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Revue de presse IoT / Data du 04/02/2017
Voici la revue de presse IoT/data/energie du 4 février 2017.
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1. Le radiateur intelligent Lancey, probable futur « pilier » des smart grids
2. Bosch, Cisco and Foxconn join blockchain and IoT consortium
3. Why artificial intelligence could be key to future-proofing the grid
4. Energy Harvesting Extends The IoT To Billions Of Smart Assets
5. The Distributed Energy Resource Management System Comes of Age
6. Avec Scale Zone, IBM et Sigfox industrialisent les start-ups IoT
Le radiateur intelligent Lancey, probable
futur « pilier » des smart grids
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Rédigé par Mélissa Petrucci | Le 28 janvier 2017 à 15:38
Une jeune entreprise basée à Grenoble a mis au point un radiateur intelligent,
alternative moderne au convecteur classique. Ce dernier est équipé d'une batterie
et présente des caractéristiques qui lui ont permis de remporter le prix « Vitrine de
l’Innovation » lors du salon Pollutec 2016.
Des recherches publiées par l'INSEE en 2015 démontrent que plus d'un ménage français
sur cinq est victime de précarité énergétique. C'est ce phénomène qui a poussé les
fondateurs de Lancey Energy Storage, start-up grenobloise, à mettre au point cet
équipement de chauffage intelligent.
Pour Raphaël Meyer, président de cette start-up, le fait d'avoir inclus un système de
stockage dans le radiateur permet à terme de faciliter l'intégration des énergies
Ainsi, le radiateur embarque une batterie au lithium qui stocke suffisamment d'énergie
pour lisser les pics de consommation quotidiens (entre 18h et 20H). Pour l'optimisation de
sa consommation, le radiateur communique avec le compteur intelligent Linky, mais est
également capable d'interagir avec un boîtier Wifi. Au final, les données de
consommation vont pouvoir être plus précises et personnalisées selon les usages du
foyer. Une aide non-négligeable dans la course aux économies d'énergie.
Selon Lancey Energy Storage, une des premières possibilités d'économie concerne le
fonctionnement intrinsèque de la batterie, qui optimise elle-même les pertes. Pour les
spécialistes des domaines de la maîtrise de l'énergie et de la rudologie , cela s'appelle
la « chaleur fatale », qui représente une perte de 15% d'énergie. Mais le système de
Lancey permet de la valoriser, assure Raphaël Meyer. Le coût global du radiateur est
également moindre grâce à l'absence de moduleur, une pièce onéreuse qui favorise
l'usure des appareils de chauffe classiques.
Le radiateur Lancey est ainsi un élément essentiel des smart grids de demain, car il
produit une interaction en le distributeur d'électricité et le consommateur final. La batterie
peut par exemple se recharger à la demande du réseau hors des périodes de pointe afin
de limiter la surcharge.
Une facture divisée par deux
Les tests montrent que le radiateur Lancey consomme 30% d'énergie de moins qu'un
radiateur classique, ce qui permet au final de diviser par deux la facture de chauffage, de
quoi réfléchir à cet investissement. Le modèle sera lancé très prochainement, avec dans
un premier temps une distribution par lots, auprès de bailleurs.
Lancey espère vendre 2 000 unités en 2017, pour accélérer en 2018, avec un objectif de
10 000 unités à écouler.
Bosch, Cisco and Foxconn join
blockchain and IoT consortium
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Intéressants témoignages.
Group includes BNY Mellon, Bosch, Cisco, Gemalto, and Foxconn, as
well as a host of blockchain start-ups.
A new industrial blockchain initiative has been launched to define the standards and
protocols for distributed ledger and the 'internet of things' (IoT), including Fortune 500
firmsBNY Mellon,Bosch,Cisco,Gemalto, andFoxconn, as well as a host of blockchain
The initiative was born at a meeting back in December, New Horizons: Blockchain x IoT
Summit. Participants in the discussions included blockchain companies Ambisafe, BitSE,
Chronicled, ConsenSys, Distributed, Filament, Hashed Health, Ledger, Skuchain, and
The initiative, according to a statement, was motivated by the leaps made by startups and
large, blue-chip IT firms in deploying blockchain-registered tamper-proof hardware for
various use cases and making new blockchain-based software systems available to
The group agreed that security, trust, identity, and registration and verification would be
the cornerstones of any common protocol, while also acknowledging the need for
integration and inter-operability across multiple chip types, communication protocols,
proprietary platforms, cloud-service providers and blockchain systems.
A blockchain-technology industry consortium emerging from the meeting would move
forward in defining the scope and implementation of a smart-contracts protocol layer
across several major blockchain systems, with elective steer from the attending Fortune
500 companies. The functioning of the group is voluntary at this stage with intent to
emphasise nimble and fast-moving open source collaboration with any formal
membership or governance structures emerging if and when necessary, it said.
Skuchain Co-founder Zaki Manian said: "We called together leaders in blockchain,
hardware, software, venture capital, technology and finance to discuss the barriers to
interoperability and security within IoT and how we can complement existing IoT
platforms with a blockchain back-end. We believe there is a real value proposition here for
IoT, supply chain and trade finance."
Dirk Slama, chief alliance officer at Bosch Software Innovations, said "We are seeing
tremendous potential for the application of blockchain in industrial use cases. Being able
to create a tamper-proof history of how products are manufactured, moved and
maintained in complex value networks with many stakeholders is a critical capability, eg
for quality assurance and prevention of counterfeits. This must be supported by a shared
blockchain infrastructure and an integrated Internet of Things protocol."
"Blockchain has the power to improve resiliency and efficiency in a fully connected
world," said Alex Batlin, head of blockchain at BNY Mellon. "What 's missing today is a
solution that provides trusted, tamper-proof guarantees for any title deed, public record,
compliance event, or transaction, building on the way paper documents are used
Joe Pindar, in the CTO's office at Gemalto, said: "Securing identity for physical property
and packaging is going to be a big business opportunity over the next decade, high value
parts of logistics supply chains and regulated industries like energy, pharmaceuticals, and
cold chain could all see a blockchain component over the next decade."
Jack Lee, managing partner at HCM Capital, an investment arm of Foxconn Technology
Group, said: "We are excited to see leaders in the Blockchain and IoT space coming
together from America, China, France, and Germany to develop a standard Blockchain
IoT protocol. This is a positive step towards industry confidence, momentum, and
interoperability. We're looking forward to collaborations in this space in the near future."
"In order to power the sharing economy, door locks, autonomous vehicles, and electric
charging stations will need to have secure identities," said co-founder and CTO
Simon Jentzsch. "We are already working on a number of use cases; by teaming up with
this consortia, we can create common primitives to register and verify hardware identities
on blockchain."
BitSE CTO Patrick Dai said: "If we want to secure the internet of things we need to
standardise how we identify, manage and communicate with internet-enabled devices
through blockchain technology. With a standardised protocol, more people will be able to
share in these benefits."
Joseph Lubin, founder and CEO of ConsenSys, said: "ConsenSys is very excited to be
part of a group pursuing rationalisation and standardisation of the interfaces linking
blockchain and a potentially very wide variety of devices. This group has the expertise to
craft sufficient yet elegant interfaces, and our energy-projects group and supply-chain
management projects group are eager to see how we can apply these to our own
Ambisafe co-founder and CEO Andrei Zamovskiy said: "We are excited to be a part of an
initiative to create a secure, transferable, notary-enabled and payments-enabled identity
for any physical thing, object, device or machine."
