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Cat 6: Process Management

Best Practices from MBNQA Winners   Bill Voravuth
ทาอยางไรให้องคกรสรางผลงานทีเป็ นเลิศ
          ่         ์   ้        ่

 ออกแบบระบบงานให้เป็ นระบบงานทีมประสิ ทธิภาพสูง
                                ่ ี

 ออกแบบกระบวนการให้เป็ นกระบวนการทียอดเยียม
                                    ่     ่

 ควบคุมกระบวนการให้เป็ นไปตามทีไดออกแบบไว้
                                ่ ้

 พยายามลดข้อผิดพลาด บกพรอง ให้เหลือน้อยทีสุด
                         ่                ่

 พยายามสรางผลลัพธทีดกวาและนวัตกรรมใหมๆ
          ้       ์ ่ ี ่             ่
 แลกเปลียนเรียนรูซึงกันและกัน
         ่        ้ ่

                                            Bill Voravuth

                            6.1 ก (1)
       ์   ิ ี    ่                                      ์
   ความสามารถพิเศษเหลานี้มอะไรบาง และมีความเชือมโยงกับพันธ
                      ่   ี    ้              ่
   กิจ สภาพแวดลอมดานการแขงขัน และแผนปฏิบตการอยางไร
                ้   ้        ่              ั ิ    ่
   HOW does your organization determine its CORE COMPETENCIES?
   What are your organization’s CORE COMPETENCIES, and how do
   they relate to your MISSION, competitive environment, and

TQA Criteria                                             Bill Voravuth

Must meet the following criteria:
 Delivers stakeholder-perceived value and
   enable business to succeed
 Is rare and difficult for our existing or
   potential competitors to copy
 Extends across our key services, products,
   processes, systems, and markets with
   organizational setup to utilize it
                                               Bill Voravuth
Harry Hertz: core competencies

                                            Those areas of greatest
                                             expertise for the organization
                                             today as well as those areas of
                                             expertise that are needed
                                             strategically to sustain the
                                             organization into the future.

                                            The Diagram shows
                                             relationship between work
                                             systems and work processes,
                                             but also puts it in the context
                                             of those vital core
                                             competencies and the linkage
                                             to strategy and sustainability
                                             of the organization.

Harry Hertz - MBNQA Director - present                             Bill Voravuth

Novel Connect - 2008 MBNQA Case Study             Bill Voravuth

City of Coral Spring - 2007 MBNQA Winner            Bill Voravuth

             CCM’s Senior Leadership Team and Enterprise
              Development Team review its core competencies during
              the annual Strategy Review process
             SLT and EDT perform a capability inventory assessment
              in all three market segments of Food, Feed and
             Rank using core competency scoring matrix:
                  Relevance to the market
                  Creation of customer value
                  Difficulty of imitation
                  Breadth of application

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                         Bill Voravuth
ความสามารถพิเศษของ CCM

         Risk Management & Origination
         Technical Support
         Supply Chain Management
         Corporate Social Responsibility

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                      Bill Voravuth
ความสามารถพิเศษของ CCM

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                      Bill Voravuth
ความสามารถพิเศษของ CCM

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                      Bill Voravuth
ความสามารถพิเศษของ CCM

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                      Bill Voravuth
ความสามารถพิเศษของ CCM

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                      Bill Voravuth

            Senior Management Group and Board of Directors first
             identified PVHS core competencies a decade ago as part
             of a strategy for providing a lifetime care.
            SMG and interdisciplinary teams, such as the
             performance excellence teams, regularly review and
             verify the strength and relevance of core competencies
             through a systematic process involving affinity sort and
             redundant verification.
            Driven by the organization’s strategic challenges, these
             core competencies give PVHS strategic advantages that
             enable it to achieve its strategic plan and ultimately its
             mission and vision.
Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner                      Bill Voravuth
ความสามารถพิเศษของ PVHS

                    Engaging the Workforce
                    Partnering
                    Driving Innovation
                    Ensuring Financial Stability

Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner           Bill Voravuth

Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner   Bill Voravuth

                               6.1 ก (2)
       ์     ิ ี  ่                          ้       ้
    ระบบงานโดยรวม รวมทังวิธการทีใช้ตัดสิ นวากระบวนการใดใน
                        ้   ี   ่          ่
    ระบบงานโดยรวมทังหมดเป็ นกระบวนการภายในองคกร(กระบวนการ
                    ้                            ์
    ทางานทีสาคัญขององคกร) และกระบวนการใดจะใช้ทรัพยากรจาก
           ่          ์
    HOW do you design and innovate your overall WORK SYSTEMS?
    HOW do you decide which PROCESSES within your overall WORK
    SYSTEMS will be internal to your organization (your KEY work
    PROCESSES) and which will use external resources?

TQA Criteria                                                Bill Voravuth

                ARDEC’s Work System Integration Framework
                   and Competency Management System

            ARDEC systematically analyze the processes in terms of criticality to
             mission, required resources, cost, schedule and performance
            Based on the analysis, ARDEC then determine which processes and
             resources will be internal, external to our organization, or a
             combination of both.
            ARDEC systematically integrate key work processes with core
             competencies to effectively and efficiently complete huge, complex,
             integrated development projects.
            ARDEC’s Engineering Management core competency and Resource
             Management support competency, with their associated key work
             processes, horizontally integrate with its Armaments Expertise to form
             the teaming environment in which ARDEC accomplishes its work.

ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner                                                    Bill Voravuth

ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner              Bill Voravuth

ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner              Bill Voravuth
                    Sharp Healthcare’s Value Creation Process
             Sharp designs and innovates its work systems through the Value
              Creation Process.
             Sharp’s work systems connect the health care services delivered and
              the management and support processes.
             Sharp’s work systems provide the resources, supplies, and support
              to enable success health care delivery.
             During the Strategic Planning process, needs are identified using
              listening and learning tools. Steps to follow are:
                1) Health care need, business opportunity,
                    or support process need identified
                2) Customer/stakeholder requirements solicited
                3) Output determined
                4) A work system is mapped
                5) Input identified
                6) Supplier/partners and resources determined
Sharp HealthCare - 2007 MBNQA Winner                                         Bill Voravuth

Sharp HealthCare - 2007 MBNQA Winner              Bill Voravuth

Sharp HealthCare - 2007 MBNQA Winner              Bill Voravuth
                    PVHS’s Business Decision Support Process
    1.   Identification of Opportunities
         Ideas may originate from:
            Strategy Development and Deployment process
            proposals from staff, patients, physicians, and other stakeholders
            an urgent or emergent situation
    2.   Preliminary Proposal
         The Project champion works with the Business Decision Support
         Director to draft a proposal which must include service definition,
         outlook, resource requirements, and feasibility analysis.
         Initial approval by project champion’s Senior Management Group
         representative based on proposal’s criticality to:
         1) achieving strategic objectives; 2) meeting key customer
         requirements; 3) enhancing strategic advantages or addressing
         competitive challenges; and/or 4) meeting community needs.
Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner                        Bill Voravuth
                   PVHS’s Business Decision Support Process
    3.   Business Planning:
         If given initial approval, the project champion works with Decision
         Support and Planning to complete: 1) volume forecasting; 2)
         feasibility analysis; 3) financial forecasting, with performance
         targets for service.
    4.   Final Approval:
         The expanded proposal returns to SMG for a go/no go decision,
         with funding through SDD or the contingency fund.
    5.   Implementation and Review:
         The new or expanded service is implemented, and Decision
         Support and Planning reviews it quarterly relative to business plan
         forecasts. The project champion manages and improves new
         processes as described in 6.2

Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner                        Bill Voravuth

Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner              Bill Voravuth
                                   ้                 ้

                              6.1 ข (1)
   กระบวนการทางานทีสาคัญขององคกรมีอะไรบาง มีความสั มพันธกับ
                   ่            ์       ้               ์
                     ่       ้      ่     ่               ่
   ลูกคา สรางกาไร ทาให้องคกรไดรับความสาเร็จและยังยืน
       ้   ้              ์       ้             ่

   What are your organization’s KEY works PROCESSES? How do these
   KEY work PROCESSES relate to your CORE COMPETENCIES? How do
   these PROCESSES contribute to delivering CUSTOMER VALUE,
   profitability, organizational success, and SUSTAINABILITY?

TQA Criteria                                               Bill Voravuth
                                   ้                 ้

                               6.1 ข (2)
        ์      ิ ี   ่             ้
    ทางานทีสาคัญ โดยใช้ขอมูลจากลูกคา ผูส่งมอบ คูคา และ
             ่             ้         ้  ้       ่ ้
    คูความรวมมือ (*) และขอกาหนดทีสาคัญของกระบวนการดังกลาวคือ
      ่    ่             ้       ่                     ่

    HOW do you determine KEY work PROCESS requirements,
    incorporating input from CUSTOMERS, suppliers, PARTNERS, and
    COLLABORATORS, as appropriate?
    What are the KEY requirements for these PROCESSES?

TQA Criteria                                                Bill Voravuth
                                   ้                 ้

                                 6.1 ข (3)
          ์    ิ ี     ่                         ้
    ทางาน เพือให้เป็ นไปตามขอกาหนดทีสาคัญ มีวธการอยางไรในการนา
                   ่             ้        ่            ิ ี       ่
    เทคโนโลยีใหม่ ความรูขององคกร และความคลองตัวทีอาจจาเป็ นใน
                             ้       ์               ่         ่
    อนาคต มาประกอบในการออกแบบกระบวนการเหลานี้ รวมทังมีวธการ่       ้   ิ ี
    อยางไรในการนารอบเวลา ผลิตภาพ การควบคุมตนทุน รวมทังปัจจัย
        ่                                                    ้       ้
    ดานประสิ ทธิภาพและประสิ ทธิผลอืนๆ มาประกอบในการออกแบบ
      ้                                ่
    กระบวนการเหลานี้ ่
    HOW do you design and innovate your work PROCESSES to meet all the
    KEY requirements? HOW do you incorporate new technology,
    organizational knowledge, and the potential need for agility into the
    design of these PROCESSES? HOW do you incorporate CYCLE TIME,
    PRODUCTIVITY, cost control, and other efficiency and EFFECTIVENESS
    factors into the design of these PROCESSES?

TQA Criteria                                                       Bill Voravuth
                                ้                 ้

Mercy - 2007 MBNQA Winner                       Bill Voravuth
                                ้                 ้

PRO-TEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner                     Bill Voravuth
                                ้                 ้

ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner                       Bill Voravuth
                                ้                 ้

                   6.1b(2) Work Process Requirements:

           ARDEC has Process Teams reside within the Strategic Management
            and Process Office (SMPO) to follow a robust methodology to define
            SMPO’s requirements as delineated in ARDEC’s Process Guidelines.
           Through VOC, ARDEC listens and learns about customer requirements.
            Customers participate in ARDEC’s Strategic Planning Process (SPP) and
            provide information about new and existing requirements, market
            changes, and other data that impact customers’ needs.
           ARDEC invites customers to be part of their Integrated Product Teams
            (IPT) as well as other process teams for providing valuable input on a
            continuing basis.
           ARDEC also listens to and learns from their suppliers, partners and
            collaborators through various methods.

ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner                                                   Bill Voravuth
                                ้                 ้

ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner                       Bill Voravuth
                                  ้                 ้

Iredell-Statesville Schools - 2008 MBNQA Winner   Bill Voravuth
                                  ้                 ้

Iredell-Statesville Schools - 2008 MBNQA Winner   Bill Voravuth
                                 ้                 ้

                            PVHS’s Process Design Steps
    1.   An oversight committee or director identifies a need for process design
         and forms a multidisciplinary design team representing stakeholders,
         such as the workforce, suppliers, and partners.
    2.   The design team determines process requirements, such as efficiency and
         effectiveness measures and the need for agility, as described in 6.1b(2).
    3.   The design team identifies internal and external best practices and
         opportunities for innovation, including new technology, through
         organizational knowledge, literature reviews, site visits, and/or experts.
    4.   The team maps the process.
    5.   If possible, the team performs a pilot to make sure that the process
         meets requirements.
    6.   If the process does not perform to goal, the team revised the process.

Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner                                 Bill Voravuth
                                 ้                 ้

                   6.1b(2) Work Process Requirements:
          PVHS determines key work process requirements based on
             extensively Voice of the Customer data plus input from
             patients and the community.
            For support processes, VOC information come from
             workforce, supplier, and partner surveys, interviews,
             and/or focus groups, as well as appropriate stakeholder
             representation on process design teams.
            Based on customer requirements, design teams identify
             in-process and outcome indicators and goals to ensure
             that the process is performing to target.

Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner                   Bill Voravuth
                                 ้                 ้

Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner   Bill Voravuth
                                  ้                 ้

                           Best Practice Model (BPM)
                 CCM uses the BPM process, owned by the Senior
                 Leadership Team and deployed by the Process
                 Development Group Leaders, to:
                 1) Design and innovate work processes
                     to meet key requirements
                 2) Modify processes for efficiency, effectiveness,
                    agility, and cost control improvements

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                              Bill Voravuth
                                  ้                 ้

                                Best Practice Model (BPM)

               The Management of Change (MOC) process is used in the final
                step of the BPM to ensure product quality, implementation of
                new technology, service, safety, food safety, consistency,
                reliability and environmental protection are built into each
                process design or refinement.
               In the same step of the model, new and innovative ideas and
                approaches initiate a refinement cycle for the process.
               The use of new technology and organizational knowledge is
                incorporated into several steps of the BPM either directly or
                through the MOC process.

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                                        Bill Voravuth
                                  ้                 ้

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner          Bill Voravuth
                                  ้                 ้

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner          Bill Voravuth
                                  ้                 ้

                                      Customer Value
          These key work processes contribute to customer value by
          systematically enabling CCM to build deeper relationships with
          targeted customers, discover unmet needs, and collaborate, create,
          and deliver new products and solutions leading to customer process.

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                                   Bill Voravuth
                                  ้                 ้

          These key work processes analyze markets for growth, identify
          strategic customers and suppliers, plan asset utilization, optimize
          delivery resources, implement innovative ideas, and define overall
          strategies for maximizing earnings using tools such as trend analysis
          and linear optimization.

