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Postgraduate Diploma Program 2011 – 2012
  Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology

                  Lecture 8

Ways of Knowing and Narrating the
         Ranjith Bandara Dissanayake
mqrdúoHd;aul ióCIKfha úêl%u
(Archaeological Survey Methods)
* foaYk jHqyh

  1. .fõIKh: Ndú;h yd úêl%u

  2. u;=msg .fõIK l%u

  3. N+ fN!;sl .fõIK l%u

  4. oqria: ixfõoS .fõIK l%u
bf.kq ï M,

* mqrdúoHdfõ fCIa;% Ndú;dj
* mqrdúoHdfõ nyqúIhSh m%fõYh
* mqrdúoHd ióCIK i|yd fhdod .kakd úêl%u
What is
Space ?

         Three modes of spatial thinking:
                1. Perceived space (suppose)
                2. Conceived space (imagine)
                3. lived space

(“therdspace” as a place of transition between built and cognitive
realities, a place in everyday life where conceptions of space are
Concept of Place; a concept of space, is fundamental to
Human society.
Place is both physical location of activity   (the space where

           and the historically contextualized
Action occur),
construction and reconstruction of conceptions of that

Place is not a predetermined entity, rather place is
Dynamic, and unstable yet resilient (flexible).
Space in Archaeology

•Archaeologists focused on trying to make sense of the artifacts and
features they uncovered.
•By examining the characteristics of assemblages it became
apparent that some shared certain traits and that these traits
could be attributed to individual cultures.
•Reasoning that different cultures represented different ethnic
groups, and that the characteristics of these groups could be
understood through their material culture.
•These cultures influenced one another and that certain styles
moved from one society to another through diffusion, migration or
• Spatial distribution of these “culture traits” was essential to
understanding change.
•Classifying assemblages into groups with a discrete spatial extent;
called “culture areas”.

“…the study of past distribution of culture-traits
in time and space, and the factors governing
their distribution.”
                     (Clarke, D.L., 1977, Spatial Archaeology)

“After an artifacts has been exposed, its position
must be recorded. This information is as
significant as the artifact itself.”
                     ( Robert Heizer, 1958
Spatial Patterns
•Notion of “site”.
        - defined as a complex relational framework in
         social action and natural processes are related in
a        complex, dynamic and dialectical sense.
      - An archaeological site is the place where social
action        “was” performed.
        - Social action is never performed isolated or in an
                abstract vacuum.
        - Social action is produced in physical space, and
this is          not a neutral container.
- Archaeological site is not a random organized, nor it is
result of chance alone.
-Changes in the topology of archaeological space
determine changes in the statistical properties of the
archaeological records.

      Three modes of arch; context,
                        a) Locus
                        b) Site
                        c) Settlement

In any inquiry about the social past, the
first question to address is size or scale.
Settlement archaeology includes an array
of techniques and theories dedicated
precisely to understanding these scalar
Archaeologists generally try to address
spatial concerns first in the process of
decoding past human behavior.
Investigating activities within
            a site
• the aim is to understand the nature
  of the activities that took place there,
  and of the social group that used it.
• One important distinction can be
  drawn between cave sites and open
• Ethnoarchaeology – linking the
  ethnographic present with the
  archaeological past.
Investigating territories in mobile

• Off-site archaeology – how do people
  use the territory between sites?
  Sampling strategy to determine
  density of stone tools over large
  area. Space and density are the two
  critical factors examined.
Possible site categories include
 (ascending scale):
• hamlet
• dispersed village
• nucleated village
• local center
• regional center
A site
hierarchy in
. (a)
hierarchy of
site types.
hierarchy on
the ground,
with the
spaced at
These in turn
  Place Theory
• Basic tenet:
  In a uniform
  the spatial
  patterning of
  would be
  g hexagons.
Site Hierarchies

