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Thesis Statement Narrative Essay
Crafting an essay centered around a thesis statement for a narrative essay can be a challenging
endeavor. The complexity lies in the delicate balance required to convey a compelling narrative
while maintaining a clear and concise thesis. Unlike other essay types, a narrative essay demands
a seamless blend of storytelling prowess and the ability to present a focused argument.
Firstly, formulating a strong thesis statement for a narrative essay requires the identification of a
central theme or message within the narrative. This necessitates a deep understanding of the
story being told and the underlying purpose behind it. Finding the right words to encapsulate the
essence of the narrative while providing a glimpse of the argument to be explored is a task that
demands careful consideration.
Additionally, the narrative itself must unfold in a way that supports and reinforces the thesis
statement. The challenge lies in steering the story in a direction that not only captivates the reader
but also aligns with the central argument. Striking the right balance between engaging
storytelling and staying on course with the thesis can be a daunting task for any writer.
Furthermore, maintaining coherence in a narrative essay poses its own set of challenges. The
fluidity of storytelling should not compromise the clarity of the thesis. Each element of the
narrative must contribute to the overall message without deviating from the primary focus. This
requires a meticulous approach to weaving together the storyline and the argumentative thread.
In conclusion, tackling a narrative essay with a clear thesis statement is akin to walking a
tightrope between storytelling finesse and argumentative precision. The writer must navigate
through the intricacies of narrative construction while ensuring that every element contributes
meaningfully to the overarching thesis. It is an art that demands patience, creativity, and a keen
sense of purpose.
For those seeking assistance with such essays or other writing challenges, various services are
available. Platforms like provide a range of support for academic writing
needs, offering solutions for crafting essays, developing thesis statements, and much more.
Thesis Statement Narrative Essay Thesis Statement Narrative Essay
Feminism Revisited
In the article Gender Role and Feminism Revisited: A Follow Up Study, the authors,
Elizabeth Suter and Paige Toller, are analyzing societies views on feminism. They
first perform surveys, asking people if they would identify themselves as feminist.
The results showing that only 16% of the woman and 3% of the men were willing to
take on the label of feminist. These results led to the authors wondering what these
people thought of feminism. Most of them said when they thought of feminists they
thought of as people that lived off in the forest , extremists , and bitter . They also
though women who were feminists were more masculine while men that thought of
themselves as feminists were more feminine. They were also asked why they did not
self identify... Show more content on ...
The article shows major connects with Gay s essay Bad Feminist. Gay talks about
people not willing to call themselves feminist in fear of being labeled bitter or
aggressive, just as the people participating in the survey labeled feminism in the
article. Gay also talks about how feminism focuses on the essential feminist and
ignores people who are not heterosexual white woman. In the article, Suter and
Toller, are told by people that feminism would have a bigger following if it were to
include more people instead of alienating them and making them afraid of joining
the movement. This article also has some connections with Levy s essay when is
talks about people s ideals on feminism. Levy s essay focuses on how women gain
success in the workplace and how many of the woman that are successful tend to be
what she calls chauvinistic pigs . Essentially they act like men to elevate themselves
to success, she asks if most successful woman act like that, is that the only way
women can become successful. In the article, its talks about how many woman do
not identify with feminism because they think it will not help them to be wealthy
and successful with both work and family. This brings in the question, do women
have to act a certain way to gain success and is that way to avoid standing up for
their rights as
National Association For The Advancement Of Colored
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
The mission of the NAACP is to protect and provide the political, educational, social,
and economic equality rights of minority groups and citizens; attain equal
opportunity of rights and excludes race discrimination between the citizens of the
United States. The objectives of this mission are to inform the public of the adverse
effects of racial discrimination and to seek its elimination, to seek enactment and
enforcement of federal, state, and local laws, securing civil rights, to remove all
barriers of racial discrimination through democratic processes, to educate persons as
to their constitutional rights and to take all lawful action to secure the exercise
thereof, and ... Show more content on ...
The focus was examining the advancement of the black man in America. The
organization attempted to increase aid from Booker T. Washington, which turned
out to be a complete failure due too. Over the next 100 years, the organization of
people worked within the court system excluded Jim Crows law. The reason of
this was avoid execution and other deadly harming to make sure all citizens were
receiving the proper civil rights (Brayton, 2014). Many believed that because there
were many businesses of minorities that were devastated and black were taken to
their homes that a civil rights organization was being formed. Out of all the group
leaders there was only one black and his name was W. E. B. Du Bois.
The number one focus at this time was to protect the rights and equality of all
citizens in the United States (Brayton, 2014). This was agreed upon by the 13th
15th Constitutional amendments. This is where the book, The Crisis was
established by W. E. B. Du Bois in 1910. The NAACP has made so much progress
and currently has 64 member board of directors with headquarters in Baltimore, MD
and regionals offices in California, New York, Michigan, Missouri, Georgia, and
Texas (United States History, 2015). Currently, there are an estimated 500,000
members of the NAACP. This last update was in 2004.
African Americans Education
African American kids are likely to attend schools high poverty schools because of
race and income. In a study that was performed, there
Conformity In The Crucible And The Yellow Wallpaper
The arousal and provocation of my thoughts and emotions have occurred in many
instances, while discussing the literature provided this year. The pieces of literature
that have aroused my thoughts, and expanded my sympathies after reading have
been The Crucible , The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Yellow
Wallpaper. Each of these pieces have had the largest impact on me while provoking
the idea of conformity on characters in each piece. These three literary works have
conveyed a large stress on conformity during the time period when the novel or short
story has taken place and shows how that era put pressure on those characters to
conform to a certain situation, just as society today pressures us to conform to
situations. They have each incited my thoughts differently and similarly in numerous
ways after reading. The... Show more content on ...
The unnamed woman has been confined to a room, referred to as the nursery by
her new husband John, a doctor, who is trying to fix her illness. John is very strict,
belittling and has controlling personality traits that he believes is okay and normal.
These traits lead to the conformity that will occur throughout the entire story. In one
of many instances in the short story John, says to the woman You know the place is
doing you good, he said, and really, dear, I don t care to renovate the house just for
a three months rental. (Gilman), in this instance he is referring to the room, the
nursery, in which he has conformed or isolated his wife to. He feels that this is
beneficial to her in more ways than one and that he is fixing her illness by confining
her to this room. His harsh and belittling tendencies do nothing more than hurt her in
the long room and cause her to become more unstable and mentally
Philosophical Statement Of The Classroom Environment
Philosophical Statement I believe that every child is unique and willing to learn. I
believe that every child has a different personality and perspective to share with the
class and that classroom management and lessons should take all students into
consideration. I believe that the classroom environment must provide every student
with a secure, caring, and stimulating environment in order for them to experience
emotional, educational, and social growth. It is my desire as a future educator to
create a classroom environment that fosters safe risk taking, sharing of ideas, and a
sense of belonging. I believe in order to establish this environment three different
teaching philosophies must be incorporated into my classroom; Skinner s Behavior
ManagementTheory, Glasser s Choice Theory, and Kounin s Group Management
Theory. Glasser has stated in his theory that he believes that every student is
driven by five basic needs: survival, love, freedom/fun, power, and belonging and
that if these needs are provided for there will be little behavioral problems in the
classroom. (Lynch, 2016) I believe as teachers it is our job to foster an environment
in which all students feel a sense of belonging, love, freedom, a little power, and fun
and if we find a student that is not meeting their basic survival needs to take steps to
help that student. I believe that I can create this environment by acting as a manager
in my classroom. I can accomplish this by having my students help to create the rules
and regulations that guide our classroom and always following through on those rules
and regulations. I also believe that I can do this by creating a kind environment where
all students feel free to share their opinions and difficulties. Finally, I can do this by
using differentiated instruction, providing each student with different ways to learn,
and introducing my students to new ideas and philosophies. B.F. Skinner states in his
Behavior Management theory that behavior is learned through positive
reinforcement. (Lynch, 2016) I believe that in order to create a kind and caring
environment this is the best strategy to approach students with. I plan to try to always
praise my students when they are
Jasper Short Stories
Jasper s eyes snapped open as he awoke with a start. He could ve sworn he heard a
noise. He shook it off, and rolled over to check the time. 4:37 am. He sighed,
climbing out of bed to get a drink of water for his parched mouth. He passed his
window, and had to do a double take. The city, his city, was in ruins. The sky was
fire, the air was ashen. He whirled around, pulling on jeans and a t shirt. As he was
grabbing his pilot s goggles, Jasper s vision swirled as he realized exactly what was
going on. It dawned on him that the scene he had witnessed outside of his bedroom
window was Chicago being bombed. He ran to his door, only to touch his door
handle and yank his burned hand back. There must ve been a bomb nearby, the sheer
force of it must ve... Show more content on ...
He turned around, and that was when he saw it. There was no doubt about it. The
man, if one could even call it that, was large and bulky, and smelled of ash and
blood. Jasper bit the inside of his cheek so hard he could taste something metallic
inside his mouth. Without wasting another precious moment, Jasper turned on his
heel and took off. He was sure he could hear the stranger s feet pounding on the
damp soil. He knew the man was weighed down by all the fur pelts of the animals
he had probably maimed and killed, but Jasper could tell he was close behind from
the pure stink of his ripe body odor. His eardrums were filled with the sound of his
pumping blood and his own panting breath. He thought he was going to make it,
he truly did. His hopes died, however, when he felt something grab at the back of
his torn and bloodied clothes. Jasper cried out as he felt blunt fingernails scrape at
the back of his neck before grabbing hold of his shirt and yanking him back. He
could feel his skin tear as a particularly sharp branch sliced his abdomen clean
across. He knew it was a shallow laceration, but his vision still fogged up, his body
threatening unconsciousness due to the sheer amount of pain it was in. Jasper
fought it, though. His breaths were coming in and out too fast and too short, and he
was fully aware that he couldn t keep this up much longer. His vision was darkening
and he felt as though his body was collapsing in
George Eastman s Influence On Photography
Over the year s photography has really improved, from heavy wooden boxes to small
light weight, portable cameras. But overall, photography was used to create
memories, enjoy moment with friends and family s love. George Eastman, an
American Entrepreneur and inventor who created the Kodak company, helping make
photographyaccessible, simple and effortless. George Eastmanwas born July 12,
1854 in Waterville, New York. Eastman Father ran a business college in Rochester,
New York, where his mother took care of him and his two older sisters. His father
died when he was seven years old, leaving his mother to take in borderr to support
the family, also letting George drop out of high at the age of 14 to add to the family
income. Eastman took many... Show more content on ...
He needed other eyes to look at his invention, ideas, and company. George Eastman
was a self determine man, but he still needed assistance during his invention.
Eastman s new development helped him create roll film. Eastman film was applied
motion camera such as the Kodak, which Thomas Edison helped invent (Goldman 1).
Eastman was smart, but needed other people like Thomas Edison to revise, help,
brain storm, and improve even his own work. George Eastman and William Walker
were friends, Eastman needed an educated man that had the same interest as him.
...he hired William Hall Walker, a camera inventor and manufacturer and together they
designed the Eastman Walker Roll Holder... (Lindsay 1). Eastman and Walker were
both successful, they created something together that would change the world of
photography and they did together. George Eastman was not only smart and creative,
he helped a lot of people with money issue, donated and participated in charity
Description Of The Game Of Survival
Introduction Hello everyone, today we re going to play something called The
Game Of Survival . Ten of you have been chosen randomly from around the world,
each of you a unique skills that will help you on your journey. You will go through
a series battles with monsters, animals, and even each other at sometimes, but
there s a catch. Only two of you will survive. You will be crowned champions and
will be greatly rewarded! Now I have put you in this game with someone you know,
to test your trust and to test your guts, accept four of course. You can choose to
work together or you will be left on their own to survive. Now that everyone knows
what this is and why were here let s get started. Oh and I forgot, all of you guys will
be... Show more content on ...
I saw that you don t really know anyone, and I was wondering if you wanted to team
up with me. Everyone else is teaming up with each other and we won t stand a
chance if were alone , he said in a worried tone, like he didn t know what would
happen next, and that was because we didn t. We had no idea what would happen to
READY FOR BATTLE , the loudspeaker said. Crap, I mumbled to myself What do
you think I should choose Carson? , I asked. I don t know about you, but I chose
archery, it s very popular where I live and I m really good at it , he replied. Think.
What are my skills; what am I best at. That s it! I play linebacker at school plus I m
one of the fastest on my team! I ll choose the daggers, the weapons I could use to
be quick yet stealthy at the same time. I think I ll go with the daggers , I told
Carson. TEN SECONDS! , the loudspeaker announced. See you on the other side ,
Carson said, waving farewell. You too , I replied, and after that all I felt was my body
dissolving. Joseph I was made for this, I thought. I had the perfect skill with
swords. I guess I had landed in the city, where it would probably be easy to stock up
on food and supplies. I didn t need to team up with someone, I could do this all on
my own. The thing is, I can t just stand here, I have to go deeper into the city looking
for monsters and
Willie Sterner Research Paper
Willie Sterner, son of Hirsch Lieb and Hinda Raizel Sterner. WIllie was born on
September 15, 1919 in the city of Wolbrom, Poland. As a child he had six younger
siblings by the names of Yosel Meyer, Abraham, Ida, Genya, Rochel and Sara. In
1929 their family moved to Krakow. His father happened to own a painting
business in which Willie entered after his vocational school in Krakow. After the
Germans invaded Poland in September 1939, Willie had to go to Pustkow labor
camp. At Pustkow he was put to work cutting lumber, in late 1940 or early 1941
Willie s father moved back to Wolbrom and used his painting business to financially
support himself. Willie s mom and his sisters died at the death camp by the name of
Treblinka. Willie was
Ethcentrism In Rabbit-Proof Fence
The film Rabbit Proof Fence illustrates on the topics of ethnocentrism, and also, the
significance of perceiving the immense breadth of the Jigalong clan s customary
biological learning to depict the wrongs that jumped out at this gathering starting in
the 1930 s. As the half rank youngsters were taken from their homes with a specific
end goal to be educated like English kids, the men responsible for said operation
were endeavoring to strip away the nobility, as well as the conventions and character
of a culture that was viewed as unthinkable on the grounds that the kids were not the
same as supposed humanized society. A case of the ethnocentrismin the filmwould be
when Mr. Neville, Chief Protector of Aborigines states, Ensured against themselves.
On the off chance that they would just comprehend what we are endeavoring to
improve the situation them. Thinking that these children require sparing on the
grounds that the children live as per an arrangement of conventions and ways that
originate from their own history is identified with what is known as the White Man s
Burden, since this is viewed as an adequate purpose behind interceding in the lives of
others, when this is extremely not satisfactory.
Another way that the motion picture can pass on the distinctions in culture is through
the Jigalong s learning of nature and surroundings all through the film. At a young
age, the kids are instructed how to rummage and chase for their own particular
sustenance, which appears differently in relation to the supper courses of action in
the Moore River Native Settlement. Additionally, both the tracker, who is chasing
down Molly and her family can utilize the land for something other than nourishment
however a guide. Understanding those sorts of pieces of information gives the group
of onlookers an approach to see that the Jigalong clan s energy about nature in their
social esteems instead of seeing the emotional contrast and uncalled for nature of
living in the Settlement.
As we started the semester understanding the genuine significance of culture, we
create upon the ideas of Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism where the video
Rabbit Proof Fence becomes possibly the most important factor. While watching
Monsters And Men In Beowulf
Of Monsters and Men
There is a repletion of themes throughout the story of Beowulf. Firstly, this is seen
with Grendel and his killing of King Hrothgar s men. Next this theme is seen with
Grendel s mother killing King Hrothgar s most trusted advisor. And finally, this is
seen with Beowulf killing the dragon for attacking his kingdom and burning down his
After a brief prologue Beowulf begins with the great mead hall Heorot, the throne hall
of King Hrothgar, being attacked by the monster Grendel. Grendel is jealous and
annoyed by the noise of celebrations in Heorot. It harrowed him To hear the din of
the loud banquet Every day in the hall, the harp being struck The attacks are also due
to Grendel s nature as a descendent of the original ... Show more content on ...
