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Exploring Priesthood Ministry
Explorer le ministère de la prêtrise
Explorar el ministerio del sacerdocio
Purpose of the
education for
priesthood and
But du Temple
“…de pourvoir
à l’education
de la prêtrise et
des membres”
Propósito del
educación de
liderato para el
sacerdocio y los
(Doctrine and
Covenants 156:5)
(Doctrina y Pactos
(Doctrine et Alliances
Song: “Make Me a Servant” CCS 597
Cantique : “Rends-moi serviable” CCS 597
Canción: “Hazme un siervo” CCS 597
“There are
additional sacred
ministries that will
spring forth from
the Temple as
rivers of living
water to help
people soothe
and resolve the
brokenness and
pain in their lives”
(Doctrine and
Covenants 163:8b)
« D’autres
ministères sacrés
jailliront du Temple
comme des
rivières d’eau
vivante pour aider
les personnes à
apaiser et à
résoudre la
souffrance et la
douleur dans
leur vie »
(Doctrine et Alliances
“Hay ministerios
adicionales que
brotarán del
Templo como ríos
de agua viva para
ayudar a las
personas a aliviar
y resolver lo
quebrantado y el
dolor en sus vidas”
(Doctrina y Pactos
“…and everything
will live where the
river goes”
(Ezekiel 47:9 NRSV)
“…et tout vivra partout
où parviendra
le torrent”
(Ezechiel 47:9 LS 1910)
“...Y todo aquello
a donde llegue
este río vivirá”
(Ezequiel 47:9 RVA-2015)
Spiritual blessings
flow from
living waters
(Ezekiel 47:12 NRSV)
Des bénédictions
spirituelles s’écoulent
des eaux vives
(Ezéchiel 47:12 LS 1910)
Las bendiciones
espirituales fluyen
del agua viva
(Ezequiel 47:12 RVA-2015)
Ministries will
spring forth…
and pain
Des ministères
la souffrance et
la douleur
…resolver lo
quebrantado y
el dolor
You are the river!
You bring life and
everywhere you
Vous êtes une
rivière !
Vous apportez la
vie et la
partout où vous
passez !
¡Tú eres el río!
¡Tu traes vida y
restauración a
dondequiera que
Song: “If You Only Had Faith” CCS249
Cantique : “Si tu avais foi” CCS249
Canción: “Si tuvieras fe” CCS249
Called by God
• into continuously flowing and increasingly effective ministry
• “for the blessing and salvation of humanity” (Doctrine and Covenants 156:7)
Appelés par Dieu
• dans un ministère toujours plus fluide et efficace
• “pour la bénédiction et le salut de l’humanité” (Doctrine et Alliances 156:7)
Llamados por Dios
• en un ministerio en flujo continuo y cada vez más eficaz
• “para la bendición y la salvación de la humanidad” (Doctrina y Pactos 156:7)
God’s grace is presented
to us through the
La grâce de Dieu nous est
présentée à travers les
La gracia de Dios se nos
presenta a través de los
Priesthood and sacraments La prêtrise et les sacrements
El sacerdocio y los
are ordained
to be sacrament
teachers, inviters,
providers, and
Les membres de la
prêtrise sont
ordonnés pour être
les intendants, les
enseignants, les
inviteurs, les
dispensateurs et les
défenseurs des
Los miembros del
sacerdocio son
ordenados para ser
proveedores y
promotores del
• Sign
• Word
• Covenant
• Símbolo
• Palabra
• Pacto
• Signe
• Mot
• Alliance
Markers or
indicators of
Marqueurs ou
indicateurs des
Marcadores o
indicadores de los
Universals Universalités Universales
an eternal quality,
or truth
une qualité, un
principe ou une
vérité éternelle
una cualidad,
principio o
verdad eterna
• wholeness and peace
• interrelatedness
• grace and reconciling activity
• self-revelation in Jesus Christ
• plénitude et paix
• interrelation
• la grâce et l’activité rédemptrice
• révèle lui-même en Jésus-Christ
• las personas con la integridad y paz
• interrelación
• gracia y la actividad reconciliadora
• autorrevelación en Jesucristo
Universals Examples
Exemples d’universalités
Ejemplos de universales
Particulars Particularités Particulares
symbol(s), certain
procedures (rituals),
words, and practices
that make
universals more
relevant, and
symboles, certaines
procédures (rituels)
et des pratiques
qui rendent les
universalités plus
pertinentes et
símbolos, ciertos
(rituales), palabras y
prácticas que
hacen que los
universales sean más
relevantes y aplicables
• The basic procedure
• Who performs and participates