• Sites are organized in rank order by
• These are but two of many
  potential models for explaining the
  distribution of human settlements
  across given landscapes…
How do we bridge the gap
 between archaeological
 remains and the societies
 those remains represent?
  The two most commonly proposed
  approaches are:
• middle range theory
• analogy
(Somadeva 2005).
Central Place Theory

This is theory concerned with the
 functional importance of places
Central Place
• -is a settlement that provides goods &
  services. It can be small (a village) or
  large (primate city)
 all settlements form a link in a
  hierarchy                          London 7m


                  Norwich 122,000
Why are there very few
large settlements?
Settlement hierarchy
• Why are there very few large settlements?
• Large settlements need a very large population
  (threshold) to support all of their functions
• Large settlements provide very high order
  functions (Great Ormond St, Houses of
  Parliament). Because these functions are so
  highly specialised there is not enough
  demand to support more than a few of them
u;= m s g .fõIK úêl% u ^Surface survey&

fuys l%ufõo folls. tkï,

        1 wl%uj;a ióCIK ^unsystematic survey&
fuh b;d ir, jQjls. .fõIlhdf.a wNsu;h mrsos fCIq;%fha ksoyfia
weúÈñka, wod< o%jH tla/ia lrñka, u;=msg lsishï boslsrSula fõ kï
tajd w;r we;s iïnJO;dj jd¾;d .; lrhs.
        fuu l%uh,
mCImd;S yd fkdu. hjk iq¨ wra:ksrEmK ,nd fohs.

        2 l%uj;a ióCIK ^systematic survey&
.fjsIKhg ,la lrk N+ñh ukdj md,kh l< yels mrsos is;shul
Wml,ams; fldgqoe,a fhdod l%udkql+, wdldrhg wejso ^field walking&
iuSCIKh flfra. N+ñfha lsisoq fldgila fj; wju wjOdkhla fyda
Wmrsu wjOdkhla fhduq fkdflfra. ksheoslrKfha Wmrsu ksrjoH;dj
ms<sn| ie<ls,su;a fõ.
l%uj;a fCIa;% iuSCIKhl idCIs:
           1 flaJo%dmidrS úysoSu

           2 úYd, m%foaYhla Wml,ams;
             fldgqoe,lg we;=<;a fldg
             iuSCIKh lsrSu

mqrdúoHd mYapd;a Wmdê wdh;kh u.ska 1999 -
2001 w;r ld,h ;=< isoql< lsrs|sTh my<
ksuskfha mqrdK ckdjdi iuSCIKh
u ;= m s g ióCIKfhys Ndú;dj

* mq¨,a ióCIK ^extensive survey& yd ;Sj%
ióCIK ^intensive survey&
fuh l%u folla hgf;a jsia;r l< yel tkus

      1 m%dfoaYSh ióCIK ^regional survey&
      jsYd, m%foaYhla fyd l,dmhla f;dard
      f.k mq¨,a f,i;a ;Sj% f,i;a iuSCIKh

      2 ia:dkSh ióCIK ^site survey&
      ksYaÑ; l=vd wjldYhla f;dard f.k mq¨,a
      f,i;a ;Sj% f,i;a iuSCIKh lsrSuhs
within an
area of
300km2. This
area was
divided into
squares. The
extent of the
area in LKB
is about
164km2. The
area (66km2)
consists of
mountains, a
(Yāla) and      lsrs|sTh my< ksuskfha jra. lsf,dauSgr 300 l m%dfoaYSh .fjsIKh
several man-
N+ fN!;s l .fõIK úêl% u ^geo-physical survey&

* mqrdúoHdfõ nyqúIhd;aul m%fõYh
fuu l%ufhaoS jvd;a Wmfhda.S lr .kq ,nkafka N+úoHdj jsiska N+
wNHka;rh iuSCIKh i|yd oshqKq lrk ,o ;dCIKsl l%ufjsohkah.

