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Work Experience Essays
Writing an essay on the topic of "Work Experience Essays" can present several challenges,
especially when attempting to draw from personal experiences. First and foremost, reflecting on
one's work experiences requires introspection and a deep dive into past roles, responsibilities, and
accomplishments. This introspective process can be time-consuming and emotionally taxing, as it
may involve revisiting both positive and negative aspects of past employment.
Additionally, crafting a coherent narrative that effectively communicates the significance of
these experiences can be challenging. It's essential to strike a balance between providing
sufficient detail to convey the nature of the work while also maintaining the reader's interest and
adhering to any guidelines or requirements for the essay.
Moreover, writing about personal experiences in a professional and objective manner can be
tricky. Striking the right tone that demonstrates professionalism while still conveying genuine
emotions and insights requires careful consideration of language and perspective.
Furthermore, organizing the essay in a logical and compelling manner is crucial. This involves
structuring the content in a way that engages the reader from the introduction through to the
conclusion, while also ensuring that key points are effectively highlighted and supported with
relevant examples.
Overall, writing a compelling essay on the topic of "Work Experience Essays" demands both
introspection and skillful storytelling. It requires the writer to navigate personal experiences with
objectivity, while also showcasing their ability to reflect, analyze, and communicate effectively.
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Work Experience EssaysWork Experience Essays
Parable Of Jesus 1-10
The parable of the Lost Son found in Luke chapter 15, verses 11 32, shows the
importance of practising repentance, and of finding the spiritually lost and returning
them to the Lord. The parable demonstrates that the Lord wishes that we return to his
kingdom; reconsidering our actions and realising wrong judgment does not affect
God s love is what it means to find oneself and enter into the kingdom of the Lord.
The parable of the Lost Son is a direct continuation of the two parables preceding it
(the parable of the lost sheep and the parable of the lost coin). The three parables, just
as with the other parables Jesus used to teach a particular message, comes in a set of
three to emphasise a specific message. In this case, all three parables ... Show more
content on ...
This may suggest that the father was waiting for the return of his son, and was
willing to reconcile with his son. The father s decision to run emphasises the father
s love for his son. In 1st century Palestine, older men pulling up this robes to run
was undignified. His actions, representative of God s love for repentant sinners,
show God s acceptance, and joy of sinners returning to him. Despite hearing, the
son s confession ( no longer being worthy to be his son) chooses to dismiss his
confession, and decides to clothe him in his best robe... ring... and sandals . Robes
were given to honoured guests; the ring was a signet ring, which indicated
authority, and only family members wore sandals during those times. The Father s
next decision to organise a celebration feast, and bring the fattened calf was
something only done on festivals. Meat was primarily eaten on festivals this
implies that celebrating those who return from the loss is more important than a
religious festival. This celebration is equivalent to the rejoicing in the parables of
the loss of the lost sheep and coin. The son was celebrated for returning from the
dead and from being lost; this shows God s reaction when we return from sin. God
takes us back joyously rather than
Analysis of the Translation of the Analects of Confucius
Jpz777 04/29/2013 Order # 2094035 In an authoritative and widely cited translation of
the Analects of Confucius originally published in 1938, celebrated English sinologist
Arthur Waley provided the most comprehensive explication of this enduring
contribution to humanistic philosophy, one which has since been continually
reprinted for scholarly study. An anthology of short yet powerful passages which
capture the beliefs taught by Confucius during his lifetime, the Analects offers a fluid
recreation of Confucius and his associated teachings, through the prism provided by
the evolving structure of the school of thought created. Beginning with a sober
deconstruction of the mythologizing which has come to define the Western
conception of Confucius, of whom Waley states it appears from the Analects that he
was a private person who trained the sons of gentlemen in the virtues proper to a
member of the ruling class (14), this translation offers modern readers with an
comprehensive and historically accurate interpretation of the Analects, and their
influence on the resulting system of moral mastery known as Confucianism.
Spreading slowly but steadily throughout China after the original texts comprising the
Analects was compiled by Confucius pupils in approximately 300 BCE, the
philosophy of social and political ethics espoused in these twenty books developed
into a combination of religious dogma and ruling doctrine. As Waley notes in the
Introduction to his translation, from
Research Paper On Stephen King
Chronological: Stephen King
The king of horror best known for creating a lifetime of spine chilling books. Many
of them turned into movies, which were visually horrifying. I bet you have heard my
name before but just incase you haven t, I m Stephen King.
I was born on September 21st, 1947. When I was just 2 years old my father left my
life. As I grew older, I went into school and I began my writing career in 1959. I
finally decided to publish a local newspaper with my friend, David. When I
graduated from Lisbon Falls High School in 1966, I went to Maine University to get a
degree in English. I graduated in 1970 and went on in life.
I created my first book named Carrie, it was accepted by Doubleday Company in
1973 for 2,500 dollars in advance.
Analysis Of The Film Chocolat
The foreign film that I chose to review was Chocolat, which was released in 2000
and was directed by Lasse Hallström. This film followed the story of Vianne
Rocher (Juliette Binoche) and her young daughter Anouk (Victoire Thivisol), set in
France about fifteen years after World War 2. They wandered around Europe, guided
by the north wind, and they come across a small village. There, they opened up La
Chocolaterie Maya, a chocolatier. The mayor, Comte de Reyaud (Alfred Molina)
was very displeased with this since the town was steeped in strict tradition and was
just starting to observe Lent. Her chocolate began to change the lives of everyone
in the town, broke down barriers, renewed marriages, and freed people. The film
ended with Vianne and her daughter settling down in the town for the first time,
instead of moving on with the north wind and the town was changed forever. This
film was based in France and the majority of the film was shot in the village of
Flavigny sur Ozerain in Burgundy, France. The language that was spoken in the film
was English with a strong French accent. There were some French words throughout
the film and all the names such as the people, the village, and the businesses were
There were several messages that the filmmakers were trying to communicate. One of
these messages was that stereotypes are not always correct. According to the book,
Communication Between Cultures, when people are confronted with a lack of
familiarity or similarity, they
Communication, Self Awareness, And Communication Skills
Journaling is a way to improve one s language. It has been studied that writing has a
clear connection to speaking. Over the course of the last six journals, I have noticed
that the level of my interpersonal competence has strongly improved. McCornack
states that interpersonal communication competence is evaluated by one s ability to
communicate consistently in appropriate, effective, and ethical ways (G 6).
Therefore, when one has competence, he/she is able to choose what type of
communicationis best suited for any given situation. I have seen my interpersonal
competence grow through the journal in my emotional intelligence, self awareness,
and communication skills.
To begin, interpersonal competence is connected to one s emotional intelligence
because the communication used determines the emotional connection one has with
his/her audience. Emotional intelligence is the ability to interpret emotions
accurately and to use this information to manage emotions, communicate them
accurately, and solve relationship problems (McCornack 123). Throughout the
journals, we have been asked to talk about ourselves, and while doing so, we are
incorporating our emotions into that given topic. For example, the second journal
entry had us discuss our belief of what constitutes as an ideal body and how our
feelings about our own body affect our self esteem. I, for one, believe that society
has created the idea that all women are a size zero, but that is not the case. Because
of this
Music and Race Essay
Although artists do not create certain music to cure diseases or to make scientific
or technological discoveries, music is one thing society can never live without. To
both artists and their listeners, music provides an indispensible beauty that helps
fulfill lives, and connect to nature. Music expresses the human condition in the
purest way and affects everyone at a personal level. Plato, a well known classical
Greek philosopher once said, If you want to measure the spiritual depth of society,
make sure to mark its music. Generally performer collaborate songs to represent the
popular pop culture, and social issues, and wish for their society as well as their
current era. For instance, controversial issues such as sex, violence, racism... Show
more content on ...
The main theme of the blues was built upon racism in the surrounding. The music
expressed the bad treatment, and starvation that blacks received from the dominant
race. An example of the music is by Ma Rainey, who was one of the earliest
connections between the male country blues artists that roamed the backroads of
the South and their female equivalent; she made her professional debut in 1900 at
the age of l4 at the Springer Opera House in Columbus, Georgia. She was one of the
first to feature the blues on stage. Ma Rainey said from Chain Gang Blues :
Many days of sorrow, many nights of woe,
Many days of sorrow, many nights of woe,
And a ball and chain, everywhere I go.
Nowadays the blues revolve around the meaning of sadness but doesn t have a true
message of fighting for survival or deprivation of freedom. In the process of
searching for the modern day blues, it was discovered that the music is compiled by
mostly Caucasian artist compared to the past where it was conceived by blacks to
prompt their practices and beliefs.
Disco is a genre of dance music that gained its popularity during the middle to late
1970s. It had its roots in clubs that catered to African American, gay, and other
communities in New York City and Philadelphia during the early 1970s. Disco was
used as a reaction by New York City s blacks as well
Boxing Persuasive Essay
Boxing Imagine the adrenaline one receives when getting prepared to fight in a
boxing match. They strut to the mat and can hear the crowd vigorously yelling and
screaming. The bell rings and the two begin punching. One severe punch is thrown
at the opponent s head and the person immediately falls to the mat. The crowd goes
wild and the coaches and trainers all run out to the mat to check on the man down.
The person gets back up and will try to fight until a victory is resolved. However,
this particular match, the same person is hit once again and falls down. The match
is over and the winner is announced. Doctors check the athlete and it appears as if he
is speechless. Minutes pass and finally they can get a response. He does not remember
... Show more content on ...
However, researchers have found that headgear does not protect boxers from
concussions; it only makes the target area larger. Simon Barnes article on The
Spectator, cites that Dr. Peter Harvey concluded that, Boxing is a contest in which
the winner seems often to be the one who produces more brain damage on his
opponent than he himself sustains. In sporting events such as football, injuries or
deaths that may occur are because things have gone horribly wrong. However, when
injuries or death happen in boxing it is because things have gone horribly right. It
still seems odd that society still accepts an activity in which injuries are caused on
Analysis Of Picasso s Arte And Ballet Russes
Introduction: Prior to completing Three Musicians, Pablo Picasso was associated
with the refined world of ballet as he became the set designer for multiple
performances across Europe. Picasso took inspiration from his experiences with
commedia dell arte and Ballet Russes to complete Three Musicians in
Fontainebleau, France during the summer of 1921. Picasso s influence with theater
is evident in this painting as he depicts himself as the Harlequin, which is a
common motif found in commedia dell arte that ties in with the Rose Period from
his earlier life. Not only does the Harlequin symbolize theatre and Picasso s alter
ego but the Perriot and Monk figures are cubist manifestations of his two poet
friends, one of whom passed away. Despite... Show more content on
It is not enough to say that Three Musicians is a significant piece of synthetic cubism
because there are a lot of paintings that were created with a similar aesthetic. For
instance, Georges Braque made Fruit Dish and Glass in 1912 and it is similar to
the collage elements found in Picasso s Three Musicians. To further understand why
Three Musicians is relevant to synthetic cubism we must assess both the context
and visual qualities of the figures that make up most of the composition. Picasso s
Three Musicians is a prime example of Cubist style. To fully understand cubism, a
person needs to understand that the subject of the artwork becomes a sequence of
planes, lines, and arcs. Another aspect of Cubism art has been described as a
reinvention of an artist s analyzation of shapes. This analyzation of shapes show how
artists subject and reinvent them on a canvas. (The Free Library)
Shapes and colors are used by Picasso to reinforce the flatness of Three Musicians.
Objects in the painting like the patterned green wallpaper and the brick red floor
are made up of shapes. These shapes interlock with the other figures of the painting.
These shapes are also not painted with highlights and shadows. Which help them
not to be overlooked or recede behind the musicians. The painted image of the table
and music also have a very flat look to them. since the music is not shown in
perspective but as if it were held flat against
Cradley And Greg Heffley Comparison
Have you ever read a book? Well, most people would answer yes to that question
and for me it would definitely be a yes. Unlike most teens my age, I absolutely,
positively love to read. But have you ever been reading a book and thought you a
had a similarity or two with the character? Most people would also answer yes to
this question also, Including me. I have found myself to be like many characters, but
none like Greg Heffley. Greg and I have many similarities we were born on the same
day, we live in the same state, and we even have the same middle name James.
Although those similarities are quite interesting, I have dug deeper into this
character, not just looking at the outer earthly appearance but I have considered
how he thinks, his personality, and even his actions. This is where the real
similarities are in the heart and we are so similar it s a little bit scary. Greg is always
loyal never leaving anyone not even his annoying friend rowley. Greg is always
brave and never afraid to try something new. Greg is also defiant and even though it
may get us in troublesometimes there is always good in the bad.
To begin with, Greg Heffley is the most loyal friend ever imaginable, being a strong
friend through the thick and thin, through the ups and downs, no matter what Greg
Heffley is always there when you need him. For this reason Greg and I are very much
alike, always being a dependable, trustworthy, and most important, loyal no matter
what you are going through
How Did The Roman Economy Affect The Provinces
Roman Economy and the Provinces Roman provinces had several effects on the
Roman economy. The provinces allowed for regular imports of grains, trades of
exotic goods, monetary tributes, and importation of slaves. These factors helped
fuel and strength the Roman economy. Grain was an important part of everyday
life, and Rome relied heavily on the provinces to supply the needed amount of grain.
The need to secure grain providing provinces was one of many important factors that
would lead to the expansion and conquests of the Roman State. (UNRV., n.d.). One
of the many reasons for the Roman conquests in the first place was to secure grain
supplies. The provinces would supply grains to Rome at a lower price than Roman
grain,... Show more content on ...
Many of the imports that the provinces supplied were considered high grade. For
example, wine from Eygpt was considered to be the best, olive oil from southern
Spain was a luxury, and silk from India would have been an item only the rich
could afford (Cartwright, M., 2013, December 17). The provinces would also have
provided items such as spices, pottery, ivory, and terracotta. Importations of the
exotic items would have impacted the Roman economy by raising the values of
those items. Olive oil would have been more expensive because it would have a
higher value. Slaves and tributes benefited the Roman economy by allowing for
cheap labour and by providing money for the Roman treasury (Wasson, D., 2015,
November 29). Slavery impacted the Roman economy via cheap human labour
resources and slaves markets. Monterary tributes filled the Roman treasury, allowed
for Roman buildings, and pay for individuals holding public office. Conclusion; The
Roman economy was fueled by many factors, both foreign and domestic. It had
multiple avenues for income, from imports to exports, from taxes to tributes. There
was also many forms of labour available, allowing for competitiveness in the job
market. The economy of Rome had various factors impacting it, and each one needs
to be considered when trying to see how they collectively impacted
Quality And Quality Management System Essay
Assignment: 4.729 Quality Management Topic: Quality Espresso Coffee Prof: Ray
Name: Raghavendra .s Batch: 132 Student ID: 20140724
Words Count:
My company name z energy (Royal Oak)
a)Prepare a simple Quality manual for the coffee bar to define how quality of the
espresso coffee will be managed. 1). Quality management responsibilities
The z energy business shall establish and maintain a quality manual its includes
1.The boundary of the quality management system. Embrace data of and explanation
any exclusions,
2.The records and methods established for the quality management system.
3.A complete statement of the interaction between procedures of quality management.
Quality is never an accident it is always the results of high intention, sincere efforts,
intelligent directions and skillful execution, it represents the wise choice of many
Always z company provide high standard of quality of coffee to the customers and
maintain fabulous standard in storing coffee beans , managing high genic cleaning
of coffee machine , equipment s , coffee beans , coffee cups . Z company meets the
standard of quality in preparation flat white coffee under ISO 9001 standard.
2). Management obligations:
The first and foremost are customer focus and planning
Biology And Depression Essay
What is the relationship between biology and depression Parkland Community
College Abstract Relationship between cosmetic surgery vs self esteem2
According to Image vision, there are many reasons why a person may want plastic
surgery. This may be due to social acceptability, change of facial muscles, aging,
removal of scars and moles, skin diseases, change gender, and facial trauma
(Michele Nappia Stefano Ricciardia MassimoT istarell, 2016). Over time, the
surgery may change the facial features enough that the person s face is
unrecognizable. is up to the patient to have surgery. Plastic surgery is related to a
complex of social... Show more content on ...
Plastic surgery can improve a person ability to walk by replacing a body part.
Another instrument in plastic surgery is called ultrasound it s where the device is a
high resolution non invasive Imaging or Focus acoustic energy source capable of
scoping and shaping tissue. Ultrasound plastic surgery is minimum qualifications and
phenomenal results reported.The ultrasound to do things such as bone healing, tissue
removal, facial rejuvenation, and neocollagenesis.(Safrana et al.,2017). In a current
study, there were General Surgeons who were not certified to do breast reduction
surgery. Only 13% of the respondents contribute to the procedure to do the breast
reduction.A breast reduction surgery improves the body contour but also can really
help the physical discomfort from the back and neck. Heavy breast can affect
breathing problems as well affecting your body posture. Poor body posture leads to
many health issues and psychological.(Fernando Hernanza Sara RegaГ±oa Alfonso
Vegab Manuel GГіmez Fleitasa,2016) There is an estimated 36.7% of the adult
population in the United States are obese. Weight loss changes in exercise usually
do not achieve the desired weight loss goals on an individual. A person may lose
the weight but they may not lose the skin. Body contouring can tighten up loose skin
from losing weight rapidly, so the person can go on with their everyday life. The
main way to remove sagging skin is from plastic
Attachment Theory and Partnership Model
Describe how partnerships with carers are developed and sustained in own work
setting A partnership model work around a theory of collaboration, understanding and
and communication. It s a way that helps to recognise how the best outcomes can
happen for children when care, development and learning provision/a setting , a
cooperatively together. A partnership model looks like this: Identifying needs via a
partnership /mullet agency document can happen though the pre CAF assessment
check list and CAF common assessment framework which is shared with appropriate
agencies. Alongside the aims of home nation s early year framework eg England s
eyfs, Wales foundation phase, NI foundation stage or Scotland s prebrith 3
amp;curriculum... Show more content on ...
Understanding equal opportunity, equality amp; inclusion in participation whilst
this is a practice approach that may be extended to all it may not be taken up by
individuals in the same way. In possible contrast maybe, to the view as to how
behaviourist theory relates to positive reinforcement operant conditioning that may
be exerted over children s choice/motivation to participate, knowing that the less
pressure adults feel exposed and obligated to, the more likely it is that they ll feel
free and welcomed in taking part where and when they are able to. Evaluation
methods eg. Feedback, survey and sensitive questionnaires can help identify areas a
setting does well in, those for further investigation and aspects of provision that
individuals enjoy being part of or can see a way to suggest improvement in.