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                                      Bill Voravuth
                                  ้                 ้

             These key work processes focus on workforce capability and
             capacity, technology and equipment, risk management, and
             environmental stewardship.

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                                  Bill Voravuth
การเตรียมพรอมตอภัยพิบตหรือภาวะฉุ กเฉิน
                          ้  ่      ั ิ

                              6.1 ค
   องคกรมีวธการอยางไรเพือทาให้มันใจวาระบบงาน และสถานที่
        ์      ิ ี     ่       ่    ่   ่
   ทางานมีการเตรียมพรอมตอภัยพิบตหรือภาวะฉุ กเฉิน ระบบการ
                            ้    ่ ั ิ
             ้       ่     ั ิ                ่    ้
   การจัดการ ความตอเนื่องของการดาเนินการ และการทาให้คืนสู่
   สภาพเดิมอยางไร  ่
   HOW do you ensure WORK SYSTEM and workplace preparedness
   for disasters or emergencies? HOW does your disaster and
   emergency preparedness system consider prevention,
   management, continuity of operations, and recovery?

TQA Criteria                                            Bill Voravuth
การเตรียมพรอมตอภัยพิบตหรือภาวะฉุ กเฉิน
                                ้  ่      ั ิ

PRO-TEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner                             Bill Voravuth
การเตรียมพรอมตอภัยพิบตหรือภาวะฉุ กเฉิน
                               ้  ่      ั ิ

                        6.1c Emergency Readiness:
         ARDEC establishes its own Mission Security Office in 2006,
          though it continues to work jointly with the Garrison to
          provide emergency readiness.
         ARDEC develops own COOP in 2007 to support continuity
          of operations across the company. The plan defines
          Mission Essential Functions (MEF) required to be
          performed in case of an adverse event and will identify
          and coordinate the use of an alternative site.
         The plan will designate which key personnel will be
          required to report to an alternate site to perform MEF
          which will work to restore facilities at the current site and
          which will work from home.
         The plan will also determine which files/data are essential
          and must be available for MEF.
ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner                                         Bill Voravuth
การเตรียมพรอมตอภัยพิบตหรือภาวะฉุ กเฉิน
                                  ้  ่      ั ิ

                          6.1c Emergency Readiness:
          PVHS has processes in place to ensure work system and
             workplace preparedness for disasters and emergencies.
            Its coverage is initiated with the Prevention schemes of
             Environmental Health and Safety Program and the
             Infection Control Program.
            The Management Plan is then developed to ensure the
             continuation of identified critical medical services.
            The Financial and Operation Plan are in place to ensure
             the continuity of operations in the event of an emergency.
            The program then expanded its coverage to include the
             Evacuation and Recovery Plan in order to ensure the
             organizational sustainability through a disaster.

Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner                   Bill Voravuth
การเตรียมพรอมตอภัยพิบตหรือภาวะฉุ กเฉิน
                                   ้  ่      ั ิ

                            6.1c Emergency Readiness:
           The Emergency Action Plan (EAP) owned by the VP of
              Operations, details chains of command, actions, and
              notifications required for emergencies.
             The EAP includes requirements for resumption of
              operations after an event.
             Regular drills are conducts with local emergency
             CCM also has Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
              (HACCP) plans which is owned by QA Manager whom is
              the member of the Senior Management Team to address
              all internal required control points including monitored,
              verified and validated on regular frequencies.

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                            Bill Voravuth
                                 ่  ้            ้

                                  6.2 ก (1)
  องคกรนากระบวนการทางานไปปฏิบตอยางไร เพือให้เป็ นไปตามขอกาหนด
      ์                          ั ิ ่       ่                 ้
  ของการออกแบบ องคกรมีวธการอยางไรในการทาให้มันใจวาการ
                        ์  ิ ี    ่                  ่       ่
  ปฏิบตงานประจาวันของกระบวนการเหลานี้จะเป็ นไปตามขอกาหนดทีสาคัญ
          ั ิ                        ่                 ้         ่
  องคกรมีวธการอยางไรในการนาขอมูลจากลูกคา ผูส่งมอบคูค้า และ
        ์       ิ ี ่          ้          ้      ้         ่
  คูความรวมมือมาใช้ในการจัดการกระบวนการดังกลาว (*) ตัววัดหรือดัชนีชี้
    ่         ่                                ่
                      ่                            ่     ์
  ควบคุมและปรับปรุงกระบวนการทางานตางๆ คืออะไร
   HOW do you implement your work PROCESSES to ensure that they meet design
   requirements? HOW does your subsequent day-to-day operation of these
   PROCESSES ensure that they meet KEY PROCESS requirements? HOW is
   CUSTOMER, supplier, PARTNER, and COLLABORATOR input used in managing
   these PROCESSES, as appropriate? What are your KEY PERFORMANCE
   MEASURES or INDICATORS and in-process MEASURES used for the control and
   improvement of your work PROCESSES?
TQA Criteria                                                         Bill Voravuth
                                  ่  ้            ้

                 6.2a(1) Work Process Management:

         ARDEC Process Owners implement all new or redesigned
          processes. Process Owners monitor, control and evaluated all
          key process measures defined during the process design.
         ARDEC will test the new or redesigned process in a pilot mode
          to ensure it is working in accordance with design requirements.
          Once it has been validated and is ready for full implementation,
          deployment and user-training plans are developed.
         Simple processes are documented with a process narrative and
          flow map and posted on intranet ARDEC Process Asset Library
          (PAL). Other more complex processes require formal training to
          include classroom and in-the-workplace training.

ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner                                            Bill Voravuth
                                    ่  ้            ้

                   6.2a(1) Work Process Management:
          PVHS has systematic process for implementing work processes upon
            design completion:
             1)    the design team mocks up or pilots the process and invites users
                   to test it and makes appropriate modifications
             2)    the design team rolls out the process and standardizes it across
                   the organization
             3)    the design team and relevant departments monitor and adjust
                   the process to make sure its is meeting design requirements.
          PVHS designs processes to incorporate automation, error-proofing,
            alert system and monitors in-process measures as early indicators of
            potential problems in order to ensure that processes are meeting key
            requirements in day-to-day operations. PVHS also monitors monthly,
            quarterly and yearly audits through oversight committees.
Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner                               Bill Voravuth
                                    ่  ้            ้

                   6.2a(1) Work Process Management:

      PVHS uses unit-specific collaborative-practice guidelines and protocols
       to reduce variability and response time. Processes incorporate
       patient feedback and in-process measures. On a daily and shift-by-
       shift basis, caregivers make and document corrections if the patient is
       not responding as expected. Quality Resources performs real-time
       audits to ensure that guidelines are follows.
      Suppliers assist in managing work processes by training on new
       equipments, advising on design and remodel, ensuring product
       availability and effectiveness and participating in process
       improvements. Major suppliers meet regularly with appropriate
       directors to assess service standards and product availability.

Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner                       Bill Voravuth
                                     ่  ้            ้

                     6.2a(1) Work Process Management:

       CCM creates and use new process Standard Operating Procedures
        (SOP) for training employees. Process owners are responsible for
        maintaining SOPs.
       Methods used for the implementation of new or modified work
        processes include pilot testing or parallel processing.
       Measures are defined for all key work processes and are used for
        control and improvement. Process owners monitor key work process
        performance measures on a routine basis of daily, weekly or monthly.
       Root Cause Analysis is used to create action plans addressing
        rejections, lost-time accidents, environmental incidents, significant
        property damage, major maintenance repairs or repeat issues.

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                             Bill Voravuth
ลดตนทุนโดยรวม ของเสี ย และความสูญเสี ยของกระบวนการ

                              6.2 ก (2)
       ์     ิ ี     ่            ้         ่ ่
   ตรวจสอบ การทดสอบ และการตรวจประเมินกระบวนการหรือผล
   การดาเนินการ (*) องคกรมีวธการอยางไรในการป้องกันไมให้เกิดสิ่ ง
                         ์   ิ ี    ่               ่
   บกพรอง ความผิดพลาดของการให้บริการ และการทางานซา
           ่                                            ้
   รวมทังการลดคาใช้จายในการประกันผลิตภัณฑ ์ หรือการสูญเสี ย
         ้       ่     ่
   ผลิตภาพของลูกคาให้น้อยทีสด (*)
                   ้        ่ ุ
   HOW do you minimize overall costs associated with inspections,
   tests, and PROCESS or PERFORMANCE audits, as appropriate? HOW
   do you prevent defects, service errors, and rework and minimize
   warranty costs or CUSTOMERS’ PRODUCTIVITY losses, as

TQA Criteria                                                Bill Voravuth
ลดตนทุนโดยรวม ของเสี ย และความสูญเสี ยของกระบวนการ

                    6.2a(2) Minimize Overall Costs:
   ARDEC minimizes overall costs associated with inspection, test and
    process or performance audits by using the appropriate Enterprise
    Excellence tools to uncover potential problems early in the design cycle.
   Using Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) in software
    development projects able to isolate majority of requirements defects in
    the requirements analysis phase of software development.
   ARDEC uses Lean Six Sigma to reduce variability and catch defects before
    a problem occurs.
   ARDEC utilize predictive reliability models to identify system stress points
    prior to “bending metal”, allowing products to be designed for quality.

ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner                                              Bill Voravuth
ลดตนทุนโดยรวม ของเสี ย และความสูญเสี ยของกระบวนการ

                         6.2a(2) Minimize Overall Costs:

               PVHS minimizes over all costs associated with inspections,
                tests and process or performance audits by:
                  1) incorporating automation and error proofing into
                      process and service design
                  2) identifying in-process measures that give early
                      indications of potential problems.
               PVHS has automated alert systems that minimize constant
                checking and re-checking of vital systems but still ensure
                vigilant monitoring.

Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner                       Bill Voravuth
ลดตนทุนโดยรวม ของเสี ย และความสูญเสี ยของกระบวนการ

                       6.2a(2) Minimize Overall Costs:

       CCM prevents defects, service errors, minimize warranty costs and
        customer productivity losses through their process design and
        process refinements made using the Best Practices Model (BPM).
       Process Development Groups (PDG) works with the QA Department
        to review testing and inspection frequencies at least once per year
        to determine where they can be reduced or eliminated.
       CCM utilizes their preferred supplier process to reduce their
        inbound testing of chemicals and processing aids.

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                            Bill Voravuth
พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ

                                6.2 ข
           ์         ์   ิ ี       ่                               ่
   บรรลุผลการดาเนินการทีดขน ลดความแปรปรวนของกระบวนการ
                                     ่ ี ึ้
   ปรับปรุงผลิตภัณฑและบริการให้ดีขน รวมทังทาให้กระบวนการ
                             ์                  ึ้     ้
   เหลานี้ทนกับความตองการและทิศทางของธุรกิจอยูเสมอ องคกรมี
         ่       ั             ้                         ่     ์
       ี           ่             ่          ้                 ่ ้
   ระหวางหน่วยงานและกระบวนการอืนๆ เพือผลักดันให้เกิดการ
             ่                                     ่ ่
               ้       ้                      ์
   HOW do you improve your work PROCESSES to achieve better
   PERFORMANCE, to reduce variability, to improve products and
   services, and to keep the PROCESSES current with business needs
   and directions? HOW are improvements and lessons learned
   shared with other organizational units and PROCESSES to drive
   organizational LEARNING and INNOVATION?
TQA Criteria                                                  Bill Voravuth
พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ

       Process/Product Design & Improvement System
       ARDEC uses its Process/Product Design and Improvement
        System to improve work processes to achieve better
        performance, reduce variability, improve products and services
        and to keep the processes current with business needs.
       ARDEC uses Process Asset Library (PAL) as a part of
        knowledgebase repository on Oracle Collaboration Suite (OCS)
        to disseminate process knowledge throughout the organization.
        The main purpose is to facilitate and improve process asset
        management, distribution, execution, and retention for ARDEC
       ARDEC uses PAL as “one-stop show” for the ARDEC workforce to
        access policies, procedures, templates, tools and guidance.
ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner                                         Bill Voravuth
พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ

ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner                           Bill Voravuth
พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ

                     Process Improvement Team (PIT)
          PVHS embed the culture of performance excellence and
             organizational learning with formal and informal approaches
             during continual work process improvement.
            The identified improvement opportunities by staff or through
             performance measurement system are escalated to system PDCA
            The Process Improvement Team (PIT) approve and monitor
             system PDCA initiatives. The PIT is one of key multidisciplinary
             performance excellence teams that play a key role in the
             organization’s performance improvement system.
            The PIT has function as system-wide oversight committee in
             Annual Performance Excellence Cycle and in monthly monitoring
             of key performance measure.

Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner                             Bill Voravuth
พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ

Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner                     Bill Voravuth
พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ

               Process Development Group Process (PDG)
            Intent of the PDG process is to encourage the behaviors of
               cooperation and collaboration, promote innovation, and expand
               organizational learning and expertise.
              PDGs are structured to work across facilities, functional areas,
               and product lines to standardize procedures and seek out best
               practices for product/service improvement.
              Each PDG consists of at least one employee from each facility
               plus the PDG Leader and its structure facilitates best practice
               sharing at and between locations.
              PDG Teams utilize the 9-step BPM as tool.
              The SMT is responsible for the PDG process and PDG Leaders are
               responsible for deployment and implementation of best
               practices across the CCM for their PDG.

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                                      Bill Voravuth
พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ

                        Idea to Innovation Process (i2i)
       The i2i process is a formal approach used in CCM key Profitability work
          process Manage Idea & Concept Generation and is owned by the
          Innovation Manager. It captures and tracked innovative ideas relating
          to new discoveries, cost efficiencies, process improvements and ways
          to help meet our business goals and objectives through a computer-
          based systems.
         The 4 steps for this process are:
            1) Employees enter ideas into the i2i system
            2) Ideas are reviewed by cross-functional Innovation Review Team
            3) IRTs classify and prioritize ideas using Idea Prioritization Matrix
            4) Idea mentors are assigned to either nurture or reject the idea
                with the employees.