fmdf<dj wNHka;rh fidhd ne,Su ^subsurface detection&

         1 fmdf<dj jsoSu ^Probes/coring method&
f,day oKavla wdOdrfhka fyda fndarh ^Bores& Wmldr lr f.k fmdf<dj
jso mia mrSCId lsrSu u.ska fmdf<dj wNHka;rh iuSCIKh lsrSu. fuys l%u
folls. tkus,

w& w;a Ts.rh ^Hand Auger&

wd& hdka;%sl TS.rh ^Mechanical Auger&
fmdf<dj jso ne,Sfus jHdmD;sh - 2001 rusnd jsydr jHdmD;sh weUs,smsgsh ^Ramba Vihara Coring Project - 2001&
2 tkafvdiafldam iuSCIKh ^Endoscope&
* 1950 oYlfha jraOkh jQjls
* ldraf,d f,rsps ^Carlo Lerici& jsiska oshqKq lrk ,oaols
* fmdf<dj wNHka;rfha jk isoqre ;=<ska l=vd wOs;dCIKsl leurdjla hjd
iuSCIKh lsrSu
* Bcsma;=fjs msruSv fuu l%uh hgf;a mrSCId fldg we;
* tgsg%ialka fidfydka N+us 3500 la muK mrSCId fldg tajd ish,a, ysia nj wjfndaO
lr .kakd ,os

pq u s N l .fjs I K l% u ^Magnetic survey&
Ndjs;h - je<,S we;s ms<siaiQ ueá jHqyhka j<x fmdarKq hlv NdKav j<j,a yd w.,a
wkdjrKh lrhs
uQ,Orauh - by; je<,S .sh wx. u.ska uek .; yels wkaofus N+ pqusNl fCIa;%
jHdl+,;d ^distortions in the earth’s magnetic field& fmkakqus lrhs.
pqusNl fCIa;%j, fjkialus je<,S we;s o%jH wkqj fjkia fjs jsfYaIfhka hlvj,
iusnJO;dj wkqj th r|d mj;S fuu ixfjsoS;dj i|yd b;d l=vd hlv m%udkhla
;snSu jqjo m%udKj;ah.
uegsj, we;s hlv Tlaihsv wxY=j, pqusNlFjh tu uegs fkdmqˆiaik;dla wjsOsu;a
f,i osYdkq.; fjs. tfy;a tu uegs fi,aishia wxYl 700 g fyda Bg jevsfhka r;a
lsrSfusoS tajdfha hlv wxY= ia:sr f,i fmdf<dfjs pqusNl fCIa;% wkqj osYd .;jS
ia:djr fjs.
pqusNl fCIq;%j, wksis m%;sl%shd ukskq ,nk, tu.ska je<,S we;s wx. wkdjrKh lr .ekSu i|yd Ndjs;
lrkq ,nk l%ufjso ;=kls. tkus,

           w& ue.fkdauSgrh ^magnetometers&
           wd& f.%vsfhdauSgrh ^gradiometers&
           we& f,day mrSCIlh ^metal detectors&

ue.a f kda u S g r
fmdf<dfjs we;s lrkq ,nk b;d iq¨ tfy;a ;shqKq pqusNl fCIa;% ;Sj%;d fjkialus .%yKh
l< yel

1 fm%dafgdak ue.afkdauSgrh ^proton precession magnometer&
^jsoq,s o.rhla wka;ra.; lrk ,o c,h msrjQ fnda;,hlska hqla; fjs th l%shdldrS jkafka ixfjsolhla
f,ih fuu ixfjsolh rsgl ijs fldg we;s w;r wf;a f.k hd yels wkaofus fmgsgshl jQ bf,lafg%daksl
mrsm:hlg th flan,a u.ska iusnJO fldg we;&