Ledger CTO Nicolas Bacca added: "We are building a new generation of hardware with
secure elements, strong cryptography and open firmware to secure the IoT. We're excited
to contribute to innovative identity protocols extending the concept of "object passports"
to blockchain technologies."
Why artificial intelligence could be key to
future-proofing the grid
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A recent Conversation piece pointed out that the British electricity mix in 2016 was the
cleanest in 60 years, with record capacity from renewable energy, mainly from wind and
solar power. But one problem with this great expansion in renewables is they are
intermittent, meaning they depend on weather conditions such as the wind blowing or sun
shining. Unlike conventional power, this means they can’t necessarily meet surges in
demand. Hence many press headlines in recent years about the “lights going out”.
National Grid, the UK grid operator, has several ways of ensuring supply can always meet
demand. For shorter gaps in generation, it asks electricity suppliers to run their
conventional power stations at below maximum potential output and ramp up as needed.
For longer gaps, it ensures power stations, particularly gas-based ones, are kept on
standby. Some stations may only be asked to generate power for between several dozen
and a few hundred hours a year. Besides contributing to carbon emissions, operating
power plants for such short interventions is expensive.
The question is what to do about this problem. We could build less renewable power and
make conventional power “greener” instead by removing the CO₂ and burying it
underground. Opinion divides on when these carbon capture technologies can be made
commercially viable on a large scale. In the UK, unfortunately two government kickstarter
projects have floundered due to concerns about costs and departmental disagreements.
An alternative is to install very big (“grid scale”) batteries capable of storing renewable
power to be released when required. This has generated a lot of interest lately. But given
the costs of current battery technology, grid-scale storage requires expensive upfront
Solutions on demand
While researchers study these problems, the UK is developing an alternative known
asdemand-side response. One aspect involves rewarding certain electricity consumers for
reducing their usage at short notice. This can range from large industrial customers to
smaller consumers using power for heating rooms, cooling, lighting or even refrigeration.
The other aspect of demand response involves asking customers who own equipment
that can store power to help balance surges in demand. For example, the owners of a
house equipped with solar panels and corresponding battery storage might reduce
repayment costs on the equipment by making the battery units available to the grid. Other
equipment in this category includes electric vehicles and hospital/university
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units.
Both types of demand response are happening already. Some industrial power customers
and certain other companies such as hotel operators have contracts for reducing power,
while National Grid has been attracting much bidder interest for power storage schemes
and has some underway in parts of the country. This storage is an alternative to deploying
large-scale batteries, and promises to be much more economical if we can make it work
on a large enough scale.
The problem is that these schemes get more complicated once the pool of customers
gets beyond a certain size. Knowing which customers to sign up and what tariffs to offer
requires understanding to what extent devices will be available and at what cost, for
Once a pool of customers is set up, some devices might not always be available for
storage or reducing demand when needed. This needs to be factored into the calculations
both to minimise grid disruption and incentivise customers to participate at these times.
There can also be undesired effects, such as large simultaneous rebounds in
consumption. For example many refrigerators will draw extra power to get their internal
temperature below the required level when a demand response period ends.
Finally there’s a potential major security issue: a central system that collects data about
energy usage from many devices may be prone to malicious attacks and information
tampering. This could undermine both grid balancing and keeping track of what
customers are owed.
How AI can help
Emerging artificial intelligence technologies look like providing answers to these
challenges. To select the best participants, for example, grid operators will be able to use
sophisticated machine-learning techniques to model the behaviour of individual devices
and battery storage units by reviewing data from smart meters and sensors.
Once signed up for grid storage, it should be possible to estimate the useful lifetime of a
battery pack or unit by applyingprognostic algorithmsto its charging/discharging data.
Owners will then receive appropriate compensation, plus the added incentive of knowing
how long their battery will last.
When it comes to managing devices in the pool, people used to think we could use
individual smart meters or control devices to feed a central server in the cloud. But meters
are expensive and the short response times require the cloud server to analyse data in
milliseconds, which looks unfeasible once many thousands of units are in a pool.
An alternative is to have metering devices which detect demand levels on the grid
themselves and reduce power accordingly. These take pressure off the central server and
it only requires metering at site level, rather than for every electrical device. But it still
leaves you with a complex control problem in coordinating all these individual decisions.
We at Heriot-Watt are working on a solution to this using AI-based algorithms.
Another line of AI research draws on insights from algorithmic game theoryto
developreward/penalty mechanisms which ensure enough customers in the pool are
willing to participate, and actually respond when necessary. Researchers are also
optimistic that blockchain protocols, using the same technology as Bitcoin, could
underpin a decentralised ledger system that would get round the security risk of having a
single storage point for user data.
Numerous AI research groups, both in the UK and elsewhere, have been addressing these
challenges, while a number of start-ups have started developing such systems in practice
– relatively simple versions of machine learning are now beginning to be used, for
instance. The UK has a good chance to be at the forefront of international efforts to make
smarter demand response a reality over the next few years.
Energy Harvesting Extends The IoT To
Billions Of Smart Assets
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Bill Stevenson
The promise of the Internet of Things (IoT), termed by some to be part of an “Industry 4.0”
revolution, is that it can extend a digital life to tens of billions of endpoints, create smart
assets and smart infrastructure, and ultimately turn operational functions into strategic
imperatives. If Industry 4.0 is to grow and flourish as envisioned it will be dependent, at
least initially, on endpoints and networking infrastructure that is much less expensive to
deploy and easier to manage than the “always on” IP infrastructure that’s come to define
the opportunity. Rather, it needs to have a useful life equaling that of the assets on which
it is deployed.
Smart assets are changing the economics of manufacturing. It is common for equipment
to be instrumented to measure usage, energy consumption, efficiency, fluid levels and
other operational characteristics. No doubt, the return on investment has made it
relatively cost-neutral to deploy IP networking for metric monitoring. Remote trend
analysis now facilitates improvements in scheduling, utilization, and maintenance, often
providing measurable improvements in production economics.
Technology is now enabling the smart asset opportunity to be extended from measuring
operational characteristics of capital equipment to managing the lifecycle of the parts and
components that make up that equipment. Data about specifications, configuration,
authenticity, usage, wear and maintenance, are just a few examples of realizing value by
adding data to the component itself. This provides information that can facilitate
equipment assembly, configuration, maintenance, safety and compatibility, which
fundamentally improves the lifecycle management of the components of the capital
But it is energy harvesting technology that enables the extension of smart asset
technology to billions of components at the edge of the IoT. IP networking has become
much cheaper and more efficient, but an always-on network endpoint device is going to
require a source of power — either hardwired or from a battery. This is not a problem for
instrumenting a large piece of equipment, which will typically either be connected to a
power source or may be itself a source of power, such as an aircraft engine. But it is
certainly an issue if the objective is to distribute data to the hundreds or thousands of
components that make up the device. These smart assets require simple, low cost, long-
lived data storage and networking devices. Having to hardwire or manage batteries in
such use cases would destroy the economics.
RFID tags that harvest power from radio signals have been used for almost two decades
now. But the small amount of power available means that these tags had very limited
functionality, responding only with an identification number that had to be matched
against a central database to be meaningful.
Moore’s Law now makes it possible to build small, low cost, rugged RF-enabled passive
data platforms that can be connected to and power sensors to provide distributed data
and periodic sensor readings and network communications. These devices can harvest
power from the radio waves used to communicate with them, and have sophisticated
power management circuity that enable extremely small amounts of energy to power a
very large volume of internal memory, a connected sensor and data communication over
an RF network.
