched facts
but also employ rhetoric and persuasive techniques that engage and convince the reader. Striking
the delicate balance between logic and emotion adds another layer of complexity, requiring
finesse in argumentation.
Moreover, the ever-evolving nature of societal norms and trends makes it essential to stay abreast
of current affairs and cultural shifts. What might have been a persuasive topic a few years ago
may lose its impact or relevance in the current landscape. Hence, the essay writer must possess a
keen awareness of the dynamic nature of persuasive discourse.
In conclusion, while the task of writing an essay on "The Best Persuasive Essay Topics" may
initially seem straightforward, the journey is fraught with challenges. From navigating the
expansive pool of potential subjects to weaving a compelling narrative that resonates with the
audience, the process demands meticulous research, persuasive prowess, and adaptability to the
evolving landscape of public opinion.
For those who find themselves grappling with these challenges or seeking expert guidance, it's
worth noting that similar essays and more comprehensive assistance can be readily obtained
through services like Their expertise in crafting persuasive essays on a myriad
of topics can alleviate the burdens associated with this intricate task.
The Best Persuasive Essay TopicsThe Best Persuasive Essay Topics
The North American Free Trade Agreement Essay
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement negotiated by
three countries; Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The main purpose of
NAFTA is essentially to reduce trade barriers in order to promote international
commerce, and open up different industries to trade, in particular textiles,
agriculture, and automobile sectors. The introduction of NAFTA completely
transformed North American economic relations and led to unparalleled
cooperation between the U.S. Canada and Mexico. This research paper will look at
the positive and negative impacts of NAFTA and examine whether or not it has
been overall successful in promoting economic growth in its member nations. In
order to answer this question, I will examine the effects of NAFTA on the U.S.,
Mexico and Canada by focusing on the macroeconomic impact of NAFTA, its
influence on different economic sectors, and the dynamics of free trade between the
developed economies of the U.S. and Canada and an undeveloped country, Mexico
Macroeconomic Effects The formation of NAFTA put together a $19 trillion market
comprised of around 470 million consumers. The large majority of economists concur
that NAFTA has advanced the economies of its members. Trade in the region has
increased dramatically from 1993, from around $290 billion to around $1.0 trillion in
2016 (Source). Other research into the macroeconomic impact shows improvements,
such as an increase in GDP, income, foreign investments, and lowering
Gabby Douglass Personality
Gabby Douglas is a gymnast that performs on the mats. She also performs in a
diverse way out of the sport as well. Gabby Douglas had many barriers in her life to
defeat. Her path to the London Olympics stood disastrous. There were many
distasteful roads to pass. She bestowed perseverance and grew through these
troublesome circumstances with God s guidance. She showed her determination by
winning a gold medalat the 2012 Olympic Team Final and the All Around Final.
Gabby Douglas is true to her beliefs. Her personality shows that she is helpful to the
world, and family as evidence of her faith, her charismatic ways, and her graceful
execution in the sport of gymnastics.
First, Gabby Douglas beliefs in God and his ways of doing things. Her personality
shows that she is capable of helping the world, and her family. Faith comes into her
life many times. It prove that she is oriented to God and her beliefs.
To start off, Gabby is Christian. She goes to church, but as a kid, she decided to
see what a temple is like, so she went to a temple to see other religions. She
prepares for meets and other major events by reading the bible to pray that she will
do well in Gods hands. Whenever she steps on a mat, she tells herself the words that
come from the bible that will help her succeed. The quote from the book ... Show
more content on ...
She also performs in a diverse way out of the sport as well. Gabby Douglas had
many barriers in her life to defeat. Her path to the London Olympics stood
disastrous. There were many distasteful roads to pass. She bestowed perseverance
and grew through these troublesome circumstances with God s guidance. She
showed her determination by winning a gold medal at the 2012 Olympic Team
Final and the All Around Final. Gabby Douglas is true to her beliefs. Her
personality shows that she is helpful to the world, and family as evidence of her
faith, her charismatic ways, and her graceful execution in the sport of
My Wonderful Mom Is My Mom
My Marvelous Mom My Interest Catcher Hasn t everyone had that moment when
they just feel the need to say, But Mom! Topic My mom is my favorite, because
she has MP1 great movie taste, MP2 is always there to help, and is MP3 very
supportive of my decisions. Personal Reflective Statement She has always been
there for me, whether it was with an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on.
Description of Character My mom has never been a loud person, but she isn t
considered shy. She is very short, barely reaching five feet. She also has dark
brown hair, and eyes to match. She has always been friendly, stopping to talk to
anybody who is willing. Whenever she is with one of her friends, they spend hours
(literally) talking about anything and everything. She has a great love for kids,
always volunteering to help with them, even if they are strangers. Main Point 1
First, my mom has great movie taste. She enjoys watching all the Marvel movies,
Disney, and one of her favorites, Clue. Mom and I both share a love for Marvel.
We always watch them together, and enjoy every second of it all. It has always
been a conversation starter for us, if one of us brings it up, then we can just talk
about it all the time. Mom also enjoys Disney. Sure, it s not one of her favorites,
but it s one of mine, and we can always discuss them. I remember when we first
went to see Tangled together, and it was a fun experience. We went to see it over
Christmas break the year it came out. Afterwards, we went and
Research Paper On The Palace Of Versailles
The palace of Versailles was built in 1624 by Louis XIII. It was at first a lodge of
brick and stone that was designed by an architect called Jacques Lemercier. It was not
a palace after the next king of France Louis XIV (also called the Sun God made it
one. It was the official residence of the Kings of Francefrom 1682 until 1790. The
first phase of expansion was between 1661 and 1678. This first phase was designed
and supervised by another architect called Louis Le Vau in which he added three
new wings of stone called in french the enveloppe which means in english envelope
. After Louis Le Vau died in 1670, his assistant Francois d Orbai took his place and
completed the work. The gardens were landscaped by AndrГ© Le NГґtr and Charles
Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Appeasement
Appeasement The bigger the stage, the riskier it gets
Appeasement , can be seen at work in our daily lives, both at individual and group
levels. At an individual level, it is often witnessed within families and at places of
work. At a group level, appeasement of communities, sects, counties, countries, etc. is
an omnipresent reality of today s world. While most such acts are targeted at calming
down a seemingly volatile situation, the majority of them do not aim to benefit all the
parties involved i.e. the appeased party, the appeasing party or the appeaser and the
third parties affected by the agreement between the former two but not directly
involved themselves. The end result of a carefully orchestrated appeasement with a
positive intent ... Show more content on ...
is a much debated issue across the globe. In our own country, the continuous
appeasement of minorities or backward communities for vote bank politics has
gradually established itself as a deep rooted cancer in our society. Every couple of
years, a backward group rises above the rest of the groups and holds the country for
ransom to gain reservations in educational institutes and government jobs. There are
widespread killings, looting and arson until the central government bends to the
unjust demands of the protesting community and surrenders. Unfortunately, this
becomes a vicious cycle and emboldens other people with a common grouse to
demand reservations, statehood, favours, etc. The appeaser i.e. the government
remains a spectator for most of the period but eventually ends up on the losing side
whereas the appeased party i.e. the protesting group usually ends up on the winning
side. However, the biggest losers are the rest of the people (third party) who have
nothing to do with the issue. Badly hit road and train travel, exorbitantly costly air
travel, electricity / water crisis, postponement of exams / interviews, collateral
damage in terms of killings and loss of income, etc. are few of the problems that
people face due to the standoff between the government and the protesters.
Appeasement in such cases creates unsettling, volatile calm cycles of unrest and
peace. It
Use of Color in Crane s The Red Badge of Courage Essay
Use of Color in Crane s The Red Badge of Courage
The Red Badge of Courage uses both color imagery and color symbols. While Crane
uses color to describe, he also allows it to stand for whole concepts. Gray, for
example, describes the both the literal image of a dead soldier and Henry Fleming
s vision of the sleeping soldiers as corpses and comes to stand for the idea of death.
In the same way, red describes both the soldiers physical wounds and Fleming s
mental visions of battle. In the process, it gains a symbolic meaning which Crane will
put to an icon like the red badge of courage (110, Penguin ed., 1983). Crane uses
color in his descriptions of the physical and the metaphysical and allows color to take
on meanings ranging from the ... Show more content on ...
Obviously, the fires are red. But Fleming characterizes the blazes as the enemy s
glowing eyes. He continues this metaphor in the next chapter: From across the
river the deep red eyes were still peering (58). Crane then transforms this metaphor
into a conceit used throughout the text: Staring once at the red eyes across the
river, he conceived then to be growing larger, as the orbs of a row of dragons
advancing (59). The red of the campfires comes to represent eyes of the enemy, of
dragons. The monstrous dragons are, indeed, the opposing army: The dragons were
coming with invincible strides. The army, helpless in the matted thickets and blinded
by the overhanging night, was going to be swallowed. War, the red animal, war, the
blood swollen god, would have his fill (130).
Fleming s metaphysical images of war, in all of their forms, are essentially red.
First there is the aforementioned red animal, war, the blood swollen god (71). This
icon, for Fleming, rules over and feasts on the battles. Battles themselves are a
crimson roar ; the screams, the gunfire, the killing sounds red to Fleming. In the
same way, the historical battles set forth in the Iliad, the Aenid, and other texts read
as crimson blotches on the pages of the past (103, 46). The red world of battle is
much like the red world of Hell. Crane seems to make this connection with a prisoner
s curse for his captors: He consigned them to the red regions.
Case Study Of Gizzmovest Manufactures The Product Line
101geo is the business that will form the basis for the study in this paper. It is a
small business, which was established in 2011 and operates as a sole trader. 101geo
caters to the rapidly growing location based game market, including geocaching and
munzee . The store is an online only operation, with no brick and mortar premises,
is based in Australia and mainly supplies customers in Australia and New Zealand. It
sells a variety of items that cater to the players of the games mentioned above, and
the items sold vary from plastic containers to GPS receivers.
For the purposes of this marketing study, we will examine one product line that
101geo retails, i.e. GPS protective cases (101geo 2015)
2.Current Marketing Situation
An American company called Gizzmovest manufactures the product line we are
examining. It is a range of ethylene based foam products, custom made for
individual models of handheld GPS receivers and offer a high degree of drop and
impact protection. They feature a grippy texture to reduce accidental drops and have
air filled crush zones around the case to prevent damage to the device in the event of
a drop. (Gizzmovest 2015)
The cases are produced for two different manufacturers of GPS receivers Garmin
and DeLorme. Since DeLorme does not have a retail presence in this region, and
their products are rarely found, 101geo only stocks cases to suit the Garmin range of
Garmin produce a wide range of
The Importance of Professionalism in The Marines Essay
The Importance of Professionalism
What is the importance of professionalism? First, we must answer another question.
What is professionalism? Professionalism is most commonly describe as acting
like a professional. A professional is defined characterized by or conforming to the
technical or ethical standards of a profession : exhibiting a courteous,
conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace. [merriam] So, this brings me back to the importance of professionalism. It is
important to be professional in the work place so you do not stand out, in a bad way.
If you are unprofessional, you will get some bad rep. Bad rep will only get you extra
duties and your comrades ostricizing you. No one wants ... Show more content on ...
He was always trying to better himself and he would always try to do the right
thing. He did all his MCI s, went to the gym every day, and was always polite.
When it came to doing the right thing, you could always count on him. He would
always pick up trash (even if it wasnt his). If he was working and saw something
that needed to be done, he would do it. If he saw another Marine slacking off or being
a turd, he would correct that Marine. He was the ultimate rolemodle for junior
Marines. One day, Lance Corporal Johnson got assigned a new roomate. Once he
found out who he was moving in with, he asked around to see what other Marines
thought of this guy. No one really new much about this guy, except that he kept to
himself mostly. Being the good guy that Johnson is, he welcomed his new
roommate with open arms. He gave him a ride everywhere. He took him out places
and introduced him to a lot of different people. He also warned this Marine who to
stay away from. About a few months later, Lance Corporal Johnson goes home for
leave. The whole time he s there, he acts as if he is still on base. Gets a haircut
every sunday, shaves every day, and never wears any clothing out of Marine Corps
Regulations. He may have drank a few times, but he s over the drinking age so its
okay. When Lance Corporal Johnson came back from leave, he noticed a funny smell
in his room. It was coming from his bathroom. So, he opens the bathroom door to
find his roommate and another
Physics for Industries
Physics attempts to describe the fundamental nature of the universe and how it
works, always striving for the simplest explanations common to the most diverse
behaviour. For example, physics explains why rainbows have colours, what keeps a
satellite in orbit, and what atoms and nuclei are made of. The goal of physics is to
explain as many things as possible using as few laws as possible, revealing nature s
underlying simplicity and beauty. Physics has been applied in many industrial fields,
which include the air industry, construction industry, automobile industry,
manufacturing industry and many others. All these industries apply physics in one
way or another. For example a car that moves from one point to another has to ...
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The fluid moving over the top travels a greater distance than the moving just under
the bottom of the wing. Consequently, the fluid moving over the top must travel
faster in order to conform to the shape of the wing and still maintain the natural
streamline. The shape of the wing also crowds the streamlines together above the
wing, just as in the case of a constructing pipe. The result is that of the region
immediately above the wing. Because the downward force on the top of the wing is
less than the upward force on the bottom, a net upward force, or lift, arises from
the airflow. (Beyond the airfoil the flowing air has a downward component of
velocity. By Newton s third law, the reaction force to the net downward force
exerted on the air is the lift.) For lift to occur, a flow of air is required relative to
the wing. The lift occurs equally well for a wing moving through stationary air or for
moving past a stationary wing.
In general, as the flow of air past the wing increases, both the lift force and the drag
force (the resistance to forward motion) increases. According to Breithaipt (2000),
aircraft wings are designed so that pilots can change the wing shape during flight,
producing greater lift for the slower speeds of takeoff and landing and producing less
drag at cruising extended
Loneliness And Isolation In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
In this excerpt of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein, the scene reveals the creature s
desperation to befriend the DeLaceys to escape his loneliness. After approaching
the old DeLacey, he expresses his yearning for companionship and protection from
the family. However, Felix, Safie, and Agatha suddenly enter the hovel and confront
the creature. The horror (96) on the faces of his friends and being struck violently
with a stick (97) show the rejection that the creature experiences. His only link to
humanity is broken and he is isolated from society. This passage exhibits the central
theme of loneliness as experienced by the creature. The excerpt shows that loneliness
is caused by rejection from society, companionship is desired, and isolation... Show
more content on ...
He is isolated from society, and it is proven when the DeLacey family rejects the
creature for his appearance. This passage parallels the creature s first rejection by his
own creator, Victor Frankenstein. Due to the his ugliness, Victor abandons his
creation because of his disgust (35). As a result, the creature is left to explore the
world on his own without guidance. His appearance causes him to be feared by
nearly everyone he sees, and thus, he is isolated. Earlier, when the creature
encounters an old man, he shrieked loudly (73) and ran out of his hut. His
physique is such a cause of alarm for others, that even strangers leave their houses
in fear. However, this passage shows the kindness that the blind DeLacey showed.
Since he could not see, the old DeLacey was the only person who would listen to
the creature, because he could not judge his appearance. He had empathy. Still, the
creature faced rejection. Subsequently, he believed that solitude [was his] only
consolation (61). The creature used isolation as a coping mechanism for his
constant rejection. However, this only contributed to his loneliness and suffering.
The creature even compares himself to the devil (93) to emphasise his seclusion.
He uses this analogy to show his despair because even the enemy of God had his
companions (93). Frankenstein s creation is physically and emotionally alone
because he is the only one of his kind. He is not accepted because of his deformities.
Therefore, rejection from society, is the cause of his
The Era Of Detroit s Skyline
Think about Detroit and what it is today, would you have thought that Detroit s
skyline was the greatest in the world for architectural style? Well, you may have to
change your mind. The roaring twenties were a time of growth and great economic
wealth for many places, especially the United States and Europe. With new
technology anything could happen as some would say it. Automobiles were very
important and started to grow in the eyes of manufacturers and consumers. Detroitwas
growing with industrial and commercial spirit, big in the automotive business,
Detroit had many jobs and factories inside the city limits. The country was on the rise
and nothing could knock it down, the Art Decoarchitecture style was at its peak
during the 1920 s. People say not to judge a book by its cover, don t judge Detroit
by what it is now, open the book to see that the motor city has a great history and
this building is a part of it. The Union Trust Company had two buildings that
provided office space for the business and professional men of Detroit, they were; the
Buhl Building and the Penobscot Building. Which still stand today and are a part of
the city s skyline. The Union Trust Company wanted another building to be the
headquarters for their company and provide a public image with warm and colorful
architecture. The headquarters would be called the Union Trust Building. The
architecture firm on all three of these buildings was Smith, Hinchman and Grylls who
assigned their head
Leaving Mexico To Fin For Its Self Even With All The Debt
Leaving Mexico to fin for its self even with all the debt it owes was not part of the
United States plans. They organized a way where they not only benefited but help
dragged Mexico out of the mess they made. By teaming with two of the most
powerful nations in world Mexicans would be able to grab hold or its own country
and form a Mexicois a middle class. businesses. As a result, modern Mexico is a
middle class country (Steffan, 2017). The World Bank estimates that some 95
percent of Mexico s population is in the middle or the upper class. (O Neil 2013)
Mexico was able to utilize its resources to help fulfil needs from the United States.
This made it so there was an industry to focus the succeeding in the huge numbers.
NAFTA gave a... Show more content on ...
Looking at the numbers from 1993 until today it proves that this out reach program
from these nations greatly benefited they economic and political development. It
helped Mexicans put their labor to use and contribute to the worlds revenue. These
statistics depicts a time line that demonstrates the progression by more than five
hundred percent. This is outstanding due to the two decades it achieved all of these
accomplishments in.
The two countries accounted for 34% of total U.S. exports in 2016. In imports,
Canada and Mexico ranked second and third, respectively, as suppliers of U.S.
imports in 201 (CRS Reports 2010). Even with Mexico coming in second and third
on the import chart that is still astonishing for the fact that it had one of the most
tremendous crisis in the world. With over 30 percent of its people being in complete
poverty. The Mexican nation was still able to pull together and create a bond which
helped them not only make amends to the debt which was owed but also take back
it s nation and build it to the strongest it has ever been. With the massive lost in the
previous year s Mexico was able to create a democracy unlike anywhere else in the
world. It may not have been a pure democracy but the people were able to vote for
its leaders and political parties came about. Their were different political parties
which the people acknowledge to support the rise of this new economic development
era. One party in particular is the
Comparison Of Zora Neale Hurston And Their Eyes Were...
