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Properly Formatted Formal Report
Report distributed March 15, 2019
Your Name
Prepared for
Audience’s Name
Audience’s Title
Executive Summary
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Suspendisse posuere urna sed ultricies consectetur. Aenean
tempus venenatis lorem, quis pulvinar elit posuere a. Morbi
volutpat dui in quam ultrices porttitor. Fusce porta lorem
facilisis, vulputate elit non, egestas magna. Vivamus scelerisque
scelerisque sem ut gravida. Sed feugiat commodo dui id
tincidunt. Vivamus pellentesque massa velit, sit amet tincidunt
justo aliquet ut. Nullam egestas nulla ut sapien mattis blandit
eget nec turpis. Integer placerat dolor magna, ac imperdiet
augue tincidunt vestibulum. Phasellus tempus, est vitae cursus
dapibus, libero arcu molestie leo, commodo iaculis velit lorem
eu sem. Donec interdum nibh in enim ultricies molestie.
Aenean imperdiet imperdiet scelerisque. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
himenaeos. Donec ullamcorper eleifend consequat. Cras
interdum ipsum diam, et volutpat urna malesuada quis. Nullam
suscipit ipsum leo, eget elementum ex gravida nec.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Phasellus ipsum enim, hendrerit in tincidunt in, sagittis ut lacus.
Vivamus sed elit sit amet justo feugiat sagittis. In bibendum
enim diam, sed eleifend ligula tempor id. Quisque molestie
euismod nisl, sit amet auctor neque posuere eget. Mauris lectus
urna, lacinia at nisl ac, commodo auctor magna (Author, Year).
Cras euismod aliquet augue vitae sodales. Vestibulum ante
ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia
Curae; Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per
conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Nulla convallis ipsum a massa faucibus, ut dictum ante ultrices.
Sed et suscipit ligula. Nunc urna mi, dictum eget dolor ut,
ornare vehicula velit.Ut eget mattis sem. Donec vitae est nunc.
Vivamus ante nisl, auctor sed cursus eu, ultrices congue turpis.
Quisque nec commodo nulla. Integer viverra dolor lacus, vel
pellentesque magna posuere in. Ut rhoncus vitae leo rhoncus
convallis (Author, Year). Fusce at turpis id neque blandit
vulputate. Curabitur iaculis tristique massa. Sed sodales id mi
ac ullamcorper. Etiam congue efficitur felis quis aliquam. Nulla
facilisi. Vestibulum libero est, pulvinar in velit vel, luctus
tristique tortor (Author, Year)..
Nam vitae sodales ligula, dapibus mollis mauris. Morbi id urna
ac sem rutrum consequat eget luctus libero. Vivamus aliquet
venenatis elit vel bibendum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad
litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Suspendisse vulputate id magna ut tempus. Nulla nec eros diam.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Maecenas mollis diam at lacus faucibus consequat. Cras
tincidunt dui in mattis consectetur. Quisque consectetur orci in
eros commodo condimentum. In sagittis lacus quis nisi
condimentum pulvinar.
Maecenas eget imperdiet orci, vitae aliquam ligula. Quisque
iaculis libero in ultricies tempus. Nam ultricies id nisi eu
· Strengths: Etiam et nunc blandit, bibendum enim bibendum,
lacinia velit.
· Weaknesses: Nullam laoreet, metus a consequat dapibus, tortor
nunc vulputate ligula, nec volutpat nibh purus quis quam.
· Opportunities: Donec est velit, pretium et gravida et, sodales
sed turpis.
· Threats: Proin ullamcorper, mi in cursus ornare, quam sapien
egestas turpis, id congue leo velit a magna.
Mauris pellentesque vehicula tortor at efficitur. Cras
ullamcorper faucibus nunc, id consectetur massa convallis vitae.
Nulla sit amet tortor pretium, vestibulum urna in, accumsan
nisl. Aenean consectetur vehicula ipsum, a ullamcorper sem
dapibus vitae. Aliquam ac nunc lorem. Aenean eu quam vitae
sem molestie varius. Mauris vestibulum lobortis augue ac
consequat. Nam lacinia egestas felis, auctor cursus nisi auctor
Proin dapibus vitae tellus eu scelerisque. Donec rhoncus
maximus dictum. In sodales lacus tristique, ultricies orci et,
volutpat sem. Nulla non felis non justo blandit vulputate sed sit
amet lacus. Suspendisse id diam ornare, aliquet risus vel,
porttitor leo. Phasellus dapibus tristique tempus. Maecenas est
urna, rhoncus in lacus aliquam, posuere vulputate justo.
Curabitur eleifend iaculis dictum.
Case Analysis
Chipotle’s E-Coli Outbreak
Suspendisse nec est in lorem laoreet maximus. Cras lobortis
euismod scelerisque. Nunc sollicitudin porttitor quam a
condimentum. Proin et tincidunt neque. Duis vel pulvinar mi.
Aliquam vitae gravida massa (Author, Year). Nam ullamcorper
maximus ipsum, in viverra turpis cursus ac. In blandit nisi vel
tortor vulputate, non suscipit nisl facilisis. Ut eu scelerisque
leo. Etiam viverra nisl et orci laoreet, vitae imperdiet metus
fringilla (Author, Year). Donec ut congue leo, sit amet sodales
Phasellus rhoncus, justo ut euismod dictum, nulla lorem
maximus odio, nec iaculis lectus massa at arcu. Sed finibus
accumsan pellentesque (Author, Year). Nunc ultricies, urna nec
tempor rutrum, orci diam pretium risus, sed ornare odio libero
sed augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean eget purus porta,
auctor neque in, finibus leo (Author, Year). Aliquam facilisis
elit sit amet egestas hendrerit. Curabitur accumsan id risus id
congue. Duis ornare mollis massa eu blandit. Nullam malesuada
nibh vel ligula aliquam, eget vehicula justo tristique.