Power harvested from ambient RF signals will typically be measured in microwatts. Today,
it may be insufficient to power always on devices. To do so requires devices that are
extremely efficient in capturing storing, and managing the use of power. Devices need to
be small, inexpensive and very rugged, allowing them to be manufactured into many
types of structures. They can be read from and updated by simple readers based on
Smartphones or tablets, providing information at the point of use, and providing capability
to synch with a cloud database if required. Data on specs, configuration, maintenance
history, and sensor readings like corrosion and stress need not be real time. Weekly,
monthly or even annual updates may be sufficient. In return they provide a distributed
data platform that can be the foundation for dramatic improvements in component
management and maintenance over years- or decades-long lifecycles.
Airbus pioneered the use of distributing data to smart components on its airframes using
thousands of distributed data tags that harvest power from RF signals, rather than
batteries. The smart components improve the assembly process — product metadata
becomes part of componentry, so as to greatly simplify managing them through the
supply chain and validating proper installation. Airline customers are now beginning to
use these smart components to improve operational and maintenance processes — such
as validating that all required cabin equipment is on board, and that time- or use-limited
products are airworthy. Maintenance history becomes available to service organizations
anywhere in the world. Because the distributed tags are powered by the RF signals of the
readers, they are only “on” and transmitting when interrogated. This limits the RF noise on
the aircraft, a requirement in aviation applications.
Infrastructure such as highways and pipelines can use energy harvesting data tags and
sensors to provide periodic reporting on stress or corrosion, or to provide maintenance
history and configuration data to field service personnel, even in remote locations.
Intriguingly, equipment like electrical meters or cell phone base stations (which are
typically instrumented to report on usage and other data) often still rely on paper records
to maintain specification, configuration, and maintenance data. Embedding this
information in the equipment using inexpensive energy harvesting tags greatly facilitates
the field service and maintenance process.
Devices and sensors that rely on power harvesting provide an ideal platform for
distributing and maintaining operational data at the “edge” and can provide this
distributed data to users with inexpensive smart phone readers. This greatly extends the
IoT opportunity to deploy smart assets in a much wider range of new use cases, more
The Distributed Energy Resource
Management System Comes of Age
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ABB picks Enbala to extend grid controls to behind-the-meter energy assets, and
Siemens launches a unified DERMS platform.
January 31, 2017
It’s the first day of the big DistribuTech conference in San Diego. Grid giants and startups
are unveiling their latest products aimed at connecting utilities with the grid edge.
Let’s start with Enbala, the Vancouver, Canada-based startup that has deployed its
software platform to turn industrial energy loads like pumps and refrigerators into
megawatts' worth of fast-responding grid assets. On Tuesday, it announced its biggest
partner yet: Swiss grid giant ABB, which has tapped Enbala’s Symphony software
platform as part of a new, jointly developed distributed energy resource management
system (DERMS).
The term "DERMS" applies to software that can integrate the needs of utility grid
operators with the capabilities of flexible demand-side energy resources at the edges of
the grid. DERMS platforms come in all shapes and sizes, from grid giants
likeSiemensandGeneral Electric, to startups likeAdvanced Microgrid Solutions, Blue
Pillar,AutoGrid,Opus One,Power Analytics,Spirae,Smarter Grid Solutions, and the
recentlyacquired Viridity Energy.
But for the most part, they’ve typically been organized in two different ways -- top-down
extensions of utility or grid operator controls out to customer endpoints, or bottom-up
aggregations of customer loads into grid energy markets. Enbala and ABB’s combo
DERMS platform intends to erase this distinction, Enbala CEO Bud Vos said.
Bridging the utility-customer energy divide with data and controls
On the utility side, ABB brings a well-known set of tools, like its advanced distribution
management software (ADMS) with its “single network model” and “unified geospatial
control center operator environment." These are tools used by utility operators to monitor
and respond to changes on their distribution grids. “Our platform is an extension of the
ADMS platform, and tightly integrated with that ADMS framework,” Vos said. ”It provides
cohesiveness, from an operational standpoint and from a data standpoint.”
Enbala, in turn, brings a software platform that can tap into hundreds of individual loads
per customer, collect and analyze their data, and then start to subtly shift their energy-use
patterns in effective and profitable ways. Sometimes that means moving big water-
pumping schedules to times of the day when electricity isn’t in high demand. Other times
it involves turning thousands of water heaters and refrigerators on and off in response to
4-second signals to help balance grid frequencies.
So far, Enbala has been aggregating responsive energy loads on behalf of its customers in
frequency regulation markets run by mid-Atlantic grid operator PJM and Ontario's
Independent Electricity System Operator. As one of several partners in the PowerShift
Atlantic project, it has also used its software platform, managed by employees at its
network operations center, to help control customer loads to firm wind power for
Canadian utility NB Power.
In the past year or so, Enbala has been getting more into the distribution grid side of
things. At last year’s DistribuTech, the company was demonstrating pilot projects inHawaii
using rooftop PV solar inverters, and aproject in Southern Californiamodeling big
industrial and commercial loads’ potential to help balance grid disruptions.
“We think we’re going to see hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of connected energy
deices coming to market,” Vos said. “You’ve got to be able to optimize millions of assets
in seconds, or even sub-second timescales, and with accuracy, to know that power is
moving to the right places at the right time.”
Enbala has also kicked its computing capabilities up a notch with its latest rollout, he
said. “Under the covers of this release, we’ve updated our learning algorithms and
optimization algorithms,” he said. It is using a software language called Erlang, originally
built for the telecommunications industry, that can run millions of simultaneous
transactions at a speed that allows for real-time decision making.
The expanding DERMS landscape: Siemens, ABB, General Electric
It’s hard to define the DERMS competitive landscape, since it’s such a new field. But GTM
Research predicts that the North American DERMS market will reach $110 million by
2018, as today’s pilot projects start to become operationalized at utilities in states with
lots of distributed energy to handle, like Hawaii and California. And ABB isn’t the only grid
giant trying to colonize the DERMS space.
Take Siemens, which launched its own DERMS product at DistribuTech on Tuesday,
complete with “tools that provide data and visibility across the energy system, from
distribution grid planning to market forecasting.”
The new DERMS platform is built on Siemens’ work on microgrids, a big focus of the
company's efforts at DistribuTech conferences over the past few years. This work
includes partnerships with startup Utilidata, as well as adaptations of the company’s
Spectrum 7 control software into local grid applications.
To date, Siemens has rolled out these capabilities in microgrid projects with universities
and government partners, such as the Department of Energy-funded microgrid project
with Case Western Reserve University and NASA. But it’s also linking those microgrids to
utility systems, said Mike Carlson, president of Siemens Smart Grid North America, in an
On the data side, Siemens released an integrated application for its EnergyIP software on
Tuesday, combining distributed energy management, virtual power plant capabilities and
demand response on one platform. EnergyIP, built on the software of Siemens acquisition
eMeter, “is architected for a true real-time, cloud-based IOT system,” Carlson said,
capable of giving grid operators second-by-second control and analysis capabilities.
“What we built is very modular, or scalable, or agile, components that you can bolt onto
existing capabilities, and scale them based on size, or capability,” he said.