After reading Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston and The
Awakening by Kate Chopin all I can think about is how both authors emphasize
sympathy towards the characters of both their books. Both stories have females as
main characters that struggle with finding a reason for existence in life. In The
Awakening, Kate Chopin, the author, made it more apparent for the amount of
sympathy she has for Edna and In Their Eyes Were Watching God
, by Zora Neale
Hurston, has a more callous towards all the male characters except for Janie s last
husband, Tea Cake.
In the novel The Awakening by Kate Chopin, the character Edna Pontellier; is a
middle aged woman who is married and a mother who has an hungering awakening
for passion and romance for the first time in her life, although she has been married
for many years now.
In short, Mrs. Pontellier was beginning to realize her position in the universe as a
human being, and to recognize her relations as an individual to the world within
and about her. This may seem like a ponderous weight of wisdom to descend upon
the soul of a young woman of twenty eight perhaps more wisdom than the Holy
Ghost is usually pleased to vouchsafe to any woman. But the beginning of things, of
a world especially, is necessarily vague, tangled, chaotic, and exceedingly disturbing.
How few of us ever emerge from such beginning! How many souls perish in its
tumult! The voice of the sea is seductive; never ceasing, whispering, clamoring,
My Short Piece For Graded Unit I
1.Research Evidence
For my solo piece for graded unit I feel like I was not heavily influenced by any of
the research I had done. I tried as much as possible to make it about me as a
choreographer and what my personal style is. I have been influenced by
choreographers in my life which have made me the dancer I am, but my aim was
not to draw on one specific person or company for ideas or inspiration. I did
research more into the event that my solo is about however. As it is about the Via
Dolorosa and Jesus I looked into the stations of the cross, and what the road of
sorrows actually looks like in Jerusalem. This influenced some of my movements and
the spacing of my dance. In the solo I purposely fall three times, each time struggling
more to get back onto my feet, like Jesus did during the passion. I also travel
downstage in a diagonal line, not using much of the downstage left corner and the
upstage right corner, to purposefully show that I am travelling somewhere. I also
use my movement to try and show how fatigued I am getting toward the end of the
dance. I try my best to act like I am exhausted and like I have been carrying
something heavy for a long time, like Jesus did with his cross.
For my group choreography I feel like I played a lot with the idea of music. I took
inspiration from Merce Cunningham and his ideas of how music and dance do not
need to be linked and intertwined. I feel as if I have really played with this idea
because the first segment of my group
Modern Times By Charlie Chaplin
Throughout this course so far we have learned of the struggles of man, from
slavery and reconstruction, war, to industrialization and the Great Depression.
These were hard times in America and frankly I m glad I do not have to live
through it. From the film Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin we get an inside look
at how one felt and experienced during the 1930 s. I clearly feel this movie captured
the essence of what today people think about today of the 1930 s, Industrialization
and the Great Depression. It is at this time that the hard working class citizen is
highlighted. Let s begin with a brief summary of the film. The film follows a young
man who is working in the factory trying to keep up with technology but ends of
losing his mind.... Show more content on ...
The part where the government is taking them away and the screen flashes the
saying The law takes charge of the orphans . This flat out shows how the
government feels they own a person and what happens with them until the
government sees fit. Which is also what happens today with minors, it is
understandable but nevertheless it is the government having full control over
what happens to an individual person. Which results in the eldest daughter running
away before they can take her away but ends up catching up to her in the end of the
film. The economics is absolutely terrible during the Great Depression. People are
starving in the street every day. The basic survival needs of life are stripped from
many people such as, work, food, and shelter. In the Chaplin film, the woman who
Chaplin becomes companions with, story began as a thief, stealing food to feeds
her siblings and father as he no longer had work to be able to provide for his
family. We watch the scene as she is a crazy eyed savage type stealing bananas just
to have some food for the day. But children are not the only ones to steal to eat in
this film. The part of the movie in the department store examines the lengths of
hostility men were willing to go to get food. Here the robber shot at and held
hostage Chaplin until an ex coworker recognized him. He went on to explain We ain
t burglars, were hungry . Men during this time were
Essay Comparing Porphyria s Lover And The Last Duchess
Comparison of Lover and Last Duchess
(A Comparison of Two Poems)
Often times we wonder why people write and say things. We wonder what will
happen to those around us and how they might go. There are two poems about a
love that has lead to people they love dying. Rivera has done research on Browning
and she discovered many things, Finding school irritating and uninteresting,
Browning left formal institutional learning behind and was educated at home by a
tutor. (Rivera) This is surprising because every wrote some of the greatest poems in
the Victorian age. Those two poems are called Porphyria s Lover and The Last
Duchess by Robert Browning.
First of all, you have the comparison of Murder between the two poems. Within both
poems you can tell ... Show more content on ...
Flirting with Meaning: An Examination of Miscommunication in Flirting
Interactions. SpringerLink. Kluwer Academic Publishers Plenum Publishers, n.d.
Web. 16 Mar. 2017.
Hess, Frederick M. Tough Love for Schools: Essays on Competition, Accountability,
and Excellence. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. American
Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 1150 Seventeenth Street NW,
Washington, DC 20036. Tel: 202 862 5800; Fax: 202 862 7177; Web Site: Http:/
/, 31 Dec. 2005. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.
Rivera, Adrienne. Five Little Known Facts About Robert Browning. Five Little
Known Facts About Robert Browning. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.
Shengold, Leonard. Pardon Our Interruption. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.
White, Gregory L. Some Correlates of Romantic Jealousy. Journal of Personality.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 28 Apr. 2006. Web. 15 Mar.
The Iran Nuclear Deal
Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.
President Kennedy quoted by President Obama.
Eight venturesome countries, two years of fierce negations, and nearly four decades
of bloody conflict and volatile regional adversity have given birth to the 159 page
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, aka the Iran Nuclear Deal.
As Shakespeare prophesied with satirical accuracy; Ancient grudge breaks forth to
new mutiny, and civil blood makes civil hands unclean. This ancient grudge has
always been simple: The Islamic Republic of Iran wants to continue it s peaceful
nuclear program, and the rest of the world doesn t trust them to tell the difference
between peaceful and nuclear threat.
The deterrents so far have been extensive sanctions and comprehensive arms
embargoes. These have effectively crippled the development of the Iranian economy,
stunted multinational investment and engendered further mutiny among the already
bitter Iranian people. Proxy military and revolutionary groups like Hezbollah have
responded with increased vehemence and urgency.
Contrary to the dazzlingly clear presentations from Washington (complete with it s
own theme music and hashtag!) there is nothing about this context or deal that is
simple or predictable. However, should it work, the Iranian Nuclear Deal could
simply be the most important step in the stabilisation of the Middle East in modern
What is it?
The raw components of the deal are:
Iran must
Information System of Walmart
Walmart is a billion dollar retailing machine. Through the decades, Walmart has
combined many different types of information systems in to their day to day
operations. Walmart is known around the world for their continuous improvements
and implementation of new information systems to remain on top of the retail
industry. The information systemsused by Walmart play a major role in their
continued success. With their use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Walmart
is able to send and receive instantaneous data to their networks. This is why Walmart
has been able to remain competitively priced and control their inventories. This paper
will show how Walmart has used many different information systems during the
course of its history to manage both capital and human resources.
In the late 1940s, a man named Sam Walton was franchising Ben Franklin s store
located in Newport, Arkansas. As a retailer, Walton continuously was in search of
suppliers with best deals on merchandise. Usually, if a retailer was able to get a deal
from a wholesaler they would leave their store prices at the regular price and pocket
the excess money. Being the innovator he was, Walton decided to pass the savings on
to the consumer and make his money through the increased volume of sales. This
understanding would become the foundation of Walton s business strategy when he
developed Walmart in 1962.
Walton was known for being a cheap guy, so naturally he saw the value in discount
George Orwell s The Aliens-Personal Narrative Fiction
From the initial chaos, fear, and urge to destroy the other had passed, Leinster s
narrative shifts gears, presenting a new way of seeing the alien, through the form of
communication. There was one of the aliens to whom communication became as
normal a function as Tommy s own code handlings. The two of them developed a
quite insane friendship, conversing by coder, decoder and short waive trains
(Leinster 268). From the very beginning of the narrative, Leinster stresses that
perception and truth were two separate concepts. At the beginning of the short story,
both man and alien saw no other choice than to destroy the other, and yet they don t.
They watch each other, observing their actions, and eventually understand that the
monstrous presence... Show more content on ...
Going from the menacing beings on the black ship to Buck his gill breathing
friend, the aliens are no longer the mysterious and threatening Other but agreeable
beings with senses of humor(Leinster 274). Unwilling to destroy each other, neither
people can figure out a peaceful solution, even with all of their knowledge and
technology. It is not until readers take a closer look at the method of vision that
each people uses that the solution becomes clear. Where humans are adapted to
high levels of light, the aliens are extremely sensitive, having adapted to a much
lowers level of light. Understanding this, it is this difference that contributes the
improbability that the man and alien would fight over the same solar systems. We
ll get along all right...since they see by infrared, the planets they d want to make
use of wouldn t suit us. There s no reason why we shouldn t get along...they re just
like us, (Leinster 279). Based on each peoples intolerance to the drastically different
levels of light each, neither people would fight over the same solar systems, causing
any fear of domination to collapse into hopeful collaboration. By weaving in several
layers of the sense of vision, from the elements of light and dark, clarity and
obscurity, and even the answer to the predicament, Leinster s short story present the
value of
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay
The seventh commandment of the Ten Commandments states Thou shalt not commit
adultery. (Exodus 20:14).
Adultery, according to the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary, is voluntary
sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or
between a married woman and someone other than her husband. Some people may
think that adultery is only an occurrence in the 21st century, but it also occurred
frequently in the 1600s as well. For example, in The Scarlet Letter, written by
Nathaniel Hawthorne, a novel that was set in the 17th century tells the story of Hester
Prynne who was convicted of adultery with a man named Reverend Dimmesdale.
Even though adultery seems to be the most important theme throughout the novel, ...
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These literary elements help make the novel into one of the most profound written
pieces of literature of its time.
The author of The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne, was born into a Puritan
family, as was Hester Prynne, in the city of Salem Massachusetts on July 4, 1804.
Hawthorne never fully had a male head figure in his life because at the age of four,
Hawthorne s father died in Surinam. His dad worked full time as a ship captain.
One of Hawthorne s fore fathers was a judge in the Salem Witch Trials. Hawthorne
shunned his family because of their involvement in the Salem Witch Trials by
adding the w in what should have been his last name, Hathorne. Adding the w
characterizes the relationship between Hester and the letter A . Hester knew that
she could not run away from the past, but Hawthorne let this problem torment him
for the rest of his life. Hawthorne, for the majority of his adult life, had to deal with
the self imposed guilt of shunning his own family, which he reflected in the
characters of Reverend Dimmesdale, and Robert Chillingworth. Hawthorne came
across the files of Hester Prynne while working as a surveyor at the Salem Custom
House. These files triggered Hawthorne to write The Scarlet Letter. The years
following the publication of The Scarlet Letter were probably the happiest years of
his life. At one
An Examination Into The Respective Proofs Of St. Aquinas
An Examination into the Respective Proofs of St. Anselm and St. Aquinas During
the Medieval Period, philosophers shifted their focus primarily to proving the
existence of God, as well as other religious tenets. Two Saints of the Catholic Church,
St. Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinas, developed their own respective proofs for the
existenceof God. These proofs have gained fame over the subsequent centuries and
still face debate and comparison today. Although both St. Anselm and St. Thomas
Aquinasoffer proofs for the existence of God, the proofs differ drastically due to
the distinct argumentative methods utilized by each author, as well as the
differing overall strengths and weaknesses each proof yields. To begin comparing
the proofs, one must first state them. St. Anselm s proof is most clearly described
by defining God as that than which no greater can be conceived (Melchert, 260).
With this definition in mind, one can contemplate St. Augustine s Great Chain of
Being and realize that existence gives something more being, or more greatness,
than non existence (Melchert, 261). It follows, then, that we grasp an idea of God,
which would be greater if it actually existed, therefore it (our idea of God) exists.
Anselm s definition of God and Augustine s theory of the Great Chain of Being are
the only requirements for Anselm s proof of the existence of God to work. St.
Thomas Aquinas actually posits five separate proofs, but due to length constraints,
this paper will only
Chaucer s Three-Estate System
Geoffrey Chaucer lived in an era of social class; which he clearly demonstrates in
his book Canterbury Tales. Chaucer does a decent job on portraying each of the
pilgrims as an example of various ranks within the 14th century English society. When
you first start reading the Canterbury Tales, you may think that Chaucer s social
awareness and insightful characterizations can be seen as portrayals of British society
in the late 1300s and early 1400s. Also, one can mistake his analysis, criticism, and
his sardonic condemnation elements of the British culture as genuine attempts to
alter the oppressive system by having malevolent characters. For example, the Friar,
the Summoner, the Pardoner, and the Prioress.
If we look ... Show more content on ...
The CT uses a new, broader approach to address all these issues. In Chaucer, Aers
states Chaucer s writing is marked by an openness to many contradictory [social]
forces the General Prologue alludes to traditional ideology on the Three Estates
through the figures of the Knight, Priest, and Ploughman Peasant. But it does so in a
context which dissolves the Estate ideology (15 17). Further, Strohm states, in
Studies in the Age of Chaucer, Through juxtaposition of statements on themes like
genteelness, sovereignty, and authority, he [Chaucer] shows his audience that the
truth about a subject is not unitary or closed, but is open and additive and can best be
approached by entertaining a variety of points of view that existing orders of
decorum and procedure must remain open to modification. Chaucer provides a formal
analogue for the readjustments of perception which follow when new classes invade
and modify traditional social orders (35). Canterbury Tales presented a challenge to
the three estates system because of the use of rhetoric advocating to change, which
motivated the intent to further the recognition, and the success, of the emerging
middle class! Chaucer paints his characters skillfully. Without examinating Chaucer s
social background and political intentions, you might not even pay attention to
Essay On Your Financial Roadmap To A New Home
Your Financial Roadmap to a New Home
So, it s time to buy a home. Many of you likely are ready to do so for very different
reasons. For one, you might be starting a family and need more space. Two, you
might be only months from retirement and long have been ogling a move to the
beach. Three, you might want to live closer to aging family members. Four, you
might be facing a big career transfer.
Or, maybe it s simply time to become a homeowner. You re done with renting. Weary
of stuffing a landlord s wallet each month rather than building equity in your own
place (What s equity? We ll explain later).
Whatever your motivation, the path to homeownership is primarily a financial one.
Where you want to buy and why you want to buy are up to ... Show more content on ...
Other times, they re a pleasant surprise. Regardless, they all contain a three digit
score that will be similar to each other, and range somewhere between 300 (lousy)
and 850 (awesome). A credit scoreof 700 is considered good.
Make a Plan
You can t plan for a new home until you know your credit scores. Good, bad or ugly,
they re a huge barometer of your overall financial health and a good guide for what
you should do next.
Let s assume your three credit scores are okay, but not super fantastic. You can fix
them. Just realize it s not a quick fix. You ll need at least a year of on time, credit
account payments to establish a healthier credit history. Doing that requires planning.
Start with a little homework jot down all your monthly income. Track how much
goes to bill paying and how much to necessary expenses such as groceries and gas.
Next, track how you spend the rest of that monthly income on clothes, restaurants,
movie tickets and so on.
Then, what can you cut? Don t say nothing. Small actions such as brewing your
own coffee at home rather than patronizing a coffee shop every day add up big over
time. If you re eating out every other night, dial it back. Pack a lunch to take to work.
Trek through a couple months spending records and you ll soon know where you can
cut the financial fat. For now, plan to stockpile all the extras in a savings account.
Budget Isn t a Dirty Word
Once you ve examined your income streams, expenses and
Into The Woods Response Essay
Upon walking into Into The Woods one would say the mood was set well. The red
curtain in front of the proscenium stage, the orchestra tuning their instruments, and a
peculiar man standing on the side of the stage. I was prepared for the show, a water
bottle and plenty of cough drops to get me through the 2 and ВЅ hours. What I was
not prepared to see was the obvious struggles they were having that day with their
own cues.
Having worked in show business since I was young, I know opening night is always
the night when things go horribly wrong. I can have sympathy for them but a few of
the things that were missed were outright ridiculous. When the baker was counting
out the beans to Jack and they missed the fourth chime noise, I was surprised. ... Show
more content on ...
The actors and actresses did well in their assigned rolls and I wish I could
congratulate them on finishing the run. They worked together very well in all of the
group musical numbers regardless of how hard they can be to coordinate at times. If
I had to rate this performance of the musical it would get a 9/10. The acting, singing,
costumes and costume changes, scenery and of course, the plot, are all wonderful
and this is a must see. The only thing lacking was the cues and lighting, the use of
the gobos was lacking and there was not as much color change as I would have
Martin Luther King Jr Is A Hero
Many people are different in many ways, race, color, gender, personality, and
nationality. These are common things people get discriminated from, because of
what religion they believe in or even their skin color. Martin Luther King Jr. did
not agree or like this. He wanted change. He didn t give up on African Americans
who got judged because of their skin. I have a dream that my four little children
will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin,
but by the content of their character. For Example, Nelson Mandela fought against
South African apartheid, Rosa Parks fought for black freedom just like MLK did,
and Malala Yousafzai fought for women s rights and education. Out of all these
examples of heroic people, this is why Martin Luther King Jr. is a hero.... Show more
content on ...
Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin
grew up in 501 Auburn Avenue, home to some prosperous and prominent African
Americans in the county. But later moves to 193 Boulevard in Atlanta. Martin
Luther King used to play with white kids. In fact, his best friend was white. When
he was young he became a pastor and he was a paperboy, he sent delivered
newspapers to different homes. Martin s parents were very loving but at the same
time they were strict. His life was much more pleasant than other negroes in the
south. Martin was educated early, he learned what segregation meant and made up
in his mind what he wanted to do when he was older. Martin Luther King always
used to go to a store with his mom to look at toys and kids items. One day he went
there and he accidentally stepped on a lady s foot and the lady slapped him across
his face. She had called him a nigger and that he should leave. He never forgot this
moment, it made him want to change disrespect against
Analysis Of Chris Mccandless In Into The Wild, By Jon...
