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EMC Document Sciences: xPression
                 Nouvelle génération de gestion des communications


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Pourquoi Document Sciences pour EMC?

                                                Automatisation complète de bout en



  “ xPression est la solution de référence en                                          Contracts
matière d’automatisation de la création, de la
       production et de la fourniture de
communications d’entreprise personnalisées.”                                                         Web

Richard Medina, Chef-analyste chez Doculabs                 Receive, Archive,
                                                              Process and

   © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                                2

Plus de 800 clients, 80% services financiers et
                        5 des 10 plus grands établissements financiers
                     3 des 8 plus grands émetteurs de cartes de credit
                               7 des 10 plus grandes assurance vie
                            6 des 10 plus grandes assurances IARD
                               Les 5 plus grandes assurances santé

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                    3
Pourquoi xPression ?
 Document Sciences existe depuis 30 ans et a démarré autours du produit
  Compuset principalement dans le secteur des assurances
 Compuset atteignant ses limites dues à son architecture et technologies
 Construire la nouvelle génération de solution de gestion de communication client
         – Première release 2001 basée sur une nouvelle architecture et les nouveaux standards (J2EE,
           WebServices, XML)

 Créer un plateforme de communication centrale
         – Nouveaux média et canaux (communication vs. print)
                      Real-time
                      Interactive
                      Multicannal (séparation composition et publishing)
                      Full Batch et print
         – Consolidant des besoins multiples
         – Consolidant des système multiples: print, email, sms, electronic
 Orientée utilisateur métier: pas d’outil de Design propriétaire
 Plus flexible, plus scalable, plus facile à intégrer
 Nativement web pour des larges déploiements enterprise

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Pourquoi xPression ?

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.   5
xPression traite tous les types de documents
    Document visible par vos clients

      Marketing et                                         Contrats         Relevé, facturation Correspondance
     documentation                                       Propositions

   Offres produits
                                                            Polices,             Relevés,
     Brochures                                                                                      Lettres répondant
                                                           clausiers,            Factures,
       Flyers                                                                                        Aux demandes
                                                           contrats,            Commandes             Quotidiennes
    Campagnes                                                RFP,,                                  Multiples et variées

                                                                 • De nombreuses applications et systèmes
                                                                    • Une communication pensée par silo
                                                          • Une communication pensée pour un seul canal (print)
Challenge typique                                                  • Pas de cohérence ou réutilisation
                                                                      • Difficulté de personnalisation
                                                             • Coût total de possession et maintenance élevé
© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.
                                                              • Manque de contrôle sur les communications                  6
Comment sont créées ces communications?
     Avec quels outils?

     Marketing et                                           Contrats         Relevé, facturation Correspondance
    documentation                                         Propositions

                                                   Auteurs: agents client,                           Auteurs: agents client,
  Auteurs: marketing                                    dpt juridique            Auteurs: IT              Call centers
                                                    Outil: propriétaire ou   Outils: Propriétaires    Outil: propriétaire ou
    Outils: Adobe
                                                   dévelopt spécifique MS          et coding          dévelopt spécifique
      InDesign                                              Word                                             MS Word

Challenge:                                • Maintenance Multiples (par silo, par canal, par fonctionnalité)
                                                      • Pas de cohérence et de réutilisation
                                     • Pas de stratégie de communication corporate, coût de rebranding
                                              • Coût de maintenance élevé, compétences rares
 © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                                    7
La gestion des communications client



                                                  Issues                  Inquire

                                  Retain                                         Introduce

                                                           Grow                              Proposals


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La gestion des communications client



                                                  Issues               Inquire

                                  Retain                                     Introduce

               xPression offre une nouvelle approche de gestion centralisée
               et consolidée de l’ensemble des communications client d’une
                                         Grow                         Proposals

        La solution a un impact direct sur l’agilité et offre de nouveaux
    Relevés                mode d’intéraction client

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                        9
La gestion des communications clients

              Design                                               Generation                                  Cannaux

                                                                                                          Batch Print    Editable
     Outils de Design non                                                    Batch hauts volumes
      Intégrés dans Word                                                                                  Email
                                     XML                                  Initialisé par un utilisateur

                                                                                                            Mobile      Archive
   Données XML ou autres
                                                         Relevés, factures
                                                                               Initialisé par un évè

      Enterprise Content                                           ting
         Management                                          Marke

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                                              10
Bénéfices d’xPression:
    Design mutualisé, partage et réutilisation

                           Les clauses et paragraphes sont      De nombreux textes sont assemblés
                          réutilisés, partagés et peuvent être automatiquement en fonction de règles
                            recherchés dans le référentiel
                         xPression. Ils peuvent être mis à jour
                          par le service juridique. Versioning
 Logos, signatures, et le branding
sont mutualisés et maintenus par le

                                                                                              Toutes les modifications
                                                                                              peuvent être contrôlées
                                                                                                et conservées avec
                                                                                          D’autres peuvent être
                                                                                         édité par les utilisateurs
                                                           Le document final peut être   directement dans Word
                                                         archivé dans Documentum avec        avant distribution
© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.          les données client                                       11
 Designer avancé s’appuyant sur Microsoft Word

                                 Bibliothèque                 & Edition
                                 de contenu              dans Microsoft Word

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                         12
xPresso pour Word

                                                                 Points clé
                                                Facilité d’utilisation pour tout utilisateur métier
                                                             Temps d’apprentissage
                                                            Fonctionnalités existante
                                                  Réutilisation de documents Word existant

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                 13
xPresso pour Adobe InDesign

                                                              Points clé
                                           Facilité d’utilisation pour tout utilisateur marketing
                                                          Temps d’apprentissage
                                                         Fonctionnalités existante
                                             Réutilisation de documents InDesign existant

