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Micro Economics
  Dr. Poonam Kain
  Apeejay Institute of Technology
  Greater Noida
Why to study economics
   To introduce key economic concepts like scarcity,
    rationality, equilibrium, time perspective and
    opportunity cost.
   To explain the basic difference between microeconomics
    and macroeconomics.
   To help the reader analyze how decisions are made about
    what, how and for whom to produce.
   To define managerial economics and demonstrate its
    importance in managerial decision making.
   How a society tries to solve the human problems of
    unlimited wants and scarce resources.
    Deals with the society as a whole and human
    behaviour in particular
   Studies   the    production,   distribution,   and
    consumption of goods and services.
   A science in its methodology, and art in its
   Scientific study of the choices made by
    individuals and societies with regard to the
    alternative uses of scarce resources employed
    to satisfy wants.
   Application of economic theory and the tools of analysis of decision
    science to examine how an organisation can achieve its objectives most
   Study of allocation of the limited resources available to a firm or other
    unit of management among the various possible activities of that unit
   Applies economic theory and methods to business and administrative
   Application of economic principles and methodologies to the decision-
    making process within the firm or organization
Fundamental Concepts of economics
   Ceteris Paribus
       Latin phrase
       “With other things (being) the same” or “all other things being
   Rationality
       Consumers maximize utility subject to given money income.
       Producers maximize profit subject to given resources or minimize
        cost subject to target return.
Fundamental Concepts of economics
   Positive and Normative
       Positive economics: “what is” in economic matters
           Establishes a cause and effect relationship between variables.
           Analyzes problems on the basis of facts.
       Normative economics: “what ought to be” in economic matters.
           Concerned with questions involving value judgments.
           Incorporates value judgments about what the economy should be like.
Fundamental Concepts of economics
   Short Run and Long Run
       Short run: Time period not enough for consumers and producers to
        adjust completely to any new situation.
            Some inputs are fixed and others are variable
       Long run: Time period long enough for consumers and producers to
        adjust to any new situation.
           All inputs are variable
           Decisions to adjust capacity, to introduce a larger plant or continue with
            the existing one, to change product lines.
Fundamental Concepts of economics
   Concept of scarcity
       Unlimited human wants
       Limited resources available to satisfy such wants
       Best possible use of resources to get:
           maximum satisfaction (from the point of view of consumers) or
           maximum output (from the point of view of producers or firms)
   Concept of opportunity cost
       Opportunity cost is the benefit forgone from the alternative that is not
       Highlights the capacity of one resource to satisfy multitude of wants
       Helps in making rational choices in all aspects of business, since
        resources are scarce and wants are unlimited
Fundamental Concepts of economics
   Concept of margin or increment
       Marginality: a unit increase in cost or revenue or utility.
           Marginal cost: change in Total Cost due to a unit change in output.
           Marginal revenue: change in Total Revenue due to a unit change in
           Marginal utility: change in Total Utility due to a unit change in
       Incremental: applied when the changes are in bulk, say 10% increase
        in sales.

 Economics studies the choices made by individuals and
societies in regard to the alternative uses of scarce resources
which are employed to satisfy unlimited wants.

 Microeconomics is the study of the behaviour of individual
economic units, such as an individual consumer, a seller, a
producer, a firm, or a product.

  Macroeconomics deals with the study of aggregates, the
economy as a whole.
•   Production Possibilities Curve (PPC) is a graph that shows the
    different combinations of the quantities of two goods that can
    be produced (or consumed) in an economy, subject to the
    limited availability of resources.
•   The knowledge of managerial economics helps to understand
    the interrelationships among the various functional units of
    any firm (namely production, marketing, HR, finance, IT and
•   Decision sciences provide the tools and techniques of analysis
    used in managerial economics, in particular numerical and
    algebraic analysis, optimization, statistical estimation and
Consumer Choice
   Given the prices of different commodities, consumers decide
    on the quantities of these commodities according to their
    paying capacity, and tastes and preferences.
   Consumers’ choices, tastes and preferences rests on the
    following assumptions:
      Completeness: A consumer would be able to state own
        preference or indifference between two distinct baskets of
      Transitivity: An individual consumer’s preferences are
        always consistent.
      Non-satiation: A consumer is never satiated permanently.
        More is always wanted; if “some” is good, “more” of the
        good is better.
Consumer Choice