Quisque neque sem, suscipit sed tristique vitae, tincidunt quis
magna (Author, Year). Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis
dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean hendrerit
orci sit amet vestibulum fermentum (Author, Year).
Pellentesque quis pretium felis. Mauris id gravida mi, vitae
faucibus magna. Aliquam risus lorem, luctus vel tempor non,
porta vel eros. Nunc fermentum elementum dictum. Aliquam sit
amet felis sed felis finibus suscipit. Nunc pulvinar tincidunt
arcu, nec vehicula ante volutpat aliquet. Maecenas vel lectus
lacus. Fusce suscipit ligula ac massa porta viverra (Author,
Year). Nulla sodales accumsan augue eu luctus. Nunc ac ante
sodales, fermentum purus quis, eleifend neque. Aliquam quis
libero lacinia tellus volutpat blandit. Proin molestie aliquam
nisi vitae sagittis.
Capri Sun’s Mold
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit (Author,
Year). In non risus sit amet lectus dignissim porta. Nulla sed
risus aliquet est semper imperdiet a in purus. Sed eget mattis
mi, at ultrices arcu. Duis sed elementum dui. Donec nec ornare
sapien. Suspendisse ut dignissim nulla. Praesent faucibus
vulputate eros ac fermentum. Vivamus id nibh nunc. Vestibulum
ac dolor nec risus interdum viverra et et mi (Author, Year).
Nulla tempor tortor neque, dignissim sodales nunc condimentum
hendrerit. Suspendisse eu massa viverra, finibus leo et, pulvinar
odio. Vivamus eleifend tincidunt turpis non congue. Morbi
dignissim dolor eget urna feugiat aliquam eget a risus. Donec
interdum ipsum vitae arcu consectetur, a convallis odio porttitor
(Author, Year). Morbi pharetra orci ligula, eget blandit magna
aliquet et. Donec nec lacus blandit metus dapibus ultricies. Ut
posuere auctor iaculis. Suspendisse dapibus rutrum orci, eu
tincidunt ante. Vestibulum eget diam risus. Duis et volutpat
urna. Sed sed euismod eros. Cras aliquet congue quam id
Capri Sun Mold Prevalence by Year
Source: (Author, Year).
Phasellus porta auctor lacinia. Nam dictum egestas massa in
venenatis. Morbi molestie nisl ornare orci tincidunt egestas.
Cras at viverra sapien. Duis vitae facilisis eros, ut pellentesque
odio. Proin sed dolor venenatis, tristique mi nec, pretium nulla.
Cras eu cursus mi, et euismod metus. Fusce varius magna ante,
quis sodales mauris dapibus sit amet.
Blue Bell’s Listeria Outbreak
Maecenas a gravida velit. Curabitur sed purus vitae turpis
hendrerit consectetur ac et lacus. Ut interdum erat non lorem
semper egestas. Suspendisse sed nisi tortor. Aenean consequat
sagittis felis sit amet varius (Author, Year). Vivamus
sollicitudin venenatis turpis, in scelerisque nisi porta non.
Integer eu bibendum purus. In auctor accumsan dui ut laoreet
(Author, Year).
Quisque aliquet quis libero at elementum (Author, Year).
Donec purus tortor, faucibus eget eros id, aliquam bibendum
arcu. Nam eu pharetra ligula. Ut placerat sollicitudin lobortis.
Aenean nec dui lectus. Mauris non velit finibus, lobortis nisl eu,
eleifend ante (Author, Year). Curabitur et feugiat nisl, at
sodales libero. Proin eu nibh vel augue posuere scelerisque sed
nec mauris. In risus eros, eleifend a convallis id, volutpat non
magna. Praesent maximus molestie nisl, nec rutrum quam
congue nec (Author, Year). Cras a imperdiet purus, in feugiat
quam. Morbi feugiat sem erat, quis ornare odio sodales eu.
Praesent et imperdiet risus. Nam eget dolor iaculis, sodales erat
quis, vehicula urna. Nullam posuere felis quis augue porttitor
feugiat. Vivamus luctus faucibus lacus a condimentum (Author,
Etiam ornare odio nec dolor lacinia pulvinar. Proin vitae lorem
gravida, dignissim ipsum at, mattis dolor. Mauris gravida
finibus arcu ac vulputate. Nulla ut quam eu nibh sollicitudin
tincidunt et in massa (Author, Year). Quisque bibendum sem ac
risus sollicitudin, eu euismod justo fermentum. Curabitur
commodo ex nec nisl lobortis pulvinar. Curabitur viverra sapien
sit amet nisl fermentum, ac rutrum augue interdum. Vivamus
eget lacus vitae urna placerat bibendum. Nam in lacus in lectus
pretium dapibus id eu massa. Vestibulum suscipit iaculis mi, vel
aliquam orci interdum vitae (Author, Year). Maecenas sed purus
metus. Sed tincidunt sollicitudin sem nec dictum.