The costs for standing up a microgrid range from the low six figures for simpler
applications, up to the millions of dollars to enable sub-second monitoring required for
certain grid applications, he said. But that’s “about half the cost of a traditional enterprise
deployment,” since it has already combined all the requisite pieces of the microgrid
General Electric, which has invested in Enbala through GE Energy Ventures, has also been
promising a DERMS offering, built on the work it’s been doing with Duke Energy’s
Coalition of the Willing, and the Nice Grid project in southern France. GE has also been
working with Enbala on a project under the Department of Energy’s ARPA-E NODES
Vos noted that Enbala’s work with ABB is a non-exclusive partnership, freeing it to work
with multiple partners. Right now the company has six projects, including two contracts
for virtual power plants and two regulated utility DERMS contracts that are focused on
optimization of distribution feeders.
Avec Scale Zone, IBM et Sigfox
industrialisent les start-ups IoT
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IBM et Sigfox ont lancé le programme Scale Zone, pour épauler des start-ups dans
l’industrialisation de leurs solutions et accéder aux grands clients.
Il y avait du monde dans les locaux d’IBM France pour inaugurer le programme Scale
Zone jeudi 2 février. Le maître des lieux Nicolas Sekaki, président d’IBM France, a
présenté cette initiative à destination des start-ups. « Beaucoup de choses sont faites
autour des start-ups, incubateur, pépinière, accélérateur… nous avons cherché une autre
voie pour les aider », rapporte le dirigeant. Et d’ajouter que « nous avons détecté deux
problèmes majeurs : l’industrialisation des produits et le penser business avec un accès
aux grands clients ».
La première édition de Scale Zone est dédiée à l’IoT. C’est donc tout naturellement
qu’IBM France s’est associé avec Sigfox. Ludovic Le Moan, patron de la pépite
toulousaine, a rappelé que « l’Internet des objets c’est une quantité pharaonique de
données qu’il faut valoriser. Il y a donc un intérêt à travailler avec des partenaires comme
IBM et Watson IoT ». Sur Scale Zone en particulier, le co-parrain, y voit « une appétence
pour la création d’entreprise et la façon de penser grand, Big Scale. Il y a des paris à faire
pour l’avenir ». Et d’évoquer l’exemple d’une société qui a inventé un capteur pour
analyser l’eau des piscines et qui, en pensant grand avec le Big Data, est devenue un
leader mondial des produits de piscine.
Exemples de start-ups
Pour cette première promotion, les deux parrains ont choisi 11 start-ups orientés IoT.
Elles seront accompagnées pendant 6 mois par un référent business et un référent
technique. L’ambition des jeunes pousses rencontrées est d’industrialiser leurs solutions
et acquérir plus de crédibilité vis-à-vis des grands comptes. C’est le cas de Savecode,
présent sur scène, qui a développé une plateforme analysant depuis des capteurs le
comportement des automobilistes dans une démarche de réduction de la pollution.
Christpohe Meunier-Jacob, CEO et co-fondateur (à droite sur la photo), constate : « Nous
avons un problème pour accéder aux gros clients comme les constructeurs automobiles
et surtout aux gros contrats, car nous ne disposons pas d’un grand service juridique. » Le
programme Scale Zone va donc lui apporter cette expertise, mais pas uniquement. «
Avec la connectivité Sigfox, on va pouvoir mieux valoriser les données en apportant des
services de maintenance prédictive sur l’usure des pièces dans l’automobile en fonction
du comportement des automobilistes. »
Un autre exemple est celui de Skiply. Cette start-up cible la satisfaction client par
l’intermédiaire de boutons (cf illustration). Ces derniers sont connectés via Sigfox et leur
prolifération fait émerger de nouveaux business. « Par exemple dans la restauration, la
direction peut changer les menus en fonction de la satisfaction des gens, idem pour les
équipes de serveurs », indique Jérôme Chambard co-fondateur de Skiply. Pour lui, la
Scale Zone est « une opportunité de travailler avec IBM pour industrialiser notre solution ».
Les autres start-ups ont les mêmes ambitions, nous précise Christian Comtat, patron de
la division IoT d’IBM France. « Les projets sont matures et elles ont des clients, mais elles
ont besoin d’aide pour passer des PoC (prototypes, NDLR) à la concrétisation industrielle
de leurs solutions. L’action d’IBM et de Sigfox s’inscrit dans cette démarche », souligne le

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Asean 1017 ezine_14ppPekerja lepas
An Introduction AI, Blockchain and IoT
An Introduction AI, Blockchain and IoTAn Introduction AI, Blockchain and IoT
An Introduction AI, Blockchain and IoTStylight
Blockchain Technology In IOT
Blockchain Technology In IOTBlockchain Technology In IOT
Blockchain Technology In IOTStacey Roberts
Internet of Things (IoT): More than Smart “Things”
Internet of Things (IoT): More than Smart “Things”Internet of Things (IoT): More than Smart “Things”
Internet of Things (IoT): More than Smart “Things”Ahmed Banafa
Blockchain EXE #10:Ocean ProtocolとBigchainDB: 分散型データエコシステムの実現(Dimitri De Jong...
Blockchain EXE #10:Ocean ProtocolとBigchainDB: 分散型データエコシステムの実現(Dimitri De Jong...Blockchain EXE #10:Ocean ProtocolとBigchainDB: 分散型データエコシステムの実現(Dimitri De Jong...
Blockchain EXE #10:Ocean ProtocolとBigchainDB: 分散型データエコシステムの実現(Dimitri De Jong...blockchainexe
Blockchains For The IOT - EVRYTHNG
Blockchains For The IOT - EVRYTHNGBlockchains For The IOT - EVRYTHNG
Blockchains For The IOT - EVRYTHNGRids Vazi
The digital economy
The digital economyThe digital economy
The digital economyLen Mei
Future Proof Your Network Today To Support IOT Tomorrow
Future Proof Your Network Today To Support IOT TomorrowFuture Proof Your Network Today To Support IOT Tomorrow
Future Proof Your Network Today To Support IOT TomorrowTyrone Systems
Internet of Things - Asked and Answered
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Internet of Things - Asked and AnsweredADCBarcode
IoT and Blockchain Challenges and Risks
IoT and Blockchain Challenges and RisksIoT and Blockchain Challenges and Risks
IoT and Blockchain Challenges and RisksAhmed Banafa
Security Everywhere in the Digital Economy
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Security Everywhere in the Digital EconomyConnected Futures

Tendances (20)

Blockchain for IoT - Smart Home
Blockchain for IoT - Smart HomeBlockchain for IoT - Smart Home
Blockchain for IoT - Smart Home
AI and Blockchain
AI and BlockchainAI and Blockchain
AI and Blockchain
Blockchain Technology and its role in the process of public sector innovation
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Blockchain Technology and its role in the process of public sector innovation
How to fail in the IoT business
How to fail in the IoT businessHow to fail in the IoT business
How to fail in the IoT business
AI and Blockchain Applications for Patents
AI and Blockchain Applications for PatentsAI and Blockchain Applications for Patents
AI and Blockchain Applications for Patents
What Do We Mine Next - Data Science and Mining on the Blockchain
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What Do We Mine Next - Data Science and Mining on the Blockchain
What Do We Mine Next - Data Science and Mining on the Blockchain
What Do We Mine Next - Data Science and Mining on the BlockchainWhat Do We Mine Next - Data Science and Mining on the Blockchain
What Do We Mine Next - Data Science and Mining on the Blockchain
Potential of blockchain into industry 4.0
Potential of blockchain into industry 4.0  Potential of blockchain into industry 4.0
Potential of blockchain into industry 4.0
Asean 1017 ezine_14pp
Asean 1017 ezine_14ppAsean 1017 ezine_14pp
Asean 1017 ezine_14pp
An Introduction AI, Blockchain and IoT
An Introduction AI, Blockchain and IoTAn Introduction AI, Blockchain and IoT
An Introduction AI, Blockchain and IoT
Blockchain Technology In IOT
Blockchain Technology In IOTBlockchain Technology In IOT
Blockchain Technology In IOT
Blockchain with iot
Blockchain with iotBlockchain with iot
Blockchain with iot
Internet of Things (IoT): More than Smart “Things”
Internet of Things (IoT): More than Smart “Things”Internet of Things (IoT): More than Smart “Things”
Internet of Things (IoT): More than Smart “Things”
Blockchain EXE #10:Ocean ProtocolとBigchainDB: 分散型データエコシステムの実現(Dimitri De Jong...
