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To	what	extent	gamification	approach	can	be	
beneficial	throughout	the	project	life-cycle?	
Author:	Léa	SCHMIDT	
Research	mentor	and	advisor:	François	GIANG	
Institution:	Grenoble	Ecole	de	Management	
Department:	Digital	Business	Strategy	
Submitted	on:	13/11/2017
While	companies	are	experiencing	many	technological	innovations	and	trying	to	continually	
improve	the	experience	of	their	customers,	the	employee	experience	is	also	a	major	concern.	
Mobility,	digital	and	many	other	factors	affect	our	relationship	with	the	company,	whether	as	
a	customer	or	a	collaborator.	Management,	like	many	other	disciplines,	is	gradually	beginning	
to	experience	a	transformation.	At	the	same	time,	gamification	is	more	and	more	present	in	
our	daily	lives,	whether	in	our	learning	journey,	our	relationship	to	sports	or	our	customer	
experience.	 As	 an	 internal	 challenge,	 companies	 are	 facing	 different	 issues,	 including	 well-
being,	employee	commitment,	management	and	performance	improvement,	confronting	to	a	
business	in	constant	transformation.	
This	thesis	studies	the	potential	benefits	of	game	mechanics	applied	to	project	management,	
as	 well	 as	 the	 means	 and	 methods	 of	 implementation.	 First,	 a	 literature	 review	 lays	 out	
theoretical	elements	about	project	management,	motivation	and	gamification.	Second,	the	
study	follows	a	mixed-method	in	order	to	explore	the	subject.	On	the	one	hand,	the	project	
management	 environment	 is	 studied	 through	 specialist	 point	 of	 view,	 including	 project	
managers	and	team	members.	Beyond	the	general	aspects	of	project	management,	the	survey	
focuses	on	motivational	elements	as	well	as	possible	areas	for	improvement.	On	the	other	
hand,	 a	 qualitative	 study	 has	 collected	 feedback	 from	 gamification	 experts	 who	 have	
implemented	gamification	methods	in	a	business	context.	
While	 gamification	 and	 project	 management	 are	 two	 subjects	 which	 have	 been	 largely	
explored,	the	combination	of	the	two	concepts	still	pioneer	and	enjoys	a	great	interest,	in	
particular	for	professional	managers.		
Why	companies	should	invest	in	a	project	management	system	that	implements	gamification?	
What	are	the	most	important	activities	and	processes	of	project	management	which	are	more	
likely	to	be	improved	by	gamification?	How	to	implement	game	mechanics	into	the	full	project	
life-cycle?	The	study	will	attempt	to	answer	to	the	different	research	questions	and	shows	the	
potential	application	of	gamification	in	project	management.		
It	also	aims	to	identify	various	elements	allowing	companies	to	better	understand	the	subject.	
The	objective	is	to	stimulate	new	management	method	initiatives	within	project	management	
context.	Among	the	elements	to	value	and	through	experts’	feedback,	key	success	factors	were	
highlighted,	notably	the	elements	allowing	to	facilitate	a	favourable	context,	the	tested	and	
approved	approaches	and	techniques,	as	well	as	the	impacts	and	the	limits	to	consider.	
Keywords:	 project	 management,	 gamification,	 human-focused	 design,	 user	 experience,	
employee	engagement,	motivation,	game	mechanics,	agility
This	thesis	has	been	a	tough	ride,	one	that	I	wouldn’t	be	able	to	manage	without	the	help	
of	others.	A	real	challenge,	which	has	required	the	support	of	experts,	professionals,	and	
also	friends	and	family.	
First	and	foremost,	I	would	like	to	thank	my	thesis	advisor	François	GIANG	for	his	assistance	
and	guidance	with	this	paper.	He	steered	me	in	the	right	direction	in	the	very	first	step	of	
the	consideration.	
I	also	would	like	to	express	my	deepest	gratitude	to	all	experts	who	kindly	shared	their	time	
and	their	expertise	to	contribute	to	my	research.	I	really	appreciate	this	goodwill,	probably	
peculiar	to	the	gamification	state	of	mind,	thanks	to	their	passionate	involvement	and	their	
valuable	 inputs.	 Thanks	 to	 Nicolas	 BABIN,	 Clément	 MULETIER,	 Audrey	 ROCHAS,	 Céline	
CUSSET,	Daniel	PAIRE,	Guillemette	GOGLIO,	Séverine	BEDORET,	Alexandre	DUARTE,	Fanny	
LE	GALLOU	and	Nathan	SCHEIRE.	And	a	special	thanks	to	Dominique	MANGIATORDI,	who,	
additionally	to	the	time	commitment	he	made,	offered	me	his	book	recently	wrote	on	the	
subject.	It	was	a	real	pleasure	to	read	it!	
I	would	like	to	thank	also	all	the	persons	who	contributed	directly	or	indirectly	to	the	
research	and	the	writing.	Thank	to	the	group	of	respondents	of	the	online	survey	for	their	
time	and	their	engagement.	To	Charlotte	DANDA	for	her	unlimited	confidence	and	this	
amazing	 collaboration	 at	 Schneider	 Electric.	 To	 Rémy	 PONGE,	 who	 kindly	 shared	 wise	
advices	that	helped	me	conducting	a	qualitative	survey.	Obviously,	to	Isabelle	COULLON,	
who	 passed	 on	 their	 love	 of	 User	 eXperience	 to	 me,	 and	 made	 me	 want	 to	 study	
gamification.	 To	 Isabelle	 PATROIX,	 who	 welcomed	 me	 in	 the	 playground	 at	 GEM	 with	
passion	and	natural	kindness.	Thank	to	the	Grenoble	Ecole	de	Management,	and	especially	
to	the	Advanced	Master’s	in	Digital	Business	Strategy.	
Finally,	thank	to	my	parents	and	my	sister	for	their	encouragement	throughout	these	years	
of	study.	And	last	but	not	least,	a	huge	thanks	to	my	partner,	for	its	unfailing	support,	proof	
reading	the	paper,	valuable	advices	and	his	patience.		
I	wish	you	a	good	reading	for	what	comes	next!
4.	 RESULTS	 34	
1.16	 TEST	AND	LEARN	 70	
Figure	 1:	 The	 four	 phases	 of	 the	 project	 life	 cycle.	 Adapted	 from	 J.	 Westland,	 The	 Project	
Management	Lifecycle,	Kogan	Page	Limited	(2006)	.....................................................................	7	
Figure	2:	The	self-determination	Theory	detailing	types	of	motivation.	Adapted	from	Ryan	&	
Deci	(2000)	...................................................................................................................................	12	
Figure	3:	Maslow’s	hierarchy	of	needs,	Poston,	B.	(2009)	.........................................................	13	
Figure	4.	Evolution	of	Web	search	on	the	word	"gamification",	from	2004	to	2017.	Results	from	
Google	Trends	as	of	October,	12	of	2017	...................................................................................	16	
Figure	5.	"Gamification"	between	game	and	play,	whole	and	parts	(Deterding	et.all,	2011)	...	17	
Figure	6.	Players	types	illustrated	by	Dominique	Mangiatordi,	adapted	from	Bartle	...............	18	
Figure	7.	Representation	of	the	Flow	adapted	from	Csikszentmihalyi	......................................	19	
Figure	8.	Octalysis:	a	gamification	complete	framework	from	Yu	Kai	Chou	..............................	20	
Figure	9.	The	top	elements	ranked	in	the	first	place	as	motivation	drivers	in	PM	....................	36	
Figure	10.	The	top	elements	ranked	in	the	first	place	as	motivation	drivers	in	the	company	..	37	
Figure	11.	Ranking	of	the	top	3-rank	motivation	driver’s	elements	in	PM	................................	38	
Figure	12.	The	top	3	addition	weighted	by	rank	in	PM	..............................................................	39
Figure	13.	The	five	principles	of	a	strategy-focused	organisation	(Kaplan	and	Norton,	2001)	.	45	
Figure	14.	Screenshots	of	Happy	Learning	Games	Platform	......................................................	49	
Figure	15.	Screenshots	of	Happyformance	The	App	..................................................................	50	
Figure	16.	Gamification	at	work,	the	gamification	curve	of	extrinsic	and	intrinsic	motivation	
(Dominique	Mangiatordi)	............................................................................................................	55	
Figure	17.	Screenshots	of	the	online	project	management	tools	Moovia	.................................	68	
Figure	18.	Build	-	Measure	-	Learn	Feedback	Loop	(Ries,	2011)	................................................	71	
Figure	19.	From	a	vision	to	a	product	(Ries,	2011)	.....................................................................	73	
Table	1.	Crossing	results	of	research	methods	to	better	reinforce	findings	..............................	25	
Table	2.	Respondents	overview	..................................................................................................	29	
Table	3.	Comparison	of	motivation	drivers	in	PM	according	to	methodologies	.......................	40	
Table	4.	Results	comparison	concerning	PM	methodology	from	KPMG	survey	........................	41	
Table	5.	Estimated	cost	per	unit,	according	to	Daniel	Paire	.......................................................	54	
EX	–	Employee	experience	
ICT	-	Information	and	Communication	Technologies	
MOOC	–	Massive	Open	Online	Course	
MVP	–	Minimum	Viable	Product	
PM	-	Project	Management		
PMBOK	-	Project	Management	Body	Of	Knowledge		
PMI	-	Project	Management	Institute	
SDT	-	Self-Determination	Theory	
UX	–	User	experience
Today,	the	challenge	of	companies	is	not	to	sell	products	or	services,	it’s	to	sell	experience.	This	
is	the	case	of	some	successful	brands,	such	as	Starbucks,	Nespresso,	Amazon	or	Apple.	But	
experience	 is	 not	 limited	 to	 customer	 experience.	 Today,	 the	 challenge	 to	 deliver	 a	 great	
experience	is	also	internal.	How	to	propose	a	positive	employee	experience	as	a	whole?	Among	
the	different	drivers,	the	gamification	seems	to	be	a	medium	to	consider	in	order	to	improve	
employee’s	engagement	and	to	deliver	an	enjoyable	experience.	
This	last	decade	was	a	real	success	for	the	game	industry,	especially	concerning	the	computer	
and	 the	 video	 games.	 Number	 of	 players	 has	 notably	 increased	 during	 the	 last	 30	 years,	
reaching	over	155	million	of	video	games	players	in	the	USA.	And	the	audience	is	surprisingly	
extremely	diverse,	with	an	average	age	of	35	(ESA,	2015)1
.	Focusing	on	the	French	market,	
73,3%	of	French	people	declared	playing	video	games	in	2016	(Xerfi	France,	2016),	and	the	
market	had	continued	to	grow	in	2017.		
What	makes	game	so	addictive	and	engaging?	Behind	the	entertainment	area,	game	mechanics	
have	been	seriously	considered	in	education	and	business,	leading	to	the	emergence	of	the	
“gamification”	term.	Coming	to	the	initial	definition,	gamification	is	defined	as	the	use	of	game	
mechanisms	 in	 a	 non-game	 context	 (Deterding	 et	 al.,	 2011).	 Gamification	 is	 an	 emerging	
practice,	 and	 a	 vast	 amount	 of	 well-established	 companies	 has	 already	 experienced	 and	
implemented	gamification	strategy,	such	as	IBM,	McDonald’s,	Nike,	Microsoft,	SAP	and	more	
(Zichermann,	2013).	Already	in	2011,	practitioners	and	research	studies	predicted	the	central	
role	of	gamification	within	companies	(Blohm	&	Leimeister,	2013).	In	2011,	Gartner	already	
predicted	the	gamification	trend	and	the	impact	of	gamification	in	the	business	transformation,	
including	innovation.	And	more	recently,	Markets	&	Markets	estimated	the	market	value	of	
gamification	at	nearly	$	5	billion	in	2018.	And	this	fast	emergence	is	obviously	facilitated	by	the	
convergence	of	three	main	evolutions:	an	easy	and	fast	access	to	the	internet	including	on	
mobile,	the	evolution	of	mobility	thanks	to	reliable	tablets	and	smartphones,	and	a	real	attitude	
change	 in	 the	 management	 approach	 (Mangiatordi,	 2017	 p.21,	 22).	 Gamification	 is	
progressively	starting	to	mature,	with	more	and	more	talks	and	conferences,	experiments	and	
market	researches.	
Among	 the	 different	 fields	 of	 application,	 marketing	 and	 communication	 strategies	 have	
intelligently	exploit	the	mechanics	to	face	the	challenge	of	standing	out	and	engaging	with	
customers.	And	of	course,	to	strengthen	the	customer	loyalty,	which	is	probably	the	most	
popular	illustration	of	gamification.	The	famous	McDonald’s	brand	has	well	understood	the	
benefits	of	game,	by	launching	already	30	years	ago	its	successful	monopoly	game.	Beyond	
loyalty	 programs,	 marketing	 campaigns	 have	 become	 more	 and	 more	 engaging,	 and	 very	
innovative	 (i.e.	 Magnum	 pleasure	 hunt,	 Coca-Cola’s	 Shake	 it),	 and	 even	 serve	 social	 and	
environmental	initiatives	such	as	recycling	or	energy	consumption	saving,	such	as	RecycleBank,	
OPower,	Virtual	Energy	Advisor	App,	to	name	only	few	of	them.	With	the	rise	of	digital	services,	
gamification	mechanics	have	been,	of	course,	implemented	into	web	and	mobile	applications.	
One	famous	example	is	Waze,	a	popular	GPS	app	using	gamified	features	to	transform	the	
navigation	experience.	The	app	has	been	massively	adopted	in	a	short	time	with	a	high	users’	
satisfaction,	receiving	thousands	“five	stars”	rating	on	the	application	store.	While	basic	GPS	
simply	provides	direction,	Waze	has	created	a	strong	community	to	improve	the	data	collection	
and	propose	the	best	in	real	time	direction.	With	this	human	centric	approach,	the	app	has	
transformed	simple	drivers	in	goal-oriented	users:	contributing	to	the	community	(Yu-Kai	Chou,	
.	Another	famous	example	is	LinkedIn,	encouraging	users	to	complete	their	profile	by	
implementing	a	progress	bar	and	different	levels	of	expertise	and	by	attributing	social	points	
with	skills	recommendation	to	improve	the	overall	experience	on	the	platform.	Indeed,	the	
challenge	was	to	propose	complete	information	about	users	in	order	to	use	the	full	potential	
of	the	service.	Foursquare,	Yelp,	TripAdvisor,	there	is	no	shortage	of	examples	implementing	
gamification	 techniques	 to	 improve	 the	 User	 Experience	 on	 web	 and	 mobile	 interfaces.	
Progressively,	it	has	been	extended	to	other	areas,	including	training.	To	which	is	added	the	
emergence	of	massive	online	trainings	such	as	MOOCs,	and	also	serious	games	which	combine	
learning	techniques	and	the	power	of	game	pedagogy.	Beyond	the	development	of	gamified	
services	 for	 customers,	 businesses	 started	 to	 capture	 the	 opportunity	 of	 gamification	 to	
leverage	internal	challenges	in	relation	to	human	resources	and	employee	trainings,	including	
virtual	 learning	 environments.	 But	 also	 in	 other	 areas,	 such	 as	 internet	 engagement,	
productivity	and	efficiency	enhancement	or	Knowledge	Management,	innovation3
…	In	short,	
whether	 it	 is	 for	 internal,	 external	 business	 or	 more	 generally	 society	 challenges,	 game	
mechanics	have	been	implemented	for	their	ability	to	boost	the	engagement	and	develop	
loyalty	by	improving	the	overall	experience.		
In	my	personal	experience,	I	had	the	chance	to	experiment	some	gamification	projects.	First	in	
education,	 where	 serious	 games	 have	 become	 a	 standard.	 In	 2011,	 my	 technical	 diploma	
introduced	the	academic	year	through	a	game	in	order	to	discover	our	class,	teachers	and	
future	lessons.	It	was	the	very	beginning	of	serious	games.	Today,	it’s	almost	considered	as	a	
standard	in	Business	School.	In	my	curriculum	at	Burgundy	School	of	Dijon,	we	experienced	
each	year	a	virtual	business	game	in	order	to	understand	basics	of	management,	including	
financial	and	risk	management,	marketing	concepts,	sales	and	retail	fundamentals…	And	this	
approach	seems	to	be	quite	successful.	From	what	I	have	seen,	students	were	involved	and	
stimulated	in	the	game,	particularly	with	a	strong	sense	of	competition.	These	first	experiences	
in	 education	 made	 me	 want	 the	 same:	 understand	 how	 the	 brain	 is	 working	 in	 order	 to	
implement	engaging	drivers	in	project	management	methods.	Another	experience	in	game	
mechanics	was	at	Schneider	Electric,	during	my	apprenticeship.	Firstly,	in	the	animation	of	the	
Commercial	 Excellence	 Community,	 in	 which	 regular	 challenges	 were	 implemented	 to	
stimulate	the	Field	Services	Sales	team.	But	also	in	our	communication	mission,	in	which	we	
highlighted	the	“top	performers	of	the	quarters”	to	promote	great	initiatives,	collaboration	and	
results.	And	secondly,	I	get	the	chance	to	be	rewarded	by	my	manager	through	their	internal	
reward	program	“step-up	recognition”.		The	mechanics	are	based	on	points	attribution,	in	order	
to	enhance	personal	performance.	Once	received,	these	points	can	be	converted	through	the	
platform	 in	 gift	 cards	 that	 can	 be	 used	 in	 different	 stores.	 But	 finally,	 I	 realized	 that	 the	
monetary	 value	 is	 not	 really	 the	 point.	 The	 real	 value	 is	 an	 intrinsic	 motivation:	 social	
recognition.	Far	from	being	an	expert	on	the	subject,	gamification	and	understanding	of	human	
behaviour	have	always	inspired	me.	This	last	couple	of	years,	I	was	especially	interested	in	
	From	Kevin	Werbach,	Entreprise	Applications	(
design	thinking	and	UX,	especially	in	the	design	of	web	interface.	In	my	opinion,	gamification	is	
part	of	the	human-centred	design	approach,	harmonising	to	the	UX	design	fundamentals.		
Playing	 is	 a	 voluntary	 and	 positive	 approach	 (Mangiatordi,	 2017).	No	 need	 for	 research	 to	
understand	that	games	conduct	to	the	satisfaction	of	our	basic	human	needs.	This	is	a	way	to	
formalize	and	highlight	achievement,	status,	or	even	implement	competition	and	challenges	
between	 players.	 The	 combination	 of	 gamification	 and	 project	 management	 seems	 to	 be	
obvious:	both	concepts	share	many	similarities	especially	with	the	identification	of	roles,	goals	
setting,	metrics	and	progression.	Actually,	one	of	the	fundamental	principles	of	games	is	to	
define	impartial	rules.	In	addition,	real-time	feedback	is	one	essential	component	of	games,	in	
order	to	get	a	real-time	control	on	result	and	performance.	Really	complementary,	real-time	
feedback	and	transparency	are	key	elements	of	game	mechanics,	which	may	have	a	positive	
impact	on	management	approach.	Beyond	this	idea	of	rules	definition	and	results	visibility,	the	
project	management	journey	is	composed	like	a	game	with	an	on	boarding	period,	scaffolding	
and	finally	the	accomplishment.			
Implement	gamification	in	projects	is	not	an	easy	task	and	it	seems	to	be	still	topical.	Although	
some	tools	and	software	have	been	developed	to	gamified	IT	projects	(i.e.	Red	Critter	Tracker,	
Themis,	Get	Badges),	there	is	still	much	to	explore.	Which	types	of	companies	are	more	likely	
to	deploy	a	gamified	project	management	tool?	Why	these	companies	should	invest	in	a	digital	
project	management	gamification	strategy?	How	game	mechanics	can	be	applied	to	project	
management	to	create	a	strong	commitment?		
To	what	extent	gamification	approach	can	be	beneficial	to	project	management?		
This	thesis	provides	theoretical	and	contextual	elements	in	order	to	bring	recommendations	to	
project	managers	in	the	implementation	of	gamification,	focusing	the	research	on	a	French	
environment.	The	objective	is	to	understand	the	benefits	and	limits	and	how	gamification	may	
be	deployed	throughout	the	project	life-cycle.	
In	order	to	conduct	this	research	and	narrow	down	the	study’s	focus,	the	research	question	
has	been	divided	into	three	different	sub-questions:	
RQ1.	 Why	 companies	 should	 invest	 in	 a	 project	 management	 system	 that	 implements	
RQ2.	What	are	the	most	important	activities	and	processes	of	project	management	which	are	
more	likely	to	be	improved	by	gamification?	
RQ3.	How	to	implement	game	mechanics	into	the	full	project	life-cycle?	
The	study	particularly	focuses	on	studying	the	suitability	and	potential	enhancement	of	project	
management	through	the	implementation	of	gamification	techniques.	While	expected	results	
are	 difficult	 to	 assess,	 different	 hypotheses	 have	 been	 announced,	 corresponding	 to	 the	
research	questions	mentioned	above:	
H1.	Gamification	techniques	influence	the	success	of	a	project	by	improving	the	efficiency	and	
the	motivation	of	team	members
H2.	Gamification	can	have	an	interesting	role	in	the	launch	of	a	project,	which	seems	to	be	a	
crucial	step,	allowing	to	define	the	project	and	its	perimeter,	establish	the	unity	within	the	team	
and	bring	a	clear	vision	of	the	initial	objective.		