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                               14
    Facilité de création et partage de resource
    entre template
                                   Templates                           xPression s’appuie sur des outils
                                    & Design                            standards MS Word, Adobe
                                                                        InDesign & Dreamweaver
                                                                       xPression permet la création de
                                                                        fragments de contenus partagés
                                                                        parmi de nombreux modèles
                                                                       Propagation des modifications
                                                                        entre modèles
               Référentiel                               Documentum    Contrôle des versions au niveau
                 ECM                                                    des fragments de contenus,
                                                                        sécurité avancés, recherche
                                                                       Permet la séparation des rôles
                                                                        (IT, créateur de contenu)
                                                                       Permet la réutilisation des
                                                                        contenus présents dans l’ECM

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                      15
xPression couvre tous les scénarios de

                  Production batch                              Temps réel, à la demande
                Haute volumétrie                           Génération du document en temps réelle
            Option de post traitement                       Scalabilité inégalée, architecture native
         Abstraction des spécificités des                             web et transactionelle
          imprimantes dans les modèles                       Exemple: intéraction des clients à partir
            Watermark et marqueurs Points               clés du portail, self-service de rapport et
               Code barre et OMR                                       relevés personalisés
                                 Elimination des systèmes redondants
                                   Diminution des coûts d’impression
                                      Amélioration du service client
                          Interactive                                 Intégré
                         Design facile et indépendant du mode de distribution
         Efficacité des agents client                                Dans les processus
       Self-service desk for customer                               Dans les applications
               correspondences                             Exemple: client reçoit sa documentation en
   Exemple: Call center, intéraction CRM,                       fin de processus d’ouverture
          Centres d’accueil clients

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                    16
xPression couvre tous les scénarios de

                  Production batch                           Temps réel, à la demande
                Haute volumétrie                         Génération du document en temps réelle
            Option de post traitement                     Scalabilité inégalée, architecture native
         Abstraction des spécificités des                           web et transactionelle
          imprimantes dans les modèles                     Exemple: intéraction des clients à partir
            Watermark et marqueurs                           du portail, self-service de rapport et
               Code barre et OMR                                     relevés personalisés

                             Interactive                                  Intégré
        Efficacité des agents client                    
      Self-service desk for customer
  Exemple: Call center, intéraction CRM,
         Centres d’accueil clients

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                  17
Batch Production

 Automated document generation                            xPression offers:
 Multiple data record generating one or                    Powerful Output Processing
  multiple documents                                        Leverage device features such as tray
 Occurs at a specific frequency. Must                       pulls, stapling, binding, jogging, etc.
  be produced in a particular duration                      Generate bar codes for insertion
                                                             devices and other processing
 Usually paper, can also apply to email                     equipment
  campaign                                                  Sort & split output based on data,
 Typical documents:                                         page, or package conditions
     – Statements
                                                            Mark pages with watermarks
     – Billings

  © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                               18
xPression couvre tous les scénarios de

                  Production batch                           Temps réel, à la demande
                Haute volumétrie                         Génération du document en temps réelle
            Option de post traitement                     Scalabilité inégalée, architecture native
         Abstraction des spécificités des                           web et transactionelle
          imprimantes dans les modèles                     Exemple: intéraction des clients à partir
            Watermark et marqueurs                           du portail, self-service de rapport et
               Code barre et OMR                                     relevés personalisés

                             Interactive                                  Intégré
         Efficacité des agents client                              Dans les processus
       Self-service desk for customer                             Dans les applications
               correspondences                           Exemple: client reçoit sa documentation en
   Exemple: Call center, intéraction CRM,                     fin de processus d’ouverture
          Centres d’accueil clients

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                  19
Example interaction clients depuis un portail

 1. Le client reçoit un email / SMS généré à partir
 d’xPression ou dans un relevé électronique avec une
 redirection vers le portail

          2. Le client navigue dans                          Les Designers, Marketing et métiers
             le portail et fait une
           demande de produits /
                 information                               Un outil unique et consolidé pour créer et
                                                                     maintenir rapidement
             4. Le client reçoit en ligne                     les modèles supportant toutes ces
             documentation ou contrat                                   communications
              5. A la fin du processus le client reçoit:
              -Un Email de confirmation
              - un pack de bienvenu électronique
              - une notification par SMS

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                  20
Self-service de rapports ou relevés
     Customer self-service documents

                                       Cover Page
                                       Table of Contents

                                       Net Worth

                                       Market Comparison

                                       All Accounts in
                                              Graph by Type
                                              Graph by Person

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.          21
xPression couvre tous les scénarios de

                  Production batch                           Temps réel, à la demande
                Haute volumétrie                         Génération du document en temps réelle
            Option de post traitement                     Scalabilité inégalée, architecture native
         Abstraction des spécificités des                           web et transactionelle
          imprimantes dans les modèles                     Exemple: intéraction des clients à partir
            Watermark et marqueurs                           du portail, self-service de rapport et
               Code barre et OMR                                     relevés personalisés

                             Interactive                                  Intégré
         Efficacité des agents client                              Dans les processus
       Self-service desk for customer                             Dans les applications
               correspondences                           Exemple: client reçoit sa documentation en
   Exemple: Call center, intéraction CRM,                     fin de processus d’ouverture
          Centres d’accueil clients

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                  22
xResponse en action
                                                                                         4. distribuer

                                                     3. Editer (optionel et controllé)

                                                                     2. Prévisualiser et vérifier
      1. Choisir un modèle

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                   23
Scénario typique intégration CRM
                               Efficacité des services clients

                                                         Depuis le CRM,
                                                         génération de la

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                      24
Scénario typique intégration CRM
                              Efficacité des services clients

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.          25
La solution xRevise:
    Gestion des contrats groupe / Police d’assurances

              Contrôle des unités de
                                                         Key Points
                                                           Easily turn existing documents into dynamic
                                                            document templates using familiar content
                                                                     Palette de recherche de
                                                            authoring tools
                    Séparation des données                           contenus type “clausier”
                                                           Maintain a complete history of all changes
                          / Contenus
                                                            during the negotiation process

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                    26
xPression couvre tous les scénarios de