Blockchain EXE #10:Ocean ProtocolとBigchainDB: 分散型データエコシステムの実現(Dimitri De Jong...Blockchain EXE #10:Ocean ProtocolとBigchainDB: 分散型データエコシステムの実現(Dimitri De Jong...
Blockchain EXE #10:Ocean ProtocolとBigchainDB: 分散型データエコシステムの実現(Dimitri De Jong...
Blockchains For The IOT - EVRYTHNG
Blockchains For The IOT - EVRYTHNGBlockchains For The IOT - EVRYTHNG
Blockchains For The IOT - EVRYTHNG
The digital economy
The digital economyThe digital economy
The digital economy
Future Proof Your Network Today To Support IOT Tomorrow
Future Proof Your Network Today To Support IOT TomorrowFuture Proof Your Network Today To Support IOT Tomorrow
Future Proof Your Network Today To Support IOT Tomorrow
Internet of Things - Asked and Answered
Internet of Things - Asked and AnsweredInternet of Things - Asked and Answered
Internet of Things - Asked and Answered
IoT and Blockchain Challenges and Risks
IoT and Blockchain Challenges and RisksIoT and Blockchain Challenges and Risks
IoT and Blockchain Challenges and Risks
Security Everywhere in the Digital Economy
Security Everywhere in the Digital EconomySecurity Everywhere in the Digital Economy
Security Everywhere in the Digital Economy

Similaire à Revue de presse IoT / Data du 04/02/2017

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How blockchain will defend iot
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Industrializing Blockchain in ASEAN
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Blockchain in IoT and Other Considerations by Dinis Guarda
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Blockchain the inception of a new database of everything by dinis guarda bloc...
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7 facts, fictions and predictions about the Internet of Things (IoT)
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Blockchain — The Ledger Of Every Thing
Blockchain — The Ledger Of Every ThingBlockchain — The Ledger Of Every Thing
Blockchain — The Ledger Of Every ThingRids Vazi
IRJET- A Survey on IoT Reference Architecture with Block Chain for Automatic ...
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BLOCKCHAIN: Future of the Internet
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Industrializing Blockchain in ASEAN
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Blockchain — The Ledger Of Every Thing
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IRJET- A Survey on IoT Reference Architecture with Block Chain for Automatic ...
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IRJET- A Survey on IoT Reference Architecture with Block Chain for Automatic ...
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BLOCKCHAIN: Future of the Internet
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Accelerate the internet of things in manufacturing lns research
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Blockchain development security sharpening the cloud security
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Blockchain development security sharpening the cloud security

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Revue de presse IoT / Data / Energie du 02/04/2017
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Revue de presse IoT / Data du 04/02/2017

  • 1. Revue de presse IoT / Data du 04/02/2017 Bonjour, Voici la revue de presse IoT/data/energie du 4 février 2017. Je suis preneur d'autres artices / sources ! Bonne lecture ! 1. Le radiateur intelligent Lancey, probable futur « pilier » des smart grids 2. Bosch, Cisco and Foxconn join blockchain and IoT consortium 3. Why artificial intelligence could be key to future-proofing the grid 4. Energy Harvesting Extends The IoT To Billions Of Smart Assets 5. The Distributed Energy Resource Management System Comes of Age 6. Avec Scale Zone, IBM et Sigfox industrialisent les start-ups IoT Le radiateur intelligent Lancey, probable futur « pilier » des smart grids Source URL:,le- radiateur-intelligent-lancey-probable-futur-pilier-des-smart-grids,2021.html Rédigé par Mélissa Petrucci | Le 28 janvier 2017 à 15:38 Une jeune entreprise basée à Grenoble a mis au point un radiateur intelligent, alternative moderne au convecteur classique. Ce dernier est équipé d'une batterie et présente des caractéristiques qui lui ont permis de remporter le prix « Vitrine de
  • 2. l’Innovation » lors du salon Pollutec 2016. Des recherches publiées par l'INSEE en 2015 démontrent que plus d'un ménage français sur cinq est victime de précarité énergétique. C'est ce phénomène qui a poussé les fondateurs de Lancey Energy Storage, start-up grenobloise, à mettre au point cet équipement de chauffage intelligent. Pour Raphaël Meyer, président de cette start-up, le fait d'avoir inclus un système de stockage dans le radiateur permet à terme de faciliter l'intégration des énergies renouvelables. Ainsi, le radiateur embarque une batterie au lithium qui stocke suffisamment d'énergie pour lisser les pics de consommation quotidiens (entre 18h et 20H). Pour l'optimisation de sa consommation, le radiateur communique avec le compteur intelligent Linky, mais est également capable d'interagir avec un boîtier Wifi. Au final, les données de consommation vont pouvoir être plus précises et personnalisées selon les usages du foyer. Une aide non-négligeable dans la course aux économies d'énergie. Selon Lancey Energy Storage, une des premières possibilités d'économie concerne le fonctionnement intrinsèque de la batterie, qui optimise elle-même les pertes. Pour les spécialistes des domaines de la maîtrise de l'énergie et de la rudologie , cela s'appelle la « chaleur fatale », qui représente une perte de 15% d'énergie. Mais le système de Lancey permet de la valoriser, assure Raphaël Meyer. Le coût global du radiateur est également moindre grâce à l'absence de moduleur, une pièce onéreuse qui favorise l'usure des appareils de chauffe classiques. Le radiateur Lancey est ainsi un élément essentiel des smart grids de demain, car il produit une interaction en le distributeur d'électricité et le consommateur final. La batterie peut par exemple se recharger à la demande du réseau hors des périodes de pointe afin de limiter la surcharge. Une facture divisée par deux Les tests montrent que le radiateur Lancey consomme 30% d'énergie de moins qu'un radiateur classique, ce qui permet au final de diviser par deux la facture de chauffage, de quoi réfléchir à cet investissement. Le modèle sera lancé très prochainement, avec dans un premier temps une distribution par lots, auprès de bailleurs. Lancey espère vendre 2 000 unités en 2017, pour accélérer en 2018, avec un objectif de 10 000 unités à écouler. Bosch, Cisco and Foxconn join blockchain and IoT consortium Source URL: consortium-1603508
  • 3. Intéressants témoignages. Group includes BNY Mellon, Bosch, Cisco, Gemalto, and Foxconn, as well as a host of blockchain start-ups. A new industrial blockchain initiative has been launched to define the standards and protocols for distributed ledger and the 'internet of things' (IoT), including Fortune 500 firmsBNY Mellon,Bosch,Cisco,Gemalto, andFoxconn, as well as a host of blockchain startups. The initiative was born at a meeting back in December, New Horizons: Blockchain x IoT Summit. Participants in the discussions included blockchain companies Ambisafe, BitSE, Chronicled, ConsenSys, Distributed, Filament, Hashed Health, Ledger, Skuchain, and The initiative, according to a statement, was motivated by the leaps made by startups and large, blue-chip IT firms in deploying blockchain-registered tamper-proof hardware for various use cases and making new blockchain-based software systems available to enterprises. The group agreed that security, trust, identity, and registration and verification would be the cornerstones of any common protocol, while also acknowledging the need for integration and inter-operability across multiple chip types, communication protocols, proprietary platforms, cloud-service providers and blockchain systems. A blockchain-technology industry consortium emerging from the meeting would move forward in defining the scope and implementation of a smart-contracts protocol layer across several major blockchain systems, with elective steer from the attending Fortune 500 companies. The functioning of the group is voluntary at this stage with intent to emphasise nimble and fast-moving open source collaboration with any formal membership or governance structures emerging if and when necessary, it said. Skuchain Co-founder Zaki Manian said: "We called together leaders in blockchain, hardware, software, venture capital, technology and finance to discuss the barriers to interoperability and security within IoT and how we can complement existing IoT platforms with a blockchain back-end. We believe there is a real value proposition here for IoT, supply chain and trade finance." Dirk Slama, chief alliance officer at Bosch Software Innovations, said "We are seeing tremendous potential for the application of blockchain in industrial use cases. Being able to create a tamper-proof history of how products are manufactured, moved and maintained in complex value networks with many stakeholders is a critical capability, eg for quality assurance and prevention of counterfeits. This must be supported by a shared blockchain infrastructure and an integrated Internet of Things protocol." "Blockchain has the power to improve resiliency and efficiency in a fully connected world," said Alex Batlin, head of blockchain at BNY Mellon. "What 's missing today is a solution that provides trusted, tamper-proof guarantees for any title deed, public record, compliance event, or transaction, building on the way paper documents are used