   Commodities are desired because of their utility
        Utility is the attribute of a commodity to satisfy or satiate a consumer’s
        Utility is the satisfaction a consumer derives from consumption of a
    Mathematically: utility is the function of the quantities of different
    commodities consumed:

          U= f(m1, n1, r1)
   Utility is the measure of satisfaction a
    consumer derives from consumption of a
    commodity; it is an attribute of a commodity
    to satisfy a consumer’s needs. According to
    cardinal school, utility is measurable like any
    other physical commodity.
Cardinal Utility Analysis
   Marshall and Jevons opined that Utility is a cardinal concept and
    is measurable (in utils) like any other physical commodity
   Total Utility (TU)
       Sum total of utility levels out of each unit of a commodity
        consumed within a given period of time
   Marginal Utility (MU)
       Change in total utility due to a unit change in the commodity
        consumed within a given period of time.

       MU=TUn -TUn-1 or MU=
Cardinal Utility Analysis

   Law of Equimarginal Utility
       Marginal utilities of all commodities should
        be equal
          The   consumer has to distribute his/her income on
          different commodities so that utility derived from
          last unit of each commodity is equal for all other
          commodities in the consumption basket.
                               MU M MU N
                                   =     = ... = MU I
                                PM   PN
          Mathematically:
   As per law of equimarginal utility, a
    consumer will maximize utility when the
    marginal utility of the last unit of money
    spent on each commodity is equal to the
    marginal utility of the last unit of money
    spent on any other commodity.
Cardinal Utility Analysis

   Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
        Marginal utility for successive units consumed goes on decreasing.
        When the good is consumed in standard quantity, continuously and in
         multiple units and the good is not addictive in nature.
   The following diagrams show Total Utility (TU) and Marginal Utility
     TU of X
    (MU) curves               MU of X



            O                             O
                      Quantity of X                        Quantity of X
   As per law of diminishing marginal utility, as
    you one consumes more and more units of a
    commodity, total utility would goes on
    increasing, but at a diminishing rate.
Marginal Utility and Demand Curve
MU curve is downward sloping.
For any given amount of income when price of the         MU, P
commodity is PC, the consumer would consume QC
quantity of the commodity (point C on the MU curve,
where MU= PC)                                              PA     A
When price increases to PB, the consumer has to             PC
readjust consumption to restoring level of utility.
the new equilibrium is at point B on the MU curve                              MU=D
where MU= PB
                                                             O   QA QB    QC   Quantity
As price goes on increasing, the desired consumption
of the commodity for the consumer goes on
diminishing and vice versa. Points A, B, C, and so on,
would thus lie on the demand curve of the consumer
for the commodity.
Ordinal Utility Analysis
   Edgeworth, Fisher and others negate the physical measurement of utility.
        A consumer is able to rank different combinations of the commodities in
         order of preference or indifference.
        Utility is not additive but comparative.
   Indifference Curve Analysis (J.R. Hicks and R.G.D. Allen )
        Indifference curve: Locus of points which show the different
         combinations of two commodities among which the consumer is
         indifferent, i.e. derives same utility.
             Since all these points render equal utility to the consumer, an
              indifference curve is also known as an isoutility (“iso” meaning
              equal) curve.
        Indifference map: group of indifference curves
Properties of Indifference Curves

   Indifference curves are downward sloping.         Y
        This is because of the assumption of non-            A

                                                     Good Y
   Higher indifference curve represents higher
    utility                                                       C
   Indifference curves can never intersect                                     IC2
   Indifference curves are convex to the origin.
                                                              Good X            X
        This is because two goods cannot be
         perfect substitutes of each other
Exceptional Shapes of Indifference Curves

                             QY        Perfect
QY       Perfect

     O                        O
                        QX                    QX

               Irrational    QY              Social Bads

 O                                O
                       QX                            QX
Diminishing Marginal Rate of Substitution

   MRS is the proportion of one good (M) that the consumer would be willing to
    give up for more of another (N)
   MRS is the ratio between rates of change in M and N, down the indifference
    curve :                MRS MN = −
                                           ∆M                   …..(1)