A thief stumbles upon the lair of the dragon and stole the small gem studded cup.
The dragon ravages the country side and burns down villages in frustration. but
someone managed To enter by it and interfere With the heathen trove. He had
handled and removed A gem studded goblet; it gained him nothing, Though with a
thief s wiles he had outwitted The sleeping dragon; that drove him into a rage, As
the people of that country would soon discover. On one of these burnings, Beowulf
s own home was burned down. It was the throne hall of the Geats that the dragon
torched and for this insult and the injuries of his people, Beowulf would slay the
dragon. Beowulf foolishly chose just a few warriors to accompany him to the
barrow of the dragon instead a large army. During Beowulf s battle with the dragon
the third blow he landed did not kill the beast but did enrage it. At this insult the
dragon bit into the neck of Beowulf envenomating him. So, the dragon again
sought revenge against humans. The dragon bit Beowulf for Beowulf striking him
and because he rightly assumed that people would steal his treasure away from
him. For fear of theft and death the dragon did kill Beowulf. After each blow from
Beowulf the dragon would belch out more flame. This shows an extension of the
cycle of revenge on an individual level. The dragon would breath fire and Beowulf
would strike it, then the dragon would breath fire
Cameron Auto Parts
Alex Cameron took over the reins of his family business after his graduation, and
when he did, Cameron Auto Parts was immediately faced with a big financial
crisis. When he took over the company in 1991, sales in 1990 dropped to $48
million and for the first six months of 1991 to $18 million. Cameron Auto Parts
also lost $2.5 million in 1990 and the same amount in the first 6 months of 1991.
Market forces, such as the Japanese taking an increasing share of the market, were
driving the North American auto producers to try to advance their technology and to
lower the prices at the same time. At that time, Alex had to cut the workforce from
720 to 470 people. He was thinking of different steps of how to increase his sales. He
wanted to enter... Show more content on ...
Moreover, the company tried to continue having good relationships with key buyers
associated with major industries. Design group was an essential role to develop new
types of couplings. Cameron was willing to pay attention on solving customer s
problem as well.
Alex wanted to capture foreign markets directly but he didn t have enough resources
on its own to do that. After their promising new product was developed, they had a
chance to license it to a Scottish manufacturer, McTaggart. McTaggart couldn t build
the market based on shipments from America because it was too expensive. There
was a 5% tariff coming in, freight and insurance was another 10% on top of the
price and also there was the matter of currency values. He wanted to enter a
licensing agreement. McTaggart already had a demand for the product so getting
into a license agreement with him would be in Alex s advantage. For Alex it was a
good way to enter the U.K. market swiftly via McTaggart s sales force. There was
no financial risk involved. If Alex agreed on licensing he would have advantages
such as low investment costs, reduced financial risk and quick market entry. He
agreed on a deal with McTaggart for the U.K market only so he got his chance to
exploit its technology there. The license granted to McTaggart will help bring in the
cash flow needed so that they can try to expand. However, the profit of the licensor
may not be maximized
The Dystopian Society Exposed In Anthem By Ayn Rand
World what do you think when you hear that word? World is a planet that has life
with human beings that the right to be themself, and not controlled. But in the world
of the book Anthem there life is full of fear,obedience and good outcome. Their
people make have all three and they can t do anything about it. The obedience, fear
and druglerg it symbolizes their world; that whats make them human, but there
always a bad can t run from their problems like our people can, their in a jail that
they can t run from or see the other side of the world. Its very sad to say that Fear is
one of the most effect thing in a person mind set. In a world full of humans maybe
about 8.5 of humans out of 10 people are terrified. It may not seem... Show more
content on ...
To comply or to follow the demands. The Dystopian culture is instinctive for the
people. In the book Anthem their whole world is controlled by the council, they
brought their people into a world that there is no other way out if they tried to
escape. As going into the book Anthem the men and women don t get to choose
who they love, nor who they have love too; They get place into whats called City
Palace of Mating (Rand41). Children are born in Winter always, but as they re born
they get abandoned from their mothers! The children never get to see their parents,
or who their parents are! Its sad also they don t get to choose their name, they get a
metal bracelet with their name on it. Which is not the cutest name in the world. Its
a ridiculous name at that! The world that they live in with Obedience is
unbelievable, they don t get to live their life as a normal person does. As Council
says You shall do that which the council of Vocations shall prescribe for you. And if
you are not needed by your brother men, there is no reason for you to burden the earth
with your bodies (Rand22). Cruel is the word for the council. They don t care what
they do to the people who deserve to live. Equality did what he was told, but he grew
up and out of his fear, also his misery so he left and decided to live obedience
Humans Causing Decline in Biodiversity Essays
As far as we can say, intelligent, modern humans have been around for roughly
50,000 years, and in that time have altered the earth beyond recognition (Morrison,
2006). Most evident in recent years, the rapidity of technological advances both
during and post the industrial revolution has been astonishing, but has come with a
hefty ecological price. There is wide scientific consensus that we are presently
witnessing the obsolescence of species on a prodigious scale. We are now having to
accept the possibility that humans might just be a contributing influence.
Predominantly we rely on one measure to compare the rate of species loss between
various moments in history. The background rate of extinction is approximately 1
extinction per ... Show more content on ...
The Mascarene island of Mauritius national emblem remains to this day the dodo,
despite the fact that it is one of the most infamous cases of manmade extinction.
Previously isolated from humans, the largest member of the pigeon family
possessed a curious and innocently trusting nature when sailors first arrived on the
island in the early 1600 s. Despite its flesh being absurdly tasteless, the dodo s
gullibility and lack of leggy zip (Bryson, 2003) proved an irresistible target for young
seamen and their pets. So blissfully ignorant was the raphus cucullatus that you had
only to set one squawking and all its friends from the immediate surroundings would
rush to your side. Within seventy years of our first meeting with the dodos the last
one was dead, pointlessly hunted to extinction by humans and the animals we
introduced (Flannery Schouten, 2001).
Myriad methods exist through which we are directly and indirectly placing pressure
on flora and fauna. A growing global population puts more strain on the agriculture
industry, triggering agrarian and urban expansion. Land clearing reduces habitat size,
while large environmental enterprises such as the damming of rivers can either flood
or dehydrate vast areas of terrain. Although not so common nowadays, introduced
species have in the past entirely missed their intended purpose, eventually poisoning,
killing or in the very least competing with native animals. Diseases and infections can
Iaccac s Code Of Ethics In Criminal Justice
Ethics in Criminal Justice Journal Assignment Week 4 Thomas Affeldt
1.After reviewing the IACCAC s code of ethics in the learning modules, what would
you include or exclude from the code and why? Discuss your thoughts about the code.
I would move to exclude the willingly share information with the public with
openness and candor from the IACCAC s code of ethics. My reasoning for this is that
in my experience of being both a secured and a community officer of corrections,
common policy was to avoid giving statements to the public or press. This duty was
given to a public information officer. If I had the ability to add to the code, I would
add that Information will be made to the public by the acting information officer and
that no other employee is able to release information without permission from their
superior officer. In my opinion, this will relieve the burden of officer to feel
obligated to speak regarding a case and also protect them from potentially releasing
any information that may still be under investigation or protected information.
2.Discuss the elements that contribute to the correctional officer subculture, and
show how this subculture impacts officer behavior.
Each corrections officer relies on his fellow officer to protect him in a violent
environment. Likewise, the relationship an officer had with inmates place a role in
maintaining peace within that environment. Respect plays an important role in for
both officers and inmates. Peace is the end
Will Water Freeze Faster Or Faster With The Addition Of...
My question is Will water freeze slower or faster with the addition of sugar. I
hypothesize that water will freeze slower with the addition of sugar than water
without the addition of sugar. Here are the reasons why I hypothesize this and how I
will determine whether or not my hypothesis was correct.
Reason number one; adding a substance such as sugar to water or ice brings down the
freezing point temperature and raises the melting point temperature of the existing
ice. Sugar brings down the freezing point of water. This occurs when sugar molecules
are put together with water, the resultant solute is not water anymore.The mixture of
sugar and water has different freezing properties than those of plain water. Therefore,
sugar greatly affects
Robert E. Coleman, the Master Plan of Evangelism
Complete Submission
Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism
Submitted to
Luther Rice University
In PARTIAL Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Arts in Religion, Ministry
Jeffrey Benson
1081A Blackshear Drive
Decatur, GA 30033
ID # LC6515 / Phone: (770) 899 7922
October 11, 2012
Professor: Dr. Derek Coleman
Reaction Paper: Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism
A Paper
Submitted to Dr. Derek Coleman
Luther Rice University
In partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Course
Jeffrey Benson
LC6515 ... Show more content on ...
Jesus made it clear to the disciples that they had to be born again of the Holy Spirit
once He ascended to Heaven. This Holy Spirit would give them power to do the
things that He did and more. This Holy Spirit would be their comforter and guide.
Through the spirit Jesus would be with them forever. Chapter five is titled
Demonstration . In this chapter Jesus shows the disciples how to live. Not just
communion with the spirit, but show them that they needed to know how the
experience was to be maintained and shared, if it was to be perpetrated in
evangelism. Jesus demonstrated to the disciples how to pray and how it would
give them strength. This was not forced upon them, they ask the Master what he
was doing and he explained it to them. He also explained to them that the Holy
Spirit had to be used for personal devotion and winning others. Jesus taught the
disciples how to reach souls. His life was the method that he used. What Jesus
taught, He taught in spirit and in technique. He practiced what he preached. Those
of us that are led to train others should be prepared to have them follow us as we
follow Christ. Chapter six is called Delegation . In this chapter, it shows Jesus
always going forth building his kingdom. He lived the life and that s how the
disciples learned from Jesus. This was Jesus plan all along, teach by example. This
whole experience was an experience with the living God. All the while Jesus didn t
stop the disciples from spreading the good
The Film On Being Gay
The film On Being Gay gave me new ways to look at and understand what it means
to be gay. It was filled to the brim with thought provoking discussion and exercises
that allowed it to get its message through loud and clear. These being, the prevalence
of homophobia in our culture and what causes it, learning to perceive the world as if
it were predominantly filled with homosexuals, confronting the stereotypes society
maintains about homosexuals, the differences between being gayor lesbian and
coming from another minority group, and using Alfred Kinsey s theory to look at
sexuality as being on a continuum. From these topics and exercises, I feel that I now
better understand not only the overall topic of homophobia within the context of
American society, and have also learned a bit more about myself as well.
Brian McNaught brought the conversation of homosexuality to a personal level. He
explained how being gay has impacted his life, and how he had to hide who he was
and act like a straight man out due to his own ignorance of his sexuality and fear of
being rejected for being gay. When he did finally come to terms with himself and
begin to reveal himself to others, his fear that he would be rejected due to his
sexuality was confirmed. This is a fear that I share about coming out, and to be
honest, I am not quite sure why. I know my family would accept it without a second
thought, my friends would not care, and my coworkers would not care. I do not
have to fear that I will be
Anglo-Saxon Construction
Anglo Saxon Construction and Architecture
Even the homes of most kings were not built of stone. The construction and style of
Anglo Saxon building contributed to the later constructs, such as the materials with
the use of wood, daub, the rare use of stone, and many natural products. The very
wealthy churches would use more expensive materials that even kings didn t use.
Also with the salvaging of many old Roman brick stone and even wood constructs. To
the very simple and cheap construction of daub and wooden homes. But even with all
the constructs, there are very few left, with most of what is left being the churches
and excavations. With this said many materials were used in construction during this
time period with the most expensive almost ... Show more content on
The floors of homes were usually hard packed dirt occasionally covered with
wooden planks rarely with a cellar below them. Even the heating and lighting of
the house was simple and inexpensive to create. With a main central fire pit from
which the smoke escapes through a hole at the very top of the roof. This provided
heat and light all in one, and so that the heat could escape more than necessary there
were for the most part no windows. If there were any windows they would have been
covered with drapes of fabric instead of more expensive
Rehabilitative Rehabilitation
The area of rehabilitation has undergone controversial scrutiny of its effectiveness
(Wilson 2013). An analysis of many rehabilitation projects by Wilson (2013)
concluded that many attempts to rehabilitate youths, such as the Community
Treatment Program (CTP) were ineffective. Wilson (2013) stated that the capacity for
rehabilitation differs greatly between individuals, and only certain amenable
individuals were responsive to rehabilitation attempts. There were often nonamenable
individuals who would actually commit more crimeas a result of rehabilitative
attempts (Wilson, 2013). Wilson (2013) also discusses the findings from the Murray
Cox Study, which looked at the rehabilitative response of serious offender, somewhat
serious offenders, and the non serious offenders. The researchers in this study came
to the conclusion... Show more content on ...
These programs include the monitoring of high risk offender by specialized police
force, rehabilitation programs with risk focused treatments, and therapeutic
community treatment. Unfortunately, the most successful forms of rehabilitative
programs are targeted towards children, which would have been applicable when JR
was first arrested for her crimes, will no longer be effective on JR (Reiman Leighton,
2013). The question of rehabilitation is significant, particularly in JR s case because
she has rejoined the community. For the safety of others in society, it is crucial that
we ensure that she has been rehabilitated and continues to undergo rehabilitative
programs. Wilson (2013) would agree that while punishment is necessary, so is
providing past criminals with opportunities to behave socially within society. Our
society tends to focus more heavily on punishment, but it is essential that there is a
balance between punishment and opportunities (Wilson,
Analysis Of The Book Last Child On The Woods By...
Technology throughout the past 30 40 years has become more advanced and
accessible than ever. The television specifically has developed extremely since its
beginning. What started off as a single camera caption, has developed into a full
fledge worldwide availability. Within the United States, the TV is a normal everyday
object common in households, hotels, schools, and even restaurants. There are
approximately 118.4 million household in the United States that own a televisionset (
The Number of TV Households in the United States from season 2000 2001 to
season 2016 2017 (in millions)).However, the increased amount of time spent
watching TV has had a tremendous impact on people, especially kids. The
differences in generations throughout the development of the TV has led to many
questions, all revolving around whether or not the televisions has had a good or
negative impact pertaining to children. Time spent watching television affects the
brain, ability to learn, and skill levels in different areas (source. In the book Last
Child in The Woods, Richard Louv discusses how children in the 1940 s would
watch out the window at the scenery and have conversations, while children now sit
and watch a movie on a flip down video screen without knowledge to the outside
world (Louv 16 17).
When the television set first came out fully around the 1930 s, it only offered a few
shows; a child s program, sports, news, and comedy. Families that could afford a TV
set could watch shows,
How Latin and Greek Languages Have Affected Us Today
It is common for languages to take words, phrases and meanings from one another,
and this is no different than English taking from Greek and Latin. While some Greek
or Latin words have been changed into prefixes and suffixes, others have become
phrases, and even events have garnered their own meaning by today s standards. This
includes the adaptation to technology, science, military purposes and even everyday
use, many of which are significant in their own respective area.
Many Greek words have been translated into medicine often as medical terms and in
the form of Prefixes and Suffixes. These words have become important and common
place because they hold the meaning and generally only that meaning, and are easy to
interpret such as ... Show more content on ...