                  Production batch                           Temps réel, à la demande
                Haute volumétrie                         Génération du document en temps réelle
            Option de post traitement                     Scalabilité inégalée, architecture native
         Abstraction des spécificités des                           web et transactionelle
          imprimantes dans les modèles                     Exemple: intéraction des clients à partir
            Watermark et marqueurs                           du portail, self-service de rapport et
               Code barre et OMR                                     relevés personalisés

                             Interactive                                  Intégré
        Efficacité des agents client                               Dans les processus
      Self-service desk for customer                              Dans les applications
correspondences                                          Exemple: client reçoit sa documentation en
  Exemple: Call center, intéraction CRM,                      fin de processus d’ouverture
         Centres d’accueil clients

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                  27
Interactive Document Development Kit

                                                   Un ensemble unique de services web
                                                         – Permettant d’intégrer l’ensemble des capacités
                                                         – Permettant de réutiliser et d’embarquer le
                                                           composant d’édition (xEditor)
                                                   Idéal pour les intégrations:
                                                         – Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
                                                         – Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
                                                         – Call center, correspondances et application
                                                           verticale (gestion de contrats, sinistres, risk,
                                                          Permettant de contrôler le niveau de
                                                           fonctionnalités exposées et l’expérience utilisateur
                                                          Permettant des déploiements à grande échelle.

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                            28
End-User Web Business                    Web Administration                        Document Design
                                       Solutions                                                                    xPresso     xPresso for    xPresso

                                xResponse   IDDK          xRevise        xDashboard      xAdmin         xDesign   for InDesign Dreamweaver    for Word


                                                                                             J2EE Application Server                          Print
            xPRS Server Layer



                                                         xAssemble                  xPression                                                  Archive


                                              Data                                JDBC
            Data / Content

                                        Legacy           XML         Relational             xPression      ECM
                                         Data            Data          Data                 Database
                                                 Customer Data                                    Content

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                  29
Exemple d’application

 Challenges
        – Coût de communication élevé
        – Service aux clients et aux utilisateurs non adaptés:
                   Multiples systèmes éditiques vieillissants, orientés uniquement sur l’impression
                   Pas ou peu de génération interactive ou temps réelle
                   Pas de communication email / SMS
        – Flexibilité et réactivité
                   Création et maintenance lourde par Temps
                   Coût de rebranding élevé
                   Nécessité de faire appel à des spécialistes

 La solution
        – Une plateforme centralisée et virtualisée xPression pour le batch, l’intéractif et le temps réel
        – Outil de Design simple et s’appuyant sur MS Word

 Le résultat
        – Diminution des coûts (800 k€ 1ère année, 2,1 M€ années suivantes)
        – Rapidité de mise à jour (temps / par 20 ; divisé par 200 pour du rebranding)
        – Services supplémentaires
                   Self-service de documents pour les clients
                   Communication email / SMS pour les clients
                   Système de correspondances simple, rapide et intuitif pour les utilisateurs

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                       30
Exemple d’application

                                          Les assurés reçoivent les
                                           notifications par email et
                                       Ils peuvent ensuite récupérer          Batch et
                                              les documents sur:             temps réel
                                                    - le portail
                                         - les bornes interactives en
                                                  - par courrier      Temps réel
                                                                   interactifs (couplé
                                                                        au batch)
                                                                                                Design rapide et intuitif

                                                                               Centre d’appel

                                Agence et
                             points d’accueil
                                                                           Temps réel
© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                     interactifs                                 31

 Plateforme unique pour tous les besoins de communication sortante
         – Nouvelle génération, Ouverte sur les standards et sur les applications

 Design avec des outils adaptés au type de communication
         – Campagnes Marketing (email)
         – Relevés
         – Courrier égrené

 Interfaces web adaptés pour l’interactivité
         – Correspondances clients
         – Production de documents complexes

 Facilité d’intégration
         – SOA
         – Richesse des APIs
         – Environnement nativement web

© Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.                              32