   To increase consumption of M, the consumer has to reduce consumption of N
    and hence the negative sign. MRSMN goes on diminishing as we move down the
    indifference curve.
   Gain in utility due to consumption of more units of one commodity must be
    equal to the loss in utility due to consumption of less units of the other
                            MU M
                                          = − ∆N
                                   MU N            ∆M   …..(2)

                           MU M
                                          = MRS MN
                                   MU N                 …..(3)
Consumer’s Equilibrium

   Budget line of a consumer, consists of all possible combinations of the two
    commodities that the consumer can purchase with a limited budget:
   Budget constraint depends upon income of the consumer and prices of the
    commodities in the consumption basket.
   Consumer would reach equilibrium point, i.e. highest level of satisfaction
    given all constraints at the highest indifference curve he/she can reach.
    (Where PM is price of commodity M, QM quantity of M, PN price of N, QN
    quantity of M and I is income of the consumer.
   Budget constraint to the consumer includes income of the consumer and
    prices of the commodities in the consumption basket. A change in any of
    these constraints would lead to a shift in the budget line. Such a shift can
    be of three types: upwards, downwards and swivelling.

    The consumer will be at equilibrium at a point where the budget line is
    tangent to the highest attainable indifference curve.

     According to the theory of revealed preferences, demand for a
    commodity by a consumer can be ascertained by observing the buying
    pattern of the consumer.

    Consumer surplus is equal to the difference between the price a
    consumer is willing to pay and the price he/she actually pays for a
Consumer’s Equilibrium

   Conditions for consumer’s equilibrium:
         Consumer spends all income in buying the two commodities; hence point of
         equilibrium will always lie on the budget line.
          Point of equilibrium will always be on the highest possible indifference curve the
         consumer can reach with the given budget line.
   Consumer is able to maximize utility at a point where the budget line is tangent to an
    indifference curve
        This is the highest possible curve attainable by the consumer, subject to budget
   Budget line may
        shift either upwards or downwards due to any change in income of the consumer while
         price of the commodities remaining same
Consumer’s Equilibrium
   Feasible set is the area
    OAB, and area beyond
                               Quantity of N
    budget line AB is
    infeasible         area;
    therefore IC4 is beyond                    C

    reach of the consumer.
                                         QN         E
   Equilibrium is attained
    at point E where the                                D
    AB is tangent to curve                                      IC2
    IC3 (highest attainable               O
                                                   QM       B       Quantity of M
    indifference curve).
   Point C and B are
    attainable but on lower
Revealed Preference Theory
   Indifference curves analysis had limitations in terms of its highly theoretical
    structure and simplifying assumptions.
   Samuelson came up with an approach to assessing consumer behaviour and
    introduced the term ‘revealed preference’. The basic hypothesis of the
    theory is ‘choice reveals preference’.
   Demand for a commodity by a consumer can be ascertained by observing
    the actual behaviour of the consumer in the market in various price and
    income situations.
   This gives us a demand curve for an individual consumer on the basis of
    observed behaviour.
   Demand for any good (or basket of goods) is known to always increase
    when money income alone rises hence it must shrink when price alone
Revealed Preference Theory
   AB is the budget line. OAB is the feasible set, given the price and income constraints.
   If out of all the possible combinations of two goods M and N, the consumers chooses
    C, it may be deduced that the consumer has revealed his/her preference for C over all
    other possible combinations (say D, L, R)

                Quantity of N

                           A1       D


                            O                                B’
                                         M       B    B1
                                                             Quantity of M
Consumer Surplus

   The difference between the price consumers are willing to pay and what
    they actually pay is called consumer surplus.
   Individual consumer surplus measures the gain that a consumer makes by
    purchasing a product at a price lower than what he/she had expected to pay.
   In a market the total consumer surplus measures the gain to the society due
    to the existence of a market transaction.
Consumer Surplus

   Equilibrium market price and quantity       Price
    are at (P*, Q*)                                     D
   If there is a customer who is willing to
                                                             A                Consumer
    pay as high as P1 but actually pays only        P1                        Surplus
    P*, the difference between the two prices       P2               B
    (P1 – P*) represents the surplus of the
    first consumer.                                                       E
   If a second consumer is willing to pay P2                    S
    and actually pays P* gains a surplus of
    (P2 – P*).
   Total consumer surplus in the economy                   Q1   Q2      Q*   Quantity

    is given by the triangular area P*DE

According   to ordinal school, utility cannot be measured in physical units;
it is possible to rank utility derived from various commodities.