H3.	 Many	 games	 have	 been	 developed	 in	 order	 to	 improve	 or	 resolve	 a	 specific	 project	
management	challenge,	but	they	are	not	integrated	in	the	whole	project	life	cycle.	It	would	be	
interesting	 to	 combine	 these	 game	 mechanics	 in	 order	 to	 create	 a	 fully	 gamified	 project	
management	experience.	Although	a	standardised	framework	could	be	suggested,	it	would	
need	to	be	adapted	to	meet	the	business	environment,	the	project	objectives	and	specificities	
After	this	short	introduction	to	the	study	and	the	presentation	of	the	research	questions	and	
expected	results,	it’s	time	to	get	in	the	substance	of	that	case.	
Firstly,	 a	 literature	 review	 will	 attempt	 to	 introduce	 the	 different	 concepts	involved	 in	 the	
subject:	project	management,	game	mechanics	and	motivation	theory.	The	first	part	focuses	
on	project	management.	This	defines	and	outlines	projects	characteristics,	criteria	and	factors	
that	influence	the	success	of	the	project	and	introduce	the	different	collaborative	tools.	The	
second	part	is	introducing	the	concept	of	motivation,	including	the	notion	of	engagement	and	
the	classical	theories	of	motivation	with	a	specific	focus	on	work	motivation	theories.	The	last	
part	 is	 dedicated	 to	 the	 concept	 of	 gamification,	 including	 the	 definition	 of	 games,	 the	
description	of	gamification	characteristics	but	also	a	short	reflection	process	to	outline	the	
potential	limit	of	the	approach.	Lastly,	the	chapter	ends	with	a	brief	overview	of	the	three	
themes	exposed.	
The	next	chapter	is	dedicated	to	the	methodology	used	throughout	the	study,	including	the	
choice	of	the	research	method,	the	different	methods	used	to	collect	data	and	analyse	it.	This	
part	has	been	structured	by	dissociating	the	two	research	methods	used.	Samples	of	the	online	
question	and	group	of	respondents	are	introduced	in	this	part.	The	last	point	of	the	chapter	
mentions	the	limits	concerning	validity	and	reliability.	
Then,	the	results	of	the	survey	are	described	and	analysed.	Consistent	with	the	field	research,	
results	will	be	presented	in	two	sections,	with	first	the	analysis	of	the	online	questionnaire	
focusing	on	the	project	management	environment.	The	second	part	combines	the	empirical	
data	collected	through	the	qualitative	field	study	and	the	eventual	correlation	and	additional	
components	from	the	online	questionnaire.	This	includes	the	analysis	of	the	content	shared	by	
the	 interviewees,	 such	 as	 the	 potential	 favourable	 business	 environment,	 the	 different	
approaches	and	techniques	used,	the	observed	impacts	and	limitations	and	finally	the	concrete	
application	of	gamification	in	project	management.		
To	conclude,	the	study	will	open	to	a	discussion,	in	order	to	share	addition	thoughts	and	
remarks,	summarise	the	answers	and	attempt	to	answer	to	the	initial	research	questions.	In	
addition,	potential	future	research	is	introduced	to	open	new	areas	of	study.	
Throughout	the	study,	the	purpose	is	completed	by	a	list	of	references	detailed	at	the	end	of	
the	survey.	In	addition,	the	appendix	includes	the	full	results	of	the	online	questionnaire,	the	
framework	used	to	conduct	the	interviews	and	the	entire	transcription	of	the	discussions	
“What	if	we	decided	to	use	everything	we	know	about	
game	design	to	fix	what’s	wrong	with	reality?”	
Jane	McGonigal
A	variety	of	resources	have	been	studied	in	this	chapter,	as	this	research	is	focusing	on	three	
distinctive	subjects:	project	management,	motivation	and	gamification.		
In	the	first	section,	basic	concepts	of	project	management	will	be	reviewed,	in	order	to	better	
understand	the	scope	of	the	environment.	Project	management	is	a	complex	subject,	with	
many	 elements	 and	 theories.	 The	 literature	 review	 will	 take	 an	 interest	 in	 the	 project	
characteristics,	success	factors	and	criteria	related	to	the	impact	of	employee’s	engagement.	
The	second	part	is	about	understanding	motivation	and	engagement,	with	a	short	introduction	
to	employee’s	engagement,	the	description	of	motivation	characteristics	and	an	overall	review	
of	work	motivation	theories.	The	third	section	will	then	develop	the	gamification	concept	by	
introducing	the	notion	in	a	broad	sense	and	deal	with	game	mechanics	in	depth.	Lastly,	the	
limits	of	gamification	will	be	highlighted.	
This	literature	review	was	key	in	the	study,	as	lectures	aim	to	get	a	clear	vision	of	the	scope	of	
the	subject,	and	underline	what	have	been	already	done	and	what	are	the	next	challenges	to	
1.3.1 History,	definition	and	characteristics	of	project	management		
In	the	academic	literature,	the	approach	of	project	management	seems	to	be	recent.	According	
to	management	historians,	the	concept	was	established	and	formalised	from	1950	(Shenhar	&	
Dvir,	1996).	Standardised	methods	and	tools	started	to	be	developed	from	1950,	such	as	the	
PERT	 method	 in	 1969	 (Program	 Evaluation	 and	 Review	 Technic)	 created	 by	 the	 Project	
Management	Institute	(PMI).	This	is	only	in	1980,	during	the	industrial	revolution,	that	the	
method	was	largely	implemented	by	organisations.	Today,	project	management	is	common	in	
most	businesses,	such	as	healthcare,	banking,	insurance,	manufacturing,	IT,	R&D	or	marketing	
companies.	Despite	this	recent	implementation	of	the	method	in	modern	organisation,	the	
concept	of	project	management	seems	to	be	part	of	the	human	activity	(Garel,	2003).	Already	
a	thousand	years	ago,	the	world	history	has	known	many	vast	projects,	such	as	the	construction	
of	Egyptian	pyramid	or	the	Great	Wall	of	China.	Today,	project	management	may	be	considered	
as	the	adaptation	of	ancestral	methods	in	our	modern	and	complex	business	environment.	
Before	going	deeply	in	the	subject,	the	notion	of	project	in	the	broad	sense	and	its	relationship	
with	project	management	need	to	be	introduced.	The	main	purpose	of	organisations	is	to	
perform	 and	 produce	 work	 through	 the	 time	 by	 managing	 people	 and	 resources	 (PMBOK,	
2000).	In	this	notion	of	performance,	two	categories	of	activities	differ:	operations	and	projects.	
The	difference	between	operations	and	projects	is	about	the	singularity	and	the	temporality	of	
the	project.	While	an	operation	is	a	repetitive	task,	a	project	is	defined	as	“an	endeavour	in	
which	human,	material	and	financial	resources	are	organized	in	a	novel	way,	to	undertake	a	
unique	scope	of	work,	of	given	specification,	within	constraints	of	cost	and	time,	so	as	to	achieve	
beneficial	change	defined	by	quantitative	and	qualitative	objectives.”	(Turner,	1999).	At	the	
opposite	of	an	operation	which	can	be	repeated	over	time,	a	project	is	characterised	by	its	
uniqueness.	Of	course,	the	uniqueness	is	a	relative	concept,	as	many	repeated	elements	might
be	similar	through	projects.	But	on	each	project,	some	parameters	may	differ	and	impact	the	
project	as	a	whole,	such	as	the	environment,	resources	or	objectives.	However,	novelty	and	
uniqueness	of	projects	vary	according	to	the	defined	variables,	from	very	familiar	to	completely	
new	elements.	The	second	characteristic	is	about	time	limitation.	This	temporality	implies	the	
concept	of	objectives:	once	the	objective	is	achieved,	the	project	is	ended.	This	time	limitation	
does	not	necessarily	mean	short-term	duration,	as	a	project	can	be	implemented	in	weeks,	
months	or	even	years.	However,	this	is	important	to	distinguish	the	act	of	production	-	the	
project	-	which	is	ceased	after	the	achievement	of	objectives,	and	the	result	of	the	project	
which	 is	 not	 necessarily	 time	 framed.	 To	 illustrate	 this	 distinction,	 the	 construction	 of	 a	
monument	is	limited	through	the	time	and	takes	end	when	the	monument	is	built.	But	the	
monument	itself	-	as	a	result	of	the	project	-	has	no	time	limitation.	Finally,	a	project	progresses	
through	different	processes.	Because	the	project	is	evolving	in	a	unique	scope	of	work	and	is	
time	limited,	the	project	need	to	be	elaborated	step	by	step,	in	a	progressive	elaboration.	These	
processes	are	organised	in	a	life	cycle	composed	by	4	main	phases	(cf.	Figure	1),	in	order	to	
provide	 a	 basic	 framework	 for	 management.	 Depending	 on	 the	 nature	 of	 the	 project,	 the	
number	of	phases	in	the	life	cycle	model	varies	(Patanakul	et	al.,	2010).	In	a	traditional	point	of	
view,	steps	are	identified	in	sequential	phases	such	as	conceptualisation,	planning,	execution	
and	termination	(Pinto	&	Prescott,	1990).	
Figure	1:	The	four	phases	of	the	project	life	cycle.	Adapted	from	J.	Westland,	The	Project	
Management	Lifecycle,	Kogan	Page	Limited	(2006)	
After	 this	 short	 overview	 of	 the	 definition	 and	 the	 characteristics	 of	 a	 project,	 project	
management	notion	will	be	introduced.	Project	management	is	the	process	of	achievement,
with	“the	application	of	knowledge,	skills,	tools	and	techniques	to	project	activities	to	meet	
project	requirements”	(PMBOK,	2000).	As	management	in	a	broad	sense	is	an	ongoing	process,	
project	management	is	driven	by	project	characteristics:	it	has	a	limit	of	time,	ended	when	the	
objective	 of	 the	 project	 is	 achieved.	 Project	 management	 is	 mostly	 focused	 on	 planning,	
organising,	 controlling,	 and	 monitoring	 a	 project	 (Munns	 &	 Bjeirmi,	 1996).	 However,	 the	
function	 of	 project	 management	 involves	 many	 other	 aspects,	 as	 it	 operates	 in	 a	 broader	
environment	than	the	project,	including	the	business	and	the	external	environment.	Among	
the	 variety	 of	 project	 management	 knowledge	 areas,	 this	 study	 will	 principally	 focus	 on	
planning,	as	it	was	identified	as	the	main	role	of	project	management	(Packendorff,	1995).		
According	 to	 the	 complexity	 of	 the	 project	 and	 its	 characteristics,	 different	 project	
management	approaches	can	be	applied.	Traditional	approach,	established	in	the	50’s,	is	the	
most	 common	 method	 in	 PM,	 adapted	 to	 a	 large	 range	 of	 projects	 (Špundak,	 2014).	 The	
method	assumes	that	the	project	is	predictable:	limits	are	easily	set	and	tasks	are	linearly	
planned.	However,	this	traditional	approach	has	rapidly	proved	its	limits,	as	many	unpredictable	
aspects	 are	 likely	 to	 emerge	 during	 the	 execution.	 Facing	 this	 challenge	 of	 dynamic	
environment,	new	project	management	have	progressively	emerged	in	order	to	improve	the	
adaptability	of	PM.	This	classical	approach	is	associated	with	the	waterfall	method,	rolling-out	
a	certain	number	of	stages	throughout	the	time.	Although	this	approach	can	be	easily	applied	
to	 all	 kind	 of	 projects,	 other	 life	 cycles	 have	 been	 developed,	 more	 adapted	 to	 project	
characteristics,	with	an	incremental	approach.	One	of	the	most	popular	is	certainly	SCRUM	as	
an	agile	methodology,	initially	developed	for	software	engineering	project	in	order	to	manage	
complex	projects,	where	requirements	and	objectives	might	change	through	the	time.	In	this	
approach,	rapid	feedback	and	continuous	improvement	are	fundamentals,	and	processes	are	
continuously	 evolving	 (Balaji	 &	 Murugaiyan,	 2012).	 The	 agile	 method	 introduces	 also	 new	
guidelines	and	principles	concerning	the	communication	and	the	collaboration,	where	team	
members	are	more	involved	in	decision	making	(Aubry,	2015).	This	trendy	approach	leads	to	
the	emergence	of	the	agility	term	which	defines	the	mind-set	of	the	method.	Aubry	(2015)	
defines	the	notion	of	agility	as	“the	ability	of	an	organization	to	provide	services	early	and	often	
to	its	users,	while	adapting	to	changes	in	its	environment	in	time.”	This	notion	is	more	and	more	
introduced	in	a	various	set	of	industries,	in	order	to	boost	continuous	innovation	and	accelerate	
delivery	time.	From	these	two	general	methods,	traditional	and	agile,	many	adaptations	have	
been	made,	but	the	overall	concept	is	still	the	same.	
1.3.2 Criteria	and	factors	for	successful	project		
Two	components	are	related	to	the	success:	success	criteria	and	success	factors	(Turner,	1999).	
Success	criteria	is	the	reference	defined	basically	before	the	start	of	the	project	to	measure	the	
success.	In	the	standard	mantra,	3	success	criteria	should	be	taken	into	account:	quality,	cost	
and	time	(Atkinson,	1999),	as	a	balance	to	manage	and	respect	properly	through	the	different	
stages	of	the	project.	However,	these	3	criteria	are	only	basics.	Measuring	the	success	of	a	
project	goes	beyond	these	fundamentals	elements,	with	objective	and	subjective	indicators.	
Success	criteria	differs	from	one	project	to	another,	taking	into	account	the	characteristic	of	
the	project	as	a	unique	and	complex	system.	Objectively,	project	management	needs	to	define	
clear	Key	Performance	Indicators	(KPIs),	which	can	be	easily	tracked	during	the	project	in	order	
to	control	and	monitor	the	project	performance.	Time	and	cost	can	be	defined	as	KPIs,	but	also	
other	quantitative	parameters,	such	as	productivity	or	revenue.	On	the	other	hand,	evaluating	
the	quality	of	the	project	is	quite	subjective,	as	the	satisfaction	is	relative	to	different	points	of
view.	To	better	measure	the	success	of	a	project,	the	satisfaction	of	all	stakeholders,	directly	or	
indirectly	involved	in	the	project,	needs	to	be	taken	into	account.	First,	with	the	perception	of	
the	team	concerning	the	quality	of	the	project	and	the	measurement	of	external	performance	
with	 client’s	 satisfaction	 (Pinto	 &	 Prescott,	 1990).	 But	 also,	 the	 satisfaction	 of	 other	
stakeholders,	 including	 users,	 shareholders,	 sponsors,	 the	 management	 board	 or	 even	
contractors	(Westerveld,	2003).	Actually,	the	success	is	relative	to	the	point	of	view,	according	
to	the	importance	given	to	some	criteria	and	the	objective	to	achieve:	generate	profit,	increase	
the	value	of	the	company,	meet	user	requirements…	But	project	success	is	also	relative	to	the	
time.	It	can	be	evaluated	as	successful	in	a	short-term	point	of	view,	but	with	a	step	back	-	
months	 or	 years	 later	 -	 the	 project	 can	 be	 appraised	 differently.	 In	 this	 context,	 this	 is	
interesting	to	distinguish	the	PM	success,	directly	linked	with	the	performance	of	the	execution	
and	the	project	success,	closely	related	to	the	result	(Cooke-Davies,	2002).		
Defining	the	success	criteria	is	one	thing,	but	what	are	the	elements	having	an	impact	on	this	
success?	Many	key	success	factors	have	a	direct	influence	on	performance.	Belasse	&	Tukel	
(1996)	have	identified	4	groups	of	factors:	related	to	the	project,	the	team	members	and	the	
project	manager,	the	organisation	and	the	external	environment.	First,	the	characteristics	of	
the	project	will	obviously	affect	the	performance:	is	it	a	realistic	objective?	Is	the	deadline	
adapted	to	the	density	and	the	complexity	of	the	project?	Facing	these	elements,	the	project	
manager	is	key	in	the	success	of	the	project,	as	it	will	be	the	person	responsible	for	the	whole	
project	 from	 kick-off	 to	 delivery,	 including	 coordination	 and	 resources	 management.	 The	
project	manager	and	the	team	members	will	play	a	key	role,	according	to	their	engagement	
and	competencies,	their	understanding	of	the	project	mission,	or	the	proper	use	of	PM	tools	
and	techniques	(Patanakul	et	al.,	2010).	But	success	factors	are	also	outside	the	control	of	the	
project	management,	with	the	influence	of	the	organisation,	but	also	the	external	environment,	
based	on	the	PESTL	components	(Belassi	&	Tukel,	1996).	Project	managers	have	to	deal	with	all	
these	elements	in	order	to	maximise	the	chance	to	manage	a	successful	project.		
1.3.3 Introduction	to	collaborative	and	project	management	tools	
In	this	current	business	environment,	project	management	has	been	partially	impacted	by	the	
information	and	communication	technology	(ICT)	and	the	use	of	computer	software.	From	
virtual	to	collocated	teams,	interaction	and	collaboration	are	more	and	more	digital.	In	a	first	
step,	common	communication	tools	have	been	largely	adopted	in	companies,	such	as	e-mails,	
instant	messaging	or	teleconferencing.	However,	these	tools	are	only	basic	communication	
tools	facilitating	short-term	exchanges,	they	do	not	provide	a	complete	and	adapted	framework	
for	 project	 management	 (Lorio	 et	 al.,	 2011).	 This	 last	 decade,	 an	 amount	 of	 project	
management	tools	and	software	have	been	developed	and	proposed	to	cope	with	project	
management	 needs.	 Among	 the	 various	 PM	 aspects	 (financial,	 risks,	 quality	 and	 resources	
management,	 planning	 and	 processes),	 process	 management	 is	 a	 challenge	 that	 can	 be	
managed	through	the	support	of	ICT.	Other	components	need	to	be	considered,	including	
collaboration,	identified	as	a	critical	reason	of	failure.	Different	levels	of	collaboration	software	
have	 been	 classified:	 communicative,	 collective,	 cooperative,	 coordinated	 and	 concerted	
(Romano	 et	 al.,	 2002).	 First	 levels	 of	 collaboration	 software	 are	 mainly	 designed	 to	 share	
information	and	documents,	support	meetings	and	facilitate	social	interactions.	On	the	top	
level	of	collaboration	software,	concerned	software	integrates	strong	collaborative	features,	
such	as	co-writing	on	the	same	document.	Some	software	tends	to	translate	all	components	of	
projects	 into	 the	 system,	 such	 as	 life-cycle	 processes,	 time-tracking,	 to-do	 lists	 and	 task
management.	 These	 complex	 systems	 are	 related	 to	 Virtual	 Project	 Management	 Systems	
(VPMS)	such	as	Zoho	PM,	MS	Project,	Wrike,	or	Basecamp	to	name	few	of	them.		
Benefits	 of	 digital	 PM	 tools	 have	 been	 considered	 in	 the	 literature.	 First,	 in	 terms	 of	
communication	efficiency,	tools	and	PM	software	lead	to	improve	the	communication	flow	and	
facilitate	decision	making	(Ahuja	et	al.,	2009).	Collaboration	across	the	project	teams	is	more	
efficient,	especially	through	strong	collaborative	features.	In	the	same	way,	project	knowledge	
can	 be	 easily	 accumulated	 by	 the	 team,	 since	 documents	 and	 other	 resources	 can	 be	
centralised	and	easily	accessible.	On	the	other	hand,	tracking	task	status	is	a	way	to	increase	
control	on	the	project	and	improve	the	visibility	(Romano	et	al.,	2002).	Of	course,	all	these	
benefits	are	not	systematic,	this	is	strongly	dependent	to	the	context.	The	tools	have	to	be	
relevant	and	appropriate	to	the	project	requirements,	and	have	to	bring	a	real	added-value	(i.e.	
deploying	 tools	 which	 overlap	 with	 other	 tools	 already	 deployed	 and	 used	 is	 not	
recommended).	In	the	same	way,	one	of	the	biggest	challenge	for	companies	is	to	promote	and	
facilitate	the	adoption	of	the	tools	among	their	employees.	And	this	is	not	always	an	easy	task.	
Adoption	often	requires	long-term	effort	because	a	fully	user-friendly	experience	has	to	be	
delivered.	In	short,	many	conditions	to	consider	before	choosing	and	deploying	a	collaborative	
tool	in	projects,	keeping	in	mind	that	software	project	management	is	just	a	tool	and	human	
needs	to	be	considered	first.		
1.4.1 Employee’s	engagement	&	motivation	as	a	key	success	factor	in	project	management	
Before	to	address	these	two	concepts,	it’s	interesting	to	understand	the	interest	of	motivation	
and	engagement	in	organisations.	The	notion	of	employee’s	engagement	and	motivation	at	
work	appeared	recently	in	the	literature	(Kompaso	&	Sridevi,	2010),	even	if	similar	concepts	
have	been	largely	studied,	such	as	commitment	and	Organizational	Citizen	Behaviour	(OCB).	