In the book Into the Wild, the author, John Krakauer, writes about his own life and
experiences in an attempt to throw some oblique light on the enigma of Chris
McCandless. John Krakauer succeeds most in shedding light on Chris McCandless
through writing about his experiences with his own father. Lewis Krakauer, John
Krakauer s father, was apparently a very intense man who tried to force his children
to become doctors and lawyers. John Krakauer says that when he did not enter
Harvard or any other medical school but became a carpenter and a climbing bum
instead, an unbridgeable gulf between us widened. John Krakauer s feelings toward
his father are very similar to Christopher McCandlessfeelings towards Walt
McCandless, his father. John
Political Fear Book Review
Political fear is an important concept which has repercussions throughout politics
today. Much of this idea is established in Corey Robin s work Fear: The History of
a Political Idea. In this book he walks through the philosophical origins of the
concept, discusses what it looks like at different moments in American history, and
offers his own theory of the a form of political fear developed in the United States,
which he calls Fear, American Style. Next, the dynamics that occurred during the
McCarthy era United States are discusses and related back to this idea that a uniquely
American type of political fear is at work here, particularly in workplaces across the
country. Finally, through the in class presentations on fear, the implications... Show
more content on ...
Here, again, there is a clear use of political fear as a divisive force, pitting us
against them . Lack of knowledge about Islam, fear the Islam is incompatible with
Western civilization and fear for more attacks against national security were
pinpointed by this group as causes of this Islamophobia. In June 2016, this tension
was particularly highlighted in the United Kingdom. There was a referendum vote
to leave the European Union particularly motivated by a fear of Middle Eastern
immigrants assumed to be Muslim moving into the country and corrupting its way
of life. These fears were played upon by the Leave campaign. Islamophobia has a
clear relationship to political fear, since it can be used to impact elections and
encourages harsh policies like travel
Does The Internet Foster Isola Essay example
One of the most talked, known and controversial issues today is the Internet. Internet
is a large network made up of a number of smaller networks. Almost every computer
in an educational facility and in home and small office use is connected to some type
of a network. People spent a lot of time on the Internet, which may make them seem
isolated. However, the Internet does not fosterisolation, because it may be used for
many different things like communication, education, problem solving and etc.
The concept for the Internet was to make a link in to a new world, a world that has
many different opportunities within its self. To gives the people options to go to
China, Italy, and Egypt without spending a lot of money on the trip. To open... Show
more content on ...
The Internet provides just that. This may seem like isolation because no physical
contact is present, and some or all of the things that are said might not be true. This is
a misconception. People that are talking face to face with one another might be lying
or might not be; the same is said for the Internet conversations. People whose physical
handicaps make it difficult to form new friendships find that virtual communities treat
them as they always wanted to be treated (Rheingold 206). Equality and
understanding is the key, and the virtual community provides that and much more.
Advice is also one of the keys for equality and understanding. As we all know
advice in today s world is not free, and most of the time you need to make an
appointment to get that expansive help. The internet provides advice that is free and
at the same time on the spot. In Urbana, Illinois, the Federal Department of
Education has set up a network for parents, teachers, community workers, and etc.
that have questions concerning children, financial assistance, educational assistance,
and etc (Thomas). The Internet is not only for fun and games, but it is also for
problem solving of all types. This is not the only site of this sort; Howard Reingold
logged onto the Well, when he needed an answer in a matter of seconds. What
amazed him when he logged on wasn t just the speed with which we obtained
precisely the information we was also the
The Black Walnut Tree Mary Oliver Summary
Money is a hardship all families will face in some way. In The Black Walnut Tree ,
Mary Oliver conveys an ominous but persevered symbiotic relationship between the
tree and the family through a harsh onomatopoeia, threatening imagery, and a lively
polysyndeton, turning the tree into a symbol for elongating time. Oliver uses
imagery to make the relationship appear to be threatened and possibly coming to an
end. The familyworries a storm will knock the tree down, smashing the house in the
process. The tree being there every day is a constant reminder to the family that an
unfavorable event could happen to ruin the relationship. In this case, they are worried
a storm could bring it down on their house creating an ominous feeling towards
Nursing Case Study Omeprazole
The patient reports that the bunch of symptoms of abdominal pain, gas and severe
heartburn are relatively frequent episode that occurs about 10 times per year. She
usually visits her primary care physician who diagnosed her with acid reflux that is
treated with a course of Omeprazole which always resolves the symptoms without
side effects. The patient also, reports enormous symptoms of sinus problems, stuffy
nose, congestion, sneezing attacks, hay fever, hives and excessive mucus formation.
These symptoms are worsening after a meal that contains bread or peanuts, but the
symptoms are resolved with Benadryl. The patient was asked what her symptoms are
when she does not have active gastrointestinal distress; her reply was that she
constantly... Show more content on ...
In the review of her chest, heart and respiratory, she mentioned chest congestion,
shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and chronic sinusitis, which get severe
during the spring and fall due to brutal seasonal allergies. In a review of her digestive
system, she reports abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea (3 x days),
vomiting, constipation and smelly stool, this occurs after eating certain foods.
In the analysis of the muscle, joints, nerves and blood vessels she has occasional
pain but not severe complaints. In the review of her emotional, psychological,
metabolism and sleep, she noted that she sleeps well and has no problems initiating
sleep or maintaining sleep, but feels worn out, sluggish and fatigue when waking up
in the morning. She also stated that feels more anxious than usual for past one year,
but could not really know the cause of her periodic anxiety.
In assessing her menstrual cycle, she notes very high significant PMS such as anger,
irritability, and aggressiveness beginning two weeks to her menstruation. She is not
taking oral contraception, but she tries to alleviate symptom by exercising 3 times a
Hiv in Nigeria
The history of HIV and AIDS in Nigeria
The first two HIV cases in Nigeria were identified in 1985 and were reported at an
international AIDS conference in 19866. In 1987 the Nigerian health sector
established the National AIDS Advisory Committee, which was shortly followed by
the establishment of the National Expert Advisory Committee on AIDS(NEACA).
At first the Nigerian government was slow to respond to the increasing rates of HIV
transmission7 and it was only in 1991 that the Federal Ministry of Health made their
first attempt to assess the Nigerian HIV/AIDS situation. The results showed that
around 1.8 percent of the population of Nigeria were infected with HIV. Subsequent
surveillance reports revealed that during the 1990s the HIV ... Show more content on ...
He stated on the day, A great majority of Nigerians have now come to accept the
reality of AIDS 17. However, the statistics show that the Nigerian government
desperately need to scale up HIV testing rates in order to bring the epidemic under
Cultural practices
Women are particularly affected by the epidemic in Nigeria. In 2006 UNAIDS
estimated that women accounted for 61.5 percent of all adults aged 15 and above
living with HIV18.
Traditionally, women in Nigeria marry young, although the average age at which
they marry varies between states. A 2007 study revealed that 54 percent of girls
from the North West aged between 15 24 were married by age 15, and 81 percent
were married by age 1819. The study showed that the younger married girls lacked
knowledge on reproductive health, which included HIV/AIDS. They also tend to lack
the power and education needed to insist upon the use of a condom during sex.
Coupled with the high probability that the husband will be significantly older than the
girl and therefore is more likely to have had more sexual partners in the past, young
women are more vulnerable to HIV infection within marriage.
Poor healthcare system
Over the last two decades, Nigeria s healthcare system has deteriorated as a result of
political instability, corruption and a mismanaged economy. Large parts of the
country lack even basic healthcare provision, making it difficult to establish HIV
testing and prevention services
The Bluebeard By Charles Perrault
As children, we dream of being the princesses and princes that occupy the scenes
of fairy tales. Society magnifies the importance of these fairy tales in one s
childhood because, not only do they entertain the imaginations of youth, but they
also teach important lessons on bravery, honesty, correct integrity, good morality,
etc. Every child dreams of one day having their happily ever after . Every little girl
dreams of one day having a Prince Charming sweep her off her feet, and every
small boy dreams of one day being the heroic knight who swoops in and saves the
damsel in distress. Although presently fairytales serve the minds of children, these
stories were not always written for children to build their dreams on. Folktales were
originally filled with horrendous action and gruesome thoughts and clearly not for a
youthful mind.... Show more content on ...
The original fairy tales originated from historic stories, and most lack the happiness
and peace of modern tales. The horrific events and terrifying elements that fill these
stories arose as a portrayal of significant situations occurring at the times and as a
means of coping and explaining the reason for such situations. One tale, originally
written by Charles Perrault, called Bluebeard follows the ideal pattern of the classic
fairy tale genre. These fairy tales base children s stories off of actual historical
happenings, display necessary archetypal elements that expose vital morals needed in
life, and provide substantial psychological elements that imply deep rooted meanings
hidden within the
Deep Space Nine Episode The Visitor
I m a Star Trek nut. Always have been. Always will be. One of my favorite episodes
in the entire franchise was the Deep Space Nine episode The Visitor. Captain
Benjamin Sisko is the father of a writer an avid writer named Jake. You know the
type. The storyteller who can t drop the pen or push away the keyboard until they
ve pumped out one more story or polished that last paragraph to perfection. This
episode is not about space battles, light speed or technobabble. It s about love and
loss and desperation. The episode is powerful and poignant, worthy to be seen
even by folks who flee from Trek. In the opening act, the captain is trying to pry his
son away from his writing just long enough to see an event that happens only twice
a century. In doing so, Jake s father gave him some advice. He said:... Show more
content on ...
See what s going on. It s life, Jake! You could miss it if you don t open your eyes.
What a pearl of wisdom this is. It applies to everyone, but particularly to writers.
We storytellers create places, people and events that we hope will somehow
resonate with our readers. Achieving this is no small task. It requires more than
talent and skill. It requires us to live a life in balance. I ve frequently written about
that whimsical, imaginary muse of mine who pops in unannounced and refuses to
memorize my schedule, but I ve come to realize that we each have a real life muse
inspiring us and feeding us tantalizing story bits. That muse is our life experiences.
When we don t take the time to poke our heads up every once in a while and open
our eyes to actually live life then our muse won t have much material with which to
work. It s often said that our stories come from within us. Experiencing life fills our
creative tanks with fuel. It s the charge that starts the engine and powers the creative
Sagrada Familia Research Paper
Robin GabagePatricia SchmidtIntroduction of Visual ArtsOctober 8th 2016
Module 7 I feel as if the Falling Water House had a greater impact on todays
society. But only for Western Pennsylvania, growing up in eastern Pennsylvania I
never once heard of The Falling Water House or Frank Lloyd Wright. Not until i
came to Pittsburgh and now i have heard about it dozens of times in the past year,
multiple times even this week. Most dramatic I would say is the Sagrada Familia, it
has that gothic beautiful architecture that just gives a sense of uniqueness and
wonder. It is dramatic not only because of its beauty but also because the long time it
took to be worked on. I think most mysterious is hard to choose because neither really
scream mysterious ... Show more content on ...
If i had the opportunity to bring someone to see one i would definitely choose the
Sagrada Familia because it is so unique and gorgeous, and because it is in Barcelona
Spain and i would give anything to go back to Spain especially Barcelona where
everything is just beautiful and detailed. But realistically i would love to take my
boyfriend to the Falling Water House, and i have been looking into it recently. You
see pictures on instagram or Facebook of couples going there and taking cute
selfies but i see the beautiful nature behind them, and the architecture sitting above
a waterfall. I would love to be able to go experience it for myself instead of just
seeing pictures of it. The Sagrada Familia definitely caught my attention right off
the bat in the video. It has been in construction for over 133 years and counting. It
is so intricate and advanced that it is taking centuries to build and that is just
something that shouldn t be overlooked. You don t hear about that kind of stuff in
your history classes in high school, or even in art history at a vocational high school
where you major in graphic design. Growing up i never once heard of the Sagrada
Familia which
My Favorite Christmas Season
Are you serious Clark ? Is one of the famous sayings you ll hear my dad quoting
throughout the Christmas season. Christmas is my absolute favorite season, and I
do quite know the reason. Christmas was always filled with a lot of joyous
experiences; my entire family always became so happy immediately after the
Thanksgiving Holiday ended. My dad probably influenced me the most when it
comes to Christmas; because the Christmas season was the only time his
dysfunctional familyunified.
My favorite part about Christmas was all of the traditions my family had. The first
one was watching the movie National Lampoon s Christmas Vacation on
Thanksgiving night while starting to decorate the house for Christmas. My family
and I never wasted any time on getting into the Christmas Spirit, but it really has
never taken much for us to get into it. Usually, within the next day or two, we would
go out in our front wheel drive sleigh and find that one perfect Christmas tree that was
a little full and had a lotta sap . Every year my dad would cut it down with the same
dull saw that he said the previous year he was going to replace and it was always
quite comical watching him cut the tree down; sometimes I thought it would have
been faster if he just dug it out of the ground with his bare hands. If you have
watched Christmas
Gall 2
Vacation then you can clearly tell how much my family and I love it. Every year I
buy my dad a new Christmas Vacation tree ornament from the Hallmark store;
The Rights Of The United States Constitution
The United States Constitution was designed to enfranchise the white men who, in
1787, were the only citizens included in John Locke s conception of the social
contract (outlined in his Second Treatise of Government). At this time in history,
women were not invited to be free and equal, in relation to their husbands and fathers
or as citizens in the founding fathers new republic. Therefore, the Constitution never
addresses abortion, contraception, or marriage. Arguments made in laws and court
cases on these topics, specifically reproductive rights, have therefore traditionally
rested on a right to privacy the court has interpreted as being found in the first, fourth,
fifth, and fourteenth amendments to the Constitution, rather than a right to freedom
from sex based discrimination found in the nineteenth amendment. The landmark
supreme court cases Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade
were both won on these
grounds, both setting a precedent for the expansion of the right to privacy. This
protection has also been affected by the 2003 Partial Birth Abortion Ban and the
Hyde Amendment.
First off, in 1965 the supreme court ruled 7 2 in the Griswold v. Connecticut case
that the state of Connecticut s ban on contraception was unconstitutional, because it
denied a married couple s right to privacy (a right extended to unmarried individuals
under the Griswold precedent in the 1972 Eisenstadt v. Baird supreme court case).
This expansion of privacy in Griswold later informed Roe v.
Humans and Their Ability to Make Mistakes
Humans And Their Ability To Make Mistakes
In today s pop culture, there is one very popular view of the future.
All humans will be free to do as they wish, because robots and computers will work
for us. Computers are viewed as the ideal slaves. They work non stop, never
complain, and above all, never make mistakes. It is often said that computers don t
make mistakes, that it is the person using the computer who commits errors.
What is it that makes humans err, but not computers? I will prove that it is simply the
way humans are built that makes us commit errors. Unlike computers, built of
mechanical or electronic parts, humans are made of organic matter and nerve
pathways. These same pathways, with the help of the brain are ... Show more content
on ...
The reason he committed errors was simply that he was doing an action faster that
his brain and eyes could handle with 100% accuracy. It seems that our brains can
compute complex operations that allow us to drive a car through terrible weather
conditions, at night, but all these operations cannot be accomplished within too short
a time limit. So far, we have discussed the speed at which the brain can compute
operations without error. We must consider other factors which can also lead to
mistakes. To explain other types of error, I will use a terminology developed and
used by the philosopher Bertrand Russell. He identifies something called sense data.
Sense data is the data received by our senses from the object being
sensed . For instance, if a person is looking at a red apple, the shape and color and all
other aspects of this apple are received in the form of sense data.
In the case of the man adding up the numbers, he mistook a 7 for a 1. What really
happened is that his senses misidentified the number. The sense data was received by
his eyes, which then converted this information into an electrical signal to be sent to
the brain for analysis. There are thus two possibilities.
Either the eyes did not transform the signal of the 7 properly, or the brain
misunderstood the signal received from the eyes. In both cases, the sense data was
analyzed incorrectly, leading to an error in the final calculation. Some skeptics might
criticize my position by
The Importance Of A Well Prepared Environment
Maria Montessori inadvertently created an alternative to traditional schooling. She
did this by allowing her pupils the opportunity to learn through action rather than
repetition. Montessori had five main principles: respect for the child, sensitive
periods, the prepared environment, auto education, and the teacher s role. In this
paper I will discuss the prepared environment thoroughly and how a well prepared
environment can positively affect each student in the 3 6 classroom. I will, in
reflection, discuss the negative outcomes that may arise from an ill prepared
Sensitive periods are blocks of time in a child s life when the child is absorbed with
one characteristic of the environment to the exclusion of all others (Lillard, 1972,
p.33). These sensitive periods are: a need for order, the use of the hand and tongue,
the development of walking, a fascination with minute and detailed objects, and a
time of intense social interest (Lillard, 1972, p.33).
The first, and most prevalent in a classroom, of the sensitive periods is the need for
order which begins within the first year of life. Rules and routine are important in
a newborn s day; consistency is key to a happy baby (Knestrict, 2015). Rules and
routine in a newborns day gives them the knowledge that their caretakers are able to
be relied on. They know they ll get fed and changed when need be, they ll be put to
bed when they re tired and even get to see new faces routinely (ie. Babysitters,
Description Of A Park Fire Department
Fruitland Park Fire Department
Standard Operating Guideline
Subject: Record ManagementNumber: 001 2016
Effective Date: September 25, 2016Revised:
1.0Statement of Policy
1.1.This Standard Operating Guideline (SOG) establishes the Fire Prevention
Bureau s policy to ensure the consistent and cost effective management of its records
and the responsibilities for administering the recording, storage, and maintenance all
records in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations.
2.1.To identify all bureau records for record management.
2.2.To ensure the recording of bureau records.
2.3.To ensure the storage of bureau records.
2.4.To ensure the maintenance of bureau records.
3.1.The Supervisor, Fire Prevention Bureau has overall responsibility for oversight of
the record management program.
3.2.The bureau is responsible for administering the program, establishing standards,
establishing and implementing records retention programs, managing inactive
records, identifying and protecting vital records, using technologies in records
management programs, securing records, and providing assistance in all records
management matters.
4.1.A bureau s practices and procedures must cover all aspects of records
management including maintaining, identifying, retrieving, preserving and
destroying bureau records. Such practices must take into account business needs as
well as legal and security
Fabulous Father Analysis
Since the beginning of time children have had parents. Dear mother and Fabulous
Father has been the guiding fact that every kid grows up with, and it is more
important than anyone can imagine. Everywhere dads and children work side by
side, talk together, and play. Fathers are the best thing that a person could ask for.
Esther Edward is the daughter of Jonathan Edward, and in her diary, she described
her father and how much he meant to her. Although Esther Edward s father, Jonathan
Edward is a wonderful father, I believe that my father has him beat. While thinking
over this essayI tried to think of all the things that I love about my father and what
makes him special to me. The first thing that I thoughtof was how he cared and...
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Ode to Kevin Carson
Always there like the air,
Like the breeze through the trees,
Caring for the ones you love it means more than you think.
You think when on the brink, you know just what to do even when I have no clue,
encouragement from your mouth it means more than you think.
Hotdogs on the grill with love on them spilt, walks in the woods with no unnecessary
words, time spent with you it means more than you think.