   Indifference curves are downward sloping and convex to the origin; a
higher indifference curve would represent higher utility and two
indifference curves do not intersect each other.

Marginal   Rate of Substitution (MRS) shows the amount of a good that a
consumer would be willing to give up for an additional unit of another

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Micro economics

  • 1. Micro Economics PGDM TRIMESTER- I Dr. Poonam Kain Apeejay Institute of Technology Greater Noida
  • 2. Why to study economics  To introduce key economic concepts like scarcity, rationality, equilibrium, time perspective and opportunity cost.  To explain the basic difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics.  To help the reader analyze how decisions are made about what, how and for whom to produce.  To define managerial economics and demonstrate its importance in managerial decision making.
  • 3. Economics  How a society tries to solve the human problems of unlimited wants and scarce resources.  Deals with the society as a whole and human behaviour in particular  Studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.  A science in its methodology, and art in its application.
  • 4. Economics  Scientific study of the choices made by individuals and societies with regard to the alternative uses of scarce resources employed to satisfy wants.
  • 5. Application of economic theory and the tools of analysis of decision science to examine how an organisation can achieve its objectives most effectively  Study of allocation of the limited resources available to a firm or other unit of management among the various possible activities of that unit  Applies economic theory and methods to business and administrative decision-making  Application of economic principles and methodologies to the decision- making process within the firm or organization
  • 6. Fundamental Concepts of economics  Ceteris Paribus  Latin phrase  “With other things (being) the same” or “all other things being equal”.  Rationality  Consumers maximize utility subject to given money income.  Producers maximize profit subject to given resources or minimize cost subject to target return.
  • 7. Fundamental Concepts of economics  Positive and Normative  Positive economics: “what is” in economic matters  Establishes a cause and effect relationship between variables.  Analyzes problems on the basis of facts.  Normative economics: “what ought to be” in economic matters.  Concerned with questions involving value judgments.  Incorporates value judgments about what the economy should be like.
  • 8. Fundamental Concepts of economics  Short Run and Long Run  Short run: Time period not enough for consumers and producers to adjust completely to any new situation.  Some inputs are fixed and others are variable  Long run: Time period long enough for consumers and producers to adjust to any new situation.  All inputs are variable  Decisions to adjust capacity, to introduce a larger plant or continue with the existing one, to change product lines.
  • 9. Fundamental Concepts of economics  Concept of scarcity  Unlimited human wants  Limited resources available to satisfy such wants  Best possible use of resources to get:  maximum satisfaction (from the point of view of consumers) or  maximum output (from the point of view of producers or firms)  Concept of opportunity cost  Opportunity cost is the benefit forgone from the alternative that is not selected.  Highlights the capacity of one resource to satisfy multitude of wants  Helps in making rational choices in all aspects of business, since resources are scarce and wants are unlimited
  • 10. Fundamental Concepts of economics  Concept of margin or increment  Marginality: a unit increase in cost or revenue or utility.  Marginal cost: change in Total Cost due to a unit change in output.  Marginal revenue: change in Total Revenue due to a unit change in sales.  Marginal utility: change in Total Utility due to a unit change in consumption.  Incremental: applied when the changes are in bulk, say 10% increase in sales.
  • 11. Summary  Economics studies the choices made by individuals and societies in regard to the alternative uses of scarce resources which are employed to satisfy unlimited wants.  Microeconomics is the study of the behaviour of individual economic units, such as an individual consumer, a seller, a producer, a firm, or a product.  Macroeconomics deals with the study of aggregates, the economy as a whole. 
  • 12. Summary • Production Possibilities Curve (PPC) is a graph that shows the different combinations of the quantities of two goods that can be produced (or consumed) in an economy, subject to the limited availability of resources. • The knowledge of managerial economics helps to understand the interrelationships among the various functional units of any firm (namely production, marketing, HR, finance, IT and legal) • Decision sciences provide the tools and techniques of analysis used in managerial economics, in particular numerical and algebraic analysis, optimization, statistical estimation and forecasting.