What	drives	individual	decision	to	behave	in	a	certain	way,	depending	on	the	context	and	the	
environment?	 Actually,	 among	 the	 various	 hard	 tasks	 of	 project	 management,	 human	
resources	are	a	vital	component	of	success.	The	challenge	of	growth	and	productivity	gains	is	
leading	to	appeal	to	psychology	concepts	and	understand	human	behaviour.	Through	different	
authors’	 points	 of	 view,	 the	 relationship	 between	 profitability	 and	 engagement	 has	 been	
established,	with	motivation	as	the	main	individual	performance	factor	at	work	(Macey	and	
Schneider,	2008;	Roussel,	2000).	On	the	other	hand,	surveys	have	been	conducted	such	as	
Gallup	Employee	engagement	survey4
,	revealing	that	more	than	half	of	the	workforce	in	the	US	
do	 not	 feel	 engaged	 (Seijts	 &	 Crim,	 2006). These	 alarming	 figures	 need	 to	 be	 carefully	
considered	by	organisations	and	managers	as	a	new	challenge	to	meet.		
Work	motivation	and	engagement	are	two	closed	notions	and	definitions	in	the	literature	may	
overlap.	Work	motivation	is	defined	as	“a	set	of	energetic	forces	that	originate	both	within	as	
well	as	beyond	an	individual’s	being,	to	initiate	work-related	behaviour	(…)”	(Pinder,	1998).	On	
the	other	hand,	engagement	seems	to	be	more	complex	to	define,	as	the	academic	lectures	
provide	many	definitions	going	further	to	the	attitude	of	performance.	Engagement	is	defined	
as	the	opposite	of	burn-out;	this	psychological	state	is	expressed	by	energy,	involvement	and	
efficacy	(Maslach	et	al.,	2001).	One	important	element	is	the	emotional	connection	between	
an	organisation	and	their	employee,	with	a	strong	sense	of	belonging,	leading	to	an	internal	
motivational	state.	The	engagement	is	not	limited	to	the	level	of	satisfaction,	it’s	a	real	state	of	
mind	where	the	employee	is	voluntarily	contributing	to	the	success	of	the	business.	Overall,	
engagement	may	be	seen	as	a	result,	partly	driven	by	motivation.	
1.4.2 Characteristics	of	motivation	
Motivation	is	a	complex	concept	which	has	interested	many	disciplines	such	as	education,	
psychology	and	sociology.	To	better	understand	what	motivation	is,	Denhardt,	Denhardt	and	
Aristigueta	 (2008)	 determine	 what	 motivation	 is	 not.	 First,	 motivation	 is	 not	 limited	 to	
satisfaction.	Satisfaction	may	be	the	result	of	the	achievement	of	a	goal	driven	by	motivation,	
but	“satisfaction	is	past	oriented,	whereas	motivation	is	future	oriented”	(Denhardt	et	al.,	2008,	
p.	147).	This	internal	state	is	not	something	directly	measurable	or	observable,	even	though	
the	result	is	manifested	by	a	certain	observable	behaviour.	In	the	same	way,	motivation	can	be	
conscious	 or	 unconscious.	 Freud’s	 theories	 supposed	 that	 many	 human	 behaviours	 are	
influenced	by	unconscious	desires	and	impulses.	And	finally,	motivation	is	not	something	that	
people	can	directly	control,	although	motivation	can	be	influenced.	
Researchers	 identified	 three	 components	 in	 the	 definition	 of	 motivation:	 direction	 of	
behaviour,	intensity	of	action	and	persistence	of	the	effort	over	the	time	(Kanfer,	1990).	These	
three	variables	compose	the	impact	and	the	outcomes	of	the	motivation:	what	decision	will	be	
taken?	How	much	effort	will	be	allocated?	How	long	time	this	effort	will	be	maintained?	These	
elements	could	be	a	way	to	measure	the	level	of	motivation	by	the	performance	achieved.	
However,	the	relationship	between	performance	and	motivation	needs	to	be	clarified.	This	is	
difficult	to	compare	the	level	of	motivation	of	individuals	based	on	performance	measures.	
Although	performance	is	measurable	and	impacted	by	the	level	of	motivation,	it	is	also	driven	
by	other	factors,	notably	based	on	individual	differences,	such	as	cognitive	or	physical	abilities.	
Measure	the	level	of	motivation	from	performance	results	would	not	be	an	exact	science,	since	
individuals	are	unique.		
In	the	same	way,	people	have	not	only	different	performance	skills,	but	also	different	types	of	
motivation,	according	to	their	value,	their	personality,	their	experience,	their	environment	and	
their	culture.	Two	types	of	motivation	are	commonly	distinguished	through	theories:	intrinsic	
and	extrinsic	motivation.	Intrinsic	motivation	is	the	desire	to	perform	an	action	for	its	own	
interest	and	the	enjoyable	aspect	with	no	apparent	reward,	while	extrinsic	motivation	is	driven	
by	an	external	outcome	such	as	rewards.	Intrinsic	motivation	is	innate	in	the	human	behaviour,	
while	extrinsic	is	triggered	by	an	external	element	and	can	result	to	pressure	and	anxiety	(Deci	
&	Ryan,	2008).	Although	some	studies	opposed	these	two	types	of	motivation,	other	studies	
suggested	that	extrinsic	can	be	complementary	and	interact	with	the	intrinsic	motivation,	in	
order	to	increase	it	(Hayamizu,	1997).	Going	further	to	this	simplistic	dual	vision,	the	Self-
Determination	Theory	(SDT)	distinguishes	controlled	motivation	and	autonomous	motivation.	
This	 model	 is	 a	 graduated	 level	 of	 motivation,	 going	 progressively	 to	 a	 self-determined	
behaviour	 (cf.	 Figure	 2).	 Controlled	 motivation	 introduces	 the	 concept	 of	 a	 motivated	
behaviour	 driven	 by	 regulations,	 both	 internal	 (avoidance	 of	 shame,	 self-esteem,	 ego-
involvement…)	 and	 external	 (rewards,	 punishments…).	 On	 the	 other	 hand,	 autonomous	
motivation	 is	 a	 self-determined	 behaviour	 mostly	 composed	 by	 intrinsic,	 but	 also	 extrinsic	
motivation	answering	to	personal	aspirations	and	values.	In	various	studies,	it	has	been	proven	
that	 autonomous	 motivation	 leads	 to	 better	 performance,	 including	 long-term	 persistence	
(Deci	&	Ryan,	2008).	Actually,	despite	the	strong	power	of	extrinsic	motivation,	the	impact	of	a
long	run	controlled	motivation	can	have	a	negative	motivational	effect,	with	lower	satisfaction	
and	less	persistence	for	future	tasks.		
Figure	2:	The	self-determination	Theory	detailing	types	of	motivation.	Adapted	from	Ryan	&	
Deci	(2000)	
Following	this	statement,	the	challenge	of	motivation	in	a	work	context	is	even	more	complex.	
How	to	encourage	and	facilitate	an	autonomous	motivation,	influenced	by	the	complexity	of	
human	behaviour	and	the	strong	influence	of	personal	values?	The	use	of	extrinsic	method	is	
not	sufficient	and	has	to	be	intelligently	balanced	and	linked	with	intrinsic	motivation	to	avoid	
negative	impacts	on	future	behaviour.	Obviously,	no	framework	is	capable	of	ensuring	a	result,	
since	impacts	will	be	considerably	different	from	one	person	to	another.	But	the	common	
denominator	of	these	concepts	is	the	goal-oriented	approach,	with	a	sense	of	progress	leading	
to	satisfaction	(Meyer	et	al.,	2004).	
1.4.3 Work	motivation	theories:	content	&	process	theories	
Different	 theories	 have	 introduced	 motivation	 drivers,	 with	 two	 principal	 sets	 of	 theories:	
content	theories	and	process	theories.	Content	theories	appeared	in	the	1950s,	based	on	the	
identification	of	factors	related	to	motivation	(Steers	et	al.,	2004).	What	are	the	drivers	which	
trigger	motivation?	This	theoretical	current	assumes	that	humans	share	similar	needs,	and	in	
order	to	satisfy	them,	a	motivated	behaviour	is	triggered.	One	of	the	most	well-known	theory	
is	certainly	the	Maslow’s	need	hierarchy	model	(Maslow,	1946),	in	which	a	series	of	needs	have	
been	hierarchically	classified.	In	this	theory,	humans	have	to	master	the	first	basics	needs	–	
physiological,	 safety	 and	 security	 –	 before	 developing	 other	 needs	 related	 to	 individual	
achievement,	including	belongingness,	esteem	and	self-actualisation.
Figure	3:	Maslow’s	hierarchy	of	needs,	Poston,	B.	(2009)	
In	this	pyramidal	model	(cf.	Figure	3),	there	is	a	sense	of	progress,	in	which	new	needs	appears	
through	the	satisfaction	of	the	previous	ones.	Obviously,	this	model	is	quite	theoretical	and	
some	other	theories	have	contrasted	this	incremental	approach,	despite	many	similarities	have	
been	observed,	based	on	the	satisfaction	of	needs.	In	1969,	a	second	needs	theory	is	developed	
by	Alderfer,	directly	applied	on	work	situation.	This	ERD	theory	limits	the	3	types	of	needs:	
existence	 needs	 with	 physical	 and	 material	 well-being,	 satisfying	 social	 relationship	 –	
relatedness	-	and	personal	development	-	growth.	In	contrast	with	Maslow’s	theory,	the	ERD	
theory	simplified	the	incremental	approach	with	a	frustration-regression	principle	(Schneider	
&	Alderfer,	1973).	Individual	may	regress	to	a	lower-level	of	needs	when	the	expected	need	is	
unsatisfied.	Another	theory	which	has	been	influenced	by	Maslow	is	the	motivation-hygiene	
theory,	also	called	two-factor	theory	(Herzberg,	2005).	This	model,	applied	specifically	on	a	
work	 environment,	 distinguishes	 motivator	 factors,	 related	 to	 the	 higher	 level	 of	 needs	 in	
Maslow’s	need	hierarchy	model	(achievement,	responsibility,	recognition	and	growth),	and	
hygiene	factors	referring	to	basics	needs	(salary,	work	conditions,	policy…).	The	interesting	
added-value	in	this	approach	is	the	distinction	between	dissatisfaction	and	satisfaction.	On	one	
hand,	 motivator	 factors,	 relating	 to	 intrinsic	 motivation,	 may	 lead	 to	 job	 satisfaction	 and	
motivation,	 but	 won’t	 necessarily	 lead	 to	 dissatisfaction.	 On	 the	 opposite,	 hygiene	 factors	
based	on	extrinsic	elements	only	affect	dissatisfaction	and	do	not	lead	to	satisfaction	on	its	
own.	 Among	 these	 3	 classical	 content	 theories	 (Maslow,	 Alderfer	 and	 Herzberg),	 authors
assume	that	individuals	share	identical	needs.	However,	this	approach	seems	to	be	theoretical	
and	the	difference	of	needs	from	one	individual	to	another	need	to	be	considered.		
On	the	other	hand,	process	theories	of	motivation	highlight	the	cognitive	differences	between	
individuals.	A	short	overview	of	the	three	main	process	theories	is	proposed	in	the	literature	
review,	with	first	the	expectancy	theory,	then	equity	theory	and	finally	the	goal	setting	theory.	
In	1964,	Vroom	develop	the	expectancy	theory,	which	tends	to	understand	work	behaviours	
and	individual	performance.	This	theory	suggests	that	people	make	consciously	choices	by	
calculating	value	and	probability	of	achievement	in	order	to	maximise	their	self-interest	(Isaac	
et	 al.,	 2001).	 The	 model	 is	 based	 on	 a	 combination	 of	 “valence	 (anticipated	 satisfaction),	
instrumentality	(the	belief	that	performance	will	lead	to	rewards),	and	expectancy	(the	belief	
that	effort	will	lead	to	the	performance	needed	to	attain	the	rewards).”	(Locke	&	Latham,	2002).	
In	other	words,	people	adopt	a	certain	behaviour	to	complete	goals	when	they	believe	that	the	
result	expected	is	achievable.	Another	key	theory	in	process	approach	is	the	social	equity	theory	
introduced	by	John	S.	Adams	(1963).	The	concept	suggests	that	people	measure	equity	by	
comparing	their	input	to	outcome	ratio	from	other	workers	(Bolino	&	Turnley,	2008).	When	the	
ratio	is	equal,	people	tend	to	be	more	satisfied	in	their	professional	and	personal	relationships.	
At	the	contrary,	a	perceived	inequity	will	trigger	tension	and	motivate	people	to	change	the	
situation.	Although	this	theory	is	underspecified,	it	helps	to	understand	the	importance	of	
justice	 in	 organisation	 and	 better	 understand	 some	 employee’s	 behaviours.	 To	 finish	 this	
review	 of	 process	 theory,	 goal-setting	 theory	 is	 an	 unavoidable	 key	 principle	 in	 work	
motivation.	Goal	is	very	powerful,	as	it	allows	to	give	a	direction,	impulse	energy,	manage	
persistence	and	trigger	strategies	and	discovery.	It	states	that	individuals	are	challenged	to	
increase	 performance	 through	 moderately	 difficult,	 self-assigned	 and	 clear	 goals	 (Locke	 &	
Latham,	2002).	This	approach	is	not	only	interesting	from	an	individual	perspective,	but	also	
from	 a	 team	 perspective,	 because	 it	 has	 a	 positive	 impact	 on	 cohesion	 and	 performance.	
According	to	the	model,	there	is	a	strong	relationship	between	goal	and	performance;	the	
performance	increases	proportionally	with	the	level	of	difficulty	until	individual	reaches	its	limit,	
which	is	also	related	to	self-efficacy.		
1.5.1 Introduction	to	the	notion	of	game	
Before	 understanding	 the	 term	 of	 gamification,	 this	 is	 interesting	 to	 clarify	 the	 notion	 of	
“game”.	Defining	the	term	of	game	has	proved	to	be	more	complex	than	expected,	as	there	
are	many	combinations	of	gaming.	However,	this	preliminary	work	seems	to	be	essential	to	
better	understand	what	is	gaming,	what	compose	the	game,	or	even	why	people	enjoy	games.	
In	 a	 basic	 definition,	 games	 are	 a	 structured	 form	 of	 play,	 experienced	 as	 a	 collaborative,	
competitive	or	individual	experience	(Koster,	2013).	Game	is	basically	entertainment	creating	
positive	emotions,	perceived	as	a	fun	experience	with	learning	and	practising	elements.	It	can	
take	many	different	approaches,	depending	on	the	format,	the	method,	the	environment…	
Definition	of	games	varies	in	the	literature	and	through	the	time,	and	different	factors	and	
characteristics	 are	 highlighted	 according	 to	 points	 of	 view.	 Caillois	 qualified	 game	 as	 free,	
separated,	 uncertain,	 unproductive,	 governed	 by	 rules	 and	 make-believe	 activity	 (Caillois,	
1961).	On	the	other	hand,	Crawford	promoted	four	dimensions	of	the	game:	representation,	
interaction,	conflict	and	safety	(Crawford,	1984).	And	to	complete	the	definition,	McGonigal
focused	on	the	main	characteristics	which	are	goals,	rules,	feedback	system	and	voluntary	
participation	(McGonigal,	2011).		
Games	can	take	different	forms,	materialised	or	not	on	a	physical	medium	(board	games,	card	
games,	smartphone,	computer...).	But	looking	forward	the	devices,	game	elements	have	many	
similar	traits.	In	the	context	of	this	study,	4	main	components	have	been	selected,	principally	
for	their	importance	in	a	serious-game	context:		
(1)	Goals:	It	tends	to	implement	goals	and	challenges,	while	play	is	non-goal	oriented.	The	
concept	of	objectives	is	really	important,	as	this	encourage	the	progression.		
(2)	Rules:	in	the	same	way,	game	is	quite	formal	with	explicit	rules,	which	defines	limitation	on	
the	way	players	can	achieve	the	goal.		
(3)	Choices:	one	important	component	of	games	is	the	ability	of	the	player	to	interact	with	it.	
There	 is	 not	 a	 simple	 path	 to	 follow,	 but	 alternative	 choices	 allowing	 to	 explore	 different	
strategies	 with	 a	 complex	 network	 of	 paths.	 At	 the	 contrary,	 a	 story	 is	 based	 on	 a	 simple	
sequence	of	facts,	as	a	static	element,	whereas	games	are	dynamics.		
(4)	Feedback:	the	feedback	system	implemented	in	games	is	a	way	to	communicate	and	quickly	
measure	the	achievement	of	the	goal.	Rapid	feedback	is	a	way	to	learn	and	readjust	from	the	
past	experience.	Games	are	a	good	way	to	experience	and	learn,	as	a	simplification	of	reality	
representation.	 It	 integrates	 a	 subjective	 representation	 with	 a	 subset	 of	 reality,	 while	
simulation	attempt	to	represent	a	real	phenomenon	(Crawford,	1984).	This	safety	“non-reality”	
environment	is	a	good	leverage	to	safely	experience	failures:	freedom	to	fail	allows	to	test	and	
learn,	answering	to	an	educational	stake.		
There	are	obviously	many	other	features	in	games,	such	as	storytelling,	graphic	design,	rewards,	
competition…	But	all	these	features	are	specific	to	the	game,	reinforcing	the	four	core	elements	
(goals,	rules,	interaction	and	feedback).	But	finally,	the	essence	of	the	game	is	about	creating	
positive	 emotions.	 Games,	 by	 creating	 hard	 work	 challenges	 (mental,	 physical,	 discovery,	
creative,	busywork	or	teamwork),	leverage	in	an	intensive	way	our	attention,	our	motivation,	
memory	and	emotion.	Rapid	feedback	and	experience	of	success	and	failure	bring	a	sensation	
of	productivity	and	progression:	this	is	why	video	games	are	so	addictive	(McGonigal,	2011).	
Among	the	diversity	of	games,	Roger	Caillois	detailed	into	«	Man	Play	and	Games	»	(1961)	four	
different	categories.	First	«	Agôn	»,	which	refers	to	competitive	games,	including	a	winner	and	
a	looser.		This	notion	of	challenge	is	directly	linked	with	the	self	accomplishment	and	personal	
development.	The	second	category	of	games	is	«	Alea	»,	in	other	words,	chance.	This	mechanic	
is	really	interesting	as	it	sets	on	equal	footing	players,	without	taking	into	account	physical	
capacity	or	social	background.	The	third	category	is	«	Mimicry	»,	which	corresponds	to	role	
games	where	the	player	is	adopting	another	personality	through	the	game.	And	finally,	the	last	
category	is	«	Illinx	»,	which	relates	to	strong	emotion,	similar	to	a	trance	sensation	bringing	
enjoyment.	 These	 4	 categories	 are	 basics	 psychological	 functions,	 fundamentals	 in	 game	
mechanics.	Agôn,	Alea,	Mimicry	and	Illinx	are	actually	often	combined	and	used	through	games.
Figure	4.	Evolution	of	Web	search	on	the	word	"gamification",	from	2004	to	2017.	Results	
from	Google	Trends	as	of	October,	12	of	2017	
Coming	back	to	notion	of	gamification,	the	term	was	almost	inexistent	in	the	literature	until	
2010,	 although	 psychologists	 have	 already	 explored	 the	 connection	 between	 games	 and	
education.	But	these	recent	years	have	showed	a	real	interest	for	this	approach	and	the	term	
has	been	widespread	in	the	recent	literature	and	on	the	internet	(cf.	Figure	4).	Beyond	the	
vision	of	a	simplistic	method,	the	purpose	of	gamification	is	to	develop	gamified	experience	in	
order	to	engage	users	and	solve	problems	(Zichermann,	2013).	In	other	words,	gamifying	an	
object	or	a	service	is	an	adaptation	of	the	core	elements	of	a	concept	with	the	implementation	
of	games	mechanisms	in	order	to	enhance	the	initial	experience.	In	a	first	glance,	gamification	
has	been	widely	used	in	marketing,	in	order	to	reinforce	customer	loyalty	and	engagement.	
According	to	Zichermann,	one	of	the	first	gamification	approach	has	been	implemented	into	a	
loyalty	 program	 by	 S&H	 in	 1890’s,	 with	 a	 reward	 system	 based	 on	 a	 virtual	 currency.	
Progressively,	 the	 concept	 has	 been	 implemented	 in	 many	 areas	 including	 in	 enterprise	
workplace	 in	 order	 to	 increase	 employee’s	 engagement	 and	 performance.	 But	 the	 word	
“gamification”	still	confusing	in	people	mind:	is	it	related	to	the	fact	to	play	in	a	professional	
environment?	Is	it	about	learning	through	a	game?		
To	 understand	 gamification	 in	 context,	 Deterding	 et	 al.	 (2011)	 proposed	 a	 framework	
distinguishing	the	gamification	from	other	concepts	based	on	two	axes:	whole	and	part,	gaming	
and	 playing	 (cf.	 Figure	 5).	 In	 this	 definition,	 serious	 games	 and	 gamification	 are	 clearly	
differentiated,	as	serious	games	are	fully	emerged	in	a	game,	whereas	gamification	is	partially	
composed	by	game	elements	in	order	to	address	non-game	challenges.