Carnivora is the only way to describe to devour meat in Latin which is why these are
used. This means that each word in Latin is normally the only word that holds that
particular meaning. For this same reason the sections of science are named in
Latin, such as Agri which means field. Hence the use of Agri in the term
Agriculture, which means Cultivating [the] field or in general working off the
land, both on animals and crops. Since then Horticulture began being used
primarily for crops as the Hortas which was the Roman working garden where
crops where grown for a household. Horticulture was added because Agriculture
was too vast, encompassing far too wide a variety of products. Other terms include
Astro which means Stars and deriving from this is the term and science Astronomy,
meaning Star Positions which revolves around the study of the night sky and
space. This was originally directly related to Astrology which means the telling of
stars and was to do with predictions such as when it was the right season for crops,
or when people where born, which in turn caused the creation of the calendar. This
however dates further back than Roman times, but we use their terminology
because the calendar was not governed by words, and instead by symbols or
Hieroglyphs by the Egyptians. The reason Latin is used is because it is a dead
language and so words won t change, they mean
The Importance Of The Re-Organization Of Society
The Fabians believed strongly in the importance of the re organization of Society
by creating local governments and working for the extinction of private property.
They desired municipalization of Land and local government according to the
Fabian Parliamentary League s Tract, The True Radical Programme (1887, p. 7).
By giving power to local governments, the Society felt national wealth could be
better circulated and citizens could be better represented. This radically modern
notion is expressed in this strongly worded declaration, So long as the government
is not government by the people, of the people, for the people, it can matter little to
the people whether it s a seat at the capital or at the local centres (Fabian
Parliamentary League, 1887, p. 4). As with many Socialist platforms, land and
private property were constant issues. Similar to their radical neighbours the SDF,
the Fabians believed in the extinction of private property meaning the removal of
property from individual ownership and placing it back into the hands of the
community (Shaw, 1899, p. 30). Another major objective of the movement was
creating a more equal society where men and women were equal, and all had the
right to vote ( The Guardian , 2001). Suffrage for ALL was incredibly important for
the Fabians because they saw women and the poor to be equally affected by
governmental laws (Fabian Parliamentary League, 1887, p. 5). The Fabian
Parliamentary League continued its passionate discourse on
Back Pain Relief
Back Pain Relief: Two Tips for Surviving the Night
When experiencing acute or severe low back to mid back pain that is preventing
rest, the image to the left demonstrates two positions that may take the pressure off
and reduce pain. Both of these are lying on the floor or a flat, firm surface with the
knees bent and the neck supported, yet not hyper flexed (chin close to or on the
chest). The use of warm, moist heat is recommended over ice or cold. A cold pack on
the lower back may increase sustained muscular contraction in effect increasing rather
than decreasing pain.
A firm surface is necessary, so those of you who have a sleep number bed may be
able to increase the firmness enough to support the first position in the above image.
Another care, consideration may be the purchase of a massage table. This may sound
a bit unusual, but if you do suffer frequently from back pain, you will be amazed at
how useful it can be to take the pressure off the back by spending as little as 10
minutes in one of the above postures.
A massage table can be useful for individuals that can no longer comfortably lay on
the floor or get up from the floor. A student model can cost as little as $99. One to
two inches of padding is enough for this purpose. It is important to have a firm
surface for this technique to help provide back pain relief. The table ... Show more
content on ...
If a chair is not available a stack of books with a thick pillow may also work. A sturdy
coffee or cocktail table may also serve for this purpose. The key component is a 90
degree flexion of the hip. It is also possible to provide mechanical traction if the
chair or table allows one to hang their hips or pelvis from the seat or table surface.
This should only be done for 8 to 10 minutes and if painful place your hips back on
the solid surface. Mechanical traction can relieve pressure on the discs at the lumbar
vertebra 4 and Lumbar vertebra 5
The Arab Israeli Palestinian Conflict
The Middle East has long been home to very deep rooted conflict. For too long, the
citizens of the Middle East have lived in the central of death and fear. The
animosity between few, takes the hope of hundreds. The Arab Israeli Palestinian
conflict is most notably the largest issue preventing peace in the Middle East, but it
is by no means the only issue. The issue of bankrolling and foreign aid are also
issues preventing peace; because the U.S provides so much funding and foreign
aid to certain countries, it is in some sense encouraging them to continue acting the
way they act now and not change for the better of the region. It is also making the
U.S look biased and can potentially cause issues for America in the long run, if they
haven t already. There is also the conflict of the Persian Gulf; the importance of
these new resources and how it could affect the world economy and also the
balancing of powers in the Persian Gulf; The U.S and the Middle Eastern nations
will need to work to together to bring about security and stability into the Persian
Gulf and hopefully it can overflow to the Middle East as well.
President George W. Bush in his June 24, 2002 address to the nation said this: The
conflict between Israel and Palestine is just one of the many facets that have shaped
modern day politics in the Middle East. It is a conflict rooted in generations of
violence, discrimination and prejudice that is complicated by a history older
The Importance Of Self Administered Poisoning And
Historically, capital punishment through execution has been administered in
various forms, prompted by the desire to conform to the ever changing standards
of decency. In Ancient Greece, as Plato exhibits the experience that Socrates went
through. The condemned prisoners were given a poison (hemlock) to self
administer themselves on the day of execution. Such is different from the current
system where the condemned prisoners are executed by lethal injection. This paper
seeks to establish whether self administered poisoning would be better that the
current lethal injection approach. While the approaches differ in some aspects,
there are no sufficient grounds for categorizing self administered poisoning as
better than lethal injection, as execution is bound to be cruel as it is done against
the wish of individuals. Self Administered Poisoning Versus Lethal Injection The
depiction of Socrates execution through self administered poison amid having a
discourse with those around him is portrayed by Corner as a humanized execution,
making it appear different from torture (113). However, such does not qualify to
consider the execution as showing respect to the prisoner as a person. As Stack
advanced, such is because of the obvious reality that execution by itself is primarily
a mean of exhibiting the lack of respect for the prisoner (38). In reality, a death row
prisoner can be approached as a patient except that his condition is primarily man
made. The goal in execution is to
South America Gold History
[Gold] since the days of the Egyptian Pharaoh s some 5,000 years ago to the
Roman Empire and the Mayan and Aztec civilisations of South America gold has
been the lure of mankind representing power and prestige. The importance of Gold
and its lustre for men was its rarity and even up to today with all the gold mined
throughout history, it would only fill two Olympic size swimming pools.
Furthermore, up until the 1930 s gold had been the measure of a countries currency
strength. Consequently, for the colony of NSW, the gold discoveries would drive
the economy and turn stockmen into overnight millionaires. The getting of gold
though was labour intensive and at first was panned in the rivers and creeks followed
by reef gold where deep shafts were hollowed out and men would drop 100 to 300 ft
to get to the precious... Show more content on ...
Frank had been following the escort movements in and around both the Forbes and
Lambing Flat goldfields with their routes and times and amounts of gold onboard
each coach being frequently published. However, Gardiner s plan for the robbery
may well have sprung from his former home state of Victoria, wherein 1853, a gold
escort travelling from the McIvor diggings to Bendigo to connect with the main
escort for Melbourne was attacked and robbed by a gang of six, who split in two
with one section firing on the police whilst the others snatched the gold, and escaped
after wounding four police officers taking over 2,300 ounces of gold and ВЈ800 in
cash. At the time that Gardiner was in the process of his planning, a serious concern
had been raised over the lack of sufficient police
Torture In Medieval Times
Crime and punishment was much different in medieval times than it is now. In
today s ages you may get sent to jail or prison, or have to do community services.
While back then you may be put on the Catherine Wheel, be Drawn Hanged And
Quartered, or even be put in the Scavenger s Daughter device. There were many
other ways of brutal, diverse ways to make a point
There were many reasons for torture in medieval times. A few reasons would be
trying to get information out of a citizen, or trying to get a person to own up to a
crime, or to just execute them. The word torture comes from the French word torture,
originating in the late Latin tortura and ultimately deriving the past participle of
torquere, meaning to twist (Medieval 1). An ... Show more content on
This was a torture device used to crush victims (Roberts 2)The affliction of the
Scavenger s Daughter was quite straightforward. After the victim was strapped to a
metal frame, the frame was then used to force the knees of the victim to a sitting
position. On the opposite side of the device, the frame was then moved so that the
head of the casualty was pushed in the opposite direction. This resulted in
compressing the body of the victim which damaged the joints and muscles, which
also resulted in blood flowing from the nose and ears and eyes of the victim. Many
would say being Hanged, Drawn, and Quartered was one of the worst methods of
torture. This was a commonly used method of torture in medieval England. It was
often saved for prisoners convicted of high treason. First, the casualty was hanged
by the neck and just before the minute he would die, he was taken to a wooden
edge, where he was then laid and emasculated. At long last, both of his arms and
legs were tied with ropes to four different stallions who were whipped to jerk in four
different directions, eventually literally tearing the victim into pieces. The mangled
limbs were then displayed over the town for all to see. This method was never used
on women. As a matter of decency, women would simply be burned at the stake.
Medieval tortures were meant to be very gruesome and publicly humiliating to get
the victim to confess to doing a crime. There were countless ways of making a
Dualism And Dualism
Julia Hartmann
November 30, 2017
Essay #2 Leibniz s law
TA: Jordan Bell
A Dualist s Point of View: How Mental States are distinct from Physical States The
mind and the body are very controversial entities that has caused philosophical debate
between dualists and physicalists. Common knowledge states that the mind
inevitably will affect what the body does. The mind and body issue is a question
of what the nature of the mind is and how it relates to the body. The mind is the
psychological aspect of your being as in your mental state. The body is all physical
parts of you: your height, weight, color. With all this in mind, we can use Leibniz s
Law to make an argument supporting either a physicalist or dualist point of view. I
will be ... Show more content on ...
Physical states are investigated by the sciences and mostly are measurable.
Physical properties include but are not limited to color, shape, weight, smell, and
opacity. In the eyes of a dualist these states are completely different but a
physicalist would argue that they are equivalent. The argument that physical and
mental states are in fact distinct and can be made valid is shown through Leibniz s
Law also known as the notion of sameness. To understand Leibniz s Law we must
first master identity. This identity is not in terms of qualitative identity like twins
but numerical identity. Numerical identity is the notion of being the same thing as
and that Everything is identical with itself. The structure for Leibniz s law is if X
equals Y then all aspects of X must equal all aspects of Y. Leibniz s Law can be
used to compare physical and mental states depending on if a dualist or a physicalist
is making the argument. The structure for a dualist is as follows: premise 1: mental
states have property X, premise 2: physical states lack property X, therefore mental
states and physical states are different because one has while the one lacks a certain
property. Here is my argument for a dualist: mental states have the properties that
include emotion, physical states lack emotion. Therefore mental states and physical
states are not the same. In premise one I argue that mental states have properties that
include emotion.
Theu.s. Constitution Vs. The Constitution
The U.S Constitution was written by James Madison and was ratified on July 21,
1788. Ever since people had trouble determining how it should be interpreted. When
judges interpret the constitution, they are interpreting new facts to an established law
that has been given meaning and has a historical background. Many people argue that
it should be read how it was written who are known as Originalists. Then there are
people who believe that the Constitutionevolves as society does and they are known as
Living Constitutionalists. Also, some feel that the goal is not do determine whether
the constitution should be determined originally or as a living document, but to give
meaning on the basis of facts. In my paper I will discuss arguments on how the
Constitution should be read, whether it be from the Originalists or the Living
Constitutionalist s point of view, and why Living Constitutionalism is better. As
society evolves, there are new and more difficult problems that occur, and they cannot
be solved by reading the exact text of the Constitution which makes Living
Constitutionalism better. According to Meese Their intention was to write a
document not just for their times, but for posterity. (Meese 15) Living
Constitutionalists might say this is a very bold statement. This quote basically means
that the Framers were trying to create a document that would address future and
present problems. A common question that is asked is what did the Framers mean
and want for the
OUHCOM Personal Statement
My desire to become an osteopathic physician was nurtured by various experiences
I ve had in my life, from witnessing the sacred relationship between doctor and
patient to driving through the slums of Baghdad and being told, there s nothing you
can do to help them. Through my travels, I have seen first hand how lack of medical
care especially primary care can devastate a community. During my last visit to Iraq,
I learned that the shortage of physicians in the area meant that patients could not be
seen unless they were showing signs of a severe illness. This directly contradicts the
values of osteopathic medicine, and I was saddened to see members of the community
live with symptoms that could easily be treated in the United States. Part of my...
Show more content on ...
With my background in research, I gained a deeper understanding of the scientific
process and enriched the education I was receiving in my science courses.
OUHCOM is an appealing school for me for its emphasis on research. OUHCOM s
affiliation with
OhioHealth has opened doors to research programs in primary care and biomedical
science, which I would like to be a part of. As a medical student, I will take
advantage of research opportunities presented at my school.
The first time I heard the term osteopathic medicine was at my first Pre Student
Medicine Association meeting. An osteopathic physicianwas our guest speaker, and
she referred to herself as a guardian of wellness. That simple phrase changed my
attitude toward medicine to reflect that there is more to good health than the absence
of illness. My desire to become a physician stems from my drive to follow a career
path that is beneficial to myself and to those in my community, and is nurtured by my
thirst for knowledge and a fascination with the human body. My interest in pursuing
an education in osteopathic medicine evolved as I
consumer Essay
1. Explain a person s attitude towards visiting Disneyland in Hong Kong in terms of
the tri component model.
A tri component attitude model consists of three major components as affect,
cognition and conation. It is implying that Disneyland in Hong Kong has the unique
attraction towards the customer. The first part of this model refers to cognition that
is knowledge and perception that are acquired by a combination of the attitude
object and related information from different sources. With reference to visiting
Disneyland in Hong Kong it is a great place to visit and have a fun with the kids,
where people are able to rest from common daily activities. The cognitive component
towards Disneyland is what people experienced by visiting this ... Show more content
on ...
b) Product manager can change consumer attitude toward the brand by using a broad
statement (for example that only cereal with vitamins and dried fruit or corn are
helpful) and or claim. It will allow to set the brand higher than competitors.
c) People change their attitudes, so companies should be aware of it. They should go
forward with changing environmental. As the current life style attempts to look for
healthy food, it could be good crossing over from the existing to the new ones with
dried fruit and some corns.
d) As a production manager I will add such attributes as vitamins to breakfast cereal,
making the product healthier. By adding this new formula it will put the brand higher
than the others as the tendency is to buy healthy products and will change the
customers attitude toward the brand.
3. What sources influenced your attitudes about studying buyer behaviour before
classes started? Has your initial attitude changed since the unit started? If so, how?
Social media and discussion with my colleagues had influenced my attitudes about
studying buyer behaviour before my classes started. I found out that it could be very
interesting to get know how consumer behaves in reply to different ads, promotions
or tricks used by the producers. My initial attitudes were positive and motivation were
on the highest level
Electromagnetic Radiation
Radiation, flow of atomic and subatomic particles and of waves, such as those that
characterize heat rays, light rays, and X rays. All matter is constantly bombarded
with radiation of both types from cosmic and terrestrial sources. This article
delineates the properties and behaviour of radiation and the matter with which it
interacts and describes how energy is transferred from radiation to its surroundings.
Considerable attention is devoted to the consequences of such an energy transfer to
living matter, including the normal effects on many life processes (e.g.,
photosynthesis in plants and vision in animals) and the abnormal or injurious effects
that result from the exposure of organisms to unusual types of radiation or ... Show
more content on ...
Considerably more knowledge about the biologic effects of neutrons had been
acquired by the time the first nuclear reactor was built in 1942 in Chicago. The
nuclear reactor, which has become a prime source of energy for the world, produces
an enormous amount of neutrons as well as other forms of radiation. The widespread
use of nuclear reactors and the development of high energy particle accelerators,
another prolific source of ionizing radiation, have given rise to health physics. This
field of study deals with the hazards of radiation and protection against such hazards.