  • 4. currently." Joe Pindar, in the CTO's office at Gemalto, said: "Securing identity for physical property and packaging is going to be a big business opportunity over the next decade, high value parts of logistics supply chains and regulated industries like energy, pharmaceuticals, and cold chain could all see a blockchain component over the next decade." Jack Lee, managing partner at HCM Capital, an investment arm of Foxconn Technology Group, said: "We are excited to see leaders in the Blockchain and IoT space coming together from America, China, France, and Germany to develop a standard Blockchain IoT protocol. This is a positive step towards industry confidence, momentum, and interoperability. We're looking forward to collaborations in this space in the near future." "In order to power the sharing economy, door locks, autonomous vehicles, and electric charging stations will need to have secure identities," said co-founder and CTO Simon Jentzsch. "We are already working on a number of use cases; by teaming up with this consortia, we can create common primitives to register and verify hardware identities on blockchain." BitSE CTO Patrick Dai said: "If we want to secure the internet of things we need to standardise how we identify, manage and communicate with internet-enabled devices through blockchain technology. With a standardised protocol, more people will be able to share in these benefits." Joseph Lubin, founder and CEO of ConsenSys, said: "ConsenSys is very excited to be part of a group pursuing rationalisation and standardisation of the interfaces linking blockchain and a potentially very wide variety of devices. This group has the expertise to craft sufficient yet elegant interfaces, and our energy-projects group and supply-chain management projects group are eager to see how we can apply these to our own systems." Ambisafe co-founder and CEO Andrei Zamovskiy said: "We are excited to be a part of an initiative to create a secure, transferable, notary-enabled and payments-enabled identity for any physical thing, object, device or machine." Ledger CTO Nicolas Bacca added: "We are building a new generation of hardware with secure elements, strong cryptography and open firmware to secure the IoT. We're excited to contribute to innovative identity protocols extending the concept of "object passports" to blockchain technologies." Why artificial intelligence could be key to future-proofing the grid Source URL: future-proofing-the-grid-71775 A recent Conversation piece pointed out that the British electricity mix in 2016 was the cleanest in 60 years, with record capacity from renewable energy, mainly from wind and
  • 5. solar power. But one problem with this great expansion in renewables is they are intermittent, meaning they depend on weather conditions such as the wind blowing or sun shining. Unlike conventional power, this means they can’t necessarily meet surges in demand. Hence many press headlines in recent years about the “lights going out”. National Grid, the UK grid operator, has several ways of ensuring supply can always meet demand. For shorter gaps in generation, it asks electricity suppliers to run their conventional power stations at below maximum potential output and ramp up as needed. For longer gaps, it ensures power stations, particularly gas-based ones, are kept on standby. Some stations may only be asked to generate power for between several dozen and a few hundred hours a year. Besides contributing to carbon emissions, operating power plants for such short interventions is expensive. The question is what to do about this problem. We could build less renewable power and make conventional power “greener” instead by removing the CO₂ and burying it underground. Opinion divides on when these carbon capture technologies can be made commercially viable on a large scale. In the UK, unfortunately two government kickstarter projects have floundered due to concerns about costs and departmental disagreements. An alternative is to install very big (“grid scale”) batteries capable of storing renewable power to be released when required. This has generated a lot of interest lately. But given the costs of current battery technology, grid-scale storage requires expensive upfront investments. Solutions on demand While researchers study these problems, the UK is developing an alternative known asdemand-side response. One aspect involves rewarding certain electricity consumers for reducing their usage at short notice. This can range from large industrial customers to smaller consumers using power for heating rooms, cooling, lighting or even refrigeration. The other aspect of demand response involves asking customers who own equipment that can store power to help balance surges in demand. For example, the owners of a house equipped with solar panels and corresponding battery storage might reduce repayment costs on the equipment by making the battery units available to the grid. Other equipment in this category includes electric vehicles and hospital/university uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units. Both types of demand response are happening already. Some industrial power customers and certain other companies such as hotel operators have contracts for reducing power, while National Grid has been attracting much bidder interest for power storage schemes and has some underway in parts of the country. This storage is an alternative to deploying large-scale batteries, and promises to be much more economical if we can make it work on a large enough scale. The problem is that these schemes get more complicated once the pool of customers gets beyond a certain size. Knowing which customers to sign up and what tariffs to offer requires understanding to what extent devices will be available and at what cost, for example.
  • 6. Once a pool of customers is set up, some devices might not always be available for storage or reducing demand when needed. This needs to be factored into the calculations both to minimise grid disruption and incentivise customers to participate at these times. There can also be undesired effects, such as large simultaneous rebounds in consumption. For example many refrigerators will draw extra power to get their internal temperature below the required level when a demand response period ends. Finally there’s a potential major security issue: a central system that collects data about energy usage from many devices may be prone to malicious attacks and information tampering. This could undermine both grid balancing and keeping track of what customers are owed. How AI can help Emerging artificial intelligence technologies look like providing answers to these challenges. To select the best participants, for example, grid operators will be able to use sophisticated machine-learning techniques to model the behaviour of individual devices and battery storage units by reviewing data from smart meters and sensors. Once signed up for grid storage, it should be possible to estimate the useful lifetime of a battery pack or unit by applyingprognostic algorithmsto its charging/discharging data. Owners will then receive appropriate compensation, plus the added incentive of knowing how long their battery will last. When it comes to managing devices in the pool, people used to think we could use individual smart meters or control devices to feed a central server in the cloud. But meters are expensive and the short response times require the cloud server to analyse data in milliseconds, which looks unfeasible once many thousands of units are in a pool. An alternative is to have metering devices which detect demand levels on the grid themselves and reduce power accordingly. These take pressure off the central server and it only requires metering at site level, rather than for every electrical device. But it still leaves you with a complex control problem in coordinating all these individual decisions. We at Heriot-Watt are working on a solution to this using AI-based algorithms. Another line of AI research draws on insights from algorithmic game theoryto developreward/penalty mechanisms which ensure enough customers in the pool are willing to participate, and actually respond when necessary. Researchers are also optimistic that blockchain protocols, using the same technology as Bitcoin, could underpin a decentralised ledger system that would get round the security risk of having a single storage point for user data. Numerous AI research groups, both in the UK and elsewhere, have been addressing these challenges, while a number of start-ups have started developing such systems in practice – relatively simple versions of machine learning are now beginning to be used, for instance. The UK has a good chance to be at the forefront of international efforts to make smarter demand response a reality over the next few years.