Figure	5.	"Gamification"	between	game	and	play,	whole	and	parts	(Deterding	et.all,	2011)	
1.5.2 Gamification	characteristics	and	mechanisms	
There	are	hundreds	of	gamification	mechanisms	implemented	in	order	to	reward	and	boost	
achievements	 (Muletier	 et	 al.,	 2014).	 	 Feedback,	 badges,	 trophies,	 points	 and	 levels,	
progression	 bars,	 dashboards,	 leaderboards	 etc.	 These	 mechanisms	 can	 be	 integrated	 in	
different	ludic	experiences.	According	to	the	G.A.M.E.	method,	four	types	of	experiences	are	
identified:	competition,	play	role,	cooperation	and	storytelling.		
Bartle	(1996)	has	classified	users	into	four	types	of	players:	Fighters,	Socialisers,	Explorers	and	
Achievers.	This	categorisation	has	been	defined	according	to	actions	that	players	prefer	to	
perform.	 The	 majority	 of	 players	 –	 around	 80%	 -	 are	 socialisers.	 They	 enjoy	 to	 build	
relationships,	help	and	interact	with	the	community	of	players.	Explorers	and	achievers	are	
proportionally	represented	with	roughly	10%	of	the	players.	While	explorers	enjoy	to	explore	
and	discover,	achievers	are	focused	on	achieving	goals	and	challenges.	The	last	category	of	
players	is	called	killers.	This	type	of	players,	which	represent	less	than	1%	of	players,	is	strongly	
animated	by	direct	competition,	the	desire	to	win	and	be	part	of	the	top	rank.	Of	course,	this	
classification	is	only	a	way	to	evaluate	predominant	behaviour	among	types	of	players,	although	
players	can	combine	different	motivation	factors	(Bartle,	1996).	This	classification	is	interesting,	
as	it	allows	to	understand	the	difference	between	users’	motivations	and	to	realise	that	most	
of	game	mechanics	used	in	gamification	are	focused	on	achievements	and	do	not	necessarily
motivate	all	types	of	players.	While	explorers	and	achievers	are	easily	satisfied	by	basics	game	
mechanics,	it’s	important	to	integrate	the	notion	of	social	relationship	and	collaboration.		
Some	authors	adapted	this	profile	categorisation	by	going	deeper	in	the	details	of	each	profiles.	
Mangiatordi	(2017)	identified	8	clear	profiles	based	on	the	Bartle’s	Matrix	with	complementary	
characteristics.	Indeed,	each	category	has	been	distinguished	into	two	different	archetypes:	
Killer	and	Competitor,	Collector	and	Expert,	Rockstar	and	Coach,	Detective	and	Navigator	(cf.	
Figure	6).	
Figure	6.	Players	types	illustrated	by	Dominique	Mangiatordi,	adapted	from	Bartle	
In	addition	to	understanding	game	mechanics	and	user	categories,	it’s	interesting	to	look	at	the	
flow	theory.	The	theory	of	flow	is	strongly	related	to	the	self-determination	theory,	briefly	
approached	in	the	previous	parts.	Csikszentmihalyi	defines	flow	as	“the	holistic	experience	that	
people	 feel	 when	 they	 act	 with	 total	 involvement.”.	 More	 specifically,	 the	 state	 of	 flow	 is	
characterised	as	“an	extremely	enjoyable	experience,	where	an	individual	engages	in	a	[...]	game	
activity	with	total	involvement,	enjoyment,	control,	concentration	and	intrinsic	interest.”	(Hsu	
&	Lu,	2004).		
In	a	game	context,	the	flow	is	represented	as	a	balanced	equation	between	skills	and	difficulties	
allowing	to	smoothly	progress	through	the	game	(cf.	Figure	7).	While	too	complex	tasks	may	
lead	to	anxiety	and	even	abandon,	too	easy	tasks	will	affect	the	interest	and	results	to	boredom.	
In	 other	 words,	 engagement	 and	 satisfaction	 triggered	 from	 the	 gamification	 process	 are	
continuously	evolving	through	the	learning	experience:	the	progression	has	to	be	balanced	
between	people	competencies	and	incremental	complexity	actions.
Figure	7.	Representation	of	the	Flow	adapted	from	Csikszentmihalyi	
For	consistent	gamification	implementation,	different	methods	and	frameworks	have	appeared	
to	formalise	and	conceptualise	the	approach.	Among	the	different	proposals,	Hunicke	et	al.	
(2004)	 have	 developed	 a	 general	 game	 design	 framework	 called	 the	 MDA	 (Mechanics,	
Dynamics	 and	 Aesthetics)	 allowing	 to	 understand	 the	 different	 games	 design	 elements.	
According	to	the	MDA	framework,	three	elements	of	games	are	distinguished:	rules,	system	
and	fun.	These	elements	have	been	converted	respectively	into	design	components	with	the	
mechanics,	corresponding	to	the	rules	of	the	game,	defining	how	the	game	works,	with	levels	
and	badges	for	instance.	The	dynamics	of	the	game	describe	the	behaviour	triggered	by	the	
mechanics.	 And	 finally,	 the	 aesthetics	 relate	 to	 the	 emotional	 responses	 of	 the	 users	
experiencing	 the	 games	 system.	 Other	 frameworks	 have	 been	 developed	 with	 different	
approaches.	One	of	the	well-known	framework	is	called	Octalysis	framework,	developed	by	Yu-
Kai	Chou.	This	human-centred	framework	defines	8	core	drives	of	gamification	(cf.	Figure	8),	
with	meaning,	accomplishment,	empowerment,	social	pressure,	unpredictability,	ownership,	
scarcity	and	avoidance.	It	allows	to	get	an	overall	vision	of	the	basic	mechanisms	leading	to	fun,	
engagement	and	motivation.	Another	gamification	design	framework	has	been	developed	by	
Kevin	Werbach,	detailed	in	the	gamification	MOOC5
	with	6	design	steps.	First,	defining	business	
objectives,	to	better	understand	the	purpose	of	gamification.	Then,	delineate	target	behaviours	
to	describe	what	are	the	expected	action	of	the	player	in	order	to	meet	the	initial	objectives	
and	to	define	metrics.	As	a	third	step,	similarly	to	marketing	and	communication	campaign,	
audience	has	to	be	described,	based	on	usual	marketing	elements	and	also	gaming	elements,	
such	as	Bartle’s	player	types.	Fourthly,	devise	the	activity	loops	in	order	to	encourage	actions	
according	to	the	different	phases	of	the	game.	Of	course,	ensuring	that	fun	is	part	of	the	design	
process.	And	last,	deploy	appropriate	tools	to	put	in	place	the	gamified	system.	
Finally,	although	the	different	framework	approaches	help	to	better	apprehend	the	complexity	
of	gamification,	putting	in	place	this	concept	is	much	more	complex	than	simply	add	points	and	
badges,	as	the	interesting	features	of	gamification	is	to	mix	intrinsic	and	extrinsic	motivation,	
balanced	between	rewards	and	fun,	designed	according	to	the	initial	objective	and	adapted	
based	on	the	nature	of	the	player.	
Figure	8.	Octalysis:	a	gamification	complete	framework	from	Yu	Kai	Chou	
1.5.3 Limits	of	gamification	
The	 term	 of	 gamification	 has	 been	 contested	 in	 the	 game	 industry,	 especially	 for	 the	
oversimplification	of	game	mechanics,	often	limited	to	the	concept	of	scoring,	badges	and	
rewards.	Even	though,	gamification	has	proven	many	benefits,	the	implementation	of	such	
approach	in	an	internal	business	context	has	to	be	seriously	considered;	used	inappropriately,	
it	can	also	be	destructive	(Raftopoulos,	2014).	Games	and	workplace	contexts	are	in	a	way	
paradoxical,	leading	first	to	ethical	issues.	As	we	have	seen	in	the	previous	definition,	games	
rely	on	voluntary	participation.	However,	professional	context	is	naturally	based	on	obligation	
to	 perform	 and	 gamification	 may	 be	 seen	 as	 a	 control	 method	 or	 a	 surveillance	 system.	
Obviously,	 beyond	 the	 transparency	 of	 gamified	 mechanics,	 business	 objectives	 are	 clearly	
identified	and	tracked.	In	addition	to	the	control	apprehension,	gamification	may	also	be	seen	
as	a	manipulation	and	addictive	system.	Giving	the	power	to	manipulate	behaviour	may	be	seen	
as	 an	 abusive	 and	 unethical	 strategy,	 especially	 in	 a	 business	 context.	 In	 addition	 to	 this	
unethical	issue,	a	misapplication	of	games	mechanisms	may	lead	to	the	distraction	of	the	main	
purpose	of	the	action.	Focusing	on	quantified	figures	and	non-meaningful	numbers	instead	of
the	final	objective	may	lead	to	a	negative	impact.	Chapman	illustrated	the	risk	with	the	example	
of	call	centre:	“If	you	reward	your	call	centre	for	shorter	call	times,	you’re	likely	going	to	come	
up	 with	 poor	 customer	 reviews”	 (Chapman,	 2012).	 Actually,	 this	 illustrates	 perfectly	 the	
importance	of	meaningful	rewards	and	the	risk	of	unexpected	behaviours.	Another	unintended	
phenomenon	may	be	experienced	through	the	implementation	of	competition	(Epstein,	2013).	
While	competition	is	a	good	leverage	for	individual	performance,	this	technique	may	also	work	
again	collaboration	principles	with,	for	instance,	selfishness	behaviour.		
Another	limit	of	gamification	concerns	the	long-term	benefits.	While	short-term	impacts	are	
easy	to	implement	and	observe,	with	the	“novelty	effect”,	implementing	long-term	impacts	
seems	to	be	much	more	complex	(van	Roy	&	Zaman,	2015).	Actually,	the	use	of	the	long-term	
effect	of	gamification	has	been	poorly	studied	in	the	literature.	Gabe	Zichermann	pointed	out	
the	limit	of	extrinsic	motivation	rewards	and	the	short-term	effect	on	motivation	(Zichermann,	
2013).	In	an	incremental	loop,	rewards	have	to	be	continuously	improved	to	trigger	motivation	
and	interest.	Beyond	the	fact	that	this	involves	expenses	and	creativity,	extrinsic	rewards	may	
fail	the	main	purpose	of	gamification	system,	by	decreasing	the	natural	intrinsic	motivation	and	
impacting	engagement.	In	addition,	a	common	fear	of	managers	could	be	the	negative	impact	
on	 seriousness.	 Of	 course,	 gamification	 is	 not	 adapted	 to	 every	 context	 and	 have	 to	 be	
presented	in	a	professional	way.	The	purpose	is	not	to	lose	the	main	objective	and	transform	
the	situation	in	a	game,	but	simply	leverage	engagement	with	meaningful	mechanics.		
In	line	with	management	history,	companies	have	for	a	long	time	ignore	emotions	and	even	
banned	them	(Ribert-Van	De	Weerdt,	2008).	Perhaps	this	is	a	legacy	from	the	industrial	age,	in	
which	performance	and	production	were	central.	In	contrast	with	this	management	approach,	
60’s	 are	 also	 the	 emergence	 of	 a	 leisure	 and	 entertainment’s	 society	 (Dumazedier,	 1963).	
Although	performance	and	efficiency	still	essential	in	companies,	mentalities	are	progressively	
changing.	More	specifically	with	the	advent	of	the	internet	and	new	challenges	concerning	the	
younger	generation,	also	called	“the	millennial”.	
Finally,	meaningful	gamification	is	specific	to	each	individual.	Although	gamification	has	proven	
its	intergenerational	impacts	(Stevens,	2012),	this	is	strongly	relative	to	human	psychology.	And	
designing	a	game	which	corresponds	to	everyone	seems	to	be	a	complex	challenge.
After	the	three	subjects	have	been	separately	processed,	a	short	overview	and	the	relationship	
between	the	concepts	may	be	interesting.	First	of	all,	the	literature	review	has	shown	that	
project	management,	motivation	and	gamification	are	complex	notions,	with	many	theories	
and	approaches	which	have	evolved	and	progressed	through	the	time.	Nonetheless,	these	
subjects	have	been	largely	studied	and	revealed	a	high	interest	in	business	contexts.	Through	
previous	 studies,	 the	 motivation	 has	 proven	 its	 benefits	 and	 its	 positive	 impacts	 on	 work	
performance,	while	gamification	seems	to	be	an	adapted	medium	to	exploit	and	implement	in	
project	management	tools.	Actually,	there	are	many	similarities	between	project	management	
and	 game	 mechanics,	 both	 based	 on	 human	 skill:	 goal-orientation	 with	 specific	 tasks	 to	
complete,	progression	steps	to	achieve,	rules	to	respect	and	resources	to	manage	including	
time	limitation,	and	of	course	a	specific	environment	to	comprehend.	Every	component	seems	
to	 fit	 perfectly.	 However,	 these	 concepts	 are	 not	 scientific	 and	 binary	 notions,	 and	 results	
cannot	 be	 assumed,	 as	 the	 relationship	 between	 project	 management,	 motivation	 and	
gamification	is	all	about	complexity	of	the	human	nature.	Controlling	motivation	is	simply	not	
possible,	and	extrinsic	factors	may	even	overlap	with	initial	intrinsic	motivations.	In	addition	to	
this	 challenge,	 a	 vast	 range	 of	 factors	 and	 elements	 have	 to	 be	 taking	 into	 account.	 The	
implementation	 of	 gamification	 mechanics	 in	 a	 project	 management	 environment	 has	 to	
consider	 many	 aspects,	 including	 the	 business	 culture,	 the	 team	 and	 the	 management	
technique,	the	nature	of	the	project	and	the	final	business	objective.	Finally,	the	potential	
impacts	of	motivation	through	gamification	may	be	a	way	to	reduce	the	responsibility	of	the	
project	 manager	 concerning	 the	 engagement	 of	 the	 team,	 but	 this	 does	 not	 replace	 the	
strength	of	collective	and	human	relations.	
On	a	critical	point	of	view,	this	literature	review	does	not	reveal	the	impact	of	project	
management	tools	integrating	game	mechanics.	While	a	large	amount	of	studies	is	available	
on	an	internal	business	context	concerning	e-learning	platforms	and	serious	games,	the	
implementation	and	the	adoption	of	project	management	tools	are	less	covered,	especially	
with	the	focus	on	game	mechanics.		It	would	be	interesting	to	get	more	academic	literatures	
on	concrete	examples	and	especially	longitudinal	studies.	Actually,	the	long-term	impact	of	
gamification	is	still	a	challenge	to	manage	with	continuous	innovation.
This	following	chapter	aims	to	provide	a	brief	overview	of	the	methods	used,	enabling	to	guide	
and	structure	the	field	research,	including	data	collection	as	well	as	analysis	of	the	data.	It	also	
outlines	technical	details,	such	as	materials	and	tools	used	in	this	study,	specificities	and	details	
of	the	data	collection.			
1.6.1 The	choice	of	the	mixed-method:	benefits	and	limits	
The	objectives	of	the	study	are	dual.	First,	it’s	important	to	better	understand	the	general	
experience	 in	 project	 management,	 in	 order	 to	 identify	 improvement	 areas.	 Beyond	 this	
objective	of	understanding	the	environment,	the	main	objective	is	to	get	some	insights	in	order	
to	propose	ideas	and	co-construct	recommendations	to	implement	relevant	game	mechanics	
in	the	project	management	life-cycle.	In	order	to	get	the	full	picture,	the	methodology	adopted	
in	this	research	study	is	based	on	a	mixed	method	research,	by	combining	a	quantitative	and	
qualitative	survey.	Conducting	two	different	methods	may	be	explained	by	different	rationales,	
including	 complementarity	 and	 triangulation	 (Bryman,	 2006).	 In	 addition	 to	 reinforce	 the	
findings	 and	 bring	 a	 more	 comprehensive	 result,	 using	 a	 multi-strategy	 research	 allows	 to	
answer	different	research	questions,	in	particular	by	combining	different	point	of	views	and	
contexts.	Indeed,	all	the	stake	of	this	research	is	to	answer	the	problem	and	generalise	the	
results,	while	taking	into	consideration	the	different	stakeholders’	points	of	view	as	well	as	the	
different	 contexts.	 Contrasting	 the	 general	 view	 through	 quantitative	 survey	 with	 the	
granularity	of	information	in	qualitative	research	will	allow	to	draw	more	relevant	conclusion	
than	a	single	research.	
While	the	concept	of	gamification	and	the	impact	on	motivation	and	performance	are	based	
on	 subjective	 perceptions	 of	 individuals,	 conducting	 a	 qualitative	 approach	 seems	 to	 be	
necessary.	Actually,	to	get	relevant	responses,	the	survey	needs	to	be	flexible	through	the	
interview,	since	the	personal	experience	and	perceptions	vary	to	one	individual	to	another.	The	
strength	 of	 this	 method	 is	 to	 approach	 complex	 questions	 without	 the	 influence	 of	
interviewers’	preconceptions,	through	non-oriented	question.	On	the	opposite,	quantitative	
survey	will	easily	influence	the	result	with	structured	and	preconceived	answers.	In	addition,	
personal	 perceptions	 have	 to	 be	 partly	 interpreted,	 through	 non-verbal	 communication,	
spontaneity	 and	 emotions.	 This	 is	 why	 an	 individual	 interview	 with	 a	 semi-structured	
questionnaire	has	been	selected.	The	aim	of	this	qualitative	perspective	is	to	get	flexible	data	
collection,	but	also	explore	and	understand	gamification	challenges	in	project	management	
through	different	expertise	and	experiences.		
On	 the	 other	 hand,	 despite	 a	 quantitative	 approach	 has	 certain	 limitations,	 the	
complementarity	of	the	quantitative	perspective	is	interesting.	It	allows	to	get	an	overview	of	
the	project	management	experience,	taking	into	account	the	different	point	of	views,	from	
project	 managers	 to	 team	 members.	 The	 idea	 is	 to	 prepare	 and	 support	 the	 qualitative	
research,	by	understanding	the	project	environment	and	general	trends.	To	allow	quick	data	
collection,	the	choice	of	a	structured	online	questionnaire	has	been	made.	Beyond	the	fact	that	
the	method	is	inexpensive	and	not	restrictive,	the	advantage	is	probably	that	the	survey	can	be
easily	 administrated	 through	 personal	 networks,	 social	 networks	 (i.e.	 LinkedIn,	 Twitter,	
Facebook)	and	direct	emails.	
Although	this	mixed-method	will	allow	to	partly	answer	to	the	research	questions,	one	of	the	
limit	is	that	it	relies	on	the	researcher	and	its	past	experience:	knowledge,	relationships,	work	
experience…		In	addition,	data	collection	in	a	qualitative	approach	may	be	very	different	from	
one	interview	to	the	other.	Of	course,	the	idea	is	to	improve	the	quality	of	the	interview	through	
the	time,	by	getting	more	experience,	but	also	strengthen	the	approach	based	on	the	literature	
review.	In	addition	to	this	limitation,	the	method	itself	may	be	called	into	question.	Actually,	an	
interesting	 approach	 would	 be	 to	 measure	 the	 concrete	 impact	 of	 gamification	
implementation.	This	is	the	limit	of	the	methods,	both	based	on	declarative	and	opinion,	relying	
on	the	reliability	of	the	data,	influenced	by	personal	testimonies	and	subjectivity.	A	longitudinal	
case	study,	involving	field	observation	and	experiments	would	be	an	interesting	method	to	get	
concrete	 data.	 However,	 putting	 this	 kind	 of	 experience	 is	 a	 difficult	 task,	 obviously	 time-
consuming,	but	also	requiring	resources	and	high	degree	of	techniques	and	competencies,	with	
for	instance	A/B	testing	methods	and	gamification	expertise.		
1.6.2 Mixed-method	implementation:	objectives	and	roll-out	
The	implementation	of	the	mix-method	will	be	divided	into	three	distinctive	steps,	going	from	
a	 large	 vision	 to	 a	 specific	 one.	 The	 very	 first	 step	 will	 be	 the	 deployment	 of	 the	 online	
quantitative	survey.	The	objective	is	to	reach	a	large	audience	of	professionals	involved	in	
project	management,	from	project	managers	to	team	members,	in	order	to	comprehend	the	
general	vision	of	the	environment.	In	short,	this	online	survey	is	divided	into	four	parts,	with	
the	definition	of	the	profile,	the	general	context	of	projects,	the	general	performance	and	
feedback	concerning	project	management	followed	by	a	short	introduction	to	gamification	in	
order	to	get	the	general	opinion.	This	method	aims	to	reinforce	and	corroborate	the	second	
step	of	the	research,	with	the	individual	survey.		
The	qualitative	survey	will	target	gamification	experts,	preferably	but	not	necessarily	having	
project	management	experience.	The	choice	of	a	semi-directive	interview	has	been	made,	in	
order	to	allow	flexibility	in	the	conversation.	For	instance,	by	ordering	the	questions	differently,	
or	by	simply	add	extra	questions	from	one	interview	to	another	(Wilson,	2010).	