Breaking/breaching confidentiality in a partnership model can cause mistrust amp;
impact negatively on the effectiveness of future engagement oral paper 7
electronically kept information data protection act If it helps there is guidance that
supports further research on pages 164 and 221+ of the Heinemann level 3
handbook Parental rights on direct gov and the children s act 1989 Howard Gardner
s multi
Dostoevsky s Crime And Punishment
Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote Crime and Punishment in 1866, during a time of Russian
history where there was a convergence of several different, and oftentimes
contradictory, political, philosophical, and economic ideologies. Not only was this
a period of many conflicting sentiments, it was also a time of great change, with the
Russian government implementing several reforms that changed the course of the
country forever. One such reform was the freeing of the serfs under Alexander the
II, Tsar of Russia. As progressive as this was, there was a still a major collective of
people who were still grossly underrepresented in Russian society. This group of
people are women as a whole. Women that lived in Russia during the middle of the
nineteenth... Show more content on ...
It is quite clear how oppressed these women are, and how they are far from
powerful. It can also be inferred that these two characters, as well as other women
fitting the archetype of oppressed female are incapable of ever gaining power. The
representation of oppressed women in the novel is accurate, as during this time
period, there were thousands of women that were forced into prostitution or forced
to work for family members. This was due to the belief that women were inferior to
men, and thus could not hold high paying jobs that men could, instead they were
bound to do house work or do menial, freelance work such as sewing.
One quintessential role that females during that time period had to fill was that of a
mother or, more specifically, a homemaker. Women in this role were expected to be
poised, stoic, and subservient, while also being logical and selfless. The ideal wife
was totally content just being a wife and mother, and aspirations were frowned upon.
Though it may seem that they might be able to gain power through marriage to a
powerful man, that is not the case, at least as is shown in Crime and Punishment . The
two focal mothers and wives in the story are destitute, one of which was poor when
her husband was still alive. These two wives and mothers are Pulcheria Alexandrovna
and Katerina Ivanovna. Pulcheria
Racial Differences Between Criminal Involvement And
Social class differences are used to explain racial differences in criminal
involvement in the United States. Social Class is defined as a division of a society
based on social and economic status. Usually when a person thinks about crime in the
United States, he also thinks about the race of the person and the crime. Thinking
about crime anywhere in the world is to think about why certain groups of
population have more criminal activity and involvement than other groups. People
usually focus on race when they are looking at crime. Blacks are often victimized
as being criminals than the whites. In Robert D. Crutchfield s essay he talks about
the subculture of violence and the subculture of poverty which explains crimes such
as drug sales, property crime, and robbery. Within the subculture of violence he
talks about crimes such as homicide and assault. This essay will discuss and explore
the author s central point s as well as how Crutchfield describes subcultures of
violence and poverty and if he agrees with the other explanations made by scholars
about racial differences in criminal involvement.
Crutchfield talks about the subculture of violence and how it affects African
Americans neighborhoods. In a subculture of violence thesis by Wolfgang and
Ferracuti mentioned that higher rates of violence in inner city communities because
the residents carried pro violence values and norms. Wolfgang did not say that the
subculture of violence only exists in the lower classes but
Ernest Hemingway Essay On War
In War, Nick Adams progresses from an innocent, invincible soldier to an
experienced, realistic human. Ernest Hemingway uses his minimalist approach to
display the destructive consequences of war and show that no benefits come from
violence. Nick departs for war as a confident soldier and learns very quickly about
the reality of war because of his injury. Then, he feels the psychological effects of
the war through his inability to rest. Finally, Nick leaves the war as a fortunate,
hopeful man with a lot still to experience. The war gives Nick a realistic outlook on
life and matures him though all the death and destruction. Nick heads to war as a
soldier who is full of adrenaline and thinks he can handle anything. Right before the
start of Nick s deployment, he speaks... Show more content on ...
He refuses to close his eyes because he believes In the hospital, his roommate John
asks Nick about his inability to rest: Say, Signor Tenente, is there something really
the matter that you can t sleep? I never see you sleep. You haven t slept nights ever
since I been with you (Hemingway 150). Nick s restlessness is due to his worrying
and inactivity as he spends most of his time thinking about fishing and
remembering his childhood. Nick finally leaves the hospital to see old friends at
the batallion, and the first thing he sees is bodies of dead soldiers everywhere:
They lay alone or in clumps in the high grass of the field and along the road , their
pockets out, and over them were flies and around each body or groups of bodies
were the scattered papers (Hemingway 154). Hemingway s immediate imagery of
the horrors of war helps Nick to realize that he is lucky to be alive. The physical
and mental toll the war takes on Nick and other soldiers is way too big to ignore.
Throughout Nick s experiences in the war and in the hospital, nothing beautiful
comes out of the war, only death and
A Critique of The Times Online Website
This report gives a critique of The Times Online website using a number of design
aspects which include searchability, Navigation, usability, design, interactivity and
content. The main problems identified in the website include a mixture of main
content with advertisement content, too long pages and some of the images
appearing to be quite blurred. The recommendations for redesign include separating
advertisement content from the main content by placing it on top of the page just
before the logo, shortening the pages and using hyperlinks to get to various sections
and using high resolution images on the site.
Table of Contents
Executive summary2
Design aspects4
Usability ... Show more content on ...
This creates the perception of too much information on a single page which is not
appealing to users. The designers should have adopted shorter pages and then use
hyperlinks to move to the other sections of the page.
The times Online effectively fulfills its mandate of informing readers because finding
information in this site is generally very simple.
The designers of the website adopted a very simple layout. However, the simplicity
of the layout did not compromise the effectiveness of the site. The white
background color coupled with the consistent usage of color gives the website a
professional look. The logo which is placed on the top left corner of the site has
been made in a professional and does not cause a distraction from the content on the
The location of the logo is consistently placed at the corner at the top left side of
every page. This greatly improves the consistency of the entire site. An advertisement
section is located above the logo. This might distract the content on the pages because
it displays something different from the other sections of the page. However, this
advertisement content has been placed on top of the logo. This makes it quite hard to
notice this advertisement content because it is placed separate from the content of
the main page.
The homepage on the website has been divided into 2 separate columns. This has
separated the information on the website. The column on the left
Pianist Alexei Georg s Whale Symphony
Pianist Alexei Georg desires nothing more to compose his whale symphony. In
order to achieve the funding he hides a dark secret of using a 19th century sonata
he found in an old sea chest claiming it as his own October . His wife Carole Anne
a ballerina that he married when she was injured and never loved, is the only one
who knows. Until he leaves her when he can no longer handle her demands nor
resist the meteorologist Lia Marrs. However Carole Anne won t go quietly,
demanding his return or else telling others of his little lie. She even goes to Alexei s
best friend Leed, who arranged for his much, needed funding and spills his secret.
Leed and Alexei both know Carole Anne must be stopped even Alexei shares his
Raymond Chandler fantasy of
Soaring Eagles Business Pl Business Description
With my relevant experience and skills together with my capability in
entrepreneurship and management, I am anticipating coming up with Soaring Eagles
as the name of the firm that will exclusively be involved in the production and
retailing of washing accessories like toilet liners, bar soaps, brushes, soap dishes, and
detergents. The primary motivating factor to starting of this business is the increasing
demand for such products especially in American society and the developing
economies because of tremendous increment in some households. The major force
behind this is the population growth in the United Statesand the individuals needs to
improve their standards of living.
BUSINESS ... Show more content on ...
To provide and offer value to the customers by guaranteeing high tech products that
are user friendly and offer maximum satisfaction that no other brand can ensure. The
proposed business will concentrate on delivering best quality products to the
customers to the extent of achieving delighting to its clients. This will be realized
through extensive networks of consumer markets, competent and experienced
marketing agents and the resourceful entrepreneur skills from the business owner.
To ensure maintenance of growth within the washing accessories industry over the
Located in Orlando Florida one miler from Panama Superhighway, I would be in a
large city and avoid state income taxes . The business address is: Soaring Eagles, P.O.
BOX 86144, Orlando, Florida
Phone +1703896512
Hours: Open 8:00 am 5:00 pm.
I intend to start a sole proprietorship form of business. This will enable me to
achieve all the benefits of the firm including having full control over the business
operations and allowing God to be present in those operations. Additionally, I will
greatly enjoy becoming my boss, taking time off as needed to spend time with my
The firm will majorly be involved in production and distribution of washing
accessories like bar soaps, washing
Foster Care Ethics
Hennessy Garcia Humans naturally form their own institutions such as a family,
system of government, business, etc.... Institutions/groups are deceiving and get
away with a lot. For instance, cigarette companies advertise a product that can
cause cancer. However, it seems that no one blames the company for selling it.
They will blame the individual for smoking it. It is easier to blame the individual
for making terrible choices, but it is ignorant to solely believe that individual is at
fault for their personal choices. Even when it comes to morality, people tend to blame
individuals for having flawed morals, but groups can influence immoral actions. For
example, when someone commits murder or steals it s simple to conclude that they
are morally... Show more content on ...
Groups homes should be more overlooked. A group home should ensure the safety
of all members. Clearly, the head of the group home wasn t doing his/her job,
which is why Randy got beaten up and nobody didn t do anything to stop it.
Another problem with the foster care system is the waiting game to be adopted.
The foster care process should look into other members of a child s family, so that
way they don t end up with random people who may or may not offer permanent
care. The foster care system in general puts kids like Randy in a constant cycle of
waiting. Waiting for someone who cares enough to display love and offer a
security. Based on Ms. Anna s hospitalization, we see that Randy was quickly out
of Anna s care and taken straight into a group home. This isn t fair to Randy
because jumping from someone s care to another shows how Randy doesn t have
anyone that truly cares for him. If he had a permanent parental figure in his life, he
may be loved and his safety would be ensured. Carver offered to care for him and
the foster care system denied him. The foster care system failed Randy by not
providing him the security, love and the proper care he needs. This affects Randy
immensely because, in season five episode six, he is seen pushing a kid down in
the group home for being in his way. He was basically chewed by the system and his
sensitive nature seems to be
Chippewa National Forest Essay
Acres and acres of irreplaceable forests and wetland taken away for one purpose:
more money. PolyMet wants to build a copper nickel mine in northern Minnesota.
They don t want to just build this mine on a black field in northern Minnesota but
on Chippewa National Forest. PolyMet does own the mining rights of this specific
chunk of land, but USFS owns the land on top. I think this mine is a terrible idea
because it will create both land disturbances and air and water pollution.
I think a mine created on Chippewa National Forest would be disastrous because
there will be major land disturbances. A mine on this fragile land would lead to a
major loss of wetlands. PolyMet would affect 913.8 acres of wetlands. The mine s
installation of a containment system would be within the wetland boundaries. The
containment system installation would directly and indirectly permanently ruin
many wetlands. Some wetlands will be directly affected. The wetland resources may
be separated ... Show more content on ...
A mine would produce tons and tons of ground up waste rock. This gound up
waste rock is also known as Sulfide rock. A chemical reaction occurs when sulfide
rock meets the surface, creating sulfuric acid. If sulfide rock is not isolated
immediately from air and water, it may pollute streams and wetlands nearby. This
water pollution has the potential to poison aquatic organisms in the polluted
streams and wetlands. Also, in mines waste rock also includes parts of heavy
metals. This problem is known as acid mine drainage, and it occurs wherever copper
is being mined (Hemphill). I believe just the risk of air and water pollution should
make everyone turn their backs on the PolyMet mine, but others do not see pollution
as a problem. Pollution is just a minor risk in PolyMet s opinion, and the aquatic
organisms that my affected would only be affected in the mine s region, not
Tyco Internal Audit Case Study
2.3 Breach of duties by Internal Auditor
According to the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), (2011), the internal auditing is a
team of consultants, a department and a division or other practitioner which
independent, have objective assurance and conduct a consulting activity which is
designed to add value and improve the organization operations. The internal auditor
can help an organization in achieving its objectives by bringing a discipline and
systematic approach in order to improve and evaluate the effectiveness of risk
management, control and governance process.
The internal auditor have a several roles in the company which is the first one the
audit committee need to discharge and restrict the governance responsibilities and the
... Show more content on ...
Integrity also can be defined as meaning of someone of high moral character who is
always stick with the principles no matter the pressure ought to do otherwise. The
straightforward in dealing with any relationships with the constituencies or different
people is very crucial because trust is vital in every relationships and belief in the
integrity of those with whom you are dealing. For the integrity in corporate
governance is more or less required in financial reporting because it should be present
with a balanced picture of the company matters and also it should be honest.
According to the Cadbury Report, the integrity in presenting the reports in depending
on the integrity of whom is preparing such
Merlin s Character In The Legend Of Geoffrey Merlin
Merlin is considered one of the most strongest sorcerer that lives Camelot. He is
Arthur s adviser, as well as a prophet and sorcerer. Merlin s powers were so powerful
that other wizards and sorcerers looked up to him as a leader. His role in the
Arthurian legend is to protect and serve the lands of Camelot. The Life of Merlingave
him the qualities of an humble man, who took pleasure in loneliness. The source
provided descriptive details of Merlin s actions and how they affected others in
relations to his selfishness. In the narrative, Monmouth wrote Merlin to be a man
who wanted nothing to do with anyone, except for himself. After the 1900 s,
author of The Daughter of Merlin took a different perspective and gave the
character a child that shared the same qualities. Gaster gave new meaning to
Merlin s character that will be put in texts of the Arthurian Legend. In the
narratives, The Life of Merlin by Geoffrey Monmouth and The Daughter of Merlin
by Madison J Cawein, Merlin s character changes as different authors rewrite his
character. He changes from a sorcerer living on his own to a sorcerer who has a
daughter with his same abilities, because over a certain time period the authors
wanted to evolve Merlin into more caring, passionate character. For example,
Monmouth provides Merlin s character with the sense of self serving attitude. The
author incorporates a battle, which Merlin s leads and succeeds with the victory of
the battle. In return of the victorious battle, the
Humphrey Jennings s And Stewart Mcallister
Humphrey Jennings s and Stewart McAllister s Listen to Britain is a short British
propaganda documentary. Within the twenty minute film, it presented characteristics
that fit the expository, observational, and poetic style of documentary. At the
beginning of the film, there is a narrator that directly addresses the audience. This
forward narration is one of the key characteristics of an expository documentary.
Narration appears again later in the filmin the form of a montage of radio news clips.
The documentary is also an observational one as in most scenes the camera served
as a fly on the wall that allowed the audience to feel as if they were physically in the
scenes. At the beginning, these shots were presented in an order that were used to
help the narrative. The audience sees a woman place a candle... Show more content on ...
The documentary is both observational and reflexive. Most of the time during the
film, the audience feels as if they are part of the action. During the concerts, they
see the band from multiple angles including being on the stage with them as well
as being in the audience. However, during the performance of Satisfaction the
drummer, Charlie Watts, looks directly into the camera for an extended period of
time which is startling to the audience. The film is reflexive as the audience is
aware of the filmmaking process. The film cuts between actual documentary clips
and the band watching the clips that the audience just viewed. At one point when
watching the footage of a man with a gun and a Hells Angel with a knife, Mick
Jagger asks, Can you roll back, David? He is talking directly to one of the directors,
David Maysles. The audience is also able to see camera men in the audience and on
stage with large cameras that stand out, making them aware that footage is being
filmed for the
Timing Of Events In Romeo And Juliet Essay
Often in life, tragedies that occur have a lot to do with the bad timing of events. In
William Shakespeare s play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, two teenagers who
live in the beautiful city of Verona, Italy fall madly in love at first sight. The problem
with this is that their families, the Montagues and the Capulets, have been feuding for
centuries. After a secret marriage, the two lovers are separated because of the actions
of their families. The play tragically ends with the married couple committing suicide
because of imperfect timing and confusion. Throughout this play, timing continuously
plays a major role in all of the characters actions, eventually leading to tragedy. In the
beginning of this play, drama and conflict are caused by flaws in timing of events....
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After Juliet and Friar Lawrence make their plan to fake Juliet s death, she tells her
father she will agree to marry Paris. Ecstatic with her agreement, her father
responds, Send for the county go tell him of this. I ll have this knot knit up
tomorrow morning ( 4.2. 23 24). Capulet has just changed the date of the wedding.
This leaves a very short amount of time to inform Romeo on Friar and Juliet s plan.
Also, in Act 5 Juliet has already taken the sleeping potion. Everyone thinks she is
dead including Romeo. Romeo arrives at Juliet s tomb, then after seeing her,
drinks the poison to kill himself. When Juliet awakens, Friar Lawrence is there
and she discovers Romeo s dead body. Juliet grabs a dagger and says, Yea, noise?
Then I ll be brief. O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die (5.3.
169 170). This reveals that timing has just caused these two deaths. If Romeo
would have known about the plan, if Friar would have arrived to the tomb earlier,
or if Juliet would have awakened the two would still be alive. Two star crossed
lovers committed suicide because of terrible timing of
More Discourteous Than Savages Summary
More Discourteous Than Savages : Civility in Contemporary Political Discourse
Civility as a virtue is commonly invoked in contemporary political discussions,
given modern political America s highly partisan interactions and the reemergence
of battles for civil rights. However, many argue that civility, while an admirable
virtue for the individual, is not easily applied on a larger scale and should not be
considered to be a civic virtue. Civilityas a civic virtue may hinder our chances of
genuine and productive political interactions and serve as an impediment to honest
communication. If civility is considered to lie on a sliding scale seen as an aim for
political correctness on the right and the goal of silencing dissent on the left what...
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The Black Lives Matter movement has been renowned for being a shamelessly
disruptive movement and for good reasons. While America was most certainly
built through the labors of black bodies, it somehow still needs to be said that yes,
black lives do matter . In a 2015 article for the Huffington Post, Kelly Wickham
sarcastically states that if the Black Lives Matter movement would just be
convenient and not disruptive, we wouldn t be in this turmoil (Wickham).
However, she brings up a very valid point. The entire article addresses points in
history in which civil speech has gotten black lives no where and while there is
certainly a time and a place in which to moderate the way in which you speak to
others, it s very easy to see why the Black Lives Matter activists feel as though they
don t have to ask nicely for anything that is guaranteed to other Americans
(Wickham). Unfortunately, this has had the effect of making many people outside of
the movement view the Black Lives Matter movement as aggressive and
inappropriate. President Obama, in a town hall meeting in London on April 23, said
that those involved in the movement can t just keep on yelling at [elected officials] if
they want to see change occur that would act in their favor
Black Friday The Metaphorical God Of Consumerism
Black Friday, the metaphorical god of consumerism. The time of year when
practically all things purchasable in stores are dramatically reduced in price. Some
people, such as journalist Mark Walsh, hate this day of the year, equating it to a
black hole that sucked everything into its terrifying abyss, where all substance is torn
to shreds and obliterated . And while there may be some merit to this stance, Black
Fridayis not an evil day. Black Friday provides many good things and does not
exclusively exsist for excessive material gain. While drastically reduced prices act as
a very effective lure to people looking to get something good for less expense, it also
provides an opportunity for families or individuals who are poorer than most
Akron Police Department Case Summary
CW went to 1261 Everton Dr, Apt 9 Akron, OH 44307 because they were called
out by Akron Police Department (APD) for allegations of abuse towards 2
children. CW Jonathon Henry and CW Sonya Cole pulled up to the apartment
complex and observed that there were over 15 people sitting outside. Both CW
could tell that this was the correct address because there were 3 police cars that
were sitting outside. As the CW s were walking towards the apartment complex an
APD officer asked if the two workers were from CSB. CW Cold responded that
they were. The officer then told CW s that there were not 2 children, however, there
was 3. The officer stated that there was one child in the bedroom sleeping that they
did not know was in the home. CW s were also told by the officer that Mr. Brian
Burrell (AP) was in the home and that he was very agitated. The officer told the CW
that they had called him down, however, suspected that he would get upset after
entering the home. The officer also said that he already knew that the kids were in
the custody of CSB and that he would most likely not be happy that the two CW s
were at the home. The officer the led both the CW upstairs to apartment 9.... Show
more content on ...