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EMC Document sciences

  • 1. EMC Document Sciences: xPression Nouvelle génération de gestion des communications © Copyright 2009 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 1
  • 2. Pourquoi Document Sciences pour EMC? Automatisation complète de bout en bout Clients Batch Print Collateral organization Email “ xPression est la solution de référence en Contracts matière d’automatisation de la création, de la production et de la fourniture de communications d’entreprise personnalisées.” Web Richard Medina, Chef-analyste chez Doculabs Receive, Archive, Correspondence Process and respond Archive Statements confirmations Mobile Communication sortante © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 2
  • 3. Clients Plus de 800 clients, 80% services financiers et assurances:  5 des 10 plus grands établissements financiers  3 des 8 plus grands émetteurs de cartes de credit  7 des 10 plus grandes assurance vie  6 des 10 plus grandes assurances IARD  Les 5 plus grandes assurances santé © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 3
  • 4. Pourquoi xPression ?  Document Sciences existe depuis 30 ans et a démarré autours du produit Compuset principalement dans le secteur des assurances  Compuset atteignant ses limites dues à son architecture et technologies  Construire la nouvelle génération de solution de gestion de communication client – Première release 2001 basée sur une nouvelle architecture et les nouveaux standards (J2EE, WebServices, XML)  Créer un plateforme de communication centrale – Nouveaux média et canaux (communication vs. print)  Real-time  Interactive  Multicannal (séparation composition et publishing)  Full Batch et print – Consolidant des besoins multiples – Consolidant des système multiples: print, email, sms, electronic  Orientée utilisateur métier: pas d’outil de Design propriétaire  Plus flexible, plus scalable, plus facile à intégrer  Nativement web pour des larges déploiements enterprise © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 4
  • 5. Pourquoi xPression ? © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 5
  • 6. xPression traite tous les types de documents Document visible par vos clients Marketing et Contrats Relevé, facturation Correspondance documentation Propositions Documents complexes Offres produits Polices, Relevés, Brochures Lettres répondant clausiers, Factures, Flyers Aux demandes contrats, Commandes Quotidiennes Campagnes RFP,, Multiples et variées marketing • De nombreuses applications et systèmes • Une communication pensée par silo • Une communication pensée pour un seul canal (print) Challenge typique • Pas de cohérence ou réutilisation • Difficulté de personnalisation • Coût total de possession et maintenance élevé © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. • Manque de contrôle sur les communications 6
  • 7. Comment sont créées ces communications? Avec quels outils? Marketing et Contrats Relevé, facturation Correspondance documentation Propositions Documents complexes Auteurs: agents client, Auteurs: agents client, Auteurs: marketing dpt juridique Auteurs: IT Call centers Outil: propriétaire ou Outils: Propriétaires Outil: propriétaire ou Outils: Adobe dévelopt spécifique MS et coding dévelopt spécifique InDesign Word MS Word Challenge: • Maintenance Multiples (par silo, par canal, par fonctionnalité) • Pas de cohérence et de réutilisation • Pas de stratégie de communication corporate, coût de rebranding • Coût de maintenance élevé, compétences rares © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 7
  • 8. La gestion des communications client Correspondance Collateral Acquire Manage Issues Inquire Billing Retain Introduce Develop Welcome Grow Proposals Relevés Contrats © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 8
  • 9. La gestion des communications client Correspondance Collateral Acquire Manage Issues Inquire Billing Retain Introduce xPression offre une nouvelle approche de gestion centralisée Develop et consolidée de l’ensemble des communications client d’une Welcome organisation. Grow Proposals La solution a un impact direct sur l’agilité et offre de nouveaux Relevés mode d’intéraction client Contrats © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 9
  • 10. La gestion des communications clients xPression Design Generation Cannaux Batch Print Editable Correspondance Outils de Design non Batch hauts volumes propriétaire Intégrés dans Word Email Web Contrats XML Initialisé par un utilisateur Mobile Archive Données XML ou autres Relevés, factures Initialisé par un évè nement Autres Enterprise Content ting Management Marke Interactif © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 10
  • 11. Bénéfices d’xPression: Design mutualisé, partage et réutilisation Les clauses et paragraphes sont De nombreux textes sont assemblés réutilisés, partagés et peuvent être automatiquement en fonction de règles recherchés dans le référentiel xPression. Ils peuvent être mis à jour par le service juridique. Versioning granulaire Logos, signatures, et le branding sont mutualisés et maintenus par le Marketing Toutes les modifications peuvent être contrôlées et conservées avec l’historique D’autres peuvent être édité par les utilisateurs Le document final peut être directement dans Word archivé dans Documentum avec avant distribution © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. les données client 11
  • 12. xDesign: Designer avancé s’appuyant sur Microsoft Word Previsualisation Bibliothèque & Edition de contenu dans Microsoft Word © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 12
  • 13. xPresso pour Word Points clé  Facilité d’utilisation pour tout utilisateur métier  Temps d’apprentissage  Fonctionnalités existante  Réutilisation de documents Word existant © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 13
  • 14. xPresso pour Adobe InDesign Points clé  Facilité d’utilisation pour tout utilisateur marketing  Temps d’apprentissage  Fonctionnalités existante  Réutilisation de documents InDesign existant © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 14
  • 15. xPression Facilité de création et partage de resource entre template Templates  xPression s’appuie sur des outils & Design standards MS Word, Adobe InDesign & Dreamweaver  xPression permet la création de fragments de contenus partagés parmi de nombreux modèles  Propagation des modifications entre modèles Référentiel Documentum  Contrôle des versions au niveau ECM des fragments de contenus, sécurité avancés, recherche  Permet la séparation des rôles (IT, créateur de contenu)  Permet la réutilisation des contenus présents dans l’ECM © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 15
  • 16. xPression couvre tous les scénarios de communication Production batch Temps réel, à la demande  Haute volumétrie  Génération du document en temps réelle  Option de post traitement  Scalabilité inégalée, architecture native  Abstraction des spécificités des web et transactionelle imprimantes dans les modèles  Exemple: intéraction des clients à partir  Watermark et marqueurs Points clés du portail, self-service de rapport et  Code barre et OMR relevés personalisés  Elimination des systèmes redondants  Diminution des coûts d’impression  Amélioration du service client Interactive Intégré  Design facile et indépendant du mode de distribution  Efficacité des agents client  Dans les processus  Self-service desk for customer  Dans les applications correspondences Exemple: client reçoit sa documentation en Exemple: Call center, intéraction CRM, fin de processus d’ouverture Centres d’accueil clients © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 16
  • 17. xPression couvre tous les scénarios de communication Production batch Temps réel, à la demande  Haute volumétrie  Génération du document en temps réelle  Option de post traitement  Scalabilité inégalée, architecture native  Abstraction des spécificités des web et transactionelle imprimantes dans les modèles  Exemple: intéraction des clients à partir  Watermark et marqueurs du portail, self-service de rapport et  Code barre et OMR relevés personalisés Interactive Intégré Efficacité des agents client  Self-service desk for customer correspondences Exemple: Call center, intéraction CRM, Centres d’accueil clients © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 17