Bravery without end just so you can spend, time with little me
I wonder if you can see how special you make me feel it means more than you think.
Your forgiveness gives me a liveliness, it pours out of you everyone feels it too,
everything you do means more than you think.
We all feel the same me and the gang, all twelve of us in the big, blue bus, driving us
to who knows where it means more than you think.
Never choosing one we have all won, the best father ever because we will be
together, never alone when you re around it means more than you think.
The poem s almost done but it s written with love, yours is never ending with ours, it
s blending, we are one family because of you it means more than you think.
I love my father, almost more than anyone in the entire world. He is always there for
his children and I learn from his example to always be there for my family. Esther
makes it sound like her father is the best father in the entire century, and that might
Summary Of Of Mice And Men
Nesterenko 1
Polina Nesterenko
Language Arts 1A Honors
12 July 2015
AP One Sheet
1.Title of Work: Of Mice and Men
2.Author and Date Written: John Steinbeck, 1937
3.Historical Context: The novel Of Mice and Men was written during the Great
Depression. The book was written in 1937, which was when the growing economy
reached a decline worse than the one before. Brightening economic prospects were
dashed in 1937 by a deep recession...The new downturn rolled back gains in industrial
production and employment, prolonged the Depression... (Taylor, The Great
Depression: A Short History of the Great Depression). The Depression left many
people broke, unemployed, and homeless. By 1932 the unemployment rate soared
past 20 percent... businesses had failed. Millions were homeless. (Taylor, The Great
Depression: A Short History of the Great Depression). It was due to the increased
industrial productions, for the war effort, that finally ended the Depression. ... it was
the humming factories that supplied the American war effort that finally brought the
Depression to a close. (Taylor, The Great Depression: A Short History of the Great
4.Major Characters
A.George: George is a small, smart man who dreams of owning his own farm. He
cares and protects Lennie in all situations
Justice Kingship And The Shape Of Society Book Review
Finally, last chapter, Justice, Kingship, and the Shape of Society, discusses why
Near Eastern communities desired to be ruled by a king during the 10th and 11th
century. This chapter highlights that individuals of the Buyid period believed that a
general sense of mutual obligation would be maintained if loyalties to the multiple
categories to which they belonged were maintained (1980). Mottahedeh states that
the men of the Buyid period recognized that loyalty to one category may conflict
feelings of obligation, therefore they yearned for a loyalty not obligated to any
category to uphold fairness in dealing with the different categories. As a result, the
king played the role of the arbiter, distant from the society, for which it arbitrated,
known to live largely for its own interest and not for any particular interest in society,
in the Buyid dynasty (1980). Evidently, the final chapter of Loyalty and Leadership in
an Early Islamic Society highlights that the Buyid dynasty s role of the king
contributed to the creation of stable and moral communities in the 10th and 11th
Moreover, Roy Mottahedeh s ... Show more content on ...
To begin, a portion of the class lectures have been dedicated to talking about political
and religious communities different Islamic time periods. Like many other dynasties
that we have discussed, the novel explores individuals, Islamic conceptions of
loyalty, and the moral basis of society. Additionally, the author discusses religious
classes ulama in the context of the 10th and 11th century in western Iran and eastern
Iraq, which contributes to our understanding of religious groups from class. This
novel also relates to class because it discusses the social organization of medieval
societies and demonstrates how Muslim urban society in the earlier periods was
divided between the rulers kings and the
Methane And Climate Change
Methane, a greenhouse gas made of carbon and hydrogen, is twenty times more
effective than carbon dioxide at trapping heat into the atmosphere, according to the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), thus making too much methane in the
atmosphere contributes greatly to climate change. In 2000, the rate of methanein the
atmosphere had little or no growth, but in 2007 the rate started to raise again. This
was the focus of a study done by climate scientists from the Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology (KIT) in Karlsruhe, Germany and from the National Institute of Water
and Atmospheric Research in Lauder, New Zealand.
Ten years ago in North America, there was a major oil and natural gasproduction
boom which is thought to be the cause of this,
Stereotypes In A Storage Unit Essay
3 Tips For Protecting Your Belongings In A Storage Unit
A storage unit can be a real lifesaver whether you need to use if for a month or for
the long term. To get the best use from the space, you want to keep it organized so
you can always find what you need. Organization also helps you cram more stuff
into a smaller space so you can rent a smaller unit. Here are some more helpful tips
for using a storage unit.
Make Sure Your Belongings Are Dry
Don t put wet things in your storage unit. Since the unit is closed and there is no air
circulation, wet items take a long time to dry out. They can grow mold and become
ruined. You may go back to the unit and find out you have to throw things away
because of the mold. You may want to avoid moving things into the unit on a rainy
day so everything will stay dry. Also, check items when you pack them to make sure
they re dry and they don t contain water that could spill out and create dampness in
the space. ... Show more content on ...
This allows for plenty of air circulation around your clothes and keeps them from
getting wrinkled or crushed. Your clothes will be ready to wear when you take them
from the storage unit. You can just transfer the hangers to your closet without
worrying about wrinkles or damage from being flattened or crushed for months.
However, you ll want to consider what all you re going to store in the unit too so the
clothes don t pick up odors.
If you ll store tools with strong oil odors or old furniture that smells musty, you
may want to seal your clothes in plastic bins to keep them from picking up bad
odors. An alternative might be to hang the clothes in a wardrobe box that you can
seal to keep the clothes inside smelling fresh. Another way to help your clothes smell
fresher after being in storage is to rent a climate controlled unit so mildew and musty
odors are kept under
Mount St Helens Research Paper
Mt. St. Helens
Located northeast of Portland, Oregon is a huge volcano called Mt. St. Helens. It
sits between two Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams and youngest the of many volcanoes on
the Cascade Range of the pacific northwest. Captain George Vancouver gave the
mountain its name in 1792; named after Alleyne Fitzherbert (Baron St. Helens), who
was British Ambassador to Spain. Mt. St. Helens is a composite volcano, which
means typically symmetrical cone like structure that is steep sided, that is constructed
from layers of lava flows, ash and volcanic depris. This type of volcano tends to
have very explosive eruptions as opposed to gentle sloping shield volcanoes. These
types of eruptions are very dangerous for any nearby life. During most of the 20th ...
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Mt. St. Helens was active during the early 19th century, with a major explosion in
1800 and several minor explosions in 1898, 1903, and 1932. Over the past 500 years
it has had many minor eruptions and four major eruptions.
1980 Eruption
Mt. St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980 and it is said to be the most disastrous
volcanic eruption in United States history. There had been months of build up
beneath the surface along with a massive bulge growth on the side of the mountain.
It began when an earthquake struck beneath the north face of Mt. St. Helens, which
set off the biggest landslide to ever happen in the US. Seconds later there was an
explosion of the north side of the volcano generating a huge cloud followed by
lightning. The large landslide was followed by several lahars (mud flow) and
pyroclastic flows (hot gas and volcanic matter).
Death Toll
The eruption of Mt. St. Helens killed 57 people. The majority of them died from
asphyxiation from the inhaling hot ash. The government was well aware months
before that this could potentially erupt but people weren t concerned the blast
would be as big as the danger zone was. The volcano produced 540 million tons of
ash into the air and that was the most deadly part of the eruption. It was a blessing
the eruption happened on a Sunday. Had it erupted on a weekday hundreds of
loggers would have
Battle Of Shiloh Essay
nbsp;The Battle of Shiloh, also known as the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, was a
major battle in the Western Theater of the American Civil War, fought April 6 7,
1862, in southwestern Tennessee. A Union force known as the Army of the
Tennessee under Major General Ulysses S. Grant had moved via the Tennessee
River deep into Tennessee and was encamped principally at Pittsburg Landing,
Tennessee on the west bank of that river, where the Confederate Army of Mississippi,
under General Albert Sidney Johnston and second in command Pierre G. T.
Beauregard, launched a surprise attack on Grant s army from its base in Corinth,
Mississippi. Johnston was mortally wounded during the fighting; Beauregard, who
thus succeeded to command of the army, decided against pressing the attack late in
the evening. Overnight Grant was reinforced by one of his own... Show more content
on ...
Johnston hoped to defeat Grant s army before the anticipated arrival of General
Buell s Army of the Ohio. The Confederate battle lines became confused during the
fierce fighting, and Grant s men instead fell back to the northeast, in the direction of
Pittsburg Landing. A Union position on a slightly sunken road, nicknamed the
Hornet s Nest, defended by the men of Brig. Gens. Benjamin Prentiss s and William
H. L. Wallace s divisions, provided critical time for the remainder of the Union line
to stabilize under the protection of numerous artillery batteries. Wallace was mortally
wounded when the position collapsed, while several regiments from the two
divisions were eventually surrounded and surrendered. General Johnston was shot in
the leg and bled to death while personally leading an attack. Beauregard, his second
in command, acknowledged how tired the army was from the day s exertions and
decided against assaulting the final Union position that
Archaeology Notes
1/4/2012| | Table of Contents Definition of Terms 3 Fossils in Geological Context 5
The Earth in the Cenozoic 11 Origins of Primates 17 The Basis for Human Evolution
23 Origins of the Genus Homo 28 Origins of Modern
32 Behavior and Evolution of Early
African Pre Historic Art.............
Definition of Terms Angular torus a thickened bony ridge on the back of the parietal
Biostratigraphy the use of biological organisms found in rocks to correlate... Show
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HOW TO BECOME A FOSSIL In reality very few living things become fossils.
Not only does a minute fraction of living things become preserved as fossils, but
only an exceedingly small proportion of the fossils that are preserved end being
discovered, collected and studied. Not surprisingly, then that the fossil record is
not entirely representative of the composition of past biological communities (
Behrensmeyer and Hill 1980). Instead, fossil record preserves some organisms
more than others. Taphonomy which is the study of what happens to organism
from the time they die to their discovery is used. This approach may include both
the biological and geological processes. Death may come to the organism in a
number of ways including disease, injury and or predation among others. In some
cases, the agent of death such as predators may leave marks on the skeleton such as
bite marks. After death the carcass begins to decompose when living tissues are no
longer maintained by the organism, and numerous microbes such as bacteria and
insects accelerate the decomposition process. As the decomposition goes on,
scavenging animals such as hyenas may consume the soft tissues and in some cases
even chew on the bones. Eventually, only the most durable tissues such as dense
bones remain. However, in some cases even the dense bones may disappear due to
erosion and trampling. To become a fossil, part of the organism must be preserved by
burial, a natural process by which
The Panda Bear Or Giant Panda
The panda bear or giant panda is located in the south central area of China. It is
recognized for its appearance. It belongs to the Carnivore group even though it
eats 99% bamboo. Pandas found in the wild will eat other grasses, wild tubers, or
meat in the form of birds, rodents, or carrion. Pandas in captivity receive honey,
eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, bananas, or other specially prepared foods.
Pandas live in mountain ranges because deforestation has driven them from
lowland areas. The panda is an endangered species. According to a 2007 report,
there are 239 pandas living in captivity in China, 27 pandas living outside the
country, and 1,590 pandas living in the wild. The panda bear is a great symbol in
China. This animal is noticed because it is on the endangered species list.
The red panda, though it shares the name of panda, is not a bear. It is more closely
related to a raccoon or skunk and is an endangered species. This panda is called the
red panda, lesser panda, or red cat bear. This animal is not closely related to the giant
panda or panda bear. This is an animal that is adorable and cuddly looking but it also
is so much larger than it appears.
Cultural Symbolism:
The panda bear is not only a fluffy creature it is also symbolic to China. The panda
can symbolize friendship and peace. The colors on the panda help resemble the Yin
Yang by showing how the two colors can mix and with the pandas nature it backs
this up. The panda is really peaceful and
Teaching Styles Of The Nurse Educators
Comparison of Teaching Styles The nurse educators are faced with the challenge of
adapting their teaching styles to accommodate a new generation of learners. An
effective teacher should take into account the intellectual, social, and cultural
characteristics of each student, whereas the students should identify that each teacher
has a unique style of teaching. As part of the classroom online teaching practicum
course, I was privileged to shadow an instructor at the University of South Florida.
The instructor was giving lectures on both Mondays and Wednesdays for semester 1
students and had fundamentals of nursing lab sessions on both Tuesdays and
Thursdays. The teaching styles that I attended in the classroom set up were plain
lectures, group discussion with flipped classroom (different instructor) whereas the
teaching in the fundamentals lab were done with demonstrations on the manikins
(observed various instructors demonstrating various skills).
Discussion of Teaching Styles
Lecturing is considered to be one of the oldest methods of teaching. Lectures need to
bridge between what is in the student s mind to the structures of the contents to be
learned. Therefore the systematic organization of the contents and the meaningful
delivery of the lecture is very important for effective learning. The nurse should
formulate lecture adapting various steps such as; plan the body of the lecture
(appropriate content/relevant to the topic), provides examples
Principles Of Physiology Health And Social Care
Principles of Physiology in Health and Social care. Assignment 1 1.1 Discuss with
the use of diagrams the main anatomical features of the human body Introduction The
human body is like a machine, and like many machines it is made up of many
different features and parts. The main anatomical features of the human body include;
the cells, skeletal system and muscular system. These systems can relate to/work
with other systems within the body. This can include the cardiovascular system
working with the digestive system by breaking down food to make the nutrients that
are then transported around the body it to function adequately. The Cell The human
body is made up of millions of cells. These cells are considered to be the building
blocks of... Show more content on ...
Some of these different types of cells are Muscle cells. These muscle cells are for
helping movement. There are also nerve cells. These cells are used for carrying
messages around the body so that the body is able to react to things such as pain.
When cells are grouped together they form what is known as a tissue. Different
types of tissue make up different types of organs. The 3 main types of tissue are
Muscular, Nerve and Epithelial. The muscular tissue is made up of three forms, they
include the skeletal, smooth and cardiac tissues. Skeletal tissue is voluntary which
means that it is used in the movements of the skeletal components. The Nerve tissue
is a group of cells which react to, many different types of stimuli. They transmit
messages throughout the body which can include things such as temperature, pain,
and pressure. Epithelial tissue is when cells that form together create the lining of a
surface an example of this would be the skin and muscle tissue. The Skeletal System
The skeletal system works as the frame of the body and it is made up of two
hundred and six various bones. The Sections used in the movements of the skeletal
system are; the bones, Joints, ligaments and tendons. This system is also divided into
two sections known as the Axial and Appendicular skeleton. The Axial
Orlando Furioso And Medieval Romance
The authors aimed at different purpose. This, alone, forced the difference in
handling the poetic matter. If Orlando Furioso can be categorised as Epic
Romance, Spenser s The Faerie Queene, here particularly Book 1, would be the
Medieval Romance the one with a quest centered narrative. But what is really the
difference? First of all, the central theme. In Orlando Furioso, whatever the
significance of individual duels, monster fights, and larger battles, the driving force
of the poem is love and passion, notably, Orlando s love and passion as the title
itself suggests. To add to the complexity of the poem, Ariosto made it rich in plots,
sub plots, and sub sub plots. It seems as if the poem s chief aim was to entertain. The
Faerie Queene... Show more content on ...
No historical event is introduced. Moreover, Spenser chose to set his poem in a
Faerie Land with no apparent geographical boundries and no specific historical
event in the background. One may argue though, that the Faerie Land is indeed
Britain ruled by Great Lady of the greatest Isle , that is, Elizabeth Tudor. It is true as
far as it goes, since poem is highly allegorical from top to bottom.
This fundamental difference between the two poems becomes even more apparent
as the reader progresses through the books. The first book of The Faerie Queene is
character centered, that is, we barely abandon the protagonists (Redcrosse and Una)
throughout the book. Brief sub plots only complement the Quest outlined in the
first stanzas of canto 1. This narration is cumulative. Aditionally, Spenser cherishes
every moment and episode of his poem. He carefully ennumerates the trees, he
suspends the action in order to describe the monster Error that appears early in the
path of Redcrosse and Una. At the same time he makes use of adjectives so as not
to leave us any doubts as to his attitude to it: ... he [Redcrosse] saw the ugly monster
plaine, Halfe like a serpent horribly
Essay on Who is Maria Montessori
Practical Life Rationale Paper 1. Who is Maria Montessori? Please give a brief
description of her life. Maria Montessori was the founder of the Montessori
approach to education, she was born in Italy in 1870. As a teenager she was an
engineer, but later she studied her favor major of medicine. Graduated as Italy s
first female medical practitioner she embarked on a career in mental health.
Following on from this she was asked to head up a childcare project for a social
housing initiative and her first Children s House opened in 1907. Here too she
introduced the equipment she had designed and observed the children very closely as
they used it, tailoring what she provided in the environment to meet their
developmental needs. There was... Show more content on ...
Control of movement: these are provide the foundation and set the stage for all
works in the Montessori classroom.included how to carrying chair,using whold and
transfer bean to another bowl and so on. Care of environment:learning how to
wash windows,and dishes,sweeping and dusting. Care of self:learning how to
wash hands, brush teeth,pack a lunch. 5. What are the direct aims and the indirect
aims of the practical life materials? .Direct Aim The materials in the Montessori
classroom are offered to the children with a direct aim in mind. Each material
isolates a concept and allows for repetitive practice with a certain skill and the
child repeats this process to because he gets a sense of satisfaction. the direct aim in
the Rice Pouring activity will be concentration, co ordination, independence and
order. Indirect Aim In working with the Practical Life activities, the child indirectly
prepares herself or himself in doing an activity. The indirect aim is to enable the
child to do some activity on his own, rather than being dependent on the directress or
any other adult.. The indirect aim of an exercise, in the Practical Life area of a
Montessori environment, has two elements. It includes the self evident purpose of
the action. The second part of the indirect aim includes preparation for future
learning. 6. Explain what is meant by the child as a spiritual embryo. Include the
concepts of
Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy Essay
Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy As children we have many goals
and dreams. Eventually, the time comes when we have to make a career decision
based on our interests and goals. The choices that we make now will have a lasting
effect on our lives. Like most college students I have explored many career options,
but I am always lead back to the education field. Teachers have a very difficult job
because they have the power to shape and inspire our future nation. Although that can
be an intimidating and often scary thought, it also gives me inspiration to move
ahead in pursuing my goal of becoming a teacher. I have always had a passion for
children. There is nothing like watching a child grow and watching their... Show more
content on ...