There was dirty dishes in the sink, clothes around the home, and dirt on the floor
and on the walls of the apartment. Present for the home visit was Whitney Conley,
Brian Burrell Sr.(AP), Cheri Mook (AP), Brian Burrell Jr. (ACV), Jae Von Mook
(ACV), Selena Burrell(ACV), CW Jonathon Henry, CW Sonya Cole, and 3 APD
officers. CW Cole told Mr. Burrell that she was from Summit County Children
Services the agency mandated by law to investigate abuse, neglect, and dependency.
CW Cold then told him that there are allegations that the children were being
physically abused. CW Cold told
Jimi Hendrix Major Accomplishments
Imagine being up onstage and playing the Star Spangled Banner but it s your
version, but not knowing that with your version of this very famous song you would
help revolutionize the world of music forever. Well that s exactly what a young man
from Seattle did in the sixties. The man who did this went be the name of Hendrix,
Jimi Hendrix. This man was a singer/songwriter and an extraordinary guitarist. Jimi
Hendrix had an amazing legacy, and for many reasons, like when he was little he
had an enormous passion for music, this started when he was about five years old.
A lot of famous people loved him for his music and for how much energy he showed
when he would perform. For example, Woodstock 1969. That event followed how
astonishing he was with the guitar.
First, let s talk about Jimi s early life. For example he was born on 1942 in Seattle
Washington. He s original name was Johnny Allen Hendrix, but it was later changed
to James Marshall by his father at the age of three. Also he was a huge fan of the blues
since a very young age. As ... Show more content on ...
For example, just after three months of Jimi Hendrix Experience they released a
song by the name of Hey Joe and it was a massive hit for the British people, because
it hit number four in the British charts. Another reason is that many artists like The
Rolling Stones, Eric Clappton, The Beatles and The Who loved how he put so much
energy to his performances and they loved the passion in his music. Third reason
is that he met up with Char Chandler and moved to London to make a band with a
bassist by the name of Noel Redding and drummer Mitch Mitchell their first album
was a hit in London that they decided to move and show their music to America. In
America his band had also become a success. Many great people loved and admired
his ability to perform. I think that many people had so much respect for his talent with
The Gothic Elements in the Picture of Dorian Gray
Abstract In an attempt to find out the purposes of the gothic elements in The Picture
of Dorian Gray, this essay takes a close look at the three most prevailing gothic
elements in the novel: the portrait, decadence, and the gothic villain by first exploring
their presence and development throughout, and then examining their contributions to
the characters, the plot development and the themes. First of all, the unique properties
and symbolic meanings of the portrait in this novel are discussed. The purpose of the
portrait is then analyzed in terms of its effect on Dorian Gray. Then, the theme of
decadence is identified in the personality of the protagonist. Its purpose is then
investigated by comparing and analyzing the opinions of the... Show more content on ...
, was clearly reflected in his portrait. Under Lord Henry s influence, Dorian s
change in his mental state and moral values was dramatic. He learned to appreciate
decadent art, to conform to the philosophy of to cure the soul by means of senses
by going to opium dens and eventually to completely submit to sin by murdering
Basil Hallward. Although Dorian s decay was hard to observe because his beauty
remained intact and thus created an innocent image of him, the portrait recorded his
inner change by altering his appearances, as we observe for the first time in the
novel the touch of cruelty round the warped lips in the painting after the death of
Sybil Vane. The painting provided Dorian a double life, as remarked in Into the
Demon Universe: A Literary Exploration of Oscar Wilde: The picture of his soul was
locked safely away in a dark room while the innocent face he presented to
respectable society was only a mask. Indeed, the portrait became the spokesperson of
Dorian s true personality by altering his appearances according to his corruption of
the mind.
A more convincing evidence of the portrait being a reflection of Dorian s moral
decadence lies moments before the death of Dorian. At the night of his death, Dorian
attempted to convince himself that he had indeed changed and had started committing
The Emigration Of The United States
There are many reasons as to why people from other countries decide to make a
journey to America. Some immigrants flee to the united states in an attempt to
escape persecution, find economic prosperity, and to seek a new life that is filled
with opportunities that would have been virtually impossible in their homeland.
Others are escaping oppressive regimes or natural disasters that have ravaged their
country. America s reputation for being the land of opportunity filled with endless
land just waiting to be claimed, plentiful jobs, and tolerance for all peoples has made
the country a beacon for the huddled masses . Throughout America s history
immigrants have poured in from nations all over the world, but the most memorable
waves of... Show more content on ...
These Irish immigrants faced a two month trip to America, where conditions on the
ship were harsh, food was scarce, and death and illness were plenty. Once the Irish
immigrants arrived in America, they were taken to Ellis Island for processing before
they could begin their new lives in the United States. American life turned out to be
not as ideal as the Irish immigrants expected. Irish Immigrants had to face a great
deal of discrimination in their new homes. One reason for the harsh treatment of
the Irish was religion. Many Protestants and other Americans felt distrustful of the
the catholic religion; therefore the Irish were not to be trusted. Due to the clash of
the Protestants and the Irish Catholics, much violence ensued which resulted in the
attack of Irish Immigrants and their places of worship. Another issue that caused
the ill treatment of the Irish was the fact that Americans considered the Irish to be
a servant class . Having come to the United States with little to no money, no land,
and very few skills, many of the Irish had to become indentured servants. Those
who had jobs that didn t require servitude where jobs that required hard labor and
barely anybody wanted, and the Irish were paid way below the average salary. In
1852, New York railroad contractors posted listings of hire which promised good
pay, and when mostly Irish applied they lowered the average salary to around fifty
cents a day for ten hour
Charles Mingus Essay
Eddie K.
Jazz 219
Charles Mingus Charles Mingus is a very important and influential name in jazz;
however he is left out by many historians when talking about the history of jazz.
The main reason he is left out by so many historians, Mark Gridley in particular, is
because of his attitude and ego. He is clearly not the most pleasant person, and he
surely does not display how a real jazz musician should act, at least according to
most historians. The way he acts during performances can be quite startling at first,
if you are not familiar with his ways and methods of playing. For example, he was
known for using profanity during performances, either geared at the audience if they
were being too loud or the sound operators if the ... Show more content on ...
Another chapter I would also include him in would be Chapter 5, How Swing
Differs from Early Jazz . I would include Mingus in this chapter as well because it
talks so much of his most influential Jazz artist, and at one point fellow band mate,
Duke Ellington. I feel like Mingus truly does have enough variance in his music to
help point out and draw the fine line between early jazz and the newer swing jazz.
The main differences between these two categories of jazz are that in early jazz,
you were a lot less likely to have the big band feel to the music, and soloist played a
more important role in early jazz, whereas in the swing era, you were introduced to
more of a variety of instruments as well as new techniques on how to play them.
Mingus puts out good examples and songs/performances that clearly display how
things transitioned from early Jazz to swing, and then onto other evolutions of jazz as
well. After learning and hearing many of Charles Mingus s music, I definitely feel it
is unfair for any historian to leave him out of an in depth jazz history book. I hope
jazz book writers to come take note of Mingus s accomplishments, and start to include
him in the history books right up there with Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, and Louis
Armstrong. It is only fair to him and his fellow band mates, however, only time will
A Recent Study On Nursing Shortage Trend
A recent study has shown that the nursing shortage trend might continue over the
next two decades. This shortage also reflects key changes in population
demographics, career expectations, work attitudes, and worker dissatisfaction.
Whereas the growth in nurses as part of the workforce has been slow, there has been
a subsequent increase in the demand of RN s. This fundamental imbalance points out
a key factor i.e. the unwillingness of young adults to join the workforce as nurses.
Today s difficulties are further complicated by other changes in hospitalcare, such as
new medical technologies, lack of training and education, the ACAs Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) and a declining average length of stay,
that have led to... Show more content on ...
Yet, inadequate staffing can hinder nurses efforts to carry out these processes of care.
The estimated effect that nurse staffing had on the likelihood that a hospital was
penalized under the HRRP is 25 percent higher in hospitals with low nurse staffing as
compared to similar hospitals with higher staffing (McHugh, M. D., Berez, J., Small,
D. S. (2013). Investment in nursing is a potential system level intervention to reduce
readmissions that policy makers and hospital administrators should consider in the
new regulatory environment as they examine the quality of care delivered to US
hospital patients.
Furthermore, there have been many quantitative, correlational research studies that
have examined the relationships between nurse staffing, job satisfaction, and nurse
retention in hospital environment that suggest that when nurses are exposed to
inadequate staffing levels, they leave their positions to perform non direct duties that
can be administered by a lower level staff nurse. In addition, evidence has shown link
to RN education and training to better patient outcomes; which indirectly decreases
cost, medical errors by providing training and improving nurse staffing.
Opposing Argument Introduction
As is with any policy there are going to be cons that should also be highlighted
before making a final decision. Similarly, increasing patient to nurse ratio s will also
come with its sets of problems and it would be imprudent to not look into
The Ethics of Internet Filtering in China Essay
The Ethics of Internet Filtering in China
The internet boom that began in the mid 1990s was popular because of the enormous
possibility of endless free flowing information. It was built upon the engineering
principle of end to end neutrality, an engineering rule of thumb calling for smarts at
edge of the network rather than in the middle 1 said Jonathan Zittrain, an associate
professor at Harvard. However, web filtering by governments such as China has put
an end to the idea of complete freedom on the Internet. For those who are familiar
with the authoritarian one party political system in China, one would hardly be
surprised by the Chinese government s move to censor the internet.
Since the inception of the internet, the ... Show more content on ...
Although China is not the only government that filters its website, countries such as
Saudi Arabia also block web sites as well. However, unlike the Saudi government
which were upfront and honest with its people by explicitly stating on users browser
with explanation of why the web site were blocked (and even gives users an option
to petition for certain web site to be unblocked), the Chinese government simply in
secret renders the blocked site as not found so one cannot know for sure if a site were
intentionally blocked or were simply out of order.
It is estimated that China employs around 30,000 people to monitor and block web
sites it deems inappropriate. Additionally, Amnesty Internationals have revealed that
China currently has 33 people called prisoners of conscience who have been
detained for using the Internet to circulate or download information the government
deemed inappropriate. Of the more than 1 billion people, there are estimated to be a
total of 45 to 50 million internet users in China. One can only imagine how quickly
the prison count and possible future execution count will increase in the near future
as the number of people going on line continues to grow rapidly and as the
government escalates in severity its crackdown tactics on the people.5
Based upon the aforementioned acts of government intervention of
Listening Skills Worksheet
I used personal discipline to accomplish learning the assigned methods, techniques,
and songs. I was able to control myself to separate social time and working time by
setting my mindset with daily goals. When I get to class, the first thing I do is take
out my self reflection sheet. The worksheet helps me keep organized with the goals
I achieved and certain areas where I need to improve or get feedback from others
about my musicskills in playing.
To begin with, I tend to work with a partner who is playing the same instrument as
me so that we can catch each other s mistakes and redo, re practice, and ask people
around us about their opinion on our playing. Depending on the feedback I get, I
experiment with different playing techniques. Such
Shylock s Tragedy And Its Toll On Romantic Comedy
Shylock s Tragedy and its Toll on Romantic Comedy The inclusion of Shylock in
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare adds a complexity not typically
found in romantic comedy. Shakespeare could have made Shylock s role a light
mockery of anti Semitism, or something to that effect, but instead he chose to create
a tragedy at the center of romance and comedy. This makes for a play, which does
not fit neatly into an assigned genre. Shylocks language in this passage, reveals
several things, not only about the play, but also the other characters. Through
Shylock, the hypocrisy of the Christians is revealed. Shylock flips this romantic
comedy on its head, and turns it into something more significant. Pauses and
repetitions give... Show more content on ...
This can be seen in both the content and structure of Shylock s lines. Intentional
pauses indicate Shakespeare s intention for an emotional reading of Shylock.
Pauses and repetition in this particular moment in the play suggest Shylock is at a
loss for words, and caught up in his grief: The curse / never fell upon our nation
until now I never felt it / till now (3.1.78 80). Jessica s choice to join her father s
persecutors is cruel. He pauses after this statement, perhaps because Jessica s
betrayal is the worst type of betrayal against her heritage, and against him. She
causes Shylock, who has always had a hard exterior in spite of oppression and abuse,
to feel the pain of his persecution. This realization deserves pause, not only for
Shylock, but also the audience. For Jessica to leave her father, in this particular way,
brings the mistreatment and pain of an entire nation to Shylock. Because his
motivations seem somewhat convoluted at times, by greed and revenge, these
moments of intentional pause allow the audience time to realize the magnitude of
Shylock s sorrow, and perhaps his true motivation. The repetition in his language,
demonstrates a shift in tone, from concise angry Shylock, to repetitive sad Shylock.
Repetition is used throughout the play for various dramatic effects. For example, in
act three, scene three Antonio
Positioning and Differentation
Positioning and Differentiation Paper
For Referencing Only Do Not Copy
Positioning and Differentiation Paper The positioning and differentiation strategies
of two nearby hospitals, St. Francis Hospital located in Roslyn, New York and the
Schneider Children s Hospital in New Hyde Park, New York will be discussed in
this article. These two institutions are located in Long Island, New York and are
approximately 5.2 miles apart from each other, servicing the nearby counties of
Queens, Nassau and Suffolk. These renowned facilities are recognized for their
specialty services throughout New York as well as the United States. The intent of
this article is to examine the positioning and differentiation marketing strategies of
these ... Show more content on ...
Special services are provided for Lyme disease, the deaf, food allergies, immunology,
human genetics, cardiac surgery, emergency and trauma. The facility proclaims to be
a destination hospital for children across the United States and around the world
(Schneider Children s Hospital, n.d., para. 1). SCH is the only hospital located on
Long Island dedicated to the care of children. It has prided itself on being named
one of America s best children s hospitals for two years in a row by the U.S. News
and World Report (Best Children s Hospitals: General Pediatrics, 2009). These
rankings are based on good community standing, patient outcomes and care related
issues as patient volume, nursing care, advanced technology and recognition by
outside organizations. The hospital has several consultation centers throughout Long
Island and New York Cityto offer specialized healthcare to children right in their
own community. The Centers provide specialized services for a broad range of
medical conditions such as heart disease, neurological disorders, cancer, Lyme
disease, growth deficiencies, and other childhood illnesses. The main marketing
strategy to attract it target audience is through a community newsletter, its
participation in community events and sponsorships, a pediatric mobile unit for the
uninsured, television, radio and newspaper advertisements. The institution asserts that
it provides the only pediatric emergency
The Eucharist
The Eucharist (Otherwise known as the Holy Communion or the Blessed
Sacrament) is a Catholic sacrament considered to be the apex of Christianity.
While some Catholics and different branches of the English Church believe that
this bread and wine are transformed into the literal blood and body of Christ, others
believe that it is a simple expression of faith. It is considered to be the very essence
of love that binds us to the savior; and it is this teaching of love that inspires the
Catholic view on social justice. Social justice spreads love to all humankind, via
fighting for equality and respect for all man. The Eucharistis the symbolism of this
love, and it is the concept that inspires the catholic doctrine of the social mission....
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(Engerberton, 2003, p. 156)
In order to understand the power of the Eucharist in Social Justice, basic points of the
Catholic doctrine on this subject must also be understood.
If Christian precepts prevail, the respective classes will not only be united in bonds
of friendship, but also those of brotherly love. (Leo XIII, Rerum Morarun, 25)
According to Leo XIII and his letter Rerum Morarun , social justice should be
working towards uniting the classes, in not only friendship and equality, but also in
brotherly love. This love and equality is mentioned again in Catholic social justice
doctrine, by Pope Benedict in his encyclical letter Caritas in Virtitate . He states that
charity is at the heart of the Church s social doctrine (Benedict XVI, Caritas in
Veritate, 2). In speaking of charity, denoted by love for fellow man, the Pope is
creating (or restating) the hypostasis of social justice. Pope John XIII authored an
encyclical letter, Pacen in Terris, speaking of this love for fellow man, as stated in
the following quote
Human society, as we picture it, demands that men are guided by justice [...] It
demands, too, that they be animated by such love [...] (John XIII, Pacen in Terris,
35) He talks of being guided by Christ s justice, but also of being animated by love .
This is referring to the love received when partaking in the Eucharist. As the love of
Wang Lung s Filial Dishonesty In The Good Earth
The Good Earth is set in pre revolutionary rural China when women are inferior and
elders are most important. Those who treat their daughters as equals and do not
practice filial piety are considered outcasts. This is also a time when a man s life
revolves around the Earth. Food is grown from the Earth and clothes are sewn
from crops because nothing is made in a factory. Religion is based on Gods
watching over the land. People also believe that the Gods will curse a bad man and
reward a good one. If a man works the land diligently, remains honest, and practices
good morals, he may be rewarded with wealth, health, and tranquility. Some people,
however, do not work hard and live corrupt lives. As a result, they never experience
either wealth,... Show more content on ...
Wang Lung s uncle is very lazy and vicious. He is an unsuccessful farmer due to
his idleness. Sometimes he sells his crops when they are still in the ground because
reaping the harvests strip too much effort from the idle fool. Since he does not make
much money from his harvests, he blames it on bad luck and depends on Lung for
money. Since society operates in filial piety, Wang Lung has to give his uncle the
money. Lung s uncle also participates in gang violence and cannibalism. He is not
rewarded by the Gods. He did, however, have wealth and power by living in the
House of Hwang with Wang Lung but only because Lung has to obey him. Lung s
uncle never finds tranquility. He is never content with what he has. He is always
striving for more in vicious and idle ways which cause his unfulfilling life. Wang
Lung s cousin is also idle and vicious. He never learns to work and is very lusty.
When he lives with Wang Lung s family, he introduces Lung s eldest son to
prostitutes. He also flirts with his relatives and practices incest. He is not rewarded
by the Gods because he is so vicious. Instead, he never lives a fulfilling life. When
he grows up he abandons his wife and unborn
How Did Lesseps Quit The Panama Canal
Known as one of the greatest engineering feats in all of history, the Panama Canal
is an essential asset for international trade and travel today, uniting the Atlantic and
Pacific oceans across the Central American Isthmus in Panama, Colombia. Its
construction required the perseverance, innovation, time and money of at first,
France and of second, America. Construction began with Frenchman, Ferdinand de
Lesseps at the helm of the project in the early 1880 s; however, dreams of a Central
American canal were had as early as the 1500 s with the Spanish and Christopher
Columbus. His plan was to dig a sea level canal, similar to a successful one he had
made previously. But after nearly 8 years of futile labor, and lack of progress, Lesseps
... Show more content on ...