2 *a,laiaf.ags ue.afkdauSgrh ^Fluxgate Magnometer&

3 vs*rkaI,a *a,laiaf.ags ue.afkdauSgrh ^Differential Fluxgate magnometer&
1 *a,laiaf.ags f.%vsfhda uSgrh ^Fluxgate Gradiometer&
fuh wdf,dal m%Njhla wka;ra.; jQjls tu.ska fmdf<dfjs pqusNl fCIa;
%j, ;Sj%;dfjs fjki wLKavj uek fohs

fuh iajhxl%s%h Pdhd jdra;dlrKhlg yd mrs.Klhlg iusnJO l< yel

f,day mrSCIl
fus u.ska pqusNlFjh ^magnetism& yd ikakdhl;dj^conductivity&
hk .=Kdx. folu Ndjs; lrkq ,nhs th ishˆu f,day jra.j, jsoHq;a
ikakdhl;dj yd hlv wvx.= f,dayj, by, pqusNl ku%;djg m%;spdr

1 mdxY= ikakdhl;d udklh ^soil conductivity meter&

2 iamkaok udklh ^pulsed induction meter&
fuu WmlrK u.ska fmdf<dj fj;g iusfm%aIKh lrkq ,nk ;rx.j,
fjkila we;s lrk mfia we;s ikakdhl;dj fyda ku%;dj u.ska fmdf<dj
wNHka;rfha je<,S we;s o%jH ms<sn|j fkdj jHqy ms<sn|j wkdjrKh fjs
oq r ia : ixfõoS ióCIK úêl% u ^remote sensing
fmdf<dj jso ne,Sulska fyda leKSulska fyda f;drj ydksodhl fkdjk
wdldrfha fmdf<dj wNHka;rh mrSCId lsrSfus l%u jkafka oqria: ixfjsoS
iuSCIK l%uhkah
oqria: ixfjsoS WmlrK jsjsO Yla;Ska uqod yer mia jsksjso f.dia fmdf<dj
hg je<,s we;s o%jH yd jHqyhka ms<n|j ms<sUsnqjla ,nd fokafka
fmdf<dfjs we;s pqusNl fCIa;%j, ;Sj%;djg ixfjsoS fjusks

1 .=jka PdhdrEm ^Arial Photographs&

                     ;sria .=jka PdhdrEm ^oblique Arial

                     isria .=jka PdhdrEm ^vertical Arial
frdaudkq n,fldgqjla .=jka PdhdrEmhlg osia jk whqre
2 pJo%sld PdhdrEm ^Landsat Satellite Images&
Spot 7 kus jQ m%xYhg wh;a
pJo%sldj jsiska 2002 jifraoS .kakd
,o lsrs|sTh my, ksuskh yd wjg
Spot 7 Landsat pJo%sldfjka .kakd ,o
PdhdrEmhlska osia jk mshjs weig
fkdfmfkk hd, m%foaYfha mqrdK l=Uqre
hdhl m%;sksraudKhla
3 iSiausla yd Osjks ;rx. ^Seismic and Acoustic Methods&
^Osjks m%;srdj l%u - Echo Sounding&
fmdf<dj ;=<g Yla;sh hjd bka cks; Osjksh jdra;d.; lr N=.; wx.
wkdjrKh lr .; yel
fuu.ska oqraj, Ynso u.ska lsisoq wjfYaIhla fkdue;s wNHka;rhlao
wkqkdohla kxjk Ynsohla u.ska je<,S we;s j<j,a fyda w.,a ms<sn|
i<l=Kqo y.jhs.
w& ia:djr ;rx. l%uh ^Standing wave technique&

wd& fidakdra l%u ^Sonar&
           1 mdraYajSh ialEka fidakdra ^Side Scan Sonar&

4 .=jka jsoq,s ;rx. yd bf,lafg%daksl iamkaok ^Radio Waves
and Electrical Impulses&
w& mdxY= Osjks fravdrh ^Soil-Sounding Radar&
wd& N+ fravdrh ^Geo-radar&
we& jsoHq;a m%;sfrdaOh ^Electriclal resistivity&