Absolute is discovered and true regardless of person, place, or time. Knowledge is
constantly changing. Everyday we discover something new and these discoveries
often prove that what was previously thought to be true is completely false. Some
of the things I learned as a student were absolute and will never change; such as the
solution to a algebra problem. In my classroom, I plan to use both relative and
absolute knowledge because they are both very important. Students relative
knowledge will be useful when discussing topics where each student will have
their own opinion. The purpose of education is to teach the basics of knowledge
and to challenge each individual to learn. Education is a vital part of life. It holds
a strong barring on who we are and what we believe in. Education also has a major
impact on our position in society. I want the children in my classroom to understand
how important education is, and I want them to leave my classroom with a yearning
to further their education. While in my classroom, I also want to help my students
find the areas that spark interest in them the most. I hope that I become a teacher
who leaves a positive impression on every child that enters my classroom. As a
lower level elementary teacher, I hold a strong belief in essentialism. I agree that
students must know the basics of academic knowledge so they can build upon that.
My goal is to help my students master the basics
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The Best Persuasive Essay Topics

  • 1. The Best Persuasive Essay Topics Crafting an essay on the topic "The Best Persuasive Essay Topics" may seem deceptively simple at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of selecting and presenting compelling subjects presents a myriad of challenges. The difficulty lies not only in identifying topics that possess the persuasive potential to captivate an audience but also in ensuring that the chosen subjects align with the writer's interests and expertise. The initial hurdle lies in the extensive array of potential topics available, each demanding a careful evaluation of relevance, controversy, and overall appeal. Research becomes a crucial component, requiring an investment of time and effort to gather credible information that substantiates the chosen topics. This phase can be both time-consuming and mentally taxing, as sifting through the vast sea of information to uncover compelling arguments and counterarguments demands a discerning eye. Furthermore, the challenge extends beyond the mere identification of topics; it encompasses the art of constructing a persuasive narrative. The essay must not only present well-researched facts but also employ rhetoric and persuasive techniques that engage and convince the reader. Striking the delicate balance between logic and emotion adds another layer of complexity, requiring finesse in argumentation. Moreover, the ever-evolving nature of societal norms and trends makes it essential to stay abreast of current affairs and cultural shifts. What might have been a persuasive topic a few years ago may lose its impact or relevance in the current landscape. Hence, the essay writer must possess a keen awareness of the dynamic nature of persuasive discourse. In conclusion, while the task of writing an essay on "The Best Persuasive Essay Topics" may initially seem straightforward, the journey is fraught with challenges. From navigating the expansive pool of potential subjects to weaving a compelling narrative that resonates with the audience, the process demands meticulous research, persuasive prowess, and adaptability to the evolving landscape of public opinion. For those who find themselves grappling with these challenges or seeking expert guidance, it's worth noting that similar essays and more comprehensive assistance can be readily obtained through services like Their expertise in crafting persuasive essays on a myriad of topics can alleviate the burdens associated with this intricate task. The Best Persuasive Essay TopicsThe Best Persuasive Essay Topics
  • 2. The North American Free Trade Agreement Essay The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement negotiated by three countries; Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The main purpose of NAFTA is essentially to reduce trade barriers in order to promote international commerce, and open up different industries to trade, in particular textiles, agriculture, and automobile sectors. The introduction of NAFTA completely transformed North American economic relations and led to unparalleled cooperation between the U.S. Canada and Mexico. This research paper will look at the positive and negative impacts of NAFTA and examine whether or not it has been overall successful in promoting economic growth in its member nations. In order to answer this question, I will examine the effects of NAFTA on the U.S., Mexico and Canada by focusing on the macroeconomic impact of NAFTA, its influence on different economic sectors, and the dynamics of free trade between the developed economies of the U.S. and Canada and an undeveloped country, Mexico Macroeconomic Effects The formation of NAFTA put together a $19 trillion market comprised of around 470 million consumers. The large majority of economists concur that NAFTA has advanced the economies of its members. Trade in the region has increased dramatically from 1993, from around $290 billion to around $1.0 trillion in 2016 (Source). Other research into the macroeconomic impact shows improvements, such as an increase in GDP, income, foreign investments, and lowering unemployment.
  • 3. Gabby Douglass Personality Gabby Douglas is a gymnast that performs on the mats. She also performs in a diverse way out of the sport as well. Gabby Douglas had many barriers in her life to defeat. Her path to the London Olympics stood disastrous. There were many distasteful roads to pass. She bestowed perseverance and grew through these troublesome circumstances with God s guidance. She showed her determination by winning a gold medalat the 2012 Olympic Team Final and the All Around Final. Gabby Douglas is true to her beliefs. Her personality shows that she is helpful to the world, and family as evidence of her faith, her charismatic ways, and her graceful execution in the sport of gymnastics. First, Gabby Douglas beliefs in God and his ways of doing things. Her personality shows that she is capable of helping the world, and her family. Faith comes into her life many times. It prove that she is oriented to God and her beliefs. To start off, Gabby is Christian. She goes to church, but as a kid, she decided to see what a temple is like, so she went to a temple to see other religions. She prepares for meets and other major events by reading the bible to pray that she will do well in Gods hands. Whenever she steps on a mat, she tells herself the words that come from the bible that will help her succeed. The quote from the book ... Show more content on ... She also performs in a diverse way out of the sport as well. Gabby Douglas had many barriers in her life to defeat. Her path to the London Olympics stood disastrous. There were many distasteful roads to pass. She bestowed perseverance and grew through these troublesome circumstances with God s guidance. She showed her determination by winning a gold medal at the 2012 Olympic Team Final and the All Around Final. Gabby Douglas is true to her beliefs. Her personality shows that she is helpful to the world, and family as evidence of her faith, her charismatic ways, and her graceful execution in the sport of
  • 4. My Wonderful Mom Is My Mom My Marvelous Mom My Interest Catcher Hasn t everyone had that moment when they just feel the need to say, But Mom! Topic My mom is my favorite, because she has MP1 great movie taste, MP2 is always there to help, and is MP3 very supportive of my decisions. Personal Reflective Statement She has always been there for me, whether it was with an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on. Description of Character My mom has never been a loud person, but she isn t considered shy. She is very short, barely reaching five feet. She also has dark brown hair, and eyes to match. She has always been friendly, stopping to talk to anybody who is willing. Whenever she is with one of her friends, they spend hours (literally) talking about anything and everything. She has a great love for kids, always volunteering to help with them, even if they are strangers. Main Point 1 First, my mom has great movie taste. She enjoys watching all the Marvel movies, Disney, and one of her favorites, Clue. Mom and I both share a love for Marvel. We always watch them together, and enjoy every second of it all. It has always been a conversation starter for us, if one of us brings it up, then we can just talk about it all the time. Mom also enjoys Disney. Sure, it s not one of her favorites, but it s one of mine, and we can always discuss them. I remember when we first went to see Tangled together, and it was a fun experience. We went to see it over Christmas break the year it came out. Afterwards, we went and
  • 5. Research Paper On The Palace Of Versailles The palace of Versailles was built in 1624 by Louis XIII. It was at first a lodge of brick and stone that was designed by an architect called Jacques Lemercier. It was not a palace after the next king of France Louis XIV (also called the Sun God made it one. It was the official residence of the Kings of Francefrom 1682 until 1790. The first phase of expansion was between 1661 and 1678. This first phase was designed and supervised by another architect called Louis Le Vau in which he added three new wings of stone called in french the enveloppe which means in english envelope . After Louis Le Vau died in 1670, his assistant Francois d Orbai took his place and completed the work. The gardens were landscaped by AndrГ© Le NГґtr and Charles
  • 6. Disadvantages And Disadvantages Of Appeasement Appeasement The bigger the stage, the riskier it gets Appeasement , can be seen at work in our daily lives, both at individual and group levels. At an individual level, it is often witnessed within families and at places of work. At a group level, appeasement of communities, sects, counties, countries, etc. is an omnipresent reality of today s world. While most such acts are targeted at calming down a seemingly volatile situation, the majority of them do not aim to benefit all the parties involved i.e. the appeased party, the appeasing party or the appeaser and the third parties affected by the agreement between the former two but not directly involved themselves. The end result of a carefully orchestrated appeasement with a positive intent ... Show more content on ... is a much debated issue across the globe. In our own country, the continuous appeasement of minorities or backward communities for vote bank politics has gradually established itself as a deep rooted cancer in our society. Every couple of years, a backward group rises above the rest of the groups and holds the country for ransom to gain reservations in educational institutes and government jobs. There are widespread killings, looting and arson until the central government bends to the unjust demands of the protesting community and surrenders. Unfortunately, this becomes a vicious cycle and emboldens other people with a common grouse to demand reservations, statehood, favours, etc. The appeaser i.e. the government remains a spectator for most of the period but eventually ends up on the losing side whereas the appeased party i.e. the protesting group usually ends up on the winning side. However, the biggest losers are the rest of the people (third party) who have nothing to do with the issue. Badly hit road and train travel, exorbitantly costly air travel, electricity / water crisis, postponement of exams / interviews, collateral damage in terms of killings and loss of income, etc. are few of the problems that people face due to the standoff between the government and the protesters. Appeasement in such cases creates unsettling, volatile calm cycles of unrest and peace. It
  • 7. Use of Color in Crane s The Red Badge of Courage Essay Use of Color in Crane s The Red Badge of Courage The Red Badge of Courage uses both color imagery and color symbols. While Crane uses color to describe, he also allows it to stand for whole concepts. Gray, for example, describes the both the literal image of a dead soldier and Henry Fleming s vision of the sleeping soldiers as corpses and comes to stand for the idea of death. In the same way, red describes both the soldiers physical wounds and Fleming s mental visions of battle. In the process, it gains a symbolic meaning which Crane will put to an icon like the red badge of courage (110, Penguin ed., 1983). Crane uses color in his descriptions of the physical and the metaphysical and allows color to take on meanings ranging from the ... Show more content on ... Obviously, the fires are red. But Fleming characterizes the blazes as the enemy s glowing eyes. He continues this metaphor in the next chapter: From across the river the deep red eyes were still peering (58). Crane then transforms this metaphor into a conceit used throughout the text: Staring once at the red eyes across the river, he conceived then to be growing larger, as the orbs of a row of dragons advancing (59). The red of the campfires comes to represent eyes of the enemy, of dragons. The monstrous dragons are, indeed, the opposing army: The dragons were coming with invincible strides. The army, helpless in the matted thickets and blinded by the overhanging night, was going to be swallowed. War, the red animal, war, the blood swollen god, would have his fill (130). Fleming s metaphysical images of war, in all of their forms, are essentially red. First there is the aforementioned red animal, war, the blood swollen god (71). This icon, for Fleming, rules over and feasts on the battles. Battles themselves are a crimson roar ; the screams, the gunfire, the killing sounds red to Fleming. In the same way, the historical battles set forth in the Iliad, the Aenid, and other texts read as crimson blotches on the pages of the past (103, 46). The red world of battle is much like the red world of Hell. Crane seems to make this connection with a prisoner s curse for his captors: He consigned them to the red regions.
  • 8. Case Study Of Gizzmovest Manufactures The Product Line Essay 1.Introduction 101geo is the business that will form the basis for the study in this paper. It is a small business, which was established in 2011 and operates as a sole trader. 101geo caters to the rapidly growing location based game market, including geocaching and munzee . The store is an online only operation, with no brick and mortar premises, is based in Australia and mainly supplies customers in Australia and New Zealand. It sells a variety of items that cater to the players of the games mentioned above, and the items sold vary from plastic containers to GPS receivers. For the purposes of this marketing study, we will examine one product line that 101geo retails, i.e. GPS protective cases (101geo 2015) 2.Current Marketing Situation 2.1.Product An American company called Gizzmovest manufactures the product line we are examining. It is a range of ethylene based foam products, custom made for individual models of handheld GPS receivers and offer a high degree of drop and impact protection. They feature a grippy texture to reduce accidental drops and have air filled crush zones around the case to prevent damage to the device in the event of a drop. (Gizzmovest 2015) The cases are produced for two different manufacturers of GPS receivers Garmin and DeLorme. Since DeLorme does not have a retail presence in this region, and their products are rarely found, 101geo only stocks cases to suit the Garmin range of devices. 2.2.Market Garmin produce a wide range of
  • 9. The Importance of Professionalism in The Marines Essay The Importance of Professionalism What is the importance of professionalism? First, we must answer another question. What is professionalism? Professionalism is most commonly describe as acting like a professional. A professional is defined characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace. [merriam] So, this brings me back to the importance of professionalism. It is important to be professional in the work place so you do not stand out, in a bad way. If you are unprofessional, you will get some bad rep. Bad rep will only get you extra duties and your comrades ostricizing you. No one wants ... Show more content on ... He was always trying to better himself and he would always try to do the right thing. He did all his MCI s, went to the gym every day, and was always polite. When it came to doing the right thing, you could always count on him. He would always pick up trash (even if it wasnt his). If he was working and saw something that needed to be done, he would do it. If he saw another Marine slacking off or being a turd, he would correct that Marine. He was the ultimate rolemodle for junior Marines. One day, Lance Corporal Johnson got assigned a new roomate. Once he found out who he was moving in with, he asked around to see what other Marines thought of this guy. No one really new much about this guy, except that he kept to himself mostly. Being the good guy that Johnson is, he welcomed his new roommate with open arms. He gave him a ride everywhere. He took him out places and introduced him to a lot of different people. He also warned this Marine who to stay away from. About a few months later, Lance Corporal Johnson goes home for leave. The whole time he s there, he acts as if he is still on base. Gets a haircut every sunday, shaves every day, and never wears any clothing out of Marine Corps Regulations. He may have drank a few times, but he s over the drinking age so its okay. When Lance Corporal Johnson came back from leave, he noticed a funny smell in his room. It was coming from his bathroom. So, he opens the bathroom door to find his roommate and another
  • 10. Physics for Industries INTRODUCTION Physics attempts to describe the fundamental nature of the universe and how it works, always striving for the simplest explanations common to the most diverse behaviour. For example, physics explains why rainbows have colours, what keeps a satellite in orbit, and what atoms and nuclei are made of. The goal of physics is to explain as many things as possible using as few laws as possible, revealing nature s underlying simplicity and beauty. Physics has been applied in many industrial fields, which include the air industry, construction industry, automobile industry, manufacturing industry and many others. All these industries apply physics in one way or another. For example a car that moves from one point to another has to ... Show more content on ... The fluid moving over the top travels a greater distance than the moving just under the bottom of the wing. Consequently, the fluid moving over the top must travel faster in order to conform to the shape of the wing and still maintain the natural streamline. The shape of the wing also crowds the streamlines together above the wing, just as in the case of a constructing pipe. The result is that of the region immediately above the wing. Because the downward force on the top of the wing is less than the upward force on the bottom, a net upward force, or lift, arises from the airflow. (Beyond the airfoil the flowing air has a downward component of velocity. By Newton s third law, the reaction force to the net downward force exerted on the air is the lift.) For lift to occur, a flow of air is required relative to the wing. The lift occurs equally well for a wing moving through stationary air or for moving past a stationary wing. In general, as the flow of air past the wing increases, both the lift force and the drag force (the resistance to forward motion) increases. According to Breithaipt (2000), aircraft wings are designed so that pilots can change the wing shape during flight, producing greater lift for the slower speeds of takeoff and landing and producing less drag at cruising extended
  • 11. Loneliness And Isolation In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein In this excerpt of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein, the scene reveals the creature s desperation to befriend the DeLaceys to escape his loneliness. After approaching the old DeLacey, he expresses his yearning for companionship and protection from the family. However, Felix, Safie, and Agatha suddenly enter the hovel and confront the creature. The horror (96) on the faces of his friends and being struck violently with a stick (97) show the rejection that the creature experiences. His only link to humanity is broken and he is isolated from society. This passage exhibits the central theme of loneliness as experienced by the creature. The excerpt shows that loneliness is caused by rejection from society, companionship is desired, and isolation... Show more content on ... He is isolated from society, and it is proven when the DeLacey family rejects the creature for his appearance. This passage parallels the creature s first rejection by his own creator, Victor Frankenstein. Due to the his ugliness, Victor abandons his creation because of his disgust (35). As a result, the creature is left to explore the world on his own without guidance. His appearance causes him to be feared by nearly everyone he sees, and thus, he is isolated. Earlier, when the creature encounters an old man, he shrieked loudly (73) and ran out of his hut. His physique is such a cause of alarm for others, that even strangers leave their houses in fear. However, this passage shows the kindness that the blind DeLacey showed. Since he could not see, the old DeLacey was the only person who would listen to the creature, because he could not judge his appearance. He had empathy. Still, the creature faced rejection. Subsequently, he believed that solitude [was his] only consolation (61). The creature used isolation as a coping mechanism for his constant rejection. However, this only contributed to his loneliness and suffering. The creature even compares himself to the devil (93) to emphasise his seclusion. He uses this analogy to show his despair because even the enemy of God had his companions (93). Frankenstein s creation is physically and emotionally alone because he is the only one of his kind. He is not accepted because of his deformities. Therefore, rejection from society, is the cause of his