The	objective	of	the	online	questionnaire	is	to	gain	more	in-depth	insights	concerning	the	
gamification	techniques,	especially	when	it	has	been	implemented	through	previous	or	current	
experience.	These	two	methods	aim	to	identify	the	most	important	activities	which	need	to	be	
improved,	impacting	directly	the	success	of	the	project.
(1)	Quantitative	
(1)	Large	audience,	including	
project	managers	and	team	
(1)	Quantitative	
(1)	Large	audience,	including	
project	managers	and	team	
(1)	Quantitative	
(2)	Qualitative	
(1)	Large	audience,	including	
project	managers	and	team	
(2)	Selected	audience	of	
gamification	experts	
(1)	Quantitative	
(2)	Qualitative	
(1)	Large	audience,	including	
project	managers	and	team	
(2)	Selected	audience	of	
gamification	experts	
(2)	Qualitative	
(2)	Selected	audience	of	
gamification	experts	
(2)	Qualitative	
(2)	Selected	audience	of	
gamification	experts	
(2)	Qualitative	
In	support:	
Literature	review	
(2)	Selected	audience	of	
gamification	experts	
Table	1.	Crossing	results	of	research	methods	to	better	reinforce	findings
1.7.1 Quantitative	Survey:	online	questionnaire	data	analysis Questionnaire	delivery	and	details	
The	online	questionnaire	was	the	very	first	step	of	the	field	study.	The	initial	purpose	was	to	
better	understand	the	project	management	environment	and	potentially	identify	improvement	
areas.	The	questionnaire	was	held	between	September	1st
	and	October	6th
	of	2017,	with	a	total	
of	92	respondents	who	started	to	answer,	including	32	incomplete	answers	and	60	complete	
answers,	 which	 correspond	 to	 65%	 of	 the	 respondents.	 The	 export	 (see	 on	 Appendix,	
Quantitative	results:	full	report)	and	the	analysis	refers	only	to	the	60	complete	answers,	to	get	
relevant	data	according	to	the	results.		
The	 questionnaire	 was	 built	 in	 4	 main	 blocks	 with	 the	 profile	 definition,	 project	 context,	
performance	and	feedback	on	project	management	(including	tools	and	motivation	drivers),	
and	a	short	introduction	to	gamification	to	conclude	the	survey.	According	to	the	results,	most	
people	take	approximately	15	minutes	to	answer	with	a	total	of	23	questions.	
The	survey	has	been	built	on	Qualtrics,	a	complete	online	survey	tool	which	presents	different	
benefits,	such	as	the	possibility	of	creating	multi	linguistic	questionnaire.	In	this	case,	the	survey	
has	been	translated	in	French	and	English,	in	order	to	obtain	the	maximum	amount	of	answers.		
All	answers	were	collected	through	this	online	questionnaire6
.	The	questionnaire	has	been	
posted	on	different	social	media,	including	LinkedIn,	Facebook,	Twitter	and	Yammer.	The	four	
channels	 were	 really	 complementary,	 as	 the	 communities	 were	 extremely	 different	 one	
network	to	another.	Different	posts	have	been	published	through	the	time	to	ensure	that	the	
publication	would	be	visible	to	the	largest	possible	audience.	The	survey	has	been	notably	
communicated	to	the	different	groups	of	Grenoble	Ecole	de	Management	and	Burgundy	School	
of	Business,	on	Yammer	and	Facebook.	In	addition,	the	survey	has	been	communicated	on	the	
forum 7
.	 And	 of	 course,	 personalised	 e-mails	 have	 been	 sent	 to	
communicate	 the	 survey	 to	 few	 personal	 acquaintances,	 which	 appears	 to	 be	 the	 most	
effective	medium.	At	the	end	of	September,	as	the	number	of	results	were	not	satisfactory,	
another	communication	technique	has	been	experienced:	content	marketing.	A	blog	article	has	
been	written,	introducing	free	tools	to	create	online	survey8
	,	enabling	to	integrate	a	link	of	the	
survey	in	the	article.	Unfortunately,	this	approach	has	not	contributed	to	increase	the	number	
of	respondents. Expected	sampling	and	details	of	respondents	
This	questionnaire	was	specifically	designed	for	professionals	working	in	project	environment,	
regardless	 of	 their	 role,	 status	 or	 experience.	 As	 the	 objective	 was	 to	 collect	 information	
concerning	project	management	as	a	whole,	participants	did	not	necessarily	need	to	have	a	
previous	experience	related	to	gamification.	These	prerequisites	were	always	indicated	in	the	
different	communication	made,	but	also	reminded	at	the	very	beginning	of	the	survey,	with	a	
short	introduction:	
		 	 “Hello	and	thank	you	for	participating	in	this	survey!	
The	objective	of	this	online	survey	is	to	better	understand	the	different	experience	
of	people,	regarding	project	management.	This	questionnaire	is	addressed	to	
professionals	working	in	a	project	context,	whether	you	are	a	team	member	or	a	
project	manager.	
N.B.	Data	collected	in	this	survey	is	anonymous.	Feel	free	to	express	yourself!	»	
As	mentioned	on	this	short	introduction,	results	were	completely	anonymous,	in	the	respect	of	
data	privacy	and	regulations	set	by	the	referral	organisation	in	France	(the	CNIL).	Information	
including	the	name	of	the	company	and	the	name	of	the	participant	were	not	collected.	The	
objective	was	to	allow	respondents	to	express	freely	their	opinion,	especially	concerning	the	
performance	and	efficiency	of	the	project	management	method,	and	concerning	their	personal	
motivation	drivers.	
Concerning	the	sample,	each	participant	answers	the	survey	in	French.	According	to	the	IP	
address	gathered	by	Qualtrics,	all	respondents	were	located	in	France.	This	assume	that	the	
results	are	mostly	representative	of	project	management	environment	in	France.		
According	to	the	results	(see	on	Appendix,	Quantitative	results:	full	report),	the	survey	allows	to	
mix	the	vision	of	project	managers,	representing	around	38%	of	the	respondents,	and	team	
members.	The	typology	of	profile	is	composed	by	32	men	and	28	women	with	more	than	93%	
of	the	respondents	aged	between	18	and	44.	Other	age	groups	(45-55,	55-64	and	more	than	
64)	 are	 unfortunately	 under-represented.	 Concerning	 business	 sector,	 results	 are	 quite	
heterogeneous	 with	 people	 working	 in	 different	 industries,	 such	 as	 Information,	
communication	and	media,	Finance,	Banking	and	Insurance,	Business	services,	industry	sector	
etc.	It	may	be	noted	that	the	IT	and	telecommunication	sector	is	predominant	compared	to	the	
other	industries,	with	27,7%	of	the	respondents.	This	statement	is	reinforced	by	the	definition	
of	team	role,	where	job	title	has	been	occasionally	specified	(i.e.	Scrum	Master,	Tech	Lead,	Lead	
Software	Developer,	Web	Developer…).	Among	the	respondents,	the	size	of	the	company	is	
quite	balanced,	with	a	representation	of	small,	medium	and	large	companies.	In	the	same	way,	
the	size	of	the	team	project	is	quite	dissimilar,	with	40%	of	the	sample	working	in	small	teams	
(1	to	4	people),	36,7%	with	medium	team	(5	to	10	people)	and	only	6,66%	working	in	bigger	
team,	from	11	people.	In	addition,	16,7%	of	the	respondents	is	working	in	another	context,	
with	for	instance	cross-functional	projects,	variable	teams	or	even	with	no	direct	team.		
1.7.2 Qualitative	survey:	semi-structured	interview	data	analysis Interview	delivery	and	details	
After	collecting	the	majority	of	the	results	for	the	online	questionnaire	on	project	management,	
interviews	with	gamification	experts	have	been	conducted.	These	qualitative	surveys	are	the	
most	detailed	data	sources	for	this	study.
The	surveys	took	place	between	September	13th
	and	October	9th
	of	2017,	with	a	total	of	11	
interviewees	(cf.	Table	2).	According	to	the	respondent,	the	duration	of	an	interview	varies	
from	25min	to	approximately	one	hour,	with	a	total	of	7	hours	and	30	minutes	of	interview.	
This	variation	of	time	was	mostly	due	to	professional	time	constraints	of	the	interviewee;	the	
interview	 has	 been	 adapted	 according	 to	 the	 availability	 and	 professional	 obligation.	 All	
interviews	 have	 been	 conducted	 in	 French,	 as	 interviewees	 are	 exclusively	 French	 native	
The	interviews	have	been	conducted	based	on	an	interview	framework	(See	on	appendix	-	
Qualitative	survey:	interviews	Framework),	covering	the	main	thematic	through	a	series	of	open	
questions.	The	questionnaire	was	divided	into	5	main	sets	of	questions:	introduction	of	the	
interviewee,	introduction	to	the	gamification,	feedback	from	an	internal	point	of	view	and/or	
client	point	of	view,	ideas	exploration	and	conclusion.	However,	each	interview	was	customised	
and	 adapted	 according	 to	 the	 experience,	 the	 expertise	 and	 the	 time	 allocated	 to	 the	
discussion.	One	respondent,	Daniel	Paire,	requested	the	questions	prior	to	the	interview	in	
order	to	better	understand	the	objective;	otherwise,	all	interviews	were	entirely	spontaneous.	
Every	discussion	was	held	remotely,	through	the	program	Skype	or	simply	through	a	phone	call.	
Before	holding	the	dialogue,	a	small	introduction	was	made	in	order	to	clarify	the	objective	of	
the	interview,	checking	the	available	time	and	asking	for	permission	to	record	the	conversation.		
Each	interview,	based	on	an	approval	prior,	has	been	recorded	and	transcribed	(as	detailed	in	
Appendices,	Qualitative	Survey:	retranscription),	except	for	Fanny	Le	Gallou	who	explicitly	asked	
for	not	being	recorded;	in	this	situation,	notes	have	been	taken.	The	objective	was	to	transcribe	
all	useful	information	and	thoughts,	in	order	to	analyse	their	experience	and	feedback.	To	
record	 phone	 call,	 a	 specific	 application	 has	 been	 downloaded:	 Automatic	 Call	 Recorder9
available	on	Android.	This	App	has	been	really	useful	with	a	good	quality	of	sound	recording,	
but	 unfortunately	 two	 recordings	 have	 crashed,	 during	 the	 interview	 of	 Nicolas	 Babin	 (full	
recording)	and	Nathan	Scheire	(last	20	minutes).	On	the	other	hand,	Skype	calls	have	been	
recorded	 separately,	 with	 the	 native	 recorder	 App	 available	 on	 the	 smartphone.	 Every	
interviewee	kindly	accepted	to	be	identified	(cf.	Table	2).		
13/09/2017	 Diverty	Events	 CEO	 42’	min	 Phone	 OK	
15/09/2017	 EcoGameLab	
32’	min	 Phone	 OK	
15/09/2017	 ØPP	 CEO	 55’	min	 Skype	 OK	
CEO	 54’	min	 Skype	 OK	
21/09/2017	 Happyformance	
21’	min	 Skype	 OK	
Babin	Business	
CEO	 55’	min	 Phone	
26/09/2017	 Orange	
Consultant	in	
29’	min	 Phone	 OK	
DANIEL	PAIRE	 02/10/2017	
Happy	Learning	
CEO	 45’	min	 Skype	 OK	
04/10/2017	 eFounders	
25’	min	 Skype	
NO	(on	
06/10/2017	 LaPoste	
Chef	de	
50’	min	 Phone	
32min	on	
50	min	
UX	&	
46’	min	 Skype	 OK	
Table	2.	Respondents	overview Introduction	to	the	interviewees	
The	 objective	 of	 this	 field	 study	 was	 to	 meet	 professionals	 with	 a	 specific	 expertise	 on	
gamification	into	an	internal	environment,	specifically	in	project	management.	The	ideal	profile	
was	a	gamification	expert	experiencing	games	techniques	into	project	management.	This	would	
allow	to	get	feedback	from	an	expert	and	get	concrete	examples.	In	addition,	the	diversity	of	
profiles	was	also	a	requirement,	in	order	to	compare	experience	and	get	a	better	understanding	
of	the	implementation	and	the	benefice.	
The	panel	was	essentially	gamification	experts,	from	different	backgrounds.	To	get	in	contact	
with	 these	 experts,	 the	 professional	 social	 network	 LinkedIn	 was	 used	 and	 actually	 really	
effective.	A	specific	research	was	made	on	the	search	bar	with	the	key	words	“gamification”	
and	 additionaly	 “project	 management”.	 Profiles	 have	 been	 studied	 and	 then	 a	 personal	
message	was	sent	to	introduce	the	purpose	of	the	field	research	and	propose	to	take	part	of	it.	
On	the	9	first	contacts,	all	of	them	were	successful,	with	a	spontaneous	affirmative	answer,	
which	was	really	encouraging.	On	the	other	hand,	the	two	other	respondents,	Guillemette	
Goglio	and	Séverine	Bedoret,	were	recommendations	resulting	from	discussion	through	my	
research.	 Before	 going	 deeper	 in	 the	 analysis,	 a	 short	 introduction	 of	 every	 interviewee	 is	
proposed,	in	a	chronological	order	(date	of	interviews	detailed	in	Table	2).	
Céline	Cusset	is	the	Founder	and	CEO	of	Diverty	Events,	a	French	company	based	in	Rhône	
Alpes.	As	a	BtoB	service	provider,	Diverty	Events	propose	to	organise	different	events	around	
the	game,	from	seminar	organisation,	serious	play	animation	and	team-building.	The	company	
is	also	developing	a	new	product,	s’teambox10
,	a	mensual	box	composed	by	various	games	in	
order	to	develop	team	cohesion.	With	12	years	of	experience,	the	profile	of	Céline	was	really	
interesting	 with	 different	 approach	 in	 gamification,	 mostly	 focused	 on	 an	 “on-the-ground”	
approach.	As	a	service	provider,	experiences	into	companies	were	extremely	diverse.	
Alexandre	Duarte	is	working	as	a	gamification	consultant	specialised	in	sustainable	solutions	
and	energy	transition,	who	started	its	own	Business	recently.	“My	work	is	about	gamification,	
change	management	and	awareness”.	He	is	particularly	fascinated	with	the	strong	potential	of	
game	mechanics	as	an	engaging	driver.	Working	with	start-up	and	association	for	internal	or	
external	projects,	he	did	not	get	the	chance	to	experiment	gamification	in	project	management	
method	yet.		
Dominique	Mangiatordi	has	an	extended	career	as	a	serial	entrepreneur	specialised	in	digital	
marketing,	 with	 more	 than	 16	 years	 of	 experience.	 He	 is	 a	 big	 believer	 in	 the	 power	 of	
gamification	 and	 has	 recently	 wrote	 a	 book	 on	 management	 and	 gamification.	 His	 new	
company,	called	ØPP,	is	dedicated	to	developing	gamification	applications,	such	as	Peak	Me	
Up,	Seeya	and	Hunterz,	in	particular	to	drive	employee’s	performance.	As	part	of	this	study,	his	
project	Happyformance	the	App,	was	particularly	interesting.	Happyformance	is	a	dedicated	
App	for	performance	management,	allowing	to	manage	professional	goals	in	a	collaborative	
Audrey	Rochas	is	also	specialised	in	digital	marketing	for	a	couple	of	years	with	a	background	
in	communication.	In	2013,	she	created	with	an	associate	Creative	Slashers,	a	digital	agency.	
Creative	Slashers	consultants	are	positioned	as	gamification	experts,	including	as	trainers	and	
management	consultants.	Beyond	Creative	Slashers,	Audrey	is	working	on	a	platform	to	gamify	
teaching	and	prepare	a	thesis	on	gamification	and	artificial	intelligence	in	marketing.	
Séverine	 Bedoret	 is	 not	 specialised	 in	 gamification,	 but	 is	 working	 tightly	 with	 Dominique	
Mangiatordi	on	the	deployment	of	Happyformance	the	App.	Her	words	were	collected	in	order	
to	complement	the	interview	with	Dominique,	since	she	was	directly	in	contact	with	the	client	
during	the	implementation	of	the	application.	She	currently	performs	the	role	of	Senior	Project	
Management	in	the	consulting	firm	Happyformance.	
Nicolas	Babin,	formerly	communication	director	at	Sony,	is	passionate	with	gamification	and	
has	created	8	months	ago,	beginning	of	2017,	his	own	company,	Babin	Business	Consulting.	
The	company	aims	to	support	businesses	in	the	development	of	their	marketing,	their	business,	
innovation	management	and	project	management,	in	particular	using	gamification	techniques.	
Beyond	writing	blog	articles	on	gamification	and	management,	he	explored	the	application	of	
the	 technique	 in	 professional	 contexts,	 including	 in	 teamwork	 to	 engage	 and	 stimulate	
Guillemette	 Goglio	 is	 a	 facilitator	 and	 expert	 on	 all	 the	 animation	 techniques	 in	 collective	
intelligence	at	Orange.	Part	of	her	role	is	to	accompany	teams	in	the	clarification	of	issues	and	
animate	 workshops	 and	 seminar	 in	 order	 to	 stimulate	 creativity	 and	 team	 collaboration.	
Gamification	is	a	tool	she	used	among	the	variety	of	design-thinking	techniques.	
Daniel	Paire	distinguishes	himself	from	other	interviewees	as	he	is	the	only	one	who	developed	
a	gamified	online	tool	dedicated	for	project	management.	CEO	and	founders	of	Happy	Learning	
Games,	he	developed	a	methodology	called	HappyScrum,	in	order	to	gamified	the	entirety	of	a	
project	based	on	the	SCRUM	Methodology.	In	addition	of	the	gamification	App	dedicated	to	a
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification
Project management and gamification

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Project management and gamification

  • 2. i ABSTRACT While companies are experiencing many technological innovations and trying to continually improve the experience of their customers, the employee experience is also a major concern. Mobility, digital and many other factors affect our relationship with the company, whether as a customer or a collaborator. Management, like many other disciplines, is gradually beginning to experience a transformation. At the same time, gamification is more and more present in our daily lives, whether in our learning journey, our relationship to sports or our customer experience. As an internal challenge, companies are facing different issues, including well- being, employee commitment, management and performance improvement, confronting to a business in constant transformation. This thesis studies the potential benefits of game mechanics applied to project management, as well as the means and methods of implementation. First, a literature review lays out theoretical elements about project management, motivation and gamification. Second, the study follows a mixed-method in order to explore the subject. On the one hand, the project management environment is studied through specialist point of view, including project managers and team members. Beyond the general aspects of project management, the survey focuses on motivational elements as well as possible areas for improvement. On the other hand, a qualitative study has collected feedback from gamification experts who have implemented gamification methods in a business context. While gamification and project management are two subjects which have been largely explored, the combination of the two concepts still pioneer and enjoys a great interest, in particular for professional managers. Why companies should invest in a project management system that implements gamification? What are the most important activities and processes of project management which are more likely to be improved by gamification? How to implement game mechanics into the full project life-cycle? The study will attempt to answer to the different research questions and shows the potential application of gamification in project management. It also aims to identify various elements allowing companies to better understand the subject. The objective is to stimulate new management method initiatives within project management context. Among the elements to value and through experts’ feedback, key success factors were highlighted, notably the elements allowing to facilitate a favourable context, the tested and approved approaches and techniques, as well as the impacts and the limits to consider. Keywords: project management, gamification, human-focused design, user experience, employee engagement, motivation, game mechanics, agility
  • 3. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis has been a tough ride, one that I wouldn’t be able to manage without the help of others. A real challenge, which has required the support of experts, professionals, and also friends and family. First and foremost, I would like to thank my thesis advisor François GIANG for his assistance and guidance with this paper. He steered me in the right direction in the very first step of the consideration. I also would like to express my deepest gratitude to all experts who kindly shared their time and their expertise to contribute to my research. I really appreciate this goodwill, probably peculiar to the gamification state of mind, thanks to their passionate involvement and their valuable inputs. Thanks to Nicolas BABIN, Clément MULETIER, Audrey ROCHAS, Céline CUSSET, Daniel PAIRE, Guillemette GOGLIO, Séverine BEDORET, Alexandre DUARTE, Fanny LE GALLOU and Nathan SCHEIRE. And a special thanks to Dominique MANGIATORDI, who, additionally to the time commitment he made, offered me his book recently wrote on the subject. It was a real pleasure to read it! I would like to thank also all the persons who contributed directly or indirectly to the research and the writing. Thank to the group of respondents of the online survey for their time and their engagement. To Charlotte DANDA for her unlimited confidence and this amazing collaboration at Schneider Electric. To Rémy PONGE, who kindly shared wise advices that helped me conducting a qualitative survey. Obviously, to Isabelle COULLON, who passed on their love of User eXperience to me, and made me want to study gamification. To Isabelle PATROIX, who welcomed me in the playground at GEM with passion and natural kindness. Thank to the Grenoble Ecole de Management, and especially to the Advanced Master’s in Digital Business Strategy. Finally, thank to my parents and my sister for their encouragement throughout these years of study. And last but not least, a huge thanks to my partner, for its unfailing support, proof reading the paper, valuable advices and his patience. I wish you a good reading for what comes next!