• Symbols or emblems
• Words or prayers of blessing
• La procédure de base
• Qui exécute et qui participe
• Des symboles ou des emblèmes
• Des paroles ou des prières de bénédiction
• El procedimiento básico
• Quién realiza y participa
• Símbolos o emblemas
• Palabras u oraciones de bendición
Required particulars
Particularités requises
Particulares obligatorios
• Having baptismal candidates wear white clothes
• Using coconut water or fruit juice (other than grape) for Communion
• Covering bread and wine until the prayer of blessing
• Le port de vêtements blancs par les candidats qui prétendent au baptême
• Utiliser de l’eau de coco ou du jus de fruits (autre que du raisin) pour la
• Couvrir le pain et le vin jusqu’à la prière de bénédiction
• Pedir que los candidatos bautismales usen ropa blanca
• Usar agua de coco o jugo de frutas (aparte del de uva) para la comunión
• Cubrir el pan y el vino hasta el momento de la oración de bendición
Expected particulars
Particularités souhaitées
Particulares esperados
Serving the Lord’s Supper is one of
many ways priesthood members help
God’s living water spring forth.
Cène est l’une des nombreuses
manières par laquelle les membres de la
prêtrise permettent que l’eau vive de
Dieu jaillisse.
Servir la Santa Cena es una de las
muchas maneras en que los miembros
del sacerdocio ayudan a que brote el
agua viva de Dios.
Re-covenanting and renewal
Expérience de réalliance et de
Volver a pactar y experiencia de
Pourquoi la
prêtrise ?
¿Por qué el
“…power of this
priesthood was
placed in your
(Doctrine and
Covenants 156:7)
“…le pouvoir de
cette prêtrise fut
placée au milieu
de vous …”
(Doctrine et
“...el poder de
este sacerdocio
fue puesto en
medio de
(Doctrina y Pactos
Unity in the Body (Ephesians 4:11-13)
Unité dans le corps (Ephésiens 4:11-13)
Unidad en el cuerpo (Efesios 4:11-13)
Why priesthood? Pourquoi la prêtrise ? ¿Por qué el sacerdocio?
Priesthood helps awaken
the faith community to the
ever-living covenant that
God extends into the midst
of human life
La prêtrise aide à éveiller
la communauté de foi à
l'alliance toujours vivante
que Dieu étend au milieu
de la vie humaine
El sacerdocio ayuda a
despertar a la comunidad
de fe al pacto eterno que
Dios extiende en medio de
la vida humana
Genesis 15
covenant with
Genèse 15
Alliance de
Dieu avec
Génesis 15
El Pacto de
Dios con
Why priesthood? Pourquoi la prêtrise ? ¿Por qué el sacerdocio?
to be a tangible
expression of a living-
covenant with God by
bringing people
together in love
pour être une
expression concrète de
l’alliance-vivante avec
Dieu en amenant les
individus à s’aimer
ser una expresión
tangible de un
pacto viviente con
Dios al unir a las
personas con amor
Ser el agua
viva que fluye
y trae vida a
medida que
servimos juntos
Be the living
water that flows
and brings life as
we serve together
Soyez l’eau
vivante qui coule
et donne vie
tandis que nous
servons ensemble
Re-Covenanting with God:
An Invitation for Priesthood
Se réallier avec Dieu :
une invitation pour à la prêtrise
Volver a pactar con Dios:
Una invitación para los sacerdotes
the origin of your own sacred
de l’origine de votre propre
appel sacré
el origen de su propio llamado
Trust that God’s calling and invitation is
still alive in you
confíen en que el llamado y la invitación
de Dios aún están vivos en ustedes
la confiance que l’appel et l’invitation
de Dieu soient toujours vivants en vous
what has been most life-giving
lo que ha sido más dador
de vida
de ce qui été davantage une
source de
What emerges as an
intention for recommitment
ce qui émerge comme une
intention de réengagement
Vuelvan a
Lo que surge como una intención
para volver a comprometerse
Share with a neighbor
Partagez avec un voisin
Conversen con un vecino
Prayer of Gratitude and Blessing
Prière de gratitude et de bénédiction
Oración de gratitud y bendición
“I Have Called You By Your Name” CCS 636
Cantique : “Tu sais, je t’ai appelé par ton nom” CCS 636
Canción: “Con mi nombre los llamé” CCS 636

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Exploring Priesthood Ministry

  • 1.