  • 12. The Era Of Detroit s Skyline Think about Detroit and what it is today, would you have thought that Detroit s skyline was the greatest in the world for architectural style? Well, you may have to change your mind. The roaring twenties were a time of growth and great economic wealth for many places, especially the United States and Europe. With new technology anything could happen as some would say it. Automobiles were very important and started to grow in the eyes of manufacturers and consumers. Detroitwas growing with industrial and commercial spirit, big in the automotive business, Detroit had many jobs and factories inside the city limits. The country was on the rise and nothing could knock it down, the Art Decoarchitecture style was at its peak during the 1920 s. People say not to judge a book by its cover, don t judge Detroit by what it is now, open the book to see that the motor city has a great history and this building is a part of it. The Union Trust Company had two buildings that provided office space for the business and professional men of Detroit, they were; the Buhl Building and the Penobscot Building. Which still stand today and are a part of the city s skyline. The Union Trust Company wanted another building to be the headquarters for their company and provide a public image with warm and colorful architecture. The headquarters would be called the Union Trust Building. The architecture firm on all three of these buildings was Smith, Hinchman and Grylls who assigned their head
  • 13. Leaving Mexico To Fin For Its Self Even With All The Debt Leaving Mexico to fin for its self even with all the debt it owes was not part of the United States plans. They organized a way where they not only benefited but help dragged Mexico out of the mess they made. By teaming with two of the most powerful nations in world Mexicans would be able to grab hold or its own country and form a Mexicois a middle class. businesses. As a result, modern Mexico is a middle class country (Steffan, 2017). The World Bank estimates that some 95 percent of Mexico s population is in the middle or the upper class. (O Neil 2013) Mexico was able to utilize its resources to help fulfil needs from the United States. This made it so there was an industry to focus the succeeding in the huge numbers. NAFTA gave a... Show more content on ... Looking at the numbers from 1993 until today it proves that this out reach program from these nations greatly benefited they economic and political development. It helped Mexicans put their labor to use and contribute to the worlds revenue. These statistics depicts a time line that demonstrates the progression by more than five hundred percent. This is outstanding due to the two decades it achieved all of these accomplishments in. The two countries accounted for 34% of total U.S. exports in 2016. In imports, Canada and Mexico ranked second and third, respectively, as suppliers of U.S. imports in 201 (CRS Reports 2010). Even with Mexico coming in second and third on the import chart that is still astonishing for the fact that it had one of the most tremendous crisis in the world. With over 30 percent of its people being in complete poverty. The Mexican nation was still able to pull together and create a bond which helped them not only make amends to the debt which was owed but also take back it s nation and build it to the strongest it has ever been. With the massive lost in the previous year s Mexico was able to create a democracy unlike anywhere else in the world. It may not have been a pure democracy but the people were able to vote for its leaders and political parties came about. Their were different political parties which the people acknowledge to support the rise of this new economic development era. One party in particular is the
  • 14. Comparison Of Zora Neale Hurston And Their Eyes Were... After reading Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston and The Awakening by Kate Chopin all I can think about is how both authors emphasize sympathy towards the characters of both their books. Both stories have females as main characters that struggle with finding a reason for existence in life. In The Awakening, Kate Chopin, the author, made it more apparent for the amount of sympathy she has for Edna and In Their Eyes Were Watching God , by Zora Neale Hurston, has a more callous towards all the male characters except for Janie s last husband, Tea Cake. In the novel The Awakening by Kate Chopin, the character Edna Pontellier; is a middle aged woman who is married and a mother who has an hungering awakening for passion and romance for the first time in her life, although she has been married for many years now. In short, Mrs. Pontellier was beginning to realize her position in the universe as a human being, and to recognize her relations as an individual to the world within and about her. This may seem like a ponderous weight of wisdom to descend upon the soul of a young woman of twenty eight perhaps more wisdom than the Holy Ghost is usually pleased to vouchsafe to any woman. But the beginning of things, of a world especially, is necessarily vague, tangled, chaotic, and exceedingly disturbing. How few of us ever emerge from such beginning! How many souls perish in its tumult! The voice of the sea is seductive; never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring,
  • 15. My Short Piece For Graded Unit I 1.Research Evidence For my solo piece for graded unit I feel like I was not heavily influenced by any of the research I had done. I tried as much as possible to make it about me as a choreographer and what my personal style is. I have been influenced by choreographers in my life which have made me the dancer I am, but my aim was not to draw on one specific person or company for ideas or inspiration. I did research more into the event that my solo is about however. As it is about the Via Dolorosa and Jesus I looked into the stations of the cross, and what the road of sorrows actually looks like in Jerusalem. This influenced some of my movements and the spacing of my dance. In the solo I purposely fall three times, each time struggling more to get back onto my feet, like Jesus did during the passion. I also travel downstage in a diagonal line, not using much of the downstage left corner and the upstage right corner, to purposefully show that I am travelling somewhere. I also use my movement to try and show how fatigued I am getting toward the end of the dance. I try my best to act like I am exhausted and like I have been carrying something heavy for a long time, like Jesus did with his cross. For my group choreography I feel like I played a lot with the idea of music. I took inspiration from Merce Cunningham and his ideas of how music and dance do not need to be linked and intertwined. I feel as if I have really played with this idea because the first segment of my group
  • 16. Modern Times By Charlie Chaplin Throughout this course so far we have learned of the struggles of man, from slavery and reconstruction, war, to industrialization and the Great Depression. These were hard times in America and frankly I m glad I do not have to live through it. From the film Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin we get an inside look at how one felt and experienced during the 1930 s. I clearly feel this movie captured the essence of what today people think about today of the 1930 s, Industrialization and the Great Depression. It is at this time that the hard working class citizen is highlighted. Let s begin with a brief summary of the film. The film follows a young man who is working in the factory trying to keep up with technology but ends of losing his mind.... Show more content on ... The part where the government is taking them away and the screen flashes the saying The law takes charge of the orphans . This flat out shows how the government feels they own a person and what happens with them until the government sees fit. Which is also what happens today with minors, it is understandable but nevertheless it is the government having full control over what happens to an individual person. Which results in the eldest daughter running away before they can take her away but ends up catching up to her in the end of the film. The economics is absolutely terrible during the Great Depression. People are starving in the street every day. The basic survival needs of life are stripped from many people such as, work, food, and shelter. In the Chaplin film, the woman who Chaplin becomes companions with, story began as a thief, stealing food to feeds her siblings and father as he no longer had work to be able to provide for his family. We watch the scene as she is a crazy eyed savage type stealing bananas just to have some food for the day. But children are not the only ones to steal to eat in this film. The part of the movie in the department store examines the lengths of hostility men were willing to go to get food. Here the robber shot at and held hostage Chaplin until an ex coworker recognized him. He went on to explain We ain t burglars, were hungry . Men during this time were
  • 17. Essay Comparing Porphyria s Lover And The Last Duchess Comparison of Lover and Last Duchess (A Comparison of Two Poems) Often times we wonder why people write and say things. We wonder what will happen to those around us and how they might go. There are two poems about a love that has lead to people they love dying. Rivera has done research on Browning and she discovered many things, Finding school irritating and uninteresting, Browning left formal institutional learning behind and was educated at home by a tutor. (Rivera) This is surprising because every wrote some of the greatest poems in the Victorian age. Those two poems are called Porphyria s Lover and The Last Duchess by Robert Browning. First of all, you have the comparison of Murder between the two poems. Within both poems you can tell ... Show more content on ... Flirting with Meaning: An Examination of Miscommunication in Flirting Interactions. SpringerLink. Kluwer Academic Publishers Plenum Publishers, n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2017. Hess, Frederick M. Tough Love for Schools: Essays on Competition, Accountability, and Excellence. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 1150 Seventeenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036. Tel: 202 862 5800; Fax: 202 862 7177; Web Site: Http:/ /, 31 Dec. 2005. Web. 17 Mar. 2017. Rivera, Adrienne. Five Little Known Facts About Robert Browning. Five Little Known Facts About Robert Browning. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2017. Shengold, Leonard. Pardon Our Interruption. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2017. White, Gregory L. Some Correlates of Romantic Jealousy. Journal of Personality. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 28 Apr. 2006. Web. 15 Mar.
  • 18. The Iran Nuclear Deal Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate. President Kennedy quoted by President Obama. Eight venturesome countries, two years of fierce negations, and nearly four decades of bloody conflict and volatile regional adversity have given birth to the 159 page Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, aka the Iran Nuclear Deal. As Shakespeare prophesied with satirical accuracy; Ancient grudge breaks forth to new mutiny, and civil blood makes civil hands unclean. This ancient grudge has always been simple: The Islamic Republic of Iran wants to continue it s peaceful nuclear program, and the rest of the world doesn t trust them to tell the difference between peaceful and nuclear threat. The deterrents so far have been extensive sanctions and comprehensive arms embargoes. These have effectively crippled the development of the Iranian economy, stunted multinational investment and engendered further mutiny among the already bitter Iranian people. Proxy military and revolutionary groups like Hezbollah have responded with increased vehemence and urgency. Contrary to the dazzlingly clear presentations from Washington (complete with it s own theme music and hashtag!) there is nothing about this context or deal that is simple or predictable. However, should it work, the Iranian Nuclear Deal could simply be the most important step in the stabilisation of the Middle East in modern history. What is it? The raw components of the deal are: Iran must
  • 19. Information System of Walmart Walmart is a billion dollar retailing machine. Through the decades, Walmart has combined many different types of information systems in to their day to day operations. Walmart is known around the world for their continuous improvements and implementation of new information systems to remain on top of the retail industry. The information systemsused by Walmart play a major role in their continued success. With their use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Walmart is able to send and receive instantaneous data to their networks. This is why Walmart has been able to remain competitively priced and control their inventories. This paper will show how Walmart has used many different information systems during the course of its history to manage both capital and human resources. History In the late 1940s, a man named Sam Walton was franchising Ben Franklin s store located in Newport, Arkansas. As a retailer, Walton continuously was in search of suppliers with best deals on merchandise. Usually, if a retailer was able to get a deal from a wholesaler they would leave their store prices at the regular price and pocket the excess money. Being the innovator he was, Walton decided to pass the savings on to the consumer and make his money through the increased volume of sales. This understanding would become the foundation of Walton s business strategy when he developed Walmart in 1962. Walton was known for being a cheap guy, so naturally he saw the value in discount
  • 20. George Orwell s The Aliens-Personal Narrative Fiction From the initial chaos, fear, and urge to destroy the other had passed, Leinster s narrative shifts gears, presenting a new way of seeing the alien, through the form of communication. There was one of the aliens to whom communication became as normal a function as Tommy s own code handlings. The two of them developed a quite insane friendship, conversing by coder, decoder and short waive trains (Leinster 268). From the very beginning of the narrative, Leinster stresses that perception and truth were two separate concepts. At the beginning of the short story, both man and alien saw no other choice than to destroy the other, and yet they don t. They watch each other, observing their actions, and eventually understand that the monstrous presence... Show more content on ... Going from the menacing beings on the black ship to Buck his gill breathing friend, the aliens are no longer the mysterious and threatening Other but agreeable beings with senses of humor(Leinster 274). Unwilling to destroy each other, neither people can figure out a peaceful solution, even with all of their knowledge and technology. It is not until readers take a closer look at the method of vision that each people uses that the solution becomes clear. Where humans are adapted to high levels of light, the aliens are extremely sensitive, having adapted to a much lowers level of light. Understanding this, it is this difference that contributes the improbability that the man and alien would fight over the same solar systems. We ll get along all right...since they see by infrared, the planets they d want to make use of wouldn t suit us. There s no reason why we shouldn t get along...they re just like us, (Leinster 279). Based on each peoples intolerance to the drastically different levels of light each, neither people would fight over the same solar systems, causing any fear of domination to collapse into hopeful collaboration. By weaving in several layers of the sense of vision, from the elements of light and dark, clarity and obscurity, and even the answer to the predicament, Leinster s short story present the value of
  • 21. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay The seventh commandment of the Ten Commandments states Thou shalt not commit adultery. (Exodus 20:14). Adultery, according to the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary, is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than her husband. Some people may think that adultery is only an occurrence in the 21st century, but it also occurred frequently in the 1600s as well. For example, in The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, a novel that was set in the 17th century tells the story of Hester Prynne who was convicted of adultery with a man named Reverend Dimmesdale. Even though adultery seems to be the most important theme throughout the novel, ... Show more content on ... These literary elements help make the novel into one of the most profound written pieces of literature of its time. The author of The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne, was born into a Puritan family, as was Hester Prynne, in the city of Salem Massachusetts on July 4, 1804. Hawthorne never fully had a male head figure in his life because at the age of four, Hawthorne s father died in Surinam. His dad worked full time as a ship captain. One of Hawthorne s fore fathers was a judge in the Salem Witch Trials. Hawthorne shunned his family because of their involvement in the Salem Witch Trials by adding the w in what should have been his last name, Hathorne. Adding the w characterizes the relationship between Hester and the letter A . Hester knew that she could not run away from the past, but Hawthorne let this problem torment him for the rest of his life. Hawthorne, for the majority of his adult life, had to deal with the self imposed guilt of shunning his own family, which he reflected in the characters of Reverend Dimmesdale, and Robert Chillingworth. Hawthorne came across the files of Hester Prynne while working as a surveyor at the Salem Custom House. These files triggered Hawthorne to write The Scarlet Letter. The years following the publication of The Scarlet Letter were probably the happiest years of his life. At one
  • 22. An Examination Into The Respective Proofs Of St. Aquinas An Examination into the Respective Proofs of St. Anselm and St. Aquinas During the Medieval Period, philosophers shifted their focus primarily to proving the existence of God, as well as other religious tenets. Two Saints of the Catholic Church, St. Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinas, developed their own respective proofs for the existenceof God. These proofs have gained fame over the subsequent centuries and still face debate and comparison today. Although both St. Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinasoffer proofs for the existence of God, the proofs differ drastically due to the distinct argumentative methods utilized by each author, as well as the differing overall strengths and weaknesses each proof yields. To begin comparing the proofs, one must first state them. St. Anselm s proof is most clearly described by defining God as that than which no greater can be conceived (Melchert, 260). With this definition in mind, one can contemplate St. Augustine s Great Chain of Being and realize that existence gives something more being, or more greatness, than non existence (Melchert, 261). It follows, then, that we grasp an idea of God, which would be greater if it actually existed, therefore it (our idea of God) exists. Anselm s definition of God and Augustine s theory of the Great Chain of Being are the only requirements for Anselm s proof of the existence of God to work. St. Thomas Aquinas actually posits five separate proofs, but due to length constraints, this paper will only
  • 23. Chaucer s Three-Estate System Geoffrey Chaucer lived in an era of social class; which he clearly demonstrates in his book Canterbury Tales. Chaucer does a decent job on portraying each of the pilgrims as an example of various ranks within the 14th century English society. When you first start reading the Canterbury Tales, you may think that Chaucer s social awareness and insightful characterizations can be seen as portrayals of British society in the late 1300s and early 1400s. Also, one can mistake his analysis, criticism, and his sardonic condemnation elements of the British culture as genuine attempts to alter the oppressive system by having malevolent characters. For example, the Friar, the Summoner, the Pardoner, and the Prioress. If we look ... Show more content on ... The CT uses a new, broader approach to address all these issues. In Chaucer, Aers states Chaucer s writing is marked by an openness to many contradictory [social] forces the General Prologue alludes to traditional ideology on the Three Estates through the figures of the Knight, Priest, and Ploughman Peasant. But it does so in a context which dissolves the Estate ideology (15 17). Further, Strohm states, in Studies in the Age of Chaucer, Through juxtaposition of statements on themes like genteelness, sovereignty, and authority, he [Chaucer] shows his audience that the truth about a subject is not unitary or closed, but is open and additive and can best be approached by entertaining a variety of points of view that existing orders of decorum and procedure must remain open to modification. Chaucer provides a formal analogue for the readjustments of perception which follow when new classes invade and modify traditional social orders (35). Canterbury Tales presented a challenge to the three estates system because of the use of rhetoric advocating to change, which motivated the intent to further the recognition, and the success, of the emerging middle class! Chaucer paints his characters skillfully. Without examinating Chaucer s social background and political intentions, you might not even pay attention to