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Pdar 51013 8

  • 1. Postgraduate Diploma Program 2011 – 2012 Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology Lecture 8 Ways of Knowing and Narrating the Past Ranjith Bandara Dissanayake
  • 2. mqrdúoHd;aul ióCIKfha úêl%u (Archaeological Survey Methods) * foaYk jHqyh 1. .fõIKh: Ndú;h yd úêl%u 2. u;=msg .fõIK l%u 3. N+ fN!;sl .fõIK l%u 4. oqria: ixfõoS .fõIK l%u
  • 3. bf.kq ï M, * mqrdúoHdfõ fCIa;% Ndú;dj * mqrdúoHdfõ nyqúIhSh m%fõYh * mqrdúoHd ióCIK i|yd fhdod .kakd úêl%u
  • 5. Cont.. Three modes of spatial thinking: 1. Perceived space (suppose) 2. Conceived space (imagine) 3. lived space (“therdspace” as a place of transition between built and cognitive realities, a place in everyday life where conceptions of space are transformed.)
  • 6. Cont.. Concept of Place; a concept of space, is fundamental to understanding Human society. Place is both physical location of activity (the space where human and the historically contextualized Action occur), construction and reconstruction of conceptions of that place. Place is not a predetermined entity, rather place is porous, Dynamic, and unstable yet resilient (flexible).
  • 7. Space in Archaeology •Archaeologists focused on trying to make sense of the artifacts and features they uncovered. •By examining the characteristics of assemblages it became apparent that some shared certain traits and that these traits could be attributed to individual cultures. •Reasoning that different cultures represented different ethnic groups, and that the characteristics of these groups could be understood through their material culture. •These cultures influenced one another and that certain styles moved from one society to another through diffusion, migration or invasion. • Spatial distribution of these “culture traits” was essential to understanding change. •Classifying assemblages into groups with a discrete spatial extent; called “culture areas”.
  • 8. Cont.. “…the study of past distribution of culture-traits in time and space, and the factors governing their distribution.” (Clarke, D.L., 1977, Spatial Archaeology) “After an artifacts has been exposed, its position must be recorded. This information is as significant as the artifact itself.” ( Robert Heizer, 1958
  • 9. Spatial Patterns •Notion of “site”. - defined as a complex relational framework in which social action and natural processes are related in a complex, dynamic and dialectical sense. - An archaeological site is the place where social action “was” performed. - Social action is never performed isolated or in an abstract vacuum. - Social action is produced in physical space, and this is not a neutral container.
  • 10. Cont… - Archaeological site is not a random organized, nor it is result of chance alone. -Changes in the topology of archaeological space determine changes in the statistical properties of the archaeological records. Three modes of arch; context, a) Locus b) Site c) Settlement