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                                       Bill Voravuth
พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ

                    Root Cause Analysis Process (RCA)
        The RCA process is a formal approach to analyze problems and
           implement solutions for improvement. The RCA coordinator is the
           owner of the process. The cross-functional RCA Steering Team meets
           annually to review threshold triggers for the business unit.
          The key steps are:
             1) Problem owner forms an ad-hoc RCA team
             2) This team meets and develops a cause and effect chart
             3) Team gathers evidence to determine problem’s root causes
             4) Team brainstorms effective solutions to eliminate root causes
             5) Team implements the solutions
             6) Team follows up to ensure resolution.

Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner                                   Bill Voravuth
Bill Voravuth

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TQA Cat 6 Process Management
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TQA Cat 6 Process Management

TQA Cat 6 Best Practices

  • 1. Cat 6: Process Management Best Practices from MBNQA Winners Bill Voravuth
  • 2. ทาอยางไรให้องคกรสรางผลงานทีเป็ นเลิศ ่ ์ ้ ่  ออกแบบระบบงานให้เป็ นระบบงานทีมประสิ ทธิภาพสูง ่ ี  ออกแบบกระบวนการให้เป็ นกระบวนการทียอดเยียม ่ ่  ควบคุมกระบวนการให้เป็ นไปตามทีไดออกแบบไว้ ่ ้  พยายามลดข้อผิดพลาด บกพรอง ให้เหลือน้อยทีสุด ่ ่  พยายามสรางผลลัพธทีดกวาและนวัตกรรมใหมๆ ้ ์ ่ ี ่ ่  แลกเปลียนเรียนรูซึงกันและกัน ่ ้ ่ Bill Voravuth
  • 3. คนหาความสามารถพิเศษของตนเอง ้ 6.1 ก (1) องคกรมีวธการอยางไรในการกาหนดความสามารถพิเศษขององคกร ์ ิ ี ่ ์ ความสามารถพิเศษเหลานี้มอะไรบาง และมีความเชือมโยงกับพันธ ่ ี ้ ่ กิจ สภาพแวดลอมดานการแขงขัน และแผนปฏิบตการอยางไร ้ ้ ่ ั ิ ่ HOW does your organization determine its CORE COMPETENCIES? What are your organization’s CORE COMPETENCIES, and how do they relate to your MISSION, competitive environment, and ACTION PLANS? TQA Criteria Bill Voravuth
  • 4. คนหาความสามารถพิเศษของตนเอง ้ CORE COMPETENCIES Must meet the following criteria:  Delivers stakeholder-perceived value and enable business to succeed  Is rare and difficult for our existing or potential competitors to copy  Extends across our key services, products, processes, systems, and markets with organizational setup to utilize it Bill Voravuth
  • 5. Harry Hertz: core competencies  Those areas of greatest expertise for the organization today as well as those areas of expertise that are needed strategically to sustain the organization into the future.  The Diagram shows relationship between work systems and work processes, but also puts it in the context of those vital core competencies and the linkage to strategy and sustainability of the organization. Harry Hertz - MBNQA Director - present Bill Voravuth
  • 6. คนหาความสามารถพิเศษของตนเอง ้ Novel Connect - 2008 MBNQA Case Study Bill Voravuth
  • 7. คนหาความสามารถพิเศษของตนเอง ้ City of Coral Spring - 2007 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 8. คนหาความสามารถพิเศษของตนเอง ้  CCM’s Senior Leadership Team and Enterprise Development Team review its core competencies during the annual Strategy Review process  SLT and EDT perform a capability inventory assessment in all three market segments of Food, Feed and Fermentation  Rank using core competency scoring matrix:  Relevance to the market  Creation of customer value  Difficulty of imitation  Breadth of application Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 9. ความสามารถพิเศษของ CCM  Risk Management & Origination  Technical Support  Supply Chain Management  Corporate Social Responsibility Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 14. คนหาความสามารถพิเศษของตนเอง ้  Senior Management Group and Board of Directors first identified PVHS core competencies a decade ago as part of a strategy for providing a lifetime care.  SMG and interdisciplinary teams, such as the performance excellence teams, regularly review and verify the strength and relevance of core competencies through a systematic process involving affinity sort and redundant verification.  Driven by the organization’s strategic challenges, these core competencies give PVHS strategic advantages that enable it to achieve its strategic plan and ultimately its mission and vision. Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 15. ความสามารถพิเศษของ PVHS  Engaging the Workforce  Partnering  Driving Innovation  Ensuring Financial Stability Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 16. ความเชือมโยงของความสามารถพิเศษ ่ Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 17. ออกแบบระบบงาน 6.1 ก (2) องคกรมีวธการอยางไรในการออกแบบและสรางนวัตกรรมดาน ์ ิ ี ่ ้ ้ ระบบงานโดยรวม รวมทังวิธการทีใช้ตัดสิ นวากระบวนการใดใน ้ ี ่ ่ ระบบงานโดยรวมทังหมดเป็ นกระบวนการภายในองคกร(กระบวนการ ้ ์ ทางานทีสาคัญขององคกร) และกระบวนการใดจะใช้ทรัพยากรจาก ่ ์ แหลงภายนอก ่ HOW do you design and innovate your overall WORK SYSTEMS? HOW do you decide which PROCESSES within your overall WORK SYSTEMS will be internal to your organization (your KEY work PROCESSES) and which will use external resources? TQA Criteria Bill Voravuth
  • 18. ออกแบบระบบงาน ARDEC’s Work System Integration Framework and Competency Management System  ARDEC systematically analyze the processes in terms of criticality to mission, required resources, cost, schedule and performance  Based on the analysis, ARDEC then determine which processes and resources will be internal, external to our organization, or a combination of both.  ARDEC systematically integrate key work processes with core competencies to effectively and efficiently complete huge, complex, integrated development projects.  ARDEC’s Engineering Management core competency and Resource Management support competency, with their associated key work processes, horizontally integrate with its Armaments Expertise to form the teaming environment in which ARDEC accomplishes its work. ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 21. ออกแบบระบบงาน Sharp Healthcare’s Value Creation Process  Sharp designs and innovates its work systems through the Value Creation Process.  Sharp’s work systems connect the health care services delivered and the management and support processes.  Sharp’s work systems provide the resources, supplies, and support to enable success health care delivery.  During the Strategic Planning process, needs are identified using listening and learning tools. Steps to follow are: 1) Health care need, business opportunity, or support process need identified 2) Customer/stakeholder requirements solicited 3) Output determined 4) A work system is mapped 5) Input identified 6) Supplier/partners and resources determined Sharp HealthCare - 2007 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 24. ออกแบบระบบงาน PVHS’s Business Decision Support Process 1. Identification of Opportunities Ideas may originate from:  Strategy Development and Deployment process  proposals from staff, patients, physicians, and other stakeholders  an urgent or emergent situation 2. Preliminary Proposal The Project champion works with the Business Decision Support Director to draft a proposal which must include service definition, outlook, resource requirements, and feasibility analysis. Initial approval by project champion’s Senior Management Group representative based on proposal’s criticality to: 1) achieving strategic objectives; 2) meeting key customer requirements; 3) enhancing strategic advantages or addressing competitive challenges; and/or 4) meeting community needs. Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 25. ออกแบบระบบงาน PVHS’s Business Decision Support Process 3. Business Planning: If given initial approval, the project champion works with Decision Support and Planning to complete: 1) volume forecasting; 2) feasibility analysis; 3) financial forecasting, with performance targets for service. 4. Final Approval: The expanded proposal returns to SMG for a go/no go decision, with funding through SDD or the contingency fund. 5. Implementation and Review: The new or expanded service is implemented, and Decision Support and Planning reviews it quarterly relative to business plan forecasts. The project champion manages and improves new processes as described in 6.2 Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 26. ออกแบบระบบงาน Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 27. ออกแบบกระบวนการให้ไดเปรียบและโดนใจลูกคา ้ ้ 6.1 ข (1) กระบวนการทางานทีสาคัญขององคกรมีอะไรบาง มีความสั มพันธกับ ่ ์ ้ ์ ความสามารถพิเศษอยางไรรวมทังมีผลอยางไรตอการส่งมอบคุณคาแก่ ่ ้ ่ ่ ่ ลูกคา สรางกาไร ทาให้องคกรไดรับความสาเร็จและยังยืน ้ ้ ์ ้ ่ What are your organization’s KEY works PROCESSES? How do these KEY work PROCESSES relate to your CORE COMPETENCIES? How do these PROCESSES contribute to delivering CUSTOMER VALUE, profitability, organizational success, and SUSTAINABILITY? TQA Criteria Bill Voravuth
  • 28. ออกแบบกระบวนการให้ไดเปรียบและโดนใจลูกคา ้ ้ 6.1 ข (2) องคกรมีวธการอยางไรในการจัดทาขอกาหนดของกระบวนการ ์ ิ ี ่ ้ ทางานทีสาคัญ โดยใช้ขอมูลจากลูกคา ผูส่งมอบ คูคา และ ่ ้ ้ ้ ่ ้ คูความรวมมือ (*) และขอกาหนดทีสาคัญของกระบวนการดังกลาวคือ ่ ่ ้ ่ ่ อะไร HOW do you determine KEY work PROCESS requirements, incorporating input from CUSTOMERS, suppliers, PARTNERS, and COLLABORATORS, as appropriate? What are the KEY requirements for these PROCESSES? TQA Criteria Bill Voravuth
  • 29. ออกแบบกระบวนการให้ไดเปรียบและโดนใจลูกคา ้ ้ 6.1 ข (3) องคกรมีวธการอยางไรในการออกแบบและสรางนวัตกรรมของกระบวนการ ์ ิ ี ่ ้ ทางาน เพือให้เป็ นไปตามขอกาหนดทีสาคัญ มีวธการอยางไรในการนา ่ ้ ่ ิ ี ่ เทคโนโลยีใหม่ ความรูขององคกร และความคลองตัวทีอาจจาเป็ นใน ้ ์ ่ ่ อนาคต มาประกอบในการออกแบบกระบวนการเหลานี้ รวมทังมีวธการ่ ้ ิ ี อยางไรในการนารอบเวลา ผลิตภาพ การควบคุมตนทุน รวมทังปัจจัย ่ ้ ้ ดานประสิ ทธิภาพและประสิ ทธิผลอืนๆ มาประกอบในการออกแบบ ้ ่ กระบวนการเหลานี้ ่ HOW do you design and innovate your work PROCESSES to meet all the KEY requirements? HOW do you incorporate new technology, organizational knowledge, and the potential need for agility into the design of these PROCESSES? HOW do you incorporate CYCLE TIME, PRODUCTIVITY, cost control, and other efficiency and EFFECTIVENESS factors into the design of these PROCESSES? TQA Criteria Bill Voravuth
  • 33. ออกแบบกระบวนการให้ไดเปรียบและโดนใจลูกคา ้ ้ 6.1b(2) Work Process Requirements:  ARDEC has Process Teams reside within the Strategic Management and Process Office (SMPO) to follow a robust methodology to define SMPO’s requirements as delineated in ARDEC’s Process Guidelines.  Through VOC, ARDEC listens and learns about customer requirements. Customers participate in ARDEC’s Strategic Planning Process (SPP) and provide information about new and existing requirements, market changes, and other data that impact customers’ needs.  ARDEC invites customers to be part of their Integrated Product Teams (IPT) as well as other process teams for providing valuable input on a continuing basis.  ARDEC also listens to and learns from their suppliers, partners and collaborators through various methods. ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 37. ออกแบบกระบวนการให้ไดเปรียบและโดนใจลูกคา ้ ้ PVHS’s Process Design Steps 1. An oversight committee or director identifies a need for process design and forms a multidisciplinary design team representing stakeholders, such as the workforce, suppliers, and partners. 2. The design team determines process requirements, such as efficiency and effectiveness measures and the need for agility, as described in 6.1b(2). 3. The design team identifies internal and external best practices and opportunities for innovation, including new technology, through organizational knowledge, literature reviews, site visits, and/or experts. 4. The team maps the process. 5. If possible, the team performs a pilot to make sure that the process meets requirements. 6. If the process does not perform to goal, the team revised the process. Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 38. ออกแบบกระบวนการให้ไดเปรียบและโดนใจลูกคา ้ ้ 6.1b(2) Work Process Requirements:  PVHS determines key work process requirements based on extensively Voice of the Customer data plus input from patients and the community.  For support processes, VOC information come from workforce, supplier, and partner surveys, interviews, and/or focus groups, as well as appropriate stakeholder representation on process design teams.  Based on customer requirements, design teams identify in-process and outcome indicators and goals to ensure that the process is performing to target. Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 40. ออกแบบกระบวนการให้ไดเปรียบและโดนใจลูกคา ้ ้ Best Practice Model (BPM) CCM uses the BPM process, owned by the Senior Leadership Team and deployed by the Process Development Group Leaders, to: 1) Design and innovate work processes to meet key requirements 2) Modify processes for efficiency, effectiveness, agility, and cost control improvements Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 41. ออกแบบกระบวนการให้ไดเปรียบและโดนใจลูกคา ้ ้ Best Practice Model (BPM)  The Management of Change (MOC) process is used in the final step of the BPM to ensure product quality, implementation of new technology, service, safety, food safety, consistency, reliability and environmental protection are built into each process design or refinement.  In the same step of the model, new and innovative ideas and approaches initiate a refinement cycle for the process.  The use of new technology and organizational knowledge is incorporated into several steps of the BPM either directly or through the MOC process. Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 44. ออกแบบกระบวนการให้ไดเปรียบและโดนใจลูกคา ้ ้ Customer Value These key work processes contribute to customer value by systematically enabling CCM to build deeper relationships with targeted customers, discover unmet needs, and collaborate, create, and deliver new products and solutions leading to customer process. Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 45. ออกแบบกระบวนการให้ไดเปรียบและโดนใจลูกคา ้ ้ Profitability These key work processes analyze markets for growth, identify strategic customers and suppliers, plan asset utilization, optimize delivery resources, implement innovative ideas, and define overall strategies for maximizing earnings using tools such as trend analysis and linear optimization. Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 46. ออกแบบกระบวนการให้ไดเปรียบและโดนใจลูกคา ้ ้ Sustainability These key work processes focus on workforce capability and capacity, technology and equipment, risk management, and environmental stewardship. Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 47. การเตรียมพรอมตอภัยพิบตหรือภาวะฉุ กเฉิน ้ ่ ั ิ 6.1 ค องคกรมีวธการอยางไรเพือทาให้มันใจวาระบบงาน และสถานที่ ์ ิ ี ่ ่ ่ ่ ทางานมีการเตรียมพรอมตอภัยพิบตหรือภาวะฉุ กเฉิน ระบบการ ้ ่ ั ิ เตรียมพรอมตอภัยพิบตและภาวะฉุกเฉินดังกลาวไดคานึงถึงการป้องกัน ้ ่ ั ิ ่ ้ การจัดการ ความตอเนื่องของการดาเนินการ และการทาให้คืนสู่ ่ สภาพเดิมอยางไร ่ HOW do you ensure WORK SYSTEM and workplace preparedness for disasters or emergencies? HOW does your disaster and emergency preparedness system consider prevention, management, continuity of operations, and recovery? TQA Criteria Bill Voravuth