  • 18. Batch Production  Automated document generation xPression offers:  Multiple data record generating one or  Powerful Output Processing multiple documents  Leverage device features such as tray  Occurs at a specific frequency. Must pulls, stapling, binding, jogging, etc. be produced in a particular duration  Generate bar codes for insertion window devices and other processing  Usually paper, can also apply to email equipment campaign  Sort & split output based on data,  Typical documents: page, or package conditions – Statements  Mark pages with watermarks – Billings © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 18
  • 19. xPression couvre tous les scénarios de communication Production batch Temps réel, à la demande  Haute volumétrie  Génération du document en temps réelle  Option de post traitement  Scalabilité inégalée, architecture native  Abstraction des spécificités des web et transactionelle imprimantes dans les modèles  Exemple: intéraction des clients à partir  Watermark et marqueurs du portail, self-service de rapport et  Code barre et OMR relevés personalisés Interactive Intégré  Efficacité des agents client  Dans les processus  Self-service desk for customer  Dans les applications correspondences Exemple: client reçoit sa documentation en Exemple: Call center, intéraction CRM, fin de processus d’ouverture Centres d’accueil clients © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 19
  • 20. Example interaction clients depuis un portail 1. Le client reçoit un email / SMS généré à partir d’xPression ou dans un relevé électronique avec une redirection vers le portail 2. Le client navigue dans Les Designers, Marketing et métiers le portail et fait une utilisent demande de produits / information Un outil unique et consolidé pour créer et maintenir rapidement 4. Le client reçoit en ligne les modèles supportant toutes ces documentation ou contrat communications personalisé 5. A la fin du processus le client reçoit: -Un Email de confirmation - un pack de bienvenu électronique - une notification par SMS © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 20
  • 21. Self-service de rapports ou relevés Customer self-service documents General Cover Page Table of Contents Analysis Net Worth Market Comparison All Accounts in Household Statement Graph by Type Graph by Person © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 21
  • 22. xPression couvre tous les scénarios de communication Production batch Temps réel, à la demande  Haute volumétrie  Génération du document en temps réelle  Option de post traitement  Scalabilité inégalée, architecture native  Abstraction des spécificités des web et transactionelle imprimantes dans les modèles  Exemple: intéraction des clients à partir  Watermark et marqueurs du portail, self-service de rapport et  Code barre et OMR relevés personalisés Interactive Intégré  Efficacité des agents client  Dans les processus  Self-service desk for customer  Dans les applications correspondences Exemple: client reçoit sa documentation en Exemple: Call center, intéraction CRM, fin de processus d’ouverture Centres d’accueil clients © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 22
  • 23. xResponse en action 4. distribuer 3. Editer (optionel et controllé) 2. Prévisualiser et vérifier 1. Choisir un modèle © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 23
  • 24. Scénario typique intégration CRM Efficacité des services clients Depuis le CRM, génération de la communication contextualisée © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 24
  • 25. Scénario typique intégration CRM Efficacité des services clients © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 25
  • 26. La solution xRevise: Gestion des contrats groupe / Police d’assurances Contrôle des unités de révision Key Points  Easily turn existing documents into dynamic document templates using familiar content Palette de recherche de authoring tools Séparation des données contenus type “clausier”  Maintain a complete history of all changes / Contenus during the negotiation process © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 26
  • 27. xPression couvre tous les scénarios de communication Production batch Temps réel, à la demande  Haute volumétrie  Génération du document en temps réelle  Option de post traitement  Scalabilité inégalée, architecture native  Abstraction des spécificités des web et transactionelle imprimantes dans les modèles  Exemple: intéraction des clients à partir  Watermark et marqueurs du portail, self-service de rapport et  Code barre et OMR relevés personalisés Interactive Intégré Efficacité des agents client  Dans les processus Self-service desk for customer  Dans les applications correspondences Exemple: client reçoit sa documentation en Exemple: Call center, intéraction CRM, fin de processus d’ouverture Centres d’accueil clients © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 27
  • 28. Interactive Document Development Kit (IDDK)  Un ensemble unique de services web – Permettant d’intégrer l’ensemble des capacités xPression – Permettant de réutiliser et d’embarquer le composant d’édition (xEditor)  Idéal pour les intégrations: – Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) – Call center, correspondances et application verticale (gestion de contrats, sinistres, risk, quoting)  Permettant de contrôler le niveau de fonctionnalités exposées et l’expérience utilisateur  Permettant des déploiements à grande échelle. © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 28
  • 29. End-User Web Business Web Administration Document Design Solutions xPresso xPresso for xPresso Application xResponse IDDK xRevise xDashboard xAdmin xDesign for InDesign Dreamweaver for Word Layer xFramework HTTP J2EE Application Server Print xPression Controllers xPRS Server Layer Web Distribution Email xAssemble xPression Archive Publishers ECM Java XML Data JDBC Parser Exit Data / Content Layer Legacy XML Relational xPression ECM Data Data Data Database Customer Data Content © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 29
  • 30. Exemple d’application  Challenges – Coût de communication élevé – Service aux clients et aux utilisateurs non adaptés:  Multiples systèmes éditiques vieillissants, orientés uniquement sur l’impression  Pas ou peu de génération interactive ou temps réelle  Pas de communication email / SMS – Flexibilité et réactivité  Création et maintenance lourde par Temps  Coût de rebranding élevé  Nécessité de faire appel à des spécialistes  La solution – Une plateforme centralisée et virtualisée xPression pour le batch, l’intéractif et le temps réel – Outil de Design simple et s’appuyant sur MS Word  Le résultat – Diminution des coûts (800 k€ 1ère année, 2,1 M€ années suivantes) – Rapidité de mise à jour (temps / par 20 ; divisé par 200 pour du rebranding) – Services supplémentaires  Self-service de documents pour les clients  Communication email / SMS pour les clients  Système de correspondances simple, rapide et intuitif pour les utilisateurs © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 30
  • 31. Exemple d’application Les assurés reçoivent les notifications par email et SMS Ils peuvent ensuite récupérer Batch et les documents sur: temps réel - le portail - les bornes interactives en agences - par courrier Temps réel interactifs (couplé au batch) Design rapide et intuitif Centre d’appel Agence et points d’accueil Temps réel © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. interactifs 31
  • 32. Synthèse  Plateforme unique pour tous les besoins de communication sortante – Nouvelle génération, Ouverte sur les standards et sur les applications  Design avec des outils adaptés au type de communication – Campagnes Marketing (email) – Relevés – Courrier égrené  Interfaces web adaptés pour l’interactivité – Correspondances clients – Production de documents complexes  Facilité d’intégration – SOA – Richesse des APIs – Environnement nativement web © Copyright 2012 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 32