Moreover, since the advent of spaceflight in the late 1950s, certain kinds of radiation
from space and their effects on human health have attracted much attention. The
protons in the Van Allen radiation belts (two doughnut shaped zones of high energy
particles trapped in the Earth s magnetic field), the protons and heavier ions ejected in
solar flares, and similar particles near the top of the atmosphere are particularly
Units for measuring ionizing radiation
Ionizing radiation is measured in various units. The oldest unit, the roentgen (R),
denotes the amount of radiation that is required to produce 1 electrostatic unit of
charge in 1 cubic centimetre of air under standard conditions of pressure,
temperature, and humidity. For expressing the dose of radiation absorbed in living
tissue, the principal units are the gray (Gy; 1 Gy = 1 joule of radiation energy
The Giver Compare And Contrast
Prompt: Write an expository essay that compares and contrasts life in and The Giver
to our modern day society.
Is it better to live in a society like The Givers or better to live in a society like ours?
Living in a society like The Givers, would be nothing like our own. Their society is
very controlled and no one has any free will or even feelings, in our society people
get to make choices daily, have feelings of love, happiness, and even hate. Many
things are different between our society and The Givers but even things that are
different have some similarities. Families in the Giver society are nothing like our
own. Families for one are called family units. Birthmothers give birth the children,
only fifty kids are born a
Virgin Group Brand Case Study
Shelley Mantei
Virgin: Branding Culture
Subject: Virgin Group Ltd.
Sir Richard Branson started with a student magazine and a mail order record
company in 1971. His Virgin empire is now comprised of over 200 companies
[Fig.3] and spans three continents. Not only is Virgin one of Britain s most respected
brands, but it is also becoming an international superbrand. They are involved in
planes, trains, finance, soft drinks, music, mobile phones, holidays, cars, wines,
publishing, bridal wear, and more. What unites all these businesses is the values of
their brand and the attitude of their 30,000 employees. Total 2003 global revenues
exceeded CAD$7.4 billion.
Virgin has positioned themselves as the ... Show more content on ...
Vague neologisms leave individual minding to define what the new word means and
creates the opportunity for language to create a new reality.
What is known of a virgin is through carefully selected words and images that narrate
what ought to be thought and understood. If language changes the reality of what
virgin becomes (Lakoff, 2001, p.20), what does the company Virgin then stand for?
В•Traditional: Untouched, pure, raw, innocent, inexperienced, naГЇve. В•New Brand:
Exciting, alive, fun, confident, unconventional, bold, provocative.
В•Mediating:Virgin employs tactics to counter potentially negative pre conceptions
of the word virgin e.g. Virgin Atlantic s slogan more experience that our name
The Ultimate Sign
Virgin has been described as the brand that is so many different things for so many
people. In fact, Virgin is often cited as an example to silence those claiming that no
brand can be everything to everyone. They are able to do this because they have
successfully leveraged polysemy В– the potential of signs to carry multiple meanings
(Lewis, 2002, p.260). Audiences variously draw on the raw materials and the
deliverables of the Virgin culture to make sense of these signs.
Virgin s most recognizable sign is not their logo В– it is CEO and Chairman, Sir
Richard Branson. Branson has become an integral part of the brand itself and is
High Social Circle and Waltz During the Eighteenth Century
Scandalous! Sinful! Outrageous! Believe it or not, these are all adjectives used to
describe the waltz in the eighteenth century. Beginning within the Alps of Austria, the
intoxicating spins and steps of the waltz were born. Not long after, however, the
waltz took Europe by storm. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a German writer, even
stated in 1765 that people felt obliged to learn [the waltz], for without knowledge of
this dance, it was impossible to enter the highest social circles. Although this partner
danceis now practically a necessity in social ballroom events, the rise of the waltz
would prove to be a difficult journey. Controversy over this popular social activity
was not lacking from political and religious leaders. From scandalous to classy, the
waltz is a famous traditional type of ballroom dancing that has greatly influenced
many dance styles around the world.
While the waltz has been around for hundreds of years, the steps used today are
actually not a part of the original dance. It is generally accepted that the exact
origins of the waltz are fairly obscure. However, it is theorized that the waltz was a
product of evolution from a dance called the ländler (Britannica). As like various
other dances, the waltz has evolved through the ländler along with cultural and
social advances. Created in the countryside of Austria, the ländler was a type of
couple s dance that became widely popular in the late eighteenth century when
composers began creating music for
Stories From The Old Manse Curbet Analysis
Curbet, Joan. Incarnational Poetics: Embodiment and Literary Influence in Nathaniel
Hawthorne s Stories from the Old Manse Period. Nathaniel Hawthorne Review, vol.
42, no. 1, Spring2016, pp. 37 55. EBSCOhost,
/ db=lfh AN=115321515 site=eds live
Curbet states that in the Old Manse period, Hawthorne writes about the conflicting
forces of the Godly and the worldly. Curbet also points out the influence of Edmund
Spenser and John Milton during this period, especially during the first Manse
period which was a crucial time for Hawthorne to establish himself as a writer. The
writings of this period were heavily influenced by the social issues of the time such
as modesty and theology; ... Show more content on ...
The fellow critic, W. R. Thompson, argues that Hawthorne s choice in name for
Aminadab reflects the Biblical figure Aminadab, a high priest. While Walsh agrees
with Thompson s analysis of Hawthorne s Biblical name choice, he finds a
concerning element in Thompson s thesis. All references of Aminadab in the Bible
puts him in the tribe of Judah, and not as a priest. Walsh then offers his thesis and
raises the question of why would Aylmer and the narrator speak of Aminadab as such
a lowly person when his name means my nation is noble in Hebrew. Walsh dedicates
the rest of this paper to examining how Hawthorne s character choices of Aminadab
and Aylmer symbolizes the opposing ideas of creation, Aminadab, and science,
Aylmer. Walsh quotes Aminadab to enhance his argument, [I]f she were my wife, I d
never part with that birthmark (Hawthorne 43). Aminadab represents the creationism
principle of imperfections are the work of God and need no correction. While Aylmer
represents the perfectionist curiosity of scientific minds that wishes to
The Influence Of The American Dream In Aladdin
The characters in Aladdin are all striving for the American Dream. Aladdin, Jasmine,
and the Genie are all victims who seek their freedom from social oppression or from
being trapped by law or outdated custom (Wise 106). This unifying thread throughout
the film shows how anyone despite their circumstances change their life and make it
what they want it to be playing off of the ideal of the American Dream.
One way that the American Dream is intertwined into Aladdin is through the dual
nature of the main character Aladdin. In the original version of Aladdin is called
the Thief of Bagdad (1940), the prince appears as a blind beggar and Abu as his
dog, the prince makes it very clear his true identity so that viewers can discover his
transformation was the result of Jaffar s magic rather than the prince s deception.
Only at the outset does the prince disguise himself, and that choice too is a result of
Jaffar s trickery, not the prince s duplicity and further showing that the prince is
reacting to other s actions (Bernstein Studlan 189). In comparison, Disney s Aladdin,
also has multiple identities but they are created due to his own choices and actions
not because of others. Aladdin is identified as a street rat, diamond in the rough, and
prince Ali (Bernstein Studlan 189). Disney is making the point that in pursuing the
American Dream, people take on many identities to ensure their social mobility by
shedding one identity for another.
However, Aladdin and the Thief of Bagdad are similar because the title character
steals from local vendors in to survive. In Disney s version, Aladdin is a moral
character because he only takes enough to survive. Aladdin s morality goes one
step farther because he is willing to give away what he steals to less fortunate
children who are also starving due to the same unjust social order. By giving away
food in a Robin Hood manner Aladdin is showing his dual nature as diamond in the
rough because he was stealing for a good cause yet still sticking to his roots as a
street rat by stealing to begin with (Wise 106).
The idea that Aladdin is a diamond in the rough is something that the film emphasizes
so that viewers understand that everyone has the potential to do great
Taking a Look at the University of Oregon
College Essay University of Oregon The University of Oregon is located in Eugene,
Oregon. The University of Oregon is widely known for an impeccable environmental
science department as well as for being a very progressive university. The beautiful
mountainous location allows for very applicable science classes and contributes
greatly to the learning of the students. Relatively close proximity to the city of
Portland and the Pacific ocean are very intriguing to many, attracting many potential
students and adding greatly to the population of the school. The Universityof Oregon
is a great choice for students interested in the future of the planet s environments.
The University of Oregon was established in 1876 and started with 155 students
and five teachers. Since its slow beginning, UO has been admitted to the
Association of American Universities and its population has increased to over
24,000 students as of 2013( The women to men ratio is 52:48 and the
student to faculty ratio is 24:1(Peterson s). Ranked 217th overall in Forbes
Magazine America s Top Colleges, the University of Oregon offers a lot of great
opportunities for many types of students.
Applications for the University of Oregon are moderately difficult. With a 73%
acceptance rate and moderate test score requirements, most applicants get in. The SAT
test averages range anywhere from 993 to 1223(Forbes). Most students applying have
a higher math SAT score(Peterson s), further emphasizing the good
How Did Martin Luther King Change The World
Like Martin Luther King, other people had their act to change the world in a better
place. Martin Luther king was a African American and a pastor who believe that
white and black come together like brothers and sisters in christ. He worked hard
and non violence protesters. In 1968, James Earl Ray, a gun shooter, killed Martin
at one night and died. Martin s life impacted the lives of all americans and the
future of him. Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929. He lived in the
north where black and white are not segregated.He grew up in a safe loving
household. Martin had skipped two grades in high school. At age 15, he went to
Morehouse college in Atlanta, Georgia in 1954. In 1954, Martin had became a pastor
like his father in Montgomery,
Hussain Sagar
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search Hussain Sagar| | Location| Hyderabad| Coordinates|
17°27′N 78°30′E / 17.45°N 78.5°E / 17.45; 78.5| Lake type|
artificial lake| Basin countries| India| | Max. depth| 32 ft| Surface elevation| 1,759 ft| |
Islands| Buddha Statue (artificial)| Settlements| Hyderabad and Secunderabad|
Coordinates: 17°27′N 78°30′E / 17.45°N 78.5°E / 17.45; 78.5
Hussain Sagar (Telugu: హుస్సేన్ సాగర్) is a lake in
Hyderabad, India, built by Hazrat Hussain Shah Wali in 1562, during the rule of
Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shah. It was a lake of 24 square kilometres built on a tributary of
the River Musi to meet the water and irrigation needs of the city. ... Show more
content on ...
A project feasibility report has been prepared for the conservation amp; restoration
of Hussain Sagar Lake under National Lake Conservation Plan. The Hussain Sagar
Lake has been the centre of Hyderabad civilisation and is among the most beautiful
national heritage. It has played a major role in the economy of the State of Andhra
Pradesh through its attraction of tourists as well as its utilisation as a source of food
and water. As with other urban lakes in India, the Hussain Sagar now serves as one
of the main sewage collection zone of the twin cities.
Lake in the evening
During the past few years grave concern is being voiced by people from different
walks of life over the deteriorating conditions of Hussain Sagar Lake. As a result of
heavy anthropogenic pressures, the lake eco systems are not only strengthening in
its surface becoming poor in quality, posing health hazards to the people living in
close proximity to the lake. Over the years the entire eco system of Hussain Sagar
Lake has changed. The water quality has deteriorated considerably during the last
three decades. Over the years the lake has become shallow due to siltation and
accumulation of plant debris. Many undesirable changes in the structure of biological
communities have resulted and some important species have either declined or
completely disappeared. Realising the importance of conservation of Hussain Sagar
Lake, a project has
Burmese Pythons Research Paper
Many people are afraid of snakes, but up close they can be very interestingcreatures.
Burmese Pythons have very interesting ways of hunting, a very interesting habitat,
and very interesting behaviors. But, like Kaa said, A blow more or less is nothing to
thee... They are very tough animals, and can be dangerous, so they should be treated
with care. Burmese Pythons have very interesting ways of hunting. They prey on
things such as birds and rodents. They are constrictors, they use strangulation to kill
their prey. Unlike other snakes, they have very neat constricting. They coil around
their prey in a neat fashion Snakes swallow prey whole, which is sometimes double
the size of them. It is helpful to have their jaws detach from the
Romanticism And Romanticism
In Anna Karenina, Vintage Tolstoy said, He stepped down, trying not to look long
at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking. If
he tags a girl likes the sun, which means he is not seeing anything else, seeing
nothing but only that girl in his eyes. Just a few short words that have great train
wreck coming and only those who are always delusions of lovefrantically, can claw
up such that verse. With a person who always adores love and follows the feeling
like me, the Romantic era got me in.
The major strides give people a better understanding of the human person the central
figure of art, a better understanding of the relationship between human nature, and
also society. In this context appeared more likely, many artistic movements, what s
including Romanticism, are present in the field of literature, painting, music...
Romanticism comes from the romances of medieval times, which to refer to knights,
heroes, and distant lands, unfinished love ... It s the result of emotional expression,
subjective mood of the people, by reflecting the dreams and aspirations of ordinary
people should rise above reality.
The Wuthering Height by Emily Bronte is a diamond in the treasures of English
literature. At the beginning of the novel, it was a little sleepy and we would see some
strange things in the house with Heathcliff, who was a very understanding person.
However, a little chapter later, we would become increasingly drawn into the novel.
The Importance Of Community Service For Your
Community And...
Have you ever thought about what community service would do for your community
or the community of others? Or at least thought of the impact that it could have on
not only you , but others as well? Community Service or volunteering has a certain
importance to it. Community service is helpful when trying to build or bettera
communityfor not only those in the community but you as well. By volunteering
people gain compassion and understanding of the world around them. When people
volunteer, they usually volunteer in a project that they re really passionate about,
which gives them the opportunity to volunteer with as much time that is
available. Community service is way to bring a nation together. It is like the key
point of a country, as there is a great amount of importance of doing good for
others. Community service is a handy service because it is the best way to create a
sense of responsibility to people. With so many things going wrong in the world
today, normal everyday people have the opportunity to fulfill a sense of purpose and
they have the chance to make their world a better place.
Community service is not only fun and rewarding experience, it also looks good
really good on a resume. By people stepping up to volunteer, it gives them a great
sense of newfound purpose as well. By giving back through community service this
brings not only joy to those who are being helped but a sense of pride and
accomplishment for the person who is participating in community
Impact Of The American Auto Industry On The Economy
Several factors have affected how the American auto industry now positions itself on
the world market, and big changes have been made to reflect this new direction. The
introduction of new technologies in vehicles, the growing market for cars in new
developing markets, the impact of the industry on the environment, legislative
responses and demands, as well as the increased expectations from consumers, are
some of the factors. More international cars are being designed, manufactured and
bought by American consumers and exported to foreign markets today than those
exclusively manufactured by American companies, redefining the American auto
industry, while having a positive impact on its economy. International brands
accounted for 45% of total sales in the U.S. in 2013 and have now risen to 59% of
the market, and continue to grow. While the amount of American cars has decreased
in the local U.S. market share to international ones, the increase of foreign car
production on U.S. soil has had the effect of creating new jobs for Americans both in
the auto industry as well as in related new industries. The industry has seen huge
growth numbers in the last few years with more growth expected.
The automotive industry is the 3rd largest worldwide in research and development
with Ford and General Motors leading with billions in investments. The increased
access to data and information has been significant, and new technologies have also
ushered in a new era with electronics which now
Questions On Article On 5 Budget Mistakes You re Making...
5 Budget Mistakes You re Making In Your Business Right Now
By Sherrell T. Martin | Submitted On October 26, 2014
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Expert Author Sherrell T. Martin
As we head into the 4th quarter, you are super focused on ending the year with a
bang, right? It is also the best time to start thinking about your plans for the
upcoming year. Take a look at your current year to date actual figures and answer
these questions:
How ... Show more content on ...
Without it you are operating your business blindly. Trying to hit a target that you
can t even see. Have you ever tried to shoot a dart at a bullseye? Very hard to do
right. Well operating a business without a budgetis like trying to hit that same bulls
eye in the dark. Impossible to hit that target... unless you can see in the dark.
2. Not tracking against your actuals.
Once you have a budget you must compare how you are performing to that budget
regularly. Minimally once per quarter. If you don t do this critical step then you
have no idea how good or bad you are doing as compared to that plan. Comparing
your budget to your actuals helps you understand what is really going on in your
business. It also helps you see how your business is trending year over year as well
as compared to your industry competitors.