  • 2. Exploring Priesthood Ministry Explorer le ministère de la prêtrise Explorar el ministerio del sacerdocio 2
  • 3. Purpose of the Temple “…providing leadership education for priesthood and member” But du Temple “…de pourvoir à l’education de la prêtrise et des membres” Propósito del Templo “...proveer educación de liderato para el sacerdocio y los miembros” (Doctrine and Covenants 156:5) (Doctrina y Pactos 156:5) (Doctrine et Alliances 156:5) 3
  • 4. Song: “Make Me a Servant” CCS 597 Cantique : “Rends-moi serviable” CCS 597 Canción: “Hazme un siervo” CCS 597 4
  • 5. “There are additional sacred ministries that will spring forth from the Temple as rivers of living water to help people soothe and resolve the brokenness and pain in their lives” (Doctrine and Covenants 163:8b) « D’autres ministères sacrés jailliront du Temple comme des rivières d’eau vivante pour aider les personnes à apaiser et à résoudre la souffrance et la douleur dans leur vie » (Doctrine et Alliances 163:8b) “Hay ministerios sagrados adicionales que brotarán del Templo como ríos de agua viva para ayudar a las personas a aliviar y resolver lo quebrantado y el dolor en sus vidas” (Doctrina y Pactos 163:8b) 5
  • 6. “…and everything will live where the river goes” (Ezekiel 47:9 NRSV) “…et tout vivra partout où parviendra le torrent” (Ezechiel 47:9 LS 1910) 6 “...Y todo aquello a donde llegue este río vivirá” (Ezequiel 47:9 RVA-2015)
  • 7. Spiritual blessings flow from living waters (Ezekiel 47:12 NRSV) Des bénédictions spirituelles s’écoulent des eaux vives (Ezéchiel 47:12 LS 1910) Las bendiciones espirituales fluyen del agua viva (Ezequiel 47:12 RVA-2015) 7
  • 8. Ministries will spring forth… …resolve brokenness and pain Des ministères jailliront… …résoudre la souffrance et la douleur Ministerios sagrados adicionales... …resolver lo quebrantado y el dolor 8
  • 9. You are the river! You bring life and restoration everywhere you flow! Vous êtes une rivière ! Vous apportez la vie et la restauration partout où vous passez ! ¡Tú eres el río! ¡Tu traes vida y restauración a dondequiera que fluyes! 9
  • 10. Song: “If You Only Had Faith” CCS249 Cantique : “Si tu avais foi” CCS249 Canción: “Si tuvieras fe” CCS249 10
  • 11. Called by God • into continuously flowing and increasingly effective ministry • “for the blessing and salvation of humanity” (Doctrine and Covenants 156:7) Appelés par Dieu • dans un ministère toujours plus fluide et efficace • “pour la bénédiction et le salut de l’humanité” (Doctrine et Alliances 156:7) Llamados por Dios • en un ministerio en flujo continuo y cada vez más eficaz • “para la bendición y la salvación de la humanidad” (Doctrina y Pactos 156:7) 11
  • 12. God’s grace is presented to us through the Sacraments. La grâce de Dieu nous est présentée à travers les sacrements. La gracia de Dios se nos presenta a través de los sacramentos. 12
  • 13. Priesthood and sacraments La prêtrise et les sacrements El sacerdocio y los sacramentos Priesthood members are ordained to be sacrament stewards, teachers, inviters, providers, and advocates. Les membres de la prêtrise sont ordonnés pour être les intendants, les enseignants, les inviteurs, les dispensateurs et les défenseurs des sacrements. Los miembros del sacerdocio son ordenados para ser mayordomos, maestros, invitadores, proveedores y promotores del sacramento. 13
  • 14. • Sign • Word • Covenant • Símbolo • Palabra • Pacto • Signe • Mot • Alliance Markers or indicators of sacraments Marqueurs ou indicateurs des sacrements Marcadores o indicadores de los sacramentos 14
  • 15. Universals Universalités Universales Unchanging an eternal quality, principle, or truth Immuables une qualité, un principe ou une vérité éternelle Inmutables una cualidad, principio o verdad eterna 15