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Title Month Year
  2. Title Month Year Title Month Year Title Month Year So let ’s focus now on what Dynamic Communications Services is. Simply stated, it is the ability to generate all kinds of personalized and customized documents throughout an enterprise, such as letters, forms, contracts, statements, marketing mailers and collaterals, catalogs. The request to generate these documents can come from a batch job, on-demand from a web-based portal, or from a web service call. xPression can produce documents in very high speed to pretty much any kind of format that can be distributed to printers, email systems, web content management systems, archival systems or SMS devices. The next few slides will summarize the differentiation that DCS from DocSci has over its competitors.
  3. Managing your customer communications is all about the ability to generate all kinds of personalized and customized documents throughout an enterprise, such as correspondence, contracts, statements, marketing materials. These document types are all part of the customer lifecycle. Improving customer communications across the entire lifecycle improves the overall customer experience increasing customer satisfaction and wallet share. Creating the maximum impact to the customer by delivering highly personalized, impactful communications in the form that people desire is the key. Note to Presenter: View in Slide Show mode for animation. In a recent report, Gartner stated that customer communications management adds value by improving loyalty and lowering costs. xPression allows the generation of virtually any document type across the enterprise – Collateral, Contracts, Statements and Correspondences. These document types are all part of the Customer Lifecycle and improving Customer Communications across the entire lifecycle improves the overall Customer Experience, increasing customer satisfaction and wallet share. What makes EMC Document Sciences unique in this area is the enterprise communications platform that can easily and dynamically address both these high-volume/batch, highly structured applications AND interactive applications & use-cases equally well.
  4. Managing your customer communications is all about the ability to generate all kinds of personalized and customized documents throughout an enterprise, such as correspondence, contracts, statements, marketing materials. These document types are all part of the customer lifecycle. Improving customer communications across the entire lifecycle improves the overall customer experience increasing customer satisfaction and wallet share. Creating the maximum impact to the customer by delivering highly personalized, impactful communications in the form that people desire is the key. Note to Presenter: View in Slide Show mode for animation. In a recent report, Gartner stated that customer communications management adds value by improving loyalty and lowering costs. xPression allows the generation of virtually any document type across the enterprise – Collateral, Contracts, Statements and Correspondences. These document types are all part of the Customer Lifecycle and improving Customer Communications across the entire lifecycle improves the overall Customer Experience, increasing customer satisfaction and wallet share. What makes EMC Document Sciences unique in this area is the enterprise communications platform that can easily and dynamically address both these high-volume/batch, highly structured applications AND interactive applications & use-cases equally well.
  5. Managing your customer communications is all about the ability to generate all kinds of personalized and customized documents throughout an enterprise, such as correspondence, contracts, statements, marketing materials. These document types are all part of the customer lifecycle. Improving customer communications across the entire lifecycle improves the overall customer experience increasing customer satisfaction and wallet share. Creating the maximum impact to the customer by delivering highly personalized, impactful communications in the form that people desire is the key. Note to Presenter: View in Slide Show mode for animation. In a recent report, Gartner stated that customer communications management adds value by improving loyalty and lowering costs. xPression allows the generation of virtually any document type across the enterprise – Collateral, Contracts, Statements and Correspondences. These document types are all part of the Customer Lifecycle and improving Customer Communications across the entire lifecycle improves the overall Customer Experience, increasing customer satisfaction and wallet share. What makes EMC Document Sciences unique in this area is the enterprise communications platform that can easily and dynamically address both these high-volume/batch, highly structured applications AND interactive applications & use-cases equally well.
  6. Managing your customer communications is all about the ability to generate all kinds of personalized and customized documents throughout an enterprise, such as correspondence, contracts, statements, marketing materials. These document types are all part of the customer lifecycle. Improving customer communications across the entire lifecycle improves the overall customer experience increasing customer satisfaction and wallet share. Creating the maximum impact to the customer by delivering highly personalized, impactful communications in the form that people desire is the key. Note to Presenter: View in Slide Show mode for animation. In a recent report, Gartner stated that customer communications management adds value by improving loyalty and lowering costs. xPression allows the generation of virtually any document type across the enterprise – Collateral, Contracts, Statements and Correspondences. These document types are all part of the Customer Lifecycle and improving Customer Communications across the entire lifecycle improves the overall Customer Experience, increasing customer satisfaction and wallet share. What makes EMC Document Sciences unique in this area is the enterprise communications platform that can easily and dynamically address both these high-volume/batch, highly structured applications AND interactive applications & use-cases equally well.
  7. Note to Presenter: View in Slide Show mode for animation. xPression is a unified customer communications management infrastructure that not only meets the expectations of increasingly demanding customers, it also provides their customers with pertinent promotional offers, consistent brand experience, and superior content personalization. With xPression, document templates are designed in widely used authoring tools such as those from Microsoft and Adobe. These document templates include variables and rules that instruct the software which content to include and how to personalize the content based on XML customer data. Using this approach, a single template can be used to produce thousands or millions of unique instances. To ensure conformance to regulations and branding consistency, content is managed centrally and is stored in a logical structure that can be easily searched, versioned, styled and approved for use and reuse. The content is stored in enterprise content management systems like Documentum and other third party offerings. xPression then generates the documents within the different production environments commonly used by the enterprise such as high-volume batch print production as well as very scalable on-demand, online production or from within a workflow. And finally, xPression delivers documents using the preferred delivery channel via print, web, e-mail, text messaging and archive.
  8. Here is an illustration of the anatomy of a contract. This is an example of a health care contract, but the same principles apply no matter what type of contract or industry. Note to Presenter: View in Slide Show mode as indicated for animation . [click] Logos and other branding images and signatures are managed and automatically merged. [click] Sections and clauses inside a contract contain pre-approved language and are reused among documents. [click] During the negotiation process, changes are tracked to create a version history. [click] As much as possible, assembly and workflow processes are automated to save time and reduce the possibility of errors. [click] And finally the final contract version is archived to meet corporate and regulatory requirements.
