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INFORMATIQUE III  DEVOIR SURVEIEE  2 Notes 18  -  20   p.  ( excellent  6);  15  –  17   p . ( tr è s bien  5); 12 – 14 p. (bien 4); 10 – 11 p. (passable 3)
[object Object],[object Object],#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define N 3 typedef struct el { int  inf; char name[15]; }unit; unit f(unit a); int main(){ unit lst[N], *lstp[N]; char p[]=&quot;Paris Sofia&quot;, x,y; for(x=0; x<N; x++){   lst[x].inf=x+1;   strcpy(lst[x].name,p+x);   printf(&quot;1: %s&quot;,lst[x].name+2);   lstp[x]=lst+x; }
[object Object],[object Object],lstp[0]=lstp[2]; for(x=0; x<N; x++){ printf(&quot;2:%d %s&quot;,lstp[x]->inf, lstp[x]->name); } *lstp[1]=f(*lstp[0]);   printf(&quot;4:%d %s&quot;,lstp[1]->inf,lstp[1]->name);   return 0; } unit f(unit a) {  unit b; a.inf*=2; b.inf=(2*a.inf)+1; strcpy(,; printf(&quot;3:%d %s&quot;,a.inf,; return b; }
[object Object],unit *lstp[3] unit  lst[3] inf name 1  Paris Sofia 2  aris Sofia 3  ris Sofia
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],#include <stdio.h> int gcd(int, int); int main() { int a=33, b=15; if (a < 1 || b < 1) {  printf(&quot;Erreur! &quot;);   return 1; } printf(&quot;%d&quot;,gcd(a, b)); return 0; } int gcd(int a, int b) {if (a == b) return a; if (a > b) return gcd(a-b, b);   return gcd(a, b-a); }
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],Maria Angelova Ani Koleva Ivan Petrov Asen Milanov
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define  NUM 2 void output(char **p,int k); void sort(char **p,int k); char ** insert(char **ptext,int *n_l); int main(void) {  int n_l; char **ptext; ptext=insert(ptext,&n_l); printf(&quot;%d chaines (noms) ont lus&quot;,n_l); printf(&quot;Liste originale des noms:&quot;); output(ptext,n_l); sort(ptext,n_l); printf(&quot;Liste des nom tries:&quot;); output(ptext,n_l); free(ptext);  return(0);  }
char ** insert(char **ptext,int *n_l) { char *p; FILE *fp; int  n_el=NUM ; *n_l=0; char buf[SIZE]; if((fp=fopen(&quot;test.txt&quot;, &quot;r&quot;)) == NULL) {   printf(&quot;Fichier n'est pas ouvert.&quot;);   exit(1); } if((ptext=(char **) malloc ( n_el *sizeof(char *)))==NULL){   printf(&quot;Erreur!&quot;);   exit(1); }
do{ if( fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp)== NULL){ printf(&quot;Erreur lecture!&quot;); exit(1); } if((p=(char*)malloc( sizeof(char)*(strlen(buf)+1)))== NULL){ printf(&quot;Erreur!&quot;);   exit(1); } strcpy(p,buf); if(*n_l==n_el) {  n_el+=NUM ; if (ptext=(char**) realloc (ptext, n_el *sizeof(char*)))==NULL){ printf(&quot;Erreur!&quot;);   exit(1); } } ptext[(*n_l)++]=p; } while(!feof(fp)); strcat(*(ptext+*n_l-1),&quot;&quot;); return ptext; }
void output(char **p,int k) { int j; for(j=0;j<k;j++)   printf(&quot;%s&quot;,*(p+j)); } void sort(char **p,int k) { int j,flag; char st[80]; do{  flag=0;   for(j=0;j<k-1;j++)   if(strcmp(*(p+j),*(p+j+1))>0){   flag=1;   strcpy(st,*(p+j));   strcpy(*(p+j),*(p+j+1));   strcpy(*(p+j+1),st);   } }  while(flag); }
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <memory.h> #define NBR 5 typedef struct { char name[20]; float averageMark; }STUDENT; void myMenu(); STUDENT * addStudentFromKey(short *); void inputStudent(STUDENT*); void printArray(STUDENT *,short ); FILE *writeStructFile(STUDENT *,short); void sortArray(STUDENT *,short); int sortName(const void *,const void *); int sortAverageMark(const void *,const void *); void SearchFile(FILE *);