  • 11. SETTLEMENT ARCHAEOLOGY AND SPATIAL ANALYSIS In any inquiry about the social past, the first question to address is size or scale. Settlement archaeology includes an array of techniques and theories dedicated precisely to understanding these scalar questions. Archaeologists generally try to address spatial concerns first in the process of decoding past human behavior.
  • 12. Investigating activities within a site • the aim is to understand the nature of the activities that took place there, and of the social group that used it. • One important distinction can be drawn between cave sites and open sites. • Ethnoarchaeology – linking the ethnographic present with the archaeological past.
  • 13. Investigating territories in mobile societies • Off-site archaeology – how do people use the territory between sites? Sampling strategy to determine density of stone tools over large area. Space and density are the two critical factors examined.
  • 14. SETTLEMENT PATTERNING Possible site categories include (ascending scale): • hamlet • dispersed village • nucleated village • local center • regional center
  • 15. A site hierarchy in Mesoamerica . (a) Simplified hierarchy of site types. (b) Hypothetical site hierarchy on the ground, with the major regional center serving secondary centers spaced at regular intervals. These in turn
  • 16. Central Place Theory (Walter Christaller, 1933). • Basic tenet: In a uniform landscape, the spatial patterning of settlements would be perfectly regular, forming interconnectin g hexagons.
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  • 18. Site Hierarchies • Sites are organized in rank order by size. • These are but two of many potential models for explaining the distribution of human settlements across given landscapes…
  • 19. How do we bridge the gap between archaeological remains and the societies those remains represent? The two most commonly proposed approaches are: • middle range theory • analogy
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  • 26. Central Place Theory This is theory concerned with the functional importance of places
  • 27. Central Place • -is a settlement that provides goods & services. It can be small (a village) or large (primate city)  all settlements form a link in a hierarchy London 7m Peterborough 156,000 Norwich 122,000 Cambridge 108,000
  • 28. Why are there very few large settlements?
  • 29. Settlement hierarchy • Why are there very few large settlements? • Large settlements need a very large population (threshold) to support all of their functions (services) • Large settlements provide very high order functions (Great Ormond St, Houses of Parliament). Because these functions are so highly specialised there is not enough demand to support more than a few of them