The very river that kept destroying the labor and engineering of the workers, along
with causing the mudslides that buried them. After, spending about $287 million
and 20,000 worker s lives, while making little progress in 8 years, it was no wonder
why Lesseps quit the canal, in December 1888. However, the reason why so many
workers had died was confounding to the French. Why had disease struck so
profoundly? Thanks to Walter Reed, the answer was discovered. Walter Reed was
an American Physician whose contributions to medical science were astounding.
He is the youngest man to ever have earned a MD at University of Virginia at age
19. It was he who led the research team in discovering the cause of Yellow Fever.
His research was risky though, experiments had to be done on human volunteers. In
that, he had to deliberately infect humans to test the strain of disease. Speculative, as
it may have been his research produced results in the end. He and his team were able
to conclude that the Yellow Fever was not spread through the people infected with it,
but by disease carrying mosquitoes. His discovery not only allowed the United Sates
to resume construction of the Panama Canal, it also gave start to new fields in medical
science such as: epidemiology and biomedicine. In appreciation of his work, he
Essay about Gladiator
Gladiator Directed by Ridley Scott, Gladiator is an epic tale of honor, love, loyalty
and power.
If you could only see two movies a year make Gladiator one of them. It is full of
action, adventure, drama, deceit and love.
Russell Crowe plays the Roman General, Maximus, who heads the Roman Army in
their conquers of Europe and Africa under the emperor Marcus Aurelius. Maximus
has served Rome for two years, 264 days and this morning, and is anxiously awaiting
his release by the emperor so that he may go home and be with his dearly missed
wife and son.
But Maximus is more than a general to Aurelius, he is the son he should of had and
the needed successor to the emperor. Aurelius has known that his true son, the...
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Only Maximus can give Rome back it s freedom and let the Senate rule.
When Aurelius reveals his announcement to the anxious Commodus, he suffocates
his father to gain what he thinks is rightfully his, the power of emperor.
Commodus is a weak, young man. He is so frightened of Maximus that he orders the
execution of Maximus and his family. Maximus is able to escape execution but could
not save his family in time.
The most heart wrenching scene of the movie is Maximus finding his wife and
(more) child brutalized, burned and hanging on the family front porch. Maximus
weeps for his family but also for his own death. The thought of seeing his family is
the only thing that has kept him alive.You can feel the love he feels for them. Crowe
makes you believe the pain and heartache that Maximus is feeling. You ache for his
loss and want revenge against Commodus.
Maximus becomes enslaved in a foreign land and is forced to fight for his life as a
gladiator. Maximus fame as a gladiator grew within Rome as his skill at combat
became apparent. Commodus fears that Maximus will turn the Roman people against
him and return rule of Rome to the Senate.
Maximus is a hero for the people and Commodus is a snake.This movie is
believable. The acting by Crowe and Phoenix makes you believe the stories and the
use of digital imagery recreates ancient Rome down to the last intricate detail.
Even if you go just for the special effects you won t be disappointed.
How To Write An Essay On L. A Candy
How do you cope when in just a few short months you go from being regular
everyday eighteen year old girls to being reality tv stars? L.A candy by Lauren
Conrad is about two girls named Jane and Scarlett. They move from their small
town in Santa Barbara to Los Angeles. One night well blowing off some steam at a
club they meet a producer named Travis. Travis offers them a chance of a lifetime
by offering to recruit them for his new reality show, but if they say yes will they
still be the same people? In this journal I will be questioning,evaluating and
visualizing. My first question is how Jane and Scarlett live together? Because Jane
is so quiet and shy and Scarlett is outgoing, funny and convivial. Maybe because
they balance eachother out. Like Jane s so quiet and Scarlet is so sociable.
Therefore they just balance. Also why does Jane go out with Jesse when it s
obvious she want Braedon? My first guess is because Jesse is a movie star and
who doesn t want a movie star boyfriend. Or maybe because she mentioned to
Gabby when Gabby asked if she met someone I met one guy, but I think he has a
girlfriend (Conrad 121). It also could be that she want to show Braedon what s he s
missing by dating Braedon s best friend. Last but not least at the end Jane goes with
Gabby to Mexico what will happen when she comes... Show more content on ...
I feel that way because Jane is so childish. Especially dating Jesse when she knows
that Braedon is his best friend. I also really like Madison but really dislike Gabby. I
like Madison because she s gets along with everyone and is very friendly. All Gabby
does is harass Madison and try to sabotage Scarlett and Jane. I liked how the show
was about the girls everyday normal lives. I hated how Travis made they do stuff
they didn t want to. For example when Scarlett showed Gabby and Madison around
U.S.C and Travis said Can your be nice to M an G (Conrad 280). I felt that Scarlett is
an adult she can do what she
Ancient Wonders
Ancient Wonders Have you ever wondered about the Wonders of the Ancient
World? How they became Wonders? Who built them and where are they now?
Although most have come and gone with, either through battles or nature, they
still amaze many scholars. The Statue of Zeus, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Light
House of Alexandria, and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon have kept the minds of
many filled with imagination and wonder of what the ancient world was like. The
Statue of Zeus was is truly an amazing sculpture and was arguably the most famous
statue of its day. This statue was dedicated to none other than Zeus, considered to
be the most important of the Greek gods (Ancient Origins, 2017). The Statue of
Zeus was housed in the Temple of Zeus constructed by the Greek Architect Libon.
While Libon constructed the Temple some else was commissioned to create the
Statue of Zeus, a sculptor named Phidias in 430 B.C. (Jordan, 2014). He was
considered to be the most famous sculptor in ancient Greece. When travelers
would come to see this statue they would say, If a man, with a heavy heart from
grief and sorrow in life, will stand in front of the statue, he will forget all these. and
Whereas we just wonder at the other six wonders, we kneel in front of this one in
reverence, because the execution of the skill is as incredible as the image of Zeus
is holy... (, 2017). It is no wonder why it was considered a wonder if
it had the reverence to shake a person and grant relief to
Film And American Culture Essay
The relationship between film and the American culture is one, which is highly
complicated and dynamic. Movie director in Hollywood are constantly influenced by
world events to create movies, which entertain, and at times shed light on certain
events. Film is also an integral part of our culture because it provides a medium,
which can reflect our public s concerns, attitudes, and beliefs. This report will briefly
discuss the interplay between filmand the American culture, which is represented in
said film.
During the late 1940 s and into the 1950 s, film reflected the conservatism, which
dominated the sociopolitical arenas of the time. America was at war with the axis
powers in Germany, Italy and Japan. War films during this era depicted a we versus
them attitude. These films simply involved an antagonist and a hero. Until the
bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, American films generally reflected, the neutral,
isolationist stance that prevailed in politics and culture (, 2012)
Films like Casablanca which was directed by Michael Curtiz, painted an image of ill
effects of fascism. It also illustrated the values of heroes ... Show more content on ...
Baby boomers were expanding our country and businesses were flourishing. The
1960 s presented a reactionary youth culture, which was against the dominant
institutions in America. The civil rights movement was in full effect and many of
the films of this era displayed the antiestablishment views of times. In Mike Nichol
s 1967 film The Graduate, Dustin Hoffman entered into a romantic affair with the
wife of his father s business partner. Many young viewers during this era believed
the film perceived the social codes established by elders of the past generation.
Keeping with rebellious attitude of America, films like Bonne and Clyde s violence
provided examples of film directors testing the limits of permissible on screen
material. This generation ushered in the MPAA rating
Beveridge Report Pros And Cons
1. What were the key recommendations of the Beveridge report? The key
recommendations of the Beveridge report were to banish poverty from Britain with
the introduction of a welfare state which was to be introduced once the war had
ended. The report aimed to tackle such key parasites of society such as Disease,
Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness The core of the report aimed for a kind of revolution
in British society, absconding with all factors that harm its population and
subsequently its progress. The report recommended that future ideals and proposals
should not be hindered by exclusive interests and that social security was only
achievable with co operation between State and individual . Additionally, this new
state could not be stifled... Show more content on ...
Subsequently, income tax on many top earners in the country had been raised to
83%. 4. What were the pros and cons of Labours policy of nationalisation of
industry On the one hand, the benefits of Labour s policy of nationalisation of
industry included such factors as allowing industries to follow social policies in
comparisons to strictly profitable investments such as public transportation,
additionally these newly gained profits could be utilized in supporting other state
programs and services. Moreover, there allowed a greater sense of equality instead
of simply rich business owners claiming industries, they were now symbolically
owned by the public yet controlled by State. It also allowed the achieving of lower
production costs and prices could be set bellow the standard which private firms
would not permit. On the other hand cons of nationalisation include the fact that
nationalisation often comes into being due to private property being seized by
domestic or foreign owners without compensation for their
John Steinbeck s Accomplishments
On Thursday, February 27th, 1902, John Steinbeck in Salinas, California, and was
born following his two older sisters, Esther and Beth, to the parents of former
educator Olive Hamilton and Sperry Flour Mill supervisor, John Ernst Steinbeck.
Steinbeck s childhood was similar to any others, as his adolescent years were
carefree and relaxed. By the age of four, in the vast land of Salinas, Steinbeck was
given a pony, later becoming the inspiration of his famous, well acclaimed novel,
The Red Pony. Later on his ninth birthday, his aunt, Molly, gifted him a copy of Le
Morte d Arthur written by Thomas Malory, which began his start of being a
voracious reader. Steinbeck loved words, and reading old fashioned words like the
ones Malory used pleased... Show more content on ...
By 1933, the novel, To a God Unknown was successfully published. During the 1930
s, the Great Depression occurred leaving millions of Americans jobless, and
Steinbeck wrote three books, In Dubious Battle, Of Mice and Men, and The
Grapes of Wrath, all about California s labor issues, which he brought to life,
especially in The Grapes of Wrath. In The Grapes of Wrath, he used his journalistic
side to show behind the scenes of migrant labor camps. The Grapes of Wrath
became one of Steinbeck s most controversial novels and well known as he
persistently ignored publicity as he fell ill and his marriage began falling apart.
Furthermore, the suspicions of The Grapes of Wrath led to questioning of
communist teachings, and eventually made Steinbeck stick to writing about the
media for war effort. With old friend, Ed Ricketts, in 1940, they sailed to the gulf
of California influencing Sea of Cortez; even though, Henning accompanied
Steinback, their marriage was already too late to fix and divorced in 1943. On
May 11th, 1948, Steinbeck s long time friend, Ed Ricketts, was hit by a train, and
devastatingly lost his life, which sadly was an addition to the divorce of his
second wife, Gwyn, sending him into a depressed state until 1948. East of Eden
was published in 1952 and dedicated to his two sons explaining his life in Salinas
and grieving with the aftermath of the divorce with Gwyn. Finally, in 1964,
Steinbeck was awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom, and by 1966, he began
writing his last book about the American race. Sadly, his health began to stop
cooperating, and he passed away on December 20th, 1968. Steinbeck was a loved,
astonishing, fantastic writer that took risks other writers would not have the guts to,
and if it was not for Mr. Ricketts, one of his wives, his sons, the landscape of Sanali,
or anything else along the
Genetic Counselor Personal Statement
Throughout my college career, I have been fortunate to experience many
opportunities to immerse myself in the field of genetic counseling through phone
interviews, job shadows and internships with a variety of genetic counselors. As a
sophomore still seeking to learn more about genetic counseling, I arranged a
telephone interview with Patricia Arscott, a cardiovascular counselor from the
University of Michigan. Patricia answered all of my questions involving the average
job duties, responsibilities and aspects of being a genetic counselor and gave me
advice about suggested college courses to take and resources for more information
about the genetic counselingprofession. By the end of the phone call, the zeal with
which Patricia described her career firmly cemented my belief that I wanted to
become a genetic counselor and feel just as passionate about my career too.... Show
more content on ...
I discovered Sommer Hayden, a genetic counselor specializing in cancer genetics
based out of the Midland branch of the Mid Michigan Health network. Sommer
kindly allowed me to shadow her for an afternoon, where she explained to me the
preparation undertaken prior to an appointment with a patient. I observed Sommer
with a patient as well as she counseled them for testing of HBOC. I can still
remember how I hung on Sommer s every word, amazed at how she was using her
knowledge of science and genetics to educate and counsel the patient in a way that
they could easily understand. At the close of our day, Sommer mentioned that she
would be in need of an intern in the summer months and suggested that I apply for the
shc 31 1.2 Essay
Sch 31: Promote communication in health, social care or children s and young people
s settings.
1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting.
Communication plays a massive part once building a relationship in the work setting.
By regularly keeping effective communication between practioners, parents/careers
and children makes a positive working environment. The relationships are mostly
based on the type of communication between one another, communication is not just
by verbally but also the body language we show, facial expressions and our gestures.
Communication with children and young people is very important. When a child is
new to the setting you would want them to feel comfortable and safe in your ... Show
more content on ...
Not only do you talk to them but also the child will response, or even approach you
first to communicate; either for a general conversation or to ask a question.
All children are different, either it is by the way they re brought up, their culture,
have different beliefs, and in the way they communicate for example; English is an
additional language.
If you had a child in the nursery who had English as a second language, and knew
few words, verbally communicating with this child wouldn t be the first thing you
would do. There are loads of different ways to do this for example; using picture cars
with words, not only will this technique help communicate but also help build the
childs English vocabulary. Another being demonstrating, for example; in an activity,
lets say gluing and sticking, show the child what to do by demonstrating the activity
for them to then copy your actions.
Communication is very important, not only with the child/ young person but also
their parents/ careers. Parents and careers need to be kept updated with everything
that happens with their child/children and information that they need to know about
the nursery itself. The stronger the relationship between the practioners and the
parent/ career the stronger the trust the parents/ careers have with their child/ children
in your care.
Information should be shared on a day to day basis between the practioner and the
parent/ career abpout everything that happens in the nursery.
Comparing Plato and Aristotle Essay
Comparing Plato and Socrates
Plato was among the most important and creative thinkers of the ancient world. He
was born in Athens in 428 BC to an aristocratic and well off family. Even as a young
child Plato was familiar with political life because his father, Ariston was the last king
of Athens. Ariston died when Platowas a young boy. However, the excessive
Athenian political life, which was under the oligarchical rule of the Thirty Tyrants
and the restored democracy, seem to have forced him to give up any ambitions of
political life. In 388 BC he journeyed to Italy and Sicily, where he became the friend
of Dionysius the ruler of Syracuse, and his brother in law Dion. The following year
he returned to Athens, where he devoted his ... Show more content on
Socrates proves that justice brings unity to any group of people, because it allows
them to trust and rely on one another. The discussion of justice is continued in the
beginning of Book II. Glaucon enters the conversation and he divides all things
into three categories: 1) Those that are pleasurable for themselves and their results,
2) Those that bring good results, but with difficulty, and 3) Those that bring no
results, but are pleasurable. Glacon then asks Socrates which category justice falls
within. He replies by placing it in the first category. I myself put it among the
finest goods, as something to be valued by anyone who is going to be blessed with
happiness, both because of itself and what it comes from (Republic, Book II 358a).
Glaucon claims that the general view of justice lies in the second category, the mean
between two extremes. Glaucon defends his argument by using the example of the
Ring of Gyes, a magical ring that turns its wearer invisible. He continues to argue that
if humans were given the opportunity to be unjust without getting caught or without
suffering any punishment or loss of good reputation, they would naturally choose a
life of injustice, in order to maximize their own interests. Now the issue at hand is to
prove whether it is more beneficial to lead a just or unjust life. In an attempt to
provide a satisfactory definition of justice, Socrates tries to make an analogy between
Communication Is Essential For Good Communication
This assignment focuses on: communication, its definition, further explores its
meaning to nursing and how communication develops. Communication is essential
in everyday life and it is vital in conducting any aspect of business. It is an
operation that involves a few stages, whereby actions and words are conveyed in a
way that makes it easier for the listening person to understand and make sense of all
that is being said (Rayudu, C.S 2010). While communication, whereby a person
communicated via noises and stares to send messages has been an existing activity
for over two million years (Rayudu, C. S 2010), it remains a complex phenomenon. It
is always essential for good communication to be conducted effectively in health
settings, as poor communication may lead to conflicts between nurses and patients,
inadvertently leading to poor delivery of care in cases such as, the inquiry into
failings at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (Francis, 2013, Department of
Health, 2013, Hawthorn, Maureen 2015).
In nursing, communication forms one of the 6Cs (Care, Compassion, Competence,
Communication, Courage and Commitment) core competences integral in the
execution of the profession (Royal College of Nursing 2015). The need for effective
communication has been highlighted by high profile cases where unfortunately
innocent young and old lives have been lost for example; failings at Mid
Staffordshire NHS Foundation and the Baby Peter s case. (Community care 2009,
Francis Report
Boeing B-29 Research Papers
The Boeing B 29 Superfortress, a 4 engine propeller driven heavy bomber designed
by Boeing, flown by the US during WWII and the Korean War. 3,970 of these
planes were built, at a costly $639,188 each. A 99ft long, 28ft tall, 141ft wide super
plane decorated with four wright r 3350 23 duplex cyclone supercharged radial
engines at 2200hp each, was a plane of it s time. A high altitude strategic bomber,
also carrying out low altitude night incendiary bombing missions, the plane known
for also performing the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The B
29 was one of the largest planes to see service during World War II. A very
advanced bomber for this time period, it included features such as a pressurized
cabin, an electronic fire control... Show more content on ...
The B 29 served in various roles throughout the 1950s. The Royal Air Force flew
the B 29 as the Washington until retiring the type in 1954. The Soviet Union
produced an unlicensed reverse engineered copy as the Tupolev Tu 4. The B 29 was
the progenitor of a series of Boeing built bombers, transports, tankers,
reconnaissance aircraft and trainers including the B 50 Superfortress (the first
aircraft to fly around the world non stop) which was essentially a re engined B 29.
The type was retired in the early 1960s. Dozens of B 29s remain as static displays,
but only two examples, Fifi and Doc, have been restored to flying status, with Doc
flying again for the first time from McConnell AFB on July 17,
Civil Liberties vs National Security
In U.S., the bill of rights protects civil liberties. People in the United States, hold
civil rights, which are those privileges, immunities and rights held by all Americans
and political rights, which are the rights that are restricted to those who are entitled
to participate in elections, as candidates or voters. The distinction is important since
not all are eligible to vote though they all should enjoy their freedoms. This may no
longer be feasible as majority of the civil rights are taken to include the political rghts
in this age.
National security can be defined as a country s need to maintain its survival by use of
military, political and economic power for diplomacy. Civil liberty are freedoms...