int main() { myMenu(); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// void myMenu() {  FILE *fp; short a,i; STUDENT *array; do { printf(&quot;1.Creer tableau dynamique des structures - entrees par clavier  2.Afficher le tableau  3.Ecrire le tableau dans un fichier binaire  4.Trier le tableau dynamique des structures  5.Chercher dans le fichier les etudiants avec notes >=5.50&ecrire  6.Fin  Votre choix :&quot;);   scanf(&quot;%d&quot;,&a);
switch(a) { case 1:array=addStudentFromKey(&i);break; case 2:printArray(array,i);break; case 3:fp=writeStructFile(array,i);break; case 4:sortArray(array,i); break; case 5:SearchFile(fp); } }while(a!=6); free(array); }
STUDENT* addStudentFromKey(short *i) {  STUDENT *array,a; char word[4]; int n=NBR; *i=0; array=(STUDENT*)malloc(n*sizeof(STUDENT)); if(array == NULL) exit(1); while(printf(&quot;La structure suivante dans le tableau? - (oui/no)&quot;),    fflush(stdin),strcmp(gets(word),&quot;oui&quot;)==0)   {  if(*i == n)   {  n=n*2;   array=(STUDENT*)realloc(array,n*sizeof(STUDENT));   if(array == NULL) exit(1);   }   printf(&quot;ETUDIANT  NOMBRE %d: &quot;,*i+1);   inputStudent(&a);   memcpy(&array[*i],&a,sizeof(STUDENT));   (*i)++; } return array; }
void inputStudent(STUDENT *a) { fflush(stdin); printf(&quot;Entrer le nom:&quot;); gets(a->name); printf(&quot;Entrer la note moyenne:&quot;); scanf(&quot;%f&quot;,&a->averageMark); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void printArray(STUDENT *array,short n) { int i; printf(&quot;Les elements du tableau dynamique  ETUDIANT  NOMBRE  ETUDIANT NOM    ETUDIANT NOTE MOYENNE&quot;); for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf(&quot;%-18d %-28s %-10.2f&quot;,i+1,array[i].name,array[i].averageMark); }
FILE* writeStructFile(STUDENT *array,short n) { FILE *fp; char fname[15]; short i; puts(&quot;Entrer le nom du fichier pour ecrire&quot;); fflush(stdin); gets(fname); fp=fopen(fname,&quot;w+b&quot;); if(fp==NULL) { printf( &quot;Problem d'ouverture&quot; ); exit(1); } for(i=0;i<n;i++) fwrite(&array[i],sizeof(STUDENT),1,fp); return(fp); }
void sortArray(STUDENT *array,short n) {  short k; printf(&quot;Choix du tri :0 - par nom;1 - par note moyenne&quot;); fflush(stdin); scanf(&quot;%d&quot;,&k); qsort((void*)array,n,sizeof(STUDENT),k?sortAverageMark:sortName); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int sortName(const void *pa,const void *pb) { char x; STUDENT*a=(STUDENT*)pa; STUDENT*b=(STUDENT*)pb; x=strcmp(a->name,b->name); if(x>0) return 1; else if(x<0) return -1; else return 0; }
int sortAverageMark(const void *pa,const void *pb) { STUDENT*a=(STUDENT*)pa; STUDENT*b=(STUDENT*)pb; if(a->averageMark > b->averageMark) return 1; else if(a->averageMark < b->averageMark) return -1; else return 0; }
void SearchFile(FILE *fp) {  FILE *fp_new; char fname_new[15]; STUDENT temp; rewind(fp); puts(&quot;Entrer le nom du fichier pour ecrire&quot;); fflush(stdin); gets(fname_new); fp_new=fopen(fname_new,&quot;w+b&quot;); if(fp_new==NULL) { printf( &quot;Problem problem d'ouverture&quot; ); exit(1); } while(fread(&temp,sizeof(STUDENT),1,fp)==1)   if(temp.averageMark >= 5.50)   fwrite(&temp,sizeof(STUDENT),1,fp_new); rewind(fp_new); while(fread(&temp,sizeof(STUDENT),1,fp_new)==1)   printf(&quot;%-28s %-10.2f&quot;,,temp.averageMark); fclose(fp); fclose(fp_new); }
[object Object],[object Object]