3. Not following your budget.
Once you create your budget you MUST FOLLOW IT. Say it with me I WILL
FOLLOW MY BUDGET. There is nothing worse than creating a budget and not
following it. Why create a plan and then place it in a drawer and never look it
again? That is the equivalent of not having a budget at all. Would you climb a
mountain without a guide? No. Would you buy a house without determining a budget
around how much house you can afford and the taxes and the insurance and the
utilities. No. So why would you operate your business without a plan? Following
your budget allows you to see

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Thesis Statement Narrative Essay. 009 Essay Example Thesis Statement For Narrative Thatsnotus

  • 1. Thesis Statement Narrative Essay Crafting an essay centered around a thesis statement for a narrative essay can be a challenging endeavor. The complexity lies in the delicate balance required to convey a compelling narrative while maintaining a clear and concise thesis. Unlike other essay types, a narrative essay demands a seamless blend of storytelling prowess and the ability to present a focused argument. Firstly, formulating a strong thesis statement for a narrative essay requires the identification of a central theme or message within the narrative. This necessitates a deep understanding of the story being told and the underlying purpose behind it. Finding the right words to encapsulate the essence of the narrative while providing a glimpse of the argument to be explored is a task that demands careful consideration. Additionally, the narrative itself must unfold in a way that supports and reinforces the thesis statement. The challenge lies in steering the story in a direction that not only captivates the reader but also aligns with the central argument. Striking the right balance between engaging storytelling and staying on course with the thesis can be a daunting task for any writer. Furthermore, maintaining coherence in a narrative essay poses its own set of challenges. The fluidity of storytelling should not compromise the clarity of the thesis. Each element of the narrative must contribute to the overall message without deviating from the primary focus. This requires a meticulous approach to weaving together the storyline and the argumentative thread. In conclusion, tackling a narrative essay with a clear thesis statement is akin to walking a tightrope between storytelling finesse and argumentative precision. The writer must navigate through the intricacies of narrative construction while ensuring that every element contributes meaningfully to the overarching thesis. It is an art that demands patience, creativity, and a keen sense of purpose. For those seeking assistance with such essays or other writing challenges, various services are available. Platforms like provide a range of support for academic writing needs, offering solutions for crafting essays, developing thesis statements, and much more. Thesis Statement Narrative Essay Thesis Statement Narrative Essay
  • 2. Feminism Revisited In the article Gender Role and Feminism Revisited: A Follow Up Study, the authors, Elizabeth Suter and Paige Toller, are analyzing societies views on feminism. They first perform surveys, asking people if they would identify themselves as feminist. The results showing that only 16% of the woman and 3% of the men were willing to take on the label of feminist. These results led to the authors wondering what these people thought of feminism. Most of them said when they thought of feminists they thought of as people that lived off in the forest , extremists , and bitter . They also though women who were feminists were more masculine while men that thought of themselves as feminists were more feminine. They were also asked why they did not self identify... Show more content on ... The article shows major connects with Gay s essay Bad Feminist. Gay talks about people not willing to call themselves feminist in fear of being labeled bitter or aggressive, just as the people participating in the survey labeled feminism in the article. Gay also talks about how feminism focuses on the essential feminist and ignores people who are not heterosexual white woman. In the article, Suter and Toller, are told by people that feminism would have a bigger following if it were to include more people instead of alienating them and making them afraid of joining the movement. This article also has some connections with Levy s essay when is talks about people s ideals on feminism. Levy s essay focuses on how women gain success in the workplace and how many of the woman that are successful tend to be what she calls chauvinistic pigs . Essentially they act like men to elevate themselves to success, she asks if most successful woman act like that, is that the only way women can become successful. In the article, its talks about how many woman do not identify with feminism because they think it will not help them to be wealthy and successful with both work and family. This brings in the question, do women have to act a certain way to gain success and is that way to avoid standing up for their rights as
  • 3. National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) The mission of the NAACP is to protect and provide the political, educational, social, and economic equality rights of minority groups and citizens; attain equal opportunity of rights and excludes race discrimination between the citizens of the United States. The objectives of this mission are to inform the public of the adverse effects of racial discrimination and to seek its elimination, to seek enactment and enforcement of federal, state, and local laws, securing civil rights, to remove all barriers of racial discrimination through democratic processes, to educate persons as to their constitutional rights and to take all lawful action to secure the exercise thereof, and ... Show more content on ... The focus was examining the advancement of the black man in America. The organization attempted to increase aid from Booker T. Washington, which turned out to be a complete failure due too. Over the next 100 years, the organization of people worked within the court system excluded Jim Crows law. The reason of this was avoid execution and other deadly harming to make sure all citizens were receiving the proper civil rights (Brayton, 2014). Many believed that because there were many businesses of minorities that were devastated and black were taken to their homes that a civil rights organization was being formed. Out of all the group leaders there was only one black and his name was W. E. B. Du Bois. The number one focus at this time was to protect the rights and equality of all citizens in the United States (Brayton, 2014). This was agreed upon by the 13th 15th Constitutional amendments. This is where the book, The Crisis was established by W. E. B. Du Bois in 1910. The NAACP has made so much progress and currently has 64 member board of directors with headquarters in Baltimore, MD and regionals offices in California, New York, Michigan, Missouri, Georgia, and Texas (United States History, 2015). Currently, there are an estimated 500,000 members of the NAACP. This last update was in 2004. African Americans Education African American kids are likely to attend schools high poverty schools because of race and income. In a study that was performed, there
  • 4. Conformity In The Crucible And The Yellow Wallpaper The arousal and provocation of my thoughts and emotions have occurred in many instances, while discussing the literature provided this year. The pieces of literature that have aroused my thoughts, and expanded my sympathies after reading have been The Crucible , The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Yellow Wallpaper. Each of these pieces have had the largest impact on me while provoking the idea of conformity on characters in each piece. These three literary works have conveyed a large stress on conformity during the time period when the novel or short story has taken place and shows how that era put pressure on those characters to conform to a certain situation, just as society today pressures us to conform to situations. They have each incited my thoughts differently and similarly in numerous ways after reading. The... Show more content on ... The unnamed woman has been confined to a room, referred to as the nursery by her new husband John, a doctor, who is trying to fix her illness. John is very strict, belittling and has controlling personality traits that he believes is okay and normal. These traits lead to the conformity that will occur throughout the entire story. In one of many instances in the short story John, says to the woman You know the place is doing you good, he said, and really, dear, I don t care to renovate the house just for a three months rental. (Gilman), in this instance he is referring to the room, the nursery, in which he has conformed or isolated his wife to. He feels that this is beneficial to her in more ways than one and that he is fixing her illness by confining her to this room. His harsh and belittling tendencies do nothing more than hurt her in the long room and cause her to become more unstable and mentally
  • 5. Philosophical Statement Of The Classroom Environment Philosophical Statement I believe that every child is unique and willing to learn. I believe that every child has a different personality and perspective to share with the class and that classroom management and lessons should take all students into consideration. I believe that the classroom environment must provide every student with a secure, caring, and stimulating environment in order for them to experience emotional, educational, and social growth. It is my desire as a future educator to create a classroom environment that fosters safe risk taking, sharing of ideas, and a sense of belonging. I believe in order to establish this environment three different teaching philosophies must be incorporated into my classroom; Skinner s Behavior ManagementTheory, Glasser s Choice Theory, and Kounin s Group Management Theory. Glasser has stated in his theory that he believes that every student is driven by five basic needs: survival, love, freedom/fun, power, and belonging and that if these needs are provided for there will be little behavioral problems in the classroom. (Lynch, 2016) I believe as teachers it is our job to foster an environment in which all students feel a sense of belonging, love, freedom, a little power, and fun and if we find a student that is not meeting their basic survival needs to take steps to help that student. I believe that I can create this environment by acting as a manager in my classroom. I can accomplish this by having my students help to create the rules and regulations that guide our classroom and always following through on those rules and regulations. I also believe that I can do this by creating a kind environment where all students feel free to share their opinions and difficulties. Finally, I can do this by using differentiated instruction, providing each student with different ways to learn, and introducing my students to new ideas and philosophies. B.F. Skinner states in his Behavior Management theory that behavior is learned through positive reinforcement. (Lynch, 2016) I believe that in order to create a kind and caring environment this is the best strategy to approach students with. I plan to try to always praise my students when they are
  • 6. Jasper Short Stories Jasper s eyes snapped open as he awoke with a start. He could ve sworn he heard a noise. He shook it off, and rolled over to check the time. 4:37 am. He sighed, climbing out of bed to get a drink of water for his parched mouth. He passed his window, and had to do a double take. The city, his city, was in ruins. The sky was fire, the air was ashen. He whirled around, pulling on jeans and a t shirt. As he was grabbing his pilot s goggles, Jasper s vision swirled as he realized exactly what was going on. It dawned on him that the scene he had witnessed outside of his bedroom window was Chicago being bombed. He ran to his door, only to touch his door handle and yank his burned hand back. There must ve been a bomb nearby, the sheer force of it must ve... Show more content on ... He turned around, and that was when he saw it. There was no doubt about it. The man, if one could even call it that, was large and bulky, and smelled of ash and blood. Jasper bit the inside of his cheek so hard he could taste something metallic inside his mouth. Without wasting another precious moment, Jasper turned on his heel and took off. He was sure he could hear the stranger s feet pounding on the damp soil. He knew the man was weighed down by all the fur pelts of the animals he had probably maimed and killed, but Jasper could tell he was close behind from the pure stink of his ripe body odor. His eardrums were filled with the sound of his pumping blood and his own panting breath. He thought he was going to make it, he truly did. His hopes died, however, when he felt something grab at the back of his torn and bloodied clothes. Jasper cried out as he felt blunt fingernails scrape at the back of his neck before grabbing hold of his shirt and yanking him back. He could feel his skin tear as a particularly sharp branch sliced his abdomen clean across. He knew it was a shallow laceration, but his vision still fogged up, his body threatening unconsciousness due to the sheer amount of pain it was in. Jasper fought it, though. His breaths were coming in and out too fast and too short, and he was fully aware that he couldn t keep this up much longer. His vision was darkening and he felt as though his body was collapsing in
  • 7. George Eastman s Influence On Photography Over the year s photography has really improved, from heavy wooden boxes to small light weight, portable cameras. But overall, photography was used to create memories, enjoy moment with friends and family s love. George Eastman, an American Entrepreneur and inventor who created the Kodak company, helping make photographyaccessible, simple and effortless. George Eastmanwas born July 12, 1854 in Waterville, New York. Eastman Father ran a business college in Rochester, New York, where his mother took care of him and his two older sisters. His father died when he was seven years old, leaving his mother to take in borderr to support the family, also letting George drop out of high at the age of 14 to add to the family income. Eastman took many... Show more content on ... He needed other eyes to look at his invention, ideas, and company. George Eastman was a self determine man, but he still needed assistance during his invention. Eastman s new development helped him create roll film. Eastman film was applied motion camera such as the Kodak, which Thomas Edison helped invent (Goldman 1). Eastman was smart, but needed other people like Thomas Edison to revise, help, brain storm, and improve even his own work. George Eastman and William Walker were friends, Eastman needed an educated man that had the same interest as him. ...he hired William Hall Walker, a camera inventor and manufacturer and together they designed the Eastman Walker Roll Holder... (Lindsay 1). Eastman and Walker were both successful, they created something together that would change the world of photography and they did together. George Eastman was not only smart and creative, he helped a lot of people with money issue, donated and participated in charity
  • 8. Description Of The Game Of Survival Introduction Hello everyone, today we re going to play something called The Game Of Survival . Ten of you have been chosen randomly from around the world, each of you a unique skills that will help you on your journey. You will go through a series battles with monsters, animals, and even each other at sometimes, but there s a catch. Only two of you will survive. You will be crowned champions and will be greatly rewarded! Now I have put you in this game with someone you know, to test your trust and to test your guts, accept four of course. You can choose to work together or you will be left on their own to survive. Now that everyone knows what this is and why were here let s get started. Oh and I forgot, all of you guys will be... Show more content on ... I saw that you don t really know anyone, and I was wondering if you wanted to team up with me. Everyone else is teaming up with each other and we won t stand a chance if were alone , he said in a worried tone, like he didn t know what would happen next, and that was because we didn t. We had no idea what would happen to any of us. YOU HAVE EIGHTY SECONDS TO PICK YOUR WEAPON AND BE READY FOR BATTLE , the loudspeaker said. Crap, I mumbled to myself What do you think I should choose Carson? , I asked. I don t know about you, but I chose archery, it s very popular where I live and I m really good at it , he replied. Think. What are my skills; what am I best at. That s it! I play linebacker at school plus I m one of the fastest on my team! I ll choose the daggers, the weapons I could use to be quick yet stealthy at the same time. I think I ll go with the daggers , I told Carson. TEN SECONDS! , the loudspeaker announced. See you on the other side , Carson said, waving farewell. You too , I replied, and after that all I felt was my body dissolving. Joseph I was made for this, I thought. I had the perfect skill with swords. I guess I had landed in the city, where it would probably be easy to stock up on food and supplies. I didn t need to team up with someone, I could do this all on my own. The thing is, I can t just stand here, I have to go deeper into the city looking for monsters and
  • 9. Willie Sterner Research Paper Willie Sterner, son of Hirsch Lieb and Hinda Raizel Sterner. WIllie was born on September 15, 1919 in the city of Wolbrom, Poland. As a child he had six younger siblings by the names of Yosel Meyer, Abraham, Ida, Genya, Rochel and Sara. In 1929 their family moved to Krakow. His father happened to own a painting business in which Willie entered after his vocational school in Krakow. After the Germans invaded Poland in September 1939, Willie had to go to Pustkow labor camp. At Pustkow he was put to work cutting lumber, in late 1940 or early 1941 Willie s father moved back to Wolbrom and used his painting business to financially support himself. Willie s mom and his sisters died at the death camp by the name of Treblinka. Willie was
  • 10. Ethcentrism In Rabbit-Proof Fence The film Rabbit Proof Fence illustrates on the topics of ethnocentrism, and also, the significance of perceiving the immense breadth of the Jigalong clan s customary biological learning to depict the wrongs that jumped out at this gathering starting in the 1930 s. As the half rank youngsters were taken from their homes with a specific end goal to be educated like English kids, the men responsible for said operation were endeavoring to strip away the nobility, as well as the conventions and character of a culture that was viewed as unthinkable on the grounds that the kids were not the same as supposed humanized society. A case of the ethnocentrismin the filmwould be when Mr. Neville, Chief Protector of Aborigines states, Ensured against themselves. On the off chance that they would just comprehend what we are endeavoring to improve the situation them. Thinking that these children require sparing on the grounds that the children live as per an arrangement of conventions and ways that originate from their own history is identified with what is known as the White Man s Burden, since this is viewed as an adequate purpose behind interceding in the lives of others, when this is extremely not satisfactory. Another way that the motion picture can pass on the distinctions in culture is through the Jigalong s learning of nature and surroundings all through the film. At a young age, the kids are instructed how to rummage and chase for their own particular sustenance, which appears differently in relation to the supper courses of action in the Moore River Native Settlement. Additionally, both the tracker, who is chasing down Molly and her family can utilize the land for something other than nourishment however a guide. Understanding those sorts of pieces of information gives the group of onlookers an approach to see that the Jigalong clan s energy about nature in their social esteems instead of seeing the emotional contrast and uncalled for nature of living in the Settlement. As we started the semester understanding the genuine significance of culture, we create upon the ideas of Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism where the video Rabbit Proof Fence becomes possibly the most important factor. While watching