  • 13. Consumer Choice  Given the prices of different commodities, consumers decide on the quantities of these commodities according to their paying capacity, and tastes and preferences.  Consumers’ choices, tastes and preferences rests on the following assumptions:  Completeness: A consumer would be able to state own preference or indifference between two distinct baskets of goods.  Transitivity: An individual consumer’s preferences are always consistent.  Non-satiation: A consumer is never satiated permanently. More is always wanted; if “some” is good, “more” of the good is better.
  • 14. Consumer Choice  Commodities are desired because of their utility  Utility is the attribute of a commodity to satisfy or satiate a consumer’s wants  Utility is the satisfaction a consumer derives from consumption of a commodity  Mathematically: utility is the function of the quantities of different commodities consumed: U= f(m1, n1, r1)
  • 15. Utility is the measure of satisfaction a consumer derives from consumption of a commodity; it is an attribute of a commodity to satisfy a consumer’s needs. According to cardinal school, utility is measurable like any other physical commodity.
  • 16. Cardinal Utility Analysis  Marshall and Jevons opined that Utility is a cardinal concept and is measurable (in utils) like any other physical commodity  Total Utility (TU)  Sum total of utility levels out of each unit of a commodity consumed within a given period of time  Marginal Utility (MU)  Change in total utility due to a unit change in the commodity consumed within a given period of time.  MU=TUn -TUn-1 or MU=
  • 17. Cardinal Utility Analysis  Law of Equimarginal Utility  Marginal utilities of all commodities should be equal  The consumer has to distribute his/her income on different commodities so that utility derived from last unit of each commodity is equal for all other commodities in the consumption basket. MU M MU N = = ... = MU I PM PN  Mathematically:
  • 18. As per law of equimarginal utility, a consumer will maximize utility when the marginal utility of the last unit of money spent on each commodity is equal to the marginal utility of the last unit of money spent on any other commodity.
  • 19. Cardinal Utility Analysis  Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility  Marginal utility for successive units consumed goes on decreasing.  When the good is consumed in standard quantity, continuously and in multiple units and the good is not addictive in nature.  The following diagrams show Total Utility (TU) and Marginal Utility TU of X (MU) curves MU of X MU TU O O Quantity of X Quantity of X
  • 20. As per law of diminishing marginal utility, as you one consumes more and more units of a commodity, total utility would goes on increasing, but at a diminishing rate.
  • 21. Marginal Utility and Demand Curve MU curve is downward sloping. For any given amount of income when price of the MU, P commodity is PC, the consumer would consume QC quantity of the commodity (point C on the MU curve, where MU= PC) PA A B PB When price increases to PB, the consumer has to PC C readjust consumption to restoring level of utility. the new equilibrium is at point B on the MU curve MU=D where MU= PB O QA QB QC Quantity As price goes on increasing, the desired consumption of the commodity for the consumer goes on diminishing and vice versa. Points A, B, C, and so on, would thus lie on the demand curve of the consumer for the commodity.
  • 22. Ordinal Utility Analysis  Edgeworth, Fisher and others negate the physical measurement of utility.  A consumer is able to rank different combinations of the commodities in order of preference or indifference.  Utility is not additive but comparative.  Indifference Curve Analysis (J.R. Hicks and R.G.D. Allen )  Indifference curve: Locus of points which show the different combinations of two commodities among which the consumer is indifferent, i.e. derives same utility.  Since all these points render equal utility to the consumer, an indifference curve is also known as an isoutility (“iso” meaning equal) curve.  Indifference map: group of indifference curves
  • 23. Properties of Indifference Curves  Indifference curves are downward sloping. Y  This is because of the assumption of non- A satiation B Good Y  Higher indifference curve represents higher utility C D  Indifference curves can never intersect IC2 IC1  Indifference curves are convex to the origin. O Good X X  This is because two goods cannot be perfect substitutes of each other
  • 24. Exceptional Shapes of Indifference Curves QY Perfect QY Perfect Complements Substitutes O O QX QX QY Irrational QY Social Bads Behaviour O O QX QX
  • 25. Diminishing Marginal Rate of Substitution  MRS is the proportion of one good (M) that the consumer would be willing to give up for more of another (N)  MRS is the ratio between rates of change in M and N, down the indifference ∆N curve : MRS MN = −  ∆M …..(1)  To increase consumption of M, the consumer has to reduce consumption of N and hence the negative sign. MRSMN goes on diminishing as we move down the indifference curve.  Gain in utility due to consumption of more units of one commodity must be equal to the loss in utility due to consumption of less units of the other commodity MU M = − ∆N MU N ∆M …..(2) MU M = MRS MN MU N …..(3)