  • 16. • wholeness and peace • interrelatedness • grace and reconciling activity • self-revelation in Jesus Christ • plénitude et paix • interrelation • la grâce et l’activité rédemptrice • révèle lui-même en Jésus-Christ • las personas con la integridad y paz • interrelación • gracia y la actividad reconciliadora • autorrevelación en Jesucristo Universals Examples Exemples d’universalités Ejemplos de universales 16
  • 17. Particulars Particularités Particulares symbol(s), certain procedures (rituals), words, and practices that make universals more understandable, relevant, and applicable symboles, certaines procédures (rituels) et des pratiques qui rendent les universalités plus compréhensibles, pertinentes et applicables símbolos, ciertos procedimientos (rituales), palabras y prácticas que hacen que los universales sean más comprensibles, relevantes y aplicables 17
  • 18. • The basic procedure • Who performs and participates • Symbols or emblems • Words or prayers of blessing • La procédure de base • Qui exécute et qui participe • Des symboles ou des emblèmes • Des paroles ou des prières de bénédiction • El procedimiento básico • Quién realiza y participa • Símbolos o emblemas • Palabras u oraciones de bendición Required particulars Particularités requises Particulares obligatorios 18
  • 19. • Having baptismal candidates wear white clothes • Using coconut water or fruit juice (other than grape) for Communion • Covering bread and wine until the prayer of blessing • Le port de vêtements blancs par les candidats qui prétendent au baptême • Utiliser de l’eau de coco ou du jus de fruits (autre que du raisin) pour la Communion • Couvrir le pain et le vin jusqu’à la prière de bénédiction • Pedir que los candidatos bautismales usen ropa blanca • Usar agua de coco o jugo de frutas (aparte del de uva) para la comunión • Cubrir el pan y el vino hasta el momento de la oración de bendición Expected particulars Particularités souhaitées Particulares esperados 19
  • 20. Serving the Lord’s Supper is one of many ways priesthood members help God’s living water spring forth. Cène est l’une des nombreuses manières par laquelle les membres de la prêtrise permettent que l’eau vive de Dieu jaillisse. Servir la Santa Cena es una de las muchas maneras en que los miembros del sacerdocio ayudan a que brote el agua viva de Dios. 20
  • 21. Re-covenanting and renewal experience Expérience de réalliance et de renouveau Volver a pactar y experiencia de renovación 30
  • 23. “…power of this priesthood was placed in your midst…” (Doctrine and Covenants 156:7) “…le pouvoir de cette prêtrise fut placée au milieu de vous …” (Doctrine et Alliances156:7) “...el poder de este sacerdocio fue puesto en medio de vosotros...” (Doctrina y Pactos 156:7) 32
  • 24. Unity in the Body (Ephesians 4:11-13) Unité dans le corps (Ephésiens 4:11-13) Unidad en el cuerpo (Efesios 4:11-13) 33
  • 25. Why priesthood? Pourquoi la prêtrise ? ¿Por qué el sacerdocio? Priesthood helps awaken the faith community to the ever-living covenant that God extends into the midst of human life La prêtrise aide à éveiller la communauté de foi à l'alliance toujours vivante que Dieu étend au milieu de la vie humaine El sacerdocio ayuda a despertar a la comunidad de fe al pacto eterno que Dios extiende en medio de la vida humana 34
  • 26. Genesis 15 God’s covenant with Abraham Genèse 15 Alliance de Dieu avec Abraham Génesis 15 El Pacto de Dios con Abraham 35
  • 27. Why priesthood? Pourquoi la prêtrise ? ¿Por qué el sacerdocio? to be a tangible expression of a living- covenant with God by bringing people together in love pour être une expression concrète de l’alliance-vivante avec Dieu en amenant les individus à s’aimer ser una expresión tangible de un pacto viviente con Dios al unir a las personas con amor 36
  • 28. Ser el agua viva que fluye y trae vida a medida que servimos juntos Be the living water that flows and brings life as we serve together Soyez l’eau vivante qui coule et donne vie tandis que nous servons ensemble 37
  • 29. Re-Covenanting with God: An Invitation for Priesthood Se réallier avec Dieu : une invitation pour à la prêtrise Volver a pactar con Dios: Una invitación para los sacerdotes 38