  • 30. u;= m s g .fõIK úêl% u ^Surface survey& fuys l%ufõo folls. tkï, 1 wl%uj;a ióCIK ^unsystematic survey& fuh b;d ir, jQjls. .fõIlhdf.a wNsu;h mrsos fCIq;%fha ksoyfia weúÈñka, wod< o%jH tla/ia lrñka, u;=msg lsishï boslsrSula fõ kï tajd w;r we;s iïnJO;dj jd¾;d .; lrhs. fuu l%uh, mCImd;S yd fkdu. hjk iq¨ wra:ksrEmK ,nd fohs. 2 l%uj;a ióCIK ^systematic survey& .fjsIKhg ,la lrk N+ñh ukdj md,kh l< yels mrsos is;shul Wml,ams; fldgqoe,a fhdod l%udkql+, wdldrhg wejso ^field walking& iuSCIKh flfra. N+ñfha lsisoq fldgila fj; wju wjOdkhla fyda Wmrsu wjOdkhla fhduq fkdflfra. ksheoslrKfha Wmrsu ksrjoH;dj ms<sn| ie<ls,su;a fõ.
  • 31. l%uj;a fCIa;% iuSCIKhl idCIs: 1 flaJo%dmidrS úysoSu 2 úYd, m%foaYhla Wml,ams; fldgqoe,lg we;=<;a fldg iuSCIKh lsrSu mqrdúoHd mYapd;a Wmdê wdh;kh u.ska 1999 - 2001 w;r ld,h ;=< isoql< lsrs|sTh my< ksuskfha mqrdK ckdjdi iuSCIKh
  • 32. u ;= m s g ióCIKfhys Ndú;dj * mq¨,a ióCIK ^extensive survey& yd ;Sj% ióCIK ^intensive survey& fuh l%u folla hgf;a jsia;r l< yel tkus 1 m%dfoaYSh ióCIK ^regional survey& jsYd, m%foaYhla fyd l,dmhla f;dard f.k mq¨,a f,i;a ;Sj% f,i;a iuSCIKh lsrSuhs 2 ia:dkSh ióCIK ^site survey& ksYaÑ; l=vd wjldYhla f;dard f.k mq¨,a f,i;a ;Sj% f,i;a iuSCIKh lsrSuhs
  • 33. The exploration was conducted within an area of 300km2. This area was divided into 1.6x1.6km squares. The extent of the reachable area in LKB is about 164km2. The un-reachable area (66km2) consists of mountains, a restricted wildlife sanctuary (Yāla) and lsrs|sTh my< ksuskfha jra. lsf,dauSgr 300 l m%dfoaYSh .fjsIKh several man- made
  • 34. N+ fN!;s l .fõIK úêl% u ^geo-physical survey& * mqrdúoHdfõ nyqúIhd;aul m%fõYh fuu l%ufhaoS jvd;a Wmfhda.S lr .kq ,nkafka N+úoHdj jsiska N+ wNHka;rh iuSCIKh i|yd oshqKq lrk ,o ;dCIKsl l%ufjsohkah. fmdf<dj wNHka;rh fidhd ne,Su ^subsurface detection& 1 fmdf<dj jsoSu ^Probes/coring method& f,day oKavla wdOdrfhka fyda fndarh ^Bores& Wmldr lr f.k fmdf<dj jso mia mrSCId lsrSu u.ska fmdf<dj wNHka;rh iuSCIKh lsrSu. fuys l%u folls. tkus, w& w;a Ts.rh ^Hand Auger& wd& hdka;%sl TS.rh ^Mechanical Auger&
  • 35.
  • 36. fmdf<dj jso ne,Sfus jHdmD;sh - 2001 rusnd jsydr jHdmD;sh weUs,smsgsh ^Ramba Vihara Coring Project - 2001&
  • 37. 2 tkafvdiafldam iuSCIKh ^Endoscope& * 1950 oYlfha jraOkh jQjls * ldraf,d f,rsps ^Carlo Lerici& jsiska oshqKq lrk ,oaols * fmdf<dj wNHka;rfha jk isoqre ;=<ska l=vd wOs;dCIKsl leurdjla hjd iuSCIKh lsrSu * Bcsma;=fjs msruSv fuu l%uh hgf;a mrSCId fldg we; * tgsg%ialka fidfydka N+us 3500 la muK mrSCId fldg tajd ish,a, ysia nj wjfndaO lr .kakd ,os pq u s N l .fjs I K l% u ^Magnetic survey& Ndjs;h - je<,S we;s ms<siaiQ ueá jHqyhka j<x fmdarKq hlv NdKav j<j,a yd w.,a wkdjrKh lrhs uQ,Orauh - by; je<,S .sh wx. u.ska uek .; yels wkaofus N+ pqusNl fCIa;% jHdl+,;d ^distortions in the earth’s magnetic field& fmkakqus lrhs. pqusNl fCIa;%j, fjkialus je<,S we;s o%jH wkqj fjkia fjs jsfYaIfhka hlvj, iusnJO;dj wkqj th r|d mj;S fuu ixfjsoS;dj i|yd b;d l=vd hlv m%udkhla ;snSu jqjo m%udKj;ah. uegsj, we;s hlv Tlaihsv wxY=j, pqusNlFjh tu uegs fkdmqˆiaik;dla wjsOsu;a f,i osYdkq.; fjs. tfy;a tu uegs fi,aishia wxYl 700 g fyda Bg jevsfhka r;a lsrSfusoS tajdfha hlv wxY= ia:sr f,i fmdf<dfjs pqusNl fCIa;% wkqj osYd .;jS ia:djr fjs.