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The F.B.I, has significant legal powers, excellent resources, and a jurisdiction that has
overseas coverage. They have in recent years penetrated and prosecuted many
organized criminal gangs, uncovered public corruption and successfully caught up
with terror attacks. Still the same F.B.I has curtailed the basic freedoms of
association, speech e.t.c The bureau while protecting their national security freedoms
has infringed the human rights by disrupting and neutralizing peaceful protests. It has
more so focused its resources on neutralizing and curbing political activity other than
investigate criminal activities. The force, does not have accountability to the the
public while incriminates on the basis of association instead of relying hard facts and
evidence to get hold of the real criminals.
The adoption of legislation such as the Anti terrorism Act (1996), is a good indicator
of past injustices and the unrestricted investigations by the bureau based on political
agendas. The Act s deliberate criminalization of peaceful activity gave the F.B.I.
leverage to involve itself in the religious, ethnic and political grouping involving
themselves in peaceful and humanitarian work. Afterwards, it grew to encourage
politically motivated investigations. The deportation and exclusion of immigrants on
the basis of guilt
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  • 1. Work Experience Essays Writing an essay on the topic of "Work Experience Essays" can present several challenges, especially when attempting to draw from personal experiences. First and foremost, reflecting on one's work experiences requires introspection and a deep dive into past roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments. This introspective process can be time-consuming and emotionally taxing, as it may involve revisiting both positive and negative aspects of past employment. Additionally, crafting a coherent narrative that effectively communicates the significance of these experiences can be challenging. It's essential to strike a balance between providing sufficient detail to convey the nature of the work while also maintaining the reader's interest and adhering to any guidelines or requirements for the essay. Moreover, writing about personal experiences in a professional and objective manner can be tricky. Striking the right tone that demonstrates professionalism while still conveying genuine emotions and insights requires careful consideration of language and perspective. Furthermore, organizing the essay in a logical and compelling manner is crucial. This involves structuring the content in a way that engages the reader from the introduction through to the conclusion, while also ensuring that key points are effectively highlighted and supported with relevant examples. Overall, writing a compelling essay on the topic of "Work Experience Essays" demands both introspection and skillful storytelling. It requires the writer to navigate personal experiences with objectivity, while also showcasing their ability to reflect, analyze, and communicate effectively. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Work Experience EssaysWork Experience Essays
  • 2. Parable Of Jesus 1-10 The parable of the Lost Son found in Luke chapter 15, verses 11 32, shows the importance of practising repentance, and of finding the spiritually lost and returning them to the Lord. The parable demonstrates that the Lord wishes that we return to his kingdom; reconsidering our actions and realising wrong judgment does not affect God s love is what it means to find oneself and enter into the kingdom of the Lord. The parable of the Lost Son is a direct continuation of the two parables preceding it (the parable of the lost sheep and the parable of the lost coin). The three parables, just as with the other parables Jesus used to teach a particular message, comes in a set of three to emphasise a specific message. In this case, all three parables ... Show more content on ... This may suggest that the father was waiting for the return of his son, and was willing to reconcile with his son. The father s decision to run emphasises the father s love for his son. In 1st century Palestine, older men pulling up this robes to run was undignified. His actions, representative of God s love for repentant sinners, show God s acceptance, and joy of sinners returning to him. Despite hearing, the son s confession ( no longer being worthy to be his son) chooses to dismiss his confession, and decides to clothe him in his best robe... ring... and sandals . Robes were given to honoured guests; the ring was a signet ring, which indicated authority, and only family members wore sandals during those times. The Father s next decision to organise a celebration feast, and bring the fattened calf was something only done on festivals. Meat was primarily eaten on festivals this implies that celebrating those who return from the loss is more important than a religious festival. This celebration is equivalent to the rejoicing in the parables of the loss of the lost sheep and coin. The son was celebrated for returning from the dead and from being lost; this shows God s reaction when we return from sin. God takes us back joyously rather than
  • 3. Analysis of the Translation of the Analects of Confucius Jpz777 04/29/2013 Order # 2094035 In an authoritative and widely cited translation of the Analects of Confucius originally published in 1938, celebrated English sinologist Arthur Waley provided the most comprehensive explication of this enduring contribution to humanistic philosophy, one which has since been continually reprinted for scholarly study. An anthology of short yet powerful passages which capture the beliefs taught by Confucius during his lifetime, the Analects offers a fluid recreation of Confucius and his associated teachings, through the prism provided by the evolving structure of the school of thought created. Beginning with a sober deconstruction of the mythologizing which has come to define the Western conception of Confucius, of whom Waley states it appears from the Analects that he was a private person who trained the sons of gentlemen in the virtues proper to a member of the ruling class (14), this translation offers modern readers with an comprehensive and historically accurate interpretation of the Analects, and their influence on the resulting system of moral mastery known as Confucianism. Spreading slowly but steadily throughout China after the original texts comprising the Analects was compiled by Confucius pupils in approximately 300 BCE, the philosophy of social and political ethics espoused in these twenty books developed into a combination of religious dogma and ruling doctrine. As Waley notes in the Introduction to his translation, from
  • 4. Research Paper On Stephen King Chronological: Stephen King The king of horror best known for creating a lifetime of spine chilling books. Many of them turned into movies, which were visually horrifying. I bet you have heard my name before but just incase you haven t, I m Stephen King. I was born on September 21st, 1947. When I was just 2 years old my father left my life. As I grew older, I went into school and I began my writing career in 1959. I finally decided to publish a local newspaper with my friend, David. When I graduated from Lisbon Falls High School in 1966, I went to Maine University to get a degree in English. I graduated in 1970 and went on in life. I created my first book named Carrie, it was accepted by Doubleday Company in 1973 for 2,500 dollars in advance.
  • 5. Analysis Of The Film Chocolat The foreign film that I chose to review was Chocolat, which was released in 2000 and was directed by Lasse HallstrГ¶m. This film followed the story of Vianne Rocher (Juliette Binoche) and her young daughter Anouk (Victoire Thivisol), set in France about fifteen years after World War 2. They wandered around Europe, guided by the north wind, and they come across a small village. There, they opened up La Chocolaterie Maya, a chocolatier. The mayor, Comte de Reyaud (Alfred Molina) was very displeased with this since the town was steeped in strict tradition and was just starting to observe Lent. Her chocolate began to change the lives of everyone in the town, broke down barriers, renewed marriages, and freed people. The film ended with Vianne and her daughter settling down in the town for the first time, instead of moving on with the north wind and the town was changed forever. This film was based in France and the majority of the film was shot in the village of Flavigny sur Ozerain in Burgundy, France. The language that was spoken in the film was English with a strong French accent. There were some French words throughout the film and all the names such as the people, the village, and the businesses were French. There were several messages that the filmmakers were trying to communicate. One of these messages was that stereotypes are not always correct. According to the book, Communication Between Cultures, when people are confronted with a lack of familiarity or similarity, they
  • 6. Communication, Self Awareness, And Communication Skills Journaling is a way to improve one s language. It has been studied that writing has a clear connection to speaking. Over the course of the last six journals, I have noticed that the level of my interpersonal competence has strongly improved. McCornack states that interpersonal communication competence is evaluated by one s ability to communicate consistently in appropriate, effective, and ethical ways (G 6). Therefore, when one has competence, he/she is able to choose what type of communicationis best suited for any given situation. I have seen my interpersonal competence grow through the journal in my emotional intelligence, self awareness, and communication skills. To begin, interpersonal competence is connected to one s emotional intelligence because the communication used determines the emotional connection one has with his/her audience. Emotional intelligence is the ability to interpret emotions accurately and to use this information to manage emotions, communicate them accurately, and solve relationship problems (McCornack 123). Throughout the journals, we have been asked to talk about ourselves, and while doing so, we are incorporating our emotions into that given topic. For example, the second journal entry had us discuss our belief of what constitutes as an ideal body and how our feelings about our own body affect our self esteem. I, for one, believe that society has created the idea that all women are a size zero, but that is not the case. Because of this
  • 7. Music and Race Essay Although artists do not create certain music to cure diseases or to make scientific or technological discoveries, music is one thing society can never live without. To both artists and their listeners, music provides an indispensible beauty that helps fulfill lives, and connect to nature. Music expresses the human condition in the purest way and affects everyone at a personal level. Plato, a well known classical Greek philosopher once said, If you want to measure the spiritual depth of society, make sure to mark its music. Generally performer collaborate songs to represent the popular pop culture, and social issues, and wish for their society as well as their current era. For instance, controversial issues such as sex, violence, racism... Show more content on ... The main theme of the blues was built upon racism in the surrounding. The music expressed the bad treatment, and starvation that blacks received from the dominant race. An example of the music is by Ma Rainey, who was one of the earliest connections between the male country blues artists that roamed the backroads of the South and their female equivalent; she made her professional debut in 1900 at the age of l4 at the Springer Opera House in Columbus, Georgia. She was one of the first to feature the blues on stage. Ma Rainey said from Chain Gang Blues : Many days of sorrow, many nights of woe, Many days of sorrow, many nights of woe, And a ball and chain, everywhere I go. Nowadays the blues revolve around the meaning of sadness but doesn t have a true message of fighting for survival or deprivation of freedom. In the process of searching for the modern day blues, it was discovered that the music is compiled by mostly Caucasian artist compared to the past where it was conceived by blacks to prompt their practices and beliefs. Disco is a genre of dance music that gained its popularity during the middle to late 1970s. It had its roots in clubs that catered to African American, gay, and other communities in New York City and Philadelphia during the early 1970s. Disco was used as a reaction by New York City s blacks as well
  • 8. Boxing Persuasive Essay Boxing Imagine the adrenaline one receives when getting prepared to fight in a boxing match. They strut to the mat and can hear the crowd vigorously yelling and screaming. The bell rings and the two begin punching. One severe punch is thrown at the opponent s head and the person immediately falls to the mat. The crowd goes wild and the coaches and trainers all run out to the mat to check on the man down. The person gets back up and will try to fight until a victory is resolved. However, this particular match, the same person is hit once again and falls down. The match is over and the winner is announced. Doctors check the athlete and it appears as if he is speechless. Minutes pass and finally they can get a response. He does not remember ... Show more content on ... However, researchers have found that headgear does not protect boxers from concussions; it only makes the target area larger. Simon Barnes article on The Spectator, cites that Dr. Peter Harvey concluded that, Boxing is a contest in which the winner seems often to be the one who produces more brain damage on his opponent than he himself sustains. In sporting events such as football, injuries or deaths that may occur are because things have gone horribly wrong. However, when injuries or death happen in boxing it is because things have gone horribly right. It still seems odd that society still accepts an activity in which injuries are caused on
  • 9. Analysis Of Picasso s Arte And Ballet Russes Introduction: Prior to completing Three Musicians, Pablo Picasso was associated with the refined world of ballet as he became the set designer for multiple performances across Europe. Picasso took inspiration from his experiences with commedia dell arte and Ballet Russes to complete Three Musicians in Fontainebleau, France during the summer of 1921. Picasso s influence with theater is evident in this painting as he depicts himself as the Harlequin, which is a common motif found in commedia dell arte that ties in with the Rose Period from his earlier life. Not only does the Harlequin symbolize theatre and Picasso s alter ego but the Perriot and Monk figures are cubist manifestations of his two poet friends, one of whom passed away. Despite... Show more content on ... It is not enough to say that Three Musicians is a significant piece of synthetic cubism because there are a lot of paintings that were created with a similar aesthetic. For instance, Georges Braque made Fruit Dish and Glass in 1912 and it is similar to the collage elements found in Picasso s Three Musicians. To further understand why Three Musicians is relevant to synthetic cubism we must assess both the context and visual qualities of the figures that make up most of the composition. Picasso s Three Musicians is a prime example of Cubist style. To fully understand cubism, a person needs to understand that the subject of the artwork becomes a sequence of planes, lines, and arcs. Another aspect of Cubism art has been described as a reinvention of an artist s analyzation of shapes. This analyzation of shapes show how artists subject and reinvent them on a canvas. (The Free Library) Shapes and colors are used by Picasso to reinforce the flatness of Three Musicians. Objects in the painting like the patterned green wallpaper and the brick red floor are made up of shapes. These shapes interlock with the other figures of the painting. These shapes are also not painted with highlights and shadows. Which help them not to be overlooked or recede behind the musicians. The painted image of the table and music also have a very flat look to them. since the music is not shown in perspective but as if it were held flat against
  • 10. Cradley And Greg Heffley Comparison Have you ever read a book? Well, most people would answer yes to that question and for me it would definitely be a yes. Unlike most teens my age, I absolutely, positively love to read. But have you ever been reading a book and thought you a had a similarity or two with the character? Most people would also answer yes to this question also, Including me. I have found myself to be like many characters, but none like Greg Heffley. Greg and I have many similarities we were born on the same day, we live in the same state, and we even have the same middle name James. Although those similarities are quite interesting, I have dug deeper into this character, not just looking at the outer earthly appearance but I have considered how he thinks, his personality, and even his actions. This is where the real similarities are in the heart and we are so similar it s a little bit scary. Greg is always loyal never leaving anyone not even his annoying friend rowley. Greg is always brave and never afraid to try something new. Greg is also defiant and even though it may get us in troublesometimes there is always good in the bad. To begin with, Greg Heffley is the most loyal friend ever imaginable, being a strong friend through the thick and thin, through the ups and downs, no matter what Greg Heffley is always there when you need him. For this reason Greg and I are very much alike, always being a dependable, trustworthy, and most important, loyal no matter what you are going through
  • 11. How Did The Roman Economy Affect The Provinces Roman Economy and the Provinces Roman provinces had several effects on the Roman economy. The provinces allowed for regular imports of grains, trades of exotic goods, monetary tributes, and importation of slaves. These factors helped fuel and strength the Roman economy. Grain was an important part of everyday life, and Rome relied heavily on the provinces to supply the needed amount of grain. The need to secure grain providing provinces was one of many important factors that would lead to the expansion and conquests of the Roman State. (UNRV., n.d.). One of the many reasons for the Roman conquests in the first place was to secure grain supplies. The provinces would supply grains to Rome at a lower price than Roman grain,... Show more content on ... Many of the imports that the provinces supplied were considered high grade. For example, wine from Eygpt was considered to be the best, olive oil from southern Spain was a luxury, and silk from India would have been an item only the rich could afford (Cartwright, M., 2013, December 17). The provinces would also have provided items such as spices, pottery, ivory, and terracotta. Importations of the exotic items would have impacted the Roman economy by raising the values of those items. Olive oil would have been more expensive because it would have a higher value. Slaves and tributes benefited the Roman economy by allowing for cheap labour and by providing money for the Roman treasury (Wasson, D., 2015, November 29). Slavery impacted the Roman economy via cheap human labour resources and slaves markets. Monterary tributes filled the Roman treasury, allowed for Roman buildings, and pay for individuals holding public office. Conclusion; The Roman economy was fueled by many factors, both foreign and domestic. It had multiple avenues for income, from imports to exports, from taxes to tributes. There was also many forms of labour available, allowing for competitiveness in the job market. The economy of Rome had various factors impacting it, and each one needs to be considered when trying to see how they collectively impacted
  • 12. Quality And Quality Management System Essay Assignment: 4.729 Quality Management Topic: Quality Espresso Coffee Prof: Ray Ninow Name: Raghavendra .s Batch: 132 Student ID: 20140724 Words Count: My company name z energy (Royal Oak) a)Prepare a simple Quality manual for the coffee bar to define how quality of the espresso coffee will be managed. 1). Quality management responsibilities The z energy business shall establish and maintain a quality manual its includes 1.The boundary of the quality management system. Embrace data of and explanation any exclusions, 2.The records and methods established for the quality management system. 3.A complete statement of the interaction between procedures of quality management. Quality is never an accident it is always the results of high intention, sincere efforts, intelligent directions and skillful execution, it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. Always z company provide high standard of quality of coffee to the customers and maintain fabulous standard in storing coffee beans , managing high genic cleaning of coffee machine , equipment s , coffee beans , coffee cups . Z company meets the standard of quality in preparation flat white coffee under ISO 9001 standard. 2). Management obligations: The first and foremost are customer focus and planning
  • 13. Biology And Depression Essay What is the relationship between biology and depression Parkland Community College Abstract Relationship between cosmetic surgery vs self esteem2 According to Image vision, there are many reasons why a person may want plastic surgery. This may be due to social acceptability, change of facial muscles, aging, removal of scars and moles, skin diseases, change gender, and facial trauma (Michele Nappia Stefano Ricciardia MassimoT istarell, 2016). Over time, the surgery may change the facial features enough that the person s face is unrecognizable. is up to the patient to have surgery. Plastic surgery is related to a complex of social... Show more content on ... Plastic surgery can improve a person ability to walk by replacing a body part. Another instrument in plastic surgery is called ultrasound it s where the device is a high resolution non invasive Imaging or Focus acoustic energy source capable of scoping and shaping tissue. Ultrasound plastic surgery is minimum qualifications and phenomenal results reported.The ultrasound to do things such as bone healing, tissue removal, facial rejuvenation, and neocollagenesis.(Safrana et al.,2017). In a current study, there were General Surgeons who were not certified to do breast reduction surgery. Only 13% of the respondents contribute to the procedure to do the breast reduction.A breast reduction surgery improves the body contour but also can really help the physical discomfort from the back and neck. Heavy breast can affect breathing problems as well affecting your body posture. Poor body posture leads to many health issues and psychological.(Fernando Hernanza Sara RegaГ±oa Alfonso Vegab Manuel GГіmez Fleitasa,2016) There is an estimated 36.7% of the adult population in the United States are obese. Weight loss changes in exercise usually do not achieve the desired weight loss goals on an individual. A person may lose the weight but they may not lose the skin. Body contouring can tighten up loose skin from losing weight rapidly, so the person can go on with their everyday life. The main way to remove sagging skin is from plastic
  • 14. Attachment Theory and Partnership Model Describe how partnerships with carers are developed and sustained in own work setting A partnership model work around a theory of collaboration, understanding and and communication. It s a way that helps to recognise how the best outcomes can happen for children when care, development and learning provision/a setting , a cooperatively together. A partnership model looks like this: Identifying needs via a partnership /mullet agency document can happen though the pre CAF assessment check list and CAF common assessment framework which is shared with appropriate agencies. Alongside the aims of home nation s early year framework eg England s eyfs, Wales foundation phase, NI foundation stage or Scotland s prebrith 3 amp;curriculum... Show more content on ... Understanding equal opportunity, equality amp; inclusion in participation whilst this is a practice approach that may be extended to all it may not be taken up by individuals in the same way. In possible contrast maybe, to the view as to how behaviourist theory relates to positive reinforcement operant conditioning that may be exerted over children s choice/motivation to participate, knowing that the less pressure adults feel exposed and obligated to, the more likely it is that they ll feel free and welcomed in taking part where and when they are able to. Evaluation methods eg. Feedback, survey and sensitive questionnaires can help identify areas a setting does well in, those for further investigation and aspects of provision that individuals enjoy being part of or can see a way to suggest improvement in. Breaking/breaching confidentiality in a partnership model can cause mistrust amp; impact negatively on the effectiveness of future engagement oral paper 7 electronically kept information data protection act If it helps there is guidance that supports further research on pages 164 and 221+ of the Heinemann level 3 handbook Parental rights on direct gov and the children s act 1989 Howard Gardner s multi