  • 30. Remember the origin of your own sacred calling Souvenez-vous de l’origine de votre propre appel sacré Recuerden el origen de su propio llamado sagrado 39
  • 31. Reconcile Trust that God’s calling and invitation is still alive in you Reconcilien confíen en que el llamado y la invitación de Dios aún están vivos en ustedes Conciliez la confiance que l’appel et l’invitation de Dieu soient toujours vivants en vous 40
  • 32. Rejoice what has been most life-giving Regocíjense lo que ha sido más dador de vida Réjouissez-vous de ce qui été davantage une source de 41
  • 33. Recommit What emerges as an intention for recommitment Réengagez ce qui émerge comme une intention de réengagement Vuelvan a comprometerse Lo que surge como una intención para volver a comprometerse 42
  • 34. Share with a neighbor Partagez avec un voisin Conversen con un vecino 43
  • 35. Prayer of Gratitude and Blessing Prière de gratitude et de bénédiction Oración de gratitud y bendición 44
  • 36. “I Have Called You By Your Name” CCS 636 Cantique : “Tu sais, je t’ai appelé par ton nom” CCS 636 Canción: “Con mi nombre los llamé” CCS 636 45

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. The First Presidency shared this presentation with priesthood and members during the 2019 World Conference.
  2. Doctrine and Covenants 156:5 states that a purpose of the Temple is: “…providing leadership education for priesthood and member.” This purpose is achieved through activities like Temple School, Community of Christ Seminary courses, and various workshops. Today, we are fulfilling this purpose by exploring topics related to priesthood ministry. Let us share together as we sing from Community of Christ Sings, hymn 597 – Make Me a Servant. We will sing this song twice. You are encouraged to try a language other than your own.
  3. Song: CCS 597, “Make Me a Servant”
  4. As I read from Doctrine and Covenants, Section 163:8b, prayerfully listen for phrases that stand out and call for further reflection. Often this is how the Holy Spirit teaches us through scripture, whether it is ancient text or Continuing Revelation. From 163:8b: There are additional sacred ministries that will spring forth from the Temple as rivers of living water to help people soothe and resolve the brokenness and pain in their lives. Throughout scripture the word temple is used in various ways. In Hebrew Scripture, temple applies to sacred places and structures. In the New Testament temple refers to Jesus Christ as well as the church community. In the book of Revelation the expansive “dwelling of God among mortals” supersedes a physical temple (Revelations 21:1-22 NRSV).
  5. Today, I want to explore the temple imagery found in Ezekiel 47. In this chapter the narrative shifts from detailed instructions in prior chapters about building a temple to visionary symbolic language about the anticipated blessings of Temple ministries. In chapter 47 a symbol or metaphor associated with the temple-to-be is flowing water. More precisely, it is rivers of water coursing from various sides of the temple into a parched land. During this experience the seer of the vision was told to wade into the water. Progressively, the water was ankle-deep; then knee-deep; then waist-deep; and, finally, quoting from the passage: “a river that I could not cross,” The water flowing from the envisioned temple was deep and rising! Then the prophet was lifted from the river and plopped on the riverbank. He saw many trees near the river on both sides. He was informed the rivers eventually would flow into a sea of stagnant water, and the stagnant or lifeless water would be made fresh. Quoting from the passage again: “…and everything will live where the river goes” (Ezekiel 47:9 NRSV). EVERYTHING WILL LIVE WHERE THE RIVER GOES! The rivers flowing from the Temple bring nourishment, renewal, hope, and life. Remember, this is spiritual imagery.