  9. In order to more effectively manage content, xPression promotes reuse of content as much as possible. Once content or a rule has been defined and designated as a shared object, it can be easily referenced by others creating content. Full-text search of content and rules allows authors to easily find and reuse that content. This includes objects such as images and logos, entire document structures such as ID cards or privacy policy amendments, and externally managed content from a enterprise content management system like EMC Documentum and other third party systems.
  10. The heart of xPression is its document personalization and generation server that can produce documents in a variety of mechanism to cover every need an enterprise has.   xPression generates output in four ways:   In Batch – our high volume batch capability can produce millions of personalized documents, up to 200+ pages per second per CPU.  Keep in mind that document throughput always varies depending upon document size and complexity.  xPression can generate the most widely used formats for high-volume print, such as AFP and Postscript, as well PDF and rich HTML for email processing.  The most popular use of this capability is producing a large number of documents in nightly batch runs, such as banking statements, insurance policies, service letters or emails.    The second way is to generate output on-demand and in real time.  xPression provides a set of SOAP web services and Java API calls which can be called from a front-end application (e.g., a web portal) to generate one or more documents in any of the formats supported by xPression in real time.  xPression ’s Java Enterprise architecture scales nicely to support thousands of concurrent user request.  A typical example of using this capability is in support of customer service agents who need to generate customer facing documents while speaking with the customer on the phone, or a web portal for financial advisors in a wealth management organization who need to generate in real-time a variety of personalized brochures, pitchbooks, proposals, custom statements or other documents before heading into a meeting with a customer.    The third output capability is generation of documents in a near time fashion based on a messaging infrastructures.  In this scenario requests for output go into a messaging queue; xpression ’s JMS capability enables it to retrieve these requests from the message bus and process them in a first come fist served basis.  Once xPression fulfills the request, it posts the resulting output back on the message queue to be picked up by the requesting application.  This enables asynchronous output generation and is typically used for generating documents without interrupting the flow of the calling systems.    Finally, document requests can be triggered by a step in a business process workflow.  The workflow step can call any of xPression ’s web services, passing to it the required data.  xPression then produces the requested output and returns the result to the workflow system, which may trigger other workflow steps. A typical example of this type of use is in a claims processing workflow or an account opening workflow, where various types of communications (e.g., emails, letters, forms or contracts) are generated as part of the execution of a workflow.  Title Month Year
  11. The heart of xPression is its document personalization and generation server that can produce documents in a variety of mechanism to cover every need an enterprise has.   xPression generates output in four ways:   In Batch – our high volume batch capability can produce millions of personalized documents, up to 200+ pages per second per CPU.  Keep in mind that document throughput always varies depending upon document size and complexity.  xPression can generate the most widely used formats for high-volume print, such as AFP and Postscript, as well PDF and rich HTML for email processing.  The most popular use of this capability is producing a large number of documents in nightly batch runs, such as banking statements, insurance policies, service letters or emails.    The second way is to generate output on-demand and in real time.  xPression provides a set of SOAP web services and Java API calls which can be called from a front-end application (e.g., a web portal) to generate one or more documents in any of the formats supported by xPression in real time.  xPression ’s Java Enterprise architecture scales nicely to support thousands of concurrent user request.  A typical example of using this capability is in support of customer service agents who need to generate customer facing documents while speaking with the customer on the phone, or a web portal for financial advisors in a wealth management organization who need to generate in real-time a variety of personalized brochures, pitchbooks, proposals, custom statements or other documents before heading into a meeting with a customer.    The third output capability is generation of documents in a near time fashion based on a messaging infrastructures.  In this scenario requests for output go into a messaging queue; xpression ’s JMS capability enables it to retrieve these requests from the message bus and process them in a first come fist served basis.  Once xPression fulfills the request, it posts the resulting output back on the message queue to be picked up by the requesting application.  This enables asynchronous output generation and is typically used for generating documents without interrupting the flow of the calling systems.    Finally, document requests can be triggered by a step in a business process workflow.  The workflow step can call any of xPression ’s web services, passing to it the required data.  xPression then produces the requested output and returns the result to the workflow system, which may trigger other workflow steps. A typical example of this type of use is in a claims processing workflow or an account opening workflow, where various types of communications (e.g., emails, letters, forms or contracts) are generated as part of the execution of a workflow.  Title Month Year
  12. Output processing controls Mark output pages with appropriate watermarks based on data or page conditions Leverage print device features to pull different paper stock, Generate bar codes for insertion devices and other post processing machines
  13. The heart of xPression is its document personalization and generation server that can produce documents in a variety of mechanism to cover every need an enterprise has.   xPression generates output in four ways:   In Batch – our high volume batch capability can produce millions of personalized documents, up to 200+ pages per second per CPU.  Keep in mind that document throughput always varies depending upon document size and complexity.  xPression can generate the most widely used formats for high-volume print, such as AFP and Postscript, as well PDF and rich HTML for email processing.  The most popular use of this capability is producing a large number of documents in nightly batch runs, such as banking statements, insurance policies, service letters or emails.    The second way is to generate output on-demand and in real time.  xPression provides a set of SOAP web services and Java API calls which can be called from a front-end application (e.g., a web portal) to generate one or more documents in any of the formats supported by xPression in real time.  xPression ’s Java Enterprise architecture scales nicely to support thousands of concurrent user request.  A typical example of using this capability is in support of customer service agents who need to generate customer facing documents while speaking with the customer on the phone, or a web portal for financial advisors in a wealth management organization who need to generate in real-time a variety of personalized brochures, pitchbooks, proposals, custom statements or other documents before heading into a meeting with a customer.    The third output capability is generation of documents in a near time fashion based on a messaging infrastructures.  In this scenario requests for output go into a messaging queue; xpression ’s JMS capability enables it to retrieve these requests from the message bus and process them in a first come fist served basis.  Once xPression fulfills the request, it posts the resulting output back on the message queue to be picked up by the requesting application.  This enables asynchronous output generation and is typically used for generating documents without interrupting the flow of the calling systems.    Finally, document requests can be triggered by a step in a business process workflow.  The workflow step can call any of xPression ’s web services, passing to it the required data.  xPression then produces the requested output and returns the result to the workflow system, which may trigger other workflow steps. A typical example of this type of use is in a claims processing workflow or an account opening workflow, where various types of communications (e.g., emails, letters, forms or contracts) are generated as part of the execution of a workflow.  Title Month Year