  • 24. Essay On Your Financial Roadmap To A New Home Your Financial Roadmap to a New Home So, it s time to buy a home. Many of you likely are ready to do so for very different reasons. For one, you might be starting a family and need more space. Two, you might be only months from retirement and long have been ogling a move to the beach. Three, you might want to live closer to aging family members. Four, you might be facing a big career transfer. Or, maybe it s simply time to become a homeowner. You re done with renting. Weary of stuffing a landlord s wallet each month rather than building equity in your own place (What s equity? We ll explain later). Whatever your motivation, the path to homeownership is primarily a financial one. Where you want to buy and why you want to buy are up to ... Show more content on ... Other times, they re a pleasant surprise. Regardless, they all contain a three digit score that will be similar to each other, and range somewhere between 300 (lousy) and 850 (awesome). A credit scoreof 700 is considered good. Make a Plan You can t plan for a new home until you know your credit scores. Good, bad or ugly, they re a huge barometer of your overall financial health and a good guide for what you should do next. Let s assume your three credit scores are okay, but not super fantastic. You can fix them. Just realize it s not a quick fix. You ll need at least a year of on time, credit account payments to establish a healthier credit history. Doing that requires planning. Start with a little homework jot down all your monthly income. Track how much goes to bill paying and how much to necessary expenses such as groceries and gas. Next, track how you spend the rest of that monthly income on clothes, restaurants, movie tickets and so on. Then, what can you cut? Don t say nothing. Small actions such as brewing your own coffee at home rather than patronizing a coffee shop every day add up big over time. If you re eating out every other night, dial it back. Pack a lunch to take to work. Trek through a couple months spending records and you ll soon know where you can cut the financial fat. For now, plan to stockpile all the extras in a savings account. Budget Isn t a Dirty Word Once you ve examined your income streams, expenses and
  • 25. Into The Woods Response Essay Upon walking into Into The Woods one would say the mood was set well. The red curtain in front of the proscenium stage, the orchestra tuning their instruments, and a peculiar man standing on the side of the stage. I was prepared for the show, a water bottle and plenty of cough drops to get me through the 2 and ВЅ hours. What I was not prepared to see was the obvious struggles they were having that day with their own cues. Having worked in show business since I was young, I know opening night is always the night when things go horribly wrong. I can have sympathy for them but a few of the things that were missed were outright ridiculous. When the baker was counting out the beans to Jack and they missed the fourth chime noise, I was surprised. ... Show more content on ... The actors and actresses did well in their assigned rolls and I wish I could congratulate them on finishing the run. They worked together very well in all of the group musical numbers regardless of how hard they can be to coordinate at times. If I had to rate this performance of the musical it would get a 9/10. The acting, singing, costumes and costume changes, scenery and of course, the plot, are all wonderful and this is a must see. The only thing lacking was the cues and lighting, the use of the gobos was lacking and there was not as much color change as I would have enjoyed
  • 26. Martin Luther King Jr Is A Hero Many people are different in many ways, race, color, gender, personality, and nationality. These are common things people get discriminated from, because of what religion they believe in or even their skin color. Martin Luther King Jr. did not agree or like this. He wanted change. He didn t give up on African Americans who got judged because of their skin. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. For Example, Nelson Mandela fought against South African apartheid, Rosa Parks fought for black freedom just like MLK did, and Malala Yousafzai fought for women s rights and education. Out of all these examples of heroic people, this is why Martin Luther King Jr. is a hero.... Show more content on ... Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin grew up in 501 Auburn Avenue, home to some prosperous and prominent African Americans in the county. But later moves to 193 Boulevard in Atlanta. Martin Luther King used to play with white kids. In fact, his best friend was white. When he was young he became a pastor and he was a paperboy, he sent delivered newspapers to different homes. Martin s parents were very loving but at the same time they were strict. His life was much more pleasant than other negroes in the south. Martin was educated early, he learned what segregation meant and made up in his mind what he wanted to do when he was older. Martin Luther King always used to go to a store with his mom to look at toys and kids items. One day he went there and he accidentally stepped on a lady s foot and the lady slapped him across his face. She had called him a nigger and that he should leave. He never forgot this moment, it made him want to change disrespect against
  • 27. Analysis Of Chris Mccandless In Into The Wild, By Jon... In the book Into the Wild, the author, John Krakauer, writes about his own life and experiences in an attempt to throw some oblique light on the enigma of Chris McCandless. John Krakauer succeeds most in shedding light on Chris McCandless through writing about his experiences with his own father. Lewis Krakauer, John Krakauer s father, was apparently a very intense man who tried to force his children to become doctors and lawyers. John Krakauer says that when he did not enter Harvard or any other medical school but became a carpenter and a climbing bum instead, an unbridgeable gulf between us widened. John Krakauer s feelings toward his father are very similar to Christopher McCandlessfeelings towards Walt McCandless, his father. John
  • 28. Political Fear Book Review Political fear is an important concept which has repercussions throughout politics today. Much of this idea is established in Corey Robin s work Fear: The History of a Political Idea. In this book he walks through the philosophical origins of the concept, discusses what it looks like at different moments in American history, and offers his own theory of the a form of political fear developed in the United States, which he calls Fear, American Style. Next, the dynamics that occurred during the McCarthy era United States are discusses and related back to this idea that a uniquely American type of political fear is at work here, particularly in workplaces across the country. Finally, through the in class presentations on fear, the implications... Show more content on ... Here, again, there is a clear use of political fear as a divisive force, pitting us against them . Lack of knowledge about Islam, fear the Islam is incompatible with Western civilization and fear for more attacks against national security were pinpointed by this group as causes of this Islamophobia. In June 2016, this tension was particularly highlighted in the United Kingdom. There was a referendum vote to leave the European Union particularly motivated by a fear of Middle Eastern immigrants assumed to be Muslim moving into the country and corrupting its way of life. These fears were played upon by the Leave campaign. Islamophobia has a clear relationship to political fear, since it can be used to impact elections and encourages harsh policies like travel
  • 29. Does The Internet Foster Isola Essay example One of the most talked, known and controversial issues today is the Internet. Internet is a large network made up of a number of smaller networks. Almost every computer in an educational facility and in home and small office use is connected to some type of a network. People spent a lot of time on the Internet, which may make them seem isolated. However, the Internet does not fosterisolation, because it may be used for many different things like communication, education, problem solving and etc. The concept for the Internet was to make a link in to a new world, a world that has many different opportunities within its self. To gives the people options to go to China, Italy, and Egypt without spending a lot of money on the trip. To open... Show more content on ... The Internet provides just that. This may seem like isolation because no physical contact is present, and some or all of the things that are said might not be true. This is a misconception. People that are talking face to face with one another might be lying or might not be; the same is said for the Internet conversations. People whose physical handicaps make it difficult to form new friendships find that virtual communities treat them as they always wanted to be treated (Rheingold 206). Equality and understanding is the key, and the virtual community provides that and much more. Advice is also one of the keys for equality and understanding. As we all know advice in today s world is not free, and most of the time you need to make an appointment to get that expansive help. The internet provides advice that is free and at the same time on the spot. In Urbana, Illinois, the Federal Department of Education has set up a network for parents, teachers, community workers, and etc. that have questions concerning children, financial assistance, educational assistance, and etc (Thomas). The Internet is not only for fun and games, but it is also for problem solving of all types. This is not the only site of this sort; Howard Reingold logged onto the Well, when he needed an answer in a matter of seconds. What amazed him when he logged on wasn t just the speed with which we obtained precisely the information we was also the
  • 30. The Black Walnut Tree Mary Oliver Summary Money is a hardship all families will face in some way. In The Black Walnut Tree , Mary Oliver conveys an ominous but persevered symbiotic relationship between the tree and the family through a harsh onomatopoeia, threatening imagery, and a lively polysyndeton, turning the tree into a symbol for elongating time. Oliver uses imagery to make the relationship appear to be threatened and possibly coming to an end. The familyworries a storm will knock the tree down, smashing the house in the process. The tree being there every day is a constant reminder to the family that an unfavorable event could happen to ruin the relationship. In this case, they are worried a storm could bring it down on their house creating an ominous feeling towards
  • 31. Nursing Case Study Omeprazole The patient reports that the bunch of symptoms of abdominal pain, gas and severe heartburn are relatively frequent episode that occurs about 10 times per year. She usually visits her primary care physician who diagnosed her with acid reflux that is treated with a course of Omeprazole which always resolves the symptoms without side effects. The patient also, reports enormous symptoms of sinus problems, stuffy nose, congestion, sneezing attacks, hay fever, hives and excessive mucus formation. These symptoms are worsening after a meal that contains bread or peanuts, but the symptoms are resolved with Benadryl. The patient was asked what her symptoms are when she does not have active gastrointestinal distress; her reply was that she constantly... Show more content on ... In the review of her chest, heart and respiratory, she mentioned chest congestion, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and chronic sinusitis, which get severe during the spring and fall due to brutal seasonal allergies. In a review of her digestive system, she reports abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea (3 x days), vomiting, constipation and smelly stool, this occurs after eating certain foods. In the analysis of the muscle, joints, nerves and blood vessels she has occasional pain but not severe complaints. In the review of her emotional, psychological, metabolism and sleep, she noted that she sleeps well and has no problems initiating sleep or maintaining sleep, but feels worn out, sluggish and fatigue when waking up in the morning. She also stated that feels more anxious than usual for past one year, but could not really know the cause of her periodic anxiety. In assessing her menstrual cycle, she notes very high significant PMS such as anger, irritability, and aggressiveness beginning two weeks to her menstruation. She is not taking oral contraception, but she tries to alleviate symptom by exercising 3 times a
  • 32. Hiv in Nigeria The history of HIV and AIDS in Nigeria The first two HIV cases in Nigeria were identified in 1985 and were reported at an international AIDS conference in 19866. In 1987 the Nigerian health sector established the National AIDS Advisory Committee, which was shortly followed by the establishment of the National Expert Advisory Committee on AIDS(NEACA). At first the Nigerian government was slow to respond to the increasing rates of HIV transmission7 and it was only in 1991 that the Federal Ministry of Health made their first attempt to assess the Nigerian HIV/AIDS situation. The results showed that around 1.8 percent of the population of Nigeria were infected with HIV. Subsequent surveillance reports revealed that during the 1990s the HIV ... Show more content on ... He stated on the day, A great majority of Nigerians have now come to accept the reality of AIDS 17. However, the statistics show that the Nigerian government desperately need to scale up HIV testing rates in order to bring the epidemic under control. Cultural practices Women are particularly affected by the epidemic in Nigeria. In 2006 UNAIDS estimated that women accounted for 61.5 percent of all adults aged 15 and above living with HIV18. Traditionally, women in Nigeria marry young, although the average age at which they marry varies between states. A 2007 study revealed that 54 percent of girls from the North West aged between 15 24 were married by age 15, and 81 percent were married by age 1819. The study showed that the younger married girls lacked knowledge on reproductive health, which included HIV/AIDS. They also tend to lack the power and education needed to insist upon the use of a condom during sex. Coupled with the high probability that the husband will be significantly older than the girl and therefore is more likely to have had more sexual partners in the past, young women are more vulnerable to HIV infection within marriage. Poor healthcare system Over the last two decades, Nigeria s healthcare system has deteriorated as a result of political instability, corruption and a mismanaged economy. Large parts of the country lack even basic healthcare provision, making it difficult to establish HIV testing and prevention services
  • 33. The Bluebeard By Charles Perrault As children, we dream of being the princesses and princes that occupy the scenes of fairy tales. Society magnifies the importance of these fairy tales in one s childhood because, not only do they entertain the imaginations of youth, but they also teach important lessons on bravery, honesty, correct integrity, good morality, etc. Every child dreams of one day having their happily ever after . Every little girl dreams of one day having a Prince Charming sweep her off her feet, and every small boy dreams of one day being the heroic knight who swoops in and saves the damsel in distress. Although presently fairytales serve the minds of children, these stories were not always written for children to build their dreams on. Folktales were originally filled with horrendous action and gruesome thoughts and clearly not for a youthful mind.... Show more content on ... The original fairy tales originated from historic stories, and most lack the happiness and peace of modern tales. The horrific events and terrifying elements that fill these stories arose as a portrayal of significant situations occurring at the times and as a means of coping and explaining the reason for such situations. One tale, originally written by Charles Perrault, called Bluebeard follows the ideal pattern of the classic fairy tale genre. These fairy tales base children s stories off of actual historical happenings, display necessary archetypal elements that expose vital morals needed in life, and provide substantial psychological elements that imply deep rooted meanings hidden within the
  • 34. Deep Space Nine Episode The Visitor I m a Star Trek nut. Always have been. Always will be. One of my favorite episodes in the entire franchise was the Deep Space Nine episode The Visitor. Captain Benjamin Sisko is the father of a writer an avid writer named Jake. You know the type. The storyteller who can t drop the pen or push away the keyboard until they ve pumped out one more story or polished that last paragraph to perfection. This episode is not about space battles, light speed or technobabble. It s about love and loss and desperation. The episode is powerful and poignant, worthy to be seen even by folks who flee from Trek. In the opening act, the captain is trying to pry his son away from his writing just long enough to see an event that happens only twice a century. In doing so, Jake s father gave him some advice. He said:... Show more content on ... See what s going on. It s life, Jake! You could miss it if you don t open your eyes. What a pearl of wisdom this is. It applies to everyone, but particularly to writers. We storytellers create places, people and events that we hope will somehow resonate with our readers. Achieving this is no small task. It requires more than talent and skill. It requires us to live a life in balance. I ve frequently written about that whimsical, imaginary muse of mine who pops in unannounced and refuses to memorize my schedule, but I ve come to realize that we each have a real life muse inspiring us and feeding us tantalizing story bits. That muse is our life experiences. When we don t take the time to poke our heads up every once in a while and open our eyes to actually live life then our muse won t have much material with which to work. It s often said that our stories come from within us. Experiencing life fills our creative tanks with fuel. It s the charge that starts the engine and powers the creative
  • 35. Sagrada Familia Research Paper Robin GabagePatricia SchmidtIntroduction of Visual ArtsOctober 8th 2016 Module 7 I feel as if the Falling Water House had a greater impact on todays society. But only for Western Pennsylvania, growing up in eastern Pennsylvania I never once heard of The Falling Water House or Frank Lloyd Wright. Not until i came to Pittsburgh and now i have heard about it dozens of times in the past year, multiple times even this week. Most dramatic I would say is the Sagrada Familia, it has that gothic beautiful architecture that just gives a sense of uniqueness and wonder. It is dramatic not only because of its beauty but also because the long time it took to be worked on. I think most mysterious is hard to choose because neither really scream mysterious ... Show more content on ... If i had the opportunity to bring someone to see one i would definitely choose the Sagrada Familia because it is so unique and gorgeous, and because it is in Barcelona Spain and i would give anything to go back to Spain especially Barcelona where everything is just beautiful and detailed. But realistically i would love to take my boyfriend to the Falling Water House, and i have been looking into it recently. You see pictures on instagram or Facebook of couples going there and taking cute selfies but i see the beautiful nature behind them, and the architecture sitting above a waterfall. I would love to be able to go experience it for myself instead of just seeing pictures of it. The Sagrada Familia definitely caught my attention right off the bat in the video. It has been in construction for over 133 years and counting. It is so intricate and advanced that it is taking centuries to build and that is just something that shouldn t be overlooked. You don t hear about that kind of stuff in your history classes in high school, or even in art history at a vocational high school where you major in graphic design. Growing up i never once heard of the Sagrada Familia which
  • 36. My Favorite Christmas Season Are you serious Clark ? Is one of the famous sayings you ll hear my dad quoting throughout the Christmas season. Christmas is my absolute favorite season, and I do quite know the reason. Christmas was always filled with a lot of joyous experiences; my entire family always became so happy immediately after the Thanksgiving Holiday ended. My dad probably influenced me the most when it comes to Christmas; because the Christmas season was the only time his dysfunctional familyunified. My favorite part about Christmas was all of the traditions my family had. The first one was watching the movie National Lampoon s Christmas Vacation on Thanksgiving night while starting to decorate the house for Christmas. My family and I never wasted any time on getting into the Christmas Spirit, but it really has never taken much for us to get into it. Usually, within the next day or two, we would go out in our front wheel drive sleigh and find that one perfect Christmas tree that was a little full and had a lotta sap . Every year my dad would cut it down with the same dull saw that he said the previous year he was going to replace and it was always quite comical watching him cut the tree down; sometimes I thought it would have been faster if he just dug it out of the ground with his bare hands. If you have watched Christmas Gall 2 Vacation then you can clearly tell how much my family and I love it. Every year I buy my dad a new Christmas Vacation tree ornament from the Hallmark store;
  • 37. The Rights Of The United States Constitution The United States Constitution was designed to enfranchise the white men who, in 1787, were the only citizens included in John Locke s conception of the social contract (outlined in his Second Treatise of Government). At this time in history, women were not invited to be free and equal, in relation to their husbands and fathers or as citizens in the founding fathers new republic. Therefore, the Constitution never addresses abortion, contraception, or marriage. Arguments made in laws and court cases on these topics, specifically reproductive rights, have therefore traditionally rested on a right to privacy the court has interpreted as being found in the first, fourth, fifth, and fourteenth amendments to the Constitution, rather than a right to freedom from sex based discrimination found in the nineteenth amendment. The landmark supreme court cases Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade were both won on these grounds, both setting a precedent for the expansion of the right to privacy. This protection has also been affected by the 2003 Partial Birth Abortion Ban and the Hyde Amendment. First off, in 1965 the supreme court ruled 7 2 in the Griswold v. Connecticut case that the state of Connecticut s ban on contraception was unconstitutional, because it denied a married couple s right to privacy (a right extended to unmarried individuals under the Griswold precedent in the 1972 Eisenstadt v. Baird supreme court case). This expansion of privacy in Griswold later informed Roe v.