  • 11. Monsters And Men In Beowulf Of Monsters and Men There is a repletion of themes throughout the story of Beowulf. Firstly, this is seen with Grendel and his killing of King Hrothgar s men. Next this theme is seen with Grendel s mother killing King Hrothgar s most trusted advisor. And finally, this is seen with Beowulf killing the dragon for attacking his kingdom and burning down his house. After a brief prologue Beowulf begins with the great mead hall Heorot, the throne hall of King Hrothgar, being attacked by the monster Grendel. Grendel is jealous and annoyed by the noise of celebrations in Heorot. It harrowed him To hear the din of the loud banquet Every day in the hall, the harp being struck The attacks are also due to Grendel s nature as a descendent of the original ... Show more content on ... A thief stumbles upon the lair of the dragon and stole the small gem studded cup. The dragon ravages the country side and burns down villages in frustration. but someone managed To enter by it and interfere With the heathen trove. He had handled and removed A gem studded goblet; it gained him nothing, Though with a thief s wiles he had outwitted The sleeping dragon; that drove him into a rage, As the people of that country would soon discover. On one of these burnings, Beowulf s own home was burned down. It was the throne hall of the Geats that the dragon torched and for this insult and the injuries of his people, Beowulf would slay the dragon. Beowulf foolishly chose just a few warriors to accompany him to the barrow of the dragon instead a large army. During Beowulf s battle with the dragon the third blow he landed did not kill the beast but did enrage it. At this insult the dragon bit into the neck of Beowulf envenomating him. So, the dragon again sought revenge against humans. The dragon bit Beowulf for Beowulf striking him and because he rightly assumed that people would steal his treasure away from him. For fear of theft and death the dragon did kill Beowulf. After each blow from Beowulf the dragon would belch out more flame. This shows an extension of the cycle of revenge on an individual level. The dragon would breath fire and Beowulf would strike it, then the dragon would breath fire
  • 12. Cameron Auto Parts Alex Cameron took over the reins of his family business after his graduation, and when he did, Cameron Auto Parts was immediately faced with a big financial crisis. When he took over the company in 1991, sales in 1990 dropped to $48 million and for the first six months of 1991 to $18 million. Cameron Auto Parts also lost $2.5 million in 1990 and the same amount in the first 6 months of 1991. Market forces, such as the Japanese taking an increasing share of the market, were driving the North American auto producers to try to advance their technology and to lower the prices at the same time. At that time, Alex had to cut the workforce from 720 to 470 people. He was thinking of different steps of how to increase his sales. He wanted to enter... Show more content on ... Moreover, the company tried to continue having good relationships with key buyers associated with major industries. Design group was an essential role to develop new types of couplings. Cameron was willing to pay attention on solving customer s problem as well. Licensing Alex wanted to capture foreign markets directly but he didn t have enough resources on its own to do that. After their promising new product was developed, they had a chance to license it to a Scottish manufacturer, McTaggart. McTaggart couldn t build the market based on shipments from America because it was too expensive. There was a 5% tariff coming in, freight and insurance was another 10% on top of the price and also there was the matter of currency values. He wanted to enter a licensing agreement. McTaggart already had a demand for the product so getting into a license agreement with him would be in Alex s advantage. For Alex it was a good way to enter the U.K. market swiftly via McTaggart s sales force. There was no financial risk involved. If Alex agreed on licensing he would have advantages such as low investment costs, reduced financial risk and quick market entry. He agreed on a deal with McTaggart for the U.K market only so he got his chance to exploit its technology there. The license granted to McTaggart will help bring in the cash flow needed so that they can try to expand. However, the profit of the licensor may not be maximized
  • 13. The Dystopian Society Exposed In Anthem By Ayn Rand World what do you think when you hear that word? World is a planet that has life with human beings that the right to be themself, and not controlled. But in the world of the book Anthem there life is full of fear,obedience and good outcome. Their people make have all three and they can t do anything about it. The obedience, fear and druglerg it symbolizes their world; that whats make them human, but there always a bad can t run from their problems like our people can, their in a jail that they can t run from or see the other side of the world. Its very sad to say that Fear is one of the most effect thing in a person mind set. In a world full of humans maybe about 8.5 of humans out of 10 people are terrified. It may not seem... Show more content on ... To comply or to follow the demands. The Dystopian culture is instinctive for the people. In the book Anthem their whole world is controlled by the council, they brought their people into a world that there is no other way out if they tried to escape. As going into the book Anthem the men and women don t get to choose who they love, nor who they have love too; They get place into whats called City Palace of Mating (Rand41). Children are born in Winter always, but as they re born they get abandoned from their mothers! The children never get to see their parents, or who their parents are! Its sad also they don t get to choose their name, they get a metal bracelet with their name on it. Which is not the cutest name in the world. Its a ridiculous name at that! The world that they live in with Obedience is unbelievable, they don t get to live their life as a normal person does. As Council says You shall do that which the council of Vocations shall prescribe for you. And if you are not needed by your brother men, there is no reason for you to burden the earth with your bodies (Rand22). Cruel is the word for the council. They don t care what they do to the people who deserve to live. Equality did what he was told, but he grew up and out of his fear, also his misery so he left and decided to live obedience
  • 14. Humans Causing Decline in Biodiversity Essays As far as we can say, intelligent, modern humans have been around for roughly 50,000 years, and in that time have altered the earth beyond recognition (Morrison, 2006). Most evident in recent years, the rapidity of technological advances both during and post the industrial revolution has been astonishing, but has come with a hefty ecological price. There is wide scientific consensus that we are presently witnessing the obsolescence of species on a prodigious scale. We are now having to accept the possibility that humans might just be a contributing influence. Predominantly we rely on one measure to compare the rate of species loss between various moments in history. The background rate of extinction is approximately 1 extinction per ... Show more content on ... The Mascarene island of Mauritius national emblem remains to this day the dodo, despite the fact that it is one of the most infamous cases of manmade extinction. Previously isolated from humans, the largest member of the pigeon family possessed a curious and innocently trusting nature when sailors first arrived on the island in the early 1600 s. Despite its flesh being absurdly tasteless, the dodo s gullibility and lack of leggy zip (Bryson, 2003) proved an irresistible target for young seamen and their pets. So blissfully ignorant was the raphus cucullatus that you had only to set one squawking and all its friends from the immediate surroundings would rush to your side. Within seventy years of our first meeting with the dodos the last one was dead, pointlessly hunted to extinction by humans and the animals we introduced (Flannery Schouten, 2001). Myriad methods exist through which we are directly and indirectly placing pressure on flora and fauna. A growing global population puts more strain on the agriculture industry, triggering agrarian and urban expansion. Land clearing reduces habitat size, while large environmental enterprises such as the damming of rivers can either flood or dehydrate vast areas of terrain. Although not so common nowadays, introduced species have in the past entirely missed their intended purpose, eventually poisoning, killing or in the very least competing with native animals. Diseases and infections can also
  • 15. Iaccac s Code Of Ethics In Criminal Justice Ethics in Criminal Justice Journal Assignment Week 4 Thomas Affeldt 1.After reviewing the IACCAC s code of ethics in the learning modules, what would you include or exclude from the code and why? Discuss your thoughts about the code. I would move to exclude the willingly share information with the public with openness and candor from the IACCAC s code of ethics. My reasoning for this is that in my experience of being both a secured and a community officer of corrections, common policy was to avoid giving statements to the public or press. This duty was given to a public information officer. If I had the ability to add to the code, I would add that Information will be made to the public by the acting information officer and that no other employee is able to release information without permission from their superior officer. In my opinion, this will relieve the burden of officer to feel obligated to speak regarding a case and also protect them from potentially releasing any information that may still be under investigation or protected information. 2.Discuss the elements that contribute to the correctional officer subculture, and show how this subculture impacts officer behavior. Each corrections officer relies on his fellow officer to protect him in a violent environment. Likewise, the relationship an officer had with inmates place a role in maintaining peace within that environment. Respect plays an important role in for both officers and inmates. Peace is the end
  • 16. Will Water Freeze Faster Or Faster With The Addition Of... My question is Will water freeze slower or faster with the addition of sugar. I hypothesize that water will freeze slower with the addition of sugar than water without the addition of sugar. Here are the reasons why I hypothesize this and how I will determine whether or not my hypothesis was correct. Reason number one; adding a substance such as sugar to water or ice brings down the freezing point temperature and raises the melting point temperature of the existing ice. Sugar brings down the freezing point of water. This occurs when sugar molecules are put together with water, the resultant solute is not water anymore.The mixture of sugar and water has different freezing properties than those of plain water. Therefore, sugar greatly affects
  • 17. Robert E. Coleman, the Master Plan of Evangelism EV 101: PERSONAL EVANGELISM Complete Submission Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism ____________________ Submitted to Luther Rice University In PARTIAL Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Arts in Religion, Ministry ____________________ Jeffrey Benson 1081A Blackshear Drive Decatur, GA 30033 ID # LC6515 / Phone: (770) 899 7922 October 11, 2012 Professor: Dr. Derek Coleman Reaction Paper: Robert E. Coleman, The Master Plan of Evangelism ____________________ A Paper Submitted to Dr. Derek Coleman Luther Rice University ____________________ In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Course
  • 18. EV 101: PERSONAL EVANGELISM ____________________ By Jeffrey Benson LC6515 ... Show more content on ... Jesus made it clear to the disciples that they had to be born again of the Holy Spirit once He ascended to Heaven. This Holy Spirit would give them power to do the things that He did and more. This Holy Spirit would be their comforter and guide. Through the spirit Jesus would be with them forever. Chapter five is titled Demonstration . In this chapter Jesus shows the disciples how to live. Not just communion with the spirit, but show them that they needed to know how the experience was to be maintained and shared, if it was to be perpetrated in evangelism. Jesus demonstrated to the disciples how to pray and how it would give them strength. This was not forced upon them, they ask the Master what he was doing and he explained it to them. He also explained to them that the Holy Spirit had to be used for personal devotion and winning others. Jesus taught the disciples how to reach souls. His life was the method that he used. What Jesus taught, He taught in spirit and in technique. He practiced what he preached. Those of us that are led to train others should be prepared to have them follow us as we follow Christ. Chapter six is called Delegation . In this chapter, it shows Jesus always going forth building his kingdom. He lived the life and that s how the disciples learned from Jesus. This was Jesus plan all along, teach by example. This whole experience was an experience with the living God. All the while Jesus didn t stop the disciples from spreading the good
  • 19. The Film On Being Gay The film On Being Gay gave me new ways to look at and understand what it means to be gay. It was filled to the brim with thought provoking discussion and exercises that allowed it to get its message through loud and clear. These being, the prevalence of homophobia in our culture and what causes it, learning to perceive the world as if it were predominantly filled with homosexuals, confronting the stereotypes society maintains about homosexuals, the differences between being gayor lesbian and coming from another minority group, and using Alfred Kinsey s theory to look at sexuality as being on a continuum. From these topics and exercises, I feel that I now better understand not only the overall topic of homophobia within the context of American society, and have also learned a bit more about myself as well. Brian McNaught brought the conversation of homosexuality to a personal level. He explained how being gay has impacted his life, and how he had to hide who he was and act like a straight man out due to his own ignorance of his sexuality and fear of being rejected for being gay. When he did finally come to terms with himself and begin to reveal himself to others, his fear that he would be rejected due to his sexuality was confirmed. This is a fear that I share about coming out, and to be honest, I am not quite sure why. I know my family would accept it without a second thought, my friends would not care, and my coworkers would not care. I do not have to fear that I will be
  • 20. Anglo-Saxon Construction Anglo Saxon Construction and Architecture Even the homes of most kings were not built of stone. The construction and style of Anglo Saxon building contributed to the later constructs, such as the materials with the use of wood, daub, the rare use of stone, and many natural products. The very wealthy churches would use more expensive materials that even kings didn t use. Also with the salvaging of many old Roman brick stone and even wood constructs. To the very simple and cheap construction of daub and wooden homes. But even with all the constructs, there are very few left, with most of what is left being the churches and excavations. With this said many materials were used in construction during this time period with the most expensive almost ... Show more content on ... The floors of homes were usually hard packed dirt occasionally covered with wooden planks rarely with a cellar below them. Even the heating and lighting of the house was simple and inexpensive to create. With a main central fire pit from which the smoke escapes through a hole at the very top of the roof. This provided heat and light all in one, and so that the heat could escape more than necessary there were for the most part no windows. If there were any windows they would have been covered with drapes of fabric instead of more expensive
  • 21. Rehabilitative Rehabilitation The area of rehabilitation has undergone controversial scrutiny of its effectiveness (Wilson 2013). An analysis of many rehabilitation projects by Wilson (2013) concluded that many attempts to rehabilitate youths, such as the Community Treatment Program (CTP) were ineffective. Wilson (2013) stated that the capacity for rehabilitation differs greatly between individuals, and only certain amenable individuals were responsive to rehabilitation attempts. There were often nonamenable individuals who would actually commit more crimeas a result of rehabilitative attempts (Wilson, 2013). Wilson (2013) also discusses the findings from the Murray Cox Study, which looked at the rehabilitative response of serious offender, somewhat serious offenders, and the non serious offenders. The researchers in this study came to the conclusion... Show more content on ... These programs include the monitoring of high risk offender by specialized police force, rehabilitation programs with risk focused treatments, and therapeutic community treatment. Unfortunately, the most successful forms of rehabilitative programs are targeted towards children, which would have been applicable when JR was first arrested for her crimes, will no longer be effective on JR (Reiman Leighton, 2013). The question of rehabilitation is significant, particularly in JR s case because she has rejoined the community. For the safety of others in society, it is crucial that we ensure that she has been rehabilitated and continues to undergo rehabilitative programs. Wilson (2013) would agree that while punishment is necessary, so is providing past criminals with opportunities to behave socially within society. Our society tends to focus more heavily on punishment, but it is essential that there is a balance between punishment and opportunities (Wilson,
  • 22. Analysis Of The Book Last Child On The Woods By... Technology throughout the past 30 40 years has become more advanced and accessible than ever. The television specifically has developed extremely since its beginning. What started off as a single camera caption, has developed into a full fledge worldwide availability. Within the United States, the TV is a normal everyday object common in households, hotels, schools, and even restaurants. There are approximately 118.4 million household in the United States that own a televisionset ( The Number of TV Households in the United States from season 2000 2001 to season 2016 2017 (in millions)).However, the increased amount of time spent watching TV has had a tremendous impact on people, especially kids. The differences in generations throughout the development of the TV has led to many questions, all revolving around whether or not the televisions has had a good or negative impact pertaining to children. Time spent watching television affects the brain, ability to learn, and skill levels in different areas (source. In the book Last Child in The Woods, Richard Louv discusses how children in the 1940 s would watch out the window at the scenery and have conversations, while children now sit and watch a movie on a flip down video screen without knowledge to the outside world (Louv 16 17). When the television set first came out fully around the 1930 s, it only offered a few shows; a child s program, sports, news, and comedy. Families that could afford a TV set could watch shows,
  • 23. How Latin and Greek Languages Have Affected Us Today in... It is common for languages to take words, phrases and meanings from one another, and this is no different than English taking from Greek and Latin. While some Greek or Latin words have been changed into prefixes and suffixes, others have become phrases, and even events have garnered their own meaning by today s standards. This includes the adaptation to technology, science, military purposes and even everyday use, many of which are significant in their own respective area. Many Greek words have been translated into medicine often as medical terms and in the form of Prefixes and Suffixes. These words have become important and common place because they hold the meaning and generally only that meaning, and are easy to interpret such as ... Show more content on ... Carnivora is the only way to describe to devour meat in Latin which is why these are used. This means that each word in Latin is normally the only word that holds that particular meaning. For this same reason the sections of science are named in Latin, such as Agri which means field. Hence the use of Agri in the term Agriculture, which means Cultivating [the] field or in general working off the land, both on animals and crops. Since then Horticulture began being used primarily for crops as the Hortas which was the Roman working garden where crops where grown for a household. Horticulture was added because Agriculture was too vast, encompassing far too wide a variety of products. Other terms include Astro which means Stars and deriving from this is the term and science Astronomy, meaning Star Positions which revolves around the study of the night sky and space. This was originally directly related to Astrology which means the telling of stars and was to do with predictions such as when it was the right season for crops, or when people where born, which in turn caused the creation of the calendar. This however dates further back than Roman times, but we use their terminology because the calendar was not governed by words, and instead by symbols or Hieroglyphs by the Egyptians. The reason Latin is used is because it is a dead language and so words won t change, they mean