Vestibulum ultricies orci risus, at pulvinar leo dictum nec. In
pretium orci vitae porta convallis. Phasellus ut finibus ex.
Nullam bibendum ornare leo. Sed ac laoreet massa. Curabitur
finibus enim eget dui viverra aliquam vitae nec est. Aenean nec
ligula eget erat elementum porta. In ut auctor mauris, eget
efficitur mauris. Fusce a pretium turpis. In sed imperdiet augue.
Donec felis mauris, aliquet faucibus vehicula maximus, rhoncus
in turpis. Integer tempor nisl nisi, quis aliquet mauris accumsan
id. Curabitur interdum massa lectus, at fermentum enim
ullamcorper quis.
Quisque accumsan, lectus ut tincidunt bibendum, nisi augue
eleifend dolor, molestie vehicula tellus orci eu leo. Fusce quam
purus, commodo eget leo efficitur, vehicula imperdiet magna.
Ut pretium sit amet lectus a egestas. Morbi a orci dolor.
Maecenas quis nisi luctus, blandit tortor vitae, semper felis. Ut
sollicitudin, ipsum eu pellentesque mattis, risus nulla bibendum
sapien, ac cursus urna orci et urna. Nam vel massa in urna
suscipit scelerisque sit amet et quam. Pellentesque lacinia eu ex
ut mattis. Nulla pretium mi at est interdum auctor. Nulla
facilisi. Nam pretium neque non interdum rutrum. Sed ornare ex
eu vehicula mollis. Cras suscipit vel ex vel accumsan. Sed
eleifend euismod viverra. Mauris sit amet suscipit leo.
Curabitur venenatis cursus pulvinar. In hac habitasse platea
dictumst. Fusce venenatis mattis lectus non dignissim.
Pellentesque eget leo orci. Donec id lacinia odio, at egestas
felis. Maecenas eget ante ligula. Aliquam posuere eros nec
hendrerit mollis.
· Phasellus pretium lorem nec est molestie condimentum. Sed
pharetra arcu dignissim risus ullamcorper, a aliquet risus
convallis. Nam imperdiet, nunc venenatis aliquet lobortis, libero
risus pharetra turpis, quis aliquam ipsum quam id urna. Nunc
libero ipsum, interdum ut leo sit amet, dignissim convallis
· Morbi faucibus euismod semper. Maecenas feugiat purus sed
diam mattis, quis auctor elit tincidunt. Suspendisse finibus
metus placerat est tempus facilisis. Duis nec libero in justo
luctus lobortis eu eget justo. Curabitur elementum consequat
facilisis. Morbi ornare nec justo a posuere. Suspendisse
sollicitudin sagittis nulla eu condimentum.
· Integer sollicitudin vitae neque eget volutpat. Donec eu justo
molestie, luctus justo quis, placerat justo. Mauris ullamcorper
dignissim libero non tristique. Donec rhoncus varius risus et
facilisis. Sed vitae volutpat nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi
tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Etiam massa justo, dictum et sapien at, mattis ornare diam.
Vestibulum pellentesque mauris in enim convallis pellentesque.
Phasellus sed diam ac nunc viverra aliquam. Morbi et ornare ex,
et lacinia lectus. Nullam non velit imperdiet, accumsan quam a,
gravida mauris. Duis et nibh id augue faucibus iaculis sit amet
eu ligula. Mauris nec turpis nunc.
Vivamus vel est rutrum dolor semper pulvinar. Etiam eu risus a
lacus cursus varius sed at sapien. Suspendisse in sem nibh.
Phasellus sit amet nisl metus.
Donec imperdiet a metus eget vehicula. Fusce at odio arcu. In
auctor eleifend rhoncus. Sed tincidunt dolor quis tellus
elementum volutpat. Proin varius nunc cursus ultrices cursus.
Nullam metus libero, porttitor et ex nec, hendrerit molestie nisi.
Etiam tincidunt ultrices ligula a malesuada.
Duis risus arcu, scelerisque eu fermentum sed, vulputate et
metus. Donec sed magna vitae lectus interdum bibendum vel in
ante. Fusce aliquet aliquet risus sed posuere.
Etiam vel magna quis elit varius faucibus at eget elit. Cras
elementum, nisl at mattis posuere, lorem risus feugiat lorem, vel
facilisis eros orci sed dolor. Praesent arcu tellus, tincidunt a
ligula ut, lobortis facilisis mauris.
Ut sollicitudin mauris risus, eu auctor nunc lobortis et. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce facilisis
iaculis odio vel luctus.
Aenean sodales, odio vitae varius condimentum, ante lorem
cursus nunc, quis tincidunt elit ligula eget ipsum. Vivamus
iaculis, elit ut euismod gravida, enim urna pellentesque leo, vel
laoreet ante sem et magna.
Nunc aliquam accumsan mauris eu placerat. Fusce dui purus,
mattis at mattis eget, tempor nec quam. Mauris nec mauris vitae
odio faucibus facilisis at in libero.
CSC 102: Application Development for Beginners
Project 1
Learning Objectives:
structures to solve basic problems.
Log in to your account. Using PlayLab, create a game
project that has the following
specifications. You must name the file with your first and last
name and your ID:
Project1_yourname_ID, for example
The game includes two levels.