  • 7. Energy Harvesting Extends The IoT To Billions Of Smart Assets Source URL: billions-smart-assets Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to ImprimerShare to EmailShare to Plus d'options... Bill Stevenson The promise of the Internet of Things (IoT), termed by some to be part of an “Industry 4.0” revolution, is that it can extend a digital life to tens of billions of endpoints, create smart assets and smart infrastructure, and ultimately turn operational functions into strategic imperatives. If Industry 4.0 is to grow and flourish as envisioned it will be dependent, at least initially, on endpoints and networking infrastructure that is much less expensive to deploy and easier to manage than the “always on” IP infrastructure that’s come to define the opportunity. Rather, it needs to have a useful life equaling that of the assets on which it is deployed. Smart assets are changing the economics of manufacturing. It is common for equipment to be instrumented to measure usage, energy consumption, efficiency, fluid levels and other operational characteristics. No doubt, the return on investment has made it relatively cost-neutral to deploy IP networking for metric monitoring. Remote trend analysis now facilitates improvements in scheduling, utilization, and maintenance, often providing measurable improvements in production economics. Technology is now enabling the smart asset opportunity to be extended from measuring operational characteristics of capital equipment to managing the lifecycle of the parts and components that make up that equipment. Data about specifications, configuration, authenticity, usage, wear and maintenance, are just a few examples of realizing value by adding data to the component itself. This provides information that can facilitate equipment assembly, configuration, maintenance, safety and compatibility, which fundamentally improves the lifecycle management of the components of the capital equipment. But it is energy harvesting technology that enables the extension of smart asset technology to billions of components at the edge of the IoT. IP networking has become much cheaper and more efficient, but an always-on network endpoint device is going to require a source of power — either hardwired or from a battery. This is not a problem for instrumenting a large piece of equipment, which will typically either be connected to a power source or may be itself a source of power, such as an aircraft engine. But it is certainly an issue if the objective is to distribute data to the hundreds or thousands of components that make up the device. These smart assets require simple, low cost, long- lived data storage and networking devices. Having to hardwire or manage batteries in such use cases would destroy the economics. RFID tags that harvest power from radio signals have been used for almost two decades now. But the small amount of power available means that these tags had very limited functionality, responding only with an identification number that had to be matched against a central database to be meaningful.
  • 8. Moore’s Law now makes it possible to build small, low cost, rugged RF-enabled passive data platforms that can be connected to and power sensors to provide distributed data and periodic sensor readings and network communications. These devices can harvest power from the radio waves used to communicate with them, and have sophisticated power management circuity that enable extremely small amounts of energy to power a very large volume of internal memory, a connected sensor and data communication over an RF network. Power harvested from ambient RF signals will typically be measured in microwatts. Today, it may be insufficient to power always on devices. To do so requires devices that are extremely efficient in capturing storing, and managing the use of power. Devices need to be small, inexpensive and very rugged, allowing them to be manufactured into many types of structures. They can be read from and updated by simple readers based on Smartphones or tablets, providing information at the point of use, and providing capability to synch with a cloud database if required. Data on specs, configuration, maintenance history, and sensor readings like corrosion and stress need not be real time. Weekly, monthly or even annual updates may be sufficient. In return they provide a distributed data platform that can be the foundation for dramatic improvements in component management and maintenance over years- or decades-long lifecycles. Airbus pioneered the use of distributing data to smart components on its airframes using thousands of distributed data tags that harvest power from RF signals, rather than batteries. The smart components improve the assembly process — product metadata becomes part of componentry, so as to greatly simplify managing them through the supply chain and validating proper installation. Airline customers are now beginning to use these smart components to improve operational and maintenance processes — such as validating that all required cabin equipment is on board, and that time- or use-limited products are airworthy. Maintenance history becomes available to service organizations anywhere in the world. Because the distributed tags are powered by the RF signals of the readers, they are only “on” and transmitting when interrogated. This limits the RF noise on the aircraft, a requirement in aviation applications. Infrastructure such as highways and pipelines can use energy harvesting data tags and sensors to provide periodic reporting on stress or corrosion, or to provide maintenance history and configuration data to field service personnel, even in remote locations. Intriguingly, equipment like electrical meters or cell phone base stations (which are typically instrumented to report on usage and other data) often still rely on paper records to maintain specification, configuration, and maintenance data. Embedding this information in the equipment using inexpensive energy harvesting tags greatly facilitates the field service and maintenance process. Devices and sensors that rely on power harvesting provide an ideal platform for distributing and maintaining operational data at the “edge” and can provide this distributed data to users with inexpensive smart phone readers. This greatly extends the IoT opportunity to deploy smart assets in a much wider range of new use cases, more quickly. The Distributed Energy Resource
  • 9. Management System Comes of Age Source URL: resource-management-system-comes-of-age ABB picks Enbala to extend grid controls to behind-the-meter energy assets, and Siemens launches a unified DERMS platform. January 31, 2017 It’s the first day of the big DistribuTech conference in San Diego. Grid giants and startups are unveiling their latest products aimed at connecting utilities with the grid edge. Let’s start with Enbala, the Vancouver, Canada-based startup that has deployed its software platform to turn industrial energy loads like pumps and refrigerators into megawatts' worth of fast-responding grid assets. On Tuesday, it announced its biggest partner yet: Swiss grid giant ABB, which has tapped Enbala’s Symphony software platform as part of a new, jointly developed distributed energy resource management system (DERMS). The term "DERMS" applies to software that can integrate the needs of utility grid operators with the capabilities of flexible demand-side energy resources at the edges of the grid. DERMS platforms come in all shapes and sizes, from grid giants likeSiemensandGeneral Electric, to startups likeAdvanced Microgrid Solutions, Blue Pillar,AutoGrid,Opus One,Power Analytics,Spirae,Smarter Grid Solutions, and the recentlyacquired Viridity Energy. But for the most part, they’ve typically been organized in two different ways -- top-down extensions of utility or grid operator controls out to customer endpoints, or bottom-up aggregations of customer loads into grid energy markets. Enbala and ABB’s combo DERMS platform intends to erase this distinction, Enbala CEO Bud Vos said. Bridging the utility-customer energy divide with data and controls On the utility side, ABB brings a well-known set of tools, like its advanced distribution management software (ADMS) with its “single network model” and “unified geospatial control center operator environment." These are tools used by utility operators to monitor and respond to changes on their distribution grids. “Our platform is an extension of the ADMS platform, and tightly integrated with that ADMS framework,” Vos said. ”It provides cohesiveness, from an operational standpoint and from a data standpoint.” Enbala, in turn, brings a software platform that can tap into hundreds of individual loads per customer, collect and analyze their data, and then start to subtly shift their energy-use patterns in effective and profitable ways. Sometimes that means moving big water- pumping schedules to times of the day when electricity isn’t in high demand. Other times it involves turning thousands of water heaters and refrigerators on and off in response to 4-second signals to help balance grid frequencies. So far, Enbala has been aggregating responsive energy loads on behalf of its customers in frequency regulation markets run by mid-Atlantic grid operator PJM and Ontario's Independent Electricity System Operator. As one of several partners in the PowerShift Atlantic project, it has also used its software platform, managed by employees at its