  6. Following that powerful affirmation, this passage returns to describing the effects of the fresh, flowing, living water, including, if I may, excellent fishing conditions! Then it ends with this poetic vision of spiritual blessings: On the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing. —Ezekiel 47:12 NRSV It’s an interesting coincidence that our Temple is bounded by River and Walnut Streets! We could take various directions with this chapter to discover its full meaning. All of them are good news. However, I will focus only on one.
  7. Recall Doctrine and Covenants 163:8b: There are additional sacred ministries that will spring forth from the Temple as rivers of living water to help people soothe and resolve the brokenness and pain in their lives. The parched land is human brokenness and pain. Brokenness and pain in human bodies, minds, souls, relationships, and societies. Brokenness and pain in all creation, which scripture describes as “groaning” for liberation and healing from suffering caused by human greed and conflict. Ministries of this Temple, inspired by Jesus Christ, are desperately needed in our parched land today. Community of Christ priesthood members, are gifted, called, ordained, and sent by God through the church to be that ministry!
  8. You are the river! And, as the river, you bring life and restoration everywhere you flow!
  9. Song: CCS 249, “If You Only Had Faith”
  10. The Eternal One, who called you according to Doctrine and Covenants 156:7 “for the blessing and salvation of humanity,” longs to pour you into continuously flowing and increasingly effective ministry! If we, as disciples and priesthood members, embody the ministries of the Temple—wholeness, healing of the spirit, reconciliation, witness, and peace—much unnecessary brokenness and pain in human lives and in creation will be “soothed and resolved” (163:8b, adapted). Your attitudes, words, and actions are a primary way God’s love expresses itself! You are God’s love in motion!
  11. A vital resource for sharing God’s love is the sacraments of the church. Sacraments often are referred to as “means of grace” because God’s grace flows to us through them. God’s grace is not confined to sacraments. But sacraments create opportunities to be especially aware of and responsive to God’s grace.
  12. Priesthood members are ordained to be sacrament stewards, teachers, inviters, providers, and advocates. This is a sacred responsibility. Priesthood members are expected to understand and appreciate the underlying theology, purposes, components, and procedures for sacraments. I want to present some basic concepts regarding sacraments. These concepts are important whenever we consider or provide a sacrament.
  13. The first is called “markers [indicators] of sacraments.” Community of Christ affirms the three “historic markers” or indicators of a sacrament. These are: sign, word, and covenant. Sign is a repeating symbol. Word typically is a prescribed prayer or statement of blessing. Covenant is a sacred commitment initiated by God that includes God, persons, and the faith community. In sacraments, covenants are made, renewed, focused, and broadened. What are the three “historical markers” of a sacrament? Sign, word, and covenant! Another important way of understanding sacraments is the concept of “universals and particulars.” (We’re wading deep into the water now!)
  14. A universal is an eternal quality, principle, or truth. For example, God is love and the Worth of All Persons are statements of universals. Universals are unchanging, though our understanding of them may grow and change. Universals transcend history, cultures, languages, local contexts, and even the words we use to describe them!
  15. Universals are abiding spiritual truths that underlie sacraments. For example, sacrament universals include:   God’s desire to bless people with wholeness and peace. Our interrelatedness or connection to God, others, and creation. God’s grace and reconciling activity in and among us. God’s self-revelation in Jesus Christ.   What other sacrament universals would you add to this list? As stewards of sacraments, it always is important to remember the universal principles or truths expressed through sacraments.
  16. Now let’s talk about particulars. Universals are so immense we need ways to understand and apply them in our lives. Particulars are symbols, words, or actions that point to and enhance understanding of a universal. Sacrament particulars include symbol(s), certain procedures (rituals), words, and practices that make universals more understandable, relevant, and applicable. I want to make an important distinction. There are required sacrament particulars, and there are particular traditions and customs that generally are expected, but not required. Sometimes we confuse the two.
  17. So, let’s look at some examples. First, required particulars usually are based on scripture, World Conference resolutions, and official interpretations. Required particulars include:   The basic procedure (ritual) for providing a sacrament. Who performs and participates in the sacrament, like eligible priesthood offices. Symbols or emblems consistently used in the sacrament, like bread and juice, laying on of hands, or consecrated oil. Words or prayers of blessing used in the sacrament, like the Communion prayer(s) of blessing on the emblems.   What about traditions and customs generally expected but not required? Practices have emerged over time in various parts of the church that are local traditions or customs expected by many when sacraments are celebrated. However, they are not required.