  • 38. pqusNl fCIq;%j, wksis m%;sl%shd ukskq ,nk, tu.ska je<,S we;s wx. wkdjrKh lr .ekSu i|yd Ndjs; lrkq ,nk l%ufjso ;=kls. tkus, w& ue.fkdauSgrh ^magnetometers& wd& f.%vsfhdauSgrh ^gradiometers& we& f,day mrSCIlh ^metal detectors& ue.a f kda u S g r fmdf<dfjs we;s lrkq ,nk b;d iq¨ tfy;a ;shqKq pqusNl fCIa;% ;Sj%;d fjkialus .%yKh l< yel 1 fm%dafgdak ue.afkdauSgrh ^proton precession magnometer& ^jsoq,s o.rhla wka;ra.; lrk ,o c,h msrjQ fnda;,hlska hqla; fjs th l%shdldrS jkafka ixfjsolhla f,ih fuu ixfjsolh rsgl ijs fldg we;s w;r wf;a f.k hd yels wkaofus fmgsgshl jQ bf,lafg%daksl mrsm:hlg th flan,a u.ska iusnJO fldg we;& 2 *a,laiaf.ags ue.afkdauSgrh ^Fluxgate Magnometer& 3 vs*rkaI,a *a,laiaf.ags ue.afkdauSgrh ^Differential Fluxgate magnometer&
  • 39.
  • 40. f.%vsfhdauSgr 1 *a,laiaf.ags f.%vsfhda uSgrh ^Fluxgate Gradiometer& fuh wdf,dal m%Njhla wka;ra.; jQjls tu.ska fmdf<dfjs pqusNl fCIa; %j, ;Sj%;dfjs fjki wLKavj uek fohs fuh iajhxl%s%h Pdhd jdra;dlrKhlg yd mrs.Klhlg iusnJO l< yel f,day mrSCIl fus u.ska pqusNlFjh ^magnetism& yd ikakdhl;dj^conductivity& hk .=Kdx. folu Ndjs; lrkq ,nhs th ishˆu f,day jra.j, jsoHq;a ikakdhl;dj yd hlv wvx.= f,dayj, by, pqusNl ku%;djg m%;spdr olajhs 1 mdxY= ikakdhl;d udklh ^soil conductivity meter& 2 iamkaok udklh ^pulsed induction meter& fuu WmlrK u.ska fmdf<dj fj;g iusfm%aIKh lrkq ,nk ;rx.j, fjkila we;s lrk mfia we;s ikakdhl;dj fyda ku%;dj u.ska fmdf<dj wNHka;rfha je<,S we;s o%jH ms<sn|j fkdj jHqy ms<sn|j wkdjrKh fjs
  • 41.
  • 42. oq r ia : ixfõoS ióCIK úêl% u ^remote sensing methods& fmdf<dj jso ne,Sulska fyda leKSulska fyda f;drj ydksodhl fkdjk wdldrfha fmdf<dj wNHka;rh mrSCId lsrSfus l%u jkafka oqria: ixfjsoS iuSCIK l%uhkah oqria: ixfjsoS WmlrK jsjsO Yla;Ska uqod yer mia jsksjso f.dia fmdf<dj hg je<,s we;s o%jH yd jHqyhka ms<n|j ms<sUsnqjla ,nd fokafka fmdf<dfjs we;s pqusNl fCIa;%j, ;Sj%;djg ixfjsoS fjusks 1 .=jka PdhdrEm ^Arial Photographs& ;sria .=jka PdhdrEm ^oblique Arial photographs& isria .=jka PdhdrEm ^vertical Arial photographs&
  • 43. frdaudkq n,fldgqjla .=jka PdhdrEmhlg osia jk whqre
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  • 47. 2 pJo%sld PdhdrEm ^Landsat Satellite Images&
  • 48.
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  • 50. Spot 7 kus jQ m%xYhg wh;a Landsat pJo%sldj jsiska 2002 jifraoS .kakd ,o lsrs|sTh my, ksuskh yd wjg
  • 51. Spot 7 Landsat pJo%sldfjka .kakd ,o PdhdrEmhlska osia jk mshjs weig fkdfmfkk hd, m%foaYfha mqrdK l=Uqre hdhl m%;sksraudKhla
  • 52. 3 iSiausla yd Osjks ;rx. ^Seismic and Acoustic Methods& ^Osjks m%;srdj l%u - Echo Sounding& fmdf<dj ;=<g Yla;sh hjd bka cks; Osjksh jdra;d.; lr N=.; wx. wkdjrKh lr .; yel fuu.ska oqraj, Ynso u.ska lsisoq wjfYaIhla fkdue;s wNHka;rhlao wkqkdohla kxjk Ynsohla u.ska je<,S we;s j<j,a fyda w.,a ms<sn| i<l=Kqo y.jhs. w& ia:djr ;rx. l%uh ^Standing wave technique& wd& fidakdra l%u ^Sonar& 1 mdraYajSh ialEka fidakdra ^Side Scan Sonar& 4 .=jka jsoq,s ;rx. yd bf,lafg%daksl iamkaok ^Radio Waves and Electrical Impulses& w& mdxY= Osjks fravdrh ^Soil-Sounding Radar& wd& N+ fravdrh ^Geo-radar& we& jsoHq;a m%;sfrdaOh ^Electriclal resistivity&