In level 1:
a) Give a title to the game and show it on the screen once the
game starts along with the
level number.
b) Create a main actor as knight or Princess (actor 1), a target
actor (actor 2), and three
scary actors (actors 3-5).
c) Choose a background for this level.
d) Change the size of all actors to 0.5.
e) actor 2 should start from the lower right corner, whereas the
main actor (actor 1) should
start from the upper left corner. The scary actors should start
from the middle of the
f) The scary actors (actors 3-5) should move repeatedly in
random directions each with
different number of pixels.
g) You (the user) should be able to move actor 1 in the four
directions using the arrow keys.
h) The game should include a score.
i) When the main actor touches the target actor, the score
should increase by 1, and the
target actor should disappear for 5 seconds then it should appear
again on a random
j) When the main actor touches any of the scary actors (actors
3-5), the score should be
deducted by one point, and the main actor should return back to
the upper left corner.
k) If the score goes below zero, the game is over and “You
lose” message should be
displayed on the middle of the screen and all actors should stop
l) If the score reaches 10, the game is over and “You win”
message should be displayed on
the middle of the screen and all actors should stop moving.
m) If the score becomes 5, the game should switch to another
level (make it as a function).
Level 2 on next page
In Level 2:
This level has the exact same specifications of level I with the
following differences:
a) Show the title of the game on the screen once the new level
starts along with the level
b) A new background is displayed.
c) The score starts from the same value scored at the end of
level I.
d) Introduce a new scary actor (actor 6) that moves in a random
direction with a certain
number of pixels, and a size of 0.5.
e) The same rules (of old scary actors) applies on the new scary
actor whenever it touches
the main actor (actor 1).
General Instructions:
ue date and time. Late
submission will be penalized by 25%
deduction for each day.
screenshots showing all code
and your name on Make sure to name the file with
your name and ID. Also
write your name and ID inside the Word file.
graded as ZERO!
Company Profile
Colin Patton,
Carter Deardorf,
Brendan Schroepfer,
Yizhou Wang,
Zoë Devilbiss
A ride-sharing platform focused on customer satisfaction and
environmental sustainability. We plan to save the future, one
mile at a time.
CEO, President, and Vice President of e-GO
History and Background
Leo put forward the idea of Green Travel.
Elon Musk became CEO of e-GO, Tesla collaborated with e-GO.
e-GO invited Michelle Obama to be VP. The app was put into
effect at the beginning of June.
e-GO Company Name e-GOMailing Address313 Rodeo Dr,
Los Angeles, CA, 90212NAICS Industry Code51121Phone
Number213-860-1321LocationLos Angeles, CA
“We plan to save the future, one mile at a time.”
What is e-Go?
An eco-friendly ride sharing alternative
A technology platform that will get you to your desired location
with the tap of a button
Download the e-GO app on your Apple or Android device to
hire a private driver to come pick you up
Industry Information
Main Activity:
Providing customers with safe and environmentally friendly
Players in the industry:
Uber, Lyft, Taxi Companies
Industry Finances:
Revenue = $273.6 billion
Profit = $84.8 billion
Wages = $111.9 billion
Porter's Five Forces
1. Buyer Power
2. Supplier Power
3. New Entrants
4. Threat of Substitutes
5. Degree of Rivalry
Our space in the Industry
We provide an environmentally sustainable alternative to taxi
cabs and other ride-sharing platforms.
Our goal is to package and provide this alternative platform in
the most intuitive and streamlined way possible.
Who needs e-GO?
We are aiming for a progressive audience who want to make a
change in the world.
An app that provides a personal driver to come pick you up at
your convenience. Drivers will be behind the wheel of an
electricity/hydrogen-fuel based vehicle.
In the future, the mode of "online ride-hailing" + "charging
pile" may gradually replace the existing mode of "taxi" + "gas
Why invest in e-Go?
Growth Strategy
Future Projects
Marketline. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2019, from
IBISWorld, Inc. (n.d.). Industry Market Research, Reports, and
Statistics. Retrieved June 12, 2019, from
Report distributed March 16, 2017
Your Name
Prepared for
Audience’s Name
Audience’s Title, if they have one
The first paragraph of your transmittal memo will state what
you’re sending, and what that document contains.
The second paragraph will state what you hope this document
helps your audience accomplish, and will offer support.
ENCLOSURE: (name of the report)
Report distributed March 16, 2017
Your Name
Prepared for
Audience’s Name
Audience’s Title, if they have one
Executive Summary
An executive summary will summarize everything contained in
your formal report. This includes your cases and your
conclusion and recommendations. You can’t write this part of
your paper until you know exactly what your report says, and
you won’t know what you’re report says until it’s written. So
wait to write this until you’ve finished the report.
An executive summary is never longer than 1/10th the size of
the report it precedes. So keep this executive summary to less
than half a page. You don’t give details here, just a general
The introduction of any paper is where you tell the audience of
your paper what you’re going to tell them in the body.
Important things to include here:
· Why this is relevant
· Why this particular problem should be stopped
· How a problem like this could impact a company within your
audience’s industry
· What companies you’re analyzing
· Your purpose statement
Case Analysis (Body)
· Case 1
· Background of the company and what happened
· How the company responded
· The overall outcome
· Case 2
· Background of the company and what happened
· How the company responded
· The overall outcome
· Case 3
· Background of the company and what happened
· How the company responded
· The overall outcome
Here you’re going to wrap up what you found in the case
analysis portion of the report. I recommend that you:
· State which companies successfully handled this problem
· State which companies DID NOT successfully handle this
· List the overall takeaways from your analysis
Here’s where you’ll list your recommendations to your
audience. This should definitely be in a bulleted list, and they
need to be relatively specific. (You won’t be able to tell your
audience how to implement the recommendations since you’re
not a company insider. But you can state what should be done.)