  • 15. Dostoevsky s Crime And Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote Crime and Punishment in 1866, during a time of Russian history where there was a convergence of several different, and oftentimes contradictory, political, philosophical, and economic ideologies. Not only was this a period of many conflicting sentiments, it was also a time of great change, with the Russian government implementing several reforms that changed the course of the country forever. One such reform was the freeing of the serfs under Alexander the II, Tsar of Russia. As progressive as this was, there was a still a major collective of people who were still grossly underrepresented in Russian society. This group of people are women as a whole. Women that lived in Russia during the middle of the nineteenth... Show more content on ... It is quite clear how oppressed these women are, and how they are far from powerful. It can also be inferred that these two characters, as well as other women fitting the archetype of oppressed female are incapable of ever gaining power. The representation of oppressed women in the novel is accurate, as during this time period, there were thousands of women that were forced into prostitution or forced to work for family members. This was due to the belief that women were inferior to men, and thus could not hold high paying jobs that men could, instead they were bound to do house work or do menial, freelance work such as sewing. One quintessential role that females during that time period had to fill was that of a mother or, more specifically, a homemaker. Women in this role were expected to be poised, stoic, and subservient, while also being logical and selfless. The ideal wife was totally content just being a wife and mother, and aspirations were frowned upon. Though it may seem that they might be able to gain power through marriage to a powerful man, that is not the case, at least as is shown in Crime and Punishment . The two focal mothers and wives in the story are destitute, one of which was poor when her husband was still alive. These two wives and mothers are Pulcheria Alexandrovna and Katerina Ivanovna. Pulcheria
  • 16. Racial Differences Between Criminal Involvement And The... Social class differences are used to explain racial differences in criminal involvement in the United States. Social Class is defined as a division of a society based on social and economic status. Usually when a person thinks about crime in the United States, he also thinks about the race of the person and the crime. Thinking about crime anywhere in the world is to think about why certain groups of population have more criminal activity and involvement than other groups. People usually focus on race when they are looking at crime. Blacks are often victimized as being criminals than the whites. In Robert D. Crutchfield s essay he talks about the subculture of violence and the subculture of poverty which explains crimes such as drug sales, property crime, and robbery. Within the subculture of violence he talks about crimes such as homicide and assault. This essay will discuss and explore the author s central point s as well as how Crutchfield describes subcultures of violence and poverty and if he agrees with the other explanations made by scholars about racial differences in criminal involvement. Crutchfield talks about the subculture of violence and how it affects African Americans neighborhoods. In a subculture of violence thesis by Wolfgang and Ferracuti mentioned that higher rates of violence in inner city communities because the residents carried pro violence values and norms. Wolfgang did not say that the subculture of violence only exists in the lower classes but
  • 17. Ernest Hemingway Essay On War In War, Nick Adams progresses from an innocent, invincible soldier to an experienced, realistic human. Ernest Hemingway uses his minimalist approach to display the destructive consequences of war and show that no benefits come from violence. Nick departs for war as a confident soldier and learns very quickly about the reality of war because of his injury. Then, he feels the psychological effects of the war through his inability to rest. Finally, Nick leaves the war as a fortunate, hopeful man with a lot still to experience. The war gives Nick a realistic outlook on life and matures him though all the death and destruction. Nick heads to war as a soldier who is full of adrenaline and thinks he can handle anything. Right before the start of Nick s deployment, he speaks... Show more content on ... He refuses to close his eyes because he believes In the hospital, his roommate John asks Nick about his inability to rest: Say, Signor Tenente, is there something really the matter that you can t sleep? I never see you sleep. You haven t slept nights ever since I been with you (Hemingway 150). Nick s restlessness is due to his worrying and inactivity as he spends most of his time thinking about fishing and remembering his childhood. Nick finally leaves the hospital to see old friends at the batallion, and the first thing he sees is bodies of dead soldiers everywhere: They lay alone or in clumps in the high grass of the field and along the road , their pockets out, and over them were flies and around each body or groups of bodies were the scattered papers (Hemingway 154). Hemingway s immediate imagery of the horrors of war helps Nick to realize that he is lucky to be alive. The physical and mental toll the war takes on Nick and other soldiers is way too big to ignore. Throughout Nick s experiences in the war and in the hospital, nothing beautiful comes out of the war, only death and
  • 18. A Critique of The Times Online Website This report gives a critique of The Times Online website using a number of design aspects which include searchability, Navigation, usability, design, interactivity and content. The main problems identified in the website include a mixture of main content with advertisement content, too long pages and some of the images appearing to be quite blurred. The recommendations for redesign include separating advertisement content from the main content by placing it on top of the page just before the logo, shortening the pages and using hyperlinks to get to various sections and using high resolution images on the site. Table of Contents Executive summary2 Introduction4 Design aspects4 Searchability4 Navigation5 Usability ... Show more content on ... This creates the perception of too much information on a single page which is not appealing to users. The designers should have adopted shorter pages and then use hyperlinks to move to the other sections of the page. The times Online effectively fulfills its mandate of informing readers because finding information in this site is generally very simple. Design The designers of the website adopted a very simple layout. However, the simplicity of the layout did not compromise the effectiveness of the site. The white background color coupled with the consistent usage of color gives the website a professional look. The logo which is placed on the top left corner of the site has been made in a professional and does not cause a distraction from the content on the page. The location of the logo is consistently placed at the corner at the top left side of every page. This greatly improves the consistency of the entire site. An advertisement section is located above the logo. This might distract the content on the pages because it displays something different from the other sections of the page. However, this advertisement content has been placed on top of the logo. This makes it quite hard to notice this advertisement content because it is placed separate from the content of the main page. The homepage on the website has been divided into 2 separate columns. This has separated the information on the website. The column on the left
  • 19. Pianist Alexei Georg s Whale Symphony Pianist Alexei Georg desires nothing more to compose his whale symphony. In order to achieve the funding he hides a dark secret of using a 19th century sonata he found in an old sea chest claiming it as his own October . His wife Carole Anne a ballerina that he married when she was injured and never loved, is the only one who knows. Until he leaves her when he can no longer handle her demands nor resist the meteorologist Lia Marrs. However Carole Anne won t go quietly, demanding his return or else telling others of his little lie. She even goes to Alexei s best friend Leed, who arranged for his much, needed funding and spills his secret. Leed and Alexei both know Carole Anne must be stopped even Alexei shares his Raymond Chandler fantasy of
  • 20. Soaring Eagles Business Pl Business Description SOARING EAGLES BUSINESS PLAN BUSINESS DESCRIPTION With my relevant experience and skills together with my capability in entrepreneurship and management, I am anticipating coming up with Soaring Eagles as the name of the firm that will exclusively be involved in the production and retailing of washing accessories like toilet liners, bar soaps, brushes, soap dishes, and detergents. The primary motivating factor to starting of this business is the increasing demand for such products especially in American society and the developing economies because of tremendous increment in some households. The major force behind this is the population growth in the United Statesand the individuals needs to improve their standards of living. BUSINESS ... Show more content on ... BUSINESS VISION To provide and offer value to the customers by guaranteeing high tech products that are user friendly and offer maximum satisfaction that no other brand can ensure. The proposed business will concentrate on delivering best quality products to the customers to the extent of achieving delighting to its clients. This will be realized through extensive networks of consumer markets, competent and experienced marketing agents and the resourceful entrepreneur skills from the business owner. MISSION To ensure maintenance of growth within the washing accessories industry over the years. BUSINESS LOCALITY, CONTACT, AND ADDRESSES Located in Orlando Florida one miler from Panama Superhighway, I would be in a large city and avoid state income taxes . The business address is: Soaring Eagles, P.O. BOX 86144, Orlando, Florida Phone +1703896512 Hours: Open 8:00 am 5:00 pm. TYPE OF BUSINESS FORM I intend to start a sole proprietorship form of business. This will enable me to achieve all the benefits of the firm including having full control over the business operations and allowing God to be present in those operations. Additionally, I will greatly enjoy becoming my boss, taking time off as needed to spend time with my family. BUSINESS PRODUCT The firm will majorly be involved in production and distribution of washing accessories like bar soaps, washing
  • 21. Foster Care Ethics Hennessy Garcia Humans naturally form their own institutions such as a family, system of government, business, etc.... Institutions/groups are deceiving and get away with a lot. For instance, cigarette companies advertise a product that can cause cancer. However, it seems that no one blames the company for selling it. They will blame the individual for smoking it. It is easier to blame the individual for making terrible choices, but it is ignorant to solely believe that individual is at fault for their personal choices. Even when it comes to morality, people tend to blame individuals for having flawed morals, but groups can influence immoral actions. For example, when someone commits murder or steals it s simple to conclude that they are morally... Show more content on ... Groups homes should be more overlooked. A group home should ensure the safety of all members. Clearly, the head of the group home wasn t doing his/her job, which is why Randy got beaten up and nobody didn t do anything to stop it. Another problem with the foster care system is the waiting game to be adopted. The foster care process should look into other members of a child s family, so that way they don t end up with random people who may or may not offer permanent care. The foster care system in general puts kids like Randy in a constant cycle of waiting. Waiting for someone who cares enough to display love and offer a security. Based on Ms. Anna s hospitalization, we see that Randy was quickly out of Anna s care and taken straight into a group home. This isn t fair to Randy because jumping from someone s care to another shows how Randy doesn t have anyone that truly cares for him. If he had a permanent parental figure in his life, he may be loved and his safety would be ensured. Carver offered to care for him and the foster care system denied him. The foster care system failed Randy by not providing him the security, love and the proper care he needs. This affects Randy immensely because, in season five episode six, he is seen pushing a kid down in the group home for being in his way. He was basically chewed by the system and his sensitive nature seems to be
  • 22. Chippewa National Forest Essay Acres and acres of irreplaceable forests and wetland taken away for one purpose: more money. PolyMet wants to build a copper nickel mine in northern Minnesota. They don t want to just build this mine on a black field in northern Minnesota but on Chippewa National Forest. PolyMet does own the mining rights of this specific chunk of land, but USFS owns the land on top. I think this mine is a terrible idea because it will create both land disturbances and air and water pollution. I think a mine created on Chippewa National Forest would be disastrous because there will be major land disturbances. A mine on this fragile land would lead to a major loss of wetlands. PolyMet would affect 913.8 acres of wetlands. The mine s installation of a containment system would be within the wetland boundaries. The containment system installation would directly and indirectly permanently ruin many wetlands. Some wetlands will be directly affected. The wetland resources may be separated ... Show more content on ... A mine would produce tons and tons of ground up waste rock. This gound up waste rock is also known as Sulfide rock. A chemical reaction occurs when sulfide rock meets the surface, creating sulfuric acid. If sulfide rock is not isolated immediately from air and water, it may pollute streams and wetlands nearby. This water pollution has the potential to poison aquatic organisms in the polluted streams and wetlands. Also, in mines waste rock also includes parts of heavy metals. This problem is known as acid mine drainage, and it occurs wherever copper is being mined (Hemphill). I believe just the risk of air and water pollution should make everyone turn their backs on the PolyMet mine, but others do not see pollution as a problem. Pollution is just a minor risk in PolyMet s opinion, and the aquatic organisms that my affected would only be affected in the mine s region, not throughout
  • 23. Tyco Internal Audit Case Study 2.3 Breach of duties by Internal Auditor According to the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), (2011), the internal auditing is a team of consultants, a department and a division or other practitioner which independent, have objective assurance and conduct a consulting activity which is designed to add value and improve the organization operations. The internal auditor can help an organization in achieving its objectives by bringing a discipline and systematic approach in order to improve and evaluate the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance process. The internal auditor have a several roles in the company which is the first one the audit committee need to discharge and restrict the governance responsibilities and the ... Show more content on ... Integrity also can be defined as meaning of someone of high moral character who is always stick with the principles no matter the pressure ought to do otherwise. The straightforward in dealing with any relationships with the constituencies or different people is very crucial because trust is vital in every relationships and belief in the integrity of those with whom you are dealing. For the integrity in corporate governance is more or less required in financial reporting because it should be present with a balanced picture of the company matters and also it should be honest. According to the Cadbury Report, the integrity in presenting the reports in depending on the integrity of whom is preparing such
  • 24. Merlin s Character In The Legend Of Geoffrey Merlin And... Merlin is considered one of the most strongest sorcerer that lives Camelot. He is Arthur s adviser, as well as a prophet and sorcerer. Merlin s powers were so powerful that other wizards and sorcerers looked up to him as a leader. His role in the Arthurian legend is to protect and serve the lands of Camelot. The Life of Merlingave him the qualities of an humble man, who took pleasure in loneliness. The source provided descriptive details of Merlin s actions and how they affected others in relations to his selfishness. In the narrative, Monmouth wrote Merlin to be a man who wanted nothing to do with anyone, except for himself. After the 1900 s, author of The Daughter of Merlin took a different perspective and gave the character a child that shared the same qualities. Gaster gave new meaning to Merlin s character that will be put in texts of the Arthurian Legend. In the narratives, The Life of Merlin by Geoffrey Monmouth and The Daughter of Merlin by Madison J Cawein, Merlin s character changes as different authors rewrite his character. He changes from a sorcerer living on his own to a sorcerer who has a daughter with his same abilities, because over a certain time period the authors wanted to evolve Merlin into more caring, passionate character. For example, Monmouth provides Merlin s character with the sense of self serving attitude. The author incorporates a battle, which Merlin s leads and succeeds with the victory of the battle. In return of the victorious battle, the
  • 25. Humphrey Jennings s And Stewart Mcallister Humphrey Jennings s and Stewart McAllister s Listen to Britain is a short British propaganda documentary. Within the twenty minute film, it presented characteristics that fit the expository, observational, and poetic style of documentary. At the beginning of the film, there is a narrator that directly addresses the audience. This forward narration is one of the key characteristics of an expository documentary. Narration appears again later in the filmin the form of a montage of radio news clips. The documentary is also an observational one as in most scenes the camera served as a fly on the wall that allowed the audience to feel as if they were physically in the scenes. At the beginning, these shots were presented in an order that were used to help the narrative. The audience sees a woman place a candle... Show more content on ... The documentary is both observational and reflexive. Most of the time during the film, the audience feels as if they are part of the action. During the concerts, they see the band from multiple angles including being on the stage with them as well as being in the audience. However, during the performance of Satisfaction the drummer, Charlie Watts, looks directly into the camera for an extended period of time which is startling to the audience. The film is reflexive as the audience is aware of the filmmaking process. The film cuts between actual documentary clips and the band watching the clips that the audience just viewed. At one point when watching the footage of a man with a gun and a Hells Angel with a knife, Mick Jagger asks, Can you roll back, David? He is talking directly to one of the directors, David Maysles. The audience is also able to see camera men in the audience and on stage with large cameras that stand out, making them aware that footage is being filmed for the
  • 26. Timing Of Events In Romeo And Juliet Essay Often in life, tragedies that occur have a lot to do with the bad timing of events. In William Shakespeare s play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, two teenagers who live in the beautiful city of Verona, Italy fall madly in love at first sight. The problem with this is that their families, the Montagues and the Capulets, have been feuding for centuries. After a secret marriage, the two lovers are separated because of the actions of their families. The play tragically ends with the married couple committing suicide because of imperfect timing and confusion. Throughout this play, timing continuously plays a major role in all of the characters actions, eventually leading to tragedy. In the beginning of this play, drama and conflict are caused by flaws in timing of events.... Show more content on ... After Juliet and Friar Lawrence make their plan to fake Juliet s death, she tells her father she will agree to marry Paris. Ecstatic with her agreement, her father responds, Send for the county go tell him of this. I ll have this knot knit up tomorrow morning ( 4.2. 23 24). Capulet has just changed the date of the wedding. This leaves a very short amount of time to inform Romeo on Friar and Juliet s plan. Also, in Act 5 Juliet has already taken the sleeping potion. Everyone thinks she is dead including Romeo. Romeo arrives at Juliet s tomb, then after seeing her, drinks the poison to kill himself. When Juliet awakens, Friar Lawrence is there and she discovers Romeo s dead body. Juliet grabs a dagger and says, Yea, noise? Then I ll be brief. O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die (5.3. 169 170). This reveals that timing has just caused these two deaths. If Romeo would have known about the plan, if Friar would have arrived to the tomb earlier, or if Juliet would have awakened the two would still be alive. Two star crossed lovers committed suicide because of terrible timing of
  • 27. More Discourteous Than Savages Summary More Discourteous Than Savages : Civility in Contemporary Political Discourse Civility as a virtue is commonly invoked in contemporary political discussions, given modern political America s highly partisan interactions and the reemergence of battles for civil rights. However, many argue that civility, while an admirable virtue for the individual, is not easily applied on a larger scale and should not be considered to be a civic virtue. Civilityas a civic virtue may hinder our chances of genuine and productive political interactions and serve as an impediment to honest communication. If civility is considered to lie on a sliding scale seen as an aim for political correctness on the right and the goal of silencing dissent on the left what... Show more content on ... The Black Lives Matter movement has been renowned for being a shamelessly disruptive movement and for good reasons. While America was most certainly built through the labors of black bodies, it somehow still needs to be said that yes, black lives do matter . In a 2015 article for the Huffington Post, Kelly Wickham sarcastically states that if the Black Lives Matter movement would just be convenient and not disruptive, we wouldn t be in this turmoil (Wickham). However, she brings up a very valid point. The entire article addresses points in history in which civil speech has gotten black lives no where and while there is certainly a time and a place in which to moderate the way in which you speak to others, it s very easy to see why the Black Lives Matter activists feel as though they don t have to ask nicely for anything that is guaranteed to other Americans (Wickham). Unfortunately, this has had the effect of making many people outside of the movement view the Black Lives Matter movement as aggressive and inappropriate. President Obama, in a town hall meeting in London on April 23, said that those involved in the movement can t just keep on yelling at [elected officials] if they want to see change occur that would act in their favor
  • 28. Black Friday The Metaphorical God Of Consumerism Black Friday, the metaphorical god of consumerism. The time of year when practically all things purchasable in stores are dramatically reduced in price. Some people, such as journalist Mark Walsh, hate this day of the year, equating it to a black hole that sucked everything into its terrifying abyss, where all substance is torn to shreds and obliterated . And while there may be some merit to this stance, Black Fridayis not an evil day. Black Friday provides many good things and does not exclusively exsist for excessive material gain. While drastically reduced prices act as a very effective lure to people looking to get something good for less expense, it also provides an opportunity for families or individuals who are poorer than most
  • 29. Akron Police Department Case Summary CW went to 1261 Everton Dr, Apt 9 Akron, OH 44307 because they were called out by Akron Police Department (APD) for allegations of abuse towards 2 children. CW Jonathon Henry and CW Sonya Cole pulled up to the apartment complex and observed that there were over 15 people sitting outside. Both CW could tell that this was the correct address because there were 3 police cars that were sitting outside. As the CW s were walking towards the apartment complex an APD officer asked if the two workers were from CSB. CW Cold responded that they were. The officer then told CW s that there were not 2 children, however, there was 3. The officer stated that there was one child in the bedroom sleeping that they did not know was in the home. CW s were also told by the officer that Mr. Brian Burrell (AP) was in the home and that he was very agitated. The officer told the CW that they had called him down, however, suspected that he would get upset after entering the home. The officer also said that he already knew that the kids were in the custody of CSB and that he would most likely not be happy that the two CW s were at the home. The officer the led both the CW upstairs to apartment 9.... Show more content on ... There was dirty dishes in the sink, clothes around the home, and dirt on the floor and on the walls of the apartment. Present for the home visit was Whitney Conley, Brian Burrell Sr.(AP), Cheri Mook (AP), Brian Burrell Jr. (ACV), Jae Von Mook (ACV), Selena Burrell(ACV), CW Jonathon Henry, CW Sonya Cole, and 3 APD officers. CW Cole told Mr. Burrell that she was from Summit County Children Services the agency mandated by law to investigate abuse, neglect, and dependency. CW Cold then told him that there are allegations that the children were being physically abused. CW Cold told