  • 49. การเตรียมพรอมตอภัยพิบตหรือภาวะฉุ กเฉิน ้ ่ ั ิ 6.1c Emergency Readiness:  ARDEC establishes its own Mission Security Office in 2006, though it continues to work jointly with the Garrison to provide emergency readiness.  ARDEC develops own COOP in 2007 to support continuity of operations across the company. The plan defines Mission Essential Functions (MEF) required to be performed in case of an adverse event and will identify and coordinate the use of an alternative site.  The plan will designate which key personnel will be required to report to an alternate site to perform MEF which will work to restore facilities at the current site and which will work from home.  The plan will also determine which files/data are essential and must be available for MEF. ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 50. การเตรียมพรอมตอภัยพิบตหรือภาวะฉุ กเฉิน ้ ่ ั ิ 6.1c Emergency Readiness:  PVHS has processes in place to ensure work system and workplace preparedness for disasters and emergencies.  Its coverage is initiated with the Prevention schemes of Environmental Health and Safety Program and the Infection Control Program.  The Management Plan is then developed to ensure the continuation of identified critical medical services.  The Financial and Operation Plan are in place to ensure the continuity of operations in the event of an emergency.  The program then expanded its coverage to include the Evacuation and Recovery Plan in order to ensure the organizational sustainability through a disaster. Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 51. การเตรียมพรอมตอภัยพิบตหรือภาวะฉุ กเฉิน ้ ่ ั ิ 6.1c Emergency Readiness:  The Emergency Action Plan (EAP) owned by the VP of Operations, details chains of command, actions, and notifications required for emergencies.  The EAP includes requirements for resumption of operations after an event.  Regular drills are conducts with local emergency professionals.  CCM also has Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans which is owned by QA Manager whom is the member of the Senior Management Team to address all internal required control points including monitored, verified and validated on regular frequencies. Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 52. ควบคุมกระบวนการเพือสรางหลักประกันดานคุณภาพ ่ ้ ้ 6.2 ก (1) องคกรนากระบวนการทางานไปปฏิบตอยางไร เพือให้เป็ นไปตามขอกาหนด ์ ั ิ ่ ่ ้ ของการออกแบบ องคกรมีวธการอยางไรในการทาให้มันใจวาการ ์ ิ ี ่ ่ ่ ปฏิบตงานประจาวันของกระบวนการเหลานี้จะเป็ นไปตามขอกาหนดทีสาคัญ ั ิ ่ ้ ่ องคกรมีวธการอยางไรในการนาขอมูลจากลูกคา ผูส่งมอบคูค้า และ ์ ิ ี ่ ้ ้ ้ ่ คูความรวมมือมาใช้ในการจัดการกระบวนการดังกลาว (*) ตัววัดหรือดัชนีชี้ ่ ่ ่ วัดผลการดาเนินการทีสาคัญและตัววัดในกระบวนการทีองคกรใช้ในการ ่ ่ ์ ควบคุมและปรับปรุงกระบวนการทางานตางๆ คืออะไร ่ HOW do you implement your work PROCESSES to ensure that they meet design requirements? HOW does your subsequent day-to-day operation of these PROCESSES ensure that they meet KEY PROCESS requirements? HOW is CUSTOMER, supplier, PARTNER, and COLLABORATOR input used in managing these PROCESSES, as appropriate? What are your KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES or INDICATORS and in-process MEASURES used for the control and improvement of your work PROCESSES? TQA Criteria Bill Voravuth
  • 53. ควบคุมกระบวนการเพือสรางหลักประกันดานคุณภาพ ่ ้ ้ 6.2a(1) Work Process Management:  ARDEC Process Owners implement all new or redesigned processes. Process Owners monitor, control and evaluated all key process measures defined during the process design.  ARDEC will test the new or redesigned process in a pilot mode to ensure it is working in accordance with design requirements. Once it has been validated and is ready for full implementation, deployment and user-training plans are developed.  Simple processes are documented with a process narrative and flow map and posted on intranet ARDEC Process Asset Library (PAL). Other more complex processes require formal training to include classroom and in-the-workplace training. ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 54. ควบคุมกระบวนการเพือสรางหลักประกันดานคุณภาพ ่ ้ ้ 6.2a(1) Work Process Management:  PVHS has systematic process for implementing work processes upon design completion: 1) the design team mocks up or pilots the process and invites users to test it and makes appropriate modifications 2) the design team rolls out the process and standardizes it across the organization 3) the design team and relevant departments monitor and adjust the process to make sure its is meeting design requirements.  PVHS designs processes to incorporate automation, error-proofing, alert system and monitors in-process measures as early indicators of potential problems in order to ensure that processes are meeting key requirements in day-to-day operations. PVHS also monitors monthly, quarterly and yearly audits through oversight committees. Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 55. ควบคุมกระบวนการเพือสรางหลักประกันดานคุณภาพ ่ ้ ้ 6.2a(1) Work Process Management:  PVHS uses unit-specific collaborative-practice guidelines and protocols to reduce variability and response time. Processes incorporate patient feedback and in-process measures. On a daily and shift-by- shift basis, caregivers make and document corrections if the patient is not responding as expected. Quality Resources performs real-time audits to ensure that guidelines are follows.  Suppliers assist in managing work processes by training on new equipments, advising on design and remodel, ensuring product availability and effectiveness and participating in process improvements. Major suppliers meet regularly with appropriate directors to assess service standards and product availability. Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 56. ควบคุมกระบวนการเพือสรางหลักประกันดานคุณภาพ ่ ้ ้ 6.2a(1) Work Process Management:  CCM creates and use new process Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for training employees. Process owners are responsible for maintaining SOPs.  Methods used for the implementation of new or modified work processes include pilot testing or parallel processing.  Measures are defined for all key work processes and are used for control and improvement. Process owners monitor key work process performance measures on a routine basis of daily, weekly or monthly.  Root Cause Analysis is used to create action plans addressing rejections, lost-time accidents, environmental incidents, significant property damage, major maintenance repairs or repeat issues. Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 57. ลดตนทุนโดยรวม ของเสี ย และความสูญเสี ยของกระบวนการ ้ 6.2 ก (2) องคกรมีวธการอยางไรในการลดตนทุนโดยรวมทีเกียวข้องกับการ ์ ิ ี ่ ้ ่ ่ ตรวจสอบ การทดสอบ และการตรวจประเมินกระบวนการหรือผล การดาเนินการ (*) องคกรมีวธการอยางไรในการป้องกันไมให้เกิดสิ่ ง ์ ิ ี ่ ่ บกพรอง ความผิดพลาดของการให้บริการ และการทางานซา ่ ้ รวมทังการลดคาใช้จายในการประกันผลิตภัณฑ ์ หรือการสูญเสี ย ้ ่ ่ ผลิตภาพของลูกคาให้น้อยทีสด (*) ้ ่ ุ HOW do you minimize overall costs associated with inspections, tests, and PROCESS or PERFORMANCE audits, as appropriate? HOW do you prevent defects, service errors, and rework and minimize warranty costs or CUSTOMERS’ PRODUCTIVITY losses, as appropriate? TQA Criteria Bill Voravuth