6Properly Formatted Formal ReportTHE TITLE OF YOUR REP.docx

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  • 2. Prepared for Audience’s Name Audience’s Title Executive Summary Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse posuere urna sed ultricies consectetur. Aenean tempus venenatis lorem, quis pulvinar elit posuere a. Morbi volutpat dui in quam ultrices porttitor. Fusce porta lorem facilisis, vulputate elit non, egestas magna. Vivamus scelerisque scelerisque sem ut gravida. Sed feugiat commodo dui id tincidunt. Vivamus pellentesque massa velit, sit amet tincidunt justo aliquet ut. Nullam egestas nulla ut sapien mattis blandit eget nec turpis. Integer placerat dolor magna, ac imperdiet augue tincidunt vestibulum. Phasellus tempus, est vitae cursus dapibus, libero arcu molestie leo, commodo iaculis velit lorem eu sem. Donec interdum nibh in enim ultricies molestie. Aenean imperdiet imperdiet scelerisque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos
  • 3. himenaeos. Donec ullamcorper eleifend consequat. Cras interdum ipsum diam, et volutpat urna malesuada quis. Nullam suscipit ipsum leo, eget elementum ex gravida nec.
  • 4. Introduction Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ipsum enim, hendrerit in tincidunt in, sagittis ut lacus. Vivamus sed elit sit amet justo feugiat sagittis. In bibendum enim diam, sed eleifend ligula tempor id. Quisque molestie euismod nisl, sit amet auctor neque posuere eget. Mauris lectus urna, lacinia at nisl ac, commodo auctor magna (Author, Year). Cras euismod aliquet augue vitae sodales. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla convallis ipsum a massa faucibus, ut dictum ante ultrices. Sed et suscipit ligula. Nunc urna mi, dictum eget dolor ut, ornare vehicula velit.Ut eget mattis sem. Donec vitae est nunc. Vivamus ante nisl, auctor sed cursus eu, ultrices congue turpis. Quisque nec commodo nulla. Integer viverra dolor lacus, vel pellentesque magna posuere in. Ut rhoncus vitae leo rhoncus convallis (Author, Year). Fusce at turpis id neque blandit vulputate. Curabitur iaculis tristique massa. Sed sodales id mi ac ullamcorper. Etiam congue efficitur felis quis aliquam. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum libero est, pulvinar in velit vel, luctus tristique tortor (Author, Year).. Nam vitae sodales ligula, dapibus mollis mauris. Morbi id urna ac sem rutrum consequat eget luctus libero. Vivamus aliquet venenatis elit vel bibendum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Purpose Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vulputate id magna ut tempus. Nulla nec eros diam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mollis diam at lacus faucibus consequat. Cras tincidunt dui in mattis consectetur. Quisque consectetur orci in
  • 5. eros commodo condimentum. In sagittis lacus quis nisi condimentum pulvinar. Maecenas eget imperdiet orci, vitae aliquam ligula. Quisque iaculis libero in ultricies tempus. Nam ultricies id nisi eu vehicula. · Strengths: Etiam et nunc blandit, bibendum enim bibendum, lacinia velit. · Weaknesses: Nullam laoreet, metus a consequat dapibus, tortor nunc vulputate ligula, nec volutpat nibh purus quis quam. · Opportunities: Donec est velit, pretium et gravida et, sodales sed turpis. · Threats: Proin ullamcorper, mi in cursus ornare, quam sapien egestas turpis, id congue leo velit a magna. Mauris pellentesque vehicula tortor at efficitur. Cras ullamcorper faucibus nunc, id consectetur massa convallis vitae. Nulla sit amet tortor pretium, vestibulum urna in, accumsan nisl. Aenean consectetur vehicula ipsum, a ullamcorper sem dapibus vitae. Aliquam ac nunc lorem. Aenean eu quam vitae sem molestie varius. Mauris vestibulum lobortis augue ac consequat. Nam lacinia egestas felis, auctor cursus nisi auctor dapibus. Proin dapibus vitae tellus eu scelerisque. Donec rhoncus maximus dictum. In sodales lacus tristique, ultricies orci et, volutpat sem. Nulla non felis non justo blandit vulputate sed sit amet lacus. Suspendisse id diam ornare, aliquet risus vel, porttitor leo. Phasellus dapibus tristique tempus. Maecenas est urna, rhoncus in lacus aliquam, posuere vulputate justo. Curabitur eleifend iaculis dictum. Case Analysis Chipotle’s E-Coli Outbreak Suspendisse nec est in lorem laoreet maximus. Cras lobortis