  • 5. iv 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 63 1.12 RETROSPECTIVE 63 1.13 BACK TO THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS 64 1.14 LIMITS AND FINAL REMARKS 66 1.15 FUTURE RESEARCH 69 6. FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS 70 1.16 TEST AND LEARN 70 1.17 THINK USER-CENTRIC 71 1.18 DEFINE YOUR OBJECTIVES 72 1.19 DEPLOY APPROPRIATE TOOLS 73 7. REFERENCES 75 8. APPENDICES 79 1.20 QUANTITATIVE SURVEY: FULL RESULTS 79 1.21 QUALITATIVE SURVEY: INTERVIEW FRAMEWORK 107 1.22 QUALITATIVE SURVEY: RETRANSCRIPTION 110 1.22.1 CELINE CUSSET, DIVERTY EVENTS 110 1.22.2 ALEXANDRE DUARTE, CONSULTANT INDEPENDANT 114 1.22.3 DOMINIQUE MANGIATORDI, ØPP – GAMIFICATION STARTUP STUDIO 118 1.22.4 AUDREY ROCHAS, CREATIVE SLASHERS 126 1.22.5 SEVERINE BEDORET, HAPPYFORMANCE 134 1.22.6 NICOLAS BABIN, BABIN BUSINESS CONSULTING 137 1.22.7 GUILLEMETTE GOGLIO, ORANGE 142 1.22.8 DANIEL PAIRE, HAPPY LEARNING GAMES 145 1.22.9 FANNY LE GALLOU, EFOUNDERS - BRIQ 153 1.22.10 NATHAN SCHEIRE, LAPOSTE 156 1.22.11 CLEMENT MULETIER, LAB GAMIFICATION 163 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1: The four phases of the project life cycle. Adapted from J. Westland, The Project Management Lifecycle, Kogan Page Limited (2006) ..................................................................... 7 Figure 2: The self-determination Theory detailing types of motivation. Adapted from Ryan & Deci (2000) ................................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 3: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Poston, B. (2009) ......................................................... 13 Figure 4. Evolution of Web search on the word "gamification", from 2004 to 2017. Results from Google Trends as of October, 12 of 2017 ................................................................................... 16 Figure 5. "Gamification" between game and play, whole and parts (Deterding et.all, 2011) ... 17 Figure 6. Players types illustrated by Dominique Mangiatordi, adapted from Bartle ............... 18 Figure 7. Representation of the Flow adapted from Csikszentmihalyi ...................................... 19 Figure 8. Octalysis: a gamification complete framework from Yu Kai Chou .............................. 20 Figure 9. The top elements ranked in the first place as motivation drivers in PM .................... 36 Figure 10. The top elements ranked in the first place as motivation drivers in the company .. 37 Figure 11. Ranking of the top 3-rank motivation driver’s elements in PM ................................ 38 Figure 12. The top 3 addition weighted by rank in PM .............................................................. 39
  • 6. v Figure 13. The five principles of a strategy-focused organisation (Kaplan and Norton, 2001) . 45 Figure 14. Screenshots of Happy Learning Games Platform ...................................................... 49 Figure 15. Screenshots of Happyformance The App .................................................................. 50 Figure 16. Gamification at work, the gamification curve of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation (Dominique Mangiatordi) ............................................................................................................ 55 Figure 17. Screenshots of the online project management tools Moovia ................................. 68 Figure 18. Build - Measure - Learn Feedback Loop (Ries, 2011) ................................................ 71 Figure 19. From a vision to a product (Ries, 2011) ..................................................................... 73 Table 1. Crossing results of research methods to better reinforce findings .............................. 25 Table 2. Respondents overview .................................................................................................. 29 Table 3. Comparison of motivation drivers in PM according to methodologies ....................... 40 Table 4. Results comparison concerning PM methodology from KPMG survey ........................ 41 Table 5. Estimated cost per unit, according to Daniel Paire ....................................................... 54 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS EX – Employee experience ICT - Information and Communication Technologies MOOC – Massive Open Online Course MVP – Minimum Viable Product PM - Project Management PMBOK - Project Management Body Of Knowledge PMI - Project Management Institute SDT - Self-Determination Theory UX – User experience
  • 7. 1. INTRODUCTION Today, the challenge of companies is not to sell products or services, it’s to sell experience. This is the case of some successful brands, such as Starbucks, Nespresso, Amazon or Apple. But experience is not limited to customer experience. Today, the challenge to deliver a great experience is also internal. How to propose a positive employee experience as a whole? Among the different drivers, the gamification seems to be a medium to consider in order to improve employee’s engagement and to deliver an enjoyable experience. This last decade was a real success for the game industry, especially concerning the computer and the video games. Number of players has notably increased during the last 30 years, reaching over 155 million of video games players in the USA. And the audience is surprisingly extremely diverse, with an average age of 35 (ESA, 2015)1 . Focusing on the French market, 73,3% of French people declared playing video games in 2016 (Xerfi France, 2016), and the market had continued to grow in 2017. What makes game so addictive and engaging? Behind the entertainment area, game mechanics have been seriously considered in education and business, leading to the emergence of the “gamification” term. Coming to the initial definition, gamification is defined as the use of game mechanisms in a non-game context (Deterding et al., 2011). Gamification is an emerging practice, and a vast amount of well-established companies has already experienced and implemented gamification strategy, such as IBM, McDonald’s, Nike, Microsoft, SAP and more (Zichermann, 2013). Already in 2011, practitioners and research studies predicted the central role of gamification within companies (Blohm & Leimeister, 2013). In 2011, Gartner already predicted the gamification trend and the impact of gamification in the business transformation, including innovation. And more recently, Markets & Markets estimated the market value of gamification at nearly $ 5 billion in 2018. And this fast emergence is obviously facilitated by the convergence of three main evolutions: an easy and fast access to the internet including on mobile, the evolution of mobility thanks to reliable tablets and smartphones, and a real attitude change in the management approach (Mangiatordi, 2017 p.21, 22). Gamification is progressively starting to mature, with more and more talks and conferences, experiments and market researches. Among the different fields of application, marketing and communication strategies have intelligently exploit the mechanics to face the challenge of standing out and engaging with customers. And of course, to strengthen the customer loyalty, which is probably the most popular illustration of gamification. The famous McDonald’s brand has well understood the benefits of game, by launching already 30 years ago its successful monopoly game. Beyond loyalty programs, marketing campaigns have become more and more engaging, and very innovative (i.e. Magnum pleasure hunt, Coca-Cola’s Shake it), and even serve social and environmental initiatives such as recycling or energy consumption saving, such as RecycleBank, OPower, Virtual Energy Advisor App, to name only few of them. With the rise of digital services, gamification mechanics have been, of course, implemented into web and mobile applications. One famous example is Waze, a popular GPS app using gamified features to transform the 1
  • 8. 2 navigation experience. The app has been massively adopted in a short time with a high users’ satisfaction, receiving thousands “five stars” rating on the application store. While basic GPS simply provides direction, Waze has created a strong community to improve the data collection and propose the best in real time direction. With this human centric approach, the app has transformed simple drivers in goal-oriented users: contributing to the community (Yu-Kai Chou, 2015)2 . Another famous example is LinkedIn, encouraging users to complete their profile by implementing a progress bar and different levels of expertise and by attributing social points with skills recommendation to improve the overall experience on the platform. Indeed, the challenge was to propose complete information about users in order to use the full potential of the service. Foursquare, Yelp, TripAdvisor, there is no shortage of examples implementing gamification techniques to improve the User Experience on web and mobile interfaces. Progressively, it has been extended to other areas, including training. To which is added the emergence of massive online trainings such as MOOCs, and also serious games which combine learning techniques and the power of game pedagogy. Beyond the development of gamified services for customers, businesses started to capture the opportunity of gamification to leverage internal challenges in relation to human resources and employee trainings, including virtual learning environments. But also in other areas, such as internet engagement, productivity and efficiency enhancement or Knowledge Management, innovation3 … In short, whether it is for internal, external business or more generally society challenges, game mechanics have been implemented for their ability to boost the engagement and develop loyalty by improving the overall experience. In my personal experience, I had the chance to experiment some gamification projects. First in education, where serious games have become a standard. In 2011, my technical diploma introduced the academic year through a game in order to discover our class, teachers and future lessons. It was the very beginning of serious games. Today, it’s almost considered as a standard in Business School. In my curriculum at Burgundy School of Dijon, we experienced each year a virtual business game in order to understand basics of management, including financial and risk management, marketing concepts, sales and retail fundamentals… And this approach seems to be quite successful. From what I have seen, students were involved and stimulated in the game, particularly with a strong sense of competition. These first experiences in education made me want the same: understand how the brain is working in order to implement engaging drivers in project management methods. Another experience in game mechanics was at Schneider Electric, during my apprenticeship. Firstly, in the animation of the Commercial Excellence Community, in which regular challenges were implemented to stimulate the Field Services Sales team. But also in our communication mission, in which we highlighted the “top performers of the quarters” to promote great initiatives, collaboration and results. And secondly, I get the chance to be rewarded by my manager through their internal reward program “step-up recognition”. The mechanics are based on points attribution, in order to enhance personal performance. Once received, these points can be converted through the platform in gift cards that can be used in different stores. But finally, I realized that the monetary value is not really the point. The real value is an intrinsic motivation: social recognition. Far from being an expert on the subject, gamification and understanding of human behaviour have always inspired me. This last couple of years, I was especially interested in 2 3 From Kevin Werbach, Entreprise Applications (
  • 9. 3 design thinking and UX, especially in the design of web interface. In my opinion, gamification is part of the human-centred design approach, harmonising to the UX design fundamentals. Playing is a voluntary and positive approach (Mangiatordi, 2017). No need for research to understand that games conduct to the satisfaction of our basic human needs. This is a way to formalize and highlight achievement, status, or even implement competition and challenges between players. The combination of gamification and project management seems to be obvious: both concepts share many similarities especially with the identification of roles, goals setting, metrics and progression. Actually, one of the fundamental principles of games is to define impartial rules. In addition, real-time feedback is one essential component of games, in order to get a real-time control on result and performance. Really complementary, real-time feedback and transparency are key elements of game mechanics, which may have a positive impact on management approach. Beyond this idea of rules definition and results visibility, the project management journey is composed like a game with an on boarding period, scaffolding and finally the accomplishment. 1.1 RESEARCH QUESTIONS Implement gamification in projects is not an easy task and it seems to be still topical. Although some tools and software have been developed to gamified IT projects (i.e. Red Critter Tracker, Themis, Get Badges), there is still much to explore. Which types of companies are more likely to deploy a gamified project management tool? Why these companies should invest in a digital project management gamification strategy? How game mechanics can be applied to project management to create a strong commitment? To what extent gamification approach can be beneficial to project management? This thesis provides theoretical and contextual elements in order to bring recommendations to project managers in the implementation of gamification, focusing the research on a French environment. The objective is to understand the benefits and limits and how gamification may be deployed throughout the project life-cycle. In order to conduct this research and narrow down the study’s focus, the research question has been divided into three different sub-questions: RQ1. Why companies should invest in a project management system that implements gamification? RQ2. What are the most important activities and processes of project management which are more likely to be improved by gamification? RQ3. How to implement game mechanics into the full project life-cycle? The study particularly focuses on studying the suitability and potential enhancement of project management through the implementation of gamification techniques. While expected results are difficult to assess, different hypotheses have been announced, corresponding to the research questions mentioned above: H1. Gamification techniques influence the success of a project by improving the efficiency and the motivation of team members
  • 10. 4 H2. Gamification can have an interesting role in the launch of a project, which seems to be a crucial step, allowing to define the project and its perimeter, establish the unity within the team and bring a clear vision of the initial objective. H3. Many games have been developed in order to improve or resolve a specific project management challenge, but they are not integrated in the whole project life cycle. It would be interesting to combine these game mechanics in order to create a fully gamified project management experience. Although a standardised framework could be suggested, it would need to be adapted to meet the business environment, the project objectives and specificities 1.2 OVERVIEW OF THE THESIS After this short introduction to the study and the presentation of the research questions and expected results, it’s time to get in the substance of that case. Firstly, a literature review will attempt to introduce the different concepts involved in the subject: project management, game mechanics and motivation theory. The first part focuses on project management. This defines and outlines projects characteristics, criteria and factors that influence the success of the project and introduce the different collaborative tools. The second part is introducing the concept of motivation, including the notion of engagement and the classical theories of motivation with a specific focus on work motivation theories. The last part is dedicated to the concept of gamification, including the definition of games, the description of gamification characteristics but also a short reflection process to outline the potential limit of the approach. Lastly, the chapter ends with a brief overview of the three themes exposed. The next chapter is dedicated to the methodology used throughout the study, including the choice of the research method, the different methods used to collect data and analyse it. This part has been structured by dissociating the two research methods used. Samples of the online question and group of respondents are introduced in this part. The last point of the chapter mentions the limits concerning validity and reliability. Then, the results of the survey are described and analysed. Consistent with the field research, results will be presented in two sections, with first the analysis of the online questionnaire focusing on the project management environment. The second part combines the empirical data collected through the qualitative field study and the eventual correlation and additional components from the online questionnaire. This includes the analysis of the content shared by the interviewees, such as the potential favourable business environment, the different approaches and techniques used, the observed impacts and limitations and finally the concrete application of gamification in project management. To conclude, the study will open to a discussion, in order to share addition thoughts and remarks, summarise the answers and attempt to answer to the initial research questions. In addition, potential future research is introduced to open new areas of study. Throughout the study, the purpose is completed by a list of references detailed at the end of the survey. In addition, the appendix includes the full results of the online questionnaire, the framework used to conduct the interviews and the entire transcription of the discussions held.
  • 12. 6 2. LITERATURE REVIEW A variety of resources have been studied in this chapter, as this research is focusing on three distinctive subjects: project management, motivation and gamification. In the first section, basic concepts of project management will be reviewed, in order to better understand the scope of the environment. Project management is a complex subject, with many elements and theories. The literature review will take an interest in the project characteristics, success factors and criteria related to the impact of employee’s engagement. The second part is about understanding motivation and engagement, with a short introduction to employee’s engagement, the description of motivation characteristics and an overall review of work motivation theories. The third section will then develop the gamification concept by introducing the notion in a broad sense and deal with game mechanics in depth. Lastly, the limits of gamification will be highlighted. This literature review was key in the study, as lectures aim to get a clear vision of the scope of the subject, and underline what have been already done and what are the next challenges to meet. 1.3 INTRODUCTION TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1.3.1 History, definition and characteristics of project management In the academic literature, the approach of project management seems to be recent. According to management historians, the concept was established and formalised from 1950 (Shenhar & Dvir, 1996). Standardised methods and tools started to be developed from 1950, such as the PERT method in 1969 (Program Evaluation and Review Technic) created by the Project Management Institute (PMI). This is only in 1980, during the industrial revolution, that the method was largely implemented by organisations. Today, project management is common in most businesses, such as healthcare, banking, insurance, manufacturing, IT, R&D or marketing companies. Despite this recent implementation of the method in modern organisation, the concept of project management seems to be part of the human activity (Garel, 2003). Already a thousand years ago, the world history has known many vast projects, such as the construction of Egyptian pyramid or the Great Wall of China. Today, project management may be considered as the adaptation of ancestral methods in our modern and complex business environment. Before going deeply in the subject, the notion of project in the broad sense and its relationship with project management need to be introduced. The main purpose of organisations is to perform and produce work through the time by managing people and resources (PMBOK, 2000). In this notion of performance, two categories of activities differ: operations and projects. The difference between operations and projects is about the singularity and the temporality of the project. While an operation is a repetitive task, a project is defined as “an endeavour in which human, material and financial resources are organized in a novel way, to undertake a unique scope of work, of given specification, within constraints of cost and time, so as to achieve beneficial change defined by quantitative and qualitative objectives.” (Turner, 1999). At the opposite of an operation which can be repeated over time, a project is characterised by its uniqueness. Of course, the uniqueness is a relative concept, as many repeated elements might
  • 13. 7 be similar through projects. But on each project, some parameters may differ and impact the project as a whole, such as the environment, resources or objectives. However, novelty and uniqueness of projects vary according to the defined variables, from very familiar to completely new elements. The second characteristic is about time limitation. This temporality implies the concept of objectives: once the objective is achieved, the project is ended. This time limitation does not necessarily mean short-term duration, as a project can be implemented in weeks, months or even years. However, this is important to distinguish the act of production - the project - which is ceased after the achievement of objectives, and the result of the project which is not necessarily time framed. To illustrate this distinction, the construction of a monument is limited through the time and takes end when the monument is built. But the monument itself - as a result of the project - has no time limitation. Finally, a project progresses through different processes. Because the project is evolving in a unique scope of work and is time limited, the project need to be elaborated step by step, in a progressive elaboration. These processes are organised in a life cycle composed by 4 main phases (cf. Figure 1), in order to provide a basic framework for management. Depending on the nature of the project, the number of phases in the life cycle model varies (Patanakul et al., 2010). In a traditional point of view, steps are identified in sequential phases such as conceptualisation, planning, execution and termination (Pinto & Prescott, 1990). Figure 1: The four phases of the project life cycle. Adapted from J. Westland, The Project Management Lifecycle, Kogan Page Limited (2006) After this short overview of the definition and the characteristics of a project, project management notion will be introduced. Project management is the process of achievement,
  • 14. 8 with “the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements” (PMBOK, 2000). As management in a broad sense is an ongoing process, project management is driven by project characteristics: it has a limit of time, ended when the objective of the project is achieved. Project management is mostly focused on planning, organising, controlling, and monitoring a project (Munns & Bjeirmi, 1996). However, the function of project management involves many other aspects, as it operates in a broader environment than the project, including the business and the external environment. Among the variety of project management knowledge areas, this study will principally focus on planning, as it was identified as the main role of project management (Packendorff, 1995). According to the complexity of the project and its characteristics, different project management approaches can be applied. Traditional approach, established in the 50’s, is the most common method in PM, adapted to a large range of projects (Špundak, 2014). The method assumes that the project is predictable: limits are easily set and tasks are linearly planned. However, this traditional approach has rapidly proved its limits, as many unpredictable aspects are likely to emerge during the execution. Facing this challenge of dynamic environment, new project management have progressively emerged in order to improve the adaptability of PM. This classical approach is associated with the waterfall method, rolling-out a certain number of stages throughout the time. Although this approach can be easily applied to all kind of projects, other life cycles have been developed, more adapted to project characteristics, with an incremental approach. One of the most popular is certainly SCRUM as an agile methodology, initially developed for software engineering project in order to manage complex projects, where requirements and objectives might change through the time. In this approach, rapid feedback and continuous improvement are fundamentals, and processes are continuously evolving (Balaji & Murugaiyan, 2012). The agile method introduces also new guidelines and principles concerning the communication and the collaboration, where team members are more involved in decision making (Aubry, 2015). This trendy approach leads to the emergence of the agility term which defines the mind-set of the method. Aubry (2015) defines the notion of agility as “the ability of an organization to provide services early and often to its users, while adapting to changes in its environment in time.” This notion is more and more introduced in a various set of industries, in order to boost continuous innovation and accelerate delivery time. From these two general methods, traditional and agile, many adaptations have been made, but the overall concept is still the same. 1.3.2 Criteria and factors for successful project Two components are related to the success: success criteria and success factors (Turner, 1999). Success criteria is the reference defined basically before the start of the project to measure the success. In the standard mantra, 3 success criteria should be taken into account: quality, cost and time (Atkinson, 1999), as a balance to manage and respect properly through the different stages of the project. However, these 3 criteria are only basics. Measuring the success of a project goes beyond these fundamentals elements, with objective and subjective indicators. Success criteria differs from one project to another, taking into account the characteristic of the project as a unique and complex system. Objectively, project management needs to define clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which can be easily tracked during the project in order to control and monitor the project performance. Time and cost can be defined as KPIs, but also other quantitative parameters, such as productivity or revenue. On the other hand, evaluating the quality of the project is quite subjective, as the satisfaction is relative to different points of