  • 30. Jimi Hendrix Major Accomplishments Imagine being up onstage and playing the Star Spangled Banner but it s your version, but not knowing that with your version of this very famous song you would help revolutionize the world of music forever. Well that s exactly what a young man from Seattle did in the sixties. The man who did this went be the name of Hendrix, Jimi Hendrix. This man was a singer/songwriter and an extraordinary guitarist. Jimi Hendrix had an amazing legacy, and for many reasons, like when he was little he had an enormous passion for music, this started when he was about five years old. A lot of famous people loved him for his music and for how much energy he showed when he would perform. For example, Woodstock 1969. That event followed how astonishing he was with the guitar. First, let s talk about Jimi s early life. For example he was born on 1942 in Seattle Washington. He s original name was Johnny Allen Hendrix, but it was later changed to James Marshall by his father at the age of three. Also he was a huge fan of the blues since a very young age. As ... Show more content on ... For example, just after three months of Jimi Hendrix Experience they released a song by the name of Hey Joe and it was a massive hit for the British people, because it hit number four in the British charts. Another reason is that many artists like The Rolling Stones, Eric Clappton, The Beatles and The Who loved how he put so much energy to his performances and they loved the passion in his music. Third reason is that he met up with Char Chandler and moved to London to make a band with a bassist by the name of Noel Redding and drummer Mitch Mitchell their first album was a hit in London that they decided to move and show their music to America. In America his band had also become a success. Many great people loved and admired his ability to perform. I think that many people had so much respect for his talent with
  • 31. The Gothic Elements in the Picture of Dorian Gray Abstract In an attempt to find out the purposes of the gothic elements in The Picture of Dorian Gray, this essay takes a close look at the three most prevailing gothic elements in the novel: the portrait, decadence, and the gothic villain by first exploring their presence and development throughout, and then examining their contributions to the characters, the plot development and the themes. First of all, the unique properties and symbolic meanings of the portrait in this novel are discussed. The purpose of the portrait is then analyzed in terms of its effect on Dorian Gray. Then, the theme of decadence is identified in the personality of the protagonist. Its purpose is then investigated by comparing and analyzing the opinions of the... Show more content on ... , was clearly reflected in his portrait. Under Lord Henry s influence, Dorian s change in his mental state and moral values was dramatic. He learned to appreciate decadent art, to conform to the philosophy of to cure the soul by means of senses by going to opium dens and eventually to completely submit to sin by murdering Basil Hallward. Although Dorian s decay was hard to observe because his beauty remained intact and thus created an innocent image of him, the portrait recorded his inner change by altering his appearances, as we observe for the first time in the novel the touch of cruelty round the warped lips in the painting after the death of Sybil Vane. The painting provided Dorian a double life, as remarked in Into the Demon Universe: A Literary Exploration of Oscar Wilde: The picture of his soul was locked safely away in a dark room while the innocent face he presented to respectable society was only a mask. Indeed, the portrait became the spokesperson of Dorian s true personality by altering his appearances according to his corruption of the mind. A more convincing evidence of the portrait being a reflection of Dorian s moral decadence lies moments before the death of Dorian. At the night of his death, Dorian attempted to convince himself that he had indeed changed and had started committing
  • 32. The Emigration Of The United States There are many reasons as to why people from other countries decide to make a journey to America. Some immigrants flee to the united states in an attempt to escape persecution, find economic prosperity, and to seek a new life that is filled with opportunities that would have been virtually impossible in their homeland. Others are escaping oppressive regimes or natural disasters that have ravaged their country. America s reputation for being the land of opportunity filled with endless land just waiting to be claimed, plentiful jobs, and tolerance for all peoples has made the country a beacon for the huddled masses . Throughout America s history immigrants have poured in from nations all over the world, but the most memorable waves of... Show more content on ... These Irish immigrants faced a two month trip to America, where conditions on the ship were harsh, food was scarce, and death and illness were plenty. Once the Irish immigrants arrived in America, they were taken to Ellis Island for processing before they could begin their new lives in the United States. American life turned out to be not as ideal as the Irish immigrants expected. Irish Immigrants had to face a great deal of discrimination in their new homes. One reason for the harsh treatment of the Irish was religion. Many Protestants and other Americans felt distrustful of the the catholic religion; therefore the Irish were not to be trusted. Due to the clash of the Protestants and the Irish Catholics, much violence ensued which resulted in the attack of Irish Immigrants and their places of worship. Another issue that caused the ill treatment of the Irish was the fact that Americans considered the Irish to be a servant class . Having come to the United States with little to no money, no land, and very few skills, many of the Irish had to become indentured servants. Those who had jobs that didn t require servitude where jobs that required hard labor and barely anybody wanted, and the Irish were paid way below the average salary. In 1852, New York railroad contractors posted listings of hire which promised good pay, and when mostly Irish applied they lowered the average salary to around fifty cents a day for ten hour
  • 33. Charles Mingus Essay Eddie K. Jazz 219 Charles Mingus Charles Mingus is a very important and influential name in jazz; however he is left out by many historians when talking about the history of jazz. The main reason he is left out by so many historians, Mark Gridley in particular, is because of his attitude and ego. He is clearly not the most pleasant person, and he surely does not display how a real jazz musician should act, at least according to most historians. The way he acts during performances can be quite startling at first, if you are not familiar with his ways and methods of playing. For example, he was known for using profanity during performances, either geared at the audience if they were being too loud or the sound operators if the ... Show more content on ... Another chapter I would also include him in would be Chapter 5, How Swing Differs from Early Jazz . I would include Mingus in this chapter as well because it talks so much of his most influential Jazz artist, and at one point fellow band mate, Duke Ellington. I feel like Mingus truly does have enough variance in his music to help point out and draw the fine line between early jazz and the newer swing jazz. The main differences between these two categories of jazz are that in early jazz, you were a lot less likely to have the big band feel to the music, and soloist played a more important role in early jazz, whereas in the swing era, you were introduced to more of a variety of instruments as well as new techniques on how to play them. Mingus puts out good examples and songs/performances that clearly display how things transitioned from early Jazz to swing, and then onto other evolutions of jazz as well. After learning and hearing many of Charles Mingus s music, I definitely feel it is unfair for any historian to leave him out of an in depth jazz history book. I hope jazz book writers to come take note of Mingus s accomplishments, and start to include him in the history books right up there with Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, and Louis Armstrong. It is only fair to him and his fellow band mates, however, only time will
  • 34. A Recent Study On Nursing Shortage Trend A recent study has shown that the nursing shortage trend might continue over the next two decades. This shortage also reflects key changes in population demographics, career expectations, work attitudes, and worker dissatisfaction. Whereas the growth in nurses as part of the workforce has been slow, there has been a subsequent increase in the demand of RN s. This fundamental imbalance points out a key factor i.e. the unwillingness of young adults to join the workforce as nurses. Today s difficulties are further complicated by other changes in hospitalcare, such as new medical technologies, lack of training and education, the ACAs Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) and a declining average length of stay, that have led to... Show more content on ... Yet, inadequate staffing can hinder nurses efforts to carry out these processes of care. The estimated effect that nurse staffing had on the likelihood that a hospital was penalized under the HRRP is 25 percent higher in hospitals with low nurse staffing as compared to similar hospitals with higher staffing (McHugh, M. D., Berez, J., Small, D. S. (2013). Investment in nursing is a potential system level intervention to reduce readmissions that policy makers and hospital administrators should consider in the new regulatory environment as they examine the quality of care delivered to US hospital patients. Furthermore, there have been many quantitative, correlational research studies that have examined the relationships between nurse staffing, job satisfaction, and nurse retention in hospital environment that suggest that when nurses are exposed to inadequate staffing levels, they leave their positions to perform non direct duties that can be administered by a lower level staff nurse. In addition, evidence has shown link to RN education and training to better patient outcomes; which indirectly decreases cost, medical errors by providing training and improving nurse staffing. Opposing Argument Introduction As is with any policy there are going to be cons that should also be highlighted before making a final decision. Similarly, increasing patient to nurse ratio s will also come with its sets of problems and it would be imprudent to not look into
  • 35. The Ethics of Internet Filtering in China Essay The Ethics of Internet Filtering in China The internet boom that began in the mid 1990s was popular because of the enormous possibility of endless free flowing information. It was built upon the engineering principle of end to end neutrality, an engineering rule of thumb calling for smarts at edge of the network rather than in the middle 1 said Jonathan Zittrain, an associate professor at Harvard. However, web filtering by governments such as China has put an end to the idea of complete freedom on the Internet. For those who are familiar with the authoritarian one party political system in China, one would hardly be surprised by the Chinese government s move to censor the internet. Since the inception of the internet, the ... Show more content on ... Although China is not the only government that filters its website, countries such as Saudi Arabia also block web sites as well. However, unlike the Saudi government which were upfront and honest with its people by explicitly stating on users browser with explanation of why the web site were blocked (and even gives users an option to petition for certain web site to be unblocked), the Chinese government simply in secret renders the blocked site as not found so one cannot know for sure if a site were intentionally blocked or were simply out of order. It is estimated that China employs around 30,000 people to monitor and block web sites it deems inappropriate. Additionally, Amnesty Internationals have revealed that China currently has 33 people called prisoners of conscience who have been detained for using the Internet to circulate or download information the government deemed inappropriate. Of the more than 1 billion people, there are estimated to be a total of 45 to 50 million internet users in China. One can only imagine how quickly the prison count and possible future execution count will increase in the near future as the number of people going on line continues to grow rapidly and as the government escalates in severity its crackdown tactics on the people.5 Introduction Based upon the aforementioned acts of government intervention of
  • 36. Listening Skills Worksheet I used personal discipline to accomplish learning the assigned methods, techniques, and songs. I was able to control myself to separate social time and working time by setting my mindset with daily goals. When I get to class, the first thing I do is take out my self reflection sheet. The worksheet helps me keep organized with the goals I achieved and certain areas where I need to improve or get feedback from others about my musicskills in playing. To begin with, I tend to work with a partner who is playing the same instrument as me so that we can catch each other s mistakes and redo, re practice, and ask people around us about their opinion on our playing. Depending on the feedback I get, I experiment with different playing techniques. Such
  • 37. Shylock s Tragedy And Its Toll On Romantic Comedy Shylock s Tragedy and its Toll on Romantic Comedy The inclusion of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare adds a complexity not typically found in romantic comedy. Shakespeare could have made Shylock s role a light mockery of anti Semitism, or something to that effect, but instead he chose to create a tragedy at the center of romance and comedy. This makes for a play, which does not fit neatly into an assigned genre. Shylocks language in this passage, reveals several things, not only about the play, but also the other characters. Through Shylock, the hypocrisy of the Christians is revealed. Shylock flips this romantic comedy on its head, and turns it into something more significant. Pauses and repetitions give... Show more content on ... This can be seen in both the content and structure of Shylock s lines. Intentional pauses indicate Shakespeare s intention for an emotional reading of Shylock. Pauses and repetition in this particular moment in the play suggest Shylock is at a loss for words, and caught up in his grief: The curse / never fell upon our nation until now I never felt it / till now (3.1.78 80). Jessica s choice to join her father s persecutors is cruel. He pauses after this statement, perhaps because Jessica s betrayal is the worst type of betrayal against her heritage, and against him. She causes Shylock, who has always had a hard exterior in spite of oppression and abuse, to feel the pain of his persecution. This realization deserves pause, not only for Shylock, but also the audience. For Jessica to leave her father, in this particular way, brings the mistreatment and pain of an entire nation to Shylock. Because his motivations seem somewhat convoluted at times, by greed and revenge, these moments of intentional pause allow the audience time to realize the magnitude of Shylock s sorrow, and perhaps his true motivation. The repetition in his language, demonstrates a shift in tone, from concise angry Shylock, to repetitive sad Shylock. Repetition is used throughout the play for various dramatic effects. For example, in act three, scene three Antonio
  • 38. Positioning and Differentation Positioning and Differentiation Paper For Referencing Only Do Not Copy Positioning and Differentiation Paper The positioning and differentiation strategies of two nearby hospitals, St. Francis Hospital located in Roslyn, New York and the Schneider Children s Hospital in New Hyde Park, New York will be discussed in this article. These two institutions are located in Long Island, New York and are approximately 5.2 miles apart from each other, servicing the nearby counties of Queens, Nassau and Suffolk. These renowned facilities are recognized for their specialty services throughout New York as well as the United States. The intent of this article is to examine the positioning and differentiation marketing strategies of these ... Show more content on ... Special services are provided for Lyme disease, the deaf, food allergies, immunology, human genetics, cardiac surgery, emergency and trauma. The facility proclaims to be a destination hospital for children across the United States and around the world (Schneider Children s Hospital, n.d., para. 1). SCH is the only hospital located on Long Island dedicated to the care of children. It has prided itself on being named one of America s best children s hospitals for two years in a row by the U.S. News and World Report (Best Children s Hospitals: General Pediatrics, 2009). These rankings are based on good community standing, patient outcomes and care related issues as patient volume, nursing care, advanced technology and recognition by outside organizations. The hospital has several consultation centers throughout Long Island and New York Cityto offer specialized healthcare to children right in their own community. The Centers provide specialized services for a broad range of medical conditions such as heart disease, neurological disorders, cancer, Lyme disease, growth deficiencies, and other childhood illnesses. The main marketing strategy to attract it target audience is through a community newsletter, its participation in community events and sponsorships, a pediatric mobile unit for the uninsured, television, radio and newspaper advertisements. The institution asserts that it provides the only pediatric emergency
  • 39. The Eucharist The Eucharist (Otherwise known as the Holy Communion or the Blessed Sacrament) is a Catholic sacrament considered to be the apex of Christianity. While some Catholics and different branches of the English Church believe that this bread and wine are transformed into the literal blood and body of Christ, others believe that it is a simple expression of faith. It is considered to be the very essence of love that binds us to the savior; and it is this teaching of love that inspires the Catholic view on social justice. Social justice spreads love to all humankind, via fighting for equality and respect for all man. The Eucharistis the symbolism of this love, and it is the concept that inspires the catholic doctrine of the social mission.... Show more content on ... (Engerberton, 2003, p. 156) In order to understand the power of the Eucharist in Social Justice, basic points of the Catholic doctrine on this subject must also be understood. If Christian precepts prevail, the respective classes will not only be united in bonds of friendship, but also those of brotherly love. (Leo XIII, Rerum Morarun, 25) According to Leo XIII and his letter Rerum Morarun , social justice should be working towards uniting the classes, in not only friendship and equality, but also in brotherly love. This love and equality is mentioned again in Catholic social justice doctrine, by Pope Benedict in his encyclical letter Caritas in Virtitate . He states that charity is at the heart of the Church s social doctrine (Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate, 2). In speaking of charity, denoted by love for fellow man, the Pope is creating (or restating) the hypostasis of social justice. Pope John XIII authored an encyclical letter, Pacen in Terris, speaking of this love for fellow man, as stated in the following quote Human society, as we picture it, demands that men are guided by justice [...] It demands, too, that they be animated by such love [...] (John XIII, Pacen in Terris, 35) He talks of being guided by Christ s justice, but also of being animated by love . This is referring to the love received when partaking in the Eucharist. As the love of the
  • 40. Wang Lung s Filial Dishonesty In The Good Earth The Good Earth is set in pre revolutionary rural China when women are inferior and elders are most important. Those who treat their daughters as equals and do not practice filial piety are considered outcasts. This is also a time when a man s life revolves around the Earth. Food is grown from the Earth and clothes are sewn from crops because nothing is made in a factory. Religion is based on Gods watching over the land. People also believe that the Gods will curse a bad man and reward a good one. If a man works the land diligently, remains honest, and practices good morals, he may be rewarded with wealth, health, and tranquility. Some people, however, do not work hard and live corrupt lives. As a result, they never experience either wealth,... Show more content on ... Wang Lung s uncle is very lazy and vicious. He is an unsuccessful farmer due to his idleness. Sometimes he sells his crops when they are still in the ground because reaping the harvests strip too much effort from the idle fool. Since he does not make much money from his harvests, he blames it on bad luck and depends on Lung for money. Since society operates in filial piety, Wang Lung has to give his uncle the money. Lung s uncle also participates in gang violence and cannibalism. He is not rewarded by the Gods. He did, however, have wealth and power by living in the House of Hwang with Wang Lung but only because Lung has to obey him. Lung s uncle never finds tranquility. He is never content with what he has. He is always striving for more in vicious and idle ways which cause his unfulfilling life. Wang Lung s cousin is also idle and vicious. He never learns to work and is very lusty. When he lives with Wang Lung s family, he introduces Lung s eldest son to prostitutes. He also flirts with his relatives and practices incest. He is not rewarded by the Gods because he is so vicious. Instead, he never lives a fulfilling life. When he grows up he abandons his wife and unborn
  • 41. How Did Lesseps Quit The Panama Canal Known as one of the greatest engineering feats in all of history, the Panama Canal is an essential asset for international trade and travel today, uniting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans across the Central American Isthmus in Panama, Colombia. Its construction required the perseverance, innovation, time and money of at first, France and of second, America. Construction began with Frenchman, Ferdinand de Lesseps at the helm of the project in the early 1880 s; however, dreams of a Central American canal were had as early as the 1500 s with the Spanish and Christopher Columbus. His plan was to dig a sea level canal, similar to a successful one he had made previously. But after nearly 8 years of futile labor, and lack of progress, Lesseps ... Show more content on ... The very river that kept destroying the labor and engineering of the workers, along with causing the mudslides that buried them. After, spending about $287 million and 20,000 worker s lives, while making little progress in 8 years, it was no wonder why Lesseps quit the canal, in December 1888. However, the reason why so many workers had died was confounding to the French. Why had disease struck so profoundly? Thanks to Walter Reed, the answer was discovered. Walter Reed was an American Physician whose contributions to medical science were astounding. He is the youngest man to ever have earned a MD at University of Virginia at age 19. It was he who led the research team in discovering the cause of Yellow Fever. His research was risky though, experiments had to be done on human volunteers. In that, he had to deliberately infect humans to test the strain of disease. Speculative, as it may have been his research produced results in the end. He and his team were able to conclude that the Yellow Fever was not spread through the people infected with it, but by disease carrying mosquitoes. His discovery not only allowed the United Sates to resume construction of the Panama Canal, it also gave start to new fields in medical science such as: epidemiology and biomedicine. In appreciation of his work, he
  • 42. Essay about Gladiator Gladiator Directed by Ridley Scott, Gladiator is an epic tale of honor, love, loyalty and power. If you could only see two movies a year make Gladiator one of them. It is full of action, adventure, drama, deceit and love. Russell Crowe plays the Roman General, Maximus, who heads the Roman Army in their conquers of Europe and Africa under the emperor Marcus Aurelius. Maximus has served Rome for two years, 264 days and this morning, and is anxiously awaiting his release by the emperor so that he may go home and be with his dearly missed wife and son. But Maximus is more than a general to Aurelius, he is the son he should of had and the needed successor to the emperor. Aurelius has known that his true son, the... Show more content on ... Only Maximus can give Rome back it s freedom and let the Senate rule. When Aurelius reveals his announcement to the anxious Commodus, he suffocates his father to gain what he thinks is rightfully his, the power of emperor. Commodus is a weak, young man. He is so frightened of Maximus that he orders the execution of Maximus and his family. Maximus is able to escape execution but could not save his family in time. The most heart wrenching scene of the movie is Maximus finding his wife and (more) child brutalized, burned and hanging on the family front porch. Maximus weeps for his family but also for his own death. The thought of seeing his family is the only thing that has kept him alive.You can feel the love he feels for them. Crowe makes you believe the pain and heartache that Maximus is feeling. You ache for his loss and want revenge against Commodus. Maximus becomes enslaved in a foreign land and is forced to fight for his life as a gladiator. Maximus fame as a gladiator grew within Rome as his skill at combat became apparent. Commodus fears that Maximus will turn the Roman people against him and return rule of Rome to the Senate. Maximus is a hero for the people and Commodus is a snake.This movie is believable. The acting by Crowe and Phoenix makes you believe the stories and the use of digital imagery recreates ancient Rome down to the last intricate detail. Even if you go just for the special effects you won t be disappointed.