  • 6. euismod scelerisque. Nunc sollicitudin porttitor quam a condimentum. Proin et tincidunt neque. Duis vel pulvinar mi. Aliquam vitae gravida massa (Author, Year). Nam ullamcorper maximus ipsum, in viverra turpis cursus ac. In blandit nisi vel tortor vulputate, non suscipit nisl facilisis. Ut eu scelerisque leo. Etiam viverra nisl et orci laoreet, vitae imperdiet metus fringilla (Author, Year). Donec ut congue leo, sit amet sodales sapien. Phasellus rhoncus, justo ut euismod dictum, nulla lorem maximus odio, nec iaculis lectus massa at arcu. Sed finibus accumsan pellentesque (Author, Year). Nunc ultricies, urna nec tempor rutrum, orci diam pretium risus, sed ornare odio libero sed augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean eget purus porta, auctor neque in, finibus leo (Author, Year). Aliquam facilisis elit sit amet egestas hendrerit. Curabitur accumsan id risus id congue. Duis ornare mollis massa eu blandit. Nullam malesuada nibh vel ligula aliquam, eget vehicula justo tristique. Quisque neque sem, suscipit sed tristique vitae, tincidunt quis magna (Author, Year). Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean hendrerit orci sit amet vestibulum fermentum (Author, Year). Pellentesque quis pretium felis. Mauris id gravida mi, vitae faucibus magna. Aliquam risus lorem, luctus vel tempor non, porta vel eros. Nunc fermentum elementum dictum. Aliquam sit amet felis sed felis finibus suscipit. Nunc pulvinar tincidunt arcu, nec vehicula ante volutpat aliquet. Maecenas vel lectus lacus. Fusce suscipit ligula ac massa porta viverra (Author, Year). Nulla sodales accumsan augue eu luctus. Nunc ac ante sodales, fermentum purus quis, eleifend neque. Aliquam quis libero lacinia tellus volutpat blandit. Proin molestie aliquam nisi vitae sagittis. Capri Sun’s Mold Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit (Author,
  • 7. Year). In non risus sit amet lectus dignissim porta. Nulla sed risus aliquet est semper imperdiet a in purus. Sed eget mattis mi, at ultrices arcu. Duis sed elementum dui. Donec nec ornare sapien. Suspendisse ut dignissim nulla. Praesent faucibus vulputate eros ac fermentum. Vivamus id nibh nunc. Vestibulum ac dolor nec risus interdum viverra et et mi (Author, Year). Nulla tempor tortor neque, dignissim sodales nunc condimentum hendrerit. Suspendisse eu massa viverra, finibus leo et, pulvinar odio. Vivamus eleifend tincidunt turpis non congue. Morbi dignissim dolor eget urna feugiat aliquam eget a risus. Donec interdum ipsum vitae arcu consectetur, a convallis odio porttitor (Author, Year). Morbi pharetra orci ligula, eget blandit magna aliquet et. Donec nec lacus blandit metus dapibus ultricies. Ut posuere auctor iaculis. Suspendisse dapibus rutrum orci, eu tincidunt ante. Vestibulum eget diam risus. Duis et volutpat urna. Sed sed euismod eros. Cras aliquet congue quam id iaculis. Capri Sun Mold Prevalence by Year Source: (Author, Year). Phasellus porta auctor lacinia. Nam dictum egestas massa in venenatis. Morbi molestie nisl ornare orci tincidunt egestas. Cras at viverra sapien. Duis vitae facilisis eros, ut pellentesque odio. Proin sed dolor venenatis, tristique mi nec, pretium nulla. Cras eu cursus mi, et euismod metus. Fusce varius magna ante, quis sodales mauris dapibus sit amet. Blue Bell’s Listeria Outbreak
  • 8. Maecenas a gravida velit. Curabitur sed purus vitae turpis hendrerit consectetur ac et lacus. Ut interdum erat non lorem semper egestas. Suspendisse sed nisi tortor. Aenean consequat sagittis felis sit amet varius (Author, Year). Vivamus sollicitudin venenatis turpis, in scelerisque nisi porta non. Integer eu bibendum purus. In auctor accumsan dui ut laoreet (Author, Year). Quisque aliquet quis libero at elementum (Author, Year). Donec purus tortor, faucibus eget eros id, aliquam bibendum arcu. Nam eu pharetra ligula. Ut placerat sollicitudin lobortis. Aenean nec dui lectus. Mauris non velit finibus, lobortis nisl eu, eleifend ante (Author, Year). Curabitur et feugiat nisl, at sodales libero. Proin eu nibh vel augue posuere scelerisque sed nec mauris. In risus eros, eleifend a convallis id, volutpat non magna. Praesent maximus molestie nisl, nec rutrum quam congue nec (Author, Year). Cras a imperdiet purus, in feugiat quam. Morbi feugiat sem erat, quis ornare odio sodales eu. Praesent et imperdiet risus. Nam eget dolor iaculis, sodales erat quis, vehicula urna. Nullam posuere felis quis augue porttitor feugiat. Vivamus luctus faucibus lacus a condimentum (Author, Year). Etiam ornare odio nec dolor lacinia pulvinar. Proin vitae lorem gravida, dignissim ipsum at, mattis dolor. Mauris gravida finibus arcu ac vulputate. Nulla ut quam eu nibh sollicitudin tincidunt et in massa (Author, Year). Quisque bibendum sem ac risus sollicitudin, eu euismod justo fermentum. Curabitur commodo ex nec nisl lobortis pulvinar. Curabitur viverra sapien sit amet nisl fermentum, ac rutrum augue interdum. Vivamus eget lacus vitae urna placerat bibendum. Nam in lacus in lectus pretium dapibus id eu massa. Vestibulum suscipit iaculis mi, vel aliquam orci interdum vitae (Author, Year). Maecenas sed purus metus. Sed tincidunt sollicitudin sem nec dictum. Conclusion