ppch[0] word0 ppch[1] ppch[2] word1 word2 ppch[i] ppch[n] wordn char **ppch
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define NUM 2 void prt(char **ppch,int n){ int i; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ printf(&quot;%s&quot;,ppch[i]); } } int exist(char **ppch, int n, char *w){ int i; for(i=0; i<n;i++){ if(!strcmp(ppch[i],w)) return 1; } return 0; }
char ** insert(char **ppch, int *n_w,int *n_el, char *w){ char *p; if ((p = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(w)+1)))== NULL){ return NULL; } strcpy(p, w); if(*n_w == *n_el){ *n_el+=NUM; if ( (ppch = (char **)realloc( ppch,*n_el*sizeof(char*)))==NULL)  { return NULL; } } ppch[(*n_w)++]= p; return ppch; }
void sort(char **ppch, int n_w){ int i,ok; char *help; do {  ok=1; for(i=0;i<n_w-1;i++){ if(strcmp(ppch[i],ppch[i+1])>0){ help=ppch[i]; ppch[i]=ppch[i+1]; ppch[i+1]=help; ok=0; } } }while (!ok); } void free_m(char **ppch,int n_words){ int i; for(i=0;i<n_words;i++){ free(ppch[i]); } free(ppch); }
int main(){ int n_words=0,  n_el=NUM ; char buf[251], **ppch; FILE *f; if((f=fopen(&quot;b.txt&quot;,&quot;rt&quot;))==NULL){ printf (&quot;The file cannot be read&quot;); return 2; } if ( (ppch = (char **)malloc( n_el*sizeof(char*)))== NULL){ printf(&quot;No memory&quot;); return 3; } while(!feof(f)) { if( fscanf(f,&quot;%250s&quot;,buf) == EOF){ break; } if(!exist(ppch,n_words,buf)){ if((ppch=insert(ppch, &n_words,&n_el,buf))==NULL){ printf(&quot;No memory&quot;); return 3; } } } sort(ppch, n_words); prt(ppch, n_words); free_m(ppch,n_words); return 0; } alfa alfa  tita gama  beta alfa beta gama tita

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Fahad Golra

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Lect14 dev2

  • 1. INFORMATIQUE III DEVOIR SURVEIEE 2 Notes 18 - 20 p. ( excellent 6); 15 – 17 p . ( tr è s bien 5); 12 – 14 p. (bien 4); 10 – 11 p. (passable 3)
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define NUM 2 void output(char **p,int k); void sort(char **p,int k); char ** insert(char **ptext,int *n_l); int main(void) { int n_l; char **ptext; ptext=insert(ptext,&n_l); printf(&quot;%d chaines (noms) ont lus&quot;,n_l); printf(&quot;Liste originale des noms:&quot;); output(ptext,n_l); sort(ptext,n_l); printf(&quot;Liste des nom tries:&quot;); output(ptext,n_l); free(ptext); return(0); }
  • 12. char ** insert(char **ptext,int *n_l) { char *p; FILE *fp; int n_el=NUM ; *n_l=0; char buf[SIZE]; if((fp=fopen(&quot;test.txt&quot;, &quot;r&quot;)) == NULL) { printf(&quot;Fichier n'est pas ouvert.&quot;); exit(1); } if((ptext=(char **) malloc ( n_el *sizeof(char *)))==NULL){ printf(&quot;Erreur!&quot;); exit(1); }
  • 13. do{ if( fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp)== NULL){ printf(&quot;Erreur lecture!&quot;); exit(1); } if((p=(char*)malloc( sizeof(char)*(strlen(buf)+1)))== NULL){ printf(&quot;Erreur!&quot;); exit(1); } strcpy(p,buf); if(*n_l==n_el) { n_el+=NUM ; if (ptext=(char**) realloc (ptext, n_el *sizeof(char*)))==NULL){ printf(&quot;Erreur!&quot;); exit(1); } } ptext[(*n_l)++]=p; } while(!feof(fp)); strcat(*(ptext+*n_l-1),&quot;&quot;); return ptext; }
  • 14. void output(char **p,int k) { int j; for(j=0;j<k;j++) printf(&quot;%s&quot;,*(p+j)); } void sort(char **p,int k) { int j,flag; char st[80]; do{ flag=0; for(j=0;j<k-1;j++) if(strcmp(*(p+j),*(p+j+1))>0){ flag=1; strcpy(st,*(p+j)); strcpy(*(p+j),*(p+j+1)); strcpy(*(p+j+1),st); } } while(flag); }
  • 15.  