  • 58. ลดตนทุนโดยรวม ของเสี ย และความสูญเสี ยของกระบวนการ ้ 6.2a(2) Minimize Overall Costs:  ARDEC minimizes overall costs associated with inspection, test and process or performance audits by using the appropriate Enterprise Excellence tools to uncover potential problems early in the design cycle.  Using Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) in software development projects able to isolate majority of requirements defects in the requirements analysis phase of software development.  ARDEC uses Lean Six Sigma to reduce variability and catch defects before a problem occurs.  ARDEC utilize predictive reliability models to identify system stress points prior to “bending metal”, allowing products to be designed for quality. ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 59. ลดตนทุนโดยรวม ของเสี ย และความสูญเสี ยของกระบวนการ ้ 6.2a(2) Minimize Overall Costs:  PVHS minimizes over all costs associated with inspections, tests and process or performance audits by: 1) incorporating automation and error proofing into process and service design 2) identifying in-process measures that give early indications of potential problems.  PVHS has automated alert systems that minimize constant checking and re-checking of vital systems but still ensure vigilant monitoring. Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 60. ลดตนทุนโดยรวม ของเสี ย และความสูญเสี ยของกระบวนการ ้ 6.2a(2) Minimize Overall Costs:  CCM prevents defects, service errors, minimize warranty costs and customer productivity losses through their process design and process refinements made using the Best Practices Model (BPM).  Process Development Groups (PDG) works with the QA Department to review testing and inspection frequencies at least once per year to determine where they can be reduced or eliminated.  CCM utilizes their preferred supplier process to reduce their inbound testing of chemicals and processing aids. Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 61. พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ 6.2 ข องคกรองคกรมีวธการอยางไรในการปรับปรุงกระบวนการทางานเพือ ์ ์ ิ ี ่ ่ บรรลุผลการดาเนินการทีดขน ลดความแปรปรวนของกระบวนการ ่ ี ึ้ ปรับปรุงผลิตภัณฑและบริการให้ดีขน รวมทังทาให้กระบวนการ ์ ึ้ ้ เหลานี้ทนกับความตองการและทิศทางของธุรกิจอยูเสมอ องคกรมี ่ ั ้ ่ ์ วิธการอยางไรในการแบงปันขอมูลการปรับปรุงและบทเรียนทีไดรับ ี ่ ่ ้ ่ ้ ระหวางหน่วยงานและกระบวนการอืนๆ เพือผลักดันให้เกิดการ ่ ่ ่ เรียนรูและสรางนวัตกรรมในองคกร ้ ้ ์ HOW do you improve your work PROCESSES to achieve better PERFORMANCE, to reduce variability, to improve products and services, and to keep the PROCESSES current with business needs and directions? HOW are improvements and lessons learned shared with other organizational units and PROCESSES to drive organizational LEARNING and INNOVATION? TQA Criteria Bill Voravuth
  • 62. พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ Process/Product Design & Improvement System  ARDEC uses its Process/Product Design and Improvement System to improve work processes to achieve better performance, reduce variability, improve products and services and to keep the processes current with business needs.  ARDEC uses Process Asset Library (PAL) as a part of knowledgebase repository on Oracle Collaboration Suite (OCS) to disseminate process knowledge throughout the organization. The main purpose is to facilitate and improve process asset management, distribution, execution, and retention for ARDEC processes.  ARDEC uses PAL as “one-stop show” for the ARDEC workforce to access policies, procedures, templates, tools and guidance. ARDEC - 2007 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 64. พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ Process Improvement Team (PIT)  PVHS embed the culture of performance excellence and organizational learning with formal and informal approaches during continual work process improvement.  The identified improvement opportunities by staff or through performance measurement system are escalated to system PDCA initiatives.  The Process Improvement Team (PIT) approve and monitor system PDCA initiatives. The PIT is one of key multidisciplinary performance excellence teams that play a key role in the organization’s performance improvement system.  The PIT has function as system-wide oversight committee in Annual Performance Excellence Cycle and in monthly monitoring of key performance measure. Poudre Valley Health System - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 66. พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ Process Development Group Process (PDG)  Intent of the PDG process is to encourage the behaviors of cooperation and collaboration, promote innovation, and expand organizational learning and expertise.  PDGs are structured to work across facilities, functional areas, and product lines to standardize procedures and seek out best practices for product/service improvement.  Each PDG consists of at least one employee from each facility plus the PDG Leader and its structure facilitates best practice sharing at and between locations.  PDG Teams utilize the 9-step BPM as tool.  The SMT is responsible for the PDG process and PDG Leaders are responsible for deployment and implementation of best practices across the CCM for their PDG. Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 67. พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ Idea to Innovation Process (i2i)  The i2i process is a formal approach used in CCM key Profitability work process Manage Idea & Concept Generation and is owned by the Innovation Manager. It captures and tracked innovative ideas relating to new discoveries, cost efficiencies, process improvements and ways to help meet our business goals and objectives through a computer- based systems.  The 4 steps for this process are: 1) Employees enter ideas into the i2i system 2) Ideas are reviewed by cross-functional Innovation Review Team (IRT) 3) IRTs classify and prioritize ideas using Idea Prioritization Matrix 4) Idea mentors are assigned to either nurture or reject the idea with the employees. Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth
  • 68. พัฒนาคุณภาพสู่ความเป็ นเลิศ Root Cause Analysis Process (RCA)  The RCA process is a formal approach to analyze problems and implement solutions for improvement. The RCA coordinator is the owner of the process. The cross-functional RCA Steering Team meets annually to review threshold triggers for the business unit.  The key steps are: 1) Problem owner forms an ad-hoc RCA team 2) This team meets and develops a cause and effect chart 3) Team gathers evidence to determine problem’s root causes 4) Team brainstorms effective solutions to eliminate root causes 5) Team implements the solutions 6) Team follows up to ensure resolution. Cargill Corn Milling - 2008 MBNQA Winner Bill Voravuth