  • 24. The Importance Of The Re-Organization Of Society The Fabians believed strongly in the importance of the re organization of Society by creating local governments and working for the extinction of private property. They desired municipalization of Land and local government according to the Fabian Parliamentary League s Tract, The True Radical Programme (1887, p. 7). By giving power to local governments, the Society felt national wealth could be better circulated and citizens could be better represented. This radically modern notion is expressed in this strongly worded declaration, So long as the government is not government by the people, of the people, for the people, it can matter little to the people whether it s a seat at the capital or at the local centres (Fabian Parliamentary League, 1887, p. 4). As with many Socialist platforms, land and private property were constant issues. Similar to their radical neighbours the SDF, the Fabians believed in the extinction of private property meaning the removal of property from individual ownership and placing it back into the hands of the community (Shaw, 1899, p. 30). Another major objective of the movement was creating a more equal society where men and women were equal, and all had the right to vote ( The Guardian , 2001). Suffrage for ALL was incredibly important for the Fabians because they saw women and the poor to be equally affected by governmental laws (Fabian Parliamentary League, 1887, p. 5). The Fabian Parliamentary League continued its passionate discourse on
  • 25. Back Pain Relief Back Pain Relief: Two Tips for Surviving the Night When experiencing acute or severe low back to mid back pain that is preventing rest, the image to the left demonstrates two positions that may take the pressure off and reduce pain. Both of these are lying on the floor or a flat, firm surface with the knees bent and the neck supported, yet not hyper flexed (chin close to or on the chest). The use of warm, moist heat is recommended over ice or cold. A cold pack on the lower back may increase sustained muscular contraction in effect increasing rather than decreasing pain. A firm surface is necessary, so those of you who have a sleep number bed may be able to increase the firmness enough to support the first position in the above image. Another care, consideration may be the purchase of a massage table. This may sound a bit unusual, but if you do suffer frequently from back pain, you will be amazed at how useful it can be to take the pressure off the back by spending as little as 10 minutes in one of the above postures. A massage table can be useful for individuals that can no longer comfortably lay on the floor or get up from the floor. A student model can cost as little as $99. One to two inches of padding is enough for this purpose. It is important to have a firm surface for this technique to help provide back pain relief. The table ... Show more content on ... If a chair is not available a stack of books with a thick pillow may also work. A sturdy coffee or cocktail table may also serve for this purpose. The key component is a 90 degree flexion of the hip. It is also possible to provide mechanical traction if the chair or table allows one to hang their hips or pelvis from the seat or table surface. This should only be done for 8 to 10 minutes and if painful place your hips back on the solid surface. Mechanical traction can relieve pressure on the discs at the lumbar vertebra 4 and Lumbar vertebra 5
  • 26. The Arab Israeli Palestinian Conflict The Middle East has long been home to very deep rooted conflict. For too long, the citizens of the Middle East have lived in the central of death and fear. The animosity between few, takes the hope of hundreds. The Arab Israeli Palestinian conflict is most notably the largest issue preventing peace in the Middle East, but it is by no means the only issue. The issue of bankrolling and foreign aid are also issues preventing peace; because the U.S provides so much funding and foreign aid to certain countries, it is in some sense encouraging them to continue acting the way they act now and not change for the better of the region. It is also making the U.S look biased and can potentially cause issues for America in the long run, if they haven t already. There is also the conflict of the Persian Gulf; the importance of these new resources and how it could affect the world economy and also the balancing of powers in the Persian Gulf; The U.S and the Middle Eastern nations will need to work to together to bring about security and stability into the Persian Gulf and hopefully it can overflow to the Middle East as well. ISRAELI PALESTINIAN CONFLICTS President George W. Bush in his June 24, 2002 address to the nation said this: The conflict between Israel and Palestine is just one of the many facets that have shaped modern day politics in the Middle East. It is a conflict rooted in generations of violence, discrimination and prejudice that is complicated by a history older
  • 27. The Importance Of Self Administered Poisoning And Lethal... Historically, capital punishment through execution has been administered in various forms, prompted by the desire to conform to the ever changing standards of decency. In Ancient Greece, as Plato exhibits the experience that Socrates went through. The condemned prisoners were given a poison (hemlock) to self administer themselves on the day of execution. Such is different from the current system where the condemned prisoners are executed by lethal injection. This paper seeks to establish whether self administered poisoning would be better that the current lethal injection approach. While the approaches differ in some aspects, there are no sufficient grounds for categorizing self administered poisoning as better than lethal injection, as execution is bound to be cruel as it is done against the wish of individuals. Self Administered Poisoning Versus Lethal Injection The depiction of Socrates execution through self administered poison amid having a discourse with those around him is portrayed by Corner as a humanized execution, making it appear different from torture (113). However, such does not qualify to consider the execution as showing respect to the prisoner as a person. As Stack advanced, such is because of the obvious reality that execution by itself is primarily a mean of exhibiting the lack of respect for the prisoner (38). In reality, a death row prisoner can be approached as a patient except that his condition is primarily man made. The goal in execution is to
  • 28. South America Gold History [Gold] since the days of the Egyptian Pharaoh s some 5,000 years ago to the Roman Empire and the Mayan and Aztec civilisations of South America gold has been the lure of mankind representing power and prestige. The importance of Gold and its lustre for men was its rarity and even up to today with all the gold mined throughout history, it would only fill two Olympic size swimming pools. Furthermore, up until the 1930 s gold had been the measure of a countries currency strength. Consequently, for the colony of NSW, the gold discoveries would drive the economy and turn stockmen into overnight millionaires. The getting of gold though was labour intensive and at first was panned in the rivers and creeks followed by reef gold where deep shafts were hollowed out and men would drop 100 to 300 ft to get to the precious... Show more content on ... Frank had been following the escort movements in and around both the Forbes and Lambing Flat goldfields with their routes and times and amounts of gold onboard each coach being frequently published. However, Gardiner s plan for the robbery may well have sprung from his former home state of Victoria, wherein 1853, a gold escort travelling from the McIvor diggings to Bendigo to connect with the main escort for Melbourne was attacked and robbed by a gang of six, who split in two with one section firing on the police whilst the others snatched the gold, and escaped after wounding four police officers taking over 2,300 ounces of gold and ВЈ800 in cash. At the time that Gardiner was in the process of his planning, a serious concern had been raised over the lack of sufficient police
  • 29. Torture In Medieval Times Torture Crime and punishment was much different in medieval times than it is now. In today s ages you may get sent to jail or prison, or have to do community services. While back then you may be put on the Catherine Wheel, be Drawn Hanged And Quartered, or even be put in the Scavenger s Daughter device. There were many other ways of brutal, diverse ways to make a point There were many reasons for torture in medieval times. A few reasons would be trying to get information out of a citizen, or trying to get a person to own up to a crime, or to just execute them. The word torture comes from the French word torture, originating in the late Latin tortura and ultimately deriving the past participle of torquere, meaning to twist (Medieval 1). An ... Show more content on ... This was a torture device used to crush victims (Roberts 2)The affliction of the Scavenger s Daughter was quite straightforward. After the victim was strapped to a metal frame, the frame was then used to force the knees of the victim to a sitting position. On the opposite side of the device, the frame was then moved so that the head of the casualty was pushed in the opposite direction. This resulted in compressing the body of the victim which damaged the joints and muscles, which also resulted in blood flowing from the nose and ears and eyes of the victim. Many would say being Hanged, Drawn, and Quartered was one of the worst methods of torture. This was a commonly used method of torture in medieval England. It was often saved for prisoners convicted of high treason. First, the casualty was hanged by the neck and just before the minute he would die, he was taken to a wooden edge, where he was then laid and emasculated. At long last, both of his arms and legs were tied with ropes to four different stallions who were whipped to jerk in four different directions, eventually literally tearing the victim into pieces. The mangled limbs were then displayed over the town for all to see. This method was never used on women. As a matter of decency, women would simply be burned at the stake. Medieval tortures were meant to be very gruesome and publicly humiliating to get the victim to confess to doing a crime. There were countless ways of making a
  • 30. Dualism And Dualism Julia Hartmann November 30, 2017 Essay #2 Leibniz s law TA: Jordan Bell A Dualist s Point of View: How Mental States are distinct from Physical States The mind and the body are very controversial entities that has caused philosophical debate between dualists and physicalists. Common knowledge states that the mind inevitably will affect what the body does. The mind and body issue is a question of what the nature of the mind is and how it relates to the body. The mind is the psychological aspect of your being as in your mental state. The body is all physical parts of you: your height, weight, color. With all this in mind, we can use Leibniz s Law to make an argument supporting either a physicalist or dualist point of view. I will be ... Show more content on ... Physical states are investigated by the sciences and mostly are measurable. Physical properties include but are not limited to color, shape, weight, smell, and opacity. In the eyes of a dualist these states are completely different but a physicalist would argue that they are equivalent. The argument that physical and mental states are in fact distinct and can be made valid is shown through Leibniz s Law also known as the notion of sameness. To understand Leibniz s Law we must first master identity. This identity is not in terms of qualitative identity like twins but numerical identity. Numerical identity is the notion of being the same thing as and that Everything is identical with itself. The structure for Leibniz s law is if X equals Y then all aspects of X must equal all aspects of Y. Leibniz s Law can be used to compare physical and mental states depending on if a dualist or a physicalist is making the argument. The structure for a dualist is as follows: premise 1: mental states have property X, premise 2: physical states lack property X, therefore mental states and physical states are different because one has while the one lacks a certain property. Here is my argument for a dualist: mental states have the properties that include emotion, physical states lack emotion. Therefore mental states and physical states are not the same. In premise one I argue that mental states have properties that include emotion.
  • 31. Theu.s. Constitution Vs. The Constitution The U.S Constitution was written by James Madison and was ratified on July 21, 1788. Ever since people had trouble determining how it should be interpreted. When judges interpret the constitution, they are interpreting new facts to an established law that has been given meaning and has a historical background. Many people argue that it should be read how it was written who are known as Originalists. Then there are people who believe that the Constitutionevolves as society does and they are known as Living Constitutionalists. Also, some feel that the goal is not do determine whether the constitution should be determined originally or as a living document, but to give meaning on the basis of facts. In my paper I will discuss arguments on how the Constitution should be read, whether it be from the Originalists or the Living Constitutionalist s point of view, and why Living Constitutionalism is better. As society evolves, there are new and more difficult problems that occur, and they cannot be solved by reading the exact text of the Constitution which makes Living Constitutionalism better. According to Meese Their intention was to write a document not just for their times, but for posterity. (Meese 15) Living Constitutionalists might say this is a very bold statement. This quote basically means that the Framers were trying to create a document that would address future and present problems. A common question that is asked is what did the Framers mean and want for the
  • 32. OUHCOM Personal Statement My desire to become an osteopathic physician was nurtured by various experiences I ve had in my life, from witnessing the sacred relationship between doctor and patient to driving through the slums of Baghdad and being told, there s nothing you can do to help them. Through my travels, I have seen first hand how lack of medical care especially primary care can devastate a community. During my last visit to Iraq, I learned that the shortage of physicians in the area meant that patients could not be seen unless they were showing signs of a severe illness. This directly contradicts the values of osteopathic medicine, and I was saddened to see members of the community live with symptoms that could easily be treated in the United States. Part of my... Show more content on ... With my background in research, I gained a deeper understanding of the scientific process and enriched the education I was receiving in my science courses. OUHCOM is an appealing school for me for its emphasis on research. OUHCOM s affiliation with OhioHealth has opened doors to research programs in primary care and biomedical science, which I would like to be a part of. As a medical student, I will take advantage of research opportunities presented at my school. The first time I heard the term osteopathic medicine was at my first Pre Student Osteopathic Medicine Association meeting. An osteopathic physicianwas our guest speaker, and she referred to herself as a guardian of wellness. That simple phrase changed my attitude toward medicine to reflect that there is more to good health than the absence of illness. My desire to become a physician stems from my drive to follow a career path that is beneficial to myself and to those in my community, and is nurtured by my thirst for knowledge and a fascination with the human body. My interest in pursuing an education in osteopathic medicine evolved as I
  • 33. consumer Essay 1. Explain a person s attitude towards visiting Disneyland in Hong Kong in terms of the tri component model. A tri component attitude model consists of three major components as affect, cognition and conation. It is implying that Disneyland in Hong Kong has the unique attraction towards the customer. The first part of this model refers to cognition that is knowledge and perception that are acquired by a combination of the attitude object and related information from different sources. With reference to visiting Disneyland in Hong Kong it is a great place to visit and have a fun with the kids, where people are able to rest from common daily activities. The cognitive component towards Disneyland is what people experienced by visiting this ... Show more content on ... b) Product manager can change consumer attitude toward the brand by using a broad statement (for example that only cereal with vitamins and dried fruit or corn are helpful) and or claim. It will allow to set the brand higher than competitors. c) People change their attitudes, so companies should be aware of it. They should go forward with changing environmental. As the current life style attempts to look for healthy food, it could be good crossing over from the existing to the new ones with dried fruit and some corns. d) As a production manager I will add such attributes as vitamins to breakfast cereal, making the product healthier. By adding this new formula it will put the brand higher than the others as the tendency is to buy healthy products and will change the customers attitude toward the brand. 3. What sources influenced your attitudes about studying buyer behaviour before classes started? Has your initial attitude changed since the unit started? If so, how? Social media and discussion with my colleagues had influenced my attitudes about studying buyer behaviour before my classes started. I found out that it could be very interesting to get know how consumer behaves in reply to different ads, promotions or tricks used by the producers. My initial attitudes were positive and motivation were on the highest level
  • 34. Electromagnetic Radiation INTRODUCTION Radiation, flow of atomic and subatomic particles and of waves, such as those that characterize heat rays, light rays, and X rays. All matter is constantly bombarded with radiation of both types from cosmic and terrestrial sources. This article delineates the properties and behaviour of radiation and the matter with which it interacts and describes how energy is transferred from radiation to its surroundings. Considerable attention is devoted to the consequences of such an energy transfer to living matter, including the normal effects on many life processes (e.g., photosynthesis in plants and vision in animals) and the abnormal or injurious effects that result from the exposure of organisms to unusual types of radiation or ... Show more content on ... Considerably more knowledge about the biologic effects of neutrons had been acquired by the time the first nuclear reactor was built in 1942 in Chicago. The nuclear reactor, which has become a prime source of energy for the world, produces an enormous amount of neutrons as well as other forms of radiation. The widespread use of nuclear reactors and the development of high energy particle accelerators, another prolific source of ionizing radiation, have given rise to health physics. This field of study deals with the hazards of radiation and protection against such hazards. Moreover, since the advent of spaceflight in the late 1950s, certain kinds of radiation from space and their effects on human health have attracted much attention. The protons in the Van Allen radiation belts (two doughnut shaped zones of high energy particles trapped in the Earth s magnetic field), the protons and heavier ions ejected in solar flares, and similar particles near the top of the atmosphere are particularly important. Units for measuring ionizing radiation Ionizing radiation is measured in various units. The oldest unit, the roentgen (R), denotes the amount of radiation that is required to produce 1 electrostatic unit of charge in 1 cubic centimetre of air under standard conditions of pressure, temperature, and humidity. For expressing the dose of radiation absorbed in living tissue, the principal units are the gray (Gy; 1 Gy = 1 joule of radiation energy