  • 16.
  • 17. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <memory.h> #define NBR 5 typedef struct { char name[20]; float averageMark; }STUDENT; void myMenu(); STUDENT * addStudentFromKey(short *); void inputStudent(STUDENT*); void printArray(STUDENT *,short ); FILE *writeStructFile(STUDENT *,short); void sortArray(STUDENT *,short); int sortName(const void *,const void *); int sortAverageMark(const void *,const void *); void SearchFile(FILE *);
  • 18. int main() { myMenu(); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// void myMenu() { FILE *fp; short a,i; STUDENT *array; do { printf(&quot;1.Creer tableau dynamique des structures - entrees par clavier 2.Afficher le tableau 3.Ecrire le tableau dans un fichier binaire 4.Trier le tableau dynamique des structures 5.Chercher dans le fichier les etudiants avec notes >=5.50&ecrire 6.Fin Votre choix :&quot;); scanf(&quot;%d&quot;,&a);
  • 19. switch(a) { case 1:array=addStudentFromKey(&i);break; case 2:printArray(array,i);break; case 3:fp=writeStructFile(array,i);break; case 4:sortArray(array,i); break; case 5:SearchFile(fp); } }while(a!=6); free(array); }
  • 20. STUDENT* addStudentFromKey(short *i) { STUDENT *array,a; char word[4]; int n=NBR; *i=0; array=(STUDENT*)malloc(n*sizeof(STUDENT)); if(array == NULL) exit(1); while(printf(&quot;La structure suivante dans le tableau? - (oui/no)&quot;), fflush(stdin),strcmp(gets(word),&quot;oui&quot;)==0) { if(*i == n) { n=n*2; array=(STUDENT*)realloc(array,n*sizeof(STUDENT)); if(array == NULL) exit(1); } printf(&quot;ETUDIANT NOMBRE %d: &quot;,*i+1); inputStudent(&a); memcpy(&array[*i],&a,sizeof(STUDENT)); (*i)++; } return array; }
  • 21. void inputStudent(STUDENT *a) { fflush(stdin); printf(&quot;Entrer le nom:&quot;); gets(a->name); printf(&quot;Entrer la note moyenne:&quot;); scanf(&quot;%f&quot;,&a->averageMark); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void printArray(STUDENT *array,short n) { int i; printf(&quot;Les elements du tableau dynamique ETUDIANT NOMBRE ETUDIANT NOM ETUDIANT NOTE MOYENNE&quot;); for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf(&quot;%-18d %-28s %-10.2f&quot;,i+1,array[i].name,array[i].averageMark); }
  • 22. FILE* writeStructFile(STUDENT *array,short n) { FILE *fp; char fname[15]; short i; puts(&quot;Entrer le nom du fichier pour ecrire&quot;); fflush(stdin); gets(fname); fp=fopen(fname,&quot;w+b&quot;); if(fp==NULL) { printf( &quot;Problem d'ouverture&quot; ); exit(1); } for(i=0;i<n;i++) fwrite(&array[i],sizeof(STUDENT),1,fp); return(fp); }