  18. Local customs influence each location of the church. In many cases, these practices are practical or especially meaningful for that place. Often, local customs are treasured as gifts from earlier generations. While dearly held, these customs, practices, and traditions are not required. Examples include:   Being seated while receiving Communion. Coming forward to receive Communion. Having baptismal candidates wear white clothes. Using coconut water or fruit juice (other than grape) for Communion. Covering bread and wine until the prayer of blessing. Allowing only priesthood members to prepare the Communion bread and wine. …And many more.   Both universals and particulars are important. They complement one another. When questions arise about a sacrament procedure, symbol, or words, the first consideration is: Does it honor the universals that underlie the sacrament? The next question is: Does it comply with essential particulars? Changes to sacraments should not be arbitrary or spontaneous decisions. The sacraments belong to the whole church. There are established ways to explore questions about sacraments. These include local input, theological, scriptural, and pastoral explorations; consideration by church leadership groups; and the role of the Presidency to interpret scripture, Continuing Revelation, World Conference Resolutions, and church policies. Our conversation today demonstrates that process at work!
  19. Priesthood is a sacred covenant with God and the church. Priesthood members are ministers dedicated to creating sacred communities that prepare, equip, and send disciples in Christ’s mission. As President Veazey has emphasized, you, as priesthood members, are the river of living water being poured out in ministry. Serving the Lord’s Supper is one of many ways priesthood members help God’s living water spring forth.
  20. As we continue to consider our call as those who are the river of living water being poured in ministry, let us reflect on our covenant as priesthood members. For those gathered here who serve as priesthood, I’m mindful that each one has been called. None of you filled out an application to take on a special job as priesthood. None of you signed up just to take on more responsibilities in your congregation or mission center. You are here because you were called from the midst of the church community to serve on behalf of the community.
  21. An essential question has emerged as we’ve listened to the reflections shared. That essential question is: Why priesthood? I raise this question because we need to have a serious conversation about the nature of priesthood ministry and service. We need to focus on what it means for the mission of the church and the church’s future in a rapidly changing culture. We need to remember why we said “yes” to this call and why we continue to say “yes” to serve. We need to be honest about why we do this thing called “priesthood” and what it means to the faith community. In the sacredness of this place, I want to invite you to reflect with me on this essential question of “why priesthood?” (PAUSE)
  22. Listen to these words from Doctrine and Covenants 156:7, shared with the church in 1984: Hear, O my people, regarding my holy priesthood. The power of this priesthood was placed in your midst from the earliest days of the rise of this work for the blessing and salvation of humanity. What a powerful image! God placed priesthood into the midst of human life. It didn’t come about by chance. It is a gift that God extends to us and for us. As we heard earlier, priesthood is the living river—the living water that can bring blessing and opportunities for others to encounter the essence of life that yearns to spring forth. Priesthood is about making sacredness known to others. This is what happens when we are intentional about being the river that flows, nourishes, and blesses so all can live in wholeness. Why priesthood?
  23. In the Letter to the Ephesians, the Pauline author calls this emerging community of disciples to work toward unity in the body: The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ. —Ephesians 4:11–13 NRSV Some roles in this scripture fit priesthood offices we have in the church today. But the message in Ephesians is not about emphasizing specific offices. It tells us about the need for a team of people to use their leadership gifts to build, empower, and journey with the faith community so they can reflect the essence of Christ. Priesthood is a gift from God that helps form the church to serve as the incarnation of Christ’s mission wherever we are found.
  24. Why priesthood? Priesthood helps awaken the faith community to the ever-living covenant that God extends into human life. The very essence of God’s profound love and overwhelming grace, which flow from the covenant God made with us, form the covenant priesthood must endeavor to make real. This living covenant reflects the nature of “coming together,” formed in Christ-like love, when we live among the pollution of words in the world that seeks to divide.