  • 35. The Giver Compare And Contrast Prompt: Write an expository essay that compares and contrasts life in and The Giver to our modern day society. Is it better to live in a society like The Givers or better to live in a society like ours? Living in a society like The Givers, would be nothing like our own. Their society is very controlled and no one has any free will or even feelings, in our society people get to make choices daily, have feelings of love, happiness, and even hate. Many things are different between our society and The Givers but even things that are different have some similarities. Families in the Giver society are nothing like our own. Families for one are called family units. Birthmothers give birth the children, only fifty kids are born a
  • 36. Virgin Group Brand Case Study Shelley Mantei Virgin: Branding Culture Subject: Virgin Group Ltd. Sir Richard Branson started with a student magazine and a mail order record company in 1971. His Virgin empire is now comprised of over 200 companies [Fig.3] and spans three continents. Not only is Virgin one of Britain s most respected brands, but it is also becoming an international superbrand. They are involved in planes, trains, finance, soft drinks, music, mobile phones, holidays, cars, wines, publishing, bridal wear, and more. What unites all these businesses is the values of their brand and the attitude of their 30,000 employees. Total 2003 global revenues exceeded CAD$7.4 billion. Virgin has positioned themselves as the ... Show more content on ... Vague neologisms leave individual minding to define what the new word means and creates the opportunity for language to create a new reality. What is known of a virgin is through carefully selected words and images that narrate what ought to be thought and understood. If language changes the reality of what virgin becomes (Lakoff, 2001, p.20), what does the company Virgin then stand for? В•Traditional: Untouched, pure, raw, innocent, inexperienced, naГЇve. В•New Brand: Exciting, alive, fun, confident, unconventional, bold, provocative. В•Mediating:Virgin employs tactics to counter potentially negative pre conceptions of the word virgin e.g. Virgin Atlantic s slogan more experience that our name suggests. The Ultimate Sign Virgin has been described as the brand that is so many different things for so many people. In fact, Virgin is often cited as an example to silence those claiming that no brand can be everything to everyone. They are able to do this because they have successfully leveraged polysemy В– the potential of signs to carry multiple meanings (Lewis, 2002, p.260). Audiences variously draw on the raw materials and the deliverables of the Virgin culture to make sense of these signs. Virgin s most recognizable sign is not their logo В– it is CEO and Chairman, Sir Richard Branson. Branson has become an integral part of the brand itself and is regularly
  • 37. High Social Circle and Waltz During the Eighteenth Century Scandalous! Sinful! Outrageous! Believe it or not, these are all adjectives used to describe the waltz in the eighteenth century. Beginning within the Alps of Austria, the intoxicating spins and steps of the waltz were born. Not long after, however, the waltz took Europe by storm. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a German writer, even stated in 1765 that people felt obliged to learn [the waltz], for without knowledge of this dance, it was impossible to enter the highest social circles. Although this partner danceis now practically a necessity in social ballroom events, the rise of the waltz would prove to be a difficult journey. Controversy over this popular social activity was not lacking from political and religious leaders. From scandalous to classy, the waltz is a famous traditional type of ballroom dancing that has greatly influenced many dance styles around the world. While the waltz has been around for hundreds of years, the steps used today are actually not a part of the original dance. It is generally accepted that the exact origins of the waltz are fairly obscure. However, it is theorized that the waltz was a product of evolution from a dance called the lГ¤ndler (Britannica). As like various other dances, the waltz has evolved through the lГ¤ndler along with cultural and social advances. Created in the countryside of Austria, the lГ¤ndler was a type of couple s dance that became widely popular in the late eighteenth century when composers began creating music for
  • 38. Stories From The Old Manse Curbet Analysis Curbet, Joan. Incarnational Poetics: Embodiment and Literary Influence in Nathaniel Hawthorne s Stories from the Old Manse Period. Nathaniel Hawthorne Review, vol. 42, no. 1, Spring2016, pp. 37 55. EBSCOhost, / db=lfh AN=115321515 site=eds live scope=site. Curbet states that in the Old Manse period, Hawthorne writes about the conflicting forces of the Godly and the worldly. Curbet also points out the influence of Edmund Spenser and John Milton during this period, especially during the first Manse period which was a crucial time for Hawthorne to establish himself as a writer. The writings of this period were heavily influenced by the social issues of the time such as modesty and theology; ... Show more content on ... The fellow critic, W. R. Thompson, argues that Hawthorne s choice in name for Aminadab reflects the Biblical figure Aminadab, a high priest. While Walsh agrees with Thompson s analysis of Hawthorne s Biblical name choice, he finds a concerning element in Thompson s thesis. All references of Aminadab in the Bible puts him in the tribe of Judah, and not as a priest. Walsh then offers his thesis and raises the question of why would Aylmer and the narrator speak of Aminadab as such a lowly person when his name means my nation is noble in Hebrew. Walsh dedicates the rest of this paper to examining how Hawthorne s character choices of Aminadab and Aylmer symbolizes the opposing ideas of creation, Aminadab, and science, Aylmer. Walsh quotes Aminadab to enhance his argument, [I]f she were my wife, I d never part with that birthmark (Hawthorne 43). Aminadab represents the creationism principle of imperfections are the work of God and need no correction. While Aylmer represents the perfectionist curiosity of scientific minds that wishes to
  • 39. The Influence Of The American Dream In Aladdin The characters in Aladdin are all striving for the American Dream. Aladdin, Jasmine, and the Genie are all victims who seek their freedom from social oppression or from being trapped by law or outdated custom (Wise 106). This unifying thread throughout the film shows how anyone despite their circumstances change their life and make it what they want it to be playing off of the ideal of the American Dream. One way that the American Dream is intertwined into Aladdin is through the dual nature of the main character Aladdin. In the original version of Aladdin is called the Thief of Bagdad (1940), the prince appears as a blind beggar and Abu as his dog, the prince makes it very clear his true identity so that viewers can discover his transformation was the result of Jaffar s magic rather than the prince s deception. Only at the outset does the prince disguise himself, and that choice too is a result of Jaffar s trickery, not the prince s duplicity and further showing that the prince is reacting to other s actions (Bernstein Studlan 189). In comparison, Disney s Aladdin, also has multiple identities but they are created due to his own choices and actions not because of others. Aladdin is identified as a street rat, diamond in the rough, and prince Ali (Bernstein Studlan 189). Disney is making the point that in pursuing the American Dream, people take on many identities to ensure their social mobility by shedding one identity for another. However, Aladdin and the Thief of Bagdad are similar because the title character steals from local vendors in to survive. In Disney s version, Aladdin is a moral character because he only takes enough to survive. Aladdin s morality goes one step farther because he is willing to give away what he steals to less fortunate children who are also starving due to the same unjust social order. By giving away food in a Robin Hood manner Aladdin is showing his dual nature as diamond in the rough because he was stealing for a good cause yet still sticking to his roots as a street rat by stealing to begin with (Wise 106). The idea that Aladdin is a diamond in the rough is something that the film emphasizes so that viewers understand that everyone has the potential to do great
  • 40. Taking a Look at the University of Oregon College Essay University of Oregon The University of Oregon is located in Eugene, Oregon. The University of Oregon is widely known for an impeccable environmental science department as well as for being a very progressive university. The beautiful mountainous location allows for very applicable science classes and contributes greatly to the learning of the students. Relatively close proximity to the city of Portland and the Pacific ocean are very intriguing to many, attracting many potential students and adding greatly to the population of the school. The Universityof Oregon is a great choice for students interested in the future of the planet s environments. The University of Oregon was established in 1876 and started with 155 students and five teachers. Since its slow beginning, UO has been admitted to the Association of American Universities and its population has increased to over 24,000 students as of 2013( The women to men ratio is 52:48 and the student to faculty ratio is 24:1(Peterson s). Ranked 217th overall in Forbes Magazine America s Top Colleges, the University of Oregon offers a lot of great opportunities for many types of students. Applications for the University of Oregon are moderately difficult. With a 73% acceptance rate and moderate test score requirements, most applicants get in. The SAT test averages range anywhere from 993 to 1223(Forbes). Most students applying have a higher math SAT score(Peterson s), further emphasizing the good
  • 41. How Did Martin Luther King Change The World Like Martin Luther King, other people had their act to change the world in a better place. Martin Luther king was a African American and a pastor who believe that white and black come together like brothers and sisters in christ. He worked hard and non violence protesters. In 1968, James Earl Ray, a gun shooter, killed Martin at one night and died. Martin s life impacted the lives of all americans and the future of him. Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929. He lived in the north where black and white are not segregated.He grew up in a safe loving household. Martin had skipped two grades in high school. At age 15, he went to Morehouse college in Atlanta, Georgia in 1954. In 1954, Martin had became a pastor like his father in Montgomery,
  • 42. Hussainsagar Hussain Sagar From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Hussain Sagar| | Location| Hyderabad| Coordinates| 17В°27′N 78В°30′Eп»ї / п»ї17.45В°N 78.5В°Eп»ї / 17.45; 78.5| Lake type| artificial lake| Basin countries| India| | Max. depth| 32 ft| Surface elevation| 1,759 ft| | Islands| Buddha Statue (artificial)| Settlements| Hyderabad and Secunderabad| Coordinates: 17В°27′N 78В°30′Eп»ї / п»ї17.45В°N 78.5В°Eп»ї / 17.45; 78.5 Hussain Sagar (Telugu: హుస్సేన్ а°ёа°ѕа°—а°°а±Ќ) is a lake in Hyderabad, India, built by Hazrat Hussain Shah Wali in 1562, during the rule of Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shah. It was a lake of 24 square kilometres built on a tributary of the River Musi to meet the water and irrigation needs of the city. ... Show more content on ... A project feasibility report has been prepared for the conservation amp; restoration of Hussain Sagar Lake under National Lake Conservation Plan. The Hussain Sagar Lake has been the centre of Hyderabad civilisation and is among the most beautiful national heritage. It has played a major role in the economy of the State of Andhra Pradesh through its attraction of tourists as well as its utilisation as a source of food and water. As with other urban lakes in India, the Hussain Sagar now serves as one of the main sewage collection zone of the twin cities. Lake in the evening During the past few years grave concern is being voiced by people from different walks of life over the deteriorating conditions of Hussain Sagar Lake. As a result of heavy anthropogenic pressures, the lake eco systems are not only strengthening in its surface becoming poor in quality, posing health hazards to the people living in close proximity to the lake. Over the years the entire eco system of Hussain Sagar Lake has changed. The water quality has deteriorated considerably during the last three decades. Over the years the lake has become shallow due to siltation and accumulation of plant debris. Many undesirable changes in the structure of biological communities have resulted and some important species have either declined or completely disappeared. Realising the importance of conservation of Hussain Sagar Lake, a project has
  • 43. Burmese Pythons Research Paper Many people are afraid of snakes, but up close they can be very interestingcreatures. Burmese Pythons have very interesting ways of hunting, a very interesting habitat, and very interesting behaviors. But, like Kaa said, A blow more or less is nothing to thee... They are very tough animals, and can be dangerous, so they should be treated with care. Burmese Pythons have very interesting ways of hunting. They prey on things such as birds and rodents. They are constrictors, they use strangulation to kill their prey. Unlike other snakes, they have very neat constricting. They coil around their prey in a neat fashion Snakes swallow prey whole, which is sometimes double the size of them. It is helpful to have their jaws detach from the
  • 44. Romanticism And Romanticism In Anna Karenina, Vintage Tolstoy said, He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking. If he tags a girl likes the sun, which means he is not seeing anything else, seeing nothing but only that girl in his eyes. Just a few short words that have great train wreck coming and only those who are always delusions of lovefrantically, can claw up such that verse. With a person who always adores love and follows the feeling like me, the Romantic era got me in. The major strides give people a better understanding of the human person the central figure of art, a better understanding of the relationship between human nature, and also society. In this context appeared more likely, many artistic movements, what s including Romanticism, are present in the field of literature, painting, music... Romanticism comes from the romances of medieval times, which to refer to knights, heroes, and distant lands, unfinished love ... It s the result of emotional expression, subjective mood of the people, by reflecting the dreams and aspirations of ordinary people should rise above reality. The Wuthering Height by Emily Bronte is a diamond in the treasures of English literature. At the beginning of the novel, it was a little sleepy and we would see some strange things in the house with Heathcliff, who was a very understanding person. However, a little chapter later, we would become increasingly drawn into the novel.
  • 45. The Importance Of Community Service For Your Community And... Have you ever thought about what community service would do for your community or the community of others? Or at least thought of the impact that it could have on not only you , but others as well? Community Service or volunteering has a certain importance to it. Community service is helpful when trying to build or bettera communityfor not only those in the community but you as well. By volunteering people gain compassion and understanding of the world around them. When people volunteer, they usually volunteer in a project that they re really passionate about, which gives them the opportunity to volunteer with as much time that is available. Community service is way to bring a nation together. It is like the key point of a country, as there is a great amount of importance of doing good for others. Community service is a handy service because it is the best way to create a sense of responsibility to people. With so many things going wrong in the world today, normal everyday people have the opportunity to fulfill a sense of purpose and they have the chance to make their world a better place. Community service is not only fun and rewarding experience, it also looks good really good on a resume. By people stepping up to volunteer, it gives them a great sense of newfound purpose as well. By giving back through community service this brings not only joy to those who are being helped but a sense of pride and accomplishment for the person who is participating in community
  • 46. Impact Of The American Auto Industry On The Economy Several factors have affected how the American auto industry now positions itself on the world market, and big changes have been made to reflect this new direction. The introduction of new technologies in vehicles, the growing market for cars in new developing markets, the impact of the industry on the environment, legislative responses and demands, as well as the increased expectations from consumers, are some of the factors. More international cars are being designed, manufactured and bought by American consumers and exported to foreign markets today than those exclusively manufactured by American companies, redefining the American auto industry, while having a positive impact on its economy. International brands accounted for 45% of total sales in the U.S. in 2013 and have now risen to 59% of the market, and continue to grow. While the amount of American cars has decreased in the local U.S. market share to international ones, the increase of foreign car production on U.S. soil has had the effect of creating new jobs for Americans both in the auto industry as well as in related new industries. The industry has seen huge growth numbers in the last few years with more growth expected. The automotive industry is the 3rd largest worldwide in research and development with Ford and General Motors leading with billions in investments. The increased access to data and information has been significant, and new technologies have also ushered in a new era with electronics which now
  • 47. Questions On Article On 5 Budget Mistakes You re Making... 5 Budget Mistakes You re Making In Your Business Right Now By Sherrell T. Martin | Submitted On October 26, 2014 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Sherrell T. Martin As we head into the 4th quarter, you are super focused on ending the year with a bang, right? It is also the best time to start thinking about your plans for the upcoming year. Take a look at your current year to date actual figures and answer these questions: How ... Show more content on ... Without it you are operating your business blindly. Trying to hit a target that you can t even see. Have you ever tried to shoot a dart at a bullseye? Very hard to do right. Well operating a business without a budgetis like trying to hit that same bulls eye in the dark. Impossible to hit that target... unless you can see in the dark. 2. Not tracking against your actuals. Once you have a budget you must compare how you are performing to that budget regularly. Minimally once per quarter. If you don t do this critical step then you have no idea how good or bad you are doing as compared to that plan. Comparing your budget to your actuals helps you understand what is really going on in your business. It also helps you see how your business is trending year over year as well as compared to your industry competitors. 3. Not following your budget. Once you create your budget you MUST FOLLOW IT. Say it with me I WILL FOLLOW MY BUDGET. There is nothing worse than creating a budget and not following it. Why create a plan and then place it in a drawer and never look it again? That is the equivalent of not having a budget at all. Would you climb a mountain without a guide? No. Would you buy a house without determining a budget around how much house you can afford and the taxes and the insurance and the utilities. No. So why would you operate your business without a plan? Following your budget allows you to see