  • 23. void sortArray(STUDENT *array,short n) { short k; printf(&quot;Choix du tri :0 - par nom;1 - par note moyenne&quot;); fflush(stdin); scanf(&quot;%d&quot;,&k); qsort((void*)array,n,sizeof(STUDENT),k?sortAverageMark:sortName); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int sortName(const void *pa,const void *pb) { char x; STUDENT*a=(STUDENT*)pa; STUDENT*b=(STUDENT*)pb; x=strcmp(a->name,b->name); if(x>0) return 1; else if(x<0) return -1; else return 0; }
  • 24. int sortAverageMark(const void *pa,const void *pb) { STUDENT*a=(STUDENT*)pa; STUDENT*b=(STUDENT*)pb; if(a->averageMark > b->averageMark) return 1; else if(a->averageMark < b->averageMark) return -1; else return 0; }
  • 25. void SearchFile(FILE *fp) { FILE *fp_new; char fname_new[15]; STUDENT temp; rewind(fp); puts(&quot;Entrer le nom du fichier pour ecrire&quot;); fflush(stdin); gets(fname_new); fp_new=fopen(fname_new,&quot;w+b&quot;); if(fp_new==NULL) { printf( &quot;Problem problem d'ouverture&quot; ); exit(1); } while(fread(&temp,sizeof(STUDENT),1,fp)==1) if(temp.averageMark >= 5.50) fwrite(&temp,sizeof(STUDENT),1,fp_new); rewind(fp_new); while(fread(&temp,sizeof(STUDENT),1,fp_new)==1) printf(&quot;%-28s %-10.2f&quot;,,temp.averageMark); fclose(fp); fclose(fp_new); }
  • 26.  
  • 27.  
  • 28.  
  • 29.  
  • 30.  
  • 31.  
  • 32.
  • 33. ppch[0] word0 ppch[1] ppch[2] word1 word2 ppch[i] ppch[n] wordn char **ppch
  • 34. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define NUM 2 void prt(char **ppch,int n){ int i; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ printf(&quot;%s&quot;,ppch[i]); } } int exist(char **ppch, int n, char *w){ int i; for(i=0; i<n;i++){ if(!strcmp(ppch[i],w)) return 1; } return 0; }
  • 35. char ** insert(char **ppch, int *n_w,int *n_el, char *w){ char *p; if ((p = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(w)+1)))== NULL){ return NULL; } strcpy(p, w); if(*n_w == *n_el){ *n_el+=NUM; if ( (ppch = (char **)realloc( ppch,*n_el*sizeof(char*)))==NULL) { return NULL; } } ppch[(*n_w)++]= p; return ppch; }
  • 36. void sort(char **ppch, int n_w){ int i,ok; char *help; do { ok=1; for(i=0;i<n_w-1;i++){ if(strcmp(ppch[i],ppch[i+1])>0){ help=ppch[i]; ppch[i]=ppch[i+1]; ppch[i+1]=help; ok=0; } } }while (!ok); } void free_m(char **ppch,int n_words){ int i; for(i=0;i<n_words;i++){ free(ppch[i]); } free(ppch); }
  • 37. int main(){ int n_words=0, n_el=NUM ; char buf[251], **ppch; FILE *f; if((f=fopen(&quot;b.txt&quot;,&quot;rt&quot;))==NULL){ printf (&quot;The file cannot be read&quot;); return 2; } if ( (ppch = (char **)malloc( n_el*sizeof(char*)))== NULL){ printf(&quot;No memory&quot;); return 3; } while(!feof(f)) { if( fscanf(f,&quot;%250s&quot;,buf) == EOF){ break; } if(!exist(ppch,n_words,buf)){ if((ppch=insert(ppch, &n_words,&n_el,buf))==NULL){ printf(&quot;No memory&quot;); return 3; } } } sort(ppch, n_words); prt(ppch, n_words); free_m(ppch,n_words); return 0; } alfa alfa tita gama beta alfa beta gama tita