  • 15. 9 view. To better measure the success of a project, the satisfaction of all stakeholders, directly or indirectly involved in the project, needs to be taken into account. First, with the perception of the team concerning the quality of the project and the measurement of external performance with client’s satisfaction (Pinto & Prescott, 1990). But also, the satisfaction of other stakeholders, including users, shareholders, sponsors, the management board or even contractors (Westerveld, 2003). Actually, the success is relative to the point of view, according to the importance given to some criteria and the objective to achieve: generate profit, increase the value of the company, meet user requirements… But project success is also relative to the time. It can be evaluated as successful in a short-term point of view, but with a step back - months or years later - the project can be appraised differently. In this context, this is interesting to distinguish the PM success, directly linked with the performance of the execution and the project success, closely related to the result (Cooke-Davies, 2002). Defining the success criteria is one thing, but what are the elements having an impact on this success? Many key success factors have a direct influence on performance. Belasse & Tukel (1996) have identified 4 groups of factors: related to the project, the team members and the project manager, the organisation and the external environment. First, the characteristics of the project will obviously affect the performance: is it a realistic objective? Is the deadline adapted to the density and the complexity of the project? Facing these elements, the project manager is key in the success of the project, as it will be the person responsible for the whole project from kick-off to delivery, including coordination and resources management. The project manager and the team members will play a key role, according to their engagement and competencies, their understanding of the project mission, or the proper use of PM tools and techniques (Patanakul et al., 2010). But success factors are also outside the control of the project management, with the influence of the organisation, but also the external environment, based on the PESTL components (Belassi & Tukel, 1996). Project managers have to deal with all these elements in order to maximise the chance to manage a successful project. 1.3.3 Introduction to collaborative and project management tools In this current business environment, project management has been partially impacted by the information and communication technology (ICT) and the use of computer software. From virtual to collocated teams, interaction and collaboration are more and more digital. In a first step, common communication tools have been largely adopted in companies, such as e-mails, instant messaging or teleconferencing. However, these tools are only basic communication tools facilitating short-term exchanges, they do not provide a complete and adapted framework for project management (Lorio et al., 2011). This last decade, an amount of project management tools and software have been developed and proposed to cope with project management needs. Among the various PM aspects (financial, risks, quality and resources management, planning and processes), process management is a challenge that can be managed through the support of ICT. Other components need to be considered, including collaboration, identified as a critical reason of failure. Different levels of collaboration software have been classified: communicative, collective, cooperative, coordinated and concerted (Romano et al., 2002). First levels of collaboration software are mainly designed to share information and documents, support meetings and facilitate social interactions. On the top level of collaboration software, concerned software integrates strong collaborative features, such as co-writing on the same document. Some software tends to translate all components of projects into the system, such as life-cycle processes, time-tracking, to-do lists and task
  • 16. 10 management. These complex systems are related to Virtual Project Management Systems (VPMS) such as Zoho PM, MS Project, Wrike, or Basecamp to name few of them. Benefits of digital PM tools have been considered in the literature. First, in terms of communication efficiency, tools and PM software lead to improve the communication flow and facilitate decision making (Ahuja et al., 2009). Collaboration across the project teams is more efficient, especially through strong collaborative features. In the same way, project knowledge can be easily accumulated by the team, since documents and other resources can be centralised and easily accessible. On the other hand, tracking task status is a way to increase control on the project and improve the visibility (Romano et al., 2002). Of course, all these benefits are not systematic, this is strongly dependent to the context. The tools have to be relevant and appropriate to the project requirements, and have to bring a real added-value (i.e. deploying tools which overlap with other tools already deployed and used is not recommended). In the same way, one of the biggest challenge for companies is to promote and facilitate the adoption of the tools among their employees. And this is not always an easy task. Adoption often requires long-term effort because a fully user-friendly experience has to be delivered. In short, many conditions to consider before choosing and deploying a collaborative tool in projects, keeping in mind that software project management is just a tool and human needs to be considered first. 1.4 UNDERSTAND MOTIVATION 1.4.1 Employee’s engagement & motivation as a key success factor in project management Before to address these two concepts, it’s interesting to understand the interest of motivation and engagement in organisations. The notion of employee’s engagement and motivation at work appeared recently in the literature (Kompaso & Sridevi, 2010), even if similar concepts have been largely studied, such as commitment and Organizational Citizen Behaviour (OCB). What drives individual decision to behave in a certain way, depending on the context and the environment? Actually, among the various hard tasks of project management, human resources are a vital component of success. The challenge of growth and productivity gains is leading to appeal to psychology concepts and understand human behaviour. Through different authors’ points of view, the relationship between profitability and engagement has been established, with motivation as the main individual performance factor at work (Macey and Schneider, 2008; Roussel, 2000). On the other hand, surveys have been conducted such as Gallup Employee engagement survey4 , revealing that more than half of the workforce in the US do not feel engaged (Seijts & Crim, 2006). These alarming figures need to be carefully considered by organisations and managers as a new challenge to meet. Work motivation and engagement are two closed notions and definitions in the literature may overlap. Work motivation is defined as “a set of energetic forces that originate both within as well as beyond an individual’s being, to initiate work-related behaviour (…)” (Pinder, 1998). On the other hand, engagement seems to be more complex to define, as the academic lectures provide many definitions going further to the attitude of performance. Engagement is defined as the opposite of burn-out; this psychological state is expressed by energy, involvement and efficacy (Maslach et al., 2001). One important element is the emotional connection between 4
  • 17. 11 an organisation and their employee, with a strong sense of belonging, leading to an internal motivational state. The engagement is not limited to the level of satisfaction, it’s a real state of mind where the employee is voluntarily contributing to the success of the business. Overall, engagement may be seen as a result, partly driven by motivation. 1.4.2 Characteristics of motivation Motivation is a complex concept which has interested many disciplines such as education, psychology and sociology. To better understand what motivation is, Denhardt, Denhardt and Aristigueta (2008) determine what motivation is not. First, motivation is not limited to satisfaction. Satisfaction may be the result of the achievement of a goal driven by motivation, but “satisfaction is past oriented, whereas motivation is future oriented” (Denhardt et al., 2008, p. 147). This internal state is not something directly measurable or observable, even though the result is manifested by a certain observable behaviour. In the same way, motivation can be conscious or unconscious. Freud’s theories supposed that many human behaviours are influenced by unconscious desires and impulses. And finally, motivation is not something that people can directly control, although motivation can be influenced. Researchers identified three components in the definition of motivation: direction of behaviour, intensity of action and persistence of the effort over the time (Kanfer, 1990). These three variables compose the impact and the outcomes of the motivation: what decision will be taken? How much effort will be allocated? How long time this effort will be maintained? These elements could be a way to measure the level of motivation by the performance achieved. However, the relationship between performance and motivation needs to be clarified. This is difficult to compare the level of motivation of individuals based on performance measures. Although performance is measurable and impacted by the level of motivation, it is also driven by other factors, notably based on individual differences, such as cognitive or physical abilities. Measure the level of motivation from performance results would not be an exact science, since individuals are unique. In the same way, people have not only different performance skills, but also different types of motivation, according to their value, their personality, their experience, their environment and their culture. Two types of motivation are commonly distinguished through theories: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the desire to perform an action for its own interest and the enjoyable aspect with no apparent reward, while extrinsic motivation is driven by an external outcome such as rewards. Intrinsic motivation is innate in the human behaviour, while extrinsic is triggered by an external element and can result to pressure and anxiety (Deci & Ryan, 2008). Although some studies opposed these two types of motivation, other studies suggested that extrinsic can be complementary and interact with the intrinsic motivation, in order to increase it (Hayamizu, 1997). Going further to this simplistic dual vision, the Self- Determination Theory (SDT) distinguishes controlled motivation and autonomous motivation. This model is a graduated level of motivation, going progressively to a self-determined behaviour (cf. Figure 2). Controlled motivation introduces the concept of a motivated behaviour driven by regulations, both internal (avoidance of shame, self-esteem, ego- involvement…) and external (rewards, punishments…). On the other hand, autonomous motivation is a self-determined behaviour mostly composed by intrinsic, but also extrinsic motivation answering to personal aspirations and values. In various studies, it has been proven that autonomous motivation leads to better performance, including long-term persistence (Deci & Ryan, 2008). Actually, despite the strong power of extrinsic motivation, the impact of a
  • 18. 12 long run controlled motivation can have a negative motivational effect, with lower satisfaction and less persistence for future tasks. Figure 2: The self-determination Theory detailing types of motivation. Adapted from Ryan & Deci (2000) Following this statement, the challenge of motivation in a work context is even more complex. How to encourage and facilitate an autonomous motivation, influenced by the complexity of human behaviour and the strong influence of personal values? The use of extrinsic method is not sufficient and has to be intelligently balanced and linked with intrinsic motivation to avoid negative impacts on future behaviour. Obviously, no framework is capable of ensuring a result, since impacts will be considerably different from one person to another. But the common denominator of these concepts is the goal-oriented approach, with a sense of progress leading to satisfaction (Meyer et al., 2004). 1.4.3 Work motivation theories: content & process theories Different theories have introduced motivation drivers, with two principal sets of theories: content theories and process theories. Content theories appeared in the 1950s, based on the identification of factors related to motivation (Steers et al., 2004). What are the drivers which trigger motivation? This theoretical current assumes that humans share similar needs, and in order to satisfy them, a motivated behaviour is triggered. One of the most well-known theory is certainly the Maslow’s need hierarchy model (Maslow, 1946), in which a series of needs have been hierarchically classified. In this theory, humans have to master the first basics needs – physiological, safety and security – before developing other needs related to individual achievement, including belongingness, esteem and self-actualisation.
  • 19. 13 Figure 3: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Poston, B. (2009) In this pyramidal model (cf. Figure 3), there is a sense of progress, in which new needs appears through the satisfaction of the previous ones. Obviously, this model is quite theoretical and some other theories have contrasted this incremental approach, despite many similarities have been observed, based on the satisfaction of needs. In 1969, a second needs theory is developed by Alderfer, directly applied on work situation. This ERD theory limits the 3 types of needs: existence needs with physical and material well-being, satisfying social relationship – relatedness - and personal development - growth. In contrast with Maslow’s theory, the ERD theory simplified the incremental approach with a frustration-regression principle (Schneider & Alderfer, 1973). Individual may regress to a lower-level of needs when the expected need is unsatisfied. Another theory which has been influenced by Maslow is the motivation-hygiene theory, also called two-factor theory (Herzberg, 2005). This model, applied specifically on a work environment, distinguishes motivator factors, related to the higher level of needs in Maslow’s need hierarchy model (achievement, responsibility, recognition and growth), and hygiene factors referring to basics needs (salary, work conditions, policy…). The interesting added-value in this approach is the distinction between dissatisfaction and satisfaction. On one hand, motivator factors, relating to intrinsic motivation, may lead to job satisfaction and motivation, but won’t necessarily lead to dissatisfaction. On the opposite, hygiene factors based on extrinsic elements only affect dissatisfaction and do not lead to satisfaction on its own. Among these 3 classical content theories (Maslow, Alderfer and Herzberg), authors
  • 20. 14 assume that individuals share identical needs. However, this approach seems to be theoretical and the difference of needs from one individual to another need to be considered. On the other hand, process theories of motivation highlight the cognitive differences between individuals. A short overview of the three main process theories is proposed in the literature review, with first the expectancy theory, then equity theory and finally the goal setting theory. In 1964, Vroom develop the expectancy theory, which tends to understand work behaviours and individual performance. This theory suggests that people make consciously choices by calculating value and probability of achievement in order to maximise their self-interest (Isaac et al., 2001). The model is based on a combination of “valence (anticipated satisfaction), instrumentality (the belief that performance will lead to rewards), and expectancy (the belief that effort will lead to the performance needed to attain the rewards).” (Locke & Latham, 2002). In other words, people adopt a certain behaviour to complete goals when they believe that the result expected is achievable. Another key theory in process approach is the social equity theory introduced by John S. Adams (1963). The concept suggests that people measure equity by comparing their input to outcome ratio from other workers (Bolino & Turnley, 2008). When the ratio is equal, people tend to be more satisfied in their professional and personal relationships. At the contrary, a perceived inequity will trigger tension and motivate people to change the situation. Although this theory is underspecified, it helps to understand the importance of justice in organisation and better understand some employee’s behaviours. To finish this review of process theory, goal-setting theory is an unavoidable key principle in work motivation. Goal is very powerful, as it allows to give a direction, impulse energy, manage persistence and trigger strategies and discovery. It states that individuals are challenged to increase performance through moderately difficult, self-assigned and clear goals (Locke & Latham, 2002). This approach is not only interesting from an individual perspective, but also from a team perspective, because it has a positive impact on cohesion and performance. According to the model, there is a strong relationship between goal and performance; the performance increases proportionally with the level of difficulty until individual reaches its limit, which is also related to self-efficacy. 1.5 GAMIFICATION: A CHALLENGE FOR SUCCESSFUL PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1.5.1 Introduction to the notion of game Before understanding the term of gamification, this is interesting to clarify the notion of “game”. Defining the term of game has proved to be more complex than expected, as there are many combinations of gaming. However, this preliminary work seems to be essential to better understand what is gaming, what compose the game, or even why people enjoy games. In a basic definition, games are a structured form of play, experienced as a collaborative, competitive or individual experience (Koster, 2013). Game is basically entertainment creating positive emotions, perceived as a fun experience with learning and practising elements. It can take many different approaches, depending on the format, the method, the environment… Definition of games varies in the literature and through the time, and different factors and characteristics are highlighted according to points of view. Caillois qualified game as free, separated, uncertain, unproductive, governed by rules and make-believe activity (Caillois, 1961). On the other hand, Crawford promoted four dimensions of the game: representation, interaction, conflict and safety (Crawford, 1984). And to complete the definition, McGonigal
  • 21. 15 focused on the main characteristics which are goals, rules, feedback system and voluntary participation (McGonigal, 2011). Games can take different forms, materialised or not on a physical medium (board games, card games, smartphone, computer...). But looking forward the devices, game elements have many similar traits. In the context of this study, 4 main components have been selected, principally for their importance in a serious-game context: (1) Goals: It tends to implement goals and challenges, while play is non-goal oriented. The concept of objectives is really important, as this encourage the progression. (2) Rules: in the same way, game is quite formal with explicit rules, which defines limitation on the way players can achieve the goal. (3) Choices: one important component of games is the ability of the player to interact with it. There is not a simple path to follow, but alternative choices allowing to explore different strategies with a complex network of paths. At the contrary, a story is based on a simple sequence of facts, as a static element, whereas games are dynamics. (4) Feedback: the feedback system implemented in games is a way to communicate and quickly measure the achievement of the goal. Rapid feedback is a way to learn and readjust from the past experience. Games are a good way to experience and learn, as a simplification of reality representation. It integrates a subjective representation with a subset of reality, while simulation attempt to represent a real phenomenon (Crawford, 1984). This safety “non-reality” environment is a good leverage to safely experience failures: freedom to fail allows to test and learn, answering to an educational stake. There are obviously many other features in games, such as storytelling, graphic design, rewards, competition… But all these features are specific to the game, reinforcing the four core elements (goals, rules, interaction and feedback). But finally, the essence of the game is about creating positive emotions. Games, by creating hard work challenges (mental, physical, discovery, creative, busywork or teamwork), leverage in an intensive way our attention, our motivation, memory and emotion. Rapid feedback and experience of success and failure bring a sensation of productivity and progression: this is why video games are so addictive (McGonigal, 2011). Among the diversity of games, Roger Caillois detailed into « Man Play and Games » (1961) four different categories. First « Agôn », which refers to competitive games, including a winner and a looser. This notion of challenge is directly linked with the self accomplishment and personal development. The second category of games is « Alea », in other words, chance. This mechanic is really interesting as it sets on equal footing players, without taking into account physical capacity or social background. The third category is « Mimicry », which corresponds to role games where the player is adopting another personality through the game. And finally, the last category is « Illinx », which relates to strong emotion, similar to a trance sensation bringing enjoyment. These 4 categories are basics psychological functions, fundamentals in game mechanics. Agôn, Alea, Mimicry and Illinx are actually often combined and used through games.
  • 22. 16 Figure 4. Evolution of Web search on the word "gamification", from 2004 to 2017. Results from Google Trends as of October, 12 of 2017 Coming back to notion of gamification, the term was almost inexistent in the literature until 2010, although psychologists have already explored the connection between games and education. But these recent years have showed a real interest for this approach and the term has been widespread in the recent literature and on the internet (cf. Figure 4). Beyond the vision of a simplistic method, the purpose of gamification is to develop gamified experience in order to engage users and solve problems (Zichermann, 2013). In other words, gamifying an object or a service is an adaptation of the core elements of a concept with the implementation of games mechanisms in order to enhance the initial experience. In a first glance, gamification has been widely used in marketing, in order to reinforce customer loyalty and engagement. According to Zichermann, one of the first gamification approach has been implemented into a loyalty program by S&H in 1890’s, with a reward system based on a virtual currency. Progressively, the concept has been implemented in many areas including in enterprise workplace in order to increase employee’s engagement and performance. But the word “gamification” still confusing in people mind: is it related to the fact to play in a professional environment? Is it about learning through a game? To understand gamification in context, Deterding et al. (2011) proposed a framework distinguishing the gamification from other concepts based on two axes: whole and part, gaming and playing (cf. Figure 5). In this definition, serious games and gamification are clearly differentiated, as serious games are fully emerged in a game, whereas gamification is partially composed by game elements in order to address non-game challenges.
  • 23. 17 Figure 5. "Gamification" between game and play, whole and parts (Deterding et.all, 2011) 1.5.2 Gamification characteristics and mechanisms There are hundreds of gamification mechanisms implemented in order to reward and boost achievements (Muletier et al., 2014). Feedback, badges, trophies, points and levels, progression bars, dashboards, leaderboards etc. These mechanisms can be integrated in different ludic experiences. According to the G.A.M.E. method, four types of experiences are identified: competition, play role, cooperation and storytelling. Bartle (1996) has classified users into four types of players: Fighters, Socialisers, Explorers and Achievers. This categorisation has been defined according to actions that players prefer to perform. The majority of players – around 80% - are socialisers. They enjoy to build relationships, help and interact with the community of players. Explorers and achievers are proportionally represented with roughly 10% of the players. While explorers enjoy to explore and discover, achievers are focused on achieving goals and challenges. The last category of players is called killers. This type of players, which represent less than 1% of players, is strongly animated by direct competition, the desire to win and be part of the top rank. Of course, this classification is only a way to evaluate predominant behaviour among types of players, although players can combine different motivation factors (Bartle, 1996). This classification is interesting, as it allows to understand the difference between users’ motivations and to realise that most of game mechanics used in gamification are focused on achievements and do not necessarily
  • 24. 18 motivate all types of players. While explorers and achievers are easily satisfied by basics game mechanics, it’s important to integrate the notion of social relationship and collaboration. Some authors adapted this profile categorisation by going deeper in the details of each profiles. Mangiatordi (2017) identified 8 clear profiles based on the Bartle’s Matrix with complementary characteristics. Indeed, each category has been distinguished into two different archetypes: Killer and Competitor, Collector and Expert, Rockstar and Coach, Detective and Navigator (cf. Figure 6). Figure 6. Players types illustrated by Dominique Mangiatordi, adapted from Bartle In addition to understanding game mechanics and user categories, it’s interesting to look at the flow theory. The theory of flow is strongly related to the self-determination theory, briefly approached in the previous parts. Csikszentmihalyi defines flow as “the holistic experience that people feel when they act with total involvement.”. More specifically, the state of flow is characterised as “an extremely enjoyable experience, where an individual engages in a [...] game activity with total involvement, enjoyment, control, concentration and intrinsic interest.” (Hsu & Lu, 2004). In a game context, the flow is represented as a balanced equation between skills and difficulties allowing to smoothly progress through the game (cf. Figure 7). While too complex tasks may lead to anxiety and even abandon, too easy tasks will affect the interest and results to boredom. In other words, engagement and satisfaction triggered from the gamification process are continuously evolving through the learning experience: the progression has to be balanced between people competencies and incremental complexity actions.