  • 9. Vestibulum ultricies orci risus, at pulvinar leo dictum nec. In pretium orci vitae porta convallis. Phasellus ut finibus ex. Nullam bibendum ornare leo. Sed ac laoreet massa. Curabitur finibus enim eget dui viverra aliquam vitae nec est. Aenean nec ligula eget erat elementum porta. In ut auctor mauris, eget efficitur mauris. Fusce a pretium turpis. In sed imperdiet augue. Donec felis mauris, aliquet faucibus vehicula maximus, rhoncus in turpis. Integer tempor nisl nisi, quis aliquet mauris accumsan id. Curabitur interdum massa lectus, at fermentum enim ullamcorper quis. Quisque accumsan, lectus ut tincidunt bibendum, nisi augue eleifend dolor, molestie vehicula tellus orci eu leo. Fusce quam purus, commodo eget leo efficitur, vehicula imperdiet magna. Ut pretium sit amet lectus a egestas. Morbi a orci dolor. Maecenas quis nisi luctus, blandit tortor vitae, semper felis. Ut sollicitudin, ipsum eu pellentesque mattis, risus nulla bibendum sapien, ac cursus urna orci et urna. Nam vel massa in urna suscipit scelerisque sit amet et quam. Pellentesque lacinia eu ex ut mattis. Nulla pretium mi at est interdum auctor. Nulla facilisi. Nam pretium neque non interdum rutrum. Sed ornare ex eu vehicula mollis. Cras suscipit vel ex vel accumsan. Sed eleifend euismod viverra. Mauris sit amet suscipit leo. Recommendations Curabitur venenatis cursus pulvinar. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce venenatis mattis lectus non dignissim. Pellentesque eget leo orci. Donec id lacinia odio, at egestas felis. Maecenas eget ante ligula. Aliquam posuere eros nec hendrerit mollis. · Phasellus pretium lorem nec est molestie condimentum. Sed pharetra arcu dignissim risus ullamcorper, a aliquet risus convallis. Nam imperdiet, nunc venenatis aliquet lobortis, libero risus pharetra turpis, quis aliquam ipsum quam id urna. Nunc libero ipsum, interdum ut leo sit amet, dignissim convallis augue.
  • 10. · Morbi faucibus euismod semper. Maecenas feugiat purus sed diam mattis, quis auctor elit tincidunt. Suspendisse finibus metus placerat est tempus facilisis. Duis nec libero in justo luctus lobortis eu eget justo. Curabitur elementum consequat facilisis. Morbi ornare nec justo a posuere. Suspendisse sollicitudin sagittis nulla eu condimentum. · Integer sollicitudin vitae neque eget volutpat. Donec eu justo molestie, luctus justo quis, placerat justo. Mauris ullamcorper dignissim libero non tristique. Donec rhoncus varius risus et facilisis. Sed vitae volutpat nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam massa justo, dictum et sapien at, mattis ornare diam. Vestibulum pellentesque mauris in enim convallis pellentesque. Phasellus sed diam ac nunc viverra aliquam. Morbi et ornare ex, et lacinia lectus. Nullam non velit imperdiet, accumsan quam a, gravida mauris. Duis et nibh id augue faucibus iaculis sit amet eu ligula. Mauris nec turpis nunc. References Vivamus vel est rutrum dolor semper pulvinar. Etiam eu risus a lacus cursus varius sed at sapien. Suspendisse in sem nibh. Phasellus sit amet nisl metus. Donec imperdiet a metus eget vehicula. Fusce at odio arcu. In auctor eleifend rhoncus. Sed tincidunt dolor quis tellus elementum volutpat. Proin varius nunc cursus ultrices cursus.
  • 11. Nullam metus libero, porttitor et ex nec, hendrerit molestie nisi. Etiam tincidunt ultrices ligula a malesuada. Duis risus arcu, scelerisque eu fermentum sed, vulputate et metus. Donec sed magna vitae lectus interdum bibendum vel in ante. Fusce aliquet aliquet risus sed posuere. Etiam vel magna quis elit varius faucibus at eget elit. Cras elementum, nisl at mattis posuere, lorem risus feugiat lorem, vel facilisis eros orci sed dolor. Praesent arcu tellus, tincidunt a ligula ut, lobortis facilisis mauris. Ut sollicitudin mauris risus, eu auctor nunc lobortis et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce facilisis iaculis odio vel luctus. Aenean sodales, odio vitae varius condimentum, ante lorem cursus nunc, quis tincidunt elit ligula eget ipsum. Vivamus iaculis, elit ut euismod gravida, enim urna pellentesque leo, vel laoreet ante sem et magna. Nunc aliquam accumsan mauris eu placerat. Fusce dui purus, mattis at mattis eget, tempor nec quam. Mauris nec mauris vitae odio faucibus facilisis at in libero. CSC 102: Application Development for Beginners Project 1 Learning Objectives: structures to solve basic problems.