  • 43. How To Write An Essay On L. A Candy How do you cope when in just a few short months you go from being regular everyday eighteen year old girls to being reality tv stars? L.A candy by Lauren Conrad is about two girls named Jane and Scarlett. They move from their small town in Santa Barbara to Los Angeles. One night well blowing off some steam at a club they meet a producer named Travis. Travis offers them a chance of a lifetime by offering to recruit them for his new reality show, but if they say yes will they still be the same people? In this journal I will be questioning,evaluating and visualizing. My first question is how Jane and Scarlett live together? Because Jane is so quiet and shy and Scarlett is outgoing, funny and convivial. Maybe because they balance eachother out. Like Jane s so quiet and Scarlet is so sociable. Therefore they just balance. Also why does Jane go out with Jesse when it s obvious she want Braedon? My first guess is because Jesse is a movie star and who doesn t want a movie star boyfriend. Or maybe because she mentioned to Gabby when Gabby asked if she met someone I met one guy, but I think he has a girlfriend (Conrad 121). It also could be that she want to show Braedon what s he s missing by dating Braedon s best friend. Last but not least at the end Jane goes with Gabby to Mexico what will happen when she comes... Show more content on ... I feel that way because Jane is so childish. Especially dating Jesse when she knows that Braedon is his best friend. I also really like Madison but really dislike Gabby. I like Madison because she s gets along with everyone and is very friendly. All Gabby does is harass Madison and try to sabotage Scarlett and Jane. I liked how the show was about the girls everyday normal lives. I hated how Travis made they do stuff they didn t want to. For example when Scarlett showed Gabby and Madison around U.S.C and Travis said Can your be nice to M an G (Conrad 280). I felt that Scarlett is an adult she can do what she
  • 44. Ancient Wonders Ancient Wonders Have you ever wondered about the Wonders of the Ancient World? How they became Wonders? Who built them and where are they now? Although most have come and gone with, either through battles or nature, they still amaze many scholars. The Statue of Zeus, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Light House of Alexandria, and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon have kept the minds of many filled with imagination and wonder of what the ancient world was like. The Statue of Zeus was is truly an amazing sculpture and was arguably the most famous statue of its day. This statue was dedicated to none other than Zeus, considered to be the most important of the Greek gods (Ancient Origins, 2017). The Statue of Zeus was housed in the Temple of Zeus constructed by the Greek Architect Libon. While Libon constructed the Temple some else was commissioned to create the Statue of Zeus, a sculptor named Phidias in 430 B.C. (Jordan, 2014). He was considered to be the most famous sculptor in ancient Greece. When travelers would come to see this statue they would say, If a man, with a heavy heart from grief and sorrow in life, will stand in front of the statue, he will forget all these. and Whereas we just wonder at the other six wonders, we kneel in front of this one in reverence, because the execution of the skill is as incredible as the image of Zeus is holy... (, 2017). It is no wonder why it was considered a wonder if it had the reverence to shake a person and grant relief to
  • 45. Film And American Culture Essay The relationship between film and the American culture is one, which is highly complicated and dynamic. Movie director in Hollywood are constantly influenced by world events to create movies, which entertain, and at times shed light on certain events. Film is also an integral part of our culture because it provides a medium, which can reflect our public s concerns, attitudes, and beliefs. This report will briefly discuss the interplay between filmand the American culture, which is represented in said film. During the late 1940 s and into the 1950 s, film reflected the conservatism, which dominated the sociopolitical arenas of the time. America was at war with the axis powers in Germany, Italy and Japan. War films during this era depicted a we versus them attitude. These films simply involved an antagonist and a hero. Until the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, American films generally reflected, the neutral, isolationist stance that prevailed in politics and culture (, 2012) Films like Casablanca which was directed by Michael Curtiz, painted an image of ill effects of fascism. It also illustrated the values of heroes ... Show more content on ... Baby boomers were expanding our country and businesses were flourishing. The 1960 s presented a reactionary youth culture, which was against the dominant institutions in America. The civil rights movement was in full effect and many of the films of this era displayed the antiestablishment views of times. In Mike Nichol s 1967 film The Graduate, Dustin Hoffman entered into a romantic affair with the wife of his father s business partner. Many young viewers during this era believed the film perceived the social codes established by elders of the past generation. Keeping with rebellious attitude of America, films like Bonne and Clyde s violence provided examples of film directors testing the limits of permissible on screen material. This generation ushered in the MPAA rating
  • 46. Beveridge Report Pros And Cons 1. What were the key recommendations of the Beveridge report? The key recommendations of the Beveridge report were to banish poverty from Britain with the introduction of a welfare state which was to be introduced once the war had ended. The report aimed to tackle such key parasites of society such as Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness The core of the report aimed for a kind of revolution in British society, absconding with all factors that harm its population and subsequently its progress. The report recommended that future ideals and proposals should not be hindered by exclusive interests and that social security was only achievable with co operation between State and individual . Additionally, this new state could not be stifled... Show more content on ... Subsequently, income tax on many top earners in the country had been raised to 83%. 4. What were the pros and cons of Labours policy of nationalisation of industry On the one hand, the benefits of Labour s policy of nationalisation of industry included such factors as allowing industries to follow social policies in comparisons to strictly profitable investments such as public transportation, additionally these newly gained profits could be utilized in supporting other state programs and services. Moreover, there allowed a greater sense of equality instead of simply rich business owners claiming industries, they were now symbolically owned by the public yet controlled by State. It also allowed the achieving of lower production costs and prices could be set bellow the standard which private firms would not permit. On the other hand cons of nationalisation include the fact that nationalisation often comes into being due to private property being seized by domestic or foreign owners without compensation for their
  • 47. John Steinbeck s Accomplishments On Thursday, February 27th, 1902, John Steinbeck in Salinas, California, and was born following his two older sisters, Esther and Beth, to the parents of former educator Olive Hamilton and Sperry Flour Mill supervisor, John Ernst Steinbeck. Steinbeck s childhood was similar to any others, as his adolescent years were carefree and relaxed. By the age of four, in the vast land of Salinas, Steinbeck was given a pony, later becoming the inspiration of his famous, well acclaimed novel, The Red Pony. Later on his ninth birthday, his aunt, Molly, gifted him a copy of Le Morte d Arthur written by Thomas Malory, which began his start of being a voracious reader. Steinbeck loved words, and reading old fashioned words like the ones Malory used pleased... Show more content on ... By 1933, the novel, To a God Unknown was successfully published. During the 1930 s, the Great Depression occurred leaving millions of Americans jobless, and Steinbeck wrote three books, In Dubious Battle, Of Mice and Men, and The Grapes of Wrath, all about California s labor issues, which he brought to life, especially in The Grapes of Wrath. In The Grapes of Wrath, he used his journalistic side to show behind the scenes of migrant labor camps. The Grapes of Wrath became one of Steinbeck s most controversial novels and well known as he persistently ignored publicity as he fell ill and his marriage began falling apart. Furthermore, the suspicions of The Grapes of Wrath led to questioning of communist teachings, and eventually made Steinbeck stick to writing about the media for war effort. With old friend, Ed Ricketts, in 1940, they sailed to the gulf of California influencing Sea of Cortez; even though, Henning accompanied Steinback, their marriage was already too late to fix and divorced in 1943. On May 11th, 1948, Steinbeck s long time friend, Ed Ricketts, was hit by a train, and devastatingly lost his life, which sadly was an addition to the divorce of his second wife, Gwyn, sending him into a depressed state until 1948. East of Eden was published in 1952 and dedicated to his two sons explaining his life in Salinas and grieving with the aftermath of the divorce with Gwyn. Finally, in 1964, Steinbeck was awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom, and by 1966, he began writing his last book about the American race. Sadly, his health began to stop cooperating, and he passed away on December 20th, 1968. Steinbeck was a loved, astonishing, fantastic writer that took risks other writers would not have the guts to, and if it was not for Mr. Ricketts, one of his wives, his sons, the landscape of Sanali, or anything else along the
  • 48. Genetic Counselor Personal Statement Throughout my college career, I have been fortunate to experience many opportunities to immerse myself in the field of genetic counseling through phone interviews, job shadows and internships with a variety of genetic counselors. As a sophomore still seeking to learn more about genetic counseling, I arranged a telephone interview with Patricia Arscott, a cardiovascular counselor from the University of Michigan. Patricia answered all of my questions involving the average job duties, responsibilities and aspects of being a genetic counselor and gave me advice about suggested college courses to take and resources for more information about the genetic counselingprofession. By the end of the phone call, the zeal with which Patricia described her career firmly cemented my belief that I wanted to become a genetic counselor and feel just as passionate about my career too.... Show more content on ... I discovered Sommer Hayden, a genetic counselor specializing in cancer genetics based out of the Midland branch of the Mid Michigan Health network. Sommer kindly allowed me to shadow her for an afternoon, where she explained to me the preparation undertaken prior to an appointment with a patient. I observed Sommer with a patient as well as she counseled them for testing of HBOC. I can still remember how I hung on Sommer s every word, amazed at how she was using her knowledge of science and genetics to educate and counsel the patient in a way that they could easily understand. At the close of our day, Sommer mentioned that she would be in need of an intern in the summer months and suggested that I apply for the
  • 49. shc 31 1.2 Essay Sch 31: Promote communication in health, social care or children s and young people s settings. 1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting. Communication plays a massive part once building a relationship in the work setting. By regularly keeping effective communication between practioners, parents/careers and children makes a positive working environment. The relationships are mostly based on the type of communication between one another, communication is not just by verbally but also the body language we show, facial expressions and our gestures. Communication with children and young people is very important. When a child is new to the setting you would want them to feel comfortable and safe in your ... Show more content on ... Not only do you talk to them but also the child will response, or even approach you first to communicate; either for a general conversation or to ask a question. All children are different, either it is by the way they re brought up, their culture, have different beliefs, and in the way they communicate for example; English is an additional language. If you had a child in the nursery who had English as a second language, and knew few words, verbally communicating with this child wouldn t be the first thing you would do. There are loads of different ways to do this for example; using picture cars with words, not only will this technique help communicate but also help build the childs English vocabulary. Another being demonstrating, for example; in an activity, lets say gluing and sticking, show the child what to do by demonstrating the activity for them to then copy your actions. Communication is very important, not only with the child/ young person but also their parents/ careers. Parents and careers need to be kept updated with everything that happens with their child/children and information that they need to know about the nursery itself. The stronger the relationship between the practioners and the parent/ career the stronger the trust the parents/ careers have with their child/ children in your care. Information should be shared on a day to day basis between the practioner and the parent/ career abpout everything that happens in the nursery.
  • 50. Comparing Plato and Aristotle Essay Comparing Plato and Socrates Plato was among the most important and creative thinkers of the ancient world. He was born in Athens in 428 BC to an aristocratic and well off family. Even as a young child Plato was familiar with political life because his father, Ariston was the last king of Athens. Ariston died when Platowas a young boy. However, the excessive Athenian political life, which was under the oligarchical rule of the Thirty Tyrants and the restored democracy, seem to have forced him to give up any ambitions of political life. In 388 BC he journeyed to Italy and Sicily, where he became the friend of Dionysius the ruler of Syracuse, and his brother in law Dion. The following year he returned to Athens, where he devoted his ... Show more content on ... Socrates proves that justice brings unity to any group of people, because it allows them to trust and rely on one another. The discussion of justice is continued in the beginning of Book II. Glaucon enters the conversation and he divides all things into three categories: 1) Those that are pleasurable for themselves and their results, 2) Those that bring good results, but with difficulty, and 3) Those that bring no results, but are pleasurable. Glacon then asks Socrates which category justice falls within. He replies by placing it in the first category. I myself put it among the finest goods, as something to be valued by anyone who is going to be blessed with happiness, both because of itself and what it comes from (Republic, Book II 358a). Glaucon claims that the general view of justice lies in the second category, the mean between two extremes. Glaucon defends his argument by using the example of the Ring of Gyes, a magical ring that turns its wearer invisible. He continues to argue that if humans were given the opportunity to be unjust without getting caught or without suffering any punishment or loss of good reputation, they would naturally choose a life of injustice, in order to maximize their own interests. Now the issue at hand is to prove whether it is more beneficial to lead a just or unjust life. In an attempt to provide a satisfactory definition of justice, Socrates tries to make an analogy between the
  • 51. Communication Is Essential For Good Communication This assignment focuses on: communication, its definition, further explores its meaning to nursing and how communication develops. Communication is essential in everyday life and it is vital in conducting any aspect of business. It is an operation that involves a few stages, whereby actions and words are conveyed in a way that makes it easier for the listening person to understand and make sense of all that is being said (Rayudu, C.S 2010). While communication, whereby a person communicated via noises and stares to send messages has been an existing activity for over two million years (Rayudu, C. S 2010), it remains a complex phenomenon. It is always essential for good communication to be conducted effectively in health settings, as poor communication may lead to conflicts between nurses and patients, inadvertently leading to poor delivery of care in cases such as, the inquiry into failings at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (Francis, 2013, Department of Health, 2013, Hawthorn, Maureen 2015). In nursing, communication forms one of the 6Cs (Care, Compassion, Competence, Communication, Courage and Commitment) core competences integral in the execution of the profession (Royal College of Nursing 2015). The need for effective communication has been highlighted by high profile cases where unfortunately innocent young and old lives have been lost for example; failings at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation and the Baby Peter s case. (Community care 2009, Francis Report
  • 52. Boeing B-29 Research Papers The Boeing B 29 Superfortress, a 4 engine propeller driven heavy bomber designed by Boeing, flown by the US during WWII and the Korean War. 3,970 of these planes were built, at a costly $639,188 each. A 99ft long, 28ft tall, 141ft wide super plane decorated with four wright r 3350 23 duplex cyclone supercharged radial engines at 2200hp each, was a plane of it s time. A high altitude strategic bomber, also carrying out low altitude night incendiary bombing missions, the plane known for also performing the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The B 29 was one of the largest planes to see service during World War II. A very advanced bomber for this time period, it included features such as a pressurized cabin, an electronic fire control... Show more content on ... The B 29 served in various roles throughout the 1950s. The Royal Air Force flew the B 29 as the Washington until retiring the type in 1954. The Soviet Union produced an unlicensed reverse engineered copy as the Tupolev Tu 4. The B 29 was the progenitor of a series of Boeing built bombers, transports, tankers, reconnaissance aircraft and trainers including the B 50 Superfortress (the first aircraft to fly around the world non stop) which was essentially a re engined B 29. The type was retired in the early 1960s. Dozens of B 29s remain as static displays, but only two examples, Fifi and Doc, have been restored to flying status, with Doc flying again for the first time from McConnell AFB on July 17,
  • 53. Civil Liberties vs National Security Name: Supervisor: Subject: Date: In U.S., the bill of rights protects civil liberties. People in the United States, hold civil rights, which are those privileges, immunities and rights held by all Americans and political rights, which are the rights that are restricted to those who are entitled to participate in elections, as candidates or voters. The distinction is important since not all are eligible to vote though they all should enjoy their freedoms. This may no longer be feasible as majority of the civil rights are taken to include the political rghts in this age. National security can be defined as a country s need to maintain its survival by use of military, political and economic power for diplomacy. Civil liberty are freedoms... Show more content on ... The F.B.I, has significant legal powers, excellent resources, and a jurisdiction that has overseas coverage. They have in recent years penetrated and prosecuted many organized criminal gangs, uncovered public corruption and successfully caught up with terror attacks. Still the same F.B.I has curtailed the basic freedoms of association, speech e.t.c The bureau while protecting their national security freedoms has infringed the human rights by disrupting and neutralizing peaceful protests. It has more so focused its resources on neutralizing and curbing political activity other than investigate criminal activities. The force, does not have accountability to the the public while incriminates on the basis of association instead of relying hard facts and evidence to get hold of the real criminals. The adoption of legislation such as the Anti terrorism Act (1996), is a good indicator of past injustices and the unrestricted investigations by the bureau based on political agendas. The Act s deliberate criminalization of peaceful activity gave the F.B.I. leverage to involve itself in the religious, ethnic and political grouping involving themselves in peaceful and humanitarian work. Afterwards, it grew to encourage politically motivated investigations. The deportation and exclusion of immigrants on the basis of guilt