  • 38. Humans and Their Ability to Make Mistakes Humans And Their Ability To Make Mistakes In today s pop culture, there is one very popular view of the future. All humans will be free to do as they wish, because robots and computers will work for us. Computers are viewed as the ideal slaves. They work non stop, never complain, and above all, never make mistakes. It is often said that computers don t make mistakes, that it is the person using the computer who commits errors. What is it that makes humans err, but not computers? I will prove that it is simply the way humans are built that makes us commit errors. Unlike computers, built of mechanical or electronic parts, humans are made of organic matter and nerve pathways. These same pathways, with the help of the brain are ... Show more content on ... The reason he committed errors was simply that he was doing an action faster that his brain and eyes could handle with 100% accuracy. It seems that our brains can compute complex operations that allow us to drive a car through terrible weather conditions, at night, but all these operations cannot be accomplished within too short a time limit. So far, we have discussed the speed at which the brain can compute operations without error. We must consider other factors which can also lead to mistakes. To explain other types of error, I will use a terminology developed and used by the philosopher Bertrand Russell. He identifies something called sense data. Sense data is the data received by our senses from the object being sensed . For instance, if a person is looking at a red apple, the shape and color and all other aspects of this apple are received in the form of sense data. In the case of the man adding up the numbers, he mistook a 7 for a 1. What really happened is that his senses misidentified the number. The sense data was received by his eyes, which then converted this information into an electrical signal to be sent to the brain for analysis. There are thus two possibilities. Either the eyes did not transform the signal of the 7 properly, or the brain misunderstood the signal received from the eyes. In both cases, the sense data was analyzed incorrectly, leading to an error in the final calculation. Some skeptics might criticize my position by
  • 39. The Importance Of A Well Prepared Environment Maria Montessori inadvertently created an alternative to traditional schooling. She did this by allowing her pupils the opportunity to learn through action rather than repetition. Montessori had five main principles: respect for the child, sensitive periods, the prepared environment, auto education, and the teacher s role. In this paper I will discuss the prepared environment thoroughly and how a well prepared environment can positively affect each student in the 3 6 classroom. I will, in reflection, discuss the negative outcomes that may arise from an ill prepared classroom. Sensitive periods are blocks of time in a child s life when the child is absorbed with one characteristic of the environment to the exclusion of all others (Lillard, 1972, p.33). These sensitive periods are: a need for order, the use of the hand and tongue, the development of walking, a fascination with minute and detailed objects, and a time of intense social interest (Lillard, 1972, p.33). The first, and most prevalent in a classroom, of the sensitive periods is the need for order which begins within the first year of life. Rules and routine are important in a newborn s day; consistency is key to a happy baby (Knestrict, 2015). Rules and routine in a newborns day gives them the knowledge that their caretakers are able to be relied on. They know they ll get fed and changed when need be, they ll be put to bed when they re tired and even get to see new faces routinely (ie. Babysitters, grandparents,
  • 40. Description Of A Park Fire Department Fruitland Park Fire Department Standard Operating Guideline Subject: Record ManagementNumber: 001 2016 Effective Date: September 25, 2016Revised: 1.0Statement of Policy 1.1.This Standard Operating Guideline (SOG) establishes the Fire Prevention Bureau s policy to ensure the consistent and cost effective management of its records and the responsibilities for administering the recording, storage, and maintenance all records in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. 2.0Objectives 2.1.To identify all bureau records for record management. 2.2.To ensure the recording of bureau records. 2.3.To ensure the storage of bureau records. 2.4.To ensure the maintenance of bureau records. 3.0Responsibility 3.1.The Supervisor, Fire Prevention Bureau has overall responsibility for oversight of the record management program. 3.2.The bureau is responsible for administering the program, establishing standards, establishing and implementing records retention programs, managing inactive records, identifying and protecting vital records, using technologies in records management programs, securing records, and providing assistance in all records management matters. 4.0.Procedures 4.1.A bureau s practices and procedures must cover all aspects of records management including maintaining, identifying, retrieving, preserving and destroying bureau records. Such practices must take into account business needs as well as legal and security
  • 41. Fabulous Father Analysis Since the beginning of time children have had parents. Dear mother and Fabulous Father has been the guiding fact that every kid grows up with, and it is more important than anyone can imagine. Everywhere dads and children work side by side, talk together, and play. Fathers are the best thing that a person could ask for. Esther Edward is the daughter of Jonathan Edward, and in her diary, she described her father and how much he meant to her. Although Esther Edward s father, Jonathan Edward is a wonderful father, I believe that my father has him beat. While thinking over this essayI tried to think of all the things that I love about my father and what makes him special to me. The first thing that I thoughtof was how he cared and... Show more content on ... Ode to Kevin Carson Always there like the air, Like the breeze through the trees, Caring for the ones you love it means more than you think. You think when on the brink, you know just what to do even when I have no clue, encouragement from your mouth it means more than you think. Hotdogs on the grill with love on them spilt, walks in the woods with no unnecessary words, time spent with you it means more than you think. Bravery without end just so you can spend, time with little me I wonder if you can see how special you make me feel it means more than you think. Your forgiveness gives me a liveliness, it pours out of you everyone feels it too, everything you do means more than you think. We all feel the same me and the gang, all twelve of us in the big, blue bus, driving us to who knows where it means more than you think. Never choosing one we have all won, the best father ever because we will be together, never alone when you re around it means more than you think. The poem s almost done but it s written with love, yours is never ending with ours, it s blending, we are one family because of you it means more than you think. I love my father, almost more than anyone in the entire world. He is always there for his children and I learn from his example to always be there for my family. Esther makes it sound like her father is the best father in the entire century, and that might
  • 42. Summary Of Of Mice And Men Nesterenko 1 Polina Nesterenko Language Arts 1A Honors 12 July 2015 AP One Sheet 1.Title of Work: Of Mice and Men 2.Author and Date Written: John Steinbeck, 1937 3.Historical Context: The novel Of Mice and Men was written during the Great Depression. The book was written in 1937, which was when the growing economy reached a decline worse than the one before. Brightening economic prospects were dashed in 1937 by a deep recession...The new downturn rolled back gains in industrial production and employment, prolonged the Depression... (Taylor, The Great Depression: A Short History of the Great Depression). The Depression left many people broke, unemployed, and homeless. By 1932 the unemployment rate soared past 20 percent... businesses had failed. Millions were homeless. (Taylor, The Great Depression: A Short History of the Great Depression). It was due to the increased industrial productions, for the war effort, that finally ended the Depression. ... it was the humming factories that supplied the American war effort that finally brought the Depression to a close. (Taylor, The Great Depression: A Short History of the Great Depression). 4.Major Characters A.George: George is a small, smart man who dreams of owning his own farm. He cares and protects Lennie in all situations
  • 43. Justice Kingship And The Shape Of Society Book Review Finally, last chapter, Justice, Kingship, and the Shape of Society, discusses why Near Eastern communities desired to be ruled by a king during the 10th and 11th century. This chapter highlights that individuals of the Buyid period believed that a general sense of mutual obligation would be maintained if loyalties to the multiple categories to which they belonged were maintained (1980). Mottahedeh states that the men of the Buyid period recognized that loyalty to one category may conflict feelings of obligation, therefore they yearned for a loyalty not obligated to any category to uphold fairness in dealing with the different categories. As a result, the king played the role of the arbiter, distant from the society, for which it arbitrated, known to live largely for its own interest and not for any particular interest in society, in the Buyid dynasty (1980). Evidently, the final chapter of Loyalty and Leadership in an Early Islamic Society highlights that the Buyid dynasty s role of the king contributed to the creation of stable and moral communities in the 10th and 11th centuries. Moreover, Roy Mottahedeh s ... Show more content on ... To begin, a portion of the class lectures have been dedicated to talking about political and religious communities different Islamic time periods. Like many other dynasties that we have discussed, the novel explores individuals, Islamic conceptions of loyalty, and the moral basis of society. Additionally, the author discusses religious classes ulama in the context of the 10th and 11th century in western Iran and eastern Iraq, which contributes to our understanding of religious groups from class. This novel also relates to class because it discusses the social organization of medieval societies and demonstrates how Muslim urban society in the earlier periods was divided between the rulers kings and the
  • 44. Methane And Climate Change Methane, a greenhouse gas made of carbon and hydrogen, is twenty times more effective than carbon dioxide at trapping heat into the atmosphere, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), thus making too much methane in the atmosphere contributes greatly to climate change. In 2000, the rate of methanein the atmosphere had little or no growth, but in 2007 the rate started to raise again. This was the focus of a study done by climate scientists from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Karlsruhe, Germany and from the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in Lauder, New Zealand. Ten years ago in North America, there was a major oil and natural gasproduction boom which is thought to be the cause of this,
  • 45. Stereotypes In A Storage Unit Essay 3 Tips For Protecting Your Belongings In A Storage Unit A storage unit can be a real lifesaver whether you need to use if for a month or for the long term. To get the best use from the space, you want to keep it organized so you can always find what you need. Organization also helps you cram more stuff into a smaller space so you can rent a smaller unit. Here are some more helpful tips for using a storage unit. Make Sure Your Belongings Are Dry Don t put wet things in your storage unit. Since the unit is closed and there is no air circulation, wet items take a long time to dry out. They can grow mold and become ruined. You may go back to the unit and find out you have to throw things away because of the mold. You may want to avoid moving things into the unit on a rainy day so everything will stay dry. Also, check items when you pack them to make sure they re dry and they don t contain water that could spill out and create dampness in the space. ... Show more content on ... This allows for plenty of air circulation around your clothes and keeps them from getting wrinkled or crushed. Your clothes will be ready to wear when you take them from the storage unit. You can just transfer the hangers to your closet without worrying about wrinkles or damage from being flattened or crushed for months. However, you ll want to consider what all you re going to store in the unit too so the clothes don t pick up odors. If you ll store tools with strong oil odors or old furniture that smells musty, you may want to seal your clothes in plastic bins to keep them from picking up bad odors. An alternative might be to hang the clothes in a wardrobe box that you can seal to keep the clothes inside smelling fresh. Another way to help your clothes smell fresher after being in storage is to rent a climate controlled unit so mildew and musty odors are kept under
  • 46. Mount St Helens Research Paper Mt. St. Helens Located northeast of Portland, Oregon is a huge volcano called Mt. St. Helens. It sits between two Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams and youngest the of many volcanoes on the Cascade Range of the pacific northwest. Captain George Vancouver gave the mountain its name in 1792; named after Alleyne Fitzherbert (Baron St. Helens), who was British Ambassador to Spain. Mt. St. Helens is a composite volcano, which means typically symmetrical cone like structure that is steep sided, that is constructed from layers of lava flows, ash and volcanic depris. This type of volcano tends to have very explosive eruptions as opposed to gentle sloping shield volcanoes. These types of eruptions are very dangerous for any nearby life. During most of the 20th ... Show more content on ... Mt. St. Helens was active during the early 19th century, with a major explosion in 1800 and several minor explosions in 1898, 1903, and 1932. Over the past 500 years it has had many minor eruptions and four major eruptions. 1980 Eruption Mt. St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980 and it is said to be the most disastrous volcanic eruption in United States history. There had been months of build up beneath the surface along with a massive bulge growth on the side of the mountain. It began when an earthquake struck beneath the north face of Mt. St. Helens, which set off the biggest landslide to ever happen in the US. Seconds later there was an explosion of the north side of the volcano generating a huge cloud followed by lightning. The large landslide was followed by several lahars (mud flow) and pyroclastic flows (hot gas and volcanic matter). Death Toll The eruption of Mt. St. Helens killed 57 people. The majority of them died from asphyxiation from the inhaling hot ash. The government was well aware months before that this could potentially erupt but people weren t concerned the blast would be as big as the danger zone was. The volcano produced 540 million tons of ash into the air and that was the most deadly part of the eruption. It was a blessing the eruption happened on a Sunday. Had it erupted on a weekday hundreds of loggers would have
  • 47. Battle Of Shiloh Essay nbsp;The Battle of Shiloh, also known as the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, was a major battle in the Western Theater of the American Civil War, fought April 6 7, 1862, in southwestern Tennessee. A Union force known as the Army of the Tennessee under Major General Ulysses S. Grant had moved via the Tennessee River deep into Tennessee and was encamped principally at Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee on the west bank of that river, where the Confederate Army of Mississippi, under General Albert Sidney Johnston and second in command Pierre G. T. Beauregard, launched a surprise attack on Grant s army from its base in Corinth, Mississippi. Johnston was mortally wounded during the fighting; Beauregard, who thus succeeded to command of the army, decided against pressing the attack late in the evening. Overnight Grant was reinforced by one of his own... Show more content on ... Johnston hoped to defeat Grant s army before the anticipated arrival of General Buell s Army of the Ohio. The Confederate battle lines became confused during the fierce fighting, and Grant s men instead fell back to the northeast, in the direction of Pittsburg Landing. A Union position on a slightly sunken road, nicknamed the Hornet s Nest, defended by the men of Brig. Gens. Benjamin Prentiss s and William H. L. Wallace s divisions, provided critical time for the remainder of the Union line to stabilize under the protection of numerous artillery batteries. Wallace was mortally wounded when the position collapsed, while several regiments from the two divisions were eventually surrounded and surrendered. General Johnston was shot in the leg and bled to death while personally leading an attack. Beauregard, his second in command, acknowledged how tired the army was from the day s exertions and decided against assaulting the final Union position that
  • 48. Archaeology Notes Kenyatta University | INSTITUTUTE OF OPEN LEARNING| AHT 202 EARLY AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGY| | | W. KENNEDY GITU, L.K. NGARI, W.S. NDIIRI| 1/4/2012| | Table of Contents Definition of Terms 3 Fossils in Geological Context 5 The Earth in the Cenozoic 11 Origins of Primates 17 The Basis for Human Evolution 23 Origins of the Genus Homo 28 Origins of Modern Humans................................................................................................................................. 32 Behavior and Evolution of Early Hominines.........................................................................................................39 African Pre Historic Art............. ............................................................................................................................49 Definition of Terms Angular torus a thickened bony ridge on the back of the parietal Biostratigraphy the use of biological organisms found in rocks to correlate... Show more content on ... HOW TO BECOME A FOSSIL In reality very few living things become fossils. Not only does a minute fraction of living things become preserved as fossils, but only an exceedingly small proportion of the fossils that are preserved end being discovered, collected and studied. Not surprisingly, then that the fossil record is not entirely representative of the composition of past biological communities ( Behrensmeyer and Hill 1980). Instead, fossil record preserves some organisms more than others. Taphonomy which is the study of what happens to organism from the time they die to their discovery is used. This approach may include both the biological and geological processes. Death may come to the organism in a number of ways including disease, injury and or predation among others. In some cases, the agent of death such as predators may leave marks on the skeleton such as bite marks. After death the carcass begins to decompose when living tissues are no longer maintained by the organism, and numerous microbes such as bacteria and insects accelerate the decomposition process. As the decomposition goes on, scavenging animals such as hyenas may consume the soft tissues and in some cases even chew on the bones. Eventually, only the most durable tissues such as dense bones remain. However, in some cases even the dense bones may disappear due to erosion and trampling. To become a fossil, part of the organism must be preserved by burial, a natural process by which
  • 49. The Panda Bear Or Giant Panda The panda bear or giant panda is located in the south central area of China. It is recognized for its appearance. It belongs to the Carnivore group even though it eats 99% bamboo. Pandas found in the wild will eat other grasses, wild tubers, or meat in the form of birds, rodents, or carrion. Pandas in captivity receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, bananas, or other specially prepared foods. Pandas live in mountain ranges because deforestation has driven them from lowland areas. The panda is an endangered species. According to a 2007 report, there are 239 pandas living in captivity in China, 27 pandas living outside the country, and 1,590 pandas living in the wild. The panda bear is a great symbol in China. This animal is noticed because it is on the endangered species list. The red panda, though it shares the name of panda, is not a bear. It is more closely related to a raccoon or skunk and is an endangered species. This panda is called the red panda, lesser panda, or red cat bear. This animal is not closely related to the giant panda or panda bear. This is an animal that is adorable and cuddly looking but it also is so much larger than it appears. Cultural Symbolism: The panda bear is not only a fluffy creature it is also symbolic to China. The panda can symbolize friendship and peace. The colors on the panda help resemble the Yin Yang by showing how the two colors can mix and with the pandas nature it backs this up. The panda is really peaceful and
  • 50. Teaching Styles Of The Nurse Educators Comparison of Teaching Styles The nurse educators are faced with the challenge of adapting their teaching styles to accommodate a new generation of learners. An effective teacher should take into account the intellectual, social, and cultural characteristics of each student, whereas the students should identify that each teacher has a unique style of teaching. As part of the classroom online teaching practicum course, I was privileged to shadow an instructor at the University of South Florida. The instructor was giving lectures on both Mondays and Wednesdays for semester 1 students and had fundamentals of nursing lab sessions on both Tuesdays and Thursdays. The teaching styles that I attended in the classroom set up were plain lectures, group discussion with flipped classroom (different instructor) whereas the teaching in the fundamentals lab were done with demonstrations on the manikins (observed various instructors demonstrating various skills). Discussion of Teaching Styles Lecture Lecturing is considered to be one of the oldest methods of teaching. Lectures need to bridge between what is in the student s mind to the structures of the contents to be learned. Therefore the systematic organization of the contents and the meaningful delivery of the lecture is very important for effective learning. The nurse should formulate lecture adapting various steps such as; plan the body of the lecture (appropriate content/relevant to the topic), provides examples
  • 51. Principles Of Physiology Health And Social Care Principles of Physiology in Health and Social care. Assignment 1 1.1 Discuss with the use of diagrams the main anatomical features of the human body Introduction The human body is like a machine, and like many machines it is made up of many different features and parts. The main anatomical features of the human body include; the cells, skeletal system and muscular system. These systems can relate to/work with other systems within the body. This can include the cardiovascular system working with the digestive system by breaking down food to make the nutrients that are then transported around the body it to function adequately. The Cell The human body is made up of millions of cells. These cells are considered to be the building blocks of... Show more content on ... Some of these different types of cells are Muscle cells. These muscle cells are for helping movement. There are also nerve cells. These cells are used for carrying messages around the body so that the body is able to react to things such as pain. When cells are grouped together they form what is known as a tissue. Different types of tissue make up different types of organs. The 3 main types of tissue are Muscular, Nerve and Epithelial. The muscular tissue is made up of three forms, they include the skeletal, smooth and cardiac tissues. Skeletal tissue is voluntary which means that it is used in the movements of the skeletal components. The Nerve tissue is a group of cells which react to, many different types of stimuli. They transmit messages throughout the body which can include things such as temperature, pain, and pressure. Epithelial tissue is when cells that form together create the lining of a surface an example of this would be the skin and muscle tissue. The Skeletal System The skeletal system works as the frame of the body and it is made up of two hundred and six various bones. The Sections used in the movements of the skeletal system are; the bones, Joints, ligaments and tendons. This system is also divided into two sections known as the Axial and Appendicular skeleton. The Axial
  • 52. Orlando Furioso And Medieval Romance The authors aimed at different purpose. This, alone, forced the difference in handling the poetic matter. If Orlando Furioso can be categorised as Epic Romance, Spenser s The Faerie Queene, here particularly Book 1, would be the Medieval Romance the one with a quest centered narrative. But what is really the difference? First of all, the central theme. In Orlando Furioso, whatever the significance of individual duels, monster fights, and larger battles, the driving force of the poem is love and passion, notably, Orlando s love and passion as the title itself suggests. To add to the complexity of the poem, Ariosto made it rich in plots, sub plots, and sub sub plots. It seems as if the poem s chief aim was to entertain. The Faerie Queene... Show more content on ... No historical event is introduced. Moreover, Spenser chose to set his poem in a Faerie Land with no apparent geographical boundries and no specific historical event in the background. One may argue though, that the Faerie Land is indeed Britain ruled by Great Lady of the greatest Isle , that is, Elizabeth Tudor. It is true as far as it goes, since poem is highly allegorical from top to bottom. This fundamental difference between the two poems becomes even more apparent as the reader progresses through the books. The first book of The Faerie Queene is character centered, that is, we barely abandon the protagonists (Redcrosse and Una) throughout the book. Brief sub plots only complement the Quest outlined in the first stanzas of canto 1. This narration is cumulative. Aditionally, Spenser cherishes every moment and episode of his poem. He carefully ennumerates the trees, he suspends the action in order to describe the monster Error that appears early in the path of Redcrosse and Una. At the same time he makes use of adjectives so as not to leave us any doubts as to his attitude to it: ... he [Redcrosse] saw the ugly monster plaine, Halfe like a serpent horribly
  • 53. Essay on Who is Maria Montessori Practical Life Rationale Paper 1. Who is Maria Montessori? Please give a brief description of her life. Maria Montessori was the founder of the Montessori approach to education, she was born in Italy in 1870. As a teenager she was an engineer, but later she studied her favor major of medicine. Graduated as Italy s first female medical practitioner she embarked on a career in mental health. Following on from this she was asked to head up a childcare project for a social housing initiative and her first Children s House opened in 1907. Here too she introduced the equipment she had designed and observed the children very closely as they used it, tailoring what she provided in the environment to meet their developmental needs. There was... Show more content on ... Control of movement: these are provide the foundation and set the stage for all works in the Montessori classroom.included how to carrying chair,using whold and transfer bean to another bowl and so on. Care of environment:learning how to wash windows,and dishes,sweeping and dusting. Care of self:learning how to wash hands, brush teeth,pack a lunch. 5. What are the direct aims and the indirect aims of the practical life materials? .Direct Aim The materials in the Montessori classroom are offered to the children with a direct aim in mind. Each material isolates a concept and allows for repetitive practice with a certain skill and the child repeats this process to because he gets a sense of satisfaction. the direct aim in the Rice Pouring activity will be concentration, co ordination, independence and order. Indirect Aim In working with the Practical Life activities, the child indirectly prepares herself or himself in doing an activity. The indirect aim is to enable the child to do some activity on his own, rather than being dependent on the directress or any other adult.. The indirect aim of an exercise, in the Practical Life area of a Montessori environment, has two elements. It includes the self evident purpose of the action. The second part of the indirect aim includes preparation for future learning. 6. Explain what is meant by the child as a spiritual embryo. Include the concepts of
  • 54. Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy Essay Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy As children we have many goals and dreams. Eventually, the time comes when we have to make a career decision based on our interests and goals. The choices that we make now will have a lasting effect on our lives. Like most college students I have explored many career options, but I am always lead back to the education field. Teachers have a very difficult job because they have the power to shape and inspire our future nation. Although that can be an intimidating and often scary thought, it also gives me inspiration to move ahead in pursuing my goal of becoming a teacher. I have always had a passion for children. There is nothing like watching a child grow and watching their... Show more content on ... Absolute is discovered and true regardless of person, place, or time. Knowledge is constantly changing. Everyday we discover something new and these discoveries often prove that what was previously thought to be true is completely false. Some of the things I learned as a student were absolute and will never change; such as the solution to a algebra problem. In my classroom, I plan to use both relative and absolute knowledge because they are both very important. Students relative knowledge will be useful when discussing topics where each student will have their own opinion. The purpose of education is to teach the basics of knowledge and to challenge each individual to learn. Education is a vital part of life. It holds a strong barring on who we are and what we believe in. Education also has a major impact on our position in society. I want the children in my classroom to understand how important education is, and I want them to leave my classroom with a yearning to further their education. While in my classroom, I also want to help my students find the areas that spark interest in them the most. I hope that I become a teacher who leaves a positive impression on every child that enters my classroom. As a lower level elementary teacher, I hold a strong belief in essentialism. I agree that students must know the basics of academic knowledge so they can build upon that. My goal is to help my students master the basics