  • 12. Log in to your account. Using PlayLab, create a game project that has the following specifications. You must name the file with your first and last name and your ID: Project1_yourname_ID, for example Project1_AhmadMitairi_12345. The game includes two levels. In level 1: a) Give a title to the game and show it on the screen once the game starts along with the level number. b) Create a main actor as knight or Princess (actor 1), a target actor (actor 2), and three scary actors (actors 3-5). c) Choose a background for this level. d) Change the size of all actors to 0.5. e) actor 2 should start from the lower right corner, whereas the main actor (actor 1) should start from the upper left corner. The scary actors should start from the middle of the
  • 13. screen. f) The scary actors (actors 3-5) should move repeatedly in random directions each with different number of pixels. g) You (the user) should be able to move actor 1 in the four directions using the arrow keys. h) The game should include a score. i) When the main actor touches the target actor, the score should increase by 1, and the target actor should disappear for 5 seconds then it should appear again on a random position. j) When the main actor touches any of the scary actors (actors 3-5), the score should be deducted by one point, and the main actor should return back to the upper left corner. k) If the score goes below zero, the game is over and “You lose” message should be displayed on the middle of the screen and all actors should stop moving. l) If the score reaches 10, the game is over and “You win” message should be displayed on
  • 14. the middle of the screen and all actors should stop moving. m) If the score becomes 5, the game should switch to another level (make it as a function). Level 2 on next page In Level 2: This level has the exact same specifications of level I with the following differences: a) Show the title of the game on the screen once the new level starts along with the level number. b) A new background is displayed. c) The score starts from the same value scored at the end of level I. d) Introduce a new scary actor (actor 6) that moves in a random direction with a certain number of pixels, and a size of 0.5. e) The same rules (of old scary actors) applies on the new scary actor whenever it touches the main actor (actor 1).
  • 15. General Instructions: ue date and time. Late submission will be penalized by 25% deduction for each day. screenshots showing all code and your name on Make sure to name the file with your name and ID. Also write your name and ID inside the Word file. graded as ZERO! Company Profile By Colin Patton, Carter Deardorf, Brendan Schroepfer, Yizhou Wang, Zoë Devilbiss e-GO A ride-sharing platform focused on customer satisfaction and
  • 16. environmental sustainability. We plan to save the future, one mile at a time. CEO, President, and Vice President of e-GO History and Background Leo put forward the idea of Green Travel. Elon Musk became CEO of e-GO, Tesla collaborated with e-GO. e-GO invited Michelle Obama to be VP. The app was put into effect at the beginning of June. 2017 2018 2019 e-GO Company Name e-GOMailing Address313 Rodeo Dr, Los Angeles, CA, 90212NAICS Industry Code51121Phone Number213-860-1321LocationLos Angeles, CA “We plan to save the future, one mile at a time.”
  • 17. What is e-Go? An eco-friendly ride sharing alternative A technology platform that will get you to your desired location with the tap of a button Download the e-GO app on your Apple or Android device to hire a private driver to come pick you up Industry Information Main Activity: Providing customers with safe and environmentally friendly transportation. Players in the industry: Uber, Lyft, Taxi Companies Industry Finances: Revenue = $273.6 billion Profit = $84.8 billion Wages = $111.9 billion Porter's Five Forces
  • 18. 1. Buyer Power 2. Supplier Power 3. New Entrants 4. Threat of Substitutes 5. Degree of Rivalry Our space in the Industry We provide an environmentally sustainable alternative to taxi cabs and other ride-sharing platforms. Our goal is to package and provide this alternative platform in the most intuitive and streamlined way possible. Who needs e-GO? We are aiming for a progressive audience who want to make a change in the world. An app that provides a personal driver to come pick you up at your convenience. Drivers will be behind the wheel of an
  • 19. electricity/hydrogen-fuel based vehicle. In the future, the mode of "online ride-hailing" + "charging pile" may gradually replace the existing mode of "taxi" + "gas station". Why invest in e-Go? Growth Strategy Future Projects Sources Marketline. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2019, from IBISWorld, Inc. (n.d.). Industry Market Research, Reports, and Statistics. Retrieved June 12, 2019, from THE TITLE OF YOUR REPORT GOES HERE IN ALL CAPS
  • 20. Report distributed March 16, 2017 by Your Name
  • 21. Prepared for Audience’s Name Audience’s Title, if they have one 1 FORMAL REPORT OUTLINE Memorandum To: From: Date: Subject: The first paragraph of your transmittal memo will state what you’re sending, and what that document contains. The second paragraph will state what you hope this document helps your audience accomplish, and will offer support. ENCLOSURE: (name of the report) THE TITLE OF YOUR REPORT GOES HERE IN ALL CAPS
  • 22. Report distributed March 16, 2017 by Your Name
  • 23. Prepared for Audience’s Name Audience’s Title, if they have one Executive Summary An executive summary will summarize everything contained in your formal report. This includes your cases and your conclusion and recommendations. You can’t write this part of your paper until you know exactly what your report says, and you won’t know what you’re report says until it’s written. So wait to write this until you’ve finished the report. An executive summary is never longer than 1/10th the size of the report it precedes. So keep this executive summary to less than half a page. You don’t give details here, just a general overview. Introduction The introduction of any paper is where you tell the audience of your paper what you’re going to tell them in the body. Important things to include here: · Why this is relevant · Why this particular problem should be stopped · How a problem like this could impact a company within your audience’s industry · What companies you’re analyzing · Your purpose statement
  • 24. Case Analysis (Body) · Case 1 · Background of the company and what happened · How the company responded · The overall outcome · Case 2 · Background of the company and what happened · How the company responded · The overall outcome · Case 3 · Background of the company and what happened · How the company responded · The overall outcome Conclusion Here you’re going to wrap up what you found in the case analysis portion of the report. I recommend that you: · State which companies successfully handled this problem · State which companies DID NOT successfully handle this problem · List the overall takeaways from your analysis Recommendations Here’s where you’ll list your recommendations to your audience. This should definitely be in a bulleted list, and they need to be relatively specific. (You won’t be able to tell your audience how to implement the recommendations since you’re not a company insider. But you can state what should be done.)