  25. In the Bible we find multiple stories of God’s covenant-making that demonstrate this unique gift of relationship God yearns to have with us. In the 15th chapter of Genesis is a wonderful story about the growing relationship between Abraham and God. In this story, God is trying to assure Abraham that his life will have an impact in the world. Abraham asks God, how will I know that this will all be? God replies, bring me a heifer, a goat, a ram, a dove, and pigeon. Without being told, Abraham knew what to do because he took the animals, divided them in half, and created a pathway between the two halves. You see, this was how two people made a covenant—an oath—in the ancient world. Together they would walk between the divided animal parts and declare that if they failed to live up to their part of the covenant, they would become like the divided animals. Aren’t you glad we don’t use that form of covenant-making today in the church? When night comes, Abraham witnesses God’s presence in a smoking pot and blazing torch passing through the middle of the divided animals. God uses this common ritual of the time to show Abraham how faithful God will be. God upholds both sides of the covenant. The heart of this story calls us to recognize God’s invitation to trust what God is about to do.
  26. Our covenant, made by responding to the call and through the sacrament of ordination, is to trust what God is prepared to do in and through our lives. To serve as priesthood is to be a tangible expression of our living covenant with God by bringing people together in love. In the resource, Introduction to Priesthood Ministry, Dave Schaal reminds us: It is important to remember that priesthood is a covenant we must “live into,” rather than being a set of skills that we master by the time of ordination. It is a lifelong journey of learning and integrating what we must know, what we must do, and how we must be. Why priesthood? Priesthood is an essential presence and gift in the life of the church. It is a “sacred covenant that calls us into service for others and for the well-being of the faith community.”
  27. Remember, you are the river! And a river does not stand still but moves forward. In your “yes” to your call and “yes” to the covenant that has been placed within you, be the living water that flows and brings life. We serve together, moving the church forward into God’s future, which is known as Zion—God’s peaceable reign on Earth.
  28. Because we “live and move and have our being” in God, we can never fall out of God’s presence and love. A covenant is our intentional response to the relationship God is already and always offering. As priesthood, we commit ourselves to the “Covenant Principles for Faithful Priesthood Ministry,” and we remember that our original covenant is with the God who calls us. We invite you to enter a time of prayerful reflection as you consider your covenant with God as a priesthood member. It is this relationship with God and how God calls us into transformative ministry that is the focus of this time of prayer.
  29. Spend a few moments prayerfully remembering the origin of your own sacred calling. When did you first become aware of the Spirit inviting you into ministry and leadership? How did you feel as your heart began to form that first sacred yes to a covenant relationship with God and the community you serve? (1–2 minutes in silence)
  30. While God never breaks covenant with us, we sometimes lose sight of the calling that seeks to guide our lives. Notice how your sense of calling has shifted over time—evolving, growing, or waning. Pay attention to moments when you have felt distracted, disconnected, or lacked intention in your priesthood ministry. Notice if there have been times when your motivation for ministry did not come from humility and love. When has ego, tension in relationship, or lack of spiritual preparation dulled your response to your priesthood covenant? As you reflect, trust that God’s calling and invitation are still alive in you and are always waiting for your return. (1–2 minutes in silence)
  31. As you continue prayerfully reflecting, bring to your awareness moments of joy, presence, love, and blessing that you have experienced in priesthood ministry. Pay attention to what has been the most life-giving as you have responded to God’s sacred invitation. When have you felt most challenged and inspired to grow in your ministry and relationship with God? When have your gifts been used to their fullness? When have you been most aware of the Spirit at work in you and others as you have responded to the call? (1–2 minutes in silence)
  32. Spend a few moments prayerfully imagining that in every place you will go and every person you will encounter, the Spirit already is present. Trust that you are enough—that God calls you for who you are and the gifts that are uniquely yours to share. What does re-covenanting with God look like for you this day? In the silence, imagine yourself returning to God as the Source of your life and ministry. What emerges as an intention for recommitment that you feel called to carry with you throughout this World Conference and as you return to the places you love and serve? (1–2 minutes in silence)
  33. Sharing with a neighbor
  34. Have someone offer a prayer of gratitude and blessing for the priesthood members who generously and sacrificially give of their time and energy to serve the church and God’s people.
  35. Song: CCS 636, “I Have Called You by Your Name”