  • 10. network operations center, to help control customer loads to firm wind power for Canadian utility NB Power. In the past year or so, Enbala has been getting more into the distribution grid side of things. At last year’s DistribuTech, the company was demonstrating pilot projects inHawaii using rooftop PV solar inverters, and aproject in Southern Californiamodeling big industrial and commercial loads’ potential to help balance grid disruptions. “We think we’re going to see hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of connected energy deices coming to market,” Vos said. “You’ve got to be able to optimize millions of assets in seconds, or even sub-second timescales, and with accuracy, to know that power is moving to the right places at the right time.” Enbala has also kicked its computing capabilities up a notch with its latest rollout, he said. “Under the covers of this release, we’ve updated our learning algorithms and optimization algorithms,” he said. It is using a software language called Erlang, originally built for the telecommunications industry, that can run millions of simultaneous transactions at a speed that allows for real-time decision making. The expanding DERMS landscape: Siemens, ABB, General Electric It’s hard to define the DERMS competitive landscape, since it’s such a new field. But GTM Research predicts that the North American DERMS market will reach $110 million by 2018, as today’s pilot projects start to become operationalized at utilities in states with lots of distributed energy to handle, like Hawaii and California. And ABB isn’t the only grid giant trying to colonize the DERMS space. Take Siemens, which launched its own DERMS product at DistribuTech on Tuesday, complete with “tools that provide data and visibility across the energy system, from distribution grid planning to market forecasting.” The new DERMS platform is built on Siemens’ work on microgrids, a big focus of the company's efforts at DistribuTech conferences over the past few years. This work includes partnerships with startup Utilidata, as well as adaptations of the company’s Spectrum 7 control software into local grid applications. To date, Siemens has rolled out these capabilities in microgrid projects with universities and government partners, such as the Department of Energy-funded microgrid project with Case Western Reserve University and NASA. But it’s also linking those microgrids to utility systems, said Mike Carlson, president of Siemens Smart Grid North America, in an interview. On the data side, Siemens released an integrated application for its EnergyIP software on Tuesday, combining distributed energy management, virtual power plant capabilities and demand response on one platform. EnergyIP, built on the software of Siemens acquisition eMeter, “is architected for a true real-time, cloud-based IOT system,” Carlson said, capable of giving grid operators second-by-second control and analysis capabilities. “What we built is very modular, or scalable, or agile, components that you can bolt onto existing capabilities, and scale them based on size, or capability,” he said. The costs for standing up a microgrid range from the low six figures for simpler
  • 11. applications, up to the millions of dollars to enable sub-second monitoring required for certain grid applications, he said. But that’s “about half the cost of a traditional enterprise deployment,” since it has already combined all the requisite pieces of the microgrid puzzle. General Electric, which has invested in Enbala through GE Energy Ventures, has also been promising a DERMS offering, built on the work it’s been doing with Duke Energy’s Coalition of the Willing, and the Nice Grid project in southern France. GE has also been working with Enbala on a project under the Department of Energy’s ARPA-E NODES program. Vos noted that Enbala’s work with ABB is a non-exclusive partnership, freeing it to work with multiple partners. Right now the company has six projects, including two contracts for virtual power plants and two regulated utility DERMS contracts that are focused on optimization of distribution feeders. Avec Scale Zone, IBM et Sigfox industrialisent les start-ups IoT Source URL: start-ups-iot-168332.html IBM et Sigfox ont lancé le programme Scale Zone, pour épauler des start-ups dans l’industrialisation de leurs solutions et accéder aux grands clients. Il y avait du monde dans les locaux d’IBM France pour inaugurer le programme Scale Zone jeudi 2 février. Le maître des lieux Nicolas Sekaki, président d’IBM France, a présenté cette initiative à destination des start-ups. « Beaucoup de choses sont faites autour des start-ups, incubateur, pépinière, accélérateur… nous avons cherché une autre voie pour les aider », rapporte le dirigeant. Et d’ajouter que « nous avons détecté deux problèmes majeurs : l’industrialisation des produits et le penser business avec un accès aux grands clients ». La première édition de Scale Zone est dédiée à l’IoT. C’est donc tout naturellement qu’IBM France s’est associé avec Sigfox. Ludovic Le Moan, patron de la pépite toulousaine, a rappelé que « l’Internet des objets c’est une quantité pharaonique de données qu’il faut valoriser. Il y a donc un intérêt à travailler avec des partenaires comme IBM et Watson IoT ». Sur Scale Zone en particulier, le co-parrain, y voit « une appétence pour la création d’entreprise et la façon de penser grand, Big Scale. Il y a des paris à faire pour l’avenir ». Et d’évoquer l’exemple d’une société qui a inventé un capteur pour analyser l’eau des piscines et qui, en pensant grand avec le Big Data, est devenue un leader mondial des produits de piscine. Exemples de start-ups Pour cette première promotion, les deux parrains ont choisi 11 start-ups orientés IoT. Elles seront accompagnées pendant 6 mois par un référent business et un référent
  • 12. technique. L’ambition des jeunes pousses rencontrées est d’industrialiser leurs solutions et acquérir plus de crédibilité vis-à-vis des grands comptes. C’est le cas de Savecode, présent sur scène, qui a développé une plateforme analysant depuis des capteurs le comportement des automobilistes dans une démarche de réduction de la pollution. Christpohe Meunier-Jacob, CEO et co-fondateur (à droite sur la photo), constate : « Nous avons un problème pour accéder aux gros clients comme les constructeurs automobiles et surtout aux gros contrats, car nous ne disposons pas d’un grand service juridique. » Le programme Scale Zone va donc lui apporter cette expertise, mais pas uniquement. « Avec la connectivité Sigfox, on va pouvoir mieux valoriser les données en apportant des services de maintenance prédictive sur l’usure des pièces dans l’automobile en fonction du comportement des automobilistes. » Un autre exemple est celui de Skiply. Cette start-up cible la satisfaction client par l’intermédiaire de boutons (cf illustration). Ces derniers sont connectés via Sigfox et leur prolifération fait émerger de nouveaux business. « Par exemple dans la restauration, la direction peut changer les menus en fonction de la satisfaction des gens, idem pour les équipes de serveurs », indique Jérôme Chambard co-fondateur de Skiply. Pour lui, la Scale Zone est « une opportunité de travailler avec IBM pour industrialiser notre solution ». Les autres start-ups ont les mêmes ambitions, nous précise Christian Comtat, patron de la division IoT d’IBM France. « Les projets sont matures et elles ont des clients, mais elles ont besoin d’aide pour passer des PoC (prototypes, NDLR) à la concrétisation industrielle de leurs solutions. L’action d’IBM et de Sigfox s’inscrit dans cette démarche », souligne le dirigeant.