  14. 2 emails, 1 contract, 1 welcome package, 1 SMS Title Month Year
  15. When generating client scenarios, the flexibility and power of customized statements is evident. Through a front end system, a Financial Advisor makes decisions and selects what will be included in the statement. It can be sections, pages, groups of pages. They can choose to add market comparisons to see the net change in value and how it is related to the market itself by adding a second line to the chart. They can determine if they want to include a household summary, or create individual statements for each of the 529 college savings plan, or have it roll up into one college saving scenario. They can include graphs, charts and granular detail. All of this variability is set up during the design of the statement.
  16. The heart of xPression is its document personalization and generation server that can produce documents in a variety of mechanism to cover every need an enterprise has.   xPression generates output in four ways:   In Batch – our high volume batch capability can produce millions of personalized documents, up to 200+ pages per second per CPU.  Keep in mind that document throughput always varies depending upon document size and complexity.  xPression can generate the most widely used formats for high-volume print, such as AFP and Postscript, as well PDF and rich HTML for email processing.  The most popular use of this capability is producing a large number of documents in nightly batch runs, such as banking statements, insurance policies, service letters or emails.    The second way is to generate output on-demand and in real time.  xPression provides a set of SOAP web services and Java API calls which can be called from a front-end application (e.g., a web portal) to generate one or more documents in any of the formats supported by xPression in real time.  xPression ’s Java Enterprise architecture scales nicely to support thousands of concurrent user request.  A typical example of using this capability is in support of customer service agents who need to generate customer facing documents while speaking with the customer on the phone, or a web portal for financial advisors in a wealth management organization who need to generate in real-time a variety of personalized brochures, pitchbooks, proposals, custom statements or other documents before heading into a meeting with a customer.    The third output capability is generation of documents in a near time fashion based on a messaging infrastructures.  In this scenario requests for output go into a messaging queue; xpression ’s JMS capability enables it to retrieve these requests from the message bus and process them in a first come fist served basis.  Once xPression fulfills the request, it posts the resulting output back on the message queue to be picked up by the requesting application.  This enables asynchronous output generation and is typically used for generating documents without interrupting the flow of the calling systems.    Finally, document requests can be triggered by a step in a business process workflow.  The workflow step can call any of xPression ’s web services, passing to it the required data.  xPression then produces the requested output and returns the result to the workflow system, which may trigger other workflow steps. A typical example of this type of use is in a claims processing workflow or an account opening workflow, where various types of communications (e.g., emails, letters, forms or contracts) are generated as part of the execution of a workflow.  Title Month Year
  17. xPress Contracts for Group Benefits January 2009 At the core of the xPression Customer Communications Management Suite are the design tools which create rule-based document templates. Our guiding principle is to allow business users to leverage the applications they already know and use for creating documents – for example Microsoft Word for contracts, correspondence and policies – and Adobe InDesign for sophisticated marketing documents and statements – and Adobe Dreamweaver for e-mails and web pages. For group contracts, easily make ad-hoc changes using Microsoft Word ’s “find and replace” and “track changes” features. Existing static contracts can quickly be turned into dynamic templates, through the addition of variables and business rules that define custom document content. On the right panel select pre-approved contract language (i.e. optional paragraphs) and manage contract versions from the properties section. Once the documents are designed they are packaged to run on the server, at high speeds in real time or in batch.
  18. The heart of xPression is its document personalization and generation server that can produce documents in a variety of mechanism to cover every need an enterprise has.   xPression generates output in four ways:   In Batch – our high volume batch capability can produce millions of personalized documents, up to 200+ pages per second per CPU.  Keep in mind that document throughput always varies depending upon document size and complexity.  xPression can generate the most widely used formats for high-volume print, such as AFP and Postscript, as well PDF and rich HTML for email processing.  The most popular use of this capability is producing a large number of documents in nightly batch runs, such as banking statements, insurance policies, service letters or emails.    The second way is to generate output on-demand and in real time.  xPression provides a set of SOAP web services and Java API calls which can be called from a front-end application (e.g., a web portal) to generate one or more documents in any of the formats supported by xPression in real time.  xPression ’s Java Enterprise architecture scales nicely to support thousands of concurrent user request.  A typical example of using this capability is in support of customer service agents who need to generate customer facing documents while speaking with the customer on the phone, or a web portal for financial advisors in a wealth management organization who need to generate in real-time a variety of personalized brochures, pitchbooks, proposals, custom statements or other documents before heading into a meeting with a customer.    The third output capability is generation of documents in a near time fashion based on a messaging infrastructures.  In this scenario requests for output go into a messaging queue; xpression ’s JMS capability enables it to retrieve these requests from the message bus and process them in a first come fist served basis.  Once xPression fulfills the request, it posts the resulting output back on the message queue to be picked up by the requesting application.  This enables asynchronous output generation and is typically used for generating documents without interrupting the flow of the calling systems.    Finally, document requests can be triggered by a step in a business process workflow.  The workflow step can call any of xPression ’s web services, passing to it the required data.  xPression then produces the requested output and returns the result to the workflow system, which may trigger other workflow steps. A typical example of this type of use is in a claims processing workflow or an account opening workflow, where various types of communications (e.g., emails, letters, forms or contracts) are generated as part of the execution of a workflow.  Title Month Year
  19. Interactive Document Development Kit (IDDK) is a set of web services APIs and a reusable, embeddable editing tool that is available as part of the xPression 4 release. It allows customers and partners to rapidly integrate xPression's rules-based assembly, interactive editing and document output capabilities with new or existing enterprise systems and/or applications while having complete control over the user experience. Our customers can: use our own applications—xRevise and xResponse– out of the box. Use the IDDK to build their own applications that includes only the functionality they want Integrate document generation and editing into their own enterprise systems
  20. There ’s a lot of great technology around and inside xPression and it’s all about the future growth of your organization.
  21. 2 emails, 1 contract, 1 welcome package, 1 SMS Title Month Year