  • 26. Consumer’s Equilibrium  Budget line of a consumer, consists of all possible combinations of the two commodities that the consumer can purchase with a limited budget:  Budget constraint depends upon income of the consumer and prices of the commodities in the consumption basket.  Consumer would reach equilibrium point, i.e. highest level of satisfaction given all constraints at the highest indifference curve he/she can reach. Mathematically PM.QM+PN.QN=I (Where PM is price of commodity M, QM quantity of M, PN price of N, QN quantity of M and I is income of the consumer.
  • 27. Budget constraint to the consumer includes income of the consumer and prices of the commodities in the consumption basket. A change in any of these constraints would lead to a shift in the budget line. Such a shift can be of three types: upwards, downwards and swivelling.  The consumer will be at equilibrium at a point where the budget line is tangent to the highest attainable indifference curve.  According to the theory of revealed preferences, demand for a commodity by a consumer can be ascertained by observing the buying pattern of the consumer.  Consumer surplus is equal to the difference between the price a consumer is willing to pay and the price he/she actually pays for a commodity.
  • 28. Consumer’s Equilibrium  Conditions for consumer’s equilibrium:  Consumer spends all income in buying the two commodities; hence point of equilibrium will always lie on the budget line.  Point of equilibrium will always be on the highest possible indifference curve the consumer can reach with the given budget line.  Consumer is able to maximize utility at a point where the budget line is tangent to an indifference curve  This is the highest possible curve attainable by the consumer, subject to budget constraint.  Budget line may  shift either upwards or downwards due to any change in income of the consumer while price of the commodities remaining same
  • 29. Consumer’s Equilibrium  Feasible set is the area OAB, and area beyond Quantity of N budget line AB is A infeasible area; therefore IC4 is beyond C reach of the consumer. QN E  Equilibrium is attained IC4 at point E where the D IC3 AB is tangent to curve IC2 IC1 IC3 (highest attainable O QM B Quantity of M indifference curve).  Point C and B are attainable but on lower
  • 30. Revealed Preference Theory  Indifference curves analysis had limitations in terms of its highly theoretical structure and simplifying assumptions.  Samuelson came up with an approach to assessing consumer behaviour and introduced the term ‘revealed preference’. The basic hypothesis of the theory is ‘choice reveals preference’.  Demand for a commodity by a consumer can be ascertained by observing the actual behaviour of the consumer in the market in various price and income situations.  This gives us a demand curve for an individual consumer on the basis of observed behaviour.  Demand for any good (or basket of goods) is known to always increase when money income alone rises hence it must shrink when price alone rises.
  • 31. Revealed Preference Theory  AB is the budget line. OAB is the feasible set, given the price and income constraints.  If out of all the possible combinations of two goods M and N, the consumers chooses C, it may be deduced that the consumer has revealed his/her preference for C over all other possible combinations (say D, L, R) Quantity of N A A1 D C N L R O B’ M B B1 Quantity of M
  • 32. Consumer Surplus  The difference between the price consumers are willing to pay and what they actually pay is called consumer surplus.  Individual consumer surplus measures the gain that a consumer makes by purchasing a product at a price lower than what he/she had expected to pay.  In a market the total consumer surplus measures the gain to the society due to the existence of a market transaction.
  • 33. Consumer Surplus  Equilibrium market price and quantity Price are at (P*, Q*) D  If there is a customer who is willing to A Consumer pay as high as P1 but actually pays only P1 Surplus P*, the difference between the two prices P2 B S (P1 – P*) represents the surplus of the first consumer. E P*  If a second consumer is willing to pay P2 S D and actually pays P* gains a surplus of (P2 – P*). O  Total consumer surplus in the economy Q1 Q2 Q* Quantity is given by the triangular area P*DE
  • 34. Summary According to ordinal school, utility cannot be measured in physical units; it is possible to rank utility derived from various commodities.  Indifference curves are downward sloping and convex to the origin; a higher indifference curve would represent higher utility and two indifference curves do not intersect each other. Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS) shows the amount of a good that a consumer would be willing to give up for an additional unit of another commodity.