  • 25. 19 Figure 7. Representation of the Flow adapted from Csikszentmihalyi For consistent gamification implementation, different methods and frameworks have appeared to formalise and conceptualise the approach. Among the different proposals, Hunicke et al. (2004) have developed a general game design framework called the MDA (Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics) allowing to understand the different games design elements. According to the MDA framework, three elements of games are distinguished: rules, system and fun. These elements have been converted respectively into design components with the mechanics, corresponding to the rules of the game, defining how the game works, with levels and badges for instance. The dynamics of the game describe the behaviour triggered by the mechanics. And finally, the aesthetics relate to the emotional responses of the users experiencing the games system. Other frameworks have been developed with different approaches. One of the well-known framework is called Octalysis framework, developed by Yu- Kai Chou. This human-centred framework defines 8 core drives of gamification (cf. Figure 8), with meaning, accomplishment, empowerment, social pressure, unpredictability, ownership, scarcity and avoidance. It allows to get an overall vision of the basic mechanisms leading to fun, engagement and motivation. Another gamification design framework has been developed by Kevin Werbach, detailed in the gamification MOOC5 with 6 design steps. First, defining business objectives, to better understand the purpose of gamification. Then, delineate target behaviours to describe what are the expected action of the player in order to meet the initial objectives and to define metrics. As a third step, similarly to marketing and communication campaign, audience has to be described, based on usual marketing elements and also gaming elements, such as Bartle’s player types. Fourthly, devise the activity loops in order to encourage actions according to the different phases of the game. Of course, ensuring that fun is part of the design process. And last, deploy appropriate tools to put in place the gamified system. Finally, although the different framework approaches help to better apprehend the complexity of gamification, putting in place this concept is much more complex than simply add points and 5
  • 26. 20 badges, as the interesting features of gamification is to mix intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, balanced between rewards and fun, designed according to the initial objective and adapted based on the nature of the player. Figure 8. Octalysis: a gamification complete framework from Yu Kai Chou 1.5.3 Limits of gamification The term of gamification has been contested in the game industry, especially for the oversimplification of game mechanics, often limited to the concept of scoring, badges and rewards. Even though, gamification has proven many benefits, the implementation of such approach in an internal business context has to be seriously considered; used inappropriately, it can also be destructive (Raftopoulos, 2014). Games and workplace contexts are in a way paradoxical, leading first to ethical issues. As we have seen in the previous definition, games rely on voluntary participation. However, professional context is naturally based on obligation to perform and gamification may be seen as a control method or a surveillance system. Obviously, beyond the transparency of gamified mechanics, business objectives are clearly identified and tracked. In addition to the control apprehension, gamification may also be seen as a manipulation and addictive system. Giving the power to manipulate behaviour may be seen as an abusive and unethical strategy, especially in a business context. In addition to this unethical issue, a misapplication of games mechanisms may lead to the distraction of the main purpose of the action. Focusing on quantified figures and non-meaningful numbers instead of
  • 27. 21 the final objective may lead to a negative impact. Chapman illustrated the risk with the example of call centre: “If you reward your call centre for shorter call times, you’re likely going to come up with poor customer reviews” (Chapman, 2012). Actually, this illustrates perfectly the importance of meaningful rewards and the risk of unexpected behaviours. Another unintended phenomenon may be experienced through the implementation of competition (Epstein, 2013). While competition is a good leverage for individual performance, this technique may also work again collaboration principles with, for instance, selfishness behaviour. Another limit of gamification concerns the long-term benefits. While short-term impacts are easy to implement and observe, with the “novelty effect”, implementing long-term impacts seems to be much more complex (van Roy & Zaman, 2015). Actually, the use of the long-term effect of gamification has been poorly studied in the literature. Gabe Zichermann pointed out the limit of extrinsic motivation rewards and the short-term effect on motivation (Zichermann, 2013). In an incremental loop, rewards have to be continuously improved to trigger motivation and interest. Beyond the fact that this involves expenses and creativity, extrinsic rewards may fail the main purpose of gamification system, by decreasing the natural intrinsic motivation and impacting engagement. In addition, a common fear of managers could be the negative impact on seriousness. Of course, gamification is not adapted to every context and have to be presented in a professional way. The purpose is not to lose the main objective and transform the situation in a game, but simply leverage engagement with meaningful mechanics. In line with management history, companies have for a long time ignore emotions and even banned them (Ribert-Van De Weerdt, 2008). Perhaps this is a legacy from the industrial age, in which performance and production were central. In contrast with this management approach, 60’s are also the emergence of a leisure and entertainment’s society (Dumazedier, 1963). Although performance and efficiency still essential in companies, mentalities are progressively changing. More specifically with the advent of the internet and new challenges concerning the younger generation, also called “the millennial”. Finally, meaningful gamification is specific to each individual. Although gamification has proven its intergenerational impacts (Stevens, 2012), this is strongly relative to human psychology. And designing a game which corresponds to everyone seems to be a complex challenge.
  • 28. 22 LITERATURE REVIEW SUMMARY After the three subjects have been separately processed, a short overview and the relationship between the concepts may be interesting. First of all, the literature review has shown that project management, motivation and gamification are complex notions, with many theories and approaches which have evolved and progressed through the time. Nonetheless, these subjects have been largely studied and revealed a high interest in business contexts. Through previous studies, the motivation has proven its benefits and its positive impacts on work performance, while gamification seems to be an adapted medium to exploit and implement in project management tools. Actually, there are many similarities between project management and game mechanics, both based on human skill: goal-orientation with specific tasks to complete, progression steps to achieve, rules to respect and resources to manage including time limitation, and of course a specific environment to comprehend. Every component seems to fit perfectly. However, these concepts are not scientific and binary notions, and results cannot be assumed, as the relationship between project management, motivation and gamification is all about complexity of the human nature. Controlling motivation is simply not possible, and extrinsic factors may even overlap with initial intrinsic motivations. In addition to this challenge, a vast range of factors and elements have to be taking into account. The implementation of gamification mechanics in a project management environment has to consider many aspects, including the business culture, the team and the management technique, the nature of the project and the final business objective. Finally, the potential impacts of motivation through gamification may be a way to reduce the responsibility of the project manager concerning the engagement of the team, but this does not replace the strength of collective and human relations. On a critical point of view, this literature review does not reveal the impact of project management tools integrating game mechanics. While a large amount of studies is available on an internal business context concerning e-learning platforms and serious games, the implementation and the adoption of project management tools are less covered, especially with the focus on game mechanics. It would be interesting to get more academic literatures on concrete examples and especially longitudinal studies. Actually, the long-term impact of gamification is still a challenge to manage with continuous innovation.
  • 29. 23 3. METHODOLOGY This following chapter aims to provide a brief overview of the methods used, enabling to guide and structure the field research, including data collection as well as analysis of the data. It also outlines technical details, such as materials and tools used in this study, specificities and details of the data collection. 1.6 RESEARCH METHODS 1.6.1 The choice of the mixed-method: benefits and limits The objectives of the study are dual. First, it’s important to better understand the general experience in project management, in order to identify improvement areas. Beyond this objective of understanding the environment, the main objective is to get some insights in order to propose ideas and co-construct recommendations to implement relevant game mechanics in the project management life-cycle. In order to get the full picture, the methodology adopted in this research study is based on a mixed method research, by combining a quantitative and qualitative survey. Conducting two different methods may be explained by different rationales, including complementarity and triangulation (Bryman, 2006). In addition to reinforce the findings and bring a more comprehensive result, using a multi-strategy research allows to answer different research questions, in particular by combining different point of views and contexts. Indeed, all the stake of this research is to answer the problem and generalise the results, while taking into consideration the different stakeholders’ points of view as well as the different contexts. Contrasting the general view through quantitative survey with the granularity of information in qualitative research will allow to draw more relevant conclusion than a single research. While the concept of gamification and the impact on motivation and performance are based on subjective perceptions of individuals, conducting a qualitative approach seems to be necessary. Actually, to get relevant responses, the survey needs to be flexible through the interview, since the personal experience and perceptions vary to one individual to another. The strength of this method is to approach complex questions without the influence of interviewers’ preconceptions, through non-oriented question. On the opposite, quantitative survey will easily influence the result with structured and preconceived answers. In addition, personal perceptions have to be partly interpreted, through non-verbal communication, spontaneity and emotions. This is why an individual interview with a semi-structured questionnaire has been selected. The aim of this qualitative perspective is to get flexible data collection, but also explore and understand gamification challenges in project management through different expertise and experiences. On the other hand, despite a quantitative approach has certain limitations, the complementarity of the quantitative perspective is interesting. It allows to get an overview of the project management experience, taking into account the different point of views, from project managers to team members. The idea is to prepare and support the qualitative research, by understanding the project environment and general trends. To allow quick data collection, the choice of a structured online questionnaire has been made. Beyond the fact that the method is inexpensive and not restrictive, the advantage is probably that the survey can be
  • 30. 24 easily administrated through personal networks, social networks (i.e. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook) and direct emails. Although this mixed-method will allow to partly answer to the research questions, one of the limit is that it relies on the researcher and its past experience: knowledge, relationships, work experience… In addition, data collection in a qualitative approach may be very different from one interview to the other. Of course, the idea is to improve the quality of the interview through the time, by getting more experience, but also strengthen the approach based on the literature review. In addition to this limitation, the method itself may be called into question. Actually, an interesting approach would be to measure the concrete impact of gamification implementation. This is the limit of the methods, both based on declarative and opinion, relying on the reliability of the data, influenced by personal testimonies and subjectivity. A longitudinal case study, involving field observation and experiments would be an interesting method to get concrete data. However, putting this kind of experience is a difficult task, obviously time- consuming, but also requiring resources and high degree of techniques and competencies, with for instance A/B testing methods and gamification expertise. 1.6.2 Mixed-method implementation: objectives and roll-out The implementation of the mix-method will be divided into three distinctive steps, going from a large vision to a specific one. The very first step will be the deployment of the online quantitative survey. The objective is to reach a large audience of professionals involved in project management, from project managers to team members, in order to comprehend the general vision of the environment. In short, this online survey is divided into four parts, with the definition of the profile, the general context of projects, the general performance and feedback concerning project management followed by a short introduction to gamification in order to get the general opinion. This method aims to reinforce and corroborate the second step of the research, with the individual survey. The qualitative survey will target gamification experts, preferably but not necessarily having project management experience. The choice of a semi-directive interview has been made, in order to allow flexibility in the conversation. For instance, by ordering the questions differently, or by simply add extra questions from one interview to another (Wilson, 2010). The objective of the online questionnaire is to gain more in-depth insights concerning the gamification techniques, especially when it has been implemented through previous or current experience. These two methods aim to identify the most important activities which need to be improved, impacting directly the success of the project.
  • 31. 25 OBJECTIVES RESEARCH METHODS TARGETED AUDIENCE UNDERSTAND THE GENERAL CONTEXT OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT (SECTOR, TEAM, METHOD, COMPLEXITY, TOOLS…) (1) Quantitative survey (1) Large audience, including project managers and team members MEASURE THE PERFORMANCE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT (IN A GENERAL POINT OF VIEW AND THROUGH SUCCESS CRITERIA) (1) Quantitative survey (1) Large audience, including project managers and team members IDENTIFY WHICH PROJECT MANAGEMENT STEPS OR ACTIVITIES NEED TO BE IMPROVED (1) Quantitative survey (2) Qualitative survey (1) Large audience, including project managers and team members (2) Selected audience of gamification experts IDENTIFY WHAT IS IMPORTANT AND MOTIVATE PEOPLE IN A WORK ENVIRONMENT (1) Quantitative survey (2) Qualitative survey (1) Large audience, including project managers and team members (2) Selected audience of gamification experts GET FEEDBACK ON GAMIFICATION TECHNIQUES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT (2) Qualitative survey (2) Selected audience of gamification experts SELECT EFFICIENT TECHNIQUES OF GAMIFICATION (2) Qualitative survey (2) Selected audience of gamification experts MEASURE THE IMPACT OF GAMIFICATION CONCERNING MOTIVATION AND PERFORMANCE (2) Qualitative survey In support: Literature review (2) Selected audience of gamification experts Table 1. Crossing results of research methods to better reinforce findings
  • 32. 26 1.7 DATA COLLECTION 1.7.1 Quantitative Survey: online questionnaire data analysis Questionnaire delivery and details The online questionnaire was the very first step of the field study. The initial purpose was to better understand the project management environment and potentially identify improvement areas. The questionnaire was held between September 1st and October 6th of 2017, with a total of 92 respondents who started to answer, including 32 incomplete answers and 60 complete answers, which correspond to 65% of the respondents. The export (see on Appendix, Quantitative results: full report) and the analysis refers only to the 60 complete answers, to get relevant data according to the results. The questionnaire was built in 4 main blocks with the profile definition, project context, performance and feedback on project management (including tools and motivation drivers), and a short introduction to gamification to conclude the survey. According to the results, most people take approximately 15 minutes to answer with a total of 23 questions. The survey has been built on Qualtrics, a complete online survey tool which presents different benefits, such as the possibility of creating multi linguistic questionnaire. In this case, the survey has been translated in French and English, in order to obtain the maximum amount of answers. All answers were collected through this online questionnaire6 . The questionnaire has been posted on different social media, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Yammer. The four channels were really complementary, as the communities were extremely different one network to another. Different posts have been published through the time to ensure that the publication would be visible to the largest possible audience. The survey has been notably communicated to the different groups of Grenoble Ecole de Management and Burgundy School of Business, on Yammer and Facebook. In addition, the survey has been communicated on the forum 7 . And of course, personalised e-mails have been sent to communicate the survey to few personal acquaintances, which appears to be the most effective medium. At the end of September, as the number of results were not satisfactory, another communication technique has been experienced: content marketing. A blog article has been written, introducing free tools to create online survey8 , enabling to integrate a link of the survey in the article. Unfortunately, this approach has not contributed to increase the number of respondents. Expected sampling and details of respondents This questionnaire was specifically designed for professionals working in project environment, regardless of their role, status or experience. As the objective was to collect information concerning project management as a whole, participants did not necessarily need to have a previous experience related to gamification. These prerequisites were always indicated in the 6 7,16906,16906#msg-16906 8
  • 33. 27 different communication made, but also reminded at the very beginning of the survey, with a short introduction: “Hello and thank you for participating in this survey! The objective of this online survey is to better understand the different experience of people, regarding project management. This questionnaire is addressed to professionals working in a project context, whether you are a team member or a project manager. N.B. Data collected in this survey is anonymous. Feel free to express yourself! » As mentioned on this short introduction, results were completely anonymous, in the respect of data privacy and regulations set by the referral organisation in France (the CNIL). Information including the name of the company and the name of the participant were not collected. The objective was to allow respondents to express freely their opinion, especially concerning the performance and efficiency of the project management method, and concerning their personal motivation drivers. Concerning the sample, each participant answers the survey in French. According to the IP address gathered by Qualtrics, all respondents were located in France. This assume that the results are mostly representative of project management environment in France. According to the results (see on Appendix, Quantitative results: full report), the survey allows to mix the vision of project managers, representing around 38% of the respondents, and team members. The typology of profile is composed by 32 men and 28 women with more than 93% of the respondents aged between 18 and 44. Other age groups (45-55, 55-64 and more than 64) are unfortunately under-represented. Concerning business sector, results are quite heterogeneous with people working in different industries, such as Information, communication and media, Finance, Banking and Insurance, Business services, industry sector etc. It may be noted that the IT and telecommunication sector is predominant compared to the other industries, with 27,7% of the respondents. This statement is reinforced by the definition of team role, where job title has been occasionally specified (i.e. Scrum Master, Tech Lead, Lead Software Developer, Web Developer…). Among the respondents, the size of the company is quite balanced, with a representation of small, medium and large companies. In the same way, the size of the team project is quite dissimilar, with 40% of the sample working in small teams (1 to 4 people), 36,7% with medium team (5 to 10 people) and only 6,66% working in bigger team, from 11 people. In addition, 16,7% of the respondents is working in another context, with for instance cross-functional projects, variable teams or even with no direct team. 1.7.2 Qualitative survey: semi-structured interview data analysis Interview delivery and details After collecting the majority of the results for the online questionnaire on project management, interviews with gamification experts have been conducted. These qualitative surveys are the most detailed data sources for this study.
  • 34. 28 The surveys took place between September 13th and October 9th of 2017, with a total of 11 interviewees (cf. Table 2). According to the respondent, the duration of an interview varies from 25min to approximately one hour, with a total of 7 hours and 30 minutes of interview. This variation of time was mostly due to professional time constraints of the interviewee; the interview has been adapted according to the availability and professional obligation. All interviews have been conducted in French, as interviewees are exclusively French native speakers. The interviews have been conducted based on an interview framework (See on appendix - Qualitative survey: interviews Framework), covering the main thematic through a series of open questions. The questionnaire was divided into 5 main sets of questions: introduction of the interviewee, introduction to the gamification, feedback from an internal point of view and/or client point of view, ideas exploration and conclusion. However, each interview was customised and adapted according to the experience, the expertise and the time allocated to the discussion. One respondent, Daniel Paire, requested the questions prior to the interview in order to better understand the objective; otherwise, all interviews were entirely spontaneous. Every discussion was held remotely, through the program Skype or simply through a phone call. Before holding the dialogue, a small introduction was made in order to clarify the objective of the interview, checking the available time and asking for permission to record the conversation. Each interview, based on an approval prior, has been recorded and transcribed (as detailed in Appendices, Qualitative Survey: retranscription), except for Fanny Le Gallou who explicitly asked for not being recorded; in this situation, notes have been taken. The objective was to transcribe all useful information and thoughts, in order to analyse their experience and feedback. To record phone call, a specific application has been downloaded: Automatic Call Recorder9 , available on Android. This App has been really useful with a good quality of sound recording, but unfortunately two recordings have crashed, during the interview of Nicolas Babin (full recording) and Nathan Scheire (last 20 minutes). On the other hand, Skype calls have been recorded separately, with the native recorder App available on the smartphone. Every interviewee kindly accepted to be identified (cf. Table 2). NAME DATE COMPANY JOB TITLE DURATION SURVEY MODE RECORDED CÉLINE CUSSET 13/09/2017 Diverty Events CEO 42’ min Phone OK ALEXANDRE DUARTE 15/09/2017 EcoGameLab Freelance consultant 32’ min Phone OK DOMINIQUE MANGIATORDI 15/09/2017 ØPP CEO 55’ min Skype OK AUDREY ROCHAS 20/09/2017 Creative Slashers CEO 54’ min Skype OK SÉVERINE BEDORET 21/09/2017 Happyformance Change Maker 21’ min Skype OK 9
  • 35. 29 NICOLAS BABIN 26/09/2017 Babin Business Consulting CEO 55’ min Phone NO (technical issue) GUILLEMETTE GOGLIO 26/09/2017 Orange Consultant in collective intelligence 29’ min Phone OK DANIEL PAIRE 02/10/2017 Happy Learning Games CEO 45’ min Skype OK FANNY LE GALLOU 04/10/2017 eFounders Talent Acquisition Director 25’ min Skype NO (on request) NATHAN SCHEIRE 06/10/2017 LaPoste Chef de projet innovation 50’ min Phone 32min on 50 min (technical issue) CLÉMENT MULETIER 09/10/2017 Lab Gamification UX & gamification consultant 46’ min Skype OK Table 2. Respondents overview Introduction to the interviewees The objective of this field study was to meet professionals with a specific expertise on gamification into an internal environment, specifically in project management. The ideal profile was a gamification expert experiencing games techniques into project management. This would allow to get feedback from an expert and get concrete examples. In addition, the diversity of profiles was also a requirement, in order to compare experience and get a better understanding of the implementation and the benefice. The panel was essentially gamification experts, from different backgrounds. To get in contact with these experts, the professional social network LinkedIn was used and actually really effective. A specific research was made on the search bar with the key words “gamification” and additionaly “project management”. Profiles have been studied and then a personal message was sent to introduce the purpose of the field research and propose to take part of it. On the 9 first contacts, all of them were successful, with a spontaneous affirmative answer, which was really encouraging. On the other hand, the two other respondents, Guillemette Goglio and Séverine Bedoret, were recommendations resulting from discussion through my research. Before going deeper in the analysis, a short introduction of every interviewee is proposed, in a chronological order (date of interviews detailed in Table 2). Céline Cusset is the Founder and CEO of Diverty Events, a French company based in Rhône Alpes. As a BtoB service provider, Diverty Events propose to organise different events around the game, from seminar organisation, serious play animation and team-building. The company is also developing a new product, s’teambox10 , a mensual box composed by various games in 10
  • 36. 30 order to develop team cohesion. With 12 years of experience, the profile of Céline was really interesting with different approach in gamification, mostly focused on an “on-the-ground” approach. As a service provider, experiences into companies were extremely diverse. Alexandre Duarte is working as a gamification consultant specialised in sustainable solutions and energy transition, who started its own Business recently. “My work is about gamification, change management and awareness”. He is particularly fascinated with the strong potential of game mechanics as an engaging driver. Working with start-up and association for internal or external projects, he did not get the chance to experiment gamification in project management method yet. Dominique Mangiatordi has an extended career as a serial entrepreneur specialised in digital marketing, with more than 16 years of experience. He is a big believer in the power of gamification and has recently wrote a book on management and gamification. His new company, called ØPP, is dedicated to developing gamification applications, such as Peak Me Up, Seeya and Hunterz, in particular to drive employee’s performance. As part of this study, his project Happyformance the App, was particularly interesting. Happyformance is a dedicated App for performance management, allowing to manage professional goals in a collaborative way. Audrey Rochas is also specialised in digital marketing for a couple of years with a background in communication. In 2013, she created with an associate Creative Slashers, a digital agency. Creative Slashers consultants are positioned as gamification experts, including as trainers and management consultants. Beyond Creative Slashers, Audrey is working on a platform to gamify teaching and prepare a thesis on gamification and artificial intelligence in marketing. Séverine Bedoret is not specialised in gamification, but is working tightly with Dominique Mangiatordi on the deployment of Happyformance the App. Her words were collected in order to complement the interview with Dominique, since she was directly in contact with the client during the implementation of the application. She currently performs the role of Senior Project Management in the consulting firm Happyformance. Nicolas Babin, formerly communication director at Sony, is passionate with gamification and has created 8 months ago, beginning of 2017, his own company, Babin Business Consulting. The company aims to support businesses in the development of their marketing, their business, innovation management and project management, in particular using gamification techniques. Beyond writing blog articles on gamification and management, he explored the application of the technique in professional contexts, including in teamwork to engage and stimulate collaborators. Guillemette Goglio is a facilitator and expert on all the animation techniques in collective intelligence at Orange. Part of her role is to accompany teams in the clarification of issues and animate workshops and seminar in order to stimulate creativity and team collaboration. Gamification is a tool she used among the variety of design-thinking techniques. Daniel Paire distinguishes himself from other interviewees as he is the only one who developed a gamified online tool dedicated for project management. CEO and founders of Happy Learning Games, he developed a methodology called HappyScrum, in order to gamified the entirety of a project based on the SCRUM Methodology. In addition of the gamification App dedicated to a